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Research Policy
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JEL Classifications: Quality-orientated management change and innovation are central strategies for firms. Implementing both
O30 quality improvement and innovation poses significant managerial, organisational and technical challenges, and
032 may also involve significant lags before benefits are realised. Here, using data on a large group of Irish manu-
L15 facturing plants and econometric analysis, we establish the short- and longer-term influence of plants’ adoption
Keywords: of quality improvement methods (QIMs) on product innovation performance. Our study highlights the short-
Innovation term disruptive and longer-term beneficial effects of QIM adoption on product innovation performance. In ad-
Quality improvement dition, we find evidence of complementarities and learning-by-using effects from QIM adoption. Our results
Management change
suggest that maximising the returns to innovation and quality improvement requires consideration of the soft
and/or hard nature of individual QIMs and the timing and sequencing of their adoption.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: jane.bourke@ucc.ie (J. Bourke), Stephen.Roper@wbs.ac.uk (S. Roper).
Received 17 January 2016; Received in revised form 13 July 2017; Accepted 13 July 2017
Available online 29 July 2017
0048-7333/ © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BY-NC-ND/4.0/).
J. Bourke, S. Roper Research Policy 46 (2017) 1505–1518
One other commonality between quality improvement and in- schools of thought emphasising the inter-subjective creation of knowl-
novation processes noted in the literature is that both are often difficult edge – people are continually developing and refining their views
to implement leading to significant lags in the realisation of any related which informs their actions (Crawford and Pollack, 2004). These bot-
benefits. Pekovic and Galia (2009) comment, for example, that ‘im- tom–up models of organisational change recognise a non-linear, poli-
plementation of the ISO 9000 standard … concerns the whole organi- tical and irrational process. Such models may be characterised as dy-
sation and involves changes in the fundamental behaviour and applied namic and fragmented, albeit interconnected, composed of competing
routine of employees’ (Pekovic and Galia, 2009, p. 831). Likewise, in- perspectives and interested and supported by informal systems
novation may result in short-term disruption before any longer-term (Crawford et al., 2003).
performance benefits are accrued by the firm (Roper et al., 2008). While organisational practices can differ considerably, parallels
Understanding the performance benefits of innovation and quality im- exist in the demarcation of soft and hard practices across the spectrum.
provement, and their interactions, is therefore likely to require long- For instance, in project management, the hard paradigm assumes that
itudinal data covering a period of years in which causal mechanisms are goals and methods are already well defined, and the objective is to find
clearly identifiable. the best solution to a particular problem, however ‘best’ is defined and
Here, using data on a large group of Irish manufacturing plants we measured. Contrastingly, the soft paradigm suggests that the aspects of
focus on the relationship between product innovation performance and a situation that cause it to be problematic are not easily defined or
the adoption of quality orientated hard and soft management change. isolated. Therefore, it is necessary to engage with people at a qualitative
We ask whether, and over what period, the adoption of QIMs (specifi- level in the understanding that it is unlikely that there will be a unique
cally ISO9000, TQM and Quality Circles) impacts on plants’ innovation ‘best’ solution (Midgley, 2000). Within the HR literature, similar dif-
success (specifically sales generated from product innovation). Most, if ferentiations apply. In general, soft management practices encourage
not all, of the prior studies of the relationship between QIMs and in- knowledge sharing, engagement, empowerment and encourages in-
novation have been based on cross-sectional analysis making causality telligence gathering and reflection whereas hard management practices
difficult to identify, and providing little information on the nature of often are rule-based and require conformity, standardisation, discipline
the learning effects and lags involved in QIM adoption and its potential and stability (Jenkins and Delbridge, 2013). Furthermore, there is a
benefits for innovation. Our study makes several important contribu- growing realisation across the organisational change literature that
tions. First, our data allows us to identify the temporal profile of the hard and soft practices are more beneficial when introduced together.
performance benefits of individual QIMs, highlighting short-term dis- Within the project management literature, Crawford et al. (2003) report
ruption (negative) effects but longer-term (positive) benefits. Second, it the need for both hard and soft perspectives when managing complex
seeks to explain the short-term and long-term aspects of the quality- organisational change projects, particularly when changing aspects of
innovation relationship within the context of the contrasting paradigms organisations, such as working practices and culture. In addition,
of hard and soft managerial change. Third, it highlights com- Arvanitis et al. (2013) report that the combination of hard and soft ICT
plementarities and learning by using effects for product innovation capital has a positive effect on both process and product/services in-
performance arising from the adoption of quality-orientated hard and novation
soft managerial processes.
2.2. Quality orientated management change
2. Concepts and hypotheses
Many firms have responded to the challenges they face by in-
2.1. Hard and soft management change corporating quality-based strategies into their change management
approach (Foley et al., 1997). A commitment to quality can drive firms
With increased market competition and developments in tech- to make significant improvements in profitability, productivity and
nology, the characteristics of business have changed drastically competitiveness (Deming, 1986; Morgan and Vorhies, 2001). Hard
(Pekovic and Galia, 2009). The successful management of change is quality management is mechanistic in nature and emphasises stability,
crucial to survive and succeed in the highly competitive and con- conformity and discipline, and comprises processes such as work design
tinuously evolving business environment (Todnem By, 2005). Organi- and statistical process control. These hard components relate to the
sational change management has been defined as ‘the process of con- control of processes and products to maintain uniformity, comply with
tinually renewing an organisation’s direction, structure, and quality standards and satisfy manufacturing specifications (López-
capabilities to serve the ever-changing needs of external and internal Mielgo et al., 2009). Soft quality management stresses employee en-
customers’ (Moran and Brightman, 2001). It means entering new ter- gagement, partnerships, and comparison with the market leaders. These
ritory and “playing the game by new rules” and moving the organisa- soft aspects of quality management are more organic in nature and
tion from its current state to a more desirable improved state (Ragsdell, focus on leadership, empowerment and training, and encourage em-
2000). Two paradigms of organisational change emerge from the lit- ployees to scan the environment for new trends, approaches and tech-
erature. In general, objectivist, scientific approaches are hard, while nologies (Moura E Sá and Abrunhosa, 2007; McAdam, 2000). Soft
subjectivist, social approaches are soft. The terms hard and soft are quality management promotes the more human and developmental
commonly used across a broad range of organisational change prac- aspects of the quality system allowing the firm to adapt to its changing
tices, such as HRM practices (Storey, 1989), quality improvement environment and promoting continuous improvement (López-Mielgo
practices (Zeng et al., 2015), Information and Communications Tech- et al., 2009).
