Final Announcement

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Table of

Greeting Messages ........................................................................................ 2

Committee ....................................................................................................... 4
Venues ............................................................................................................... 8
Meeting Highlights ........................................................................................ 11
Schedule ............................................................................................................ 12
Workshops & Scientific Programs ............................................................. 14
MICC - The Alana Hotel Floorplan ............................................................ 19
Presentation Guidelines ............................................................................................ 20
Registration ..................................................................................................... 24
Family Programs ............................................................................................. 2 6
Sport Events ..................................................................................................... 28
Photography Events ..................................................................................... 29
Official Hotels .................................................................................................. 30
Yogyakarta City Map ..................................................................................... 32
Flight Schedules ............................................................................................. 33
About Yogyakarta ......................................................................................... 36

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 1

Greeting Message
Dear Colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to this prestigious 17th Indonesian
Congress of Pediatrics (KONIKA) 2017 in conjunction with the 11th
International Congress of Tropical Pediatrics (ICTP), organized by Indonesian
Pediatric Society - D.I. Yogyakarta Branch. This Congress will be held on
August 6-11, 2017 at Mataram City International Convention Centre (MICC),
The Alana and Convention Centre Yogyakarta.

The theme of the Congress is "Implementing Advances In Pediatrics For

Better Child Health”. We provide Key note Speech, Plenary Session, Plenary
Symposia, Parallel Symposia, Breakthrough Symposia, Lunch Symposia,
Breakfast Meeting and Free Paper Symposia. The scientific congress gives
pediatric professional a forum to advance the understanding of pediatric
diseases, to improve diagnosis and quality of care for patients. We are
certain that all participants will be inspired to put what they have learned
into practice.

We do hope that your proposed to visit Yogyakarta will be one of your

unforgettable moments. Yogyakarta province is known as a center of
classical Javanese fine art and culture such as batik, silver, ceramic, ballet,
drama, music, poetry and puppet shows. There are many valuable heritages
that can be seen today as the inheritance of the past kingdoms (Mataram).
Yogyakarta serves many tourism choices, including: natural tourism (such as
Lava tour, Pindul Cave etc), historic tourism (such as Sultan’s Palace, Taman
Sari Water Castles, Prambanan Temple etc), educational tourism, and the
newest tourism, “night tourism”, such as night festivals and art exhibitions.

Moreover, Yogyakarta is famous for its great food with a large international
community and great local recipes. The city offer plenty of culinary options
for visitors and Gudeg is the famous one in Jogjakarta that you can have it
all around the city.

On behalf of the Committee, I offer my best wishes for an enjoyable and

productive congress. We look forward for your participation.

Warm regards,

M. Juffrie Sumadiono
Chairman of Chairman of Indonesian Pediatric Society
Organizing Committee - D.I. Yogyakarta Branch

2 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

Greeting Message
Dear colleagues,

Please allow us to cordially welcome you to The 17th Indonesian Congress of

Pediatrics (KONIKA XVII) in Yogyakarta which will be held from August 6-11,

As Indonesian pediatricians, we share the same vision with members of

Asia Pacific Pediatric Association (APPA) as well as International Pediatric
Association (IPA) to ensure that all children attain good health so that they
can grow, develop, and fulfill their human potential. KONIKA is the largest
meeting in Indonesian Pediatric Society which is held every three years. It
is an excellent forum to learn, discuss evidence-based knowledge in child
health and share our experiences, expertises, results of research studies, and
what we can do better in order to bring that vision into reality.

This year’s theme addresses the importance of “Implementing Advances

in Pediatrics for Better Child Health”. In an effort to equip every Indonesian
pediatrician with required skills, essential knowledge, and ethical conduct.
We hope that each of us can serve as leaders in building our community
health. Therefore, topics related to Sustainable Development Goals such as
stunting, the first 1000 days of life, immunization, adolescent health, and
noncommunicable diseases will be discussed here. KONIKA XVII will also
be held in conjunction with The 11th International Congress of Tropical

We sincerely hope that you will be able to reap benefits from this event
and apply better practices in child health settings. Last but not least, we
would like to thank Indonesian Pediatric Society - D.I Yogyakarta Branch, all
Working Groups (UKK), and Task Forces (Satgas) who have been working
hard to prepare this event.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Yogyakarta, our city of students.

Warm regards,

Aman B. Pulungan
President of Indonesian Pediatric Society

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 3


• Governor of Special Region of Yogyakarta
• Regent of Sleman District
• President of Indonesian Medical Associations

• Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta
• Dean of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta
• Director of Dr Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta
• Head of Health Offi ce of Special Region of Yogyakarta
• Chairman of Indonesian Medical Association of Special Region of Yogyakarta
• Chief of Department of Child Health Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah
Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta

President of Indonesian Pediatric Society Aman Bakti Pulungan
Head of Indonesian College of Pediatric Aryono Hendarto
Chairman I of Indonesian Pediatric Society Sudung O Pardede
Chairman II of Indonesian Pediatric Society Antonius H Pudjiadi
Chairman III of Indonesian Pediatric Society Hartono Gunardi
General Secretary of of Indonesian Pediatric Society Piprim Basarah Yanuarso
Chairman of Indonesian Pediatric Society Sumadiono
- D.I Yogyakarta Branch
Senior of Indonesian Pediatric Society Yati Soenarto
- D.I Yogyakarta Branch

4 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

Chairman Mohammad Juffrie
General Secretary Titis Widowati
Treasurer I RR Ratni Indrawati
Treasurer II Neti Nurani
Treasurer III Cahya Dewi Satria

Chairman Sumadiono Non Scientific Program
Secretary Sri Mulatsih Coordinator Ida Safitri
Publication Member Tuty Darmawati
Coordinator Intan Fatah Kumara Fund and Partnership
Member Kristy Iskandar Coordinator Noormanto
Registration Member Purnomo Suryantoro
Coordinator Dwikisworo Mohammad Juffrie
Setyowireni Hadianto Ismangoen
Member Ade Febrina Sumadiono
Devie Kristiani Fauziah
Organizational Session Secretariat
Coordinator Endy Paryanto Coordinator Retno Palupi
Prawirohartono Member Dian Kesuma
Member Muhrodji Dewi Wulaningsih
Venue-Exhibition-Equipment Sri Suharti
Coordinator Agung Triono Yustina Parwati
Member Kiswarjanu Avianti Paramastuti
Suryono Yudha Patria Kusumawardhani
M. Komarudin
Event Planning
Scientific Program
Coordinator Tunjung Wibowo
Member Nazliah Hanum
Fita Wirastuti

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 5

Chairman Nenny Sri Mulyani Plenary Session
Secretary Braghmandita Widya Coordinator Ekawaty Lutfia
Indraswari Haksari
PreCongress Workshop Member Agnes Muryanti
Coordinator Djauhar Ismail Parallel Symposium
Secretary Retno Sutomo Coordinator Amalia Setyati
Member Suryono Yudha Patria Member Desy
Amalia Setyati Rusmawatiningtyas
Setya Wandita Free Paper Section
Wahyu Damayanti Coordinator Sutaryo
Neti Nurani Secretary Madarina Julia
Cahya Dewi e-Poster Presentation
Indah Kartika Coordinator Pudjo Hagung W
Desy Member Wahyu Damayanti
Rusmawatiningtyas Oral Presentation
Kristia Hermawan Coordinator Elisabeth Siti Herini
Scientific Program Member Bambang Ardianto
Coordinator Sunartini Hapsara Best Research Award
Secretary Mei Neni Sitaresmi Coordinator Yati Soenarto
Breakfast Meeting Secretary Indah Kartika
Coordinator Nurnaningsih Member Sunarto
Member Dian Anggraini Abdus Samik Wahab

6 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

Chairman Roni Naning Food & Beverages
Secretary Rina Triasih Coordinator Alifah Anggraeni
Transportation Member Herawaty Juffrie
Coordinator Ahmad Lubaid Asiani Sunarto
Member Elisa Wiwiek Riwayanti
Permit and Security Samik Wahab
Coordinator Sasmita Nugroho Iskatarismiyanti
Member Dedi Affandi CN Sutaryo
Accommodation Atiek Werdiningsih
Endy Paryanto
Coordinator Setya Wandita
Family Program
Member Bambang Edi
Coordinator Rahajeng Sumadiono
Health and Sports
Member Andriarti Noormanto
Coordinator Hadianto Ismangoen
Munafiati Soeroyo
Member Akil Baehaqi
Adkhalina Sasmita
Anna Widarini Yudha
Coordinator Eddy Supriyadi
Information Technology
Member Ade Indriasari
Coordinator Retno Palupi
Member Dian Kesuma
Puji Priyono
Sigit Mardiyanto

