Calender of Reading
Calender of Reading
Calender of Reading
28.09- What is ecological design? Relations between cultural and natural systems /
McHarg School / Ecology, planning and design
Palmer M., Bernhardt E., Chornesky E., Collins S., Dobson A., Duke C., Gold B., Jacobsen R.,
Klingsland S., Kranz R., Mappin M., Martinez M.L., Michelli F., Morse J., Pace M.,
Pascual M., Palumbi S., Reichman O.J., Townsend A. and Turner M. 2004. Ecology
for a crowded planet. Science 304: 1251-1252.
Musacchio, L. 2009. The scientific basis for the design of landscape sustainability: A
conceptual framework for translational landscape research and practice of
designed landscapes and the six Es of landscape sustainability. Landscape Ecol
(2009) 24:993–1013
Nassauer J.I. 1992. The appearance of ecological systems as a matter of policy. Landscape
Ecol 6: 239-250.
Karr, R. J. (2001), What from Ecology Is Relevant to Design and Planning?, in Ecology and
Design, Frameworks for Learning, Johnson, B., Hill, K. (ed.) Island Press, Washington,
D. C. pp.133-164.
Ndubisi, F. 1997. Landscape Ecological Planning, in Ecological Design and Planning, eds.
George F. Thompson and Frederick R. Steiner ,Wiley, 1997,pp.9-44.
Corner, J. 1997. Ecology and Landscape as Agents of Creativity, in Ecological Design and
Planning, eds. George F. Thompson and Frederick R. Steiner ,Wiley, pp 80- 108.
McHarg, I.L., 1997. Ecology and Design, in Ecological Design and Planning, eds. George F.
Thompson and Frederick R. Steiner ,Wiley, 1997,pp 321- 332.
09.11- NO CLASS
16.11- Ecosystem services concept: the example of storm water systems design.
Brauman, K. a. et al. 2007. The Nature and Value of Ecosystem Services: An Overview
Highlighting Hydrologic Services. Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2007. 32:67–98
PlanNYC Sustainable Stormwater Management Plan (2008).
Alsup S., Ebbs S. and Retzlaff W. The exchangeability and leachability of metals from select
green roof growth substrates. Urban Ecosystems.
Valuing the Protection of Ecological Systems and Services. EPA-SAB 09-012. Pp. 12-17.$F
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. 2000. Protecting Water Quality in Urban Areas - A
Manual., St. Paul, MN. Chapts 1, 3, and 4. Download from:
Chapt. 5. Stormwater Management, in Urban Stormwater Mgmt in the United States,
National Academies Press. 2008.
Serrano L. and DeLorenzo M.E. 2008. Water quality and restoration in a coastal subdivision
stormwater pond. Journal of Environmental Management 88: 43-52.
30.11- Ecological landscape design praxis II/ Design solutions based on ecological
performance in urban space / Regenerative strategies
Lister, N.M. (2010), Insurgent Ecologies: Re(Claiming) Ground in Landscape and Urbanism”, in
Ecological Urbanism, Mostafavi, M., Doherty, G. (ed.), Lars Müller Publishers, pp. 524-