Bibliografía Paul de Man
Bibliografía Paul de Man
Bibliografía Paul de Man
by José Ángel GARCÍA LANDA
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
PAUL DE MAN (19191983)
de Man, Paul. "Editorial." Les cahiers du libre examen 4 Feb. 1940.
_____. "Les juifs dans la littérature actuelle." Le Soir 4 March 1941.
_____. "Sur les possibilités de la critique." Le Soir 2 Dec. 1941.
_____. "Romans allemands." Le Soir 10 Feb. 1942.
_____. "Georg Lukács's Theory of the Novel." In de Man, Blindness
and Insight. 2nd. ed. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1983. 51
_____. "Vérité et méthode dans l'œuvre de Georges Poulet." Critique
25.266 (July 1959): 60823.
_____. "Une lecture de Rousseau." 1968. Rpt. in Magazine littéraire
286 (1991): 4345.*
_____. "Ludwig Binswanger and the Sublimation of the Self." In de
Man, Blindness and Insight. 2nd. ed. Minneapolis: U of
Minnesota P, 1983. 3650.*
_____. "Impersonality in the Criticism of Maurice Blanchot." In de
Man, Blindness and Insight. 2nd. ed. Minneapolis: U of
Minnesota P, 1983. 6078.*
_____. "The Rhetoric of Blindness: Jacques Derrida's Reading of
Rousseau." In de Man, Blindness and Insight. 2nd. ed.
Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1983. 10241.*
_____. "Retórica de la ceguera: Derrida, lector de Rousseau." In Teoría
literaria y deconstrucción. Ed. Manuel Asensi. Madrid:
Arco/Libros, 1990. 171216.*
_____. "Heidegger's Exegesis of Hölderlin." Trans. Wlad Godzich. In
de Man, Blindness and Insight. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P,
1983. 24666.
_____. "The Rhetoric of Temporality." (Allegory). In Interpretation:
Theory and Practice. Ed. Charles S. Singleton. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins UP, 1969.
_____. "The Rhetoric of Temporality." In de Man, Blindness and
Insight. 2nd. ed. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1983. 187
_____. "The Rhetoric of Temporality." In Critical Theory since 1965.
Ed.. Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle. Tallahasse: UPs of
Florida / Florida State UP, 1986. 1990. 199222.*
_____. "Heidegger's Exegeses of Hölderlin." In de Man, Blindness and
Insight. 2nd. ed. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1983. 24666.*
_____. "The DeadEnd of Formalist Criticism." In Debating Texts. Ed.
Rick Rylance. 10110.
_____. "The DeadEnd of Formalist Criticism." In De Man, Blindness
and Insight. 22945.
_____. "Impasse de la critique formaliste." Critique. (June 1966).
_____. "Form and Intent in the American New Criticism" In De Man,
Blindness and Insight. 2036.
_____. "Criticism and Crisis" In De Man, Blindness and Insight. New
York: Oxford UP, 1971.
_____. "Literary History and Literary Modernity." In De Man,
Blindness and Insight. New York: Oxford UP, 1971.
_____. "Literary History and Literary Modernity." In de Man,
Blindness and Insight. 2nd. ed. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P,
1983. 14265.*
_____. Blindness and Insight: Essays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary
Criticism. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1971.
_____. Blindness and Insight: Essays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary
Criticism. 2nd. ed.: Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1983.*
_____. Blindness and Insight. London: Routledge, 1983.
_____. (On Proust, later included in Allegories of Reading). In
Mouvements Premiers. (Festschrift for Georges Poulet). Paris:
José Corti, 1972.
_____. (On Rilke, later included in Allegories of Reading). Introd. to a
French edition of Rilke's poems. Paris: Seuil, 1972.
_____. "Semiology and Rhetoric." In Textual Strategies: Perspectives
in PostStructuralist Criticism. Ed. Josué V. Harari. Ithaca:
Cornell UP, 1979.*
_____. "Semiology and Rhetoric." In de Man, Allegories of Reading:
Figural language in Rousseau, Nietzsche, Rilke, and Proust. New
Haven: Yale UP, 1979. 319.*
_____. "Semiology and Rhetoric." In Critical Theory since 1965. Ed..
Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle. Tallahasse: UPs of Florida /
Florida State UP, 1986. 1990. 22231.*
_____. "Semiology and Rhetoric." In The Norton Anthology of Theory
and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton,
_____. "Literature and Language: A Commentary." New Literary
History 4 (1972).*
_____. "Nietzsche's Theory of Rhetoric." Symposium 28 (1974).
_____ . "Action and Identity in Nietzsche." Yale French Studies 52
(1975): 1630.
_____. "Action and Identity in Nietzsche." In Untying the Text. Ed.
Robert Young. 26679.
_____. "The Purloined Ribbon." Glyph 1 (1977): 2849.
_____. "The Epistemology of Metaphor." Critical Inquiry 5.1 (1978):
_____. "Reading (Proust)." In de Man, Allegories of Reading. New
Haven: Yale UP, 1979.
_____. Allegories of Reading: Figural Language in Rousseau,
Nietzsche, Rilke and Proust. New Haven: Yale UP, 1979.*
_____. Alegorías de la lectura. Trans. Enrique Lynch. Barcelona:
Lumen, 1990.
_____. "Autobiography as DeFacement." Modern Language Notes 94
(1979): 91930.*
_____. "Autobiography as DeFacement." In De Man, The Rhetoric of
Romanticism. New York, 1984. 6782.
_____. "Shelley Disfigured." In Bloom et al., Deconstruction and
Criticism 3973.
_____. "Hypogram and Inscription: Michael Riffaterre's Poetics."
Diacritics 11 (1981): 1735.
_____. "Hypogram and Inscription." In de Man, The Resistance to
Theory. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1986. 2753.*
_____. "Pascal's Allegory of Persuasion." In Allegory and
Representation. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins UP, 1981. 125.
_____. "Pascal's Allegory of Persuasion." In de Man, Aesthetic
Ideology. Ed. Andrzej Warminsky. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota
P, 1996.
_____. Introduction to Toward an Aesthetic of Reception. By Hans
Robert Jauss. Trans. Timothy Bahti. Minneapolis: U of
Minnesota P; Brighton: Harvester, 1982. viixxv.
_____. "The Resistance to Theory." Yale French Studies 63 (1982): 3
_____. "The Resistance to Theory." In de Man, The Resistance to
Theory. Introd. Wlad Godzich. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P,
1986. 126.*
_____. "The Resistance to Theory." Select. in TwentiethCentury
Literary Theory. Ed. K. M. Newton. London: Macmillan, 1988.
_____. "The Resistance to Theory." In Modern Criticism and Theory:
A Reader. Ed. David Lodge. London: Longman, 1988. 35471.*
_____. "The Resistance to Theory." 1982. In Contemporary Literary
Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies. Ed. Robert Con Davis
and Ronald Schleifer. 3rd ed. White Plains (NY): Longman,
1994. 93108.*
_____. "The Resistance to Theory." In Modern Literary Theory: A
Reader. Ed. Philip Rice and Patricia Waugh. 3rd ed. London:
Arnold, 1996. 198214.*
_____. "The Return to Philology." TLS 10 December 1982: 13556. (W.
J. Bate).
_____. "The Return to Philology." 1982. In de Man, The Resistance to
Theory. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1986. 216.*
_____. "The Return to Philology." In The Norton Anthology of Theory
and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B. Leitch et al. New York: Norton,
_____. "Sign and Symbol in Hegel's Aesthetics." Critical Inquiry 8
(1982): 76175.*
_____. "Dialogue and Dialogism." Poetics Today 4 (1983): 99107.
_____. "Dialogue and Dialogism." In de Man, The Resistance to
Theory. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1986. 10614.*
_____. "Dialogue and Dialogism." In Mikhail Bakhtin. Ed. Michael E.
Gardiner. London: SAGE, 2002. Vol. 3.
_____. "Hegel on the Sublime." In de Man, Aesthetic Ideology. Ed.
Andrzej Warminsky. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1996.
_____. "Hegel on the Sublime." In Displacement: Derrida and After.
Ed. Mark Krupnick. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1983. 13953.
_____. "Phenomenality and Materiality in Kant." 1984. In
Hermeneutics: Questions and Prospects. Ed. Gary Shapiro and
Alan Sica. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1988. 12144.*
_____. The Rhetoric of Romanticism. New York: Columbia UP, 1984.
_____. "A Modern Master." In Jorge Luis Borges. Ed. Harold Bloom.
New York: Chelsea House, 1986.
_____. The Resistance to Theory. Introd. Wlad Godzich. Minneapolis:
U of Minnesota P, 1986
_____. La resistencia a la teoría. (Visor, Literatura y debate crítico, 4).
Madrid: Visor.
_____. "Time and History in Wordsworth." Diacritics 17 (1987).
_____. Wartime Journalism, 19391943. Ed. Werner Hamacher, Neil
Hertz, and Thomas Keenan. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1988.
_____. Critical Writings, 19531978. Ed. Lindsay Waters. Minneapolis:
U of Minnesota P, 1989.
_____. Romanticism and Contemporary Criticism: The Gauss Seminar
and Other Papers. Ed. E. S. Burt, Kevin Newmark, and Andrzej
Warminski. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1993.
_____. "Kant and Schiller." In de Man, Aesthetic Ideology. Ed. Andrzej
Warminski. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1996.
_____. "The Concept of Irony." In de Man, Aesthetic Ideology. Ed.
Andrzej Warminsky. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1996.
_____. "Reply to Raymond Geuss." In de Man, Aesthetic Ideology. Ed.
Andrzej Warminsky. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1996. 185
_____. Aesthetic Ideology. Ed. Andrzej Warminski. Minneapolis: U of
Minnesota P, 1996.
_____, ed. Madame Bovary. By Gustave Flaubert. (Norton Critical
Edition). New York: Norton, 1965.
_____, rev. trans. Madame Bovary. Trans Eleanor Marx Aveling, rev.
Paul de Man. Ed. Margaret Cohen. (Norton Critical Edition, 2nd
ed). New York: Norton, 2004.
Barish, Evelyn. The Double Life of Paul de Man. Liveright, c. 2014.
Brooks, Peter. "The Strange Case of Paul de Man." New York Review of
Books 3 April 2014.* (Rev. of The Double Life of Paul de Man,
by Evelyn Barish).
Bennington, Geoffrey. "Reading Allegory." (De Man.). Oxford Literary
Review 4 (1981): 8393.
Bernasconi, Robert. "No More Stories, Good or Bad: de Man's
Criticism of Derrida on Rousseau." In Derrida: A Critical
Reader. Ed. David Wood. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992. 13766.
Brooks, Peter, Shoshana Felman, and J. Hillis Miller, eds. The Lesson
of Paul de Man. Yale French Studies 69. New Haven: Yale UP,
Burke, Seán. The Death and Return of the Author: Criticism and
Subjectivity in Barthes, Foucault and Derrida. Edinburgh:
Edinburgh UP, 1992.*
Bush, Ronald. "Paul de Man, Modernist." In Theoretical Issues in
Literary History. Ed. David Perkins. Cambridge (MA): Harvard
UP, 1991. 3559.*
Buyck, Philip. "Oratory Against Oratory: Paul de Man on Nietzsche on
Rhetoric." In (Dis)Continuities: Essays on Paul de Man. Ed. Luc
Herman et al. Amsterdam: Rodopi; Antwerpen: Restant, 1989.
Carroll, David. "The Temptation of Fascism and the Question of
Literature: Justice, Sorrows and Political Error (An Open Letter
to Jacques Derrida)." Cultural Critique 15 (Spring 1990): 3992.*
Caserio, Robert L. "'A Pathos of Uncertain Agency': Paul de Man and
Narrative." Journal of Narrative Technique 20.2 (1990): 195
209." *
Catelli, Nora. El espacio autobiográfico. Barcelona: Lumen, 1991.
Company Gimeno, Salvador. "Babel y la traducción o de Man y Derrida
leyendo a Benjamin." Tropelías 7/8 (1996/97 [Issued 1999]): 71
Coombes, John E. "De Man, Derrida, and the continuous Present of
Deconstruction." European English Messenger 6.1 (1997): 70
Corngold, Stanley. "Paul de Man on the Contingency of Intention." In
(Dis)Continuities: Essays on Paul de Man. Ed. Luc Herman et al.
Amsterdam: Rodopi; Antwerpen: Restant, 1989. 2742.*
Culler, Jonathan. "De Man's Rhetoric." In Culler, Framing the Sign:
Criticism and Its Institutions. Oxford: Blackwell, 1988. 10736.*
_____. "Paul de Man's Contribution to Literary Criticism and Theory."
In The Future of Literary Theory. Ed. Ralph Cohen. New York:
Routledge, 1989. 26879.*
De Graef, Ortwin. "Silence to Be Observed: A Trial for Paul de Man's
Inexcusable Confessions." In (Dis)continuities: Essays on Paul
de Man. Ed. Luc Herman, Kris Humbeeck and Geert Lernout.
Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1989. 5173.*
_____. Serenity in Crisis: A Preface to Paul de Man, 19391960.
Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1993.*
_____. Titanic Light: Paul de Man's PostRomanticism, 19601969.
Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1995.
_____. "The Paul de Man Affair Ten Years Later." European English
Messenger 5.2 (Autumn 1996): 3134.*
_____. "The Yale Critics? J. Hillis Miller (1928), Geoffrey Hartman
(1929), Harold Bloom (1929), Paul. de Man (19191983)." In
The Edinburgh Encyclopaedia of Modern Criticism and Theory.
Ed. Julian Wolfreys et al. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2002. 472
De Schutter, Dirk. "Words Like Stones." In (Dis)Continuities: Essays
on Paul de Man. Ed. Luc Herman et al. Amsterdam: Rodopi;
Antwerpen: Restant, 1989. 99110.*
Dean, Tim. "Wanting Paul de Man: A Critique of the 'Logic' of New
Historicism in American Studies." Texas Studies in Literature
and Language 35.2 (1993).*
Derrida, Jacques. Mémoires, for Paul de Man. Trans. Cecile Lindsay,
Jonathan Culler and Eduardo Cadava. New York: Columbia UP,
_____. Mémoires, Pour Paul de Man. Paris: Galilée, 1988.
_____. "Like the Sound of the Sea Deep within a Shell: Paul de Man's
War." Critical Inquiry 14 (1988): 590652.*
_____. Psyché, Inventions de l'autre. Paris: Galilée, 1987.
_____ "Psyché: L'invention de l'autre." In Derrida, Psyché: Inventions
de l'autre. Paris: Galilée, 1987. 1161.
_____. "Psyche: The Invention of the Other." Trans. Catherine Porter.
In Reading de Man Reading. Ed. Lindsay Waters and Wlad
Godzich. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1989. 2565.
_____. "Psyche: Invention of the Other." Selection. In Derrida, Acts of
Literature. Ed. Derek Attridge. New York: Routledge, 1992. 310
_____. Psyché: Inventions of the Other. Trans. J. Lye.
Eckhardt, Caroline D. Rev. of Allegories of Reading. By Paul de Man.
World Literature Today.
Epstein, Julia. Rev. of Allegories of Reading. By Paul de Man.
Washington Post Book World.
Felman, Shoshana. "After the Apocalypse: Paul de Man and the Fall to
Silence." In Testimony: Crises of Witnessing in Literature,
Psychoanalysis, and History. By Shoshana Felman and Dori
Laub. New York: Routledge, 1992. 12064.*
Flores, Ralph. Rev. of Allegories of Reading. By Paul de Man. Library
García Landa, José Angel. "Deconstructive Intentions: On the Critique
of the Hermeneutics of Understanding." BELLS 5 (1994): 1938.*
_____. "Deconstructive Intentions: On the Critique of the Hermeneutics
of Understanding." iPaper at 5 June 2010.*
_____. "Deconstructive Intentions: On the Critique of the Hermeneutics
of Understanding." Online PDF at Social Science Research
Network 5 June 2010.*
_____. "Understanding Misreading: Hermenéutica de la relectura
retrospectiva." Paper presented at the IX Susanne Hübner
Seminar, "Pragmatics of Understanding and Misunderstanding"
(Universidad de Zaragoza, Departamento de Filología Inglesa y
Alemana, Nov. 1996. Electronic edition URL:
_____. "J. Hillis Miller, Speech Acts in Literature." In García Landa,
Vanity Fea 20 July 2006.
_____. "Speech Acts in Literature: A Review of J. Hillis Miller's Work /
Actos de habla en la literatura: Reseña de Speech Acts in
Literature de J. Hillis Miller." Online PDF in Social Science
Research Network (Nov. 2007).
_____. "De Man, Benzon, Meaning, Intention." In García Landa, Vanity
Fea June 2010.*
_____. "Traducción – Interacción – Retroacción: Una relectura de
Benjamin y de Man desde la teoría materialista del discurso." En
La traducción: Nuevos planteamientos teóricometodológicos.
Ed. Azucena Penas Ibáñez. Madrid: Síntesis, 2015. 10515.*
_____. "Traducción – Interacción – Retroacción: Una relectura de
Benjamin y de Man desde la teoría materialista del discurso."
Academia 24 Dec. 2015.*
_____. "Traducción – Interacción – Retroacción: Una relectura de
Benjamin y de Man desde la teoría materialista del discurso."
ResearchGate 24 Dec. 2015.*
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2893.0645
_____. "Traducción Interacción Retroacción: Una relectura de
Benjamin y de Man desde la teoría materialista del discurso
(Translation Interaction Retroaction: A Rereading of Benjamin
and de Man from a Materialist Theory of Discourse)." Social
Science Research Network 26 Dec. 2015.*
Cognition & Culture: Culture, Communication ... Rhetoric &
Semiotics eJournal 26 Dec. 2015.*
Literary Theory & Criticism eJournal 26 Dec. 2015.*
History of Western Philosophy eJournal 26 Dec. 2015.*
Continental Philosophy eJournal 26 Dec. 2015.*
Philosophy of Language eJournal 26 Dec. 2015.*
Hamacher, Werner, Neil Hertz, and Thomas Keenan, eds. Responses:
On Paul de Man's Wartime Journalism. Lincoln: U of Nebraska
P, 1989.
Hamlin, Cyrus. "Literary History Beyond New Criticism: De Man's
Essays on Romanticism and Modernity." In (Dis)Continuities:
Essays on Paul de Man. Ed. Luc Herman et al. Amsterdam:
Rodopi; Antwerpen: Restant, 1989. 13347.*
Herman, Luc, Kris Humbeeck and Geert Lernout. (Dis)Continuities:
Essays on Paul de Man. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1989.*
Ferguson, Frances C. "Reading Heidegger: Paul de Man and Jacques
Derrida." Boundary 2 4.2 (winter 1976): 593610.
Gabriel, Norbert. "Paul de Man on Hölderlin." In (Dis)Continuities:
Essays on Paul de Man. Ed. Luc Herman et al. Amsterdam:
Rodopi; Antwerpen: Restant, 1989. 11132.*
Gearhart, Suzanne. "Philosophy before Literature: Deconstruction,
Historicity, and the Work of Paul de Man." Diacritics 13 (Winter
1983): 6381.
Hamcacher, Werner, Neil Herz, and Thomas Keenan, eds. Responses
on Paul de Man's Wartime Journalism. U of Nebraska P, 1989.
Hartley, Lucy. "Conflict Not Conversation: The Defeat of Dialogue in
Bakhtin and De Man." In Mikhail Bakhtin. Ed. Michael E.
Gardiner. London: SAGE, 2002. Vol. 4.
Hartman, Geoffrey. Minor Prophecies: The Literary Essay in the
Culture Wars. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1991.
Hauge, Hans. "Paul de Man as Theologian: Deconstruction as
Dialectical Theology." In (Dis)Continuities: Essays on Paul de
Man. Ed. Luc Herman et al. Amsterdam: Rodopi; Antwerpen:
Restant, 1989. 16375.*
Herman, Luc, Kris Humbeeck and Geert Lernout, eds.
(Dis)Continuities: Essays on Paul de Man. Amsterdam: Rodopi;
Antwerpen: Restant, 1989.*
Hirsch, David H. "Paul de Man and the Politics of Deconstruction" In
Hirsch, The Deconstruction of Literature. Hanover: Brown UP,
1991. 6979.*
_____. "Paul de Man and the Poetics of Prevarication." In Hirsch, The
Deconstruction of Literature. Hanover: Brown UP, 1991. 97
_____. "Collaborators and Deconstructors." In Hirsch, The
Deconstruction of Literature. Hanover: Brown UP, 1991. 133
_____. "Deconstruction and the SS Connection." In Hirsch, The
Deconstruction of Literature. Hanover: Brown UP, 1991. 143
Holdheim, W. Wolfgang. "Jackes Derrida's Apologia." (On Paul de
Man). Critical Inquiry 15 (1988): 18496.
Jameson, Fredric. "Immanence and Nominalism in Postmodern
Theoretical Discourse." (Michaels, de Man). In Jameson,
Postmodernism: or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism.
London: New Left BooksVerso, 1992. 181259.*
Jiménez Heffernan, Julián. "Antropología y discurso: La contradicción
realizativa como principio hermenéutico en Paul de Man."
Atlantis 18 (JuneDec.1996 [issued 1998]): 195212.*
Johnson, Barbara. "Rigorous Unreliability." (Paul de Man). Critical
Inquiry 11 (1984): 27885.*
_____. "Rigorous Unreliability." In Johnson, A World of Difference.
1987. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1989. 1724.*
_____. "A Note on the Wartime Writings of Paul de Man." In Johnson,
A World of Difference. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1989. xi
Kyndrup, Morten. "The Definite Inevitability of Indefiniteness (de
Man)." In Kyndrup, Framing and Fiction. Aarhus: Aarhus UP,
1992. 7787.*
LaCapra, Dominick. "The Personal, the Political, and the Textual: Paul
de Man as Object of Transference." History and Memory 4.1
(Spring/Summer 1992).
Lehman, David. "Deconstructing de Man's Life: An Academic Falls
into Disgrace." Newsweek 15 February 1988: 54.
_____. Signs of the Times: Deconstruction and the Fall of Paul de Man.
New York: Poseidon Press, 1991.
Lentricchia, Frank. "Paul de Man: The Rhetoric of Authority." In
Lentricchia, After the New Criticism. 1980. London: Methuen,
1983. 282317.*
Leonard, Philip. Trajectories of Mysticism in Theory and Literature.
(CrossCurrents in Religion and Culture). Houndmills:
Macmillan, 1999.
The Lesson of Paul de Man. Yale French Studies (1985).*
McQuillan, Martin. Paul de Man. (Routledge Critical Thinkers).
London: Routledge, 2001.
Melville, Stephen W. "Paul de Man: The Time of Criticism." In
Melville, Philosophy Beside Itself: On Deconstruction and
Modernism. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1986. 11538.*
Menand, Louis. "The de Man Case: Does a Critic's Past Explain His
Criticism?" New York Review of Books 24 March 2014.*
Mileur, J.P. "Allegory and Irony: 'The Rhetoric of Temporality' Re
examined." Comparative Literature 38.4 (1986): 32936.
Milic, Novica "Paul de Man and Alphonse de Welhens: Reading and the
Question of SelfKnowledge." In (Dis)Continuities: Essays on
Paul de Man. Ed. Luc Herman et al. Amsterdam: Rodopi;
Antwerpen: Restant, 1989. 7583.*
Miller, J. Hillis. Introduction to "Interview with Paul de Man." By
Robert Moynihan. Yale Review 73.4 (1984): 576602.
_____. "In Memoriam." In The Lesson of Paul de Man. 34.
_____. "Reading Unreadability: De Man." In Miller, The Ethics of
Reading: Kant, de Man, Eliot, Trollope, James, Benjamin. New
York: Columbia UP, 1987. 4159.
_____. "Paul de Man's Wartime Writings." TLS 1723 June 1988. Rpt.
in Miller, Theory Now and Then. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester
Wheatsheaf, 1991. 35968.
_____. "'Reading' Part of a Paragraph in Allegories of Reading." In
Reading Paul de Man Reading. Ed. Lindsay Waters and Wlad
Godzich. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1989. Rpt. in Miller,
Theory Now and Then. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester
Wheatsheaf, 1991. 34158.
_____. "An Open Letter to Professor Jon Wiener." In Responses on
Paul de Man's Wartime Journalism. Ed. Werner Hamcacher,
Neil Herz and Thomas Keenan. U of Nebraska P, 1989. Rpt. in
Miller, Theory Now and Then. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester
Wheatsheaf, 1991. 36984.*
_____. "Paul de Man as Allergen." In Miller, Material Events.
Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2000. 183204.
_____. "Paul de Man as Allergen." In Miller, Others. Princeton:
Princeton UP, 2001. 21958.*
_____. "Paul de Man." In Miller, Speech Acts in Literature. (Meridian:
Crossing Aesthetics). Stanford: Stanford UP, 2001. 14054.*
Morrison, Paul. The Poetics of Fascism: Ezra Pound, T. S. Eliot, Paul
de Man. New York: Oxford UP, 1996.
Moynihan, Robert. "Interview with Paul de Man." Yale Review 73.4
(1984): 576602.
_____. A Recent Imagining: Interviews with Harold Bloom, Geoffrey
Hartman, J. Hillis Miller and Paul de Man. Hamden (CT):
Archon Books, 1986.
Norris, Christopher. "Paul de Man's Past." London Review of Books 4
February 1988.
_____. Paul de Man: Deconstruction and the Critique of Aesthetic
Theory. London: Routledge, 1988.
_____. "De Man Unfair to Kierkegaard: An Allegory of (Non)
Reading." In (Dis)Continuities: Essays on Paul de Man. Ed. Luc
Herman et al. Amsterdam: Rodopi; Antwerpen: Restant, 1989.
O'Hara, Daniel T. "Paul de Man: Nietzsche's Teacher." In O'Hara, The
Romance of Interpretation: Visionary Criticism from Pater to de
Man. New York: Columbia UP, 1985. 20536.*
_____. The Romance of Interpretation: Visionary Criticism from Pater
to de Man. New York: Columbia UP, 1985.
Rapaport, Hermann. "Borges, de Man, and the Deconstruction of
Reading." In Borges and His Successors: The Borgesian Impact
on Literature and the Arts. Ed. Edna Aizenberg. Columbia: U of
Missouri P, 1990.
Readings, Bill. "The Deconstruction of Politics." In Reading de Man
Reading. Ed. Lindsay Waters and Wlad Godzich. Minneapolis: U
of Minnesota P, 1989. 22344.
Rosiek, Jan. "Source, Writing, (Dis)Figuration: Martin Heidegger and
Paul de Man." In (Dis)Continuities: Essays on Paul de Man. Ed.
Luc Herman et al. Amsterdam: Rodopi; Antwerpen: Restant,
1989. 8597.*
Rosso, Stephano. "An Interview with Paul de Man." 1983. In de Man,
The Resistance to Theory. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1986.
Schleifer, Ronald. "The Anxiety of Allegory: de Man, Greimas, and the
Problem of Referentiality." Genre 17 (1984): 21537.
Schwarz, Daniel R. "The Narrative of Paul de Man: Texts, Issues,
Significance." Journal of Narrative Technique 20.2 (1990): 179
Stengers, Jean. "Paul de Man, a Collaborator?" In (Dis)Continuities:
Essays on Paul de Man. Ed. Luc Herman et al. Amsterdam:
Rodopi; Antwerpen: Restant, 1989. 4350.*
Terada, Rei. "De Man, Blanchot and the Fate of the Past." Paragraph
19.1 (March 1996): 120.*
Ulmer, Gregory L. "Jacques Derrida and Paul de Man on/in Rousseau's
Faults." Eighteenth Century 20 (Texas, 1979): 16481.
Venuti, Lawrence, ed. Rethinking Translation: Discourse, Subjectivity,
Ideology. London: Routledge, 1992. (Benjamin, Derrida, de
Verdicchio, Massimo. "Paul de Man in Italian Studies." In
(Dis)Continuities: Essays on Paul de Man. Ed. Luc Herman et al.
Amsterdam: Rodopi; Antwerpen: Restant, 1989. 17796.*
Waters, Lindsay, and Wlad Godzich, eds. Reading Paul de Man
Reading. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1989.
Keenan, Thomas. "Bibliography of Texts by Paul de Man." In de Man,
The Resistance to Theory. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1986.