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 7


Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel Eastparc Hotel

Jl. Laksda Adisucipto No.81, Yogyakarta Jl. Laksda Adisucipto Km 6.5, Yogyakarta
Phone : (0274) 488488 Phone : (0274) 4932000

CONGRESS August 8-11, 2017

Mataram International Convention Centre,

The Alana Hotel
Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar Km. 7, Yogyakarta
Phone : (0274) 888800

8 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel

Eastparc Hotel

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 9

The Alana Hotel


10 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

The 17th Indonesian Congress of Pediatrics (KONIKA XVII JOGJA)
Mataram International Convention Centre, The Alana Hotel, Yogyakarta
Tuesday-Friday, August 8-11, 2017
Pre Congress Workshop
Royal Ambarrukmo Hotel and Eastparc Hotel, Yogyakarta
Sunday-Monday, August 6-7, 2017
Inauguration of Pediatric Consultants
Welcome Dinner
Opening Ceremony
Jogja Expo Center, Yogyakarta
Monday, August 7, 2017
Prambanan Scientific Dinner
Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Indonesian Pediatric Society Business Meeting
Mataram International Convention Centre, The Alana Hotel, Yogyakarta
Monday-Thursday, August 7, 8, 10, 2017
Scientific Meeting
Mataram International Convention Centre, The Alana Hotel, Yogyakarta
Tuesday – Friday, August 8–11, 2017
Mataram International Convention Centre, The Alana Hotel, Yogyakarta
Tuesday – Friday, August 8–11, 2017
Family Program
Mt. Merapi and Yogyakarta Palace, Yogyakarta
Tuesday – Wednesday, August 8–9, 2017
Sports Events
UNY Sport Center
Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday, August 6, 8 & 10, 2017
Photography Events
Mataram International Convention Centre, The Alana Hotel, Yogyakarta
Tuesday – Thursday, August 8–10, 2017
Closing Ceremony
Mataram International Convention Centre, The Alana Hotel, Yogyakarta
Friday, August 11, 2017
International Congress of Tropical Pediatrics
Mataram International Convention Centre, The Alana Hotel, Yogyakarta
ICTP Saturday-Monday, August 5-7, 2017
Pre ICTP Friday, August 4, 2017

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 11

DAY -2 DAY - 1 DAY 1
Aug 6, 2017 Aug 7, 2017 Tue, Aug 8, 2017
07.00-08.00 07.00-08.00 Registration
08.00-09.00 08.00-09.00 Plenary Symposia (SPS*)

09.00-10.00 09.00-10.00 Keynote Speech
Pre Congress Workshop

Pre Congress Workshop

10.00-11.00 10.15-11.15 Breakthrough Symposia

11.00-12.30 11.30-13.00 Parallel Symposia

12.30-13.15 13.15-14.00 Lunch Symposia

13.15-14.00 14.00-14.30 Free time & Pray
Indonesian Free Paper
14.00-15.30 Society 14.30-16.00
Business Oral e-Poster
15.30-16.30 Break & Pray 16.00-17.00 Working Group Meeting & Coffee Break
Inauguration of
16.30-17.30 Pediatric Consultants

Welcome Indonesian Pediatric Society Business

Dinner Meeting
Opening Ceremony

Wed, Aug 9, 2017
07.00-08.00 Breakfast Meeting
08.15-09.15 Plenary Session (SPU)*
09.15-10.15 Plenary Symposia (SPS)*
10.30-11.30 Breakthrough Symposia
11.45-13.15 Parallel Symposia
13.30-14.15 Lunch Symposia
14.15-14.45 Free time & Pray
Free Paper
Oral e-Poster
16.15-16.30 Coffee Break
18.30-22.00 Prambanan Scientific Dinner

12 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

Thu, Aug 10, 2017
07.00-08.00 Breakfast Meeting
08.15-09.15 Plenary Session (SPU*)
09.15-10.15 Plenary Symposia (SPS*)
10.30-11.30 Breakthrough Symposia
11.45-13.15 Parallel Symposia
13.30-14.15 Lunch Symposia
14.15-14.45 Free time & Pray
Free Paper
Oral e-Poster
16.15-17.15 Working Group Meeting & Coffee Break
18.30-21.30 Indonesian Pediatric Society Business Meeting

Fri, Aug 11, 2017
07.00-08.00 Breakfast Meeting
08.15-09.15 Plenary Session (SPU*)
09.15-10.15 Plenary Symposia (SPS*)
10.30-12.00 Parallel Symposia
12.00-13.00 Lunch & Pray
13.00-14.00 KONIKA Award and Closing Ceremony

SPU Sidang Paripurna Utama*
SPS Sidang Paripurna Seminar*

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 13

Workshops &
Scientific Programs
Pre - Congress Workshops
August 6 & 7, 2017
Working Group/ Registration
No Venue Task Force
Topic Fee (IDR)
1 Infectious and Fever in Children: Assessment and Initial 3.000.000
Tropical Diseases Management
2 Endocrinology Endocrine Emergencies And Quality of Life 3.000.000
3 Research How to write manuscript to be published at 3.000.000
international journal & Best IDAI research
award presentation (NIF, FFI and Novel)

4 Child Protection Introducing of screening tool for child 3.000.000

abuse and neglect
5 Pediatric Pharmacy Prudent Antibiotic Use in Common 3.000.000
Infection in Pediatric Cases
6 Adolescent An Approach to Adolescent with Chronic 3.000.000
7 Crisis Management Medicolegal crises: pitfalls to watch out for 3.000.000
8 International Offline Class and Convocation Post ---
Graduate Program in Pediatric Nutrition
9 College of Pediatrics Training of examiner for Central National ---
(KIKA) Indonesia Examination
Royal Ambarrukmo

10 Gastrohepatology Current update on management of ascites 3.000.000

and inflammatory bowel disease
11 Cardiology Clinical practice in interpreting the ECG 4.000.000
& Basic echocardiography for general
practitioner and pediatricians
12 Allergy Immunology Allergy Course 3.000.000
13 Respirology Current update on diagnosis and 3.000.000
management of pediatric upper respiratory
obstruction and tuberculosis
PRACTICE: How to do ultrasound in
Gastrohepatology, Nephrology, and
Hemato-oncology cases?

Pre-Congress Workshops - KONIKA XVII

The Pre-Congress workshops will be two days long using approximately 8
hours per day and will take place in parallel on August 6 & 7, 2017.
Limited seats : Minimum 30 and Maximum 60 participants per workshop.
On site registration is not permitted.

