Final Announcement
Final Announcement
Final Announcement
24 20 24 14 15
Table of
Moreover, Yogyakarta is famous for its great food with a large international
community and great local recipes. The city offer plenty of culinary options
for visitors and Gudeg is the famous one in Jogjakarta that you can have it
all around the city.
Warm regards,
M. Juffrie Sumadiono
Chairman of Chairman of Indonesian Pediatric Society
Organizing Committee - D.I. Yogyakarta Branch
We sincerely hope that you will be able to reap benefits from this event
and apply better practices in child health settings. Last but not least, we
would like to thank Indonesian Pediatric Society - D.I Yogyakarta Branch, all
Working Groups (UKK), and Task Forces (Satgas) who have been working
hard to prepare this event.
Warm regards,
Aman B. Pulungan
President of Indonesian Pediatric Society
• Governor of Special Region of Yogyakarta
• Regent of Sleman District
• President of Indonesian Medical Associations
• Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta
• Dean of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta
• Director of Dr Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta
• Head of Health Offi ce of Special Region of Yogyakarta
• Chairman of Indonesian Medical Association of Special Region of Yogyakarta
• Chief of Department of Child Health Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah
Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta
President of Indonesian Pediatric Society Aman Bakti Pulungan
Head of Indonesian College of Pediatric Aryono Hendarto
Chairman I of Indonesian Pediatric Society Sudung O Pardede
Chairman II of Indonesian Pediatric Society Antonius H Pudjiadi
Chairman III of Indonesian Pediatric Society Hartono Gunardi
General Secretary of of Indonesian Pediatric Society Piprim Basarah Yanuarso
Chairman of Indonesian Pediatric Society Sumadiono
- D.I Yogyakarta Branch
Senior of Indonesian Pediatric Society Yati Soenarto
- D.I Yogyakarta Branch
Chairman Sumadiono Non Scientific Program
Secretary Sri Mulatsih Coordinator Ida Safitri
Publication Member Tuty Darmawati
Coordinator Intan Fatah Kumara Fund and Partnership
Member Kristy Iskandar Coordinator Noormanto
Registration Member Purnomo Suryantoro
Coordinator Dwikisworo Mohammad Juffrie
Setyowireni Hadianto Ismangoen
Member Ade Febrina Sumadiono
Devie Kristiani Fauziah
Organizational Session Secretariat
Coordinator Endy Paryanto Coordinator Retno Palupi
Prawirohartono Member Dian Kesuma
Member Muhrodji Dewi Wulaningsih
Venue-Exhibition-Equipment Sri Suharti
Coordinator Agung Triono Yustina Parwati
Member Kiswarjanu Avianti Paramastuti
Suryono Yudha Patria Kusumawardhani
M. Komarudin
Event Planning
Scientific Program
Coordinator Tunjung Wibowo
Member Nazliah Hanum
Fita Wirastuti
Eastparc Hotel
09.00-10.00 09.00-10.00 Keynote Speech
Pre Congress Workshop
Wed, Aug 9, 2017
07.00-08.00 Breakfast Meeting
08.15-09.15 Plenary Session (SPU)*
09.15-10.15 Plenary Symposia (SPS)*
10.30-11.30 Breakthrough Symposia
11.45-13.15 Parallel Symposia
13.30-14.15 Lunch Symposia
14.15-14.45 Free time & Pray
Free Paper
Oral e-Poster
16.15-16.30 Coffee Break
18.30-22.00 Prambanan Scientific Dinner
Fri, Aug 11, 2017
07.00-08.00 Breakfast Meeting
08.15-09.15 Plenary Session (SPU*)
09.15-10.15 Plenary Symposia (SPS*)
10.30-12.00 Parallel Symposia
12.00-13.00 Lunch & Pray
13.00-14.00 KONIKA Award and Closing Ceremony
SPU Sidang Paripurna Utama*
SPS Sidang Paripurna Seminar*
BA 1 BA 2 BA 3
BB 1 BB 2 BB 3 BB 4 BB 5 BB 6 BB 7
- Speakers must be in the allocated session room 10 minutes before their session to
meet with the chairperson.
- The session Chairperson will time the presentations. It is important that speakers
keep to the program timetable.
- The total time allocated for oral presentation is 10 minutes including 7 minutes for
presentation dan 3 minutes for questions and answers session.
- Every speaker is requested to pay attention to the light signals which are located on
the moderator’s table:
• Green light indicates the commencement of presentation
• Yellow light indicates 2 minutes before the end of presentation
• Red light indicates the end of presentation
The following Audio Visual equipment will be in every room at the Congress: Data
projector, PC compatible laptop, Laser pointer.
