China Daily Hong Kong - April 6 2018

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FRIDAY, April 6, 2018  $7

Craft across
In an old town in Kashgar,
Xinjiang, earthenware
skills draw tourists. >p9 Sri Lanka offers visitors a rich experience >p11

Soybean High-level handshake

group in Negotiation, not

US calls useless tariff threat,
for trade is the way forward
in Washington
better way to address each oth-
er’s concerns than threatening
a tariff war.
By ZHAO HUANXIN Negotiations may not be a
in Washington US President Donald Trump smooth process and will not
huanxinzhao@ and Commerce Secretary Wil- solve all the problems or solve bur Ross both tried to calm the them in a short time. That is
panic about a possible trade just the nature of many compli-
A lobbying group for the war on Wednesday, just hours cated issues in big countries
US soybean industry urged after China slapped a 25 per- like China and the US.
the White House on cent tariff on $50 billion of Gun violence, for example,
Wednesday to engage Bei- imports from the US, includ- has haunted Americans for
jing in a more pragmatic ing soybeans, whiskey, cars decades, but it remains a seri-
manner to avoid economic and airplanes. ous issue regardless of the mas-
harm to farmers, as ana- Trump tweeted early on sive public demonstrations like
lysts warned of the eco- Wednesday morning that “we the recent March for Our Lives.
nomic and political are not in a trade war with Chi- China has long called on the
implications of the coun- na”, while Ross told CNBC that US to loosen and lift its restric-
try’s escalating trade stand- Russia’s President Vladimir Putin meets with State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Kremlin in Moscow on Thursday. he expects the situation will tions on US high-tech exports
off with China. Wang is in Russia on a working visit as President Xi Jinping’s special envoy. He met earlier with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. likely lead to a negotiated deal. to China. The US has not only
Soybeans, the largest US ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICHENKO / REUTERS Larry Kudlow, director of the failed to address this but
agricultural export to Chi- White House National Eco- moved in the opposite direc-
na, is one of 106 US prod- nomic Council, suggested that tion with more discriminatory
ucts on which Beijing it’s possible Trump’s tariffs are policies against China, both in

US companies may miss

considered imposing an a negotiating tactic and won’t trade and investment.
additional 25 percent tariff. actually take effect. And it’s impossible for the
The move was If that is the case, then US to demand that China, the
announced early on Trump has already proved world’s largest developing
Wednesday following the himself wrong. China has country, solve its problems
Trump administration’s demonstrated that it cannot overnight, even if it’s in Chi-
proposed tariffs on $50 bil-
lion worth of Chinese prod-
“A 25 percent tariff on US
soybeans into China will
have a devastating effect on
opportunities in China be coerced and that it is fully
determined to reciprocate.
Wielding a big tariff stick
won’t give the US more lever-
age at the negotiating table.
By threatening protectionist
na’s best interest.
What is important is that
China is moving in the right
direction. It has been steadily
improving its protection of
intellectual property rights, a
every soybean farmer in Countermeasures on trade could responded to a Twitter mes- tariffs, Trump has caused a key element for creating an
America,” said American sage by Trump. Wang said it is major disruption in the global innovation driven society.
Soybean Association Presi- leave them out if dispute escalates “absolutely unacceptable” to trading system and also put Chinese leaders have
dent John Heisdorffer. ask China alone to cut the Americans in harm’s way. US pledged further reform and
“Soybean farmers lost $1.72 By HU YUANYUAN ment is just a “stalling tactic” The US govern- country’s surplus with the US consumers — farmers and opening-up. President Xi Jin-
billion in value for our crop and JING SHUIYU in Beijing, used in the hope that China by $100 billion each year. blue-collar workers, many of ping is expected to roll out new
this morning alone. That’s CHEN WEIHUA will change its mind. ment’s pledge Trade is carried out by com- whom voted for Trump — have measures at the Boao Forum
real money lost for farmers, in Washington Larry Kudlow, the new panies and consumers from been hurt already as a result of for Asia to be held in Hainan
and it is entirely preventa- director of the White House to address the both countries on a voluntary the tariff war triggered by the province from April 8 to 11.
ble,” he said. US enterprises may miss National Economic Council, basis, Wang said, adding that steel and aluminum tariffs After all, this year marks the
Heisdorffer, whose asso- the opportunity to benefit told NBC News that it’s possi- trade deficit is trade imbalances cannot be under US law. The damages 40th anniversary of China’s
ciation is a lobbying group from China’s ongoing open- ble that US President Donald just an excuse forced by government but are will be much greater if the tit- reform and opening-up drive,
representing 21,000 US ing-up process if the Sino-US Trump’s tariffs are a negotiat- determined by the economic for-tat tariffs sparked by anoth- which has brought phenome-
soybean producers, said
there is still time to reverse
dispute escalates, experts
from top government think
ing tactic and won’t actually
take effect. “Yes, it’s possible.
to curb the structures and industrial
competitiveness of the coun-
er part of the law take effect.
China has long called for
nal progress to the country
and benefited the world,
the damage, as China has tanks said on Thursday. It’s part of the process,” he development of tries involved. negotiations to resolve bilater- including the US. It’s in Chi-
said that its extra tariff is “Some of China’s opportu- said. For Chen Wenling, chief al trade and investment issues. na’s interest to continue on
contingent on the course of nities may not apply to US Their comments came China’s high- economist at the economic So if the Trump administration that path.
action the US administra- enterprises, based on WTO hours after China announced exchanges center, the recent is open to negotiation, as it has So it’s really time for Trump
tion takes. rules and China’s Foreign it would slap 25 percent tariffs end manufac- US trade moves involving indicated, it should immedi- to give up the useless tariff
“We call on President Trade Law,” said Wei Jianguo, on 106 US products worth $50 China reflect a shift in strate- ately cease using the tariff stick weapon and come to the nego-
Trump to engage the Chi- a former vice-minister of billion, ranging from soy- turing sector.” gic priorities. and get on with the negotiat- tiating table.
nese in a constructive man- commerce and current vice- beans and cars to whiskey and “China and Russia are now ing process.
ner — not a punitive one — president of the China Center airplanes. That was a response Ye Fujing, director of the on top of the US government’s Negotiations, through any The author is deputy editor of
and achieve a positive for International Economic to the 25 percent tariff on Institute for International strategic concerns, replacing established platform, is a much China Daily USA.
result for soybean farmers,” Exchanges. “Once the US tar- 1,300 Chinese products worth Economic Research terrorism,” Chen said. “This
Heisdorffer said in a state- iff measures against Chinese $50 billion announced by the reflects the growing worry in
ment. products take effect, China US Trade Representative on the US over China’s recent
The long-term impact of
a tariff would be to make
will immediately adopt coun-
Tuesday, following a Section
301 investigation into China’s
curb the development of Chi-
na’s high-end manufacturing
achievements in industry
upgrades and its moves
Culture for the holiday
US soybeans less competi- According to the Office of intellectual property policies sector,” said Ye Fujing, direct- toward modernization.”
tive with South American the United States Trade Rep- and practices. or of the Institute for Interna- Chen said the Sino-US
soybeans, said Gary Schnit- resentative, the proposed US Amid speculation that a tional Economic Research, a trade dispute is just the
key, a professor and farm list under Section 301 of the major tariff war may not mate- think tank under the Nation- beginning of what will be an
management specialist at US Trade Act of 1974 will rialize, the Dow Jones industrial al Development and Reform increasingly intense strategic
the University of Illinois. undergo further review in a average fluctuated wildly on Commission, the country’s competition between the two
Over time, there would public notice and comment Wednesday, plunging 501 top economic regulator. countries in the years ahead.
be a shift in acreage away process, including a public points after the opening bell but “Many categories that the “We should be prepared for
from soybeans in the US hearing. After completion of closing the day up 230 points at US included in the list are a trade war that could last
and a move to South Ameri- that process, the trade repre- 24,263. The S&P 500 closed the important for China’s indus- years, and take more prevent-
can soybeans, he told China sentative office will issue a day up 1.16 percent. trial upgrades, but the scale of ive measures in other fields,”
Daily in an email. final determination on prod- “The essence of the Sino- their export to the US is not Chen said.
Beijing has stressed that ucts subject to additional US trade war is high-tech, big at all,” Ye said. Foreigners attend the opening ceremony of a willow culture festival
the proposed 25 percent duties. and the US government’s At a news conference on Contact the writers at in Beijing’s Liuyin (Willow) Park, on Thursday. The three-day event
tariff is one of the counter- Wei said the US review pledge to address the trade Wednesday, Vice-Minister of huyuanyuan@ features a series of cultural activities to attract visitors during the
measures it was forced to period to seek public com- deficit is just an excuse to Commerce Wang Shouwen Tomb Sweeping Day holiday. LUO XIAOGUANG / XINHUA
take. It said it was also out
of concern for protecting
the interests of Chinese
US soybeans sold to Chi- A member of the
na account for 62 percent of Developments in smart voice-recognition software are drying up demand for stenographers, as Zhang Yue reports. Asia News Network
its total soybean exports.
Last year, the US shipped X

about 33 million metric t the start of his rapher is hard work — even and transcribe discussions an income when I was starting smart voice-recording soft- © 2018 ChinaDaily
career, Li Zhengjie before you’ve landed a client. All Rights Reserved
tons to China, one-third of during a two-hour seminar in out,” said Li, 36, who now leads ware is threatening their
Vol. 22 — No. 6531
China’s total imports. would scour the Twelve years on, the job is Beijing. Li and his wife, also a a team of 12 stenographers industry.
“While US farmers can streets, wander uni- still hard, but at least his stenographer, made about covering events across the Chi- “I’m kind of worried whether
benefit from healthy Sino- versity campuses and even income has increased. 1,800 yuan a month that year, nese capital. this job will still exist in the
US economic ties, the climb skyscrapers to drum up Li’s first client was a profes- but today they can earn up to However, some in the busi- years ahead,” said Pan Li, who
business. He quickly realized sor who paid him 160 yuan 30,000 yuan a month. ness fear breakthroughs in
See Soybeans, page 2 that being a freelance stenog- ($25) in March 2006 to record “I could barely imagine such artificial intelligence and See Typing, page 3

Call for cooler heads

Boeing, GM urge calm approach in Sino-US dispute
US companies prefer negotiations, countries, Boeing said that
while both governments have
according to their earnings
the narrow-body B737.
Meanwhile, Boeing is build-
By ZHONG FEITENG in the future and China must
be prepared for that.
“outlined positions that could China is now the world’s On Wednesday, the United
long-term policy to confrontation do harm to the global aero- largest aircraft market by sales
ing a B737 MAX completion
and delivery center in Zhous- States published a proposed
Third, the proposed tariff
rate on the listed Chinese
space industry, neither has yet volume. The country imported han, Zhejiang province, and it list of imports from China products is 25 percent,
By ZHONG NAN day as a response to tariff imposed these drastic meas- 60 billion yuan ($9.52 billion) is expected to go into opera- worth around $50 billion in which is in accordance with
and ZHU WENQIAN proposals from the Trump ures”, the group said in a state- of Boeing’s products and tion in May. By the end of this annual trade it has targeted US domestic laws, but not
Administration. ment. accounted for 26 percent of year, Boeing plans to deliver for additional tariffs. Nine international treaties. In
A number of large commer- Items on the latest list from “We will continue in our Boeing’s global production, the first B737 MAX plane hours later, China announced other words, for the US, its
cial entities from the United Beijing include planes with an own efforts to proactively said Lin Zhijie, an aviation directly from Zhoushan to a a list of US goods totaling the own domestic laws come
States including Boeing, Gen- operating empty weight engage both governments and industry analyst and colum- domestic airline. same value that will be sub- before the international
eral Motors and the American between 15,000 kilograms and build on the recent assurances nist at Carnoc — China’s larg- General Motors also said in ject to equivalent tariff hikes, treaties that it has signed
Soybean Association, have 45,000 kg, which covers a by US and Chinese leaders est civil aviation web portal. a statement released on fulfilling its promise of “retal- and ratified. Actually, the US
urged the US government to series of Boeing 737 planes. that productive talks are ongo- “There is no significant dif- Wednesday that the company iatory measures of the same has been adopting such a
resolve the simmering trade Some single-aisle Boeing ing. A strong and vibrant aero- ference in performance supports a positive trade rela- strength and the same scope”. principle since the 1970s by
dispute with China through aircraft, including the B737- space industry is important to between Airbus SE’s aircraft tionship between the US and The proposed US list is negotiating with the econo-
constructive dialogue, and to 700, B737-800, B737-900 and the economic prosperity and and Boeing’s, and the product China, and hopes they value a something worthy of our mies that export to it.
seek sustainable trade policies. B737 MAX 7, are among the national security of both coun- certainly can be replaced with vibrant auto industry and attention. First, it covers That principle has been
Their response came after major plane models that Boe- tries,” the US aircraft manu- a strong alternative,” he said. understand the interdepen- approximately 1,300 prod- increasingly more evident
China announced plans to ing exported to China over the facturer said. The homegrown C919 dence between the world’s two ucts imported from China, since Donald Trump took
impose 25 percent supple- past few years, and are among From 2018 to 2020, Air Chi- large passenger jet, and the largest automotive markets. including industries such as office, which in turn deals a
mental tariffs on 106 US prod- the products likely to see high- na, China Eastern Airlines and A320 series made by Europe- aerospace, information and heavy blow to the liberal
ucts including automobiles, er tariffs. China Southern Airlines plan an aircraft manufacturer Air- Contact the writers at communications technolo- global trade order. China is
commercial aircraft, chemi- As a possible trade war will to purchase more than 300 bus — the archrival of Boeing zhongnan@ gy, robotics and machinery. not the only victim of this
cals and soybeans on Wednes- affect businesses from both aircraft from the B737 series, — are competing models of Media outlets in both China strategy. Many alliances that
and the US describe it as the US enjoys with Europe-
“aiming at technology” and an countries and other part-

Soybeans: Respect and remembrance mainly targeting the coun-

try’s grand “Made in China
2025” plan. The list also
ners have suffered.
Last but not least, the US
officials that drafted the pro-
Escalation shows a desire to “contain”
China’s high-tech industries.
posed list claim to be “mini-
mizing” its negative effects
Of course, China’s high- upon US consumers by seek-
would hurt tech industries are not the
primary cause of the US
ing substitutes of products
exported from China.
trade deficit with China, so The problem is, it is hardly
From page 1 the containment measures possible to find substitutes
won’t help the US narrow for all the Chinese products
export volume to China the deficit. exported to the US, and US
was too big,” China’s Vice- Second, it should also be consumers are likely to suffer
Minister of Finance Zhu noted that the list, even if from their government’s
Guangyao said on Wednes- eventually implemented, is newly proposed tariffs. In a
day in Beijing. far from triggering a total word, the US move hurts
“Chinese farmers have “trade war” as fierce as that both the Chinese and US pop-
petitioned industry associ- seen between the US and ulations, and we hope Wash-
ations, saying that US gov- Japan in the 1980s — a bitter ington can reconsider the
ernment subsidies hurt conflict in which the US measures before it is too late.
Chinese soybean growers, required Japan to limit its
and China must respect its exports to the US. However, if The author is a researcher at
farmers’ demands.” trade frictions between China National Institute of Inter-
Jon Taylor, professor of and the US continue, there national Strategy, Chinese
political science at the might be more uncertainties Academy of Social Sciences.
University of St. Thomas
in Houston, said the trade
dispute could still get ugly
between China and the
Canadians pay
He warned of the politi-
cal repercussions of escala-
tion. For example, the tariff
would hurt Iowa, a key in Above: A ritual proceeding takes
tribute in Nanjing
presidential elections. place during an ancestor wor- By CANG WEI in Nanjing call on the Canadian govern-
“If we go into a long, sus- ship ceremony on Thursday — ment to proclaim Dec 13 as
tained period of low prices, the Ching Ming Festival, or Tomb Nanjing Massacre Com-
it will impact some farmers’ Sweeping Day — at AsiaWorld- Shortly before Tomb memorative Day, and the
ability to stay on the farm,” Expo. About 10,000 people Sweeping Day, which fell on motion passed by the Toron-
Kirk Leeds, CEO of the attended the ceremony. Thursday, many overseas to City Council in December
Iowa Soybean Association, Left: Attendees bow to their Chinese and foreigners visit- 2016 — which was intro-
told the Des Moines Regis- ancestors during the ritual pro- ed the Memorial Hall for the duced by Councilor Jim
ter. Iowa is the top produc- ceedings. Victims of the Nanjing Mas- Karygiannis — to recognize
er of soybeans in the US. Below left: Spirit tablets from sacre by Japanese Invaders the Nanjing Massacre as a
Taylor said managing ancestors of the Chinese nation in Nanjing, Jiangsu prov- historical event.
China-US trade relations is are displayed at the ceremony. ince, to remember the dead “We were interfered with
a major challenge facing Below right: Tam Yiu-chung and call for peace. by the government when we
the Trump administration, (second right), a member of the During a visit organized held exhibits about the Nan-
which “would be well Standing Committee of the by Canada’s Nanjing Fellow jing Massacre in Toronto
served by changing its pro- National People’s Congress, Association, about 100 years ago,” Wang said. “It
tectionist approach”. attends the ceremony. Canadians of Chinese origin said that Canada is a peace-
William Zarit, chairman PHOTOS BY ROY LIU / CHINA DAILY wore violet cress-shaped ful country and cannot have
of the American Chamber badges as symbols of peace such ‘bloody’ exhibitions.
of Commerce in China, said while paying tribute to the But now the government has
he hopes Washington and victims. Wang Haicheng, invited us to hold exhibits.”
Beijing will not follow president of the association, The Nanjing Massacre, in
through on their “threats”. presented three original which more than 300,000
Instead, they should work documents to the memorial Chinese were killed in a six-
toward a “serious negotia- hall, including the motion week rampage starting on
tion”, The Associated Press introduced by Huang Sumei Dec 13, 1937, took place
reported on Wednesday. — the first Chinese-Canadi- when Japanese troops cap-
Soybean futures fell as an woman elected to the tured Nanjing.
much as 5 percent on Ontario regional parliament Wang, also curator of the
Wednesday, their biggest — to designate Nanjing Mas- World War II Asian Memorial
intraday loss since July sacre Commemorative Day Museum of Canada, said that
2016, and went on to close to remember the victims. the museum has collected
down by 4 percent. The other two were a more than 1,000 relics and
statement by Jenny Kwan, pictures related to the massa-
Paul Welitzkin in New York Member of Parliament of the cre to let more people know
contributed to this story. New Democratic Party, to about the historical event.