14 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

Scientific Programs
Venue : Mataram City International Convention Center (MICC) - The Alana Hotel
August 8-11, 2017
Tue, Aug 8 2017
07.00 - 08.00 Registration
Plenary Symposia (SPS*) (Sofyan Ismael, Ida Safitri Laksono)
08.00 - 09.00 1. Global Threat Antibiotic resistance (Tikki Pangestu)
2. Beyond Height and Weight Stunting Seriously Affects Cognitive Function (Hardiono D. Pusponegoro)
3. Child health priorities in Asia Pasific Region (Naveen Thacker)
Keynote Speech (Sofyan Ismael, Ida Safitri Laksono)
09.00 - 10.00
The Importance of Early Intervention in Children’s First 1000 Days of Life to Create a Thriving Generation (Nila Djuwita F. Moeloek)
10.15 - 11.15 Breakthrough Symposia
Parallel Symposia
Neurology Breastfeeding International
Respirology Newborn screening
"Advances in diagnosis "Oral disorders in "Current Issues in
Infection & Tropical "Common airway "Newborn screening in
and treatment of chronic breastfeeding and Immunization and Gastrohepatology
Disease problems in children" the preterm: What's the
neurological diseases and development" Futuristic Reporting (IGM Reza G.Ganuh)
(MM Deah Hapsari) (Retno Widyaningsih) difference?"
its problem in Indonesia" (Elisabeth Yohmi) System"
(Rina Rohsiswatmo)
(Purboyo Solek) (Aman B. Pulungan)
1. Current challenges 1. Noisy breathing in 1. Epilepsy in children 1. Physiology of Oromotor 1. ROP's screening 1. Vaccine hesitancy: 1. Power of Microbiome:
for dose optimization children (Yetty Ramli) in breastfeeding guidelines applied, ten value of vaccination Improving child health
of antimicrobials in (Retno Asih 2. Cerebral Palsy process and Speech years of experience (Naveen Thacker) with beneficial
children Setyoningrum) (Sunartini Hapsara) development in infants (Rina Rohsiswatmo) 2. Immunization for microbes
11.30 - 13.00 (Anggraini Alam) 2. Respiratory endoscopic 3. Autism and ADHD (Luh K. Wahyuni) 2. Head USG screening in special group of (IGM Reza G.Ganuh)
2. Trends in antifungal procedure in (Purboyo Solek) 2. Physiology of preterm infants: children 2. Chronic Abdominal
therapy in hospitalized respiratory problem 4. CNS Infection breastfeeding and guidelines revisited, (Tina Q. Tan) Pain: allergy vs
children (Wahyuni Indawati) (Yazid Dimyati) counselling roles what's new? 3. IDAI Pediatric infection
(MM DEAH Hapsari) 3. Management of (Wiyarni Pambudi) (Evita Bermanshah Immunization Online (Pramita Gayatri D.)
3. Emerging pathogen persistent asthma 3. Consensus of tongue- Ifran) Reporting System 3. Chronic Diarrhea:
death: lesson learn (Retno Widyaningsih) tie management (Hartono Gunardi) when to think it's
from influenza A (Elisabeth Yohmi) inflammatory
(H5N1) infection bowel disease?
(Ari Prayitno) (George Alex)
4. Liver Transplant: where
are we now?
(Hanifah Oswari)
13.15 - 14.00 Lunch Symposia
14.00 - 14.30 Free Time / Pray
Oral Nephrology | Oral Neonatology | Oral Neurology | Oral Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases | Oral Respirology | e-poster Nephrology | e-poster Neonatology | e-poster Neurology | e-poster
14.30 - 16.00 Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases | e-Poster Respirology
16.00 - 17.00 Working Group Meeting & Coffee Break
18.30 - 21.30 Indonesian Pediatric Society Business Meeting
Legend* SPU : Sidang Paripurna Utama* SPS : Sidang Paripurna Seminar*
Wed, Aug 9 2017
Breakfast Meeting
Growth & Development Endocrinology Breastfeeding
"Developmental perspective Neurology "From current concept Research Child Protection Gastrohepatology Allergy-Immunology "Breastfeeding perspective from
in newborn" (Hardiono D. Pusponegoro) to clinical practice" (Madarina Julia) (Meita Dhamayanti) (Alpha Fardah Athiyyah) (Lily Irsa) womb to world"
(Fitri Hartanto) (Connie Untario) (Ariani Dewi Widodo)
1. Developmental aspects of Common neurology problems in 1. Recognizing subtle 1. Community versus 1. Adverse childhood Neurology and Food Allergy Update: 1. Antenatal Microbiome,
07.00 - 08.00 breastfed newborn daily practices (febrile seizures, endocrine complaints clinical pediatric experiences on sexual Gastrointestinal tolerance delivery process, and early
(Martira Madeppungeng) epilepsy, first unprovoked (Connie Untario) reseacrh abuse Disorders in Children (Endah Citra Resmi, skin-to-skin)
2. Multisensory stimulation seizures) : case discussion, tips, 2. Growth trajectories (Madarina Julia) (Rifka Insani Foundation) (Constipation Lily Irsa) (Naomi Esthernita)
in newborn and tricks in small babies 2. Community based 2. Childhood disclosure of Gastroesophageal reflux) 2. Gastrointestinal tract microbiota,
(Fitri Hartanto) (Hardiono D. Pusponegoro, Setyo (Jose RL Batubara) research to solve sexual abuse (M. A Benninga) persistent diarrhea, and infant
Handraystuti) child health problem (Meita Dhamayanti) malnutrition
(Anna Alisjahbana) (Ariani Dewi Widodo)

Plenary Session (SPU*) (Soetjiningsih)

