Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln: Construction Manual

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Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln 
Construction Manual 
A Practical Guide 
On how to construct a Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln 



  Developed for the  
Energy Sector Management 
  Assistance Programme 
  of the 
World Bank 

Team for the preparation of VSBK Construction Manual 
Lead authors 
Suyesh Prajapati, Dr Soumen Maity
Research and assistance 
Sanu Babu Dangol, Prabin Chettri, Rajendra Samadhiya, Abdullah Mamun,
Sadakatul Bari
Cover and layout designs 
Motilal B. Soni
Information design 
Dr Soumen Maity, Suyesh Prajapati
Translations in Bangla 
Practical Action, Bangladesh
Technical editing 
Dr Arun Kumar, Abdullah Mamun, Dr Soumen Maity



Demystifying is one of the key elements for the dissemination of the VSBK
technology. This construction manual is aimed to demystify the VSBK technology as
far as possible by describing the construction process, step by step with all the relevant
designs and useful photographs.
The present “state of the art” VSBK construction technology is based on the practical
working experience of constructing more than 200 VSBK’s, in India, Nepal, Pakistan,
Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
The first VSBK construction manual was prepared by Mr Heini Müller (Skat) in
cooperation with Development Alternatives in 1998.
This is the first attempt to document and disseminate knowledge on the VSBK
construction technology. The document serves as a template for the present VSBK
construction training manual.

Who is it meant for: 
This construction manual is meant to serve as a basic reference guide to engineers and
supervisors constructing a VSBK. This manual should not be used as a standard guide
for future VSBK’s. On the contrary, the construction team should stipulate and
generate new ways and ideas to further improve/simplify the VSBK construction
technology in Bangladesh for wider dissemination.

Who is it not meant for: 
This construction manual is not a suitable tool for the “Do it yourself” approach, as the
VSBK construction basically demands a lot of precision work, requiring thorough
fundamentals of civil construction. Every VSBK has a different approach with a
substantial amount of technical details. Thus design techniques and construction
drawings have to be developed individually for each such unit.

A construction manual is never complete or perfect: 
VSBK can be constructed in many ways. Thus, this manual does not claim to be
complete or perfect. It is in the hands of the users to utilise it in the best possible
manner, using it as a reference for further construction improvements.
The VSBK project, Bangladesh would appreciate if you could share your ideas and
work experiences to further improve this VSBK construction manual.

Development Alternatives, India

Skat Consulting, Switzerland
Practical Action, Bangladesh
Technology & Action for Rural Advancement, India



Knowledge in public domain is the key to success for accelerated dissemination of

VSBK technology on a global scale. This manual is aimed to popularise the VSBK
technology as far as possible by providing easy, step by step access to the construction
process with all relevant designs and useful photographs. This VSBK construction
manual is a first attempt in the country to understand the intricacies of the VSBK
structure and the methods of construction.
During the course of developing this manual, every effort was made to include the
existing knowledge base, along with the interactions between personnel associated with
the VSBK technology.
We would like to sincerely thank Mr Heini Muller, Senior Advisor, VSBK Project in
Nepal, who in 1998 made the first attempt to develop this kind of a manual, in
cooperation with Development Alternatives. Mr Muller’s extremely practical ideas of
knowledge transfer have been extensively covered in the manual.
We also extend our sincere gratitude to the Swiss Agency for Development and
Cooperation (SDC) to undertake knowledge dissemination initiatives in Technology
Transfer Projects. SDC’s initiative in documenting and disseminating the VSBK
technology has made it popular on a global platform.
In addition, we would like to acknowledge the support of various organisations e.g. the
VSBK Project, Nepal; MinErgy Pvt. Ltd. Nepal; TARA Machines and Tech. Services
Pvt. Ltd., India; who have whole heartedly contributed towards the development of the
same. Our sincere thanks to various individuals, whose views have been accessed
personally, through one-to-one interactions, the internet, printed documents and grey
The research work captured in this manual would not have been possible without the
institutional support extended to the project organisations by the Environment Sector
Management Assistance Programme of the World Bank. We are particularly grateful to
ESMAP’ for their strong commitment towards capacity building and sharing of
knowledge through documentation.

Development Alternatives, India

Skat_Consulting, Switzerland
Practical Action, Bangladesh
Technology & Action for Rural Advancement, India






Chapter 1 Introduction 8

Chapter 2 VSBK Construction details 10

2.1. Basic features 10
2.2. Definition of terms 10

Chapter 3 Preparatory work before construction 12

3.1. Soil selection 12
3.2. Brick kiln siting criteria 12
3.3. Site selection 12
3.4. Design 13

Chapter 4 Construction planning 14

4.1. Site preparation and cleaning 14
4.2. VSBK layout procedure 14

Chapter 5 Foundation, screw shaft and I-beam 15

5.1. Excavation work for foundation and screw shaft 15
5.2. Brick work for screw shaft 18
5.3. Brick soling for foundation 21
5.4. PCC (1:3:6) work for foundation 24
5.5. Brick masonry work for foundation 26
5.6. Setting of screw mechanism support I-beam 29
5.7. Soil filling work 33

Chapter 6 Kiln superstructure 35

6.1. Brick work up to first corbelling 35
6.2. Brick work above first corbelling 38
6.3. Setting of I-beam for brick support bars 41
6.4. Setting of C-Channel support for fixing of I-bar resting arm 45

6.5. 2nd corbelling and masonry work up to skew back level for
arch base 48
6.6. Setting of girder key support 51
6.7. Setting of C-Channel 54
6.8. Arch construction 58
6.9. Outer brick wall 62
6.10. Tie-beam and corner wall reinforcement 64

Chapter 7 VSBK shaft and related fixtures 67

7.1. Refractory brick shaft construction 67
7.2. Peep hole setting and monitoring platform 73
7.3. Flue duct system 75

Chapter 8 Loading platform 79

8.1. Shaft top construction 79
8.2. Loading platform 82
8.3. Guard walls 85

Chapter 9 Exhaust system 87

9.1. Mangal gate and damper system 87
9.2. Chimney construction 90

Chapter 10 Roof construction 93

Chapter 11 Access to kiln platform 97

11.1. Staircase and ramp construction 97

Chapter 1  Introduction 

Conventional burnt clay bricks will continue to be the main walling material required in
meeting the huge demand for housing in the foreseeable future, notwithstanding substantial
efforts to develop alternatives. The current technologies for brick production, such as Bull’s
trench kilns, Zig Zag kilns, Hoffmann and tunnel kilns, consume large quantities of fuel, such
as coal, natural gas and also firewood. The devastating effect of the pollution caused by huge
amount of emissions from the brick industry has attracted the attention of the government and
various International agencies. Efforts are being made to minimise air pollution from the brick
sector by introducing and demonstrating cleaner production techniques and practices and
simultaneous demonstration of clean alternate technologies.
The Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln technology, developed in China, is an energy-efficient,
environment-friendly and economically-viable means to produce quality bricks. Given below
are the main factors that have favour this technology
• Extremely low pollution level.
• 40 to 50 per cent energy savings when compared to local clamps and 30 to 40 per
cent, when compared to Bulls Trench Kiln.
• Less working capital.
• Rural income generation potential
• Occupies less space.
• Flexibility in operation.
The Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln is a civil structure consisting of insulated vertical shafts in
which bricks are fired. This is a continuous operation kiln, capable of round-the-year
operations. Through VSBK, production can be easily scaled up or down to meet different
levels of demand. Preliminary assessment indicates that unlike other brick kilns like BTK’s,
Hoffman kilns etc, the working capital of VSBK is less. Maintenance is also negligible. The
construction cost of a VSBK in India is approximately between USD 30,000 to USD 35,000,
excluding ramp. The Kiln costs being apportioned are as follows:
• Burnt bricks - 20 per cent
• Refractory brick - 15 per cent
• Steel & unloading device - 22 per cent
• Roofing, cement & other materials - 26 per cent
• Labour - 17 per cent
The kiln can be built within eight to twelve weeks; provided all the materials like bricks,
cement and steel are available well in time. The kilns are built by cement mortar and
refractory bricks shaft lining of fire clay mortar. A skilled fabricator is required for trusses,
metal chimney, brick guides, lid covers, square bars and unloading trolley track. Typical
items like trolleys and an unloading mechanism require specialised manufacture and special
The Kiln construction is fairly straight forward with buttress walls. The most complicated
section of construction is the shaft, arch and the unloading tunnel. The unloading tunnel is
built by bricks, setting over a cement mortar layer on top of a metallic formwork. There is
also a provision of filling insulated material to protect heat loss from the kiln.
A kiln that is built on an already existing bank of earth with adequate height can save
considerable effort and cost in building the loading ramp.

The main aspects to be considered during the installation of a VSBK are:
• Soil selection
• Site selection
• Design
• Construction
• Operation
• Maintenance
• Quality control and trouble shooting
• Economics and cost control
To facilitate the understanding of the VSBK technology in a holistic approach, it was thought
appropriate to produce information and construction documents on the performed
construction activities that cover the above mentioned functional areas in Bangladesh. These
will not only be useful in providing information in future kiln constructions, but are also
expected to become effective tools for young professionals, willing to adopt this trade.
This volume is the brick by brick account for actual construction activities undertaken for the
construction of VSBK.

