Elbow Actions Drills
Elbow Actions Drills
Elbow Actions Drills
Elbow actions
Colonel Crawford
Elbow actions Elbow actions
6 actions, use both side of court. 2 reps 6 actions, use both side of court. 2 reps
c c
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1 Frame 1 1 Frame 2
2 2
1. Elbow entry, Handoff and 2 foot finish: Start at half court, and enter to coach. 1 makes rub cut off coach, and gets 2. Elbow entry, rub cut, screen into dribble handoff and finish: 1 enters to coach, who makes a rub cut, then screens
handoff. 1 then finishes off 2 feet and other coach hits with pad. 2 times each the cone. After the screen, 1 comes back and gets dribble handoff from coach. 1 attacks rim finishes off 2 feet
c c
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1 Frame 3 1 Frame 4
2 2
3. rub cut, screen into dribble handoff and jumper: 1 enters to coach, who makes a rub cut, then screens the cone. After 4. rub cut, screen into dribble handoff and 3 : 1 enters to coach, who makes a rub cut, then screens the cone. After the
the screen, 1 comes back and gets dribble handoff from coach. 1 shoots mid range jumper screen, 1 comes back and gets dribble handoff from coach. 1 shoots a 3 off the dribble handoff
c c
1 Frame 5 Frame 6
2 2
5. rub cut, screen into dribble handoff, hit roll man (pt 1) : 1 enters to coach, who makes a rub cut, then screens the 5. dribble handoff, hit roll man and spot up (part 2) : 1 has made rub cut, and set the screen. 1 comes off the dribble
cone. handoff with coach, and hits the roll man. 1 then spots up for 3, and gets a pass from coach.
Elbow actions
6 actions, use both side of court. 2 reps
1 Frame 7
6. rub cut, screen down, and slip: 1 enters to coach, makes a rub cut, then screens down. After the screen,1 slips to rim
and gets pass from coach