Applications of Evolutionary Psychology in Marketing: Gad Saad

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Applications of Evolutionary
Psychology in Marketing
Gad Saad
Concordia University
Tripat Gill
McGill University


Evolutionary psychology is an emerging paradigm in psychological

science. The current article introduces this framework to marketing
scholars and presents evidence for its increasing acceptance within
the social science community. As a result, a case is made for the
application of evolutionary psychology to marketing, and especially
consumer behavior. Application of the evolutionary framework in
studying gender-related consumption behavior is illustrated by
comparing the evolutionary predictions with results obtained from
previous studies, by supporting these predictions with market-level
consumption data, and by proposing new hypotheses based on this
framework. Also discussed are the potential applications of
evolutionary psychology to other consumption-related phenomena
like evaluation of endorser attractiveness in advertising, biologically
driven consumption choices among women, consumer-experienced
emotions in service encounters, and consumption choices as
inclusive fitness maximization rather than utility maximization.
䉷 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Most of the issues that vex humanity daily . . . cannot be solved with-
out integrating knowledge from the natural sciences with that of the
social sciences and humanities. Only fluency across boundaries will
provide a clear view of the world as it really is. (E. O. Wilson, 1998,
p. 13) Base of text

Psychology & Marketing

䉷 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Vol. 17(12):1005–1034 (December 2000)
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Evolutionary psychology is an emerging paradigm that seeks to unify Base of text
the fields of evolutionary biology and cognitive psychology, as applied
to the human condition. In doing so it aims to bring together all the
branches of psychology under one organized system of knowledge. More-
over, it also has the potential to be a causal link between natural and
social sciences in the sense of explaining the phenomena of culture by
its biological underpinnings, with psychology as the intermediate link.
Given the paradigmatic influence that evolutionary psychology seeks to
bring about, it is imperative for other disciplines studying human be-
havior to be aware of its propositions and potential applicability. The
present article seeks to address these very issues so as to apprise mar-
keting scholars of the theoretical concepts underlying evolutionary psy-
chology and suggest some of its potential applications in the field of
marketing. The article is organized into three broad sections. The first
section introduces the discipline of evolutionary psychology and gives a
brief description of its basic theoretical concepts. The second section
looks at the growth and acceptance of evolutionary psychology in vari-
ous natural and social science disciplines. It also identifies an evident
neglect of the paradigm in the marketing literature, even though the
paradigm has generated sufficient research interest in other areas of
management and social sciences. Finally, the last section provides some
specific research ideas based on the potential applications of evolution-
ary psychology to consumer behavior and marketing. Given that a large
part of marketing is devoted to studying consumer behavior, which is a
subset of human behavior in general, it is proposed that evolutionary
psychology is a valid and useful theoretical framework to adopt in this


Evolutionary psychology seeks to address the following basic question:

“How does a particular behavior, cognition, emotion and/or perception
constitute a functional solution to an adaptive problem in our evolu-
tionary past?” In contrast to the traditional psychological paradigm, the
emphasis in evolutionary psychology is on the ultimate rather than
proximate explanations. That is, evolutionary psychology also tries to
answer the question as to why a particular behavior, cognition, or emo-
tion exists, rather than only answering how it operates and what it
results in, given that it exists. In attempting to answer this question
evolutionary psychology relies on the basic tenet that the human mind
is a result of an evolutionary process that operates on the principle of
natural selection (Barkow, Cosmides, & Tooby, 1992). The principle of
natural selection, as proposed by Darwin (1859), is a three-step process
of variation, inheritance, and selection. The human mind is said to be short
a result of this process and, akin to the eye or the heart, evolved to solve standard

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particular adaptive problems1 that our ancestors faced during evolu- Base of text
tionary history. The mind is said to be composed of a finite number of
domain-specific psychological mechanisms that solve specific adaptive
problems (Cosmides & Tooby, 1987). These psychological mechanisms
can be understood as functional organs of computation that solve prob-
lems specific to different domains like perception, reasoning, emotion,
and social relations (Pinker, 1997). This view of the human mind is
contrary to the traditional view in cognitive psychology that proposes a
domain-general architecture for the human mind. See Cosmides and
Tooby (1987) for a detailed argument for a domain-specific rather than
a domain-general architecture of the human mind. Also, see Pinker
(1997) for a detailed account of how the mind is designed by natural
selection to perform computations specific to different domains.
Evolutionary psychologists have identified a number of psychological
mechanisms that are part of the human mind and qualify as being ad-
aptations. Although each of the mechanisms is known to perform spe-
cific functions, the underlying goal of all these mechanisms is to maxi-
mize the inclusive fitness of the organism. The concept of inclusive
fitness, as proposed by Hamilton (1964), is an extension of Darwin’s
criteria of natural selection of designs based on maximizing reproduc-
tive success. Reproductive success, as referred to by Darwin, measures
fitness in terms of number of offspring of a particular individual.2 In
contrast, inclusive fitness measures reproductive success both in terms
of the number of offspring of the individual as well as those of his/her
kin members. Thus, an individual or a design could maximize its fitness
by behaviors that promote its own fitness or by behaviors that promote
the reproductive success of its genetic relatives. Refer to Hamilton
(1964) and E. O. Wilson (1975) for a detailed account of the concept of
inclusive fitness and its application in explaining various altruistic be-
haviors in animal and insect species. In spite of the fact that the ulti-
mate goal of all psychological mechanisms is fitness maximization, it
would be inappropriate to say that all individual behaviors should strive
to achieve that goal. This is not the case, first because individuals are
not conscious fitness maximizers, and second because any individual
behavior is a result of an interaction between the environment and the
underlying psychological mechanism dealing with that particular do-
main (Cosmides & Tooby, 1994a). Thus, any change in the environmen-

An adaptive problem is one that is said to have occurred often and for a long period of time in the
evolutionary history of a species, and thus to have demanded a specific solution or design. For
example, the adaptive problem of ensuring a high intake of nutritious food during the evolution-
ary period was solved by the mechanism for generating a sensation of sweetness or what is known
as the phenomenon of a sweet tooth in humans. The resulting mechanism that solves an adaptive
problem is called an adaptation.
Fitness or reproductive success, as described here and by Darwin, is more appropriate to be mea-
sured at the gene level rather than at the individual level. As articulated by Dawkins (1976), in
the natural struggle for survival, individuals are nothing but a vehicle for the genes to propagate short
themselves into future generations. standard



