Calipso Venezolano PDF
Calipso Venezolano PDF
Calipso Venezolano PDF
Calipso Venezolano
Calipso venezolano is a style of music used for the Carnival celebrations in Venezuela. The
name calipso principally indicates the music that originated from the town of El Callao in the
state of Bolívar in the south-east of the country – hence its other name, ‘calipso de El Callao’
- but which also appears in two cities on the eastern coast, Güiria in the state of Sucre and
Tucupita in the state of Delta Amacuro. In Güiria, the calipso is performed with steel bands
as in Trinidad, but in Tucupita the cuatro (a small, four-string, strummed chordophone), long
bamboo tubes and triangles are added and the mixture of these instruments with steelband
Carnival is celebrated throughout the country as a national holiday, and major cities
organize the carnavales turísticos (tourist Carnivals) on a short-term basis through local
government or private initiatives. These celebrations are culturally heterogeneous and the
music includes Brazilian samba, Trinidadian calypso, calipso venezolano and any type of
celebrations that developed with a certain degree of isolation from the mainstream of
Venezuelan musical culture, partly as a consequence of the long distances between the town
and the main inhabited regions, and partly because the calipso is differentiated from most
Venezuelan traditional music: the latter is in ternary-subdivided rhythms, whereas the calipso
de El Callao is a binary-subdivided rhythm and is sung mainly in English. From the middle
of the nineteenth century, migratory waves from Caribbean French and English-speaking
Calipso Venezolano
islands, especially from Trinidad, arrived in the region around the Yuruari River - where El
Callao was a growing town - thanks to the attraction of gold mining in the area (García 1993,
expressions, forming the context to which El Callao calipso music belongs and in which it
continues to function. Prominent in this tradition are the comparsas (carnival associations
which march and dance in the streets of the town, identified by their costumes, each
appear every year, such as Agricultura (a comparsa which comes out only at the break of
dawn with its members carrying parts of plants, trees, vegetables and fruits, singing the
calipso of the same name), the Madamas (women dressed in nineteenth-century Creole
apparel), the Miners, and the Diablos (devils), with elaborate, fire-spitting masks and whips,
who keep order in the streets. Local people and the crowds of visitors who come to El Callao
for the Carnival season happily and freely join in participative and collective but still
individual street marching/dancing behind the moving comparsas, with or without the
thematic disguise. Important personalities from calipso history, such as the Negra Isidora, are
persistently treated as figures of remembrance in the comparsas themes and/or in the calipso
lyrics. The festivities are also characterized by particular foods: acrá (small cod pancakes),
kalalú (goat meat, ham, coconut milk preparation); and drinks: ginger beer (cocktail with
lemon and maize seeds), monky pi (lemon, white rum eggnog). During the weeks preceding
the Carnival as well as during the festivities, a calendar-administered program may include
the Thanksgiving Mass, the coronation of the queens of the music groups, and children’s
calipso singing/performing competitions. During the night, dancing continues despite the
threat of the Mediopintos, black-painted, half-naked children and teenagers who tar people on
the streets with a charcoal-syrup mix when their demands for a small tip is not fulfilled.
Calipso Venezolano
music (see Example 1). It is performed at a moderate walking/dance speed (124-148 bpm).
Usually structured into alternating solo and chorus (verse and refrain respectively), it uses
tonal harmony mostly in the major mode and parallel-third harmonization in the voices. It is
preferably sung in English and/or more recently in Spanish, and includes some words in the
hybrid patois of the town (now largely out of use, except for traces in song lyrics) which
incorporates variants of words from French and English (Barreto 1994, 116-17). For
(1940 calipso by Luis Giraud for the Dusty Band comparsa) (Garcia 1993, 187).
Instrumentation has changed gradually over the years. According to Carlos Small and
Kenton St. Bernard (Barreto 1994, 91), calipso was initially played with acoustic guitar,
cuatro, rallo (large metal rasp), triangle and a single-skin, open-ended drum called the
bumbac. A tambor largo (larger drum) was added to the bumbac, forming the ensemble
tambores de calipso. The performers of these latter instruments walk with them on their
sides, held in place by a shoulder strap, playing them with both hands on the skin. Also
integrated into the ensemble are two metal maracas, a campana (a metal bell usually made
from the lid of a vertical domestic gas tank), a cowbell, and a police whistle (Barreto 1994,
Calipso Venezolano
90). The ensemble produces the catchy, dancing rhythm for which the calipso venezolano has
gained its reputation. Although the rhythmic patterns are closely related to those of its
Caribbean cousins, the sound of the fast-strummed cuatro gives the music its distinctive
sense, it may be said that the cuatro also gives the calipso a Brazilian touch when it is
coupled rhythmically with the triangle, since it reminds the ear of the fast playing cavaquihno
The preferred themes of calipso lyrics are descriptions of El Callao, the Carnival and
the calipso itself, as well as phrases inviting the people to participate, sing, dance and have
fun (Barreto 1994, 128). Less often, calipsos are devoted to special persons related to the
Carnival, and topics such as friendship, political and economical problems or the town’s
Calipso Venezolano
history are always focused through the Carnival theme. Love is treated from a sexual, rather
than romantic point of view, with irony and phrases with hidden meanings. Comparsas and
music groups usually sing calipsos describing the theme of their disguise or band’s name
The gold mining town of El Callao has suffered a typical succession of financial
peaks and troughs - the last crest occurred around the 1940s - and has declined without a
break since the 1970s (García 1993, 184). With the exodus created by the waning of the gold
mining industry, the attraction of the Carnival festivities for tourism represented the only
option for the town’s survival, and an updating of the tradition was brought about through a
renovation initiative on the part of various cultural leaders of the town. Pressure for change to
add to the tourist appeal of the event resulted in a series of appropriations from the pop music
culture of the late 1960s and 1970s, which was then extending its mass-media reach. The
direction was set for the traditional Carnivals in El Callao to become, at the same time, a
carnaval turístico.
Although two types of Carnival celebrations, traditional and turístico, can be found in
El Callao in the early twenty-first century, both have the same entertainment function and do
not come into conflict with each other; however, the negotiation between them is in constant
redefinition and in a larger sense, the reconfiguration that is occurring in the traditional
elements, brought about by the needs of the tourist industry, is not yet being reflected in the
way the town’s services and facilities cater for the massive invasion of tourists in the few
days of Carnival, thus creating an urban chaos (Rosas 2009, 15). Since the 1970s, a major
change has consciously been engineered in the process of ‘popularizing’ the calipso tradition,
as new instruments such as electric bass, electric guitar and keyboards have been added to the
acoustic ones, and amplification has then become necessary for the voice and cuatro (with
contact microphone). Up to 2012 (the last Carnival visited by the author), percussion
Calipso Venezolano
instruments had not been amplified but some instruments, such as the metal maracas, the
triangle and, as Lulú Basanta (a calipso singer and composer) confirms, even the short drum
bumbac (Barreto 1994, 93) have been dropped. Wind instruments such as saxophone, trumpet
and trombone are also occasionally included, an influence from the salsa boom in Venezuela
of the mid-1970s. Despite all these changes, the calipso de El Callao does not as yet include
steel bands, as other calipsos venezolanos may do (see above), contrary to what has been
The integration of sound amplification for the comparsas created a new element, the
mixing console, amplifiers and speaker cabinets. The carrito has to be pushed around the
streets followed by the acoustic instruments and dancers. The top of the four-meter tall
cabinets usually accommodates the bass player, singer, cuatro player, and a boy who takes
care to lift the street cables with a stick to avoid the risk of electrical shock.
