Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley —
Initiated to the
highest levels of
Freemasonry and high
priest of the Golden Dawn,
said: "A white male child
of perfect innocence and
intelligence makes the
most suitable victim."
Click here for larger picture "Hero" Aleister Crowley is second from left on the top row:
The Beatles apparently took Crowley's teaching very serious — Beatle John
Lennon, in an interview, says the "whole idea of the Beatles" was —
Crowley's infamous "do what thou wilt":
"The whole Beatle idea was to do what you want, right? To take your own
responsibility, do what you want and try not to harm other people,
right? DO WHAT THOU WILST, as long as it doesn't hurt somebody. . ."
("The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono", by David Sheff
and G. Barry Golson, p. 61)
Ozzy Osbourne called Crowley “a phenomenon of his time” (Circus, Aug. 26,
1980, p. 26). Ozzy even had a song called “Mr. Crowley.” “You fooled all the
people with magic/ You waited on Satan's call / … Mr. Crowley, won't you
ride my white horse…”
On the back cover of the Doors 13 album, Jim Morrison and the other
members of the Doors are shown posing with a bust of Aleister Crowley.
Iron Maiden lead singer Bruce Dickinson said: “… we’ve referred to things
like the tarot and ideas of people like Aleister Crowley” (Circus, Aug. 31,
1984). Their song “The Number of the Beast” said, “666, the number of the
beast/ 666, the one for you and me.” Crowley was called the Beast.
Daryl Hall of the rock duo Hall and Oates admits that he follows Crowley. “I
became fascinated with Aleister Crowley, the nineteenth-century British
magician who shared those beliefs. … I was fascinated by him because his
personality was the late-nineteenth-century equivalent of mine—a person
brought up in a conventionally religious family who did everything he could
to outrage the people around him as well as himself” (Rock Lives: Profiles
and Interviews, p. 584). Hall owns a signed and numbered copy of
Crowley’s The Book of Thoth (about an Egyptian god).
Sting, formerly of the Police, has spent many hours studying Crowley’s
Stiv Bators, lead singer for The Dead Boys and Lords of the New Church, had
a song titled “Do What Thou Wilt/ This Is the Law,” after the philosophy of
Satanist Aleister Crowley. In another song Bators sang: “I heard the Devil
curse/ I recognized my name.”
LSD guru Timothy Leary was a Crowley enthusiast. He said: “I’ve been an
admirer of Aleister Crowley. I think that I’m carrying on much of the work
that he started over a hundred years ago … He was in favor of finding
yourself, and ‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law’ under love.
It was a very powerful statement. I’m sorry he isn’t around now to
appreciate the glories he started” (Late Night America, Public Broadcasting
Network, cited by Hells Bells, Reel to Real Ministries).
The Marilyn Manson song “Misery Machine” contains the lyrics, “We’re gonna
ride to the abbey of Thelema.” The Abbey of Thelema was the temple of
Satanist Aleister Crowley.
During the first World War, Crowley transferred his activities to America. The
press proclaimed him "the wickedest man in the world." He also spent time in
Italy, but was expelled because Italian authorities accused his disciples of
sacrificing human infants in occult rituals. According to one source, Crowley
resided in the Abbey of Thelema near Cefalu Sicily, and revived ancient
Dionysian ceremonies. During a 1921 ritual, he induced a he-goat to copulate
with his mistress, then slit the animal's throat at the moment of orgasm. —
A very popular Rock band around the world is MINISTRY, formed by Al
Jourgensen in 1981. Jourgensen retired in 2008. The band's music is totally
blasphemous against the Bible, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and God the
Father. Here are the repulsive lyrics to their despicable song PSALM 69,
from the album titled, Psalm 69: The Way To Succeed And To Suck Eggs
lyrics taken directly from Aleister Crowley's works of darkness...
psalm 69
The title of the album is directly linked to chapter 69 of The Book of Lies, a
written work of Aleister Crowley, where he uses the expression "The way to
succeed and the way to suck eggs" as a pun for the 69 sex position ("suck
seed" and "suck eggs").
SOURCE: Psalm 69: The Way to Succeed and the Way to Suck Eggs
The number 69 is a very popular sexual term which refers to a specific sex
act. I can't show you the album cover because it is too graphic, but it
features a naked women with wings. In the blasphemous song PSALM
69, MINISTRY sings the lyrics, “he wants you to suck on the holy ghost and
swallow the sins of man.” The song is about performing oral sex on God. The
God-haters go on to sing, “the invisible piss of the holy ghost, comes down
like acid rain.” MINISTRY has played in concert with THE GRATEFUL
“Crowley finished his life as a sick, wasted heroin addict given to black
rages and doubts about the value of his life’s work. His last words as he
passed into a coma on December 1, 1947, were, “I am perplexed…” (Steve
Turner, Hungry for Heaven, pp. 92,97,98).
“Lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture. Fear not that any God shall
deny thee for this.”
“I do not wish to argue that the doctrines of Jesus, they and they alone,
have degraded the world to its present condition. I take it that Christianity
is not only the cause but the symptom of slavery” (Crowley, The World’s
Tragedy, p. xxxix).
“That religion they call Christianity; the devil they honor they call God. I
accept these definitions, as a poet must do, if he is to be at all intelligible
to his age, and it is their God and their religion that I hate and will destroy”
(Crowley, The World’s Tragedy, p. xxx).
As noted, Crowley died a wasted heroin addict given to rages and doubts.
His last words were “I am perplexed…” Crowley worshipped the demon god
Pan, the god of sexuality and lust. His “Hymn to Pan” was read at his
funeral: “I rave and I rape and I rip and I rend/ Everlasting world without
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather
reprove them.” —Ephesians 5:11
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship
hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light
with darkness?” —2 Corinthians 6:14