Number Theory For Beginners - Weil A PDF
Number Theory For Beginners - Weil A PDF
Number Theory For Beginners - Weil A PDF
The unique solution of a+ x = b is written b- a. For 1.2. Prove that any integer x > I has either a divisor > 1 and
a=FO, the unique solution of ax= b is written .!!__
< Vx or no divisor > I and <x (in the latter case it is
called a prime; cf. § IV).
A rational number is positive ( > 0) or negative ( < 0);
only 0 is both; b>a (or a<b) means b-a>O; b>a (or 1.3. Prove by induction that
a<b) means b>a, b=Fa.lf x>O andy>O, then x+y>O
and xy>O. J3+ 23+··· +n3=[ n(n +I)
If a,b,x are integers, and b =ax, b is said to be a
multiple of a; a is said to divide b or to be a divisor of b; 1.4. Prove by induction that 42n+ 1 +3n+l is a multiple of 13 for
when that is so, we write alb. n>O.
Finally, we have:
1.5. If one is ~ven a balance, and n weights of I, 3, 32, ... , 3n -t
lb .. resp~ctlvely, show that it is possible, by placing some
(6) Any non-empty set of positive integers contains a least
we~ghts m one pan and some in the other, to weigh out any
integer. we~ght of N_ lb., with N an integer > I and < 1/2 (3n -1)
(Hmt: constder all sums of the form
In fact, such a set contains some integer n; then the
first one among the integers 0, 1, . .. ,n -1, n to be con- eo+ 3el +32e2 + ... +3n-len-1'
tained in the set has the property in question. An equiv- where each e; is 0, +I or - 1).
alent form of (6) is the "principle of mathematical induc- 1.6. Show that the number of terms in any polynomial of
degree d in n variables is at most ( n +d)! (Hint: use
. d . d nld!
(6') If a statement about a positive integer x is true for m uct10n on , and observe that the number of terms in a
x = 0, and its truth for all x <n implies its truth for homogeneous polynomial of degree d in n variables is the
x = n, then it is true for all x. same as that of a polynomial of degree din n- I variables).
PROOF. If x EM, then, by assumption, 0 = x- x EM and Definition. The integer d defined in the corollaries of
-x=O-xEM.If alsoyEM, theny+x=y-(-x)EM, theorem 11.1 is called the greatest common divisor (or in
so that M is also closed under addition. If x EM and short the g.c.d.) of a,b, ... ,c; it is denoted by (a,b, ... ,c).
nx EM, where n is any positive integer, then (n + l)x =
nx + x EM; therefore, by induction, nx EM for all n ~ 0, As the g.c.d. (a,b, ... ,c) belongs to the set of linear
hence also for all n EZ. Finally, all linear combinations of combinations of a, b, ... , c (since it is the smallest element
elements of M with integral coefficients are in M; as this >0 of that set, unless a,b, .. . ,care all 0), it can be written
property of M obviously implies that M is closed under in the form
addition and subtraction, it is equivalent with our
assumption on M.
If M = {0}, the theorem is true with m = 0. If not, the (a,b, ... ,c)=ax0 +by0 +··· +cz0
set of elements > 0 in M cannot be empty; take for m the
smallest one. All multiples of m are then in M. For any where x 0 ,y0 , ... ,z 0 are all integers.
x EM, apply the lemma and write x =my+ r with
0 <r <m; then r= x- my is in M. In view of the defini- EXERCISES
tion of m, this implies r = 0, x = my. Therefore M = mZ.
Conversely, since m is the smallest element > 0 in mZ, it 11.1. Prove that (a,b,c)=((a,b),c)=(a,(b,c)).
is uniquely determined when M is given. 11.2. Prove that, in the "series of Fibonacci" 1,2,3,5,8, 13, ... ,
in which each term after the second is the sum of the two
Corollary 1. Let a, b, ... , c be integers in any (finite) num- preceding ones, every two consecutive terms have a g.c.d.
ber. Then there is a unique integer d ~ 0 such that the set of equal to I.
all linear combinations ax+ by+ · · · + cz of a, b, ... , c with 11.3. Ifp,q,r,s are integers such thatps-qr= ±I, and a,b,a',b'
integral coefficients x,y, ... ,z is the set of all multiples of d. are integers such that
PROOF. Apply theorem 11.1 to that set. 0 a'=pa+ qb, b'= ra+sb,
Corollary 2. Assumptions and notations being the same as ~rove that (a,b)=(a',b') (Hint: solve the last two equa-
in corollary 1, d is a divisor of each one of the integers tlons for a,b).
a,b, .. . ,c, and every common divisor of these integers is a 11.4. Let_ a,b be two integers >0. Put a0 =a, a1 =b; for n ;;.I,
divisor of d. defme an+t by an_ 1 =anqn+an+t• O<an+t<an, provided
an> 0. Prove that there exists N ;;. I such that aN+ 1 = 0,
PROOF. Each one of the integers a, b, ... , c belongs to the and that aN is then equal to (a, b).
set of their linear combinations. Conversely, every com-
11.5. Notations being as in exercise 11.4, prove that an can be
mon divisor of a,b, ... ,c is a divisor of every one of their written in the form ax+by, with integral x,y, for all n;;.O
linear combinations, hence in particular of d. and <N.
