Open RAN ORAN Seminar Report

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Open RAN



Open RAN


1. Introduction 3

2. Motivations 4

3. Objectives 6

4. Requirements 6

4.1 Architectural Requirements 7

4.2 Operator Requirements 8

5. Functional Entities 10

6. References 22

Open RAN

The vision of the OpenRAN architecture is to design radio access network
architecture with the following characteristics:

• Open,

• Flexible,

• Distributed,

• Scalable.

Such architecture would be open because it defines open, standardized

interfaces at key points that in past architectures were closed and proprietary. It
would be flexible because it admits of several implementations, depending on the
wired network resources available in the deployment situation. It would be
distributed because monolithic network elements in architectures would have been
broken down into their respective functional entities, and the functional entities
would have been grouped into network elements that can be realized as a distributed
system. The architecture would define an interface with the core network that allows
the core network to be designed independently from the RAN, preserving access
network independence in the core. Finally, the architecture would not require changes
in radio link protocols; in particular, a radio link protocol based on IP would not be
necessary. This document presents the first steps in developing the OpenRAN vision.
In its first phase, the subject of this document, the OpenRAN architecture is purely
concerned with distributing RAN functions to facilitate achieving open interfaces and
flexible deployment. The transport substrate for implementing the architecture is
assumed to be IP but no attempts is made to optimize the use of IP protocols, nor are
specific interfaces designated as open. The architecture could as well be implemented
on top of existing functional architectures that maintain a strict isolation between the
transport layer and radio network layer, by splitting an existing radio network layer
into control and bearer parts.

In its second phase, consideration of protocols for the interfaces leads to

considering how IP can be used more efficiently in the radio access network. In
addition, the architecture currently has a CDMA focus, since CDMA radio access
networks tend to be the most demanding in terms of functionality.

Open RAN

Open RAN work has been motivated by perceived shortcomings in current RAN
architectures, many of the issues raised in this section may be addressed by compatible
changes to existing architectures or even through particular implementations of existing
architectures. The intent of the OpenRAN work is to see whether all of these issues can
be addressed in a comprehensive fashion, by starting from scrach and redesigning the
RAN completely.

By deploying a radio access network based on the OpenRAN

architecture, public network operators could achieve independence of their core
networks from the access network technology. This is intended to allow public
network operators to leverage their core, service based network, including support for
mobility, across a variety of access technologies, achieving the potential of a larger
market for their services.

Because the OpenRAN architecture is designed to allow the co-

existence of multiple radio technologies within a single RAN infrastructure, deployment
of OpenRAN-based radio access networks is intended to allow an operator to achieve
cost-effective utilization of their expensive spectrum assets by selecting the most
appropriate radio protocol. Also, duplicate wire-line infrastructure for different radio
technologies is unnecessary.

The OpenRAN could also contribute to cost-efficiency in other

ways. By allowing the separation of the control and bearer plane functions onto
different servers the control plane functions could be implemented on all-purpose server
platforms while the specific real-time bearer plane functions could be implemented on
highly specialized hardware. When connected to an all-IP core, the application of
existing IP protocols, interfaces, and modules, e.g. IP mobility management and AAA
infrastructure, is intended to allow standard routers and servers to be used in both the
RAN and core, allowing for exploitation of their economies of scale. Load sharing
could reduce the cost of redundancy by avoiding duplication of each network entity.

The distributed nature of the OpenRAN could increase reliability

by removing any single points of failure. Functions that in past RAN architectures
were clustered into monolithic nodes are distributed in the OpenRAN. The result
improves the potential for redundancy, because the cost of deploying multiple

Open RAN

instantiations for particular RAN network elements is reduced. In past architectures, the
cost of deploying redundant network elements was prohibitive and difficult because of
centralization, depending on implementation. Distribution also improves scalability.
Because new services are expected to become an important means for 3G operators to
win over customers from competitors, the unpredictable requirements of these services
on network resources and their typical introduction in hot spots call for an incremental
infrastructure growth capability. In the OpenRAN, the control plane, bearer plane and
transport plane infrastructure are intended to scale independently, increasing the
deployment flexibility.

