Finals Case
Finals Case
Finals Case
1. Have a recent case article of an organization approved by the undersigned prior to the final
2. Read, analyze and solve the case following the guidelines and format specified below.
3. Identify and enumerate alternative courses of action; and
4. Develop as sound strategy execution and implementation of each course.
Valid arguments; analysis of financial performance 20% Critical Critical issues Critical Critical
with relevant supportive detail issues and and key issues and issues and
Logically organized, key points, key arguments, key problems problems that key key
and important criteria for evaluating business that supported the problems problems
strategies were easily identified supported the Case that that
Critical issues and key problems that supported the Case Analysis supported supported
Case Analysis were identified and clearly analyzed Analysis were not the Case the Case
and supported. were poorly clearly Analysis Analysis
identified, identified, were were
analyzed, analyzed, and partially clearly
and supported. identified, identified,
supported. analyzed, analyzed,
and and
supported. supported.
Appropriate analysis, evaluation, synthesis for the 20% Analysis of Analysis of Analysis of Analysis of
specific industry identified key change key change key change key change
There was complete data on which to base a drivers and drivers and drivers and drivers and
thorough analysis the the the the
Key change drivers underlying the issues were underlying underlying underlying underlying
identified. the issues the issues the issues the issues
Synthesis, analysis, and evaluations were clearly inadequate. were not were were
presented and supported in a literate and effective identified. partially clearly
manner. identified identified
Conclusions and recommendations are congruent 20% Effective Effective Effective Effective
with strategic analysis recommenda recommendat recommend recommend
Specific recommendations and/or plans of action tions and/or ions and/or ations ations,
provided. plans of plans of and/or plans solutions,
Specific data or facts were referred to when action not action of action and/or
necessary to support the analysis and conclusions. provided. inadequate. were plans of
Recommendations and conclusions were presented Specific data Specific data partially action were
and supported in a literate and effective manner. or facts or facts were provided. provided.
necessary to not referred Specific Specific
support the when data or facts data or
analysis and necessary to were facts were
conclusions support the occasionally referred
was not analysis and referred when
provided. conclusions. when necessary
necessary to to support
support the the analysis
analysis and and
conclusions. conclusions
Final Examination in MGT 108 Business Policy and Strategy 2nd Sem, AY 2017-2018 Page 2 of 3
Proper organization, professional writing, and 20% Key points Key points Key points Key points
logical flow of analysis. APA formatting were poorly were not were were
Logically organized, key points, key arguments, identified identified and partially clearly
and important criteria for evaluating the business and supported identified identified
logic easily identified. supported with a well and and
Key points were supported with a well thought out with a well thought out supported supported
rationale based on applying specific concepts or thought out rationale with a well with a well
analytical frameworks to the data provided in the rationale based on thought out thought out
case. based on applying rationale rationale
Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, 3rd person applying specific based on based on
objective view, professional writing, and syntax. specific concepts or applying applying
concepts or analytical specific specific
analytical frameworks concepts or concepts or
frameworks to the data analytical analytical
to the data provided in frameworks frameworks
provided in the case. to the data to the data
the case. Grammar, provided in provided in
Grammar, spelling, the case. the case.
spelling, punctuation, Adequate Excellent
punctuation, professional grammar, grammar,
professional writing, and spelling, spelling,
writing, and syntax needs punctuation, punctuation
syntax needs improvement professional ,
significant writing, and professiona
improvement syntax l writing,
and syntax
Final Examination in MGT 108 Business Policy and Strategy 2nd Sem, AY 2017-2018 Page 3 of 3