8 §II
10 §III §III 11
Corollary. If d is the g.c.d. of integers a,b, ... ,c, then obtained by dividing a,2a, ... ,(m-I)a by m (cf. § II,
lemma) are the numbers 1,2, ... ,m-l, in some order.
a b
d, d, , d are mutua II0' ret
...c ·t
atzve .
[)' pnme.
111.3. Show that, if N is an integer >0, either it is a "perfect
square" (i.e. of the form n 2 , where n is an integer >0) or
This follows at once from the fact that d can be written VIii is not a rational number (Hint: use exercise 11.8).
in the form ax0 + by0 + · · · + cz 0 • 111.4. Any integer >I which is not a power of 2 can be written
as the sum of (two or more) consecutive integers.
Theorem 111.2. If a, b, c are integers such that a is prime to
b and divides be, then a divides c. 111.5. If a,b are positive integers, and (a,b)= I, show that every
integer ;;. ab can be written in the form ax+ by with
As (a,b)= 1, we can solve ax+by= 1. Then we have positive integers x,y.
111.6. Using exercise 111.5 and induction on m, show that, if
c = c(ax +by)= a( ex) +(bc)y. al>a2, ••• ,am are positive integers and d=(a 1,a2, ••• ,am),
every sufficiently large multiple of d can be written in the
As a divides both terms in the right-hand side, it divides
form a 1x 1 + a2 x 2 + · · · + amxm, where the X; are positive
c. integers.
Corollary 1. If a,b,c are integers, and if a is prime both to
b and to c, it is prime io be.
III. I. If (a,b)= I and both a and b divide c, show that ab
divides c.
111.2. If m > I and a is prime to m, show that the remainders
Every integer > 1 has at least one prime divisor, viz., its
smallest divisor > 1. If a is any integer, and p is a prime,
then either p divides a or it is prime to a.
14 §IV §IV 15
Take a> 1; call p a prime divisor of a. If a= p, the prime factors of a when a is written as a product of such
theorem holds for a; if not, ; is > 1 and <a; if the first factors (with a;= 0 if P; does not divide a). Then we have
IV.4. If a=paq/3 ... rr, where p,q, ... ,r are distinct primes and
a, /3, ... , 'I are positive integers, prove that the number of
distinct divisors of a, including a and I, is
(a+ I)( f3 + I) ... ( y + I)
and that their sum is
pa+t_l q/3+1_1 ,r+t_l
p-I . q-I ... r-I .
18 §V
Definition. If m,x,y are integers and m > 0, x andy are If x is any integer, we write (x mod m) (or simply (x) if
said to be congruent modulo m if x- y is a multiple of m; no ambiguity can occur) for ~ congruence class of the
then one writes x y (mod m), or more briefly x y (m). integers congruent to x moduloyn. By (A), x belongs to
the class (x mod m); it is calle a representative of that
The lemma in § II shows that every integer is con- class. From (A), (B), (C), it follo s that any two classes
gruent modulo m to one and only one of the integers (x mod m), (y mod m) coincide "f x -y (mod m) and are
0, 1, ... ,m -1, and that two integers are congruent modulo disjoint (i.e., have no element in c mmon) otherwise. Thus
m if and only if they have the same remainder in the the set of all integers is separate into m disjoint classes
division by m. (0 mod m), (1 mod m), ... ,(m-1/mod m).
The relation of congruence modulo m has the following We define the addition of congruence classes by put-
properties: ting:
(A) (Reflexivity) x=x (mod m); (x mod m)+(y mod m)=(x+y mod m);
(B) (Transitivity) x y and y=z (mod m) implies x=z
(mod m); this is meaningful, for (D) shows that the right-hand side
(C) (Symmetry) x y (mod m) impliesy=x (mod m). depends only upon the two classes in the left-hand side
20 §V §V 21
and not upon the choice of the representatives x,y for V.7. If n is an integer > 0, show that any n + I of the first 2n
these classes. integers contain a pair x,y such that y is a power of 2
(Hint: for each one of the given intege:S x 0 ,x 1, ••• ,xn, call
Theorem V.l. For any integer m > 0, the congruence classes x; the largest odd divisor of X;, and show that at least two
modulo m, under addition, make up a commutative group of of these must be equal).
m elements. V.S. When x,y are two integers >0, write x--y if y is a power
It is immediate, in fact, that the equation
of 2, i.e. of the form 2n with n EZ; show th;t this is an
( x mod m) + (z mod m) = (y mod m ), equivalence relation, and that x--y if and only if the odd
divisors of x are the same as those of y.
for given x,y, has the unique solution (y-x mod m), and
that (0 mod m) has the property required of the neutral
V.I. If x 1, ... ,xm are m integers, show that the sum of a suitable
non-empty subset of that set is a multiple of m (Hint:
consider the distinct classes modulo m among those de-
termined by O,x 1,x 1 +x 2, ... ,x 1 +x 2 + · · · +xm)·
V.2. Prove that every "perfect square" (cf. ex. 111.3) is con-
gruent to 0, I or 4 modulo 8.