Bands were established searching for a new sound, in many cases imitating Caribbean
pop, with the result that the tempo increased, up to 148-152 bpm. Names emphasizing
renewal were popular among the new groups, for example ‘Nueva Onda’ (New Wave),
‘Nueva Generación,’ ‘Renovación.’ A call to tradition was also present in group names such
as ‘The Same People,’ ‘The Young People,’ as well as ‘Family Ground,’ ‘Cuatro y Bumbac’
and ‘Raíces Callaoenses.’ (Callao Roots). These groups formed comparsas that included their
names, adding to those with the traditional allegoric themes. The influence of the live pop
music concerts of the late 1960s and 1970s can be seen in the adoption of presentations of
live or recorded, highly amplified music on ad hoc open-air stages (tarimas) at street-ends or
in plazas, which became at the same time the headquarters for each calipso group.
Two types of calipso coexist in the early twenty-first century: the calipso comparsero,
the more traditional version, performed in the comparsas, and the calipso de tarima, more
Calipso Venezolano
mixed in nature, and performed on stage. The use of the tarimas, more typical of the turístico
and contrasts with the all-inclusive dancing of the traditional comparsas. The music groups
generate hit singles every year, performed on their own tarimas and by their own comparsas,
distributed through the local mass-media and sold by informal copied-CD vendors. For this
purpose, the new calipsos are increasingly sung in Spanish. A competition aspect has been
introduced, making music groups rival each other, thus dismembering the previously existing
music community of El Callao. The music group comparsas, together with the music group
tarimas and any other tarimas built by the beer companies or the local government, all
amplify their music at the same time, competing in size and power. The carritos provide
amplification for some instruments (voice, cuatro, bass and keyboards) but not for the
percussion instruments, producing an unbalanced sound where the drums, bells and rasps are
only heard by the performers. There is no monitoring of the amplified instruments in the
carritos, so there is a marked difference between what is heard in front or behind the carrito,
and musicians and dancers often move in time with the louder plaza tarima sound system
rather than with its own comparsa music from the carrito. A sonic chaos in the festivities
ensues and the speeding up of the calipso makes it harder for the dancers to be able to follow
divergent practices: acoustic versus electric instruments, amplification and sound chaos; live
versus recorded music; comparsa versus tarima performance; belonging to local tradition
versus wide-spread national reach. Calipso groups are trying to escape the seasonal limitation
on the number of performances, arranging concerts outside the Carnival dates, mixing the
music with temporary external influences, but calipso has not yet become an all-year round
pop music for Venezuelans, or one that is internationally known. Nevertheless, some
Calipso Venezolano
neofolklore groups or solo artists not directly identified with El Callao have included calipso
venezolano in their mixed repertoire, such as Serenata Guayanesa in their second album
(1974), with the hit ‘Calypso del Callao,’ and Carlos Baute in his two first albums (1994 and
1997), both produced in Venezuela. Fusión music has modestly worked around the calipso;
for example, jazz pianist Ernesto García and the group Patas Jazz in Garcia’s ‘Calipsofacto,’
and the jazz group Akurima with a calipso insert in its track ‘Campanelas.’ Grupos de
proyección such as Convenezuela and Yurauri in Caracas have devoted their concerts and
recordings to the traditional calipso. The Bigott Foundation, one of the main private
supporters of folk music in the country, has produced a CD with traditional calipso music by
Alemán, Gladys and Domínguez, Luis Arturo. 1998. ‘Calipso de El Callao.’ In Enciclopedia
de la Música en Venezuela. Vol. 1, eds. José Peñín and Walter Guido. Caracas: Fundación
Bigott, 255–56.
Aretz, Isabel. 1988. Manual del folklore venezolano [Handbook of Venezuelan Folklore].
Caracas: Monte Ávila Editores.
Barreto, Sofía. 1994. La música del Carnaval en El Callao, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela [The
Music of the El Callao Carnival, Bolivar State, Venezuela]. Unpublished bachelor’s degree
thesis, Instituto Universitario de Estudios Musicales, Caracas.
Domínguez, Luis Arturo and Quijada, Adolfo Salazar. 1992. Fiestas y danzas folklóricas de
Venezuela. Caracas: Monte Ávila Editores, CA.
