Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 16, 229-245, 2009

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol.

16, 229–245, 2009



D. Ghosh and T. K. Sarkar

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244, USA

E. L. Mokole
Radar Division, Naval Research Laboratory
Washington, DC 20375, USA

Abstract—The wide-angle bicone antenna terminated by a spherical

cap is investigated. The antenna radiation patterns have been observed
for various values of ka where k represents the phase constant and a
represents the conical length. It is seen that for large values of ka
the radiation pattern is limited within an angular sector bounded by
the cones of the antenna. Next the antenna is optimized for ultra-
wideband (UWB) operation through the use of loading techniques.
The transient wideband radiated and received responses of the antenna
have been observed and the relationship between the wave shapes of
the transient field and the input pulse have been determined.


This paper analyzes the wide angle biconical antenna terminated by

a truncated spherical cap. The antenna is suitable for operation over
a wide band of frequencies. Wideband operation is possible because
the truncated spherical cap reduces the reflections from the antenna
structure by preventing the sudden termination of the cones. The
biconical antenna has been previously analyzed by Schelkunoff [1],
Smith [2], Papas and King [3, 4], and more recently by Sandler and
King [5] and Samaddar and Mokole [6]. Various exact and approximate
analytical expressions for the driving impedance, the effective height
and the radiated field of the bicone have been derived in Refs. [1–6].
Corresponding author: D. Ghosh (
230 Ghosh, Sarkar, and Mokole

In this paper the biconical antenna has been modeled and simulated
in frequency domain using a program that utilizes the Electric Field
Integral Equation (EFIE) to evaluate the currents on the structures [7].
The numerical results have been compared to the theoretically derived
radiation fields in Section 3 of this paper. The radiation patterns have
been studied to determine the effect of the variation of the cone angles
of the antenna.
In addition to the radiation patterns, the transient radiation
and reception from the bicone antenna have been obtained. The
time-domain data is derived via the inverse Fourier transform of
the frequency domain data using the Fast-Fourier-Transform (FFT)
technique. The FFT process imposes certain limits on the time domain
data. In particular, the time domain response becomes periodic and
the total time span of the response is controlled by the lowest frequency
of operation. The proper choice of frequency bands and frequency
spacing for the computation makes this transformation procedure very
helpful as will be shown in this paper. The relationship between
the input voltages and the radiated or the received fields have been
obtained for both electrically large and electrically small antennas.
In order to use the biconical antenna in UWB communications, a
traveling-wave bicone is obtained by reducing the reflections from the
antenna structures. To a certain degree, this can be accomplished by
properly designing the antenna, as done in this case by using a spherical
cap on the cones. Additionally, loading with a predetermined resistive

Figure 1. Model of spherically-capped biconical antenna. [a

represents the length of the cone, ψ1 and ψ2 represent the half cone
angles of the bicone].
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 16, 2009 231

profile reduces the dispersion from the antenna to a great degree. This
approach will be discussed in Section 4 of this paper.


The antenna structure is shown in Figure 1. It is axially symmetric

and it has wide cone angles with the half cone angle exceeding 40◦ .
The half cone angles are ψ1 and ψ2 , and they satisfy 0 < ψ1 < π/2 and
0 < ψ2 ≤ π − ψ1 . The cones are excited symmetrically at the apices.
Three different configurations are considered in the following analysis:
1) ψ1 = 53.1◦ = ψ2 , 2) ψ1 = 53.1◦ and ψ2 = 70◦ and 3) ψ1 = 53.1◦ and
ψ2 = 90◦ . Case 1 represents a bicone antenna with equal cone angles
whereas cases 2 and 3 are bicones with unequal cone angles. Case 3 is
a special case of bicone antenna commonly referred to as the discone


3.1. With Equal Cone Angles

A bicone with cone angles of ψ1 = 53.1◦ = ψ2 is shown in Figure 2.
The conical length is a = 0.056 m. The feed wire located between the
tips of the two cones has a length of 4 mm and a radius of 0.1 mm. The
antenna is excited symmetrically through the feed wire. Due to the
presence of equal cone angles, it suffices to illustrate the upper half of
the radiation pattern only. Moreover due to azimuthal symmetry the
pattern can be represented in two dimensions only, the third dimension
providing no extra information in this case.

Figure 2. Structure of the equal angle biconical antenna.

