Markierungsguide Eingriffsverwechslung Kurz PDF
Markierungsguide Eingriffsverwechslung Kurz PDF
Markierungsguide Eingriffsverwechslung Kurz PDF
(H 5)
To avoid wrong site, wrong procedure or wrong person
To iden7fy unambiguously the intended site of incision or inser7on
- Possible delega7on to a doctor or nurse directly involved in the procedure or in the pa7ent
prepara7on process
- Before pa7ent is moved to the loca7on where the procedure will be done
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- Laterality such as extremi7es; paired organs
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Marking is done by the person who will do the procedure or by a qualified designee (MD or RN par7-
cipa7ng in procedure or prep.)
The mark is made before pa7ent is moved to procedure site
Pa7ent is aware and involved in site marking, if possible
The mark is made at or near the intended incision site
Non-opera7ve sites are not marked
The mark is unambiguous (« X » is not used for site marking)
The mark is made using a « permanent » skin marker
The method of marking is consistent with hospital policy
For midline access to lateral site, mark indicates correct side
Verifica7on :
Cross verifica7on conducted
with the surgical team in
the opera7ng room during
final 7me out.
This guide is avalaible for all procedure involving marking site of cases
performed in the hospital opera7ng room environment that serves the
hospital’s inpa7ents (excludes procedure units such as endoscopy and ca-
theterizaon labs, dedicated obstetrical operang rooms and facilies used
exclusively for ambulatory surgery).
Site marking is only part of a preven7ve prac7ce and does not preempt
pre-op verifica7on and final 7me out.
The guide for surgical site marking is also avalaible. Please contact: