Open Channel Lab
Open Channel Lab
Open Channel Lab
The hydraulic jump was first investigated experimentally by Bidone, an Italian, in 1818. The
theory of jump developed in early days is for horizontal or slightly inclined channels in which
the weight of water in the jump has little effect upon the jump behavior and hence is ignored in
the analysis. An open channel is a waterway, canal or conduit in which a liquid flows with a free
surface. Open channel flow describes the fluid motion in an open channel. In open channel flow
the free surface is always at a constant absolute pressure and the driving force of the fluid
motion is gravity. In open channels the transition from a rapid flow to a slow flow is called a
hydraulic jump. The transition occurs suddenly and is characterized by a sudden rise of the
liquid surface. The forces acting on a control volume are the hydrostatic pressure forces at each
end of the control volume, the gravity forces, the invert reaction force and the bottom friction.
1. To dissipate energy in water flowing over dams, weirs, and other hydraulic structures and thus
prevent scouring downstream from the structures;
2. To recover head or raise the water level on the downstream side of a measuring flume and
thus maintain high water level in the channel for irrigation or other water-distribution purposes;
3. To increase the discharge of a sluice by holding back tailwater, since the effective head will
be reduced if the tailwater is allowed to drown the jump;
4. To remove air pockets from water supply lines, thus prevent air locking.
To investigate the characteristic a standing wave (the hydraulic jump) produced when waters
beneath an undershot weir and to observe the flow patterns obtained.
Find out the characteristic of standing wave produce when waters beneath an undershot weir
thus observe the patterns flow.
When water flow rapidly changes to slower tranquil flow a hydraulic jump or standing
wave is produced. This phenomenon can be seen where water shooting under a sluice gate mixes
with deeper water downstream. It occurs when a depth less than critical changes to a depth
which is greater than critical and must be accompanied by loss of energy. An undular jump
occurs when the change in depth is small. The surface of the water undulates in a series of
oscillations, which gradually decay to region of smooth tranquil flow. A direct jump occurs
when the change in depth is great. The large amount of energy loss produces a zone of
extremely turbulent water before it settles to smooth tranquil flow.
By considering the forces acting within the fluid on either side of a hydraulic jump of unit width
it can be shown that (eq. 1):
H d a
db ____________(eq. 1)
2 g 2 g
Where, ∆H is the total head loss across jump (energy dissipated) (m), va is the mean velocity
before jump (m/s), da is the depth of flow before hydraulic jump (m). Because of the working
section is short, da ≈ d1 and db ≈ d3. Therefore, simplifying the above equation,
d 3 d1 3
H ____________(eq. 2)
4d 1 d 3
Figure 2.2: Relationships between Hydraulic Jump with y/yc
We can write this in dimensionless form by setting x = y/yc, as we did for the specific
energy above. Then, f/yc = 1/x + x2/2. We shall call a plot of f/yc vs y/yc the hydraulic jump
curve. Curiously, it is just the specific energy curve with 1/x in place of x. The hydraulic jump
curve for a wide rectangular channel is shown at the right.
When the slope changes from steep to mild, a hydraulic jump occurs at a point such that
y2 is the normal depth on the downstream end. Depending on the corresponding value of y1, the
jump may occur either after or before the break in slope, wherever the required value of y1 can
be found. If y1 is greater than the depth on the steep slope, then the jump will occur on the mild
slope when the height of the rapid flow reaches y1. If it is not, then the jump will occur on the
steep slope to a depth that becomes the normal depth on the mild slope.
This may be illustrated by the jump shown in the figure at the left. The water comes
through a gate with high velocity and a depth less than the critical depth, so the flow is rapid.
The depth conjugate to y1' is y2'. Since this is greater than the normal depth on the mild slope,
the jump will not occur immediately, because there is insufficient energy. The rapid flow
decelerates on the mild slope and the water depth increases, bringing down the conjugate depth.
