A Case Study of Requirements - Agile Project
A Case Study of Requirements - Agile Project
A Case Study of Requirements - Agile Project
Karoline Lunder
Department of Informatics
2. May 2014
Requirements specification when using agile development methods is a research area that
lacks research. This is why this topic is particularly interesting to investigate. In this thesis I
have explored how thorough the requirements should be specified before one starts
development in an agile project. I studied a single case where a large IT-consultant company
was the vendor of a big and complex exam system. The customer had not specified the
requirements before the vendor company was contacted. Therefore, the requirements had to
be found in cooperation. The method that was used for finding the requirements was
particularly interesting to examine. The requirements were specified in an 80% level of detail
to find the scope of the project before the project in itself started. The last 20% of the
requirements were not decided until right before the development sprint started and were
specified in a document called detailed functional specification (DFS). This document
contained a detailed description of the work tasks that were supposed to be supported by the
system, the IT-services that were needed for the given work tasks and screenshot(s) that
explained the IT-services. The screenshots were further detailed with explanation of the
functionalities the screenshot provided. This was so that developers ideally did not have to do
anything more than read the description and start developing.
The first description of the requirements were in the form of user stories, but it was
discovered that user stories were not covering enough, were hard for the customer to change
and navigate through and it was difficult to discover dependencies between user stories due to
the large size of the system. Therefore, it was decided to supplement the user stories with the
DFS to end up at the right level of detail for this project. The user stories were in the DFS
only used as a guide to find the IT-service that covered the user story. It was the DFS and not
the user stories the developers ended up working from.
One can conclude that user stories do not provide a sufficient level of detail and is not
suitable for a big project due to the amount of user stories needed for specifying all the
requirements. The DFS and delaying the last 20% of detail until right before the sprint
resulted in this project, in smaller changes and a project that at the point of the study was
perceived as a success.
There are many people that has helped me complete my master thesis. On that account I
would like to thank my fantastic supervisor Dag Sjøberg at University of Oslo for helping
and guiding me through the writing of my master thesis.
Moreover, I would like to thank the vendor company and the customer for letting me study
the case. In addition, Project Manager in the vendor company for helping me get in touch
with relevant people in the project and assisting me in finding the correct information from
the project.
I would also like to thank my mother for supporting me through all the times that my
motivation was low and my father for inspiring me and motivating me to start studying
informatics at the University of Oslo. He was a great inspiration when it comes to choosing
this field of work.
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 14
Functional requirements..................................................................................... 16
Methodologies.................................................................................................... 19
User stories......................................................................................................... 23
Requirement changes and project success ......................................................... 24
Challenges .......................................................................................................... 25
3 Methodology .................................................................................................................... 26
IAF ..................................................................................................................... 35
OFS .................................................................................................................... 36
DFS .................................................................................................................... 37
Preliminary project............................................................................................. 38
Iterations ............................................................................................................ 39
Changes introduced ............................................................................................ 50
From documents................................................................................................. 72
6 Discussion ........................................................................................................................ 76
Factors to consider when deciding how thorough specification should be ....... 77
Negative ............................................................................................................. 81
8 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 86
10 Bibliography .................................................................................................................... 90
List of tables
Table 1: Roles and description ................................................................................................. 29
Table 10: Views on how thorough requirements specification should be when using agile ... 67
List of figures
Figure 1: Agile manifesto [10] ................................................................................................. 19
1 Introduction
During the last couple of years there has been an increase in the popularity of using agile
methods in software engineering. Because the rapid changes in software requirements has to
be dealt with, traditional requirements engineering might not be the approach one would want
to use. This is due to the rigidity of the more traditional approaches. Instead, one would want
to use a requirements engineering process that is adapted to agile development. However,
requirements specification when using agile development methods is a research area that has
not been very thoroughly researched. This is why it is particularly interesting to find out more
about this topic.
There are some claims in the agile community that you do not have to put a lot of effort into
specifying the requirements before you start development. This is because agile development
facilitates changing requirements and specifying them on the fly. In addition, it is claimed
that user stories and tests are all the documentation you need. However, it might be seen as a
bad excuse to postpone work that regardless has to be done at some point or another. Whether
these claims are justified is a subject that is interesting to investigate further.
RQ1: How thorough should the requirements specification be before development starts
when using agile methodologies?
RQ3: When are user stories sufficient and when are other techniques or tools required?
1.2 Method
I have done a case study on a project that is run by a big Norwegian consultant company. In
the chosen case, elements of an agile development methodology called Scrum were used.
This project was studied over a period of 6 months where I studied the current situation of the
project and information from a previous iteration of the same project.
I explored what people with different roles in the project thought about the changes that had
been done when it came to the specification of requirements and their experiences with
specification of requirements when using agile development in general.
This was done by doing a case study and by using triangulation, where I interviewed
participants in the project, observed meetings and looked into project documentation.
1.3 My contribution
My contribution with this thesis is that I have enlighten an area where there has not been
done a lot of formal research. By doing a case study, I have found that when specifying
requirements in a large and important agile project it might be beneficial to specify the
requirements on an overall level before the project is started and wait with the final details
that do not affect the cost until right before the sprint starts. I have also found that user stories
on its own do not deliver the right amount of detail, they are hard to navigate through and
make changes on when the project is large and complex.
The structure of the paper is as follows: Chapter 2 introduces what agile requirements
engineering is by delivering some background information about requirements, agile
developments, different methodologies and go deeper into research on the subject I was
studying. Chapter 3 introduces the use of methodologies, how they were used, and strength
and weaknesses with chosen methodologies are elaborated. Chapter 4 introduces the case in
detail with different case specific concepts, information about the project and why this
specific project was chosen for the study. Chapter 5 describes the results that were found
from the study. Chapter 6 discusses the results and the significance of the results from the
study. Chapter 7 explores possible limitations to the study that was conducted. Chapter 8
presents the conclusion from the study. Chapter 9 expresses future work that is necessary in
this field.
2 Agile requirements engineering
The requirements in the process of developing a system are very important. They are there to
make sure the system that is developed meets the criteria that the system should meet.
2.1 Requirements
To express exactly what an information system should do one express the system in the form
of requirements. Requirements can be defined as “the description of the services provided by
the system and its operational constraints” [1]. The requirements should represent exactly
what the customers need from the system. This representation is interpreted by the developers
who develop the system. According to [1], the term requirement is not used consistently in
the software industry. Sometimes it is used as a high-level, abstract statement of a service that
the system should provide, other times it is a more detailed description of a small
functionality. In other cases it can be a high level description of a constraint that is put on the
Requirements are generally divided into two categories: Functional requirements and non-
functional requirements. We can also separate requirements into two different levels of
description, user requirements and system requirements.
Functional requirements
“Statements of services the system should provide, how the system should
react to particular inputs and how the system should behave in particular
situations. In some cases, the functional requirements may also explicitly
state what the system should not do”.
The functional requirements specification should according to [1] be both complete and
consistent. By complete it is meant that when writing functional requirements all the services
that the system should provide must be defined in the functional requirements. By consistent
is meant that the requirements that are specified should not be contradictory. In large systems,
it is hard to achieve this consistency. This is because different stakeholders might have
different needs. The needs can also be contradictory. Consequently, writing a large
specification may result in inconsistencies.
Non-functional requirements
Non-functional requirements are often a little bit more complex than functional requirements.
Rather than specifying what the system should do, they specify constraints on how the system
should deliver the services and functions the system shall provide. They are seldom related to
an individual feature of the system, but rather represent a constraint on the system as a whole.
These constraints are often concerned with security, performance, usability and other
emergent system needs.
The fact that non-functional requirements specify constraints concerned with the emergent
system needs makes the non-functional requirements particularly important. Failing to meet a
functional requirement is possible to work around from a users point of view, but failing to
meet a non-functional requirement is critical. For instance, failing to meet the security needs
of a banking system might result in the system being unusable.
User requirements
When user requirements are specified, they should only describe external behaviour and no
system design characteristics. They should contain no use of software jargon, structured
notations or formal notations [1]. These requirement do not describe how the system is to be
implemented and should be expressed through a use of simple language that is possible to
understand for the user.
System requirements
System requirements can be viewed as expanded versions of user requirements. They are
often used by software engineers as the starting point for system design. The system
requirements add detail to the requirements by for example explaining how the system can
provide what the user requirements ask for. They describe external behaviour of system and
operational constraint, not how the system is designed or implemented [1].
Specifying the requirements is a part of the traditional software engineering process and one
of the fundamental activities that are common to all software processes. This is an important
step in the development of a software. In different methodologies the requirements
specification is organized differently and can be presented in different order.
The aim of requirement engineering is according to [2] to help know what is to be built
before the development starts to avoid high costs by needing to do work again. This goal is
according to [2] based on the assumptions that: The later mistakes are discovered the more
expensive it will be to correct them [3]. In addition the assumption that
Agile development is an iterative development approach that focuses on producing value for
the customer. Some of the popular agile software development methods are Scrum[4-6],
Kanban[7, 8] and eXtreme Programming (XP) [1, 5]. When developing with agile
methodologies there is required a close collaboration with the customer to make sure that the
end system is exactly what the customer needs at the given time, not what the customer
thought they needed when the project was started.
The agile methodologies are according to [9] based on the principles of lean production. This
means they are particularly focused on delivering value for the customer and having satisfied
customers that appreciate the system that is delivered [9].
Agile methodologies are also used when customers are unable to provide a detailed
description of the requirements for the system before development starts. The system is
divided into a series of iterations. Because of this you do not need all the requirements from
the start. They are invented or found on the fly. Often using prototypes to find the scope and
requirements of the system.
Earlier it was believed that the best way to develop software was through careful planning
and extensive documentation. These believes were challenged by the agile software
development methods. It was discovered that on medium or small sized projects, there was
too much overhead when using the plan based development approach. The planning
sometimes completely dominated the development process and it was hard to accommodate
the changing requirements using these methods. To avoid this, agile development methods
were proposed. The agile methodologies are based on a set of principles, called the agile
manifesto. The agile manifesto can be seen in Figure 1.
The agile manifesto exists to ensure the product meets customer needs. The second statement
in the agile manifesto describes how working software has more value than thorough
documentation. This presents the dilemma of how thorough the requirements has to be
specified when using agile development.
The principles of agile development are: Customer involvement, incremental delivery, people
not process, embrace change and maintain simplicity[1].
In agile development, there are several different methodologies. I will restrict myself to
describing the methodologies XP, Scrum and Kanban. Scrum, because it is a popular agile
methodology and XP because this according to [1] is one of the best known agile
XP is an agile development methodology that according to [1] is the best known and most
widely used of the agile methodologies. This methodology was presented by Kent Beck.
Good practices like customer involvement is pushed to the extreme when using this method.
This led to the name extreme programming. The methodology also focuses heavily on
programming. During development the programmers work in pairs of two. This is called pair
programming. The pair programming technique is used because it is thought that two
programmers produce higher quality code than one programmer. The more experienced
programmer could also teach the less experienced one.
The customers are closely involved in the process of specifying the system requirements. The
requirements are put together in cooperation with the customer and developer as story cards
that captures the customers needs. The requirements in XP are presented in the form of user
stories that are broken down into tasks, included in the release plan, implemented, integrated
and tested, released and evaluated. This is expressed in the XP release cycle, see Figure 2.
Scrum is an agile system development methodology that is gaining more and more
popularity. Its goal is to deliver a product during a series of sprints.
Product owner – writes product backlog and plan sprints
Scrum master – lead Scrum meetings and function as team leader
Scrum team – developer
In Scrum, you have a product backlog with the different functionalities that is wanted in the
finished product. The product backlog is put together by the product owner. The
functionalities that the system should contain are put together in cooperation with the
customer. From the product backlog, you choose tasks that are put into the sprint backlog.
The sprint backlog is a collection of the tasks that are supposed to be completed during the
One sprint is an iteration in Scrum. A sprint usually lasts for 1-4 weeks. During this time all
the tasks in the product backlog must be completed. The work day starts with a daily standup
where the developers tells what was done the previous day, possible difficulties and what is
supposed to be done today. The developer choose tasks from the scrum board which is a
visual representation of the sprint backlog. One task should be small enough to be completed
during one day. Ideally, one sprint should result in the completion of a shippable part of the
system, but this will not always be the case.
Kanban is based on the Toyota production system and lean software development. Lean
software development is a set of principles derived from the Toyota assembler lines. The
principles are: optimize the whole, eliminate waste, build quality in, learn constantly, deliver
fast, engage everyone, and keep getting better [12].
In Kanban you have a maximum limit for the number of ongoing tasks. As soon as the
number of ongoing tasks is below max, you can start a new one. The limit exists to avoid
bottlenecks in the development process, which delay the completion of tasks. The start of a
new task must wait if the maximum number of ongoing tasks has been reached.
Figure 3: Kanban board [13]
The Kanban board is quite similar to the scrum board. The difference is that there is a limit to
started tasks. In the Kanban board, you can see that there are tasks that are to be done, tasks
under development, tasks that are in the process of QA, tasks that are ready and tasks that are
being deployed.
One can say that the main differences between agile requirements engineering and more
traditional requirements engineering is that agile requirements engineering allows and
welcomes changes to the requirements at any point in the development process. Traditional
requirements engineering on the other hand gathers and specifies requirements before
development starts. According to [14], because continuously changing requirements are
normal due to the dynamic nature of most organisation, it is difficult to specify complete and
accurate requirements up front. Therefore, agile requirements engineering can be seen as a
response to the rigid approach in traditional requirements engineering where all of the
requirements had to be specified in advance.
Changes to the system do not cost dramatically more over time. Because evolving
requirements do not increase the cost of development you can do requirement
engineering iteratively
Because the requirements evolve during the course of the development, agile does not see the
purpose of deciding on the requirements in the beginning and making extensive
documentation that might be redundant after a little while. Extensive documentation is
according to [2] seen as infeasible or not cost effective, but it is seen that agile methods tend
to produce too little documentation and traditional methods on the other hand tend to produce
too much documentation. Another important assumption that apply to requirements when
using agile methodologies is that the customer should be available so that the requirements
always are updated to match what the customer wants. Changes to requirements or the system
can also be done iteratively or incrementally.
Agile approaches to requirements engineering can also be used. This is not necessarily when
using an agile development method. It was confirmed in [16] that agile techniques could be
successfully transferred to flexible requirements engineering processes. These findings were
also supported by [17] where specifically interaction with stakeholders to help identify
correct requirements were promoted.
User stories
When using agile development methods, requirements are often expressed as user stories. A
user story is a simple way to describe what a system should do for a given role and why it
should do it. In other words a short description of a single functionality that has to be
implemented by the system. User stories can be used to express both functional and non-
functional requirements.
The user story template is on the form “As a <user role>, I can <activity> so that <business
value>” [18]. An example of a user story can be: As a system administrator, I can add users
to the system so that the system will get more users. Here “system administrator” is the role,
“add users to the system” the activity and “that the system can get more users” the business
The user stories are implemented into the project as a series of tasks. The concept of user
stories was originally used in XP. At the moment it is one of the most used methods for
expressing requirements in projects where agile development methodologies are used. The
user story is then supplemented by a test case that covers the acceptance criteria for the given
user story. In agile this is seen as sufficient, but the use of only user stories to express
requirements are according to the experience of [19] only partial successful. The type of
system and domain should according to [19] dictate if only user stories should be used.
When there are too many user stories because of big and complex projects. It might be
difficult to navigate through and keep record of all the different user stories. Therefore it
might be a good idea to group user stories or at least connect them in a logical manner.
When a big project is being developed. A good idea might be to group the user stories. This is
because a project with hundreds of stories can be difficult to manage, might be duplicated or
contain similar user stories without one noticing it. Changing the requirements expressed as
user stories might also be difficult due to unmanageable amounts of stories. Therefore, one
might want to group the stories when there are many of them.
A study [16] has tried to add the following two criteria to decide if detailed requirements
engineering will add value to the development of a functional area. They ask:
Is the business risk high without good requirements? Moreover, is the business risk lower
with good requirements? These questions might seem trivial, but when for example
experienced developers with domain knowledge are involved in the development, one might
answer the first question with “no”. In addition, it might be very difficult to find defects in
textual and visual description of a functionality. Therefore, the business risk might not be
lower, even though the requirements are thoroughly specified. This again led to not needing a
thorough or complete specification. A complete specification is defined by [16] as: all
functional areas of a product being described, and all are described at a uniform level of
According to [2], the handling of non-functional requirements are not well defined when
agile development methodologies are used. This is because the customers or users are the
ones who talk about what they want the system to do. They usually do not think about the
non-functional requirements. This might lead to problems during development because of the
need to think about the non-functional requirements when the system is being developed.
Therefore, [2] states that agile methods need to include more explicitly how the non-
functional requirements should be handled.
Requirement changes can have a huge impact on the success of a project. Late changes to the
requirements tend to affect the development of the system negatively. It was found in [20]
that agile practices can help moderate the negative effects from requirements changes. The
agile qualities like product adaptability, efficient execution and willingness to change had a
positive effect on the relationship between requirement change and project success. However,
qualities like iterative development, work climate and continuous customer integration did
not reduce the negative effect of changing requirements [20].
In [21], five requirements engineering related agile practices were introduced in a company.
It was shown that using agile practices addressed some of the requirements engineering
challenges like over scoping and bad communication (communication gaps/lack of
communication), but agile practices also introduced some new challenges like not being able
to ensure sufficient competence. A study[15] identified six agile practices which were:
Another study [22] identified the same agile practices plus an additional practice:
7. TDD
It was confirmed by [23] that matching features of modest sized information system
development and agile requirement engineering practices worked well with modest sized
information system projects. This was confirmed by applying face to face communication,
iterative requirement engineering, rapidly changing requirement priorities, inspective
meetings and continuous plans to manage requirement changes to a project and observing
There has according to [15] been encountered several challenges when finding requirements
in agile projects. These are pointed out here:
3 Methodology
I conducted a case study to get a better understanding of how you can and should do
requirements specification in a real world agile project. The choice of study has advantages
and disadvantages depending on what type of research question you choose. In this chapter I
will explain the choice of methodology both for finding relevant articles for my thesis and
conducting the study.
In my literature search I searched through IEEE, springerLink and wiley online library. This
literature search started as a structured search where I found some articles that were relevant
for describing and finding background information on requirements engineering when using
agile practices. In addition, how requirements are found and different challenges that can be
met. The search was performed to find out if there had been done any research on the topic of
how detailed the requirements specification when using agile development should be. More
specific if there had been done any research on when to use user stories and if user stories by
itself is enough and when it might be enough. It proved quite difficult to find out more about
the topic due to the lack of similar research.
The search that was made was through document titles that contained the string: agile AND
(specification OR engineering) AND (requirement OR requirements). The search did not
return many relevant articles. Therefore, I supplemented the search by going through some of
the articles that were referenced in the articles that were found by the search string. This
resulted in a couple of more articles.
I could have chosen to search through several different online libraries to find relevant
literature, but the ones that were chosen were some of the most popular online libraries when
it comes to scientific literature. Therefore, I assume that the most relevant articles related to
my case were to be found there.
Another weakness could be my search string. To avoid missing relevant articles I tried
different search strings to find one that captured the most relevant articles when it came to
research related to my research question. I chose the string that returned the highest amount
of relevant articles.
Some of the articles were found through references from articles found in the literature
search. This was to avoid missing relevant articles. The literature search in itself did not
return many relevant articles due to lack of research on the topic.
3.2 Case study methodology
When doing case studies you can choose to do a single-case study or a multiple-case study.
Multiple case studies are when the same study consists of more than one case and single case
studies are when the study consists of only one case. There are two variants of single-case
studies, holistic and embedded. Choosing a single case study can be justified when certain
conditions are fulfilled. The case has to represent:
Choice of methodology
There are several reasons for why I chose a case study to find out about my problem. Case
studies are according to Yin [24] preferred when the research question has the form “how” or
“why”. Because my main problem formulation starts with “how”, a case study seemed like a
good choice. The use of case studies are also preferred when the researcher has little or no
control over the events that are studied and when the focus according to [24] is on a
contemporary phenomenon in a real-life context.
The choice of a single case study can be justified because the condition (b) a rare or unique
circumstance is fulfilled. The case was also chosen because of its obvious relevance. More
cases would have been desirable, but because relevant projects are not easy to come about I
found only this one case. This makes the study a single case study. There are disadvantages
with only having one case which is discussed later in the thesis. I justify the choice of only
having one case because I have found a case that is suitable for my particular research
The gathered data was chosen on the base of availability. It focuses on one project divided
into three smaller projects. I was fortunate enough to be able to interview six people, have
several talks with the project manager, attend four meetings, obtain company, and project
specific documentation that I could look into and analyze.
There are according to [24] three principles of collecting data when doing case studies. These
are: Use multiple sources of evidence, maintain a chain of evidence and create a case study
Chain of evidence has been followed by citing important interviews and observations
that lead to the conclusion
There has been created a case study database, but the documentation, interviews and
observation notes are not available for others due to confidentiality
Evidence in a case study can come from many sources. This range from amongst other
documentation, archival records, interviews, direct observation, participant observation, and
physical artifacts [24]. The methods chosen in this study is interviews, documentation and
direct observation. To find results that are more valid, I used triangulation. According to [24]
a good case study uses as many sources as possible.
According to [24], one of the most important sources of evidence in case studies are
interviews. This is why interviews are the primary source of evidence in this study.
Some of the strengths of interviews are according to [24] that you can focus the interviews
directly on the topic of the case study and it provides insight into the opinions of the subjects.
