Lesson Plan in Ecosystem
Lesson Plan in Ecosystem
Lesson Plan in Ecosystem
I. Learning Objectives II. Learning Content III. Learning Procedures IV. Evaluation V. Assignment
Environment- where interactions takes 1. Cats compete for
b. Ecosystem- a functional place. food inside pet
unit composed of abiotic and owners house
biotic components through Ecosystem is a functional unit 2.Tiny floating plants
which nutrients are cycled composed of abiotic and biotic drift on water
and energy flows. components through which nutrients 3. heat of the sun
are cycled and energy flows. being absorb by the
c. Biotic community- water in the ocean
naturally occurring Examples of Natural ecosystem are 4. Iron and
assemblage of plants and forests, pond, fountain, coral reef and magnesium as
animals living in the same pond. elemental
environment mutually Human-made ecosystem is an components of the
sustaining or independent. aquarium, plant pot. soil
5. Bad weather affect
d. Population- any group of Abiotic factors: the lives of people
organisms of the same living in remote areas
species defined by space and 1. Sunlight
time in the same 2. Temperature
environment. 3. Water from rainfall
4. Soil
e. Species-a group of
organisms having the same Biotic Factors:
common attributes and are
capable of producing fertile 1. Producers – e.g Plants
or productive offspring’s in 2. Decomposers- e.g Fungi
their natural environment. 3. Consumers-e.g Animals
E. Skills
a. Observe illustrations of
ecosystem to associate with
the descriptions
c. Relate ecological
Biological sublevels of a biotic
relationship to real life
1. Population- any group of organisms
d. Integrate analyzed
of the same species defined by space
illustration to construct
and time in the same environment.
concepts and come up with
their own definition of
2. Species- group of organisms having
ecosystem and other related
the same common attributes and are
capable of producing fertile or
productive offspring’s in their natural
e. Manipulate and investigate
real life example of a human
made ecosystem for mastery
of the subject matter with
repetition and enjoyment.
A Semi- detailed Lesson Plan in Science and Technology
Prepared by: Ms. Divina Mercedes S. Fernando
F. Values
A. Inculcate compassion of
taking good care of the
environment, ecosystem and
its components.
Interactions in an ecosystem
C. Generalization
Sample answer:
D. Application
Sample answers:
Abiotic Biotic
components components
Sunlight Worm
Wind Plant
Clay pot Little bugs
Soil Bacteria
Water Little insects
Peebles grasses
A Semi- detailed Lesson Plan in Science and Technology
Prepared by: Ms. Divina Mercedes S. Fernando
Sample answer:
I. Learning Objectives II. Learning Content III. Learning Procedures IV. Evaluation V. Assignment
D. Application
C. Materials
D. Concepts
E. Skills
F. Values