Kabiling Et Al Vs Nha Facts: Co Vs PNB Lozano Vs Martinez Facts
Kabiling Et Al Vs Nha Facts: Co Vs PNB Lozano Vs Martinez Facts
Kabiling Et Al Vs Nha Facts: Co Vs PNB Lozano Vs Martinez Facts
Unlike a promissory note, a check is not a mere Held: Yes. The moratorium is postponement of
undertaking to pay an amount of money. It is fulfillment of obligations decreed by the state
an order addressed to a bank and partakes of through the medium of the courts or
a representation that the drawer has funds on the legislature. Its essence is the application of
deposit against which the check is drawn, police power. The economic interests of the
sufficient to ensure payment upon its State may justify the exercise of its continuing
presentation to the bank. There is therefore an and dominant protective power
element of certainty or assurance that the notwithstanding interference with contracts.
instrument will be paid upon presentation. For The question is not whether the legislative
this reason, checks have become widely action affects contracts incidentally, or directly
accepted as a medium of payment in trade or indirectly, but whether the legislation is
and commerce. Although not legal tender, addressed to a legitimate end and the
checks have come to be perceived as measures taken are reasonable and
convenient substitutes for currency in appropriate to that end.
commercial and financial transactions. The
basis or foundation of such perception is However based on the President’s general
confidence. If such confidence is shaken, the SONA and consistent with what the Court
usefulness of checks as currency substitutes believes to be as the only course dictated by
would be greatly diminished or may become justice, fairness and righteousness, declared
nil. Any practice therefore tending to destroy that the continued operation
that confidence should be deterred for the and enforcementof RA 342 at the present time
proliferation of worthless checks can only is unreasonable and oppressive, and should
create havoc in trade circles and the banking not be prolonged should be declared null and
community void and without effect. This holds true as
regards Executive Orders Nos. 25 and 32, with
greater force and reason considering that said
Facts: On August 20,1941 Rutter sold to Esteban Orders contain no limitation whatsoever in
two parcels of land situated in the Manila for point of time as regards the suspension of
P9,600 of which P4,800 were paid outright, and the enforcement and effectivity of monetary
the balance was made payable as follows: obligations.
P2,400 on or before August 7, 1942, and P2,400
on or before August 27, 1943, with interest at
the rate of 7 percent per annum. To secure the ORTIGAS VS FEATI BANK
payment of said balance of P4,800, a first
mortgage has been constituted in favor of the Facts: Plaintiff is engaged in real estate
plaintiff. Esteban failed to pay the business, developing and selling lots to the
two installments as agreed upon, as well as the public, particularly the Highway Hills Subdivision
interest that had accrued and so Rutter along EDSA. On March 4, 1952, plaintiff, as
vendor, and Augusto Padilla and Natividad GANZON VS INSERTIO
Angeles, as vendees, entered into separate
agreements of sale on installments over two
parcels of land of the Subdivision. On July 19,
Petitioner Rodolfo Ganzon executed a deed of
1962, the said vendees transferred their rights absolute sale of a parcel of land in favor of
and interests over the aforesaid lots in favor of private respondents. Several months later, a
one Emma Chavez. Upon completion of deed of real estate mortgage was executed
payment of the purchase price, the plaintiff between the same parties to secure the
executed the corresponding deeds of sale in payment by the private respondents of a
favor of Emma Chavez. Both the agreements promissory not in favor of petitioner. Private
(of sale on installment) and the deeds of sale respondents filed a civil action against
contained the stipulations or restrictions that: petitioners after Ganzon initiated extrajudicial
foreclosure proceedings in accordance with
1. The parcel of land shall be used exclusively the terms and conditions of the said mortgage.
Respondent judge ordered the substitution of
for residential purposes, and she shall not be
the mortgage lien with a surety bond.
entitled to take or remove soil, stones or gravel
from it or any other lots belonging to the Seller. ISSUE(S):
2. All buildings and other improvements Whether or not the order of respondent judge
(except the fence) which may be constructed violates the non-impairment clause of the
at any time in said lot must be, (a) of strong Constitution.
materials and properly painted, (b) provided
with modern sanitary installations connected RULING:
either to the public sewer or to an approved YES. Substitution of the mortgage with a surety
bond to ensure the payment of a loan would
septic tank, and (c) shall not be at a distance
in effect change the terms and conditions of
of less than two (2) meters from its boundary
the mortgage contract. Even before trial on
lines. the very issues affecting the contract, the
respondent court has directed a deviation
Eventually said lots were bought by defendant. from its terms, diminished its efficiency and
Lot 5 directly from Chavez and Lot 6 from dispensed with a primary condition.