There are also some weaknesses to this type of source. Amongst other that it can be
inaccurate due to poor recollection of the interview. To avoid this, I have chosen to record
every interview with my phone so that important information is not overlooked. Other
problems with this type of source is that there might be bias due to poorly articulated
questions and responses.
I interviewed participants in the project that possessed different roles. To map and get an
understanding of the project I had three talks with the project manager from the vendor. The
project manager gave me material and information about the project so that I could
understand the project and the processes that were used. He also mediated contact with the
people I interviewed for my study. To secure that I had no big misunderstandings when it
came to the case, he also helped me review what was written about the case and context.
Therefore, the project manager worked as a key informant when it came to the case. In
addition, he worked as one of the interviewees.
The chosen interview form was semi-structured interviews. The reason semi-structured
interviews were chosen was that the interview method made it possible to ask questions like:
“tell me about this and this process.” In addition, it allowed the interview to be more
conversational than if a structured interview had been chosen. Because I needed to gather
information about how they performed their processes and how they perceived these
processes, semi-structured interviews were a suitable choice.
To avoid missing relevant information from the interviews, I recorded the interviews with my
phone. After the interviews, I transcribed them and grouped the answers into different
I managed to get interviews with six people who possessed central roles in the project. Their
roles are described in Table 1. This table describes their role and the responsibilities that
belong to given role.
Functional Functional architect current Responsible for DFS and specifying the requirements
architect DFS iteration Lower level design/specification that breaks the
product backlog items to components ready for
Is prepared during construction phase of the project.
The interviews were held in Norwegian. This means that all the quotes from the interviews
have been translated to English for the purpose of the thesis.
After discovering some uncertainties around some of the answers from the interview subjects.
I sent a follow up mail to get clarifications.
Look into documentation
Documentation is a source of evidence that can be on many forms. Some of the strength of
this type of source is according to [24] that it can be reviewed several times and it is not
created as a result of the case study.
I got a hold of the OFS from iteration 2 and got the opportunity to study how this looked like.
There exists no similar documents as the OFS from iteration 1 because OFS was something
that was introduced during the second iteration of the project due to the need for a better
documentation of the scope of the system.
To get a better understanding of the case I first got the OFS from iteration 2 from the project
manager. This gave me a good overview of how they specified the system. I found out that I
needed some more information and therefore got the DFS from one sprint in iteration 2 and
one sprint in iteration 1. To understand how the framework they used worked, I got the
company specific description of IAF. This was so that I could get a better understanding of
how they worked and supplement what was said in the interviews. I also wanted to see
whether the documentation really matched what they said in the interviews.
Direct observation
Direct observations is a form of source that might be useful to provide additional information
about a topic being studied [24]. The strengths when it comes to observations are according
to [24] that observations cover events in real time and the context of the case. Some
weaknesses might be that observations are time consuming and when under observation the
event can happen differently because someone is observing the event. The reasons for doing
direct observations are to get an understanding of how they work in real life, see how their
processes work and if they work as expected.
When studying my case I had the opportunity to attend four slightly different meetings
significant to the case. These meetings were from different iterations and sprints in the
project. The first meeting was in the process of defining the OFS for the next iteration
(iteration 3). The rest of the meetings were work meetings from two different sprints in
iteration 2 of the system and part of defining the DFS. Which meetings were attended can be
viewed in Table 2.
Table 2: Attended meetings
When doing studies there are often several methods that can be used for the same problem.
However, one has to be chosen. This can be based on the experience of the one doing the
study. It is easier and sometimes more beneficial to choose a method one is familiar with.
This is the first time I have done any scientific studies. Therefore, I chose the method that
seemed most suitable for my problem. A case study is not necessarily the only choice of
methodology, but due to the research questions being studied it seemed suitable. There are
strengths and weaknesses when using the case study methodology. A case study is often
chosen when there according to [24] are more interesting variables than “data point”. This is
why using more sources of evidence is a widely used strategy when conducting case studies.
To achieve more sources of evidence you can use a triangulation technique. Triangulation
means that you have several sources of evidence in your study. This makes the results from
your study more reliable.
It is often beneficial to have more than one case when doing case studies. This is because by
obtaining more sources of evidence, you have more to back up your research results. Another
potential danger by choosing only one case is that it might not turn out as you thought it
would. It might not cover the questions you originally asked, so locking in on one case too
early is not necessarily a good idea.
3.3 Descriptive models
For representing the processes that were performed to make the requirements specification, I
chose to represent them by using a model.
This was chosen because it makes it easier to get an overview of how things have been done
in the project. The processes have been represented by process models which is: “A software
process model (short: process model) is a model of a software process” [25]. The software
process model was made using product-flow notation. This is used to make descriptive
process models [26]. Product-flow notation was used because the method gives a simple
description of the processes in a simple and understandable way. The shapes that were used
are explained in Figure 4.
The activities describe what is being done. The artefacts describe what is being used or
produced by the activity. The role describes who are involved in the activity and the
tools/techniques are the tools and techniques that are used by the roles in the activities.
4 Case and context
The company in which I conducted my case study is a big international IT company. They
work with consulting, outsourcing and IT, where they amongst other work with creating and
delivering technology. They have well over 100 000 employees.
The project my thesis focused on had adopted the scrum methodology to some degree. What
is most interesting about this case is that they had done some changes in how they described
the requirements during the project. The changes were done based on the experience from
one part of the project to the next one. Therefore, the case is very interesting to study.
I have based the case and context chapter on some of the information retrieved by studying
the documentation I have been able to obtain. It is also based on some of the information
retrieved from talking to the project manager, the interviews that were held and my
experiences from observing the meetings.
The system that was developed is a system for digitalizing exams in schools. The main
motivation behind this digitalization was that during paper exams there were enormous
amounts of paper being produced. Digitalizing exams eliminates the need for paper during
exams and makes it easier to correct the exams.
When the project started, no similar systems had previously been developed. It was searched
thoroughly to find out if there were any similar projects, but none was found. This makes this
project a pioneer project.
Some company-specific frameworks and methods that were used in the project are described
in Table 3.
Table 3: Description of case specific terms
Concept Description
IAF Integrated architecture framework
Vendor specific architecture framework
Contains processes, tools and techniques to shape architectures
Used to standardize architecture
Tries to define: why, what, how and with what the system is developed
Helps define the requirements
OFS High-level functional specification
Vendor “invented” the OFS for this case
Semi detailed description of functional specification
Level of detail: 80%
Defines all the IT-services (without details)
DFS Detailed functional specification
Vendor “invented” the DFS for this case
Final detailed description of requirements
Level of detail: 100%
Explains work tasks, IT-services, screenshots and details the screenshots
Work tasks Activity conducted by specific role
Has clearly defined goal
IT-services A service that is provided by the system
Handles (in this case) one or more user stories
Screenshot The functional description of the IT-service is described from the screenshots
A detailed picture of how the screen should look like
Is further detailed by describing functionality of screenshot
These terms and what they were in the project is further elaborated in the following sub-
sections to get a clearer understanding of how they were used in the project.
IAF is a framework for architecture developed by the vendor of the case. It is a roadmap that
contains tools, techniques and processes to shape the architecture of a system. The framework
is used to arrive at a common understanding of why, what, how and with what to create the
architecture of a system [27]. The particular solution one arrives at by using this framework is
not necessarily the best and only option for the architecture, but the company believed it is a
good and practical option that can be used during the whole process of making the system.
The IAF components that were particularly used in the studied project to produce a
description of the functional aspects of the system were; IT-services and work tasks. The IT-
services are used to support activities in a work task as seen in Figure 5. The IT-service is
further specified by a screenshot and a detailed description of the different functionalities the
screenshot provided and how it is or should be provided.
Figure 5: Requirements in IAF
A work task is an activity that is conducted by a specific role and has a clearly defined goal
and result. In addition, what event triggered the work task has to be included. The activity is
described on a business level and is not necessarily very detailed.
All the work tasks are divided into IT-services. IT-services are all the little things that has to
be supported so that a person can do his or hers work task. The work tasks are described by
several IT-services. These are the building blocks of the architecture. The IT-services
describe the behavior, the service that is provided and in the case that was studied; covered
one or more user stories. To provide further information, the IT-service contains a detailed
screenshot, which is the visual description of how the end service should look like. To
supplement the screenshot there is an even more detailed description of all the functionalities
the screenshot provides and the basics of how it is provided. This description is detailed so
that the developer ideally does not have to ask any questions during development.
The OFS is a document that contained the overall description of the system for one iteration
of the project. The Term OFS was made for the particular project and was not something they
had used in previous projects. Level of detail it should contain was 80%; the rest was
specified in the DFS. It did not contain screenshots or long descriptions of the services that
were to be provided. However, the work tasks and IT-services for the iteration were described
in an overall manner so that it was possible to define the scope of the system at an early stage
in the process. The description contained the role, whether there should be a screenshot or
not, if the service should be automatic, the goal of the service and what the service should
The OFS was developed in cooperation with the customer in a series of meetings where the
processes and functionalities were discussed with the relevant stakeholders.
The DFS is a document that contained a detailed description of the functionalities connected
to one sprint. The term DFS was made for this particular project and was not something that
was used in previous projects. Each sprint required one DFS and the remaining 20% of the
functionalities were specified in this document. In a project and sprint context, development
would not begin until the DFS was agreed on and verified between the vendor and the
customer. The DFS contained a more thorough specification of the requirements and IT-
services expressed in the OFS. These requirements were described in detail with screenshots
and the user stories that each IT-service covered. The IT-service represents the final
description. If the functionality described by the user story was not included in the IT-service,
it had been decided that it was not necessary to implement the user story in the system. In
other words, the user stories were not considered to have the same importance as the IT-
services in the document. They were in practice only used as a reference to find out which IT-
service covered the specific user story.
The project was big, in both complexity and size. The customer had a somewhat basic idea of
what they wanted, but the requirements were not known beforehand. To find the
requirements it was hired a consultant company to help them figure out what was wanted
from the system. Once the customer had decided what they wanted, they needed help to
either find a system that satisfied what they wanted, or build a new system entirely from
scratch. This was done in something they called a preliminary project.
It was discovered that making the wanted system would be a big assignment. Therefore, it
was decided to divide the project into smaller pieces, so that it would be more manageable to
develop. The project was divided into 4 individual lanes, where 3 of the lanes were sub-
projects called iterations (iteration 1, iteration 2, and iteration 3) and where one lane was
called analysis and design. They arrived at the solution described in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Course of the project
Preliminary project
1. Buy or develop
2. If develop, what technology (i.e. .NET, JAVA, etc.)
3. How to realize the project, i.e. project model, co-operation with vendors, type of
contract, etc.