-16/1 Beijing 3/11 C 4/12 S Shanghai 9/15 C 8/12 C
6/15 -10/8 Changchun -3/6 C -5/7 C Shenyang -1/6 C -4/9 C
7/17 Changsha 8/17 C 7/19 S Shenzhen 17/24 Sh 15/21 O
Chongqing 11/20 C 12/23 C Shijiazhuang 3/10 S 3/18 S
3/11 Dalian 2/7 D 2/8 C Suzhou 8/15 S 3/17 S
4/12 Fuzhou 18/21 T 13/19 D Taipei 21/26 T 14/15 D
6/13 Guangzhou 18/23 Sh 14/20 C FRIDAY
Taiyuan -2/5 Du -7/15 S
2/11 Guilin 12/21 D 12/24 C Tianjin 4/11 C 5/12 S SATURDAY
19/22 Guiyang 7/10 Sh 7/15 O Urumqi 6/15 S 7/17 S
6/14 Haikou 20/28 T 16/20 T Wuhan 5/16 C 3/15 S
5/20 9/15
8/12 Hangzhou 8/15 C 7/18 C Xi'an 8/15 S 4/21 S
23/39 Harbin -6/6 S -5/7 S Xiamen 20/27 D 14/22 D Abu Dhabi 24/42 C 26/41 C BuenosAires 18/21 D 16/23 D
22/40 21/26 Hefei 6/17 C 3/15 C Xining -7/10 C -6/17 S
18/23 14/15 Bangkok 28/35 D 28/31 D Caracas 25/26 D 25/26 D
14/20 Hohhot -7/1 C -9/11 S Yantai 2/8 O 2/8 C Colombo 25/32 R 25/32 D Chicago 2/5 R/Sn 2/3 O
22/38 Hongkong 18/27 C 16/21 O Yinchuan -4/8 S -5/16 S Dubai 26/39 C 29/36 C Houston 23/24 D 16/22 D
18/27 Jinan 3/11 C 1/13 C Zhengzhou 6/15 S 4/18 S
22/37 16/21 Hanoi 22/22 D 17/25 C Las Vegas 16/25 O 17/27 O
Kunming 6/11 R 5/12 D Zhuhai 17/25 Sh 15/19 Sh Islamabad 19/36 S 19/37 S Los Angeles 12/16 O 14/18 D
Lanzhou -2/11 S -1/20 S Jakarta 26/30 D 26/30 D Mexico city 17/20 D 18/23 D
28/35 Lhasa 1/14 C 2/13 C
28/31 Karachi 24/35 S 23/37 S New York 2/7 D 5/13 D
Lijiang 9/20 R 3/14 R Kuala Lumpur 24/29 D 25/29 R Ottawa -10/1 Sn -5/-2 Sn
25/32 Macao 17/24 C 15/20 Sh Rio De Janeiro 24/25 D 24/24 R
25/36 24/31 25/34 Manila 25/34 S 24/33 O
24/33 Nanchang 10/17 O 8/18 C Mumbai 24/32 C 23/33 S San Francisco 9/14 R 14/16 R
22/27 Nanjing 6/16 C 5/13 S Athens 11/19 D 14/18 D
Berlin 8/8 O 3/4 S New Delhi 23/39 C 22/40 S Sao Paulo 17/20 D 17/22 D
Nanning 17/19 T 13/24 C Pyongyang 7/11 C 2/10 S Vancouver 5/7 D 6/7 D
24/29 Qingdao 5/11 C 3/11 C Brussels 6/6 C 2/8 C
25/29 Geneva 7/7 C 3/8 S Riyadh 17/30 D 18/33 D Washington 4/9 D 8/17 O
Sanya 21/30 T 18/25 T Seoul 6/13 C 2/11 D
Istanbul 12/22 O 10/18 O
26/29 London 2/4 O 4/6 D Singapore 26/29 D 25/30 D
25/30 Madrid 0/16 O 1/10 R/Sn Sydney 18/25 C 19/27 D Cairo 17/30 S 18/27 S
Moscow 4/14 D 5/6 D Teheran 10/14 D 11/15 D CapeTown 16/19 D 15/21 C
26/30 Paris 8/11 C 6/13 S Tokyo 12/22 D 19/22 D Johannesburg 11/23 C 11/24 S
26/30 Rome 13/13 D 10/13 S Wellington 15/21 S 17/21 D Lagos 27/28 D 26/28 D
Vienna 6/11 D 6/8 D Yangon 22/38 C 22/37 C Nairobi 14/26 D 15/26 D

Typing: Insiders are confident ‘Exciting

world’ of
their skills will remain relevant quiet but
From page 1 scriptions of their interviews. Li and his wife signed up for class-

has been in the business for 12 years.

She works with her friend Ma Ruiju-
“They’d give me their recordings
and I’d usually charge them 70 or 80
yuan an hour,” he said. But since 2015,
es, paying about 10,000 yuan for tui-
tion, and over the next six months
dedicated themselves to learning
an from a home office in Handan,
Hebei province, about 400 kilometers
from Beijing. They handle interviews,
that kind of work has all but disap-
peared. “Few are still coming to me
today because they can simply use
how to use a stenotype, a machine
that enables users to record speech
in shorthand.
academic speeches, court hearings, smart software and apps to produce “The hardest part is improving
phone surveys and celebrity appear- their own transcripts,” Li added. your speed. To go from typing 60
ances, charging 80 yuan an hour. words a minute to 120 words required Yue
Pan, Ma and Li were all inspired to ‘Exciting experiences’ us to practice by typing millions and Reporter’s
become stenographers around 2006 After graduating with an advertis- millions of words,” he said. Log
after spotting advertisements in ing degree from college in his native Due to the limited demand in his Li Zhengjie works as a stenographer at an acdemic seminar at Beijing’s
local newspapers that suggested Shenyang, Liaoning province, Li hometown, Li decided to move to Tsinghua University in March. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY

demand for such skills would soar worked for several months for a Beijing shortly after completing his tenographers are
over the following decade. local ad agency. But he was not hap- training. Stenographers typically among the people I
The prediction was correct, and py with the salary. start by transcribing audio files and problem since 2010, and I used to have met most regu-
all three have so far enjoyed decent “Then I saw a newspaper ad for a then progress to conferences, which worry my job may one day no longer larly during my seven
careers. Yet as demand begins to stenography training school that are high pressure but pay about 300 exist,” he said, adding that voice-rec- years working as a reporter.
drop due to new technologies, so are said the industry would be one of the yuan an hour. Li started working ognition software like that produced On many occasions while
incomes. most promising for the next 10 years conferences in 2008. by iFlytek is the No 1 reason why covering seminars and
Li mostly now works conferences, and promised high salaries,” he Ma from Hebei relocated to the
I’m the main bread- demand from journalists for tran- forums, I have relied on them
seminars and forums, but in 2006 he
was receiving a lot of business from
recalled. “At that time, none of my
friends and relatives had ever heard
capital in 2006 for the same reason
as Li. “Most of my clients were intro-
winner in my family scription services is drying up.
“When the conversation takes
for when I can’t split myself
in two to hear speeches being
journalists who wanted quick tran- of such a job.” duced by friends in the same indus-
try, and I was usually hired to do
because this job allows place in a very quiet environment
and all the speakers are talking loud-
given at the same time at dif-
ferent venues.
transcripts of media interviews,” the me to earn more mon- ly and clearly, such apps work better Sometimes I have observed
32-year-old said. and more efficiently than us the look of concentration on
Before long, she was regularly ey than my husband. humans,” he conceded. the faces of the stenogra-
working in the studios of China Cen- Yet he said he feels confident that phers sitting in front of me or
tral Television, the State broadcast- What’s more, it keeps such technology will not replace nearby, their fast-moving fin-
er, and Beijing TV, and by 2010, she conference stenographers, at least gers a blur as they type on
had helped produce transcripts of a me connected with the not in the short term. their shorthand machines.
number of high-profile shows, “I’ve never doubted the necessity Based on my experience,
including CCTV’s Legal Report.
outside for a human stenographer because they seldom talk to anyone,
“Those were the most exciting
experiences of my 20s,” she said,
world.” only we can recognize who is speak-
ing when, so we can record the cor-
no matter how bustling a
forum or conference might
laughing. “I didn’t know what a TV Ma Ruijuan, rect order of speakers,” Li said. “Plus, be. But I approached a stenog-
interview was like until I stepped stenographer in the environments at forums and rapher during a break at one
into a TV studio.” Hebei province conferences are usually too noisy for event because I was curious to
Ma eventually moved back to her voice translation apps to work effi- know how fast they can type
hometown with her husband and ciently.” and the rate of accuracy.
children, but she continues to work last month that will not only record Ma agrees, and added that most It was then that I learned
on interviews by receiving and send- court hearings, but also aid judges in interview recordings she works on about the structure and prin-
ing files through the internet. reviewing criminal cases. are also conducted in noisy environ- ciple involved in using their
“I’m the main breadwinner in my “We’re now able to use AI to help ments such as on streets or in res- shorthand machines.
family because this job allows me to judges review four types of cases, taurants. A stenotype has only 24
earn more money than my hus- namely homicide, theft, telecom Li said he ultimately believes his keys. The basic principle is
band,” she said. “What’s more, it fraud and illegal fundraising,” he said job can coexist with AI systems. almost the same as typing
keeps me connected with the out- at a news conference on March 5. As “It’s like radio versus television,” with a standard qwerty key-
side world.” he spoke, his words appeared on a he explained. “When TV arrived and board, as the input language
screen beside him almost instantly, became popular in every household, is pinyin. The difference is
Coexisting with AI demonstrating the speed and accura- many people were saying radio was that multiple keys can be
Courts are a major source of work cy of the company’s technology. a dying industry. Yet both are run- used simultaneously to spell
for stenographers, who record pro- Stenographer Li Zhengjie said the ning well today and simply have out entire words or phrases,
ceedings for the public record. How- rapid developments seen in AI in adjusted to cater to varying custom- saving a lot of time.
ever, tech tycoon Liu Qingfeng is recent years have raised concerns er demand. Stenographers are argua-
hoping to change that. about the future of his profession. “Such coexistence will also be bly little noticed, but they
Liu’s company, iFlytek — which is “I’ve been thinking about this seen between stenography and AI,” have an impact on many
headquartered in Hefei, Anhui prov- he added. industries, including those
ince, and makes language that affect our daily lives.
input software and voice- Contact the writer at My interview with Ma Rui-
recognition programs — juan, a stenographer based in
unveiled an AI system Handan, Hebei province, took
some time to complete for this
story due to her heavy work-
load. Not only do many of her
freelance assignments come
with tight deadlines, but she
also has two children and is
occupied much of the time
with housework.
Yet the 32-year-old told me
that, spiritually, she gains a
lot from the recordings she is
paid to transcribe. She has
spent hours listening to law-
yers, professors, reporters,
TV hosts and sometimes
celebrities. She told me
repeatedly that “this is some-
thing that truly attracts me to
the job”.
“If I didn’t choose to learn
this skill, probably I would
never have gone to Beijing. I
would not be able to meet
and hear from so many inter-
esting people on so many
exciting topics. I would not
have had the chance to step
onto a China Central TV stu-
dio set or even get to see how
a TV program is produced,”
she said. “All these are mil-
lions of miles away from my
native village.”
She barely thinks about
what effect the developments
in artificial intelligence
might have on her profes-
sion, she said, adding, “I’ll
continue to do this as long as
there is a demand.”
Her words reminded me of
my interview with Li Zheng-
jie, a stenographer in Beijing
with 12 years of experience. I
asked him whether he is con-
cerned about his profession
in the long run.
“I don’t think stenography
will be the only type of job
affected by the development
of AI. Many jobs will be
affected in the process of
transformation,” he said.
“Yet what’s important is
that the job has helped me
open a much more exciting
world, and I have moved my
life to a city such as Beijing.
I’m grateful for the change
and ready to face any poten-
tial changes in my career
with confidence and an open

Russia makes UN move after spy plan is rebuffed

Moscow offer of joint investigation nization for the Prohibition of
Chemical Weapons watchdog
sentative of the Russian Feder-
ation at the OPCW.
speech in Moscow that both
sides must avoid tensions
the grim times of the Cold War.”
London believes that a mili-
received by early next week,”
said the OPCW in a statement.
voted down at watchdog meeting to hold an extraordinary ses- After the vote, the British escalating to the dangerous tary-grade nerve substance But in a move hailed as a
sion behind closed doors on delegation tweeted that “the levels of the Cold War. named Novichok that was vindication by Moscow, the
THE HAGUE, Netherlands by the Soviet Union. Wednesday. international community has Accusations of Moscow developed in Soviet times was British defense laboratory at
— Russia has called for urgent More than 150 Russian dip- Both Russian and British again stood up and said ‘No’ to engineering the attack were a used in the poisoning of Sergei Porton Down analyzing the
UN Security Council talks on lomats were ordered out of the experts and officials attended Russian attempts to confuse “grotesque provocation ... Skripal and his daughter on nerve agent revealed on Tues-
the spiraling diplomatic crisis United States, European the session. and frustrate this process”. crudely concocted by the Brit- March 4 in the southern day that it could not say
sparked by the spy poisoning Union members, NATO coun- Out of the 41-member John Foggo, who is acting as ish and American security ser- English city of Salisbury, an whether the substance came
scandal as a group of expelled tries and other nations in the OPCW Executive Council, a British permanent representa- vices”, he said. allegation Moscow denies. from Russia.
US diplomats left their embassy wake of the attack, a move that total of 23 countries either tive to the OPCW, told the ses- For Washington, “fighting The OPCW experts have Early on Thursday morning
in Moscow early on Thursday. was met in kind by Russia, voted in favor of the proposal sion that Russia’s call for a the nonexistent so-called Rus- visited the locations and col- the first of around 60 US diplo-
Britain blames Russia for which denies any involvement or abstained. joint inquiry with Britain was sian threat has become a real lected environmental sam- mats ordered out of Russia left
the March 4 poisoning on in the incident. “Unfortunately we have not “perverse” and “a diversionary fixation”, Naryshkin added. ples. The samples were their embassy compound in
UK soil of former double Moscow proposed a joint been able to have two-thirds of act”. “It has reached such propor- brought to the OPCW labora- Moscow on their way to the
agent Sergei Skripal with Russia-Britain investigation the votes in support of that Russian foreign intelligence tions and developed such ludi- tory on March 23. airport.
what it says was a military- into the poisoning, leading the decision,” said Alexander chief Sergei Naryshkin crous characteristics, that it’s “The results of the sample
grade nerve agent developed Executive Council of the Orga- Shulgin, the permanent repre- warned on Wednesday in a time to talk about the return of analyses are expected to be XINHUA—AFP

Briefly Court rejects Lula delay bid

Sumo chief sorry
Pilots presumed
dead in jet crash
over women row
Two pilots were presumed TOKYO — The head of described the announce-
dead after an F-15K fighter Japan’s sumo association has ments as “inappropriate”
jet crashed on Thursday in apologized after women under the circumstances.
the country’s rural south, attempting to perform CPR “The announcement was
the Republic of Korea’s air during a medical emergency made by a referee who was
force said. It wasn’t imme- on Wednesday were repeated- upset, but it was an inappro-
diately clear what caused ly asked to leave a sumo ring. priate act in a situation that
the crash or whether any of At least two women involves one’s life. We deeply
the pilots attempted to rushed into the ring in apologize,” Hakkaku said.
eject. An airforce spokes- Maizuru, northwest of Kyo- Miwa said the mayor had
man said bodies had been to, after a local mayor col- been hospitalized and was
found and their ID was lapsed while giving a speech. now in a stable condition.
being checked “but both But as the women attempt- This is not the first time
pilots are feared dead”. ed to help the mayor, multiple there has been a sumo battle
announcements were made of the sexes. A row erupted in
JAPAN over loudspeakers asking 1990 when then-chief cabi-
Headache for Abe them to leave the ring, city net secretary Mayumi Mori-
official Noriko Miwa said. yama wanted to present the
over troop logs The rings where sumo is Prime Minister’s Cup to a
Japanese Prime Minister practiced are seen as sacred sumo champion in the ring.
Shinzo Abe’s government places in the Shinto faith. She eventually lost that bat-
faced criticism on Thurs- Women, who are consid- tle in the face of sumo bosses.
day, after his defense minis- ered to be “ritually unclean”, A decade later, Osaka may-
ter said the army last year are barred from stepping or Fusae Ota was also
found activity logs from a into them. banned from presenting the
controversial 2004 to 2006 According to witnesses champion’s trophy in a tour-
deployment to Iraq, but had cited by local media, sumo nament in the city.
failed to report them to his Demonstrators against Brazil’s former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva celebrate outside the National Congress in Brasilia on officials threw large quanti- Sumo is still recovering
predecessor. Defense Minis- Wednesday as the Supreme Court rejected his bid to delay a 12-year prison sentence for corruption. ERALDO PERES / ASSOCIATED PRESS ties of salt into the ring after from a scandal last year
ter Itsunori Onodera said the women had entered, in when former grand champi-
the Ground Self-Defense an apparent bid to “repurify” on Harumafuji was charged
Force, as Japan’s army is the sacred ground. over an assault on a rival
known, had located the logs
in March 2017 but failed to
report them to his prede-
cessor, Tomomi Inada.
Talks begin to set up Kim-Moon summit In a statement, the sumo
association’s chief, who goes
by the name Hakkaku,
wrestler while out drinking.