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tal input could result in behaviors that are not adaptive, or sometimes Base of text
even maladaptive. For example, the universal preference for sweet or
fatty foods is an adaptive mechanism to the scarcity of food that was
prevalent in the ancestral world. Clearly, in today’s world of nonscarc-
ity, the latter preference is maladaptive and hence leads to high rates
of obesity. But this does not undermine the fact that the psychological
mechanisms are adaptations designed to solve adaptive problems in
specific domains. See Cosmides and Tooby (1994a) for an excellent ar-
gument on this issue.
The concept of inclusive fitness helped explain numerous altruistic
behaviors that ran contrary to the promotion of an individual’s own
reproductive success or Darwinian fitness. However, it still could not
account for altruistic behavior observed among individuals who were
not genetically related to each other. In a seminal work addressing this
issue, Trivers (1971) proposed the theory of reciprocal altruism, which
could explain the cooperative behavior observed among unrelated in-
dividuals. Trivers (1971) presented a scientific argument as to how re-
ciprocally cooperative or altruistic behavior could evolve among individ-
uals if certain conditions are met in the environment. This theory also
then resulted in the identification of associated psychological mecha-
nisms that should help solve the adaptive problems associated with such
a behavior (e.g., the mechanism for facial recognition among individu-
als, and the mechanism for recognizing cheaters in such social con-
tracts). Cosmides and Tooby (1992) presented a series of experimental
evidence to suggest the existence of such a cheater-detection mecha-
nism, which only operates in the domain of social contracts. See Cos-
mides and Tooby (1992) for further explanation and evidence to this
effect. Also see Smith (1982) and Axelrod and Hamilton (1981), for a
game-theoretic account of how cooperation could evolve as a stable strat-
egy among individuals of a particular species.
Another domain that has been extensively studied by evolutionary
psychologists is that of mate selection and mating behaviors in humans.
Through a series of cross-cultural studies, Buss (1989) established the
universal differences in mate preferences between human males and
females. He proposed and found that across cultures males tend to value
physical attractiveness and youth in their mates, whereas females value
financial prospects among their mates. Moreover, males are said to be
keener on short-term mating than females. Symons (1979), in his sem-
inal work on human sexuality, presented a series of anecdotal and his-
torical evidence to the same effect. In a further extension to the above
domain, M. Wilson and Daly (1992) identified the existence of a feeling
of sexual proprietariness among males, which was identified as a cause
for various aggressive and violent behaviors like family homicide,
among humans (Daly & M. Wilson, 1988). Underlying some of these
behaviors is the evolved, adaptive mechanism of male sexual jealousy. short
Jealousy is said to be typically sexual in males and emotional in females standard

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(see M. Wilson & Daly, 1992). Evolutionary psychologists argue that Base of text
because it is difficult for men to ensure paternal certainty, they have
evolved the adaptive mechanism of severe sexual jealousy (cf. Buss,
1994). On the other hand, “environmentalists” (e.g., most sociologists
and anthropologists) might suggest that because men have traditionally
owned and controlled economic assets, they might feel unduly threat-
ened when facing the possibility of losing one of their assets (i.e., women
in this case). Note the difference in outlook between the two approaches:
The evolutionary framework seeks to understand why a particular hu-
man universal has evolved, whereas the “environmental” paradigm
views the world as consisting of socialization processes and learned be-
haviors, without explaining how these universal socialization processes
came to exist. For a remarkable treatise on the difference between the
two approaches, see Tooby and Cosmides (1992).
Other domains of human behavior that have been investigated
through evolutionary psychology include that of emotions, facial ex-
pressions of emotions, environmental preferences, spatial abilities, uni-
versal grammar in languages, psychiatry, parent-offspring relation-
ships, sibling rivalry, theories of personality, and memory systems. All
the above domains have been associated with an underlying psycholog-
ical mechanism that was selected for because it solved a particular adap-
tive problem, and as a result, produced adaptive behaviors in the evo-
lutionary past. For example, Silverman and Eals (1992) present
experimental evidence on the differences in spatial abilities among
males and females. Specifically, they find that males are particularly
good at space relations and mental rotations, whereas females are good
at location and object memory. This is proposed to be a result of psy-
chological mechanisms that evolved to solve adaptive problems that
males faced while hunting and females while gathering for food in the
evolutionary past. For further reading on the evolutionary mechanisms
for language, environmental preferences, parental care, and intra-
psychic processes see Barkow et al. (1992).



Given the broad and all-encompassing theoretical propositions of evo-

lutionary psychology, it is reasonable to expect that other disciplines
investigating human behavior would have adopted it as an explanatory
framework for their findings. The present section investigates this issue
and looks at the growth, across disciplines, in the number of articles
that used evolutionary psychology as an explanatory framework. The
aim of the present exercise is to demonstrate the growing acceptance of
this framework in various disciplines and thus present a case for its short
viability in the field of marketing. standard



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In order to investigate the trend in the acceptance and use of the Base of text
evolutionary psychology paradigm in other disciplines it was deemed
appropriate to search for articles in databases that are dedicated to
particular disciplines. The databases3 identified for the search covered
most of the disciplines that investigated human behaviors in various
contexts. Identification of appropriate search words was carried out by
means of a brainstorming session among the authors to identify words
that would capture the application of underlying principles of evolu-
tionary psychology in a particular article. The brainstorming followed
the technique prescribed by Osborn (1953) for two-person teams,
namely, working together, and then alone, and then together again. The
search words generated through the brainstorming exercise were evo-
lutionary psychology, sociobiology, psychological mechanisms, domain-
specific mechanisms, domain-general mechanisms, Darwinian modules,
Darwinism, behavior and evolution, Darwinian, evolutionary models,
evolutionary theories, human universals, and human evolution.
Subsequently, a list of words was selected that remained within the
psychological domain of human behavior, as captured by the evolution-
ary framework. This led to the elimination of words for which the mean-
ings were so broad that they captured all of evolutionary theory (e.g.,
evolutionary models, evolutionary theories, evolution and behavior, and
human evolution) or were too general (e.g., human universals and psy-
chological mechanisms) or too narrow in their scope (e.g., domain-spe-
cific mechanisms, domain-general mechanisms, and Darwinian mod-
ules). This exercise resulted in the selection of four search words that
were sufficiently broad to capture the evolutionary framework within
their definition and were specific enough to remain within the psycho-
logical or behavioral domain. These four words were evolutionary psy-
chology, sociobiology,4 Darwinism, and Darwinian. The inclusion of both
Darwinism and Darwinian was thought to be appropriate because the
former referred to the general theoretical paradigm of evolutionary the-
ory and the latter implied the application of this paradigm to a partic-
ular behavior or finding. Table 1 presents the tabulation of the number
of articles appearing over the years under each search word within a
particular database. The data for the total number of articles appearing
within each of the search words are plotted in Figure 1. A visual in-
spection of Figure1 reveals that the number of articles that were using

These databases are not mutually exclusive and many citations appear in more than one database.
But such double counting should not affect the trend analysis, as it would be reflected, more or
less, equally over the years. The alternative way of controlling for these double counting of ci-
tations would have been too cumbersome, and probably not changed much of the results in the
present context.
Sociobiology is a term coined by E. O. Wilson (1975) in his seminal work on explaining the social
behavior among insects and animals, including humans, from an evolutionary perspective. Note
that sociobiology tries to explain social behaviors from a biological perspective, whereas evolu-
tionary psychology aims at identifying the underlying evolved psychological mechanisms that short
produce this behavior. standard

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Table 1. Number of Articles Related to Evolutionary Psychology as Indexed

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Base of text
in Various Databases.
Search Word and
Database 65– 69 70–74 75–79 80–84 85–89 90–94 95–99
Evolutionary Psychology
Sociofile 1 0 0 3 11 20
Soc. Science Abstracts 0 0 12 32
Humanities 0 0 0 8
PsychInfo 0 0 1 4 8 42 175
EconLit 0 0 0 0 1 7
Medline 0 0 1 1 0 0 24
Applied Sci. & Tech. 0 0 0 4
ABI-Inform 0 1 14
Total 0 1 2 5 11 67 284
Sociofile 0 113 237 177 123 183
Soc. Science Abstracts 32 64 90 76
Humanities 14 14 7 40
PsychInfo 3 2 43 127 212 170 142
EconLit 0 7 6 5 8 9
Medline 2 1 13 21 23 8 13
Applied Sci. & Tech. 14 14 7 30
ABI-Inform 2 3 5
Total 5 3 176 451 511 416 498
Sociofile 16 55 76 62 84 125
Soc. Science Abstracts 3 14 21 44
Humanities 9 17 40 88
PsychInfo 2 15 15 51 72 107 118
EconLit 1 0 3 2 10 4
Medline 3 3 9 12 17 21 22
Applied Sci. & Tech. 6 10 9 7
ABI-Inform 8 12 30
Total 5 35 79 160 202 304 438
Sociofile 13 43 31 68 38 63
Soc. Science Abstracts 1 25 23 59
Humanities 5 5 18 97
PsychInfo 3 13 16 33 56 83 132
EconLit 0 4 20 28
Medline 14 17 22 39 62 76 124
Applied Sci. & Tech. 3 7 8 25
ABI-Inform 17 24 75
Total 17 43 81 112 244 290 603

evolutionary psychology, Darwinism or Darwinian as a word in their

abstract have been steadily increasing in all of the databases over the
years. This is also evident from the exponential growth trend line fitting
the data for evolutionary psychology and Darwinian, and the quadratic short
growth trend line fitting the data for Darwinism (refer to Table 2 for standard



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Figure 1. Trend in total number of articles appearing in the last 30 years (1969–
1999) within each search word.

details). The use of sociobiology appears to have decreased after peaking

in the period of 1985 – 1989, as is evident from Figure 1 and the qua-
dratic, inverted-U – shaped trend line fitting the corresponding data (re-
fer to Table 2). This may be because sociobiology was a term coined to
explain social behaviors in the case of insects and animals, and it tended
to concentrate more on the social phenomena rather than the underly-
ing mechanism. The area of evolutionary psychology has been more spe-

Table 2. Trend Analysis for the Total Number of Articles Appearing within
Each of the Search Words in the Last 30 Years (1969–99)
Nature of
Search Word Trend Trend Modela
Evolutionary Exponential Increasing 0.070*(3.10ta)
psychology growth
Sociobiology Quadratic Inverted-U ⫺275.71 ⫹ 222.86*t ⫺ 16.07*t2
Darwinism Quadratic Increasing ⫺0.71 ⫹ 0.29*t ⫹ 8.71a*t2
Darwinian Exponential Increasing 12.45a*(1.75ta)
Note: Following a visual inspection of the data, three functional forms were chosen for growth-trend modeling,
namely, linear, quadratic, and exponential functions. The modeling was conducted for each of the four search
words. The best-fitting models reported here were selected based on a minimization of MAPE (mean absolute
percentage error) and MAD (mean absolute deviation). All chosen models, except the one for sociobiology, were
consistent in terms of yielding the lowest value for both MAPE and MAD. In the latter case there was an
inconsistency; namely, the linear model yielded the lowest MAPE, whereas the quadratic model yielded the lowest
MAD. This inconsistency was resolved by visual inspection of the data, which suggested that a quadratic, in-
verted-U–shaped model might be superior to a linear one.
aThe statistical software used for the aforementioned trend modeling does not report the significance value

of the estimated coefficients. Thus, another statistical package was used to perform the appropriate nonlinear
regressions in order to obtain the statistical significance of the estimated coefficients. Given that two separate
procedures were used, the estimated coefficients were slightly different across the two statistical packages. All
coefficients with a subscript are significant at p ⬍ .05. short

1012 SAAD AND GILL Base of RF


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cific about its psychological underpinnings and has thus found an in- Base of text
creasing acceptance in the social sciences. It is worth noting that the
field of management has begun to use this framework in recent years,
as is evident from the number of articles appearing in the database ABI-
Inform (a database specific to the management discipline). Thus, the
above trend analysis illustrates the argument made in favor of the ac-
ceptance of evolutionary psychology framework.5

Evolutionary Psychology in the Management and Marketing

As the above investigation suggests, the value of evolutionary psychol-
ogy as an explanatory framework to human behavior is being increas-
ingly recognized and incorporated into various disciplines. The numbers
in Table 1 reflect an increasing number of articles in social science dis-
ciplines that have specifically used evolutionary psychology as a frame-
work to explain their findings. Even the field of management has
adopted this framework lately (14 articles appeared in the period 1995 –
1999 as per an ABI-Inform search on evolutionary psychology). Nich-
olson (1998) has made reference to this framework and its potential
applications in understanding individual behavior within organiza-
tions. In the context of organizations, evolutionary psychology has also
been employed in investigating sexual harassment within organizations
(Studd & Gattiker, 1991), and to understand organizational structures
(Pierce & White, 1999). But to the authors’ best knowledge, no one ex-
cept Lynn, Kampschroeder, and Perriera (1998) has explicitly proposed
the potential applications of evolutionary psychology to marketing and
consumer behavior. Specifically, in one of their suggested applications
of the paradigm, they trace the changes in the facial features of stuffed
toys and find that these features have become increasingly similar to
the neonatal features of human infants. This is linked to the evolved
positive and endearing feelings generated by these features and hence
the preferences among consumers for stuffed toys having such features.

This trend analysis was also followed up by a detailed coding, according to discipline, of the articles
appearing in the journal Ethology and Sociobiology (called Evolution and Human Behavior from
1997 onwards), which is dedicated to publishing articles dealing with evolutionary explanations
of human behavior. The coding of the articles was done based on the departmental affiliation of
the authors rather than on the content of the articles to avoid any conflict or ambiguities about
the correct classification of the contents into disciplines. It was found that most of the articles
tended to originate from authors of psychological and social-science based disciplines (344 articles
out of a total of 504 articles). A smaller number came from biological and medical disciplines
(127 articles). The journal seems to have maintained a reasonably consistent and equal share of
articles from both psychological and social science disciplines (191 and 153 articles, respectively).
This tends to imply the use of evolutionary psychology by authors from both these types of
disciplines. The appearance of a few articles in recent years from authors in management and
economics (two and four articles, respectively) is also worth noting given the present context. short



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In another application they link the evolved human preferences for sa- Base of text
vanna6 like landscapes to the consumer preferences and positive affec-
tive responses toward resorts and hotels having such features. Simi-
larly, they link the preference among consumers toward places of
residence to the habitat-preference mechanisms in humans as specified
by the prospect-refuge theory.7



Given the increasing acceptance of evolutionary psychology in the sci-

entific community, Bagozzi and Nataraajan (2000) espouse a need for
creative research applying this framework to marketing. In light of their
suggestion and the lack of such research in the marketing literature, a
potentially fruitful opportunity is foreseen in the application of this new
paradigm to marketing. As a first step in applying this framework to
marketing, the effect of gender on various consumption-related behav-
iors is investigated. This is because sex differences have been exten-
sively studied under the evolutionary framework and the role of gender
as a moderator variable has been of much importance in marketing
studies. However, these marketing studies have predominantly used
the socialization process or social role theory framework in investigating
the effect of gender. The next section first compares the above two par-
adigms in explaining gender-related behaviors, and argues for the su-
periority of the evolutionary framework. Subsequently, specific appli-
cations of the evolutionary framework are presented for explaining
gender differences in consumption-related behavior.

Gender Differences in Behavior — Socialization vs.

Evolutionary Predictions
The socialization model is one of the major processes identified by social
role theory to account for gender differences in social behavior (Archer,
1996). This model proposes that men and women are differentially so-
cialized to play different roles in society, based on the historical division
of labor among women and men into homemakers and full-time paid

Savanna-type landscapes are associated with scattered trees and wide-open grasslands, which
provided nutritious food that was easy to obtain, protection from sun and predators, and long
unimpeded views. These landscapes are typical of tropical Africa, the presumed site of human
origins (Orians & Heerwagen, 1992).
Prospect– refuge theory posits that “people prefer places and environments that allow opportu-
nities to see without being seen” (Orians & Heerwagen, 1992, p. 571). Prospect refers to the
ability to have multiple view opportunities and multiple opportunities to move through space to
encourage environmental scanning and escape. Refuge refers to spaces with overhead protection short
and privacy that provides protection from predators and potential environmental hazards. standard

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employees, respectively. Thus, it is proposed that the early socialization Base of text
of men and women into these roles leads them to acquire agentic (as-
sertive and instrumental) and communal (nurturance and yielding)
traits, respectively. In addition, the early socialization of boys to be more
aggressive and self-reliant, and that of girls to be more responsible,
obedient, and sexually restrained, is said to result in their different
dispositions and behaviors. These two propositions taken together have
been the primary explanations used by researchers in marketing and
other disciplines to account for gender-related differences in various
contexts. Archer (1996) in a recent review and comparison between so-
cial role theory and evolutionary psychology concluded that the latter
accounts much better for the overall pattern and origin of sex differences
in social behavior. Presented below are some of the main arguments
against social role theory, and in favor of evolutionary psychology, as
an explanation for human sex differences.
1. Social role theory is imprecise and obscure about the agent of cau-
sality with regard to the different roles assigned to men and
women (Buss, 1996). In contrast, evolutionary psychology is clear
about the causal agent for these distinct roles and dispositions,
namely, the recurrent and distinct adaptive problems faced by
males and females during the evolutionary past.
2. Social role theory assumes that individuals are passive receptacles
of whatever roles they are assigned (Buss, 1996). As per the evo-
lutionary perspective, the selection of a passive receptacle, given
the selection pressures and adaptive problems faced by humans,
is highly unlikely (Tooby & Cosmides, 1992).
3. Social role theory cannot account for the observed consistency in
gender socialization patterns across cultures. In contrast, evolu-
tionary psychology posits that gender socialization plays an im-
portant role in maintaining social behavior that is consistent with
the fitness interests of men and women (Archer, 1996; Buss, 1996).
The above account provides strong rationale for the viability of evo-
lutionary theories as opposed to social role theory in investigating and
discovering sex differences in social behavior. Thus, the ensuing sections
will adopt evolutionary psychology as the primary explanatory frame-
work, and will present and test for some specific evolutionary predic-
tions regarding gender differences in behaviors in the consumption con-



Gender differences have been studied quite extensively in the context short
of consumption-related behavior and cognition. Some of the areas of standard



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investigation8 have been the effect of gender on message processing Base of text
strategies (e.g., Darley & Smith, 1995; Meyers-Levy & Maheshwaran,
1991); gender differences in attitude toward the use of sexual appeal in
advertising (e.g., LaTour, 1990); gender differences for appearance-re-
lated attitudes and behaviors (e.g., Burton, Netemeyer, & Lichtenstein,
1994); and gender differences in gift-giving behavior (e.g., Belk & Coon,
1993; McGrath, 1995). In addition, other gender-related differences in
behavior have been investigated in an organizational and economic con-
text. Among these, the ones that could have direct implications for con-
sumption-related behavior are the effect of gender on propensity toward
risky behavior (Jianakoplos & Bernasek, 1998; Powell & Ansic, 1997)
and gender differences in proclivity toward unethical behavior (Betz,
O’Connell, & Shepard, 1989). A common feature of all these investiga-
tions, especially the ones in the consumption context, is the use of the
socialization model to account for gender-related differences. As a com-
parison, we now present evolutionary-psychology – based explanations
and predictions for the issues investigated in some of the above-men-
tioned studies. Evolutionary predictions are provided for each of these
issues and are tested against the results obtained from the above-men-
tioned social-role-theory – based studies. Also, some market-level data
are provided to further support the evolutionary predictions for gender
differences in these consumption-related attitudes and behaviors.

Concern for Physical Attractiveness Among Women

Physical attractiveness has been found to be a dimension of utmost con-
cern among women (Burton et al., 1994). Socialization and cultural pres-
sures have been propounded as the key sources for this concern. As
argued earlier, these agents of causality, namely, culture or media, are
obscure in that they are themselves an abstraction of other possible
agents (Buss, 1996). The evolutionary argument for distinct traits val-
ued by human males and females, in their respective mates, provides a
more scientific explanation for these agents. Buss (1989) collected data
from 10,000 respondents across 37 cultures to determine the preferred
characteristics of potential mates among men and women. Across all
cultures, men invariably rated youth and looks as more important than
did women, and in nearly all cultures women preferred men with higher
earning capacity. In addition, women as compared to men rated ambi-
tion and industriousness higher as a preferred characteristic. Both
these preferences are said to have maximized the Darwinian fitness
(reproductive success) in the respective sex, and thus got selected for
during the evolutionary past (Buss, 1989; Symons, 1979). Given these
distinct preferences, men and women are predicted to be differentially

Note that the studies cited in each of the above areas are not mutually exhaustive, but are rep- short
resentative of the first or most important investigations undertaken in these areas. standard

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concerned about these traits in order to attract and retain mates (Buss, Base of text
1994). This predicts an enhanced striving in men for resource acquisi-
tion, and in women for maintenance of physical attractiveness and
youth. How do these predictions fare in regard to consumption-related
attitude and behavior? The findings of Burton et al. (1994) in the context
of appearance-related attitude and behavior are entirely in accord with
these predictions. Women consistently score higher than men on cloth-
ing concern, public body consciousness, dieting frequency, cosmetic sur-
gery attitude, sunbathing frequency, tanning-salon usage, and restric-
tive dieting (refer to Table 3). The authors, however, use social role
theory and different socialization/cultural pressures as an explanation.
But as with other social-role-theory – based explanations, the origin of
these cultural and media-based pressures are not mentioned. Interest-
ingly, they mention that “despite women’s changing role in the work-
place and associated gains in financial and social power, it appears that
the normative concern for appearance remains unmitigated” (Burton et
al., 1994, p. 70). This comes to them as a surprise given the counter-
balancing effect that sociocultural forces should have on women’s dis-
positions, as per social role theory. However, it is no surprise in light of
evolutionary predictions that concern for appearance is probably an in-
nate disposition among women to increase their perceived mate value
in the eyes of men. The cultural and media-based social forces only ac-
centuate these dispositions.
Further support to these predictions is provided by the sales data of
the U.S. cosmetics market as presented in Table 4. As is apparent, even
on a conservative estimate that excludes the sales of skin care and body

Table 3. Means for Appearance-Related Attitudes and Behaviors across

Malesa Femalesb
Clothing concern 62.8a 69.0b
Public body consciousness 28.9a 33.5b
Dieting frequency 0.9a 3.1b
Cosmetic surgery attitude 1.7a 2.6b
Sunbathing frequency 8.1a 18.9b
Tanning salon usage 3.6a 9.2b
Eating attitude test 5.6a 11.7b
Restrictive dieting 3.2a 8.1b
Exercise time 5.0a 2.9b
Steroids attitude 2.1a 1.1b
Note: All numbers represent mean values on the relevant scales used for each of the measures. Means in the
same row that do not share superscripts differ at p ⬍ .05. From “Gender differences for appearance-related
attitudes and behaviors: Implications for consumer welfare,” by S. Burton, R. G. Netemeyer, and D. Lichtenstein,
1994, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 13(2), p. 71. 䉷 1994 American Marketing Association. Reprinted
with permission.
an ⫽ 143. short
bn ⫽ 121. standard



