History Bodleian

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O xford’s libraries are among the most Humfrey, Duke of Gloucester. Since 1602 it has
celebrated in the world, not only for expanded, slowly at first but with increasing
their incomparable collections of momentum over the last 150 years, to keep
books and manuscripts, but also for their pace with the ever-growing accumulation of
buildings, some of which have remained in books and papers, but the core of the old
continuous use since the Middle Ages. Among buildings has remained intact. These buildings
them the Bodleian, the chief among the are still used by students and scholars
University’s libraries, has a special place. First from all over the world, and they attract an
opened to scholars in 1602, it incorporates an ever-increasing number of visitors, for whose
earlier library erected by the University in the benefit this guide has been written.
fifteenth century to house books donated by


T he first library for Oxford University manuscripts, including several important

– as distinct from the colleges – was classical texts. These volumes would have made
housed in a room above the Old the existing library desperately overcrowded,
Congregation House, begun c.1320 on a site to and in 1444 the University decided to erect
the north of the chancel of the University a new library over the Divinity School,
Church of St Mary the Virgin. The building begun in about 1424 on a site at the northern
stood at the heart of Oxford’s ‘academic end of School Street, just inside the town wall.
quarter’, close to the schools in which lectures Because of chronic shortages of funds the
were given. The library was built with funds building was still unfinished in the 1440s,
supplied by Thomas de Cobham, Bishop of and the library was not begun in earnest until
Worcester, but was still unfinished when he 1478; it was finally opened ten years later.
died in 1327. The room, which still exists as a Duke Humfrey’s library survived in its
vestry and meeting room for the church, is original form for just over sixty years; in
neither large nor architecturally impressive, and 1550 it was denuded of its books after a
it was superseded in 1488 by the library known visitation by Richard Cox, Dean of the
as Duke Humfrey’s, which constitutes the oldest newly-founded Christ Church. He was acting
part of the Bodleian complex. under legislation passed by King Edward VI
The occasion for moving to a new building designed to purge the English church of all
was the gift to the University by Humfrey, Duke traces of Roman Catholicism, including
of Gloucester, younger brother of King Henry V, ‘superstitious books and images’. In the words
of his priceless collection of more than 281 of the historian Anthony Wood, ‘some of those
Site of the Bodleian Library and Radcliffe Square from the north, from Ralph Agas’s map of Oxford, 1578
Gough Maps Oxon. 2

books so taken out by the Reformers were trading in pilchards and, in his retirement from
burnt, some sold away for Robin Hood’s public life, decided, in his own words, to ‘set
pennyworths, either to Booksellers, or to up my staff at the library door in Oxon; being
Glovers to press their gloves, or Taylors to make thoroughly persuaded, that in my solitude, and
measures, or to Bookbinders to cover books surcease from the Commonwealth affairs, I
bound by them, and some also kept by the could not busy myself to better purpose, than
Reformers for their own use’. Oxford University by reducing that place (which then in every
was not a wealthy institution and did not have part lay ruined and waste) to the public use of
the resources to build up a collection of new students’. His money was accepted in 1598,
printed books to replace those dispersed. and the old library was refurnished to house a
In 1556 therefore the desks were sold, and the new collection of some 2,500 books, some of
room was taken over by the Faculty of Medicine. them given by Bodley himself, some by other
The library was rescued by Sir Thomas donors. A librarian, Thomas James, was
Bodley (1545–1613), a Fellow of Merton appointed, and the library finally opened
College who had travelled extensively in on 8 November 1602. The first printed
Europe and had between 1585 and 1596 catalogue followed in 1605; a new edition of
carried out several diplomatic missions for 1620 ran to 675 pages.
Queen Elizabeth I. He married a rich widow In 1610 Bodley entered into an agreement
whose husband had made a fortune from with the Stationers’ Company of London under
The Divinity School
and Duke Humfrey’s
Library, by John
Bereblock, 1566
MS. Bodley 13, fol. 16v

which a copy of every book published in gifts of books made the lack of space ever more
England and registered at Stationers’ Hall acute. So in 1610–12 Bodley planned and
would be deposited in the new library. financed the first extension to the medieval
Although at first the agreement was honoured building, known as Arts End.
more in the breach than in the observance, it Bodley died in 1613 and, on the day after
nevertheless pointed to the future of the library his funeral, work started on the building of a
as a comprehensive and ever-expanding spacious quadrangle of buildings (the Schools
collection, different in both size and purpose Quadrangle) to the east of the library. Bodley
from the libraries of the colleges. More was the prime mover in this ambitious project,
immediately it imposed an extra strain on space but most of the money was raised by loans and
within the building, which was already housing public subscription. The buildings were
many more books than originally foreseen; new designed to house lecture and examination
rooms (‘schools’ in Oxford parlance) to replace least 1624. The last addition to Bodley’s
what Bodley called ‘those ruinous little rooms’ buildings came in 1634–7, when another
on the site in which generations of extension to Duke Humfrey’s library was built;
undergraduates had been taught. In his will still known as Selden End, after the lawyer
Bodley left money to add a third floor designed John Selden (1584–1654) who made a gift
to serve as ‘a very large supplement for stowage of 8,000 books which were housed there,
of books’, which also became a public museum it stands at the far end of the Divinity
and picture gallery, the first in England. The School, over the Convocation House, the
quadrangle was structurally complete by 1619, meeting-room for the University’s ‘Parliament’.
but work on fitting it out continued until at

The Bodleian Library and Schools Quadrangle from the
south, from David Loggan, Oxonia Illustrata, 1675
JJ Folder 2

Sir Thomas Bodley,
by an unknown
late-sixteenth-century artist
Collection: Bodleian Library,
Poole 71

Below, right:
Marco Polo sets sail from
Venice, from a manuscript
of Li Livres du Graunt Caam
produced in England in the
early fifteenth century and
acquired by the Bodleian
in 1603–4
MS. Bodley 264, fol. 218r

Chained books in Duke Humfrey’s
Top Photo: Philip Opher
Left Photo: Thomas-Photos, Oxford

The library was now able to receive and they were members of the University of Oxford
house numerous gifts of books and, especially, a tradition which the Bodleian still keeps up
manuscripts: from the 3rd Earl of Pembroke in (undergraduates, on the other hand, were rarely
1629, from Sir Kenelm Digby in 1634, from admitted until quite recent times). Another
William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, tradition, still zealously guarded, is that no
starting in 1635, and from many others. It was books were to be lent to readers; even King
the collections of manuscripts, as much as Charles I was refused permission to borrow a
those of books, which attracted scholars from book in 1645. But the number of users should
all over Europe, irrespective of whether or not not be overestimated; in 1831 there was an

Dr John Radcliffe by Sir Godfrey Kneller, 1712. The portrait hangs in the Radcliffe Camera
Collection: Bodleian Library, Poole 222
Photo: Thomas-Photos, Oxford

average of three or four readers a day, and The growth of the collection slowed down
there were no readers at all in July. With no in the early eighteenth century when the library,
heating until 1845 and no artificial lighting like the University as a whole, entered into a
until 1929, the Library only opened from somewhat somnolent period; no books at all
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the winter and 9 a.m. to were purchased between 1700 and 1703. Yet
4 p.m. in the summer. the late seventeenth and early eighteenth
Section of the Radcliffe Camera, from James Gibbs, Bibliotheca Radcliviana, 1747
G. A. Oxon. b. 16

centuries saw a spate of library-building in continued to be made, notably that of 18,000
Oxford. Most of the new libraries were built by printed books (including 300 incunabula – books
the colleges, but the finest of all, at least from printed before 1500) and 393 manuscripts from
an architectural point of view, was the the bequest of Francis Douce in 1834. In 1849,
brainchild of an individual, Dr John Radcliffe six years after the publication of a new
(1650–1714), perhaps the most successful catalogue in three folio volumes, there were
English physician of his day. He left his trustees estimated to be 220,000 books and some
a large sum of money with which to purchase 21,000 manuscripts in the library’s collection.
both the land for the new building and an The Bodleian was not only a collection of
endowment to pay a librarian and purchase books and manuscripts; it also housed pictures,
books. The site eventually chosen was to the sculptures, coins and medals, and ‘curiosities’:
south of the Schools Quadrangle, in the middle objects of scientific, exotic or historical interest,
of a new square (Radcliffe Square) formed by including even a stuffed crocodile from
the demolition of old houses in School Street Jamaica. Old pictures show these eclectic
and Catte Street and bounded by All Souls and collections in different parts of the present
Brasenose Colleges and the University Church. library buildings, but especially in the gallery
Here, between 1737 and 1748, the monumental on the top floor of the Schools Quadrangle. In
circular domed building – Oxford’s most 1755 the collections were augmented by the
impressive piece of classical architecture – went Countess of Pomfret’s gift of a large part of the
up to the designs of James Gibbs, and it was Arundel Marbles, the first collection of antique
finally opened in 1749. statuary to be formed in England. They were
For many years the Radcliffe Library, as it housed in two of the ground-floor rooms
was called until 1860, was something of a white around the quadrangle no longer needed for
elephant. It was completely independent of the teaching. Starting in 1788, the rooms on the
Bodleian, readers were few in number, the first floor were given over to library use,
heterogeneous collection of books served no including the storage of manuscripts, and with
obvious purpose, and the first librarians the opening of the University Galleries – now
displayed a strange reluctance to add to it. the Ashmolean Museum – in Beaumont Street
Matters improved in the early nineteenth in 1845 the marbles were transferred to a more
century, when a collection of books on suitable setting, as were seventy pictures from
medicine and natural history was gradually the top-floor gallery. This left more space for
amassed: something celebrated by the storing books, which was further increased in
publication of the first printed catalogue in 1859 when the University agreed to relinquish
1835. Meanwhile the Bodleian’s collections had the last of its ground-floor lecture rooms;
begun to grow again. Successive pieces of they were rehoused in 1876–82 in the new
legislation made the agreement with the Examination Schools in the High Street.
Stationers’ Company more effective, so that by With its completion the whole of the Schools
1842 the library could concentrate its Quadrangle was at last in the hands of the
purchases on manuscripts and foreign books, library, save for two rooms in the tower in
secure in the knowledge that new books which the Oxford University archives were kept.
published in England would be deposited free A further increase in space came about in
of charge. Gifts of books and manuscripts 1860, when the Radcliffe Library was taken
over by the Bodleian and renamed the Radcliffe its new University Library was built in 1931–4.
Camera (the word camera means room in This did not happen, however, and in 1931 the
Latin). The upper-floor library became a decision was taken to build a new library,
reading-room, used mainly by undergraduates, housing book-stacks for five million books,
who had been admitted to the Bodleian since library departments and reading rooms, on a
1856, and the ground floor was turned into a site occupied by a row of old timber houses on
book-stack (it was converted into a second the north side of Broad Street. The new
reading room in 1941). Thus the library building went up to the designs of Sir Giles
acquired its first major addition of space for Gilbert Scott, architect of the Cambridge
readers since the building of Selden End in University Library, in 1937–40.
1634; by the beginning of the twentieth century The building of the New Library allowed
an average of a hundred people a day were some rationalisation of the older buildings to
using it. The medical and scientific books allow more space for the growing numbers of
formerly kept in the Radcliffe Camera were undergraduates, graduate students and visiting
moved to new premises in the University scholars. The former gallery on the top floor of
Museum in South Parks Road; they were later the Schools Quadrangle had already become a
transferred to the adjacent but much larger reading room (the Upper Reading Room), and
Radcliffe Science Library, built to the designs of the former schools on the floor below, long
Thomas Graham Jackson, architect of the used for book-storage, now became the Lower
Examination Schools, in 1897–1901. Reading Room, leaving the ground floor for
By the end of the nineteenth century the offices. In 1960–3 Duke Humfrey’s library
Bodleian’s book collection was growing by underwent a major restoration, including the
more than 30,000 volumes a year, and the refacing of its decaying, blackened façades in
number of books had reached the million mark Clipsham stone, along with those of Selden End
by 1914. To provide extra storage space an and Arts End; the refacing of the rest of the
underground book store was excavated beneath Schools Quadrangle followed in 1964–8. In
Radcliffe Square in 1909–12; it was at the time 1975 new office space was acquired in the
the largest such store in the world, and the first Clarendon Building, built for the University
to use modern compact shelving. But with both Press in 1712–13, and occupying the crucial
readers and books inexorably increasing the site between the Old and New Libraries. Thus
pressure on space once more became critical, the whole area between the Radcliffe Camera
leading some members of the University to and the New Library – the historic core
propose moving the library to a more spacious of the University – came into the hands of the
site elsewhere, as was done in Cambridge when Bodleian.


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