SEOUL — The Republic of dential press center, and Yun The meeting was aimed at how many times he and Moon
PHILIPPINES Korea and the Democratic Kun-young, director for the ironing out the protocols, would meet on that day and
Tourist island People’s Republic of Korea on government situation room. security measures and media also whether parts of their King remembered
Thursday started talks to dis- The DPRK delegation was coverage of the summit, the meeting would be broadcast
ordered closed cuss security and protocol led by Kim Chang-son, an offi- ROK’s presidential office said. on live television.
President Rodrigo Duterte issues for the inter-Korean cial from the State Affairs “We had sincere talks for The two sides have agreed to
has approved the closure of summit later this month, the Commission. four hours straight,” said hold a working-level dialogue
the tourist island of Bora- ROK’s presidential office said. The working-level dialogue Kwun. on Saturday on communica-
cay for up to six months aft- The five-member ROK dele- came ahead of the first sum- He declined to give details, tions between Moon and Kim.
er saying the waters off its gation was led by Kim Sang- mit between ROK President saying the two sides will meet The leaders of the countries
famed white-sand beaches gyun, a senior director of the Moon Jae-in and top DPRK again for further discussions agreed to set up a direct hotline
had become a “cesspool” National Intelligence Service. leader Kim Jong-un scheduled on a date yet to be fixed. and have their first phone con-
due to overcrowding and Four other Blue House offi- for April 27 at Peace House, a The countries will need to versation before the meeting.
development. Tourism cials attending the meeting are Panmunjom building con- decide how Kim will arrive at A summit between Kim and
undersecretary Frederick Cho Han-ki, protocol secretary trolled by the ROK. the venue, including whether United States President
Algre said the shutdown to the president, Shin Yong- Kim would become the first he would cross the military Donald Trump is also antici-
will start on April 26. wook, a deputy chief for presi- DPRK leader to step onto ROK demarcation line by foot in a pated by the end of May. People take part in a silent rally on the National Mall to mark the
dential security service, Kwun soil since the 1950-1953 Kore- symbolic gesture. The coun- 50th anniversary of the assassination of civil rights leader Martin
AP—REUTERS—AFP Hyuk-ki, director of the presi- an War ended in armistice. tries also need to determine XINHUA—AP—AFP Luther King Jr. in Washington, on Wednesday. REUTERS

ìTì  ìì
 ì  ì ì 
ìTì  ìì
 ì  ì ì  Leaders vow to secure Syria’s future
    ANKARA — The presidents aid, restore basic infrastruc- across the globe” despite its
I Jììììì3@ì I Jììììì3@ì of Russia, Turkey and Iran ture and help preserve the defeat in Syria.
vowed to secure the territorial country’s heritage. Turkish President Recep
,-7ì'3968ì,%7ì%'')48)(ì8,)ì%440-'%8-32ìæ0)(ì&=ì8,)ì%440-'%28Aì ,%2+O integrity of Syria during a tri- The summit brought Tayyip Erdogan insisted that
,-7ì '3968ì ,%7ì %'')48)(ì 8,)ì %440-'%8-32ì æ0)(ì &=ì 8,)ì %440-'%28Aì ,%2+O
,32+ì6394ìIJì-1-8)(Aì*36ì'3278-898-2+ì%ì0-1-8%8-32ì*92(ì83ì0-1-8ì-87ì lateral summit in Ankara on together two powers that have the Ankara-led military opera-
,32+ì 6394ì IJì -1-8)(Aì *36ì '3278-898-2+ì %ì 0-1-8%8-32ì *92(ì 83ì 0-1-8ì -87ì
0-%&-0-8=ì*36ì1%6-8-1)ì'0%-17ì49679%28ì83ì78%89836=ì463:-7-327@ Wednesday. been Syrian President Bashar tion in northern Syria aims to
,)ì%440-'%28ì%00)+)(Bì,%8ì,)ì-7ì8,)ì6)+-78)6)(ì3;2)6ì3*ì ì ì # @ì The trio also called for “a al-Assad’s most forceful sup- fight the Kurdish militia as it
,)ì%440-'%28ì%00)+)(Bì,%8ì,)ì-7ì8,)ì6)+-78)6)(ì3;2)6ì3*ì ì ì # @ì
2ìì%29%6=ì Aì ì ì # ì'300-()(ì;-8,ì%2%1%2-%2O6)+-78)6)(ì lasting cease-fire between the porters, Iran and Russia, and poses a threat to Turkey.
2ìì%29%6=ì Aì ì ì # ì'300-()(ì;-8,ì%2%1%2-%2O6)+-78)6)(ì
ì   ì -2ì 8,)ì %78ì ,-2%ì )%ì (96-2+ì ,)6ì :3=%+)ì *631ì 8,)ì 2-8)(ì
ì   ì -2ì 8,)ì %78ì ,-2%ì )%ì (96-2+ì ,)6ì :3=%+)ì *631ì 8,)ì 2-8)(ì conflicting parties” in the talks one of his strongest oppo- “Turkey will not stop until
8%8)7ì 83ì 9%2+(32+ì 63:-2')Aì ,-2%@ì ,)ì 4368ì 3*ì 6)+-786=ì 3*ì  ì ì
8%8)7ì 83ì 9%2+(32+ì 63:-2')Aì ,-2%@ì ,)ì 4368ì 3*ì 6)+-786=ì 3*ì  ì ì on the crisis, according to a nents, Turkey. all regions under the control of
# ì-7ì32+ì32+ì4)'-%0ì (1-2-786%8-:)ì)+-32Aì ,-2%@ì,)ì+6377ì
8322%+)ì3*ì ì ì # ì-7ìì8327@ì2ì%''36(%2')ì;-8,ì)'8-32ìì
# ì-7ì32+ì32+ì4)'-%0ì (1-2-786%8-:)ì)+-32Aì ,-2%@ì,)ì+6377ì joint statement released fol- Cooperation between the the People’s Protection Units
3*ì 68-'0)ìì%2(ì9&7)'8-32ìAì)'8-32ìì3*ì 68-'0)ìì3*ì8,)ì%6-8-1)ì
8322%+)ì3*ì ì ì # ì-7ìì8327@ì2ì%''36(%2')ì;-8,ì)'8-32ìì lowing the summit. rival camps raised hopes of (also known as the YPG),
3()ì 3*ì 8,)ì )340)T7ì )49&0-'ì 3*ì ,-2%Aì %7ì ;)00ì %7ì )'8-32ì ì 3*ì 68-'0)ì
3*ì 68-'0)ìì%2(ì9&7)'8-32ìAì)'8-32ìì3*ì 68-'0)ìì3*ì8,)ì%6-8-1)ì The three countries also stabilizing Syria after seven including Manbij, are
3()ì3*ì8,)ì)340)T7ì)49&0-'ì3*ì ,-2%Aì%7ì;)00ì%7ì)'8-32ìì3*ì 68-'0)ìì stressed their joint determina- years of conflict, in which secured,” he said.
ì 3*ì 8,)ì %6-8-1)ì 63')(96)ì %;ì 3*ì 8,)ì )340)T7ì )49&0-'ì 3*ì ,-2%Aì
3*ì8,)ì%6-8-1)ì63')(96)ì%;ì3*ì8,)ì)340)T7ì)49&0-'ì3*ì ,-2%Aì ,%2+O tion to speed up efforts to 500,000 people have been Erdogan also expressed
'3278-898)ì%ì0-1-8%8-32ì*92(ì83ì0-1-8ì0-%&-0-8-)7ì3*ì ì ì # ì*36ì8,)ì “ensure calm on the ground killed and half the population Ankara’s readiness to take
898)ì%ì0-1-8%8-32ì*92(ì83ì0-1-8ì0-%&-0-8-)7ì3*ì ì ì # ì*36ì8,)ì838%0ì
and protect civilians” after displaced. action in the northern Syrian
8,-7ì1%6-2)ì%''-()28Aì%2(ì8,)ì%13928ì3*ì8,)ì0-1-8%8-32ì*92(ì-7ì'%0'90%8)(ì talks on the future of the coun- Russian President Vladimir city of Tal Rifaat along with
%7ì ì 4)'-%0ì 6%;-2+ì -+,8ì IJAì 83+)8,)6ì ;-8,ì 8,)ì -28)6)78ì try. Putin told reporters during Russia and Iran to build a
8,)6)32ì *631ì ì %29%6=ì  ì 928-0ì 8,)ì (%8)ì 3*ì 8,)ì '3278-898-32ì 3*ì 8,)ì
-28)6)78ì8,)6)32ì*631ìì%29%6=ì ì928-0ì8,)ì(%8)ì3*ì8,)ì'3278-898-32ì3*ì The leaders went on to urge the joint news conference aft- peaceful environment.
8,)ì0-1-8%8-32ì*92(@ the international community, er the summit that the Islamic For his part, Iranian Presi-
2=ì -28)6)78)(ì 4)6732ì 6)0%8-2+ì 83ì 8,-7ì 1%6-2)ì %''-()28ì ;,3ì 3&.)'87ì 83ì particularly the United State extremist group “retains dent Hassan Rouhani accused
2=ì -28)6)78)(ì 4)6732ì 6)0%8-2+ì 83ì 8,-7ì 1%6-2)ì %''-()28ì ;,3ì 3&.)'87ì 83ì
8,)ì%440-'%8-32ìæ0)(ì&=ì ,%2+,32+ì6394ìIJì-1-8)(ì%7ì8,)ì%440-'%28ì Nations and its humanitarian its destructive potential to the United States of trying to
8,)ì%440-'%8-32ìæ0)(ì&=ì ,%2+,32+ì6394ìIJì-1-8)(ì%7ì8,)ì%440-'%28ì
83ì'3278-898)ì%ì0-1-8%8-32ì*92(ì7,%00ìæ0)ì-2ì;6-8-2+ì;-8,ì8,-7ì'3968ì;-8,-2ì agencies, to send additional attack in different regions use the jihadists of the al-Nus-
ì (%=7ì *631ì 8,)ì (%8)ì 3*ì 8,)ì %22392')1)28@ì!,)6)ì 23ì ;6-88)2ì 3&.)'O
ì (%=7ì *631ì 8,)ì (%8)ì 3*ì 8,)ì %22392')1)28@ì!,)6)ì 23ì ;6-88)2ì 3&.)'O ra Front and IS as tools in the
8-32ì-7ì6%-7)(ì&=ì%2ì-28)6)78)(ì4)6732ì;-8,-2ì8,)ì46)7'6-&)(ì8-1)ì0-1-8Aì36ì region, saying the Syrian con-
8,%8ì%2=ì3&.)'8-32ì(90=ìæ0)(ì-7ì6).)'8)(ì-2ì%2ì36()6ì1%()ì&=ì8,-7ì'3968Aì flict has no military resolution.
8,)ì'6)(-8367ì7,%00ì%440=ì*36ì6)+-786%8-32ì3*ì8,)-6ì'0%-17ì6)0):%28ì83ì8,-7ì On Wednesday, the White
1%6-2)ì %''-()28ì ;-8,ì 8,-7ì '3968ì ;-8,-2ì ì (%=7ì *631ì 8,)ì *3003;-2+ì (%=ì
1%6-2)ì %''-()28ì ;-8,ì 8,-7ì '3968ì ;-8,-2ì ì (%=7ì *631ì 8,)ì *3003;-2+ì (%=ì House said there was no fixed
6)+-78)6ì8,)-6ì'0%-17ì&)*36)ì)<4-6=ì3*ì8,)ì8-1)ì0-1-8ì%22392')(ì7,%00ì&)ì departure date for US troops
())1)(ì83ì,%:)ì%&%2(32)(ì8,)-6ì6-+,87ì83ì()&8Aì%2(ì8,)6)*36)ì7,%00ì238ì in Syria, after President
Donald Trump expressed
eagerness for a quick military
8ì-7ì,)6)&=ì49&0-'0=ì238-æ)(ì%&3:)@ withdrawal from the country.
%8)(ìì 46-0Aì
White House Press Secre-
%8)(ìì 46-0Aì
tary Sarah Sanders said that
,)ì%((6)77ì3*ì,%2+,%-ì%6-8-1)ì 3968Bì3@ìAì#-2+',92ì3%(Aì ,)ì %((6)77ì 3*ì ,%2+,%-ì %6-8-1)ì 3968Bì 3@ì Aì #-2+',92ì 3%(Aì Trump was “not going to put
,%2+,%-ì -8= ,%2+,%-ì -8= an arbitrary timeline” on pull-
)0)4,32)Bì OO ììOìAì )0)4,32)Bì OO ììOìAì ing out troops.
328%'8ì4)6732Bì ì$,)2/92Aì#ì9- 328%'8ì4)6732Bì ì$,)2/92Aì#ì9-
378ì 3()Bì 378ì 3()Bì XINHUA
Friday, April 6, 2018


Benny Tai example of My way

Editor’s note: China

inflexible dogmatism Daily Hong Kong

Edition has launched
a photo-sharing cam-
paign at Instagram.
You can share your
photos by tagging
Ho Lok-sang says controversial law professor #hk24hr, and we’ll
choose the best ones
to publish in the
has narrow, dogmatic views, and is out of touch newspaper.

with positive developments on the mainland No, it isn’t an

acrobatic show.
A woman is seen

rofessor Benny Tai Yiu-ting achieving a perfect
says he does not promote Hong right angle upside
Kong’s independence, but he down, while working
wants China to become “demo- out at a park outside
the Legislative
cratic” in the way that he under-
Council in Tamar.
stands democracy. He portrays @DORISCLIFE /
the meeting in Taiwan in which INSTAGRAM
he participated as merely an exchange among Ho Lok-sang
those who cherish the values of democracy and The author is dean of business at the Chu Hai
freedom. Tai sees the positioning of the demo- College of Higher Education

Opposition camp must learn

cratic movement in Hong Kong to be “anti-dic-
tatorship”. He says he does not agree with Hong would still retain a sense of doubt, almost ready
Kong becoming independent now, but only to examine any evidence that may disprove what
because “conditions are not yet ripe”. He says he held to be true. Li Yi says if one thinks that
one has ready answers to various questions, and

from Benny Tai’s mistakes

Hong Kong people can exercise self-determina-
tion when China has become “democratic”. refuses to reexamine new evidence, one is likely
I have had the opportunity to exchange views to err. This is all fine. But then he went on to
with Tai many times before. I have often found say: “Exactly because no one has the absolute
his views to be narrow and dogmatic, and he knowledge to govern a country well, we need

is promoting his views religiously. He just took democratic institutions to ensure that new ways t is surprising that an academic ty and security, challenge the power of
as faith that people will somehow enjoy more of thinking may bring us new development. can create so much political the central government or use Hong
freedom and a better life after China is split into These new ways of thinking will still be tested, trouble in Hong Kong. Benny Kong to carry out sabotage activities
different chunks. In his view, the national inter- and if necessary replaced. This is the systematic Tai Yiu-ting, an associate profes- against the mainland was an act that
est is somehow better served when people of way of correcting errors and making for prog- sor of law at University of Hong Kong, crosses the “red line” and is “absolutely
different regions and ethnicities look after their ress… If we want to successfully solve problems attended a seminar in Taipei last week Paul Yeung impermissible”. The following actions
regional and ethnic interests and seek self-deter- never solved before, we must allow questioning and claimed that the SAR could con- The author is research officer of the taken by the SAR government revealed
mination. The organizer of the Taiwan forum and discussions.” The problem with this argu- sider “becoming an independent state”. One Country Two Systems Research its determination that “freedom of
that he attended, Yang Yueqing, says her group ment is that Li Yi’s inference that “democratic Tai surprised many by openly advocat- Institute. speech” should have a bottom line
aims at awakening Taiwan’s people to the nature institutions” are the only way that will allow ing “Hong Kong independence”. The when national security and social order
of the Communist Party of China and to arouse doubt and inquiry, and “democratic institutions” central government, the HKSAR Gov- are concerned.
anti-Communist sentiment. Tai would say that is understood to be party politics. Ironically, he ernment and the pro-establishment actions when he joined the forum. It is Tai’s actions also brought trouble
he is not against the CPC, because upon the and Tai do not question the “truth” that “party camp responded quickly by issuing a worth noting that the forum organizer to the opposition camp. It is obvious
realization of “democracy” the CPC can compete politics is the answer to the problem of good scathing condemnation. There is no Taiwan Youth Anti-Communist Corps that Tai intentionally tested a grey
with other parties to form a government if it is governance”. doubt that any attempt to separate is a pro-“Taiwan independence” group. area by touching a nerve of the central
popular. To Tai, democracy is all about competi- China is governed by the CPC, but the CPC Hong Kong from the motherland will What he said at the forum was not just government. However, the political
tion among different parties. He does not see the does not suppress discussions on policies in violate the national Constitution, the words, but deliberate political actions. risk is borne by the whole opposition
need for national unity. general. Actually policy consultations are com- Basic Law and relevant laws in Hong Indeed, Tai realized that the “free- camp. As noted by Professor Lau Siu-
Unfortunately, his views of China and of the mon. If there is any suppression, it is only Kong. dom” claim is invalid. In a separate kai, it was rare for the government to
CPC are too narrow. Along with Yang, he failed suppression of discussion that sets out to In response to such widespread con- statement issued on Friday night, issue a statement directly in response
to see the increasing freedom enjoyed by the overthrow the regime. Critics say that a gov- demnation, Tai tried to use “freedom Tai claimed he neither supported to comments made by an individual.
Chinese mainlanders — freedom from hunger, ernment needs opposition parties for “checks of speech” as an excuse to divert public the notion of “Hong Kong indepen- Tai’s attempt ruined efforts to rebuild
freedom to travel, freedom to run a business and balances”, but opposition parties are not attention. He accused the government dence”, nor would he advocate a “self- trust and harmony between the central
or to apply for jobs, freedom to form families, well known for successful checks and bal- of attacking free speech and insisted determination” referendum because government and the “pan-democrats”.
freedom to attend church services, freedom for ances. There are many political parties vying he had only suggested independence the “conditions are not yet ripe”. Tai’s Moreover, Tai’s case revealed the loop-
creative works. These days millions of mainland- for power in India, Indonesia, and Mexico. But could be one of the options for Hong sophistry reflects a guilty conscience, holes in the existing law, which are
ers write novels and poems and songs and post these countries fair worse than China in the Kong someday. However, the claim of which is equally evident in the opposi- unhelpful to safeguarding national
them on the internet. If Yang is concerned about fight against corruption. The “checks and bal- “freedom of speech” is hard to take. We tion camp’s response to condemnations security and therefore highlighted the
freedom, let her visit the mainland, and see for ances” in the United States made it difficult to all remember the illegal “Occupy Cen- of Tai. Superficially, they expressed need to enact legislation under Article
herself how mainland people go about their dai- follow through with healthcare reform, and tral” movement, which brought unrest concern about attacks on “freedom of 23 of the Basic Law.
ly lives pursuing various creative activities. On helped create the subprime mortgage crisis. to society. The movement started from speech” by staging a protest on Mon- Charles T. Munger is a partner and
her Facebook page, she says she wants to pro- The “checks and balances” made it difficult to Tai’s ideas and discussions on civil dis- day. But that was merely a political friend of Warren Buffett. Even Buffett
mote the freedom from fear and the freedom to control the proliferation of gun ownership. As obedience in Hong Kong — all in the gesture. Only a few opposition par- appreciated Charles’ wisdom. In his
live as one pleases. She will be surprised to see recent US statistics noted: “Between 2014 and name of “freedom of speech”. Tai’s pro- ties — the League of Social Democrats, book, Poor Charlie’s Almanack, Charles
plenty of this freedom on the mainland, which is 2017, 56,755 Americans were killed by guns, file made the central government hard People’s Power and the Civic Party — shared with readers his key to success:
being promoted by the party she hates. including 2,710 children under the age of 12. In to believe that his comments are just participated in Monday’s protest, sug- The power of avoiding stupidity. “All I
A recent article by Li Chenjian of Peking Uni- that time, there have been 1,333 mass shootings an academic discussion. Moreover, Tai gesting that the rest of them decided to want to know is where I’m going to die.
versity titled “Hold on to the Right of Freedom — defined as incidents in which at least four argued that he had already published be absent. So I’ll never go there.”
of Questioning and Freedom of Thought” caught people are injured or killed — eight of them at similar remarks in newspapers earlier The response of the opposition camp Even though some people deliber-
the attention of columnist Li Yi, who restated elementary or high schools.” and there was nothing new about is noteworthy. They should remember ately challenged the bottom line, the
that one of the greatest values of science lies in A dogmatic intellectual is a contradiction in them. Tai tried to play down his actions the key message delivered by President opposition camp should not unwisely
its questioning and inquiring spirit. Even if a terms. Unfortunately for Hong Kong, Benny Tai as just expressing an “opinion”. The Xi Jinping last July. He said that any support such divisive people for the
scientist believes that he has found the truth, he is a living example of that. truth is Tai was conducting political attempt to endanger China’s sovereign- sake of their political lives.

HK should cooperate with Shanghai in commodity futures

n March 26, Chinese crude oil futures prices has caused much inconve- financial futures is due to the greenback’s duce to the local market commodity futures
futures contract was formally nience to the risk management of oil prices international currency status. The Hong from the mainland, especially Shanghai.
launched at the Shanghai Inter- by Asian countries and oil companies. Kong dollar is certainly a freely convertible On Nov 13, 2017, Hong Kong Exchanges Zhou Bajun
national Energy Exchange, a sub- The reason China has been able to launch currency, but it is not and cannot be an and Clearing launched its first black metal The author is a senior research fellow of
international currency. On top of that, under product — cash-settled TSI Iron Ore Fines China Everbright Holdings.
sidiary of the Shanghai Futures Exchange. the first crude oil futures product in Asia
This launch of the first international is that it is the biggest oil importer in the the dollar peg, the exchange rate and inter- 62 percent Fe CFR China Futures — which is
commodity futures of China symbolizes a world and, according to recent estimates, est rate of Hong Kong dollar is bound by US provided by S&P Global Platts. That means indeed it has already started.
step forward for Shanghai to become an has also replaced the US as the biggest oil dollar’s. That is why Hong Kong cannot offer non-local futures products have been intro- Besides introducing Shanghai’s com-
international financial hub. The city’s fast consuming country. At the same time, China Hong Kong dollar exchange rate futures or duced into the local market before. Hence, modity futures, HKEX should also try to
pace toward attaining this status has appar- is the world’s second largest economic entity, Hong Kong dollar interest rate futures to there should be no obstacle preventing come up with other mainland commodity
ently not slowed down by US protection- and, in the foreseeable future, will overtake international investors. futures products from the mainland, espe- futures products of its own design, similar to
ism. On the contrary, it is moving steadily the US as number one. That Shanghai is able Hong Kong lacks natural resources such cially Shanghai, from coming here. Shanghai’s crude oil futures. If only the SAR
toward its 2020 target. to promote crude oil futures is because it has as minerals and agricultural products. As Another possible way forward for Hong is willing, I believe the central government
Chinese crude oil futures going inter- already possessed a commodity futures mar- an urban economy, Hong Kong could never Kong’s futures market is to propel its would back up the idea. If Hong Kong does
national carries another implication — it ket of considerable size. consume or import as much energy as many integration into the development of the that, Shanghai may join in as well, and that
served to fill up the vacuum created by Compared with the one in Shanghai, Hong countries. This explains why Hong Kong’s Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay would lead to the formation of the Shanghai-
the lack of international crude oil futures Kong’s futures market was established at an futures market could not launch any futures Area city cluster. As the central government Hong Kong commodity futures connect.
in Asia; it therefore strengthened China’s earlier date. Yet its main focus today is still products with local characteristics. is about to announce the blueprint for this Before expanding the scope of its futures
influence in the pricing of global crude oil. stock index futures. Over the years, Hong Hong Kong’s own insufficiencies create a grand plan, Hong Kong must integrate or be market to other commodities of the country,
At present, international crude oil trading Kong’s financial authorities and industry bottleneck for the development of its futures marginalized. however, Hong Kong should first integrate
generally adopts futures prices as the pricing has constantly strived to develop commodity market. This begs the question of whether the Integration into the Bay Area and the its real economy into the mainland’s. Look-
basis. Prices of crude oil traded in the Ameri- futures, but variety has been lacking and the SAR’s futures market could develop at all. country’s overall development strategy ing at the rest of the world, all cities that
cas, for instance, are using WTI crude oil scope is inconsiderable. The problem lies in Over the past few years, the local securities requires hooking up with mainland’s real have developed a major commodity futures
futures prices of the CME group as bench- the size of Hong Kong’s real economy and the market has established the stock connect economy and financial markets. Real eco- market enjoy the strong backing of their
mark prices, while in Europe it is the Brent nature of the Hong Kong dollar. with Shanghai and Shenzhen because the nomic connection is hindered by immigra- country’s real economy. If the SAR could not
crude oil futures prices of the ICE group. Futures basically fall into two categories three cities all have their own sizable stock tion control at the boundary, but a connec- do so, the futures market for the country’s
In Asia, the reference for crude oil prices is — financial futures and commodity futures. and bond markets. But Hong Kong could tion between the financial markets on both other commodities, even if created, would
quotation agencies’ Dubai/Oman crude oil The reason that US dollar exchange rate and actually develop a one-way connection with sides is not impeded by the “visible bound- not be able to mature, and Shanghai would
spot assessment price. The loss of crude oil interest rates could be developed into major the Shanghai futures market, that is, to intro- ary” and could be implemented first, and pick up where Hong Kong has failed.
6 HK | BUSINESS Friday, April 6, 2018 C H I N A DA I LY H O N G KO N G E D I T I O N

The new face of a gaming mecca Perhaps, in the past,

we had gone slightly
ent company MGM Resorts overboard empha-
Key players in International operates casinos sizing gaming. If
across the globe, has more than
Macao’s casino 65 percent of its revenue gener- you look at our new
ated from the non-gaming sec-
business join rush tor in its casinos in Las Vegas. property, it has
to diversify with Gary Monaghan, Fidel-
ity International’s investment
seen a significant
director in Hong Kong, said increase in non-
resort complexes Macao’s non-gaming business
is much smaller than that of
gaming activities.”
for mass market Las Vegas as tourists to Macao Grant Bowie,
are dominated by those from chief executive of MGM China
the mainland who are largely
By EVELYN YU in Hong Kong infatuated with the casinos. However, a few things are

The biggest names in Macao’s

happening — consumer tastes
are changing and they are 30 percent
of MGM China’s revenue
gaming business are pulling looking for other things to do,
out all the stops in the enclave’s said Monaghan, adding that a comes from the non-gaming
push to recast its image to number of Macao casinos are sector income
become one of the region’s top looking at becoming integrated
resort-and-entertainment hubs resorts that also offer shows,
with an eye on the mass con- exhibitions, food and retailing for a relaxation of gambling
sumer market. with the hope that custom- curbs in mainland cities.
The rejig has been well ers may end up staying extra He reiterated that mainland
coordinated with a dramatic nights and ultimately spending customers remain at the heart
rebound in the casino mecca’s more. of MGM’s business strategy,
fortunes following one of the MGM Cotai has 1,390 hotel and MGM Cotai complements
chilliest “winters” on record rooms — more than double MGM Macau well. “MGM
sparked by a massive crack- that of MGM Macau. Macau is what we call classic. It
down on graft on the Chinese Above: The Cotai Strip in Macao One hurdle for Macao is has a great sense of Portuguese
mainland that had kept high boasts some 10 major hotel-and- its limited number of hotel Chinese influence and MGM
rollers at bay. casino resorts. rooms, reckoned Monaghan. Cotai is a pure celebration of
Macao’s bid to diversify itself Thus opening new qual- China’s modernity.”
has also been given greater Left: Newcomer to the famed ity resorts is conducive to the As Chinese consumers
Cotai Strip, MGM Cotai, is a
relevance as regional competi- whole sector. are leading global consumer
resplendent $3.4-billion casino
tors, notably Vietnam, South resort that opened earlier this Recent years have seen key trends, especially with their
Korea and the Philippines, up year. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY regional competitors, such as digitalization lifestyle, Bowie
the stakes with the opening of Vietnam, South Korea and the said MGM Cotai is built around
a string of plush casino resorts Philippines, opening up an the understanding of Chinese
in the past few years, with more array of opulent casino resorts consumers’ “connectivity”.
on the cards. It’s not Las to lure Chinese consumers. From the four-story-high
MGM Resorts China — one Adding to the apprehen- LED light featuring videos of
of the six licensed casino opera- Vegas, but sion of Macao casino operators well-known Chinese moun-
tors in Macao and a joint ven- has been talk that the central tains and rivers, the 28 imperial
ture between MGM Resorts
it’s growing fast, government might eventually carpets from the Qing dynasty
International and Pansy with the theater, legalize gambling on the island hanging in the hotel lobby, or
Ho Chiu-king — threw open province of Hainan, which has the QR code attached to its art
the doors of its resplendent the expansion of been having its fair share of works around the building that
$3.4-billion MGM Cotai casino restaurants and offering top-market holiday lead consumers to its website
resort earlier this year, joining resorts and hosting high-profile with more information of the
the ranks of the group’s flag- hotels and other international conferences and art piece, such designations
ship MGM Macau (formerly beauty pageants. speak volumes about the casino
MGM Grand Macau) that has Cotai Strip — Sands Cotai Cen- ing Inspection and Coordina- campaign is a good thing. It facilities. It’ll con- “I have heard, probably 25 operator’s goal of winning over
been operating in the penin- tral, both run by Sands China;
Wynn Palace Cotai operated
tion Bureau, casino revenues
stormed past market expecta-
offers an opportunity for all
of us to go back and reassess
tinue to grow.” times, that gambling may be
allowed in Hainan,” said Bowie,
a wider spectrum of Chinese
sula area of Macau since 2007. clientele.
MGM Cotai’s launch adds by Wynn Resorts; the Parisian tions in January this year with where the market is headed Grant Bowie, while shrugging off fears that “Everyone says Singapore
another spark to the escalating Macao owned by Las Vegas a staggering 36.4-percent leap and what consumer expecta- chief executive of MGM China Hainan would be a threat to will cause us problem. It
tug-of-war along the Cotai Strip Sands and newcomer MGM year-on-year, and maintained tions will be,” Grant Bowie, Macao. “Gambling is still a very didn’t. Everyone says the Phil-
— Macao’s answer to the famed Cotai. an above 20 percent growth chief executive of MGM China, sensitive issue on the main- ippines will cause us problem.
Las Vegas Strip — offering non- Casinos in the gambling rate in February and March, told China Daily. land,” he quipped. It didn’t. Other jurisdictions
gaming themed attractions to enclave took a hit in 2014 and recording 20 consecutive “Perhaps, in the past, we huge increase compared to 15 MGM China, he said, would will try to compete, but it’s
lure more mass-market con- 2015 as the mainland’s war months of gains. had gone slightly overboard years ago when it was less than be interested in investing in almost impossible for anyone
sumers rather than hard-core on corruption swung into top Stocks of Macao’s biggest emphasizing gaming. If you 4 percent. Hainan if gaming were to be else in the region to create the
baccarat or poker enthusiasts. gear, reducing the number of casino operators listed in Hong look at our new property, it has “It’s not Las Vegas, but it’s allowed there and with all the infrastructure, the quality and
Cotai currently boasts some big-time gamblers to a trickle. Kong rose across the board. seen a significant increase in growing fast, with the theater, infrastructures in place. diversity of resorts like here in
10 major hotel-and-casino The sector has staged a strong Wynn Resorts saw its share non-gaming activities.” the expansion of restaurants Bowie emphasized that they Asia,” Bowie said.
resorts, including the iconic comeback since 2016 as the city price jump three-fold — from He said MGM China’s and hotels and other facilities. do respect mainland regula- “If you look at all the six big
Venetian Macao — the largest put on a more diversified mar- around HK$60 in late 2015 to income from the non-gaming It’ll continue to grow.” tions and would be happy to casino players in Macao, we’re
casino in the world and one ketplace facade. some HK$180 this April. sector now takes up nearly 30 The hospitality and enter- cooperate with the central gov- actually pretty good at what
of the earliest settlers on the According to Macao’s Gam- “I think the anti-corruption percent of its total revenue — a tainment provider, whose par- ernment, but would not push we’re doing.”

5G era — racing toward the big splash

By LIN WENJIE in Hong Kong ated with Swiss investment international 5G standards- This year bank UBS. setting body 3GPP (the 3rd

South Korea gave the world

will be a Chinese companies and
organizations involved in 5G
Generation Partnership Proj-
ect). The organization is now
a glimpse of the much tout- critical year for development — upstream and working on the first interna-
ed fifth-generation mobile downstream — are also gear- tional version of standalone
technology (5G) by present-
setting the 5G stan- ing up to meet the nation’s 5G specifications, which will
ing sports contents via live dards and the devel- goal of getting 5G off the com- be released in June this year.
streams and virtual reality at mercial launch pad by 2020. “This year will be a critical
the recent Pyeongchang 2018 opment of commer- With the Chinese mainland year for setting the 5G stan-
Winter Olympics, leaving visi- having started the third phase dards and the development
tors in a swoon.
cial products.” of 5G technology research and of commercial products. Chi-
The 5G magic — higher Fan Xiaobing, development tests ahead of nese companies have done an
speeds, lower costs and low senior vice-president at ZTE schedule in November last excellent job in the first two
latency — promises to mani- year, regulators are likely to stages of the tests, and are
fest itself at the Summer issue 5G licenses to domes- expected to keep it up in the
Olympic Games in Tokyo in access and security. tic telecom carriers China third stage of 5G research,”
2020 by which time it’s expect- With Japan and South Korea Mobile, China Unicom and said Fan Xiaobing, a senior
ed to take the commercial going out of their way in pur- China Telecom in the second vice-president at ZTE. Attendees pass by the ZTE stand during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. ZTE and
The three national network Huawei, with their cutting-edge technologies and massive market share, are playing a leading role in
world by storm. suing 5G development, China, half of next year at the earli-
the international 5G standards-setting body 3GPP. SIMON DAWSON / BLOOMBERG
Major technology spon- who has been an active player est, Wang Zhiqin, an expert operators have announced pre-
sors for the Tokyo Olympics, in the global telecommunica- with the Ministry of Industry commercial 5G deployment
including US semiconductor tions sphere for years in the 3G and Information Technology, in 17 provinces and cities this giants have yet to recoup sonable return as the three gist at Hong Kong-based busi-
titan Intel, Japan’s predomi- and 4G eras, has also stepped told China Daily. year, aimed at getting pre-com- their 4G investments, and the telecommunication giants ness advisory firm Harmony
nant mobile phone operator up efforts to take the lead in 5G “5G devices will be mature mercial 5G telecom equipment monetization of 5G has not yet don’t have much impetus to Capital, said one of the major
NTT Docomo and auto giant innovation and grab a bigger for commercial applications ready by the end of 2018. matured. invest in 5G. The 5G invest- challenges for the industry
Toyota, announced their part- share in the global telecom- in China next year, while fre- China Telecom and ZTE, UBS Securities expects capi- ment will peak in 2021-22, is to identify the right busi-
nerships for the 2020 Games munications industry. quency bands are likely to be together with mainland tech- tal expenditure on 5G to be reaching 418 billion to 459 ness model to unlock the
on the eve of the Mobile “The central government distributed to telecom carriers nology giant Baidu, have more measured compared to billion yuan ($73 billion),” the incremental 5G opportuni-
World Congress in Barcelona, is positioning 5G develop- in the second half of this year, recently finished the first trial the 4G rollout. UBS Securities report said. ties, while finding different
Spain, with plans for a big ment as a national strategy accelerating the construc- of autonomous vehicles under “We estimate that until Wang also reckoned that sources of capital optimizing
splash in Tokyo showcasing to encourage new growth tion of 5G networks. We’ll be the 5G environment in Xion- 2020, the total number of 5G the cost of building a 5G base the cost of 5G network invest-
5G technology. drivers for China’s economy, among the first batch of coun- gan New Area, an important base stations will be between station will be at least 1.5 ment, in addition to solving
Intel aims to blanket the such as mobile internet and tries to issue 5G licenses in the step as the country looks to 50,000 and 100,000 — far times that of a 4G base sta- the technique problems.
upcoming 2020 Olympics with the internet of things, while world,” said Wang. commercialize 5G services. less than that of the 4G era. tion, which will put pressure “The investment planning
5G, turning Tokyo into a “smart boosting the overall value China’s two network equip- However, compared to the The telecommunication com- on telecom carriers. But she for 5G will spread over a long
city” with even more video chain in chipsets, compo- ment manufacturers — ZTE 4G era, the adoption of 5G panies will manage the 5G said the trend to innovate and period of time, starting from
streams everywhere, including nents, equipment and mate- and Huawei, with their cut- would be slower as the rollout expenditure at a prolonged apply 5G in a wide range of a low level and increasing
4K video in moving cars, and rials,” according to a research ting-edge technologies and of the 5G network requires and gradual pace so that the industries will motivate them year by year. That may give
more significantly, “pervasive report from brokerage UBS massive market share — are huge investments, while the network spending will match to move fast. the three carriers a breathing
facial recognition” for stadium Securities Co, which is affili- playing a leading role in the three telecommunication the revenue to maintain a rea- Bill Li Zhi-yong, chief strate- spell,” said Li.
C H I N A DA I LY H O N G KO N G E D I T I O N Friday, April 6, 2018 HK | BUSINESS 7

