Rocks Properties
Rocks Properties
Rocks Properties
1.0 Introduction :
2.0 Physical properties of rocks
3.0 Methods of determining Rock Properties
4.0 Geological characteristics of rocks
5.0 General characteristics of rocks
6.0 Modulus properties or Flexible strength or Elastic properties of rocks
7.0 Engineering uses of rocks
8.0 Conclusion
Objectives :
The aim of this lesson is to understand the important physical properties of rocks and their
determination, geological characteristics, general characteristics, modulus properties of rocks, building
stones and their occurrences. The role of a geotechnical engineer is also highlighted.
1.0 Introduction :
Engineering properties of rocks is a collective nomenclature which includes all such properties of rocks
that are relevant to engineering application after their extraction from natural beds or without extraction
i.e. insitu conditions.The first set include all those properties for which a rock must be tested for
selection as a material for construction such as a building stone, road stone or aggregate for concrete
making.The second set of the properties include the qualities of a natural bed rock as and where it
exists. That would determine its suitability or otherwise as a construction site for aproposed engineering
Obviously, in both cases, the economy and safety of an engineering project are greatly dependent upon
the proper understanding and determination of theengineering properties of rocks.Engineering
properties of rock are controlled by the discontinuities within the rock mass and theinherent properties
of the intact rock. Therefore, engineering properties must account for the properties of the intact rock
and for the properties of the rock mass as a whole.
A combination of laboratory testing of small samples, empirical analysis, and field observations should
be employed to determine the requisite engineering properties. Rock properties can be divided into two
categories: intact rock properties and rock mass properties. Intact rock properties are determined from
laboratory tests on small samples typically obtained from coring, outcrops or exposures along existing
cuts. Common engineering properties typically obtained from laboratory tests include specific gravity,
point load strength, compressive strength, tensile strength, shear strength, modulus, and durability.
Rock mass properties are determined by visual examination and description of discontinuities within the
rock mass. It should follow the suggested methodology of the International Society of Rock Mechanics
(ISRM 1978), and how these discontinuities will affect the behavior of the rock mass when subjected to
the proposed construction.
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2.0 Physical properties of rocks:
In most of the engineering applications, rocks are used as building stones. A building stone may be
defined as a rock that can be safely used as a rough unit or as a properly cut and shaped (dressed) block
or slab or column or sheet in different situation in an engineering construction.The following physical
properties are considered to be important for a rock to be used as a building material.
Where Compressive strength, P= Load at failure, A = Area of cross section of stone under P
The determination of compressive strength of a building stone involves making standard test specimens
(which are either cubes of 5cm side or cylinders of length: diameter ratio of 2 or 2.5). These specimens
are then loaded gradually one at a time after placing on the base plate of a universal testing machine, till
the first crack appears in the specimen. Any further loading will crush the specimen.The compressive
strength determined in this way using the above relationship is called “unconfined or universal
compressive strength”. Because the test specimen has no lateral support or restraint.
When the compressive strength is tested by a method providing a lateral support , as by keeping the
specimen in a special cell filled with a liquid under pressure. The value obtained, then it is called as
confined or triaxial compressive strength.
The sand stone may show a very low crushing strength when loaded parallel to bedding planes than
when loaded perpendicular to the same structure.Except for sandstone, quartzite and most other
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are composed of clays, calcareous and hydrated silicate minerals
which are inherently weak is strength.
Crushing strengths of common types of building stones are generally higher than the loads that they are
supposed to withstand, in ordinary type of building constructions.
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The compressive strengths of some rocks and their range are as follows. They are expressed in Kg/cm2.
Dolerite=1500-3500, Basalt= 1500-3500, Quartzite=1500-300, Granite= 1000-2500, Marbles=700-
2000, Gneisses=500-2500, Sand Stone= 200-2500, Limestone= 200-2000.
During the last few years thousands of tests have been made to classify the rocks on the basis of uniaxial
compressive strength in to grades. The following classification proposed by Deere and Miller has been
found usefull.