Speakers are advised to bring their presentation USB memory stick.
The slide presentation is arranged in English, while the presentation can be carried out
either in Bahasa Indonesia or English.
Three best research awards and 5 best oral presentations will be awarded by the
Registration Procedure:
1. Online registration will be started on January 9, 2017.
2. After online registration closed, registration will only be done on site.
3. Registration should be done individually not on group.
4. Please enter the NPA IDAI number for pediatrician or personal identity number for
other profession.
5. Please enter your phone number and e-mail address as further information will be
sent via sms or e-mail.
6. Free registration are eligible for:
• Participants 65 years old and older (IDAI only)
• Speakers on: Keynote Speech, Breakfast Meeting, Parallel Symposia, Plenary
• For those speakers who have paid the registration fee & uploaded the payment
proof will get reimbursement after the event.
Payment Methods
Registration fees can be paid by bank transfer to
Bank BNI Cabang Jogjakarta
Account Name : Pacto
Account Number : 5315311356
Please write down the payment purpose in your bank transfer notes.
Silver Shopping
Silver processing of Kotagede is a high valuable inheritance, which is already existed
since Islamic Mataram's establishment. It is started from the duty of the people toward
the needs of nobleman at that time and then it is widely becoming one of commodity
products (souvenirs and gifts of Kotagede/ Yogyakarta). Most people in Kotagede are
craftsmen and manufacturers of silver crafts, as the results, it leads Kotagede known as
Kota Perak (Silver City). In this tour you will watch the local workers make handcrafted
items with silver and witness the factory live in action, and a chance to buy silver
at UNY Sport Center
August 6, 2017
15.30-17.30 WIB
(Board Members of Indonesian Pediatric Society (PP IDAI)
and College of Pediatrics Indonesia (KIKA) VS Branches of
Indonesian Pediatric Society (IDAI Cabang)
at UNY Sport Center
August 8 & 10, 2017
15.30-21.30 WIB
at UNY Sport Center
August 8 & 10, 2017
15.30-21.30 WIB
2. Photo Contest
Theme: Happy Indonesian Children
Only winning photos will be exhibited
No limitation on number of participant
Maximum 5 photos/participant
Contact Person : Eddy Supriyadi (0816 68 5454)
email :
3. Photo Exhibition
1. Only for Indonesian Pediatric Society members and free of charge.
2. Each participant may submit up to 5 pictures with themes : "Landscape, Human
Interest, Street Photo, Travel Photo"
3. Send pictures in JPG/JPEG format, with minimum 3000 pixel (the long edge),
minimum resolution 300 dpi
4. Send via email to :
GA 202 05.25 06.40 GA 201 06.00 07.20
GA 204 08.05 09.20 GA 203 07.25 08.45
GA 206 10.05 11.20 GA 205 10.05 11.25
GA 208 12.10 13.25 GA 207 12.10 13.30
GA 210 13.05 14.20 GA 209 14.15 15.35
GA 212 14.20 15.35 GA 211 15.05 16.25
GA 214 16.15 17.30 GA 213 16.20 17.40
GA 258 17.20 18.35 GA 215 18.20 19.40
GA 216 18.25 19.40 GA 219 19.25 20.45
GA 218 19.35 20.50 GA 217 20.25 21.45
JT 562 05.55 07.05 JT 565 06.50 08.05
JT 552 07.35 08.45 JT 561 07.50 09.05
JT 548 09.00 10.10 JT 553 09.25 10.40
JT 558 11.25 12.35 JT 549 10.50 12.05
JT 556 12.55 14.05 JT 559 13.15 14.30
JT 566 14.20 15.30 JT 557 14.45 16.00
JT 550 15.50 17.00 JT 567 16.10 17.25
JT 554 17.00 18.10 JT 551 17.40 18.55
JT 564 18.05 19.15 JT 555 18.50 20.05
JT 568 19.00 20.10 JT 563 20.00 21.15
ID 6360 05.40 06.50 ID 6361 07.40 08.55
ID 6366 18.20 19.30 ID 6367 20.20 21.35
SJ 230 12.30 13.40 SJ 231 10.20 11.30
SJ 234 18.30 19.40 SJ 235 17.00 18.10
QG 100 11.20 12.35 QG 103 05.55 07.00
QG 9321 14.05 15.10 QG 101 13.05 14.20
QG 102 19.30 20.30 QG 9322 15.40 16.40
VN 223H 06.00 08.00 VN 266H 18.30 20.30
VN 631Q 10.00 13.00 VN 630Q 13.45 16.45
The majority residents of Yogyakarta Special Region are Javanese whose language derives
from ancient Sanskrit. However, as Yogyakarta is considered to be “Indonesia’s academic
city” due to the numerous centers for higher learning, many of the inhabitants are student
who come from all over Indonesia to study.