Top of text
and bath products, women’s cosmetics (48% of total sales) account for Base of text
seven times more of the total sales than do men’s cosmetics (7% of the
total sales). Also presented in Table 4 are the statistics of the total num-
ber of cosmetic surgery procedures performed in the United States, as
classified by gender. As is evident from these statistics, cosmetic surgery
procedures are performed about four times as often on women than on
men. Moreover, except for the case of hair transplantation, the number
of procedures performed on women is significantly higher than the cor-
responding procedures performed on men in all categories. These data
clearly support the hypothesis regarding the concern and striving for
youth and physical attractiveness among women, as predicted by the
evolutionary theories of mate selection criteria. Data in Table 4 also
indicate a developing concern for youth and physical attractiveness
among men. This is, however, not at discord with the evolutionary pre-
dictions, as it is highly likely that these men are among those who have
already attained a reasonable status and earning potential in society.
At this point, this is a proposition based on evolutionary predictions and
needs to be empirically verified. But it does indicate the usefulness of
evolutionary theories in not only explaining current data, but also in

Table 4. Cosmetic Surgery Procedures and Sales of Cosmetic Products in

the United States
Female % Female Male % Male
Number of cosmetic surgery proceduresa
Chemical peel 827,640 86.69 127,064 13.31
Sclerotherapy (Vein Surgery) 410,450 94.67 23,088 5.33
Breast surgery 105,237 89.66 12,142 10.34
Liposuction surgery 312,487 83.81 60,370 16.19
Hair transplant/restoration 16,964 8.08 192,999 91.92
Facial surgery 581,993 76.54 178,360 23.46
All other procedures 1,637,368 80.63 393,302 19.37
Total 3,892,139 79.77 987,325 20.23
Total Salesc % of Sales
Sales of cosmetic products b

Skin cared 5,060 28

Color cosmeticse 5,352 30
Women’s fragrancesf 3,209 18
Body and bathg 3,025 17
Men’s productsh 1,412 7
Total 18,058 100
aFigures are for 1998. From American Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons (
bFigures are for 1996. From Market View 2000 (
cAll sales figures are in $ millions.

dIncludes facial treatment and sun care.

eIncludes face makeup, eye makeup, lip color, nail color, and other (applicators, organizers etc.).

fIncludes perfumes, colognes, and fine fragrance ancillary products.

gAll hand and body care and bath and shower products that are not extensions of fine fragrances. short
hIncludes fragrances and ancillary products, men’s treatment. standard

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arriving at new predictions that would not have been possible with the Base of text
use of social role theory alone.

Striving for Financial Resources and Risk-Seeking among Men

Based on the findings of distinct mate preferences in humans (Buss,
1989), it was predicted that men would display an enhanced striving
and motivation for acquiring resources and status. In the consumption
context, this would translate into men having a greater risk propensity
toward acquiring resources and status, just as women have toward
maintaining youth and physical attractiveness. In that regard, Powel
and Ansic (1997) show that females are less risk seeking than males in
financial decision making, irrespective of the familiarity and framing of
the decision. Also, using survey data, Jianakoplos and Bernasek (1998)
find that single women exhibit relatively more risk aversion in financial
decision making than do single men. Specifically, across similar eco-
nomic status, single women hold a smaller proportion of their wealth in
risky assets as compared to single men. Finally, in a study among busi-
ness students, Betz et al. (1989) find that males were significantly more
likely than females to engage in unethical behaviors to acquire addi-
tional financial benefits (refer to Table 5 for their findings). The authors,
however, use the socialization model to explain these differences. But
all of the above findings are completely in accord with the evolutionary
predictions that propose an increased willingness in males to take risks,
especially to acquire resources or gain status — a trait valued highly by
females (Buss, 1989).
The enhanced striving for acquiring resources also manifests itself in
males displaying a higher propensity to engage in intrasexual compe-
tition and aggression (Buss, 1996). This increased propensity of intra-
sexual competition for status among males and their increased levels of
risk-seeking tendencies could also manifest itself in other consumption-
related pursuits, like participation in competitive sports and risky lei-

Table 5. Percentages on Willingness to Engage in Unethical Behavior by

Malesa Femalesb
Willing to use shortcut estimating method 39.3 19.6
Claim $50 extra on travel expenses 14.9 6.1
Willing to buy stock with inside information 50.0 31.3
Willing to transfer $20,000 by computer from their employer 12.3 4.0
Willing to make $100,000 from a marijuana deal 17.5 2.0
Note: All numbers represent percentages of males/females who said “yes” to the given question. From “Gender
differences in proclivity for unethical behavior,” by M. Betz, L. O’Connell, and J. M. Shepard, 1989, Journal of
Business Ethics, 8, p. 323. 䉷 1989 Kluwer Publications. Reprinted with permission.
an ⫽ 114. short
bn ⫽ 99. standard



Table 6. Outdoor Leisure Activities and Sexual Activities on the Internet by

Top of text
Base of text
% Men % Women
Outdoor leisure activitiesa
Windsurfing 63 37
Canoeing 55 45
Power boating 60 40
Fishing 69 31
Hunting 79 21
Snowmobiling 63 37
Bicycle riding 52 48
Motorcycling 72 28
Roller blading 53 47
Snowboarding 67 33
Sexual activity on internetb
Viewed sexually explicit material 86 14
Used chat rooms to interact and develop relationships 23 49
Favor visual erotica 50 23
a From Print Measurement Bureau (PMB), Canada, 1999, Vol. 11.
b Data reports % of those who said “yes” to the given question as per activities over the past year. From
“Sexuality on the internet: From sexual exploitation to pathological expression,” by A. Cooper, C. R. Scherer,
S. C. Boies, and B. L. Gordon, 1999, Professional Psychology—Research and Practice, 30(2), 154–164.

sure activities. Table 6 presents a comparison of men and women in

their involvement in various outdoor leisure activities. As observed from
the data, a significantly higher number of men than women are involved
in the riskier outdoor pursuits of windsurfing, power boating, hunting,
snowmobiling, motorcycling, and snowboarding. These activities are not
directly related to status gains, but they do require a higher risk-seeking
predisposition, a direct correlate to potential status gains in males. Even
though social role theory could account for these differences based on
socialization patterns among boys to display assertiveness and tough-
ness, the cross-cultural consistency of such patterns would require an
evolutionary explanation.

Response to Sexual Stimuli in Advertising

Following Trivers’s (1972) analysis of differential parental investment
in offspring, it was proposed that males would be keener in short-term
mating than females (Symons, 1979). This proposition was subse-
quently verified by empirical data in terms of propensity toward short-
term mating and actual number of partners among men and women
(Buss & Schmitt, 1993). As a result of this keenness toward short-term
mating, men were also said to have evolved an increasing tendency of
arousal by the visual stimuli of the female body (Symons, 1979). This short

1020 SAAD AND GILL Base of RF


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tendency is observed across cultures and is amply evident in the male- Base of text
dominated and flourishing business of pornography (Table 6 provides
further evidence that this propensity toward short-term mating and
preference for visual stimuli still holds in the context of modern, inter-
net-based pornographic environments). A direct effect of these propo-
sitions on consumption-related cognition and attitude is the rampant
use of sex appeal, especially female nudity, in advertising. Along these
lines, LaTour (1990) provides evidence that men react significantly more
positively than women to the use of female nudity in advertising. He
found that both men and women experienced high levels of arousal in
the nude ad condition, but the nature of this arousal was distinctly dif-
ferent. Men were energized by female nudity; but women experienced
tension and fatigue when exposed to the same. Moreover, men had pos-
itive feelings associated with the nude model ad, whereas women’s re-
actions were negative. The results of this study were explained purely
based on the early socialization of women to maintain sexual restraint.
But the author did not provide an explanation for the positive feelings
and attitudes of men toward these ads. Clearly, a socialization model
cannot explain these results by espousing that men are trained to do so,
nor does the lack of any training to maintain sexual restraint provide
explanations for the actual positive arousal and feelings expressed by
men. In contrast, the evolutionary predictions regarding sex differences
in mating strategies (Buss & Schmitt, 1993) would clearly account for
these attitudes as well as the experienced physiological states of arousal
and associated positive feelings. An account based on evolutionary psy-
chology is evidently more cogent and scientifically valid. Of particular
interest in this regard would be to test the evolutionary predictions with
respect to female reactions to sexual stimuli. Symons (1979) posits that
females are positively aroused by the depiction of the act of intimacy
rather than by nudity of either sex. Thus, the presence of both male and
female in an intimate posture is more pleasing to a woman than the
presence of a male or female model alone. Symons (1979) documents
anecdotal and experimental evidence in support of this claim. Testing
these predictions in the context of the use of sex appeal in advertising
targeted toward women would be a fruitful avenue of research. A so-
cialization-based account for these predictions would be difficult, if not
impossible, to construct.