nology (ICT) (Arvanitis et al., 2013) and project management Three of the most widely recognised QIMs, which span the soft-hard
(Crawford et al., 2003). range of management change practices, are Total Quality Management
The hard, positivist, paradigm promotes an understanding of the (TQM), Quality Certification (such as ISO9000) and Quality Circles.
world as an objective reality – systems are mechanistic processes, with TQM has been described as a management philosophy that fosters an
stable or predictably varying, relationships between the relevant vari- organisational culture committed to customer satisfaction through
ables (Crawford and Pollack, 2004). In practice, the hard paradigm continuous improvement (Kanji, 2002). The TQM philosophy essen-
often takes a top-down approach, following a rational hierarchical tially comprises three key elements: customer focus, people involve-
model that emphasises control and is expressed through formal struc- ment and continuous improvement (Moura E Sá and Abrunhosa, 2007).
tures and systems. Its language acts to superimpose a logic, order, and Quality Certification initiatives, e.g. ISO 9000, require detailed review
structure on an otherwise irrational social process (Crawford et al., and documentation of a firm’s production processes, in accordance with
2003). The soft paradigm stems from interpretivist and constructivist the quality system requirements specified by ISO.1 The ISO 9000
J. Bourke, S. Roper Research Policy 46 (2017) 1505–1518
standard is based on eight principles that address the core values and management leadership, HRM and a flexible culture oriented towards
concepts of quality management: customer focus, leadership, involve- continuous improvement (soft factors) are key elements in the success
ment of people, process approach, system approach to management, of TQM initiatives. This commitment and involvement of the manage-
continual improvement and factual approach to decision making ment and the people with the results, quality and continuous im-
(Kartha, 2004). Quality Circles (QCs) are small groups of workers who provement must be embodied in the formulating and effective im-
meet regularly on a voluntary basis to discuss problems (not necessarily plementation of a set of strategies policies and actions related to the
quality related) and determine possible solutions. Members of Quality resources, partnerships and processes (hard factors).
Circles are generally given training in quality control and evaluation
techniques (Trott, 2008). QCs improve problem-solving capabilities 2.3. Innovation and quality management
through employees’ participation and team work (Bodas Freitas, 2008).
QCs are soft in nature where groups of workers meet on a voluntary Innovation has been identified as a critical driver of business pro-
basis to try to solve quality related problems. QCs aim to encourage a ductivity and economic growth (Schumpeter, 1934; Romer 1990).
participative culture and would not be considered particularly onerous Schumpeter (1934) argued that innovation involves the transformation
to initiate from a managerial perspective. TQM’s three key elements of of knowledge into new products, services or business processes. The
customer focus, people involvement and continuous improvement relationship between innovation output and innovation inputs has been
combine both soft and hard components with implications for a number explored extensively (Crepon et al., 1998; McCann and Simonen, 2005;
of management practices such as leadership, training, employee-man- Griffith et al., 2008; Roper et al., 2008). Numerous scholars have at-
agement, information and analysis, supplier management, process tempted to explain why some firms are more likely to innovate, with
management, customer focus, and continuous improvement (Moura E firm characteristics, such as size, sector, ownership, and location being
Sá and Abrunhosa, 2007). While many of the principles of Quality identified as influential drivers of innovation output (Audretsch and
Certification are similar to those of TQM, in practice, the programme’s Feldman, 1996; Boschma, 2005; Gordon and McCann, 2005; Jordan
focus is on ensuring that organisations create consistent, stable pro- and O'Leary, 2008; McCann and Simonen, 2005; Tether, 1998; Romer,
cesses through process documentation and adherence, which assures 1990; Roper et al., 2008). The importance of R & D to innovation ac-
the delivery of quality products or services (Pekovic and Galia, 2009). tivity within firms has been established by many authors (Roper et al.,
Quality Certification is the most rule-based, mechanistic or hard of the 2008; Freel, 2003). Firms engaging in R & D increase their existing stock
QIMs lacking the soft elements of either TQM or quality circles. of knowledge resulting in commercial gains from the introduction of
Although, there is no clear consensus as to the impact of QIM in new products, processes and/or organisational innovations (Roper
firms, many scholars conclude that TQM positively affects business et al., 2004). Likewise, managerial capabilities have been highlighted as
performance (Sousa and Voss, 2002; Kaynak, 2003). For instance, an important factor in firm level innovation. Successful innovation re-
Sadikoglu and Zehir (2010) in a comprehensive review of the literature, quires that firms and managers provide clear and consistent signals to
report positive relationships between TQM and business performance, employees about the goals and objectives of the firm (Barnes et al.,
including metrics such as market and financial performance, employee 2006). There is also considerable evidence of the importance of external
performance and customer satisfaction (see Table 1, p. 16). As with sources to innovation outputs (Mansury and Love, 2008). These ex-
TQM, there is considerable evidence that ISO certification can deliver ternal sources of knowledge may include linkages with customers,
advantages for the firm, such as quality improvement (Douglas et al., suppliers, competitors and/or research institutes (Roper et al., 2008)
2003), sales growth (Terlaak and King, 2006), business performance It has long been recognised that innovation in processes is necessary
(Terziovski et al., 2003), financial performance (Corbett et al., 2005), when a company wants to increase productivity (Martínez-Costa and
and firm productivity (Diaye et al., 2009). However, critics of ISO 9000 Martínez-Lorente, 2008), implying a potential link between innovation
have claimed that the adoption of ISO9000 is costly and time-con- and quality management. We review existing literature on the quality-
suming, and is particularly difficult for small firms (Pekovic and Galia, innovation relationship in the context of quality management’s hard
2009). While there is limited evidence of the influence of QCs on firm and soft dimensions, although it should be noted that many of the
performance, there is evidence that human resource management studies empirically examine a specific QIM and its impact on innovation
practices, such as QCs, which empower and involve employees posi- outcomes rather than considering the soft and/or hard aspects of the
tively, influence employee motivation and behaviour with positive approach. A notable recent exception is Zeng et al. (2015). See Table 1
consequences for firm performance (Subramony, 2009). for a summary of this review.