Both the energy line and the water surface are slightly concave upwards in this region, though
drawn as straight. When the depth reaches y1 conjugate to the normal depth on the mild slope,
the jump begins, at the first point where it is possible. It does not occur at a single section, but
extends for the length of the turbulent jump (foreshortened in the diagram). It is easy to see that
the momentum on the left is balanced by the pressure force on the right. The energy line falls
rapidly through the region of the jump, then resumes with the mild slope, S' = S. There is also a
small energy loss at the gate, from the level of the slack water upstream. There are other cases,
but this is the most common one. A good place to see a jump is at the overflow spillway of a
dam, with a rapid flow down the inclined face of the spillway, and a jump on the apron beyond
in the tail water.
4.1 4.2
4.3 4.4
1. The machine was turned on and the water was pumped into the maximum water level fixed
until the water about 80% of the channel. Thus, the water pressure of the flow rate should be
not more than 0.018 m³.
2. Flume is levelled with the downstream tilting overshot weir at the bottom and actual breadth
(m) of the undershot weir. Undershot weir is installed towards inlet end and securely
clamped in position with plastacine provided.
3. Undershoot weir have been adjusted to position the sharp edge of the weir 20 mm above the
bed of channel. The height of the tilting overshot weir was increased until the downstream
level just start to rise.
4. The flow control valve gradually opens and the flow was adjusted until an undular jump was
created with small ripple decaying towards the discharge end of the working section.
5. The height of the upstream of the undershot weir was increased by increasing the height of
the tilting overshot weir to create and hydraulic jump.
6. With this, d0, d1, d3 and dg and also fixed q are measured.
7. The experiment was repeated with different height of gate opening, dg.
8. The graph is plot.
Given formula:
𝑉= , 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝐴 = 𝑏 𝑥 𝑑11
Given formula:
d 3 0.1011 d3 0.0846
4. = = 5.080 5. = = 3.343
d 1 0.0199 d1 0.0253
Calculation for total head loss across jump, ΔH
Given formula:
H d a db
2 g 2 g
Given formula:
A specific value is fixed for the flow rate for every testing to ensure there is no over flow
happen on open channel equipment while carrying out the experiment.
Q = 0.011m3/s
b = 0.31 m
q = Q/b dc = (q2/g)1/3
Based on the calculation, we concluded that the value of dc is within the stated interval.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
A graph of ∆H/d1 against d3/d1 has been plot and its relationship is shown in the graph.
Graph of dg against V1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
A graph of dg against V1 has been plot and its relationship is shown in the graph.
1. To verify the force of the stream on either side of the jump is the same and that the specific
energy curve predicts a loss equal to H d c , the solution are shown as below.
From the graph of ∆H/d1 against d3/d1,
= (15.2 – 4) / (9 – 4.65)
= 2.57
= 4.87
= 0.3942m
= 0.1287m
∆H = Ho – H3
= 0.3942 – 0.1287
= 0.2655 < 4.56 (from theory)
a) Parallax error: During recording the data, the observer observed the wrong value.
b) Defect of the experimental equipment: The plasticine is not strong enough to block the
water from enter the free space of weir.
2. The most important engineering applications of the hydraulic jump is to dissipate energy in
canals, dam spillways, and similar structures so that the excess kinetic energy does not
damage these structures. The energy dissipation or head loss across a hydraulic jump is a
function of the magnitude of the jump. The larger the jump as expressed in the fraction of
final height to initial height, the greater the head loss.
In both cases, the final depth of the water is determined by the downstream characteristics. The
jump will occur if and only if the level of inflowing (supercritical) water level (h0) satisfies the
h = height of the fluid from the bed of stream (h0 = initial height; h1 = final downstream height)
As a conclusion, based on the investigation and analytical of result data, it shown that the
degree of hydraulic jump are affected by the change of height of opening gate dg, level before
jump d1, the velocity before jumps v1 and level of upstream do. This function of this agent can be
determined by manipulated those variable and result with the observed transformation of flow
hydraulic jump pattern. The rapidly varied hydraulic jump if the depth change abruptly over a
comparatively short distance is classified as rapidly varies flow (RVP). In term of engineering,
the objective of hydraulic jump is to perform an energy-dissipating device to reduce the excess
energy of water flows.
The relationship between the graphs of ΔH/d1 against d3/d1 is linearly proportional.