V.3. Prove by induction that, if n is a positive integer, then
22 n+ 1 =9n 2 -3n+2 (mod 54).
V.4. Show that, if x,y,z are integers, and x 2 +y 2 =z , then
xyz=O (mod 60).
V.5. If x 0 ,x 1, ... ,xn are integers, show that
x 0 +I0x 1 +··· +Ionxn=x0 +x 1 +··· +xn (mod9).
V.6. Show that a necessary and sufficient condition for the pair
of congruences x=a (mod m), x=b (mod n) to have a
solution is that a=b (mod d), where d=(m,n). If d= I,
show that the solution is unique modulo mn.
24 §VI §VI 25
If R is a ring, then, by the distributive law Theorem VI.2. Let '!l• a, b be integers, with m > 0; put
d=(a,m). Then the congruence ax=.b (mod m) has either
(x·O) +(xz) =x(O+ z) =xz, exactly d solutions modulo m, or no solution; it has a
solution if and only if b=O (mod d); there are exactly ;
so that x·O=O by the additive group property. Similarly,
x·( -y)= -xy. distinct values of b modulo m for which this is so.
If there is in R an element e such that ex= x for all x,
this is unique; for, if f is also such, then ef = f and In fact, x is a solution if and only if there is an integer
ef = fe =e. Such an element is called the unit element and y such that ax - b =my, i.e. b =ax -my; by corollary 1 of
is frequently denoted by lR or by I; a ring is called theorem 11.1, this has a solution if and only if d divides b
. '
unitary if it has a unit element. 1.e. b = dz; we get all distinct values of b modulo m of that
The set Z of the integers, and the set Q of the rational form_ by giving to z the values 0,1, ... , ; -1. If xis a
numbers, are unitary rings. solution of ax =b (mod m), then x' is also a solution if
and only if a(x'- x)=O (mod ";); by property (F) of
Theorem VI.l. For any integer m > 0, the congruence
congruences, this is quivalent to d(x'- x)=.O (mod ; ),
classes modulo m, under addition and multiplication, make
up a unitary ring of m elements. and therefore to x' = (mod ; ) by theorem 111.2 and
the corollary of theore 111.1. This shows that all the
The verification is immediate. The unit element is the solutions of ax' =b (m d m) can be written as x' =
congruence class (1 mod m); for that class, we will usually x + ; u; the distinct sol tions modulo m are then ob-
write 1, and 0 for the class (0 mod m); we have 1'FO
tained by giving to u the alues 0, l, ... ,d-1.
unless m= 1. The example m=6 shows that, in a unitary
ring, xy may be 0 without either x or y being 0 (take for
x,y the classes of 2 and of 3 modulo 6); when that is so, x Corollary. The congruence classes prime to m modulo m
andy are called zero-divisors. The rings Z, Q are without make up a group under multiplication.
If a is prime tom, and a'= a+ mt, then every common This follows at once from corollary 1 of theorem 111.2,
divisor of a' and m must also divide a= a'- mt; this from theorem VI.2, and from the fact that the class
shows that all integers in the congruence class (a mod m) (1 mod n) is the neutral element for multiplication in the
ring of congruence classes modulo m.
are then prime to m. Such a class will be called prime to
m. If (a mod m), (b mod m) are both prime tom, so is
(ab mod m), by corollary 1 of theorem 111.2; in particular, Definition. For any integer m > 0, the number of con-
such classes cannot be zero-divisors in the ring of con- gruence classes prime tom modulo m is denoted by <p(m),
gruence classes modulo m. and <p is called the Euler function.
26 §VI §VI 27
The definition of a)group and of a subgroup makes it
clear that the intersection of subgroups of a group G (in
any number, finite or not) is again a subgroup of G.
30 §VII §VII 31
Gx. Also by induction, one verifies at once the formulas When there is such a correspondence, G and G' are
said to be isomorphic. The concept of isomorphism can be
mx+nx=(m+n)x, m(nx)=(mn)x. transported in an obvious manner to rings and fields.
for all m,n in Z. The first formula shows that the elements With this definition, the results obtained above can be
nx, for n EZ, make up a subgroup of G; clearly, this is no reformulated as follows:
other than Gx. For convenience, we state this as a theo-
rem only in the case when G is written multiplicatively; Theorem VII.2. Let G be a group under multiplication,
then we write x 0 for the neutral element 1 of G, x- 1 for generated by a single element x. Then either G is infinite,
and the mapping X ~a is an isomorphi~if G onto the
the element x' defined by x' x = 1, x n for the product
x·x· ... ·x of n factors equal to x, and x-n for (xn)- 1• additive group Z, or it consists of a fini number m of
elements, and then the mapping X 0 ~(a od m) is an
Theorem VII.l. Let G be a group under multiplication; isomorphism of G onto the additive group congruence
then, for every x E G, the subgroup of G generated by x ~~~~~fum~Z \
consists of the elements x n for n E Z. I
Of course, if G is any group and x any ele\nent of G,
G and x being as in theorem VII.l, call Mx the set of theorem VII.2 can be applied to the subg~oup of G
generated by x. I.
those integers a for which x a= 1. As x 0 = 1, Mx is not
empty. Also we have, for all integers a,b:
Definition. The number of elements of a finite group is
called its order. If a group of finite order is generated by a
single element, it is called cyclic; if an element x of a
which shows that X 0 =Xb if and only if a-b is in Mx; in group generates a group of finite order m, m is also called
particular, Mx is closed under subtraction. Therefore Mx the order of x.
satisfies the assumptions in theorem 11.1 (in other words,
it is a subgroup of the additive group Z) and consists of
the multiples of some integer m > 0; if m is not 0, it is the
smallest integer > 0 such that x m = 1. Thus, if m = 0, all VII.l. If F is a finite field, show that the subgroup of the
the elements xa are different; if m >0, xa is the same as additive group ofF generated by I is of prime order p
x b if and only if a =b (mod m ). and is a subfield of F, isomorphic to the field FP of
congruence classes modulo p.
Definition. An isomorphism between two groups G, G' is VII.2. Show that a non-empty finite subset S of a group G is a
a one-to-one correspondence (a "bijection") between the subgroup of G if and only if it is closed under the group
elements of G and those of G', transforming the group operation (Hint: if a E S, then a~ax is a bijection of S
operation in G into the group operation in G'. onto itself).
32 §VII
Corollary 1. For every positive divisor n of m, a cyclic to one and only one set Hd, since it generates one and
group of order m has one and only one subgroup of order n. only one subgroup of G.
Let G be a group, and X a subset of G; for every a E G,
Let G be as in theorem VIII.l, and put d= m; by that we write aX for the set of the elements ax with x EX. The
theorem, if G' is a subgroup of G of order n, it must be definition of a group implies that x~ax is a bijection of
the one generated by xd, and xd does generate such a X onto aX, so that, if X is finite, all sets aX have the same
number of elements as X. ~
Corollary 2. G,m,x, G' being as in theorem VIII.l, an Definition. If G is a group and H a subgroup of ~every
element x a of G generates G' if and only if (a, m) = d. set of the form xH with x E G is called a coset of H ~ G.
If (a,m)=d, xa is in G'; moreover, by theorem V1.2, Lemma. Let xH,yH be two cosets of a subgroup H of~ '"
group G; then, either they have no element in common, or '
we can solve at=.d (mod m), and then we have xd=(xa)1,
so that the group generated by x a contains x d and hence xH=yH.
If they have a common element, this can be written as
Corollary 3. G,m,x being as above, xa generates G if and xh with hE H, and also as yh' with h' E H. This
only if (a,m)= 1, and G has exactly <p(m) distinct genera- gives y- 1x=h'h- 1 EH, and hence xH= y·(y- 1x)H =
tors. y· (h'h- 1H)=yH.
Corollary 4. For every integer m >0, we have Theorem VIII.2. If H is a subgroup of a finite group G, the
order of H divides the order of G.
L <p(d) = m.
dim In fact, every element x of G belongs to some coset of
H (viz., to xH), and, by the lemma, only to one. As the
(Here the sum in the left-hand side is taken over all number of elements of each coset is equal to the order of
positive divisors d of m). H, the order of G must be a multiple of that number.
Consider a cyclic group G of order m (e.g. the additive
group of congruence classes modulo m). By corollary 1, Corollary. If x is any element of a group of order m, its
for every divisor d of m, G has exactly one subgroup Gd of order divides m, and x m = 1.
order d, and d~Gd is a one-to-one correspondence be-
tween the divisors of m and the subgroups of G. For each As the order d of x is the order of the subgroup of G
d, call Hd the set of all distinct generators of Gd, whose generated by x, theorem VIII.2 shows that it divides m.
number is <p(d) by corollary 3. Each element of G belongs Then xm=(xd)mfd= 1.
(N.B. The above results, and their proofs, are valid also VIII.3. If P is an odd prime divisor of a 2" +I, with n > I, show
for other than commutative groups; as mentioned before, ~atp= I (mod 2n+I) (Hint: find the order of (a modp)
these remain outside the scope of our treatment). m the multiplicative group modulo p) (N.B. This was
used b~ ~uler to s~ow that 232 + I is not a prime,
Theorem VIIT.3. If m is any integer > 0, and x an integer co~trad1ctmg Fermat s guess that all integers 22" + 1 are
VIII. I. If G is a group of order m, and if n is prime tom, show
that every element of G can be written in the form xn
with some x E G.
VIII.2. If pis a prime, show that every group of order pn, with
n > 0, contains an element of order p, and that every
group of order p is cyclic.
40 §IX §IX 41
Lemma. Let A,B be two polynomials, with B=I=O; put m = If we={O}, the theorem is true with D=O. Otherwise
deg(B). Then there is a unique polynomial Q such that take in we a polynomial D =1=0 of smallest degree d. If A is
A- BQ is 0 or of degree <m. in we, we can apply the lemma to A and D and write
A= DQ + R, where R is 0 or of degree <d. Then R =
(This should be compared with the lemma in § II). If A+ D·(- Q) is in IJJ1, hence 0 by the definition of D, and
A = 0, there is nothing to prove; we proceed by induction A= DQ. If D 1 has the same property as D, then it is a
on n=deg(A): first we prove the existence of Q. If n<m, multiple of D and D is a multiple of D 1, so that they have
we take Q=O. Otherwise, call bXm the term of degree m the same degree; writing then D 1 =DE, we see that E is of
in B, and aX" the term of degree n in A; as the poly- degree 0, i.e. a non-zero constant.
nomial A'=A-B·(~xn-m) is of degree <n, we can
write it as BQ' + R with R = 0 or of degree <m, by the Call aXd the term of degree din D; among the poly-
induction assumption. Then A = BQ + R, with nomials differing from D only by a non-zero constant
Q = Q' + ~ xn-m. As to the unicity of Q, let A- BQ and factor, there is one and only one with the highest
coefficient 1, viz., a- 1D; such a polynomial will be called
A- BQ 1 be 0 or of degree <m; then the same is true of
B(Q- Q 1); since this is of degree m+deg(Q- Q 1) unless
Just as in § II, we can apply theorem IX.l to the set we
Q- Q 1 is 0, Q must be the same as Q 1• D
of all linear combinations AP + BQ + · · · + CR of any
number of given polynomials A,B, ... ,C; here P,Q, ... ,R
If R = 0, A = BQ, A is said to be a multiple of B, and B
denote arbitrary polynomials. If then we consists of the
a divisor of A. If B =X- a, R must be 0 or of degree 0, i.e. multiples of D, where D is either 0 or a normalized
a "constant" (an element of K), so that we can write polynomial, D will be called the g. c. d. of A, B, ... , C and
A=(X-a)Q+r will be denoted by (A,B, ... ,C). As in§ II, Dis a divisor
of A, B, ... , C, and every common divisor of A, B, ... , C
with r E K. Substituting a for X in both sides, we get divides D. If D= 1, then A,B, ... ,C are said to be mutu-
A( a)= r; if this is 0, a is called a root of A. Thus A is a ally relatively prime; they are so if and only if there are
multiple of X- a if and only if a is a root of A. polynomials P, Q, ... , R such that
Just as theorem 11.1 was derived from the lemma in
§ II, we have: AP+BQ+ · · · + CR= 1
Theorem IX.l. Let we be a non-empty set of polynomials If (A,B)= 1, A is said to be prime to B, and B to A.
(over K), closed under addition and such that, if A is in we, A polynomial A of degree n > 0 is said to be prime, or
all multiples of A are in we. Then we consists of all the irreducible, if it has no divisor of degree > 0 and <n.
multiples of some polynomial D, uniquely determined up to Every polynomial of degree 1 is irreducible. One should
multiplication by a non-zero constant. note that the property of a polynomial of being irreduc-
§IX 43
ible need not be preserved when one changes the ground-
field: for instance X 2 + 1 is irreducible over Q, and also IX.l. Find the g.c.d. of the polynomials over Q:
over the field of real numbers, but not over the field of X 5 -X 4 -6X 3 -2X 2 +5X+3, X 3 -3X-2.
complex numbers, since X 2 + 1=(X+ i)(X- i). Also, find their g.c.d. over the field F 3 if the coefficients
Exactly as in § IV, we could prove now that every are interpreted as congruence classes modulo 3.
polynomial of degree > 0 can be written, essentially
IX.2. Show that X 4 + 1 is a prime polynomial over Q, but has
uniquely, as a product of prime polynomials. All we shall
divisors of degree 2 over the field defined in exercise
need is a weaker result: VI.l2.
Theorem IX.2. Let A be a polynomial of degree n > 0 over IX.3. Let K be any field, and R a subring of K[X] containing
K; this can be written, uniquely up to the order of the K. Prove that there exists a finite set of polynomials
P 1,P2, ... ,PN in R such that R consists of all the poly-
factors, in the form
nomials in P 1,P2, ... ,PN with coefficients inK (Hint: call
d the g.c.d. of the degrees of all polynomials in R, take
P 1,P2, ... ,Pm in R such that the g.c.d. of their degrees is d,
where 0 <m <n, a 1,a2 , ... ,am are in K, and Q is without and then apply the conclusion in exercise 111.6).
roots inK.
m= L tf;(d).
the same value by corollary 4 of theorem VIII.l, this Theorem X.2. If p is any prime, there is an integer r prime
implies that tf;(d)=q;(d) for all d; in particular, tf;(m)= toP such that l, r, r 2 , r 3, ••• , rP - 2, in some order, are respec-
tively congruent to 1, 2, ... ,p - 1 modulo p.