In an investigation of the key hard and soft quality management Focusing first on the hard QIMs and innovation, a small number of
practices adopted by Australian small and medium enterprises (SMEs), studies examine the links between Quality Certification (ISO9000) and
Gadenne and Sharma (2009) report improved overall performance innovation. Benner and Tushman (2002) find that the extent of process
appears to be favourably influenced by a combination of hard TQM management activities in a firm are associated with an increase in ex-
factors such as benchmarking and quality measurement, continuous ploitative innovations and exploitative innovation’s share of total in-
improvement, and efficiency improvement; and the soft TQM factors novations in the paint and photography industry. Using two French
consisting of top management philosophy and supplier support em- microeconomic surveys, Pekovic and Galia (2009) also find that ISO
ployee training and increased interaction with employees and custo- 9000 certification is significantly and positively linked to seven out of
mers. They conclude that it is necessary to focus on a combination of nine innovation indicators. A more recent study reports that ISO900
soft or behavioural aspects and the hard ‘system oriented’ aspects of certification stifles product innovation performance, but facilitates
quality management to achieve an improvement in overall perfor- process innovation performance (Terziovski and Guerrero, 2014). In
mance, and that to maintain customer satisfaction and return on assets addition, Zeng et al. (2015) reports the importance of hard quality
it is just as important to focus on employee involvement and training, as management for innovation.
it is to have a customer focus. In a more recent study, Calvo-Mora et al. In relation to the relationship between soft quality management and
(2013) examine the relationship between soft and hard TQM factors innovation, we are not aware of any quantitative studies which speci-
and key business results for 116 Spanish firms. They report that fically relate Quality Circles to innovation. However, small group pro-
blem solving, employee suggestion schemes and employee training,
have been shown to encourage joint problem solving, empower em-
ISO 9000 certification is undertaken by various certification bodies called registrars
ployees and encourage them to make suggestions for improvements to
such as government laboratories, private testing organisations, early adopters of ISO, processes and update employees’ skills and knowledge. Within the HRM
industry trade groups and accounting firms. and quality management literature, there is evidence of such soft
J. Bourke, S. Roper
Table 1
Summary of Empirical QIM-Innovation Studies.
Study QIM Hard/Soft Dimensions Innovation Measures Principal empirical results: QIM-Innovation
1 Benner and Tushman ISO9000 Hard QIM dimensions Exploitative innovations; Exploitative Innovation’s share of total Positive for both innovation outcome measures
(2002) only innovations
2 Pekovic and Galia ISO9000 & other certifications Hard QIM dimensions New or improved products for the firm; Turnover due to new or Positive for seven of nine innovation indicators
(2009) only improved products; New or improved products on the market; Share
of new or improved products to the market; Effect on processes; New
or improved processes for the firm; Technologically new process;
New process (non-technological); Effect on innovation activities;
Total innovation expenditure
3 Terziovski and Guerrero ISO9000 Hard QIM dimensions Product innovation performance; process innovation performance Negative for product innovation performance;
(2014) only positive for process innovation performance
4 Moura E Sá and TQM Combined Hard & Soft Adoption of technological innovation A positive (weak) relationship for technological
Abrunhosa (2007) QIM dimensions innovation
5 Martínez-Costa and TQM Combined Hard & Soft Product and process innovation A positive relationship between TQM and product
Martínez-Lorente QIM dimensions and process innovation
6 Prajogo and Hong TQM Combined Hard & Soft R&D TQM positively influences R & D
(2008) QIM dimensions
7 Hung et al. (2011) TQM Combined Hard & Soft Product, process and organisational innovation A positive relationship between TQM and
QIM dimensions product, process and organisational innovation
8 Abrunhosa and Moura E TQM Distinct Hard & Soft Adoption of technological innovation; Timing of adoption of Soft elements of TQM positively impact
Sá (2008) QIM dimensions innovations innovation
9 Prajogo and Sohal TQM Distinct Hard & Soft Product and process innovation Soft elements of TQM positively impact
(2004) QIM dimensions innovation
10 Hoang et al. (2006) TQM Distinct Hard & Soft Innovation Indicator consisting of (1) new product or new service (2) Both hard and soft TQM practices positively
QIM dimensions Use of new materials or intermediate products. (3) New functional influence firm-level innovation
solution for an existing product or additional service based on an
existing service. (4) New method of production (5) Entering a new
market (6) New source of supply (7) New ways of organizing (re-
arranging the company’s human resource)
11 Perdomo-Ortiz et al. TQM Distinct Hard & Soft Assessment of innovation performance relative to main competitors Some soft TQM practices, such as HRM, positively
(2009a,b) QIM dimensions influence innovation
12 Perdomo-Ortiz et al. TQM Distinct Hard & Soft Business Innovation Capacity A significant, negative interaction effect with
(2006) QIM dimensions respect to the hard elements of TQM with
different dimensions of BIC.