When d3/d1 increases, value of ΔH/d1 increases. On the other hand, the graph of dg against v,
when the value of weir opening, dg increases, the value of velocity of water decreases. When the
gate is opened, the value of stream flow depth decreases and the downstream flow depth
Hydraulic jumps can be classified according to the Froude Number and ratio of d3/d1.
i. To determine the relationship between upstream head and thrust on a sluice gate
(undershot weir) for water flowing under the sluice gate.
ii. To figure out the upstream and downstream of the sluice gate to calculate the hydrostatic
pressure force.
iii. To determine the relationship between the specific energy and flow depth in which can
cause by water flowing under a sluice gate.
It can be shown that the resultant force on the gate is given by the equation,
Fg 1 gd1 0 2 1 g 1 d1 . The gate thrust for a hydrostatic pressure
d 0
2 d 1 bd 1
distribution is given by the equation, FH 1 g d 0 d g
where, Fg is resultant gate thrust
(N), FH is resultant hydrostatic thrust (N), q is volume flowrate (m/s), is density of fluid
opening (m), d 0 is upstream depth of flow (m) and d1 is downstream depth of flow (m).
In its simplest form, a control structure is designed to change the water depth to (or through) the
critical depth (dc), so that the discharge is fixed relative to the depth. In practice, most control
structures accelerate a subcritical flow, through the critical regime, to produce a shallow fast
supercritical flow.
Open channel control structures.
To include more than one effective control within an open channel, the supercritical flow
produced by an upstream control must be reconverted to a subcritical flow. This is usually
achieved by a hydraulic jump (or stationary bore) in which the characteristics of the subcritical
flow are determined by a second downstream control. These events are associated with large
energy losses, and are often used as an effective means of dissipating unwanted kinetic energy
downstream of an overflow (spillway) or underflow (sluice gate) structure. The hydraulic jump
is in many respects analogous to a shock wave arising within a compressible flow. For example,
whereas the hydraulic jump provides a transition from supercritical to subcritical flow, the shock
wave involves a transition from supersonic to subsonic flow. In both cases there is a critical
velocity below which these transitions cannot occur, and both processes involve an increase in
entropy. Indeed, in the case of a hydraulic jump the increase in entropy per unit mass is
proportional to the cube of the depth change, whereas in a shock wave this increase is
proportional to the cube of the pressure difference (provided this is small).
this position, the undershot weir raised in increments of 10mm, constant d 0 maintained with
vary, q . The values of d g , d1 and q were recorded at each level of the weir.
4. The procedure was repeated with a constant flow q , allowing d o to vary. The values of d o
and d1 was recorded.
Fg 1 gd1 0 2 1 g 1 d1
d 0
2 d1 bd 1
By applying the formula above with substitution of achieved result, Fg can be obtained as below
Fg 1 = ½ (1000)(9.81)(0.0129)2[(0.3929)2/ (0.0129)2-1)-
= - 2.372 x 106 N
Fg 2 = ½ (1000)(9.81)(0.0195)2[(0.3384)2/ (0.0195)2-1)-
= - 1.529 x 106 N
Fg 3 = ½ (1000)(9.81)(0.0201)2[(0.2226)2/ (0.0201)2-1)-
= - 1.432 x 106 N
Fg 4 = ½ (1000)(9.81)(0.0246)2[(0.1658)2/ (0.0246)2-1)-
= - 1.095 x 106 N
Fg 3 = ½ (1000)(9.81)(0.284)2[(0.1380)2/ (0.0284)2-1)-
= - 0.885 x 106 N
Fh 1 g d 0 d g
By applying the formula above with substitution of achieved result, Fh can be obtained as below
With the calculation of resultant force (Fg) and hydrostatic pressure distribution (Fh) that we
have analyzed earlier on, the ratio can be obtained as below shown.
With the attachment of table 2 in section result, the value of d g and d0 are substituted to get the
value of ratio .
Fg dg
A graph of the ratio againt the ratio is plot to show the relationship between upstream
FH do
head and thrust on a sluice gate.
Fg/Fh (x103)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
Fg dg
1. From the graph that we plot, we can conclude that the relationship between and is
FH do
Fg dg
linearly proportional. It simply means that when the value of increases,
will increases
FH do
too and vice versa. From the equation below, we may understand how each of the variables
influence one and another.
