Nationally Harmonized Civil Engineering

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Study Program for the Degree of Bachelor of
Science (B.Sc.) in Civil Engineering

Ethiopia 7/20/2013

Table of Contents
1. Background of Civil Engineering ......................................................................................... 1
2. Rationale of the Civil Engineering Program ........................................................................ 2
3. Program Objective .............................................................................................................. 5
4. Professional Profile ............................................................................................................. 6
5. Graduate Profile ................................................................................................................ 10
6. Module Competencies ...................................................................................................... 11
7. Program Requirement ...................................................................................................... 16
7.1. Admission Requirement ........................................................................................... 16
7.2. Graduation Requirement .......................................................................................... 18
7.3. Grading System ......................................................................................................... 18
7.4. Degree Nomenclature .............................................................................................. 18
8. Teaching Learning Method ............................................................................................... 19
8.1. Method of Teaching .................................................................................................. 19
8.2. Attendance Policy ..................................................................................................... 19
8.3. Assessment ............................................................................................................... 19

9. Module Selection and Sequence ...................................................................................... 20

9.1. Coding of Modules and Courses ............................................................................... 20
9.1.1. Module Coding ................................................................................................ 20
9.1.2. Course Coding ................................................................................................. 20
9.2. Module Details .......................................................................................................... 20
10. Quality Assurance............................................................................................................. 21

Appendix A

Module Handbook.................................................................................................................. 22

1. Background of Civil Engineering
Infrastructure is the thing that supports our daily life-access to drinking water and shelter
from the weather, roads and harbors, railways and airports, hospitals, sports stadiums and
schools. Infrastructure adds to our quality of life, and because it works, we take it for
granted. Only when parts of it fail, or are taken away, do we realize its value. Civil engineers
worldwide endeavor to overcome the challenges of creating and maintaining infrastructure
for today, and for future generations.

Civil Engineering as defined by the London based Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE) is a great
art, on which the wealth and well-being of the whole of society depends. Its essential
feature, as distinct from science and the arts, is the exercise of imagination to fashion the
products, processes and people needed to create a sustainable physical and natural built
environment. It requires a broad understanding of scientific principles, knowledge of
materials and the art of analysis and synthesis. It also requires research, team working,
leadership and business skills. A Civil Engineer is someone who practices all or part of this

Civil Engineering concerns the study of conception, design, construction and maintenance
of large public and private projects. Civil engineers build and maintain bridges, highways,
railways, tunnels, airports, dams, water treatment and distribution systems and large
buildings, along with many other structures. Environmental considerations, such as water
supply, pollution control and preservation of soil quality, are also a part of the course of
study. With thorough knowledge of both the principles of construction and the possible
environmental consequences of a structure, the Civil engineer's expertise is one that is
essential to our present Civilization and one that will become ever more valuable in the

In a developing country like Ethiopia, Civil Engineering has great role and contribution to the
economic development and improvement of the living standard of the people. As
infrastructure developments are indicators of improved livelihood and ways of investment
attractions and tourism, contribution of Civil Engineering in this regard is very crucial.
Therefore, this area of study by which many Ethiopians would be produced to serve our
country must have clear focus areas that enable speeded up and sustainable achievements
in improving the country’s infrastructure fa

2. Rationale of the Civil Engineering Program
Civil Engineers are Leaders in the conception, Design, Construction, and Maintenance of the
Infrastructure on which the society depends. Civil engineers build and maintain bridges,
highways, railways, tunnels, airports, dams, water treatment and distribution systems and
large buildings, along with many other structures. Civil engineers work on environmental
projects, such as ecological restoration, waste containment, and soil remediation sites or
design of a safe and efficient transportation system. With thorough knowledge of both the
principles of construction and the possible environmental consequences of a structure, the
Civil engineer's expertise is one that is essential to our present Civilization and one that will
become ever more valuable in the future.

The biggest challenge for the Development of Africa in general and Ethiopia in specific is the
lack of sufficient infrastructures which inhibit further growth & development. And as part of
the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), all African nations including Ethiopia are
investing large sum of budget on building infrastructures.

In the Growth and Transformation Plan, Eth through seven strategic pillars. The GTP sees rapid growth as
key to achieving the
ambitious targets in employment and poverty eradication. Investment in growth-oriented
sectors will be expanded. The contribution of Civil Engineering Graduates is immense to
accomplish the GTP pillars. As indicated below;

Growth and Transformation Plan Pillars

1. Sustain rapid and equitable economic growth

In a developing country like Ethiopia, Civil Engineering has great role and
  development and improvement of the living
contribution to the economic
standard of the people.

Infrastructure developments are indicators of improved livelihood and ways
of investment attractions and tourism, contribution of Civil Engineering in
 this regard is very crucial.

  
Enable speeded up and sustainable ach infrastructure facilities.
2. Preserve agriculture as a major source of economic growth;

Construction of road network connecting different Regions, Zones, Woredas
and kebeles so as to help the farmers bring agricultural products to the
nearby market.

3. Create favorable conditions for industry to play a key role in the economy;

Building roads, water supply and sewer system,  power supply creating favorable
condition for establishment of Industry zones.

 connect Ethiopia with the international
Building main roads, railways, runways that
market and promote export of Industries.
 
 Constructing the Industrial and related Buildings.
4. Infrastructure development;

Civil Engineers design and build Ethiopia's infrastructures such as rail ways,
 
highways, runways, bridges, water supply, irrigation and power dams,
treatment plants, different purpose buildings etc

  regional and federal
Clients include private industries, municipal government,
government agencies, and multinational conglomerates.

At the local level, Civil Engineers help communities plan for future

development by designing and building residential areas, business centers,
commercial districts, industrial parks, sports c

Complexes and high-tech manufacturing facilities. Working on multi-
 disciplinary projects that touch upon the lives of the general public is one of
the distinguishing characteristics of a career in Civil Engineering.
5. Expand provision and quality of social services;
 
 Build water supply system bringing closer water supply to society
 
 Build Sewerage systems in urban areas.
 
 Build health centers, Educational buildings, and other government offices
6. Build public institutional capacities and deepen good governance; and

Currently government is investing a large amount of its budget on
infrastructures. Hence the construction industry needs to be efficient and
 Engineering graduates contribute towards good
transparent. Ethical Civil
governance of Ethiopia.
7. Promote women, ensure youth empowerment and broaden social inclusion.

Build the capacity of Women by Building  Infrastructures and increasing the
accessibility of women to public services.
 
Creating job opportunity for women thereby they can contribute towards GTP.

The Civil Engineering department aims to produce professionals equipped with relevant
knowledge, skills and attitude that would contribute to the development of the country.
Therefore, this is profession by which many Ethiopians would be produced to serve the

Specific Rationale for the Harmonized Modular Curricula

The concern on competence and competence based education has been advocated
more widely in the 21st century than ever before. Quality education, education
relevance and international competition are among the typical features of the

century that are challenging the educational institutions and their curricula.

In view of that, the higher education sector has been internationalized; hence,
institutions and disciplines are expected to compete on a global level.

Creating strong link between professional practice, institutional design, program
curriculum and implementation are the key attempts that institutions are striving as
part of the response. This, in turn, implies that the move towards competency based
education is very essential for curriculum organization and, students centered

learning-teaching strategy is a must for classroom instruction.

The purpose of national harmonization is to:

 
 Avoid confusion of graduates and the job market
 
 Make degrees comparable and readable
 
 Increase international competitiveness
 
 Share resources of all types
 
 Improve the relationship among stakeholders
 
 leverage national economy through human capital
 
Serve the purpose of National Qualification Framework (NQF)

Therefore, courses are clustered in to different module having identified competencies.

There are a total of 24 modules with total 307 EtCTS credit point in the program.

3. Program Objective
This program is aimed at training manpower untouched Civil Engineering works. Well qualified Civil
engineers with adequate knowledge
in the area of structural, highway, geotechnical and water resources and who can be
actively engaged in the planning, development and management of Civil Engineering
projects will be produced through this program. Specifically, the trainees will be equipped
with the knowledge that enables them to execute the following tasks:

 
Undertake project identification, pre-feasibility and feasibility study and detail design of Civil
Engineering works.

Prepare complete contract documents and terms of references for Civil Engineering
 projects

 
Plan, manage, monitor and evaluate the operation and maintenance of Civil Engineering
 
Remodeling and rehabilitation of existing Civil Engineering works.

Generally, graduates of the program will

Be knowledgeable of the historical context, the state-of-the-art, and emerging issues in the
field of Civil Engineering and its role in contemporary society;

Demonstrate critical reasoning and requisite quantitative skills to identify,
formulate, and resolve Civil Engineering problems,and to create designs that reflect
 economic, environmental, and social sensitivities;

Display a systems viewpoint, critical thinking, effective communication and
  a spirit of curiosity, and conduct reflecting a professional and
interpersonal skills,
ethical manner;

Exhibit a commitment to lifelong learning and professional development,
 
involvement in professional activity and public service, and achievement of
professional licensure;

Reflect a broad intellectual training for success in multidisciplinary professional
 and toward achieving
practice, in Civil Engineering or diverse related careers,
leadership roles in industry, government, and academia.

4. Professional Profiles
1. In General
 
 Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and Engineering.

 Ability to design, construct,and supervise different Civil Engineering works, as well as to
analyze and interpret data.
  
Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
 
 Ability to identify, formulates, analyze and solve Engineering problems.
 
 Understand professional and ethical responsibility.
 
 Ability to communicate effectively.
 
 Knowledge of up to date issues.

Ability to 
use the techniques, skills, and modern Engineering tools necessary for Engineering
 practice.

 
Understanding and working knowledge of safety and environmental aspects of Civil
Engineering practices.

  effective planning systems and project management to improve
Able to develop

 Be able to conduct experiments, basic and applied research in relation to construction
industries to solve various organizational and social problems.
 
 Ability to teach the fundamentals of Civil Engineering courses

Keep abreast of new technologies  in Civil Engineering and provide orientation and/or
training to subordinates as required.
2. In particular
A. Consultancy of New Construction Proposals

  identification, feasibility Study, Location, Cost Estimation, Bank
Undertaking Project
loan, Interest
 
 Prepare and administer of Term of Reference of Projects.
 
 Prepare and administer design bid documents.
B. Contract Administration
 
 Review and approve contractor’s program software, Primavera MS Project.

 Supervise projects to ensure that drawings,  specifications, materials and
workmanship are as specified in the contract.
 
 Check and approve measurement of work executed.
 
 Administer claims and disputes.

 
 Issue Engineering instruction and variation order, check and approve variation order.
 
Conduct provisional and final acceptance.

 
 Conduct studies on cost of construction, materials, labor, equipment and productivity.

  and available resources including planning, scheduling,
Manage construction activities
controlling and reporting.
 
 Supervise technicians and technologists.

 organize the maintenance and repair of existing Civil Engineering construction
Plan and
C. Analysis and Design
  Review and approve designs. 
 
 Develop design standards, design aids, guidelines and hand books.

Consult with architects and specialized
design engineers to integrate design in terms of
 aesthetic and technical requirements.
 
I. Structural Analysis and Design Activities:
  Pre design study 
  Project program development 
  Topographic survey 
  Scheme Analysis and design 
  Preliminary Analysis and design 
  Final Analysis and design using software ETABS, Sap. 
  Preparation of bill of quantities and specifications using Excel sheet. 
  Cost estimation 
II. Water Works Analysis and Design Activity: 
 
 Pre feasibility and feasibility study
 
 Water supply scheme for urban and rural areas
 
 Sewerage and sanitation facilities
 
 Storm water drainage and flood mitigation schemes
 
 Dams and other hydraulic structures
 
 Hydropower development
 
 Irrigation and related Infrastructure
 
 Solid waste management
 
 Environmental protection works
 
 Water resource development and management
 
 Use software, GIS, water CAD.
D. Transportation Facilities Design:
 
 Feasibility studies
 
 Photogram metric and desktop study
 
 Soil and material investigation
 
Environmental impact assessment

  
Traffic count and axle load study
 
 Detailed geometric design
 
 Pavement design
 
 Preparation of bill of quantities and Engineering cost estimate
 
 Provisional and final acceptance
 
 Railway route design
 
 Design of airfields
 
 Bridge design
 
Use Software, Sap, Eagle Point, Ealroads.

E. Material Testing
  
Project site exploration
 
 Identification and classification of material in the field
 
 Conducting field tests
 
Laboratory tests on soils, rocks and construction materials

F. Construction Supervision
  
Deciding method of construction
 
 Devising temporary works
 
 Selecting appropriate equipment

Manage construction activities and available resources  including planning,
scheduling, cost estimating, controlling and reporting.

Principles of Professionalism

Society has high expectations of construction technologists. The services they provide
requires commitment, confidence, consideration of others, a sense of fairness, honesty,
integrity, intuition, sound judgement, sensitivity, thoughtfulness, thoroughness and
impartiality. They are also expected to be dedicated to the protection of public health,
safety, welfare and environment.

Ethics and Conduct
The Ethiopian Association of Civil Engineers (EACE) has adopted a standard Code of Ethics
based on international experience to enable construction technologists adhere and
preserve the highest principles of ethical conduct on behalf of the profession.

Fundamental Principles

Engineers uphold and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of the Engineering
profession by:

 
Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare and the

  and impartial and serving with fidelity the public, their employers and
Being honest
 
 Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the profession and
 
Supporting the professional and technical societies of other disciplines

Fundamental Canons

1. Engineers shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public and shall
strive to comply with the principles of sustainable development3 in the performance
of their professional duties.
2. Engineers shall perform services only in areas of their competence.
3. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
4. Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful
agents or trustees, and shall avoid conflicts of interest.
5. Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and
shall not compete unfairly with others.
6. Engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the honor, integrity,
and dignity of the Engineering profession.
7. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers,
and shall provide opportunities for the professional development of those engineers
under their supervision.

5. Graduate Profiles (Competencies)

The developed professional profile clearly indicates that Civil engineers need a good grasp
of mathematics and design, and the ability to manage and liaise with a wide variety of
people. They need to be able to think in all dimensions and communicate ideas effectively.
This kind of Engineering is suited to people who are practical with a creative characteristic.
Hence, the graduate from the Civil Engineering Department has the following profile:

The Graduate will have

a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science in a specialized area related

to Civil Engineering
b. An ability to design and conduct laboratory experiments, to critically analyze and
interpret data, in major Civil Engineering areas, Structures, Transportation, Water
resources, and Environmental.
c. An ability to Analysis and design a system, component, or process to meet desired
needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political,
ethical, health and safety, constructability, and sustainability, in selected major Civil
Engineering area, such as Structures, Transportation, Water Resources, or
d. An ability to function in multidisciplinary teams,
e. An ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing..
f. An ability to identify, formulates, and solves Civil Engineering problems in a
minimum of four recognized major Civil Engineering areas.
g. An understanding of professional and Ethical responsibilities of Civil engineers in
relation to public and private institutions and in the context of Civil Engineering
infrastructure systems.
h. Recognize of the need for professional licensure and life-long learning. A broad
education necessary to understand the impact of Engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental, and societal context.
i. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
j. An ability to use the Techniques, skills, modern Engineering Tools and software
necessary in selected major Civil Engineering area, such as Structures,
Transportation, Water Resources, or Environmental.
k. An understanding of professional practice issues such as project management and
interactions between the development, design, and construction professions.
l. An understanding of business and public policy and administration fundamentals.
m. An understanding of the role of the leader and leadership principles and attitudes.

6. Modules Competencies

A. List of competency areas

The competency areas in Civil Engineering program are very critical in analyzing the students’ capabilities
in that area. This he potential and assign them to required jobs. List of competence areas in
regular Civil Engineering program are categorized under the focus areas

1. Competency areas in Communication and Social Studies

a. Humanities & Social Studies
i. Improve normative interaction with engineers and other
professionals; and develop awareness of professional ethics
ii. Develop the skills required to construct sound arguments and
critically evaluate the arguments of others.
iii. Develop civic skills such as accurate decision making, expression of
oneself clearly and logically, Conflict resolution etc.
iv. Develop graduate of good citizenship and with democratic thinking.
b. Communicative Skills
i. Participate effectively in group discussions and team assignments,
and oral and written communication.
ii. Express their ideas and present their projects successfully.
iii. Develop good communicative skills and good in preparation of
technical proposals and presentations.
2. Competency areas in General Science and Engineering
a. Basic Engineering Mechanics
i. apply basic principles of forces and equations of motions under static
and dynamic loading conditions
ii. develop appropriate mathematical models that represent physical
b. Basic Engineering Mathematics

 Model and analyze Engineering problems by applying concepts of
calculus and vector algebra.
c. Basic Engineering Skill
i. Prepare Engineering drawing manually.
ii. Able to make basic computer programming.
iii. Able to make informed decision in choice of Engineering discipline.
iv. Develop general workshop safety and practice skill.
d. Advanced Engineering mathematics and Numerical methods

i. Apply appropriate advanced mathematical and numerical method to
analyze problems related to Civil Engineering.
ii. be able to plan analyze and write computer programs for numerical
methods and basic Engineering applications

Apply concepts of probability and statistics to problem solving in
Engineering systems.
3. Competency areas in Construction Technology and Management
a. Building Engineering
i. Get basic knowledge on construction materials for Civil Engineering
ii. Identify elements of building; and understand architectural drawings.
iii. Abel to prepare Drawings with computer aid focusing on Civil
Engineering infrastructures;

b. Construction Management
i. Develop skill on selecting appropriate construction technologies and
ii. Perform economic analysis and evaluation of infrastructural projects.
iii. comprehends basic guideline and application of contract formulation
and administration; and planning and management techniques/tools
of construction projects
iv. Comprehend the principles of contract administration, bidding
theories, writing specifications, quantity surveying & BOQ, project
cost estimation and construction supervision.
4. Competency areas in Surveying


i. Accurately measure distances and angles using high precision and up-
to-date surveying equipments.
ii. Perform quantity of general earth work based on available surveying
iii. Analyze and interpret data independently and come up with contour
maps for a given plot
iv. Knowledge of mapping procedures and photogrammetric digitizing.

5. Competency areas in Structural Design
a. Fundamental Structural Engineering Theories
i. get basic knowledge on properties and strength of main construction
ii. can carry out basic structural frame analysis with various loading
conditions using different methods of structural analysis
b. Concrete Structure
i. comprehends structural mechanics of reinforced structure and apply
the knowledge in the design of basic RC structural elements
ii. analyze and dimension reinforced concrete structural members with
the use of Ethiopian and other Building Code Standards
iii. Master the principles of building execution for concrete and
reinforced concrete structural members.
iv. Ability to apply basic design procedures to reinforced concrete
structural members in a manner which ensures the safety and utility
of the structure.
v. Demonstrate ability to analyze and design typical reinforced concrete
beams, slabs, columns, and footings and develop an appreciation of
issues involved in reinforced concrete construction.
vi. solve dimensioning and design problems for ordinary building
c. Design of Structures
i. Design lateral-load resisting system
ii. Carry out plastic analysis of steel and timber frames structures
iii. Design detailing and connections of steel and timber framed
iv. Demonstrate familiarity with different types of bridges & selection,
bridge loadings, design of RCC bridges, and the use of Ethiopian
bridge design codes.
d. Advanced Structural Engineering
i. apply structural analysis and design methods for the design of
buildings and other infrastructures
ii. Apply Ethiopian Building Code Standards for lateral loading, Plastic
analysis of frames, Composite steel –concrete structures, elastic
stability theory and detailing and connections in analysis and design
of building structures.
iii. Analyze and design of complex structural elements (shells /
continuous structures).

6. Competency areas in Geotechnical Engineering
a. Fundamental of Geotechnical Engineering
i. Understand and demonstrate the behavior of soil/rock and
geotechnical laboratory techniques.
ii. Estimate Engineering properties of soil; determine the bearing
capacity, lateral earth pressure and stability of slopes of soil.
b. Geotechnical Design
i. Analyze and design different types of shallow and deep foundations
using different technique.
ii. Design earth retaining structures, coffer dams and caissons.
iii. Understand & interpret the behavior of expansive soils and be able to
design foundations on expansive soils.
iv. Understand the environmental issues in geotechnical Engineering.

7. Competency areas in Road and Transport Engineering

a. Road and Transport Engineering
i. Understand transportation systems and demonstrate ability to plan, analyze, and design the
basic elements of an integrated surface transportation system for safe and efficient
ii. Collect, Analyze and interpret traffic flow data.
iii. Acquainted with the principles of pavement analysis and design and help them acquire
basic knowledge and practical prospective of highway materials, construction practice and
quality control.
iv. Understand and apply the different geometric design control criteria, and be able to
evaluate and modify the condition of an existing highway system.
b. Advanced transport Engineering
i. Design and maintain Highways,
ii. Comprehend advanced topics on road construction, maintenance,
rehabilitation and pavement management.
iii. Analysis and elementary design of Rail ways
8. Competency areas in Environmental & Sanitary Engineering

Sanitary & Environmental Engineering

i. Comprehend the basic principles of planning, design and construction

of water supply and sewerage systems.

ii. comprehend the interaction between natural and human
environment and environmental design of infrastructure projects and
can apply this knowledge in the design of infrastructures
9. Competency areas in Water resource Engineering
a. Engineering Hydrology & Hydraulics
i. Comprehends fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics and be able
to understand the basic laws of physical science which govern the
mechanics of fluid flow with hydraulic laboratory experiments
ii. understand the fundamental principles & assumptions involved in
pipe flow, flow through turbines and pumps, and dimensional analysis
& model studies
iii. Analyze hydrologic data, perform the hydrological evaluation of
watersheds for design purposes and perform hydrological design for a
variety of Civil Engineering projects.
iv. Understand the basic principle of flow through open-channels and
determine water surface profile of open channel.

b. Design of Hydraulic Structures & Irrigation

i. Analyze and design hydraulic structures such as dams, spillways, and
flood control structures.
ii. Understand the fundamental techniques used in the analysis and
design of hydraulic structures for water resources development
projects such as reservoirs, & appurtenant structures, diversion
weirs, river and watershed management schemes.
iii. Understand the fundamental theories of river morphology and be
able to design and analyze river erosion protection works, flood
protection structures, and silt exclusion devises.
iv. Understand the relationship between soil, water and plant,
optimization of water for irrigation and the design criteria for
irrigation structures.

c. Water Resource Engineering

i. Select appropriate site for hydropower development and design
hydropower systems
ii. Comprehend the construction, operation and maintenance aspect
of hydropower systems and infrastructure.
iii. Comprehend the water resources system and optimize available
water resource

iv. Examine the opportunities and challenges associated with the
planning, project formulation, sustainability; and environmental
impact assessment.
10. Design projects and internship
a. Integrated Civil Engineering Design
i. Perform a comprehensive design project using a team approach requiring
interaction with practi project report and a formal presentation.

ii. Comprehend research methods: their use, analyses and applications;

and develop professional reports.
b. Industry Practice and Entrepreneurship
i. Integrate classroom learning with field experience
ii. Gain work experience in the studen
iii. Develop foundation for workplace competencies
iv. Broad understanding of the field of entrepreneurship development,
commercialization of technology based innovation in existing firms,
and the formation, development and growth of technology based
new enterprises.
c. BSc Thesis/ Project
i. Develop and demonstrates independent methodological abilities on
practical study, analysis and design of a relevant and practical Civil
Engineering project.

7. Program Requirements
7.1 Admission Requirements
Admissions to all regular undergraduate programs are processed through the Ministry of
Education (MoE) of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. This is currently true for all
public Universities across the whole nation. Admissions to the continuing education
program (CEP) are processed through the University registrar office based on the criteria set
by the University.

Admission to Regular Program:

a) Admission following Preparatory Education

Students who have successfully completed the 10 plus 2 years preparatory and have scored
the minimum cut-off point set by the Ministry of Education in the entrance exam could
apply for admission to the Civil Engineering Department.

In view of the high number of applicants, admission to the Department is rather

competitive at the moment.

b) Admission with Advance Standing

Depending on available spaces, diploma graduates from TVET (Technical Vocational
Education and Training) in the fields related to Civil Engineering will be admitted based on
grades on competitive basis.

c) Admission of International Students

Applicants with a minimum cut-off point and with high scores in Physics and Mathematics in
foreign countries examinations equivalent to the 10+2 preparatory program are also
eligible. The equivalence is determined by the department.

Admission to Continuing Education Program

The criteria set for admission to the regular program will be employed as the criteria for
admission to the continuing education program.

Candidates who are 10 + 3 diploma graduates from an Engineering School, TVET or similar
recognized college in the fields of Construction Technology, surveying technology, Drafting
Technology, and other related programs with a minimum cut-off point and having
certificate of competition/COC/ will be admitted based on space availability, and
competitive basis.

Limited numbers of junior staff such as technical assistants in relevant field may be
admitted each year based on non-competitive basis provided that he/she:
  has served the University for a minimum of 2 consecutive years; 
 
 meet the minimum admission requirement set for the program;
 
 obtain letter of recommendation from the business & development vice president;

 University after graduation, at least two years of service for
Signs undertaking to serve the
one complete year of study.

7.2 Graduation Requirements

A student is required to take courses that will bring the total credit point of 305 ECTS for
graduation with the Degrees of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. Student must take
and pass all the required courses to satisfy the requirement for graduation. A minimum
cumulative grade point average of 2.00 is required in all courses taken. In addition, a
minimum grade point average of 2.00 is required in the core courses of the Program. Other
requirements are same as those of the University graduation requirements

7.3 Grading System

The Grading Scale and Letter Grade System is given in table below as per academic policy.

Raw Mark Letter Grade Status Class

Grades Points Description Description
[90, 100] A+ 4.00 Excellent First class
[85, 90) A 4.00
[80, 85) A- 3.75
[75, 80) B+ 3.50 Very Good
[70, 75) B 3.00
[65, 70) B- 2.75 Good
[60, 65) C+ 2.50 Second class
[50, 60) C 2.00 Satisfactory
[45, 50) C- 1.75 Unsatisfactory Lower class
[40, 45) D 1.00 Very Poor
[30, 40) Fx 0.00 Fail
<30 F 0.00

7.4 Degree Nomenclature

Amharic: ''የ ሳ ይን ስ ባ ችለ ር ዲግሪ በ ሲቪል ምህ ን ድስ ና ''

English: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

8. Teaching-Learning Methods

8.1 Method of Teaching:

Presentation of modules/Courses is through lectures, tutorials, self-study (project works),

problem solving, class and group discussions, assignments, laboratory demonstrations and
hands-on exercises as well as quizzes and tests to insure continuous assessment and
student/learner cantered approach. Module/ Course specific teaching methods will be
given for each course.

8.2 Attendance Policy:

A student is required to attend all lecture, laboratory and practical sessions as well as field
work of courses, except for courses in which earning of credits through examination alone is
accepted. Except for extenuating circumstances, students are required to maintain a
minimum of 80% attendance to earn credit in the given course. However academic units
may not allow the 20% non-attendance provision for certain portion of a course, such as
laboratory or field experiences judged academically indispensable for the student.

8.3 Assessment:

Assignments, report, end-of-semester examinations, dissertations, projects, etc. with their

percentage contribution to the final assessment is provided in each course with a
module/course outline (which will be available to students before the module begins).

Continuous assessment accounts for a minimum of 50% and final exam (summative) 50%,
continuous assessment should comprise at least five (5) different assessment techniques.

9. Module Selection and Sequencing

In selecting and sequencing the courses in each module the following points were
taken into account.
 
The basis for clustering of courses is the Harmonized Civil Engineering BSc Program.
 
The clustered modules are presumed to be forerunners of the fully integrated modules

The descriptions and expected outcome and time budget  of each course is to be referred
from the Harmonized BSc Civil Engineering curriculum.

9.1 Coding of Modules and Courses

9.1.1 Module Coding

Modules are coded by four letters taken from “Civil Engineering” CEng(“” appended-M) by
followed by four digits:
  The first digit indicate the level of the module in terms of the year:

 
 The middle two digits indicate the serial number of the module in the program 01, 02, 03, . . .
 
The last digit indicate for type of the module:
–1 for core modules
–2 for elective modules
–3 for general modules

9.1.2 Course Coding

Courses are also coded by four lettersCivilEngineeringtaken” (“CEng”)fromfollowedby four

• The firstindicatesthe leveldigitofthecourse in terms of the year:
• The middle twoserial digitsnumberofthe moduleindicatetheprogram 01,the02,03,.
• The last digit indicate for serial number

9.2 Module Details

All modules offered in the program are described and detailed outline is given
with approximate allotted time.
The various entries for a given module description is as follows:
  Title: The descriptive title of the module.

 
Module Category: It describes the type of the module with respect to the relevance for the
  Module Number

 
Module Code

  Total study hour 
  
Module Rational: Why the module is designed in the program.

Module Objective: What a student will be expected to have learned, as a result of successful
 completion of a module.

 
Module Competency: Describes the skills and capabilities achieved by the student after
completion of the module.
  
Module mode of delivery
  
Module learning and teaching method
  
Module assessment technique
  
Total ECTS of the module
 
Credits: The breakdown of the credit in terms of Lecture, Tutorial or Laboratory hours.

Quality Assurance mechanism

The quality aspect of this curriculum will be insured by both internal and external bodies.
The external bodies will include quality assurance auditors from the ministry of education
and different stakeholders, while the curriculum will be assured internally by the quality
assurance office of the university.