13 Zeng at al. (2015) Process management and Quality information; Small Distinct Hard & Soft Product innovation; measured by speed of new product introduction Hard QIM affects Innovation; Soft QIM has
group problem solving, Employee suggestion, and Task- QIM dimensions and product innovativeness indirect effect on innovation performance
related training for employees through its impact on hard QIM.
Note: We are not aware of any quantitative studies which specifically relate Quality Circles to Innovation.
Research Policy 46 (2017) 1505–1518
J. Bourke, S. Roper Research Policy 46 (2017) 1505–1518
practices benefitting innovation activity within firms (Nakata and Im, influence of QIMs with respect to product innovation (Martínez-Costa
2010; Laursen and Foss, 2014; Leiponen, 2005; Zeng et al., 2015). and Martínez-Lorente, 2008; Hung et al., 2011, Prajogo and Sohal,
To date, the majority of studies have focused on the relationship 2004; Hoang et al., 2006; Zeng at al., 2015); albeit with incomplete
between TQM and innovation, which is typically found to be positive. evidence as to if it is the hard routinized QIM processes or the softer,
Moura E Sá and Abrunhosa (2007), in an investigation of the Portu- more organic elements of QIM which benefit product innovation.
guese footwear industry report a positive relationship between TQM
and innovation, although the relationship proves relatively weak. 2.4. Hypotheses
Martínez-Costa and Martínez-Lorente (2008), in a study of 451 Spanish
companies, also report a significant and positive relationship between Although previous empirical studies have generally found a positive
TQM and product and process innovation, while Prajogo and Hong link between QIMs (whether embodying hard and/or soft managerial
(2008) find that TQM positively influences R & D in South Korean firms. processes) and innovation, the use of cross-sectional data and analysis
More recently, Hung et al. (2011) examined the impact of TQM and (e.g. structural equation models or correlation analysis) limits their
organisational learning on innovation performance in the high-tech ability to provide causal insights.2 In particular, it has been suggested
industry in Taiwan. They report that TQM has significant and positive that innovation cannot be realised without first adopting effective
effects on organisational learning, and TQM and organisational learning quality practices. Perdomo-Ortiz et al. (2009a,b) state that ‘in general
both have significant and positive effects on innovation performance. business practice first incorporates the concept of quality management
While many of these studies do not explicitly differentiate between the and then gradually integrates innovation’. This argument draws on the
blend of soft and hard elements within TQM with respect to innovation resource-based and dynamic capabilities (RDBC) theory of the firm,
outcomes, there is evidence that particular aspects of TQM influence which suggests that management priorities are path-dependent and that
innovation activity. In relation to the softer or more organic aspects of improving innovation performance requires greater organisational
TQM, Abrunhosa and Moura E Sá (2008) report that communication, complexity than quality management (Perdomo-Ortiz et al., 2009a,b).
supportive people management practices and teamwork positively im- Our review of the literature suggests that there are conflicting argu-
pact on innovation performance, whereas autonomy and consultation ments concerning the relationship between (hard and/or soft) quality
do not. Similarly, Prajogo and Sohal (2004), in an examination of the management and product innovation performance. Arguments for a
impact of TQM on product innovation within Australian firms, con- positive relationship between quality management and innovation
cluded that two elements of TQM – leadership and people management suggest that companies embracing quality in their system and culture
– positively influenced innovation. will provide a fertile environment for innovation (growth) as quality
Although, Hoang et al. (2006) find that both hard and soft TQM embodies principles that are congruent with innovation (Pekovic and
practices positively influence firm-level innovation, and illustrate how Galia, 2009). The motivation of both processes, quality and innovation,
three specific dimensions of TQM, leadership and people management, is meeting customer requirements with the need to make continuous
process and strategic management, and open organisation have a po- improvements. Pekovic and Galia (2009) explain that the philosophy of
sitive impact on the innovation performance of firms in Vietnam. In- quality management is that employees will be more satisfied and pro-
terestingly, Perdomo-Ortiz et al. (2009a,b) find that only the soft ductive if they can contribute their thoughts and ideas to the achieve-
human resource management element of TQM is linked positively to ment of the company goals, suggesting that both processes are inter-
innovation in their study of 105 Spanish industrial firms. They conclude related. Consequently, quality can be seen as creating an environment
that TQM contains a set of best practices related to human resource that encourages innovation. On the other hand, it can be argued that
management that promote better innovation performance. They also quality improvement processes – which may involve mechanistic rou-
consider five other aspects of TQM – management support, information tinisation and standardised business processes – restrict creativity and
for quality, process management, product design, and relations with innovation (Kanter, 1983; Glynn, 1996; Prajogo and Sohal, 2004).