R = Modulus of rupture; W = weight at which sample breaks; l= length of the specimen; b = width of
specimen; d = thickness of the specimen.
This property is determined practically by loading transversely a bar shaped test specimen generallyof
20cmsx8cmx8cm dimension and is supported at ends from below.
It has been found that in stone, the transverse strength is generally 1/20th to 1/10th of their compressive
The indirect method is calledthe Brazilian test. It consists of loading a test cylinder diametrically in
such a way that the applied loads would develop tensile rupturing along the diametrical plane of the
Loads are gradually increased till the cylinder fractures. The load P, at rupture being thus known.
Transverse strength Ts is calculated by using the formula
2.5 Porosity :
The shape, size and nature of packing of the grains of a rock give rise to the property of porosity or
development of pore spaces within a rock. Numerically it is expressed as the ratio between the total
volume of pore spaces and the total volume of the rock sample. Porosity is commonly given in
percentage terms. Presence of interlocking crystals, angular grains of various sizes and abundant
cementing materials are responsible for low porosity of stones.
Conversely the rock will be highly porous it composed of spherical or rounded grains, (sandstone) or if
the cementing material is distributed unevenly or is of poor character.
Porosity is an important engineering property of rocks. It accounts for the fluid absorption value of the
stones in most cases and also that a higher porosity signifies a lesser density which generally means a
lesser compressive strength. Porosity values for a few common building stones. Granite-0.1 to 0.5%,
Basalt- 0.1 to 1%, Sandstone- 5 to 25%, Limestone- 5 to 20%, Marble- 0.5 to 2%, Quartzite- 0.1 to
2.7 Permeability:
It is the capacity of a rock to transmit water. Sand stones and limestones may show high values for
absorption or 10% or even more. Selection of such highly porous verities of these stones for use in
building construction, especially in most situations, would be greatly objectionable.
Presence of water within the pores not only decreases the strength of the rock but also makes the stones
very vulnerable to frost action, in cold and humid climatic conditions.
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2.8 Density :
It is defined as weight per unit volume of a substance.But in the case of rock it is not only the solid
mineral matter which wholly accounts for the total volume of a given specimen.A part of the rock may
comprise of pores or open spaces, which may be empty, partly filled or wholly filled with water.
Accordingly, three types of density may be distinguished in rocks. They are a)Dry density, b) bulk
density and c) saturated density.
1.Dry density: It is the weight per unit volume of an absolutely dried rock specimen, it includes the
volume of the pore spaces present in the rock.
2.Bulk density: It is the weight per unit volume of a rock sample with natural moisture content where
pores are only partially filled with water.
3.Saturated density: It is the density of the saturated rocks or weight per unit volume of a rock in which
all the pores are completely filled with water.
The fourth type is also recognized as true density. Itis the weight per unit volume of the mineral
matter(without pores and water) of which a rock s made up. The most engineering calculations, it is the
bulk density which is used frequently.
Bulk density values in gram/cubic cm for some common building stones are granite-2.7, basalt-2.9,
sandstone-2.6, and limestone-2.2 to 2.6.
Stones composed of more than one mineral like granite may look quite appealing. In such cases, when
freshly used, but within short time, they may get pitted or disfigured because of unequal wear of the
different mineral components.
In the case of fire, the unequal expansion in different mineral components and also at different depths
from surface inwards may cause disintegration. This effect becomes more pronounced when the rock is
first heated and then suddenly cooled by water by water. Heavy stones including granites crumble to
piecesunder such a treatment. It is easy to understand that rocks which are found porous and weak in
strength are easily deteriorated in cold humid climates by frost action. Limestone and sandstones fall in
this category. They show very poor frost resistance.
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Fire resistance is especially determined when the stone is intended for use around stoves, heating places
and in the wall of furnaces. Only compact and massive sandstones and quartzites suite reasonably well
in fire and heating places.