Appendix A
Module Handbook

List and distribution of Program modules
Module Course Year/Semester
1 2 3 4 5

No Category Module Module Name CP Module Code Course Course Title Course Code Pre-requisite Co- CP CH I II I II I II I II I II
No No requisite

Communicative 1 Communicative Skill EnLa1011 None 5 3

1 10 GEng-M1013
Skill 2 Basic Writing Skill EnLa1012 EnLa1011 5 3

Civics & Ethical Civics & Ethical

2 5 GEng-M1023 1 CvEt1021 None 5 3
Education Education

3 3 GEng-M1033 1 Reasoning Skill(Logic) Phil1031 None 3 3
1 CEng1041 None 5 3
Basic Engineering Mechanics I
4 10 GEng-M1043
Mechanics Engineering
2 MEng1042 CEng1041 5 3
Mechanics II
1 Applied Mathematics I Math1051 None 6 4
Basic Engineering
5 12 GEng-M1053 Applied Mathematics
Mathematics 2 Math1052 Math1051 6 4
1 Engineering Drawing MEng1061 None 5 3
Introduction to
2 Engineering GEng1062 None 2 1
Basic Engineering
6 13 GEng-M1063 profession
3 Workshop Practice CEng1063 None 2 1
4 Comp2064 None 4 3
Advanced Probability and
1 Stat2071 None 4 3
Engineering Statistics
7 15 GEng-M2073
mathematics and Applied Mathematics
2 Math2072 Math1052 6 4
Numerical III

methods 3 Numerical Methods CEng2073 Comp2064 5 3
1 Surveying I CEng1081 None 5 3
8 Surveying 12 CEng-M1081 2 Surveying II CEng2082 CEng1081 5 3
Surveying Field
3 CEng2083 CEng2082 2 1
Computer Aided
1 CEng2091 MEng1061 2 1
9 Building 15 CEng-M2091
2 Construction Material CEng2092 None 5 3
Engineering 3 Building Construction CEng3093 CEng2092 5 3
Fundamental of
4 CEng3094 CEng2091 CEng3083 3 2
Fundamental 1 Strength of Materials CEng1101 and 6 4
10 16 CEng-M1101 Math1051
Theories 2 Theory of Structures I CEng2102 CEng1101 5 3
1 3 Theory of Structures II CEng2103 CEng2102 5 3
Reinforced Concrete
1 CEng3111 CEng2103 5 3

Concrete Structures I
11 10 CEng-M3111
Structure Reinforced Concrete
2 CEng3112 CEng3111 5 3
Structures II

Fundamental of CEng3112 &

1 CEng5121 4 3
Bridge Design CEng3154
12 Design of 14 CEng-M5121
Structures Steel and Timber
2 CEng4122 CEng2103 5 3
2 Structural Design CEng5123 CEng3112 5 3
CEng2151 &
Fundamental of 1 Soil Mechanics I CEng2131 5 3
13 Geotechnical 13 CEng-M2131
Engineering 2 Engineering Geology CEng2132 None 3 3
3 Soil Mechanics II CEng3133 CEng2131 5 3

Foundation CEng3133 &
1 CEng3141 5 3
Geotechnical Engineering I CEng3111
14 Design 10 CEng-M3141
2 CEng4142 CEng3141 5 3
Engineering II

1 Hydraulics I CEng2151 5 3
& CEng1041
15 Hydrology & 20 CEng-M2151 2 Hydraulics II CEng2152 CEng2151 5 3
Hydraulics Open Channel
3 CEng3153 CEng2152 5 3
4 Engineering Hydrology CEng3154 CEng2151 5 3

Design of 1 Hydraulic Structures I CEng3161 CEng3153 & 5 3
16 14 CEng-M3161 CEng3154
Structures &
Irrigation 2 Hydraulic Structures II CEng4162 CEng3161 5 3
3 Irrigation Engineering CEng5163 CEng4161 4 2
Water Supply and
Sanitary & 1 CEng3171 CEng3154 5 3
Urban Drainage
17 Environmental 13 CEng-M3171
2 Water Treatment CEng4172 CEng3171 4 3
3 Sewage Treatment CEng4173 CEng3171 4 3
1 Transport Engineering CEng3181 None 5 3

Road and CEng2083

2 Highway Engineering I CEng3182 5 3
18 Transport 15 CEng-M3181 & CEng3181
Highway Engineering
3 CEng4183 CEng3182 5 3
Integrated Civil
1 CEng5191 None 5 3
Engineering Design
Integrated Civil
Technical report &
19 Engineering 9 CEng-M3191
Design 2 CEng3192 EnLa1012 4 2
methodology for

1 CEng5201 None 4 3
Contract, specification
2 CEng5202 CEng3093 5 3
Contract & Quantity Survey
20 17 CEng-M5201
Management Construction
3 CEng5203 CEng2092 3 2
4 CEng5204 CEng5202 5 3
Industry Practice Entrepreneurship for
1 CEng5211 None 4 2
21 and 34 CEng-M4211 Engineers
Entrepreneurship 2 Internship CEng4212 None 30 4
Environmental Environmental
22 5 CEng-M3221 1 CEng3222 None 5 3
Engineering Engineering
Theory of Structures
Advanced 1 CEng5231 CEng2103 5 3
23 Structural 10 CEng-M5232
Reinforced Concrete
Engineering 3 CEng5233 CEng3112 5 3
Structures III
Advanced Highway Engineering
1 CEng5241 CEng4183 5 3
24 transport 10 CEng-M5242 III
Engineering 2 Rail way Engineering CEng5242 CEng3182 5 3

Water Resource CEng2152 &

1 CEng5251 4 3
Water Resource Development CEng3154
25 Engineering 9 CEng-M5252

Hydro Power
2 2 CEng5252 CEng4162 5 2

Advanced 1 GIS & Environmental CEng3221 & 5 3

26 Environmental 10 CEng-M5261 Modelling CEng2082
Engineering 2 Environmental Impact CEng5262 CEng3221 5 3
Introduction to
seismology &
Advanced 1 CEng5271 5 3
27 Geotechnical 10 CEng-M5271
2 CEng5272 CEng3133 5 3
Properties of Tropical

BSc Thesis/
1 Core 28 12 CEng-M5281 1 BSC thesis CEng5281 None 12 6
Total 346 Total 346 188
Student load 307 Total 305

Mode of Delivery

Considering nature of courses and competency areas, the Parallel- application of one course in
other course and limitation of resources, the Mode of Delivery is basically semester based with
special block is possible for some courses.

Course Breakdown per Semester

Year I Semester I EtCTS

No Pre-
No Course Name Code CH CP L LP Tu HS
02 1 Communicative skill EnLa1011 None 3 5
01 2 Civics and Ethical Education CvEt1021 None 3 5
05 3 Engineering Drawing MEng1061 None 3 5 2 3 0 3
04 4 Applied Mathematics I Math1051 None 4 6 3 0 3 4
03 5 Engineering Mechanics I CEng1041 None 3 5 2 0 3 3
Introduction to Engineering
05 GEng1062 None
6 profession 1 2 2 0 0 1
Total 17 28 9 3 6 11

Year I Semester II EtCTS

No Pre-
No Course Name Code CH CP L LP Tu HS
01 1 Reasoning Skill (Logic) Phil1031 None 3 3 3 0 0 2
05 2 Workshop Practice CEng1063 None 1 2 0 3 0 0
05 3 Applied Mathematics II Math1052 Math1051 4 6 3 0 3 4
Engineering Mechanics
03 4 MEng1042 CEng1041 3 5 2 0 3 3
09 5 Strength of Materials CEng1101 CEng1041 4 6 3 0 3 4
07 6 Surveying I CEng1081 None 3 5 2 3 0 3
02 7 Basic writing Skill EnLa1012 EnLa1011 3 5 2 2 1 3
Total 21 32 3 6 9 16

Module Year II Semester I EtCTS

No No Course Name Code Pre-Requisite CH CP L LP Tu Hs

06 Probability and
Stat2071 None
1 Statistics 3 4 2 0 2 3
06 Applied
Math2072 Math1052
2 Mathematics III 4 6 3 0 3 4
14 Math1052 &
3 Hydraulics I CEng2151 3 5 2 2 1 3
07 4 Surveying II CEng2082 CEng1081 3 5 2 2 1 3
09 Theory of
CEng2102 CEng1101
5 Structures I 3 5 2 0 3 3
05 Computer
Comp2064 None
6 Programming 3 4 2 3 0 2
Total 1
19 29 3 07 10 18

Module No Course Name Code CH CP L LP TU HS
Surveying Field
07 (*) 7 CEng2083 CEng2082
Practice 1 2 0 3 0 1
Year II Semester II EtCTS
No No Course Name Code CH CP L LP TU HS
Computer Aided
08 1 CEng2091 MEng1061 2 3 1 3 0 1
09 2 Theory of Structures II CEng2103 CEng2102 3 5 2 0 3 3
06 3 Numerical Method CEng2073 Comp2064 3 5 2 2 2 2
08 4 CEng2092 None 3 5 2 3 0 3
12 5 Engineering Geology CEng2132 None 3 3 3 0 0 2
12 6 Soil Mechanics I CEng2131 & 3 5 2 3 0 3
14 7 Hydraulics II CEng2152 CEng2151 3 5 2 2 1 3
Total 21 33 14 16 6 18

(*) The course will be given at inter-semester break.

Year III Semester I EtCTS

No Pre-
No Course Name Code CH CP L LP Tu HS
CEng315 CEng215
14 1 Engineering Hydrology 4 2 3 5 2 0 3 3
CEng309 CEng209
08 2 Building Construction 3 2 3 5 2 0 3 3
Fundamentals of CEng309 CEng209
08 3 4 1 2 3 1 3 0 2
CEng313 CEng213
12 4 Soil Mechanics II 3 1 3 5 2 3 0 3
Open Chanel CEng315 CEng215
14 5 Hydraulics 3 2 3 5 2 0 3 3
17 6 Transport Engineering 1 None 3 5 2 0 3 3
Reinforced Concrete CEng311 CEng210
10 7 Structures I 1 3 3 5 2 0 3 3
Total 20 33 13 6 15 20

Year III Semester II EtCTS

No Pre-
No Course Name Code CH CP L LP Tu HS
Water Supply & Urban
16 1 CEng3171 CEng3154 3 5 2 0 3 3
17 2 Highway Engineering I CEng3182 & CEng3181 3 5 2 0 3 3
Reinforced Concrete
10 3 CEng3112 CEng3111 3 5 2 0 3 3
Structures II
Technical Report Writing
18 4 CEng3192 EnLa1012 2 4 2 0 2 3
& Research Methodology
13 5 Foundation Engineering I CEng3141 CEng3133 & 3 5 2 0 3 3
15 6 Hydraulic structures I CEng3161 CEng3153 & 3 5 2 0 3 3
16 7 Environmental CEng3221 None 2 3 2 0 2 3

Total 19 32 14 0 19 21

Module Year IV Semester I EtCTS

No Pre-
No Course Name Code CH CP L LP Tu HS
16 1 Sewage Treatment 3 CEng3171 3 4 2 1 2 3
13 2 Foundation Engineering II 2 CEng3141 3 5 2 0 3 3
17 3 Highway Engineering II 3 CEng3182 3 5 2 1 3 3
15 4 Hydraulic Structures II 2 CEng3161 3 5 2 0 3 3
Steel and Timber CEng412
18 5 2 CEng2103
Structures 3 5 0 6 0 4
16 6 Water Treatment 2 CEng3171 3 4 2 0 3 3

Total 18 28 10 8 14 19

Year IV Semester II EtCTS

No Pre-
No Course Name Code CH CP L LP Tu HS
20 1 Internship CEng4212 None 4 30

Total 4 30
Year V Semester I EtCTS
Pre- H
le No No Course Name Code CH CP L LP Tu
Requisite S
19 1 Engineering Economics CEng5201 None 3 4 2 0 2 3
15 2 Irrigation Engineering CEng5163 CEng4161 2 4 2 0 2 3
11 3 Structural Design CEng5123 CEng3112 3 5 2 0 3 3
Fundamental of Bridge CEng3112 &
11 4 CEng5121
Design CEng3154 2 4 2 0 2 3
18 5 Elective 2/3 4/5
Integrated Civil
18 6 CEng5191 None
Engineering Design 3 5 0 6 0 4
Contract Specification &
19 7 CEng5202 None
Quantity Survey 3 5 2 0 3 3
Total 1
18/19 32/33 10 6 12 9

Module Year V Semester II EtCTS

No Course Name Code CH CP L LP Tu HS
24 1 BSC thesis CEng5281 None 6 12 0 0 6 14
Construction CEng520
19 2 CEng5204 3 5 2 0 3 3
Management 2
Construction CEng209
19 3 CEng5203 2 3 2 0 2 3
Equipment 2
Entrepreneurship for
20 4 CEng5211 None 2 4 2 0 2 3
5 Elective 2/3 4/5
Total 15/16 28/29 6 0 13 23

Elective EtCTS
No Pre-
No Name Code CH CP L LP Tu HS
1. Water Resource Engineering Specialty

Water Recourse CEng525 CEng2152 &

1 Development 1 CEng3154 3 4 2 0 3 3
Hydropower CEng525
2 2 CEng4162 2 5 2 0 3 3
2. Structural Engineering Specialty

1 Theory of Structures III 1 CEng2103 3 5 2 0 3 3
21 Reinforced Concrete CEng521
2 3 CEng3112 3 5 2 0 3 3
structures III
3. Transport Engineering Specialty
1 Railway Engineering 2 CEng3182 3 5 2 0 3 3
2 Highway Engineering III 1 CEng4183 3 5 2 0 3 3
4. Advanced Environmental Engineering
GIS & Environmental CEng3221 &
Modeling CEng2082
1 3 5 2 0 3 3
Environmental Impact
CEng5262 CEng3221
2 3 5 2 0 3 3
5. Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
Introduction to seismology
& Earthquake Engineering
1 3 5 2 0 3 3
Engineering Properties of
CEng5272 CEng3133
Tropical Soils
2 3 5 2 0 3 3
Module and Course Profiles



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Name Communicative Skills
Module Category General
Module Number 02
Module Code EnLa-M1013
Total EtCTS of the Module 10
Total Study Hour 270
Module Objectives Civil Engineers need to be able to communicate ideas effectively. The
objective of this module is to equip students with written and oral skills
needed for their studies, and in their working life later on.
Module Competencies i. Participate effectively in group discussions and team assignments,
and oral and written communication.
ii. Express their ideas and present their projects successfully.
iii. Develop good communicative skills and good in preparation of
technical proposals and presentations.

Module Mode of Delivery Basically on Semester Basis or Parallel approach

The mode of the delivery of the module can be summarized as
Class room discussion
Module Learning and Lectures supported by Audio and Videos
Teaching Method Case studies
Group Discussions
Intensive Role play
Home Works
Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous
Module Assessment
assessment should comprise at least five (5) different assessment
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name EtCTS
EnLa1011 Communicative Skill 5
EnLa1012 Basic Writing Skill 5
Total ECTS 10

Communicative Skill
Course Number EnLa1011
Course Name Communicative Skill
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Communication Skills
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: .; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: .; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
EtCTS Credits 5

Study Hour Lecture ……………………………...25 hrs.

Class discussion, group work and

Assessment …………………………hrs. 15

Home Study ………...…….............

Total ……………………………… 135 hrs.
Practice or
Lecture Tutorial Home study Total Hour
Students Working Load Laboratory
25 60 50 135
Objectives The aim of this course is to acquaint students with the skills of effective
communication, listening skills and basic sets of managerial skills.
Competencies Students shall develop:

Good communication skills.

Verbal and non-verbal communication skill.

Communicating skills useful at work.

Leadership, participation and conflict management skills.

Basic skill-sets of a manager.

Listening skill.

Oral presentation and public speech skills.
Course Description/ Course Contents

Contents Reference Assessment Week

1. Understanding communication. TBA TBA Week 1

2. Communication channels and self-communication. TBA TBA Week

3. Verbal and non-verbal communication. TBA TBA Week

4. Communicating at work. TBA TBA Week

5. Group leadership, participation and conflict

6. Basic skill-sets of a manager. TBA TBA Week

7. The listening skill. TBA TBA Week

8. Oral presentation of project outcome and public speech. TBA TBA Week 16

Pre-requisite None
Semester I
Status of the Course Compulsory
Learning Teaching Lectures, class works, assignments, group discussions, presentations
Continuous Assessment (50%)
 Tests…………………….……5%
 Quizzes…………………...…..5%
 Project Work………………….10%
& Grading System
 Assignments……….……….10%
 Presentations……………….20%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at
any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by
no means.
Literature 1. Venables, J. (2002), Communication Skills for Engineers and Scientists, 3rd
edition, Institution of Chemical Engineers.
2. Sharma, S.D. (2006), A Text Book of Professional Communication Skills and
ESP for Engineers and Professionals, Sarup & Sons.
3. Hirsch, H.L. (2000), The Essence of Technical Communication for Engineers:

Writing, Presentation, and Meeting Skills, IEEE Computer Society.
Approval Section Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Basic Writing Skill

Course Number EnLa1012

Course Name Basic Writing Skill
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Communication Skills
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: .; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: .; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
EtCTS Credits 5
Practice or Home
Lecture Tutorial Total Hour
Course Weight Laboratory study
25 60 50 135

Study Hour Lecture ……………………………...25 hrs.

Class discussion, group work and

Assessment …………………………15 hrs.

Home Study ………...…….............

Total ……………………………… 135 hrs.
Objectives The objective of the course is to improve and enhance writing skills in English. The
student will develop advanced writing skills with emphases given to paragraph
development by employing definition, exemplification, classification, cause and effect
as well as comparison and contrast methods.
Competencies Students shall be able familiar with the basic writing skills.
Course Description/ 1. Basic writing skills.
Course Contents 2. Principles of writing.
3. Patterns of paragraph development.
4. Mechanics of writing.
5. Essays of different discourse.
Pre-requisite EnLa1011
Semester I
Status of the Course Compulsory
Learning Teaching Gapped Lecture
Methods Assignments
Group/Pair Work

Assessment Continuous Assessment 50%
Techniques Classroom Active Participation 10%
Sentence Level Quizzes 10%
Paragraph Level Writing 20%
Essay Level Writing 10%
Final Exam 50%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by
no means.
Literature 1. Baker, B. A. and Baker, C. (2000), Writing with Contemporary Readings, Emc
2. Strong, W. and Lester, M. (1996), Writer's Choice Grammar and Composition,
Student edition, McGraw-Hill/Glencoe.
3. Lanny, L. and Resnick, J. (2002), Text & Thought: An Integrated Approach to
College Reading and Writing, 2nd edition, Longman.
4. Camp, S.C. and Satterwhite, M.L. (2004), College English and Communication,
8th edition, McGraw-Hill College.
5. John S. (2000). The Oxford Guide to Writing and SjJeaking. Oxford: OUP Oshima. A.
and Hogue, A. (1991).College Writing Skills: McGraw Hill
6. Rudolph, F and Lass, A.H. ( 1996). The Classic Guide to Better Writing. New York
7. Solomon G/giorgis. (1991). Writing for Academic Purpose. AA U' printing press
8. Axelrod, B. and Cooper, R. (2001). The St. Martin's Guide to Writing.6 ed. Boston:
Bedford/St. Martin's
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Civics & Ethical Education
Module Category General (3)
Module Number [02]
Module Code CvEt-M10231

Total Study Hours in Lec. Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
the Module per
Semester 81 0 0 54 135
The objectives of this module equip Engineering students to help develop
Rationale of the democratic and ethical behaviors. Students also get equipped with the
module knowledge of civics and ethical education.
The main objectives of the module are to:
 Develop fundamentals for civics and professional ethics
 Understand the relationships among state, citizens and governing laws
Module Objectives
and a constitution.
 Understand about the idea of Morality, Ethics and Civic virtues and

After completion of this module the students shall be able to;

i. Improve normative interaction with Engineers and other professionals;
and develop awareness of professional ethics
Module Competencies
ii. Develop civic skills such as accurate decision making, expression of
oneself clearly and logically, Conflict resolution etc.
iii. Participate effectively in group discussions and team works.
iv. Develop graduate of good citizenship and with democratic thinking.
Module Mode of Delivery Basically on Semester Basis or Parallel approach
The mode of the delivery of the module can be summarized as follows:
Module Learning and Lecture, Class room discussion
Teaching Method Case studies, Group Discussions
Intensive Role play, Debates, Home Works
Module Assessment Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous assessment
Techniques should comprise at least five (5) different assessment techniques.
Total ECTS of the module 5 Credit Point
Module Description
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
CvEt1021 Civics & Ethical Education 5
Total ECTS 5

Civics & Ethical Education

Course Code CvEt1021

Course Title Civics & Ethical Education
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Name Humanities & Social Studies Module N 01
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Total ECTS 5 CP
Students Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Workload Laboratory
81 0 0 54 135

Competences to
be 
Acquired/course Students learn Core values of a democratic society and ethics in this course.
level 
competences Students will acquire concepts of a democratic society, values of citizenship and
forms of governance in a given state.

To help students to better understand the relationships among state, citizens and
Course governing laws and a constitution.

Objectives It will also help students to understand about the idea of Morality, Ethics and
Civic virtues and professionalism

The state , government and citizenship

Learning about constitutions
Course 
Constitutional Experience in Ethiopia
Description 
Morality, Ethics and Civic virtues

Professional ethics
Course outline
Content Reference Assessment Date

Chapter One: Introduction to Civic and Ethical
1.1 Basic definitions of civic and ethical education, TBA TBA Week 1
1.2 Basic objectives of learning civic and ethical
Chapter Two: Ethics
2.1 Examine ethical issues in the context of business
theory and practice
2.2 Jointly examine thoughtfully ideas and perspectives
in the field of business ethics and
extend these ideas/perspectives to TBA TBA Week
administrative practice and decision making,
Enhance our moral sensibility and expand our
capacity for moral inquiry, dialogue, and
2.3 making in ways that will be useful in our
professional and civic lives
Chapter Three: Society, State and Government
3.1 Society and its engagement with the state, TBA TBA Week
3.2 Society and government policies,
3.3 State and government relations
Chapter Four: Democracy
4.1 History and development of democracy TBA TBA Week
4.2 Types of Democracy,
4.3 Values of Democracy.
Chapter Five: Citizenship and Civic Participation
5.1 Types of getting citizenship, TBA TBA Week
5.2Active participation of civic societies in the affairs
of their state.
Chapter Six: Constitution and Constitutionalism
6.1 Basic definitions of constitution and TBA TBA Week
6.2 History and principles of Ethiopian constitution
Chapter Seven: Human Rights
7.1 Basic concepts and features of Human Rights, TBA TBA Week
7.2 Human Rights in the Ethiopian constitution.

Chapter Eight: Applied Ethics and Civic Virtues

8.1 More concepts on Ethics, TBA TBA Week
8.2 Types and Principles of civic Virtues

Chapter Nine: International Relations and

Contemporary Global Issues TBA TBA Week 16
9.1 Rules that govern international relations,

9.2 Important factors and instruments in external
relations, Ethiopia’s relations.

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year 1, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
The mode of the delivery of the course combines the following methodologies:
Case studies
Group Discussions
Intensive Role play
Mode of Debates
Based on the above methodologies of teaching the course should have the following
Right balance between descriptive and normative contents
Highly Participatory and Competitive
Integration of the civic and ethic portions
Right balance between inductive and deductive Approaches
Mode of delivery is Parallel
Continuous Assessment (50%)
 Tests…………………….……10%
 Quizzes…………………...…..10%
Mode of  Project Work……….……….10%
assessment  Assignments……….……….10%
 Presentations……………….5%
 Attendance…………..…..…5%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consid
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
Suggested Course Reference Materials
Literature The reference materials of this course comprises selected and policy
documents Policy/legal Documents

  The FDRE Constitution, 1995 
 The FDRE Nationality Law, 2003 
 Criminal Code of Ethiopia, 2005 
 Civil Code 
 Election Law (the Revised one) 
 Investment Code (revised) 
 Ethics and Anti-corruption Law 
 Law of Civil Societies and NGOs 
  Establishing Proclamations of Human Rights Commissions, and Ombudsman 
Institution 
  International Human Rights Declarations and Conventions accepted by Ethiopia 
 Policies and Strategies on Education and Training of the FDRE 

 Ethical Codes of each Profession like Business ethics, medical ethics, legal
ethics, public relations ethics, media ethics etc., 
Note: Some important and highly relevant parts of the above documents must be
attached, with the teaching material of Civics and Ethics common course as

Reference Books:
1. Fasil Nahum, (1997) Constitution for the nation 0.( nations: the
Ethiopian Prospect. The red sea press: Asmara
2. Kinfe Abraham (2004) Ethiopia from Empire to Federation. EHPD Press: Addis
3. Merara Guidina (2003) Competing Ethnic Nationalism: Quest for democracy
1960- 2000, Chamber printing house: Addis Ababa
4. Johari, J.C (1987) Principle of Politics. New Delhi: Stirling publishers
5. Roskin, MG and et al, (1994) Political science: an Introduction.
Engelwood Cliffs, New Jerey
6. What Is Democracy? by Touraine, Alain
7. Globalizing Democracy: Power, Legitimacy, and the Interpretation of
Democratic Ideas by Fierlbeck, Katherine
Approval Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Section Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Reasoning Skill

Module Category General (3)

Module Number [03]
Module Code Phil-M1033

Total Study Hours in Lec. Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
the Module per
Semester 54 0 0 27 81

Rationale of the The objectives of this module equip Engineering students with efficient
module reasoning skills, and To develop the ability to evaluate critically
The main objectives of the module are to:

Introduce the fundamental concepts of logic and logical reasoning

Module Objectives To develop the skills required to construct arguments

To develop the ability to evaluate critically

To cultivate the habits of critical thinking

After completion of this module the students shall be able to;

v. Develop the skills required to construct sound arguments and critically
evaluate the arguments of others.
Module Competencies
vi. Develop civic skills such as accurate decision making, expression of
oneself clearly and logically, Conflict resolution etc.
vii. Participate effectively in group discussions and team works..

Module Mode of Delivery Basically on Semester Basis or Parallel approach

The mode of the delivery of the module can be summarized as follows:
Module Learning and Lecture, Class room discussion
Teaching Method Case studies, Group Discussions
Intensive Role play, Debates, Home Works
Module Assessment Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous assessment
Techniques should comprise at least five (5) different assessment techniques.
Total ECTS of the
8 Credit Point
Module Description
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
Phil1031 Reasoning Skill(Logic) 3
Total ECTS 3

Reasoning Skill(Logic)

Course Number Phil1031

Course Title Reasoning Skill(Logic)
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Humanities & Social Studies
Name: .
Course Office location .
Coordinator Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
ECTS Credits 3 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight Laboratory
54 0 0 27 81


Course Introduce the fundamental concepts of logic and logical reasoning

Objectives To develop the skills required to construct arguments

To develop the ability to evaluate critically

To cultivate the habits of critical thinking
Competences to Outcome

be Be able to critical thinking;

Acquired/Course Be able to construct sound arguments;

level Develop sensitivity to the clear and accurate use of languages.

The nature of arguments


Course Informal fallacies

Description Syllogistic logic

Propositional logic


Course Outline

Contents Reference Assessment Week
Chapter One
1.1. What is logic and its uses. Nature of Arguments:
1.2. Define arguments
1.3. Non argument expressions
1.4. Type of arguments (Deductive and Inductive)\
1.5. Validity and Invalidity: Truth and Falsity
1.6. Sound and Unsound Arguments
1.7. Strength and weakness: Truth and Falsity
1.8. Cogent and unclogging arguments
1.9. Evaluating an arguments
Chapter Two
2.1Cognitive and Emotive meaning of terms Intension
and Extension of term
2.2Definitions and their purposes
2.3Definitional Techniques
2.4Criteria for lexical definition

Chapter Three
Informal Fallacies:
3.1 Fallacies of Relevance
3.2 Fallacies of Weak Induction
3.3 Fallacies of Presumptions
3.4 Fallacies of Ambiguity
3.5 Fallacies of Grammatical Analogy
Chapter Four
Syllogistic Logic:
4.1 Categorical Propositions: Standard Form and
4.2 Square of Oppositions: Traditional and Modern
4.3 Role of Immediate Inference and Formal
4.4 Categories Syllogism: Standard Form, Mood
and Figure
4.5 Syllogistic Rules and Formal Fallacies
4.6 Methods of Testing Validity
Chapter Five
Prepositional Logic:
5.1 Compound propositions and Prepositional
5.2 Truth Functional Connectives & the Truth
Values of Propositions
5.3 Prepositional Type arguments and formal
5.4 Symbolizing Prepositions and prepositional

5.5 Rule for prepositional logic: rule of implication
and Rule of equivalence
5.6 Natural deduction

Chapter Six
6.1 Analogy and legal and moral reasoning TBA TBA Week 16
6.2 Causality and Mill's Methods
Hypothetical Reasoning

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year 1, Semester I
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the Senate
Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest including
cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage during your
studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consid
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is equally
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and does
not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no means.
The mode of the delivery of the course combines the following methodologies:
Teaching & Class room discussion
Case studies
Group Discussions
Intensive Role play
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
 Tests…………………….……10%
 Quizzes…………………...…..10%
 Project Work………………….10%
uation & Grading
 Assignments……….……….10%
 Presentations……………….5%
 Attendance…………..…..…5%
Final Exam (50%)
1. Hurley, P.J. (2005). A Concise Introduction to Logic, 6th Edition.
Literature 2. Belmarnt: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
3. Stephen, C. (2000). The Power of Logic. London and Toronoto: Mayfield Publishing

4. Copi, Irving M. and Carl Cohen " Introduction to Logic" , New York: Macmillan
Publishing company 2001
5. Fogilin, Robert J. " Understanding arguments: An Introduction to Informal Logic", New
York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishing company 2001
6. Guttenplan , Samuel" The Language of Logic" : Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2000
7. Stephen C. " The Power of Logic" Londoan and Toronto: Mayfield Publishing
Company, 2000
8. Walelign Emiru "Freshmen Logic" ,Addis Ababa:"Commercial Printing Enterprise,
9. Simico N. D. and G.G. James " Elementary Logic" , Belmont Ca: 2nd ed. Wadswoth
Publishing Company, 1999.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Basic Engineering Mechanics
Module Category General
Module Number [04]
Module Code GEng-M1043
Total Study Hours in the Lecture Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
Module 70 100 0 100 270
The study of static and dynamic systems subjected to forces/loading/friction
Rationale of the module and the associated studies in Statics and Dynamics is a fundamental area to
be understood and practiced by the mechanical Engineering students.
The main objectives of the module are to:

Understand physical interaction of bodies with their surrounding
and attain a state of rest & apply the principles of force systems for
analyzing of static structures;
Module Objectives 
Develop appropriate mathematical models that represent physical
systems using appropriate coordinate systems; and

Derive equations of motion that relate forces acting on systems and
the resulting motion.
After completion of this module the students shall be able to;
i. apply basic principles of forces and equations of motions under static
Module Competencies and dynamic loading conditions
ii. develop appropriate mathematical models that represent physical
Module Mode of Delivery Basically on Semester Basis or Parallel approach
Module Learning and The mode of the delivery of the module can be summarized as follows:
Lecture, Tutorials
Teaching Method
Group Discussion, Home Works
Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous
Module Assessment
assessment should comprise at least five (5) different assessment
Total ECTS of the module 10 Credit Point

Module Description
Course Number Course Name ECTS
CEng 1041 Engineering Mechanics I (Statics) 5
MEng 1042 Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics) 5
Total ECTS 10

Engineering Mechanics I (Statics)

Course Number CEng1041
Course Title Engineering Mechanics I (Statics)
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Lecturer TBA
5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
35 50 0 50 135

Course Objective and Learning Outcomes:

Up on successful completion of the course, students will be able


Distinguish between concurrent, coplanar and space force systems

Compute the resultant of coplanar and space force systems

Course Objectives Draw free body diagrams, Analyze reactions and pin forces induced in coplanar and
space systems using equilibrium equations and free body diagrams
 
 Determine the centroid and center of mass of plane areas & volumes

  force with equivalent resultant force which has the same effect as the
Represent distributed
distributed forces
  
Draw shear force & bending moment diagrams
 
 Determine friction forces and their influence up on equilibrium of systems

 analytical techniques and logical procedure in the solution of Engineering
Apply sound
 Ability to define and apply the concepts of equilibrium;

Competences to be Demonstrate familiarity with structural analysis of trusses, frames and beams and
Acquired/course application of mechanics to Engineering problems.
level competences

This course presents the fundamental physical concepts, laws and Statics of particles:
Resultants of coplanar and none-coplanar force systems, Equitation of equilibrium for
coplanar and none-coplanar force systems. Statics of rigid bodies: Equilibrium of simple
Course Description
structures: trusses beams, frames and machines. Analysis of structures (truss, Frames and
machines). Centroid & center of gravity, moment of inertial. Force in beams: shear force
& bending moment diagrams. Static friction.
Course outline
Content Reference Assessment Week
Chapter 1: Scalars and Vectors
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scalars and Vectors
TBA TBA Week 1
1.3 Operation with Vectors
Vector Addition or Composition
Vector Multiplication: Dot & Cross
Chapter 2: Force Systems
2.1 Introduction
I. Two Dimensional Force Systems
2.2 Rectangular Resolution of Forces
2.3 Moment and Couple
2.4 Resultants of general coplanar force systems
II. Three Dimensional Force Systems
2.5 Rectangular Components
2.6 Moment and Couple
2.7 Resultants
Chapter 3: Equilibrium
3.1 Introduction
I. Equilibrium in Two Dimensions
3.2 System Isolation
3.3 Equilibrium Conditions
II. Equilibrium in Three Dimensions
3.4 System Isolation
3.5 Equilibrium Conditions
Chapter 4: Analysis of simple Structures
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Plane Trusses
4.2.1 Method of Joints
4.2.2 Method of Sections
4.3 Frames and Simple Machines

Chapter 5: Internal Actions in beams
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Diagrammatic conventions and classification of
5.3 Diagrammatic representations of internal actions
in beams
5.4 Types of loads and reactions
5.5 Shear force and bending moment in beams
5.6 Relation between the static functions and their
5.7 Relations among load, shear, and bending
Chapter 6: Centroids
6.1 Introduction,
6.2 Center of gravity
6.3 Centroids of lines, Areas, and Volumes TBA TBA Week
6.4 Centroids of composite bodies
6.5 Determination of centroid by integrations
6.6 Distributed loads in beams
Chapter 7: Area Moments of Inertia
7.1 Introduction to area moments of inertia
7.2 Moment of inertia of plane areas and curves TBA TBA Week
7.3 Moments of inertia of Composite areas
7.4 Products of Inertia and Rotation of Axes

Chapter 8: Friction
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Types of Friction TBA TBA Week 16
8.3 Characteristics of dry friction
8.4 Application of Friction in Machines

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year 1, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Tutorials
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Mode of assessment
Active Participation................. 5%
Class Attendance…………..…5%

Final Exam (50%)

All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consid
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
1. Meriam, J.L. and Kraige, L.G., Engineering mechanics, 7 ed
2. Meriam, J.L. and Kraige, L.G., Engineering mechanics, 6 ed
3. Engineering Mechanics: Statics & Dynamics by Anthony M. Bedford, Wallace
Fowler, Prentice Hall; 5 edition (July 2007)
4. Engineering Mechanics: Statics by Russell C. Hibbeler, Prentice Hall; 12 edition
(January 7, 2009)
5. Schaum's Outline of Engineering Mechanics by E. W. Nelson, Charles L. Best,
William G. McLean, McGraw-Hill; 5 edition (May 1997)
6. Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics by Anthony M Bedford, Wallace
Fowler, Prentice Hall; 4 edition (August 2004)
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics)

Course Number MEng1042

Course Title Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics)
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Basic Engineering Mechanics
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
ECTS Credits 5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight Laboratory
35 50 0 50 135
Course Objectives
• To provide students with a clear and thorough presentation of the theory and
applications of Engineering mechanics.
• Select appropriate coordinate systems for physical systems and analyze motion
variables such as position, velocity, and acceleration.
Course Objectives • Conduct kinematic analysis for the velocity & acceleration of moving bodies.
• Draw free-body-diagram for rigid body in motion
• Apply principle of conservation of energy
• Apply Newton's Law of Motion to rigid body motion
• Apply principles of impulse and momentum of a rigid body
Student Learning Outcome
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:
 Develop the fundamental equations that characterize the kinematics and
Newtonian dynamics of a particle, systems of particles, and rigid bodies.
 Develop the ability to model and analyze the dynamic behavior of a particles,
systems of particles, and rigid bodies
Course Outcomes
 Provide experience in the application of dynamic analysis to elementary problems
in Engineering practice
• Understand and apply basic principles that govern the motion of objects.
• Develop appropriate mathematical models that represent physical systems.
• Derive equations of motion that relate forces acting on systems and the resulting

Competences to be This course prepares students to handle assignments related to fluid dynamics during
Acquired/Course level their Hydraulics II as in flow through pipes and pumps and Hydropower course as in
competences surge tank design and surge analysis.