Chapter 2  VSBK Construction Details 

2.1. Basic features

The VSBK consists of one or more shafts located inside a rectangular hollow structure. The
nominal shaft dimension is 1.00m wide and 2.00m long. The exact shaft dimension
exclusively depends upon the dried green brick dimension. The shaft’s inside smooth surface
is made up of a refractory brick work. The gap between the shaft wall and outer wall of the
kiln is filled with insulating materials like a homogeneous mixture of broken brick bats, burnt
coal ash, fly ash etc. or any cheap and locally available insulating material.
The shaft is designed for accommodating 12 to 13 green-brick batches. Each batch contains
four layers (two layers + two chulas). During regular operations, the shaft is loaded from the
top and unloaded from the bottom. Each batch normally contains four layers, but a six-layer
batch is also possible under certain conditions. The brick batch is loaded in a predetermined
pattern, with a predetermined amount of coal. All the batches of bricks rest on support bars
(which can be removed or inserted) resting on a pair of horizontal I-beams across the arches
in the unloading tunnel.

2.2. Definition of terms

VSBK A rectangular brick kiln structure consisting of one or more

shafts located vertically inside the structure for burning

Shaft A rectangular hollow construction with lining of refractory

bricks with fire clay mortar and supported by red bricks
with lime mortar, through which stack of green bricks move
vertically down through the notionally designated
preheating, firing and cooling zones.

Loading platform The platform at the top from where the green bricks are
loaded into the shaft. It is also used for the daily storage of
the green bricks.

Chimney A vertical, structure whose vertical ducts evacuate exhaust

gases from top portion of the shaft and creates natural

Lids Panels either hinged or in parts used to cover the top

opening of the shaft.

Single screw A mechanism consisting of a screw with a bearing, a nut

unloading (hub), a large hand wheel etc. used for lifting and lowering
unloading trolley with or without stack of bricks.
Unloading trolley A steel structure with four-flanged wheel, which can move
along an angle iron track. Wooden planks on its top can
engage with and lift the stack of bricks in the shaft, when
moved vertically by the screw unloading system.

Trolley track The angle iron track along which the trolley can move in or
out of the shaft line

Trolley guide Vertical channel sections secured to the kiln tunnel walls,
which prevent rotation of the trolley and help move up and
down vertically.

Support bars The steel bars, which act as beams to support the batches of
bricks loaded in the shaft. The support bars could be square
steel hollow bars or I shaped steel bars.

I - Beam for brick These beams resting on the brickwork along the unloading
support bar tunnel take the load of the brick stack through the square
support bars.

Unloading tunnel The vaulted opening running across the kiln along the shaft
centre line, through which the unloading trolley moves in
and out of the shaft line.

Ramp A structure adjacent to the kiln whose inclined surface on

the top is used for easy movement of men and animals
(mainly for lifting up green bricks).

Spy holes / peep All mean the horizontal-piped holes through the kiln
holes/ observation structure from outside to the inside of the shaft at various
levels, incorporated for viewing the hot brick stack and for
inserting thermocouples etc. for measuring the temperature
inside the shaft.

Brick guides A rectangular frame of angle iron welded with ms flats

down side of frame and situated at top of the shaft to protect
flue inlets by green bricks.

Anchor bars The vertical wall reinforcement of 12mm MS bars provided

at every outer corners of wall.

Screw pits A square pit of brick masonry, which exist in the exact
centre of the shaft for screw jack movement.

Insulation Filling pockets around shaft construction for protecting heat

loss from the kiln.

Protection plates 3 mm thick ms plates affixed at arch inner walls in proper

position to rest the support bars and protect the wall against
support bars.

Resting arm The mechanism fixed in the arch inner walls, which is
provided to rest the support bars on it during unloading


Chapter 3  Preparatory Work Before Construction 

3.1. Soil selection

One of the most important things to do before adopting the VSBK technology is to check its
technical feasibility in terms of the expected fired brick product quality. Unlike other brick-
making technologies, like FCK, MCBTK, Hoffman Kiln, etc, not all types of soils are suitable
in a VSBK technology firing system. Too sandy soils, as well as too clayey soils are not
suitable for VSBK and should be rejected. Soil containing high sand results in poor fired brick
strength (strength less than 50kg/cm2 is not acceptable for VSBK) and similarly soil with very
high level of clay content causes high shrinkage and results in cracking even during the green
brick making stage. Thus the soil quality must be checked before adopting the VSBK
To get an idea of which soils are suitable a detailed analysis needs to be done. The scope of
discussion of the same is not within the scope of this manual and can be obtained from our
website or from the established laboratories.

3.2. Brick kiln siting criteria

1. Brick kilns will be set up near rivers, streams, ponds etc.
2. No brick kilns will be licensed to be set up within a 3-km radius of any residential
area, government notified area, commercial area, city corporation, Municipality,
divisional towns, forest areas, village area and orchards.
3. A village residential area is defined by a habitation of more than 50 families.
4. An orchard is an area with a minimum of 50 fruit bearing or other trees.
5. No brick kilns will be set up within 3 km of national highway, hills, schools and
colleges, hospitals and clinics and research institutions.
6. No brick kilns will be permitted in the hill tracts of Rangamati, Khagrachari and
7. Brick kilns or green brick making will not be allowed in agricultural land.
8. Brick kilns will not use wood as a fuel for firing.
9. The coal used will be low in sulphur, ash and mercury.
10. A maximum of two acres is needed to set up a brick kiln.
11. Areas from where soil is excavated should be converted into fish cultivable
12. Soil for brick making cannot be taken from small hills or mountains. Soil should
be collected from unused ponds, streams, rivers, haors, or equivalent areas.

3.3. Site selection

During the preliminary selection of a VSBK site, some important criteria must be kept in
mind to ensure the best operation and business conditions.

Soil quality Quality of soil should be good for green-brick moulding and
for producing good-fired bricks
Drainage The land should have well-laid drainage systems.
Topography A hillock, elevated (sloping) land, or some high ground next
to the kiln should be ideally preferred in order to allow easy
access to the top of the kiln for loading green bricks. It
reduces the cost of construction of the ramp or a staircase.
Transportation Location should be such that minimum time and efforts are
required to transport raw material and finished products.
Water Sufficient quantity of water should be available for green-
brick moulding, drinking and other purposes.
Future expansion There should be enough space for future expansion.
Electricity Since, VSBK is a 24 hours operation system, it is imperative
to have provision for electricity. In order to prepare the best
quality bricks, pug mill is required for which a three-phase
electricity line is required.
Trees If possible, do not cut any tree where the proposed VSBK
will be constructed.

3.4. Design
For determining the design of a VSBK kiln, please refer to the VSBK Design Manual

Chapter 4  Construction Planning 

It is important to finish the designing of the shaft’s height and dimensions before initiating the
construction phase. This is based on the test results of green and fired bricks’ dimensions,
shrinkage, as well as the green-brick’s capacity on the loading platform (refer to VSBK
Design Manual for the complete design).
The construction planning activities of VSBK can be grouped into the following:

4.1. Site preparation and cleaning

While preparing the site, remove shrubs, bushes and all unwanted materials from the site. All
undulations should also be levelled. Keep sufficient clean space for the stacking of
constructional material. The excavated soil from the foundation should be kept aside for
future use. Arrangements of sufficient water should be also made for construction, curing,
moulding and general use. For storage and office space, construct two 15'x12' rooms. These
rooms should be carefully planned since they will be also used during the kiln operations and
the production stage.

4.2. VSBK layout procedure

While preparing the layout of VSBK, the orientation of the kiln should be such that the wind
and rain does not hamper daily production operations. The kiln should be oriented parallel to
the wind flow direction, i.e. the unloading tunnel should be across the wind direction to block
the direct flow of the wind through the unloading tunnel. For example, if the wind blows in
the north-south direction then the unloading tunnel should be made in the east-west direction.
The future expansion of the kiln also needs to be taken into consideration.
The layout procedure is listed below:
• Wind direction and future expansion.
• A Detailed set of drawing at site.
• Tools and equipment necessary for the layout.
• Proper access to the construction site.
First of all the site should be cleaned and levelled properly. The detailed measurements of the
VSBK must be made and permanently marked on brick masonry pillars.
These brick masonry pillars must be erected at least 1.5m away from the proposed VSBK
construction and should be treated with care to prevent any damage. Curing of the same needs
should be done properly with wet jute gunny bags.

Chapter 5  Foundation, Screw Shaft and I‐beam 

5.1. Excavation work for foundation and screw shaft

Excavation work for foundation and screw shaft
The foundation work requires special attention. The actual
size of the foundation always depends on the type and
quality of the existing soil where the VSBK is supposed to
be constructed.
In this VSBK construction manual, the VSBK design
foundation is based on the assumption of a soil bearing
capacity of 15 tons/m2.
The reference drawing is therefore not a standard that can be
followed for all situations. It is strongly recommended to
consult an experienced civil or a structural engineer for the
design of the VSBK foundation.

Where? Level: +/ 00    to ‐ 2000 


Bottom of Screw shaft foundation

Excavn. Bot. of VSBK Foundation-1680

• Remove the top-soil and preserve it for using it again for

How? agricultural purpose. Do not mix this top-soil with any
other soil.
• Start excavation work up to the level of 2000 mm. The
excavation needs to be made up to level – 1680 mm
where the screw shaft will be constructed.

• Dump the excavated soil at a far away place, outside the
kiln body, so that no soil falls back into the pit. The soil
depot should be positioned where it will not hamper the
access or the construction of the VSBK.

• No loose soil should remain on the foundation base,

which must be dry.
• The foundation base must be levelled and rammed
properly and the pit should be excavated vertically. If the
excavation is very deep or the soil is non-cohesive, the
excavated wall must have some gentle slope to avoid the
falling of the wall, but the excavated pit at the bottom
should not be less than that mentioned in the drawing.
• In case of the excavation base getting wet, remove all the
wet soil before starting the foundation soling work.
• In case of unexpected water logging or seepage, consult
a civil engineer and a water-proofing expert.