Common in situ tests are performed in conventional drilled borings, whereas specialized tests require a
separate borehole or different insertion equipment. Field in situ borehole tests can be grouped into three
a)Correlation Tests
Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
Dynamic Penetration Test (DPT)
c)Permeability Tests
Pump Tests and Slug Tests
Water Pressure Tests
Hydraulic Conductivity Tests
Percolation Tests
The two common laboratory tests to determine the compressive strength of rock are:
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a)Uni-axial Unconfined Compression Test –In this method a cylindrical rock core is loaded axially
until it fails.
b)Tri-axial Confined Compression Test – In this method a cylindrical rock core is placed in a cell,
subjected to all around (confining) pressure by hydraulic oil acting through a thin impermeable
membrane, and loaded axially to failure.
Most back-analyses in geotechnical engineering are based on methods that utilize field displacement
monitoring data. Following are the methods of back analysis.
Back-Analysis of Slopes
Back-Analysis of Soil Settlement Resulting from Changes in Loading
Back-Analysis of Foundations
Use of Numerical Modeling for Back-Analysis
Carbonate rocks show a wide variation in their properties. A particular deposit of these rocks has to be
tested by taking random representative samples before the stone is recommended for use in engineering
construction of any importance. Presence of some minerals even in small quantites is to be viewed with
caution while using in building stones. These minerals are mica, gypsum, sulphides, tremolite, flint and
chert and clays. These destroy the inherent strength of the rock.
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4.2 Texture and Structure:
Texture defines the size, shape and mutual relationship of the mineral compounds in a rock. Whereas
structure determines the development of large scale features in the rock mass as a whole. Rocks may be
coarse grained, medium grained or fine grained.
The fine grained equigranular textured rocks are better building stones compared to coarse grained and
inequigranular rocks. In the later cases different compounds often tend to behave as separate units under
the imposed loads and thereby reaction offered is of a complexes and certainly weaker character.
Structurally speaking features like bedding planes, foliations, cleavage, joints and flow structures which
might not be fully represented in small sized test specimens, but which may be present in rock masses
on a large scale, have to be given due considerations.
A stone may remain almost fresh and untarnished for 500 years or more when used in the interior of a
building. But the same stone used on the exterior might get pitted and weathered badly within 100
years.Good example is granite. Similarly, limestone used in building construction, in industrial
townships may weather badly and quickly due to reaction with sulphorous acid polluted air. Whereas the
same rock used only a little amount in temples and forts and historical buildings may last for centuries.
An engineer and especially a town planner has to bear in mind this fact that rocks also live and sensitive
to the environment in which they are placed.
Durability of a stone can be experimentally determined by subjecting the stone sample to disintegrating
action of Sodium sulphate. Test specimens generally of 5cm side cubes, are dried perfectly and weighed.
They are suspended in 14% solution of Sodium sulphate for 4 hours at 27 degree Celsius and then air
dried and oven dried at 105degree Celsius. The stone samples are subjected to 30 such cycles and lots of
weight determined which gives a measure of the durability of the rock. Greater the loss in weight after
these cycles, poorer is the durability of the stone.
5.0 General characteristics of rocks: In addition to these engineering and geological properties of
rocks, there are certain other characteristics that may add value or otherwise to them. They are a) cost, b)
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and dressed to the desired dimensions and shapes. Harder and stronger rocks become costlieron these
5.2 Color: Color is the property of appears and gets involved only where the stone is used in
construction exposed to public view.For stones to be used in foundations is dams or in situations where
they are ultimately to be given covering, color of a rock has no relevance in its selection.
In the case of residential or official building, it becomes a property of major importance. The color of a
rock is a geological character depending upon the type of rock and more precisely upon the composition
of rock. Eg. Granites are light coloured, Basalt are dark, and Sandstone are lighter shades.
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Coarse grained igneous rocks like granites, some massive compact sediments like Sandstones and
dolomite may often show semi elastic properties. In this group the curve indicating the modulus of
elasticity. Such a characteristic that is slope tends to decrease with increasing loads.
7.1 Granites: These are the most commonly used building stones of all the igneous rocks.They
generally possess all the essential qualities of a good building stone showing very high crushing
strength, low absorption values, least porosity, interlocking texture, variety of appealing colors, and
susceptibility to perfect polish.
Indian occurrence: India has got good reserves of granite and granitic rocks. The archean group of
rocks of peninsular India are comprised chiefly of Gneisses and Granites
7.2 Sandstone: Massive sandstones consisting of closely interlocking and angular grains and free from
structural defects find extensive use of building stones. Ferruginous and calcareous varieties should not
be used for exterior work, especially in industrial towns. Argillaceous sandstones are generally weak in
character. Massive varieties with siliceous cement possess sufficient strength and are easily workable.
Indian occurrence: India has got immense reserves of Sandstones fit for construction purposes. The
most important supplies come from two important stratigraphical systems, namely the Vindhyan and
Gondwana systems. Vindhyan sandstones are fine grained in texture and available in abundance in a
variety of colours like white, cream and deep red and grey etc. They are easily quarried and
economically workable.
These stones are available in a large area of the country for over 350,000 sq.kms extending from Bihar
to Aravallis. Many buildings of Delhi, and Agra are built of these stones. No other rock formation of
India posseses such as assemblages of characters rendering it so eminently suitable for building or
architectural work.
The gondawana formations of India have also yielded very good quality of sandstones. The fine grained
sandstones of Cuttack( known as Athgarh sandstones) have been used most widely and famous temples
of Jaganathpuri are built of them.
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7.3 Lime stones: These sedimentary rocks are veryextensively used as building stones. It is not due to
their physical properties. It is due to the crushing strength. They may be weak showing values much
below 300 kg/cm2 or as strong as 1500 kg/cm2 or even more.A similar variation in other property like
absorption, specific gravity and porosity may be observed.
The use of limestones as facing stones even if they are sufficiently hard should be avoided in situations
a. The air is polluted with industrial gases
b. The air from sea can approach them easily.
The reason for first precaution is that sulphuric acid vapours contained in the industrial gases react with
calcium carbonate of limestone producing gypsum (calcium sulphate) crystals. This change involves an
increase in the volume and results in disintegration of the surface layer of the rock.Salt crystals, may be
formed from moist air from sea and cause dampness and disintegration of the stone.
Indian occurrence:Lime stones occur in many geological formations of this country. i. The cuddapah
system outcropping in Andhra, Chennai, Delhi and Chattisgarh, ii) The Bijawar, Kondalite and Aravalli
groups iii) TheVindhyan system of Madhya Pradesh, vi)The hill limestone, exposed at many places in
northern India.
7.4 Marbles: These are metamorphic rocks that are used for ordinary structural work as well as for
decorative purposes.
Marbles are varying intheir texture, color and composition. Their absorption value is generally below
1% and normally they possess sufficient crushing strength.
They have been extensively used as decorative stones and this is because of their susceptibility to
brilliant polish and beautiful colors.
Indian occurrence: Most important source of commercial marbles in the crystalline formations of
Rajasthan. i) Makrana in Jodhpur-white and pink, ii) Kharva in Ajmer – green and yellow, iii)
Kishengarh and Jaipur are famous for black and dense marbles.
7.5 Slate: It is another metamorphic rock, characterized by a perfect cleavage and because of this
property it does not find any use in building stones except for paving roofing purposes.
8.0 Conclusion :
It is a well-known fact that rocks play a vital role in constructing the structures which are destined to
be strong, appealing and economical.
All the factors which have been considered so far give a clear guideline for an engineer to choose the
right type of naturally occurring rocks or stones to be used to build such structures.
By choosing all the properties judiciously in conjunction with one another, it is possible to adhere to
the safety regulations prescribed in building standards. A combination of laboratory testing of small
samples, empirical analysis and field observations should be employed to determine the requisite
engineering properties.
Engineering properties of rocks are very essential properties to be determined in every project of
civil engineering, construction engineering and structural engineering.
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