Basic equations of motion; Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies; Kinetics of

Course Description
particles and rigid bodies
Course Outline
Content Reference Assessment Time Plan

Chapter 1: Introduction to Dynamics [1]:pp 1-19 Week 1

1.1 Basic concepts Quize-1 ,5%
1.2 Equations of motion
1.3 Gravitation
Chapter 2: Kinematics of particles
2.1 Introduction [1]:pp. 21-80, Week 2-5
2.2 Rectangular motion
Quize-1 ,5%
2.3 Plane curvilinear motion [2]:pp. 3 -106
2.4 Coordinate systems Group
2.5 Relative motion Assignment 1, 10%
2.6 Constrained motion
Chapter 3: Kinetics of Particles
3.1 Introduction [1]:pp. 119 - Week 6-9
3.2 Newton’ssecondlaw
3.3 Work Energy equation [2]:pp. 108-309 Individual
3.4 Impulse and Momentum Assignment 1, 10%
3.5 Conservation of Energy and Momentum
3.6 Special applications/Impact/

Chapter 4: Kinematics of rigid bodies [1]: pp. 331 - 10-13

4.1 Introduction 417
4.2 Fixed axis rotation Test-1, 10%
4.3 Absolute motion [2]: pp. 311 -
4.4 Relative motion 394

Chapter 5: Kinetics of rigid bodies [1]: pp. 419 -

5.1 Introduction 524
Quize-2 ,5%
5.2 General equations of motion 14-16
5.3 Work Energy method [2]: pp. 455-
5.4 Impulse and Momentum 548

Pre-requisites CEng1041
Semester Year 1, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Lecture

Methods Tutorials
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Assessment/Evaluatio Quizzes(Two)…………………...…15%
n & Grading System Assignments……….………...20%
Active Participation................. 5%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at
any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by
no means.
[1]Meriam, J.L. andKraige,L. G., Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, 6 Ed.,

Literature Reference:
[2]Hibbeler, R.C., Engineering Mechanics-Dynamics,12 Ed., 2012.
[3]Beer, Johnston, Clausen, Eisenberg, Cornwell, Vector Mechanics for Engineers:
Dynamics, 9 ed., 2004.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Basic Engineering Mathematics

Module Category General Science and Engineering
Module Number [05]
Module Code Math-M1053
Total Study Hours in Lecture Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
the Module 100 100 0 124 324
Justification of the module:
Rationale of the
Students require a strong background in mathematics for successful
accomplishment of their Civil Engineering Studies.
Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module: The student shall
acquire the fundamentals of linear algebra. Including
Vector spaces, vector equations
Systems of linear equations, matrices
Module Objectives
Analytical geometry
Complex numbers
The students will be exposed to methods of solving ordinary differential equations
as well..
After completion of this module the students shall be able to;
Module 
Competencies Model and analyze Engineering problems by applying concepts of
calculus, vector algebra, and probability and statistics
Module Mode of
Basically on Semester Basis or Parallel approach
The mode of the delivery of the module can be summarized as follows:
Module Learning Lecture
and Teaching Tutorials
Method Group Discussion
Home Works
Module Assessment Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous assessment
Techniques should comprise at least five (5) different assessment techniques.
Module Description
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
Math1051 Applied Mathematics I 6
Math1052 Applied Mathematics II 6
Total ECTS 12


Applied Mathematics I
Course Number Math1051
Course Title Applied Mathematics I
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Applied Engineering Mathematics
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
50 50 0 62 162

Students shall learn and understand the principles of vector and scalars, definition and
operation of matrices & determinants, basics of limit and continuity, basic rules of
Course Objectives
derivatives & their applications, integrals, integration techniques and their application
in volume, arc length, and surface area determinations.

Competences to be Students will be able to apply linear algebra to various applications in Engineering.
Acquired/course level They will be able to solve systems of linear equation using direct methods and
competences iterative methods. They will be able to determine the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of
a given matrix.
This course covers Vectors and vector spaces, Matrices and determinants, Limit and
Course Description continuity, Derivatives and application of derivatives, Integration and Application of
Course Outline
Content Reference Assessment Week
1. Vectors and vector spaces
 Plane vector
 Addition and scalar multiplication TBA TBA Week
 Space vectors
 Scalar product and vector product

 Lines in plane
 Lines in space, planes in space
 Applications
2. Matrices and determinants
 Matrix
 Addition, scalar multiplication, product of
 Transpose
 Determinant
 Inverse
 Applications
3. Limit and continuity
 Definition of limit and examples
 Basic limit theorems
 One-sided limits TBA TBA Week
 Infinite limits and limit at infinity
 L’Hopital’s rule
 Continuity of a function.
4. Derivative & application of derivatives TBA TBA Week
5. Inverse functions and their derivatives and
 Inverse functions
 Inverse trigonometric functions
 Hyperbolic functions and their inverses
 Derivatives of inverse functions
 Derivatives of trigonometric functions and TBA TBA Week
their inverses
 Derivatives of hyperbolic functions and their
 Implicit differentiation, higher order
 Application of derivatives

6. Techniques of integration and their application

 Integration by parts
 Integration by substitution
 Trigonometric integral
TBA TBA Week 16
 Trigonometric substitution
 Integration by partial fractions
 Improper integrals
Application of Integrals

Pre-requisites None

Semester Year 1, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Tutorials
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Mode of assessment Assignments……….………...20%
Active Participation................. 5%
Class Attendance…………..…5%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
1. Robert Ellis and Denny Gulick: Calculus with Analytic geometry
2. Sherman K. Stein and Anthony Barcellos: Calculus and Analytic geometry
3. A.C. Bajpai: Engineering Mathematics
4. Richard E. Johnson: Calculus with Analytic geometry
Literature 5. Frank Ayres: Calculus Schaum’s ou
6. Larson, R., Hostetler, R. P., and Edwards, B.H. (2005), Calculus with Analytic
Geometry, 8 edition, Houghton Mifflin Company.
7. S.Lang (2004), Linear Algebra, 3 edition, Springer.
8. Stewart, J. (2002), Calculus, 5 edition, Brooks Cole.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature .date

Applied Mathematics II

Course Number Math1052

Course Title Applied Mathematics II
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Applied Engineering Mathematics
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
50 50 0 62 162
Students will learn about representations of transdental functions in Taylor series and
Course Objectives Maclaurain series. Moreover, student will be introduced the calculus of functions of
several variables

Competences to be Students will learn the application of Taylor Series, Macluarian Series,
Acquired/course level Fouries Series in solving Engineering problems. Moreover, they will be able to
competences differentiate and integrate functions of several variables during applications to
various Engineering problems.
This course covers sequences, series, power series, and Fourier series; differential and
Course Description integrals calculus of functions of several variables and their applications, and multiple
Course Outline
Course Contents Reference Assessment Week
Chapter 1: Sequence and series (30hrs.)

1.1. Definition and types of sequence

Assignment-1 (10%)
1.2. Convergence properties of sequences [1],[5]- PP-
Quize-1, 5% Week 1-5
1.3. Subsequence and limit points TBA
1.4. Definition of infinite series
1.5. Convergence and divergence, properties of
convergent series

1.6. Nonnegative term series
1.7.Tests of convergence (integral, comparison,
ratio and root tests)
1.8.Alternating series and alternating series test
1.9.Absolute and conditional convergence
1.10. Generalized convergence tests
Chapter 2. Power series (14hrs.)

2.1.Definition of power series at any and

2.2.Convergence and divergence, radius and
[1],[5]- PP-
interval of convergence Test-1, (5%) Week 6-7
2.3.Algebraic operations on convergent power
2.4.Differentiation and integration of power series
Taylor series; Taylor polynomial and application
Chapter 3: Differential calculus of function of
several variables (30hrs.)
3.1 Notations, examples, level curves and graphs
3.2 Limit and continuity
3.3 Partial derivatives; tangent lines, higher order
partial derivatives.
3.4 Directional derivatives and gradients
3.5 Total differential and tangent planes Assignment-2 (10%)
[1],[5]- PP-
3.6 Applications: tangent plane approximation of Quize-2, 5% Week 8-12
values of a function
3.7 The chain rule, implicit differentiation
3.8 Relative extrema of functions of two variables
3.9 Largest and smallest values of a function on a
given set
 Extreme values under
constraint conditions:
Lagrange’s multipli

Chapter 4: Multiple integrals (26hrs.)
4.1 Double integrals and their evaluation by iterated
4.2 Double integrals in polar coordinates Quize-3, 5%
4.3 Application: Area, center of mass of plane region, [1],[5]- PP- Week 13-
surface TBA 16
4.4 Triple integrals in cylindrical and spherical
Application: Volume, center of mass of
solid region.

Pre-requisites Math1051

Semester Year 1, Semester II

Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Tutorials
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Tests(two)………… …….…..10%
Mode of assessment
Active Participation................. 5%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work cheatingis andconsishallbe
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
1. [1]Ellis, R. and Gulick, D. (1998), Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 5 edition,
2. Ron Larson, Robert P. Hostetler, and Bruce H. Edwards, Calculus with analytic
Geometry, 8th ed, 2005.

3. C. Henry Edwards and David E. Penney, Calculus with analytic Geometry: 6th
Edition, 2002.
4. Dennis G. Zill , A 1st course in Differential Equations, 5th ed. 2000.
5. [5]Erwin Kreyszig (2005), Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9
edition, Wiley.6
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Name Basic Engineering Skills

Module Category General
Module Number 06
Module Code GEng-M1063
Total EtCTS of the Module 13
Total Study Hour 351
Objectives The objectives of this module is:

To offer an introduction to the Engineering professionalism and
basic Engineering skills particularly in the field of Civil

To introduce students to broader views of various Engineering

To give students a hands-on practices in workshops

To enable students to interpret and prepare drawings and
visualize 3D objects
i.Prepare Engineering drawing manually.
ii.Able to make basic computer programming.
iii.Able to make informed decision in choice of Engineering discipline.
iv. Develop ability to use and apply the techniques, skills and
Engineering tools necessary for Engineering practice and
general workshop safety and practice skill.
Module Mode of Delivery Basically on Semester Basis or Parallel approach
The mode of the delivery of the module can be summarized as follows:
Module Learning and Tutorials
Laboratory Practice
Teaching Method
Workshop Practice
Group Discussion
Home Works
Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous
assessment should comprise at least five (5) different assessment
Module Assessment
Continuous Assessment (50%)

Lab reports
Active Participation
Class Attendance
Mini projects
Reports and presentations
Final Exam (50%)
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name EtCTS
MEng1061 Engineering Drawing 5
GEng1062 Introduction to Engineering Profession 2
CEng1063 Workshop Practice 2
CEng2064 Computer Programming 4
Total 13

Engineering Drawing
Course Number MEng1061
Course Name Engineering Drawing
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Basic Engineering Skills
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
EtCTS Credits 5

Study Hour Lecture…………………………… 25 hrs
 Laboratory ……………..……...…. 40 hrs

Assessment………………………..20 hrs

Home Study …………………....… 50 hrs

Total………………..……………..135 hrs
Objectives The objectives of this course is:

To provide students with the concepts of technical drawing.

To provide students with the basic contents of technical drawing like
projection, views, multi view and pictorial drawings, intersection and
Competencies At the end of the course, students would understand:

The different types of projection techniques

How to sketch multi –view drawings of any given pictorial drawings

How to sketch pictorial drawings of given multi –view drawings

Sketching auxiliary and sectional views as a supplement of multi –
view drawings.

How to find intersection lines of different geometries and development
of surfaces.
Course Description/ Course Contents
Content Reference Assessment Week
1. Introduction: History of technical drawing and
objective of the course
2. Theory of Projections: Types and
classifications of projections

3. Multi –View Drawings: Systems of
projection; Choice of views, Laying out of
views; Projection of lines, planar and non- TBA TBA Week
planar lines; Tangent surfaces; Fillets;
Rounds; Run-outs.
4. Pictorial Drawings: Comparison between
multi-view and pictorial drawings;
Axonometric; Oblique and central projections;
Isometric and oblique drawings.
5. Auxiliary Views: Primary and secondary
auxiliary views; Complete and partial TBA TBA Week
auxiliary views
6. Sectional Views: Making sectional drawings;
Types of sections; Conventional
representations; Sectional auxiliary views;
Sections in pictorial drawings
7. Intersections and Development of Simple
Transition Pieces
Pre-requisite None
Semester I
Status of the Compulsory

Module Learning Tutorials
Group Discussion
and Teaching
Laboratory Practice
Workshop Practice
Home Works

Continuous Assessment (50%)

Module Quizzes……………………..10%
Assessment Assignments………………..10%
Techniques Class Attendance……………5%
Mini projects…………..…..15%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
Course policy
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi

If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
Literature 1. French, T. E. and Helsel, J. D. (2003), Mechanical Drawing: Board and
CAD Techniques, Student Edition, 13th edition, Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.
2. Giesecke, F.E., Mitchell, A., Spencer, H.C. and et al. (2002), Technical
Drawing, 12 edition, Prentice Hall.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Introduction to Engineering Profession

Course Number GEng1062

Course Name Introduction to Engineering Profession
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Basic Engineering Skills
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: .; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: .; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
EtCTS Credits
16 16 0 22 54

Study Hour Lecture …………………………. 16 hrs

Assessment …………………….. 16 hrs

Home Study ………...……..........

Total …………………………… 54 hrs
Objectives The objectives of this course is:

Acquaint students with different areas of Engineering discipline.

To introduce students to the concepts and field of Engineering as a

Explain the different types of Engineering profession.
Competencies Students will be familiar with different areas of specialization of Engineering
and be exposed to various career opportunities.

Course An introduction to the Engineering profession

Description/ Overview of different fields of Engineering.

Course Contents Engineering Ethics.

Course Content Reference Assessment Time plan

Chapter 1: Introduction to Engineering Skill
1.1. What is Engineering?
1.2. Engineering Thinking TBA Quize-1, 5% Week 1-3
1.3. Problem solving strategies
1.4. Application of Engineering
Experience 72
1.5. Failure –Design, Construction,
Operation or Maintenance?
1.6. Attributes of the Engineer

Chapter 2: Engineering Career

TBA Test-1, 5% Week 4-6
2.1. What does an Engineer do?
2.2. What types of Engineers are there?
2.3. How Does An Engineer Do Things?

Chapter 3: Engineering Design Methods

3.1. Elements of Engineering Design and the TBA Mini Project -1, 20% Week 7-9
3.2. Design Considerations
3.3. Design Methodology
Chapter 4: Engineering Ethics

4.1. What is Engineering ethics? TBA Presentation- 10%

Week 10-12
4.2. Fundamental principles of Engineering Test-2, 5%
4.3. General rules (Fundamental Canon)
Seminar Report-10%
Chapter 5: Engineering Disciplines TBA Seminar Participation-
Week 13-16
5.1 Engineering Disciplines 10%
5.2 Seminar presentation. Quize-2, 5%
Pre-requisite None
Semester I
Module Learning Lecture
and Teaching
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Seminar Report………………..10%
Seminar Participation………...10%
Mini project……………..…..20%
Final Exam (30%)
Assessment Continuous assessment (quizzes, tests, assignments, class works) and final exam
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
Course policy including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and

submitting other’s work is consi
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
Literature Landis, R. B. (2001), Studying Engineering, 2nd Edition, Discovery Press, Burbank, CA.
“Engineering in History”, Richard Shelton
“BeyondEngineering: How Society Shapes Tech
University Press,
“Engineering: An Introduction to a Creative Pro
Evans, Keats,
Macmillan Publishing Company, 1986. .
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Workshop Practice
Course Number CEng1063
Course Name Workshop Practice
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Basic Engineering Skills
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: .; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: .; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
EtCTS Credits 2

Study Hour Lecture ……………................

Workshop ………………….....…. 30 hr

Assessment………………………..18 hrs

Totals……………….……………..54 hrs
Objectives This course is mainly designed to impart students to a hand-on exercises and
practices on plumbing, masonry works, concrete mixing, wood work and the
Competencies After the successful completion of the course students will be able to
effectively supervise and comment on plumbing, woodwork, masonry,
electrical installation and similar works.
Course Description/ Course Contents
Content Reference Assessment Time Plan
 Plumbing Workshop practice manuals Mini Project-1, 5% Week 1-2
 Woodwork Workshop practice manuals Mini Project-2, 5% Week 3-4
 Concrete work Workshop practice manuals Mini Project-3, 5% Week 5-7
 Plastering Workshop practice manuals Mini Project-4, 5% Week 8-9
 Masonry work Workshop practice manuals Mini Project-5, 10% Week 10-12
 Basic electrical Mini Project-6, 5%
Workshop practice manuals Week 13-14
 Construction sites
Site Visit Report- 10%
which have Week 15-16
Presentation- 5%
finished or un

finished tasks are
Pre-requisite None
Semester II
Status of the Course Compulsory
Learning Teaching Lecture
Methods Workshop Practice
Laboratory Practice
Group Discussion
Home Works
Assessment Continuous Assessment (50%)
Techniques Site Visit Report …………………...10%
Mini projects…………………..…..35%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at
any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by
no means.
Literature 1. Jim Forrest & Peter Jennings (1998), Workshop Construction (Workshop
Practice), Special Interest Model Books.
2. Alex Weiss (1998), Workshop Electrics (Workshop Practice), Special
Interest Model Books.
3. Workshop practice manuals
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Department of Civil Engineering
Course Number CEng2064
Course Name Computer Programming
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module General Science and Engineering
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
EtCTS Credits 4

Study Hour Lecture …………………………………………. 15 hr

Laboratory………………………………………. 40 h

Assessment ……………………………….…….. 15

Home Study ………......................

Total ………………………………….………… 108 hr

Objectives To introduce students to computer based problem solving.

To enable students to design, develop, compile and debug programs in a
high level programming language.

To enable students to develop programs to solve numerical Engineering
Competencies Students shall be familiar with computer and programming language and shall be
able to plan, analyze and write computer programs for basic Engineering
Course  Introduction to computers: hardware, software.
Description/  Number representation in computers: fixed and floating–point numbers.
Course Contents  Fundamental programming concepts: program organization, modularity in
programming, algorithms, flow charts.
 Data types: intrinsic and user-defined data types, variables, initialization,
assignment statements, control statements, loops.
 Input and output statements; files for input and output.
 Intrinsic and user-defined subprograms.
 Possible language: FORTRAN (latest version) or C or Visual Basic.
Pre-requisite None

Semester III
Status of the Compulsory
Learning Teaching Lecture
Methods Laboratory Practice
Group Discussion
Home Works
Assessment Continuous Assessment (50%)
Techniques Tests………………………...10%
Mini projects…………..…..15%
Class Attendance…………...10%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consid
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
Literature 1. Glassborow, F. (2004), A Beginners Introduction to Computer
Programming, Wiley.
2. Chapman, S.J. (2003), Fortran 90/95 for Scientists and Engineers, 2
edition, McGraw-Hill Science /Engineering /Math.
3. Brain, D.H. (1996). Fortran 90 for Scientists and Engineers
4. Smith, I.M. (1995). Programming in Fortran 90
5. Dida Midekso. (1994). Introduction to Computer Science. Addis Ababa
printing press.
6. C++: An Introduction to Computing, 2nd edition (Adams, Leestma, and
Nyhoff; Prentice-Hall, 1998)
7. Halterman, Richard. Fundamentals of Programming and Software Design
in Java. 2001.
8. Thinking in C++, 4th Edition (Sunil K. Pandey GTBP1, New Delhi)
9. C++ How to program, Fifth Edition (By H. M. Deitel - Deitel &

Associates, Inc., P. J. Deitel - Deitel & Associates,)
10. Java How to program, sixth Edition (By H. M. Deitel - Deitel &
Associates, Inc., P. J. Deitel - Deitel & Associates,)
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date______________
Approval Section
Name of course team leader _______________________________
Signature date _____________
Name of department head _______________________________
Signature date_______________



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Advanced Engineering mathematics and Numerical methods
Module Category General Science and Engineering
Module Number [07]
Module Code GEng-M2073
Total Study Hours in Lecture Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
the Module 114 114 33 144 405
Justification of the module:

Students require advanced mathematics and statistical analysis in
their Civil Engineering higher courses.
Rationale of the 
module The students will need to understand stochastic problems for which
probability analysis is fundamental.

Civil Engineers need ability to formulate and solve Engineering problems
Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module:
The student shall acquire knowledge on higher mathematical topics
and statistical and probabilistic theories
Complex number integrals
Module Objectives Series
Partial differential equations
Probability theories
Statistical analysis
And basic numerical methods and Engineering applications.
Apply appropriate advanced mathematical and numerical method to analyze
Module problems related to Civil Engineering and be able to plan analyze and write
Competencies computer programs for numerical methods and basic Engineering applications

Module Mode of
Basically on Semester Basis or Parallel approach
The mode of the delivery of the module can be summarized as follows:
Module Learning Lecture
Laboratory Practice
and Teaching
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Module Assessment Tests
Techniques Laboratory Practice

Active Participation
Class Attendance
Final Exam (50%)
Total ECTS of the
14 Credit Point
Module Description
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
Stat2071 Probability and Statistics 4
Math2072 Applied Mathematics III 6
CEng2073 Numerical Methods 5
Total ECTS 15

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number Stat2071

Course Title Probability and Statistics
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Advanced Engineering mathematics and Numerical methods
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
30 30 0 48 108

After successful completion of this course the students shall have a general
understanding of the:

Methods of collecting statistical data (specifically sampling techniques)

Course Objectives Summarizing data ( construction of frequency distributions)

Basic concepts and computations of probability,

Different probability distributions (continuous and discrete),

Making inferences (estimation of population parameters and tests of

Students will be able to:

Understand the concepts of probability and statistics.

Acquire basic knowledge of fundamental probability distribution functions,
Competences to be discrete and continuous, univariate and multi-variate.

Acquired/course level Estimate and interpret correlation coefficient.

competences Carry out point and interval estimations involving normal populations.

Understand hypothesis testing and the meaning of the null hypothesis.

Have an appreciation for Monte Carlo simulation techniques.

Participate in Engineering projects that embody probabilistic and statistical

This course introduces
  
Probability theory.
  
Random variables and random distribution.
 
Discrete and continuous density functions.
Course Description Bivariate distribution.
  
Introduction to statistics.
  
Frequency distributions.
  
Measures of central distribution and dispersion.
 
Regression and correlation coefficients
Course Outline
Course Content Reference Assessment
Meaning of the Term Statistics; Some Basic Terminologies
(Population, Sample, Parameter, Statistic, Qualitative
variable, Quantitative variable-Discrete& Continuous);
Descriptive & Inferential Statistics
Absolute Frequency Distributions (Discrete data,
Continuous data); Relative Frequency Distributions;
Cumulative Frequency Distributions
PART A: The Arithmetic Mean (Simple, Weighted, and
Combined); the Median; the mode; Quartiles.
PART B: The Range & Coefficient of the Range; The
Interquartile Range & Coefficient of the Interquartile
Range; The Standard deviation &
Coefficient of Variation
*Elements of Set Theory; Combinatorial Problems
(Multiplication principle, Permutations, and Combinations);
Some Probabilistic Terms ( Random experiment, Outcome,
Sample space, Event, Mutually exclusive, Exhaustive,
Equally likely); Definition of Probability (Classical
definition, Relative frequency definition, and Axiomatic
definition); Additive Theorem of Probability; Conditional
Probability; Multiplicative Theorem of Probability; Bayes'
Formula; Independent Events
General Notion of a Random Variable; Discrete Random
Variables & Probability Mass Functions (Pdf); Continuous
Random Variables & Probability Density Functions(Pdf);

Cumulative Distribution Function(Cdf); The Expected
Value of an R.V.; The Variance of an R.V.; Tchebichev's
The Binomial Distribution; The Poisson Distribution;
The Poisson Approximation to the Binomial
Distribution; The Uniform (or Rectangular)
Distribution; The Normal (or Gaussian) Distribution
Semester Year 2, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Tutorials
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Mode of assessment Assignments……….………...20%
Active Participation................. 5%
Class Attendance…………..…5%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
1) Bluman, A.G. Elementary Statistics: A Step by Step approach (3rd ed.).
2) DeGrot, M.H. (1989). Probability and Statistics (2nd ed.), Addfson-Wesley
Publishin'g Co.
3) Johnson, R. (2005). Miller and Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers
(7th ed.),

4) Meyer P.L. (1989). Introductory Probability and Statistical Application (2nd ed.),
5) Soong, T.T. (2004). Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics for Engineers,
John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
6) Spiegel, M.R. & Stephens, L.J. (2008). Schaum's Outlines: Theory and Problems
of Statistics (4th ed.) McGraw-Hili Inc
7) Tijms, H. (2007). Understanding Probability (2nd ed.), Cambridge University
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number Math2072

Course Title Applied Mathematics III

Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Advanced Engineering mathematics and Numerical methods
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
50 50 0 62 162

 Objective:
The objective of the course is to offer an introductory treatment of ordinary partial
Course Objectives differential equations, vector analysis and complex analysis that arise in Engineering.
Students shall understand the fundamental theories and applications of ordinary partial
differential equations, vector and complex analyses in Civil Engineering.

Competences to be At the end of this course, students will be able to

Acquired/course solve ODEs and PDEs. Moreover, they will be able to use Complex Functions in
level competences Engineering Applications.

This course covers First order differential equations, second order differential
equations, Vector differential calculus, Line and surface integral, Complex
Course Description
analytical functions and complex integrals, Taylor and Laurent Series, Integration
by the method of residue
Course Outline
Course content Reference Assessment Time Plan
1. Ordinary Differential Equations, ODEs
1.1 Ordinary Differential Equations of the
first order
1.1.1 Basic Concepts, modeling TBA TBA TBA
1.1.2 Separable Equations
1.1.3 Homogeneous Differential

1.1.4 Exact Differential Equations
1.2 Linear first Order Differential Equations
Ordinary Linear Differential equations of
the second order
1.2.1 Homogeneous Linear Differential
equations of the second order
1.2.2 Method for solving non
homogeneous linear differential
1.3 Laplace Transforms
1.3.1 Laplace Transform. Inverse
Transform. Linearity. s-Shifting
1.3.2 Transforms of Derivatives and
Integrals. ODEs
1.3.3 Differentiation and Integration of
1.3.4 Systems of ODEs
2. Fourier series
2.1 Fourier series and integrals
2.2 The complex Fourier series and integrals
2.3 Forced Oscillations
2.4 Fourier and Laplace transformations
2.5 Fourier cosine and sine transformation
2.6 Differentiation and integration of Laplace
3. Vector calculus
3.1 Gradient of a scalar field
3.2 Divergence of a vector field
3.3 Curl of a vector field
3.4 Line integrals
3.5 Surface integrals
3.6 Gauss divergence theorem and its
4. Complex analysis
4.1 Complex Analytic Functions.
4.2 Complex Integrals.
Integration by method of residue
Pre-requisites Math1052

Semester Year 2, Semester I

Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Tutorials
Group Discussion

Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Mode of assessment Assignments……….………...20%
Active Participation................. 5%
Class Attendance…………..…5%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
1. Erwin Kreyszig (2005). Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 9th edition, Wiley.
2. Ellis, R. and Gulick, D. (1998). Calculus with Analytic Geometry, 5th edition.
Literature Harcourt.
3. Stewart, J. (2002), Calculus, 5th edition, Brooks Cole.
4. Churchil, R.V. (2003). Complex Variables and Application. 7/e. McGraw Hill
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Numerical Methods

Course Number CEng2073

Course Title Numerical Methods

Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Advanced Engineering mathematics and Numerical methods
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
34 34 33 34 135


Course Objectives Enabling students to apply knowledge of linear algebra and differential equations in
the context of Engineering problem-solving. Introduce classical and contemporary
Engineering problems to students at the lower division level.
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
 To perform a range of matrix and vector operations.
Competences to be  Solve mathematical models of Engineering systems and/or components.
Acquired/course level  Find roots of nonlinear equations.
competences  Solve systems of linear and non-linear equations.
 Perform least-squares fitting of a curve to data.
 Numerically integrate ordinary differential equations.
This course covers
 Mathematical Modeling
 Roots of Equations
Course Description  Linear Algebraic Equations
 Curve Fitting
 Numerical Differentiation and Integration
 Numerical Solution ff ODE
Course Outline

Content Reference Assessment Time Plan
1. Mathematical Modeling, Number System and TBA --- Week 1
2. Roots of Equations Assignment-1 , 5% Week 2-4

3. Solution of Non-linear Equation: Assignment-2 , 5%

3.1 Bisection method TBA Quize-1 , 5% Week 5-7
3.2 Secant method;
3.3 Newton's method
4. Curve Fitting:
4.1 Least square Regression; TBA Test-1 , 5% Week 8-9
4.2 Interpolations
4.3 Fourier Approximations
5. Solutions of Systems of Linear Algebraic
5.1 Matrix-Inversion TBA Assignment-3 , 5%
5.2 Gauss-Siedle Iteration Week 10-11
5.3 Gaussian-Elimination
5.4 LU-Decomposition
6. Numerical Differentiation & Integration:
6.1 Trapezoidal-Rule
6.2 Simpson's Rule; Test-2 , 5% Week 12-13
6.3 Gauss-Quadrature;
6.4 Romberg's Integration
TBA Week 12-13
7. Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors Mini Project-1 , 10%
8. Numerical Solution of ODEs: Week 14-15
7.1. Euler's method; Quize-2 , 5%
7.2. Runge-Kutta method
9. Working with MAT LAB and Excel Week 16
TBA Presentation 5%
Application in Numerical Method
Pre-requisites Comp2064
Semester Year 2, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Laboratory Practice
Mode of delivery Tutorials
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Mode of assessment

Mini Project............................. 10%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
1. Chapra C.S. and Canale P.REngineers.(200with
Programming and Software Appli-Hill
2. Rao, S.S. (2002), Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists,
Prentice Hall.
3. Recktenwald, G.W. (2001), Introduction to Numerical Methods and
MATLAB: Implementations and Applications, 2 edition, Prentice Hall.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Surveying module

Module Category TBA

Module Number [08]
Module Code CEng-M1081
Total Study Hours in Lecture Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
the Module 70 154 100 324
Measurement lies at the heart of every Engineering design. Before realizing any
project on the ground, one has to take accurate measurement such as
Rationale of the module topographic, bathymetric and so on to accurately locate the point of
implementation with reference to given sound datum. Hence, this module
exposes the student with the know-how of geodetic measurement.