agents- finding no positive link to innovation. In an earlier study, The implication here is that the payoffs from the adoption of any
Perdomo-Ortiz et al. (2006) examine the relationship between TQM and QIM, whether a hard and/or soft QIM, may only occur in the longer
innovation while considering business innovation capacity (BIC) as term. As managerial attention is initially focused on successful adoption
both a moderating and mediating factor. They report limited evidence of the QIM, managers are likely to have less capacity to devote to in-
of a moderating effect. However, they find a significant, negative in- novation with the potential for short-term disruption and negative
teraction effect with respect to the (hard) process management di- product innovation outcomes. An initial negative effect may be as a
mension of TQM with different dimensions of BIC. This suggests that result of attention being drawn away from the development and/or
the emphasis on the control and improvement of processes, in parallel commercialisation of new product innovations, with energies and focus
with management practices of innovation, such as project planning, being consumed in the implementation of a new QIM. In the longer
formulation and assessment, developing new knowledge and skills and term the principles and practices of the quality system are likely to
external cooperation, may have a negative effect on technological in- become embedded in the mindset and behaviour of both management
novation. and shop-floor workers reducing the level of managerial resources ne-
In general, quality improvement and innovation are seen as corre- cessary to maintain quality freeing resources to concentrate on activ-
lated functions within firms, and while quality management typically ities such as product innovation (Perdomo-Ortiz et al., 2009a,b; Prajogo
appears to benefit innovation; that relationship is not always positive. and Sohal, 2003; Pekovic and Galia, 2009). In addition, previous re-
In addition, there may be very different behavioural or organisational search has demonstrated that market response to improved product
mechanisms in play with respect to the hard and/or soft elements of the quality is not instantaneous but occurs over time (Tellis and Johnson,
quality management practices when adopted. There is a growing re- 2007). While product quality is considered a crucial element to com-
cognition across the organisational change literature of the com- petitive advantage (Tellis et al., 2009; Choi and Pucik, 2005; Calantone
plementary relationship between hard and soft practices, whether et al., 1996), Molina-Castillo et al. (2011) highlight the delayed long-
project management, ICT, or HRM, for business performance. It is likely term benefit of improved product quality to performance.3 In view of
that this complementary relationship also exists in terms of hard and
soft quality management and innovation, although we are only aware
In fact, many of the studies reviewed highlight the static nature of their analysis as a
of one recent study which takes such an approach. Zeng et al. (2015)
limitation, with calls for dynamic analysis of the quality-innovation relationship
considered how soft quality management can play a supporting or (Perdomo-Ortiz et al., 2009a; Martinez-Costa et al., 2008; Pekovic and Galia, 2009).
mediating role in the hard quality management and innovation re- 3
Discussion of product quality tend to differentiate between extrinsic (external
lationship. In summary, the studies reviewed here report the positive quality) or intrinsic (internal quality) cues as per the Zeithaml (1988) framework.
J. Bourke, S. Roper Research Policy 46 (2017) 1505–1518
J. Bourke, S. Roper Research Policy 46 (2017) 1505–1518
Table 2
Sample Descriptives.
Source: Irish Innovation Panel 1994–2008 (waves 2–6).
J. Bourke, S. Roper Research Policy 46 (2017) 1505–1518
outputs (Annex 1). For example, plants’ in-house R & D activities are current (three-year) period and in two previous periods, i.e.
routinely linked to innovation performance in econometric studies with
suggestions that the innovation-R & D relationship reflects both Ii = β0 + β10 QIMt + β11 QIMit − 1 + β12 QIMit − 2 + β2 RDi + β3 FSi + β4 BSi
knowledge creation (Harris and Trainor, 1995) and absorptive capacity + β5 HSi + β6 CONTi + δi (2)
effects (Griffith et al., 2003). 54% of plants were conducting in-house
R & D at the time of the IIP surveys (Table 1). Reflecting recent writing Our first hypothesis suggests that in the short-term the adoption of
on open innovation (Chesbrough 2007; Chesborough 2006) external QIMs might create disruption to plants’ innovation activity (H1a) with
innovation relationships have also been shown to play an important longer term benefits (H1b). Support for H1a requires β10 < 0, with
role in shaping innovation outputs (Oerlemans et al., 1998; Ritala et al., H1b requiring β11 > 0 and/or β12 > 0. H2 relates to the relative size
2013), complementing plants’ internal capabilities (He and Wong, and impact of the alternative QIMs in equation (2).
2012; Cassiman and Veugelers, 2006; Arora and Gambardella, 1990; Our third and fourth hypotheses relates to potential complementa-
Belderbos et al., 2006). Here, we include three separate variables re- rities and learning-by-using effects between QIMs, denoted here QIMA
presenting plants’ external innovation co-operation with customers, and QIMB. If QIMtB− 2 = 1 where a plant is an early adopter of QIMB and
suppliers and other organisations outside the supply chain. Around zero otherwise we estimate:
30.0% of plants reported having innovation cooperation with custo- Ii = β0 + β101 QIMtA *QIMtB− 2 + β111 QIMtA− 1 *QIMtB− 2 + β121 QIMtA− 2 *QIMtB− 2
mers, while 32.7% had backwards innovation cooperation with sup-
+ β102 QIMtA *(1 − QIMtB− 2) + β112 QIMtA− 1 *(1 − QIMtB− 2)
pliers (Table 1). Links outside the supply chain could be with a variety
of different types of organisation (e.g. universities, consultants) and + β122 QIMtA− 2 *(1 − QIMtB− 2)
here we construct a count variable representing the number of types of + β2 RDi + β3 FSi + β4 BSi + β5 HSi + β6 CONTi + δi
partner with which a plant was cooperating. On average, plants were
cooperating with around 0.8 organisations outside the supply chain
(Table 1). For Hypothesis 3, which reflects the complementary benefits of si-
We also include in the analysis a group of variables which give an multaneous adoption, we anticipate that early adoption of QIMA in
indication of the quality of plants’ in-house knowledge base – e.g. skills, period t-2 will have greater benefits where a plant also adopts QIMB in
plant size, multi-nationality, plant vintage, and whether or not a plant period t-2. Here, we test β121 > β122. For Hypothesis 4 which reflects
is exporting. Skill levels are reflected in the proportion of each plant’s the potential learning-by-using effects from early adoption of QIMB we
workforce which have a degree level qualification to reflect potential test whether β101 > β102 and/or β111 > β112.