Do’s & Don’ts • Do not dig out big stone boulders, except where screw
shaft excavation has to be done. These boulders can be
used for soling purpose, as they provide a stable ground.
• Protect the excavated pit from any source of water, such
as rain, run-off water from a tap stand, water tank, road,
field etc.). It is essential to have a proper drainage
• Protect the excavated pit with whatever material is
around so that no one (especially children or animals)
falls into the pit.

Alternative • Mat foundation (Black cotton soil foundation)
ways • Pile foundation
• Rock foundation

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 40 - 50 labour days

time Estimated time required: 4 - 5 working days
Estimated time for excavator: 2 working days

For the VSBK excavation, it is recommended to have the

Special tools following additional tools at site:
ƒ Spade, crow bar, pick axe
ƒ Iron ramming tool
ƒ Excavators
ƒ Mechanical rammer (Monkey jumper)

Must For the foundation work, it is essential that the overall site
supervision in-charge/engineer is present at the site and supervises the
work personally.

5.2. Brick Work for Screw Shaft

Brick work for screw shaft 

Where? Level: ‐ 1680 to ‐ 200 

Base of Screw Mech. Supp. I-Beam


Top of p.c.c.(1:3:6)

Excavn. Bot. of VSBK




How? • Ensure that the excavation sides of the screw shaft is

solid and no loose parts are falling into the pit
• Clear all the loose soil at the screw-shaft base and
compact the soil properly.
• Provide a flat-brick soling layer and fill the joints with
cement mortar.
• Measure the centre of the screw shaft and mark it at the
base into the cement mortar.
• Measure the inside wall dimensions 285/285 (125x125
mm from the centre) and place a brick for wall footing.
• Construct the shaft wall with a cement mortar 1:4 brick
masonry, stretcher bonding up to level - 200
• Fill back the excavation with stone masonry, using a
cement mortar (1:6) or with brick masonry (1:6) upto
the bottom of the PCC level.

• Use only good quality bricks, since repairing
Quality the screw shaft wall can be very difficult.
• Use a cement mortar mixture of 1:4.
• Maximum permissible limit of vertical
deviation for the brick works up to - 200 - is
one to two mm.
• Ensure that all cement joints are smooth and
properly closed.
• The screw shaft brick work has to be made
water tight.
• If the water table is high in the screw shaft
excavated area, water proofing measures
should be taken to avoid water logging
inside the screw shaft.

Do’s & Don’ts • Do not make the back fill with stone/brick masonry too
soon. This will prevent damage to the screw shaft
masonry work.
• Cover the screw-shaft hole properly so that nothing falls
into the shaft and nobody gets hurt while stepping in it.
• Ensure proper curing of the brick masonry wall.

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 2 mason days
time Estimated time required: 0.5 working days

For the exact centering of the screw shafts, it is important

that the overall site in-charge/engineer is present and
supervision personally supervises the work at the site.

5.3. Brick Soling for Foundation

Brick on edge soling work for foundation  

Where? Level:  ‐ 2000 to ‐ 1625 



Top of Brick Soling


Excavn. Bot. of VSBK


• Level the foundation excavation and remove all loose

How? soil and wet parts of the foundation base.
• Measure the outline of the foundation and mark it with
pegs and strings.
• Place cut stones/boulders in CM 1:8 at the foundation
outline all around and level the top.
• Place strings from one corner to another to ensure the
correct height for soling.
• Start placing the soling stones/boulders in CM 1:8
vertically from one corner and work backwards to the
other corner.
• Hammer or wedge the small stones into all the gaps in
such a way that there is no movement of the big stones
existing and that it is as solid as rock.
• Fill the voids using well graded aggregate and sand.
Spread the sand on top of soling and sprinkle the water
so that the gaps between the boulders are filled
• Use plain concrete (1:3:6) for the soling around the
screw shaft


• The top of the soling must be horizontal, with a

Quality deviation of not more than 10 to 15 mm.
• The CM has to be inserted in all the gaps tightly.
• No movement of stones/boulders should be allowed.
• There should be no foreign material in the soling other
than stone and Cement mortar.
• Use only hard stones for soling, such as sand stones,
lime stones or granite.

Place as many big stones/boulders as possible in the area
where two I-beams rest. This will prevent settlement cracks
during the unloading of the fired bricks.

Do’s & Don’ts • Ram the stones and especially the cut stones very hard
with a steel ramming tool.

Alternative • If no stones are available, or if they are very expensive,

use over-burned bricks in CM 1:8, instead of a stone
ways masonry soling.

Although a stone masonry soling foundation, if done
properly, is stronger than brick-bat soling, using over-

burned brick bats is still a good option and does not
compromise on the quality required.

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 4-10 mason days

time Estimated time required: 2 working days

Special tools For stone soling work it is recommended to have

additionally the following tools at site:
ƒ Water level
ƒ Crow bar
ƒ 5-10 kg sledge hammer
ƒ Iron ramming tool

5.4. PCC (1:3:6) Work for Foundation

PCC (1:3:6) work for foundation 

Where? Level: ‐ 1625 to ‐ 1550 


Corner Reinforcement:
R.C.C. (1:2:4) with 12mm dia rod

Top of p.c.c.(1:3:6)

Excavn. Bot. of VSBK



How? • Wash and clean the top of the stone soling layer.
• Fix the string in the outer edges of soling in such a way
that the top of it is exactly at the same level with the top
measurement of the PCC layer. We can also make the
reference levelled patches of PCC at various spots,
which are exactly at the same level as the top of PCC
layer. Fill and compact the concrete properly. The
thickness of the concrete should be at least 75 mm.
• Cover it with jute sacks and ensure proper curing.
• Leave the concrete for at least a day. Place the next
cement masonry brick course, just after completing the
concrete work. This will ensure the best (fresh in fresh)
bond possible.


• The PCC mix ratio must not be less than 1:3:6

Quality • The PCC layer has to be properly levelled. The
specifications maximum allowable level deviation is 10 mm.
• The concrete should be properly compacted.
• The aggregate and sand for PCC should be properly
washed and free from any foreign material.
• The aggregate should be well graded and 40 mm down.

Do’s & Don’ts • Take special care for good curing. Cover the
plain concrete layer with wet gunny bags or
use pond curing.
• Do not allow the workers to walk on the
fresh concrete band for at least 24 hours.

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 4-5 mason days

time required Estimated time required: 1 working day

Must For the PCC layer construction work, it is extremely

important that the overall site in-charge/engineer is present
at the site and personally supervises the work.

5.5. Brick Masonry Work for Foundation

What? Brick masonry work for foundation 

Where? Level: ‐ 1550 to +/‐ 00 

Corner Reinforcement:
R.C.C. (1:2:4) with 12mm dia rod





Top of p.c.c.(1:3:6)

Excavn. Bot. of VSBK



How? • Clean the PCC layer surface.

• Fix 12 mm dia bar at the four corners and two at the
middle of the kiln for the wall reinforcement, which has
to be filled with the cement concrete (1:2:4). (Refer
drawings for details). The corner reinforcement has to
reach the top of the platform.
• Stretch the string on the construction pillars to measure
the outside wall (length and width) and define the exact
position of the brick work of the foundation (400 mm
distance from the outside wall line)
• Place one outer layer of brick in cement sand mortar on
PCC surface to create the 1st step of the step footing.
• Use the same string for the exact positioning of the next
step of step footing.
• Place one layer of bricks and start stepping from the
second layer up to the ground level. (Total stepping is
350 mm for six layers, i.e. to 70 mm per step)
• Leave the space open at level - 200 at the position
where the I–beams have to be installed and continue

with the brick masonry work up to level 000 (refer
drawing for size of open space)
• Make the soil back filling between the brick foundation
and the screw shaft up to level - 200 and compact

Quality • Follow all the rules of brick masonry work

specifications • Use only good quality of bricks.

• Use a cement mortar mixture of 1:6
• The maximum allowable level deviation is
±5 mm for the brick work
• Ensure that all joints are properly filled with
cement mortar.
• The reinforcement bars has to be fixed
properly to avoid movement.
The foundation brick masonry work must be properly cured.
Cover the fresh cement brick works so that direct sunshine
does not dry out the cement mortar, causing cracks.

Do’s & Don’ts • Soak the bricks for at least one hour in water before
• Use only good quality bricks for the foundation work

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 14-16 mason days
time required Estimated time required: 4 working days

Must For the foundation brick masonry work, it is important that

the overall site in-charge/engineer is present at the site to
supervision personally supervise and measures the exact dimensions of
the foundation.