The main objectives of the module are to:

Learn theory and field work in construction and land surveying.

Familiar with the use of surveying equipment and the preparation of
Module Objectives field book records.

Understand basic introduction to GIS and remote sensing. Moreover,
interpretation of aerial imagery is also dealt with.

After completion of this module the students shall be able to;

Module Competencies  understand surveying work principles,

Use of surveying equipment and apply the knowledge through field
Module Mode of
Basically on Semester Basis or Parallel approach
The mode of the delivery of the module can be summarized as follows:
Module Learning and Laboratory Practice
Field Practice
Teaching Method
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Module Assessment Tests
Techniques Laboratory Report
Field Report

Active Participation
Class Attendance
Final Exam (50%)
Total ECTS of the
13 Credit Point
Module Description
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
CEng1081 Surveying I 5
CEng2082 Surveying II 5
CEng2083 Surveying Field Practice 2
Total ECTS 12

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng1081

Course Title Surveying I
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Surveying
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
35 0 50 50 135

Course Objective and Learning Outcomes:

Up on successful completion of the course, students will be able

Course Objectives to:

Know basic principles of geodetic surveying and land information system.

Accurately measure distances and angles using high precision and up-to-date
surveying equipment at the end of this course.

Competences to be Student understand surveying work principles, use of surveying equipment and apply
Acquired/course level the knowledge through field practice
 Introduction and Basic definitions
 units of measurement, theory of errors and their adjustments
 types of surveys
Course Description
 measurement of angles, distance & heights
 bearing & azimuth of a line
 leveling;

 area computations, traverse computation & adjustment
optical and electronic distance measurements

Course outline
Course Content Reference Assessment Course plan
Chapter One
1.1 Definition
TBA Test-1, 5% Week 1-2
1.2 Need for Surveying
1.3 Types and Principles of Surveying
1.4 Sources of Error Precision and Correction
Chapter Two
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Methods of Measurement
2.3. Chain Surveying/ Taping TBA Laboratory-1, 5% Week 3-5
2.3.1. Principle of Chain Surveying
2.3.2. Miscellaneous Taping and Ranging Operation
2.4. Sources of Errors Precaution and Corrections
2.4.1. Sources of Errors
2.4.2. Correction for Errors in tape Measurement
Chapter Three
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Methods of leveling
3.3. Types of Spirit Level
3.3.1. Differential Leveling TBA Laboratory-2, 5% Week 6-10
Assignment-1, 5%
3.3.2. Reciprocal Leveling
3.3.3. Profile Leveling
3.3.4. Cross-section Leveling
3.3.5. Trigonometric Leveling
3.4. Errors and Mistakes in Leveling
Chapter Four
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Methods of Describing Directions
4.3. Methods of Describing angles Laboratory-3, 5%
TBA Week 11-13
4.3.1. Interior Angles Quize-1, 5%
4.3.2. Deflection Angles
4.3.3. Angles to the Right
4.3.4. Magnetic Compass Magnetic Declination

95 Local Attraction
4.3.5. Use and Adjustment of Theodolites Measurement of Horizontal Angles Measurement of Vertical
Angles 4.3.7. Tacheometry Stadia Method
Chapter Five
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Traversing by Compass and Theodolite
5.2.1. Types of Traverse
5.2.2. Compass Traverse
5.2.3. Interior Angle Traverse
5.2.4. Deflection Angle Traverse Laboratory-4, 5%
TBA Week 14-16
5.2.5. Angle to the right traverse Project-1, 5%
5.2.6. Azimuth Traverse
5.2.7. Stadia Traverse
5.2.8. Plane table and Alidade
5.3. Traverse Computations
5.4. Sources of Errors and Precision Traversing
5.5. Checking adjusting traverse
5.6. Computation of Area
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year 1, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Field Practice
Mode of delivery Tutorials
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Laboratory Reports(four) ……….………
Mode of assessment Project ………………….…………….10%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at
Course policy any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi

If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by
no means.

1. Wolf, P. R. and Ghilani, C. D. (2006), Elementary Surveying: An Introduction

to Geomatics, 11th edition, Prentice Hall
2. Uren, J. and Price, W.F. (2005), Surveying for Engineers, 4th edition, Palgrave
3. Chambers, Analysis of survey data
Literature 4. Ghilani,CharlesD., Elementary surveying
5. McCormack, Jack C., Surveying.
6. Boniface, Peter R., Civil surveying sample exams for the California
special Civil engineer examination/
7. Dr. A. M. Chandra, Surveying [2005], New Age International (P) Ltd.,
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng2082

Course Title Surveying II
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Surveying
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
ECTS Credits 5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight Laboratory
35 0 50 50 135

Course Objectives
Students will learn theory and field work in construction and land surveying
Student Learning Outcome
Course Objectives Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

Understand surveying project fundamentals

Obtain a full understanding of the nature of surveying data

Understand their environment and terrain through topographic maps

Understanding of role of photogrammetric surveying.
Student understand surveying work principles, use of surveying equipment and apply
the knowledge through field practice.

Competences to be Triangulation ,

Acquired/Course level Contour lines and Digital Terrain Model,

competences Engineering Surveys and Setting out, GPS Surveying,

Topographic Surveys and Mapping,

Principles of Photogrammetric surveying,

GIS and remote sensing.

Course Description

Course Content Reference Assessment Time Plan

1. Topographical Surveying
1.1 Introduction
1.2. Contouring
1.2.1 Contour and contour interval TBA TBA TBA
1.2.2 Characteristics of contours
1.2.3 Methods of contouring
1.2.4 Uses of contours
2. Curves
2.1. General
2.2. Types of curves and their uses
2.3. Circular curves
2.4. Compound curves TBA TBA TBA
2.5. Reverse cures
3.1. Transition curves
3.2. Vertical curves
3.3. Methods of setting out
3. Triangulation and Trilateration
3.1. General
3.2. Principle and uses
3.3. Classification
3.4. Triangulation figures and arrangements
3.5. Well-condition triangle
3.6. Strength of figure
3.7. Reconnaissance and selection of stations
3.8. Inter-visibility of triangulation stations TBA TBA TBA
3.9. Signals and phase of signals
3.10. Base line and its extension
3.11. Triangulation computations
3.12. Adjustments of Survey Observations
3.13. Definitions
3.14. Weights
3.15. Least squares theory Adjustment problems
4. Photogrammetric
4.1. General
4.2. Aerial, terrestrial and close-range
4.3. Different types of photographs
4.4. Photo coordinate system
4.5. Vertical photographs and definitions
4.6. Scale of photograph and relief displacement
4.7. Sterophotogrammetry
4.8. Uses of photogrammetric
5. Introduction to GIS Application Software TBA TBA TBA

Pre-requisites CEng1081-surveying-I
Semester Year 2, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Field Practice
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Laboratory Reports …………….………15%
Assessment/Evaluation & Interview …………………………….5%
Grading System Quizzes………………………………….5%
Class Attendance…………………….….5%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at
any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by
no means.
1. Wolf, P. R. and Ghilani, C. D. (2006), Elementary Surveying: An Introduction to
Geomatics, 11th edition, Prentice Hall.
Literature 1. Uren, J. and Price, W.F. (2005), Surveying for Engineers, 4th edition, Palgrave
Macmillan.Engineers: Dynamics, 9 ed., 2004.

Name of course Instructor _________________________________

Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng2083

Course Title Surveying field practice
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Surveying
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
ECTS Credits 2 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight Laboratory
0 0 54 0 54

Students who successfully complete this course will be:

Course Objectives
Exposed to field exercise in surveying

Analyze and interpret data independently and come up with contour maps for a
given plot.
Competences to be 
Acquired/Course level Know how surveying data is clearly and ethically reported

competences Work with others, respect the contributions of others, resolve difficulties, and
understand responsibility.

control survey

topographic survey

Course Description highway alignment

Canal alignment

leveling work


Course Outline

Course Content Reference Assessment Time Plan

1. Topographic data Collection 100 % Project Data
1.1Introduction TBA Collection, analysis Week 13-14
1.2 Field data collection Using Total Station and Plotting of

2. Data Analysis Contour map of
2.1 Computer based Data Analysis identified area. Week 15-16
2.2 Developing Contour map
Pre-requisites CEng2082-surveying-II
Semester Year 2, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Field works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Field Reports …………….………35%
Presentation …………….……..…10%
& Grading System
Class Attendance………………….5%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
Course policy
and submitting other’s work isshallc
be penalized.
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students must attend 100% during Field practice. Punctuality is equally
2. Uren, J. and Price, W.F. (2005), Surveying for Engineers, 4th edition, Palgrave
Literature Macmillan

Name of course Instructor _________________________________

Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Building Engineering

Module Category Architecture and building technology
Module Number [09]
Module Code CEng-M2091
Total Study Hours in Lecture Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
the Module 108 50 126 121 405
Since one of the basic necessities of the society is shelter, this module emphasizes
on the Engineering skills required to design a building for residence. Moreover, the
Rationale of the
principles are equally applicable to the design of building for other purposes. The
appropriate materials to be used for the construction of the buildings and the
application of CAD software are also covered in this module
Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module
The students learn:
 Operational sequencing and important subsoil characteristics,
 How to complete excavations and how projects are structured and sealed
against water,
 The elements of masonry and how to apply simple calculations to masonry
 to recognize structural and physical problems arising from the construction
of walls, ceilings and roofs, the elementary frame structure used in sloped
and flat roofs,
Module Objectives
 to read Civil Engineering plans and draw typical construction works
according to accepted norms
 And to learn Application Software for Civil Engineering.
The student shall learn how to dimension buildings taking the following

Heat Insulation,

Moisture Protection,

Noise Insulation.
Moreover , the production and mechanical properties of the main construction
materials ,namely, cement and steel are treated in detail in this module.
Students get basic knowledge on construction materials for Civil Engineering
infrastructures; elements of building; and architectural drawings. Abel to prepare
Drawings with computer aid focusing on Civil Engineering infrastructures;
Module Mode of
Basically on Semester Basis or Parallel approach

The mode of the delivery of the module can be summarized as follows:
Module Learning Laboratory Practice
and Teaching Workshop Practice
Method Tutorials
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Laboratory Report
Mini Project
Module Assessment
Active Participation
Class Attendance
Final Exam (50%)
Total ECTS of the
16Credit Point
Module Description
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
CEng2091 Computer Aided Drafting(CAD) 2
CEng2092 Construction Material 5
CEng3093 Building Construction 5
CEng3094 Fundamental of Architecture 3
Total ECTS 15

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng2091

Course Title Computer Aided Drafting(CAD)

Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Building Engineering
Module Coordinator
Lecturer TBA
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
18 0 36 0 54
Course Objectives
Students will learn Application Software for Civil Engineering
Competences to be At end of this course students will be able to
Acquired/course Prepare Civil Engineering drawings using Auto CAD software.
level competences
This course covers
Course Description 
Auto cad
Course Outline
Course Content Reference Assessment Time plan
1. Introduction to Latest AutoCAD software
The users interface
The menu bars, shortcut menus, command Assignment-1, 10%
Week 1-4
windows, design center, tool palates, customize Class work-1, 5%
the drawing environment, start, organize, and save
2. Control the drawing views:
change views. Choose a work process: create Assignment-2, 10%
Week 5-8
single-view drawing, create multiple-view Class work-2, 5%
3. Create & modify objects: control the
properties of objects: include layer, line type,
Assignment-3, 7.5%
color, line weight, and plot style. Use Week 9-12
Class work-3, 5%
precision tools, draw geometric objects, plot
and publish drawing.
Mini Project- 20%
4. Project Seminar/ jury Week 13-16
Presentation- 10%
Pre-requisites MEng1061

Semester Year 2, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Lectures, Lab, class works, assignments
 Mini Project……………...20%
 Class works(three)…….....15%
 Assignments(three)……...25%
Mode of assessment
 presentation ......................10%
 Total..................................70%
 Final Exam........................30%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
Name of course Instructor ________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng2092

Course Title Construction Material
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Building Engineering
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
35 - 50 50 135

Objective of the course

Course Objectives
To provide basic knowledge about the materials needed in the fields of construction

On successful completion of this subject students should be able to:

(i) describe Engineering properties of concrete, steel and other materials
related to their use in construction;
Competences to be (ii) assess the significance of environmental factors on the behavior and
Acquired/course level durability of concrete and steel;
competences (iii) formulate Engineering solutions to problems associated with the use of
concrete, steel and other materials;
(iv) Prepare reports on practical exercises relevant to the manufacture and
properties of concrete.
This course introduces the production, nature and characteristics of
Course Description different construction materials and identifying them with respect to
their suitability to different Engineering structures.

Course outline

Course Contents Reference Assessment Time Plan

1. Chapter One: Nature& Properties of construction
1.1. Classification & Natures of Materials TBA Quize-1, 5% Week 1 & 2
1.2. Properties of Materials
1.3. Behavior of materials under load
2. Cementing Materials
2.1. Lime Lab1; , 2.5%
TBA Week 3 & 4
2.2. Gypsum Test 1-1, 5%
2.3. Cement
2.4. Mortar
3. Concrete
3.1. Materials for concrete
Lab 2, 2.5%
3.2. Fresh concrete TBA Week 5- 7
3.3. Hardened concrete Mini Project-1, 10%
3.4. Mix design
3.5. Quality control
4. Building stone Lab 3 , 2.5%
4.1. Classifications of stones TBA Week 8 & 9
4.2. Tests on building stones
5. Clay & clay products Lab4- 2.5%
5.1. Bricks
5.2. Tiles TBA Assignement-1, 5% Week 10 & 11
5.3. Other Types of Blocks
5.3.1. Stabilized soil blocks
5.3.2. Hollow Concrete Blocks
6. Metals & Timber Lab 5; 2.5%
6.1. Ferrous metals TBA Week 12 & 13
6.2. Non ferrous metals Assignement-2, 5%
6.3 Timber
Lab 6; 2.5%

Industries in local which manufacture different Presentation 5% Week 15-16
Construction Materials, Tests on Different
construction materials before use.
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year 2, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Lecture
Workshop Practice

Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Laboratory Reports………………………....1
Mode of assessment
Mini Project .............................................…10%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at
any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi
Course policy penalized.
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by
no means.
7. AbebeDinku, Construction Materials
8. Marotta, Theodore, W. Basic Construction Materials. (2005). Pearson Prentice
9. William P. Spencer. (2006). Construction Materials, Methods and Techniques.
Literature Thomson Delmar Learning, 2 Edition
10. Illston J. M. Construction Materials: Their Nature and Behavior, Taylor & Francis;
3 Edition, 2001
11. Parbinsingh, Civil Engineering Materials
12. Don a. Watson, Construction Materials and Processes
13. A.M. Neville and J.J.Brooks, Concrete Technology
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng2093

Course Title Building Construction
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Building Engineering
Name: .
Course Office location .
Coordinator Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
35 50 0 50 135

 To understand the fundamentals of construction planning and design procedures,
and site selection.
Course Objectives  To develop skills and knowledge in the preparation of working drawings.
 To understand the concepts of various components of a low-rise building and their
construction methods.
 To acquire a thorough understanding of the basics of framed structures, shell and
dome structures and prefabricated building systems.
Students will be able:
Competences to be  Select building site,
Acquired/course  Prepare working drawing for buildings,
level competences  Understand the basics of framed and dome structures

The course introduces students with the different types of buildings, their components and
Course methods of construction. The overall building processes beginning from site works will be
Description covered

Course outline
Course Content Reference Assessment Time Plan
1. Types of Buildings TBA TBA Week-
2. Building Drawings TBA TBA Week-
3. Site Works TBA TBA Week-


Site Features

Site Preparation

Setting out
4- Foundations

Shallow Foundations TBA TBA Week-

Deep Foundations


Load Bearing Walls TBA TBA Week-

Cavity Walls

Partition Walls

Floor below ground level TBA TBA Week-

Floor above ground level

Suspended Floor
7-Stairs TBA TBA Week-
8-Doors and Windows TBA TBA Week-
9-Roofs and Roof Coverings TBA TBA Week-
10-Framed Structures TBA TBA Week-
11-Prefabricated Building Systems TBA TBA Week-
12-Powerhouse Construction TBA TBA Week-
13-Shell and Dome Structures TBA TBA Week-
Pre-requisites CEng2092
Semester Year 3, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Workshop Practice
Mode of delivery
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Laboratory Reports …………….………15%
Mode of
Mini Project ……………………………10%
Class Attendance…………………….….5%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the Senate
Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest including
cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage during your
Course policy studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consid penalized.

If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as

soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is equally
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
1. Edward Allen and Joseph, (2003 ),Fundamentals of Building
Construction: Materials and Methods, Wiley publishers; 4th edition.
Literature 2. AbebeDinku , (2007), A text book of building construction, AAU Press.
3. Francis D. K. Ching and Cassandra Adams, (2000), Building
Construction Illustrated, 3rd Edition, Wiley.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng3094

Course Title Fundamental of Architecture
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Building Engineering
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

3 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
20 0 40 21 81

 To understand the fundamentals of construction planning and design
procedures, and site selection.
Course Objectives  To develop skills and knowledge in the preparation of working drawings.
 To understand the concepts of various components of a low-rise building and
their construction methods.
 To acquire a thorough understanding of the basics offramed structures, shell
and dome structures andprefabricated building systems.

Competences to be
Students will be able to:
Acquired/course level
Read architectural drawings, structural drawings, sanitary drawings

The course includes introduction to architecture with regards to climatic condition,

landscape architecture and aesthetic design. It also includes space, structure and its
function, construction of structure related to architecture. It also deals with the
Course Description
drawing of architectural, structural, plumbing, electrical and connection detail aspects.
Reviewing of plans and drawing of other Engineering structure are also included in
the course.
Course outline
Course Content Reference Assessment Time Plan
1. Introduction to Architecture:

  Definition of terms 
 Principles of architecture 

 Codes and minimum
 requirements 
 Basic elements of Architecture 

 Modifying elements of
 architecture 
  Aesthetic Design 
  Climatic and Site Condition 
  Landscape Architecture 
2. Space, Structure and Function:
 Space and Structure, Space and
Function, Relationship
between the specified terms
Construction and Structure
Related to Architecture: Types
of structures related to
architecture, Architectural
breakthrough and famous
structures, Role of architects
 and Civil Engineers 
3. Architectural Drawing:
Vicinity map, Site development plan,
Floor plans, Elevations, Sectioning(
long and short direction),Perspective,
Different types of templates for
architectural designs
4. Structural Drawing:
 Beam details, Column-Footing
details, Foundation plans, Slab,
staircase, and balusters, Roof
framing detail 

5. Electrical Drawing and Power
 Power Layout, Lighting layout,
Riser diagram, Symbols and
legends used in electrical
drawings, Load schedule and
 computation 
6. Sanitary Drawing:
 Plumbing layout, CWL and
DWL, Isometric view of
plumbing details, Plan and 

elevation of septic tanks,
Symbols and legends used in
sanitary drawings
7. Planning and Drawing of Building
 Details of connections, Details
of Toilet and bath, Roofing
details 

8. Review of Drawing for some Civil
Engineering projects:
 Road construction drawings,
Bridge construction drawings,
Other CE structure 
Pre-requisites CEng2091, Co-requisite CEng3083
Semester Year 3, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Laboratory Practice
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Mini Projects ……………………………20%
Mode of assessment Presentation ……………………………..% 5
Class Attendance…………………….….5%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
Literature 1. Lorraine Farrelly, (2007), TheFundamentals of Architecture, AVA

2. MostafaAbd-El-Barr, Hesham El-Rewini ,(2004), Fundamentals of
ComputerOrganization and Architecture, Wiley-Interscience.
3. Edward Allen, Joseph Iano, (2003),Fundamentals of Building Construction
:Materials and Methods, Wiley publishers;4th edition.
4. Forrest Wilson, Ron Keenberg, and WilliamLoerke, (1990), Architecture:
FundamentalIssues Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Fundamentals of Structural Engineering Theories
Module Category Core
Module Number [10]
Module Code CEng-M1101
Total Study Hours in the Lecture Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
Module 120 150 162 432
To make the students able to identify material strength, stress analysis
due to shear, bending, compression, and torsion. Analyze determinate
Rationale of the module
structure and indeterminate structure and finally produce moment, shear,
axial, and torsion diagram and calculate deflection.
The main objectives of the module are to:

Identify the properties of structural materials

Stress analysis in compression, tension, bending ,torsion
Module Objectives members

Analyze and calculate deflection of determinate structures

Analyze Indeterminate structures using displacement methods
and produce bending, shear, axial, and torsion diagram
After completion of this module the students shall be able to;
 Identify material structural properties
Module Competencies
 Able to calculate stress in structural members
 Analyze determinate and indeterminate structures
Module Mode of
Basically on Semester Basis or Parallel approach
The mode of the delivery of the module can be summarized as
Module Learning and Lecture
Teaching Method Tutorials
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Module Assessment
Discussions and Presentations
Active Participation
Class Attendance

Final Exam (50%)
Total ECTS of the
16 Credit Point
The study of advanced structural Engineering involves the analysis and
Module Description
design of special structures using concrete and steel.
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Name ECTS
CEng1101 Strength of Materials 6
CEng2102 Theory of Structures I 5
CEng2103 Theory of Structures II 5
Total ECTS 16

CEng1101 –Strength of Materials

Civil Engineering
Course Number CEng1101
Course Title Strength of Materials
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Name MCEng1091, Fundamentals of Structural Engineering Theories
Course Coordinator Name: .

Office location .
Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Credit Hour, CP 4
ECTS Credits, 6
Contact Hours (per 6
Course Weight Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home Total
Laboratory study Hour
50 50 0 62 162
Course Objectives & Objective:
Competences to be Develop and apply various analytical methods for determining the mechanical
Acquired behavior of solid bodies (for example: stress, strain, strength, stiffness, deflection, and
stability) subjected to various types of loading which include: axial loading, bending,
shear, torsion, or a combination.
Students will be able to:
Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and Engineering dealing with
mechanics of materials under axial loading, torsion, bending, and combined
Draw axial force, torque, shear and moment diagrams of simple members subject
to combined loading.
Compute stresses and strains in simple members subject to axial loading, torsion,
bending, and combined loading.
Compute deflection of beams.
Compute buckling load of compressive members.
Design components to meet desired needs in terms of strength and deflection.
Develop and apply various analytical methods for determining the mechanical
behavior of solid bodies (for example: stress, strain, strength, stiffness, deflection
and stability) subjected to various types of loading which include: axial loading,

bending, shear, torsion, or a combination
This course introduces the properties and strength of materials i.e. Flexure, Shear,
Course Description Torsion, Compound Stress analysis as well as Buckling of Compression Members.

Course Outline
Course Content Reference Assessment Course plan
Chapter 1. Mechanical Properties of
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Normal stress-strain.
1.3 Stress-Strain relation.
1.4 Shear stress and strain
1.5 Allowable stresses and factor of
Safety [1],[2],[3]- PP- Quize-1, 5%
Week 1-4
1.6 Axially loaded members TBA Assignment-1 5%
1.7 Changes in Lengths of
Axially Loaded Members
1.8 Changes in Lengths under Non-
uniform Conditions
1.9 Statically
Indeterminate Members
1.10 Thermal effect
Chapter 2. Flexural and Shearing
2.1 Introduction
Types of Beams, Loads and
2.2 Relationship Between Loads Shear [1],[2],[3]- PP- Assignment-2, 5%
Forces and Bending Moments TBA Test 1, 5% Week 5-7
Shear Force and Bending Moment
2.3 Flexural Stresses in Beams
2.4 Derivation of Bending stress
equation for composite materials.
2.5 Shearing Stresses in Beams
Chapter 3. Torsion of Circular Shafts &
Power Transmission.
3.1 Introduction
[1],[2],[3]- PP-
3.2 Torsion of circular shafts Test 2, 5% Week 8-9
3.2 Non- Uniform Torsion
3.3 Transformation of power by
circular shafts.

Chapter 4. Compound Stresses.
[1],[2],[3]- PP-
4.1 Combined Stresses, Assignment-3, 5%
TBA Week 10-12
4.2 Plane Stress.
4.3 Principle Strescircle.
Chapter 5. Deflection in Beams
[1],[2],[3]- PP-
5.1 Introduction Assignment-4, 5% Week 13-14
5.2 Direct integration Method.
Chapter 6. Buckling of Compression
6.1 Introduction [1],[2],[3]- PP- Quize-2, 5%
Week 15-16
6.2 Buckling and Stability TBA
6.3 Euler formulas for various
boundary conditions.
Pre-requisites CEng1041 –Engineering Mechanics I and Math1051
Semester 2nd
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Tutorials
Methods Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Tests(two)…………………………….…..% 10
Quizzes(Two)……………………….……% 10
Assignments(four)………………………...% 20
& Grading System
Discussions and Presentations%…………....5
Active Participation………………………5%
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.

- Basic texts (e.g. textbooks)
1. [1]Beer and Johnson. Mechanics of Materials, 3rd
Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
2. [2]Mechanics of Materials by Timoshenko
3. [3]Popov, E.P. (1998) Engineering Mechanics of Solids 2 Edition, Prentice
Literature 4. Morrov, H.I. & Kokernak, R.P. (2006), Statics and Strength of Materials, 6
Edition, Prentice Hall.
5. Pytel, A. & Kiusalaas, J. (2002), Mechanics of Materials, 1 Edition,
Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
6. Meriam, J.L. and Kraig, L.J. Engineering Mechanics
(Statics), 6 Edition, Wiley & Sons, 2006.
7. Other Related Sources not older than 5 years (older only in very exceptional
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

CEng 2102 –Theory of Structures I

Civil Engineering Department

Course Number CEng 2102

Course Title Theory of Structures I
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: .; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: .; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Credit Hour 3
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per 5
Lecture Tutorial Field Practice or Home Total Hour
Course Weight Laboratory study
35 50 0 50 135
Course Objectives & Objective
Competences to be This course provides an introduction to the analysis of determinate and indeterminate
Acquired structural systems common in Civil Engineering with software applications.

Students will be able to:
• Apply the methods of joints and s
• Develop shear and moment diagrams
assemblages, and frames.
• Develop influence lines.
• Applystic beam the theory ela and the double
integration, moment/area,
• Conjugate beam, and energy method
and frames.

Course Description/ The courses introduces the calculation of determinate stuctures

Course Contents Chapter 1
 Structural Loads
 Static determinacy and Stability of Structures
Chapter 2

  Deflection of Structures by 
- Direct Integration,
- Moment-Area,
- Conjugate Beam ,
- Virtual Work Method,
- Castiglianos and Maxwell
–Betti Theorem
Chapter 3
 Analysis of Indeterminate Structures by Method of
 Consistent Deformations, 
  Energy Method, and 
 Three Moment Equations 
Chapter 4
Influence Lines for Determinate Structures

Prerequisite CEng 1101, Strength of Materials

Semester 3rd

Status of Course Compulsory

Teaching & Learning Lecture
Methods Tutorials
Group Discussion
Home Works
Assessment/Evaluation Continuous Assessment (50%)
& Grading System Tests……………………………………..%10
Quizzes…………………………………..% 10
Assignments……………………………..% 15
Discussions and Presentations% ………
Active Participation………………………5%
Class Attendance…………………………% 5
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at
any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
Course policy submitting other’s work is consi
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and

does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by
no means.
1. Hibbler, R. C. Structural Analysis, 6th Edition, PrenticeHall,
2. Leet, M., et al. Fundamentals of Structural Analysis, 2nd
Edition, McGraw Hill, 2004.
3. M.S. Williams, Structures: Theory and Analysis, Palgrave
Macmillan., 1999
3. Theory of Structures by Aslam Kassimali
4. Full bibliographic citation; sources not older than 5 years (older only in very
exceptional cases)
5. Nigussie Tebedge, Methods of Structural Analysis, 1983, AAU
6. Basic texts (e.g. Handout)

Name of course Instructor _________________________________

Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

CEng2103 –Theory of Structures-II

Civil Engineering Department

Course Number CEng2103
Course Title Theory of Structures II
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Name CEng-M1101, Structural Engineering Theories
Course Coordinator Name: .
Office location .
Mobile: .; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: .; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Credit Point 3
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per 5
Course Weight Lecture Tutorial Field Practice or Home Total Hour
Laboratory study
35 50 50 135
Course Objectives & Objective:
Competences to be This course provides an introduction to the analysis of
Acquired indeterminate structural systems common in Civil
Students will be able to:
• Identify,andsolveformulate,supportreactionsoftrusses, beams, and frames.
• Apply the displacement method to
• Use approximate methods to evalua
• Employness themethod tostiffsolvecomplex trusses, beams, and frames.
Analyze indeterminate structures using structural analysis soft-wares
Course Description
Course Contents
Course Content Reference Assessment Time Plan
Chapter I Analysis of indeterminate structures Mini Project
[1],[2],[3] &[6],
1.1Displacement Method (Manual)-1, 10% Week 1-8
a. Kinematic indeterminacy

b. Slope deflection Method Presentation 5%
c. Moment Distribution Method
d. Kani’s Method Assignment-1, 5%
i. Frames without Side Sway
ii. Frames with Side Sway
1.2 Approximate Methods of indeterminate
Chapter 2 Influence lines for Indeterminate
[1],[2],[3] &[6],
2.1 Beams and Frames Test-1, 10% Week 9-10
2.2 Truss
2.2 Arches
Chapter 3 Introduction to Matrix Methods
[1],[2],[3] &[6],
3 .1 Stiffness Method Assignment-2, 5% Week 11-12
3.2 flexibility Method
Chapter 4 Introduction to Computer Oriented Mini Project
Structural Analysis [1],[2],[3] &[6],
(Computer Week 13-16
4.1 The Flexibility Method PP-TBA
Oriented)-2, 10%
4.2 The Stiffness Method
Pre-requisites CEng 2102, Theory of Structures I
Semester 4th
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Lecture
Methods Tutorials
Group Discussion
Home Works
Assessment/Evaluation Continuous Assessment (50%)
& Grading System Test………………………………………..%10
Mini Project……………………………….% 20
Assignments……………………………..% 10
Presentations……………………………...% 5
Active Participation………………………5%
Final Exam (50%)
Attendance Minimum 80%
th th
[1.] Hibbler, R. C. Structural Analysis, 6 & 8 Edition, PrenticeHall, 2005.
[2.] Theory of Structures by Aslam Kassimali
[3.] Nigussie Tebedge, Methods of Structural Analysis, 1983, AAU
4. Leet, M., et al. Fundamentals of Structural Analysis, 2 Edition, McGraw Hill,
5. M.S. Williams, Structures: Theory and Analysis, Palgrave Macmillan., 1999
[6.] Building Codes, EBCS 1& 8, 1995

Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Concrete Structures
Module Category Core
Module Number [11]
Module Code CEng-M3111
Total Study Hours in Lecture Tutorial/Seminar Practice/Lab Home Study Total Hour
the Module
70 100 0 100 270

Structural concrete are mainly used to construct load bearing structures such as
Module Description buildings and bridges. Hence, students should be made familiar with sections
composed of concrete and steel as applied to frames and foundations.
Module Objectives The main objective of the module is to:
- Provide an introduction to the use of structural concrete as used in
structures and foundations.
Module After completion of this module the students shall be able to;
Competencies - comprehends structural mechanics of reinforced structure and apply the
knowledge in the design of basic RC structural elements
- design reinforced concrete components such as beams, slabs and columns
Module Mode of
Basically on Semester Basis or Parallel approach
The mode of the delivery of the module can be summarized as follows:
Module Learning
Lecture, Tutorials
and Teaching
Construction Site Visit
Group Discussion, Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Module Assessment
Class Attendance
Field Report
Mini projects
Final Exam (50%)
Total ECTS of the module 10 Credit Point

Course Number Course Name ECTS

CEng3111 Reinforced Concrete Structures I 5
CEng3112 Reinforced Concrete Structures II 5

Total ECTS 10

CENG 3111 - Reinforced Concrete Structures I

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng 3111
Course Title Reinforced Concrete Structures I
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Name MCEng3101, Concrete Structures
Course Coordinator Name: .
Office location .
Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
ECTS Credits 5
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home Total
Contact Hours Laboratory study Hour
35 50 50 135
Course Objectives & Objective
Competences to be This course provides an introduction to the use of structural concrete as used in
Acquired structures and foundations.
Students will be able to:
• Analyze and design singly and dou
including regular (rectangular shaped) and T-beams.
• Analyze and design structural con
• Conduct a service load analysis t
• Analyze and design reinforceddevelopmomentaxial loadcon
interaction curves.
• Determine bond length, lap splice
Course Description
Course Contents Chapter 1 Introduction to Reinforced Concrete Design
Mechanical Properties of concrete and reinforcing steel.
Concrete Mix Design.
Chapter 2 Basic Concepts of Design
Design Philosophy
Limit State Design (LSD) method.
Chapter 3 Design of beams
 Singly and doubly reinforced for Rectangular and T-sections. 
 Design Aids. 