Now we consider an arbitrary field K, and, denoting by This is only the traditional formulation for the fact that
K x the multiplicative group of the non-zero elements of the ~on.gru~nce classes erime to p modulo p make up the
K, we consider the elements and subgroups of finite order mulhphcahve group FP of the field FP of congruence
of K x. If x is an element of K x of order m, it satisfies classes modulo p, and that, by corollary 1 of theorem X.l,
xm= 1, and xa=xh if and only if a=b (mod m); tradi- this must be cyclic; if (r mod p) is a generator' of that
tionally, x is then called a root of unity, and more pre- group, r has the property stated in theorem X.2.
cisely a primitive m 1h root of unity. For any n, an element
x of K which satisfies x" = 1 is a root of unity whose order If m is an integer > 1,
the multiplicative group of
divides n. In the field of complex numbers, the number con~ruence classes ~rime to m modulo m is not always
cyclic (cf. e.g. exerctses VII.? and VII.8). It is cyclic if
·; 21T + l. sm-
. 21T and only if there is an integer r prime to m such that
e21TI m =cos-
m m ~r mod m) is of order q;(m) in that group, i.e., if and only
1f the smallest integer x > 0 such that rx = 1 (mod m) is
is a primitive m 1h root of unity; so is e 21ria/m for (a,m)= 1. q;(m); when that is so, r is called a primitive root modulo
m. Then, to every integer a prime to m, there is an integer
Theorem X.l. If K is any field, every finite subgroup of K x
x such that rx =a (mod m); this integer x, which is
is cyclic.
determined only modulo q;(m), is called the index of a and
denoted by ind,(a). By theorem VII.2, if r is a primitive
For every n >0, an element of K satisfying x" = 1 is a
root modulo m, the mapping
root of the polynomial X"- 1; by the corollary of theo-
rem IX.2, there are at most n such elements in K. Our
(a mod m)~(ind,(a) mod q;(m))
theorem follows now at once from the lemma.
X.8. Let K be a field containing a primitive m 1h root of unity x;
X. I. If m is any integer > 1, show that the number of primitive for each divisor d of m, call FAX) the product of the
roots modulo m is either 0 or <p( <p(m)).
factors X -xa for O<.a<m, (a,m)=;. Show that Fd is of
X.2. Find a primitive root r modulo 13; tabulate ind,(a) for degree <p(d) and prove the formula
1 <.a<. 12; use the table to find all primitive roots modulo
13, and to tabulate 51h and 29 1h powers modulo 13. xm-1 = II FiX);
X.3. Use the existence of a primitive root modulo p, where p is hence, using exercise X.7, prove that
a prime, to show that 1"+2"+ · · · +(p-1)" is congruent
to 0 or to - 1 modulo p according to the value of the Fm(X)= II (Xmfd_l)"(d)_
integer n ~ 0. dim
X.4. Show that a primitive root modulo an integer m > 1 is also X.9. K being as in exercise X.8, prove that the sum of all
a primitive root modulo every divisor of m (Hint: use primitive m h roots of unity in K is p.(m). State the special
exercise V.6). case of this result for K = FP, m = p- 1.
X.5. Using the binomial formula, prove by induction that, if p
is an odd prime, then, for all n ~ 0:
(l+pxY"=1+p"+ 1x (modp"+ 2 )
(cf. exercise VI.IO). Hence show that, if r is a primitive
root modulo p, it is a primitive root modulo p" if and only
if p 2 does not divide rp-!_ 1, and that in any case either r
or r + p is a primitive root modulo p n.
X.6. Find all the integers m > 1 such that there exists a primi-
tive root modulo m (Hint: use exercises X.4, X.5, VII.7,
VII.8, and the fact that if r is a primitive root modulo an
odd integer m, then either r or r + m is a primitive root
modulo 2m).
X.7. An integer m > 0 is called "square-free" if it has no divisor
of the form n 2 where n is an integer > 1. For every m > 0,
put p.(m) = (- 1)' if m is square-free and the product of r
primes (with r=O if m= 1), and p.(m)=O otherwise. Prove
that p.(ab) = p.(a)p.(b) if a is prime to b; hence show that
L p.(d) is 1 if m= 1, and 0 if m> 1 (Hint: write mas in
exercise IV.4).
52 53
We use the fact that the group FPx is cyclic, or, what there are n quadratic residues modulo p, viz., the classes
amounts to the same, that there is a primitive root r of l,r 2 , • •• ,r2" - 2, and the same number of non-residues,
modulo p (cf. § X). Put a=r 1 , x=ru (mod p), i.e. t= viz., the classes of r,r3, ... ,r 2" - 1.1f xis a solution of x 2 =a
ind,(a), u=ind,(x). Then the congruence xm=a (modp) (mod p), this congruence has the two solutions ± x, and
is equivalent to mu =t (mod p- 1), and our conclusions no other, modulo p.
follow at once. from .theorem VI.~ frovided we note t~at
t=O (mod d) 1s eqmvalent to 7 t=O (mod p -1), 1.e. Theorem XI.2. Let p = 2n + 1 be an odd prime, and a an
integer prime top. Then an is congruent either to + 1 or to
to a<P-!)/d= 1 (modp). - 1 modulo p; a is a quadratic residue or a non-residue
modulo p according as an=+ 1 (mod p) or an= -1
Take for instance the congruence x 3 =a (mod p ), with a (modp).
prime top. For p=3, this is equivalent to x=a (mod 3).
