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International Journal of Mechanical and Production

Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)

ISSN(P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249-8001
Vol. 8, Issue 1, Feb 2018, 407-414
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.




Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sangunthala R & D
Institute of Science and Technology, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sangunthala R & D
Institute of Science and Technology, Avadi, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Developing efficient wind mill blades with high toughness and good fatigue life is one of the main engineering
challenges for wind energy sector globally. FRP is commonly used in aerospace, manufacturing of auto ancillary parts,
marine, and construction industries. Large wind mill blades are made of glass fiber/epoxy composites to achieve high-
specific stiffness, strength and good fracture toughness. While operating, the wind mill blades are subjected to
significant stress. These composite blades fail due to fiber/matrix delamination and cracking. Significant technical
advances can be achieved by adding nano clay with glass fiber/epoxy composite. Toughness test (mode I) to understand

Original Article
the interlaminar fracture conducted on the double cantilever beam (DCB) specimen reveals that the inclusion of nano
clay can appreciably increase the fracture toughness of the glass fiber/epoxy composite.

KEYWORDS: Glass Fiber, Nano Clay, Epoxy & Mode I

Received: Nov 01, 2017; Accepted: Nov 21, 2017; Published: Jan 08, 2018; Paper Id.: IJMPERDFEB201845


Glass fiber-reinforced composite materials are known for their advanced engineering materials displaying
high strength and low weight and its application in the automobile sectors, aerospace military, and sporting goods.
Formed by reaction of an epoxide "resin" with polyamine "hardener," epoxy is a thermosetting polymer.
Its applications are of wis/de range, including fiber-reinforced plastic materials and general purpose adhesives.
The recent addition of nanoclay as an additive results in various desired effects that are currently used to modify
the polymer performance. One of the most common nanoclays is montmorillonite, a very soft phyllosilicate
mineral typically formed as microscopic crystals used in material applications. It consists of 1 nm thick
aluminosilicate layers surface-substituted with metal cations and 10 µm-sized multilayer stacks. The surface
modification of the clay layers can cause montmorillonite to disperse in a polymer matrix to form polymer−clay

According to previous studies, nanoclay and epoxy resin improved the fracture toughness, strength, and
stiffness of the composites.

Carbon nanotubes are known to improve the mechanical properties of polymers but are not being widely
used because of its high material cost. Nanoclay might increase the fracture toughness of epoxy and clay
concentration when mixed with DGEBA epoxy resin using a mechanical stirrer. According to Antonio et al. [18],

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the damping coefficient and the energy dissipation characteristic of the glass/epoxy composite using nanoclay particles
improved. Hosur et al.[19] demonstrated improved impact characteristic of the composite sandwich structure using the
nanoclay infused foam.

This study investigated the toughening effect of nanoclay mixed with epoxy. The composites are not isotropic
materials and are anisotropic materials, showing different properties in various directions. Assessing the composites’
outstanding properties can be achieved only if the loading direction coincides with the reinforcement direction. In many
cases, the loading is multidirectional. Therefore, leading to various failures including delamination, matrix cracking and
other type of fracture. The interlaminar fracture in the form of delamination is a major one that is commonly encountered.
The delamination or interlaminar cracking is one of the principal modes of damage of composite structures.
The intensification of delamination results in stiffness humiliation and ultimate failure of the composite structure. Different
types of loading can lead to delamination. Resistance to delamination is also known as interlaminar fracture toughness.
Thus, it is important to characterize the fracture behavior which enables the design of fiber-reinforced composite materials.

Double cantilever beam (DCB) test was used to measure fracture toughness with respect to the particle content at
room temperature (25ºC). The DCB is the most widely used test configuration for measuring mode I interlaminar fracture
toughness. Using DCB specimens, extensive research has been conducted to study the influence of such factors as
specimen dimensions, temperature, moisture, and loading rate on the mode I delamination behavior. In order to investigate
their toughening mechanism, the fracture surface was also observed with SEM.


In this study, the epoxy resin DGEBA used as matrix polymer and its very low viscosity and withstanding
temperature at 25 ºC is suited for resin infusion techniques. Apart from this, an epoxy hardener named Araldite HY 951 has
been used. For each investigated nanoclay content, the fraction of this component is based on the manufacturer suggested
neat epoxy (5:1). Modification of epoxy was achieved by commercial nanoclay, namely, I30P from Southern Clay
Products (USA), which are surface-modified lamellae of montmorillonite with 1 nm thick and lateral dimensions ranging
from 70 to 150 nm used as reinforcement for neat and epoxy-modified laminates. Fiber materials can be used as e-glass

Epoxy Modification and Laminate Fabrication using Epoxy + Hardner of 100:10 Ratio

Table 1: Nano Clay

S. NO Grade Sample %
1 I30P 2 4 6 8 10

Table 2: Mixture Calculation(in gms)

S. No Percentage Nanoclay Hardner Epoxy
1 2 4.0 19.6 176.4
2 4 8.0 19.2 172.8
3 6 12.0 18.8 169.2
4 8 16.0 18.4 165.6
5 10 20.0 18.0 162.0

Initially epoxy was measured volumetrically, taking 1000 ml doube-neck flask and continuously heating upto
50ºC and stirring it using mechanical stirrer and maintaining the temperature upto 65ºC. In the mean time, nanoclay was

Impact Factor (JCC): 6.8765 NAAS Rating: 3.11

Evaluation of Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Glass 409
Fiber − Epoxy-Modified Composite Materials
dissolved in solvent acetone and stirred well by glass rod as shown in tables 1& 2. This mixture was poured into epoxy
resin and the stirring continued for 1 hr at temperature of 65°C.