 Detailing of flexural reinforcement.
 Shear in beams - truss model. Bond, anchorage and development length.
 Detailing of shear reinforcement.
Chapter 4 Design of Slabs
 One-way solid and ribbed slabs on ULS method.
 Two-way solid slabs.
 Serviceability- elastic analysis of beam sections, cracking, moment curvature
relationship, deflection.
Chapter 5 Comparison of hand calculations with SAP/Etabs/Excel
Pre-requisites CEng 2103, Theory of Structure II
Semester 6th
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Lecture
Methods Tutorials
Construction Site Visit
Group Discussion
Home Works
Assessment/Evaluation Continuous Assessment (50%)
& Grading System Tests……………………………………..10%
Mini Project………………………………15%
Field Report……………………………….5%
Class Attendance…………………………5%s
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
Literature 1. Arthur H Nelson, Design of concrete structures, McGraw-Hill, 14 Edition,
2. James Macgregor, Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design, 5 Edition.
3. W.H. Mosley, R. Hulse, J.H Bungey, Reinforced Concrete Design, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2007

3. Jack C. McCormac, Design of Reinforced Concrete, McGraw-Hill, 2005
4. Ethiopian Building Code Standard 2 (EBCS 2), 1995
5. Any Related Book
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

CEng3112 –Reinforced Concrete Structures II
Department of Civil Engineering
Course Number CEng3112
Course Title Reinforced Concrete Structures II
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module MCEng3101, Concrete Structures
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Credit points 3
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home Total Hour
Laboratory study
35 50 50 135
Course Objectives & Objective
Competences to be This course is designed to introduce students to the design of reinforced concrete
Acquired components such as slabs and columns.
Students will be able to design reinforced concrete of
• Columns
• Flat slabs,
• Continuous beams,
• Two way slab using yield line method
• Torsion
Course Description
Chapter 1. Columns
- Short columns
- Combined axial force and bending
- Interaction diagrams, biaxial bending.
- Design aids.
- Slender columns.
Chapter 2 Design of Flat slabs
Course Outline - - Introduction
- - Load transfer in flat slabs
- - Distribution of moments in flat slabs

- - Practical analysis of flat slabs

- - Design of flat slabs as per EBCS 2
Chapter 3 Inelastic Moment Redistribution
- Introduction
- Non-linear analysis of indeterminate structures
- Plastic hinge and collapse mechanisms
- Moment redistribution as per EBCS 2 Continuous beams.
Chapter 4 Yield Line Theory for Slabs
- Introduction
- Upper and lower bound theorems
- Methods of yield line analysis
- Moments along skewed line
- Effects of restrained corners
Chapter 5 Torsion in Reinforced Concrete members
Chapter 6 Introduction to Pre-stressed Concrete Structures
- Introduction
- Basic concepts of pre-stressed concrete
- Analysis and design of pre-stressed members as per EBCS 2
Chapter 7 Special Structural Elements
- Introduction
- Behavior of deep beams
- Strut and tie models for the design of deep beams
- Design of deep beams as per EBSC 2
- Behavior of corbels
- Strut and tie models for the design of corbels
- Design of corbels as per EBSC 2
Pre-requisites CEng3111 –Reinforced Concrete I
Semester 8th
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Lecture
Methods Tutorials
Construction Site Visit
Group Discussion
Home Works
Assessment/Evaluation Continuous Assessment (50%)
& Grading System Tests……………………………………..10%
Mini Project………………………………15%
Field Report……………………………….5%
Class Attendance…………………………5%s
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Course policy Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated

at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is c be penalized.

If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
1. Arthur H Nelson, Design of concrete structures, McGraw-Hill, 14 Edition, 2010
2. James Macgregor Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design, 5 Edition.
3. W.H. Mosley, R. Hulse, J.H Bungey, Reinforced Concrete Design, Palgrave
Macmillan, 2007
4. Jack C. McCormac, Design of Reinforced Concrete, McGraw-Hill, 2005
5. Ethiopian Building Code Standard 2 (EBCS 2), 1995
6. Any Related Book
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Module 12


Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Design of structures
Module Category 01,Core
Module Number [12]
Module Code CEng-M5121
Total Study Hours in Lecture Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
the Module 105 135 138 378
Rationale of the Design of steel and timber structures and introduction to fundamentals of bridge
module design. Finally produce detail drawings
The main objectives of the module are to:

Design steel and Timber structural members for tension, compression,
Module Objectives bending, shear or torsion or the combined action of compression and
bending, bending ,shear and torsion

Design of connection and detail drawing

Introduction to fundamentals of bridge design

Module After completion of this module the students shall be able to;
Competencies  Design steel structural members such as beams, columns and trusses
 Prepare detail drawings
 Classify ,select and design bridges
Module Mode of Basically on Semester Basis or Parallel approach
The mode of the delivery of the module can be summarized as follows:
Module Learning Lecture
and Teaching
Construction Site Visit
Group Discussion
Home Works
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Module Assessment
Class Attendance
Field Report
Mini projects
Final Exam (50%)
Total ECTS of the
9 Credit Point
Module Description The design of steel and timber structures and introduction to fundamentals of

bridge design.
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
CEng5121 Fundamental of Bridge Design 4
CEng4122 Steel & Timber Structures 5
CEng5123 Structural Design 5
Total ECTS 14

CEng5121–Fundamentals of Bridge Design

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng5121
Course Title Fundamentals of Bridge Design
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module MCENG 5111, Design of Structures
Course Coordinator Name: .

Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

ECTS Credits 4
Course Weight Lecture Tutorial Field Practice or Home study Total Hour
35 35 0 38 108
Course Objectives &
Competences to be
Course Description
Course Contents Chapter 1Investigation for Bridge
General Introduction
Elements of Bridge Project
Design Objectives
Design Philosophy and Specification
Site Selection and Data Collection
Site Investigation
Span Determination
Chapter 2 Bridge Type and Selection
Bridge Classification [Reinforced concrete (slab, girder, and frame), arch, cable
stayed and suspension.]
Geometry of bridges (length, cross-section).
Structural Arrangements
Chapter 3 Bridge Loading and Design Methods
Gravity Loads
Lateral Loads
Forces due to Deformation

Collision Loads
Water Loads
Chapter 4 Super Structure Design of Bridge
Concrete Deck Design
Box Girder Design
Overhang Design
Walkway and Handrail
Chapter 5 Sub Structure Design Bridge
Elements of Sub Structure Design (Abutment, Pier)
Chapter 6 Bearing and Railing
Bearing Design
Railing Design
Chapter 7 Low Level Water Crossing and Culverts
Design of Low Level Water Crossing
Design of Culverts

Chapter 8 Bridge Construction Methods and Maintenance (Optional)

Pre-requisites CEng3112, Reinforced Concrete Structure II and CEng3154
th th
Semester 9 or 10
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Lecture
Methods Tutorials
Construction Site Visit
Group Discussion
Home Works
Assessment/Evaluation Continuous Assessment (50%)
& Grading System Tests……………………………………..10%
Mini Project………………………………15%
Field Report……………………………….5%
Class Attendance…………………………5%s
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
Course policy
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.

Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
Literature 1. T.R. Jagadeesh and M.A. Jyaram, Design of Bridge Structures, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd 2004
2. Richard M. Barker and Jay A. Puckett, Design of
Highway Bridges: An LRFD Approach, Wiley
Publisher 2006
3. AASHTO Design Specifications: SI Units 2
Edition, 1998
4. Ethiopian Roads Authority Manuals, 2004.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

CEng4122 –Steel and Timber Structure

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng4122
Course Title Steel & Timber Structure
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module CEng-M 5121, Design of Structures
Course Coordinator Name: .
Office location .
Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
ECTS Credits 5
Contact Hours (per 3
Lecture Tutorial Field Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight Laboratory
35 50 0 50 135
Course Objectives &
Competences to be Objective
Acquired To introduce students to timber and steel structures as applied to various
constructions such as bridges , trusses , buildings, etc
Students will have the ability to design timber and steel structures, connections, and
apply the EBCS for the design purpose.

Course Description This course induces the structural design of steel and timber structural members
subjected to tension, compression, bending and shearing stress, bending ,torsion and
shearing, bending and axial compression uniaxial or biaxial stress using EBCS 3,
1995 and EBCS 5, 1995 codes and preparing detail drawings
Course Contents  Mechanical properties of structural steel.
 Structural shapes.
 Structural bolts.
 Ethiopian Building Code Standard 3
 Standards for design of steel structures.
 Tension and compression members.
 Bending Members.
 Plate girders.
 Beam column members
 Structural connections.

 Design of built up steel members.
 Physical and mechanical properties of timber.
Ethiopian Building Code Standards for design of timber.
Pre-requisites CEng2103, Theory of Structure II
Semester 9th
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Lecture
Methods Tutorials
Construction Site Visit
Group Discussion
Home Works
Assessment/Evaluation Continuous Assessment (50%)
& Grading System Tests……………………………………..10%
Mini Project………………………………15%
Field Report……………………………….5%
Class Attendance…………………………5%s
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
Literature 1. W.M.C. McKenzie, Design of structural Steel Work, Palgrave Macmillan.., 1998
2. W.M.C. McKenzie, Design of structural Timber, Palgrave Macmillan..,2000
3. R. L Brocken brough &F. S. Merritt, Structural Steel Designer's Handbook,
McGraw-Hill, 1999
4. EBCS-3 Ethiopian Building Code Standard-Design of Steel Structures, 1995
5. EBCS-5: Ethiopian Building Code Standard –utilization of timber,1995

Name of course Instructor _________________________________

Approval Section Signature date
Name of course team leader .

Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

CEng5123 Structural Design

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng5123

Course Title Structural Design
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module MCEng5212, Advanced Structural Engineering
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
ECTS Credits 5
Lecture Tutorial Field Practice or Home Total
Course Weight Laboratory study Hour
35 50 0 50 135
Course Objectives & Objective
Competences to be The course is design to provide students with background on various types of loading
Acquired on structures.
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
• Design-load resistinglateralsystems
• Carrylastic analysisoutof pframes structures
• Design detailing and connections
Course Description
Course Contents 1. Wind loads, earthquake loads, Ethiopian
2. Building Code Standards for wind and earthquake loads.
3. Lateral load-resisting systems in buildings.
4. Stable arrangement of structural systems and distribution of lateral loads.
5. Plastic analysis for framed structures (plastic hinge and plastic zone theory).
6. Simple strip method for slabs.
7. Composite steel –concrete structures.
8. Introduction to elastic stability theory.
9. Detailing and connections.

th th
Semester 9 or 10
Pre-requisites CEng3112, Reinforced Concrete Structure II
Status of Course Compulsory

Teaching & Learning lectures, tutorials, project work
Assessment/Evaluation - Written (Final) Examination 50%
& Grading System - Continuous Assessment 50% It comprises of
- Quiz & Assignments 20%
- Project Work & Presentation 30%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
Literature 1. Jack C. McCormac. (2007). Structural Steel Design,
2. Arthur H Nilson. (2003). Design of concrete structures, McGraw-Hill.
3. EBCS 1, EBCS 2, and EBCS 8, The Ethiopian
Building Code of standards, 1995.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Department of Civil Engineering
Module Name Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering
Module Category Core
Module Number 13
Module Code CEng-M2131
Total EtCTS of the 13
Total Study Hour 351
Objectives Civil Engineers need solid knowledge of soils and rocks to design infrastructure
on/in soils and rocks. The objective of this module is to offer an introduction to the
field of geotechnical Engineering, and to provide an understanding of the basic soil
and rock behavior through experience with common soil laboratory testing
procedures. This module is a prerequisite for the Foundation Engineering module.
Competency The competency of this module is students will be able to solve several classical
problems in Civil Engineering problems such as settlement, shear failure, load
bearing capacity, earth pressure and stability problems related to the behaviors of
soils and rocks.
Mode of delivery Basically on Semester Basis or Parallel approach
Module learning The mode of the delivery of the module can be summarized as follows:
teaching methods Lecture
Construction Site Visit
Group Discussion
Home Works
Module assessment Continuous Assessment (50%)
techniques Tests, Quizzes
Class Attendance
Field Report
Mini projects
Final Exam (50%)
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name EtCTS
CEng2132 Engineering Geology 3
CEng2131 Soil Mechanics I 5
CEng3133 Soil Mechanics II 5
Total 13

Department of Civil Engineering
Engineering Geology
Course Code CEng2132
Course Name Engineering Geology
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering
Module Coordinator TBA
Lecturer TBA
EtCTS Credits 3

Study Hour Lecture …………………………. 45 hrs

Assessment …………………….. 07

Home Study ………...……......

Total …………………………… 81 hrs
Objectives To provide an introduction to the geotechnical significance of earth
materials, rock defects, structural geology, geomorphology,
hydrogeology, active tectonics, earthquakes, volcanism, erosion and
mass movement in the Civil Engineering practice
Competencies At the end of the course, students will be introduced to the relevant
terminology, classifications and concepts with the aim of ensuring
effective communication between engineers and Engineering
geologists in the geotechnical team.

Course Description/ Course Introduction: The earth & its interior, Geology & its applied
Contents branch, Importance of geology in Civil Engineering.

Minerals & rocks: Classification & types of minerals, rock
forming minerals, types of rocks.

Geologic structures and their effect on structures: Folds, faults
and joints.

Weathering and its implication: physical, chemical, biological

Earthquake and seismic design: Causes & classification of
earthquakes, Effects of earthquakes, precautionary measures.

Geological investigation: Phases and methods of investigation,
geological considerations in structures (dams, reservoirs,
tunnels, road &bridges, buildings)
Pre-requisite None
Semester IV
Status of the Course Compulsory
Learning teaching methods Lecture
Construction Site Visit

Group Discussion
Home Works
Assessment techniques Continuous Assessment (50%)
Field Report………………………………10%
Class Attendance……….……5%s………
Final Exam (50%)
Attendance Requirements Minimum of 80 % attendance during lectures and 100 % attendance
during practical work sessions, except some unprecedented mishaps.
Literature 1. Bell, F.G. (2007), Engineering geology, 2 edition, Butterworth-
2. Kehew, A. E. (2006), Geology for Engineers and Environmental
Scientists, 3 edition, Prentice Hall.
3. Press, F. Siever, R. Grotzinger, J., & Jordan, T. (2003),
Understanding Earth, 4 edition, W. H. Freeman.

Department of Civil Engineering
Course Code CEng2131
Course Name Soil Mechanics I

Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

Module Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering
Name: .
Course Office location .
Coordinator Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
EtCTS Credits 5

Study Hour Lecture …………………………. 30 hrs

Laboratory …………………..…. 45 hrs

Assessment| Tutorial ….………..

Home Study ………...……..........

Total …………………………… 135 hrs
Objectives This course is designed to introduce Civil Engineering students to the
properties and behavior of soil as an Engineering material and their application
in the solution of certain Civil Engineering problems such as compressibility
of soil, seepage, retaining walls and stability of slopes.
Competencies The student will be able to:

Evaluate and classify soils.

Evaluate the state of stress in a soil mass.

Calculate seepage volume through a soil mass.

Estimate settlement magnitude of compressible soils.

Evaluate lateral earth pressures on retaining walls.

Perform slope stability analysis.

Course Introductions: definitions, soil formations, common soil types.

Description/ Simple soil properties and soil classifications: weight - volume
relationships, grain size distribution, soil consistency.

Engineering soil classifications.

Soil water and seepage: soil water, permeability, flow nets, seepage,
pressures and forces in soil water.

Compressibility and consolidation of soils: general measurement of
compressibility, consolidation of soils.


Stress distribution in soils and settlement analysis: stress distribution
under own weight of soils and different loading conditions, elastic
and consolidation settlement.

(Laboratory tests: specific gravity determination, grain - size analysis,

consistency tests, permeability tests, consolidation tests.)
Course outline
Course content Reference Assessment Time Plan
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1. Definition of Soil Mechanics
1.2. Soil, Geotechnical Engineering and Soil
Mechanics [1],[2],[3] pp Quize-1, 5% Week 1-2
1.3. Soil Mechanics and Foundation TBA
1.4. Formation of soils
1.5. General types of soils
Chapter 2 Physical Characteristics of
2.1. The phase diagram
2.2. Soil Phase Relationship [1],[2],[3] pp Laboratory-1, 5% Week 3-5
2.3. Particle Size Analysis TBA
2.4. Consistency of Clay Soils
2.5. Index Properties of Soils
2.6. Classification of Soils
Chapter 3 Effective Stress and Pore
Water Pressure
3.1. Effective Stress Principles
3.2. Effect of Water Table Fluctuations on
Effective Stress
3.3. Effective Stress in a Soil Mass under [1],[2],[3] pp Laboratory-2, 5%
Hydrostatic Conditions TBA Test-1, 5% Week 6-8
3.4. Effective Stresses in Soils Saturated By
Capillary Action
3.5. Effective Stress and Surcharge
3.6. Effective Stress and Seepage Pressure
3.7. Effective Stress in Partially Saturated
Chapter 4 Soil Permeability and Seepage
4.1. Soil Permeability
4.2. Hydraulic Head [1],[2],[3] pp Laboratory-3, 5%
4.3. Darcy’s Law TBA Week 9-11
4.4. Determination of Coefficient of Quize-2, 5%
4.5. Permeability of Stratified Soil Deposits

4.6. Seepage through Soils
4.7. Laplace’s Equa
4.8. Stream and Potential Functions
4.9. Characteristics and Construction of
Flow Net
4.10. Seepage through Earth Dams
Chapter 5 Compressibility and
Consolidation of Soils
5.1. Initial, Primary and Secondary
5.2. Basic Terms Related to Consolidation [1],[2],[3] pp
5.3. Consolidation Test
TBA Laboratory-4, 5% Week 12-14
5.4. Determination of Void Ratio in
Consolidation Testes
5.5. Terzaghi’s The
5.6. Determination of Coefficient of
5.7. Pre-Consolidation
6.Compaction [1],[2],[3] pp
6.1 Field compaction tests TBA Laboratory-5, 5% Week 15-16
6.2 Field control of compaction
Assessment Continuous Assessment (50%)
techniques Test……………………………………………..5%
Quizzes(two) ………………………………….10%
Laboratory Report…………………………….25%
Final Exam (50%)
Pre-requisite CEng2151 & CEng1101
Semester IV
Status of the Compulsory
Learning Lecture, laboratory and field tests, field visits
teaching methods
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
Course policy action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.

Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
Literature References:

1. [1]Das, Braja, Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, 5th

ed.,Brooks/Cole, 2002.
2. [2] Arora, D. K. (n.d.). Soil mechanics and Foundaion Engineering.
Atkinson, J. (n.d.)
3. [3] Teferra, A. & Mesfin, L., Soil Mechanics, AAU.
4. Budhu M. (2000), Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Wiley and Sons.
5. Lambe, T. W., Whitman, R. V. (1999), Soil Mechanics, John Wiley &
Sons Inc.
6. The Mechanics of Soils and Foundations (
7. 2nd ed.).Helwany, S. (n.d.). Applied Soil Mechanics.Murthy, V. (n.d.).
Geotechnical Engineering, Principles and Practices of Soil Mechanics and
Foundation Engineering. Scott, C. (n.d.). Soil Mechanics and Foundaions (
3rd ed.) . ( M. S. B.A M.I.C.E., Ed.)
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Department of Civil Engineering
Course Code CEng3133
Course Name Soil

Mechanics II

Degree B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

Module Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering
Name: .
Course Office location .
Coordinator Mobile: .; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: .; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Study Hour Lecture …………………………. 30 hrs

Laboratory …………………..…. 45 hrs

Assessment …………………….. 10 hrs

Home Study ………...……..........50hrs

Total …………………………… 135 hrs
Objectives Students will incorporate and utilize technology in Geotechnical analysis.
Competencies Students will demonstrate an understanding of fundamental soil behaviour
with applications in areas of earth pressures, changing stress, soil strength
parameters, prediction of settlements, and prediction of bearing capacities.
Students will understand common laboratory techniques.

Course Shear strength of soils: shear resistance of soils, stress at a point and
Description/ Mohr stress circle, shear characteristics of soils, Mohr-Coulomb failure
Course criteria, shear tests.

Contents Contact pressure distribution: theoretical and approximate contact
pressure distribution.

Bearing capacity of soils: general determination of bearing capacity of
soils using different methods.

Lateral earth pressure: lateral earth pressure problems, earth pressure
theories. 153

Slope stability problems: slope movements, slope stability analysis.
(Laboratory tests: direct shear test, triaxial compression test,
unconfined compression test.)
Pre-requisite CEng2131
Semester V
Status of the Compulsory
Learning teaching methods Lecture, laboratory and field tests, field visits
Assessment Continuous assessment (quizzes, tests, class works, assignments, laboratory
techniques and field works and presentations) and final exam
Course Policy All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. Minimum of 80 % attendance
during lectures and 100 % attendance during practical work sessions, except
some unprecedented mishaps. A student who misses more than 20% of the
semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is equally
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
Literature 1. Das, Braja, Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, 5th ed.,Brooks/Cole,
2. Budhu M. (2000), Soil Mechanics and Foundations, Wiley and Sons.
3. Lambe, T. W., Whitman, R. V. (1999), Soil Mechanics, John Wiley &
Sons Inc.
4. Teferra, A. & Mesfin, L., Soil Mechanics, AAU
5. Craig, R.F. (2004), Craig's Soil Mechanics, 7th edition, Taylor & Francis.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date______________
Approval Name of course team leader _______________________________
Section Signature date _____________
Name of department head _______________________________
Signature date_______________



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Name Geotechnical Design
Module Category Core
Module Number 14
Module Code CEng-M3141
Total EtCTS of the 10
Total Study Hour 270
Objectives In practice Civil Engineers are required to design and propose foundations for
a variety of infrastructure. The purpose of this module is to provide the
students with a solid knowledge and understanding of the principles
governing the design and analysis of foundation systems for structures
and to provide them with an opportunity to apply the design procedures
learned in class to a "real life" foundation design project.
Competencies Students will be able to understand and formulate a foundation design
problem, able to compute the design bearing capacity of shallow and deep
foundations, able to compute the settlement of shallow and deep
foundations, able to analyze the forces on and stability of retaining walls,
and able to develop the pressure and force diagrams needed to produce
shear and moment diagrams for foundation design.
Mode of Delivery Parallel
Learning Teaching Lectures, tutorials, assignments, class works, mini projects and field visits
Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous
Module Assessment assessment should comprise at least five (5) different assessment
Techniques techniques.
Continuous assessment (quizzes, tests, assignments, mini projects, class
works, reports and presentations) and final exam
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name EtCTS
CEng3141 Foundation Engineering I 5
CEng4142 Foundation Engineering II 5
Total ECTS 10

Department of Civil Engineering
Course Number CEng3141
Course Name Foundation Engineering I
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Geotechnical Design
Name: .
Course Office location .
Coordinator Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
EtCTS Credits 5

Study Hour Lecture …………………………. 35 hrs

Tutorial ………………..……….. 50 hrs

Home Study ………...…….......... 50

Total ……………………………hrs 135
Objectives To equip students with a sound knowledge about site exploration methods, selection
of foundation type, analysis and design of shallow foundations and retaining
Competencies The student shall be able to:

Plan a geotechnical site investigation program.

Design different types of shallow foundations.

Design earth retaining walls.

Course Site exploration: purpose, plan and methods of soil explorations, evaluation of
Description/ field tests data.

Course Contents Types of foundations and their selection.

Introduction to Ethiopia standards and other standards in foundations area.

Design of shallow foundations: isolated or spread footings, combined
footings, strap or cantilevered footings, mat foundations, eccentrically and
inclined loaded foundations.

Analysis and design of retaining structures: conventional retaining walls,
introduction to soil reinforcement techniques, sheet pile walls.

Comparison of hand calculations with SAFE/PLAXIS/GEOSLOPE
Pre-requisite CEng3133 and CEng3111
Semester VI
Status of the Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures, tutorials, assignments, class works, mini projects and field visits
Mode of Continuous assessment (quizzes, tests, assignments, mini projects, class works,
Assessment reports and presentations) and final exam
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
Literature 1. Bowles, J. E., Foundation Analysis and Design, McGraw-Hill.
2. Das, B. M., Principles of Foundation Engineering, PWS pub. Co.
3. Tefera, A., Principles of Foundation Engineering, AAU.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Department of Civil Engineering
Course Number CEng4142
Course Name Foundation Engineering II
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Geotechnical Design
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
EtCTS Credits 5

Study Hour Lecture …………………………. 35 hrs

Tutorial ………………..……….. 50 hrs

Home Study ………...…….......... 50

Total ……………………………hrs 135
Objectives To equip students with a sound knowledge about pile foundations, cofferdams and
caissons, foundations of expansive soils and environmental issues in soil mechanics
and foundation areas.
Competencies The student shall be able to:

Design deep foundations such as piles and pile raft foundations.

Understand & interpret the behavior of expansive soils and be able to
design foundations on expansive soils and take remedial measures.

Understand the environmental issues in geotechnical Engineering.

Course Description/ Pile foundations: classification, properties, pile capacity, negative skin friction,
Course Contents pile group, pile caps, batter piles, and laterally loaded piles.

Introduction to piled raft foundations.

Cofferdams and caissons (short exposure).

Introduction to foundations of expansive soils: characteristics of expansive
soils, Physical properties of expansive soils, mechanisms of swelling, methods
of preventing heave damage, investigation of cracked buildings in expansive
soil areas and the remedial measures.

Environmental issues in soil mechanics and foundation areas: interference of
retaining structures on the environments, effects of burrow and fill sites on the
environment, effects of sanitary fill sites on the environment.
Pre-requisite CEng3141
Semester VII
Status of the Course Compulsory
Mode of Delivery Lectures, tutorials, assignments, class works, mini projects and field visits

Mode of Assessment Continuous assessment (quizzes, tests, assignments, mini projects, class works,
reports and presentations) and final exam
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submittingisconsideredother’sasseriousact workofcheating and shall
be penalized.
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
Literature 1. Bowles, J. E., Foundation Analysis and Design, McGraw-Hill.
2. Das, B. M., Principles of Foundation Engineering, PWS pub. Co.
3. Tefera, A., Principles of Foundation Engineering, AAU.
4. Tomlinson, M.J. and Boorman, R. (2001), Foundation Design and Construction,
7 edition, Longman Group United Kingdom.
5. Coduto, D.P. (2001), Foundation Design: Principles and Practices, 2nd edition,
Prentice Hall.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Module 15
Engineering Hydrology & Hydraulics Module

Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Engineering Hydrology & Hydraulics
Module Category 01
Module Number [015]
Module Code CEng-M2151
Total Study Hours Lecture Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
in the Module 140 65 135 200 540
A Civil engineer needs to understand the water cycle near the surface of the
earth since many of the infrastructures built are one way or another are
affected by the same cycle. In order to design irrigation, water supply and
hydropower infrastructure, a need arises as to what amount of water is
available for direct use.
Rationale of the
module Water is delivered to the point of use either in closed conduits or open
channels. The sizing of these conveyance structures requires sound
understanding of continuity equation, conservation of momentum, and
conservation of energy and their application.
This module is required in order to analyses such problems.

The main objectives of the module are to:

Understand how elements of the hydrologic cycle impact in Civil and
environmental Engineering systems.

Understand how to use hydrology to design hydraulic systems.

Understand the importance of a probabilistic approach of analysis.

Understand how observations of the hydrologic cycle are made and
how they can be appropriately used.

Module Objectives Understand how to predict risks and reliabilities of flood control

Be familiar with the field of hydraulics

for given flows and conditions, be able to dimension pipes and

learn the fundamentals of sediment transport;

learn the principles of flow modeling in hydraulic Engineering;

gain understanding of the methods and applications of hydraulic

Module After completion of this module the students shall be able to;
 Analysis of Hydrological methods, water supply and elementary

hydraulic structures

Module Mode of
Module Learning
and Teaching Lectures, tutorials, laboratory, exercises, Project
Module Assessment Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous assessment
Techniques should comprise at least five (5) different assessment techniques.
Total ECTS of the
20 Credit Point
Module Description
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Name ECTS
CEng2151 Hydraulics I 5
CEng2152 Hydraulics II 5
CEng3153 Open Channel Hydraulics 5
CEng3154 Engineering Hydrology 5
Total ECTS 20

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng2151

Course Title Hydraulics I

Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

Module Engineering Hydrology & Hydraulics
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
30 10 45 50 135

 To introduce junior Civil Engineers to fluid mechanics at a more fundamental

Course Objectives level and with a more mathematical approach

Students will be able to:

 Understand the mechanical properties of fluids (density, viscosity, stress/strain
relationship) and their relation to molecular properties.
Competences to be  Discern between laminar and turbulent flow.
Acquired/course  Compute forces on structures (e.g. dams) resulting from fluid pressure.
level competences  Understand fluid pressure distributions in moving fluids.
 Perform control volume analyses of mass, momentum, and energy conservation
in accordance with Reynolds Transport Theorem.
 Understand and compute drag and lift forces.
 Properties of fluids.
 Hydrostatics: Euler´s basic equation, relative equilibrium.
 Manometry.
Course Description
 Hydrostatic forces on plane and curved surfaces. Tensile stress in pipes.
 Buoyancy and stability of floating bodies. Kinematics of fluid flow.
 Flow net analysis.