Fg dg
FH α do
2. Calculation shows that hydrostatic thrust (FH) is greater when compared to gate thrust (Fg).
Lower hydrostatic thrust will contribute to higher gate thrust and vice versa. Comparing between
values for Fg and Fh, when value of Fg increases, value of FH decreases. Note that the calculated
Fg in the result gate thrust (N) is in the sign of negative value. This is because the value shows
that the force losses at the base of an overfull may be 50 per cent or more of the initial force,
referred to the basin floor as datum. The other reason for the negative value of Fg is due to the
resultant force of the flow is opposite the direction of the water flow on the gate, or can be say
that it opposes the direction of gravity. While for the value of the hydrostatic force, FH is
positive because the resultant force is follow the direction of the water flow also known as the
direction towards the gravitational force.
3. In this experiment, water flow rate is set at a constant from the beginning until the end. As we
know the basic formula of water flow rate, Q=Av, where A is the area of the cross sectional of
the water flow, and v is the velocity of the water flow after passing through the water gate. The
water flow rate is influenced by the opening area of the water gate. Since the weir breadth is
constant along the channel, so the area of the opening water gate is only varies due to the height
of weir opening. From this experiment, we also studied that the height of weir opening is never
be the same as the depth of the downstream flow. This happened may be due to the high velocity
of water flow as well as the adhesive force at the water gate. Therefore, we calculated the area,
A using the formula of A=bd1 where b is the weir breadth, and d1 is the depth of the downstream
From here, we can summarize that when the weir opening, dg has increased, downstream
flow depth, d1 will increases caused the cross-sectional area of water flow, A increases.
Therefore, velocity of the water flow in downstream, v decreases provided the water flow rate, Q
is kept constant. This will allow more amount of water to discharge into the downstream and
caused the level of downstream water to arise. Hence, the result strongly proved that the
increasing of gate is inversely proportional to the gate thrust and hydrostatic thrust where the
value of gate thrust over hydrostatic thrust is reduces.
4. Common errors and suggested precautions that are taken places during the experiment to
minimize the inaccuracy of result.
i. Water may leak at the sides of the weir that are not designed in the exact shape
according to the breadth of weir. Porcelain is introduced to stick of the sides of
the weir as well as the bolt and each of every small gap that may caused leakage.
ii. Parallax error occurs when the steel rule is placed inside the water channel to
measure the height of the opening weir. The refraction of water may cause a
slight different of reading. Therefore, we suggest that measurement must be read
while the reader’s eye is exact on the level of meniscus and have the best short
distance of reading to minimise the refraction due to the water.
iii. Random error happens when adjusting the opening weir takes a period of time
which may causes the depth of upstream flow decreased. The longer the time
taken to adjust the opening weir, the more water loss from upstream to
downstream since the water flow rate that we set constant earlier on is real small.
The lower the water level in the upstream will influence the pressure of water
flow through the opening weir. Therefore, we are advised to work in fast action
in adjusting the height of the opening weir.
As a conclusion, the experiment has proven that the relationship of upstream head is directly
proportional to the thrust on a sluice gate of undershot weir as the graph shown. As the depth of
the upstream water flow decreases, the thrust on the sluice gate as well as the hydrostatic thrust
is decreasing. The application of the sluice gate in engineering field is available for flow rate
control at the crest of an overflow spillway, or at the entrance of an irrigation canal or river from
a lake. With the aid of the weir or gate-type structure, the flow of water can be controlled as well
as the velocity and pressure of water flow.
For the sluice gate, when the weir opening increases, the force at the gate thrust will also
increases but the force for hydrostatic thrust decreases.
Hydraulic jumps application for real life are downstream of hydraulic structure such as
spillways, sluice gate, venturi flumes, downstream of bridge piers during flooding and many
more while sluice gate is used at the end of a pipe line or to cover an opening in a wall and is not
an in live valve.
A variety of gate-type structures is available for flow rate control at the crest of an
overflow spillway, or at the entrance of an irrigation canal or river from a lake. The relationship
between upstream head and thrust on a sluice gate (undershot weir) for water flowing under the
sluice gate can be determined by the experiment that has been done. When upstream head is
high, thrust on a sluice gate also high.