Culture of Yogyakarta
The culture Yogyakarta province with its status as a special region lies in the Southern part
of Central Java, in the heartland of Javanese culture. As the former capital and the center
of several kingdoms in the past, this region and its people are very rich in a variety of
cultures. It is widely known from to historical records that the civilization, art and culture
had developed well in the center of those kingdoms respectively in the Ancient Mataram
Kingdom (8th – 10th Century) era, the second Mataram Kingdom (17th – 18th Century) and
Sultanate Ngayogyokarto from the mid of 18th Century up today.
It should be noted that the cultural heritage from the past includes the magnificent
temples, the ruins of palaces and monasteries, the various kind of traditions, cultural
events, traditional folk and performing arts, architecture and other traditional activities.
It is important to note that this is all part of the living culture of Yogyakarta, color of daily
activities of live and the local inhabitants’ behavior, particularly the Javanese community
with its traditional way of life and customs. Therefore, because of its culture richness and
heritage, Yogyakarta has long been known as the cradle of Javanese culture.
Tourist Attraction
Borobudur temple is the most magnificent Buddhist monument and the largest stupa
complex in the world that is recognized by UNESCO. Borobudur Temple as a whole becomes
a masterpiece gallery of stone carvers.
Prambanan temple is the masterpiece of Hindu culture of the tenth century. The slim
building soaring up to 47 meters makes its beautiful architecture incomparable.
Yogyakarta Palace (Kraton)
Yogyakarta Palace is not only home to the king and his family, but also becomes the flame
guard of Javanese culture. In this place you can learn from seeing directly on how culture
still preserved in the the pace development of the world.
Mount Merapi
Enjoying sunrise at the country’s most active volcano, while directly seeing Merapi’s whirling
caldera-it’s a must-have experience in life.
Parangtritis Beach
Parangtritis is the best tourist place for enjoying the sunset while having fun conquering
sand dune with ATV (All-terrain Vehicle) or walking along the beach with a carriage in the romantic
Museum Affandi, Jl. Laksda Adisucipto 167 (at the beginning of the road out to the airport),
+62 274 562593 ( Delightful museum built around the
former home of the late Affandi, one of Indonesia's best-known painters.
Museum Dirgantara (aircraft museum), Jl. Lettu TPA Supardal. +62 274 564465, +62 274
564466. M-Th 8AM-1PM, Sa 8AM-12PM. This Indonesian aircraft museum holds several
antique aircraft from WWII era and others. The museum is inside the Air Force base.
Museum Sonobudoyo, Jl. Trikora 6, Yogyakarta 55122 (north alun-alun), +62 274
76775, +62 274 373617 (fax: +62 274 385664). A Javanese archeology museum, has many
Javanese artefacts like wayang puppets, masks, statues, textiles, weapons, as well as a full
set of Javanese gamelan instruments. Worth a visit if you are interested in Javanese culture
Museum Kekayon, Jl. Raya Yogya–Wonosari (km 7) 277, Baturetno, Banguntapan, Bantul.
+62 274 513218, +62 274 379058, +62 818 260020. ( Tu-
Su 8AM-3PM. A wayang (puppet) museum with a lush javanese style garden. It is divided
into 10 sectors, where each holds a vast amount of wayang puppets from various places in
Museum Batik / Wisma Batik Jl. Dr. Sutomo No.13 Yogyakarta 55211 +62274 562338.
The oldest Batik in the museum was made in 1840. There are some famous collections as
well, such as Soga Jawa Long Cloths (1950-1960), Isen-isen Antik Sarong (1880-1890) which
was made by EV. Zeuylen from Pekalongan, and Soga Jawa Long Sarong (1920-1930) made
by Mrs. Lie Djing Kiem from Yogyakarta.
Art galleries
Bentara Budaya, Jl. Suroto 2, Kota Baru, +62 274 560404. Art exhibitions, movies, book
Cemeti Art House, Jl. D.I. Panjaitan 41, +62 274 371105, (
Fine art and modern art exhibitions, book discussions and performances.
French/Indonesian Cultural Center (LIP), Jl. Sagan 3, +62 274 566520. Art exhibitions,
movies, book discussions, performances, library.
Jogja Gallery, Jl. Pekapalan 7, Alun-Alun Utara. +62 274 419999, +62 274 412021, +62
274 7161188, ( Modern art gallery exhibiting avant garde
Kedai Kebun, Jl. Tirtodipuran 3, +62 274 376114, ( Art
exhibitions, performances, book discussions.