 Continuity and Bernoulli´s equations.
 Impulse and momentum principle and itsapplications.
 Boundary layer theory: concepts, growth, energy and momentum thickness,
laminar sub-layer



2.0 General description
2.1 Properties of fluids
2.2 Physical Properties
2.3 Pressure, compressibility & Elasticity
2.4 Surface tension & capillarity


3.0 Introduction
3.1 Hydrostatic pressure at a point
3.2 Basic Equation of Hydrostatics
3.3 Measurement of pressure
3.4 Hydrostatic pressure on plane & curved Surfaces
3.4.1 Hydrostatic forces on plane Surfaces:
3.4.2 Hydrostatic forces on curved surfaces
Course outline
3.5 Buoyancy & Stability of Floating & Submerged bodies:
3.6 Relative Equilibrium of liquids
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Dimensions of Flow
4.2 Describing the pattern of flow
4.3 Types of flow
4.4 Continuity equation
4.5 Stream function & Velocity potential
4.6 Flow Nets
5.1 Forces influencing fluid motion
5.2Equation of Motion
5.3Hydraulics grade line & Energy grade line
5.4Impulse –momentum equation

Pre-requisites Math1051 and CEng1041 Applied Mathematics I; Engineering Mechanics I

Semester Year II, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Lectures, tutorials, Lab., exercises

 continuous assessment 50%
Mode of
 Lab. Report 10%
 final examination 40%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. Minimum of 80 % attendance
during lectures and 100 % attendance during practical work sessions, except
some unprecedented mishaps. A student who misses more than 20% of the
semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is equally
1. Crowe, Roberson and Elger. Engineering Fluid Mechanics, 8th Edition, John Wiley
Literature & Sons, 2005.
2. Streeter V., Fluid Mechanics, 1997
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

.Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng2152

Course Title Hydraulics II

Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

Module Engineering Hydrology & Hydraulics
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
ECTS Credits 5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight Laboratory
30 10 45 50 135

 The aim of this course is to familirze the students with pipe flows, flows in pipe
Course Objectives networks, free-surface flows, applications of physical modelling, and fundamentals of
water hammer analysis.
 Ability to analyze and design piping systems, including water distribution
systems,Ability to analyze and design open channel flow facilities, including
conveyance, systems, hydraulic jumps and backwater curves,Be familiar with
hydraulics and design of pump stations, Familiarity with the design and analysis of
Competences to be culverts.
Acquired/Course Laboratory
level competences  Ability to identify various pieces of hydraulic equipment such as pumps, valves, pipe,
sizes and material of construction, Ability to operate hydraulic equipment such as
pumps, valves and meters, Ability to conduct hydraulic experiments; and to collect,
analyze and interpret collected,data, Ability to use computer to solve complex
hydraulic problems.
 Open channel flow: definition, elements of flow, computation.
 Energy and momentum principles in open channel flow: specific e nergy and specific
Course Description
force, critical flow, Channel transitions, hydraulic jump.
 Hydraulic models: dimensional analysis and hydraulic similitude,methods of

investigation on scale models, model building.
 Closed-conduit flow: head loss equation, energy and pressure grade lines, laminar
flow in pipes.
 Network design and analysis. Hydraulic machines: pumps and turbines
 types, velocity triangles, work done, efficiency, specific speed, and performance
 Pump –pipe systems.
 Introduction to water hammer analysis.
Chapter One: Open Channel Flow
1.0 Types of Flow in Open Channel
1.1 Uniform Flow in Open Channel
1.2 Channel of Efficient Cross-section
1.3 Energy & Momentum Principles in Open Channel Flow
1.4 The Hydraulic Jump
Chapter Two: Dimensional Analysis and Similitude
2.1 Dimensional Analysis
2.2 Dimensional Homogeneity
2.3 Methods of Dimensional Analysis
2.4 Model Analysis & Similitude
Course Outline Chapter Three: Closed Conduit Flow
3.1 Pipe Friction Formula, Laminar & Turbulent Flow
3.2 Pipes in Series, Parallel and Branching pipes
3.3 Network of Pipes
3.4 Introduction to Water Hammer Analysis
Chapter Four: Hydraulic Machines
4.1 Pump Types
4.2 Turbine Types
4.3 Head on pumps and turbines
4.4 Specific Speed of pumps and turbines
4.5 Performance of pumps and turbines
4.6 Cavitation
Pre-requisites Hydraulics I CEng2151
Semester Year II, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Lectures, tutorials,Lab.
Learning Methods
Assessment/Evaluat • continuous assessment 50%
ion & Grading • lab. Report 10%
System • final examination 40%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
Course policy including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and

submitting other’s work is consid
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. Minimum of 85 % attendance
during lectures and 100 % attendance during practical work sessions, except some
unprecedented mishaps. A student who misses more than 15% of the semester
class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is equally important.
Crowe, Roberson and Elger. Engineering Fluid Mechanics, 8th Edition, John Wiley
Literature & Sons, 2005.
3. Streeter W., Fluid Mechanics, 1997

Name of course Instructor _________________________________

Signature date
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date
Name of department head
Signature date

Department of Civil Engineering
Course Number CEng3153

Course Title Open Channel Hydraulics

Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

Module Engineering Hydrology & Hydraulics

Name: .

Course Office location .

Coordinator Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Office location .
Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
5 CP

Course Weight Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour


30 10 45 50 135

 to develop a mechanistic understanding of steady and unsteady fluid flow in
channels including streams, rivers, and tidal wetlands

 Apply energy and momentum concepts to analyze open channel flow.

Competences to  Apply the Manning Equation and Chezy Equation to describe uniform flow.
be  Classify gradually varied flow profiles.
Acquired/course  Recognize the unsteady flow equations and understand the concept of
level characteristics.
competences  Develop simple software that solves open channel flow equations, and apply the
software for analysis and design purposes..
 Flow computations: critical flow, uniform flow.
 Gradually varied flow: differential equations of gradually varied flow; gradually
varied flow profiles, computations of gradually varied flow
 Rapidly varied flow: flow characteristics, flow over spillways, flow under gates,
hydraulic jump and its use as energy dissipater.
 Sediment transport and design of stable channels:sediment transport in open
channels, hydraulic properties of sediments, mode of sediment transport, design 

of stable channels

Chapter One: Open Channel Flow

1.1 Open Channel Flow and Its Classification
1.2 Basic Hydraulics Principles
1.3 Specific Energy and Critical Depth
1.4 Critical State of Flow
1.5 Flow Computation Formulas
Chapter Two: Gradually Varied Flow (GVF)
2.1 General Equation for GVF
2.2 Classification of Flow Profile
2.3 GVF Computations
Course outline Chapter Three: Rapidly Varied Flow (RVF)
1.2 Flow Over Spillways
1.3 Hydraulic Jump and Its Use as Energy Dissipater
1.4 Flow Under gates
Chapter Four: Sediment Transport in Open Channels
1.1 Characteristics of Sediment
1.2 Hydraulic properties of Sediment
1.3 Mode of Sediment Transport
1.4 Design of Stable Channel
Chapter: Creating Water Profiles using Excel or related softwares
Pre-requisites CEng2152, Hydraulics II

Semester Year III, Semester I

Status of Course Compulsory

Mode of Lectures, tutorials, lab., exercises


 continuous assessment 50%

Mode of
 lab. Report 10%
 final examination 40%

All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
Course policy during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as

soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. Minimum of 85 % attendance
during lectures and 100 % attendance during practical work sessions, except
some unprecedented mishaps. A student who misses more than 15% of the
semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is equally

Henderson, F. M. Open Channel Flow, Macmillan,
Literature 
Subhash C. Jain. (2000). Open Channel Hydraulics, John & Wiley.

Hubert Chanson (2004), Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date______________
Approval Name of course team leader _______________________________
Section Signature date _____________
Name of department head _______________________________
Signature date_______________

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng3154

Course Title Engineering Hydrology
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Engineering Hydrology & Hydraulics
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
50 35 0 50 135

 Understand how observations of the hydrologic cycle are made and how
Course Objectives they can be appropriately used.
 Understand how to predict risks and reliabilities of flood control systems.

Students will be able to:

 Complete a water balance on a watershed.
 Understand how to obtain process and use hydrologic data from various
Competences to be sources.
Acquired/course level  Understand measurements techniques of the components of the hydrologic
competences cycle and the associated errors, advantages, and limitations.
 Understand the significance of global and local precipitation patterns.
 Use unit hydrographs for Engineering applications.
 Apply standard river and reservoir routing techniques
 Basic hydrological concepts: the hydrologic cycle.
 Precipitation, Evaporation and sediment stream flow: factors affecting,
Course Description measurement.
 Areal rainfall estimation, Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves, and runoff:
stage-discharge relations, rating curves.

 Hydrographs, Unit hydrographs, S-hydrographs, Synthetic UH, flow-
 duration curves. 
  Processing of hydrological data, frequency analysis of floods. 
  Flood routing through reservoirs and river channels. 
  Spillway design flood estimation. 
  Estimation of reservoir capacity. 
 Groundwater: occurrence and movement, 
 Darcy’s law,nationof grounddetermiwaterflowparameters, hydraulics of
1.1 General
1.2 Meteorological data
1.2.1 Principle of data analysis
1.3 Hydrological data
1.3.1 Missing data and comparison with the precipitation data
2.2.1 Empirical (Black Box) Models
2.2.2 Lumped Conceptual Models
2.2.3 Distributed Process Description Based Models
2.4.1 Runoff Coefficient
Course outline 2.4.2 Rainfall intensity
2.4.3 Time of Concentration
2.7.1 Hydrograph Analysis
2.7.2 Factors affecting flood hydrograph
2.7.3 Effective Rainfall
2.7.4 Separation of Base Flow and Runoff
2.8.1 Derivation of the Unit Hydrograph from single storms
2.8.2 Changing of the Duration of the UH
2.10.1 Snyder’s method

4.3.1 Selection of Data
4.3.2 Plotting Positions
4.3.3 Theoretical Distributions of Floods
4.3.4 Extreme-Value Type I Distribution (G
4.3.5 Gumball’s Equation for Practical
4.3.6 Confidence Limits for the fitted data
4.3.7 Log-Pearson Type III Distribution
4.5.1 Definitions and Basic Concepts
4.5.2 Low flow frequency analysis
4.5.3 Drought analysis


5.4.1 Trend component
5.4.2 Periodic component
5.4.3 Stochastic component

5.6.1 Purely random stochastic models
5.6.2 Autoregressive models
5.6.3 First order Markov process with periodicity: Thomas - Fiering model
5.6.4 Moving average models
5.6.5 ARMA models

Pre-requisites CEng2151, Hydraulics II

Semester Year III, Semester I

Status of Course Compulsory

Mode of delivery Lectures, tutorials,exercises

 continuous assessment 60%

Mode of assessment
 final examination 40%

All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.

1. Hydrology principles, analysis and design, by H.M Raghunath, 1995
2. Elzabeth M.Shaw (1994), Hydrology in practice, 3 edition
3. Ray K.Linseley, JR etal, (1982), Hydrology for Engineers, 3 edition
Literature 4. Stochastic Hydrology, Dr. P. Jayarami reddy 1997, New Delhi
5. Flood frequency analysis, A.Ramachandrarao Kahled H. Hamed
6. Engineering hydrology, Second edition, K Subramanaya
7. Ven Te Chow and Maidment (1988). Engineering Hydrology. McGraw-Hill.

Name of course Instructor _________________________________

Signature date______________
Approval Section
Name of course team leader _______________________________
Signature date _____________
Name of department head _______________________________
Signature date_______________



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Design of Hydraulic Structures & Irrigation
Module Category [01]
Module Number 16
Module Code CEng-M3161
Total Study Hours in Lecture Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
the Module 110 85 25 138 378
 In order to insure food security and alleviate poverty, water resources
should be developed economically. Water storage and conveyance
structures are employed to this end. Hence, this module elucidates
techniques employed to design such structures safely and economically.
 In order to ensure food self-efficiency in the face of increasing
Rationale of the population, it is essential to harvest crops at least twice or more times
module annually.In order to ensure so, irrigation assisted farming is mandatory
in times of deficiency of rainfall. Hence, this module is justified since it
exposes the students with various methods of irrigation systems and the
infrastructure required for the same purpose.
This module is required in order to analyses such problems.

The module has the objective of introducing the students to:

 To expose students to water storage structures such as dams,
construction materials for dams, dam appurtenant structures and
related ones. These include

Intake structures,

Outlet structures,

Energy dissipating structures,

Module Objectives Water diversion structures, and so on.

To exposed to river training measures, river morphology, soil
conservation structures, and design of weirs on alluvial foundations.

Methods of estimating crop water requirement,

Methods of application of irrigation water such as sprinkler and
drip irrigation systems

Diversion structures such as weirs and barrages

After completion of this module the students shall be able to;

Module Competencies
 Student can make analysis and design of hydraulic structures such
as dams, spillways, and flood control structures. Student can design

water works infrastructures like irrigation

Module Mode of
Module Learning and
Lectures, tutorials, exercises, Project
Teaching Method
Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous
Module Assessment
assessment should comprise at least five (5) different assessment
Total ECTS of the
14 Credit Point
Module Description
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Name ECTS
CEng3161 Hydraulic Structures I 5
CEng4162 Hydraulic Structures II 5
CEng5163 Irrigation Engineering 4
Total ECTS 14

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng3161

Course Title Hydraulic Structures I

Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

Module Design of Hydraulic Structures & Irrigation
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
35 50 0 50 135

 The course provides students with basic principles of design of dams and its
Course Objectives appurtenant structures.

Students will be able to:

Competences to be  Select appropriate type of dams for a given site
Acquired/course  Design different types of dams
level competences  Check and appreciate safety of dams

 Classification of hydraulic structures.

 Location and selection of appropriate type of dam and spillway.
 Data collection.
 Foundations of dams and their treatment.
 Design and stability analysis of dams: gravity dams, earth dams, and rock-fill
Course Description dams.
 Principles of design of arch and buttress dams
 Design and hydraulic calculation of spillways: ogee spillway, siphon spillway,
shaft spillway and side channel spillway.
 Spillway crest gates.
 Terminal structures.

 Outlet and intake structures.
 Methods of stream diversion during construction.
 Hydraulic structures In Hydropower Stations

1. Elements of Dam Engineering

1.1. Introduction
1.2. Dam Structures and Reservoirs
1.3. Storage Components
1.4. Reservoirs
1.5. Classification of Dams
1.6. General Characteristics of Embankment Dams
1.7. Characteristics of Concrete Dams
1.8. Site investigation, Selection of Sites and Type of Dams
2. Design Principles of Dams
2.1. Concrete Dams
2.1.1. Force Acting On Concrete Dams
2.1.2. Design and Analysis Of Gravity Dams
2.2. Embankment Dams
Course outline
2.2.1. Classification of Embankment Dams
2.2.2. Causes of Failure of Earth Dams
2.2.3. Design Principles
2.3. River Diversion During Construction
3. Dam Outlet Works
3.1. Spillways and Its Design Principles
3.2. Energy Dissipaters
3.3. Dam Outlets or Sluices ways
4. Hydraulic structures In Hydropower Stations
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Classification of Hydropower plant
4.3. Prinicipal Components of Hydroelectric Scheme
4.4. Hydraulic Turbines
5. Comparison of hand calculations with GEOSLOPE Application Software
Pre-requisites CEng3154, CEng3133 Soil Mechanics II and Engineering Hydrology
Semester Year III, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Lectures, tutorials, exercises
Mode of  continuous assessment 60%
assessment  final examination 40%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
Course policy including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and

submitting other’s work is consi
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no


Name of course Instructor _________________________________

Signature date______________
Name of course team leader _______________________________
Approval Section
Signature date _____________
Name of department head _______________________________
Signature date_______________

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng4162

Course Title Hydraulic Structures II

Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

Module Design of Hydraulic Structures & Irrigation
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

ECTS Credits 5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight Laboratory
35 35 25 40 135
 Provide students with principles of river Engineering, design of flood protectionstr
uctures, and design of river bank protection structures.
 Design of diversion structures are taught in the course.
Course Objectives
Competences to be Students will be able to design:
Acquired/Course level  Dykes,Groynes,Checkdams,Wiers,Stone Ripraps.
 River Morphology: cross-sectional index, meandering index, development
process of alluvial streams, self adjustment of cross sections, alluvial cones and
fans, stream delta, stream confluence, meandering and braided stream. 

 Design of riverbanks and bed erosion protection works: drops, bottom sills,
groins, or spurs, ripraps, revetments, gabions, and natural protection (planting
of vegetation). 
Course Description Flood protection methods: dykes, flood diversion structures, storage ponds, etc.
 Diversion structures: types of diversion structures, design of diversion weirs and
barrages. 

 Seepage: critical exit gradient, Lane's theory of weighted creep length, Khosla's
theory of seepage, flow nets, causes of failure by piping and uplift, safety against
 uplift and piping. 
 Silt exclusion devices: silt excluder, silt ejector.. 

1.1 Development process of alluvial stream
1.2 River Morphology
1.3 Meandering and braided stream
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Objective and purpose of river training
2.3 Different types river training work
2.3.1 Marginal Embankment (levee)
2.3.2 Groynes or spurs
2.3.3 Pitched Island
2.3.4 Bank erosion protection
Course Outline 2.3.5 Guide bank
2.3.6 Artificial cutoff
2.4 River navigation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Head Work for Diversion River
3.3 Weir types and component
3.4 Cause of Failures of Weir and their remedies
3.5 Components of barrage
3.6 Design of weirs and Barrages: Theory of Seepage
3.6.1 Khosla’s theory of seepage
3.6.2 Exit and critical Gradient
3.6.3 Silt Excluder device
Pre-requisites CEng3161, Hydraulics Structure I
Semester Year IV, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Lectures, tutorials, project.
Assessment/Evaluatio • continuous assessment 60%
n & Grading System • final examination 40%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
Course policy
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality

is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
1. Arora, Hydraulic Structures.
2. Guarg, Irrigation Engineering & Hydraulic structures.
3. U.S.B.R, Design of small Dams.
4. Thomas, The Engineering of large dams.
5. Vicher & Hager (1998), Dam Hydraulics.
6. Jansen (1988), Advanced dam Eng’g
7. Davis & Sorenson, Handbook of hydraulics.
8. Daryl B.Simon and Fuat Sentirk, Sediment transport and technology
9. S.N Ghosh, Flood control and Drainage Engineering.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date______________
Approval Section
Name of course team leader _______________________________
Signature date _____________
Name of department head _______________________________
Signature date_______________

Department of Civil Engineering
Course Number CEng5163
Course Title Irrigation Engineering
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Design of Hydraulic Structures & Irrigation
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
4 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
40 0 0 68 108
Provide students with the basic principles of irrigation design, selection of irrigation
systems, determination of the quality of water for irrigation and finally assessment of
Course Objectives
the feasibility of irrigation schemes

Students will be able

Competences to be  To choose the appropriate irrigation scheme
Acquired/course level  Determine crop-water requirement
competences  Design various types of irrigation schemes

Feasibility studies of irrigation projects.

Soil-Plant-Water relationship: soil water potential, moisture stress of plants,
soil moisture and plant growth, crop-water requirement.

Land grading and field layout: land grading, survey and design, constructionproce
dures and equipment, contour bench leveling.

Water application techniques: border, furrow, sprinkler, drip and check-basin
Course Description irrigation methods, irrigation efficiency.

Salt problems in irrigated agriculture: saline and alkaline soils, quality of
irrigation water, water logging and land reclamation process.

Water conveyance and control: irrigation distribution systems, methods of
water measurement and related hydraulic structures.

Design and construction of subsurface drainage: drain materials and layout,
filter design.

Operation of irrigation systems: irrigation frequency

1.1 Definition and Scope of Irrigation
1.2 Benefits and Ill-Effects of Irrigation
1.3 Irrigation Development in Ethiopia
1.4 Standards of Irrigation Water
1.5 Procedures for Feasibility Studies of Irrigation Projects
2.1 Soil-Water Potential
2.2 Moisture Stress of Plants
2.3 Soil Moisture and Plant Growth
3.1 Reference Evapotranspiration
3.2 Crop Water Requirements/Consumptive Use
3.3 Irrigation Efficiency and Irrigation Frequency
Course outline 4.1 Land Grading, Survey and Design
4.2 Border
4.3 Furrow
4.4 Check-Basin
4.5 Drip
4.6 Sprinkler
5.1 Irrigation Distribution Systems
5.2 Methods of Water Measurement
5.3 Related Hydraulic Structures
6.1 Salt Problems in Irrigation Agriculture
6.2 Saline and Alkaline Soils, Quality of Irrigation Water
6.3 Water Logging and Land Reclamation Process
6.4 Surface and Sub Surface Drainage Design and Construction

Pre-requisites CEng4161, Hydraulics Structure I

Semester Year V, Semester I

Status of Course Compulsory

Mode of delivery Lectures, exercises

 continuous assessment 60%

Mode of assessment
 final examination 40%

Course policy All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic

dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
1. Laycock A. (2007). Irrigation System: Design, Planning and Construction.
Literature Oxford University Press.
2. Michael, A.M. (1999). Irrigation, Theory and Practice.1/e. South Asia Book
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date______________
Name of course team leader _______________________________
Approval Section
Signature date _____________
Name of department head _______________________________
Signature date_______________



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Sanitary & Environmental Engineering
Module Category 17
Module Number [01]
Module Code CEng-M3171
Total Study Hours in Lecture Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
the Module 86 86 28 151 351
Every citizen in a given country vie1s to get potable water. Hence, the raw
water from surface or ground water should be treated to an
acceptable standard. Moreover, in urban areas excess storm water
Rationale of the
should be catered for safely in order to minimize the damaging effects
of flood.
Hence, this module is included to give the students familiarity on
these issues from a Civil Engineering point of view.
To give students an introduction to water supply and quality issues,
treatment systems and urban drainage:.
 conduct analysis and design of hydraulics infrastructure
Module Objectives
including pipelines, storm sewers and channels, and detention
 Introduce basic chemical and biological water quality concepts;
 Introduce the fundamentals of unit processes in WQ management;

After completion of this module the students shall be able to;

Module Competencies  Analyze and Design water supply, water treatment and sewerage
treatment systems.
 Apply environmental concept in Design

Module Mode of
Module Learning and
Lectures, tutorials, laboratory, exercises, Project
Teaching Method
Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous
Module Assessment
assessment should comprise at least five (5) different assessment
Total ECTS of the
16 Credit Point

Module Description
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Name ECTS
CEng3171 Water Supply and Urban Drainage 5
CEng4172 Water Treatment 4
CEng4173 Sewage Treatment 4
Total ECTS 13

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng3171

Course Title Water Supply and Urban Drainage

Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

Module Sanitary & Environmental Engineering
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
30 30 15 60 135

 to familiarize the students with the design of water supply systems, demand
Course Objectives projection, design of storm water drainage, and identification of water supply

Students will be able to:

Competences to be  Learn how to identify the sources of potable water, how to design pipes and pipe
Acquired/course networks and how to develop wells. Moreover, the student learns how to design
level competences storm and combined sewers

  Demand for Water: Quantity of Water for different uses. 

  Sources of water. 
  Surface water abstraction. 
 Design of wells 
Course Description  Collection and distribution of water: types of water intakes, distribution systems,
service reservoirs.
  Pipelines and appurtenances, pumping. 
  Plumbing Water supply and drainage of buildings. 
 Quantity of Sanitary sewage. 

 Quantity of storm water and urban drainage . 
Hydraulics of sewers.
 Design of sewer systems.
 Sewage pipes and appurtenances. 
Loads on buried pipes.
 Organization and Administration of water
supply and sewer projects..
1.1 Variation and Factors Affecting demand
1.2 Quantity of Water for Domestic and Industrial Uses
1.3 Fire Demand

3.1 Types
3.2 Source Selection Criteria
4.1. Intakes
4.2. Methods of Distribution
4.3. Service Reservoirs
4.4. Pipes Used in Water Distribution Systems
4.4.1. Pipe Materials
4.4.2. Determination of Pipe Sizes
4.4.3. Energy Losses in Pipes
Course outline 4.4.4. Pipe Appurtenances
4.5. Pipes System
4.5.1. Methods of Laying Distribution Pipes
4.5.2. Analysis of Water distribution Systems
5.1. Preliminary Treatment methods
5.2. Coagulation-Sedimentation
5.3. Filtration
5.4. Disinfection
5.5. Miscellaneous Methods of Water Treatment
8.1. Septic Tanks
8.2. Sewerage Systems
9.1. Dry Pit Latrine
9.2. Solid Waste Management

11. Comparison of hand calculations with WATER CAD/EPNATE Application
Pre-requisites CEng3154, Engineering Hydrology
Semester Year III, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Lectures, tutorials, Project, exercises
 continuous assessment 60%
Mode of assessment
 final examination 40%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
1. Water Supply and Sanitation. Steel & Terence
2. Environmental Engineering. Peavy, Rowe & Techobanoglous
3. Water & Waste Water Engineering.Vol1&2, Fair, Geyer & Okun
4. Water, Waste & Health in Hot Climates. Feacham, Mc Garry & Mara
5. Environmental Health Engineering in the Tropics.Caircross & Feacham
6. Small Community Water Supplies. Hofkes.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date______________
Approval Section
Name of course team leader _______________________________
Signature date _____________
Name of department head _______________________________
Signature date_______________

.Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng4172

Course Title Water Treatment
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Engineering Hydrology & Hydraulics
Course Coordinator Name: .
Office location .
Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
26 26 13 43 108

 The course provides the student with the basic unit processes employed for
Course Objectives watertreatment.

Students will be able to:

Competences to be  Analyze and Design water treatment systems.
Acquired/course level

 Water quality: impurities of water.

 Physical, chemical and biological examination of water.
 Drinking waters standards.
 Water quality and health.
Course Description  Conventional methods of water treatment:sedimentation:
coagulation/flocculation,filtration, disinfection
 Industrial water quality requirements: watersoftening, Iron and
Manganese removal, water conditioning.
 Advances in water treatment: roughing, multistage filtration.
Course outline
Pre-requisites Water Supply and Urban Drainage
Semester Year IV, Semester I

Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Lectures, tutorials, Project, exercises
 continuous assessment 60%
Mode of assessment
 final examination 40%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at
any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by
no means.
Pre-requisite CEng3171
1. Kawamura, Susumu, Integrated Design of Water Treatment Facilities, John
Wiley & Sons, 2000.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date______________
Name of course team leader _______________________________
Approval Section
Signature date _____________
Name of department head _______________________________
Signature date_______________

Department of Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering Department

Course Number CEng4173
Course Title Sewage Treatment
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Engineering Hydrology & Hydraulics
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight Laboratory

30 30 0 48 108

 Students will learn the basic methods for industrial and municipal wastewater
Course Objectives treatment facilities and about the processes involved; they will learn the basic
design of wastewater treatment facilities.

Competences to be Students will be able to:

Acquired/course level  understand the design procedure for wastewater treatment facilities; sludge
competences treatment and disposal methods; and onsite sanitation systems
 Wastewater characteristics: Examination of Wastewater. Wastewater treatment
objectives and methods.
 Design of facilities for Physical, Chemical and Biological treatment processes.
Course Description  Effluent disposal and water pollution control.
 Sludge treatment and disposal methods.
 On- site sanitation systems: design, construction and performance of pit latrines,
septic tanks..
1- Introduction to Wastewater Treatment(sewage treatment).
1.1 General about Wastewater Treatment
Course outline 1.2 Goals of Wastewater Treatment
1.3 Wastewater treatment standards
1.4 Flow Sheets for wastewater treatment systems

2- Characteristics of Wastewater
2.1 Physical, Chemical and Bacteriological Characteristic of Wastewater
2.2 Measurement of concentration of contaminants in wastewater
2.3 Mathematical Model for the BOD Curve
3- Preliminary and primary Wastewater Treatment Methods
3.1 Preliminary treatment
3.2 Primary Wastewater treatment
4- Secondary/Biological and tertiary Wastewater treatment
4.1 Microorganisms and Their Role in Wastewater Treatment
4.2 Bacterial Growth Kinetics (Monod Equation)
4.4 Types of Biological Process for Wastewater Treatment
4.5 Tertiary treatment processes
5- Sewage Effluent Disposal Techniques
5.1 Land disposal and treatment
5.2 Disposal by dilution and oxygen sag curve
6- Sludge Treatment and Disposal
6.1 Sludge Treatment Methods
6.1.1 Sludge Treatment Flow sheets
6.1.2 Sludge Thickening, Conditioning, Stabilization and Dewatering
6.2 Disposal and Reuse options
Pre-requisites CEng3171, Water Supply and Urban Drainage

Semester Year IV, Semester I

Status of Course Compulsory

Mode of delivery Lectures, tutorials, Project, exercises

 continuous assessment 60%

Mode of assessment
 final examination 40%

All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at
any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and

does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by
no means.
1. Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Third edition, Davis M. and Cornwell
D., McGraw-Hill.
2. Small and decentralized wastewater Management systems, Crites R. and
Literature Tchobanoglous G., McGraw-Hill.
3. Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering, Second Edition,
Reynolds T. and Richards P., PWS publishing comp.
4. Wastewater Engineering, Treatment and Reuse –Metcalf and Eddy, (2003), 4th
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date______________
Approval Section
Name of course team leader _______________________________
Signature date _____________
Name of department head _______________________________
Signature date_______________



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Road and Transport Engineering Module
Module Category 01
Module Number 18
Module Code CEng-M3181
Total Study Hours in Lecture Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study
the Module
105 115 35 150 405

Students need to learn the basics of transport Engineering in order to
design highways on the basis of sound data.

Rationale of the To introduce students to the fundamental issues in transportation
systems theory, analysis, and design.
module 
This module is highly justified for the very fact that it emphasizes on
the underlying principles of geometric design of highways and the
pavement necessary to carry the traffic load.
The main objectives of the module are to:

Familiarize students with the fundamentals of planning, analyzing,
and designing of basic elements of an integrated surface
transportation system. Basic elements of a surface transportation

Module Objectives Equip students with the concepts and applications of geometric
design for rural and urban highways.

Make students acquainted with the principles of pavement analysis
and design and help them acquire basic knowledge and practical
prospective of highway materials, and construction practice.

Students will be able to identify components of the different
transportation modes and will be able to utilize design characteristics
of the driver, pedestrian, vehicle, and roadway to design

Module Competencies Students will be able to understand and apply the different geometric
design control criteria, and be able to evaluate and modify the
condition of an existing highway system.

Students will also demonstrate knowledge of properties of highway
materials, construction practice, and quality control.
Module Mode of
Module Learning and
lectures, tutorials, lab and projects
Teaching Method

Module Assessment
Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous
assessment should comprise at least five (5) different assessment
Tests, quiz, assignments, lab reports, presentations and exams
Total ECTS of the
15 Credit Point
Module Description
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Name ECTS
CEng3181 Transport Engineering 5
CEng 3182 Highway Engineering I 5
CEng 4183 Highway Engineering II 5
Total ECTS 15

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng3181

Course Title Transport Engineering
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Road and Transport Engineering Module

Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
35 50 0 50 135

To introduce students to the fundamental issues in transportation systems theory,

Course Objectives
analysis, and design.

Students shall

Learn and understand transportation systems & their planning; and demonstrate
ability to plan, analyze, and design the basic elements of an integrated surface
Competences to be
transportation system.
Acquired/course 
level competences Design and analyze traffic volume studies.

Design and analyze travel time and delay studies.

Design and analyze traffic accident studies.

Design and analyze parking studies

Introduction to transport systems: Highways, railways, airways, and waterways.

Transport planning: elements of transport planning, urban transport planning,
and evaluating transport alternatives.

Driver, pedestrian, vehicle, and road characteristics.

Course Description Traffic Engineering studies: spot speed studies, volume studies, travel time and
delay studies parking studies and road traffic safety.

Fundamental  principles of traffic flow: traffic flow elements, and flow-density
 relationships.

Traffic-control devices and  systems: traffic signs, pavement markings and
islands, and traffic signals.


Highway capacity: level of service, capacity of highways, and intersections.
Chapter one
1.1.1 Speed, volume, density measurements
1.1.2 Speed, density, flow relationships 1.1.3
Vehicle/driver/roadway interactions
1.1.4 Equations of motion for a single vehicle
2.1.1 Flow characteristics
2.1.2 Speed characteristics
2.1.3 Density characteristics
1.31.Counting and interval distributions
1.3.1 Headway distributions
1.3.2 Speed distribution models
1.3.3 Gap acceptance distributions
1.4.1 Speed-density models
1.4.2 Speed-flow models
1.4.3 Density-flow models
Chapter Two
Course outline 2.1 Linear car following models
2.2 Traffic stability
2.3 Non-linear car following models
2.4 From car following to traffic stream models
2.5 Acceleration noise.
Chapter Three
3.1 Simple continuum models
3.2 High order continuum models
Chapter Four
4.1 shock wave analysis
4.2 Definition of shock waves
4.3 Types of shockwaves
4.4 Calculation of shockwave speed
4.5 Shock wave at intersections
4.6 Shock wave along a highway
4.7 Applications of shockwave analysis
Chapter Five
5.1 Queuing systems
5.2 Deterministic queuing

5.3 Stochastic queuing
5.4 Queuing models for roadways
5.5 Queuing models for intersections
5.6 Applications of queuing analysis
Chapter Six
6.1 Principles of Simulation
6.2 Traffic flow simulation
6.3 Steps in developing simulation models
6.4 Commercially available models, simulation
6.5 languages, applications
Chapter Seven


7.1 Arterial traffic flow control
7.2 Network traffic flow control
Chapter Eight
8.1 Signalized Intersections –The HCM procedure
8.2 Signalized intersections –saturation flow, capacity and LOS
8.3 Signalized intersections –signal optimization
8.4 Un signalized intersections –The HCM procedure
8.5 Un signalized intersections –Gap acceptance
Chapter Nine
9.1 Freeways –The HCM methods
9.2 Freeway merging –Gap acceptance for merging
9.3 Freeway weaving –Modeling and simulation
9.4 Two-lane highways –The HCM procedure –Modeling and simulation

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year 3, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery parallel
Mode of assessment Tests, quiz, assignments, lab reports, presentations and exams

All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
Course policy While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
Roess, R. P. and Prassas, E. (2004), Traffic
Engineering, 3rd edition, Prentice-Hall.
Literature 2. Roess, R. P. and Falcocchio, J. C. (2004),
Highway Transportation Engineering,
14. Pearson US Imports & PHIPEs.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date______________
Approval Section
Name of course team leader _______________________________
Signature date _____________
Name of department head _______________________________
Signature date_______________

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng3182

Course Title Highway Engineering I
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Road and Transport Engineering
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
ECTS Credits 5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight Laboratory
35 50 0 50 135
Students will develop and apply concepts of geometric design for rural and urban
Course Objectives highways.