5.6. Setting of Screw Mechanism Support I-beam

What? Setting of Screw mechanism support I ‐ Beam 

Where? Level: ‐ 208 to +/‐ 00 

Screw Mechanism Suport I-Beam:

Corner Reinforcement: ISMB: 200x100x6mm; L=2600mm
R.C.C. (1:2:4) with 12mm dia rod Grouted in Wall with CC 1:2:4

GL Detail
±00 1-1
Base of Screw Mech. Supp. I-Beam




Top of p.c.c.(1:3:6)

Excavn. Bot. of VSBK



How? • Clean the opening made during the foundation brick

work, where the I-beam has to be placed.
• Measure the exact position where the I-beam will be
fixed and check the height and level of the I-beam’s
• Make a layer of cement mortar 1:6 (total thickness of
the cement mortar level is defined by the actual
measured height).
• Use cement-rich PCC (1:2:3) layer below the base plate,
if the thickness of the cement mortar is above 20 mm.
• Place a clean steel plate (365x260x8mm) into the rich
cement mortar bed and press/hammer gently until well
embedded and levelled.
• Check the level of the individual plates, using spirit
level on both ways and check the level with the opposite
steel plate, using water level or any other level checking

• Place the I-beams on top of the steel plates and measure
the correct distance and position.
• Check with spirit level on both ways (length and width)
of both the I-beams and make adjustments with metal
washer, if necessary. (Place metal strips for levelling
• Fill in the gap around the I-beam with cement concrete
(1:2:4) up to level 000.
• Mark the centre of the shaft on top of the I-beams with
the help of the centre line thread stretched across on the
construction pillars (use hacksaw blades for permanent
• Complete the screw shaft cement brick masonry wall
along the long side of the I-beam, up to level 000.
• Place a cover on top of the screw shaft holes.

Quality • Good quality steel, as per ISMB standard.

specifications • Steel plate (365x260x8 mm) should be

straight and perfectly levelled.
• Total length of the I-beam (2600 mm) should
be straight.
• Allow a minimum of 250 mm of I-beam to
rest on both the walls.
• Use cement mortar mixture of 1:2 for the
steel plate bedding.

• Use a concrete mixture of 1:2:4 for gap
filling (grouting) around the I-beam and the
brick work for the screw shaft hole.
• The maximum allowable bending of I-beams
is ± 2 mm.
• The maximum allowable level deviation is ±
2 mm for the I-beam.
• Ensure that all the brick joints around the I-
beams are properly filled with cement
The I-beams support the total weight of the brick batches
while unloading the fired bricks. Therefore, the quality in
which the soling, brick foundation, steel plate placing and I-
beam fixing is made, matters a lot for the proper functioning
and the life span of the VSBK.

Do’s & Don’ts • Before use, put the steel plate into water for sometime
or store it in a place where direct sunshine cannot heat
it. The strength of the mortar will be considerably
reduced if a hot steel plate is placed into the mortar bed.
• Place a maximum of 20 mm cement mortar below the
steel plate to do away with any air pocket, while
pressing down. Ensure a proper cement setting for the
steel plate bedding. Place the steel plates into the mortar
bed in the late afternoon and place the I-beam only the
next morning.
• Use only straight and fresh beams and plates.

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 2 mason days

time required Estimated time required: 1 working day

Special tools For the steel plate and the I-beam setting, it is recommended
we use the following tools at the site:
ƒ Spirit and pipe level.
ƒ Hammer.
ƒ Hack saw blade.
ƒ Level instrument (if possible)

For the I-beam setting work, it is important that the overall

Must site in-charge/engineer is present at the site and supervises
supervision the work personally.

5.7. Soil Filling Work

Soil filling work 

Where? Level: ‐ 1550   to     + 00 

Screw Mechanism Suport I-Beam:

Corner Reinforcement: ISMB: 200x100x6mm; L=2600mm
R.C.C. (1:2:4) with 12mm dia rod Grouted in Wall with CC 1:2:4

GL Detail
±00 1-1
Base of Screw Mech. Supp. I-Beam




Top of p.c.c.(1:3:6)

Excavn. Bot. of VSBK



How? • First use the soil excavated from the foundation for back
• After finishing the foundation soil, transport soil from
an external source.
• Always keep the soil in horizontal layers of maximum
300 mm.
• Sprinkle water on each layer and compact the layer with
a steel ramming tool or mechanical compacting tool.

The soil filling work is an ongoing process and starts right
at the screw shaft level.
The main purpose of soil filling after arch level is to provide
insulation. Therefore, it is important that the filling is
properly compacted. During the rainy season, it is especially
important to avoid seepage of water into the back fill.

Quality Soil compaction should be done immediately so that no
footprints are be made when normally walking on it.
• A soil with approximate 10 per cent moisture is
best for compaction.

Do’s & Don’ts • Do not use water for compaction after arch base level.
• Do not use the top-soil for back filling work.
• Do not involve in back fill immediately after the cement
brick wall is made. Allow proper hardening of the
cement joints (approximately 36 hrs.) before back
filling work starts.
• While back filling, be careful that the dust of the soil
does not hamper the ongoing masonry work.
• Do not make the back fill more than 400 mm thick in
one go.

Special tools For the soil filling work, it is recommended to have the
following tools at site:
ƒ Iron ramming tool
ƒ Wheel barrow
ƒ Spade

Chapter 6  Kiln Superstructure 

6.1. Brick work up to first corbelling

What? Brick work up to first corbelling 

Where? Level: +/‐ 00     to + 250 

Bottom of Trolley Guide

& First Corbel Level
GL ±00

Top of p.c.c.(1:3:6)
Excavn. Bot. of VSBK


How? Clean the top of the brick masonry wall with a brush and
• Make cement brick masonry work up to level 250 on
the outside and inside walls.
• Check the level, diagonals and dimensions.

Quality • Follow all the rules of brick masonry work.
specifications • Use a cement sand mortar ratio of 1:6 for brick masonry
and cement concrete ratio of 1:2:4 for the corner
• The corner wall reinforcement for the corners has to be
• The out side walls are 350 mm thick, the inside walls
(tunnel walls) are 470 mm thick and the inner pocket
walls are 230 mm thick from level +/- 00 to level 250
and then to level 1885 i.e till the base of the arch.

The thickness of the walls depends upon the size of the
bricks. It might sometimes be a bit thinner or thicker.

Do’s & Don’ts • The maximum allowable level deviation is ± 5 mm for

the brick work.
• Soak the bricks for at least one hour in water before
• Use only good quality bricks.

Manpower and Brick work up to first corbelling:

time required Estimated manpower required: 4-6 mason days

Estimated time required: 1 working day

Must For the brick masonry work, it is advisable that the overall
site in-charge/engineer supervises the work regularly till the
supervision first corbelling,

6.2. Brick Work above First Corbelling

Brick work above first corbelling 
What? ‐ Setting of trolley guide 


Where? Level: + 250   to     + 1391 

Corner Reinfrcement:
R.C.C. (1:2:4) with 12mm dia rod Metal Holdfast / Anchor 100mm
Earth Filling
Detail 1 Brick Work in Super Structure:
Top of Trolley Guide 1st Class Brick Work in CM 1:6
Bottom of Trolley Guide
& First Corbel Level
Detail 2-2

Top of p.c.c.(1:3:6)
Excavn. Bot. of VSBK


How? • Clean the top of the brick masonry wall with brush and
• Measure and mark the exact position where the trolley
guide will be fixed.
• Make a 30-mm brick projection on both sides of the
tunnel walls and continue to construct the cement-brick
masonry walls, up to level 800 to 900. Leave a gap open
in the brick wall where the trolley guide will be fixed.
• Now place the trolley guide into these open gaps,
measure the exact position again (vertical and
horizontal) and fix them into the brick wall.
• Fill the backside gap of the trolley guides with cement
concrete 1:2:4. Ensure that anchors are properly fixed.
• Continue to construct the cement brick masonry wall up
to the level 1355
• Re-check the measurements

Quality • Quality of steel should be equivalent to IS standard.

specifications • Use a cement mortar mixture in the ratio of 1:6 for

brick masonry and cement concrete of 1:2:4 for the
corner reinforcements.
• The corner wall reinforcements have to be
• Dimensions of the trolley guide: 100x50x1105 mm
• Use a cement concrete mixture of 1:2:4 to fix the
trolley guides.
• The permissible limits for trolley guide measurement
deviation is a maximum of:
Horizontally 5 mm
Vertically 2 mm
• Check the dimensions for the trolley guide from the

The tunnel inside the walls is exposed to an extremely high
wear and tear due to the brick unloading operations.
Therefore, it is important that this part of the brick wall is
made with utmost care and with superior materials.

Do’s & Don’ts • Each trolley guide must be fixed separately.

Manpower and Setting the trolley guide:

time required Estimated manpower required: 2 mason days
Estimated time required: 1 working day

Cement brick masonry work:

Estimated manpower required: 14-20 mason days
Estimated time required: 2-3 working days

Special tools For setting up the trolley guide, it is recommended to have

the following additional tools at the site
• Spirit level and water level
• Plumb bob
• Measuring tape

Must For setting up of the trolley guide, it is imperative that the

overall site in-charge/engineer is present at site and
supervision personally supervises the work.

6.3. Setting of I-beam for Brick Supporting Bars

Setting of I‐beam for brick supporting bars 

Where? Level: + 1391   to     + 1599 

Corner Reinfrcement:
R.C.C. (1:2:4) with 12mm dia rod ISMB 200x100x6mm MS Base Plate
L=2600 mm Grouted 325x250x8mm
in wall with CC 1:2:4 Earth Filling
Top of I-Beam
Top of Steel Plate & Base of


Top of p.c.c.(1:3:6)
Excavn. Bot. of VSBK


How? • Measure the exact position where the I-beam will be

fixed and check the height and the level of the I-beam
• Clean the places where the steel plates will be fixed.
• Spread a layer of cement mortar (total thickness of the
cement mortar level is defined by the actual measured
height). Level any difference which is bigger than 20
mm with concrete 1:2:4.
• Place a clean steel plate (325x250x8 mm) into the
cement mortar bed and press/hammer gently until well
embedded and levelled.
• Check the level with all the opposite steel plates.
• Place the I-beams on top of the steel plates and measure
the correct distance and position.
• Measure from centre to centre of the I-beam and check
the correct dimensions, as well as the diagonals.