labour quality impacts on innovation (Freel 2005; Leiponen, 2005; Our choice of estimation method is dictated largely by the fact that
Freel, 2005) or absorptive capacity. Multi-nationality is included here we are using plant-level data and that our dependent variables are
to reflect the potential for intra-firm knowledge transfer between na- percentages. We therefore make use of tobit estimators on observations
tional markets and plants, while plant vintage is intended to reflect the pooled from the different waves of the IIP. We include in each model a
potential for cumulative accumulation of knowledge capital by older set of sector controls at the 2- digit level, and a series of time dummies
establishments (Klette and Johansen, 1998), or plant life-cycle effects to pick up any secular differences between the waves of the IIP. Our
(Atkeson and Kehoe, 2005). Finally, studies of the impact of publicly estimation sample is restricted both by the structure of the IIP and
funded R & D have, since Griliches (1995), repeatedly suggested that missing values for some survey questions. Specifically, QIM adoption
government support for R & D and innovation can have positive effects data is collected in waves 2–6 of the IIP for plants which reported un-
on innovation activity both by boosting levels of investment (Hewitt- dertaking some process innovation during the previous three years. Of
Dundas and Roper, 2009) and through its positive effect on organisa- the 3918 observations in waves 2–6 of the survey, 1403 plants under-
tional capabilities (Buiseret et al., 1995). Here, we therefore include a took no process innovation, and so no QIM adoption data is available
dummy variable where plants received public support for innovation.10 for these plants. In addition, 295 process innovators provided in-
Our empirical approach focuses on the innovation or knowledge complete data on the timing of QIM adoption and we therefore exclude
production function which represents the process through which plants’ these plants from our estimation leaving a potential estimation sample
knowledge capital is transformed into innovation outputs (Griliches of 2220 firms. This is further reduced by missing values for our de-
1995; Love and Roper, 2001; Laursen and Salter, 2006; Griliches, pendent variable and control variables resulting in an estimation
1995). If Ii is an innovation output indicator for plant i the innovation sample of around 1350 firms. Our estimation sample therefore re-
production function might be summarised in cross-sectional terms as: presents a group of firms which are more strongly innovation-oriented
that the general population of businesses. This is clear if we compare
Ii = β0 + β1 QIMi + β2 RDi + β3 FSi + β4 BSi + β5 HSi + β6 CONTi + δi innovative sales from new products (and improved products) which
(1) averaged 18.5 (31.8)% among our estimation sample compared to 12.8
(19.9)% among non-process innovators which are excluded from the
Where: QIMi denotes plants’ adoption of quality improvement methods, estimation sample (see Table 1).
RDi are plants’ in-house R & D investments, FSi, BSi and HSi are for-
wards, backwards and horizontal knowledge search respectively, and 4. Results
CONTi is a vector of other plant level controls (Annex 1). Typical of
previous cross-sectional studies of the relationship between QIM and Replicating previous cross-sectional studies of the quality-innova-
innovation, a positive association between QIM and innovation would tion relationship, we first undertake a cross-sectional (static) analysis to
here require β1 > 0. Implicit in this formulation – and previous cross- determine whether QIM adoption benefits product innovation perfor-
sectional studies – is the restriction that the date of adoption of each mance (Eq. (1)). As presented in Table 3, TQM adoption positively
QIM has no impact on its effect on innovation. For each observation in correlates with product innovation performance, although neither
our data we have information on when plants adopted each QIM. To Quality Certification nor QC has a positive association with product
test our hypotheses – and inter alia this restriction − we therefor es- innovation performance. In terms of TQM our results reflect those of
timate a version of Eq. (1) explicitly identifying QIM adoption in the previous studies which have also reported the benefits of adopting
TQM, a QIM comprising hard and soft dimensions, for firm innovation
Elsewhere we profile the range of public support initiatives for innovation in Ireland
(Moura E Sá and Abrunhosa, 2007; Martínez-Costa and Martínez-
and Northern Ireland over the period covered by the IIP (Meehan, 2000; O'Malley et al., Lorente, 2008; Abrunhosa and Moura E Sá, 2008); and Zeng et al.’s
2008). (2015) study which reported innovation benefits when firms introduce
J. Bourke, S. Roper Research Policy 46 (2017) 1505–1518
Table 3 Table 4
Static models: Tobit Models of Innovative Sales of New Products. Short-term and longer-term effects: Tobit Models of Innovative Sales of New Products.
J. Bourke, S. Roper Research Policy 46 (2017) 1505–1518
4.1. Hard versus soft QIM effects Sequential QIM Adoption: Learning by Using Effects
Current & Previous Q Cert Adoption: Current & Previous Q Cert Adoption:
with/without early QC adoption with/without early TQM adoption
Next, we consider our results in the context of H2 which suggests
that soft QIMs will have weaker short-term disruption effects than hard Current Q Cert with early QC 6.245 Current Q Cert with 0.489
early TQM
QIMs. Quality Certification, a hard QIM, results in significant short- (6.019) (4.252)
term disruption for plants’ innovative performance, whereas QCs and Current Q Cert without early −4.017** Current Q Cert −3.438**
TQM, QIMs comprising full or partial soft components, impose none of QC without early TQM
these short-term disruption effects on plant innovation. While there is (1.626) (1.587)
Previous Q Cert with early −2.889 Previous Q Cert with 5.023
no evidence of long-term beneficial effects with Quality Certification,
QC early TQM
we do find long-term beneficial effects for plant innovation in the case (7.985) (4.510)
of QCs and TQM. In addition, the beneficial effects from TQM adoption Previous Q Cert without 0.142 Previous Q Cert −0.367
arise more quickly than in the case of QCs, and the returns from TQM early QC without early TQM
adoption are greater. Our results therefore suggest that the soft or or- (1.899) (1.887)
ganic components of each QIM impacts the temporal profile of this In-plant R & D 5.343*** 5.461***
disruptive –beneficial relationship. We find strong support for H2 as the (1.362) (1.356)
Clients Linkages 1.764 1.631
softer QIMs, QCs and TQM, have no short-term disruption effects on
(1.775) (1.771)
innovation in contrast to the hard Quality Certification. Supplier Linkages 4.363** 4.304**
