Rock Rippability

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A Comparative Review of Rippability Factors and Characteristics of

Rock Cuts

WYDOT Sponsor:
Mr. Blaine A. Smith, P.G.
Engineering Geologist
WYDOT Geology Program
5300 Bishop Blvd
Cheyenne, WY 82009-3340

Principal Investigator:
Dr. Kam Ng
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering
University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, 82071

Co-Principal Investigator:
Dr. Andrew Parsekian
Assistant Professor
Department of Geology and Geophysics
University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, 82071

Submitted To:
Wyoming Department of Transportation
Programming Research Unit
5300 Bishop Blvd.
Cheyenne, WY 82009

September 13, 2013

Table of Contents

Problem Statement.......................................................................................................... 3
Problem Background ....................................................................................................... 5
Study Objectives ............................................................................................................. 6
Study Benefits ................................................................................................................. 6
Work Plan/Scope ............................................................................................................ 6
Work Schedule .............................................................................................................. 10
Cost Estimate ................................................................................................................ 10
Staffing .......................................................................................................................... 11
Facilities ........................................................................................................................ 11
Deliverables .................................................................................................................. 12
References .................................................................................................................... 12
Appendix ....................................................................................................................... 13

Problem Statement
Road construction involves the excavation of rock and unconsolidated materials. These
materials can be removed either by scrapers/dozers or through blasting. The former
method loosens rock using steel shank rippers attached to the rear of bulldozers as
shown in Figure 1. As the bulldozer moves forward with shanks lowered into the ground,
blocks of rock are ripped and displaced for ease of excavation. The rippability of rock is
dependent on the geology and physical characteristics of rock materials. Accurate
evaluation of rock rippability and prediction of the excavation effort through a better
understanding of their properties will improve the preparation of both construction
schedule and cost estimation, facilitate the selection of proper ripping equipment, and
maximize production. If rock cannot be ripped, blasting will be used to remove rock.
However, blasting will incur higher construction cost, affect the general configuration of
the finished roadway template, and possess adverse impact on surrounding
environment and safety.

Figure 1. A Caterpillar bulldozer with a single shank (Caterpillar Inc., 2000)

An ideal evaluation of rock rippability is to employ a ripper tractor on a job site and
actually determine whether the rock material is rippable. However, this approach is not
practical and does not align with the current construction practice in Wyoming. At
current practice of the WYDOT, the rock rippability within most of the proposed road
cuts is assessed by conducting on-site drilling and/or qualitative description of the
physical characteristics of exposed bedrock. In many cases due to inaccessibility of the
drill rig to some rock cuts, geophysical methods are conducted to indirectly
predetermine the degree of rippability. Seismic refraction is the most commonly used
geophysical method. Seismic refraction surveys are conducted to measure the seismic
compression velocity (P-wave) and estimate the subsurface stratigraphy. However, the
measured seismic velocity is influenced by many factors, such as the presence of
moisture and rock fractures that cannot be identified solely by the seismic refraction
without the borehole control. Additionally, the changes in velocity cannot be

distinguished whether as a result of fracturing of a uniform rock type or a change in rock
type with no variation in fracturing. Furthermore, the seismic refraction takes advantage
of a common occurrence, whereby seismic velocities increase as a function of depth
(Wightman et al., 2003). As a result of this assumption, a less competent, lower-velocity
layer overlain by a thin, dense layer cannot be identified and characterized by the
seismic refraction. This limitation prevents conducting the seismic surveys on frozen
ground, road pavement, or any dense material overlaying a lower-velocity material
(WYDOT Geology Manual-Chapter 12).

Applying the measured seismic velocity to rippability charts, such as an example shown
in Figure 2 for the bulldozer D9 manufactured by the Caterpillar, Inc., the rock rippability
is predicted with the best available technology. It is important to highlight that these
charts were developed from field tests using various sized equipment on a variety of
rock types that may not reflect the local materials inherent to Wyoming. Figure 2 shows
that the rippability chart relies only on the seismic velocity and a simple material
description to determine the degree of rippability while neglecting other important
factors, such as rock hardness, weathering, joint spacing and continuity, and strike and
dip of the bedrock. The simplicity of the rippability chart coupling with uncertainties in
seismic velocity measurement leads to inconsistent rippability outcomes determined
from the interpretation and actual construction. Undeniably, the current guidelines and
specifications for interpreting the rock rippability are admittedly vague and prone to
many uncertainties.