Because the OpenRAN admits flexible deployment scenarios,

operators could select a deployment that matches the available backhaul network
resources. Past RAN architectures, based on a star topology, were optimized for cases
where rich, high –bandwidth backhaul network resources were not available. As growth
in Internet connectivity has occurred, many metropolitan areas now support a rich
variety of wire-line and fixed wireless backhaul options. Increasing backhaul bandwidth
is generally coupled with lower costs for backhaul. Operators could deploy with a star
topology where bandwidth is limited, or a mesh topology where richer bandwidth
resources are available, the OpenRAN is compatible with both.

The ability to handle multiple radio link protocols with a single

radio network layer protocol facilitates interoperability between radio link protocols.
In its more advanced version, some functions (mobility management, wire-line QoS,
security) that today are handled at the radio network layer are planned to move into the
IP transport layer. As a result, these functions could be shared between radio link
protocols. This has the potential to allow load balancing between different radio link
protocols. For example, an operator could arrange to hand off a data call from GSM to
WCDMA if the over-the-air bandwidth requirements became large enough.

Finally, the OpenRAN design could allow more flexible

business models to evolve around provision of wireless Internet access. The separation
between core and RAN allows separation between the business entities providing core
services and wireless access. For example, a public network operator could decide to
organize their service-based core network and wireless access networks into separate
business units. This would allow the core unit to solicit business from other access
businesses, and the access business to solicit business from other service suppliers. The

Open RAN

potential is also available for new wireless ISPs to arise. A wireless ISP would supply
wireless access only, and depend on existing service-based core suppliers for services.
If the RAN is based on Internet protocols and mechanisms, ISPs are more likely to
become potential customers because they already understand Internet protocols and
already have existing equipment based in Internet protocols, and so they do not have as
steep a learning curve or a difficult integration operation if they want to provide access.

The long term vision of the OpenRAN architecture is to extend the peer-to-peer
and distributed Internet architecture to radio access networks, so a radio access network
becomes just another access network, like cable, DSL, Ethernet, etc.. The first step
toward this goal is to gather requirements. The second step is to determine the basic
functionality of a radio access network as a collection of functional entities in a
functional architecture, identifying the interfaces between the functional entities. The
third step is to describe which interfaces are open and how they can be implemented
using IETF protocols, or protocols based on IP but designed specifically for the radio
access network functions. The fourth step is to trace back the architecture to validate
that it does, in fact, meet the requirements. The objectives of the first version of this
report are to address steps one and two in the above process; future versions of this
report will address the remaining steps.

The proposed architecture shall satisfy all the applicable architectural
requirements for basic RAN functionality.


Wireless Access Technology Independent

The OpenRAN architecture shall at least support the current 2G and 3G radio
technologies such as WCDMA, CDMA2000, EDGE, IS -95. Also wireless LAN.

Open RAN

Minimal Functionality

The Open IP RAN architectures and protocol set shall provide at least equivalent
functionality to existing RAN architectures[10] . 3 end to end in this context means
from terminal to the termination point of the call or session Mobile Wireless

IP Based Transport Network

The OpenRAN architecture shall transport bearer and control traffic based on IP
technology. Detailed requirements of IP in the RAN as transport option are documented
in MTR-006 [5]. Layer 1 and layer 2 can be any technology.

Separated Control and Bearer Function

The OpenRAN architecture shall be defined in terms of separate functions such

that it is possible to separate transport/bearer from control [8] to the extent allowed by
the radio protocols.

Distributed Control and Bearer Function

The OpenRAN architecture shall support distributed control and bearer function,
in order to facilitate load balancing and reliability.

Radio Resource Management

The OpenRAN architecture shall allow optimized use of different wireless

access technologies that are supported.

Availability and Reliability

Platform, link and system (or sub-system) availability and reliability is driven by
a combination of operator, subscriber and regulatory needs (e.g. emergency services).
The OpenRAN architecture shall support the necessary functions to ensure that the
necessary availability and reliability can be achieved.


The OpenRAN architecture shall be able to support deployment within LAN,

MAN, WAN environment. The architecture shall also support increase in capacity
without architectural impact. Mobile Wireless Internet Forum Technical Report MTR-
007 Release v1.0.0 September 4, 2001 MWIF Page 23 of 64

Open RAN

Operations, Administration, and Maintenance Support

The OpenRAN architecture shall use IETF-based standard network management


Core Support

The OpenRAN architecture shall interoperate with the MWIF core network
architecture as defined in MTR-004 [4].

Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting Requirements

· Authentication, authorization, and accounting can handle multiple radio

channel authentication protocols (IS-95, GSM-SIM, new).

· Authentication, authorization, and accounting can be present in the RAN or

provided by core network functions.


Open Interface Support

The OpenRAN architecture shall support open interfaces between any network
entities in the OpenRAN that may be implemented by operators/ISPs and manufacturers
as separate systems, sub-systems, or network entities. IETF protocols shall be
considered and adopted in these open interfaces when possible.

Interoperability with Legacy (2G/3G) Networks

· The OpenRAN architecture shall support interoperability between current

2G/3G Core network and the OpenRAN.

· The OpenRAN architecture shall support interoperability between current

2G/3G access networks and the OpenRAN.

Various Deployment Scenarios

The OpenRAN architecture shall support network deployment in public as well

as in enterprise/corporate environments. While existing RAN deployments do not
permit the connection of a RAN directly to the public Internet, this configuration may
be desirable in the future for new business models, e.g. the wireless ISP model.

Open RAN

Scaleable Architecture

The OpenRAN architecture shall provide network operators the ability to

expand specific RAN functional entities independently of other entities. In addition, this
architecture shall allow network operators to gradually deploy network entities and
expand their networks.


The OpenRAN architecture shall provide functions to protect its network

resources and traffic from unauthorized control access.

Plug and Play

“Plug and Play” refers to easy installation and configuration of a network entity,
especially Node B/BTS or other Base Station/Access Point Functional Entity. For
example, the IP address and basic network information of each entity could be delivered
automatically, e.g., through the use of DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
Mobile Wireless Internet Forum Technical Report MTR-007 Release v1.0.0 Because it
is considered that the number of such entities to ubiquitously support broadband radio
service may increase tremendously and because the OpenRAN architecture is intended
to introduce a distributed system architecture, installation and maintenance costs for a
large number of servers and other entities may increase unless automatic configuration
is available. “Plug and Play” brings many advantages, such as: · Easy and reliable
equipment installation without specific technical knowledge, reducing the labor cost for

· Easy deployment of a distributed network system;

· Easy and hot (i.e. to keep network running) exchange of the network
equipment when it is broken or version incremented.

“Plug and Play” may require introducing configuration server functionality or

may be realized by another technique. “Plug and Play” could be useful not only for IP
configuration but also for radio, L2, and other aspects.

System Migration

The OpenRAN architecture shall demonstrate the ability to integrate with legacy
RAN and core network infrastructure to allow a smooth migration. Migration issues
include: · Protection of existing investment on infrastructure; · Ability for operators to

Open RAN

migrate portions of their network functionality towards the new architecture at a pace
that best fit their needs; etc.

Handoff Requirements

· Provide equivalent handoff mechanisms that equal or exceed current cellular

performance, and work for both voice and data;

· Allow handoff between different radio access technologies on a single RAN

for load balancing purposes (example: between GSM and WCDMA);

· Meets QoS requirements (e.g. low latency);

· Minimize transport data loss within the constraints of the medium;

· Support inter-RAN handoff by working together with core network mobility



Function Definitions
The following sections describe the atomic functions supported by the
OpenRAN architecture.

Radio resource admission control

The purpose of the radio resource specific admission control is to admit or deny
new users, new radio channels (for example due to handover) dependent on existing
radio resource loading in co-ordination with the RAN admission control function. This
atomic function should try to avoid overload situations and base its decisions on
interference and resource measurements. Radio resource admission control concerns
itself strictly with radio resources, and not with RAN resources, and it informs the RAN
admission control co-ordination function should an overload situation occur.

Radio directed packet flow admission control

The purpose of radio directed packet flow admission control is to admit or deny
a new radio directed packet flow. This requires co-ordination with radio resource

Open RAN

admission control, and involves both radio and RAN resources. This co-ordination is
handled by admission control co-ordination.

Radio resource congestion control

The task of radio resource congestion control is to monitor, detect and handle
situations when radio resources are reaching a near overload or an overload situation
with the already connected users. This means that the radio link has run out or will soon
run out of capacity. The congestion control should then bring the system back to a
stable state as seamlessly as possible.

