Course Outline-Legal Methods
Course Outline-Legal Methods
Course Outline-Legal Methods
Welcome to the Glocal Law School and perhaps, to your first encounter with law, through
this course modestly titled “Legal Methods”.
Course Teachers
To appreciate this, think “scientific method”. Certainly this term does not
imply all scientists follow one single method. There is very little in common
between the physicist studying the effects of high-speed particle collisions
in a particle accelerator; the chemist passing complex mixtures through a
chromatograph; or the biologist injecting enzymes into a rat’s spinal cord.
And yet these and other methods used by scientists share certain
commonalities. All scientific endeavors to day involve at some level or the
The study of law is similar in this respect. Initially we may discern little in
common across, say, tax law, family law and intellectual property. In
practice, similarities are further eroded. What could be common to, for
example, drafting a multimillion-dollar merger agreement, arguing a
landlord and tenant case in a dingy civil court, conducting arbitration
proceedings between a factory owner and labour unions, and appearing
before the Supreme Court to question the constitutionality of a bilateral
double-taxation agreement? On closer inspection, however, certain
underlying commonalities do begin to emerge. Just as all scientists deal
with observed phenomena, all lawyers have to handle what are called
authorities. They may exist in many forms – constitutional provisions,
propositions embedded in ordinary statues, judicial precedents, even
principles of international law. Irrespective of their source, they share a
common feature in that they purport to be authoritative in what they state.
This means that in their specific field of operation, they are validated to the
exclusion of all other pronouncements.
Big words, surely, but what does it mean? Let us take an example.
Suppose a debate arises about the proper punishment for cheating.
Someone may contend it is three years’ imprisonment; others may claim it
is seven years’, ten years’, fifteen years’ or even life imprisonment. To
settle the debate, we look up the statute-books. The (in) famous Section
420 of Indian Penal Code, 1860 prescribes for “cheating and dishonestly
inducing delivery of property” a punishment of up to seven years’
imprisonment (that is, a maximum of seven years with no minimum
prescribed) and also a fine.
This not only establishes one punishment as valid or correct, but also
invalidates all the other conjectures. Now we can say with confidence, in
fact with authority, that those who claim cheating attracts prison terms of
ten years or fifteen years are plain wrong, purely because Section 420 says
legislation. As I had mentioned earlier, there exist many other types. But
regardless of their character or source, they all purport to work in the same
way, which involves ruling out other competing possibilities.
Teaching Methodology
This basic course legal methods will be taught by a combination of
lectures and tutorials. Being an introductory course of legal study, this
course will be taught through various methods modified to suit the needs
of beginners in legal study and will have four hours of lectures and one
hour of tutorial per week. Special care will be taken to select writings in
simple language to introduce you the concepts, before you graduate to
read relatively more complex pieces. Participation in class discussion
after prior reading of cases and teaching material is the primary mode of
teaching/learning. This course will contain the essential reading material
for the entire course. Supplementary reading materials, if any, will be
Every student must be prepared at every session of class to discuss the
materials assigned for that day and to participate in class exercises
based upon those materials. You will be called on in class to recite. If you
are not reciting, please listen politely and attentively and think about what
is being said and asked. However, if teacher find you to be unprepared
for a class, he may give you an absence for the day. The study of law is
an active, not passive, experience and requires you to participate and to
be engaged in the learning process during class. Please feel free to
volunteer and to ask questions.
Outside Reading
Students should not be too quick in the first semester to read materials
other than the assigned course materials. The purpose of the first
semester is to sharpen your legal analysis and application skills, so the
emphasis is to rely on your own skills and analysis rather than reading
additional information and relying on someone else’s analysis of a case
or an issue. You should however, carefully read the assigned material;
then, if you have time, you may resort to hornbooks- but only after you
have first read, reread, and digested the assigned material.
Law Dictionaries
To students untrained in Latin and technical legal terms and phrases
employed by lawyers, many of the cases will not be comprehensible
without reference to a law dictionary. Thus keep your legal dictionary by
your side during your first semester and use it.
Classroom Etiquette
The classroom environment must be conducive to learning for all
students. Distractions made possible by advances in technology
undermine that goal. Accordingly, during class, in addition to usual
courtesies, kindly
Disable and refrain from using cell phones, and any other
communication device and;
Refrain from connecting your lap top to the Internet.
1. In order to judge the students the class assignments in the form of “case
comment” or “determination of ratio decidendi of the case” will be given.
Assignments due "in class" must be turned in, before the given deadline
unless you are instructed otherwise. You are responsible for making sure
that you turn in all assignments. Course coordinator reserves the right to
give additional assignments or change assignment deadlines or modify the
4. The project need not necessarily be spirally bound, but should be firmly
stitched or pinned.
5. The project should not exceed 25 pages including the cover page,
abbreviation page, table of contents, table of cases and bibliography.