232 Ghosh, Sarkar, and Mokole

The radiation pattern of the antenna is shown in Figure 3 for

different values of ka where k is the phase constant. In Figure 3
the bold dotted line represents the angular value of ψ1 = 53.1◦ , the
angle being measured from the vertical axis of the structure. For
representing electrically small structures with ka ¿ 1, a value of
ka = 0.0106 has been chosen and the corresponding radiation pattern
is shown in Figure 3(a). The radiation pattern in Figure 3(a) is a
close approximation to the sin θ pattern observed for electrically small
dipoles. This means that the electrically small bicone antenna has a
radiation pattern similar to that of a short dipole. It is seen from
Figure 3(b) that for ka ∼ 1 the pattern is identical to that for ka ¿ 1.
So the electrically small structure approximation is valid till ka ∼ 1.
For an electrically larger structure, the pattern breaks down into
a number of smaller lobes progressively as the value ka increases as
seen in Figures 3(c)–3(f). In Figure 3(e) it is seen that the pattern
maximum occurs at an angle of about 25◦ from the broadside direction.
The case of an electrically large bicone with ka À 1 is approximated
by ka = 106.395 and the radiation pattern at this value is shown
in Figure 3(f). In this case the pattern maximum occurs in the

1 1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

(a) ka = 0.0106 (b) ka = 1.064 (c) ka = 5.3198

1 1 1

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

(d) ka = 10.6395 (e) ka = 60.99 (f) ka = 106.395

Figure 3. The normalized E-plane radiation pattern for different

values of ka for an equal angle bicone antenna.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 16, 2009 233

broadside direction. Moreover, for both Figure 3(e) and Figure 3(f)
the radiation pattern lies within 36.9◦ of the broadside direction where
(π/2 − ψ1 ) = 36.9◦ represents the conical angle defined by the bicone
structure. These patterns show that for electrically large bicone
antennas most of the energy is concentrated in the conical area outlined
by the conical edges and when ka is sufficiently large, the pattern has
a maximum in the broadside direction with very little energy radiating
outside the above mentioned area. Thus if the directivity requirements
of the communication system under consideration are known, one can
design a biconical antenna to suit the application by determining the
cone angles of the antenna. While designing such an antenna, it is
important to remember that the designed antenna has to be used in a
frequency range limited by ka À 1.

90 1 90 1 90 1
60 60 60
0.8 0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6 0.6
30 30 30
0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
(a) ka = 0.0106 (b) ka = 1.064 (c) ka = 5.3198
90 1 90 90 1.5
60 60

30 30 30
0.5 0.5


0 0 0
(d) ka = 10.6395 (e) ka = 60.99 (f) ka = 106.395

Figure 4. Comparison of the normalized E-plane radiation patterns

and the error for an equal angle bicone antenna.
234 Ghosh, Sarkar, and Mokole

3.2. Comparison of the Radiation Patterns Obtained from

Analytical and Numerical Calculations
The relative radiated field pattern in the E-plane can be calculated
analytically as follows [4]:
P∞ in−1 (2n+1) P 1 (cos θ)gn (µ1 ,µ2 )
Eθrad (r, θ, ω) n=1 2n(n+1) h(2) (ka)− n h(2) (ka)
n−1 ka n
R (θ, ω) = = P∞ (1)
Eθrad (r, π/2, ω) in−1 (2n+1) P 1 (0)gn (µ1 ,µ2 )
n=1 2n(n+1) h(2) (ka)− n h(2) (ka)
n−1 ka n

Each series in (1) is truncated after (M + 1) terms where M is

given in the Table 1 of [6]. The analytically calculated radiated field is
compared to the field obtained numerically as described in the previous
section. The comparison shows that as the value of ka increases
the difference in the two calculations is larger. The normalized
error between the theoretical and numerical results is calculated as
kRtheo −Rnum k
kRtheo k , where Rtheo in the theoretical field and Rnum is the
numerically calculated field and they are shown in Figures 4(a)–4(f).
When ka ≤ 10.6395 the fields are identical differing slightly between
35◦ and 70◦ . But for ka > 10.6395 the difference between the
theoretical and numerical calculations is much more significant due
to the approximations in the theoretical calculation.