Static common physical radio resource configuration and operation

This function configures the common physical radio channel resources, i.e.
cells/cell sectors and common channels, and takes the resources into or out of operation.
This is an OA&M function

Dynamic common physic al radio resource configuration and operation

This function dynamically manages common physical channels upon cell traffic
needs (within the limits set by O&M). It is necessary for common physical channels
that are heavily used, for example, TDD in WCDMA. This function does no allocation
or mapping of physical to logical resources; it sets up the hardware in the base station
with the allocated resources.

Static common physical radio resource allocation and deallocation

This function manages the common physical radio channel allocation (resp.
deallocation). The function defines limits on the radio parameters for the common radio
channels (e.g. frequency, CDMA spreading codes, timeslots etc.) within which dynamic
physical allocation and deallocation operates. It is an O&M function. This function does
not actually configure these resources nor take them into/out of operation.

Dynamic common physical radio resource allocation and deallocation

This function dynamically manages the common physical radio channel allocation
(resp. deallocation). The function defines, reserves and frees the radio parameters for
the common radio channels (e.g. frequency, CDMA spreading code, timeslots etc.)
within the limits defined by the static common physical allocation and deallocation.

Open RAN

This function does not actually configure these resources nor takes them into/out of

Common logical radio resource allocation and deallocation

This function manages the common logical radio channel allocation (resp.
deallocation), including the mapping to physical channels. Examples of common logical
radio resources are the broadcast control channel, paging control channel, common
control channel, broadcast or quick paging channel etc. Preconfiguration is
accomplished at BTS installation as an OA&M function.

Dedicated physical radio resource allocation and deallocation

This function manages the dedicated physical radio channel resources,
specifically allocation and release, for a single user. This function may be activated
during the call since e.g. the user service request may vary, or macrodiversity may be
used. Examples of physical radio resources are Walsh codes, channel processors, etc.
This function does not actually configure these resources nor take them into/out of

Dedicated logical radio resource allocation and deallocation

This function manages the dedicated logical radio channel allocation (resp.
deallocation) according to the QoS needs for a radio bound IP flow of single user. This
function may be activated during the call since e.g. the user service request may vary.
An example of a dedicated logical radio resource is a dedicated radio channel.

Dedicated physical radio resource configuration and operation

This function configures the dedicated physical radio network resources, and
takes these resources into or out of operation This function does no allocation or
mapping of physical to logical resources, it sets up the hardware in the base station with
the allocated resources.

System information broadcast

This function provides the UE with the radio access specific information needed
for its operation within the network, for example: power, synchronization, and cell

Open RAN

parameters. Other information, for example core network information, may also be

Cell environment measurement collection

This function controls and collects the radio environment measurements on
both dedicated and common channels within a cell, such as channel quality estimates,
for purposes of, e.g., admission control and handoff. Actual measurements are
performed by a radio L1 function, see Radio environment survey measurements.

RAN environment measurement collection

This function controls and collects channel quality estimates on both dedicated
and common channels in the RAN for purposes of load balancing between cells. It
depends on cell environment measurement collection to provide the individual cell

Dynamic channel data rate allocation co-ordination

This function co-ordinates the dynamic allocation of the data rate for a radio
channel, and it is optional depending on whether the radio protocol supports it. It is For
Further Study.

Downlink open loop power control

The downlink open loop power control sets the power of downlink channels.

Radio resource context management

This function is responsible for correlating a UE and allocated RAN resources
into a context and managing the context. It does no resource allocation/deallocation on
its own. As part of its operation, this function deals with setup and release of a control
connection between the UE and the RAN. The functional entity in which this atomic
function resides performs centralized management of the UE context.

Connection setup/release
This function is responsible for the control of radio bearer connection set-up and
release in the RAN. This function manages radio bearer setup, maintenance, and

Open RAN

release, and includes both radio and terrestrial (i.e. RAN) resources. It is the global
manager for radio bearer connections.

Handover control
This function performs the mobility of the radio interface, based on information
provided by the network load optimization control function and on radio measurements
collected from the UE. The function is responsible for maintaining the required
transport and radio QoS. Handovers may also be directed across different radio systems
(e.g. UMTS, GSM).