The preliminary project was started to find out what technology to use and if the system was
to be developed or bought. The vendor searched thoroughly for similar projects in both
Norway and abroad. The conclusion was that no one had done anything similar to the
solution that was wanted. Therefore, it was decided that the solution had to be built from
scratch. This meant that the project was a pilot project and that the developers had no similar
previous projects where they could borrow inspiration. This resulted in the need of a proof of
concept. The proof of concept became sort of an initial mapping of the requirements. There
were five architects on the job of mapping different areas of the system. Because of pilot
work and high risk, they ended up using a contract with running hours.
In the preliminary project, there was close cooperation with the end user, which was exam
sensors, academic and others involved in the use of the application. This was to find out what
was really needed. The result of this preliminary project was an analysis of the situation and
how the desired future situation looked like. Which again led to the initiation of an analysis
and design project.
The customer had a somewhat basic idea of what they needed from the system, but the
requirements were not determined. Because of the lack of knowledge when it came to the
requirements, some big questions emerged. Amongst other, they wondered how they could
solve the estimation for the project when there were no requirements. This was one of the big
questions and lead to the decision of having a thorough analysis and design phase before
development started. They mapped the requirements for the tree iterations as user stories. The
customer and the vendor company cooperated on finding the requirements for the systems.
This was done by using workshops where they ended up making a document that was not
divided into iterations, it described the scope. Then, there was a prioritization where elements
were picked and they chose what they should start with.
The development of the system was divided into three big iterations. One iteration was sort of
its own project. The iterations were named: Iteration 1, iteration 2 and iteration 3 as can be
seen in Figure 7. For each iteration more and more of the system was finished and in the next
iteration, they built on the already developed system, until the final iteration where the whole
system was to be done.
The iterations were divided into several scrum sprints where the most important
functionalities were implemented in iteration 1 and iteration 2. This is because the customer,
at the time of the writing was not yet entirely sure if they could afford or want the third
Development methodology
An approach to the agile development method Scrum was used. One might call it Scrum, but
it is not Scrum in the exact way Scrum is specified in the methodology. Many of the elements
from Scrum were nevertheless used. However, there was used a project management method
on top.
Artifacts, activities and most roles + a couple of extra
Easy to adjust and do changes
Close cooperation with customer
Write specification continuously
Use some of the agile principles
It was Scrum in the sense that there were sprints, artifacts, activities, roles in the development
team, backlog and demos. It was also used quite agile change management where it was not
hard to adjust and do changes if wanted. They had close cooperation with customer, where it
was easy to ask questions if something was not clear.
However, the project was not completely agile. Differences that were pointed out were:
Continuous deployment to production was not used because it was necessary to secure that
the project was what was agreed on. Unlike agile the scope was also decided before they
started, but unlike waterfall, not everything was written in stone in the beginning. It was
pointed out to me that this is an approach that is more or less normal in projects where you
have an external developer and the project is not an “in house” project. It was also used a
thorough analysis and design phase and a thorough acceptance phase. You can therefore say
that a waterfall like approach to analysis and design was used, but the change management
was very agile. Other differences were that a clearly defined plan for the project was used,
but for each sprint, they could more or less include whatever they wanted as long as it was
inside the scope that was defined. Other differences were that the Scrum team were not the
ones doing the estimation on the project and they had a project manager, which according to
Scrum, is not necessary.
Each scrum sprint was two weeks. The number of sprints varied from iteration to iteration.
The scrum sprints were inside an iteration of the system which can be seen in Figure 8. Each
iteration contained a series of scrum sprints, in which the development was conducted.
Because the requirements were not known in advance and the customer did not have the
requirements specification finished, the process of finding the requirements was a somewhat
difficult one that required a huge amount of cooperation between the customer and the
consultant company.
In this particular project, the collection of requirements was done differently from how they
usually do it in other projects. Normally, the vendor receives a requirements specification
where they in a bid phase answer how they want to solve the requirements based on the
specification delivered by the customer. Then they go into the project in analysis and design
where they detail and agree on the content of the requirements. This is because there is
always some uncertainties where there has to be narrowed in on a final agreement where an
understanding of the requirements is arrived at. This is something one does not have early in
a bid phase.
In this project, there were no requirements before they started. This is particularly interesting
because this is not something one usually encounters. The customer and the vendor had to
develop the requirements specification together.
To find the requirements, the vendor had five architects that went in first in the analysis and
design phase. The vendor was responsible for handling and facilitating the process of
gathering requirements. They sent the customer through a series of workshops in all the
relevant areas, gathered the requirements and transformed them into something that was to be
developed later on.
Different stakeholders from the customer were engaged in finding the requirements for the
solution and the academic and administrative requirements. There were no use of specific
methods or tools for defining the requirements other than: Meetings and workshops. These
meetings and workshops were between the customer and the consultant company where they
tried to involve all relevant stakeholders in the system. The goal of the meetings and
workshops was user stories as seen in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Defining user stories
Later it was decided that they wanted user stories and IT-services. Where IAF was used as a
method for detailing what was necessary to cover the user stories.
When specifying the requirements, the starting point was a description on a very high level.
This description consisted of what the system should do, should contain and the architecture
of the system. This is the OFS. First, the requirements were found on an overall level in the
preliminary project. These requirements were further refined during the course of the project
where they started with a number of items from the customer. These items were not system
requirements but more business. This was sort of a list of capabilities that the customer
wished to have and that they wanted supported by the system. The capabilities were the
starting point for the iteration. After this, they went deeper into the different capabilities to
find out how and what the different capabilities were. When there was an agreement on how
things should be done, they sketched an architecture, which was a given number of IT-
services. The description might also contain screenshots and automatics, an information
model and an integration overview. The integration overview told if there were other
applications that needed to transfer data and needed to be linked to make this work.
As the project continued, the requirements were narrowed down and gained more detail until
the final and locked description was ready in the DFS right before the sprint started. This is
described in Figure 10. In this figure you can see how the overall requirements were tuned as
the development of the system continued.
The OFS for the upcoming iteration was created in the current iteration (the iteration before
the OFS was to be used). This is illustrated in Figure 11. Where you can see that the OFS for
iteration 2 was created at the same time as iteration 1 took place. The OFS for iteration 2 was
then sent into iteration 2 after the completion of iteration 1.
Figure 11: Creation of OFS for next iteration
The OFS was created at this point so that the customer got an opportunity to think about what
they want at an early point. This gave them the chance to review and rethink whether their
current processes were good enough or whether the process should be changed or defined
In Figure 12, you can see a descriptive overall model of how the process of refining the
requirements was done for iteration 2.
Figure 12: How the OFS and DFS is used
Requirements for given iteration were described in the OFS. These requirements were based
on user stories that had been specified and were linked to IT-services. When making the OFS,
the number of needed meetings was not specified before they were held. There were held
meetings until the OFS was done. The OFS itself was made from a list of wishes from the
customer, which had to be elaborated, put into context and written down in the OFS. This
process repeated itself until the list of capabilities for given iteration were detailed in a
satisfying manner so that it was possible to estimate on them. How this was done can be seen
in Figure 13.
The process in Figure 13 was for defining the architecture and business rules. As the figure
shows, the capabilities for the coming iteration were discussed and re-discussed in several
meetings before the OFS is finished. The roles that were involved in these meetings were the
functional architect and the customer representatives that were relevant for the given
capability that was discussed during the meetings.
The DFS was specified through a series of meetings and created based on the IT-services
from the OFS. For each sprint there was developed a DFS where the customer prioritized
which of the IT-services the sprint should contain. Details that did not impact the cost were
decided in the DFS phase. These were details like what colors were to be used on the buttons
and the detailed design. The DFS phase for the next sprint could happen in parallel with the
present sprint. This is so that everything would be done in time for the new sprint. The DFS
phase lasted for about three weeks.
Before each sprint, there were three meetings with the customers in the process of making the
DFS for the sprint. One start-up meeting and two work meetings. During these meetings with
the customers, uncertainties, screenshots and more necessary details were specified in
cooperation between the customer and the architects. Before the new sprint started, the DFS
had to be finally approved by the customer. When the final approval was done, the DFS was
locked for the sprint and the developers could start developing.
In the startup meeting, all the IT-services from the OFS related to the pending process or
workflow were reviewed. It was made sure that these were still relevant. If they were no
longer relevant they were eliminated. The IT-services that were still relevant were included.
Guidelines on what was important for specifying them further were then created.
Before the first work meeting most of the screenshots were made. In the first work meeting
the different screenshots were discussed in cooperation with the relevant stakeholders from
the customer. It was decided what might work, and what might not work when it came to
screenshots and what kind of information the customer really wanted. Questions with regards
to the DFS were also resolved.
In the last work meeting the discussions or uncertainties from the first work meeting were
resolved. The changes to the screenshots from the first work meeting were shown and
discussed. After this meeting the changes were implemented in the DFS and sent for internal
control by the test manager, scrum master and technical responsible (this has been
implemented during the last 6 months). This was done to make sure that all the possible
scenarios were implemented in the DFS and gave the test manager, scrum master and
technical responsible an opportunity to know what was being implemented during the next
sprint. When they had presented the feedback and it was implemented in the DFS, the DFS
0.8v was sent to the customer for approval. They gave feedback which was implemented into
the DFS and a DFS 0.99v was sent to the customer for approval and final feedback was given.
The DFS was then sent into the new sprint and the DFS for the sprint was locked. The final
requirements specifications was therefore not finished until right before the sprint started. In
parallel with the sprint, work on the new DFS was started.
Figure 14: DFS meeting
Changes introduced
In the beginning, requirements were mapped as user stories, but it was seen that the user
stories did not cover all the aspects of the project they wanted to cover. User stories
were only fragments of what they wanted. They were also hard to manage due to the
high number of user stories. It was both hard to navigate through the requirements, see
the scope of the project and dependencies between functionalities. Therefore, it was
decided that in the next iterations (iteration 2 and iteration 3), the requirements would
be expressed as IT-services. This was decided based on the experiences of the
architects. They also changed to the IAF framework for the second iteration and
introduced the OFS. To summarize, they introduced these changes:
Introduced IAF
Introduced the OFS
From list of user stories to something more manageable
Before: more bottom-up, now: top-down
For iteration 1, there was created a kind of description around the user stories that was
not that clear. The functional architect OFS created some more of a description around
the user stories he had more information about. Where functional architect OFS,
described what the customer really wanted on an overall level and a description that
looked a little bit like the one that was done for iteration 2, which was the OFS. The
OFS was initiated as a way to describe the overall architecture of the solution on a high
level before the refining of requirements started in the DFS phase. The level of detail on
the requirements did not change much; the most important aspect was that it was
changed from a long list of user stories, to something more manageable.
It was also pointed out to me that the method they used before was more bottom-up,
where they tried to go into more detail before developing. After changing, it was more
top-down, where the level of detail was on a very superficial level and narrowed in as
they went.
Instead of change managing every new element that had to be added to the backlog,
they collected everything and decided that if x number of elements with given estimate
was no longer needed, they switched them with other elements that had to be added.
This way they avoided a lot of change management. If there were more elements that
had to be added than what was eliminated they had to either increase staffing, expand in
time or add it to the next iteration.