• Always check the position of the I-beams from the shaft
• Check the level (length and width) of all I-beams and
make adjustments, if necessary, using metal strips.
• Transfer the centre line, using the thread stretched
across the construction pillars and mark it permanently
in the I-beams, using hack saw blades.

Quality • Quality of steel should match the IS

• Steel plate: 325x250x8 mm
• The total length of the I-beam should be
2600 mm.
• Allow minimum I-beam resting of 315 mm
on both the walls.
• Use a cement mortar mixture of 1:2 for the
steel plate bedding.

• Use a concrete mixture of 1:2:4 for the gap
filling around the I-beam and the brick work
for the screw shaft hole.
• The maximum allowable bending of I-beams
is ± 2 mm.
• The maximum allowable level deviation of
I-beams is ± 2 mm.
• Ensure that all the brick joints around the
I-beams are properly filled with cement
• All four steel plates must be placed at the
same level.
• Hide the steel plates to approximately 45
mm (because of the 30mm corbelling) inside
the wall and cover the front with cement.
• Use a cement mortar mixture of 1:6 for brick
masonry and cement concrete 1:2:4 for the
corner reinforcements.
• The corner wall reinforcement should be
• Ensure that the brick masonry work is at the
exact level at 1363.

The I-beams support the total weight of the entire brick
batches during the firing process. Therefore, the quality of
the supporting wall, the steel plate placing and the I-beam
fixing should be of a superior quality for proper functioning
and for a better life span of the VSBK.

Do’s & Don’ts • Before using, put the steel plate in the water for some
time or store it in a place where direct sunshine does not
heat up the plate. (The strength of the mortar will be
considerably reduced, if a hot steel plate is placed into
the mortar bed).
• Place enough cement mortar (maximum of 20 mm)
below the steel plate to avoid any air pockets while
pressing down.
• Allow a proper cement setting for the steel plate
bedding. Put the steel plates into the mortar bed in the
late afternoon and place the I-beam the next morning.

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 3-4 mason days
time required Estimated time required: 1 working day

Special tools To set up the I-beams for brick supporting bars, it is

recommended to have the following additional tools at the
ƒ Spirit level
ƒ Water level
ƒ Measuring tape

Must To set up the I-beams, it is important that the overall site in-
charge/engineer is present at the site and personally
supervises the work.

6.4. Setting of C-Channel Support for Fixing the I-bar Resting Arm

Setting  of  C‐Channel  support  for  fixing  the  I‐Bar  resting 

What? arm 

Where? Level: + 1399   to     + 1599 

C-Channel 100x50x6mm
L=1100 mm
Earth Filling
Top of Resting Arm Detail 1


Top of p.c.c.(1:3:6)
Excavn. Bot. of VSBK

How? • Clean the top of the brick masonry wall with brush and
• Measure and mark the exact position where the I-bar
resting arm will be fixed to support the C-Channel.
• Now place the I-bar resting arm to support the C-
Channel vertically (100m x75mm x 5mm and 1000mm
long) into these open gaps. Measure the exact position
(vertical and horizontal) again and fix them into the
brick wall.
• Fill the backside gap of the I-bar resting arm, supporting
the C-Channel vertically with cement concrete 1:2:4 and
ensure that the anchors are properly fixed.
• Continue to construct the cement brick masonry wall up
to level 1860.
• Always check the position of the I-bar resting arm
supporting the C-Channel from the shaft centre and the
vertical level.
• Re-check the measurements.

Quality • Use good quality steel, as per the IS standard.

specifications • Use a cement mortar mixture of 1:6 for brick masonry

and cement concrete 1:2:4 for corner reinforcement.
• Dimensions of the I-bar resting arm supporting
C-Channel: 100x75x5 and 1000 mm long.
• Use a cement concrete mixture of 1:2:4 to fix the I-bar
resting arm that supports the C-Channel.
• The permissible limits for the I-bar resting arm that
supports the C-Channel measurement deviation is a
maximum of:
Horizontally 5 mm
Vertically 2 mm
• Check the dimensions for the I-bar resting arm
supporting the C-Channel from the centre only.

The tunnel’s inside walls are exposed to extremely high
wear and tear due to brick unloading operations. Therefore,
it is important that this part of the brick wall is made with
utmost care and good material.

Do’s & Don’ts • Each I-bar resting arm that supports the C-Channel
must be fixed separately.
• Each I-bar resting arm, supporting the C-Channel
should be straight and vertical in its right position, as
specified in the drawing.

Manpower and Setting up the I-bar resting arm, supporting the C-
time required
Estimated manpower required: 2 mason days
Estimated time required: 1 working day

Special tools For setting the I-bar resting arm, supporting the C-Channel,
it is recommended to have the following additional tools at
the site
• Spirit level and water level
• Plum bob
• Measuring tape

Must For the setting up of the I-bar resting arm, supporting the C-
channel, it is a must that the overall site in-charge/engineer
supervision is present at site and personally supervises the work.

6.5. Second Corbelling and Masonry Work Up to Skew Back Level for Arch

Second corbelling and brick masonry work up to 
What? skew back level for arch base. 

Where? Level: + 1391   to     + 1846 

Base of Arch
Center of Arch


Top of p.c.c.(1:3:6)
Excavn. Bot. of VSBK
-2000 775

How? • Fill in the gap around the I-beam with strong mortar and
bricks up to level 1599.
• Make a 30-mm brick projection (corbelling) on both the
sites of the tunnel walls at level 1391 and continue to
construct the cement brick masonry walls up to level
• Instead of ordinary clay bricks, use refractory bricks
between the I -beams up to level 2136.
• Around level 1747, leave a gap open in the brick wall to
place the girder key.
• Make a two- brick long bonding between the refractory
bricks and the ordinary red bricks, especially in the area
where the C-Channel will be set later.

A brick projection of 30 mm must be made to ensure the
exact dimension of the shaft length. However, the projection
of 30 mm is only approximate. The exact dimension must be
measured from the shaft centre and might therefore, be less
or more than 30 mm. However, ensure that the projection
dimensions on both the sides are equal.

Quality • Use IS 8 refractory bricks for the corbelling of the

distance between the brick supporting I-beams.
• Use refractory mortar for the refractory brick works only.
• Use a cement mortar mixture of 1:6 for brick masonry, a
cement mortar mixture of 1:4 to fill in the gaps around
the I-beam and cement concrete 1:2:4 for the corner
• The corner wall reinforcements have to be continued.
• Adjust (measure from the centre) the corbelling distance
between the two tunnel-wall sites in such a way so as to
get the exact measurements of the shaft (1970).
• Ensure that the walls are levelled at 1810, especially
where the skew back work for the arch construction will

Do’s & Don’ts • For all shaft-related measurements use the centre of the
shaft as the reference point.

• Use good quality extruded or over burned bricks and
ways use refractory brick mortar for the joints instead of
refractory bricks.

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 8-10 mason days

time required Estimated time required: 2-3 working days

For the second corbelling work, it is important that the

overall site in-charge/engineer is present at the site to
supervision measure the correct corbelling dimensions and to supervise

6.6. Setting of Girder Key Support

What? Setting of girder key support 

Where? Level: + 1731 base of Girder key 

Support Plate:
Corner Reinfrcement: MS Plate 500x400X8mm
R.C.C. (1:2:4) with 12mm dia rod with holdfast & grouted
in wall with C.C. (1:2:4) Earth Filling
MS Rod
400mm long x 32mm
dia grouted in wall
10mm raised
Base of Girder Key with C.C. (1:2:4)
Support +1731


Top of p.c.c.(1:3:6)
Excavn. Bot. of VSBK
-2000 775

How? • Measure the exact position of the girder key support

plate, while constructing the brick wall from level 1391
to level 1846.
• The girder key support and MS plate should be
fabricated and welded properly before installing on
walls. It is important to maintain the slope of the girder
key support iron rod with respect to the MS plate, as
mentioned in the drawing.
• Place the girder key support iron rods and the plate
together at the exact position, as mentioned in the
drawing with PCC (1:2:4) to grout the girder key
support and plate.

• The iron rod, 32 mm in diameter and 400 mm in length
must be placed in such a way that 250 mm rests inside
specifications the brick wall and 150 mm sticks out of the wall.
• Use PCC (1:2:4) to grout the girder support key and
• Ensure that all girder key supports are set exactly at the
same level.
• The slope of the girder key support iron rod with respect
to the MS plate should be 10 mm, as mentioned in the

During the unloading of the bricks the girder is lifted
manually to create a gap for taking out the brick support
The trolley is lifted from beneath to unload and bring down
the last batch. The girder bears the entire brick stack load till
the trolley is able to carry the load of the bricks.
It is therefore very important that the girder key is properly
placed and fixed so that no accidental release of the entire
brick stack takes place.

Do’s & Don’ts • Make a minimal slope of 10 mm for the girder key. This
slope or tilting allows a relatively easy lifting of the
girder and is enough to prevent the girder support bar
from slipping out.

• Weld a 25x25x5 mm & 200 mm long MS angle at the
end of the girder support key iron rod inside the PCC
(refer to detailed construction drawing).

