Consumer Behavior 2
Consumer Behavior 2
Consumer Behavior 2
mere production of goods, good pricing and easy access to the same goods. Today
business organizations dealing in products and services are expected to attract new
customers and retain the existing ones through established loyalty. Attracting new
place towards getting the customers to buy various products from a given provider.
persuasion and reminding customers about the existence of the product. The ideas and
certain products. This study is highly concern with consumer behavior when it comes
the fact that promotion applies a good number of strategies in passing information
described as the most basic promotional strategy which is largely applied towards
Promotional messages must be objective, the object of these messages are mainly to
persuade the audience to purchase the product and service. Looking at the basic
elements and definition of sales promotion, consumer behavior is likely to take a trend
or move as a result of sales promotion. It will be in order for this study to take note
involving. The complexity part of it is drawn from the idea that companies
communicate bulk information about their products through sales promotion. The
modern idea of sales promotion consist of variety of incentive tools all direct towards
the consumer ideally for persuasion. The incentive tools applied by sales promotion in
the modern environment are mostly short term that are used for consumer stimulation
and dealers of various products so as accelerate the purchasing process leading high
across a good number markets indicates that many packaging companies take the in
area of sales promotion, with 75% of their budget made up sales promotion.
opposed to affecting the awareness. One of the major functions of sales promotion is
the basis of quality, durability and good ricing of products. At this point marketers
past, sales promotion were limited to physical contact or face to face engagement with
clients. This kind of operation has taken a shift as technology makes sales promotion
organizations to apply vital tools in matching the competition. In their bid to match
tool of key importance. Sales promotion is high rated in terms of its contribution of
organizational sales. In this regard, this study will focus on discussing how sales
regarding influence of sales promotion on consumer behavior, in this case, the study
will consider key literature review to help get insight on the topic.
towards making purchase decisions. The study takes high concern on this, and will
indulge in pointing out the tools applied by sales promotion in persuading customers.
The study discuss the application of incentive tools which makes the core part of sales
The study will focus on its main objective, which is discussing the effects of
varied tools to sales promotion and their influence on buying behavior of customers.
understanding on how these tools affect competition in the market. Looking at the
purpose and main objective of the study, it key noting the fact that the findings will
prove vital in helping organizations embrace this vital tool (sales promotion further).
A study on sales promotion most in its influence on consumer behavior compels the
Literature Review
environment. In this regard, organizations providing both goods and services are
expected to focus on major consumers’ behaviors that large influence products sales.
The modern business environment operates on a wider notion that every market
player must be analyzed. It is on this basis that this study undertakes to analyze the
buying patterns of swifter sweeper mops (McDonald & Dunbar, 2012). To understand
the full aspects of consumer behavior of this unique product, one would expect the
study to have skewed approach; however, this study has decided to go wide by
digging out information from customer, primary and secondary data. The quality of
information obtained from secondary sources is a major boost for this study. Right
from books to various research studies, the study has exploited consumer buying
need to have organization set effective marketing section to note consumer buying
patterns. In past most product organization assumed the role of providing quality and
leaving the rest to the market; however, consumer patterns are being a major tool to
tend learn much include periods of good revenue and low. Through consumer buying
patterns, the company has been able to learn about the need for refilling the dry
clothes (Samli, 1995). Through this kind of change or improvement derived from
buying patterns, the company has been able to attract new customers as well as
psychological factors. It is worth noting that these factors flow or operate in some
sequence. Cultural factors serves as the starting point towards any buying decision as
they determine first knowledge or information of any individuals. Upon learning first
item information based on culture, the social; elements come in as people try to share
or relate with others. After sharing and learning from others, people develop personal
aspects which now determine the second last aspect of the process. Psychological
factors take last stage as they contain key drivers like motivation and attitude among
Consumer behavior remains critical towards helping marketers understand the best
way for developing good strategies. Through good understanding of the entire process
making its four Ps generate enormous revenue (McDonald & Dunbar, 2012).
Consumer has point best described as a black box, consumer behavior allows
marketers understand what kind of products, services and promotion that best
influence or hit the consumer black box. Black box is the key button that every
marketer should focus on learning how to press as a way of having the customer
elements that influence purchase decision. As much as marketers play the influential
role, it is important to note that the entire buying idea is a process which results a
consumer behavior. Consumer behavior is vital towards the success of any product in
manufacturers and service providers to take note of factors charged with the important
influence of consumer behavior. As much as some of these factors might look simple,
pressing the right button or winning customer remains a huge task which has seen a
stimuli which consist of product, price, place and promotion. These stimuli come
inside buyer black box which promotes buyer response. In order to understand
consumer behavior one must understand the components of the black box which
characteristics and buying decision process will a form a key part of the study as part
Culture poses the strongest effect on consumer behavior. This drawn from the fact
culture forms the basic starting point of any buyer. Just like growing children get to
learn their surroundings, buyers also learn key requirements of their surrounding such
as quality and speed and thus focus on finding products that will satisfy such
requirements (Lorette & Spillane, 2011). On this ground, it is clear that people of
different cultures have different buying patterns. Marketers are therefore tasked with
the duty of understanding the existence of different cultures and develop marketing
Thesis Statement
The major point of this study is point out the fact consumer buying decision is
driven by a number of factors which are worth noting. Consumer behavior describes
decision making and creating a culture. This qualifies consumer behavior into a
culture whose development is traceable. This study will focus on the elements that
lead or attract customers to swifter sweepers. This study recognizes the fact that the
purchase of swifter sweeper is not mere activity but a long process that requires
maintenance (Klier, 2009). The primary focus of this study will be to ascertain factor
that largely influence the purchase of swifter sweeper. Some of these factors include;
Research Methodology
The study revolved around consumer behavior with main focus on focus on
the role played by sales promotion on consumer behaviors. To ensure full exploit of
the study, the study will deploy quantitative and qualitative methods to or help obtain
accurate information from the selected sections of the market. Data collection will
involve interviewing a number of customers from segments with most repeat sales.
Through such interview, the study will be in a position to manage to ascertain key
reason for the purchase which translated in patterns. The interview will be structured,
with questioned being availed on oral and drafted questionnaires. Although some
instances will proved challenging, research methodology will try key verification
The study will take a specific organization product, in this case swifter
sweeper mobs and develop questionnaires on the basis of the consumer buying
paterns. The study will sample areas considered to offer the organization good sales.
The participants in this study will include both marketers and customers. The
customers will be interviewed using questionnaires and oral. The researcher will
assure confidentiality throughout the study. The questionnaires will not require the
identifications. The marketers who are key promoters will be considered in the
interview, to allow the study realize the kind of incentives applied and the response
Apart from the interview of both customers and marketers, the study will
consider sales both after and before the sales promotion techniques. Through the sales
trend, it will be possible to take note of consumer behavior trends towards the
Data collection does not mark the end of this study. In order to bring out sense
from the study, the researcher must set out plans of data analysis. The research will
operate on elaborate plan to ensure accurate data analysis. The study point of the data
analysis will entail tabulation. The tabulation will made easy by setting up the
After tally, the researcher will involve excel application. Excel will applied to
develop graphs and charts to aid the required trends. The researcher is expected to
apply the charts and graphs in bringing full aspect of the results. According research
team, some details of the findings might prove bulky to users, hence application of
Lorette, K., & Spillane, M. (2011). How to open & operate a financially successful
notary business: With companion CD-ROM. Ocala, Fla: Atlantic Pub. Group.
McDonald, M., & Dunbar, I. (2012). Market segmentation : how to do it and how to