Gri 417 Marketing and Labeling 2016
Gri 417 Marketing and Labeling 2016
Gri 417 Marketing and Labeling 2016
Introduction 3
References 9
Responsibility This Standard is issued by the Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB).
Any feedback on the GRI Standards can be submitted to for the consideration of the GSSB.
Scope GRI 417: Marketing and Labeling sets out reporting requirements on the topic of
marketing and labeling. This Standard can be used by an organization of any size, type,
sector or geographic location that wants to report on its impacts related to this topic.
Normative This Standard is to be used together with the most recent versions of the following
references documents.
GRI 101: Foundation
GRI 103: Management Approach
GRI Standards Glossary
In the text of this Standard, terms defined in the Glossary are underlined.
Effective date This Standard is effective for reports or other materials published on or after
1 July 2018. Earlier adoption is encouraged.
Note: This document includes hyperlinks to other Standards. In most browsers, using ‘ctrl’ + click will
open external links in a new browser window. After clicking on a link, use ‘alt’ + left arrow to return to
the previous view.
Figure 1
1. T
he GRI Standards can be used as a set to prepare
Overview of the set of GRI Standards a sustainability report that is in accordance with
the Standards. There are two options for preparing
Foundation Starting point a report in accordance (Core or Comprehensive),
for using the depending on the extent of disclosures included in
GRI Standards the report.
101 An organization preparing a report in accordance
Universal with the GRI Standards uses this Standard,
GRI 417: Marketing and Labeling, if this is one of its
General Management material topics.
Disclosures Approach
D. Background context
Therefore, this topic-specific Standard is designed to be used together with GRI 103: Management Approach in order
to provide full disclosure of the organization’s impacts. GRI 103 specifies how to report on the management approach
and what information to provide.
Reporting requirements
1.1 The reporting organization shall report its management approach for marketing and labeling
using GRI 103: Management Approach.
Disclosure 417-1
Requirements for product and service information and labeling
Reporting requirements
Reporting requirements
2.1 When compiling the information specified in Disclosure 417-2, the reporting organization shall:
2.1.1 exclude incidents of non-compliance in which the organization was determined not to
be at fault;
2.1.2 if applicable, identify any incidents of non-compliance that relate to events in periods
prior to the reporting period.
Guidance for Disclosure 417-2 regulations, national laws, and the Organisation for
The incidents of non-compliance that occur within Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
the reporting period can relate to incidents formally OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. It is
resolved during the reporting period, whether they also potentially linked to compliance with strategies
occurred in periods prior to the reporting period for brand and market differentiation.
or not. The display and provision of information and
labeling for products and services are subject to
Background many regulations and laws. Non-compliance can
Providing appropriate information and labeling indicate either inadequate internal management
with respect to economic, environmental, and systems and procedures or ineffective implementation.
social impacts can be linked to compliance with The trends revealed by this disclosure can indicate
certain types of regulations, laws, and codes. improvements or a deterioration in the effectiveness
It is, for example, linked to compliance with of internal controls.
Reporting requirements
2.2 When compiling the information specified in Disclosure 417-3, the reporting organization shall:
2.2.1 exclude incidents of non-compliance in which the organization was determined not
to be at fault;
2.2.2 if applicable, identify any incidents of non-compliance that relate to events in periods
prior to the reporting period.
The following documents informed the development of this Standard and can be helpful for understanding
and applying it.
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