08.15 - 09.15 1. Pediatric Education in a Competitive Era (Asean Economic Community) (Aryono Hendarto)
2. Together We Can (Aman Pulungan)
Plenary Symposia (SPS*) (Sudigdo Sastroasmoro)
09.15 - 10.15 1. Research priority to solve major health problems of Indonesian children (Agus Firmansyah)
2. The Indonesian Medical Council’s Role in Building Health and Medical Practices Core Competencies (Bambang Supriyatno)
3. Current Evidence on Childhood TB Prevention (Ben Marais)
10.30 - 11.30 Breakthrough Symposia
Parallel Symposia
Nutriton & Metabolic Disease Growth and Development - Pediatric Social
Child Protection Neonatology "Implementing current concept and advance Research "Infant at risk for growth and developmental Pediatric Pharmacy
(Retno Sutomo) (Setya Wandita) science for better outcome" (Sudigdo Sastroasmoro) problems" (Wahyuni Indawati)
(Damayanti R. Sjarif) (Ahmad Suryawan)
1. A role of pediatrican 1. Burden and Clinical Problem 1. How to choose the appropriate nutrition 1. Tips for Community-Based 1. Developmental pediatrics and neonatal 1. Pitfall use of imunomodulator
on sexual abuse (Ariani) of Small for Gestational of Age support for short bowel syndrome Research follow-up (Rini Sekartini) (Zakiudin Munasir)
11.45 - 13.15 2. Update national policy on (Ekawaty L. Haksari) (Tinuk Agung Melany) (Anna Alisjahbana) 2. Growth assessment in infant 2. Intravenous immunoglobuline
child abuse & neglect 2. Early Weight Loss Monogram 2. Application of ketogenic diet for intractable 2. Tips for Clinical Research (IGA Trisna W.) indication in critically ill patient
urgency implementation of Newborn (Valerie Flaherman) seizures (Lanny C. Gultom) Development 3. Developmental assessment in infant (Antonius Pudjiadi)
(Tb Rahmat Sentika) 3. How to feed Small for 3. Strategy how to optimize catch up growth in (Sudigdo Sastroasmoro) (Mei Neni Sitaresmi) 3. Overuse of nebulization therapy
3. The effect of Child Gestational of Age preterm infant (Damayanti R Sjarif) 3. Tips for Pre-Clinical Research 4. Infant motor profile in daily practice
Abuse and Neglect (Setya Wandita) (Pratiwi Sudarmono) (Ahmad Suryawan) (Wahyuni Indawati)
on Brain development, 4. Necrotizing Enterocolitis in 4. Tips for Translational Research
learning and health Small for Gestational of Age (Pratiwi Sudarmono)
(Retno Sutomo) (Toto Wisnu Hendarto)
13.30 - 14.15 Lunch Symposia
14.15 - 14.45 Free Time / Pray
Oral Allergy Immunology | Oral Gastrohepatology | Oral Endocrinology | Oral Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care | Oral Growth and Development | e-poster Allergy Immunology | e-poster Gastrohepatology | e-poster
14.45 - 16.15 Endocrinology | e-poster Pediatric Emergency and Intensive Care | e-poster Growth and Development
16.15 - 16.30 Coffee Break
18.30 - 22.00 Prambanan Scientific Dinner
Legend* SPU : Sidang Paripurna Utama* SPS : Sidang Paripurna Seminar*
Thurs, Aug 10 2017
Breakfast Meeting
Nutrition & Metabolic
Disease Adolescence Crisis Management HIV
Hemato-Oncology Neonatology "Uses and new "Risk taking behavior in Immunization Cardiology
(Piprim Basarah "Antiretroviral therapy case discussion"
(Teny Tjitrasari) (Ekawati L. Haksari) insight of micronutrient adolescent" (Soedjatmiko) (Najib Advani)
Yanuarso) (Ketut Dewi Kumarawati)
for patient care" (Hesti Lestari)
(Endy Paryanto)
1. Iron Overload: Transfusion in low birth 1. Vitamin responsive 1. How to recognize Pro and Con Practical tips to 1. When and what to start: introduction to 1. How to face the challenging
07.00 - 08.00 pathophysiology weight baby: Liberal vs inborn errors of adolescent with risk DPT Schedules solve crisis for ARV and rationale for first-line subset patients with Kawasaki
and treatment Restricted Haemoglobin metabolism taking behavior Immunization: pediatricians regimens (Yulia Iriani) Disease (Najib Advani)
(Teny Tjitrasari) Level : Pro - Cons (Nur Aisiyah) (Hesti Lestari) 2 - 4 - 6 vs (Mohammad Ali 2. When to switch: monitoring interaction, 2. Contemporary issue in
2. Aplastic Anemia: (Aris Primadi, Gatot Irawan) 2. Vitamin D for infant 2. How to overcome 2-3-4 Firdaus) resistance, and toxicity rheumatic fever & chronic
Prognostic & child: is it smoking habit in (Ismoedijanto, (Ketut Dewi Kumarawati) rheumatic heart disease
approach necessary or not? adolescent:pediatrician Kusnandi Rusmil) (Mahrus A. Rahman)
(Nadhirah) (Endy Paryanto) perspective (Retno Asih 3. How to manage my
Setyoningrum) patients with heart rhythm
problems (Rubiana Sukardi)
Plenary Session (SPU*) (Sunartini)
08.15 - 09.15 1. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Immunization Promotes Healthy Live and well being for all ages (Sri Rezeki S. Hadinegoro)
2. The importance of adolesence growth puberty and bone health in chronic disease and transition to adult (Margaret Zacharin)
Plenary Symposia (SPS*) (Djauhar Ismail)
09.15 - 10.15 1. Global Immunization Advocacy: Challenges, Strategies and Victories (Tina Quanbee Tan)
2. Can We Modify Our Phenotype: The Importance of 1000 days (Joseph Haddad)
3. Improving Child’s Intelligence by Combatting Iron-Deficiency Anemia (Sutaryo)
10.30 - 11.30 Breakthrough Symposia
Parallel Symposia
Immunization Endocrinology Adolescence Allergy-Immunology
Imaging Hemato-Oncology "Advance in Pediatric "From womb through adolescents" "Adolescent Health in Chronic Disease" "Area of Exploration"
(Evita KB Ifran) (Endang Windiastuti) Immunization" (Madarina Julia) (Bernie Endyarni Medise) (Anang Endaryanto)
(Hindra Irawan Satari)
1. Ultrasound in 1. Importance of 1. The New Immunization 1. Early life exposure to endocrine disruptors: should we worried? 1. Psychosocial approach to adolescent 1. Dealing with psychological
tuberculosis peritonitis immunophenotyping Schedule (Agustini Utari) with chronic disease problem in Lupus patient
(HF Wulandari) in childhood hematology Recommendation 2. Premature telarche and gynecomstia (Wayan Bikin Suryawan) (Maita Damayanti) (Budi Setiabudiawan)
11.45 - 13.15 2. The role of ultrasound oncology cases IDAI 2017 3. The consequences of obesity in childhood: insulin resistance, 2. Puberty Observations in Adolescents 2. Psychoneuroallergology
in gastrointestinal (Eddy Supriyadi) (Hartono Gunardi) metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes (Madarina Julia) with a Chronic Illness (Frida Susanti) (Anang Endaryanto)
obstruction 2. Palliative care in childhood 2. New Vaccines 4. The role of vitamin D for bone health in children and adolescence: 3. Nutritional support for adolescent 3. Application of
(Kemas Firman) cancer: future perspective (Cissy B. Kartasasmita) in respective of the global consensus recommendations with chronic disease (Yoga Devaera) epigenetic of allergy
3. The role of ultrasound (Endang Windiastuti) 3. Vaccine Safety on vitamin D (Margaret Zacharin) 4. Mental health problem in adolescent (Wisnu Barlianto)
in obstructive 3. Anemia of chronic (Hindra Irawan Satari) health cases in type A hospitals:
abdominal catheter disease (Ugrasena) a preliminary report
(HF Wulandari) 4. Prophylaxis therapy in (Bernie Endyarni Medise)
4. Lung Ultrasound hemophilia and
(Evita KB Ifran) bleeding (Novie Amelia)
13.30 - 14.15 Lunch Symposia
14.15 - 14.45 Free Time / Pray
14.45 - 16.15 Oral Imaging | oral Hemato-Oncology | Oral Cardiology |Oral miscellaneous|Best research presentation | e-poster Imaging | e-poster Hemato-Oncology | e-poster Cardiology |e-poster miscellaneous |
16.15 - 17.15 Working Group Meeting & Coffee Break
18.30 - 21.30 Indonesian Pediatric Society Business Meeting
Legend* SPU : Sidang Paripurna Utama* SPS : Sidang Paripurna Seminar*
Fri, Aug 11 2017
Breakfast Meeting
Infectious & Tropical Pediatric
Pharmacy Disease Respirology
Nephrology Iron Deficiency Anemia Pediatric Imaging Newborn Screening Emergency &
(Mulya Rahma "Infections in cancer (Nastiti
(Nanan Sekarwana) (Rini Purnaasari) (Kemas Firman) (Rinawati Rohsiswatmo) Intensive Care
Karyanti) patients" Kaswandani) (Rismala Dewi)
(Dwiyanti Puspitasari)
1. How to manage 1. The need of iron 1. Pitfall steroid use 1. Pathogen-related Obstructive Sleep 1. Diagnosis approach Hearing screening in How to avoid fluid
07.00 - 08.00 pediatric nephrotic status screening in in daily practice infections in febrile Apnea Syndrome of chronic kidney newborn: can we prevent overload
syndrome with healthy infant (Mulya Rahma neutropenic cancer (OSAS) in disease in children the impact? (Abdul Latief)
inadequate treatment (Rini Purnamasari) Karyanti) patients (Debbie children : Tonsil - (Krisni Subandiyah) (Rinawati Rohsiswatmo)
(Nanan Sekarwana) 2. Comparison iron 2. Impact of Latupeirissa) Adenoidectomy or 2. The role of ultrasound in
2. Cyclophosphamide status in infant: corticosteroid 2. Antibacterial conservative : Pro chronic kidney disease
in steroid resistant exclusive breastmilk overuse in children stewardship in febrile - Cons (Kemas Firman)
nephrotic syndrome vs non breastmilk (Margaret neutropenia (Heda Melinda,
(Partini Pudjiastuti (Adhi Perma Zacharin) (Dwiyanti Puspitasari) Darmawan Budi
Trihono) Iskandar) Setyanto)
Plenary Session (SPU*) (Munar Lubis)
08.15 - 09.15 1. Moral and Social Responsibility of Researcher Lesson Learnt from Diarrhea Research (Sri Supar Yati Soenarto)
2. Ethics and Patient Safety in National Healthcare Security. Is it still relevant?(Herkutanto)
Plenary Symposia (SPS*) (E.S. Herini)
09.15 - 10.15 1. Measles Rubella elimination and its challenges (Vinod Kumar Bura, World Health Organization)
2. Early identification and intervention of atherosclerosis risk factors in children and adolescents: the role of pediatricians (Sukman Tulus Putra)
3. Appropriate of drug use in pediatrics to fulfill patient safety (Taralan Tambunan)
Parallel Symposia
Pediatric Emergency & Intensive Care HIV
Cardiology Nephrology "Understanding the disease and the "Preventing and Iron Deficiency Anemia
(Teddy Ontoseno) (Ninik Asmaningsih S.) advanced management" managing HIV in children" (Djajadiman Gatot)
(Dadang Hudaya Somasetia) (Dina Muktiarti)
1. Creating a national coverage for pediatric 1. Lupus Nephritis 1. The standard of care of children with 1. Updates on PMTCT 1. Implementation of reticulocytes Hb content
cardiac services, what can we do to (M. Heru Muryawan) ARDS (Ririe Fachrina Malisie) in Indonesia as an early diagnosis of iron deficiency
minimize the gap? (Teddy Ontoseno) 2. Henoch Schonlein 2. How high the blood pressure target for (Dina Muktiarti) (Murti Andriartuti)
10.30 - 12.00 2. Recent advances in the pediatric Purpura Nephritis vasopressor in the therapy of shock 2. Managing perinatally HIV 2. Iron supplementation for infant base on new
interventional cardiology, where are we (Ninik (Saptadi Yuliarto) infected adolescence report: is it recommended?
now? (Mulyadi M. Djer) Asmaningsih S.) 3. Conservative fluid management or (Debbie Latupeirissa) (Ponpon Idjradinata)
3. Early detection of congenital heart disease 3. Complicated Urinary deresuscitation following the 3. Long-term complication 3. Stroke as a complication of iron deficiency
by fetal echocardiography: It is the time Tract Infection resuscitation phase of acute criticall of HIV infection in anemia (Djajadiman Gatot)
for our country for the routine screening? (I Ketut Suarta) illness (Dadang Hudaya Somasetia) children 4. The importance of nutrition to prevent iron
(Sri Endah Rahayuningsih) 4. Complicated 4. Quality indicator of Continuous Renal (Anggraini Alam) deficiency anemia
4. Clinical research direction in Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome Replacement Therapy care in critically ill (Endang Lestari)
cardiology (Sudigdo Sastroasmoro) (Oke Rina children (Irene Yuniar)
12.00 - 13.00 Lunch & Pray
13.00 - 14.00 KONIKA Award & Closing Ceremony
Legend* SPU : Sidang Paripurna Utama* SPS : Sidang Paripurna Seminar*