Calipso Venezolano
García, Yepsis, and Nieves, Mirtha. 1993. Calipso de El Callao. Unpublished bachelor’s
degree thesis, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas.
Girón, Israel and Melfi, María Teresa. 1988. Instrumentos musicales de América Latina y el
Caribe. Caracas: CONAC-CCPYT-OEA.
Hernández, Daría and Fuentes, Cecilia. 1987. ‘Carnaval en El Callao.’ Revista Bigott 6 (10):
Hernández, Daría and Fuentes, Cecilia. 1992. ‘Fiestas tradicionales de Venezuela’. Revista
Bigott 11 (22): 42-47.
Liscano, Juan. 1947. Apuntes para la investigación del negro en Venezuela [Notes Towards
the Study of the Negro in Venezuela]. Caracas: Garrido.
Loncke, Joycelyne. 1980. ‘El aporte africano a las manifestaciones artísticas de Guayana’
[The African Heritage of the Artistic Expressions of Guayana]. Revista Casa de Las
Américas 118 (January-February): 87-8.
Moy Boscán, Eduardo, and Reina Leal, María. 1996. The Same People: Una genuina
manifestación musical de calipso de El Callao [The Same People: A Sincere Musical
Expression of the Calipso of El Callao]. Unpublished bachelor’s degree thesis, Universidad
Central de Venezuela, Caracas.
Ortiz, Manuel Antonio. 1998. ‘Yuruari.’ In Enciclopedia de la Música en Venezuela. Vol. 2.,
eds. José Peñín and Walter Guido. Caracas: Fundación Bigott, 749-50.
Pollack-Eltz, Angelina. 1980. Gold and Calypso: Notes on the History and Culture of El
Callao (Bolivar State), Venezuela. Caracas: Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Biblioteca
del Instituo Nacional del Folklore.
Calipso Venezolano
Ramón y Rivera, Luis Felipe. 1969. La música folklórica de Venezuela. Caracas: Monte
Ávila Editores.
Rosas González, Otilia. 2009. ‘El carnaval de El Callao (Venezuela): entre expresión cultural
de pueblos afrodescendientes o maquinaria del turismo cultural’ [The Carnival of El Callao:
Between the Cultural Expression of Peoples of African descent and the Machinery of the
Cultural Tourist Industry].Unpublished lecture presented in the II International Conference
on Afro-Hispanic, Luso-Brazilian, and Latin American Studies (ICALLAS), Accra, Ghana.
Strauss, Rafael, ed. 1999. Diccionario de la cultura popular. Caracas: Fundación Bigott.
(Includes entries on Carlos Baute, Calipso, Carnaval, Carnaval de El Callao, Convenezuela,
Serenata Guayanesa and Yuruari).
Discographical References
Baute, Carlos. ‘Fiesta de calipsos.’ Orígenes. EMI Rodven 562-2. 1994: Venezuela.
Baute, Carlos. ‘Guayana.’ Orígenes II tambores. EMI Rodven 500902. 1996: Venezuela.
García Patas Jazz, Ernesto. ‘Calipsofacto.’ Abstinencia. Lyric Digital. 2006: Venezuela.
Calipso Venezolano
García, Jesús. Colección patrimonio musical. Serie afrovenezolana. MEDCD CONAC. 2001:
Nueva Onda. Ayer, hoy ysiempre,calipso del Callao. Independent Production. 2004:
Raíces Callaoenses. Los mejores exitos musicales ayer, hoy y siempre, calipso del Callao.
Independent Production. 2004: Venezuela.
The Same People. … Y cómo es la cosa? Calypso del Callao. Independent Production. 2004:
The Same People. Calipso 24 kilates del Callao. Independent Production. 2005: Venezuela.
The Same People. Calipso del Callao haciendo historia. Independent Production. 2006:
The Same People. The Same People. Sonográfica FD25297566. 1998: Venezuela.
The Young People. Calypso del Callao…. Sigue la fiesta. Independent Production. 2006: