Bill of Quantities1
Bill of Quantities1
Bill of Quantities1
12 April 2011
Item Description Unit Qty. Rate Total
12 April 2011
Item Description Unit Qty. Rate Total
3.2 Compaction Tests
3.2.1 Provide density tests upon instruction by landscape
architect. Payment for items 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 only on ea 3
submission of test results with progress claim.
April 2011
.2 The drawings included in the tender documents shall only be used for tender purposes.
Drawings for construction shall be issued to the successful CONTRACTOR at site-handover.
.3 The latest revision shall be referred to at all times, and it shall be the CONTRACTOR’S
responsibility to ensure that he has the latest revision of all construction drawings.
.1 The client reserves the right to reduce or omit items in this schedule of quantities.
.1 Even though the PROJECT MANAGER will point out the possible areas where services exist,
the PROJECT MANAGER cannot guarantee the location of existing services or that unknown
services are not present on the site.
.2 It shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to ensure that areas where work will be
undertaken is safe for construction and the CONTRACTOR shall take all due care while
excavating not to damage any existing services in the park.
.1 It shall be the CONTRACTOR’S responsibility to ensure that the new works are protected
against damage to wet concrete or rubber and work in progress.
.2 Open trenches or excavations shall be barricaded or taped with danger tape at all times to
ensure safety on the premises.
.3 Wherever possible, the CONTRACTOR shall ensure the safety of the public still using the site.
The CONTRACTOR shall also adhere to the requirements of the Occupational Health and
Safety Act, and provide all the necessary safety equipment, correct operating equipment
and personal protective clothing as necessary to complete the works.
The actions below are listed for assistance to the CONTRACTOR only, and are NOT the only
requirements in terms of the OHSA that the contractor must adhere to:
.1 It is the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to compile a safety plan for the works and submit
this to JCP for approval.
.2 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all workers are issued with the appropriate Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) as identified in the SAFETY PLAN.
.3 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all equipment and material that will be used for the
contract have a RISK ASSESSMENT on file, and are in good and safe operational condition
at all times.
.4 The CONTRACTOR shall compile a SAFETY FILE with all necessary documentation, which
must be kept in good order and on site at all times.
.5 The CONTRACTOR shall appoint a SAFETY REPRESENTATIVE who has undergone certified
First Aid training for the duration of the project.
.6 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all workers are provided with induction training
addressing the scope of work and all safety requirements of the work, prior to commencing
with any work on site. Safety talks shall be held every morning by the SAFTEY
REPRESENTATIVE prior to commencement with work.
.8 A register shall be kept of all accidents, including remedial action taken and date of
.9 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure he is registered with the Department of Labour and has all
the required insurances in place.
.10 The CONTRATOR shall ensure that a first aid box is available on site and stocked in
accordance with the OHSA. At least one person trained in First Aid shall be on site for every
50 workers employed.
.1 The CONTRACTOR will be allowed to store plant material and shall provide a chemical toilet
inside an approved area on site. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the chemical toilet is
cleaned on a regular basis. The CONTRACTOR must ensure that its workers make use of this
chemical toilet to protect the area against contamination. The CONTRACTOR shall
accommodate all sub-contractors and their workers by allowing them full use of the chemical
toilets while working on site.
.2 The storage area must be fenced off securely and have a lockable vehicular gate and must
be kept tidy.
.3 The CONTRACTOR shall provide storage space to all specialist nominated sub-contractors
within this site camp should they so require.
.4 At the end of the contract, the CONTRACTOR shall remove all fencing, toilets and remaining
materials at his own expense and ensure the area is left tidy and clean and to the
satisfaction of the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.
.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for providing his own electricity generator as
required, unless otherwise advised by the client.
.2 A metred water connection will be installed by the CLIENT, which will be made available to
the CONTRACTOR for the duration of the contract solely for the purposes of construction of
the Works. No wastage of water will be allowed.
Clearing of THE SITE of trees, shrubs and eradication of lawn/grasses, weeds and rubble
shall be in accordance with SANS 1200 b & c. It would also include the following:
.2 All persons participating in Clearing of Vegetation as specified above must be wearing the
appropriate protective clothing, masks and goggles.
.3 The square metre RATE, must allow for all costs of all herbicide applications and re-
application if necessary, purchases, protective clothing, specialist sub-contractors (if
required), as well as the removal and dumping of all debris and dead plant material
associated with the above.
.1 The design and levels shall be set out according to the Setting Out Plan or as instructed.
Before any earthworks commence, all levels are to be checked by the LANDSCAPE
ARCHITECT on site. The CONTRACTOR must therefore inform the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT
once setting out is complete, to facilitate the above-mentioned inspection.
.2 The CONTRACTOR shall set out with the use of dumpy level or theodolite in additional to
the standard setting out practises.
.3 In the event of any conflicts or obstructions being encountered in the setting out process,
alternative positions will be selected by the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, but still staying true
to the overall landscape design.
.4 The RATE for setting out shall be included in the earthworks cost.
.1 The CONTRACTOR shall excavate soil as indicated or required in areas and haul to a
maximum distance of 500m on site to use as fill.
.2 The CONTRACTOR shall spread the transported soil and compact in layers of 150mm to a
density of 90% MOD AASHTO or as otherwise specified by the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.
.3 The CONTRACTOR shall build up sub-layers to the desired finished level as surveyed.
.4 The RATE per cubic metre shall allow for all costs of equipment and labour to excavate,
haul and spread the material to the satisfaction of the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.
.2 The CONTRACTOR shall load the rubble / spoil and remove off site to a suitable and
licensed dump site. The CONTRACTOR to indicate which landfill site will be used.
.3 The RATE per cubic metre shall allow for all costs of equipment, transport and labour to
excavate, load and transport the material off site to an approved dumping site.
.1 The CONTRACTOR shall allow for testing of compaction of sub-layers by approved method
for walkways, sports fields, beneath concrete slabs or foundations or other specified areas
by an approved testing laboratory, to be conducted upon request by the LANDSCAPE
.2 The RATE per compaction test shall allow for all costs of call-out, specialist fees and
equipment to complete each compaction test.
.1 The CONTRACTOR shall grade and cross-grade over the site to achieve final grades. All
finished gradients are to be smooth flowing, marrying with existing levels, eliminating
abrupt angles and changes of levels. All earth shaping works are to be carried out in
consultation with the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT on site.
.2 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the setting up and protection of level pegs,
datum levels, grid references and profiles - in accordance with the CONTRACT and must
allow therefore in his RATES.
.3 The CONTRACTOR shall grade the site to levels and contours in accordance with the
Setting Out Plan and notify the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT immediately of any discrepancies
or problematic conditions arising from the above.
.4 Minor fillings and excavations are necessary to bring the grass and planting areas to
smooth running levels between paths and kerbs. The grading shall be evenly carried out to
75mm below finished level (or if imported or stored topsoil is called for see specification for
alternative depth) to all falls and gradients, eliminating all depressions and bumps by using
either machinery or hand labour, suitable for the physical condition of the soil and the
extent of the grading.
.5 The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all areas drain positively, unless otherwise instructed in
writing. All areas shall be protected against erosion, surface runoff and loss of soil. The
CONTRACTOR shall be held responsible if this was not done in accordance with SANS 1200.
The CONTRACTOR shall be held responsible for the rectification / reinstatement of
approved soil at no extra cost to the CLIENT.
.6 The RATE shall allow for all costs (including machinery, labour, equipment and supervision)
of loading, depositing and grading of soil in areas indicated on appropriate plans, in layers
not exceeding 150mm consolidated and the light compaction thereof to 80% mod AASHTO.
.1 During the finishing off stage, rubble (large stones and other undesirable material) is to be
piled in measurable volumes for the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT to check before removal off
SITE. Rubble will be disposed of in an approved waste pit. Dumping cost and distance to
waste pit must be determined during the compulsory Site Inspection and be included in the
quoted RATES.
.2 Rubble will not include rubble generated by the CONTRACTOR i.e. plant containers,
fertilizer bags, etc.
.3 The RATE for the removal of rubble must include all the costs for transport, machinery,
labour, supervision and equipment for gathering the rubble into measurable piles, loading
and removing it to an acceptable dumping site, including all costs of dumping.
.4 During the earthworks stage, boulders and large stones could be worked into the mounds
so that they can be covered with a minimum of 600mm of soil to make up the final shape
levels as per the drawings and the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S instruction.
.1 The CONTRACTOR shall construct brick header courses on 150x220mm 25mPa concrete
footings on the outside edges of the children’s play area.
.2 The header courses shall be set out on site in accordance with the landscape setting out
plan, for approval by the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, prior to any construction or excavation
.3 In-situ material shall be excavated 350mm below the final level and one (1) layer of
150mm in-situ material shall be compacted to 93% MOD AASHTO. (The remainder of the
excavated in-situ material shall be placed on site in areas as indicated by the LANDSCAPE
ARCHITECT to create mounding).
.4 All header courses shall be installed on 150mm thick 25mPa concrete footings and provided
with 15mPa continuous concrete haunching to hold the paving in place.
.5 All header courses shall consist of a single row of Infraset “Masonique” (or similar
approved) pre-cast bevel concrete pavers (50x110x220mm) colour: Tan as indicated on
the details & Setting Out Plans. (Infraset Midrand, 012 652 0000).
.6 The RATE per linear metre shall allow for all costs of materials, transport, equipment and
labour to complete the header courses to the satisfaction of the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT.