Republic Flour Mills by deed of exchange, with
same restrictions. Plaintiff claims that restriction Instant petition si GRANTED. Orders of the trial
is for the beautification of the subdivision. court are SET ASIDE
Defendant claimed of the commercialization
of western part of EDSA. Defendant began
constructing a commercial bank building. DEL ROSARIO VS DE LOS SANTOS
Plaintiff demand to stop it, which forced him to
file a case, which was later dismissed,
upholding police power. Motion for recon was FACTS
denied, hence the appeal.
PETITIONER Abella leased a farmland from
Ramona for a period of 10 years and
Issue: Whether or Not non-impairment clause renewable for another 10 years at the option
violated. of the former. Abella hired the private
respondents Quitco and Dionele. Abella
renewed the lease for another ten years. At
Held: No. Resolution is a valid exercise of police the expiration of the lease, she dismissed both
power. EDSA, a main traffic artery which runs private respondents and turned over the
through several cities and municipalities in the hacienda to the owners. Private respondents
Metro Manila area, supports an endless stream filed a complaint against petitioner. for
of traffic and the resulting activity, noise and overtime pay, reinstatement, and illegal
pollution are hardly conducive to the health, dismissal. The Labor Arbiter ruled that the
safety or welfare of the residents in its route. dismissal was warranted by the cessation of
Health, safety, peace, good order and general business, but the respondents are entitled to
welfare of the people in the locality are separation pay, invoking Art. 284 of the Labor
justifications for this. It should be stressed, that Code, as amended.
while non-impairment of contracts is
constitutionally guaranteed, the rule is not ISSUE
absolute, since it has to be reconciled with the Whether or not private respondents are
legitimate exercise of police power entitled to separation pay.
greater number of employees who can avail
RULING of the benefits under the law, which is in
consonance with the avowed policy of the
The Court upheld the ruling of the Labor Arbiter State to give maximum aid and protection to
that Article 284 is the applicable law in this labor.ers to employment benefits to farm
case. Art 284, as amended ref FACTS hands who were not parties to petitioner's
lease contract with the owner of Hacienda
Danao-Ramona. That contract cannot have
PETITIONER Abella leased a farmland from the effect of annulling subsequent legislation
Ramona for a period of 10 years and designed to protect the interest of the working
renewable for another 10 years at the option class.
of the former. Abella hired the private It is well-settled that in the implementation and
respondents Quitco and Dionele. Abella interpretation of the provisions of the Labor
renewed the lease for another ten years. At Code and its implementing regulations, the
the expiration of the lease, she dismissed both workingman's welfare should be the primordial
private respondents and turned over the and paramount consideration. It is the kind of
hacienda to the owners. Private respondents interpretation which gives meaning and
filed a complaint against petitioner. for substance to the liberal and compassionate
overtime pay, reinstatement, and illegal spirit of the law as provided for in Article 4 of
dismissal. The Labor Arbiter ruled that the the New Labor Code which states that "all
dismissal was warranted by the cessation of doubts in the implementation and
business, but the respondents are entitled to interpretation of the provisions of this Code
separation pay, invoking Art. 284 of the Labor including its implementing rules and regulations
Code, as amended. shall be resolved in favor of labor." The policy is
to extend the applicability of the decree to a
greater number of employees who can avail
ISSUE of the benefits under the law, which is in
consonance with the avowed policy of the
Whether or not private respondents are State to give maximum aid and protection to
entitled to separation pay. labor.