After reaching finer results, the mixture was sonicated. The sonication process is shown in figure 1 and is always
operated with the maximum power amplitude of 200 W, and various duty cycles (25%, 50%, and 75%) were chosen, in
order to investigate its effect on the fracture toughness. The process was continued for 40 min followed by molding
preceding an extensive degassing process, thereby reducing the amount of trapped air and avoiding voids in the matrix
using low-vacuum pump.

Figure 1: Sonicator

After 30 min, most air was released to form a brownish mixture of modified resin [AQ: Please check whether the
edit retains the intended sense of the sentence.]. At the end of the degassing process, the modified resin should be devoid of
any bubble and translucent materials as shown in figure. 2. CT specimens were manufactured by simply pouring the resin
into a silicone mold. The dimensions of the specimens were in agreement with the specifications suggested by ASTM.

Laminates were fabricated using compressor molding. Mold was cleaned by acetone and wax applied to the mold
surface. Before processing, the fibers are sized into 27 cm × 27cm. First, the resin was applied to the mould, placed on the
fiber, and continued the process upto 14 layers, that is, where 14 layers of twill glass fabric were stacked up. The resulting
laminate thickness was about 3 mm. All the fabric layers were placed based on their warp direction parallel to the
longitudinal direction of the mold. A Teflon film of 50 µm thick was used to create a pre-crack on the DCB specimens.
Teflon film was placed after the seventh layer in the stack following which the pressure was applied and the temperature
maintained upto 80ºC for 2 hr. Geometry and size of specimens were those suggested by ASTMD 5528-01. De molding
performed after complete curing at room temperature.

Figure 2: Nano Modified Resin Appearance:

(a) After 30 min Degassing and (b) At the End of Degassing Process

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Interlaminar (Delamination) Fracture Toughness

Interlaminar fracture is one of the most important problems for FRP composites and it reduces the stiffness of the
components. Delamination failure influences the performance of laminated composites where geometrical and material
discontinuities exist. Delamination and its growth are characterized by strain energy release rate (G) and the manner in
which the load was applied. A delamination may be loaded in Mode I (tensile), Mode II (shear), Mode III (tearing shear),
or it may be loaded in a combination of these modes. Depending on the mode of loading, the delamination actually begins
to extend significantly, indicating is the critical strain energy release rate (Gc).

Delamination resistance may be characterized based on various test methods. ASTM is working on standards to
measure G1c under a variety of loading conditions. ASTM D5528 recommends DCB test to measure the Mode I fracture
toughness GIC[AQ: Please check whether it is G1c or GIC as both forms are used in the article.] of fiber-reinforced
polymer composites. The end notch flexure (ENF) test measures the pure Mode II fracture toughness GIIC.


Mode I Interlaminar Fracture Toughness Testing

DCB is the preferred specimen type in most Mode I interlaminar fracture test, consisting of a rectangular uniform
thickness unidirectional laminated composite specimen as shown schematically in Figure

Figure 3: Double Cantilever Beam Specimen with Load Blocks used for Mode I Testing

In the mid plane of the laminate, a non adhesive Teflon film was inserted during fabrication, in turn acting as a
delamination initiator. On the top and bottom surfaces of the DCB specimen arms the loading blocks were mounted. With a
constant cross-head speed of 1-5 mm/min, the delaminated end of the DCB specimen was opened by quasi-static loading at
a displacement control mode. During the test, delamination lengths are determined visually. For more accurate
delamination length readings, ASTM recommends using a travelling microscope.

Interlaminar Fracture Toughness: GIC Calculations

The interlaminar fracture toughness calculation is based on beam theory (with corrections for load blocks),
experimental compliance calibration, or a modified compliance calibration, as described by ASTM D5528 [20]. Three
methods were used to calculate GIC values, which differed by not more than 3.1 %, and none of the method was superior
to the others. Since it yielded the most repeated GIC values for 80% of specimens tested, modified beam theory (MBT)
method is recommended.

Modified Beam Theory (MBT) Method [AQ: Please Fix the Equations in Math type]

Impact Factor (JCC): 6.8765 NAAS Rating: 3.11

Evaluation of Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Glass 411
Fiber − Epoxy-Modified Composite Materials
P = load,

δ = load point displacement,

b = specimen width

a = delamination length

Compliance Calibration (CC) Method

Modified Compliance Calibration (MCC) Method

After testing, the values are applied to modified beam theory to calculate the G1c as shown in tables 3 to 8.

Table 3: Neat Epoxy [AQ: Please Fix the Tables 3 to 8 in Editable Format]

Table 4: Two Percent Laminate

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Table 5: Four Percent Laminate

Table 6: Six Percent Laminate

Table 7: Eight Percent Laminate

Impact Factor (JCC): 6.8765 NAAS Rating: 3.11

Evaluation of Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Glass 413
Fiber − Epoxy-Modified Composite Materials
Table 8: Ten Percent Laminate

Table 9: Result and Summary

Composite Mode 1
Laminates G1c(MBT)
Neat epoxy 0.78031
2% 1.197743
4% 1.126258
6% 1.016451
8% 1.077391
10% 1.128979


This study presents the preliminary experimental results of assessing the benefits derived from the matrix nano
modification of composite laminates made by compression molding on glass fabrics. The experimental program was aimed
at investigating the following properties: mode I fracture toughness and crack propagation resistance for neat and clay-
modified epoxy. The study results indicate significant improvements in the fracture toughness and crack propagation
threshold of clay-modified epoxy.


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Impact Factor (JCC): 6.8765 NAAS Rating: 3.11

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