Gender Differences in Gift-Giving Motivations

Gift giving is understood to be a universal phenomenon and has been
studied in depth in anthropology, sociology, and consumer psychology.
Within the evolutionary psychology framework, gift giving is a mani-
festation of reciprocal altruism as studied by Trivers (1971). Reciprocal short



Top of text
altruism is an adaptive mechanism that evolved as a result of the fitness Base of text
benefits of food-sharing, coalition formation, and predator avoidance. In
the context of gift giving in romantic relationships, the need for reci-
procity is uniquely combined with the distinct mating strategies of men
and women. The framework of sex differences in mating strategies
(Buss & Schmitt, 1993; Symons, 1979; Trivers, 1972) has recently been
applied by Saad and Gill (1999) to investigate gender differences in mo-
tivations for gift-giving in the context of a romantic relationship. The
findings in this context were in accord with the evolutionary predictions.
Specifically, men as compared to women were found to be more tactical
and instrumental in their motives for giving gifts, as would be expected
from their keenness for short-term mating. Men were found to be more
likely than women to indicate the use of gifts as a signal to display
resources, create a good impression, as a means of seduction, and to
display long-term interest. Moreover, men and women did not differ in
other situational motives, such as giving a gift for an occasion or to
maintain reciprocity. These evolutionary-based predictions are also in
accord with the past findings in marketing literature (e.g., Belk & Coon,
1993) that men view gift giving as more of an economic/social exchange
as opposed to a pure expression of love or affection.



In light of the above evidence and arguments, it can be proposed that

evolutionary psychology is a viable, if not better, theoretical framework
to use in investigating gender differences in consumption-related be-
havior. As argued earlier, evolutionary psychology tries to emphasize
the ultimate rather than proximate explanations for human behavior.
In the context of consumer behavior, the emphasis would be on explain-
ing why a particular behavior is manifested in the marketplace, rather
than emphasizing what the behaviors manifested in the marketplace
are. Understanding the why of consumer behavior is important for com-
pleting the causal sequence from the proximate social science theories
to the biologically based natural science theories. Evolutionary psy-
chology provides this intermediate link of causation through the evolved
psychological mechanisms embodied in the human mind. These mech-
anisms interact with the external environment created by marketers
and influence consumer behavior as is observed in the marketplace.
Based on this premise, the next few sections present other avenues of
research where evolutionary psychology could be applied in investigat-
ing consumer behavior. The emphasis in the subsequent sections is on
presenting new research ideas and explanations that would be obscured short
without the lens of evolutionary psychology. standard

1022 SAAD AND GILL Base of RF


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Endorser Attractiveness — Media Driven or Innately Base of text
The physical attractiveness of a celebrity endorser or a model is one of
the factors that affect favorable attitude towards the product endorsed.
Though there has not been much research in marketing to quantify this
dimension, media influences are often specified as the underlying
sources for developing a standard for physical attractiveness.9 It is pro-
posed that people’s standards for judging physical attractiveness of
women are primarily derived through the endorser or model’s physical
attributes emphasized in the media. Thus these standards are mallea-
ble and can be easily modified through media influences. In contrast to
these arguments, Singh (1993) proposed that there exists a universal
standard with regard to judging physical attractiveness of women, and
it is innately prespecified as opposed to being media driven. He con-
ducted a study across several cultures, including tribal cultures in the
Amazon, where there are no media influences, to identify and verify the
existence of these universal standards for judging physical attractive-
ness. He found that waist-to-hip ratio was the most important dimen-
sion used by subjects to judge physical attractiveness of females. Across
cultures, women with a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.7 were judged as the most
physically appealing. This ratio is directly linked to the probability of
reproductive success among women, in terms of giving birth to healthy
offspring (Singh, 1993). Thus, even though media influences can alter
the perceptions of attractiveness on the dimension of body weight (pref-
erences for slim or full-bodied individuals), the underlying dimension of
waist-to-hip ratio seems to be an innately prespecified constant. Along
these lines, one would expect that even though perceptions of physical
attractiveness of female models in advertising might have changed over
the years in terms of their weight, they might have remained the same
in terms of waist-to-hip ratios. A possible research methodology to test
this prediction would be a content analysis of advertising found over the
last 50 years that used female models for endorsing products. Also, in
the context of current advertising, the waist-to-hip ratio of models may
capture the underlying variance in the perceptions of physical attract-
iveness of these female models. This might be tested either with con-
sumer subjects or with advertising agency executives who choose these
models for a particular advertising campaign. Clearly, the above pre-
diction can only be explained using the evolutionary framework, as it
would be difficult to identify socialization processes that make individ-
uals sensitive to waist-to-hip ratios.
Physical attractiveness as used in the present context only refers to the bodily dimension of phys-
ical attractiveness of an individual. It does not capture the dimension of facial attractiveness,
which incidentally, has also been investigated by evolutionary psychologists. See Grammer and
Thornhill (1994) for a detailed study investigating the underlying dimensions of facial attract-
iveness. This study could also be applied to the context of endorser attractiveness, specifically in short
regard to studying facial attractiveness of endorsers or models. standard



Top of text
Menstrual Cycle and Consumption Choices Base of text
Numerous researchers have investigated the relationship between
where a woman is in her menstrual cycle and several specific behaviors.
For example, Hill and Wenzl (1981; as cited in Wright, 1995) and Gram-
mer, Dittami, and Fischmann (1993; also as cited in Wright, 1995) have
shown that women going to singles bars dress more provocatively and
wear more makeup and jewelry when close to ovulation. Baker (1996)
discusses research wherein it was found that women were more likely
to cheat around ovulation while also not insisting that the men use
contraception. The evolutionary mechanisms governing these changes
are said to be operative at the dispositional level, and may not always
result in the specific behaviors espoused in the above studies. But these
behaviors are certainly more likely to occur given the changes in the
dispositions as a function of the stage in the menstrual cycle. Given
these findings, might a woman’s menstrual cycle be related to her con-
sumption choices? Some specific research questions that could be inves-
tigated within this framework are: Is the purchase of certain items that
affect a woman’s inclusive fitness (e.g., purchase of lingerie) related to
her menstrual cycle? Is engaging in certain consumption-related activ-
ities (e.g., going to a bar and accepting a blind date) related to a woman’s
menstrual cycle? As mentioned earlier, these changes in consumption-
specific behaviors are not directly reducible to the evolutionary mech-
anisms governing them, but are a product of the evolutionary disposi-
tions and the specific environmental context. Given a specific
consumption context (e.g., shopping for clothes in a department store),
the behavioral disposition determined by the stage in the menstrual
cycle might promote the impulsive or planned buying of certain items
(e.g., lingerie or provocative dresses) directly related to the probability
of increased inclusive fitness. In a similar vein, these dispositions might
promote a heightened attention to advertising and promotional cues
related to these items. Note that all of these research questions can only
be addressed within the evolutionary psychology framework, as any so-
cialization effects in this regard would be difficult to imagine.