(1.707) (1.698)
4.2. Complementarity and learning-by-using effects Horz. Linkages −0.00295 0.0329
(0.538) (0.535)
Employment (Log) −0.421 −0.425
In our investigation of complementarities and learning by using (0.657) (0.654)
effects, we attempt to determine if simultaneous and sequential adop- Plant Vintage −0.086*** −0.083***
tion of QIMs benefit product innovation performance. We hypothesise (0.022) (0.022)
that simultaneous QIM adoption may generate positive complementa- Externally Owned 4.177** 4.055**
(1.677) (1.677)
rities increasing the benefits to innovation (H3), and that early adoption
Workforce w Degree 0.0371 0.0358
of one QIM will generate learning-by-using effects increasing the in- (0.0584) (0.0580)
novation benefits of subsequent QIM adoption (H4). Given the finding Govt. Support 4.588*** 4.153***
of a strong disruptive effect of Quality Certification on innovation (as (1.447) (1.441)
reported in Table 4), we focus on this QIM for our complementarity and Export Sales 0.0265 0.0271
(0.0232) (0.0231)
learning by using effect analysis. Constant 11.09*** 10.96***
Complementarities exist if the sum of the benefits of adopting QIMs (3.190) (3.174)
separately is less than the benefit of adopting them simultaneously. Observations 1358 1358
Empirically, we are examining the influence of simultaneous early DV Q Cert Q Cert
conditional on QC TQM
adoption of Quality Certification and softer QIMs (TQM and QC) on
Complementarities 0.88 10.7***
product innovation sales (see Table 5). For instance, in the first model LBU Previous 0.14 1.35
in Table 5 we examine if early Quality Certification adoption and early LBU Current 2.89* 0.83
QC adoption are complementarities for innovation. Specifically, we
include two variables, one which captures the plants that are early
Quality Certification and early QC adopters and another which captures subsequent QIM adoption. The motivation for investigating whether
those that are early Quality Certification adopters but not early QC learning-by-using effects impact on plant innovation is that early
adopters. The insignificant coefficients indicate that these two QIMs are adoption of one QIM creates the potential for learning and hence sub-
not complementarities. The next regression model examines if early sequent adoption of an additional QIM is likely to be less onerous.
Quality Certification and early TQM adoption are complementary. Our Essentially we are examining if early adoption of a soft (QC) or partially
analysis reveals that TQM and Quality Certification are complementary soft (TQM) QIM and subsequent adoption of a hard (quality certifica-
initiatives and the benefit of their simultaneous adoption is greater than tion) QIM benefit innovation. Empirically, we test for learning-by-using
if adopted individually. We find that benefits of TQM adoption are effects by including variables which capture sequential adoption pat-
conditional on the simultaneous adoption of Quality Certification, and terns. For instance, in the first model in Table 5, we examine if early
vice versa. Of particular interest is how simultaneous early adoption of adoption of QC and subsequent quality certification adoption, in both
Quality Certification and TQM offsets the short-term disruptive effects the current (Current QCert* early QC & Current QCert*no early QC) and
of Quality Certification. previous (Previous QCert*early QC & Previous QCert*no early QC) time
Next, we investigate whether early adoption of one QIM generates periods, influence innovative sales. In the next model, we are ex-
learning-by-using effects increasing the innovation benefits of amining if early TQM adoption and subsequent quality certification
J. Bourke, S. Roper Research Policy 46 (2017) 1505–1518
adoption benefits innovation. Interestingly, early adoption of QC and, subsequent Quality Certification adoption. The results from these ro-
to a lesser extent TQM, offset the disruptive effects of Quality Certifi- bustness tests are therefore similar to those reported for the narrower
cation. Therefore, early adoption of QC generates learning-by-using dependent variable of innovative sales from new products, although we
effects for current Quality Certification adoption; the benefits (although do not find support for H4 here.
still insignificant) of Quality Certification are conditional on prior In a second robustness test we sought to allow for the potential
adoption of QC. endogeneity of the adoption of each of the QIMs, i.e. the possibility that
We previously hypothesised that positive complementarities will be the determinants of adoption may also be the determinants of innova-
strongest where the QIMs adopted have contrasting hard and soft tion outcomes. We estimated two-stage models estimating first a model
components (H3) and suggested that learning-by-using effects from for the probability of adoption and then including the implied Inverse
prior QIM adoption will reduce disruption and increase the product Mills Ratio (IMRs) in Eqs. (1)–(3) (Heckman 1979). For both our main
innovation benefits of subsequent QIM adoption (H4). Our analysis and alternative dependent variables the IMRs proved insignificant with
reveals a complementary relationship between the hard Quality the coefficients of interest also remaining unchanged in sign and sig-
Certification and the soft-hard TQM for plant innovation. We find no nificance.
evidence of a complementary relationship between the hard Quality Finally, we undertake a robustness test to determine if the QIM-
Certification and soft QCs with respect to innovation performance. innovation relationship differs by time period of adoption. The ratio-
Therefore, we find little support for H3 that complementarities are nale for this test is that each of the QIMs may be subject to a diffusion
strongest when QIMs comprise of contrasting hard and soft compo- pattern which sees variation in uptake, peak and decline in adoption
nents. Our primary finding in relation to learning-by-using effects is through time and across the waves of the survey. We partition the three
that early adoption of QCs generates learning-by-using effects for sub- QIM measures using the five waves of the survey and re-run our static
sequent Quality Certification. Therefore, we find support for H4 that estimations (Table 3). Testing the equality of coefficients between
prior QIM adoption will reduce disruption and increase the product waves reveals F-tests which are all insignificant. This indicates that the
innovation benefits of subsequent QIM adoption. Interestingly, learning QIM effects on product innovation performance are not significantly
by using effects exist when a soft QIM is adopted prior to a hard QIM different between survey waves, i.e. through time.
benefitting product innovation performance.