3.3. With Unequal Cone Angles

3.3.1. Cone Angles of ψ1 = 53.1◦ and ψ2 = 70◦
A bicone with ψ1 = 53.1◦ and ψ2 = 70◦ and a cone length of
a = 0.056 m is shown in Figure 5. The antenna has a feed wire of
length 4 mm and radius 0.1 mm connecting the tips of the two cones
and it is excited symmetrically through the feed wire. Due to azimuthal

Figure 5. Structure of the unequal angle biconical antenna.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 16, 2009 235

symmetry of the structure a two dimensional pattern is sufficient for

observation purposes.
The radiation patterns of the antenna for different values of ka
are shown in Figure 6. In Figure 6 the dotted line in the upper
plane represents the angular value of ψ1 = 53.1◦ whereas the dotted
line in the lower plane represents the angular value of ψ2 = 70◦ , the
angles being measured from the vertical axes of the structure shown in
Figure 1. In the case of an electrically small structure where ka ¿ 1
the pattern is similar to that of a short dipole antenna approximated
by sin θ as shown in Figure 6(a). Figures 6(b)–6(d) show the radiation

1 1 1

0.5 0.5 0.5

0 0 0

-0.5 -0.5 -0.5

-1 -1 -1

(a) ka = 0.0106 (b) ka = 1.064 (c) ka = 5.3198

1 1

0. 8

0.5 0.6
0. 2
0 0 0

-0.5 -0.5

- 0.8

-1 -1
(d) ka = 10.6395 (e) ka = 60.99 (f) ka = 106.395

Figure 6. The normalized E-plane radiation pattern for different

values of ka for an unequal angle bicone antenna.
236 Ghosh, Sarkar, and Mokole

patterns of the antenna for three transitional values of ka. The case of
electrically large bicone where ka À 1 is approximated by ka = 60.99
in Figure 6(e) and by ka = 106.395 in Figure 6(f). In Figures 6(e)
and 6(f) the patterns break down into a number of small lobes. For
both Figure 6(e) and Figure 6(f) the radiation pattern lies within
an angular area limited by 36.9◦ above and 20◦ below the broadside
direction where (π/2 − ψ1 ) = 36.9◦ and (π/2 − ψ2 ) = 20◦ . These
calculations verify that for electrically large biconical structures most
of the energy is concentrated in the conical area outlined by the cone
angles of the bicone. During the design of a communication or radar
system, one can determine the angles between which the radiation has
to be limited for the specific application at hand. Then using the
angular data obtained, a biconical antenna can be designed to suit the

3.3.2. Cone Angles of ψ1 = 53.1◦ and ψ2 = 90◦

A bicone with ψ1 = 53.1◦ and ψ2 = 90◦ and a cone length of
a = 0.056 m is shown in Figure 7. This is a special case of
unequal cone angles of the spherically-capped bicone antenna as this
antenna is similar to a discone antenna with spherical caps. Like the
previous cases the antenna has a feed wire of length 4 mm and radius
0.1 mm connecting the tips of the two cones. The antenna is excited
symmetrically through the feed wire. Due to azimuthal symmetry of
the structure a two dimensional radiation pattern is shown.
The radiation pattern of the antenna for different values of ka
is shown in Figure 8. Two dotted lines are drawn in Figure 8, one
represents the angular value of ψ1 = 53.1◦ and the other represents
ψ2 = 90◦ , the angles being measured from the vertical axis of the
structure shown in Figure 1. In the case of an electrically small
structure where ka ¿ 1 the pattern is similar to that of a short dipole

Figure 7. Structure of the spherically-capped discone antenna.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 16, 2009 237

pattern approximated by sin θ as shown in Figures 8(a) and 8(b). It

is important to note that in these cases the pattern in not bounded
by conical edges on the antenna. Observation of Figures 8(c)–8(f)
progressively shows that as ka increases the radiation pattern is more
and more limited within the angular area determined by the two dotted
lines. Again, these calculations verify that for ka À 1 the antenna
radiates within a specified angular region with negligible radiation
outside the area defined the cone angles on the antenna. All the
radiated energy is concentrated in the upper half of the plane as shown
in Figures 8(e) and 8(f).