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 2 mason day

time Estimated time required: 1 working day

6.7. Setting of C-Channel

  Setting of C ‐ Channel 

Where? Level: + 2003  to  2136 

C-Channel 125*65*6 mm
Corner Reinfrcement: MS Base Plate L=2570 mm grouted in wall
R.C.C. (1:2:4) with 12mm dia rod 280x260x8mm with C.C. (1:2:4) Earth Filling
Top of C-Channel
Base of C-chanel + 2011 +2136

Base of C-chanel plate + 2003


Top of p.c.c.(1:3:6)
Excavn. Bot. of VSBK
-2000 775

How? • Continue with one line refractory brick masonry work

from level 1391 to level 2003 where the C-Channel will
be placed.
• Use a header at the very first layer of the refractory
bricks at the beginning of 2nd corbelling between the C-
• Measure the exact position of the C-Channel (centre
• Clean the places where the steel plates will be fixed.
• Place a layer of cement mortar (total thickness of the
cement mortar level is defined by the actual measured
• Place a clean steel plate (300x250x8 mm) into the
cement mortar bed and press/hammer gently until it is
well embedded and levelled.

• Check the level with all the opposite steel plates.
• Place the C-Channels on top of the steel plates and
measure the correct distance and position.
• Check the level both way (length and width) of all C-
Channels and make adjustments if necessary. (Place
metal strips for levelling adjustments.)
• Continue with the refractory brick work up to level
• As the C-Channel is fixed, grout it with cement concrete
in the ratio of 1:2:4.

Quality • Use quality steel, as per the IS standards.

specifications • Ensure that both the plate, as well as the C-Channel are

• The maximum bending of C-Channels allowed is ± 2
• Steel plate: 300x250x8 mm
• Total length of the C-Channel should be 2600 mm.
• The height of the C-Channel should be 125 mm, with a
width of 65 mm and a thickness of 6 mm.
• Allow a minimum of 315 mm of the channel to rest on
both the walls.
• Use a cement mortar mixture of 1:2 for the steel plate
• Use IS 8 refractory bricks and refractory mortar for
filling the gap around the C–Channel.
• The maximum allowable level deviation is ± 2 mm.
• All four steel plates must be exactly at the same level.
• Hide approximately 75 mm of the steel plate inside the
wall and cover the front with refractory brick mortar.
• Ensure a two-brick bonding between the ordinary and
the refractory bricks.

The C-Channels are carrying the total weight of the entire
shaft’s wall, including the chimneys Therefore, the quality
of the supporting wall, the steel-plate placing and the C-
Channel should be extremely good to ensure proper
functioning and for an increased lifespan of the VSBK.

Do’s & Don’ts • Before use, put the steel plate in water for some time or
store it in a cool place. The strength of the mortar is
considerably reduced if a hot steel plate is placed on the
mortar bed.
• Place enough cement mortar below the steel plate to
avoid any air pockets while pressing down.
• Ensure proper cement setting for the steel plate bedding.
Place the steel plates into the mortar bed in the late
afternoon and place the C-Channels only the next
• Avoid any bonding between the ordinary and the
refractory bricks exactly below the C-Channel position.
Therefore, extend the refractory brick masonry work at
least 500 mm towards the girder key from level 1538.

Manpower and Masonry work
time required Estimated manpower required: 8-10 mason days
Estimated time required: 2 working days

C-Channel setting
Estimated manpower required: 2 masons days
Estimated time required: 1 working day

Special tools For C–Channel setting, the following additional tools are
required at the site:
• Spirit level
• Water level
• Plum bob
• Thread
• Measuring tape

Must For the setting of the C–Channel, it is a must that the overall
supervision site in-charge/engineer is present at the site and personally
supervises the work.

6.8. Arch Construction

What? Brick masonry arch  

Where?  Level: + 1846    to     + 2866 

Top of Arch +2866

Earth Filling
Top of C-Channel 209
Base of Arch +2136
Center of Arch


Top of p.c.c.(1:3:6)
Excavn. Bot. of VSBK
-2000 775

How? 6.8.1 Skew back casting for arch base

• Clean the top of the brick masonry wall for casting the
arch base on it.
• Fix the outer and the inner timber plank for shuttering in
such a way that the its top is exactly at the required
shape and level with the top measurement of the arch
• Strengthen the Skew back shuttering in such a way that
no bulging takes place while concreting.
• Clean the wall top and the shuttering with water and
place the concrete into it. Compact the concrete
properly. Use vibrator for the compaction if possible.

• Allow the arch base PCC for curing for at least two
days, using wet jute bags.
• Take out the shuttering before starting the arch work.

6.8.2 Arch mould preparation

• Clean, level and compact the soil between the two arch
supporting walls.
• Make three stacks of dry red double bricks up to level
1860. (One along each wall and one in the centre).
• Place 25 mm thick wooden planks at level 1860 on top
of the stacked bricks.
• Mark the centre of the arch (level 1409) and
define/mark the inside height (level 2503) with a string.

• Option 1:
• Pile up bricks in a honeycomb pattern according to
the inside height marked with the string.
• Finish the arch mould with mud until a smooth
surface has been achieved.

• Check the stability of the entire arch mould and
especially the dry brick piles at the base.

• Option 2:
• Prepare a wooden arch mould as per the drawing
• Install the arch mould on the brick stack as
mentioned above and level it perfectly.
• Check the stability of the entire arch mould.

6.8.3 Arch construction

• Clean the PCC arch base thoroughly and ensure that no
mud is sticking on it.
• Use quality bricks (number one bricks) after soaking
them in water.
• Place the bricks on both sides of the arch and start from
the front side of the arch.
• Use the “to arch centre-line” method (extended by a

Quality • Use a cement mortar mixture of 1:4 for the arch

• Cement mortar joints should be a maximum of 8-15
• Use only the best possible quality bricks (number one
• Thickness of the arch masonry is 300 mm (230+10+60

Alternative • Use of a wooden or a ply wood mould.
ways • Use of a metal mould.

Do’s & Don’ts • Do not walk on the arch before 24 hrs.

• Take special care for good curing.
• Make the arch construction in one go i.e. finish it on the
same day.

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 28-30 mason days

time required Estimated time required: 7-8 working days

Must For the arch construction, it important that the overall site
supervision in-charge/engineer is present at the site and personally
supervises the work at site.

6.9. Outer Brick Wall

Outer brick wall construction 

Where? Level: +/‐ 00     to   + 6020 

How? • Construct 350 mm outer walls and 230 mm inner walls

in English bond with cement brick masonry wall in
cement mortar 1:6 as per the drawing.
• Construct the outer kiln brick masonry wall and
buttresses wall simultaneously with the inner kiln walls
using a cement mortar ratio of 1: 6.

• Use a cement mortar mixture in a ratio of 1:6 for brick

Quality masonry and cement concrete in a ratio of 1:2:4 for
specifications corner reinforcements.
• The corner wall reinforcements have to be continued.
• Minimise cement joints to 10-12 mm.

• Provide smooth outside cement joints, similar to the
• Allow a maximum horizontal level deviation of 10-15
mm around the kiln.
• Allow only a maximum vertical line deviation of 10 mm
from level 000 to the loading platform,
• Ensure proper bonding, in accordance with the masonry
• Follow the general rules and regulations for cement
brick masonry work
• Allow no exception to these rules.

• Clean the top of the cement brick masonry walls before

Do’s & Don’ts
starting in the morning. No new course of bricks should
be allowed on top of dry, loose sand/cement that
remains on top of the brick wall.
• Take special care for good curing. Cover the top of the
walls with wet gunny bags.
• Do not allow the workers to walk on a newly
constructed cement masonry walls for at least 24 hours.

Manpower and Since the construction of the outer VSBK brick wall is
being made simultaneously with the inner kiln walls, the
time required required manpower and time is mentioned under the
respective chapters.

Must For the cement masonry brick work, it is important that the
overall site in-charge/engineer ensures that the masons
supervision follow the best masonry practices.

6.10. Tie Beam and Corner Wall Reinforcement

Tie‐beam and corner wall reinforcement construction 

Where? Tie Beam base Levels: + 3235, 5870, 6970 

How? • Clean the top of the brick masonry wall and check the
height and levels for the positioning of the tie beam.
• Cut the steel bars and stir ups, as per the drawing and
bend the bar accordingly.

• Place the steel reinforcements on the top of brick
masonry wall and fix the stir ups and steel as per the
• Fix the outer timber plank (outside beam shuttering) in
such a way that the top of it is exactly at level with the
top measurement of the tie beam.
• Maintain the minimum cover of 20 mm all around for
the reinforcements.
• Strengthen the entire beam shuttering in such a way that
no bulging takes place while concreting the band.
• Clean the beam shuttering with water and place the
concrete into the beam shuttering. Compact the concrete

General rule for VSBK Tie – Beam positioning

The tie beams (concrete bands) in the outer walls should not be more than 1500 mm apart
(vertically). The first band above the tunnel arch should be within 750 mm in height, above
the tunnel crest.

• Use a concrete mixture of 1:2:4.

• Ensure a correct top level with maximum allowable
specifications level deviation of ± 10 mm.
• The concrete band should not be less than 350x150 mm
(as per drawing).
• Follow the drawing for the tie beam reinforcement

Do’s & Don’ts • Cure the concrete properly. Cover the concrete band
with wet gunny bags.
• Do not allow the workers to walk on the fresh concrete
band for at least 24 hours.
• Use a vibrator machine for the proper compacting of the

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 8-10 mason days

time required Estimated time required: 2-3 working days

Must For the tie beam placing and construction work, it is

important that the overall site in-charge/engineer is present
supervision at the site and personally supervises the work.