Consumer-Experienced Emotions and Facial Expressions

An evolutionary view of emotions has been proposed by Plutchik (1984)
and Tooby and Cosmides (1990). According to this view, emotions are
said to be functions of environmental factors and to act as precursors to
adaptive behavior by the organism (Plutchik, 1984). For example, fear
prepares an individual to engage in avoidance or flight behavior with
respect to the stimulus that initiates the emotion, and anger is said to
prepare individuals for aggression or fight behavior toward the initiat-
ing stimulus (Plutchik, 1984). These negative emotions both perform an short
adaptive function by initiating a response that would maximize fitness standard

1024 SAAD AND GILL Base of RF


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in the given context.10 The adaptive significance of emotions is also con- Base of text
sistent with the strategic interference view of negative emotions, which
espouses that these emotions alert individuals to fitness-reducing
events (Buss, 1996). In the marketing context, consumer-experienced
emotions and their mediating role in affecting attitudes and behavior
has been a significant area of research. One such research area is the
effectiveness of fear appeals in bringing about change in attitudes and
behavior toward potentially harmful consumption habits (e.g., smoking,
drinking, etc.). One of the findings in this context is that moderate levels
of fear and the associated arousal are the most effective, though this
result has not been consistent across studies (cf. Henthorne, LaTour, &
Nataraajan, 1993; LaTour, & Rotfeld, 1997). An evolutionary account of
the latter finding would suggest that a low-fear level might not suffi-
ciently draw an individual’s attention to the problem at hand and would
accordingly not prime the adaptive fight-or-flight Darwinian module.
On the other hand, a high fear level might freeze the individual into
inaction, like the proverbial deer frozen in fear when faced with oncom-
ing car headlights. Thus the optimal fear level is a moderate one, for it
draws the individual’s attention to the stimulus while signaling that
steps can still be taken to alleviate or solve the fitness-reducing problem.
As per the evolutionary account of emotions, the effectiveness of fear
appeals should be directly related to the fitness costs associated with
the initiating stimulus. That is, stimuli that are associated with high
fitness costs should generate more fear, and accordingly result in more
significant changes in attitudes and behavior toward those stimuli. That
being said, the precise fear-inducing message is likely prone to substan-
tial gender differences. The fact that smoking cigarettes and sun tan-
ning increase the incidence of wrinkles is likely to be a more efficacious
fear appeal when targeting women is undoubtedly because it carries
greater fitness costs to them than it does to men. Thus, not only can
evolutionary psychology be used to explain the optimal fear level that
should be cued in a fear appeal, but also it can be used to explain gender
differences in terms of its specific contents.
A related evolutionary mechanism operative in the case of emotions
is that of the facial expression of emotions. Ekman (1973), through a
series of cross-cultural studies, established the existence of universal
facial expressions that were associated with six basic emotions of anger,
shock, happiness, disgust, sadness, and fear among humans. These uni-

The role of emotions in decision making has been brought to the limelight by the experimental
evidence that patients with brain damage to the area responsible for experiencing emotions are
severely inhibited in simple decision-making tasks (Demasio, 1994). These and other findings
have received considerable attention in the experimental economics and behavioral decision-
making literature, and spurred much additional research in this direction. See Elster (1998) for
a detailed review on the relevance of emotions to economic behavior. These findings further
substantiate the evolutionary view of a strong relationship between emotive and cognitive cen- short
ters of the brain and their adaptive link to behaviors. standard



Top of text
versal expressions help signal the motives and feelings of individuals Base of text
engaging in social exchanges with another individual. Complementary
to the evolutionary mechanism of facial expression of emotions is the
mechanism for decoding the emotions from the facial expressions. To
the extent that it manifests itself in service encounters, one would ex-
pect that customers are innately equipped to detect fake from genuine
smiles from the service provider. Thus the policy of greeting a customer
with a smile, as espoused by various service organizations, including
Wal-Mart, McDonald’s, and various airlines, may not really be working
if the smiles are seen as fake. In fact, they might even have a detrimen-
tal or no effect on the customer’s perceived satisfaction with the service
provider. Thus, an investigation of customer-perceived effect of smile on
satisfaction with the service provider would be of much relevance to
marketers. In this regard, it should be noted that gender might mod-
erate the effect of smile on customer-perceived satisfaction with the pro-
vider. Specifically, males might react more favorably than females to
smiles displayed by a female service provider. This is a direct prediction
from evidence provided by Abbey (1982) that men often misinterpret a
smile or friendliness from a woman as an indicator of sexual interest.
This misinterpretation could also manifest itself in the context of other
interpersonal encounters, especially during extended service transac-

Consumption Decisions as Maximization of Inclusive Fitness

Rather than Expected Utility
Cooper (1987) presents a compelling argument for the case that decision
theory can be considered a branch of evolutionary theory. Specifically,
he looks at the striking similarity between the concept of utility maxi-
mization in decision theory and that of fitness maximization in evolu-
tionary theory. Further, through a series of propositions and proofs, he
demonstrates the reducibility of basic Savage axioms of decision theory
to the biological underpinnings of inclusive fitness maximization. Sim-
ilarly, Gigerenzer (1996) and Cosmides and Tooby (1994b) argue that
rational behavior as proposed by decision theorists and economists is
rational only to the extent that it is adaptive and promotes inclusive
fitness of the individual. These arguments are substantiated by exper-
imental evidence that suggests that humans actually behave adaptively
rather than rationally as presupposed by the utility maximization par-
adigms. Furthermore, Gigerenzer and Goldstein (1996) demonstrate
that humans are boundedly rational and that the mind uses simple, fast,
and frugal satisficing algorithms rather than complex and costly (in the
sense of mental capacity required) utility maximization algorithms, to
solve complex problems in nature.
The argument for decision theory as a branch of evolutionary theory short
could be extended to understanding consumer decision making for cer- standard

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tain purchases. This approach provides a new basis for defining ration- Base of text
ality in terms of inclusive fitness rather than utility maximization.
Thus, for example, consumer choices of fashion products, especially
among women, are known to be driven by a motive to look attractive or
desirable as a mate or high in fitness value in the evolutionary psy-
chology terminology. Similarly, most conspicuous consumption (e.g.,
fancy sports cars, expensive watches, palatial houses, etc.) can be con-
sidered a signaling of financial resources. This is clearly linked to in-
creased status and thus higher inclusive fitness for men. Hence, even
though the decision rules used by consumers at the proximate or con-
scious level tend to maximize the utility in a cost – benefit sense, the
underlying motives for the purchase might still be driven by fitness
maximization rules at the subconscious level. Rationality, as understood
by economists as utility maximization and by consumer psychologists
as need-based value maximization could be linked to the underlying
biological construct of inclusive fitness. This would help attain consist-
ency across various disciplines studying consumer behavior and would
also result in these disciplines being integrated with the natural sci-
ences that espouse a biological basis for human nature.