It was possible for both parties to introduce change as long as there existed a mutual
agreement. Smaller changes were easier to handle because they had something called
smaller adjustments and changes. These smaller adjustment and changes were easy to
implement. This is because they made it possible to move within 10% of scope without
it triggering a change order. In each sprint 20% of the time is reserved for this. A bigger
change meant that the project needed to get more hours or one element had to be
removed from the backlog. This is per definition a change in contract. This had to be
approved by the steering committee.
If there was a change order it took some time to detail it. Because the detailing of the
next sprint was already started, this might result in the change not being implemented
before the sprint after the current one, but it depended on the size of the changes. The
change has to be approved by both project managers (customer and vendor).
When it is sprint planning with the developers they sometimes proposed some new
ideas. Usually big changes were not included from this, but if they introduce some
smart small ideas, they might be passed on as ideas to the customer. If the customer
thought that it was ok, the changes might be included. To help with prioritizing
proposed changes they introduced a system where the customer was able to prioritize
the proposed changes. This made it easier to see if some of the proposed changes could
be discarded right away because of low priority.
The functional requirements for the system were handled thoroughly by the OFS and
the DFS. These requirements are the ones that are particularly discussed in this thesis.
The non-functional requirements were specified in the initial analysis and design phase.
This was for the whole solution. This means that not all of the non-functional
requirements were relevant for all the iterations of the project. Therefore there was
initiated a phase called detailed technical specification (DTS). In this phase, the
technical responsible with the customer and the vendor agreed on the specification.
Everyone had to agree on which of the non-functional requirements were relevant for
the given iteration before work was started. To make sure the non-functional
requirements were handled to some degree, there was done iterative capacity testing
after each sprint from iteration 2. If the capacity was not good enough because of for
example too much communication between different parts of the system, bad
architecture and so on. It had to be improved and implemented in the next sprint to meet
the requirements.
To find a relevant case is not always easy. Therefore, I had to put a lot of effort into
finding a project or case that was relevant for my questions. First, I contacted another
company with another project that I was supposed to research, but because of
restructuring in the project they used too much time before I got a definite answer on
whether I could study that case or not. Therefore, I had to look around for another
I used some of my contacts from a company I have previously worked for. They had
several options for projects I could study. After an evaluation of what I needed from a
project, they presented me with a couple of cases that could be relevant for my study.
The choice fell on this particular project because they had met some interesting
challenges that seemed like a good choice for further investigation. The reason that this
project was chosen was because of its obvious relevance. The project was started with
no or few requirements. The requirements had to be found in cooperation with the
customer in a series of meetings. Unlike “regular” scrum projects where you have as
little documentation as possible, it was in this case chosen to have an analysis and
design project to find the requirements and develop an understanding of what the
customer wanted from the system. This is also a unique case because of the change in
framework and approach from one part of the system to another. This makes it very
interesting to study.
5 Results from study
There were found several interesting results from the study. Most of them from the
interviews I held, but also some interesting observations from the documents and
meetings I was able to observe and review.
The architecture framework IAF was applied to the project and used to some degree.
For development, the agile development methodology Scrum was chosen. The level of
satisfaction with these choices can be viewed in Table 4.
Agility of project
The project used a many of the agile principles and the methodology Scrum. Some
changes was nevertheless made to make the methodology match the project and the
contract that was used. The level of agility applied in the project is, based on the
satisfaction level of the interviewees a suitable level that worked well in this project.
The functional architect OFS summarizes the use of agile in the project in a good way
How agile the project is depends on how agile is defined. According to functional
architect OFS:
“Some define true agile as formulating a problem and putting aside a
given number of resources in a period of time and do as much as
possible during the given time. This is not exactly how we work. We
want to know what the project consists of on a certain level. There is
not room for everything in the project; one must have a certain level
of control of what one is doing. Especially when it comes to the
These are some of the reasons why completely agile is not used for the project.
The architecture framework IAF was introduced for iteration 2 based on the experiences
from iteration 1. The interviewees had an overall high satisfaction with the use of the
IAF framework. Most of them uttered that they did not have an in depth knowledge of
what IAF meant for the project other than the use of IT-services and work tasks.
However, the satisfaction with the use of IT-services and work tasks was very high on
both the customer and vendor side. It was pointed out to me that they were very happy
with the use of IAF, but it was mentioned that other architecture frameworks might have
worked just as well as long as they settled on a mutual language for communication.
The high satisfaction with the use of IAF might be explained by IAF according to the
functional architect OFS, only was used to some degree. They chose to use the parts of
the framework they regarded as suitable in this project. This included IT-services, work
tasks and case flow, which was a big part of the functional representation of the system
that was to be developed.
Why IAF?
The interviewees gave several reasons for why the framework IAF was chosen for the
project. It was because IAF facilitated a:
Appropriate for every project as long as it is introduced early in the process
Open for changing requirements
According to functional responsible they used IAF to get a mutual jargon they could all
understand. They used it as a guideline to communicate the wishes and needs from
business over to development in a good way. It could have been something completely
different that would have worked just as well according to functional responsible.
However, functional responsible pointed out that what really worked with IAF is that
you get a mutual language. In addition, it was a good way to estimate the complexity of
the IT-services.
The functional architect OFS thought that IAF was appropriate for the project:
The scrum master said that he was pleased with the use of framework but did not have
in-depth knowledge about the difference between this and other frameworks. However,
the scrum master thought that IAF opened for changing requirements.
The introduction of IAF was according to the project manager a bit challenging in the
beginning due to introducing a new framework and jargon for communication.
However, after an adaptation period where they were able to readjust to the new
framework it seemed like it was a suitable choice.
There were also pointed out some negative aspects with the use of IAF in the project.
Test people complained a little because they had to work a little different
Challenges with big DFS because they were made on IT-services and work
tasks, which require a lot of detail. Resulted in documents that were up to 100
Customer thought the IT-services had somewhat difficult names
According to the project manager the test people complained a little due to the use of
IAF. This was because they were forced to work a little different from what the test
system was rigged for. They had more to do because they could not build tests based on
user stories anymore. If they had used user stories they could have tested each user
story, but because user stories were put more aside they had to test against a whole
chapter from the DFS and every detail in the chapter instead. However, increasing
number of test cases was somewhat natural due to the increased complexity and size
from the first iteration.
The functional architect of the DFS also saw some challenges because the DFSs were
very big. Functional architect DFS said that “I think the biggest DFS we made was
around 100 pages”. They got big because they were based on IT-services and work
tasks. These required a lot of detail. This results in a big document for the customer to
read and approve.
The customer thought that the IT-services had somewhat difficult names, but found it
possible to navigate through. They often had to navigate into the OFS to find out what
the IT-service was supposed to do because it was not intuitive from the name.
The whole process of specifying the requirements and looking into different subjects
when it comes to requirements specification is very interesting when wanting to answer
RQ1: How thorough should the requirements specification be before development
starts? In addition, RQ2: How can one make the specification thorough enough?
In Table 5, it can be viewed what the different interviewees thought about how the
requirements were presented in the project, the changes that were made and the
processes that surrounded the specification of requirements.
Table 5: Satisfaction with requirement process
The thoughts on how the requirements were expressed when the interviews where held,
which is during iteration 2 can be viewed in Table 6. From the table one can see that the
requirements were at the moment of the interviews presented in a level of detail that
was perceived more or less as sufficient by all of the interviewees(6/6). The
requirements were also handled in such a way that most of the interviewees were very
pleased. The developers uttered some dissatisfaction with the level of detail in the DFS
because they sometimes had to use more time than wanted on interpreting some of the
functionalities expressed in the DFS, but it was pointed out that it usually contained a
satisfactory level of detail.
Table 6: Thoughts on representation of requirements
Topic Thoughts
Customer Is very pleased with how the requirements are presented at the moment
Functional architect It is ok, but could just as well have done it a different way
Functional architect Very good to have screenshots in the specification. Good specification, but
DFS not perfect.
Functional responsible Found a middle way that is suitable for
Scrum master Usually a satisfactory level of detail
Project manager Good method that is easy to understand
The requirements specification was perceived as very thorough by most of the subjects
that were interviewed, but with some minor dissatisfaction from some of the subjects.
By thorough is meant that the level of detail of the specification is very high. In Table 7
a summary of the interviewees’ thoughts on how thorough they managed to make the
specification can be seen.
Topic Thoroughness
Customer Worked well with the level of detail, but might be too thorough
Functional architect Very thorough when the DFS is done
Functional architect As thorough as it can be
Functional responsible Usually good enough, but sometimes different scenarios are forgotten
Scrum master Pleased with the level of detail, but would like it to be more thorough if
Project manager Very thorough and great level of detail
The customer had some objections when it came to the thoroughness of the
specification, but were very pleased with the level of detail they manage to obtain. The
customers objection was that sometimes there were too many details in the
specification. Too many details resulted in the developers not being able to use their
imagination when developing. The customer said that:
“We miss a more critical view from the system developers. These
young innovative people straight from the university. This might be
what is sacrificed by creating a production factory like we have done
The functional architect for the OFS thought that the requirements specification was
very thorough when a certain point in the process was reached. This was when they
reach the DFS. This was where the details were added. Before this point, when they
were only expressed in the OFS, they were not yet very detailed.
The functional architect of the DFS stated “I think the requirements specification is
almost as thorough as it can be”. Functional architect DFS further pointed out that the
only thing that might be missing was a couple of more process drawings in the DFS.
The functional responsible stated that requirements were usually good enough, but not
always. In the DFS phase, one found that the user stories in itself were not good enough.
They were on such a high level that it was impossible to develop on them.
These are cases where they missed something in the DFS and they had to have a quick
coordination with the customer. The coordination was usually done in a minute. These
type of events could possibly have been avoided if the DFS was more thorough. But
making it even more thorough could have led to a planning paradox. By planning
paradox one means that you plan for every possible outcome, but use too much time.
Planning for everything might take forever. Therefore, the functional responsible said
“Instead we are quite sure that this and this will work and we go for
it. So it is a calculated risk”.
The scrum master was also pleased with the DFS. He said that it was very thorough. But
would have wanted it to be a little bit more detailed. Scrum master would have wanted
the DFS to cover more error situations and not only “happy paths”. The scrum master
also pointed out that one has to think about how much time is available when making
the specification. In a perfect world one would cover every possibility, but it might not
be necessary or smart to spend that much time on making the specification. One has to
stop at one point.
The project manager said that the specification was very thorough. This was because
they had the opportunity to write the specification very elaborate and very detailed,
more so than in many other projects. The level of detail was raised from iteration 1 to
iteration 2, by adding IAF. Therefore, the project manager was very pleased.
Suggested improvements to the specification
There were suggested some improvements to the specification that would probably have
made it a little better. These were:
Scrum master would have liked the DFS to cover not only “happy path” or ideal case.