Figure 2. Example of a Caterpillar rippability chart (Caterpillar Inc., 2000)

The inconsistent outcomes and lack of accurate and reliable methods for evaluating the
rock rippability often cause conflict between WYDOT and excavating contractors. These
conflicts usually result in delays in project construction and change-orders to the

contracts for additional money to offset the difficulties in rock excavation and removal.
Furthermore, this problem increases the operational cost of WYDOT, especially the
Geology Program due to the repeated trips back to the field during excavation in order
to verify the measured seismic velocity and re-evaluate the rippability of the rock.
Unfortunately, these return trips typically result with a similar seismic velocity as in the
original survey data provided to the excavating contractor, provide no solutions to
resolve the conflict, and unable to prevent additional claims. This problem will persist
unless better knowledge and methods pertinent to the rippability of rock can be
determined to improve the current WYDOT’s guidelines and specifications. This
problem is not restricted to a particular construction project or location in Wyoming. In
fact, the number of additional claims submitted by contractors to WYDOT has increased
in recent years, and they were from construction sites across the state of Wyoming.

Problem Background
Historically, WYDOT conducted seismic investigations in locations where the drill rigs
could not gain access. More recently, seismic lines are run at sites where borrow drill
holes have been conducted in an effort to correlate drilling characteristics and seismic
velocities to the rippability of the rock. The comparison to the drilling has been made
more difficult recently by the increased torque and horsepower generated by larger drills
used by WYDOT. Other problems associated with the cuts also include the variation of
the physical properties of the rock within the same cut, in some cases separated by tens
of feet. Also, it has been previously hypothesized the arid climate native to much of
Wyoming results in lower rock velocities for otherwise hard, unweathered bedrock.
Thus, the comparative literature review will provide useful knowledge to the state of
practice utilized by other state Departments of Transportation (DOTs).

To illustrate the significance of this problem, a cost analysis was performed on three
recently completed road projects in Wyoming with issues of rock rippability as
summarized in Table 1. These three projects were selected, because the cost data
were readily available for analysis. In fact, many more projects had this problem over
the two-year period. Table 1 shows the original contract amount, additional claim
incurred by engaging rock blasting and its associated mobilization cost, and the percent
increase in cost of each project. Regardless of its original contract amount, additional
claims of at least $90,000 were estimated on projects with the issue of rock rippability.
Particularly for the Flying V Slide project, the additional cost increased by as high as
41.5% or $354,240.

Table 1: Summary of recent construction projects in Wyoming with issues of rock

Original Percent
Year Project Description Contract Increase
Amount in Cost
2011 N255040 Flying V Slide $ 852,800 $ 354,240 41.5
2011 N301015 Rosie’s Ridge Section $ 5,020,141 $ 97,700 2.00
2012 N Sybille Creek Section $ 2,398,968 $ 91,038 3.80

Study Objectives
The rippability of rock has been a continuous problem for the WYDOT, especially the
Geology and Construction Programs. This problem is primarily attributed to the
inadequacy of current guidelines and specifications in assessing the degree of rock
rippability. The objectives of this study are to:
1) determine methods/procedures to better correlate rock properties obtained from
both geophysical and laboratory test methods with its rippability;
2) determine a more comprehensive and/or industry accepted rippability prediction
system; and
3) improve the assessment of the rippability of rock cuts.

Study Benefits
The research project described in this proposal has several direct benefits to WYDOT,
particularly to road design and construction in Wyoming. These anticipated benefits are
described as follows:
1) eliminate the ambiguity of current system for evaluating the rock rippability;
2) provide a more reliable prediction system for rock rippability;
3) improve construction efficiency in rock excavation;
4) avoid construction delay;
5) reduce and possibly eliminate additional claims submitted by excavating
contractors pertaining to the excavation of rock cuts in the future;
6) reduce or avoid unnecessary operational cost and time of various WYDOT
programs, especially Geology Program; and
7) improve work relationship between WYDOT and excavating contractors.

Work Plan/Scope
The work plan was established based on the aforementioned problem and study
objectives. It is envisioned that the research objectives will be achieved by completing
five major tasks described below. A time schedule to complete these tasks within the
projected 18-month period is also provided in this proposal.