BA 1 BA 2 BA 3



BB 1 BB 2 BB 3 BB 4 BB 5 BB 6 BB 7




Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 19

Abstract submission has been closed.
Important dates for oral and e-Poster presenters:
- Acceptance notification : July 1, 2017
- E-Poster upload deadline July 15, 2017
- Presentation schedule : please look at the acceptance notification letter


Please refer to your acceptance letter for your presentation time and length. Please
ensure that you keep to your allotted time frame.


Please visit a “Speaker Corner” to check in with the technician and hand in their
presentations one day before commencement of your session.

- Speakers must be in the allocated session room 10 minutes before their session to
meet with the chairperson.
- The session Chairperson will time the presentations. It is important that speakers
keep to the program timetable.
- The total time allocated for oral presentation is 10 minutes including 7 minutes for
presentation dan 3 minutes for questions and answers session.
- Every speaker is requested to pay attention to the light signals which are located on
the moderator’s table:
• Green light indicates the commencement of presentation
• Yellow light indicates 2 minutes before the end of presentation
• Red light indicates the end of presentation

The following Audio Visual equipment will be in every room at the Congress: Data
projector, PC compatible laptop, Laser pointer.
Speakers are advised to bring their presentation USB memory stick.

20 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

The presentation materialsare arranged in Microsoft Office PowerPoint® 2016 or earlier

The slide presentation is arranged in English, while the presentation can be carried out
either in Bahasa Indonesia or English.

Three best research awards and 5 best oral presentations will be awarded by the


• All accepted posters must be uploaded to the congress website. Participants who
had official notifications via email address from the Committee can only upload the
e-Poster. These notifications will be emailed on July 1, 2017. If you do not receive
the notification, please contact to or 08112646399 (Ms
• All the posters will be presented as e-Posters. These posters do not require printing
or production of materials – as your work will be presented electronically.
• Electronic Posters or e-posters are similar to traditional paper posters but displayed
on-site on a large LCD television screen. Viewers will be able to easily find and browse
e-Posters in KONIKA XVII apps for iOS and Android.
• E-Posters will be available at the e-poster stations at the Conference or accessing with
your computer, tablet or smartphone the Congress website during the Conference.
• E-Poster Instructions:
 Language : All posters should be arranged in English
 Layout : Portrait
 Font : Arial, size minimum 46, black font colour
 Background colour : light colour
 Size of Poster : A0
 The maximum file size is 1 Megabytes (MB)
 Format : PDF format
 Media : Pictures, graphs, and tables can be included in the e-Poster.
 Multimedia : Videos and music CANNOT BE included in the e-Poster.
• E-Poster should include:
 Title, authors, affilliations
 Background
 Methods
 Result (table, figure, narations)
 Conclusion

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 21

• All presentations must be uploaded to the link “Portal Abstract and e-Poster”using
your login account given on the registration.
• You will automatically receive notification when your uploading process is
• Deadline will be no later than July 15, 2017. Any presentations arriving after this
deadline will not be accepted and the abstract will be removed from the conference
program. Adding a presentation at the conference WILL NOT BE possible.
• There will be an e-Poster Session for presentation and discussion of all the e-Posters.
The presentation will be in parallel for 4 e-Posters in a 8-minute session.
• Five best poster presentation will be awarded by the committee.


1. Invited speaker need to register at the Congress registration desk on their first
arrival to colect their name badge and other materials.
2. Please visit "Speaker Corner" room to check in with the technician and hand in their
presentations ONE DAY before commencement of your session.
3. Speakers are not allowed using their own laptops for presentation.
4. The presentation should be able to run Microsoft Windows and can be read by
Microsoft Office PowerPoint® 2016.
5. Animation / film should be in the format : WMV, AVI, MPEG.
6. Speakers are required to prepare and coordinate the presentation of each slide
with the Corner Person.
7. - The total time allocated for plenary presentation is 60 minutes
- The total time allocated for parallel symposium presentation is 90 minutes
- The total time allocated for breakfast meeting presentation is 60 minutes
8. The slide presentation is arranged in English, while the presentation can be carried
out either in Bahasa Indonesia or English.

22 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA


Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 23

Online registration for KONIKA 2017 is available on
Please note that your registration must be submitted and all fees
paid by the respective deadline.

Before June 1-July 15,

On Site
May 31, 2017 2017
Pediatrician IDR 3.000.000 IDR 3.500.000 IDR 4.000.000
Other Specialist IDR 3.500.000 IDR 4.000.000 IDR 4.500.000
Resident / physician IDR 2.000.000 IDR 2.500.000 Not available
Nurse/Midwife/Health Workers/
IDR 1.700.000 IDR 2.000.000 Not available
College Student/ etc.

Family Program IDR 1.500.000 IDR 1.750.000 Not available

Registration Procedure:
1. Online registration will be started on January 9, 2017.
2. After online registration closed, registration will only be done on site.
3. Registration should be done individually not on group.
4. Please enter the NPA IDAI number for pediatrician or personal identity number for
other profession.
5. Please enter your phone number and e-mail address as further information will be
sent via sms or e-mail.
6. Free registration are eligible for:
• Participants 65 years old and older (IDAI only)
• Speakers on: Keynote Speech, Breakfast Meeting, Parallel Symposia, Plenary
• For those speakers who have paid the registration fee & uploaded the payment
proof will get reimbursement after the event.

24 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

7. Registration process is FINAL if the payment proof has been uploaded through
online registration system.
8. Full payment must be made within 7 days of registering, or your application may be
cancelled automatically.
9. Registration fees are subject to date of payment.
10. The committee do not receive payment proof via e-mail or fax.
11. After payment received, payment receipt will be sent by e-mail
12. Please bring your payment receipt upon re-registration on venue/appointed
13. No refund for cancellation after valid registration

Family Program Registration Procedure

1. The participants of family program are the family members of registered The 17th
Indonesian Congress of Pediatrics participants.
2. If maximum capacity is reached, the family program registration will be closed.

Hotel Reservation Procedure

1. Full payment must be made within 7 days after reservation.
2. If the final invoice is not paid within 7 days, hotel reservation is cancelled and
previous incomplete payment is not refundable.
3. Please make a new reservation if the final invoice is not paid within 7 days.
4. Accomodation process is final if the payment proof has been uploaded through
online registration system.
5. After payment received, room reservation confirmation will be sent by e-mail.
6. Please bring your room reservation confirmation upon check in to your hotel.

Payment Methods
Registration fees can be paid by bank transfer to
Bank BNI Cabang Jogjakarta
Account Name : Pacto
Account Number : 5315311356
Please write down the payment purpose in your bank transfer notes.

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 25

Family Program involve tour city, food and shopping course with capacity of max 200
persons lasted for two days.







26 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

Kraton is the official palace of Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat located in the
center of Yogyakarta city. Parts of kraton is a kind of museum of personal collection of
Sultanate, including gifts from Europeans Kings, kraton replication, Cart and gamelan.
This kraton is one of the best Javanese architectural, consist of luxury aula and wide
pavilion and court. We will watch classic javanese dance performance in the palace.


Lava Tour Merapi is an adventure on the south foothill of Merapi Mountain. The Taking
an off road jeep on a Merapi Lava tour is one of the most fun thing to do in Yogyakarta.
You will see the ruined village crashed by hot volcano materials.