Chapter 7  VSBK Shaft and Related Fixtures 

7.1. Refractory brick shaft construction


What? Refractory brick shaft construction 

Where? Level: + 2136     to   + 8418 

Top Of Refractory Shaft Level


Flue-duct in Chimney
Top of 3rd R.C.C.
Tiebeam & Platform Level

IS-8 (local name: HA)

Refractory Brick
Lining with ref. mortar Alternate Header course
after every 4 Strecher course

390mm th Shaft Exterior Masonry:

1st Class Brick Work in Lime-Surkhi Mortar


How? • Make good and strong scaffolding between the C-
• Clean the C–Channel and check the level.
• Mark the centre of the shaft on the C-Channels as well
as on the side of the shaft with the help of centre line
marks on the I-beams.
• Always use the centre of the shaft as the reference point
for the shaft measurements.
• Make three layers of dry refractory bricks; establish
proper bonding and measure the dimensions of the cut
bricks required.
• Prepare the cut bricks and make them available at the
site before starting shaft construction.
• Remove the three dry brick layers and clean the C-
• Make all the four corners and place the refractory bricks
with mortar.
• Check the level, plumb line (verticality) and the
distance of the four corners (from the shaft centre line)
and adjust to the correct shaft measurements.
• Tie a string on the inside of the brick line and place the
refractory bricks for one layer.
• Place the cut bricks and clean the brick layer
• Check the level and the diagonal measurements of the
• After five layers of refractory lining, build a 470 mm
thick brick wall with the ordinary red bricks in Lime
surkhi (1:4) mortar.
• Repeat the last six steps and construct the VSBK shaft
up to lower flue duct (6398).

Quality • Basically observe all the rules for refractory
specifications brick masonry work.
• Use the IS 8 refractory brick quality for the
VSBK shaft construction.
• Use refractory mortar IS 8 for the refractory
brick masonry work and Lime surkhi (1:4)
mortar for the outer side brick work.
• The total thickness of the VSBK shaft is 470
mm, whereas only the inner part (110 mm)
of the shaft is lined with refractory bricks.
• The bonding pattern established is a 4-
stretcher 1-header course with a ½ brick
• The maximum size of any joint is 3 mm for
the refractory brick masonry.
• The Allowed measurement deviation is as
• Vertically: per meter = ± 2 mm
• Diagonal : ± 2 mm
• Use only the machine-cut refractory brick

Refractory brick mortar binding quality specifications:

How to test:

a. Place the RB mortar at the RB header, press it together properly (with a maximum 3 mm joint).
Immediately hold the RB at one end only, lift it up horizontally, so that the total weight of the other
brick is glued to the RB mortar. If it can withstand this weight, then the binding properties of the RB
mortar is all right.
b. Place the RB mortar on top of three RBs, press them together (with a maximum 3 mm joint).
Immediately lift them up, holding only the top RB so that the total weight of the lower two RBs are
glued to the RB mortar of the top RB. If it can withstand this weight, then the binding properties of the
RB mortar is all right.
c. Apply the refractory mortar on the tip of the RB (smallest area) and press another RB on it. Leave the
RBs for at least 15 minutes. Then lift the RBs, holding one end of the upper RB and rotating it slowly.
If the bricks remain intact, then the refractory mortar is OK (see picture).

Do’s & Don’ts • Do not mix different refractory brick sizes or qualities.
• Use only the refractory mortar that is supplied from the
RB factory.
• Clean each course with a brush or cloth before placing
the refractory mortar. This will enhance the binding of
the bricks.
• Use the good face of the refractory brick for the outside
part and any damaged face for the inside of the wall.
• Do not compromise on the use of RB for the VSBK
shaft lining. Compromising with other materials such as
extruded fired bricks would lead to:
• High wear and tear
• High heat loss
• Dimension problems
• Shrinkage/cracks
• Over burning/brick melting etc.

• Do not soak RB before use. Do not use water for
• Once set, do not move the RB, otherwise the binding
quality will be reduced.

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 90-100 mason days

time Estimated time required: 25 working days

Special tools For the VSBK shaft construction, it is recommended to have

the following additional tools, at the site:
ƒ Rubber hammer
ƒ Aluminum lag
ƒ Angle scale
ƒ Spirit level
ƒ Steel brush
ƒ Measuring tape

Must For the construction of the VSBK shaft work, it is important

that the overall site in-charge/engineer is regularly present
and personally supervises the work at the site.

Special notice:
The shaft construction requires special masonry skills. It is of paramount importance
that the rules and regulations for refractory brick masonry work are followed.

7.2. Peep-hole Pipe Setting and Monitoring Platform

Peep‐hole pipe setting and monitoring platform 

Where? Level: 3696, 4132, 4628, 5124, 5620, 6116, 6612 

7th Peephole Level Centre


6th Peephole Level Centre


5th Peephole Level Centre


4th Peephole Level Centre


3rd Peephole Level Centre


2nd Peephole Level Centre


1St Peephole Level Centre



Top of p.c.c.(1:3:6)
Excavn. Bot. of VSBK
-2000 775

How? • Place a 40 mm nominal bore MS pipe horizontally at

the exact defined level of the shaft.
• Place the peep-hole pipes exactly where the peep-hole
pipe openings are created for each batch.
• The steel pipe should rest on both the walls, the outer
kiln wall (350 mm) and the VSBK shaft wall (470 mm)

Quality • Keep the pipe approximately 35 mm recessed inside the
refractory brick, to prevent any disruption due to brick
batch movement.
• The pipe should be kept approximately 300 mm outside
the outer kiln wall.
• The pipe must be placed straight and at a uniform level,
free from the inside defects that may hamper a clear and
through view.

Do’s & Don’ts • Do not use very small or very big peep-hole pipes. Pipes
that are too small may not allow proper view and very
big-peep hole pipes may be a source of heat loss.
• To avoid any heat loss, keep the outer ends of the peep-
hole pipes closed with plugs, when not in use.
• Close the gaps around the peep-hole pipes properly,
especially at the refractory brick masonry part to
minimise heat loss.
• Have a minimum of five peep-hole pipes, even when
not being used in the beginning. It might be handy to
have them in place to meet further technology
development, especially fire control mechanisms.

Alternative To prevent the peep-hole pipes from bending down (late soil
setting) join all of them with a vertical pipe (instead of
ways making a dry brick pillar)

For five peep-hole pipes

Manpower and
Estimated manpower required: 2 mason days
Estimated time required: 2 working days

Must For the setting of the first peep-hole pipe, it is important that
the overall site in-charge/engineer is present at the site and
supervision personally supervises the work.

7.3. Flue Duct System

Flue duct system construction 

Where? Level: + 7095     to   + 8340 

A. Lower flue duct
• After completing the last refractory header course,
clean the shaft walls.
• Place a layer of refractory bricks horizontally to
create a total of four equal-sized flue exit holes on
the short side and eight equal-sized flue exit holes
on the long shaft side of the shaft.
• Place the second, third and the fourth refractory-
brick layers exactly on top of the first layer.
• Build up 240 mm backside of these four layers with
the ordinary red bricks in lime surkhi mortar.
• The fifth refractory-brick layer is a continuous
stretcher, vertically placed and facing the inside of
the shaft. This layer bridges the gaps of the four
lower refractory layers.
• A layer of refractory or red bricks are placed in lime
surkhi mortar on the backside, forming a tunnel of
140x110 mm, leaving a distance of 140 mm on the
backside of the previously mentioned continuous,
vertically stretcher course.
• The next course of refractory bricks, laid
horizontally, and facing the inner shaft is used to
close and cover this tunnel.
• On the backside, a layer of red bricks is placed so
that the top of this course is completed and is at

B. Upper flue duct.

• Place six new courses on top of the last course
+6906 up to level +7529 of the refractory bricks in
the same way as below the lower flue duct. (Every
fifth course must be a header).

The top of the sixth course of the first flue duct is the base for the lower flue gas damper.
Both the damper frames are placed in chimney construction.
The upper flue gas damper is placed on top of the sixth course of the second flue duct.
Please follow the instructions given with the drawings and construct it with the help of an
expert VSBK engineer.  

Quality • Make the flue gas ducts as smooth as possible to avoid
any flue gas turbulences.
• Clean the flue gas ducts after completion.
• Use lime mortar for the backside red brick masonry

Do’s & Don’ts • Do not make flue duct tunnels smaller than 100 mm.

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 12-16 mason days

time required Estimated time required: 2-3 working days

Must For the lower and upper flue duct construction work, it is
supervision important that the overall site in-charge/engineer is present
at the site and personally supervises the work.

Chapter 8  Loading Platform 

8.1. Shaft Top Construction

Shaft top construction 

Where? Level: + 8418     to   + 8500 

Top Of Refractory Shaft Level


Flue-duct in Chimney
Top of 3rd R.C.C.
Tiebeam & Platform Level

• Clean the top of the masonry brick wall.
• Fix a timber plank on the inside and the outside of the
shaft wall and level it.
• Make a steel reinforcement (3 pc 10 mm steel bars) and
place it on top of the brick wall and cast it with a 50
mm-thick cement concrete (1:2:4).
• Provide a cement slurry finish on top of the concrete.
• Plaster the outside of the shaft with mud mortar.

• Use cement concrete mix for the top part of the shaft.
• Make the shaft’s top size 470x50 mm.
• Provide good curing, place a wet gunny bag on top of
the cement concrete work.

Do’s & Don’ts • Break the corners of the shaft top or make then
reasonable round.
• Avoid any cement slurry flows into the inside of the
shaft, clean it immediately.
• Do not make cement plaster at the outside of the shaft;
mud mortar is much easier to repair.