A witness to a ‘golden property era’

Commercial real-estate veteran The world is
Edward Cheung is credited for changing ev-
ery day, but a person
his contributions at the onset of needs to be firm in
the mainland’s property boom achieving their goals.”
in the 1990s. He tells Lin Wenjie Edward Cheung Kwok-ching, chief
executive of Cushman & Wakefield
Greater China
the Belt and Road has now given
developers fresh impetus to
their thrust overseas.

hen Cushman egg” had been laid.
& Wakefield “Shanghai’s property boom Edward Cheung Kwok-ching, chief
executive of Cushman & Wakefield
launched what took off after the city hosted the Greater China, believes the
turned out to be APEC leaders’ summit in 2001 company’s future will reach a new
a long sustained push into Chi- with foreign companies flood- height by actively engaging itself
na’s nascent property market in ing in to set up branch offices in the country’s key development
the 1990s, it bore testimony to or regional headquarters in the strategies.
the impending birth of a spec- metropolis. Hong Kong devel-
tacular boom that has drawn opers also got involved in large-
few parallels today anywhere
in the world.
One of the key witnesses
scale urban development proj-
ects in Shanghai,” reminisces
Empathy is what drives a successful corporate leader
to that campaign has been As a real-estate services pro- By LIN WENJIE in Hong Kong professional comportment, there are still some employ- graduates into its fold. It also up their minds on whatever
Edward Cheung Kwok-ching, vider from Hong Kong, Cush- while emphasizing creative ees who have failed to do so. offers training programs for they would like to do, like job
chief executive officer of Cush- man & Wakefield initially served thinking, change, innovation Therefore, we need to con- them because “we can afford hopping. The world is chang-
man & Wakefield Greater Chi- mainly Hong Kong builders Edward Cheung Kwok- and the continual upgrade of tinue developing a customer- to train them”. ing every day, but a person
na, who has actively contrib- that are well-versed in devel- ching, chief executive of Cush- services. He believes a leader oriented culture.” Cheung recognizes the con- needs to be firm in achieving
uted to the “golden age” in the oping commercial real estate, man & Wakefield Greater Chi- should also have a clear goal On the technology side, tributions young people have their goals. Success comes
Chinese mainland’s real-estate extending all-round services like na, owes his corporate stand- for the company. Without it, Cushman & Wakefield has made to their businesses, for with hard work, sacrifice,
industry over the past three agency leasing, asset services, ing to his down-to-earth lead- the company and its staff will revolutionized the industry the young generation is the patience and all the other
decades. capital market activities, facil- ership style, having helmed a have no defined purpose and by using software, such as the mainstream consumer group things behind it.
He has helped the Chicago- ity services, or investment and 30-strong team for the past 25 nothing to strive for. “E-broker” — the first office now. But, on the other hand, Former chief executive
based commercial property ser- asset management. A number of years to the forefront of the He had set three goals two leasing and management he also sees young people as Leung Chun-ying, who
vices group evolve and spread landmark shopping malls and industry. years ago for the company to mobile application in the lacking perseverance, and founded C Y Leung & Co, is
its wings across the mainland, office buildings were built in To h i m , e m p a t h y — attain by 2020 — moderniz- industry. Created by Cushman who are prepared to give up a person who finds true pas-
raising its profile as a global Shanghai by Hong Kong inves- understanding the feelings, ing and internationalizing its & Wakefield itself, it is a plat- their goals easily. sion in his work, and has set
industry and market leader. tors from the year 2000. thoughts, and attitudes of oth- professional team; fostering form that delivers an accurate, “Most young people today a good example for all of us,”
Cheung started his career “A few years later, we saw ers — is the key prerequisite a customer-oriented culture professional and convenient do not have a long-term says Cheung.
with a major international mainland developers, who had and most important character to cater to clients’ needs; and service channel for develop- goal in their careers. Some Cheung earned his bach-
consultancy firm in Hong previously focused on devel- every leader should possess. digitalizing business opera- ers, tenants, government, of them may be interested elor’s degree in urban and
Kong back in 1987 — joining the oping residential real estate, “As we’re a property consul- tions, collecting information investors and intermediaries. in property today but, the environmental planning
ranks of property consultancy diversifying into the commer- tancy, we have to embrace our and data in order to generate Lack of talents could be one next day, they might want from the University of East
C Y Leung & Co which had cial sector. They would turn to humanness to raise productiv- consumption models. of the biggest challenges the to go into e-commerce. They Anglia, the United Kingdom.
been part of an Asian partner- us for consultation and help as ity. Empathy connects peo- “After the merger with company is facing, stresses lack a purpose and commit- As one of the leading figures
ship with US-based Debenham we are already an experienced ple. If you are a leader in an Cushman & Wakefield, we’re Cheung, because a service- ment in their endeavors. For in the real-estate industry, he
Thouard Zadelhoff (DTZ). DTZ service provider in that sec- organization, how you treat developing into an interna- oriented enterprise requires instance, they’re reluctant was appointed a member of
itself went on to merge with tor. With a growing number your team, suppliers and cli- tional platform, with more a myriad of talents in each to work overtime. I think the Shanghai Political Con-
Cushman & Wakefield in 2015 of mainland clients, our opera- ents makes all the difference and more businesses coming sector of the property indus- maybe because they are liv- sultative Conference by the
under a new identity and logo. tions have taken a big leap for- between remaining at zero from foreign clients, while try. But, all the companies ing in a material wealth age Shanghai municipal govern-
Cheung was named Cush- ward in the past decades,” says and becoming truly success- some mainland companies in the industry, developers, and everything is available to ment as the sole representa-
man & Wakefield’s business Cheung. ful. So, we have a mentorship also desire to go out, so we real estate agents, have been them without any hard work, tive of global real-estate ser-
development director for the program in the company to have to internationalize our- aggressively poaching talents. effort or patience. So, they vices providers.
mainland in 1993, helping to Different opportunities build up connections among selves to serve customers’ In this situation, Cushman & would like to pursue things He is also honorary chair-
establish the group’s Shanghai As the biggest player in the employees,” he says. needs. Secondly, although Wakefield holds a large scale leisurely,” Cheung says. man of the Hong Kong Gen-
office the same year. He was industry, Cushman & Wake- Cheung sees being rigor- we’ve asked staff to put the on-campus recruitment exer- “Young people should eral Chamber of Commerce
subsequently appointed gen- field has set up 18 offices across ous, honest and fair as his customer first for a long time, cise each year to get young think twice before making in Shanghai.
eral manager of the Shanghai the Chinese mainland in the
office, where he acquired exper- past 25 years. With the prop-
tise in planning and market- erty market having matured
ing residential and commercial in first-tier cities, the company and residential properties.” what they want, we understand component of the Belt and gram, while providing one-stop The company’s paramount
projects across the mainland, has gone into second and third- As many of its mainland the government’s plans quite Road Initiative as many of the urbanization services to meet objective at present is to con-
lifted the staff strength from tier cities to explore new oppor- clients are State-owned enter- clearly. That’s our advantage, countries and regions involved clients’ needs — from town stantly adapt itself to the
30 to more than 500, and took tunities. prises, Cushman & Wakefield so we’ve invested a lot of our are in great need of a modern regeneration to new zone devel- changing needs of custom-
up managerial responsibilities “The opportunities in first- has actively engaged itself in resources in it to meet the gov- environment to fuel their grow- opment. ers. “Developers are becom-
for consultancy and strategic tier and second-tier cities are the country’s key development ernment’s needs.” ing economies. But, many State- “We not only conduct pro- ing increasingly sophisticated.
planning. quite different. First-tier cities strategies, such as urbaniza- Cushman & Wakefield start- owned developers have little phase research, such as iden- For instance, they now want a
Looking back on his main- are now renewing the build- tion, the Belt and Road Initia- ed its Belt and Road project five understanding of the Belt and tifying how many houses or string of services instead of a
land stint, Cheung recalls that ings that were completed in tive, and the Guangdong-Hong years ago, building up connec- Road countries, so they come to apartments are needed and single service; they also want
the Chinese property sector or after 2000. But, in second- Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, tions with enterprises looking us for help. We then started the how much employment oppor- innovative ideas with effective
was still very much in the dol- tier cities, large-scale develop- where it has created a new busi- to expand overseas, and send- Belt and Road project which tunities we need to provide, but execution. Thus, we urgently
drums in the mid-1990s, with ment projects are still needed ness sector its competitors have ing research teams to African has made us unique in the also help to get businesses to set need to achieve high levels of
foreign enterprises having to meet the macro-economic yet to lay their hands on. or Central Asian countries to industry,” says Cheung. up offices in the towns. We have coordination and equip our-
limited access to the market. demand. Hangzhou, for “We’ve always been trying collect background informa- Cushman & Wakefield also a convergence service platform selves with more resources and
But, shortly after former lead- instance, has seen new econ- to differentiate ourselves from tion and do market analysis, helps to accelerate China’s that offers consulting, valuation talents to generate innovative
er Deng Xiaoping floated the omy enterprises mushroom our competitors and find where in order to design tailor-made urbanization program by sign- and advisory services, as well ideas.”
idea of developing Shanghai’s in the city as more and more our advantages lie. As we have projects for its clients in every ing an agreement with the as investment and financing
Pudong New Area, Cheung people work there, boosting many State-owned clients, we single market. China Center for Urban Devel- services for the urbanization Contact the writer at
was convinced the “golden demand for both commercial found that we understand “Real estate is an important opment to start a research pro- projects,” Cheung says.

The Governing Principles of CAPITAL IDEAS: PETER LIANG

Ancient China
Editor’s note: This is an extract from The Governing Principles of
Ancient China, based on 360 passages excerpted from the origi-
nal compilation titled Qunshu Zhiyao, or The Compilation of Books
Workers need more protection in their sunset years
and Writings on Important Governing Principles. Commissioned he Hong Kong SAR tiatives when she took office
by Emperor Tang Taizong of the Tang Dynasty in the seventh cen-
Government is said last year. To make it accept-
tury, the book contains advice, methods and historical notes on
the successes and failures of the imperial governments of China. to be finalizing a able to both employers and
Today it continues to be relevant as a source of inspiration for self- proposal to address workers, the new proposal,
improvement, family management and interpersonal relations. a highly controversial clause details of which have yet to be Chief Executive
in the pension fund scheme revealed, would almost cer- Carrie Lam Cheng
204. 故君人者,愛民而安,好士而榮,兩者無一焉而 that has practically denied tainly involve a much larger Yuet-ngor set
亡也。明分職,序事業,拔材官能,莫不治理, employees any severance pay injection of government fund- reforming the
則公道達而私門塞矣,公義明而私事息矣。如 on retirement. ing than what was previously pension scheme, the
是,則德厚者進,而佞悅者止;貪利者退,而 An earlier government recommended to compensate Mandatory Provident
廉節者起。 (卷三十八 孫卿子) proposal seeking to balance employers for the additional Fund, as one of her
the interests of employers costs involved. major policy initiatives
A leader who loves his people will be able to make them when she assumed
feel safe and at peace. If he enjoys learning from the and workers was roundly As such, there would be
office in 2017. PROVIDED
sages, he will be able to bring prosperity to the country. rejected. Both sides refused little excuse for the powerful TO CHINA DAILY
Without these, his own safety as well as that of the to accept the compromise employers’ groups to reject it.
country will be placed in peril. When a ruler clearly formula which was considered Doing so against the backdrop hike would threaten the liveli- to replace the woefully inad- when it was launched in late
understands the responsibilities of his job and is able to by employers to be too costly of a booming stock market hood of low-income families equate MPF evaporated due 2000.
distinguish the relative degrees of urgency in each of his for business, while employees and escalating property prices who are already burdened by to the high costs involved, and Amid a rapidly graying
tasks, and chooses virtuous and able people to run the complained that it fell far would deepen social discon- soaring rentals. The rising cost which was branded by the population, more workers
government in an orderly way, righteousness will flour- short of meeting their basic tent already fueled by the wid- of living and static wages have government as unsustainable. are set to retire in the coming
ish and private sidedeals will cease. Subsequently, virtu- demand. ening wealth gap. made it difficult for many For that reason, it’s all the years. The MPF, in its present
ous and able people will be given important posts while Chief Executive Carrie Lam Despite a robust job mar- households to save up decent more important for workers form, provides little meaning-
flatterers will be restrained. Those who seek personal Cheng Yuet-ngor set reform- ket, average workers’ wages amounts of money for retire- to fight for a better deal under ful protection. Reform is long
benefits will be dismissed, and those who are incorrupt- ing the pension scheme — the have remained almost static ment. the existing system, which was overdue, and the responsible
ible will be entrusted with greater responsibilities. Mandatory Provident Fund — for many years. Inflation has Previous talk of introducing seen to have made too many thing for employers to do is to
Scroll 38: Sun Qing Zi as one of her major policy ini- remained low, and any price a universal pension scheme compromises to employers share the added costs.

Envoy saved thousands from the Nazis

Jewish families given visas needed
to escape Holocaust and find haven
By CECILY LIU in Milan It was only after his death that his daughter Ho Manli, a
journalist, began to investi-
A square in Chinatown, gate her father’s past and the
Milan, has become the first stories of the survivors he
location in Italy to be dedicat- helped, during which she
ed in honor of a Chinese per- scoured archives in Washing-
son, Piazzetta Ho Feng Shan ton, Vienna and Israel.
being named for the remarka- Her inquiries began when
ble achievements of a 1930s she received a telephone call
diplomat. from the curator of a touring
Ho Feng Shan was the Chi- photographic exhibit on diplo-
nese consul general in Vienna matic rescuers of Jews. Almost
from 1938 to 1940, when the immediately she started
Nazi authorities would only uncovering the stories of
allow Jews to leave if they had many survivors, such as Eric
a visa to another country. Goldstaub, who applied to 50
Consulates were flooded with consulates without any suc-
applications from Jews desper- cess before Ho came to his res-
ate to escape the Holocaust, but cue, granting 20 visas for his
while many countries were entire family.
unwilling to accept more refu- Goldstaub took refuge in
gees, Ho saved thousands of Shanghai from 1939 to 1948
lives by issuing visas to Shang- and never forgot Ho’s help.
hai, allowing Jews safe passage After the war his story was
to China, away from the horrors recorded in the US Holocaust
of Europe. Memorial Museum archives.
Some applications were His cousin Harry Fiedler still
even stuffed into his car — but possesses one of the visas Ho
were treated and granted just issued, serial number 1193,
the same as those by more con- issued on July 20, 1938, four
ventional means. months after the Anschluss.
Ho, born in 1901, obtained This was Ho Manli’s first indi-
his PhD from the University of cation of the volume of visas
Munich in 1932 and spent her father had helped issue.
nearly 40 years in the diplo- In subsequent years many
matic service before retiring to other journalists, scholars and
San Francisco. writers have followed in Ho
He died in 1997 and, in Manli’s footsteps in investigat-
accordance with his wishes, ing the story.
was later buried in his beloved Last year a Canadian-Amer-
hometown of Yiyang in Hun- ican producer, Rene Balcer,
an province. directed a documentary,
During his lifetime he rarely Above the Drowning Sea, Clockwise from above: Ho Feng Shan; A Jewish boy and his Chinese friend at play; A Jewish boy with a Chinese shopkeeper; A Jewish girl and Chinese friends.
spoke about his work with ref- which recorded many first- PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
ugees. Even in his 700-page person accounts of Jewish ref-
memoir Forty Years of My Dip- ugees, and the Chinese “We always think of the the Nations, one of its highest than ever, it was vital to er World War II heroes is the Feng Shan came about
lomatic Life, published in residents of Shanghai who Holocaust as European histo- honors. In 2015 the Holocaust remember the importance of process of remembering the through a two-year process by
1990, he gave it just the brief- became friends with them ry, but, in fact, it is the history Museum of Houston honored human kindness as shown by possibility of humanity to do the Italian Chinese Entrepre-
est mention. during World War II. of humankind. What I find Ho with the Lyndon Johnson Ho. kindness and take care of each neurs Union. Luca Song, chair-
“Since the Anschluss (when This year Elisa Giunipero, really interesting is to look at Moral Courage Award. The European refugee cri- other,” Nissim said. man of the group, said the
Nazi Germany took over con- director of the Confucius Insti- this history from another per- Recently a new stone sis, said Nissim, with hun- “After World War II we naming of the square meant
trol of Austria), the persecution tute at the Catholic University spective.” plaque in Ho’s name was dreds of thousands fleeing thought what happened to the Ho’s story would continue to
of Jews by Hitler’s ‘devils’ of Milan, published a book on As Ho’s story has become unveiled in Monte Stella Park, from Asia and Africa, and Jews would not happen again, inspire generations of Chinese
became increasingly fierce,” he the same topic. She said better known around the Milan. Gabriele Nissim, presi- thousands dying while trying but that is not true. So this day living overseas.
wrote. “I spared no effort in remembering Ho is crucial for world he has received numer- dent of the Milan charity Gari- to cross the Mediterranean we push young people to take “His humanitarian deeds
using every means to help, thus Europeans to gain a more ous commendations. In July wo which organized the Sea, shows how important responsibility for what hap- provide guidance to our con-
saving who knows how many comprehensive understand- 2000 Israel bestowed on him memorial, said that in the Ho’s example was. pened in history.” duct, so we must remember
Jews!” ing of the Holocaust. the title of Righteous Among modern world, now more “Remembering Ho and oth- The naming of Piazzetta Ho him.”

Eight years in Shanghai:

The city I owe my life to
By CECILY LIU pression in Nazi Germany,
they were finally free and
In 1939 Sonja Muhlberger happy again,” she says.
arrived in Shanghai in her Two years after the end of
mother’s womb. After all the years World War II the 8-year-old
She went on to live a happy Muhlberger moved back to
childhood in the city’s Jewish of suppression … Germany with her parents,
quarter, where she was shel- because her father wanted to
tered from the awful abuse they were finally contribute toward the build-
that Jewish people endured
at the hands of Nazi Germa-
free and happy ing of post-war Germany.
But her childhood memo-
“If we hadn’t fled to Shang-
again.” ries of living in Shanghai
sparked curiosity in her
hai I would not be alive now,” Sonja Muhlberge, 79, talking about the importance of the
says Muhlberger, 79. “I love about her parents city in the history of the
Shanghai; it is my home.” Holocaust. Over the years
Muhlberger was one of she has conducted research
Ho Manli, daughter of Ho Feng Shan, meets Italian children who visited the Garden of Monte Stella on March 14 to honor humanitarian 18,000 Jews who fled Europe ly understand the meaning of into the stories of Jewish
heroes. Right: A stone plaque in the Garden of Monte Stella in Milan honors Ho. PHOTOS BY CECILY LIU/CHINA DAILY between 1938 and 1940 to Snow White from the fairyta- refugees in Shanghai and
seek refuge in Shanghai and les her mother had read to her. compiled the information
escape persecution by the Her father took a wash pan to into articles and the book

Heros contribute to a shared future Nazis.

Muhlberger, who lived
there until she was 8,
collect the snow from the roof
of the family’s home and asked
her to hold out her hand so she
Exil Shanghai 1938-1947,
which she co-authored, and
which was published in
recounted her story to stu- could feel it. 2000.
By CECILY LIU I watched as hundreds of visit a stone monument inside and I still feel deeply inspired dents at the Confucius Insti- Among her valued posses- She said she felt a sense of
Italian children recited Ho’s a local park in Chengdu on and touched as I reflect on tute in one of Milan’s sions are the Shanghai visa responsibility to tell the sto-
Standing on the hills of tran- name to each other and which were engraved messa- them. universities. Recently the uni- issued to her parents and a ries, to do history justice.
quil Monte Stella Park in hugged Ho’s daughter, Ho ges commemorating Chinese Fast forward 20 years and I versity organized various photograph of her parents “Today I’m so happy to be
Milan and seeing hundreds of Manli. They asked her to sign soldiers who died during the see Italian children remem- events to remember Ho Feng running around together on here and be one of those who
Italian children remembering their notebooks, which con- Long March undertaken by bering Ho, accepting the Chi- Shan, the Chinese diplomat the ship bound for Shanghai never gave up telling young
humanitarian heroes they had tained classroom essays that the Red Army between 1934 nese hero into their who issued thousands of vis- on March 29, 1939. and old people what hap-
learned about in class brought told of how Ho issued thou- and 1936, and those who per- understanding of the history as to Jews in Austria. “After all the years of sup- pened,” she says.
back memories of my child- sands of visas to Jews between ished in the War of Resistance of World War II, and I feel Although the visa to
hood. 1938 and 1940 that enabled Against Japanese Aggression moved. I felt moved that Shanghai that Muhlberger’s
I was attending a ceremony them to travel to Shanghai and (1931-45), and in the many oth- through the efforts of scholars mother obtained was issued
on March 15 in which Milan’s escape the Holocaust. er battles that paved the way to and the government in Milan, by the Chinese consulate in
government was honoring the “Manli, Manli, we want to create the China of today. Ho has taken his rightful place the Netherlands, and not by
memory of Ho Feng Shan, the thank your father, we want to My classmates and I would in history. Ho, she said she respects Ho
Chinese diplomat who saved be your friends,” they said. sing songs we learned in class As our world increasingly as a man and what he did for
thousands of Jews from the Their eyes twinkled, and their that describe how people moves toward globalization, so many others who were in a
Holocaust in Nazi-occupied voices were full of warmth and fought bravely in battles, how the next generation of young situation similar to that of
Europe. respect. they refused to give in to tor- children around the world her family.
The simple gesture of unveil- Watching their excitement, ture by their enemies, and will take on the responsibility Muhlberger went to
ing a stone plaque recounting I remembered the way I how they supported their of building a shared commu- school, played with other
his story put Ho alongside 55 always looked forward to the comrades in the hope of creat- nity for mankind. And per- children and lived what she
other humanitarian heroes trip every spring that my pri- ing a better China. haps the fact that Ho is being called a “sheltered child-
who have had such stones mary school organized in After the songs we would remembered in Europe, in the hood” in the Hongkou dis-
unveiled in the park, among which we visited a local park each place a small bunch of United States and other coun- trict of Shanghai, together
them the late South African and paid our respects to Chi- flowers next to the monument tries is one example of build- with many other Jewish refu-
president Nelson Mandela and nese war heroes who we had and pay our respects silently. ing a shared memory of gees.
the late Pope John XXIII, the learned about in class. Those memories have charac- history, to guide us into this She recalls the excitement
latter credited with saving On this remembrance day, terized my understanding of shared community of the of seeing snow for the first Sonja Muhlberger gives a talk at the Confucius Institute of Cat-
Jews during World War II. our teacher would ask us to China’s 20th century history, future. time, which allowed her to tru- tolica University. CECILY LIU/CHINA DAILY

The watchman
of earthenware
in Kashgar
early every family in the old town of earthenware workshops during the heyday of
Kashgar in the Xinjiang Uygur the craft. However, no more than five work-
autonomous region owns pieces of shops have survived the assaults of modern
local earthenware, whether they be industry, and earthenware is no longer a neces-
dishes, cups, bottles or bowls, and those made sity for Kashgar’s residents.
by Tursun Zunun are the best-known. “Without the government’s protection and
As the sixth generation of earthenware mak- the development of tourism here, earthenware
ers in the old town of Kashgar, Tursun grew up craftsmanship would probably be lost forever,”
making pottery with his father and grandfa- Tursun said.
ther. His home is seated in the old town’s south- As an inheritor of intangible cultural heri-
eastern highland, facing the Tuman River that tage, he receives a subsidy of 4,800 yuan ($764)
runs through Kashgar. It has become the choice annually from the government. In addition, the
location for tourists who want to learn about repair of the old town and the influx of tourists
earthenware. The ideal location of his home has have injected much vigor into his workshop.
made it a gathering place for craftsman who Outside Tursun’s home, a massive Ferris
can use the clay that lies conveniently in the wheel displays the old town’s modernity and
nearby river. vitality with the ancient winding Tuman River
Tursun said there were more than a hundred as its backdrop.

1: Tursun checks the earthenware to see if there are any flaws.

2: Tursun digs for clay with his daughter on the bank of Tuman River.
3: Tursun is on his way to deliver the earthenware ordered by tourists.
4: Tursun’s daughter helps him making the earthenware.
5: Tursun decorates the earthenware he made. PHOTOS BY ZHAO GE / XINHUA


Village houses in Jiangxi province are getting a new lease on life thanks to government funds and the
efforts of the China Foundation for Cultural Heritage Conservation

ome years ago, Xu Zaiji
moved out from his old fami-
ly home in Putang village in
East China’s Jiangxi prov-
ince that had been passed down from
generation to generation for about
400 years to an apartment in a near-
by city, part of a trend that left the vil-
lage almost empty. In March, the 66-
year-old moved back to his old house
after its renovation. This time, Xu is
part of a growing trend in which vil-
lagers are renovating their dilapidat-
ed old houses and returning to the
village where they grew up.
“If they are in good condition, the
old houses are cool in summer and
warm in winter. I don’t like living in
my city apartment as it was too hot,”
says Xu. Some of Xu’s relatives plan
to return to live with him in the
newly renovated 300-square-meter
house with open courtyard.
Unlike those in other places who
replace their old houses with mod-
ern buildings, people in Jinxi just
build new ones not far away from
their villages when they decide to
move out of their old homes.
Putang village has more than 60
old traditional houses dating back
to the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing
(1644-1911) dynasties. With stone
walls and wooden interior struc-
tures, all of them are either in poor
condition or on the verge of col-
lapse. Renovating them can cost
tens of thousands yuan, which is
expensive for villagers who make
their livings farming rice fields. The
average yearly per capita income An aerial view of the old houses in Zhuqiao village, Jinxi county in East China’s Jiangxi province. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
among the villages is less than
10,000 yuan ($1,580), says Xu.
To renovate Xu’s house and trans-
form it into a house more comforta-
ble for living cost about 700,000
yuan, which he was unable to afford.
In fact, Xu paid about 300, 000 yuan
and the rest was provided by the
local government and Saving Tradi-
tional Houses Initiatives, a program
run by the China Foundation for
Cultural Heritage Conservation.
On March 18, the foundation
launched its second round of reno-
vations in Jinxi county, which has
101 ancient villages with about
11,000 traditional houses built more From left: Zhuqiao village hosts a qipao show to attract tourists. Qipao is one of the traditional Chinese dresses for women; a dragon dance in the village square.
than 400 years ago, the majority of
which are in urgent need of repair.
Over two years, the foundation sands of old houses need to rehabili- based on each house owner’s finan- introduced it to the architecture
will spend 80 million yuan on reno- A village’s history and culture is tating for their original owners. cial status. school of Tsinghua University as a
vating old houses in Jinxi county, “In Jinxi, people were blind to the Also, some companies and even study base for its students.
with 40 million yuan provided by reflected on its buildings. Without the value of their homes. They just left individuals have come to Jinxi to Last year, she donated a sum of
the Ministry of Finance and State their houses and moved to cities. help fix up the old houses. money to help renovate an old
Administration of Cultural Heri-
old houses, there will be nothing left.” But things have changed in recent He Yan, director of the Tsinghua house in Zhuqiao village. Most of
tage, and 40 million yuan by the years, and I have started getting Heritage Institute for Digitalization, the villagers are descendants of sen-
local government. Li Xiaojie, director of the China Foundation for Cultural Heritage Conservation orders from local villagers,” says Yu. has been impressed by the big scale ior officials or scholars in the Ming
Li Xiaojie, director of the China Last year, Yu and his team, which of various ancient villages in Jinxi, and Qing dynasties.
Foundation for Cultural Heritage has expanded to 80, including car- where small, mid-sized and big “It’s not a big sum money for me.
Conservation, says that a decade penters, carvers and painters, reno- ancient villages can be found In two weeks, the repairs were com-
ago, many experts lamented that renovation program two years ago in repairing their houses, says Li. vated more than 30 old houses in his depending on their locale. pleted, very quick,” she says.
traditional villages were quickly dis- Songyang in Zhejiang province, hometown. The number of orders he He’s team has spent three years Fu Qingyuan, an expert on
appearing. However, since 2012, the where ancient houses built hun- Passing on traditions used to receive was just four or five. doing research on 68 ancient villa- ancient village protection, also
central government has been lead- dreds of years ago were carefully ren- Yu Xuting started renovating old “People realize that old houses ges in the area, gathering data on donated a sum of money last year.
ing efforts to revitalize them to stop ovated, attracting many young houses in villages in 2008, when he were not useless as they thought the ancient houses, establishing a He says he wanted to set an example
them from disappearing. people to return to the villages. only had a few men working with before. And they do respect the lega- kind of village archive and help so more individuals would protect
“China’s 5,000-year history of However, the number of him. A local from Jinxi county, the cy of their ancestors as long as they making videos for documentary these ancient houses.
agriculture is rooted in its villages. ancient houses in Jinxi is far more 40-year-old used to travel to other have money to repair it,” Yu says. use, all for free. Now, her company is Fu says the essence of Chinese
And a village’s history and culture is than that in Songyang, while the places to restore old houses bought Between 50 to 70 percent of the assisting the locals by providing gui- architecture lies in the wooden
reflected on its buildings. Without government’s financial support is by rich people from rural areas. Now cost of renovating the houses in dance on how to repair their old structures of old village houses.
the old houses, there will be nothing the same. It means that it’s more he has decided to devote the next Jinxi is being covered by the local houses appropriately. “It’s more than simply repairing a
left,” says Li. difficult and needs local house few years into fixing up old houses government and the Saving Tradi- For He, the area is a treasure trove house. It’s about passing on our tra-
Li’s foundation launched its first owners to be more active in in local villages in Jinxi, where thou- tional Houses Initiatives program of Chinese architecture. She has ditions to future generations.”

Concerted effort to preserve genes of traditional culture

By DENG ZHANGYU which had been in danger of vanish- ulations and money have been put
ing, says Li. into traditional village protection.
With three counties housing hun-
dreds of traditional villages starting
Since 2012, seven ministries,
including the Finance Ministry and
20 million yuan However, there are still many diffi-
culties, it is not as simple as just ren-
renovation projects in March, offi- the Housing and Urban-Rural from China Foundation for Cultural ovating the old houses, says Li.
cials and experts say China is now Development Ministry, have Heritage Conservation have been “After a house is renovated, if
ushering in a new era for protection worked together to draw up a list of offered to Jinxi county in Jiangxi there’s no one living there, it will all
of its traditional villages. traditional Chinese villages nation- province have been in vain,” adds Li.
Jinxi county in Jiangxi province wide. Each village on the list has 3 Li suggests that traditional villa-
has 101 ancient villages. It began a million yuan for its protection. It’s ges should find more ways to attract
project to renovate its old houses on also not permitted for old houses people to live in them.
March 18. In February, another two with long histories to be demol- “We should widen our eyes to find
counties in Yunnan province ished. in 2012, showing the strong aware- innovative ways to protect ancient
launched similar projects. Many houses in these ancient vil- ness of the public about rural heri- villages and attract people return-
“It is the best time for protection of lages are on the verge of collapse, tage. ing to villages. The most important
ancient villages, ” says Li Xiaojie, however. Young people move out “In the past five to six years, since is to pass on our culture via these vil-
former director of the State Adminis- from old houses that are often not President Xi Jinping started calling lages, ” Li says.
tration of Cultural Heritage and convenient for modern lifestyles. for the protection of traditional cul- After the houses have been reno-
director of China Foundation for Cul- “Although old houses in villages ture and heritage, more and more vated, most of the ancient villages
tural Heritage Conservation, which are private-owned, they make up China is now more actively protecting its ancient villages, which had been in people have realized the importance turn to tourism, with the owners
set up its Saving Traditional Houses China’s cultural gene and they are danger of vanishing. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY of the old houses in villages,” Fu turning houses into homestay
initiative two years ago to help reno- the root of Chinese culture,” says Li, says. hotels, some of which are designed
vate traditional houses in urgent explaining why it is important to Since 2012, President Xi Jinping into modern style inside.
need of repair. Each of the three protect the old buildings. 1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynas- list. According to Fu Qingyuan, an has promoted revitalizing Chinese The villages try to attract tourists
counties mentioned above receives a In 2012, the first list of traditional ties. expert involving in updating the list, traditional villages as a way to pro- from cities by promoting their good
sum of 20 million yuan ($31.82 mil- Chinese villages was released, cover- The list now covers more than they received applications from tect traditional culture on many natural environment, ancient hous-
lion) from the foundation. ing 646 ancient villages across Chi- 3,000 villages after being renewed more than 6,000 villages hoping to occasions. He has also visited lots of es and local culture. But other ways
In terms of law, money and regu- na, each of which had a history of four times. This year, it will be be on the list. ancient villages in rural areas. should also be found to revitalize
lations, China is now more actively hundreds of years. Many of them updated for the last time, adding Fu says the number of application From the central government to these villages, so they do not become
protecting its ancient villages, were built during the Ming (1368- more villages onto the protection this year, was about 10 times of that local authorities, many actions, reg- too commercialized, experts say.

From the ruins in Sigiriya and the temple in Kandy, to an elephant orphanage,
Xu Lin offers visitors a mixed experience in Sri Lanka

t’s almost dusk. And I can just Starting from there, a series of vertigi-
about see the bats hanging If you go nous staircases on a large rock take me to
upside down on trees far away. the upper palace — the best place to enjoy
Gradually, the trees seem more It’s convenient to charter a vehicle for a beautiful sunset.
white as flocks of egrets arrive to roost. the whole trip and the driver will take It’s not uncommon to bump into mon-
The bats then fill the sky, signifying a you wherever you like. Please bargain keys or stray dogs during the climb.
change of shift. The bats and the egrets when you hop into a tuk-tuk, or an auto From Sigiriya, we head to the city of
seem to take turns to rest on the trees. rickshaw. Wear a mask to avoid dust Kandy which is famous for the Sri Dalada
The site is close to Yala National Park, during the safari tour. Carry sunblock Maligawa temple where the Sacred Tooth
Sri Lanka. And I am amazed by the beau- and mosquito repellent. Relic of Lord Buddha is kept.
ty of the wildlife even before my safari The temple’s grand festival, Kandy Esa-
tour in the park. la Perahera, is held in July and August
The next day, I wake up at 5:30 am and annually.
carry my breakfast to a vehicle. home to injured and maimed elephants The Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeni-
Our tour guide has sharp eyes, so it’s and abandoned baby elephants. ya, in Kandy boasts exotic species of plants
easily to spot wild boar, crocodiles, pea- It is noon when we get there. And a such as orchids, spices and palm trees.
cocks, lizards, elephants and deer. herd of elephants are crossing a road aft- From Kandy to Nuwara Eliya, I take a
It’s better to carry a pair of binoculars er taking a shower in the lake, while a train to enjoy views of the tea plantations
to see different species of birds. policeman directs traffic. and forests on both sides.
The park has one of the highest leop- Besides watching elephants shower My next stop is the old town of Galle
ard densities in the world. and feeding them, tourists can also buy and its fortifications, which in 1988 was
But seeing one really depends on your notebooks and postcards made from ele- designated as a UNESCO World Heritage
luck, as a large cat can appear and vanish phant dung. Site.
in an instant. About two hours’ drive from there is A sea port for trade during the 14th
On the trip, my friend suddenly spots a Sigiriya, or lion rock, one of the finest century, Galle has now become a popular
black leopard descending from a tree. We examples of ancient urban planning. destination for tourists from home and
then try to track it down for about half an It was listed as a UNESCO World Heri- abroad.
hour, but never see it again. tage Site in 1982. Its architecture is typically European
More Chinese tourists are traveling to The fortress complex, built by King due to its colonial history, when it was
Sri Lanka for encounters with animals, Kashyapa during the 5th century, controlled by Portugal, the Netherlands
the sea and its cultural heritage. includes the ruins of an ancient palace on and Great Britain.
The prices also make a difference. the flat-topped summit of an enormous Galle now has churches, old hotels and
For example, it’s much cheaper to do a rock about 200 meters high. stores that sell jewelry, spices and tea.
wild safari in Sri Lanka than in Africa. After the king’s death, the site was used And local children practice cricket on
For most travelers, their first stop in Sri as a Buddhist monastery until the 14th the playgrounds.
Lanka is Negombo, home to Bandara- century. It’s pleasant to walk along the well-pre-
naike International Airport. There, I am fascinated by the gardens served Galle Fort and enjoy the breeze
At Negombo’s fish markets, fishermen and ponds and their symmetry. from the Indian Ocean.
unload their catch and vendors hawk It’s breathtaking to climb the spiral Finally, on a train from Galle to Colom-
seafood. stairs attached to sheer walls that lead to bo, the country’s commercial capital, I
Also, fish are arranged in an orderly the colorful frescoes. am excited to see the Indian Ocean just
manner on straw mats along the beach to Then, I come to a small plateau and see beyond the windows.
be dried. a pair of gigantic lion’s paws carved into That train journey also marks the end
For those who love elephants, a visit to the bedrock. of my satisfying trip to Sri Lanka. From top: At Negombo’s fish markets,fish are arranged in an orderly manner on straw mats
the Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage is a It was an entrance originally built in along the beach to be dried; a monkey at Sigiriya, or lion rock, a fortress complex built by
must. The orphanage, established in 1975 the form of a lion but its upper parts have Contact the writer at King Kashyapa during the 5th century; elephants play with each other at the Pinnawela Ele-
by the Sri Lanka Wildlife department, is been destroyed. phant Orphanage.