TAMAN SARI “Water Castle”

Tamansari Ngayogyakarta is a former royal garden of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta, built
in the era of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I (1758-1765). Previously it had 10 Ha area
with buildings, bathing complex, hanging bridge, water canal, artificial lake, artificial
island, and underwater canal.


Ullen Sentalu Museum is a Javanese culture and art museum located in Kaliurang
highland, Yogyakarta. The museum displays relics and artifact from royal houses and
Kraton of Java of the Mataram Dinasty (Kasunanan Surakarta, Kesultanan Yogyakarta,
Praja Mangkunegaran, and Kadipaten Pakualaman), with batik collection both from
Yogyakarta and Surakarta.

Silver Shopping
Silver processing of Kotagede is a high valuable inheritance, which is already existed
since Islamic Mataram's establishment. It is started from the duty of the people toward
the needs of nobleman at that time and then it is widely becoming one of commodity
products (souvenirs and gifts of Kotagede/ Yogyakarta). Most people in Kotagede are
craftsmen and manufacturers of silver crafts, as the results, it leads Kotagede known as
Kota Perak (Silver City). In this tour you will watch the local workers make handcrafted
items with silver and witness the factory live in action, and a chance to buy silver

Bags and Batik Shopping

One of the pleasures of travel, in addition to sightseeing and a bite to eat, must be
shopping for souvenirs. Yogyakarta is a paradise of handicrafts, bags and batik. Variety
of bags is provided, they are made from natural (leather, Rattan, Straw Pandanus,
Mendong, Agol, Palmae), and artificial material, artistically combined with traditional
cloth, embroidery, and crochet materials. Yogyakarta, along with Surakarta is the central
of Batik, since these two Dynasties are the legitimate successor of the loyal heritage of
Mataram dynasty, includes the art of Batik. We will visit the variety color of heritage and
be a part of the heritage.

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 27

Sport Events

at UNY Sport Center
August 6, 2017
15.30-17.30 WIB
(Board Members of Indonesian Pediatric Society (PP IDAI)
and College of Pediatrics Indonesia (KIKA) VS Branches of
Indonesian Pediatric Society (IDAI Cabang)

at UNY Sport Center
August 8 & 10, 2017
15.30-21.30 WIB

at UNY Sport Center
August 8 & 10, 2017
15.30-21.30 WIB

28 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA


August 8-10, 2017

1. Photo Tour
Theme: Yogyakarta and its surrounding

2. Photo Contest
Theme: Happy Indonesian Children
Only winning photos will be exhibited
No limitation on number of participant
Maximum 5 photos/participant
Contact Person : Eddy Supriyadi (0816 68 5454)
email :

3. Photo Exhibition
1. Only for Indonesian Pediatric Society members and free of charge.
2. Each participant may submit up to 5 pictures with themes : "Landscape, Human
Interest, Street Photo, Travel Photo"
3. Send pictures in JPG/JPEG format, with minimum 3000 pixel (the long edge),
minimum resolution 300 dpi
4. Send via email to :

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 29

Hotels - Alana Hotel (venue )
( time & distance )
 905
1 Eastparc Deluxe twin 60 Rp. 1.450.000
24 min (9,0 KM)
Premier king 40 Rp. 1.750.000
2 Grand Aston Deluxe 60 Rp. 1.100.000 22 min (8,1 KM)
3 Hyatt Regency Garden view 20 Rp. 1.500.000 3 min (300 M)
4 Melia Purosani Deluxe 200 Rp. 1.100.000 26 min (8,5 KM)
5 Royal Ambarrukmo Deluxe 100 Rp. 2.000.000 26 min (8,5 KM)
6 Sheraton Mustika Garden 150 Rp. 1.600.000
Volcano Rp. 1.700.000
24 min (10,9 KM)
Club room Rp. 1.900.000
Lagoon access Rp. 2.100.000
7 Tentrem Deluxe 100 Rp. 1.810.000 12 min ( 4, 0 KM)
8 The Phoenix Superior 25 Rp. 1.200.000 15 min (5,2 KM)
9 Grand Mercure ROH 100 Rp. 1.100.000 23 min (10,1 KM)
10 Lafayette ROH 50 Rp. 1.500.000 12 min (5,4 KM)
 1085
1 Crystal Lotus 60 Rp. 1.100.000 8 min (3,6 KM)
2 Grand Keisha Deluxe 100 Rp. 750.000 11 min (4,7 KM)
3 Grand Quality Twin room 50 Rp. 1.000.000 25 min (11,3 KM)
4 Grand Tjokro Superior 50 Rp. 900.000
16 min (6,3 KM)
Deluxe Rp. 950.000
5 Horison Ultima Riss Deluxe 60 Rp. 850.000 18 min (5,8 KM)
6 Inna Garuda Superior 60 Rp. 1.200.000
22 min (6,6 KM)
Deluxe 90 Rp. 1.400.000
7 Ibis Style Superior 20 Rp. 800.000 25 min (9,1 KM)
8 Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel Deluxe 100 Rp. 1.000.000 17 min (6,7 KM)
9 Platinum Adisucipto Deluxe 30 Rp. 1.200.000 21 min (11KM)
10 New Saphir 100 Rp. 900.000 23 min (8,3 KM)
11 Novotel Standard 50 Rp. 1.200.000 24 min (7,5 KM)
12 Swiss-Belhotel Deluxe twin 35 Rp. 950.000 18 min (5,8 KM)
13 The 1O1 Tugu Deluxe balcony 30 Rp. 1.100.000 16 min (5,2 KM)
14 The Jayakarta Standard 100 Rp. 700.000 24 min (11,6 KM)
15 The Sahid Rich Deluxe 150 Rp. 1.000.000 9 min (3,1 KM)

30 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

Hotels - Alana Hotel (venue )
( time & distance )
 740
17 @HOM Platinum Superior 50 Rp. 700.000 18 min (5,9 km)
18 Cakra Kembang Business 20 Rp. 450.000
Superior Rp. 550.000
9 min (3,4 KM)
Deluxe Rp. 650.000
Executive Rp. 750.000
19 Cakra Kusuma Standard 40 Rp. 550.000
15 min (4,6 KM)
Superior Rp. 650.000
20 Cavinton Superior 100 Rp. 850.000
23 min (13,9 KM)
Deluxe Rp. 950.000
21 D'salvatore Superior 70 Rp. 450.000
23 min (10,9 KM)
Deluxe Rp. 500.000
22 Grand Zuri Superior 25 Rp. 1.100.000
Deluxe 25 Rp. 1.250.000
Executive 6 Rp. 1.500.000 17 min (5,6 KM)
Executive deluxe 2 Rp. 1.900.000
Junior Suite 2 Rp. 2.400.000
23 H Boutique Deluxe 30 Rp. 750.000 23 min (8,5 KM)
24 Ibis Adisucipto ROH 50 Rp. 600.000 23 min (10,1 KM)
25 MM UGM ROH 90 Rp. 500.000 18 min (5,6 KM)
26 Pesonna Malioboro Superior 50 Rp. 650.000 25 min (9,7 KM)
27 Pesonna Tugu Deluxe 20 Rp. 850.000
15 min (5,6 KM)
Deluxe panorama Rp. 900.000
30 Premier Inn Standard 75 Rp. 800.000 23 min (11,3 KM)
31 Student Park Studio room 30 Rp. 600.000 20 min (7,6 KM)
32 The Victoria Superior 20 Rp. 750.000
23 min (8,0 KM)
Deluxe Rp. 800.000
 280
33 Citradream 40 Rp. 600.000 14 min (4,7 KM)
34 Laxston 25 Rp. 500.000 18 min (5,6 KM)
35 POP Hotel Malioboro 40 Rp. 500.000 24 min (7,3 KM)
36 POP Hotel Sangaji Pop twin 100 Rp. 500.000 15 min (4,9 KM)
37 Sakanti Malioboro Superior 40 Rp. 550.000 16 min (7,3 KM)