Task A: Literature Review

This task will focus on conducting a comprehensive literature review pertinent to the
rippability factors and characteristics of rock cuts. The literature review will include the
following activities:
1) conduct a comprehensive literature search for documents, papers, reports,
catalogs, manuals, notes, and presentation slides pertinent to the rippability of
rock cuts (refer to Appendix on literature found by the principal investigators);
2) document and review current state of knowledge and the current state of practice
relating to the rippability of rock cuts;
3) study current specifications and guidelines adopted by various state DOTs,
mining companies, and consultants pertinent to the excavation and removal of
rock cuts;
4) identify potential application and adaptation through literature review; and

5) identify gaps in the body of knowledge necessary to develop a nationwide survey
in Task B.

The literature review will be facilitated by the excellent libraries, high speed internet, and
extensive interlibrary loan capabilities at the University of Wyoming (UW). The research
team will utilize many useful sources in conducting this task, including the link to federal
and state libraries and databases given on the WYDOT’s Research Center website

Task B: Nationwide Survey

Upon completing Task A, gaps in the body knowledge will be identified and formulated
in a series of questions for the development of a nationwide and/or western state district
survey conducted in this task. The survey questions will be reviewed by WYDOT prior to
sending it out to the relevant national, state and local agencies (e.g., Transportation
Research Board’s Geotechnology Committees and DOTs). Survey data will be
collected, analyzed and reported to fill in missing knowledge, in order that a preliminary
recommendation to rock rippability can be evaluated in Task C. To improve data
collection and enhance security, the survey will be developed using commercial online
survey software, such as SurveyMonkey®.

Task C: Pilot Project

A pilot project will be conducted to verify the preliminary recommendations determined
from Tasks A and B and to further evaluate the rippability factors and characteristics of
rock cuts in Wyoming. Working closely with the Geology Program, a project location will
be selected at either a past project site or an upcoming construction site, at which rock
excavation and removal will be anticipated. Furthermore, the selected site shall be
accessible to drill rigs or heavy equipment for this study. Rock sampling, on-site
reconnaissance, laboratory rock tests, geophysical investigations, rock ripping test, and
data analysis will be performed in this task.

Task C.1: Sampling and Field Reconnaissance

A drill rig will be mobilized by the Geology Program to the selected project location for
rock boring and sampling. Standard rock cores with a diameter of about 2.16-in. (NX-
size) will be collected for laboratory tests and to check for any possible favorable
properties, such as cavities, cracks, and other deterioration, that could facilitate the
rippability of the rock cuts. At least a 5-ft “core-run” segment is needed for each rock
type and at each location, where geophysical investigations will be performed later.
These rock core samples will be used in the laboratory rock tests. Rock Quality
Designation (RQD) will be determined at each rock core segment for a subsequent rock
mass classification.

Field reconnaissance will be conducted jointly by UW’s research team and the Geology
Program on any exposed bedrock at the selected site in accordance with the standard
practice of the Geology Program. During the reconnaissance observation, structural

features, such as fault, fracture, or discontinuities, and properties will be identified and

Task C.2: Laboratory Test

Laboratory tests will be performed jointly by UW’s research team and the Geology
Program to characterize the rock properties. The rock core samples collected in Task
C.1 will be used for strength tests. Uniaxial rock tests will be performed by the Geology
Program to yield uniaxial compressive strength, which is a typical rock property used to
correlate with the seismic velocities obtained from geophysical investigations. Triaxial
strength tests will be performed by UW in accordance with the ASTM D7012 (2010)
using the newly purchased servo-controlled testing system. This testing system has a
maximum compressive load of 337 kips and is currently placed at the UW’s Engineering
Building as shown in Figure 3(a). The triaxial rock test will yield important mechanical
properties, such as Young’s modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio (μ), and Mohr’s Coulomb
parameters: friction angle and cohesion. An example of the triaxial test result of a
Wyoming’s sedimentary rock is shown in Figure 3(b). The slope of the solid line is the
Young’s modulus and the ratio of the radial to axial strains is the Poisson’s ratio.