From left: Meera Mosque in Galle Fort; a railway station in Sri Lanka; local residents at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya; Damro Tea Plantation. PHOTOS BY XU LIN / CHINA DAILY

Tourists pick their own grapes at Chile wine harvest fest

VALLE DE COLCHAGUA, Chile — Doz- with an output of about 800 million liters of them from Brazil and the United States interesting tastes and characters, they’ve
ens of tourists armed with sharp scissors
and donning dusty gloves and aprons
last year. It was the world’s fourth-largest
exporter by volume, and the leader
800 million — visit the winery about 90 miles (140
kilometers) south of the Chilean capital.
grown grapes in extreme places such as the
icy south and the Atacama desert.
walk through rows of green vines, hand- among “New World” producers. liters of wine produced by Chile in The two-hour drive from Santiago along Back at Viu Manent, the team of tour-
picking dark purple grapes that will be The South American country has been 2017, which makes the country the the country’s “Wine Trail” gives tourists ists has gathered about 1,100 pounds (500
turned into Chilean wines enjoyed making wine since the mid-1500s, when world’s No 9 wine producer the chance to wine-hop at guesthouses kilograms) of grapes. It seems like a lot
around the world. Spanish settlers brought the first vines, and restaurants that offer carmenere, but Grez says that depending on the har-
It’s hard work under a scorching sun and has become known for producing cabernet sauvignon and other varieties vest, professional workers can pick two to
and the professional pickers watching reliable and affordable wines. for which Chile is known. four times as much — anywhere from
them from a distance grin knowingly. But Visitors pay up to $90 for the tour of world by the British magazine Drinks Chile’s natural barriers have a lot to do 2,000 pounds (900 kilograms) to 4,400
the tourists have paid for the hands-on Viu Manent, which includes riding on International. Founded in 1935, Viu with the successful growth of its wine pounds (2,000 kilograms) a day.
experience at Chile’s harvest, which horse-drawn carriages or bikes in the pas- Manent was also awarded Winery of the industry. It is shielded by the Pacific Ocean “I thought it was interesting because I
draws thousands of visitors each year, so tures of the Colchagua Valley, one of Year in 2017 by the Wines of Chile associa- on the west, the Andes mountains on the put myself in the shoes of the people who
they carefully cut the precious grapes in Chile’s best-known wine regions. tion. east, Antarctica to the south and the do this work,” lawyer Ana Maria Farren
bunches and deposit them into wooden And they get the grape-picking experi- “There are some vineyards that offer world’s driest desert to the north. This has said. “We were here for half an hour and
crates at the Viu Manent winery. ence. similar initiatives, but none is as com- helped protect Chile from plagues, allow- ended up tired. The (workers) are here for
“The truth is that you always drink the While the tourists don’t get to keep the plete and focused on the integral experi- ing winemakers to grow vines ungrafted, hours at a time. This experience allowed
wine, but you don’t really know the proc- grapes, they top off their work with grilled ence of wine producing and enology as using ancient cultivation techniques. me to understand all the heavy work that
ess behind it,” said Gina Cuesta, a visitor steak, fermented grape juice and a glass of ours,” said Freddy Grez, who is in charge In recent years, Chilean winemakers have is behind a bottle of wine.”
from Colombia. malbec at the vineyard’s visitor center, of Viu Manent’s tourist activities. also been experimenting with other temper-
Chile is the world’s No 9 wine producer, which this year was named best in the Each year, about 37,000 visitors — most atures and terrains. In the quest for more ASSOCIATED PRESS

Friday, April 6, 2018



Klopp keeps cautious

despite Reds’ romp
Liverpool boss says his side must Liverpool’s night was slight-
ly marred when Salah limped
‘work like hell’ to finish off City off with an injury early in the
second half.
“After the game he said: ‘I
LIVERPOOL — Liverpool will be good, I will be fine.’ But
manager Jurgen Klopp now we have to wait for the
warned his side will still have real diagnosis,” added Klopp
to “work like hell” to reach the on the Egyptian star’s fitness.
Champions League semifi- City could already be
nals despite taking a com- crowned English champion by
manding 3-0 quarterfinal the time the sides meet again
first-leg lead over runaway for the second leg in six days’
Premier League leader Man- time should it beat Jose Mour-
chester City. inho’s Manchester United in
City leads Liverpool by 18 Saturday’s derby.
points in the Premier League, Guardiola’s side has been in
but its only league defeat this Jurgen Klopp celebrates. stunning form for the large
season came in a 4-3 thriller at majority of the season, but he
Anfield in January, and it suf- lamented a poor 20-minute
fered an even worse fate on there again like hell.” period in the first half that has
Wednesday to leave its hopes Klopp’s caution is born out likely cost them a shot at Euro-
of winning the European Cup of the fact that City thrashed pean glory.
for a first time hanging by a 10-man Liverpool 5-0 in their “The result is tough but I
thread. only previous meeting at Eti- don’t have (the) feeling we
Just as in the January meet- had Stadium this season. played to concede that result,”
ing between the sides, the pro- “We conceded there already said Guardiola. “But in this
lific Mohamed Salah, Alex five. How can I say it is not pos- competition (what happens)
Oxlade-Chamberlain and sible?” in the boxes makes all the dif-
Sadio Mane were on target for City boss Pep Guardiola ference and they were so good
the host. insisted he still believes in those situations.”
Tianjin players celebrate after beating Shanghai 3-2 in Game 7 of the 2018 China Volleyball League finals to earn their club its 11th CVL “We beat the best team in despite his side’s most com- City was well aware of the
crown on Tuesday at Luwan Gymnasium in Shanghai. XINHUA the world so that’s a really prehensive defeat of the cam- cauldron it was facing from
good performance,” said paign. the off as its team bus was bat-
Klopp. “I think in this room there is tered by bottles and cans on its
VOLLEYBALL “It was good tonight, but I nobody except the guy talking arrival at Anfield.

CVL spikes in popularity

am not interested in being to you who believes we are Klopp was quick to apolo-
good. In this competition it is going to go through,” said gize as was the club in a
about going to the next round, Guardiola. strongly worded statement
and we are not in the next “Tomorrow we are going to condemning the actions of its
round. Let’s talk about it after try to convince ourselves that own supporters.
the next game. in six days it is 90 minutes
“We will really have to work more and we are going to try.” AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE
Rejuvenated women’s league hits new heights, Shi Futian reports

A fter years of living in

the shadow of China’s
all-conquering wom-
en’s national team,
the country’s professional
“We have seen a very suc-
cessful season. We have made
a lot of effort going into mar-
keting and promoting the
CVL and we are glad there
a stars’ red carpet show,
The CVL has upped its
game on the media front, too.
Unlike many leagues, it has
volleyball league is finally have been a lot of improve- steered clear of exclusive
enjoying the limelight. ments in various areas.” copyright and instead oper-
On Tuesday, the curtain Gao said cultivating more ates a policy of sharing con-
closed on the upgraded 2017- superstars such as Team Chi- tent in order to gain the
2018 China Volleyball League na captain Zhu Ting will be maximum exposure.
season, with the women’s key to achieving that goal. The league boasts over a
final between Tianjin and China’s top spiker Zhu, the dozen online media partners,
Shanghai racking up viewing world’s most expensive play- such as Ali Sports and Sina
figures that the dramatic ers who began her career in Sports, with a record 500 mil-
action deserved. the CVL and is now playing in lion people watching CVL
Tens of millions of fans the Turkish league, has games on different platforms
watched online as Tianjin helped drawn global atten- throughout the 2017-2018
claimed its 11th league title by tion to the sport. season.
clinching the deciding match “China’s women’s volley- Social media is another
of the seven-game finals to ball team has enjoyed vitally important tool for the
claim the 3 million yuan remarkable achievements on league, with increased activi-
($470,000) first prize in front the international stage. For ty on the likes of Weibo and
of around 3,500 spectators at the league, we must improve WeChat attracting over a bil-
Luwan Gymnasium in the competitive level and lion hits this season.
Shanghai. popularize the sport to as Our goal is to cre- The CVL has broadened its
Tianjin’s 18-year-old Li many people as possible. spectrum of partners and
Yingying capped her stun- “It’s also important that a
ate the best volley- sponsors to include sectors
ning season with another
scoring blitz in the final, rack-
top league has the ability to
attract superstars as well as
ball league in the beyond the sphere of sports,
including the food industry,
ing up 43 points to easily sur-
pass the 21 points of South
create future homegrown world and start a internet finance and the
automobile industry. This
Korean Shanghai rival Kim Shanghai’s South Korean new era for the season saw the launch of
Yeon-Koung, 30. star Kim, the MVP at the 2012 “theme days”, featuring spe-
Li totaled 206 points over London Olympics, joined China Volleyball cial events offered by title
the seven games and 804 Shanghai this season and sponsors.
throughout the season, mak- more international stars are League.” The CVL also spent big on
ing her the youngest player in expected to follow her to Chi- upgrading facilities to pro-
CVL history to break the 800- na in the near future. Eric Gao, chief executive of vide spectators with a better
point mark. iRENA, the CVL’s business experience. For example, Bei-
“This season just made me All Star action operation partner jing’s Guangcai Gymnasium
a more mature player with a In a bid to further lift the installed new equipment,
better mentality,” said Li. league’s profile, the CVL’s All including an advanced LED
Tianjin coach Chen You- Star extravaganza will take decide the 56 most popular screen and sound meters, and
quan hailed his team’s per- place over the course of two players. now provides a “theater-
formance, saying: “Both days, April 13 and 14, at Friday’s action will focus on style” experience thanks to a
teams were strong and this Shenzhen Bao’an Stadium in exhibitions of skill, with the major renovation of the seat-
was an amazing game. Shenzhen, Guangdong prov- men’s and women’s All Star ing arrangement and the con-
“Although Shanghai had a ince. games taking place on Satur- struction of tunnels for the
great performance in terms Passions have obviously day. Fans will also have a players.
of attack and defense, we been stirred during the sea- chance to interact with their
handled the pressure and dis- son, with fans casting 28 mil- idols, with several activities, Contact the writer at shifuti-
played our skills.” lion votes online by April 1 to including a fans’ meeting and
It was a fitting end to a sea-
son in which the CVL and its
business operation partner
iRENA, has launched head-
first into the future by rolling
out an ambitious 70 million
yuan ($11 million) reform
plan designed to improve its
product on every level.
“Our goal is to create the
best volleyball league in the
world and start a new era for
the CVL,” said Eric Gao, CEO
of iRENA.
C H I N A DA I LY H O N G KO N G E D I T I O N Friday, April 6, 2018 ANNOUNCEMENT A1
(In Voluntary Liquidation) No. 23 OF 2018 No. 37 OF 2018
Company No. (1400442) Re: Wong Chi Kwong Re: Leung Yin Ping
NOTICE is hereby given that the Creditors' Meeting NOTICE is hereby given that the Creditors' Meeting
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant summoned by interim order made on 19th March 2018 summoned by interim order made on 9th March 2018
to Section 204, subsection (1)(b) to consider the proposal for a voluntary arrangement to consider the proposal for a voluntary arrangement
of Messrs. Jimmie K. S. Wong & Partners, Solicitors, of Messrs. Jimmie K. S. Wong & Partners, Solicitors,
Act, 2004 that the Company is in 3rd Floor, Double Building, 22 Stanley Street, Central, 3rd Floor, Double Building, 22 Stanley Street, Central,
voluntary liquidation. The voluntary Hong Kong on 16th April 2018 (Monday) at 11:30a.m. Hong Kong on 6th April 2018 (Friday) at 11:30a.m.
liquidation commenced on 7th Creditors can obtain a copy of (i) the Debtor's Creditors can obtain a copy of (i) the Debtor's
March, 2018. The Liquidator is proposal, (ii) the summary of statement of affairs, (iii) proposal, (ii) the summary of statement of affairs, (iii)
the nominee's reports and comments on the proposal, the nominee's reports and comments on the proposal,
ZHENG Xia of Room 302, No. 24, (iv) a form of proxy, (v) a notice of claim form and (iv) a form of proxy, (v) a notice of claim form and
Room 1101, Witty Commercial Building, 1A-1L Room 1101, Witty Commercial Building, 1A-1L
Dated 7th March, 2018 Tung Choi Street, Mongkok, Kowloon. Tung Choi Street, Mongkok, Kowloon.
(Ref: JW/48523/2017) (Ref: JW/48558/2017)
(Sgd.) ZHENG Xia Dated this 29th day of March 2018. Dated this 23rd day of March 2018.
Voluntary Liquidator Liu Kwok Chu Liu Kwok Chu
Nominee Nominee


locations -
Statement on Personal Data
Deadline for
Application No. Location Applied Use / Development Making Comment
on the Application
$67 1R6KHXQJ:R&KH9LOODJH6KD7LQ1HZ7HUULWRULHV Columbarium with Ancillary Facility $SULO

$SULO Town Planning Board


In the exercise of the power conferred by section 12(1)(b)(ii) of the Town Planning Ordinance (the Ordinance), the Chief Executive in Council (CE in C) on 7 February 2017 referred the approved Ma Tau Kok Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) No. S/K10/22
(the Plan) to the Town Planning Board (the Board) for amendment.
The Board has made amendments to the Plan. The amendments are set out in the Schedule of Amendments. The descriptions of the areas affected by the amendments in the Schedule of Amendments are for general reference only. The exact locations
In accordance with section 6(2) of the Ordinance, a representation shall indicate:–
(c) the amendments (if any) proposed to the draft plan.
Statement on Personal Data

I. Amendments to Matters shown on the Plan

II. Amendments to the Notes of the Plan


Town Planning Board

A2 ANNOUNCEMENT Friday, April 6, 2018 C H I N A DA I LY H O N G KO N G E D I T I O N


Pursuant to section 16(2D)(b) of the Town Planning Ordinance (the Ordinance), the Town Planning Board (the Board) has published newspaper notice(s) of the planning application(s) made under section 16(1) of the Ordinance as set out in the Schedule
below. Pursuant to section 16(2K) of the Ordinance, the Board has accepted further information from the applicant(s) to supplement the information included in the application(s). The further information is now available for public inspection during
In accordance with sections 16(2K)(c) and 16(2F) of the Ordinance, any person may make comment to the Board in respect of the further information. The comment should state the application number to which the comment relates and should be
Statement on Personal Data
in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance and the relevant Town Planning Board Guidelines.
Deadline for Making
Applied Use/ Further
Application No. Location Comment on the
Development Information
Further Information
Tung North, New Territories
$1(3. /RWV  6$ DQG  6% LQ ''  7HPSRUDU\ 3ODFH RI 5HFUHDWLRQ 6SRUWV RU The applicant provided further information which includes responses to comments table and a landscape $SULO
DQG DGMRLQLQJ *RYHUQPHQW /DQG 3LQJ .RQJ &XOWXUH +REE\)DUPDQG$QFLOODU\%DUEHFXH proposal in response to the comments of Transport Department and Planning Department.
Sheung Shui, New Territories 6LWH IRUD3HULRGRI<HDUV
$7< 7VLQJ<L7RZQ/RW53 3DUW 6DL7VR:DQ Proposed Temporary Asphalt Plant for a The applicant provided further information which includes responses to departmental comments, a revised $SULO
5RDG7VLQJ<L1HZ7HUULWRULHV 3HULRGRI<HDUV Environmental Assessment to supersede the original one of the Supporting Planning Statement and a
$</7<67 /RWV  53 3DUW  DQG  LQ '' 7DL 3URSRVHG6RFLDO:HOIDUH)DFLOLW\ 5HVLGHQWLDO The applicant submitted further information, which includes new sewerage impact assessment, pedestrian $SULO
Territories environmental assessment, visual impact assessment with photomontages, master layout plan, block plan,
and responses to departmental comments.