Timeliness: Due dates and times for both the research and the writing
assignments are strict. Extensions will not be granted except in the case of
a genuine emergency such as a significant, verifiable illness or a death in
the family. You must make the request for an extension as soon as you
know of the emergency.
no later than 6 p.m. on class days, and they will be available for questions
immediately after class. Teachers will be in the office during the day on
many other days as fixed by them too, but in case of a request made by the
students, teachers will be available for scheduled appointments on the
weekend or at other times that are mutually convenient. Please feel free to
call or email your teacher to schedule an appointment. The email id of
course teacher is:
Lecture Plan
Modules Title Number of
Module One Introduction to Law Ten Lectures
Module Two Introduction to Logic & Legal Ten Lectures
Module Major Legal Systems of the Ten Lectures
Three World
Course Content
Module One: Introduction to Law
Preface to Module: This module provides a basic overview of the world of
law. It begins by introducing terms such as “law”, “a law” and “the law”. This
leads to the second issue, namely what exactly is law – whether laws mean
entails something more than just statutes and judicial pronouncements, and
so on. Thirdly, it looks at the role of law in society – this includes not only
social regulation and control, but also how law may be used as an agent for
social change. Questions such as what is the need for law, can justice be
delivered without law, the relationship between law and justice. It also
necessitates a discussion on allied normative notions like justice, morality
and policy. Subsequently, the module proceeds to the various types of law,
their classification, and their respective places in the legal hierarchy. It also
entails a brief overview of how questions of law and questions of fact differ.
We will discuss in this module:
What is Law?, Law, A Law and The Law
Classification of Laws
Law, Policy, Justice and Morality
Nature, Functions and Techniques of Law
Question of Law and Question of Fact
Essential Readings:
1. John H Farrar and Anthony M Dugdale, Introduction to Legal Method, 3rd
ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1990) p. 3-30, 49-70.
Suggested Reference Materials:
1. Leslie E Gerwin, Paul M Shupack, ‘Karl Llewellyn's Legal Method
Course: Elements of Law and Its Teaching Materials’, (1983) 33 Journal of
Legal Education 64.
2. Wade Mansell, Belinda Meteyard & Alan Thompson, A Critical
Introduction to Law, 3rd ed. (London: Cavendish, 2004), p. 1-8, 9.25.
3. Bronwen Morgan and Karen Yeung, An Introduction to Law and
Regulation: Text and Materials (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2007), p. 1-15.
two specific skills, namely (a) reasoning, that is, the capacity to link ideas
Essential Readings:
1. Larry Alexander & Emily Sherwin, Demystifying Legal Reasoning
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008).
2. Leonard G Boonin, ‘Concerning the Relation of Logic to Law’ (1964-
1965) 17 Journal of Legal Education 155.
Suggested Reference Materials:
1. Reed Dickerson, ‘Teaching Legal Writing in the Law Schools (with a
Special Nod to Legal Drafting)’, (1979-80) 16 Idaho Law Review 85.
2. E.P. Ellinger, KJ Keith, ‘Legal Research: Techniques and Ideas’ (1982)
24 Journal of the Indian Law Institute 213.
3. S.N. Jain, ‘Legal Research and Methodology’, (1972) 14 Journal of the
Indian Law Institute 487.
4. ‘Doctrinal and Non-Doctrinal Research’, (1975) 17 Journal of the Indian
Law Institute 516.
5. Edward H Levi, ‘An Introduction to Legal Reasoning’, (1948) 15
University of Chicago Law Review 501.
6. S.L. Sharma, ‘Identification and Formulation of Research Problem [sic]’,
(1982) 24 Journal of the Indian Law Institute 662.
2. Rene David & John E.C. Brierley: Major Legal Systems in the World
Today (An Introduction to the Comparative Study of Law). Stevens & Sons,
sovereign will. In the other, the essence of law is that it develops within
society of its own vitality. We would include following three sources i.e.
Legislation, Precedents and Customs.
A proper understanding of statutes is essential for a good legal education.
In this module, we examine how statutes originated, their significance in
common-law and civil-law systems, and their relationship with judge-made
law and the common-law system in general. In the next part, we examine
the various components of a modern statute, the significance of each
component, and how these components aid our comprehension of the
statute and its objectives. We also examine the distinction between plenary
and delegated legislation, and the various kinds of delegated legislation. A
basic overview of the principles of statutory interpretation shall also be
undertaken in the course of this module. We will discuss followings:
Essential Readings:
1. Rupert Cross & JW Harris, Precedent in English Law, 4th Ed. (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1991).
2. Arthur L Goodhart, ‘Determining the Ratio Decidendi of a Case ’, (1930)
40 Yale Law Journal 161.
3. J L Montrose, ‘Ratio Decidendi and the House of Lords ’, (1957) 20
Modern Law Review 124.
4. Virendra Kumar Sircar, “Law Declared” by the Supreme Court of India,
1962 All India Reporter (Journal Section) 113.
Essential Readings:
1. Dale Beck Furnish, ‘Custom as a Source of Law’, (1982) 30 American
Journal of Comparative Law (Supplement) 31.
2. Sir C.K. Allen: Law in the Making. Oxford at the Clarendon Press.pp.426-530.
Essential Readings:
1. Glanville Williams, Learning the Law, 11th ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell,
1982), p. 32-47,173-78.
2. Robin K Mills, ‘Legal Research Instruction in Law Schools: The State of
the Art OR Why Law School Graduates do not Know How to Find the Law’,
(1982) 24 Journal of the Indian Law Institute 381.
Suggested Reference Materials:
1. Eileen B Cohen, ‘Teaching Legal Research to a Diverse Student Body’.
(1993) 85 Law Library Journal 583.
2. Stephen Elias and Susan Levinkind, Legal Research, 14th ed. (Berkley:
Nolo Press, 2007).
3. Sharon Hanson, Legal Method and Reasoning, 2nd ed. (London:
Cavendish, 2003), p. 61-102.
4. H.C. Jain, ‘Using a Law Library’, (1982) 24 Journal of the Indian Law
Institute 575.