Other Potential Areas of Application

Having proposed some specific applications of evolutionary psychology
to consumption-related behavior, the present section discusses other po-
tential research avenues along these lines. The applications presented
here are more on the speculative side and do not offer direct evidence
based on evolutionary theories. However, they provide research avenues
that could help establish such links.
Sulloway (1996) proposed that birth order (position of an individual
amongst the siblings in a family) might exert a strong influence on per-
sonality and attitudes through the evolutionary psychology of niche
picking. That is, the environmental factor of birth order influences the
way the underlying genes express themselves in the development of
personality (E. O. Wilson, 1998). Sulloway (1996) found that among all
the variables of the five-factor model of personality, birth order corre-
lated very highly with openness to experience, which made later-born
persons more receptive to revolutionary new ideas. He supports this
contention by his finding that, historically, later borns have been more
receptive to such ideas (e.g., in science). In a study looking at 28 revo-
lutionary ideas in science (e.g., Newton’s gravitation theory, Darwin’s
theory of evolution, etc.), he found that the later borns were twice as
likely than firstborns to be receptive to adopting these theories. Can the
effect of birth order on this personality trait be extended to consump-
tion-related attitudes and behaviors? A possible extension could be to
the context of new product innovations. It might be that later borns are short
much more likely than firstborns to be receptive to radically new inno- standard



Top of text
vations (discontinuous innovations) in the marketplace. This might lead Base of text
them to adopt these radically new products or technologies much faster
than firstborns. The implications for understanding new-product diffu-
sion processes is that later borns are likely to be the majority of the
innovators as classified by traditional marketing texts. If marketers can
find a way of targeting and identifying these later borns on a differential
basis, it would be of much significance, especially in the context of one-
to-one relationship marketing. It would also be of much theoretical in-
terest to verify the effect of birth order on responses to scales developed
for measuring innovativeness and propensity to adopt radically new
products. As noted earlier, these predictions are speculative in nature
and await an empirical verification in their support.
Marketing scholars have readily accepted the value of cross-cultural
studies in explaining variations in consumer purchase behavior across
the world. These studies have presumed the socialization model as an
explanation for these cultural differences. This line of reasoning has
helped marketing scholars in identifying and accounting for various
cross-cultural differences in consumer behaviors, attitudes, and choices
related to goods and services. Given the fruitful research endeavors in
this regard, marketing scholars have often ignored and shunned the
idea of identifying and accounting for cross-cultural similarities in con-
sumer-level behaviors. In fact, finding no differences in behaviors of
consumers across cultures is often considered a null effect not worthy
of explanation or further exploration. Evolutionary psychology is a valid
framework to explain these findings that reflect cross-cultural similarity
in preferences and behaviors. Moreover, understanding the theoretical
reasoning behind such universal or innate preferences can aid market-
ers in dealing with consumers in the context of the modern global mar-
kets. As an illustration of this argument, it is noteworthy to mention
the recent findings of Chattopadhyay, Gorn, and Darke (1998) in the
context of color preferences across cultures. They found that consumers
tend to have uniform color preferences across cultures. These universal
preferences are such that blue is the most preferred color across cultures
and yellow is the least preferred. This universal preference for blue is
possibly linked to the color of sky and water — dominant parts of our
evolutionary past. These preferences for colors can, however, change
with occasions that are associated with specific norms in particular cul-
tures (e.g., the preference for red on Valentine’s Day and green on St.
Patrick’s Day). These findings are of much value to modern-day ad-copy
designers, who, because of the increasing trend toward global brands,
have to design ads and brand logos that have universal appeal. This
study also provides a unique instance of how cross-cultural similarities
and differences can be explained on both evolutionary and sociological
grounds. Evolutionary psychology provides a theoretical basis for find-
ing many other such instances of universal preferences and their pos- short
sible modifications by cultural norms. As per the evolutionary frame- standard

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work, culture itself is a product of the human mind and not vice versa, Base of text
as proposed by the traditional social science model. Tooby and Cosmides
(1992) argue that within-group similarities and across-group differ-
ences, termed evoked culture, are a result of the different evolved psy-
chological mechanisms triggered by the local circumstances. Moreover,
as per the theory of gene – culture co-evolution, the parts of evoked cul-
ture that are absorbed by individuals, and thus spread from one gen-
eration to another, are not arbitrary but constrained by epigenetic rules
(E. O. Wilson, 1998). Identifying these underlying rules for specific cul-
tural norms and their associated consumption phenomena would be of
much relevance to marketers.


Evolutionary psychology proposes that the human mind is a product of

evolution by natural selection. Moreover, it is composed of functional
and domain-specific psychological mechanisms or modules that are
geared toward guiding human behavior in these distinct domains. Em-
bodied in these mechanisms are innate dispositions, preferences, and
tendencies that would have maximized the inclusive fitness of the in-
dividuals possessing them. Thus, through the process of natural selec-
tion, these mechanisms and associated dispositions got fixed in human
minds, and guide human behavior in the current context. Starting with
this basic premise, the present article attempts to make an argument
that evolutionary psychology is a valid and scientifically cogent frame-
work to use in studying human behavior in the context of marketing.
This argument was developed in three sections.
The first section introduced the main theories and propositions of the
framework and substantiated them through valid scientific arguments.
The second section looked at the growth of this framework in other dis-
ciplines of social and natural sciences. A growing trend is discovered in
all the disciplines, including organizational studies and other social sci-
ences. This growing trend in the application of evolutionary psychology
is an indication of its increasing acceptance in the social science com-
munity. There is, however, a virtual absence of its application in mar-
keting. Taking this as an opportunity, the third section presented some
specific applications of evolutionary psychology in the context of mar-
keting and consumer behavior.
As demonstrated in these applications, marketing can gain from ev-
olutionary psychology in three distinct ways.

1. The evolutionary framework can be used to explain the findings

that have already been documented in the current literature of short
marketing. standard



Top of text
2. It can be used to explain the currently observed market-level phe- Base of text
3. It can be used to generate new hypotheses that predict consump-
tion-related phenomena that are a result of the interaction be-
tween the marketing environment and the identified evolutionary
psychological mechanisms.

Evolutionary psychology has all the qualities of good science, as es-

poused by E. O. Wilson (1998), namely, parsimony (it can predict a slew
of behaviors by the concept of inclusive fitness alone), generality (it
covers a range of phenomena across different contexts of human behav-
ior), consilience (it is consistent with existing knowledge in biology and
cognitive psychology), and predictiveness (its predictions are verifiable
through observation and experimentation). In contrast, the current the-
ories in social science predict human behavior in highly specific con-
texts, are based on myriad assumptions, and are often not consistent
with each other. For example, consumer behavior as studied by econo-
mists and by consumer psychologists is based on different premises that
often result in discordant predictions. Evolutionary psychology, on the
other hand, seeks to achieve convergence rather than divergence across
disciplines. In the context of consumer behavior, evolutionary psychol-
ogy can link the proximate explanations of culture, socialization pro-
cesses, and utility/value maximization with their ultimate biological
underpinnings, namely, epigenetic rules, evolved psychological mecha-
nisms and inclusive fitness, respectively. Thus, it is hoped that the
present endeavor would stimulate some interest in marketing scholars
to adopt the framework of evolutionary psychology in pursuing research
in their respective domains. It would be a positive step in the direction
of achieving fluency across the boundaries of natural and social sciences,
as advocated by E. O. Wilson (1998) in the opening quote.


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Gad Saad is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Faculty of Commerce
and Administration, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Tripat
Gill is a doctoral candidate in Marketing at the Faculty of Management, McGill
University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. short



Top of text
The authors thank Mark Slama and Rajan Nataraajan for their insightful and Base of text
constructive comments on this article.
Correspondence regarding this article should be sent to Gad Saad, Marketing
Department, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montreal,
Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8 (


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