Confining Stress = 1500 psi
Deviator Stress (psi)

2000 Axial Strain
Radial Strain
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Strain (%)
Figure 3. (a) Servo-controlled rock testing system; and (b) Example of triaxial test result

Task C.3: Geophysical Investigations

Field geophysical investigations to be performed include seismic and electrical methods
at locations coincident with extracted cores (Task C.1). First, P-wave measurements
and analysis will be conducted using seismic refraction in accordance with the standard
practices of WYDOT to serve as a baseline dataset. The result will be an estimate of P-
wave velocity (Vp) for the study site. Next, S-wave datasets will be acquired along the
same line as P-wave data using low frequency 4.5 Hz geophones and seismic source
optimized for generating shearing ground motion. The S-wave data will be processed
using commercially available multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) software.
This will result in S-wave velocity (Vs) for the study site. Finally, electrical resistivity

tomography (ERT) geophysical measurements will be conducted along the same line as
the seismic surveys. This will result in a 2D distribution of subsurface electrical
properties that is an independent measurement from the seismic results. The field
geophysical measurements aim to answer three questions: 1) is an alternative
geophysical measurement capable of providing data to improve rippability estimates?;
2) is the combination of two or more geophysical measurements able to improve the
rippability estimates?; and 3) is the Vp and Vs estimate obtained in the field comparable
to estimates of velocity made on laboratory samples?

Task C.4: Rock Ripping Test

After completing the previous Tasks C.1 to C.3, a rippability rock test will be conducted
at the same project site and location where investigations are conducted. A typical
Caterpillar ripper or equivalent, such as Caterpillar D9, will be mobilized to actually rip
the rock. The ripping shall be performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
specifications and guidelines. If the ripping tractor fails to rip the rock material, a larger
capacity tractor subjected to its availability will be tried to repeat the ripping test.

Task C.5: Data Analysis

Collected data will be analyzed to assess the rippability of the rock and compared with
the outcome of the ripping test. The data analyses include, but are not limited to the
1) Based on the collected data and the outcome of the field reconnaissance, rock
mass classification will be performed to determine the relationship between rock
quality and its rippability;
2) The uniaxial compressive strength obtained from uniaxial strength test will be
correlated with the seismic velocities obtained from geophysical investigations;
3) The measured elastic modulus obtained from the triaxial test will be compared
with the modulus values estimated using the field-estimated seismic velocities.
This comparison will validate the accuracy of the seismic refraction and the S-
wave methods;
4) Velocity information will be used in conjunction with 2D electrical resistivity
results to evaluate heterogeneity of material to be ripped at the site.

Task D: Recommendations
Based on the outcomes obtained from Tasks A, B, and C, recommendations will be
established. The recommendations will suggest improvement to current WYDOT’s
specifications and guidelines for evaluating the rock rippability. It is envisioned that the
recommendations will satisfy the study objectives and bring benefits to the WYDOT in
the future.

Task E: Reporting
To update the progress of the research project, short quarterly reports will be submitted
to WYDOT. Integrating all the outcomes obtained from previous tasks as well as
comments given by WYDOT representatives, a draft final report will be prepared. A final
report, containing all aspects of the proposed research, an executive summary and a
plan for any future works, will be prepared and submitted to the WYDOT. A technical

presentation on the completed project will be given to the WYDOT Research Advisory
Committee (RAC). To further disseminate the research outcomes, at least one
journal/conference paper will be published and technical presentations will be given at
regional and/or national conferences.

Work Schedule
The projected duration for the research presented in this proposal is 18 months,
tentatively beginning July, 2014 through December, 2015. A detailed schedule per task
is shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Detailed schedule proposed for the research tasks

2014 2015
Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
A Literature Review
B Nationwide Survey
C Pilot Project
D Recommendations
E Reporting

Cost Estimate
The detailed budget estimate is presented in Table 3. Funds are requested to support
wages covering 1 month for Kam Ng as the PI, 1 month for Andrew Parsekian as the
Co-PI, 18 months for a graduate student researcher, and 120 hours for an
undergraduate research assistant. The fringe benefits for each employee are as
specified and are charged individually as direct costs in accordance with the current
rates: 1) 45.56% for PI and Co-PI; and 2) 0.7% for a graduate student research and an
undergraduate research assistant. An undergraduate resistance assistant will be hired
to assist with the literature search, survey, and field investigations. A domestic travel
cost of $2,792 is included to cover all travelling expenses required to perform Task C
involving field works, present research results and final report to WYDOT, and
disseminate research outcomes at one to two national conferences, such as TRB
meeting, in the United States. Although the cost of laboratory and geophysical
equipment will be contributed by the investigators, a cost of $1,500 is included under
suppliers/materials to cover expendable items needed to conduct Task C. Other direct
cost includes 1) $200 for acquiring a commercial survey software/license needed in
Task B; and 2) $1,000 for reporting, which includes editing, preparing, publishing, and
disseminating of research results. The indirect cost with a rate of 20% is charged on all
direct costs except student’s tuition, fees and health insurance. The total cost estimate
for this research project is $77,011.00. This total cost will be spread over two years with
$28,585.00 in 2014 and the remaining $48,426.00 in 2015. It is important to highlight
that the proposed budget does not include the cost for mobilizing, operating and
demobilizing tractor rippers, paying for tractor’s operator man hours, and any other
construction expenses required to perform the rock ripping test described in Task C.4.

Table 3: Detailed budget estimate for the research

A Comparative Review of Riipability Factors and Characteristics of Rock Cuts

Budget Estimate
YEAR 2014 YEAR 2015
Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Subtotal
Principal Investigator (1 month) $ 4,150 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,150 $ - $ 8,300
Co-Principal Investigator (1 month) $ 4,000 $ - $ - $ - $ 4,000 $ - $ 8,000
Graduate Student Researcher (18 months) $ 4,218 $ 4,218 $ 4,218 $ 4,218 $ 4,218 $ 4,218 $ 25,308
Undergraduate Research Assistant (120 hours) $ 180 $ 180 $ 180 $ 180 $ 360 $ - $ 1,080
Fringe $ -
Principal Investigator (1 month) $ 1,890.7 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,890.7 $ - $ 3,781
Co-Principal Investigator (1 month) $ 1,822.4 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,822.4 $ - $ 3,645
Graduate Student (18 months) $ 29.5 $ 29.5 $ 29.5 $ 29.5 $ 29.5 $ 29.5 $ 177
Undergraduate Research Assistant (120 hours) $ 1.3 $ 1.3 $ 1.3 $ 1.3 $ 2.5 $ - $ 8
Travel-Domestic $ - $ - $ - $ 1,292 $ 750 $ 750 $ 2,792
Graduate Student Tuition and Health Insurace $ 378 $ 3,102 $ 3,102 $ - $ 378 $ 3,102 $ 10,062
Supplies/Materials $ - $ - $ - $ 1,500 $ - $ - $ 1,500
Other Direct Costs
Survey Software/License $ - $ 200 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 200
Reporting (Editing/Printing/Copying) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 300 $ $ 1,000
Total Direct Cost: $ 16,670 $ 7,731 $ 7,531 $ 7,221 $ 17,901 $ 8,800 $ 65,853
UW Indirect Costs (20% ) $ 3,258 $ 926 $ 886 $ 1,444 $ 3,505 $ 1,140 $ 11,158
Total Costs Per Quarter $ 19,928 $ 8,657 $ 8,417 $ 8,665 $ 21,406 $ 9,939
Total Costs Per Year $ 28,585 $ 48,426

The project team will be comprised of an academic group consisting of faculties, staff,
and students from the University of Wyoming (UW), who specialize in geotechnical
engineering and geophysics. Kam Ng, assistant professor of geotechnical engineering,
will serve as the Principal Investigator (PI). Kam Ng has 10 years of industry experience
in civil engineering design and construction. He has completed several research
projects relating to geotechnical engineering for the Iowa DOT. His research outcomes
have led to the design recommendations and revision of the Iowa DOT Bridge Design
Manual Section 6. Andrew Parsekian, assistant professor of hydrogeophysics, will serve
as the co-principal investigator (Co-PI). He brings 6 years of academic research
experience in geophysics to the project, including a track-record of peer-reviewed
research utilizing various near-surface geophysical measurement methods.

The Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering at UW has computer, structural
and geotechnical/material laboratories, especially the uniaxial and triaxial rock
equipment, that are adequate for this research project. The Geology and Geophysics
Department “Facility for imaging the Near- and Sub-surface Environment (FINSE)” owns
the seismic and electrical imaging field geophysical equipment required to complete the
proposed research. The UW high-speed computing network supports services for

instruction and research. The libraries at UW offer facilities and services that aid in
research, teaching and studying. The UW libraries have extensive interlibrary loan
capabilities that further enhance research activities.

To update the research progress, accomplishments and any problems encountered,
short quarterly progress reports will be prepared and submitted to the WYDOT. All of
these documents with appropriate changes based on the review comments received
from WYDOT representatives will be integrated to form a draft final project report
documenting the entire project effort. The research work will conclude with a final report
and a technology transfer sheet. The final report will include results of each task
presented and an executive summary. The research team will review the report for
accuracy and consistency prior to submission to WYDOT. Particularly, a more
comprehensive and/or industry accepted rippability prediction system will be
recommended to alleviate the problems associated with the rippability of rock in

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