Network load optimisation control

This function signals a request for handover for purposes of load -balancing,
path optimization, and resource optimization. Relevant information shall be provided to
the handover control function for that purpose.

UE measurement control
This function manages the measurements to be performed by the UE. It sends
measurement requests and modifications to the UE and collects the measurement
results. Besides the radio network measurements, information such as mobile location,
etc. may also be collected.

UE alerting co-ordination
Depending on whether the UE currently has an active dedicated control channel
or not, this function selects a channel and message type to use to alert the UE that
incoming data is available. In 3GPP, this function decides whether to use a dedicated
control channel or paging channel to deliver the paging message. In 3GPP2, this
function decides whether to alert the UE via a dedicated control channel and its
particular message, or the paging channel and the paging message. This function is the
first point of contact between the core network and RAN for purposes of paging.

Cell paging
This function executes paging via the paging channel in a cell upon command of
the UE alerting co-ordination function.

Open RAN

Location management
This function handles the location update messages to/from the UE while the UE
mobility is being tracked by the RAN. This does not include geo-location information.
The granularity of the paging area, whether to have differently sized paging areas
depending on service, whether to involve the core network, etc., are all items For
Further Study.

Radio channel coding control

This function generates control information required by the channel
coding/decoding execution functions. This may include channel coding scheme, code
rate, etc.

Media access measurement control

This function collects information on radio media utilization for making a
decision on whether the radio channel should be switched to a higher or lower capacity.

TDD Timing Advance control

This function is used in uplink to align the uplink radio signals from the UE to
the RAN. Timing advance is based on uplink burst timing measurements, and on
Timing Advance commands sent downlink to the UE.

Tracing Control
This function controls tracing of various events related to a UE and its activities,
at the request of the core network. This is an O&M function.

Geo-position information generation

This function generates the geographic position measurements for the UE.

Geo-position collection and calculation

This function collects geographic location data from the Geo-position
information generation function or by querying the UE and calculates the geographic

Open RAN

Radio Broadcast/multicast flow control

When processing units on the bearer plane become congested during
broadcast/multicast, this function informs the data source about the congestion situation
and takes means to resolve the congestion.

Core network control protocol conversion function

This function covers control protocol conversion between RAN and core.

Core network control plane anchor attachment

This function provides routing of RAN control plane packets to a given point of
attachment in the core network. In the absence of a core control interworking function,
this function routes the control to the Access Gateway.

Admission authorization
This function admits IP flows into the RAN based on authorization of the UE or
core flow. This function is optional and unnecessary if AAA is handled by the core

RAN address management

This function manages address assignment and network param eter information
for entities within the RAN. If IPv6 multi-homing is used, the network elements acquire
(or lose) additional addresses, interface and prefixes dynamically. This is an OA&M

Database management
This function manages databases of RAN information. Examples of such
information are:
• Authentication, authorization, and accounting information;
• QoS policy;
• Radio parameters;
• Radio network topology information;
• Pilot mapping onto cell sector info database.
This function is For Further Study

Open RAN

Radio network operations and maintenance

This function provides operations and maintenance on the radio network. Some
sub –functions are:
• Configuration management;
• Network change control;
• Fault management;
• Performance management.

Inter- RAN control protocol conversion

This function converts control protocol traffic between OpenRAN protocols and
legacy RAN protocols of the same radio link technology. An example is conversion of
OpenRAN control protocols to 3GPP R99 Iur protocols. If an inter-technology handoff
occurs, either the bearer path must be moved or an inter-RAN bearer conversion
function (see Section 7.1.69) may be applied.

Segmentation and reassembly

This function performs segmentation and reassembly of radio frames to/from
packets across the radio channel.

Common delivery acknowledgement

This function performs acknowledgement of delivered packets and undelivered
packets on common channels according to radio bearer QoS. Replies from specific UEs
to traffic on a common channel are acknowledged through dedicated delivery

Dedicated delivery acknowledgement

This function performs acknowledgement of delivered packets and undelivered
packets on the dedicated channels according to radio bearer QoS.

Header compression
This function performs header compression over the radio link.