.1 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for ordering and coordination of delivery and
installation of additional children’s play equipment by PLANTWISE (Contact Jenneth Prinsloo
on Tel 011 953 4540 or Cell 082 411 8812 or
.2 The play equipment shall be set out in accordance with the Setting Out Plans, for approval
by the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, and installed in concrete footings. The CONTRACTOR must
liaise with Plantwise as to their requirements but shall provide a level surface for each play
equipment element.
.3 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for backfilling or providing infill soil to provide level
surface after removal of the play equipment. Infill soil or backfill shall be compacted and
.4 Upon acceptance of the play equipment by the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, the concrete bases
shall be completed as per item 4.3 below.
.1 Concrete slabs for wet-pour rubber matting shall be provided under all the play equipment.
.2 In-situ cast concrete slabs for wet-pour rubber matting shall be set out on site in
accordance with the Setting Out Plan for approval by the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT prior to
commencement of excavation and construction.
.3 Upon approval by the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, the area shall be excavated 270mm below
the final level to accommodate the concrete slab and rubber matting, as per the
construction details. One (1) layer of 150mm in-situ material shall be compacted to 90%
MOD AASHTO. (The remainder of the excavated in-situ material shall be placed on site in
areas as indicated by the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT to create mounding).
.4 The play equipment shall be assembled and installed by the specialist supplier within the
frame of the concrete base as per the Setting Out Plan, set into individual concrete
footings, prior to the casting of the concrete slabs.
.5 The pattern/shape of the concrete slab around the play equipment element shall be edged
with the brick header courses to hold the pattern in place while casting the concrete base.
.6 The concrete base shall be edged with by Infraset “Masonique” precast concrete bevel
pavers (or similar approved) 220x110x50mm in Tan as a header course, (Infraset Midrand,
012 652 0000) set into a concrete footing as per detail A1, to provide a 20mm deep recess
(maximum variance of 2mm above or below) on the concrete slab, which must
accommodate a wet-pour rubber matting. The top of the header course edging shall be
flush with existing ground level. (Priced separately).
.7 All header courses shall be installed on 150mm thick 25mPa concrete footings and provided
with 15mPa continuous concrete haunching to hold the paving in place. (Priced
.8 The CONTRACTOR shall provide full rubber tyres – one placed under each side of the see-
saw – and excavate these to be set into the subsoil and extend one-third of the size of the
tyre above the finished level of the rubber mat surface, prior to casting the concrete slab.
(Priced separately). Tyres are required to protect rubber surfaces from damage by the
see-saw and act as shock absorber.
.9 The concrete slab shall be cast in-situ, to 25mPa, at a thickness of 100mm and finished to
a smooth surface with a wooden trowel. The concrete slab shall be reinforced with 20
gauge steel reinforcing mesh to details.
.10 Expansion joints shall be saw-cut 25mm deep into the concrete slabs in two directions (at
right angles to each other) every 3000mm (i.e. concrete blocks shall not exceed 9m²
without an expansion joint). The expansion joints shall be fill with poly sulphide expansion
joint sealant or a similar approved bitumen sealant. Refer to detail A2.
.11 The main CONTRACTOR shall liaise his programme with the LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT to
ensure a seven-day minimum curing period prior to the wet-pour of the rubber matting
being undertaken. The concrete shall be cured by wetting the surface thoroughly three
times a day and keeping the slab covered with a plastic sheet for the seven-day minimum
curing period.
.12 The main CONTRACTOR shall allow the specialist SUB-CONTRACTOR access to the site, and
provide the necessary storage of materials the SUB-CONTRACTOR may require.
.13 The main CONTRACTOR shall allow for hoarding or screening off of the area once the slab
has been cast, as well as when the pouring of the rubber has been done, to ensure no
damage is inflicted on the wet material.
.14 The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for submitting signed delivery notes for all concrete
brought to site, with all invoices to confirm quantity of concrete used.
.15 The RATE per cubic metre for construction of the concrete slab, shall allow for all costs of
excavation, compaction, materials, transport or delivery to site, hoarding or screening
around the wet concrete and again around the wet rubber matting, and labour to provide a
concrete slab for use by the specialist SUB-CONTRACTOR.
.2 The colour of the rubber matting shall be a combination of various colours as specified by
.4 The rubber matting shall be supplied and installed by the approved manufacturer, to a
depth of 20mm, as a wet-poured rubber surface. The heavy-duty areas shall be sealed with
an additional hard-wearing topcoat.
.5 The finished level of the rubber matting shall be flush with the top of the header course
edging and flush with the existing ground level.
.6 The RATE per square metre for installation of the wet-pour rubber matting shall allow for all
costs of materials, equipment transport to site and labour to install the rubber matting as
per the construction details and manufacturer’s specifications.
.7 A five (5) year latent defects warranty period is to apply to the rubber matting.