Romanticism: Background
Romanticism: Background
Romanticism: Background
Romantic age as a whole is inspired by French Revolution (1789-1799). Equality, liberty and
fraternity were the slogans of French Revolution. Common people were not enjoying liberty
and equality that is why French Revolution started.
When the Romantic age started that was the beginning of French Revolution. The main spirit
of the revolution started in middle 19th century. It stands as a revolt against Neo-Classicism.
A rapid change occurred and England transformed into industrial state.There was a shift from
rural areas to urban areas. People used to work in the farms now started working in the
industries.A new working class was generated. The rich middle class was introduced in this
age and the number of landlords also increased.It bought social unrest and there was no peace
left. It was at this time that people unintentionally started moving towards Romanticism.
Nineteenth century is also called “The Age of Revolutions”. In the mid of the century the
adjective “Romantic” came in and it is described as something that is based on fancy.
“The Preface to Lyrical Ballad” is known as the manifesto of Romanticism.
Imagination was emphasized over reason and was considered necessary for creating piece of
art.Romantics valued feelings and instincts over reason.
Idealism is one of the characteristics of Romanticism. Idealism means the practice of forming
ideas and living under its influence.
Freedom of Thought
Freedom of thought and expression was also given importance in Romanticism.
The major themes were respect for nature spiritual oneness, passion over reason, and
pantheism. Dream and vision was also another theme of Romantic poetry.
Elements of Romanticism
Return to Nature
When the Romantics said “Return to Nature” they meant that the people should reutrn to the
external world of sites and sounds such as trees, mountains, peasants, and the sounds of
storms, birds and animals.
In “The Tables Turned” Wordsworth viewed nature as something superior. Nature was
preferred over technology and science where as science was viewed as evil and demonic.
Romantics said that before eighteenth century, nature was quite on a distance from human
beings. The suggestion to them was to bring the nature and supernaturals at the same point.
William Wordsworth and S.T Coleridge were friends and were living in the same house. Both
of them worked for the revivial of nature. In the beginning Coleridge agreed with
Wordsworth but later on he had his own philosophy and he said that nature has no influence
upon us instead, inward feelings are so strong that nothing can influence them.
Return to Supernaturalism
After modern science, supernatural was discarded. The job of S.T Coleridge was to bring
back the fear of supernaturalism and he blended supernatural with reality. Supernatural
elements can also be seen in Coleridge poems like “Kubla Khan”, “The Rime of the Ancient
Mariner” etc.
Neo-Classical Age was materialistic age, self centered. Romantics were antimaterialists.
They wanted to take back the people to the villages so that they enjoy nature and according to
them nature was present in countryside and not in industries.
All the romantic writers were escapists. Most of them were financially strong. None of them
was employed anyhwere. There were no worries, that is why they became escapists. A poor
person cannot be an escapist.
William Wordsworth and P.B Shelly did not believe in laws. John Keats wanted to escape
from harsh realities of life.
Liberty or Freedom
P.B Shelly is remembered as the champion of liberty. He believed that human beings are free.
As Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) he is called the intellectual father of Romanticism.
According to him “Man is born free but everywhere in this world he is in chains”.
All the Romantics took the idea of freedom from him that is why he is called the intellectual
father of Romanticism.
Spontaneity of Poetry
Poetry is something that is spontaneous. It means genuine expressions like the way it comes
in your mind and you deliver it in the same way. Romantics were like this. They have a
genuine expression in their poetry, that is why it strikes the heart. On the other hand Neo-
Classical poetry was pre-planned while Romantic poetry was not. As William Wordsworth
says “ Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions.”
Romantic Poetry
The Romantic Period was dominated by poets who were unconsciously composing the
romantic poetry. They can be further classified into “The Forerunners”, “The First
Generation”, “The Second Generation”.
Forerunners of Romanticism
Thomas Gray, Thomas Chatterton, William Blake and Oliver Goldsmith are the “Forerunners
of Romanticism”. They revolted against the tradition followed by their Age. These four are
not romantic poets, these are Neo-Classical poets but by spirit they are Romanticists.
Robert Southey
He has taken influence from Coleridge and Wordsworth both. His famous epic poems are
“Roderick”, “Thalaba The Destroyer” and “The Curse of Kehama”