Remodelling NLP Part2
Remodelling NLP Part2
Remodelling NLP Part2
Re-Modelling Language
John McWhirter
“I keep six honest serving-men
(They taught me all I knew);
Their names are What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.”
Rudyard Kipling 1865 – 1936,
Just So Stories (1902) “The Elephant’s Child
I want to thank all those people who have responded to my last article, especially
Michael Hall and David Smallwood for sending me related material. I also
appreciated comments made by Jo Hogg on the difference between techniques and
modelling in training. I changed my own NLP training a number of years ago to
create a modelling approach to training NLP. It is initially more challenging but the
increase in effectiveness rewards the effort. Thanks again to Martin Roberts for his
continuing questioning of modelling and NLP.
For a number of years I was content to use the Meta Model (M. M.) questions. I was
working therapeutically with families and adolescents and the M. M. proved to be
very useful. They were by no means the only things I used. The stimulus for my re-
modelling was initiated through my attempts to train others working in social work
and child care. Teaching the M. M. highlighted a number of concerns for me. I have
continued to explore language and the following account is a result of twelve years of
development. I will summarise the main stages to give a flavour of the modelling
sequence as well as to emphasise the recursive nature by which models are developed.
" A model of the interaction between structure and process underlies much of
the argument of this book, and it will be critical to understand the relationship
between these notions and the problem of knowledge or description.
A model has several uses: first, to provide a language sufficiently schematic
and precise so that the relations within the subject that is being modelled can
be examined by comparing them with relations within the model. Occidental
languages, in general, do not lend themselves to the discussion of relations.
We start by naming the parts and after that the discussion of relations between
the parts appear as predicates attached usually to a single part - not to the
two or more parts among which the relation existed. What is required is
precise talk about relation, and a model will sometimes facilitate this. That is
the first purpose of a model.
In DBM we constantly E-valuate our models for further development. Our main E-
valuations are firstly 'is the model "effective"', if so then, is it "efficient", then if so, is
it "elegant". The summary table below outlines some of the relevant issues. The life
cycle of a model is given next..
“Since one of the main ways in which therapists can come to know and understand
their clients is through language, and since language is also one of the primary ways
all humans model their experiences, we have focused our work on the language of
therapy. Fortunately, an explicit model of the structure of language has been
developed independent of the context of psychology and therapy by transformational
grammarians. Adapted for use in therapy, it offers us an explicit Meta-model for the
enrichment and expansion of our therapeutic skills and offers us a valuable set of
tools to increase our effectiveness and, thus, the magical quality of our own
therapeutic work.” Magic I, p. 18-19
The M. M. was first published in 1975 in the ‘The Structure of Magic, Volume I. I am
assuming that readers are familiar with the basic model. The main distinctions are:
The ‘format’ chosen for the M. M. included three so called universal modelling
principles of deletion, generalisation and distortion. I could find no source of them
apart from Bandler and Grinder. On closer reading it seemed that they were their own
terms. Transformational Grammar used only deletion as a central term.
Deletion, generalisation and distortion are three different types of label. In other
words the internal structure of the meta model was not well modelled in terms of
‘types’. A deletion is about what is taken out, a generalisation is a change in what was
there and distortion a change from what is there. They are unrelated categories.
“Again, we wish to point out that our categories do not impose any necessity on the
structure of reality – we have found these categories useful in organising our own
thinking and actions, both in presenting this material and in therapy; that is, in
developing our model for therapy. We suspect that most readers will, if they think
about the usual meanings of the terms, come to see Generalisation and Deletion as
special cases of Distortion.” Magic I, p. 20, Footnote 8
“The Meta-Model we are presenting is in large part inspired by the formal model
developed in transformational linguistics. Since the transformational model was
created to answer questions which are not immediately connected with the way that
humans change, not all portions of it are equally useful in creating a Meta-model for
therapy. Thus, we have adapted the model, selecting only the portions relevant for
our purposes and arranging them in a system appropriate for our objectives in
therapy. Magic I, p. 40
Bandler and Grinder would appear to have included only the portions that they
thought were relevant for therapy. Why did they select the structures they did? They
do not say. Did they have other structures? The simple answer to this is yes. In
Grinder’s book on Transformational Grammar there are a number of additional
structures. For example from page 80-84 six structures which were not included in the
M. M. are described (The either argument, the Tag question, the ‘not even’ fragment
argument, the ‘neither’ fragment argument, the ‘some → any’ shift argument, the
‘until’ argument). A number of other patterns are given later in the book. Many of
these patterns I consider to be great benefit in therapy and beyond. Clearly the M. M.
could be extended. Bandler and Grinder were of a similar opinion at that time. In their
very useful bibliography they twice identify potential material for extending the M.
“An excellent example of the General Semantics approach which we feel will
contribute much to an enlarged Meta-Model for therapy.” P 221
B. The Territory: The Wizards: Other questions asked by Erickson, Perls, etc.
Bandler and Grinder had other patterns available but what about the ‘territory’ they
were modelling? Did the ‘therapeutic wizards’ whom they modelled use other
patterns of questions? Again the answer is yes. Open any book with transcripts of
Perls, Satir, Erickson you will find many other types of questions.
It is not just the ‘wizards’ whom they modelled that used other questions, Bandler
also used other questions.
Bandler: From: Magic In Action
1. Bandler : “You have a belief, right? Right? Now, is it a strong belief?” page158
2. Bandler: “For example, what are some of the differences?” page160
“Yet, while the techniques of these wizards are different, they share one thing: They
introduce changes in their client's models which allow their clients more options in
their behaviour. What we see is that each of these wizards has a map or model for
changing their client's models of the world - i.e., a Meta-model - which allows them
to effectively expand and enrich their client's models in some way that makes the
client's lives richer and more worth living.” B and G., Magic I, p. 18
The wizards are using more than M. M. questions. How do Satir, Perls, and Erickson
know when to use a M. M. type question or one of the questions above that do not fit
the M. M.? The answer cannot be formed using the M.M. so clearly the M. M.,
however useful, is not a ‘Meta Model for Therapy’. It cannot be used to organise the
therapists questioning in a MEANINGFUL way. It is not a model of meaning and
purpose but a model for specifying the historical changes in the structure of the
client’s statements.
C. The Territory: Some other language uses not included in the Meta Model
1. From Transformational Grammar, Grinder lists a number of patterns not included
in the later M. M..(Grinder 1973)
2. Other NLP Language Models: Milton Model, Sensory Predicates, Metaphoric,
Presuppositions, Sleight of Mouth patterns
3. The M. M. is only for constructing questions. A complete model would include
statements and commands (integrate with the Milton model).
4. From my modelling experience: Concepts, Qualifiers, Concurrence, Judgements,
rules, inferences, numbers, performative language. There are no M. M. questions
for questions! The M. M. makes no distinction between ‘walk’ and ‘hurry’(both
unspecified verbs). We can go for a walk, we do not go for a hurry. The higher
functions of ‘love’, belonging’ are treated the same as sensory behaviours of
‘walk’ or ‘talk’. Try the M. M. question ‘how do you know?’ to each of these and
experience the difference.
5. The DBM ‘Epistemology Grid’ (see my previous article) uses a fractal structure
for what – how –why which is very useful for relating different levels of
understanding. This emphasises the great benefit of the question ‘why?’. This was
actively discouraged in NLP. I have been given many different reason as to ‘why’
why shouldn’t be used. One reason was that parents ask this of children and so it
will anchor a negative state. Another, more serious, reason was that the question
‘why?’ takes the client out of their model and so you will not get sensory
descriptions. This reason is valid only if you are wanting to stay at the sensory
level. When we are working with values, beliefs and identity or with strategies
and modelling where sequence is important then it is necessary to know why
things need to be in a certain order. With the Epistemology Grid we can ask a why
level question without using why, for example‘how come?’ or ‘what is the reason
for that?’. If you don’t know why you have not to use why and if there is a
paramount reason (which I doubt) then there is no guarantee it won’t be asked
with how or what question!
I am continually seeking ever more practical and integrated models of language that
can be used for therapy, modelling and for any other application area. I will now
outline some of the (overlapping) stages in my re-modelling of the NLP meta model..
The first stage (1979 – 1983)as I said earlier was putting my own summary together.
I used this for over five years until I wanted to teach other professional how to gather
quality information.
The second stage (1983 – 1986) was my putting the meta and milton model together.
These were presented as the opposite though there was not a perfect overlap. This
resulted in the ‘filling in of some gaps’. Part of this stage was to change the
aggressive language used with the M. M.. I changed ‘violation’ and ‘challenge’ with
‘pattern’ and ‘specifier question’. This made teaching them easier and the use of them
untainted by the over aggressiveness that often seemed to accompany the M.M..
The third stage (1986) was the creation of the ‘Integrated Language Model’ (see
diagram). This resulted from a major insight that I had. I wanted to develop a holistic
language model. I had puzzled over this for a while before realising that any whole
model can be described using three related components of ‘detail’, ‘scope’ and
‘connection’ and that these components could replace the unrelated components of
deletion, generalisation and distortion. creation of detail, scope and connection. to
make it positive, what is modelled – a model of the modelling of language. I also
realised that mind reading was also something we did to ourselves and not just others
as in ‘I can’t do that’. This later led to my realising that all of these were examples of
a larger category of ‘judgements’.
The fourth stage (1987 – 1993) involved integrating with other areas of NLP
including Presupposition, Sleight of Mouth, Sensory Predicates, Metaphor. Detail –
Scope, and connection prove to be very useful in re-modelling and integrating many
diverse areas of NLP.
The fifth stage (1987 – 1999) involved integrating other models of language.
There have been many other language models, each with something to offer. I wanted
to make sure that I included the best of all of them. There had been a few specific
models before the Meta Model. The General Semantics of Korzybski offered a
number of structures. Erickson and Rossi identified many hypnotic language
The sixth stage (1992 –1996) involved the creation of the basic fractal language
model. This was an integration of what I had discovered and learnt in the previous
stages. This model had detail – Scope –Connection at two levels for two categories
giving 18 Language distinctions.
The seventh stage (1996 – 1998) involved the creation of the much extended
‘Fractal Language Model’ (see diagram). I created this by applying Fractal
Modelling to the Basic Fractal Language Model. In Bateson’s terms the
‘relationships’ suggested themselves once I had the basic patterning. For the first time
I was able to use the model to predict new language possibilities. In this model there
are 81 related distinctions. This truly becomes an effective model to use for modelling
in order to make useful distinctions and to assist clients in making precise changes.
This is major DBM model which describes how, based on our knowledge of the world
(know) we organise our behaviour (do). When we do not know and need to do things
it is useful to explore the world (investigate).
The "know" part of this model is relevant here. In DBM we identify three levels of
knowledge. The first, knowledge with evidence, we call knowing. The second is for
when we don't know for sure but we have some evidence - we call this believing.
Beliefs will vary from 0 - 100% in our sense of commitment to them. That is why we
can have a strong or weak belief – we never describe ourselves as having ‘strong’
knowledge (we talk about a lot or little knowledge not strength of knowledge). Beliefs
then are our judgement tool for when we don’t know. They let us ‘know’ what might
be or could be until we get to really know for sure. The third level is for when we
need to know in order to do but have not got any evidence. This is conviction.
Conviction is digital like knowledge, and is a necessity in an unknown world and as
such it potentially has the most limiting consequences for us. NLP has generally used
the label "belief" to describe this whole area of knowledge, beliefs and convictions.
The second example of how I have used the model to clarify NLP is from the work of
Robert Dilts. In his book ‘Changing Belief Systems’ Robert uses the following
example to demonstrate the difficulty in changing a belief. In the example a
psychiatrist has a patient who ‘believes’ he is a corpse. The psychiatrist asks, "Do
corpses bleed?" He then takes a needle and pricks the patients finger and of course the
man bleeds. Dilts continues:
“Since the patient is a corpse there is nothing much he can do about it. So the
psychiatrist sticks him with the needle and the man starts to bleed. The patient looks
at it totally amazed and says, "I'll be damned. Corpses do bleed!"
The point is that when you have a belief, even environmental and behavioural
evidence won't change it because a belief isn't about reality. You have a belief in
place of knowledge about reality. Beliefs are about things that nobody can know in
reality. If somebody has a terminal illness he doesn't know if he is going to get well.
There is no present reality as to whether he is going to get well or not. He has to
believe that he is going to get well precisely because nobody knows what the reality
is.” P. 8
The potential limitation of success has been usefully highlighted by Robert Dilts in
his book on beliefs and health (Dilts 1990):
“One of the claims that I make is: "Success is as much a limitation to creativity as is
failure". This is because when you remember a success, your memory often becomes
really strong and you get a good feeling about it. You are likely to keep doing the
same thing over and over again without exploring other options. You get to a point
where you stop being creative and get stuck, because you've run into a new situation
where your old behaviours don't work and you don't have new choices.” Page 40
The great success of the M.M. and literal language in NLP has indeed resulted in a
failure – a failure to accurately model and to develop further the tools that will assist
all of us to develop more effectively, efficiently and elegantly.
This exercise sequence is one way to assist clients to develop a more accurate self
knowledge. Please refer to the Fractal Language Model for more detail.
Concluding Comments
In my experience we don’t just retrieve past ‘transformations’ of language when we
answer questions – we can also change our sensory experience, our thinking and
change our language. What is worth changing will be dependent on what we are
aiming for in terms of a usefully ‘well-formed’ model of the world. Bandler and
Grinder proposed:
These conditions mean that Bandler and Grinders well formed in therapy is practically
impossible as there will always be something unexplored. In terms of a well-formed
outcome all of them apart from the first one is stated negatively! What are we to go
for that is well formed and how will we positively recognise it? Well formed in
therapy needs to be about the function of the language not the structural content of
what is said- the grammar. The function of language is to organise and communicate
meaning. Well formed in therapy should be well formed in terms of the ecology of the
meaning. This can be done by E-valuating the clients model for its effectiveness,
efficiency and elegance for their life as a whole – an ecology of being.
Andreas, Steve, Virginia Satir The Patterns of her Magic, Science and Behaviour
Books, Inc. 1991
Bandler, Richard & Grinder, John, The Structure of Magic vol. 1, Science and
Behaviour Books, Inc. 1975
Bander, Richard, Magic in Action, Meta Publications 1984
Dilts, Robert, Hallbom, Tim & Smith Suzi, Beliefs: Pathways to Health & Well-
Being, Metamorphous Press 1990
Dilts, Robert, Changing Belief Systems with NLP, Meta Publications 1990
Grinder, John & Elgin, Suzette Haden, Guide to Transformational Grammar, History
Theory Practice, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. 1973
Lewis, Byron & Pucelik, Frank, Magic of NLP Demystified, Metamorphous Press
Perls, Frederick S., Gestalt Therapy Verbatim, Real People Press 1969
Integrated Language Model
(referred to as "MILTON MODEL") (referred to as "META MODEL")
Modelling Process Typical Statement Structure Sub-distinctions Example Statement Feed Forward Typical Question
DETAIL 1. You are sitting …….. 1. Major phrase missing 1. DELETION: SIMPLE 1. "I feel uncomfortable" 1. Specify what they are 1. "About what?"
uncomfortable about
2. … more relaxed …. 2. Comparative missing 2. DELETION: 2. "It's better to stay" 2. Retrieve the comparison 2. "Better than what?"
3. … feeling comfortable... 3. Process or behaviour eg: sense, 3. UNSPECIFIED VERB 3. "He's rejected me" 3. Specify "rejected" 3. "How did he reject you?"
know, wonder, experience, think,
4. …thinking about that 4. People or things not specified eg: 4. UNSPECIFIED 4. "They don't listen to 4. Specify "they" 4. "Who doesn't listen to
person…. him, them, it REFERENTIAL INDEX me" you?"
What elements are included. 5. …and you have a lot of 5. Process words used as a noun eg: 5. NOMINALISATION 5. "We have to improve 5. Retrieve process in "relating" 5. "What is it about your
Information not given by the curiosity…. hypnosis, curiosity, learnings our relationship" (Noun into verb: add ‘-ing’) relating together that you'd
speaker. The listener has to love like to improve?"
supply it from their own 6. …about that interesting 6. Noun supported by nominalised 6. LESSER 6. "She is a lazy 6. Retrieve information from 6. "What does she do lazily?"
model.. person… process words, adjectives NOMINALISATION housewife" judgement "lazy" (Adjective
into adverb: add ‘-ly’)
SCOPE 1. …Friends are important… 1. A class or group is referred to; 1. GENERALISED 1. "Arabs are dishonest" 1. Specify evidence, reduce 1. "Every single one? Which
Scope extended REFERENTIAL INDEX scope ones?"
2. …thinking about all your 2. Over-extended Scope: all; every; 2. UNIVERSAL 2. "He always complains" 2. Recover specific examples, - 2. "Always? Every time he
contact with them… never; nobody QUANTIFIER reduce scope speaks?"
3. …Just relaxing… 3. Words that limit the Scope, eg 3. LIMITING QUANTIFIER 3. "She's the only one for 3. Recover larger frame, - 3. "The only one ever,
Just, only me" extend scope anywhere for anything?"
4a. …You can remember… 4a. What included/excluded as 4. MODAL OPERATORS 4a."I can't tell him the 4a. Specify "can't", (bring 4a. "What would happen if
The extent; the models limits possible eg: can, able to, want a) - of possibility truth" within scope) you did?"
can be too extensive or too 4b. …what you needed from 4b. What included/excluded as b) - of necessity 4b. "I must finish this 4b. Specify "must", (move 4b. "What would happen if
limited. What is included and them… necessary: must, have to, need to today" beyond scope) you didn't?"
CONNECTION 1. …It's important to people 1. Evaluative statement or rule in 1. LOST PERFORMATIVE 1. "It's bad to be 1. Recover where judgement 1. "Who says? How do you
to be cared for… which the source is missing inconsistent" rule comes from know?"
2. …I know you want to 2. Information or judgement about 2. MIND READING 2. "She doesn't like me" 2. Recover the evidence 2. "How do you know?"
improve things… self or other is made without (other, self or context)
? supporting evidence
3. …and you are attending 3. Conjunction3, eg and 3. CAUSAL MODELLING 3. "You look at me and I 3. Check for possible causal 3. "Is there a connection
and learning… OR LINKAGE get angry" connection between my looking and
you getting angry?"
! 4. …if you relax more, you 4. Connection in time, eg during, as, 4. IMPLIED CAUSALITY 4. "I would talk to her but 4. Specify implied connection: 4. "How does her being
can remember… while, when, use of but, if…then she's really angry at "angry" - "talk to" angry stop you talking to
me" her?"
5. …and learning will make 5. Causality eg, makes, forces, 5. CAUSE-EFFECT 5. "His frowning makes 5. Specify the connection 5. "How does his frowning
things easier requires me angry" between "frowning" and make you angry?"
The relation and connection "angry"
between elements within the 6. …now you are sitting 6. Two statements, often with a 6. COMPLEX 6. "She hates me…she's 6. Specify the connection 6. "How does yelling mean
model. The basis for these quietly……remembering pause in between, given as being EQUIVALENCE always yelling at me" between the two hate?" "Have you ever
are not supplied by the different ways of saying the same yelled at people you don't
speaker. thing. (One part is often hate?"
externally verifiable, the other,
mind reading)
Copyright John McWhirter 1987 and 1990, all rights reserved. Integrated Language Model is a development by John McWhirter from the original ‘Meta’ and ‘Milton’ Models by Richard Bandler and
John Grinder. The Detail – Scope –Connection modelling structures and additional material developed by John McWhirter.
DBM® Fractal Language Model
Identifying Processing Operationalising
I II Type Level III Detail II Type Level III Detail II Type Level III Detail
D Referencing Matter: This, That D Selecting A D Sequencing To
Space: Here, There An From
Time: Now, Then The Between
S Subject / Object Single (Tree) S Process Operator: Rub S Relationship Parting