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 31

City Map
The Alana


32 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA


GA 202 05.25 06.40 GA 201 06.00 07.20
GA 204 08.05 09.20 GA 203 07.25 08.45
GA 206 10.05 11.20 GA 205 10.05 11.25
GA 208 12.10 13.25 GA 207 12.10 13.30
GA 210 13.05 14.20 GA 209 14.15 15.35
GA 212 14.20 15.35 GA 211 15.05 16.25
GA 214 16.15 17.30 GA 213 16.20 17.40
GA 258 17.20 18.35 GA 215 18.20 19.40
GA 216 18.25 19.40 GA 219 19.25 20.45
GA 218 19.35 20.50 GA 217 20.25 21.45
JT 562 05.55 07.05 JT 565 06.50 08.05
JT 552 07.35 08.45 JT 561 07.50 09.05
JT 548 09.00 10.10 JT 553 09.25 10.40
JT 558 11.25 12.35 JT 549 10.50 12.05
JT 556 12.55 14.05 JT 559 13.15 14.30
JT 566 14.20 15.30 JT 557 14.45 16.00
JT 550 15.50 17.00 JT 567 16.10 17.25
JT 554 17.00 18.10 JT 551 17.40 18.55
JT 564 18.05 19.15 JT 555 18.50 20.05
JT 568 19.00 20.10 JT 563 20.00 21.15
ID 6360 05.40 06.50 ID 6361 07.40 08.55
ID 6366 18.20 19.30 ID 6367 20.20 21.35
SJ 230 12.30 13.40 SJ 231 10.20 11.30
SJ 234 18.30 19.40 SJ 235 17.00 18.10
QG 100 11.20 12.35 QG 103 05.55 07.00
QG 9321 14.05 15.10 QG 101 13.05 14.20
QG 102 19.30 20.30 QG 9322 15.40 16.40

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 33

JT 273 06.00 06.20 JT 274 17.40 20.00
JT 276 09.40 11.40 JT 279 07.00 09.00
JT 278 15.00 17.00 JT 277 12.20 14.20
JT 641 14.00 15.00 JT 640 15.45 18.45
JT 561 07.00 07.40 JT 560 07.25 09.40
JT 569 10.25 10.40 JT 568 20.50 23.00
JT 667 06.00 06.45 JT 670 07.45 10.30
JT 669 11.40 12.25 JT 668 13.05 15.50
JT 677 18.30 19.15 JT 664 18.55 21.40

QG 685 07.20 08.05 QG 684 08.35 11.20


GA 885M 12.00 17.30 GA 884M 23.30 09.00
GA 719V 09.00 13.15 GA 718V 23.35 08.00
GA 727D 07.20 12.10 GA 728D 19.00 22.45
GA 873M 09.00 13.00 GA 876M 23.45 05.45
GA 821N 12.50 13.55 GA 818N 17.05 20.10

Ak 0346 09.45 11.20 AK 0347 11.45 15.10

Ak 0348 15.15 16.50 AK 0349 17.15 20.40

34 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

GA 9977N 09.05 12.05 GA 9976N 13.00 18.10
GA 823N 07.25 08.15 GA 836N 18.15 21.05

QZ 0659 11.15 12.25 QZ 0658 07.25 10.45

VN 223H 06.00 08.00 VN 266H 18.30 20.30
VN 631Q 10.00 13.00 VN 630Q 13.45 16.45

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 35

Special Region of Yogyakarta (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, DIY) is one of Indonesia’s 34
provinces. Yogyakarta is one of the notable cultural centers of Java. This region is located
at the foot of the active Merapi volcano. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Yogyakarta was the
mighty Javanese empire of Mataram from which on present day, it has the best inherited
traditions. The city itself has a special charm, which seldom fails to captivate the visitor.
This province is one of the most densely populated areas of Indonesia. The city was
founded in 1755, after the Mataram empire was divided into the Sultanates of Yogyakarta
and Surakarta (Solo). Gamelan, classical and contemporary Javanese dances, leather
puppet (wayang kulit), theater and other expressions of traditional art will keep the visitor
fascinated. Local craftsmen excel in arts such batiks, silver and leather works. Next to the
traditional, contemporary art has found fertile soil in Yogya’s culture oriented society. ASRI,
the Academy of Fine Arts is the center of arts and Yogyakarta itself has given its name to an
important school of modern painting in Indonesia, perhaps best personified by the famed
Indonesian impressionist, the late Affandi.
Yogyakarta is often called the main gateway to the Central Java as where it is geographically
located. It stretches from Mount Merapi to the Indian Ocean. There is daily air service
to Yogyakarta from Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali as well as regular train service and easy
accessibility by road. Yogyakarta is commonly considered as the modern cultural of Central
Java. Although some may prefer Solo as a good runner up, Yogyakarta remains the clear
front-runner for traditional dance, traditional puppetry (wayang) and music.
Yogyakarta has more than just culture though. It is a very lively city and a shopper’s delight.
The main road, Malioboro Street, is always crowded and famous for its night street food-
culture and street vendors. Many tourist shops and cheap hotels are concentrated along
this street or in the adjoining tourist area such Sosrowijayan Street.
The key attraction of Yogyakarta is ‘Kraton’ (the Sultan’s Palace). The Sultan’s palace is the
centre of Yogya’s traditional life and despite the advance of modernity; it still emanates
the spirit of refinement, which has been the hallmark of Yogya’s art for centuries. This
vast complex of decaying buildings was built in the 18th century, and is actually a walled
city within the city with luxurious pavilions and in which the current Sultan still resides.
Yogyakarta is also the only major city, which still has traditional ‘Becak’ (rickshaw-style)

36 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

Special Region of Yogyakarta is geographically located almost equidistant from Indonesia’s
two most important international gateways, about 600 km from Jakarta and 1000 km
from Bali. Yogyakarta also has excellent transport connections by bus, train or plane to the
rest of Java, Sumatra, Bali and Lombok. Yogyakarta’s Adisucipto Airport received not only
domestics’ flights from Bali and Jakarta, but also direct charter and scheduled flights from
other countries.
Geographically, Special Region of Yogyakarta is situated in the Southern part of Central Java
and lies between 70 33' and 80 12', South altitude between 1100 and 50' East longitude.
Some regencies of central Java Province surround the administrative boundaries of this
Southern East: Wonogiri Regency, Eastern: Klaten Regency, Northwestern: Magelang
Regency, Western: Purworejo Regency
The Indonesian Ocean borders the Southern part of Yogyakarta. The borderline of the
seashore stretches from West to East of which the length is around 100 km, started
from Congot Beach in Kulon Progo Regency and ended at Sadeng Beach in Gunung Kidul
Because of its location, Yogyakarta is strategically positioned for the economic activity
network in Java as well as for the tourist destination area. The Special Region of Yogyakarta
lies midway on the axis of several main tourist destination areas, Jakarta and West Java
westward, Central Java northward, East Java and Bali eastward. It is linked by regular rail,
road and air services to other parts of Indonesian archipelago.

Climate and Weather

The average daily temperature range between 260 and 280 Celsius with its minimum 180 C
and maximum 350 C respectively. Average humidity is 74% with its minimum of 65% and
maximum 84% respectively. The Special Region of Yogyakarta lays approximately 70 South
of the equator line and is bathed in tropical; sunshine along the year. This region has a
tropic climate the daily atmosphere feels a little bit hot and humid. There are only two
seasons along the year, the wet or rainy season and dry season. Usually the wet season
begins at September and lasts until April. Generally there is no rainfall from May to August
and there fore the atmosphere feels hot and humid on the day and cool in the night and
early morning. The monthly rain falling Yogyakarta varies between 3mm and 496mm in
which those above 300mm take place during the month of January up to April. The heaviest
rainfall usually occurs in February while the lowest commonly happens between May and
October Average annually rainfall is about 1,900mm.

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 37

Population of Yogyakarta
Based on 2000, the total population of Yogyakarta special Region amounted to 3.311.812.
Yogyakarta Municipality that has 461,800 inhabitants spread over 32.50 kilometers or the
average population density is thus over 14,200 persons per square kilometer. The least
densely populated districts is in Gunung Kidul regency which has 720.643 inhabitants and
cover 1,485 square kilometers or the density rate is 485 persons per square kilometer.
Since a very long time ago the Provincial territory of Special Region of Yogyakarta and its
surrounding has been decently populated.

The majority residents of Yogyakarta Special Region are Javanese whose language derives
from ancient Sanskrit. However, as Yogyakarta is considered to be “Indonesia’s academic
city” due to the numerous centers for higher learning, many of the inhabitants are student
who come from all over Indonesia to study.