$SULO                   7RZQ3ODQQLQJ%RDUG
C H I N A DA I LY H O N G KO N G E D I T I O N Friday, April 6, 2018 ANNOUNCEMENT A3


Pursuant to section 6(1) of the Town Planning Ordinance (the Ordinance), the
APPLICATION FOR REVIEW OF SECTION 16 DECISION Town Planning Board (the Board) has received representation(s) in respect of
SUBMISSION OF FURTHER INFORMATION the plan(s) as set out in the Schedule. In accordance with section 6(4) of the
Ordinance, the representation(s) are available for public inspection during
Pursuant to section 17(2B)(b) of the Town Planning Ordinance (the Ordinance), the Town Planning Board (the Board) has published newspaper notice(s) of the QRUPDORI¿FHKRXUVDWWKHIROORZLQJORFDWLRQV
application(s) for review made under section 17(1) of the Ordinance as set out in the Schedule below. Pursuant to section 17(2I) of the Ordinance, the Board
has accepted further information from the applicant(s) to supplement the information included in the application(s). The further information is now available for (i) the Planning Enquiry Counter, 17th Floor, North Point Government
(i) WKH3ODQQLQJ(QTXLU\&RXQWHUWK)ORRU1RUWK3RLQW*RYHUQPHQW2I¿FHV-DYD5RDG1RUWK3RLQW+RQJ.RQJDQG (ii) the Planning Enquiry Counter, 14th Floor, Sha Tin Government
In accordance with section 6A(1) of the Ordinance, any person may
In accordance with sections 17(2I)(c) and 17(2D) of the Ordinance, any person may make comment to the Board in respect of the further information. The make comment to the Board in respect of the representation(s). The comment
comment should state the application number to which the comment relates and should be made in writing to the Secretary, Town Planning Board by hand, post should indicate the representation to which the comment relates and should
WK)ORRU1RUWK3RLQW*RYHUQPHQW2I¿FHV-DYD5RDG1RUWK3RLQW+RQJ.RQJ ID[ RU RUHPDLO WSESG#SODQGJRYKN RU be made to the Secretary, Town Planning Board by hand, post (15th Floor,
Any person who intends to make comment is advised to read the “Town Planning Board Guidelines on Publication of Applications for Amendment of Plan, ID[ RU RUHPDLO WSESG#SODQGJRYKN RUWKURXJK
.RQJ DQGWKH%RDUG¶VZHEVLWH KWWSZZZLQIRJRYKNWSE  Any person who intends to make comment is advised to read the “Town
In accordance with sections 17(2I)(c) and 17(2G) of the Ordinance, any comments made to the Board will be available for public inspection during normal 3ODQQLQJ%RDUG*XLGHOLQHVRQ6XEPLVVLRQDQG3XEOLFDWLRQRI5HSUHVHQWDWLRQV
Planning Ordinance” (the Guidelines) for details. The Guidelines and sample
The gists of the applications (including location plans) can be viewed at the above locations, the Secretariat of the Board and the Board’s website. submission form are available at the above locations, the Secretariat of the
The tentative date of the Board to consider the application has been uploaded to the Board’s website ( The meeting for %RDUG WK)ORRU1RUWK3RLQW*RYHUQPHQW2I¿FHV-DYD5RDG1RUWK
ZLOOEHDOORFDWHGRQD¿UVWFRPH¿UVWVHUYHGEDVLV In accordance with section 6A(4) of the Ordinance, any comment made
The paper for consideration of the Board in relation to the application will be available for public inspection after issue to the Board Members at the Planning to the Board under section 6A(1) will be available for public inspection during
in Council has made a decision in respect of the draft plan in question under
viewed at the Board’s website after the meeting.
Copies of the concerned draft plan(s) are available on payment of a fee
The personal data submitted to the Board in any comment will be used by the Secretary of the Board and Government departments for the following purposes: UG )ORRU 1RUWK 3RLQW *RYHUQPHQW 2I¿FHV  -DYD 5RDG 1RUWK 3RLQW
version of the plan(s) can be viewed at the Board’s website.
Statement on Personal Data
in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance and the relevant Town Planning Board Guidelines.
The personal data submitted to the Board in any comment will be used by
Schedule the Secretary of the Board and Government departments for the following
Deadline for Making
Subject of the Review made by the (a) the processing of the comment which includes making available the name
Application No. Location Further Information Comment on the
Further Information of the person making the comment (hereafter known as “commenter”)
$1(./+ /RWV  6% VV  6& 53 DQG 5HIXVDO RI 3URSRVHG +RXVH 1HZ The applicant provided arguments $SULO for public inspection when making available the comment for public
 6. LQ ''  .DX /XQJ +DQJ 7HUULWRULHV ([HPSWHG +RXVH  6PDOO in support of the review LQVSHFWLRQDQG
Tai Po, New Territories +RXVH application. (b) facilitating communication between the “commenter” and the Secretary
$1(./+ /RWV  6& VV  6' 53 DQG 5HIXVDO RI 3URSRVHG +RXVH 1HZ The applicant provided arguments $SULO of the Board/Government departments
 6 - LQ ''  .DX /XQJ +DQJ in support of the review in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance and the relevant Town
Tai Po, New Territories +RXVH application. Planning Board Guidelines.
$1(/7 /RW53LQ''7LQ/LX+D 5HIXVDO RI 3URSRVHG +RXVH 1HZ The applicant provided further $SULO
/DP7VXHQ7DL3R1HZ7HUULWRULHV 7HUULWRULHV ([HPSWHG +RXVH  6PDOO information to support his review Schedule
+RXVH application. Number of Deadline for Making
$6.3. /RW  6% VV LQ ''  3DN 5HIXVDO RI 3URSRVHG +RXVH 1HZ First written submission supporting $SULO Plan Representation Comment on the
.RQJ6DL.XQJ1HZ7HUULWRULHV 7HUULWRULHV ([HPSWHG +RXVH  6PDOO s.17 review Received Representation
+RXVH 'UDIW .ZDL &KXQJ 2=3 1R 2 27 April 2018
6 April 2018 Town Planning Board


Pursuant to section 12A(7)(b) of the Town Planning Ordinance (the Ordinance), the Town Planning Board (the Board) has published newspaper notice(s) of the
application(s) for amendment of plan made under section 12A(1) of the Ordinance as set out in the Schedule below. Pursuant to section 12A(14) of the Ordinance,
the Board has accepted further information from the applicant(s) to supplement the information included in the application(s). The further information is now
In accordance with sections 12A(14)(c) and 12A(9) of the Ordinance, any person may make comment to the Board in respect of the further information. The
comment should state the application number to which the comment relates and should be made to the Secretary, Town Planning Board by hand, post (15th Floor,
Any person who intends to make comment is advised to read the “Town Planning Board Guidelines on Publication of Applications for Amendment of Plan,
In accordance with sections 12A(14)(c) and 12A(12) of the Ordinance, any comment made to the Board will be available for public inspection during normal
The paper for consideration of the Board in relation to the application will be available for public inspection after issue to the Board Members at the Planning
Statement on Personal Data
The personal data submitted to the Board in any comment will be used by the Secretary of the Board and Government departments for the following purposes:
in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance and the relevant Town Planning Board Guidelines.
Deadline for
Application Proposed
Location Further Information Making Comment
No. Amendment
on the Application
<1(.76 /RWV6%VV6$ To rezone the The applicant submitted responses to departmental comments $SULO
ss.2 (Part) in D.D. 91 and "Green Belt" to Impact Assessment and a revised Landscape Master Plan
Adjoining Government Land, "Commercial" Submission together with revised key development parameters.
)DQ.DP5RDG)DQOLQJ1HZ The revised key development parameters involve reduction of
private car parking spaces.
<1(/. 9DULRXV /RWV LQ ''  DQG To rezone the The applicant submitted further information including $SULO
Adjoining Government Land, application site D UHVSRQVHVWRFRPPHQWV WDEOH UHYLVHG WUDI¿F LPSDFW
+D :R +DQJ 6KD 7DX .RN from "Agriculture" assessment, revised landscape proposal, revised tree survey and
New Territories DQG 5HFUHDWLRQ preservation proposal, revised ecological impact assessment,
to "Comprehensive revised environmental impact assessment, revised sewerage
Development Area" impact assessment and revised photomontages in response to
the comments from various Government departments.


A4 ANNOUNCEMENT Friday, April 6, 2018 C H I N A DA I LY H O N G KO N G E D I T I O N


to section 241 of the Companies (Winding
Up and Miscellaneous Provisions)
Ordinance, that a meeting of the creditors
of the abovenamed company will be
held at Suite B1, 23/F, United Centre,
95 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong
at 10:00 am on 30 April 2018 for the
purposes set out in sections 241, 242,
243, 243A, 244, 251, 255A and 283
of the Companies (Winding Up and
Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance.
Creditors may vote either in person or by
proxy. Proxies must be lodged at Zolfo
Cooper (Hong Kong) Limited, Suite B1,
23/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway,
Admiralty, Hong Kong not later than 24
hours before the time appointed for the
holding of the meeting.
Dated this 28th day of March 2018
Richard Michael Smith
Sole Director


In pursuance of sections 4 and 5 of the Transfer of Businesses
(Protection of Creditors) Ordinance (Cap.49)
NOTICE is hereby given that IC Group Hong Kong Limited, 10/F Bamboos Centre, 52 Hung
To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (the “Transferor”) carrying on the business of
providing provision of agency service to the ultimate holding company for arranging purchases
of fabrics and accessories, which also includes processing of payments to third party suppliers
of the ultimate holding company, and investment holding (“the Business”) has agreed to
transfer part of the Business in relation to the brand By Malene Birger together with certain
assets, including the goodwill, of the said part of the Business (“the Transferred Business”)
to By Malene Birger Hong Kong Limited of 10/F Bamboos Centre, 52 Hung To Road, Kwun
Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (the “Transferee”).
Completion of the transfer will take place on the 1st GD\ RI 0D\  DW WKH RI¿FH RI WKH
The Transferee intends to carry on the Transferred Business at the same address under the
name of the Transferee.
All debts, liabilities and outgoings of the Transferred Business incurred by the Transferor TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE (Chapter 131)
before the date of completion shall be borne and paid by the Transferor absolutely.
Notice is hereby given that at the expiration of one (1) month after the date of the last
publication of this notice, the liability of the Transferee (if any) for all the debts and obligations OUTLINE ZONING PLAN
arising out of the carrying on of the Transferred Business by the Transferor shall cease by
virtue of the Transfer of Businesses (Protection of Creditors) Ordinance unless proceedings are Pursuant to section 9(5) of the Town Planning Ordinance, it is hereby
In pursuance of sections 4 and 5 of the Transfer of Businesses IN BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS Kong;
(Protection of Creditors) Ordinance (Cap.49) NO. 9388 of 2007
NOTICE is hereby given that IC Group Hong Kong Limited, 10/F Bamboos Centre, 52 Hung ------------------------- (ii) WKH 3ODQQLQJ (QTXLU\ &RXQWHU WK )ORRU 1RUWK 3RLQW
To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (the “Transferor”) carrying on the business of Re: CHENG CHI WAH (惕⽿厗), (“the *RYHUQPHQW2I¿FHV-DYD5RDG1RUWK3RLQW+RQJ.RQJ
providing provision of agency service to the ultimate holding company for arranging purchases Bankrupt”)
of fabrics and accessories, which also includes processing of payments to third party suppliers TAKE NOTICE that the High Court (iii) WKH3ODQQLQJ(QTXLU\&RXQWHUWK)ORRU6KD7LQ*RYHUQPHQW
of the ultimate holding company, and investment holding (“the Business”) has agreed to has appointed 1st June 2018 (Friday) at 2I¿FHV6KHXQJ:R&KH5RDG6KD7LQ1HZ7HUULWRULHV
transfer part of the Business in relation to the brand Peak Performance together with certain 10:00a.m. to hear the application of the
assets, including the goodwill, of the said part of the Business (“the Transferred Business”) Bankrupt pursuant to Section 33(1)(b) of LY  WKH+RQJ.RQJ'LVWULFW3ODQQLQJ2I¿FHWK)ORRU1RUWK3RLQW
to Peak Performance Hong Kong Limited of 10/F Bamboos Centre, 52 Hung To Road, Kwun the Bankruptcy Ordinance to annul the *RYHUQPHQW2I¿FHV-DYD5RDG1RUWK3RLQW+RQJ.RQJ
Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong (the “Transferee”). bankruptcy order made against the Bankrupt
on 11th December 2007 and to dismiss the Y  WKH&HQWUDODQG:HVWHUQ'LVWULFW2I¿FH3XEOLF(QTXLU\6HUYLFH
Completion of the transfer will take place on the 1st GD\ RI 0D\  DW WKH RI¿FH RI WKH bankruptcy petition presented against the
Transferee. Bankrupt on 2nd November 2007.
The Transferee intends to carry on the Transferred Business at the same address under the Any creditor who wishes to support or
Hong Kong; and
name of the Transferee. oppose the said application shall give notice YL  WKH :DQ &KDL 'LVWULFW 2I¿FH 3XEOLF (QTXLU\ 6HUYLFH &HQWUH
All debts, liabilities and outgoings of the Transferred Business incurred by the Transferor in writing to Messrs. Yip, Tse & Tang,
Solicitors at Unit 1503, 15th Floor, Yue Xiu *URXQG)ORRU2¶%ULHQ5RDG:DQ&KDL+RQJ.RQJ
before the date of completion shall be borne and paid by the Transferor absolutely.
Notice is hereby given that at the expiration of one (1) month after the date of the last Chai, Hong Kong and may appear at the
publication of this notice, the liability of the Transferee (if any) for all the debts and obligations High Court on the appointed day for the RIDIHHDWWKH6XUYH\DQG0DSSLQJ2I¿FH0DS3XEOLFDWLRQV&HQWUH +RQJ
arising out of the carrying on of the Transferred Business by the Transferor shall cease by purpose by himself or his solicitor. .RQJ UG)ORRU1RUWK3RLQW*RYHUQPHQW2I¿FHV-DYD5RDG1RUWK
virtue of the Transfer of Businesses (Protection of Creditors) Ordinance unless proceedings are Dated this 6th day of April 2018 3RLQW+RQJ.RQJDQGWKH6XUYH\DQG0DSSLQJ2I¿FH0DS3XEOLFDWLRQV
instituted prior to such expiration.
Yip, Tse & Tang, Solicitors &HQWUH .RZORRQ  *URXQG )ORRU  1DWKDQ 5RDG .RZORRQ  7KH
Dated the 6th day of April, 2018. Solicitors for the Bankrupt HOHFWURQLFYHUVLRQRIWKHSODQFDQEHYLHZHGDWWKH7RZQ3ODQQLQJ%RDUG¶V
Solicitors for the Transferor and Transferee


In the exercise of the power conferred by section 16(3) of the Town Planning Ordinance (the Ordinance), the Town
Planning Board (the Board) has made a decision on the application(s) made under section 16(1) of the Ordinance as set
out in the Schedule below. In accordance with section 17(1) of the Ordinance, the applicant(s) now applies/apply for
a review of the Board’s decision. TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE (Chapter 131)
Pursuant to section 17(2A) of the Ordinance, the application(s) for review is/are available for public inspection DRAFT SIU HO WAN OUTLINE ZONING PLAN NO. S/I-SHW/1
Pursuant to section 5 of the Town Planning Ordinance (the Ordinance), the draft Siu Ho Wan Outline Zoning Plan
(i) WKH3ODQQLQJ(QTXLU\&RXQWHUWK)ORRU1RUWK3RLQW*RYHUQPHQW2I¿FHV-DYD5RDG1RUWK3RLQW No. S/I-SHW/1 prepared by the Town Planning Board (the Board) is exhibited for public inspection for a period of two
New Territories. North Point, Hong Kong;
In accordance with section 17(2D) of the Ordinance, any person may make comment to the Board in respect of (ii) WKH3ODQQLQJ(QTXLU\&RXQWHUWK)ORRU1RUWK3RLQW*RYHUQPHQW2I¿FHV-DYD5RDG1RUWK3RLQW
the review application(s). The comment should state the application number to which the comment relates and should Hong Kong;
New Territories;
Any person who intends to make comment is advised to read the “Town Planning Board Guidelines on Publication
Applications under the Town Planning Ordinance” (the Guidelines) for details. The Guidelines are available at the (v) WKH,VODQGV'LVWULFW2I¿FHWK)ORRU+DUERXU%XLOGLQJ3LHU5RDG&HQWUDO+RQJ.RQJ
Point, Hong Kong) as well as the Board’s website ( .ZRQJ:DQ5RDG0XL:R/DQWDX,VODQG
In accordance with section 17(2G) of the Ordinance, any comment made to the Board will be available for public (vii) WKH,VODQGV'LVWULFW2I¿FH7XQJ&KXQJ6XERI¿FHVW)ORRU7XQJ&KXQJ3RVW2I¿FH%XLOGLQJ0HL
question under section 17(6).
The gists of the applications (including location plans) can be viewed at the above locations, the Secretariat of the 5RDG7VXHQ:DQ1HZ7HUULWRULHV
Board and the Board’s website.
The tentative date of the Board to consider the application has been uploaded to the Board’s website (http://www. the draft plan. The representation should be made in writing to the Secretary, Town Planning Board, 15th Floor, North The meeting for considering planning applications, except the deliberation parts, will be open to the 3RLQW*RYHUQPHQW2I¿FHV-DYD5RDG1RUWK3RLQW+RQJ.RQJQRWODWHUWKDQ0D\
public. For observation of the meeting, reservation of seat can be made with the Secretariat of the Board by telephone
ZLOOEHDOORFDWHGRQD¿UVWFRPH¿UVWVHUYHGEDVLV (a) the particular matter in the draft plan to which the representation relates;
The paper for consideration of the Board in relation to the application will be available for public inspection after (b) the nature of and reasons for the representation; and
$IWHUWKH%RDUGKDVFRQVLGHUHGWKHDSSOLFDWLRQHQTXLU\DERXWWKHGHFLVLRQPD\EHPDGHDWWHOQRRU until the Chief Executive in Council has made a decision in respect of the draft plan in question under section 9. Any
Ordinance” (the Guidelines) for details. The Guidelines and the sample submission form are available at locations (i)
The personal data submitted to the Board in any comment will be used by the Secretary of the Board and Government to (iii) above and the Board’s website (KWWSZZZLQIRJRYKNWSE).
departments for the following purposes:
Copies of the draft Siu Ho Wan Outline Zoning Plan No. S/I-SHW/1 are available on payment of a fee at the
(a) the processing of the application which includes making available the name of the person making the comment 6XUYH\DQG0DSSLQJ2I¿FH0DS3XEOLFDWLRQV&HQWUH +RQJ.RQJ UG)ORRU1RUWK3RLQW*RYHUQPHQW2I¿FHV
(hereafter known as “commenter”) for public inspection when making available the comment for public inspection;  -DYD5RDG1RUWK3RLQW+RQJ.RQJDQGWKH6XUYH\DQG0DSSLQJ2I¿FH0DS3XEOLFDWLRQV&HQWUH .RZORRQ 
(b) facilitating communication between the “commenter” and the Secretary of the Board/Government departments The location of the planning area covered by the draft plan is shown on the location plan attached hereto. The
in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance and the relevant Town Planning Board Guidelines. ORFDWLRQSODQLVIRULGHQWL¿FDWLRQSXUSRVHVRQO\DQGWKHGUDIWSODQVKRXOGEHUHIHUUHGWRIRUGHWDLOV.
Statement on Personal Data
The personal data submitted to the Board in any representation will be used by the Secretary of the Board and
Application Subject of the Review made by
Location Comment on the
Review Application
$1(/7 /RW  6$ LQ ''  &KXQJ 8N 5HIXVDO RI 3URSRVHG +RXVH 1HZ $SULO for public inspection; and
$</ /RW  53 LQ ''  .XQJ 8P 5HIXVDO RI 3URSRVHG $QLPDO $SULO in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance and the relevant Town Planning Board Guidelines.
7<67 5RDG<XHQ/RQJ1HZ7HUULWRULHV Boarding Establishment
Town Planning Board
$SULO       7RZQ3ODQQLQJ%RDUG 29 March 2018

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