Open RAN

Common multiplexing/demultiplexing
This function performs multiplexing/demultiplexing of services and
multiplexing of UEs on common radio channels. Replies from specific UEs to common
channel traffic are demultiplexed through dedicated multiplexing.

Dedicated multiplexing/demultiplexing
This function performs multiplexing/demultiplexing of traffic streams on
dedicated radio channels.

Radio channel encryption and decryption

This function is a pure computation function whereby the radio frames can be
protected against a non-authorized third -party. Encryption and decryption may be
based on the usage of a session-dependent key, derived through control and/or session
dependent information. The data, including radio frame headers, travels to and from the
UE over the air in encrypted form but once past the functional entity containing this
atomic function, the data is in clear text form.

Uplink outer loop power measurement

This atomic function performs power measurements for effecting uplink outer loop
power control. The measurements are forwarded through the uplink outer loop power
preprocessing function for use in making power control decisions.

Uplink outer loop power control

This atomic function makes the decision about power control and sends
commands to the UE to effect power control.

Downlink outer loop power control co-ordination

This atomic function receives power control measurements from the UE, makes
the decision about the need for downlink power control, and commands the downlink
outer loop power control to perform power control.

Open RAN

Initial random access detection

This function detects an initial access attempt from a mobile station and
responds appropriately. The handling of the initial access may include procedures for a
possible resolution of colliding attempts
RAN admission control co-ordination
The purpose of the RAN admission control co-ordination function is to co-
ordinate various distributed admission control functions and deliver a definitive answer
to whether or not the new user or radio bearer can be admitted to the RAN. This
function also negotiates service options with the mobile. RAN admission control co-
ordination has the last say about whether the new user or radio bearer is admitted.

Radio environment survey measurements

This function performs actual measurements on radio channels (current and
surrounding cells) and translates these measurements into radio channel quality
estimates. Measurements may include:
Received signal strengths (current and surrounding cells);
Estimated bit error ratios, (current and surrounding cells);
Estimation of propagation environments (e.g. high-speed, low-speed, satellite, etc.);
Transmission range (e.g. through timing information);
Doppler shift;
Synchronisation status;
Received interference level;
Total DL transmission power per cell.
This is only a partial list of the measurements that might be performed. The actual list
will depend on the radio link protocol.

Radio channel coding

This function introduces redundancy into the source data flow, increasing its rate
by adding information calculated from the source data, in order to allow the detection or
correction of signal errors introduced by the transmission medium. The channel coding
algorithm(s) used and the amount of redundancy introduced may be different for the

Open RAN

different types of logical channels and different types of data. This function optionally
also performs interleaving and softer handoff, if supported by the radio protocol.

Radio channel de-coding

This function tries to reconstruct the source information using the redundancy
added by the channel coding function to detect or correct possible errors in the received
data flow. The channel decoding function may also employ a priori error likelihood
information generated by the demodulation function to increase the efficiency of the
decoding operation. The channel decoding function is the complementary function to
the channel coding function. This function optionally also performs interleaving and
softer handoff, if supported by the radio protocol.

System information broadcast control

This function manages the radio access specific information that is provided to
the UE for its operation within the network. Common channel access information is
included. Whether it involves a higher level entity in 3GPP2 is For Further Study.

System information broadcast configuration

This function configures system information for broadcast. It is an O&M
function and is For Further Study.

Radio media access measurements

This function performs radio media utilization measurements for making a
decision on whether the radio channel should be switched to a higher or lower capacity.

User Radio Gateway relocation control

This function decides when the User Radio Gateway relocation procedure
should be performed and initiates the necessary actions.

User Radio Gateway relocation execution

This function is responsible for actually executing the relocation of all bearer
plane functions. It is controlled by the User Radio Gateway relocation control function.

Open RAN

Mobile Control relocation control

This function decides when the Mobile Control relocation procedure should be
performed and initiates the necessary actions.

Mobile Control relocation execution

This function is responsible for actually executing the relocation of all control
plane functions. It is controlled by the Mobile Control relocation execution.

Open RAN

OpenRAN by James Kempf, DoCoMo Communications Laboratories, USA
Parviz Yegani, Cisco Systems.

2. (12-10-2002, 10 pm)

3. (12-10-2002, 11 pm)


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