Culture of Yogyakarta
The culture Yogyakarta province with its status as a special region lies in the Southern part
of Central Java, in the heartland of Javanese culture. As the former capital and the center
of several kingdoms in the past, this region and its people are very rich in a variety of
cultures. It is widely known from to historical records that the civilization, art and culture
had developed well in the center of those kingdoms respectively in the Ancient Mataram
Kingdom (8th – 10th Century) era, the second Mataram Kingdom (17th – 18th Century) and
Sultanate Ngayogyokarto from the mid of 18th Century up today.
It should be noted that the cultural heritage from the past includes the magnificent
temples, the ruins of palaces and monasteries, the various kind of traditions, cultural
events, traditional folk and performing arts, architecture and other traditional activities.
It is important to note that this is all part of the living culture of Yogyakarta, color of daily
activities of live and the local inhabitants’ behavior, particularly the Javanese community
with its traditional way of life and customs. Therefore, because of its culture richness and
heritage, Yogyakarta has long been known as the cradle of Javanese culture.

38 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

The other legendary name for Yogyakarta City, among the elders as well as the youth
generation that is the City of Art and Culture. Traditional and modern exhibition are
held almost every day and night about the art of theater, pantomime, music, classic and
contemporary dances, poems, etc. Those are flow in the heart of the city. Even more, there
are abundant of cultural ceremony, such as Sekaten, Gunungan, Labuhan, Malioboro Fair,
etc, which make the city has high value of tradition, art, and culture.

Tourist Attraction
Borobudur temple is the most magnificent Buddhist monument and the largest stupa
complex in the world that is recognized by UNESCO. Borobudur Temple as a whole becomes
a masterpiece gallery of stone carvers.
Prambanan temple is the masterpiece of Hindu culture of the tenth century. The slim
building soaring up to 47 meters makes its beautiful architecture incomparable.
Yogyakarta Palace (Kraton)
Yogyakarta Palace is not only home to the king and his family, but also becomes the flame
guard of Javanese culture. In this place you can learn from seeing directly on how culture
still preserved in the the pace development of the world.
Mount Merapi
Enjoying sunrise at the country’s most active volcano, while directly seeing Merapi’s whirling
caldera-it’s a must-have experience in life.
Parangtritis Beach
Parangtritis is the best tourist place for enjoying the sunset while having fun conquering
sand dune with ATV (All-terrain Vehicle) or walking along the beach with a carriage in the romantic

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 39

Gunung Kidul Beaches
The Southern part of Gunung Kidul consists of lines of coral reefs, which is included in the
development category of Seribu Mountains, one that keeps numerous underground rivers.
Along the coastal line, white-sand beaches are spreading from West to East. Try visiting
Indrayanti Beach, the most popular beach in Gunung Kidul, or Pok Tunggal Beach which
now starts gaining popularity. If you want to see the beauty of waterfall above the coastal
line, then you should give a visit to Jogan Beach. As for climbers, Siung Beach offers 250
climbing tracks-a must-visit in your list. If you are interested in savoring delicious fishes, just
come over to Sadeng Beach, which is also a harbor for numerous fishes. Exploring each of
the beaches delivers you a fascinating experience. There will be no boring trip, even if you
are traveling tens of kilometers.
Jomblang Cave
Jomblang cave is a vertical cave with dense ancient forest below. A 300 meter alley with its
beautiful natural ornament will bring you to the edge of Gua Grubug (Grubug Cave), a place
where you can see light from heaven.

Museum Affandi, Jl. Laksda Adisucipto 167 (at the beginning of the road out to the airport),
+62 274 562593 ( Delightful museum built around the
former home of the late Affandi, one of Indonesia's best-known painters.
Museum Dirgantara (aircraft museum), Jl. Lettu TPA Supardal. +62 274 564465, +62 274
564466. M-Th 8AM-1PM, Sa 8AM-12PM. This Indonesian aircraft museum holds several
antique aircraft from WWII era and others. The museum is inside the Air Force base.
Museum Sonobudoyo, Jl. Trikora 6, Yogyakarta 55122 (north alun-alun), +62 274
76775, +62 274 373617 (fax: +62 274 385664). A Javanese archeology museum, has many
Javanese artefacts like wayang puppets, masks, statues, textiles, weapons, as well as a full
set of Javanese gamelan instruments. Worth a visit if you are interested in Javanese culture
Museum Kekayon, Jl. Raya Yogya–Wonosari (km 7) 277, Baturetno, Banguntapan, Bantul.
+62 274 513218, +62 274 379058, +62 818 260020. ( Tu-
Su 8AM-3PM. A wayang (puppet) museum with a lush javanese style garden. It is divided
into 10 sectors, where each holds a vast amount of wayang puppets from various places in
Museum Batik / Wisma Batik Jl. Dr. Sutomo No.13 Yogyakarta 55211 +62274 562338.
The oldest Batik in the museum was made in 1840. There are some famous collections as
well, such as Soga Jawa Long Cloths (1950-1960), Isen-isen Antik Sarong (1880-1890) which
was made by EV. Zeuylen from Pekalongan, and Soga Jawa Long Sarong (1920-1930) made
by Mrs. Lie Djing Kiem from Yogyakarta.

40 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

Fort Vrederburg Jl. Jend. A. Yani No. 6 Yogyakarta 55121 +62274 586934, Fax +62274
586934. Vredeburg Fort was once an unpretentious square fort built by Sri Sultan Hamengku
Bowono I in 1760 upon the Colonial request, Nicolas Harting. On the inside of the fort, there
are thousands of dioramas portraying the Indonesian struggle before the independence
until the New Order.
Museum Ullen Sentalu, Jl. Boyong, Kaliurang,  +62 274 895161, [13]. Tu-Su 8.30 AM-
4PM. The museum displays relics and artifact from royal houses and kratons of Java, such
as Yogyakarta, Pakualam, Surakarta, and Mangkunegaran. Guided tours are available in
English, Mandarin, Dutch, and Japanese with notice.
Monument Yogya Kembali, Jongkang, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55581 +62
274 868225. Monumen Yogya Kembali (Monument to the Recapture of Yogyakarta), known
colloquially as Monjali, is a pyramid-shaped museum dedicated to the Indonesian National
Revolution located in the Ngaglik sub-district, Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta,

Art galleries
Bentara Budaya, Jl. Suroto 2, Kota Baru, +62 274 560404. Art exhibitions, movies, book
Cemeti Art House, Jl. D.I. Panjaitan 41,  +62 274 371105, (
Fine art and modern art exhibitions, book discussions and performances.
French/Indonesian Cultural Center (LIP), Jl. Sagan 3,  +62 274 566520. Art exhibitions,
movies, book discussions, performances, library.
Jogja Gallery, Jl. Pekapalan 7, Alun-Alun Utara. +62 274 419999, +62 274 412021, +62
274 7161188, ( Modern art gallery exhibiting avant garde
Kedai Kebun, Jl. Tirtodipuran 3, +62 274 376114, ( Art
exhibitions, performances, book discussions.

Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA 41

Gudeg Yogya: a traditional food from Yogyakarta[10] and Central Java which is made from
young unripe jack fruit boiled for several hours with palm sugar, and coconut milk. This is
usually accompanied by opor ayam (chicken in coconut milk), hard boiled egg stew, and
krecek a spicy beef inner skin and tofu stew. This dish has a unique sweet and savoury taste.
The Yogyakarta gudeg is dryer and has a reddish coloring because of the addition of Java
teak leaf.
Ayam goreng Kalasan: chicken, stewed in spices consisting of coriander, garlic, candlenut,
and coconut water, then deep-fried until crispy. Served with sambal and raw vegetables.
Sego kucing: rice with small side dishes.
Mung bean cake: a sweet pastry filled with sugared mung bean paste. Derived from Chinese
pastry. The famous bakpia producing area is Pathok near Jalan Malioboro, where bakpia
pathok is sold.
Ronde (wedhang ronde): a hot Javanese dessert containing glutinous rice balls stuffed with
peanut paste, floating in a hot and sweet ginger and lemongrass tea.
Angsle (wedhang angsle): a hot soupy dessert of sago pearls, pre-cooked glutinous rice
and mung beans, putu mayang (brightly colored, noodle-shaped flour cakes), fried peanuts
all covered in hot, sweet coconut milk.
Kipo: the name derived from Javanese word iki opo? (what is this?), a small sweet snack
from Kotagede made of glutinous rice flour and coconut milk dough filled with grated
coconut and palm sugar.
Wedhang Uwuh (wedhang uwuh) : a hot Javanese drink of clove leaves.

42 Final Announcement KONIKA XVII JOGJA

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