Students will demonstrate ability to design and evaluate various types of rural and
Competences to be urban highways

Acquired/Course Knowledge of geometric design of highways and streets.

level competences Knowledge of criteria for determining final highway alignment.

Knowledge of interchange design.

Functional classification systems of highways

Highway route selection: factors to be considered in highway route selection,
steps in highway route surveys.

Geometric design of highways: Design controls and criteria;

Highway cross-section elements –lane and shoulders, sidewalks, medians, and
pedestrian crossings;
Course Description 
Elements of geometric design –sight distance, horizontal alignment: design of
circular and transition curves; vertical alignment: grade selection and design of
vertical curves; combinations of horizontal and vertical alignment; Intersections
and interchanges.

Drainage and drainage structures: surface and subsurface drainage facilities.

Earthwork quantities and mass-haul diagram.

1.1.1 Chapter I: Introduction to Transportation Planning
1.2 Basic elements of transportation planning,
1.3 Planning data collection
1.4 Transportation Systems Modeling
1.4.1 Trip Generation
1.4.2 Trip Distribution
1.4.3 Modal Split
1.4.4 Trip Assignment
1.1.2 Chapter II: Introduction to Traffic Engineering
2.7 Introduction to traffic Engineering,
2.8 study areas of traffic Engineering,
2.9 3-Es of traffic Engineering,
2.10 traffic flow analysis,
2.11 Highway capacity [L-O-S analysis].
1.1.3 Chapter III: Highway Alignment and Surveys
3.1 Requirements of alignment,
3.2 Factors Controlling Alignment,
3.3 Engineering Surveys for Highway Location,
Course Outline
3.4 Map Study, Reconnaissance,
3.5 Preliminary Survey, Final location and detailed survey
3.6 Highway Drawings and Report Profile,
3.7 Steps in a new highway projects
1.1.4 Chapter IV: Highway Geometric Design
4.1 Principles of alignment
4.1.1 Tangents
4.1.2 Circular curves
4.1.3 Transition curves
4.1.4 Super elevation
4.1.5 Roads widening
4.1.6 Friction factors
4.2 Vertical alignment:
4.2.1 Principles of alignment
4.2.2 Grades
4.3 Vertical curves
4.3.1 Crest curves
4.3.2 Sag curves
Chapter V: Comparison of hand calculations with EIL ROAD/EAGLE POINT
Application Software
Pre-requisites Surveying field practices (CEng2083) & Transport Engineering (CEng3181)
Semester Year 3, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Lectures, tutorials and project.

Learning Methods
Assessment/Evaluat Tests, quiz, assignments, presentations and exams
ion & Grading
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consid
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
Wright, P. H. and Karen, D. (2003), Highway
Engineering, 7th edition, Wiley.
2. Rogers, M. (2003), Highway Engineering,
Literature Blackwell Science Ltd.
1. Mannering, F. L., Kilareski, W. P., & Washburn, S.
S. (2004), Principles of Highway Engineering and
4. Traffic Analysis, 3rd edition, Wiley
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date______________
Name of course team leader _______________________________
Approval Section
Signature date _____________
Name of department head _______________________________
Signature date_______________

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng4183

Course Title Highway Engineering II
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Road and Transport Engineering Module
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
35 15 35 50 135

At the end of the course, students would understand:

Identify the classification of soil with respect to Engineering properties
by laboratory works

Course Objectives Differentiate materials used in base and sub-base construction that are
available in the location of construction

Select form every alternatives with what types of road to be constructed.

Design structurally and efficiently flexible and rigid pavements

Design drainage structure intelligently with the efficient and economical

Students will demonstrate ability to analyze and design both asphalt and
concrete pavements.
Competences to be 
Acquired/course level Knowledge of factors affecting the highway foundation structure

competences Knowledge of flexible and rigid pavement design

Knowledge of cost and economic life of roads

Knowledge of overall highway design process.

Overview of pavement structures & types:

Stresses in pavement structures.

Course Description Traffic volume and loading

Sub grade soils, special soil tests for pavement design, soil classification for
highway purposes.


Unbound pavement materials.

Stabilized pavement materials.

Bituminous materials: sources and properties of binders; types of asphalt

Marshall Method of mix design, and surface treatments.

Structural design of flexible pavements: AASHTO method of flexible
pavement design;

Design of flexible pavement structures using ERA and AACRA design

Design of gravel surfaced road
General [Functions, Characteristics, Types, Components, Design Process,
Maintenance and Rehabilitation] Of Pavements
2.1 Highway materials:
2.1.1 Soils
2.1.2 Aggregates
2.1.3 Bituminous
2.1.4 Portland cement
3.1 Design of Paving Mixtures:
3.1.1 Fundamental Properties of Bituminous Mixes
3.1.2Concept and Objectives of Asphalt Mix Design
3.1.3Classification of Hot-Mix Paving
3.1.4Steps in Paving Mix Design
Course outline
3.1.5 Preparation of Mixture
4.1 Pavement Design Process,
4.2 Parameters of Pavement Thickness Design:
4.2.1 Traffic
4.2.2 Sub grade
4.2.3 Climate or Environment
4.2.4 Use of design Catalog
5.1 the pavement management context,
5.2 pavement maintenance and rehabilitation, VIZIR 5.3 method
of quality evaluation for paved roads.
6.1 basic elements for highway drainage

6.2 procedures for highway drainage design of ditches and culverts,

Pre-requisites Highway Engineering I (CEng3172)

Semester Year 4, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Lectures, lab and projects
Mode of assessment Tests, quiz, assignments, lab reports, presentations and exams
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
Course policy be penalized.
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. Minimum of 80 % attendance
during lectures and 100 % attendance during practical work sessions, except
some unprecedented mishaps. A student who misses more than 20% of the
semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is equally
1. Huang, Y.H. (2003), Pavement Analysis &
Design, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall.
2. Ritter L. J., Paquette, R.J. and Wright, P. H.
(2003), Highway Engineering, 7th edition,
John Wiley & Sons Inc.
3. Garber, N.J. & Hoel, L.A. (2001), Traffic
& Highway Engineering, 3rd edition,
15. Thomson-Engineering
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date______________
Name of course team leader _______________________________
Approval Section
Signature date _____________
Name of department head _______________________________
Signature date_______________



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Name Integrated Civil Engineering Design
Module Category 01
Module Number 19
Module Code CEng-M3191
Total EtCTS of the Module 09
Total Study Hour 378
Objectives In this module students will perform a comprehensive design project using
their knowledge acquired from pervious modules with a team approach requiring
interaction with practitioners, development of a team project report and a formal
Competencies Students will be able to take a design project that includes various fields of Civil
Engineering and develop a project design, be able to demonstrate ability to
determine required information, collect required data, analyze data and evaluate
what needs to be done, and be able to develop a project design as a team and
report on the design.
Mode of Delivery Parallel
Learning Teaching Projects, lectures, class works, assignments, group discussions, presentations
Module Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous assessment
Assessment should comprise at least five (5) different assessment techniques.
Techniques Continuous assessment, final exam and seminar presentation
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name EtCTS
CEng3192 Technical Report Writing and Research Methodology 4
for Engineers
CEng5191 Integrated Civil Engineering Design 5
Total ECTS 09

Department of Civil Engineering
Course Number CEng3192
Course Name Technical Report Writing and Research Methodology for Engineers
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Integrated Civil Engineering Design
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
EtCTS Credits 4

Study Hour Lecture ………………………………. 15 hrs.

Class discussion, group work and

Assessment …………………………..15hrs

Home Study ………...…………..........

Total ………………………………… 108 hrs.
Objectives The objective of the course is to equip students with effective report writing skills and
research methodologies. Students shall develop solid technical report and paper/thesis
writing skills, analysis and data interpretation techniques, and research
Competencies Students shall develop good technical report and paper/thesis writing skills, analysis
and data interpretation techniques, and research methodologies.

Course Description/ Report overview: features, functions, and classification of reports.

Course Contents Communication: definition, processes, barriers, and communication channels.

Distinguishing features of a technical report.

A technical report: rational of a research report.

Guidelines on identification of semester project.

The research process: data sources, data collection, text organization, the write-

Preparation of bibliography.
Pre-requisite EnLa1012
Semester VI
Status of the Course Compulsory
Learning Teaching Lectures, class works, assignments, group discussions, presentations
Assessment Continuous assessment and final exam
Course policy All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the

Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. Minimum of 80 % attendance
during lectures and 100 % attendance during presentation, except some
unprecedented mishaps. A student who misses more than 20% of the semester
class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is equally important.
Literature 1. Alley, M. (1999), The Craft of Editing: A Guide for Managers, Scientists, and
Engineers, 1st edition, Springer
2. Ranjit Kumar , ( 1999), Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for
Beginners , Sage Publications Ltd
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .

Department of Civil Engineering
Course Number CEng5191
Course Name Integrated Civil Engineering Design
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Integrated Civil Engineering Design
Course Office location: _________________________________________________
Coordinator Mobile:__________________ ; e-mail:_____________________________
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________________

Lecturer Office location: _________________________________________________

Mobile:__________________ ; e-mail:_____________________________
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________________
EtCTS Credits 5

Study Hour Project ……………………………..100 hrs

Advising………………………..35 hrs

Total………………..……………..135 hrs
Objectives In this course students will perform a comprehensive design project using their
knowledge acquired from pervious modules with a team approach requiring
interaction with practitioners, development of a team project report and a formal

Competencies Students will be able to take a design project that includes various fields of Civil
Engineering and develop a project design, be able to demonstrate ability to
determine required information, collect required data, analyze data and evaluate
what needs to be done, and be able to develop a project design as a team and
report on the design.
Course Project
Course Contents
Pre-requisite None
Semester VIII
Status of the Compulsory
Learning Teaching Project
Assessment Continuous assessment and seminar presentation
Course policy All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for

While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is c be penalized.

If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. 100 % attendance during
Consultation, progress report & Presentations, except some unprecedented
mishaps.. Punctuality is equally important.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Contract Management
Module Category Construction Technology & Management
Module Number [20]
Module Code CEng-M5201
Total Study Hours in Lecture Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
the Module 127 157 - 175 459
Justification of the module
A Civil Engineering project involves the deployment of huge material resources
and human resources. The Construction could be either labour intensive or
Rationale of the machine-intensive. One way or the other there is a need to develop know-how how
module to manage these resources scientifically in order to economize on both time and
resources. This module elucidates techniques and methodologies on how to
effectively make use of the usually scanty resources available for construction.

Short narrative on the aims and characteristics of the module

 The student will get familiarity with various construction methods for
building excavations, bridges, streets, etc. and organize project works into
tasks in order to schedule construction equipment and arrange the sequence
Module Objectives of construction operations at the planning stage.

Moreover, the gets acquainted with official contracting terms for the award
of construction performance contracts. Calculation of performance
indicators and establishing critical path network. The student will be able to
describe the framework of typical company forms and cooperative ventures.

After completion of this module the students shall be able to;

Competencies  Comprehend basic gridlines, contract, formulation, administration, and
planning management techniques.

Module Mode of
Module Learning
lectures, tutorials, and projects, class works, assignments, group discussions,
and Teaching
Module Assessment Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous assessment

Techniques should comprise at least five (5) different assessment techniques.
Total ECTS of the
18 Credit Point
Module Description
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
CEng5201 Engineering Economics 4
CEng5202 Contract, specification & Quantity Survey 5
CEng5203 Construction Equipment 3
CEng5204 Construction Management 5
Total ECTS 17

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng5201

Course Title Engineering Economics
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Contract Management
Name: .
Course Office location .
Coordinator Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
30 30 0 48 108
The Course objectives are to:

Understand the basic concepts of Engineering economics.

Course Understand the time value of money.

Objectives Understand the concepts behind benefit-cost analyses.

Understand the concept of depreciation.

The competencies to be acquired by the student in this course are:

Describe the most common modes of transport and their socioeconomic
Competences to 
be Calculate present and future worth and rates of return on investment.
Acquired/course  Choose among investment alternatives.
level 
competences Develop benefit-cost analyses.

Calculate depreciation of different machinery and infrastructure assets

Prepare a simple economic feasibility study
Investment; time value of money: Interest; present worth; rate of return; future worth.
Costing: Cost centers; labor cost; investment cost; running cost; equipment cost,
Depreciation accounting, Economic analysis: Benefitcost analysis; Sensitivity analysis;
inflation effects; case study: economic analysis of hydropower development: economic
analysis of multi-purpose projects, Project appraisal.
Course Outline Course Contents

1. 1 Introduction to Economics.
2. Basic concepts
3. Annual, discrete and periodic compounding
4. Present and future worth
5. Rate of return and payback periods
6. Benefit-cost ratio
7. Depreciation and equipment replacement
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year 5, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of Lectures, tutorials
Mode of  Continuous Assessment 60%
assessment  -Final Examination 40%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
1. A Collin and William B, 1982, Engineering Cost Analysis, Courtland
Ledbetter, Harper and Row Publishers.
2. Bill G. Eppes & Daniel E. Whitema, 1977Cost Accounting for the
Construction Firm.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date .
Approval Name of course team leader .
Section Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng5202

Course Title Contract, specification & Quantity Survey
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Contract Management
Course Coordinator Name: .
Office location .
Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
35 50 0 50 105

Students will gain knowledge in the legal aspects of contracts and bidding; types of
Course Objectives construction documents including bonds; interpretation of technical building
specifications and their application to selection and installation of materials,
equipment and systems.
The student will be able to
Competences to be Prepare tender documents
Acquired/course Prepare take-off sheets
level competences Settle claims

 At the completion of this course you should be able to: 

 Explain the design and construction process and the roles of the different
participants. 

 Identify the different types of specification formats used in the construction
industry. 
 Outline the relationship between the documents which makeup the
Course Description
Construction Documents.
 Describe the different types of contracts, the number of contracts, the method
of contractor selection and the basis for contractor payment.
 Explain the bidding process, including the documents included in the bidding
 Describe the Conditions of the Contract, their purpose, content, and

relationship to other parts of the Project Manual.
  Explain the distinct roles of Drawings and Specifications. 
 Describe the various methods of specifying. 

 Explain the intent of a warranty, the various types, and the relationships
 between the parties involved in warranting specific parts of a project. 
  Describe the types and purpose of construction bonds and insurance. 
 Explain the concept of multiple prime contracts in a construction project. 

 Explain the Negotiated Contract delivery method with special emphasis on
the use of fast-tracked construction. 

 Explain the concept of "Design-Build" as a construction delivery system and
the preparation of the contract documents to facilitate this process. 
Course Contents
1. The law of contract as applied to Civil Engineering constructions
2. Types of Civil Engineering construction contracts
3. Contract documents
4. Conditions of contract
5. Administration of contract, settlement of claims
6. Bidding theory, Preparation of tender, Tender appraisal
7. Types of specifications, Specification writing,
8. Quantity surveying: material take off preparation and writing of bill of quantities;
9. Project cost estimation
10. Site supervision
11. Measurement and value of work.

Pre-requisites CEng3093
Semester Year 5, Semester I
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Lectures, tutorials
 Continuous Assessment 60%
Mode of assessment
 -Final Examination 40%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
Course policy
be penalized.
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent

and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
1. John Adriaanse, (2004), Construction Contract Law, Palgrave Macmillan.
2. Ivor H. Seeley, George P. Murray, 2001)Civil Engineering
Quantities, Palgrave Macmillan.
3. R.W. Thomas, (2001), Construction Contract Claims, Palgrave Macmillan.
Literature 4. Duncan Cartlidge, (2006), New Aspects of Quantity Surveying
Practice, Butterworth- Heinemann; 2 edition.
5. FIDIC, (1991), Conditions of Contract for works of Civil
Engineering Constructions.
6. BATCODA, (1991), Conditions of Contract.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng5203

Course Title Construction Equipment
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Contract Management
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Office location .
Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
27 27 0 27 81
Course Objective
 To know the most common types of construction equipments.
Course Objectives  To have a knowledge for selection of an appropriate construction equipment
 To understand the concepts of depreciation and production rates for
construction equipments safety.
At the end of this course, students will be able to
Competences to be
properly select foundation equipment, concreting equipment, compactors, paving
equipment. Moreover, students will understand the management of construction
level competences
Course Description:
This course includes the types of construction equipment; Compressors and pumps;
Equipment for earth work:
Trenching, dredging and tunneling equipment, Power excavators and cranes;
Course Description
Foundation equipment; Concreting equipment; Compactors and paving equipment;
Aggregate production equipment; Choosing construction equipment; Construction
equipment schedule, Management of construction equipment: Finance, maintenance,
Course Outline
Course Outline Types of construction equipment
Compressors and pumps
Equipment for earth work: Trenching, dredging and tunneling equipment,

Power excavators and cranes;
Foundation equipment
Concreting equipment
Compactors and paving equipment
Aggregate production equipment
Choosing construction equipment
Construction equipment schedule
Management of construction equipment
Finance, maintenance, safety
Pre-requisites CEng2092
Semester Year 5, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Lectures, tutorials
Mode of  Continuous Assessment 60%
assessment  -Final Examination 40%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at
any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi
Course policy penalized.
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by
no means.
1. Robert L Peurifoy, Clifford J. Schexnayder, and Aviad Shapira,
(2005), Construction Planning, Equipment, and Methods,
Mcgraw-Hill Series in Civil Engineering.
Literature 2.Schaufelberger, J.E., (1999), Construction Equipment
Management, Prentice-Hall.
3.Nunally, S.W., (2000), Managing Construction Equipment,
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng5204

Course Title Construction Management
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Contract Management

Course Coordinator Office location: _________________________________________________

Mobile:__________________ ; e-mail:_____________________________
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________________

Lecturer Office location: _________________________________________________

Mobile:__________________ ; e-mail:_____________________________
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________________
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
35 50 0 50 105
By the End of this course Students should:
• Be aware of the size/scopeindustry,andthe roleof thet
organizations which are involved in Construction Projects
• Know about different phases of c
procedures for public projects
• Know the steps that projectslead to succe
Course Objectives
• Be familiar with aspects of con
planning; progress; monitoring; construction and risk management ;cost control;
claims and disputes
• Understand the role/complexity,by of
completing cost estimation, project planning & sequencing exercises for
example project(s)
Competences to be Students will learn how to prepare TOR for project implementation; techniques of
Acquired/course level project management and planning ; site organization and basics of insurance in the
competences construction industry.
Course Description:
This course includes the types of construction equipment; Compressors and pumps;
Equipment for earth work:
Course Description Trenching, dredging and tunneling equipment, Power excavators and cranes;
Foundation equipment; Concreting equipment; Compactors and paving equipment;
Aggregate production equipment; Choosing construction equipment; Construction
equipment schedule, Management of construction equipment: Finance, maintenance,


Course Contents
1. Construction in the national economy

2. Parties in construction industry

3. Construction and consulting organizations

4. Design and construction procedure of public projects

5. Preparation of TOR
Course Outline
6. Project management and planning techniques

7. Financial project appraisal and cash-flow analysis

8. Personnel management

9. Site organizations

10. Insurance in construction industry

11. Individual/Group term paper preparation and presentation.

Pre-requisites CEng5202
Semester Year 5, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Lectures, tutorials
 Continuous Assessment 60%
Mode of assessment
 Final Examination 40%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
1. Donald S. Barrie, Boyd C Paulson, and Boyd Paulson Professional
Construction Management, McGraw-Hill 3 edition, 1991

2. Abebe Dinku, Construction Management and Finance, AAU Press,
3. Daniel W. Halpin, Construction Management, Wiley; 3 edition, 2005
4. Richard H. Clough, Glenn A. Sears, and S. Keoki Sears, Construction Project
Management , Wiley; 4/e , 2000
5. Alan Griffith, Paul Watson, Construction Management, Palgrave Macmillan,
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Industry Practice and Entrepreneurship
Module Category
Module Number [21]
Module Code GEng-M4211
Total Study Hours in
the Module
In the Bachelor’s study program, t
internship (industry placement) after the successful completion of the holistic
Rationale of the examination to be conducted at the end of the 6 Semester.
module Civil Engineers need efficient entrepreneurial skills and the ability to manage and
liaise with a wide variety of people.

The objectives of the internship are expansion of knowledge and acquaintance with
industry in the field of Civil Engineering, consolidation and deepening of existing
knowledge in Civil Engineering design and construction, involvement in planning,
steering and management of design & construction processes and acquiring hands-
Module Objectives on training in practical skills typical for Civil Engineering
The objective of the module is to equip students with the necessary business,
social, and interpersonal skills to operate effectively in organizational environments
in their future career.

The outcome is students will:

Apply existing knowledge in Civil Engineering design and construction,

involve in planning, steering and

Module manage design & construction processes

Competencies acquire hands-on training in practical skills typical for Civil Engineering

demonstrate understanding of market identification and assessment
techniques, new business idea development, fundamentals of finance &
marketing, intellectual property protection, soliciting funding, and
successful business partnership
Module Mode of
Module Learning
and Teaching Lecture, class works, assignments &hands on practice at the industry

Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous assessment
Module Assessment
should comprise at least five (5) different assessment techniques.
written report , oral presentation & defense, Tests , assignments& exams
Total ECTS of the
34 Credit Point
Module Description
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
CEng 5211 Entrepreneurship for Engineers 4
CEng 4212 Internship 30
Total ECTS 34

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng 52011

Course Title Entrepreneurship for Engineers
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Industry Practice and Entrepreneurship
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
4 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight
30 30 0 48 108

Course Objectives The objective of the course is to equip students with efficient entrepreneurial skills in

Students shall demonstrate understanding of market identification and assessment

Competences to be techniques, new business idea development, fundamentals of finance & marketing,
Acquired/course level intellectual property protection, soliciting funding, and successful business
competences partnership.

What it takes to be an entrepreneur

How to assess markets to identify new opportunities

How to value a new business idea

Fundamentals of Finance

Course Description Fundamentals of Marketing

How to protect intellectual property

How to put together a successful business plan

How to solicit funding

How to hire and grow a start-up business

How to partner for success.
Course outline To be completed
Pre-requisites None
Semester Year 5, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Mode of delivery Lectures, tutorials and projects

Mode of assessment written report , oral presentation, Tests , assignments& exams

All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting other’s work is c
be penalized.
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more
than 15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality
is equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent
and does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted
by no means.
1 .Weichert, D., et al. (2001), Educating the
Engineer for the 21st Century, 1st edition,
2. Schoonhoven, C. & Romanelli, E. (2001)
Literature The Entrepreneurship Dynamic: Origins of
Entrepreneurship and the Evolution of
Industries, 1st edition, Stanford Business
3. Payne, A.C. et al. (1996), Management for
Engineers, John Wiley & Sons.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng 4212

Course Title Internship
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Industry Practice and Entrepreneurship
Name: .

Module Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Advisor/ Mentor Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
ECTS Credits 30 CP
Mentoring / Industry Practice Total Hour
Course Weight Advising & Presentation
60 0 750 810
Overall Course Objectives:

To integrate classroom learning with field experience

To gain work experiencefield in the s

Course Objectives Provide exposure to advanced skills and knowledge

To develop foundation for workplace competencies

Provide exposure to job opportunities and potentials

To clarify and confirm career goals

To increase understanding of workplace culture
Internship experiences require a three-way working relationship among an employer,
Competences to be
the School and the student. Effective communication between all parties is essential to
the development of successful Internship experiences
level competences

Internship Performance

Employer Evaluations
a. Mid-Term Evaluation
b. Final Evaluation

Course Description Final Internship Presentation

Program Objectives

Resume and Cover Letter Assignment

Employability Skills Workshops

Work Ethic Assignment

The student Thank Letter to Employer


Job Search Assignment
The student should submit a computer-written, 1-2 page description about the
searched job answering these questions:

a. The job or career field the student has chosen.

b. Average salaries and typical benefits in the stude
c. Education required.
d. Experience required.
e. Description of job or career field provided by the web site.
f. Description of term of employment
g. Overall Professionalism of Internship report
h. Internship Assessment Document

Course Outline

Semester Year 1, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Lectures, tutorials
Assignment Points Available

1. Internship Performance (30)

*Employer Evaluations

*Students final presentation

2. Program Objectives (35)

3. Resume and Cover Letter (5)

Assessment/Evaluatio Assignment
n & Grading System
4. Work Ethic Assignment (5)

5. Student’s thank (5)

6. Job Search Assignment (5)

7. Overall Professionalism of Report (5)

8. Performance Assessment (5)


All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Course policy Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Students must also
respect the code of conduct of intuitions while practicing internship. Academic

dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated
at any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work
and submitting deredother’sasseriousact workofcheating andisshallc
be penalized.
If you are having problems with the assignments or project reports, contact
your mentor as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend Internship program regularly. 100 %
attendance during internship practice & Mentor visit, except some
unprecedented mishaps.
Literature Manuals if any industrial guide lines may be used.

Name of course Instructor _________________________________

Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .



Department of Civil Engineering


Module Category 01
Module Number [22]
Module Code CEng-M5221
Total Study Hours in
the Module
Rationale of the
 Discuss environmental disturbances and their causes
 Discuss the importance of environmental considerations in all Engineering
Module Objectives
 Describe the key technologies used to reduce the impact of human activities on
the water, air, and land environments
Appreciate environmental impact assessment as a tool for sustainabledevelopment.
The student is able to
Module  Scope out main environmental problems
Competencies  Carry out EIA

Design landfills for solid waste
Module Mode of
Module Learning
and Teaching Lecture, class works, assignments & projects.
Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous assessment
Module Assessment
should comprise at least five (5) different assessment techniques.
written report , oral presentation & defense, Tests , assignments& exams
Total ECTS of the
34 Credit Point
Module Description
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
CEng3221 Environmental Engineering 5
Total ECTS 5

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Number CEng3221

Course Title Environmental Engineering

Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering

Module Environmental Engineering
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
ECTS Credits 3CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home study Total Hour
Course Weight Laboratory
50 0 0 31 81
 Discuss environmental disturbances and their causes
 Discuss the importance of environmental considerations in all Engineering
 Describe the key technologies used to reduce the impact of human activities on
Course Objectives the water, air, and land environments
 Appreciate environmental impact assessment as a tool for sustainabledevelopment
The student is able to
Competences to be
 Scope out main environmental problems
Acquired/Course level
 Carry out EIA
 Design landfills for solid waste
 Major environmental problems and their relation to human activity and
 Aspects of environmental policies and legislation.
 Sources and causes of water, land, food, and air pollution and their control.
 Urbanization and its impact on the environment.
Course Description  Issues and strategies of environmental protection.
 Quantities and composition of solid wastes.
 Methods of solid waste treatment (land filling, incineration, composting, etc.).
 Handling of hazardous waste.
 Aspects of solid waste management.
 Environmental impact assessment.

Course Outline

Pre-requisites None
Semester Year III, Semester II
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Lectures, tutorials, Project.
Assessment/Evaluatio • continuous assessment 60%
n & Grading System • final examination 40%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at
any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consi
Course policy
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
15% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by
no means.
2. Mackenzie L. Davis, Susan J. Masten. (2003). Principles of Environmental
Engineering and Science. 1/e .
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Advanced Structural Engineering
Module Category 02,Elective
Module Number [23]
Module Code CEng-M5212
Total Study Hours in Lecture Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
the Module 70 50 0 50 270
Rationale of the The study of advanced structural Engineering involves the analysis and design of
module special structures using concrete and steel structures .
The main objectives of the module are to:

Analysis of special structures such as curved beam, oblique support, non
prismatic members, irregular frames shell structures

Estimation of lateral load using Ethiopian Building Codes and using
Module Objectives advanced analysis methods for lateral load distribution in high rise
buildings and plan and design lateral load resisting systems

Use advanced analysis methods such as strip f method of slab design for
irregular shaped slabs and using plastic analysis for framed structures.

Apply the principle of reinforced concrete design to shell structures, shear
walls, water tankers, Bunkers and silos.

After completion of this module the students shall be able to;

Module  Analyze special structures such as curved beam , non prismatic members,
high rise buildings, oblique supports
 Determine lateral loads on high rise buildings and device lateral load resisting
system and distribute lateral load
 Design and detail special reinforced concrete structures such as shell, bunkers,
Silos, and Water tankers
Module Mode of Delivery Semester based or Parallel
Module Learning and Teaching Method Lectures, tutorials, Project work and Presentation
Module Assessment Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous assessment
Techniques should comprise at least five (5) different assessment techniques.
Total ECTS of the
15 Credit Point
The study of advanced structural Engineering involves the analysis and design of
Module Description
special structures using concrete and steel structures .
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
CEng5231 Theory of structures III 5
CEng5232 Reinforced concrete structures III 5
Total ECTS 15

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Code CEng5231

Course Title Theory of structures III
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Name Advanced Structural Engineering Module N 23
Name: .
Course Office location .
Coordinator Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Total ECTS 5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Hom Assessme Total
Students Workload Laboratory e nt Hour
30 45 0 50 10 135
Student gets basic knowledge to
Competences to be • Classify structuresmethodsw.r.t stat
Acquired/course • Perform indeterminate structur
level competences • Perform indeterminate structur
• Use the Direct Stiffness Metho
• Employ thetoovercometechniquesspecialproblemtypes
Fundamental principles of matrix methods of structural analysis. Energy
concepts. Flexibility method: Basic concepts, flexibility of prismatic members,
Course Objectives system flexibility, solution procedure. Stiffness method: Basic concepts,
stiffness of prismatic members, axis transformation and system stiffness, direct
stiffness method. Non prismatic members. Curved members. Elastic supports.
Oblique supports. Discontinuities in members. Offset connection.
Stability & Determinacy of Structures, Loads on Structures, Influence Lines
Course Description (IL)for Determinate Structures, Deflection of Determinate Structures and
Consistent Deformation Method
Course outline
Content Reference Assessment Date

1. Fundamental Principles of Structural
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Deformations in framed structures
1.3. Action and Displacements
1.4. Equilibrium and Compatibility TBA TBA Week 1
1.5. Principle of Superposition
1.6. Structural Analysis Methods
1.7. Action and Displacement Equations
1.8. Flexibility and Stiffness Matrices
1.9. Equivalent Joint Load
1.10. Energy Methods
2. The Flexibility Method
2.1. Basic Concepts
2.2. Flexibility of Prismatic Members TBA TBA Week
2.3. Action Transformation and System Flexibility
2.4. Formalized Solution Procedures
3. The Stiffness Method
3.1. Basic Concepts
3.2. Basic concepts
3.3. Stiffness of Prismatic Members TBA TBA Week
3.4. Axis Transformation and Master Stiffness
3.5. Formalized Solution Procedures
3.6. Direct Stiffness Method & Solution Procedure
4. Additional Topics for the Stiffness Method
4.1. Curved Members,
4.2. Non Prismatic Members, TBA TBA Week
4.3. Oblique Supports Elastic Supports,
4.4. Discontinuities in Members,
4.5. Offset Connection (rigid offsets)
Pre-requisites CEng2103
Semester Year 5, Semester I
Status of Elective
The mode of the delivery of the course will basically be student centered active
learning and is summarized as follows:
Mode of
Group Discussion
Home Works
Mode of delivery is Parallel
Mode of Continuous Assessment (50%)
assessment Tests

Mini projects
Reports and presentations
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consid
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
Literature 1. Matrix Analysis of Framed Structures by Weaver & Gere
2. Matrix Structural Analysis by McGuire & Gallagher
Approval Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Section Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Code CEng5232

Course Title Reinforced Concrete Structures III
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Name Advanced Concrete Structures Module N 23
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Total ECTS 5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home Assessment Total
Students Workload
Laboratory study Hour
30 45 0 50 10 135
Students will have developed the following skills:
1. An ability to carry out the structural design of curved beams, haunched beams,
deep beams, and corbels in the ultimate limit state and verify the satisfaction of
Competences to be serviceability limit state requirements,
Acquired/course 2. An ability to carry out structural design of structural walls for shear and flexure in
the ultimate limit state and verify the satisfaction of serviceability limit state
level competences
3. Understand the basics in the analysis and design of pre-stressed concrete beams and
4. Understand the basics in the analysis and design of water retaining structures,
bunkers and Silos.