Alternative • Stone slates

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 2-3 masons days

time Estimated time required: One working day

8.2. Loading Platform

Loading platform construction 

Where? Level: + 6970     to   + 7070 

How? • Fill up with insulation materials and compact it to make

a plain surface, one inch below the brick masonry walls.
• Place fired brick soling with flat bricks over insulation

• Erect form work for platform projection over buttress
wall all around the kiln. Leave space for a conveyer and
the stairs.
• Erect steel for the RCC platform; tie the top beam and
roof columns as per the drawing.
• Make an outward slope in brick soling for easy drainage
of rain water.
• Place form work as per the requirements.
• Concreting of 1:2:4, keeping a proper cover and
thickness of 100 mm.
• Ensure proper ramming and out ward slope with a roof
column vertical alignment, as well as spacing with
respect to a roof truss position.
• Allow concrete to set and gain strength for at least 14
• Leave the steel bars all around the edge for parapet
masonry anchoring.
• Leave the reinforcement for chimney cone grouting.

Quality • The sand and coarse aggregate used should be clear

specifications from dirt, dust and any impurity.
• Steel bars should not be rusted and should be as per
country specifications.
• Any older stock of cement should be avoided.
• Keep cover, spacing and binding as per drawing.
• Adequate vapour release holes should be provided in
the outer masonry wall, just below the RCC loading

• Reinforcements should be provided, as per specified in
the drawing.

Do’s & Don’ts • Do not use dirty sand and grit, as well as impure water
in concrete.
• Do not walk over newly-laid concrete.
• Curing should be done for at least 10 days
• Do not remove form work before 14 days.
• No reinforcements should be visible on the outside after
• Do not use rusted reinforcements.

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 4-5 masons days

time Estimated labour required: 25-30 man days
Estimated time required: 3-4 working days

Must During RCC loading platform construction, the site in

supervision charge/civil engineer must be present at the site to supervise
the soling, formwork reinforcements, erection and
concreting work.

8.3. Guard Walls

Loading platform guard wall construction

Where? Level: + 7070     to   + 7820 

How? • Clean the loading platform and mark the position of the
guard wall (parapet wall), leaving 50 mm space all
around from the outer edge.
• The masonry wall’s thickness should be at least half a
brick thick (110 mm) with 1:4 cement mortar.
• Mark each 2 m distance of the guard wall, including the
four corners, keeping the brick masonry pillar one brick
thick (230 mm) and reinforcing it with steel upto the
shaft’s height above the platform.
• Provide a 50 mm top coping in 1:2:4 cement concrete
with two 6 mm parallel bars. The distance between the
two bars should be 30 mm.
• Anchor all platform bars inside the parapet masonry.

Quality • Use good quality bricks and avoid dirt, dust and any
specifications impurities in the sand and water.
• Use 1:4 cement mortar.
• Curing is required continuously for at least seven days.
• All the platform bars should extended up to the top of
the parapet wall.
• Water-soaked bricks should be used in masonry.

Do’s & Don’ts • Do not use soil, which is mixed with sand.
• Do not stress the wall by putting force during the curing
• Mortar joint should not be more than 15 mm.
• Do not use dry fired bricks.
• Do not use different-sized bricks. This affects the
quality of construction.

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 2-3 mason days

time Estimated time required: 2-3 working days

Chapter 9  Exhaust System 

9.1. Mangal gate and damper system

Mangal gate and dampers construction 

Where? Level: +7482, + 10350 to + 10700 

How? Mangal gate

• Mangal gate is an opening for the cleaning of the
chimney base. It is positioned just one course below
the lower damper course.
• Place the Mangal gate pipes horizontally into each of
the chimney masonry work.
• Continue with the chimney wall construction and
ensure that the pipes for the Mangal gate frame inside
the chimney are well and smoothly covered with lime


Lower damper
• The damper frame for the lower flue gas is positioned
just one course below the upper flue duct base.
• Place the damper frame for the lower flue gas vertically
into the chimney masonry work.
• Continue with the chimney wall construction and
ensure that the damper frame is well and smoothly
covered with lime mortar inside the chimney.

Upper damper
• Place the damper frame for the upper flue gas vertically
at the base course of the upper flue duct, at
approximately 150 mm distance to the chimney inlet.
• Ensure that the upper damper frame is placed well
inside the masonry wall and does not obstruct the
smooth flow of the hot gases.
• Close all gaps around the damper frame with lime
• The flue duct cross section should increase towards the
chimney inlet from the damper onwards. This is made
by cutting the backside placed red bricks to the same
size as that of the chimney’s outside wall brick

Quality • Ensure that there are no gaps around the damper frames,
Mangal gates and that they are firmly fixed so that they
specifications don’t fall out during operations.
• Check the damper frame to ensure that no lime mortar or
other material is blocking the passage of the damper.

Do’s & Don’ts • Do not place the damper without a frame. A damper
without a frame cannot control the air flow.
• Do have all the damper frames ready while starting the
first flue duct.

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 2 mason days

time Estimated time required: One working day

Must For the damper frame setting work, it is important that the
overall site in-charge/engineer is present at the site and
personally supervises the work.

9.2. Chimney Construction

Chimney construction 

Where? Level: + 8500     to   + 13000 

How? • The chimney’s inner dimensions (215x405 mm) need to

be constructed above the shaft top, at the two selected
chimney corners.
• Construct the chimney simultaneously with a flue duct
• Make a 110 mm thick brick masonry work with lime
surkhi (1:4) work, according to the defined chimney
measurements, as given in the designs.
• Provide a 50 mm thick RCC band on every interval of
600 mm for the stability of the chimney.
• Tie all the four chimneys at the top with the MS angle.
It will also give support to the individuals chimneys
from the RCC column.

• Provide a hole on each chimney for the environmental
monitoring purpose.

Quality • Two chimneys per shaft.

specifications • The internal cross section should be 215x405 mm.
• Use only good-quality bricks.
• Use lime surkhi (1:4) mortar (also add 2 –3 per cent of
cement) for the joints.

• The concrete band should not be exposed to the flue gas
inside the chimney.
• Ensure a smooth inside surface of the chimney.
• Ensure proper ½ brick bonding
• Allow a maximum vertical deviation of 1 mm per metre
of the chimney’s height.
• A total height of a brick masonry chimney should be at
least 4.5 m higher than the shaft top.

Do’s & Don’ts • Keeps the brick frog facing the outside of the chimney
• Make a thin lime surkhi mortar joint, a maximum of 10
to 12 mm.
• The top of the chimney must remain open. No chimney
hat must be allowed to be constructed, as it could
hamper the air flow with the existing low draft.

Alternative • Single chimney

ways • Metal chimney

• Concrete Hume pipe chimney
• Stone ware glazed pipes

Manpower and For four chimneys

time Estimated manpower required: 2-14 mason days
Estimated time required: 3-4 working days

Chapter 10  Roof Construction 

Roof construction 

Where? Level of column top: 9813 

How? Note:
A roof is required to protect the workers from sunshine and
rainfall and is very essential in tropical climates.

A roof also protects the VSBK platform so that no water can

penetrate into the shaft and insulation material, causing a
serious damage to the VSBK.

There are many types of roof and the main criteria are not
the material, but the proper roof anchorage systems,
avoiding costly damages during heavy winds and even

In this construction manual, a very common type of roof has

been designed. The design ensures the principles of an open
platform so that the working environment for the workers
loading the bricks is safe and poses no health hazards.

Quality • Ensure that the concrete pillars are well connected to the
top tie beam.
• Steel bars should stick out of the roof support ring beam
in order to properly weld and tie the roof trusses.
• A roof monitor with a minimum gap of 700 mm,
ensuring proper roof top ventilation must be
• The roofing material must be properly fixed to the

Do’s & Don’ts • Do not use roofing materials such as straw that catches
fire easily.
• In case of damage, repair the roof immediately.
• Do not close the platform walls.
• Provide the wall opening a protection from horizontal
• Make the roof overhang as big as possible to protect
the platform and the kiln body

Alternative • Bamboo sheet roofing

ways • MCR tile roof

• Wooden truss

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 20 mason days

time Estimated time required: 5 working days

Must For the roof construction work it is important that the

overall site in-charge/engineer is regularly present for

Chapter 11  Access to Kiln Platform 

Stair and Conveyor Belt 


How? Note:
A ramp or a staircase is required to access the platform and
to transport the green bricks up to the loading platform.
There are many ramp designs possible and one should
always look out for a place where a high ground is adjacent
to the kiln in order to save the construction cost of the ramp.
In this construction manual a very common type of staircase
and ramp has been designed. Basically all previous
mentioned principles for foundation and masonry work also
apply for the construction of the staircase. Therefore, no
detailed construction process is mentioned in this chapter.
The construction of the staircase should start preferably
once the VSBK arch construction is complete. The staircase
must be completed and should be in a usable condition
when the VSBK construction reaches the platform level.

Alternative • Metal stair case

ways • Earthen or concrete ramp

• Removable dry green brick ramp
• Removable bamboo ramp
• Removable timber ramp

Manpower and Estimated manpower required: 60-80 labour days

time 25-30 mason days
Estimated time required: 8-10 working days

Must For the staircase or ramp construction work, it is important

that the overall site in-charge/engineer is regularly present
for supervision, especially during the construction of the
foundation and the arches.

Practical Action
House 12/B, Road 4, Dhanmondi
Dhaka 1205, BANGLADESH

Development Alternatives
B-32, TARA Crescent, Qutab Institutional Area
New Delhi 110 016, INDIA

Vadianstrasse 42
CH-9000, St. Gallen, SWITZERLAND

Technology and Action for Rural Advancement

B-32, TARA Crescent, Qutab Institutional Area
New Delhi 110 016, INDIA


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