4.4. Discussion
4.3. Robustness tests
Previous cross-sectional studies have suggested a positive correla-
We conducted three robustness tests to evaluate our results further. tion between QIMs and innovation, with a focus on the TQM-innovation
These included running the analysis with an alternative measure of relationship (Moura E Sá and Abrunhosa, 2007; Martínez-Costa and
innovative output; using an alternative estimation approach allowing Martínez-Lorente, 2008; Abrunhosa and Moura E Sá, 2008). In cross-
for the potential endogeneity of the ‘treatment’ represented by plants’ sectional terms our data also suggests a positive relationship between
QIM adoption (Maddala, 1983); and determining if our results are TQM and product innovation performance although we find no re-
sensitive to the time period of adoption. First, in our main analysis we lationship, however, between either QC or Quality Certification and
use a dependent variable which reflects plants’ sales derived from new product innovation performance (Table 3). As our analysis of the short
products. This reflects an emphasis on more radical innovation rather and long-term effects suggests, however, these cross-sectional re-
than either imitation or more incremental product change (Schnaars, lationships hide some rather complex temporal effects on product in-
1994). To consider whether our results also hold for more imitative novation performance, effects which differ markedly between QIMs
strategies we repeated the analysis using an alternative and more (Table 4). In particular, we find evidence that QIMs can cause short-
broadly defined dependent variable – innovative sales from new and term disruption to product innovation activity before the development
improved products. Results were broadly similar to those reported in of longer-term benefits.
relation to our main dependent variable. In relation to the static ana- In considering these results, it is important to acknowledge that due
lysis, and reflecting the weak results of the static analysis in Table 3, to survey limitations our analysis is based on a sub-sample of plants
none of the QIMs have a significant effect on the broader measure of which undertook some process innovation, and which are more
innovative sales. Likewise, temporal analysis with our alternative in- strongly innovation-oriented than the general population of plants.
novation output measure generates results which are broadly similar to Evidenced by higher than average levels of innovative sales, these firms
those reported earlier (Table 4). In relation to Quality Certification, the are also likely to have strong internal resources and routines associated
coefficient signs indicate the same pattern of disruption and long term with innovation such as R & D capacity and engagement with colla-
beneficial effects as for innovative sales from new products but the borative networks. Even for this group of innovation-oriented firms,
short term disruption effect is not statistically significant. For QC, we however, we still find that the adoption of Quality Certification causes a
still see insignificant disruption effects but evidence of longer term significant short-term disruption effect. For other, less innovation-or-
beneficial effects is insignificant. There is clear evidence of long term iented firms in the population, or firms with less experience of im-
beneficial effects from TQM adoption, although these are generally plementing process innovations, we might anticipate even stronger
weaker than for innovative sales. In summary, effects from QIM adop- disruption effects, and potentially weaker longer-term innovation
tion are stronger for innovative sales from new products than the benefits.
broader dependent variable which captures innovative sales from new We can also consider these results in the context of the soft-hard
and improved products. dimensions of the QIMs. For instance, these disruption effects are most
We also repeated the learning-by-using and complementarity ana- significant for hard Quality Certification, reducing innovative sales by
lysis using innovative sales from new and improved products as the 4.6%, but prove weaker for soft QIM, such as Quality Circles. TQM –
dependent variable. Results from this robustness test are broadly si- which combines soft and hard components also has no significant dis-
milar to those reported in relation to the narrower dependent variable ruption effect. Those QIMs with soft components – TQM and QC –have
of innovative sales from new products (Table 5). The strong and sig- the most significant long-term benefits increasing innovative sales by
nificant complementary benefit of early Quality Certification and early 5.5–7.4% (Table 4). Quality Certification has no significant longer-term
TQM is also evident in relation to the broader dependent variables of effect on innovation.
innovative sales from new and improved products. However, there is no Our findings are broadly in line with previous studies which have
evidence of a learning-by-using effect from early QC adoption influ- examined how the soft and hard dimensions of QIMs influence in-
encing the benefits to this broader definition of innovation from novation. Some studies report that firms that adopt soft QIMs tend to be
J. Bourke, S. Roper Research Policy 46 (2017) 1505–1518
J. Bourke, S. Roper Research Policy 46 (2017) 1505–1518
Association Conference in May 2015. We are also grateful for significantly improved the paper.
thoughtful comments from the editor and three referees which
Innovative sales (new) (% An indicator representing the percentage of plants’ sales at the time of the survey accounted for by products which
sales) had been newly introduced over the previous three years.
QIM variables
Current user Static binary measure taking value 1 if the plant had adopted the QIM at the time of the survey and zero otherwise.
Current adopter Time specific binary variable taking value 1 if the plant had first introduced the QIM in the previous three years and
zero otherwise.
Early adopter Time specific binary variable taking value 1 if the plant had first introduced the QIM 4–6 years prior to the survey
date and zero otherwise.
Previous adopter Time specific binary variable taking value 1 if the plant had introduced the QIM more than 6 years prior to the survey
date and zero otherwise.
Control variables
In plant R & D A binary indictor taking value one if the plant has an in-house R & D capacity
Clients Linkages A binary indicator taking value one if the plant is co-operating with customers as part of its innovation activity.
Supplier Linkages A binary indicator taking value one if the plant is co-operating with suppliers as part of its innovation activity.
Horiz. Linkages A count indicator of the breadth of plants’ other innovation partnering activity. Takes values 0–7 depending on how
many different types of partner the plant is working with: consultant, competitor, joint venture, government
laboratory, university, private laboratory, industry research centre.
Employment Employment at the time of the survey.
Plant vintage The time in years between the establishment date of the plant and the date of the survey.
Externally owned A binary indicator taking value 1 if the plant was externally-owned. For plants in Ireland this means owned outside
the country. For plants in Northern Ireland this means plants owned outside the region.
Workforce with degree The percentage of the workforce with a degree or equivalent qualification
Government support A binary indicator taking value one if the plant had received government support for product innovation over the
previous three years.
Export sales A binary indicator taking value one if the plant was selling outside the UK and Ireland at the time of the survey and
zero otherwise
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