2010 Q2 Corporate Overview
2010 Q2 Corporate Overview
2010 Q2 Corporate Overview
America, and the Middle East, Cognizant has Cognizant Ranks among Bloomberg
the geographic presence and mix of onsite and BusinessWeek's Tech 100 (June 2010)
offshore resources to be the preferred global
Cognizant ranked among Forbes Fastest
services partner across industry. Because clients
growing 25 Tech Companies (April 2010)
see globalization as a key element to their success,
our “born global” heritage is viewed as a significant Named as best IR company in computer services
market advantage. & IT consulting category by Institutional
Investor (February 2010)
corporate overview
The greatest tributes by far are those we get from Our unique Two-in-a-Box™ client-relationship
our customers, who choose to partner with model offers greater customer intimacy, speed of
Cognizant and entrust us with critical aspects of delivery, local decision-making, and responsive-
their businesses. Global 2000 clients select ness, which has helped
Cognizant because our passion and professional- Cognizant build deep, We are working in partnership
ism provides strong competitive advantage in their fast-growing partner- with clients to make their
“race for the future.” It’s a race we are passionate ships with clients. This businesses stronger and
about helping clients win. model combines tech- more valuable.
nical and account
A Passionate Focus on Client Needs management teams located onsite at the customer
At Cognizant, we are proud to have built a culture location and offshore at dedicated development
attuned to anticipating and understanding our centers located in India and around the world. By
clients’ needs, and then working in close partnership working closely with our clients’ leadership
with them to make their businesses stronger — teams, we gain better insights for providing the
more productive, more profitable, more capable of best possible IT-enabled solutions to their busi-
capturing market opportunities — and thus more ness challenges.
Our Goal
Making our customers’ businesses
2 corporate overview
A Passion for Specialized Expertise blogs, wikis and other Web 2.0 tools. The platform
also provides active process guidance to our proj-
To meet the specialized needs of each client, ect teams, enabling them to work faster and more
Cognizant has continued to invest in deepening efficiently solving IT and business challenges. In a
our industry-specific organizational capabilities typical client engagement, our team members
and delivery excellence. We continuously add located at the customer’s place of business han-
experienced team members with distinguished dle approximately 25-30% of the workload. The
track records in key sectors, such as banking, balance is performed at
capital markets, insurance, life sciences, health- one of over 50 global
Our industry focus allows us
care, manufacturing, logistics, retail, utilities, delivery centers around to understand our clients’
hospitality, communications, information servic- the world. businesses, industry initia-
es, media, and entertainment, who serve as tives, and cultures, and to
subject matter experts and provide clients with At a time when companies create solutions that fit their
valid insights into and viable solutions to particu- across the globe are
individual needs.
lar industry issues. relentlessly striving to
compete better, move faster, and fight harder,
Cognizant has a global delivery platform that leading organizations across various industries —
supports an onsite/offshore model that meets from financial services and healthcare through
clients’ needs 24/7. Our service delivery is powered manufacturing, media, retail, utilities, and
by Cognizant 2.0, our global knowledge-sharing telecommunications — are partnering with Cognizant
and project management platform. Cognizant 2.0 to continuously elevate the business value of
enables our teams, business partners and clients their IT assets and to make their businesses
to collaborate virtually via instant messaging, stronger.
corporate overview 3
Cognizant’s Unique Operating Model
Deep relationship aligned with the client organization Empowered organization with focus on value
addition in domain and technology
Independent Cognizant customer satisfaction surveys consistently reveal that our clients receive superior quality IT serv-
ices at significantly lower cost, which enables them to maintain operational agility and focus on core competencies that
drive bottom-line and top-line growth.
About Cognizant
Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process outsourcing
services. Cognizant’s single-minded passion is to dedicate our global technology and innovation know-how, our industry
expertise and worldwide resources to working together with clients to make their businesses stronger. With over 50 global
delivery centers and approximately 88,700 employees as of June 30, 2010, we combine a unique global delivery model
infused with a distinct culture of customer satisfaction. A member of the NASDAQ-100 Index and S&P 500 Index, Cognizant
is a Forbes Global 2000 company and a member of the Fortune 1000 and is ranked among the top information technology
companies in BusinessWeek’s Hot Growth and Top 50 Performers listings. Visit us online at www.cognizant.com.
Start Today
For more information on how to elevate your business results with Cognizant, contact us at inquiry@cognizant.com or
visit our website at: www.cognizant.com.
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