He wished that it would also cover the case of an error situation. This is something that
is seldom thought of in advance, but the developer has to deal with when the system is
developed and discovers that an error situation is not specified. It is not possible to
specify them all, but the ones that happen most often should be specified before
development starts and in the DFS.
A possible further improvement to the DFS that was proposed by the functional
architect DFS was process drawings. The scrum master agreed that this might be an
improvement because they help with the visualization of the flow. They also help get a
better overview of what possibilities there were and what type of challenges one might
encounter. Functional architect DFS said this about process drawings:
Functional architect DFS further said: «I would like to have them before I start
specifying so that I can see dependencies». This is because the system was getting very
complex. It was hard to see where one thing would affect a different part of the system.
Process drawings would probably have helped see this. Therefore, it was something that
was planned implemented for iteration 3.
The methods that were used for specifying the requirements in this project were viewed
as very significant for the project success. This includes the meetings where they
walked several rounds with the customer to find the best solution for their problems and
the use of an OFS and DFS with the framework IAF.
Screenshots in the DFS helped a lot for the visualization of how the finished
product should look like
Developers did not have to ask many questions due to detailed description of
screenshots and the functionality they provided
Scrum master continued to state that the DFS was one of the main reasons they
managed to deliver what they delivered on the time they had available. The DFS made it
possible to catch questions and uncertainties at an early point in the process. If the
questions were not asked before they started development, it would have increased the
cost. This is because developers, according to the scrum master, should not do anything
else than follow the specification when they develop. If the developers were left with
the questions, due to the questions not being asked at an earlier point, there would have
been loads of wasted time. If the errors in the requirements specification managed to
reach test, it would have cost even more because you would have had to go back to the
developers, and maybe all the way back to the specification and discuss again. It might
even be necessary to make the functionality again and test it all over again.
“I think the process we have is very good in the sense that we make
the specification a sprint before and it is as detailed as it is.
Therefore, we catch most of the possible mistakes there. I think that is
very important” (Scrum master).
From this, we can understand that, the written specifications is not the only thing that is
important, but a visual representation before the development starts is also important. A
lot of the honor of the project success was given to the DFS and the DFS being as
detailed as it was.
The OFS that was introduced for iteration 2. My impression from reading the OFS is
that it is very easy to read, it represented a nice overall image of the functionalities and
an overall image of integration and information model. In addition, it defined which
screenshots should be included, but did not go into detail on how they looked like or
what they should do .This made it easier to see the bigger picture when it came to how
the user stories interact. It made it easier to connect them and see how the whole system
was put together.
The DFS, which was the final description, seems very important and was viewed as
important by the interview subjects. The DFS goes into great detail and expressed
exactly how the different functionalities of the system should be. It supplemented the
written description with a detailed screenshot and went into detail of what the
screenshot should do. This is from my point of view easy to understand and according
to the scrum master; it was something that helped them when they were developing the
system. This was also something that helped the customer see and understand the
requirements in a way that was understandable for them.
A detailed description like this seems like some of the reason for the great success of
the system and removed pressure from the developers during the sprint; due to them not
needing to focus on interpreting the requirement as much as they might would have
needed if the documentation was not as detailed. This is also the impression I have
gotten from the interviewees.
According to functional responsible there were not many changes to the requirements in
this project. It was more detailing and refinement of the requirements in the DFS phase.
This was because in the DFS phase, they got the understanding of the process. It was
also a forum for new thoughts to emerge. In this particular phase, there were loads of
small changes, but the overall requirements stayed more or less the same. According to
the functional responsible the fact that there were few change orders might be because
of the DFS phase and the DFS. This was because they got an actual relationship with
the functionality that was being developed by revisiting it repeatedly. However, there
were some changes to the requirements in the project. Most of the changes happened in
the DFS phase or before. This was exactly as intended. Changes happened here because:
The requirements were detailed a long time ago and had few details. The project
manager said that:
Another reason for the changing requirements was that the customer did not always
want the same as they wanted in the beginning. Sometimes they wanted to remove some
functionality completely and sometimes they wanted to add some functionality.
Most of the potential changes were because of the high level of detail and close
customer interaction, caught before they started the sprint. However, there sometimes
happened changes in other phases of the project. This was due to:
The DFS lacked some information the developers needed or there were logical
flaws in the specification
Customers changed their mind after functionalities were implemented
Even though the requirements were supposed to be locked for a sprint when the sprint
started. There were sometimes according to the scrum master, changes to the
requirements during the sprint. The making of the DFS was one sprint ahead of the
development team. Sometimes there were details missing or the DFS was not detailed
enough so that the developers had to interpret the specification that was made. When
this happened, there sometimes occurred minor changes. For example minor changes in
the text. Sometimes there were logical flaws that were discovered that forced the
developers to walk through the functionality with the customer again to find out how it
could be done in a satisfying manner. This resulted in a change in the specification
when they arrived at an agreement.
There were some dissatisfaction with the way changes were handle in the project. The
customer had some dissatisfaction with all the technicalities when they want to change
something, but also understood that the technicalities might be needed. The satisfaction
with how requirement changes were handled can be viewed in Table 8.
Table 8: Satisfaction with changes in requirements
Topic Thoughts
Customer A lot of technicalities when introducing changes
Functional architect OFS Very organized
Functional architect DFS Sometimes not enough time
Functional responsible Works well
Scrum master A little frustrated due to many last minute changes
Project manager Works well
The customer thought there were many technicalities when introducing changes because
of a rigid change management regime that was time consuming. However, the customer
was very pleased that they were able to do changes directly on IT-services and not user
stories. This was because the user stories were too detailed. The customer also pointed
out that it became easier when using IAF and IT-services than having to browse through
a huge amount of user stories. The customer also found that it was easy to introduce
changes as long as it was enough time in the project. There were a couple of challenges
when it came to organizing changes and getting them efficiently into the project, but
introducing changes was not difficult it was harder to prioritize out something else.
According to the functional architect DFS, there were more changes to the requirements
than the developers would like it to be. There were a couple of complaints because there
was a sudden start on iteration 2. This was because they expected that they would start
with one functionality that was almost completely specified, but then there was a
change in the last minute. This lead to challenges when it came to time. The scrum
master also mentioned that there was a little frustration due to many last minute
From iteration 1 to iteration 2 of the project, there were introduced some changes. The
level of satisfaction with the changes can be viewed in Table 9.
The customer said that the change into IT-services and the use of IAF was very pleasant
on a higher level. It was pleasant that they no longer needed to keep track of the user
stories. In addition, the customer was very pleased that they could do changes on IT-
services instead of user stories. The customer pointed out that everything was easier in
iteration 1 because the project was not as complex yet, but because of the growing
complexity of the system, it worked better with IT-services than user stories.
According to the functional architect DFS the change was not that big. Work tasks and
IT-services was used in iteration 1 to describe the user stories more thorough. It was not
that big of a change, but according to the functional architect of the DFS if they had
used user stories the way user stories are used in other projects it would have been very
The framework IAF was introduced an initiated by the architects. The introduction of
IAF resulted in a couple of changes within the project due to them having to start
working a little differently, but the project manager said that it has been well received.
Why change?
They found that this was the smartest way to do it early in iteration 1. The user stories
further described how things should be connected.
According to the customer, they had some impact on the change to IAF and IT-services.
When they were supposed to approve iteration 2, they saw that to go through all the user
stories and be sure that they covered everything was a very extensive work. “
“We had for example 300 user stories and we had to see what was
missing. That is essentially, what you do when you go through it. It is
always something missing, but it is hard to keep track of everything”
According to functional architect of DFS, they changed from user stories to IT-services
and IAF because there were so many user stories that it was almost impossible to
maintain every one of them. It became impossible for the customer to read and make
sure that everything was included in the specification. It became too complicated for
using only user stories. After the change, it was easier for the customer to see a bigger
picture of what they would actually get from the system.
Most agreed that the specification should be very detailed when development starts.
Almost to the point where the developer can read the specification and develop with no
further questions. This is because questions at this point in the process will cost more
time and money. Before this point, it does not necessarily have to be very detailed. It
was also pointed out that the thoroughness of the specification depends on both type of
project and organization.
Table 10: Views on how thorough requirements specification should be when using agile
Topic Thoughts
If the organization is one that is used to doing projects, the customer thought that they
could keep the specification on an overall level. If the organization on the other hand is
one that is saturated on change, is reluctant when it comes to changes, or there is a
project that requires big changes, it would probably be beneficial to go into great detail
before one starts developing. The functional architect of the OFS said that it is:
“We do not want all the details, we find them afterwards. We don’t
need all the details to plan the scope of the system”.
By this, he meant that all of the details are not needed right in the beginning, but can be
found along the course of the project. It was also pointed out that:
Even though the functional responsible thought that it does not have to be a 100% until
right before development he acknowledged that this might lead to some difficulties.
This is one of the downsides of waiting too long with detailing the requirements. One
alternative he suggested was to detail more than needed so that you had other elements
that could be developed. Like a buffer of elements you can pick from if some of the
functionalities that were meant for the upcoming sprint were not possible to include.
The scrum master said that “It is important to make a thorough specification even
though the project is agile”. The scrum master further said that:
One of the other subjects based their experience from this project, due to no previous
experiences with projects.
“I only have experience from this project, but I will say that it is very
important to make a detailed description even when using agile”
(Functional architect DFS).
Even when using agile methodologies the project manager thought that it is important to
make the specification thorough right away. Project manager stated that
This is to avoid complications that might arise if they wait too long. According to the
project manager, you will see that a number of things happen, if the requirements are
not specified thoroughly enough before development starts:
The project manager thought that it should be done both before the project is planned, to
find the scope of the project and before the sprint starts. Even though this requires the
use of more time at the beginning of the project. The project manager pointed out that it
is an investment you will benefit from in the long run.
To answer research question RQ3: When are user stories sufficient and when are other
techniques or tools required? I have used the project as an example and drawn
conclusions from their experiences with the use of user stories in this project.
From interviews
From the interviewees I got a lot of relevant information. They said that in the
beginning, the user stories were used to set up the contract with the customer, but the
functional architect saw that this was not sufficient:
The project was very big which resulted in an unmanageable amount of user
Customer experienced difficulties when wanting to do changes on requirements
User stories were not covering enough
User stories were too user oriented
The user stories where not connected in a good way and did not cover the
different dimensions
The user stories did not get read after the DFS was made
The reason why user stories were not sufficient was amongst other the size and
complexity of the project. They ended up with an unmanageable list of user stories that
was hard for the customer to navigate through and make changes on. Change
management on the user stories was difficult. This was due to small details like for
example that the color of a button could change many times, this again resulted in the
need to change many user stories. Therefore, it was decided that these details were left
out until right before the sprint, where they were specified in the DFS.
It was also seen that user stories were only fragments of what was wanted. This was
discovered when they first took the user stories from the context they were in at the
beginning of the project. They started with the user stories for the contract and saw that
they needed to limit it in some way. They were taken out from their context and it was
seen that further use of only user stories would have resulted in many discussions.