1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0 0
-0.2 -0.2 -0.2
-0.4 -0.4 -0.4

-0.6 -0.6 -0.6

-0.8 -0.8 -0.8

-1 -1 -1
(a) ka = 0.0106 (b) ka = 1.064 (c) ka = 5.3198
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2

0 0 0

-0.2 -0.2 -0.2

-0.4 -0.4 -0.4

-0.6 -0.6 -0.6

-0.8 -0.8 -0.8

-1 -1 -1

(d) ka = 10.6395 (e) ka = 60.99 (f) ka = 106.395

Figure 8. The normalized E-plane radiation pattern for different

values of ka for a spherically-capped discone antenna.
238 Ghosh, Sarkar, and Mokole



In Section 3, it is shown that depending on the requirements of the

system, a biconical antenna can be designed to have a radiation pattern
directed in a desired region. This is an important step in efficient
system design. Additionally, many of the current communication and
radar systems call for wideband antennas. Thus it is very useful
to design a bicone antenna which is directive as well as wideband.
This section will address the design of ultra-wideband or UWB bicone
antennas. Again in the previous section, it is shown that an electrically
small bicone antenna behaves very similarly to a dipole antenna both
demonstrating isotropic patterns. But the difference is that the dipole
is a very narrowband antenna whereas the spherically capped bicone
antenna has much wider bandwidth. Thus if the communication
system warrants an antenna with a dipole-like wideband pattern, then
the wideband biconical antenna can be used for such applications.
Before illustrating the design of a wideband bicone structures, the
commonly used wideband input pulses are investigated.

4.1. Input Pulse

Commonly used baseband pulses are impulses and monocycles. The
monocycle is a doublet formed by the differentiation of the impulse or
by the double-differentiation of the step function. As the monocycle
has both positive and negative pulses, it is useful for driving both halves
of the symmetrical biconical antennas. Additionally, the symmetrical
nature of the monocycle does not permit the generation of dc currents
during numerical computation, so the output of an antenna excited
by a monocycle pulse has no dc component. The usefulness of the
monocycle pulse is evident from the paper by Ghosh, et al. [8] where
the monocycle has been successfully used as input to various UWB
antennas. In this case, the monocycle pulse is obtained by taking the
time derivative of a short duration Gaussian pulse. The monocycle
pulse has the form
  ³ ´2 
 ~ 
~ inc E0 d   t − t0 − ~r · k 

E (t) = ~ui √ exp −  (2)
σ π dt  σ2 

where ~ui is the unit vector that defines the polarization of the incoming
plane wave, E0 is the amplitude of the incoming wave (chosen to be
377 V/m), σ controls the width of the pulse, t0 is the delay that is used
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 16, 2009 239

to ensure the pulse rises smoothly from 0 at the initial time to its value
at time t, ~r is the position of an arbitrary point in space, and ~k is the
unit wave vector defining the direction of arrival of the incident pulse.
The frequency spectrum of (2) is given by
µ 2 2 ³ ´¶
σ ω ~
E(jω) = ~ui E0 jω exp − − jω t0 + ~r · k (3)
where f is the frequency of the signal and ω = 2πf .
The duration of the pulse is chosen corresponding to the frequency
range of operation of the antenna. In the case of an electrically
small bicone antenna, simulation is done between 3 MHz and 300 MHz.
The input monocycle has a width of 4.5 lm and a time delay of
9 lm. Throughout the paper the unit of time is a light meter (lm),
a measure of the time required by light to travel 1 m. So 1 lm =
(speed of light)−1 = 3.3333 × 10−9 s. The input pulse is shown in
Figure 9(a). For an electrically large bicone antenna, simulation is
carried out for a wide band of frequencies ranging from 300 MHz to
26 GHz. The input pulse has a width of 0.0437 lm and a time delay
of 0.0575 lm. This input pulse is shown in Figure 9(b). The transient
fields are normalized for comparison purposes.

4.2. Electrically Small Antenna with Dipole-like Radiation

The transient radiated and received fields of the antenna for the three
different cases discussed above are obtained. The cases are: case 1:

1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
-0.2 -0.2
-0.4 -0.4
-0.6 -0.6
-0.8 -0.8
-1 -1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
TIME (in lm) TIME (in lm)
(a) (b)

Figure 9. (a) Monocycle input pulse for electrically small antenna.