Take the case where p = 1 (mod 3); as this implies p =1=2, p Put b =an; by Fermat's theorem (i.e. the corollary of
is also = 1 (mod 2), hence of the form 6n + 1; we have theorem VIII.3), we have b 2 = 1 (mod p), hence b = ± 1
d= 3, P ~ =2n; the congruence x 3 =a (mod p) has a
(modp). We can now apply theorem XI.l.
solution if and only if a is congruent to one of the
numbers 1, r 3, ... ,rP- 4 modulo p, and then, if x is one Corollary. -1 is a quadratic residue or a non-residue
solution, the solutions are given by xr 2nz modulo p with modulo the odd prime p, according as p = 1 or p = - 1
z = 0, 1, 2. If p = 2 (mod 3), in which case p is either 2 or of (mod 4).
the form 6n-l, the congruence x 3=a (mod p) has one
and only one solution for every a prime top. In fact, (- 1)" is + 1 or - 1 according as n is even or
From now on, we consider only the case m = 2. Then odd.
x 2 1 (mod p) has no other solution than 1 if p =2, and
has the two solutions ± 1 if p > 2.
Definition. If p is an odd prime, an integer a prime top is
called a quadratic residue or a quadratic non-residue XI. I. If p is an odd prime divisor of a 2 + b2 , where a, b are
modulo p according as the congruence x 2 =a (mod p) has integers, show that p must be congruent to 1 modulo 4
unless it divides both a and b.
a solution or not.
XI.2. If p is an odd prime, and a is prime top, show that the
As no other case than m = 2 will occur, the word congruence ax 2 + bx + c = 0 (mod p) has two solutions,
"quadratic" will occasionally be omitted; otherwise one one or none according as b 2 - 4ac is a quadratic residue,
speaks of "cubic residues" if m = 3, "biquadratic residues" 0 or a non-residue modulo p.
if m =4, etc. XI.3. If m, n are mutually prime integers > 0, and F is a
Let p be an odd prime; put p =2n + 1, and let r be a polynomial with integral coefficients, show that the con-
primitive root modulo p. Then theorem XI.l shows that gruence F(x)=O (mod mn) has a solution if and only if
54 §XI
56 §XII §XII 57
In the n congruences au; =e;ur (mod p), no two values When p is given, the symbol ( ; ) depends only upon
of i' can be the same, since otherwise this would give the congruence class of a modulo p. Its definition implies
au;= ±auk (mod p) for some i =l=k, hence u; = ± uk 2
(mod p), which contradicts the definition of a Gaussian that ( ~ ) = 1 for all a prime top. .
set. Therefore, if we take the product of all these con- If r is again a primitive root modulo p, and if a =rx
gruences, we get (modp), i.e. x=ind,(a), we have (;)=(-lY; here one
an(u 1u2 ••• un) = ( e 1e2 ••• en)· ( u 1u2 ••• un) (mod P) should note that this does not depend upon the choice of
x, since x is well defined modulo the even integer p- 1.
and therefore From the fundamental property of the index (cf. the last
formula of § X), it follows that the Legendre symbol has
the property
since all the u; are prime top. Our conclusion follows now
from theorem Xl.2. ( ~ ) = (; )· (; ) for all a, b prime top.
Theorem XII.l. Let p be an odd prime; then 2 is a Theorems Xl.2, its corollary, and theorem XII.l, give
quadratic residue modulo p if p = 1 or 7 (mod 8), and a respectively:
non-residue if p = 3 or 5 (mod 8).
a(p-1)/2=(;) (modp), ( ~1 )=(-l)(p-1)/2, /
Put p = 2n + 1, and apply Gauss' lemma to a= 2 and
the Gaussian set {1,2, ... ,n}. If n=4m or 4m+l, e; has
the value + 1 for 1 <. i <. 2m, and - 1 otherwise; then the
product of thee; is (-l)n- 2m=(-lt. If n=4m+2 or
m~( -l)(,'-f
(as to the last formula, observe that P'~ is alwJ an
4m +3 e. is + 1 for 1 <.i <.2m+ 1, and -1 otherwise, and 1
the product of thee; is (-lt- 2m- 1=(- it- 1. A straight-
' I
forward application of the lemma gives now the result integer, even if p= 1 or 7 (mod 8) and odd if p1i or 5
stated above. (mod 8)). ·
58 §XII
§XII 59
Theorem XII.2. If p and q are distinct odd primes, then l<x<n, l<y<m, -n<qx-py<m.
Now let S be the number of pairs (x,y) satisfying
( ~ )· ( ; ) = ( -l)[(p-l)/2]·[(q-l)/2]
1 <x <n, 1 <y <m, qx-py< -n,
Putp=2n+ 1, q=2m+ 1. Apply Gauss' lemma to a=q and let T be the number of pairs (x',y') satisfyip.g
and to the "Gaussian set" {1,2, ... ,n} modulo p. For
1 <x <n, we have to write qx=exu (modp) with ex=± 1 l<x'<n, l<y'<m, qx'-py'>m.
and 1<u <n; this can be written as qx=exu+py, where
ex, u,y are uniquely determined by these conditions when Between those last two sets, there is a one-to-one corre-
x is given. In particular, ex has the value - 1 if and only if spondence defined by
we have qx = py- u, or equivalently py = qx + u, with x' = n + 1- x, y' = m + 1- y;
1,;;;; u <n. This implies y > 0, and also
in fact, when that is so, we have
1 q+ 1
y< p(q+l)n<--=m+l.