It was also hard for the vendor to see connections and the scope of the system.
The user stories became a little bit too user oriented and resulted in the user specifying
what they wanted from the way they did things at the moment, not optimizing routines
and processes.
It was decided to express the system through a more functional oriented method and
applied the architecture framework IAF with the use of IT-services and work tasks. The
user stories were expressed through the IT-services, but the IT-services were weighted
higher than the user stories. Instead of working on user stories when the final
specification was being made (during the meetings and during approval of the final
DFS) they approved the IT-services and textual description of the service instead.
Functional architect DFS said that
In the DFS, the user stories worked only as a guide and the IT-services contained the
final description of what the system should contain. Functional architect DFS further
“My impression is that the user stories often doesn’t get read, this is
not the most important part. The rest of the document is”.
Functional architect DFS further said this about the user stories in the DFS:
“They are kind of redundant, but we had to use the user stories that
were already specified for something” (Functional architect DFS).
The change was very welcomed by the customer. It became according to the customer
more flexible to do change orders, when IT-services were used. If change orders all the
way down to user stories had to be done, the customer felt like change orders would
have taken up all their time due to all the small changes. The user stories were somehow
too detailed.
The developers had no relationships with the user stories. When they developed, they
only looked at the DFS to get the final detailed description of the system. The scrum
master said that he knew user stories existed in a document somewhere, but they only
looked at the IT-services, work tasks and the DFS.
User stories is a concrete way of describing system requirements. This makes user
stories a good thing, but not necessarily suitable in this particular project. User stories
can according to functional architect OFS be used when one wants to describe concrete
system requirements as a way to map and document pure user requirement. Functional
architect OFS said that he was not quite sure when one should not use user stories, but
that sometimes it is not a complete enough description of the system. User stories make
the description a little fragmented, but it is still useful. Functional architect further said
that to think that user stories are everything you need, might not be a good thing.
During the meetings I was able to observe, I found that the discussions were not on user
story level. They discussed the screenshots and the different functionalities the
screenshot was to contain. If functionality was supposed to be changed, they discussed
the IT-service at the meetings. This supports the findings from the interviews where
interviewees view the DFS and the description in the DFS as most important and the
user stories as somewhat redundant.
From documents
In the DFS the user stories were at the beginning of the document. They reference the
IT-service that covered the user story. Not all of the user stories were included under an
IT-service. When this happened, it meant that the user story was not relevant any more.
This also supports the findings from the interviews and observations.
From Table 11 it can be seen that there is some dissatisfaction with how the functional
requirements were handled in the project. This is something that is very common. The
non-functional requirements are often neglected and the focus is on the functional
requirements because the functional requirements deliver visual results.
Scrum master Should have had more time. Might come as a surprise in the end
Project manager It is handled
The functional requirements were worked with on a daily basis and the non-functional
requirements might be thought of at the end of the sprint and “come at the end as a
surprise” as the scrum master said. The reason for this might be that there were far more
functional requirements than non-functional. In addition, the functional requirements
were easier to see results from.
Suggested improvements
From the interview there was suggested some improvements to how they handled the
non-functional requirements in the project. The suggestions were:
Set aside more time
A meeting before every other sprint to discuss the non-functional requirements
Meeting before each sprint to find out if something that is supposed to be done
during the sprint does not support the functional requirements
Design the non-functional requirements into the system at an earlier point
The scrum master supported the thought of better routines and setting aside more time
on the non-functional requirements. He suggested a quarter or half an hour each sprint
where the technical responsible could find out if something that was supposed to be
done in the sprint did not support the non-functional requirements that were defined.
The customer suggested there should be a meeting not before each, but before every
other sprint. In this meeting, they could go through the functionalities that were
supposed to be implemented during the next two sprints, how it affected the non-
functional requirements and how the requirements that were affected should be handled.
This would according to the customer probably improve the handling of the non-
functional requirements.
The functional architect OFS thought that if the non-functional requirements were
designed into the system at an earlier point in the process, this would probably have
helped avoid the last minute handling of the non-functional requirements. However, to
design in the non-functional requirements at an earlier point requires a huge amount of
knowledge if using a lot of time should be avoided. Functional architect OFS pointed
out that it all depends on routines. In addition, you have to decide on the non-functional
requirements like for example performance at an earlier point. When this is decided, one
should also be more specific on what the developer must do to maintain the non-
functional requirements in a satisfying way. This was not necessarily done at the point
of the interviews.
It is important to point out how satisfied the different interviewees were with the
project. This is because their satisfaction with the project is closely linked with the
success of the methods that have been used. In Table 12, the satisfaction level of the
different interviewees are presented.
Table 12: Overall satisfaction with project
As can be seen from the table, that the customer was very pleased with how project was
going at the point of the interview. The different subjects from the vendor were also
pleased with how things were going.
6 Discussion
The conclusions that can be drawn from the results are discussed in this chapter with
respect for each research questions.
6.1 Question 1
RQ1: How thorough should the requirements specification be before development starts
when using agile?
How thorough the requirements should be, depends on the project. In a big, complex
project it is important that the requirements are well understood so that the customer get
what they want. It is also important that there is some flexibility. To have the entire
requirements specification completely locked long before development is started is not a
good method. It is important that there is some agility when it comes to changing
requirements and in the processes that lead up to development. This has been proven to
work in this particular case.
The method that has been chose in this project seems like it has worked very well. The
interviewees were very pleased with how the project was going at the time of the
interviews. The reason for this is amongst other due to high level of customer
interaction and the agility when finding the requirements. It is also due to their chosen
method for detailing the system, where they detail 80% of the requirements before the
project started, and then the remaining 20% right before the development sprint. In
respectively the OFS and DFS.
In for example a project where close customer interaction is not possible, the chosen
method will probably not work that well. This is due to the finalization of requirements
that used a just in time principle, where the requirements were not completely finished
until right before the sprint started. If the customer is not available, one should go for
another approach.
First, I want to point out that the project development was not completely agile in this
particular case. It was chosen to use the agile development methodology scrum, but
only the elements that were viewed as appropriate for this project was included.
The subjects were very happy with the degree of agile that was used. They could not
have been more agile than they were according to some of the interviewees. Others
meant that they could possibly have opened up to not having as many details before
they started development so that the developers could have had some more artistic
freedom during the sprint. The method they chose, where all of the details were
finalized before the development sprint started, put some constraints on the developers.
Where they had to do as they were told by the DFS with preferably no questions asked.
This made the sprint in itself somewhat waterfall like.
In the background section, it was pointed out some challenges that has been met with
the requirements specification when using agile development. The challenges and the
impact they had on the project are pointed out here:
1. Problems with cost and schedule estimation: The problem with cost and
schedule estimation was avoided by specifying 80% of the functionalities before
the project started. These 80% were the 80% that affected the cost of the system.
2. Inadequate or inappropriate architecture: The use of IAF and OFS helps avoid
this, and there were no problems indicated concerning the architecture, by the
3. Neglect of non-functional requirements: It was pointed out that the non-
functional requirements were neglected to some degree also in this project.
4. Customer access and participation: In this project, the customer was very
available. This was pointed out by several of the interviewees. Therefore,
customer access and participation was not a problem. However, this is
something that is outside the vendors control.
5. Prioritization on a single dimension: Because they mapped the architecture
before they started development, they added the opportunity to scale and evolve.
6. Inadequate requirements verification: In the project it was a focus on verification
of the requirements through revisiting them several times before the
functionality was implemented into the project.
7. Minimal documentation: It has been a great focus on documentation in this
project. Which was necessary due to the complexity of the system that was
developed and because of what was decided in the contract. One might say there
was too much of it due to DFSs that became up to 100 pages long.
Even though the project was not entirely agile, the methods that were used might be
applicable to other big semi agile projects that require many details in the specification.
The interviewees pointed out some factors that the detail level of the specification
should depend on and therefore, be considered before deciding how thorough the
requirements specification should be:
o Size
o Complexity
o Available resources
o Importance of system
Organization and customer
o Is the customer available?
o Is the project in-house or for external customer?
o How mature is the organization?
Type of contract being used
If the project is big in size, it is often also a complex project. These factors often results
in the need of finding the dependencies between for example different functionalities in
the system and dependencies when it comes to hardware. These dependencies might
affect in which order one can start developing. Some functionalities in the system might
also depend on for example hardware that can take several weeks to get. It is important
to catch these type of dependencies early to avoid bottlenecks when developing. A
bottleneck in this case is when one dependency stops the whole development and
prevents the available resources to work as efficient as possible. One of the benefits of
agile is that you should be able to change the order of functionality that is implemented
if necessary, but some dependencies might create bottlenecks even when using agile.
Therefore, it is important to have these mapped at an early point.
Another important factor is how important the system is. Questions that can be asked
with regards to importance is: Is it important that the system does not fail? How
important is this? If it is critical that the system does not fail, it is important that the
requirements are thoroughly described to find potential flaws before one starts
It is also important to evaluate the availability of the customer. If the customer is not
available for reviewing and further detailing of requirements, more of the details need to
be set in stone at an early point. Alternatively, if the project is for example an in-house
project it is easier to ask questions and find the requirements at a later stage.
The maturity of the organization the system is developed for is also a factor one has to
evaluate according to one of the interviewees. If the organization is mature it is thought
that one can keep the specification on an overall level, but if the organization is
saturated on change or has to preform big changes, the requirements probably need to
be more detailed at an earlier point.
The type of contract that is used also put some constraints on how much documentation
and specification has to be done up front. Type of contract depends on customer, project
and vendor.
Before development starts
The functional responsible said that right up until development starts the specification
does not have to be thorough at all. It can be as loosely defined, as you want. The
specification does not have to be a 100% before right up until development starts. He
pointed out that there are of course negative aspects when using this approach. The
result might be that dependencies might show up too late.
The other subjects seemed to agree on that the earlier you specify the requirements, the
earlier you find dependencies and possible problems, but how carefully you have to go
into the specification before starting development they did not agree on.
In this project the interviewees have also found that it worked well to start writing down
the functional specification of the system and decide on the function requirements on an
overall level at an early point. This represented an 80% description of the system
functionalities and helps the customer, and the vendor see the overall picture, find the
scope and price at an early point. The last 20% was postponed until the DFS. The
interviewees thought that the use of the DFS and postponing the last 20% of the details
until right before the sprint started, helped reduce the amount of changed orders and is
some of the reason why the project has been successful up until the point of the
There seems to be a somewhat agreement that when the sprint in itself starts, the
description should be at such a level of detail that the developers could use their time on
development and nothing more. Their time should not be used on interpreting the
requirements during the sprint. If the developer has to use time on interpreting
requirements specification, they might need to go all the way back to the customer,
which is a big waste of time and money. However, not having too many details so that
the young and innovative developers could find, possibly better solutions was wished by
the customer.
Most of the interviewees agree that even though one uses agile development
methodologies, the specification should be very thorough.
6.2 Question 2
How to make it thorough enough: experiences from project
To make the requirements specification thorough enough for a big and complex agile
project one can draw some experiences from the case that was studied. These are:
The meetings that were used to draw the requirements from the customers and the
processes that were used here has proven very successful for this project. This is
something both the vendor and the customer has been very pleased with and the general
opinion is that being as agile as they have been when it comes to finding and specifying
the requirements was some of the reason for the projects success.
Another key factor that helped them make the description thorough enough was that the
customer was very available during these processes and very involved. The customer
participated in regular meetings and was open for further questions when needed. The
general opinion from the vendor was that they could get in touch with the customer
whenever they needed.
It was also pointed out that making the OFS which was a very high level description of
the functional specification for the system was a good solution. The details that did not
affect the scope or cost were left out at this point. The OFS provided an overview of the
work tasks, services and screenshots that was to be included in the upcoming project.
This worked with great success in iteration 2. Before each sprint started all of the details
for the sprint were put together in a document called the DFS, which included the IT-
services and the functional details that was to be provided during the sprint. The DFS
provided the last 20% of the details and included all the screenshots that were supposed
to be made during the sprint. In addition, the DFS included a detailed description of all
the functionalities provided by the screenshots. All the necessary details were provided
by this document to make sure that the developer had to do nothing else than develop
according to the description.
The experiences from this project was that user stories supplemented with the IAF
framework, which include the use of IT-services, work tasks and screenshots helped
make the specification end up at an appropriate level of detail before the development
One might think this is too rigid, but up until the sprint started, they had the opportunity
to change functionality and come with potential changes or objections. This results in a
flexible solution for both parties.
It was also pointed out that is important to know when to stop, when the specification is
at a sufficient detail level. One can try to detail every possible outcome, but this will
only cost time, money and might lead to a planning paradox.
Several reasons were pointed out for why the chosen solution has worked as well as it
Due to the project size, complexity and importance, they have put huge effort into
making a specification for the project that both the customer and the vendor were happy
with. Because of the size, complexity and importance of the system, it was put more
effort into documentation than usually wanted in an agile project. They saw early that a
detailed description was needed for the case.
The customer was also very helpful during the whole process and the cooperation
between the consultants and the customer was one of the main reasons why this has
worked. If the customer is not one who is able to cooperate with the developers during
the project course, the approach that has been used here will not work and one should
choose another approach. This is because a huge amount of cooperation from both
parties were required.
For a different type of project, where there is not an outside party involved in the
development, the size is smaller and the complexity is lower, you might not need to put
this much effort into the specification.
The interviewees dedicate a lot of the honor of the project going so well to the DFS and
because they have such a thorough requirements specification in the project.
There was pointed out some negative aspects with the chosen method in the case. This
was amongst other that the DFS, due to the amount of detail, got very big. The amount
of detail also resulted in the developers not having room for interpretation and finding
possible better solutions during the Scrum sprint. These aspects contradicts the agile
manifesto which amongst other focus on little documentation.
6.3 Question 3
RQ3: When are user stories sufficient and when are other techniques or tools required?
Based on the experiences from the project one can say that for big and complex projects
that is not an in-house project. User stories in itself might not be covering enough. We
need something more. Something to supplement the stories and manage them in a good
In the case I have been studying they decided to use a more visual and more thorough
description than what user stories on its own provide. They made something called a
DFS to originally supplement the user stories. However, it ended up with almost
replacing the user stories all together in the development. User stories were not used at
all by the developers.
From the project, it was seen that it was started with specifying the requirements as user
stories where they made a long list of stories that made up the user requirements of the
project. The user stories were more or less kept during the whole project, but they were
supplemented with a more detailed description, which resulted in the user stories not
being used in development at all. What was also seen was that it was decided to move
away from using just user stories. It was discovered that user stories on its own were:
User stories being used only as a guide through the DFS document
IT-services more important than user stories
User stories being made from screenshots not the other way
DFS worked as user stories and was what the developers worked from in the
Developers did not use user stories in the sprint
It was seen that user stories on its own were not good enough for such a big and
complex project.
However, there were experienced some difficulties due to not using user stories. When
testing, instead of writing a test case for a user story, the testers had to write tests for a
whole chapter in the DFS. This was somewhat difficult due to the size of the chapter
and that the test system was not rigged for that type of test, but this problem was
something they managed to navigate around.
In other projects
From the interviews, I also got some opinions on user stories in general. According to
some of the interviewees, user stories can be enough if the project is small enough or
the project is for example an in-house project. When the project is big and complex one
require more detail than in a small project. This does not necessarily exclude the use of
user stories, but might require something more.
6.4 Recommendations
There are some recommendations I will make based on what has been discovered
during the case study.
The use of user stories is not always enough for a big project even though an agile
development methodology is used. The experiences from the case that has been studied
was that user stories can be used as an initial mapping of requirements, but this is not
enough. User stories are difficult to manage when there are too many of them and they
are difficult to connect. Therefore, one can use something similar to the OFS and DFS.
Another recommendation is to wait with the final details until right before development.
In the studied case, this has been pointed out as a reason for fewer big changes in the
7 Limitations of the study
Limitations of the study are discussed and somewhat justified here.
This project was not completely agile. The vendor did not claim that they were
completely agile either. However, many of the elements from scrum were used during
development. In addition, in the time up until development they were very flexible
when it came to adding and removing functionalities, but they were rigid when it came
to creating a detailed documentation before they started. This was due to external
factors like a customer that required a certain system to be delivered.
Therefore, I cannot claim that these findings are transferable to all agile projects, but for
similar big, complex, important and semi agile projects that require some more detailed
documentation due to for example an important customer. These results would probably
I have only been able to study one case. Studying only one case might lead to less
reliable results than if more cases had been studied. However, this case has been
interesting because they introduced many interesting techniques that were made for this
particular project. It was also a somewhat unnormal case due to requirements not being
specified by the customer before the vendor came into the picture. This uniqueness
makes the case somewhat difficult to compare to other cases. However, the results that
were found by studying this case might still be applicable to other cases. In addition, the
suggested methods could work well for similar projects.
As mentioned earlier it is not recommended to lock in on one case too early. This is due
to risks involved when having only one case. It is not necessary that the case turn out as
you thought it would. After a while, you might see that the questions are not relevant for
the case you have chosen or there might be difficulties with continuing to study the
case. Luckily, this did not happen in the case I chose for my thesis.
Few interviews
More interviews could have supported the findings even more, but there was somewhat
consistency to the answers from the interviewees. Therefore, one can say that there was
a sufficient number of interviews.
The company in question was very open and supportive when helping me investigate
the case. Therefore, I do not think it would have been a problem to get more interviews,
but time was needed to write down and analyze the results.
Uncertainties around interview opinions
There were still some uncertainties regarding some of the opinions of the interviewees.
The viewpoints of the interviewees may be hard to interpret. Some of the interviewees
did not always express themselves in a way that was understandable. Moreover, they
sometimes did not conclude their arguments. Ideally, I would have held a follow-up
interview to clarify vagueness and uncertainties that were discovered when analyzing
the interviews. Unfortunately, I did not have the capacity to do this in the boundaries of
a master thesis.
Moreover, there were some uncertainties when it came to what was meant by sufficient
detail level. This was a bit hard to extract from the interviews.
Another aspect that is important to point out is that I did not have previous experience
with doing interviews. Therefore, the interviewing was a somewhat trial and error
approach where something more was learnt after each interview that was held.
8 Conclusion
I found some interesting, but not so unexpected results during my study of the case. The
answers I found to my research questions are summarized here.
There are somewhat different experiences when it comes to this. Most of the
interviewees agreed that the more details before development starts, the better. One of
the interviewees on the other hand, thought that this was very project dependent and that
they might have too many details defined in the DFSs, which make the DFSs too big
and take away the developers opportunity to use their imagination.
Most of the interviewees were pleased with the level of details that were used in this
project although the functional architect DFS and scrum master would have liked the
specification to be a little bit more detailed. The DFS could have been supplement with
process drawings and a more detailed description of possible error situations.
Another important aspect that seems to have worked for this case is that they made a
80% description of the functionalities in the OFS before the project started and then the
remaining 20% right before the sprint started. When development started every detail
was explained in the DFS so that the developers had to do nothing but develop. This
saved them time and money due to fewer mistakes and fewer questions being asked
during development.
From the case I have studied, I have learned that one can make the requirements
description thorough enough by specifying and finding the requirements in cooperation
with the customer, like done in the case I have been studying. They did this through a
series of meetings where the customer got an opportunity to review their wishes over
and over again. The final details which did not affect the cost or scope did not have to
be determined before the point where the given functionality was to be included in the
The description that was being developed from was the DFS, which included a very
detailed description of; work tasks, IT-services, screenshots and a detailed description
of the all the functionalities the screenshots provided. This description proved very
helpful in this project and was pointed out as one of the main reasons for the projects
success. Some dissatisfaction with the size of this document due to the high amount of
details was nevertheless uttered, but the interviewees were very pleased with how the
project was going at the time of the interviews.
RQ3: When are user stories sufficient and when are other techniques or tools required?
User stories are not always good enough. Even though the development method is agile,
the use of only user stories depends on the size and scope of the project and is often
better suited for small, in-house projects. If the project is small and very agile, user
stories by its own might be enough. This claim is based on the interviewees opinions.
When the project is large and a customer requires that something specific needs to be
delivered within a contract, user stories might not be a good enough description. When
this is the case, something more, to at least supplement the user stories are needed.
Something to make them more manageable. The method chosen in this particular case
might not be the best one, but something that has proven to work for this project. The
chosen method was to apply the architecture framework IAF and create an OFS and
DFS, where user stories were slightly put aside.
One can conclude that this study shows that user stories are not always good enough in
big and complex project. In addition, for example, using a DFS or something similar is
necessary to get the correct level of detail in the specification before one starts
developing for a big and important project like this. This has worked well in the project
that was studied.
9 Future work
Future work on this subject could be to do a multiple case study on different size
projects and in different companies to see if they encounter the same problems that have
been encountered here. It would also be interesting to find out how they have chosen to
solve the problems and possibly try to introduce the same method that was used here on
other projects to see if they work equally well on other projects in for example other
During the study I have focused mostly on the functional aspects of the requirements.
This is because it was easier to come into contact with the relevant people when it came
to functional requirements. This was also something that was easier to study. During the
study I have seen how they work with the functional specification and seen
documentation of the functional aspects of the system. I would have liked to also see
how they deal with the non-functional aspects. I have gotten some insight from the
interviews, but have not been able to attend any meetings or see any documentation
about the non-functional requirements. This is something that requires further
investigation and would have been interesting to look into.
It would also have been interesting to go into greater detail of what each of the different
roles meant about each subject. And possibly study if there is a link between the role of
the interviewees and what they meant about the different subjects.
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