At the end of the course, the student will:

• Be able to carry out structural d
beams, and corbels in the ultimate limit state and verify the satisfaction of
serviceability limit state requirements,
• Be able to carry out the structur
the ultimate limit state and verify the satisfaction of serviceability limit state
Course Objectives requirements,
• Be able to understand-stressedconcretethedesignbasicwhich c
includes method of pre-stressing, materials and permissible stresses, loss of pre-stress
and bending stress analysis of simple and composite sections,
• Beto carryableoutthe structural design of water retaining structures and verify the
satisfaction of serviceability limit state requirements
• Be introduced to structural desig

1. Design of curved beam, haunched beam, deep beam and corbels,
Course Description 2. Shear wall design and detailing,
3. Introduction to pre-stressed concrete design and
4. Design of water retaining structures, bunkers and silos.

Course outline
Content Reference Assessment Date

1. Deep Beams and Corbels

1.1. Strut and Tie model
1.2. Behavior of deep beams and corbels TBA TBA Week 1
1.3. Design of deep beams
1.4. Design of corbels

2. Curved Beams and Hunched Beams

2.1. Introduction
2.2. Design of curved beams TBA TBA Week
2.3. Design of haunched beams

3. Design of Concrete walls

3.1. Introduction
3.2. Design of plain concrete walls TBA TBA Week
3.3. Design of reinforced concrete walls
3.4. Detailing of reinforced concrete wall
4. Introduction to Pre-stressed concrete design
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Methods of pre-stressing TBA TBA Week
4.3. Materials and Permissible Stresses
4.4. Analysis and design of pre-stressed concrete
5. Water retaining Structures
5.1. Introduction TBA TBA Week
5.2. Joints in water tanks
5.3. Circular and Rectangular tanks
6. Bunkers and Silos
6.1. Introduction TBA TBA Week
6.2. Bunkers
6.3. Silos
Pre-requisites CEng3112
Semester Year 5, Semester II
Status of Course Elective
The mode of the delivery of the course will basically be student centered active learning
and is summarized as follows:
Mode of Lecture
Group Discussion
Home Works
Mode of delivery is Parallel

Continuous Assessment (50%)
Mode of
Mini projects
Reports and presentations
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consid
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
1. Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design, by James G MacGregor and James K
2. Design of Concrete Structures, by Arthur H. Nilson, David Darwin and Charles W.
Literature Dolan.
3. Yield Line Analysis of Slabs, L.L. Jones and R.H. Wood
4. The Mechanics of Pre-stressed Concrete, S.K. Mallick and K.S. Ranges
5. Ethiopian Building Code Standards 2, Structural Use of Concrete
Approval Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Section Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date ..



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Advanced transport Engineering module
Module Category Elective
Module Number [24]
Module Code CEng-M5242
Total Study Hours in Lecture Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
the Module 70 100 0 100 270
The specification of roadway construction, its maintenance and
rehabilitation, road management system and the economic aspect of road
Rationale of the
construction and method of road construction with respect to labor-based
method. The module general overview railway Engineering and its
significance in transportation.
The main objectives of the module are to:

Module Objectives Know the different method of roads maintenance and rehabilitation

Know the basic method of road construction in labor based construction.

To gain the understanding of railways as a transportation.

Apply the method of construction of bituminous and concrete pavement

Manage the road usage in its maximum capacity

Module Competencies Economically apply the method of road construction applicable in every

Analyze and design of railway structures.

To identify the track components, construction and maintenance
Module Mode of Delivery Parallel
Module Learning and
Lectures, Tutorial and projects
Teaching Method
Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous
Module Assessment assessment should comprise at least five (5) different assessment
Techniques techniques.
Tests, quiz, assignments, presentations and exams
Total ECTS of the module 10 Credit Point
Module Description
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
CEng5241 Highway Engineering III 5
CEng5242 Rail way Engineering 5
Total ECTS 10

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Code CEng5241

Course Title Highway Engineering III
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Name Advanced Highway Engineering Module N 01
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Total ECTS 5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home Assessment Total
Students Workload
Laboratory study Hour
30 45 0 50 10 135
Competences to be
level competences

Course Objectives

The course includes the detailed specification of roadway construction, its

maintenance and rehabilitation. Introduction to road management system and the
Course Description economic aspect of road construction are also a part of the course. It also deals with
the method of road construction with respect to labor-based method

Course outline
Content Reference Assessment Date
Chapter one
Road Construction
1.1 Earthwork operation and equipment, TBA TBA Week 1
1.2 construction of sub-bases, bases,
1.3 bituminous pavement,
Chapter two
Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation TBA TBA Week
2.1 Surface condition survey,
2.2 roughness and frictional structural condition,

2.3 drainage check,
2.4 traffic control and safety devices
2.5 design of overlays

Chapter three
Introduction to Road Management System
3.1 Economic Aspect of Road Construction
3.2 Choosing between alternatives influencing material
cost and labor
3.3 Labor Based Method of Road Construction TBA TBA Week
3.4 Basic concept of technology application,
3.5 feasibility study of road construction
and development,
3.6 economic study of the labor-based method of
Pre-requisites CEng4183
Semester Year 5, Semester I
Status of Course Elective
The mode of the delivery of the course will basically be student centered active learning
and is summarized as follows:
Mode of Lecture
Group Discussion
Home Works
Mode of delivery is Parallel
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Mode of
Mini projects
Reports and presentations
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consid
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
Literature O'Flaherty, C. A. (2001), Highways: The Location, Design, Construction and
Maintenance of Road Pavements, 4th edition, Butterworth-Heinemann
Approval Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Section Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Code CEng5242

Course Title Railway Engineering
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Name Railway Engineering Module N 01
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Total ECTS 5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home Assessment Total
Students Workload
Laboratory study Hour
30 45 0 50 10 135
• understand the Engineeringbasics of railway
•Acquire basic knowledge of railway subgrade characteristics and design
Competences to be • Understand railway communication,
Acquired/course • Have knowledge of design of railw
level competences and sub ballast, stations
• Acquire principles of design and
• Familiarize themselves with the d
• Participate in railway projects a
Basic knowledge about rail way systems and train operation.
Railway signaling, communication and control
concepts of geometric design for rail ways,
Course Objectives understand basic features of roadbed section,
incorporate and utilize railway track technology
design principles of rail, sleeper, fasteners, ballast, sub ballast and subgrade
basic knowledge on freight & passenger transportation including train formation
and organization of car flow
The course includes the detailed specification of roadway construction, its
maintenance and rehabilitation. Introduction to road management system and the
Course Description economic aspect of road construction are also a part of the course. It also deals with
the method of road construction with respect to labor-based method

Course outline
Content Reference Assessment Date

1. Basics Of railway Engineering
1.1 Railway transportation system
1.2 Historic development of railway
1.3 Components of railway TBA TBA Week 1
1.4 General principle for railway construction and
1.5 Railway classification and main technical standards
1.6 Railway signal, communication and control
2. Railway Line and subgrade

I. Railroad line
2.1 Economic survey of railway line
2.2 Selection of main technical standards
2.3 Plane section
2.4 Longitudinal section TBA TBA Week

II. Railroad subgrade

2.5 Standard subgrade sections
2.6 Design of subgrade surface
2.7 Drainage of road bed
2.8 Safeguards and strengthening of roadbed
3. Railway Track Structures
3.1 Component and function of track structure
3.2 Rails
3.3 Sleepers TBA TBA Week
3.4 Ballast and sub ballast
3.5 Rail fastening system/ Union piece
3.6 Ballasted and slab track
4. Railway Station
4.1 Definition, Basic tasks and Classification of railway
4.2 Distribution and location of station
4.3 Rules for station distribution and Location
4.4 Passing and overtaking stations
4.5 Intermediate station Layout
4.6 Main equipments and facilities

5. Switches & Turnouts

5.1 The Switches and their function
5.2 Main Types of switches and turnouts
5.3 Components of a single switch
5.4 Turnouts
5.5 Switch calculations and design
5.6 Railway Clearance
6. Introduction to tunnels & bridges
I. Tunnels
6.1. Definition and Function of Tunnel
6.2. Cross section and Notations in tunneling
6.3. Installations in tunnels
6.4. Uncertainties in tunneling

6.5. Tunnel Design methods
6.6. Tunneling techniques
II. Railway Bridges
6.7. Layout and components Railway Bridge
6.8. Bridge components: use and functionality
6.9. Deck Configuration
6.10. Types of bridges
6.11. Design Loadings for Railway Bridges
7. Organization of train operation
7.1. Train Formation
7.2. Organization of Car Flow and Freight- formation
7.3. Train Diagram & Carrying capacity
7.4. Organization of Station Operation
Pre-requisites CEng3182, CEng2103,
Semester Year 5, Semester II
Status of Course Elective
The mode of the delivery of the course will basically be student centered active learning
and is summarized as follows:
Mode of Lecture
Group Discussion
Home Works
Mode of delivery is Parallel
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Mode of
assessment Assignments
Mini projects
Reports and presentations
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consid
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no
Literature 1. Modern railway Track (C. Esveld)

2. Railroad Engineering (William W.Hay)
3. Railway Management and Engineering
4. AREMA standard
5. Chinese standard
6. Any Railway Engineering books
Approval Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Section Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title Water Resource Engineering
Module Category 25
Module Number [02]
Module Code CEng-M5252
Total Study Hours in Lecture Tut/Sem Pra/Lab Home Study Total Hour
the Module 70 85 0 98 243
Water resources could be harnessed to produce clean energy. As
the country is endowed with such a potential, this module is highly
relevant. The module enlightens the students with the principles of
development of hydropower.
Rationale of the module Water resources development practice is multi-faceted and has many
aspects including but not limited to Engineering, socio-economic, legal and
environmental ones.
Hence, this module is included to give the students familiarity on
these issues from a Civil Engineering point of view.
 To select appropriate site for hydropower development,
 To design components of hydropower plant,
 To assess the socio-economic and environmental impacts of
 Apply science, mathematics, and modern Engineering tools to identify,
prevent, analyze and solve environmental and water resources problems.
Module Objectives
 Effectively communicate both orally and in writing, the nature of, and
solution to environmental and water resources problems.
 Work as a productive member of a multi-disciplinary team.
 Recognize and appreciate social, political, economic and
environmental impacts of environmental and water resources
Engineering projects on scales
After completion of this module the students shall be able to;
Module Competencies  Analysis and Design of Waterworks Infrastructures, Irrigation and
Hydropower plants. Optimize water resource system
Module Mode of
Module Learning and
Lectures, tutorials, exercises, Project
Teaching Method
Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous
Module Assessment
assessment should comprise at least five (5) different assessment

Total ECTS of the
10Credit Point
Module Description
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
CEng5251 Water Resource Development 4
CEng5252 Hydro Power Development 5
Total ECTS 9

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Code CEng5252

Course Title Hydropower Development
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Name Water Resource Engineering Module N 25
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Total ECTS 5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home Assessment Total
Students Workload
Laboratory study Hour
30 45 0 50 10 135
Competences to be The student is able to
Acquired/course • Select appropriate site for hydro
• Assess the hydropower potential o
level competences
• Design basic layout and elements

The objective of the course is to introduce the fundamentals of design, construction,

operation and maintenance of hydropower systems and infrastructure. Students will
demonstrate understanding of hydraulic power as a source of energy, and be able to
Course Objectives select appropriate site for hydropower development, understand different types of
hydropower development arrangements, assess hydropower potential, perform
hydrologic analysis of water storage alternatives for power production and design
basic layout and elements of a hydropower plant.
•Water as a source of energy.
• Estimation of waterpower potentia
• Electrical loads on turbines: loa
• Classification of -hydroelectricof-river,storageandpumped p
Course Description storage plants
• Designwerintakes,ofcanals,Potunnels, foreBay, surge tanks, penstocks.
• Layout of powerhouse and accessor
electromechanical equipment.
• Planning and design of small hydr
Course outline
Content Reference Assessment Date

1. Introduction TBA TBA Week 1
1.1. Sources of Energy
1.2. Merits and Demerits of Hydropower

2. Development of Hydropower
2.1. Hydropower Status in the World TBA TBA Week
2.2. Hydropower potential & Status in Ethiopia

3. Estimation of Water Power Potential

3.1. Water Power Potential TBA TBA Week
3.2. Firm and Secondary Power
3.3. Load Prediction and Demand Assessment
4. Classification and Types of Hydropower
4.1. Classification and Basis TBA TBA Week
4.2. Site selection ,Layouts and Capacity Computation
4.3. Storage and Pondage
5. Water Conveyance Structures
5.1. Intakes, Canals and Tunnels
5.2. Water Hammer Analysis
5.3. Surge Tanks TBA TBA Week
5.4. Forebays
5.5. Penstocks
5.6. Anchors
6. Power house and Hydropower Machines
6.1. Layout of powerhouse and accessories
6.2. Impulse, Momentum and Power of a Turbine
6.3. Design Consideration for Hydraulic Machines TBA TBA Week
6.4. Types of Turbines
6.5. Draft Tubes, draft Heads
6.6. Dimensioning of Turbines
6.7. Generator and Governors
7. Planning and design of small hydropower plants TBA TBA Week

Pre-requisites CEng4162
Semester Year 5, Semester II
Status of Course Elective
The mode of the delivery of the course will basically be student centered active learning
and is summarized as follows:
Mode of Lecture
Group Discussion
Home Works
Mode of delivery is Parallel
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Mode of Tests
assessment Quizzes

Mini projects
Reports and presentations
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consid
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no

Literature 1. Harvey, A. and Brown, A. (2004). Micro- Hydro Design Manual. Practical Action.
2. P. Novak (2007). Hydraulic Structures. 1/e .Taylor & Francis.

Approval Name of course Instructor _________________________________

Section Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Code CEng5251

Course Title Water Resource Development
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Name Water Resource Engineering Module N 25
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Total ECTS 5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home Assessment Total
Students Workload
Laboratory study Hour
30 45 0 50 10 135
Competences to be Students will be able to:
Acquired/course • Analyze-benefit analysiscost
• Come up waterwithallocationoptimal
level competences
• Understand basics of Master Plan
• Understand-economic,legal,environmentalsocioaspectsofWRD
Provide students with the principles of water resources planning and management,
Course Objectives principles of integrated water resources development

Course Description
Course outline
Content Reference Assessment Date
Assessment of surface and sub-surface
water resources and their development. TBA TBA Week 1

Planning of water resources projects TBA TBA Week

Sustainability of water resources TBA TBA Week


Planning and operation tools. TBA TBA Week

Project formulation: reconnaissance,
TBA Week
and feasibility studies, final TBA

Trans-boundary water issues. TBA TBA Week

Pre-requisites CEng2152, CEng3154

Semester Year 5, Semester I
Status of Course Elective
The mode of the delivery of the course will basically be student centered active learning
and is summarized as follows:
Mode of Lecture
Group Discussion
Home Works
Mode of delivery is Parallel
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Mode of
Mini projects
Reports and presentations
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consid penalized.

Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no

1. Larry W. Mays. (2005). Water Resources Engineering. Wiley.

2. David A. Chin. (2006). Water Resources Engineering. Prentice Hall.
Literature 3. Loucks, Daniel P. and Eelco van Beek. (2005). Water Resources Systems
4. Planning and Management: An Introduction to Methods, Models and Applications.

Approval Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Section Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Name Advanced Environmental Engineering
Module Category Elective
Module Number 26
Module Code CEng-M5261
Total EtCTS of the Module 10
Total Study Hour 270
Objectives The module discusses the fate and transport of pollutants in the environment
and introduces the basic equations and models used in environmental
Engineering. The module examines the use of geographic information systems
(GIS) for environment modelling and exposes students to a range of spatial
analytic and modelling tools and applications of GIS.

The module demonstrates the key principles of the EIA process, the role of EIA
in relation to Civil & Environmental Engineering works. It introduces the
methodological issues related to the performance of EIA and legislative and
quality requirements concerning the EIA process. It also discusses design and
construction considerations useful in minimizing and mitigating such impacts
Competencies Students will be able to model simple environmental processes using computer,
use GIS software, apply GIS in environmental modelling.

The student will understand EIA process and it application in relation to Civil
and Environmental Engineering works. At the end of this module, the students
are expected to be able to conduct EIA.
Module Mode of Delivery Parallel
Module Learning and The mode of the delivery of the module can be summarized as follows:
Lecture, Tutorials
Teaching Method
Group Discussion, Home Works
Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous assessment
should comprise at least five (5) different assessment techniques.
Module Assessment
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Tests, Quizzes
Assignments, Mini projects, Reports and presentations
Final Exam (50%)
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name EtCTS
CEng5261 GIS and Environmental Modeling 05
CEng5262 Environmental Impact Assessment 05
Total 10

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Code CEng5261

Course Title GIS and Environmental Modeling
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Name GIS and Environmental Modeling Module N 01
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Total ECTS 5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home Assessment Total
Students Workload
Laboratory study Hour
30 45 0 50 10 135
Competences to be Be able to model simple environmental processes using computer, use GIS software,
Acquired/course apply GIS in environmental modeling
level competences

•To discuss the fate and transport of pollutants in the environment

• to introduce the basic equationsEngineering
Course Objectives • To examine the use of geographic
• Students will be exposed to a ran
applications of GIS in Environmental Engineering

Environmental Processes, environmental modeling, fundamentals of GIS, application

of GIS in environmental modeling
Course Description

Course outline
Content Reference Assessment Date
1. Introduction to Environmental Modeling TBA TBA Week 1

2. Transport phenomena TBA TBA Week

3. Chemical reaction kinetics TBA TBA Week

4. Flow modeling TBA TBA Week

5. Pollutant modeling in surface water TBA TBA Week

6. Groundwater contaminant transport TBA TBA Week

7. Fundamentals of GIS TBA TBA Week

8. Modeling with GIS TBA TBA Week

9. Modeling physical systems TBA TBA Week

10. Modeling processes TBA TBA Week

Pre-requisites CEng3221, CEng2082

Semester Year 5, Semester I
Status of Course Elective
The mode of the delivery of the course will basically be student centered active learning
and is summarized as follows:
Mode of Lecture
Group Discussion
Home Works
Mode of delivery is Parallel
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Mode of
Mini projects
Reports and presentations
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
Course policy While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and submitting
other’s work is consid
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than

20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no

 Clarke, K. et. al.: Geographic Information Systems and Environmental

Modeling. Prentice Hall, 2001
 E. Holzbecher. Environmental Modeling using MATLAB. Springer,2007
 N. Nirmala Khandan. Modeling tools for environmental engineers and
Literature scientists. CRC Press, 2002
 Jo Smith. Environmental modeling: An introduction. Oxford University
Press, 2007
 Jerald L. Schnoor. Environmental Modeling: Fate and transport of
pollutants in water, air and soil, John Wiley & Sons, 1996

Approval Name of course Instructor _________________________________

Section Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .

Department of Civil Engineering

Course Code CEng5262

Course Title Environmental Impact Assessment
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Name Environmental Impact Assessment Module N 01
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Total ECTS 5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home Assessment Total
Students Workload
Laboratory study Hour
30 45 0 50 10 135
Competences to be Understand EIA process and it application in relation to Civil and
Acquired/course Environmental Engineering works. At the end of this course, the students are
level competences expected to able to conduct EIA.

•To demonstrate the key principles of the EIA process,

• To demonstrate theCivil &roleEnvironmentalof EI
Engineering works,
Course Objectives • To introduce the methodologic
• To introducelity legislativerequirementsconcerningthe EIAand
• to discuss design and constru
mitigating such impacts

Environment and development, EIA processes, prediction and assessment

of impacts, regulations & quality standards for EIA process and
Course Description international standards, Impact mitigation and monitoring, GIS & RS for

Course outline
Content Reference Assessment Date

1. The EIA processes TBA Week 1

2. EIA application in Civil Engineering TBA Week

3. Prediction and assessment of impacts TBA TBA Week

4. Mitigation and Monitoring TBA TBA Week

5. Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) TBA TBA Week

6. EIA process in Ethiopia and International standards TBA TBA Week

7. Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in EIA TBA TBA Week

Pre-requisites CEng3222
Semester Year 5, Semester II
Status of Course Elective
The mode of the delivery of the course will basically be student centered active learning
and is summarized as follows:
Mode of Lecture
Group Discussion
Home Works
Mode of delivery is Parallel
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Mode of
Mini projects
Reports and presentations
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consid
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no

 Environmental Impact Assessment Methodologies. Y. Anjaneyulu. BS Publications
 Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment. Peter Morris and Riki. Taylor &
Francis (2009)
Literature  Environmental Impact Assessment Practical Solutions to Recurrent Problems. David P.
Lawrence. John Wiley & Sons (2003)
 Life Cycle Assessment in the Built Environment. Robert H, Crowford. Spon

Approval Name of course Instructor _________________________________

Section Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Name Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

Module Category Elective
Module Number 27
Module Code CEng-M5271
Total EtCTS of the Module 10
Total Study Hour 270

Module Mode of Delivery Parallel

The mode of the delivery of the module can be summarized as follows:
Module Learning and Lecture
Teaching Method
Group Discussion
Home Works
Accounts 50% and final exam (summative) 50%, continuous
assessment should comprise at least five (5) different assessment
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Module Assessment
Mini projects
Reports and presentations
Final Exam (50%)
Courses of the Module
Course Number Course Name EtCTS
CEng5271 Introduction to Seismology & Earthquake 05
CEng5272 Engineering Properties of Tropical Soils
Total 05

Department of Civil Engineering
Course Code CEng5271
Course Title Introduction to Seismology and Earthquake Engineering
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Name Geotechnical Engineering Module N 27
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Total ECTS 5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home Assessment Total
Students Workload
Laboratory study Hour
30 45 0 50 10 135
Competences to be
level competences

The course on Introduction to Earthquake Engineering provides the fundamental

Course Objectives concepts, principles and application of earthquake Engineering in seismic analysis
and design of structures.
The course begins with the Seismology explaining the causes of occurrence of
earthquake and its characterization. The seismic analysis of the structures under
earthquake excitation is developed. The structural system modeled as discrete and
continuous system.
The concept of response spectrum analysis procedure to determine structure response
and design earthquake forces is explained. The codal provisions for earthquake
Course Description
resistant design of structures as per Ethiopian Standards will be explained.
Finally, the course also covers the soil structure interaction and inelastic response
spectra. The advanced course material on Earthquake Engineering will be very useful
to undergraduate students, post-graduate students, teachers and practitioners.
A number of chosen problems will be solved to illustrate the design and analysis
concepts clearly.
Course outline
Content Reference Assessment Date

1. Seismology:
 Earth's Interior and Plate Tectonics;
 Causes of Earthquakes and Seismic Waves;
Measurement of Earthquakes and
Measurement parameters; TBA TBA Week01-02
 Modification of Earthquake due to the Nature
of Soil;
 Seismic Hazard Analysis I;
 Seismic Hazard Analysis II; Discussion on
Tutorial Problems.
2. Earthquake Inputs:
 Time History Records and Frequency Contents
of Ground Motion;
 Power Spectral Density Function of Ground
Motion; Concept of Response Spectrums of
Earthquake; TBA Week03-04
 Combined D‐V‐A Spectru
of Design Spectrum; Site Specific, Probabilistic
and Uniform Hazard Spectrums;
 Predictive Relationships for earthquake
 Discussion on Tutorial Problems
3. Dynamics for Earthquake Analysis:
 Equations of Motion for SDOF and MDOF
Systems; Undamped Free Vibration of SDOF
and MDOF Systems;
 Mode Shapes and Frequencies of MDOF
System; Rayleigh Damping Matrix;
TBA Week05-06
 Direct Time Domain Analysis of MDOF TBA
 Direct Frequency Domain Analysis of MDOF
 Modal Analysis in Time and Frequency
 Discussion on Tutorial Problems.
4. Response Analysis for Specific Ground Motion:
 Equations of Motion for Single and
Multi‐Support Excitati
 Equations of Motion in State Space and TBA Week07-08
 Computational Steps for the Solutions using
 Computational Steps for the Solutions using

 Time History Analysis of 3D Tall Buildings;
 Discussion on Tutorial Problems.
5. Response Spectrum Method of Analysis:
 Concept of Equivalent Lateral Force for
 Modal Combination Rules;
 Response Spectrum Method of Analysis of
TBA Week 09-10
Structures and Codal Provisions; TBA
 Response Spectrum Method of Analysis for
Torsionally Coupled Systems;
 Response Spectrum Method of Analysis for
Non‐Classically Damped
 Discussion on Tutorial Problems.
6. Seismic Soil - Structure Interaction:
 Fundamentals of Seismi
 Direct Method of Analy
Interaction using FEM and Use of ABAQUS
Software I;
 Direct Method of Analysis of Soil‐Stru TBA Week 11-12
Interaction using FEM and Use of ABAQUS
Software II;
 Substructuring Method of Analysis of
Soil‐Structure Interac
 Sub‐structuring Method
Soil‐Structure Interac
 Discussion on Tutorial Problems.
7. Inelastic Response of Structures for Earthquake
 Fundamental Concepts of Inelastic Response
Analysis for Earthquake Forces;
 Solutions of Incremental Equations of Motions
We4k 13-14
for SDOF Systems;
 Solutions of Incremental Equations of Motions
for MDOF Systems;
 Push over Analysis;
 Concepts of Ductility and Inelastic Spectrum;
 Discussion on Tutorial Problems.
8. Base isolation for earthquake resistant design of
structures: Week 15-16
 Base isolation concept, isolation systems and
their modeling;

  linear theory of base isolation; 
  stability of elastomeric bearings; 
 codal provisions for seismic isolation, practical 
Pre-requisites CEng2132
Semester Year 5, Semester I
Status of Course Elective
The mode of the delivery of the course will basically be student centered active learning
and is summarized as follows:
Mode of Lecture
Group Discussion
Home Works
Mode of delivery is Parallel
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Mode of Quizzes
Mini projects
Reports and presentations
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consid
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no

1. Clough R.W. and Penzien J., 'Dynamics of Structures', McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition,
2. Newmark N.M. and Rosenblueth E., 'Fundamentals of Earthquake Engg.,'
Prentice Hall, 1971.
3. David Key, 'Earthquake Design Practice for Buildings', Thomas Telford, London,
4. Ellis L. Krinitzsky, J.M. Gould and Peter H. Edinger, 'Fundamentals of
Earthquake Resistant Construction', John Wiley, 1993.
5. Blume J.A., Newmark N.M., Corning L.H., 'Design of Multi-storied Buildings for
Literature Earthquake ground motions', Portland Cement Association, Chicago, 1961.
6. Pankaj Agarwal and Manish Shrikhande, 'Earthquake Resistant Design of
Structures', PHI, 2008.
7. Proc. of World Conferences on Earthquake Engg., 1956-2008.
8. I.S. Codes No. 1893, 4326, 13920 etc.


1. Journals Related to Earthquake Engineering and Bureau of Indian Standard codes.

2. EBCS 8.

Approval Name of course Instructor _________________________________

Section Signature date .

Name of course team leader .

Signature date .

Name of department head .

Signature .date .

Department of Civil Engineering
Course Code CEng5272
Course Title Engineering Properties of tropical soils
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module Name Advanced Geotechnical Engineering Module N 27
Name: .

Course Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Name: .

Lecturer Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .

Consultation Hours: ___________________________________

Total ECTS 5 CP
Lecture Tutorial Practice or Home Assessment Total
Students Workload
Laboratory study Hour
30 45 0 50 10 135
Competences to be Acquired/course level
Course Objectives
Course Description
Course outline
Content Reference Assessment Date
1. Clay mineralogy TBA TBA Week 1
2. Geotechnical properties & behavior of lateritic and TBA TBA Week
black cotton Soils
3. Properties of desiccated clays TBA TBA Week

TBA Week
4. Relation between Load & swelling TBA
5. Effect of climate on behaviour of Clay. TBA TBA Week

6. Effect of swelling on buildings. TBA TBA Week

7. Failure of foundations due to expansive soils. TBA TBA Week

8. methods of preventing Damage from swelling clays. TBA TBA Week

Pre-requisites CEng3133
Semester Year 5, Semester I
Status of Course Elective

The mode of the delivery of the course will basically be student centered active learning
and is summarized as follows:
Mode of Lecture
Group Discussion
Home Works
Mode of delivery is Parallel
Continuous Assessment (50%)
Mode of
Mini projects
Reports and presentations
Final Exam (50%)
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic dishonest
including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at any stage
during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for action.
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’s work is consid
Course policy If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor as
soon as possible.
Students are expected to attend class regularly. A student who misses more than
20% of the semester class is not eligible to sit for final exam. Punctuality is
equally important.
If you must bring a cell phone to class, make sure that it is absolutely silent and
does not disturb any one. The teaching-learning process shall be disrupted by no

1. Larry W. Mays. (2005). Water Resources Engineering. Wiley.

2. David A. Chin. (2006). Water Resources Engineering. Prentice Hall.
Literature 3. Loucks, Daniel P. and Eelco van Beek. (2005). Water Resources Systems
4. Planning and Management: An Introduction to Methods, Models and Applications.

Approval Name of course Instructor _________________________________

Section Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .



Department of Civil Engineering

Module Title B.SC Thesis /Project
Module Category 01,Core
Module Number [28]
Module Code CEng-M5281
Progress advising & Project work Total Hour
Total Study Hours in
the Module 124 200 324
Rationale of the To enable students identify problems and give solution in scientific sprocedure by
module producing technical report.
The main objectives of the module are to:
The Final Year Project (Bachelor’
Module Objectives
should develop and demonstrate independent, methodological abilities as well as
provide the students with their first research experience
After completion of this module the students shall be able to;
 Identify problems regarding Civil Engineering in the society
 Propose and select in the order of priority
Module Competencies
 Analyze and Design
 Write Technical Report
 Present and initiate its implementation
Module Mode of
Semester based or Parallel
Module Learning and
Lectures, tutorials, Project work and Presentation
Teaching Method
- Progressive Evaluation (At least two times) 40%
Module Assessment
- Professional Written Report 30%
- Oral Presentation (Last Presentation) 30%
Total ECTS of the
12 Credit Point
The subjects for the Bachelor’sconsultationbetweenthe
Module Description Professor and the student. Some works in cooperation with the industry are also
Clustered Courses in the Module
Course Number Course Name ECTS
CEng5281 BSC thesis 12
Total ECTS 12

Civil Engineering Department
Course Number CENG 5281
Course Title BSc Thesis
Degree Program B.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Module CEng -M 5281, Final Year Project
Name: .

Module Coordinator Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
Name: .

Advisor Office location .

Mobile: . ; e-mail: .
Consultation Hours: ___________________________________
ECTS Credits 12
Contact Hours Progress advising & Project work Total Hour
124 200 324
Course Objectives & The Final Year Project (Bachelor’s
Competences to be should develop and demonstrate independent, methodological abilities as well as
Acquired provide the students with their first research experience.
Course Description The subjects for the Bachelor’s The
and the student. Some works in cooperation with the industry are also possible.
Course Contents The content of the Bachelor’sf theThesiworkdone
in the basis course and the focused study of the Bachelors curriculum. The supervisor
is responsible for fixing the condi
subject and/or supervisors is the choice of the students, i.e., there is no obligation to
connect the bachelor’s thesis with
Semester The bachelor’s thesis is undertaken
required to submit a written report and hold an oral presentation of their work.
Successful completion of bachelor’s
Status of Course Compulsory
Teaching & Learning Project Work and Consultation,
Assessment/Evaluation - Progressive Evaluation (At least two times) 40%
& Grading System - Professional Written Report 30%
- Oral Presentation (Last Presentation) 30%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students and the
Senate Legislation of the University throughout this course. Academic
Course policy
dishonest including cheating, fabrication, and plagiarism will not be tolerated at
any stage during your studies and will be reported to concerned bodies for
While team work is highly encouraged, dependence and copying ones work and
submitting other’ssideredasseriousworkactofcheatingis andconshall be
If you are having problems with the assignments or tests, contact the instructor
as soon as possible.
Students are expected to report their progress regularly. 100 % attendance
during Consultation, progress report, presentation and , except some
unprecedented mishaps. Punctuality is equally important.

Literature Full bibliographic citation; sources not older than 5 years (older only in very
exceptional cases)
- Basic texts (e.g. textbooks)
- Recommended supplementary literature
- Journals & Articles
- Previous Related Project works.
Name of course Instructor _________________________________
Signature date .
Name of course team leader .
Approval Section
Signature date .
Name of department head .
Signature .date .


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