2 qx'-py'-m= -(qx-py+n).
In other words, we have ex= -1 if and only if we can Therefore S = T. On the other hand, M + N + S + T is the
find y such that the pair ( x,y) satisfies the conditions total number of pairs (x,y) with 1 <x <n, 1 <y <m, and is
therefore equal to mn. Finally we have
1 ,;;;; x < n, 1 <y < m, 1 <py - qx <n.
Consequently, if N is the number of such pairs (x,y), (~ )·(!)=< -l)M+N =( -l)M+N+S+T =( -l)mn,
Gauss' lemma gives ( ; ) = (- 1)N.
as was to be proved.
Similarly, ( ~) has the value (- l)M, if M is the number
of pairs (x,y) satisfying
l<x<n, l<y<m, l<qx-py<m. XII. I. Letp be an odd prime; letf(a) be a function, defined for
As qx- py cannot be 0 if xis prime top, and in particular a prime top, taking no other values than ±
that (
and such
if 1 ,;;;; x ,;;;; n, this shows that the left-hand side of the
formula in our theorem has the value ( -l)M+N, where f(ab)=j(a)f(b); f(a)=f(b) if a=:=b ( odp).
M + N is the number of pairs (x,y) satisfying the condi- Show that either f(a)= l for all a, or f(a)= ( ~) for all a.
60 §XII
62 §XIII
§XIII 63
§XIII 65
64 §XIII
For any real number t, there is 'a largest integer m <t, termined if we prescribe that it should be "normalized"
and we have m.;;;;, t <m + 1; by the nearest integer m' to t, (in the sense defined above). If it is 1, we say that
a, b, ... , c are mutually relatively prime. We can now re-
we will understand either m or m + 1 according as t- m is
peat the contents of §§ III and IV, except that the proof
<m+l-t or not; then we have lt-m'l<t. Now let
z = x + iy be any complex number; call m the nearest
of theorem IV.2 was by induction on the integer a in that
theore~, w~ile now one has to use induction on N(a). The
integer to x, n the nearest integer toy, and put q = m +in.
conclusiOn 1s:
Then q is a Gaussian integer, and we have
Theorem XIII.2. Every non-zero Gaussian integer can be
written "essentially uniquely" as a product of a. unit and of
Gaussian primes.
Apply this to z = ~ , where a, b are the integers in the
lemma. The Gaussian integer q defined by the above Here the words "essentially uniquely" have the follow-
construction has then the required property. ing meaning. Let
66 §XIII
§XIII 67
> 1 and
XIII. I. If a positive integer is written as n 2a where a is
Theorem XIII.4. Let p be an odd rational prime. Then p is square-free (cf. exercise X.7), show that it can be writ-
a Gaussian prime or the norm of a Gaussian prime accord- ten as a sum of two squares if and only if every odd
ing as it is congruent to 3 or to 1 modulo 4. prime divisor of a is = 1 (mod 4). If that is so, and a
has r prime divisors, find the number of representations
If it is the norm of q= x+ ry, we have p = x 2 + y 2 , of a as a sum of two squares.
where one of the integers x,y must be odd and the other
XIII.2. If an integer is the sum of two relatively prime squares,
even. Then one of the squares x 2 ,y 2 is congruent to 1 and
show that the same is true of every divisor of that
the other to 0 modulo 4, so that p = 1 (mod 4). Conversely, integer.
if this is so, the corollary of theorem X1.2 shows that - 1
is a quadratic residue modulo p, so that there is x such XIII.3. Using the representation of complex numbers by points
that x 2 + 1 is a multiple ofp. As x 2 + 1 =(x+ i)(x- i), this, in the plane, show that, if z is any complex number,
there is a Gaussian integer q whose distance to z is
if p were a Gaussian prime, would imply that p divides
either x + i or x-i. Obviously this cannot be so. ~ V2
~ 2 ,· show that, among all Gaussian integers, there
is at least one whose distance to z is smallest, and that
Corollary 1. Every Gaussian prime is either ± 1± i, or an there are no ore than four with that property (Hint:
associate of a rational prime congruent to 3 modulo 4, or cf. the proof f the lemma in § XIII).
else its norm is a rational prime congruent to 1 modulo 4.
XIII.4. The congrue ce relation being defined for Gaussian
In fact, every Gaussian prime q must divide some integers in t e same way as for ordinary integers (cf.
§ V), call f( ), for any Gaussian integer m~O, the
prime rational factor p of its norm qq; applying theorem
number of dis inct Gaussian congruence classes modulo
68 §XIII
1976/xii, 92 pp./Cioth
(Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, Volume 88)
ISBN 0-387-07422-8