Behavior Change Contract
Behavior Change Contract
Behavior Change Contract
Choose a health behavior that you would like to change, starting this quarter or semester. Sign the contract at the bottom
to affirm your commitment to making a healthy change and ask a friend to witness it.
Barriers that I must overcome to make this behavior change are (things that I am currently doing or situations that
contribute to this behavior or make it harder to change):
In order to make my goal more attainable, I have devised these short-term goals.
Start getting stuff ready for the next day at 9pm 15-Feb-18 One free food day.
Short-Term Goal Target Date Reward
Move phone from my nightstand to the bathroom. 10-Feb-18 Date night with wife.
Short-Term Goal Target Date Reward
No more hitting snooze on my alarm in the morning. 5-Feb-18 New hat.
Short-Term Goal Target Date Reward
When I make the long-term behavior change described above, my reward will be:
Behavior Change Contract
New workout shoes. Target Date: 28-Apr-18
I intend to make the behavior change described above. I will use the strategies and rewards to achieve the goals that will
contribute to a healthy behavior change.