(b) Monocycle input pulse for electrically large antenna.
240 Ghosh, Sarkar, and Mokole

ψ1 = 53.1◦ = ψ2 , case 2: ψ1 = 53.1◦ and ψ2 = 70◦ , and case 3:

ψ1 = 53.1◦ and ψ2 = 90◦ . In each case, the antenna is simulated as a
radiator and the radiated field is observed in the broadside direction.
Next the antenna is simulated as a receiver for an incident wave
approaching from the broadside direction. The simulation is done over
a frequency range of 3 MHz to 300 MHz such that ka < 1.064 and the
transient fields are obtained by the procedure explained in Section 1 of
this paper. It has been shown in Section 3 that for values of ka < 1.064,
the antenna behaves as an electrically small structure. The radiated
fields due to the input pulse of Figure 9(a) for all the three cases are
shown in Figure 10(a) and the induced currents on the bicones for an
incident wave as in Figure 9(a) are shown in Figure 10(b). Figure 10
shows that the transient responses of all the three antennas are exactly
same, signifying that the change in cone angle has no effect on the
transient response of the antenna if the antenna is operated in the
range of ka ¿ 1.
As the antenna has a pattern similar to that of a short dipole as
shown in Figures 3(a), 6(a) and 8(a), the radiated field of the bicone
should be similar to the radiated field of a short dipole. In the case of
an electrically small dipole, the far field is proportional to the second
temporal derivative of the transient current on the structure whereas
the received open circuit voltage is approximately the derivative of the
incident field [8, 9]. This statement is verified by Figure 10(a) where the
radiated field is the second derivative of the monocycle input voltage
shown in Figure 9(a) and by Figure 10(b) where the received field is
the derivative of the monocycle incident wave of Figure 9(a). As the
radiated and received fields do not show any ringing, this antenna is
suitable for ultra-wideband application for ka ¿ 1.

1 1
0.8 ψ1 =53.1= ψ2 ψ1 =53.1= ψ2
ψ1 =53.1, ψ2 =70 ψ1 =53.1, ψ2 =70
0.6 ψ1 =53.1, ψ2 =90 ψ1 =53.1, ψ2 =90
0.4 0.5

-0.4 0
-1 -0.5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
TIME (in lm) TIME (in lm)
(a) (b)

Figure 10. Radiated field for an electrically small antenna.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 16, 2009 241

4.3. Electrically Large Antenna for Angle-specific

Next the antenna is simulated over a very wide band of frequencies
ranging from 300 MHz to 26 GHz, such that the antenna is suitable for
ultra wideband operation. The input pulses used are shown in Figure 9.
The radiated fields are shown in Figure 11(a) for all three cases of cone
angles and when the bicones are used as receivers the induced currents
are shown in Figure 11(b). The radiated field of an electrically large
biconical antenna is very similar to that of a long dipole antenna. In the
case of an infinitely long dipole antenna, the transmit transfer function
is almost flat with respect to frequency [10]. So if the antenna is an
approximation to an infinitely long antenna, the radiated field should
be a close replica of the driving point voltage. Again Kanda has shown
that the transmitting transient response is proportional to the time
derivative of the receiving transient response [11]. So, it follows that
the induced current will be an integral of the incident field. These
statements are verified by Figure 11(a) where the radiated field is a
close replica of the monocycle input voltage and by Figure 11(b) where
the received field is an integral of the monocycle incident wave.
But the radiated field also contains reflections due to finite nature
of the antenna as evident by the presence of a reflected pulse at
around 0.26 lm in Figure 11. It should be noted that as the conical
length of the antenna is 0.056 m, the reflected pulse should arrive after
approximately (2 × 2 × 0.056) = 0.224 lm after the input pulse which
has a delay of 0.0575 lm. From Figure 11 one can conclude that the
transient fields differ slightly for the different values of cone angles. In
particular, it is seen that the discone antenna with ψ2 = 90◦ has larger
reflection than the other cases during both radiation and reception.

1 0.4
0.8 ψ1 =53.1= ψ2
ψ1 =53.1, ψ2 =70 0.2
0.6 ψ1 =53.1, ψ2 =90
0.4 0

0.2 -0.2 ψ1 =53.1= ψ2

0 ψ1 =53.1, ψ2 =70
-0.2 -0.4 ψ1 =53.1, ψ2 =90
-0.4 -0.6
-0.8 -0.8
-1 -1
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
TIME (in lm) TIME (in lm)
(a) (b)

Figure 11. Radiated field for an electrically large antenna.

242 Ghosh, Sarkar, and Mokole

In many UWB applications, it is desired that the antennas radiate

most of the energy along the direction where the pulse is most similar
to the exciting waveform or its derivative. For achieving this we need
to reduce the dispersion from the antennas. Loading the antenna
with a predetermined resistive profile reduces the dispersion from the
antenna. Application of the loading profile has been illustrated for
different antennas in [8]. If the antenna has a height of 2h and a radius
of r, the parameter ψ used for obtaining the loading profile [8] can be
defined as follows:
· ¸
h j ³ ´
ψ = 2 sinh−1 −C(2kr, 2kh) − jS(2kr, 2kh) + 1 − e−j2kh (4)
r kh









0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07

Figure 12. The resistive loading profile along the antenna.

(a) (b)

Figure 13. Radiated field for an ultra-wideband bicone.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 16, 2009 243

where C(a, x) and S(a, x) are the generalized cosine and sine integrals:
Zx Zx
1 − cos W sin W
C(a, x) = du S(a, x) = du (5)
0 0

W = (u2 + a2 )1/2 (6)
So the continuously varying resistive profile can be defined as
ζ0 ψ 1 60ψ
z i (z) = ri (z) − j/ω ci (z) = = (7)
2π h − |z| h − |z|
In this formula the frequency dependence appears only in the form
of a logarithm for small values of kh, so the antenna shows very broad
frequency characteristics. The reactive part of the impedance is very
small compared to the resistive part, so we do not need to implement
the capacitive profile in this case. The value of ψ at the frequency
for which the bicone is a half-wavelength long is calculated and the
effective radius for the load calculation in (4) is taken to be one-
hundredth of the length of the bicone to meet the specification for
a thin antenna. The antenna has been divided into lateral regions
along its length and distributed loading is applied on each region by
calculating the resistivity at the midpoint of that region. If the number
of sections is sufficiently large, then the step-functional variation of the
resistance will bear a close resemblance to the continuously varying
resistive profile (Figure 12). The radiated field for this non-reflecting
antenna nearly coincides with the input voltage (Figure 13(a)), which
verifies that the reflectionless bicone behaves like an infinitely long
dipole. If the antenna is used as a receiver, the received current at the
feed point of the antenna deviates slightly from the integral of the input
voltage (Figure 13(b)). This discrepancy is due to the absence of any
dc current on the structure. This methodology illustrates the design
of a angle-specific ultra-wideband antenna using bicone structures.


The spherically capped bicone antenna has been extensively studied

in this paper. The antenna is considered with equal cone angles and
with unequal cone angles. An investigation of the radiation pattern
of the antenna shows that for ka ¿ 1 the radiation pattern can be
approximated by sin θ whereas for ka À 1 the pattern lies within an
angular area determined by the cone angles of the antenna. As an
244 Ghosh, Sarkar, and Mokole

example we can limit the radiation energy in the upper half of the
E-plane within an angular region of 36.9◦ by choosing ψ1 = 53.1◦ and
ψ2 = 90◦ .
The transient response of the antenna has also been investigated
for both radiation and reception for different sets of cone angles.
Observation of the wave shapes from the antennas give important
information about their transmitting and receiving properties and
relationships can be obtained between the input and output wave
shapes. Moreover it is observed that when ka ¿ 1 the transient fields
and currents are not affected by the change in the cone angles. But for
ka À 1 there are reflections due to the finite nature of the antenna and
these reflections change slightly with changes in the cone angle values.
The bicone antenna can be designed to have ultra-wideband
behavior by using a spherical cap and by applying resistive loading on
the structure. This antenna radiates most of the energy in the direction
where the pulse is most similar to the exciting waveform. This property
is very critical in the operation of ultra-wideband structures. Thus
whether the need is for a wideband antenna with dipole-like isotropic
patterns or for an ultra-wideband antenna with radiation constrained
within a particular angular area, one can design it with a spherically
capped bicone antenna as illustrated in this paper.


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New York, 1943.
2. Smith, P. D. P., “The conical dipole of wide-angle,” Journal of
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3. Papas, C. H. and R. W. P. King, “Input impedance of wide-angle
conical antennas fed by a coaxial line,” Proceedings IRE, Vol. 37,
1269–1271, 1949.
4. Papas, C. H. and R. W. P. King, “Radiations from wide-angle
conical antenna fed by a coaxial line,” Proceeding IRE, Vol. 39,
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