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Assignment Cover Sheet for Postgraduate Courses

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Student ID Number(s) 101014646

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Given name (s) Huyen

Subject Code ACC80011 Subject Title Strategic Cost Management
Lecturer’s Name Julie Foreman

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Individual Assignment

Due Date April 15, 2018 Date Received

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Strategic Cost Management

Student name: Huyen BUI

Student ID: 101014646
Lecturer: Julie Foreman

April 15th, 2018

Executive Summary
Australia has a more efficient health care system than most countries. In 2014, Australia’s
healthcare systems ranked sixth in health care efficient and seventh in life expectancy at birth in
the world. Additionally, Australian people is ranked at the top in perceiving health status and
social well-being according to the Better Life Index of the OECD. The report will discuss about the
background of the Hospital Industry in Australia and also show key issues that the industry may
be facing through PESTEL analysis. Hence, it will provide a big picture of the hospital environment
and some recommendation in strategic development and planning to optimize the efficient and
effective outcomes of this industry.
The report has highlight three major things:
First, the Hospital Industry plays a key role in the Healthcare systems of all countries which
provide medical services, hospital activities, care and surgical treatment 24 hours a day and 7
days a week. Estimated around 426,800 doctors, nurses and staffs are working in both public and
private hospital in Australia.
Secondly, the Commonwealth provided $103.1 billion to improve public hospital services and
introduced a 30% rebate of private health insurance. Although the cost of rebate increased
private health insurance membership, boosted private sector, the Government spent too much
money on health insurance rebate. In Economy factor, the declining in unemployment rate is a
good new for the industry. However, Australia is still facing nursing shortage. The ageing
population has both positive and negative impact for the industry. Applying new technological in
hospital bring benefit in treatment such as decreasing new HIV patient, using robot for surgery
with the ultimate precision to less scaring and fast recover, vision technology for blind, My Health
Record application. In environment issue, Australia hospital is the second-largest contributor
sector in the landfill. The disposal of health waste and the carbon health are two key issues in
hospital. In legal issue, The Medical Treatment Planning and Decisions Act 2016 implemented on
March 2018. Victorians able to make legal advance care directive for current and future health
Finally, there are some recommendations to improve the Australia hospital: expanding medical
tourism, reducing cost of health care, putting patient first, up-to-date technology advances,
focusing research to find new ways in treatment cancer, diabetes and virus disease.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary................................................................................................................................ 1
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3
II. Hospital Industry .................................................................................................................................... 3
III. PESTEL analysis....................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Political Factors.........................................................................................................................................................................5
2. Economic Factors .....................................................................................................................................................................7
3. Social cultural Factors ............................................................................................................................................................8
4. Technological Factors ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
5. Environment factors ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
6. Laws factors ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12

IV. Recommendations ........................................................................................................................... 12

V. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 13
VI. References .......................................................................................................................................... 14
VII. Appendix ............................................................................................................................................. 17

I. Introduction
Bartlett C, Butler S & Rogan C (2016) affirmed that Australia has a more efficient health
care system than most countries. In 2014, Australia’s healthcare systems ranked sixth in
health care efficient and seventh in life expectancy at birth in the world. Additionally,
Australian people is ranked at the top in perceiving health status and social well-being
according to the Better Life Index of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD). The high living standard and excellent healthcare systems bring a lot
of benefit for Australians include longer life expectancy. The AIHW (2017) reported that the
average life expectancy in 2015 is 82.45 year with 78.5 for males and 84.8 for female. In 2013,
hospital created 4.7 billion dollars to the Australia economy. Government valued healthcare
industry is one of the highest-performing sector in Australia economy. Wade (2016) estimated
that Australia healthcare industry supports 1.5 million jobs - one in every eight Australia labour
works in healthcare. Hence, it can be said that the Hospital Industry is one of the most
important industries in Australia. The report will discuss about the background of the
Hospital Industry in Australia and also show key issues that the industry may be facing
through PESTEL analysis. Hence, it will provide a big picture of the hospital environment and
some recommendation in strategic development and planning to optimize the efficient and
effective outcomes of this industry.

II. Hospital Industry

The Hospital Industry plays a key role in the Healthcare systems of all countries which
provide medical services, hospital activities, care and surgical treatment 24 hours a day and
7 days a week. It includes health care institutions with a largely professional staff and
modern inpatient facilities. In 1956, the World Health Organization (WHO) Expert
Committee on Health Statistic & World Health Organization definite this: ”The hospital is an
integral part of a social and medical organization, the function of which is to provide for the
population complete healthcare, both curative and preventive, and whose out- patient
services reach out to the family in its home environment; the hospital is also a centre for the
training of health workers and for bio- social research”.

Nowadays, the increasing in aging population creates strong demand for health
services. According to AIHW Data Reports (2016c), $62 billion in 2014-15, which account for
about 3.9% Australia’s GDP or $2,639 per person is spent on hospital by citizens. Health
spending in Australia has increased in recent decades like others countries around the world.
Revenue in the hospital industry is considered fast growing due to growing the number of
patient for GPs and medical practitioners. With improving efficiency and advance
technology, revenue growth will outstrip employment growth.

Source: The AIHW report 2017

In Australia, the Hospital Industry have 1,331 hospitals with 701 public hospitals
(Productivity Commission Report on Public Hospitals, 2016) and 630 private hospital
(Healthcare in Australia: A guide to the Australian healthcare system, 2017). There were
426,800 workers for hospital services (AIHW 2017b) (Appendix 2). Public hospital or
Governmental are controlled and owned by the Commonwealth, state and territory
government and provide free treatment for Australia patients. Private hospitals are managed
by private organizations like for-profit companies, or not-for-profit non-government
organizations to make profit by provide service. Both public and private hospitals in
Australia receive government funding, state and territory government, private health
insurance funds and also direct payments by individual to pay for services that they provide.

The major customer of the industry are patients both local and tourism thus how
provide better service with the lower health care cost so that many people are helped is
traditional competition in hospital industry. Besides, it also encourages hospital will improve
healthcare services to make a better life. About supplier, in the industry, there are too many
suppliers – pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, health research institute and
the Government. Specially, the Government have a responsible to ensure that all citizens,
permanent residents and certain visa holders have eligible for Medicare benefits like receive
free emergency department visits, free public inpatient and outpatient hospital care.
Medicare serviced funded through 2% Medicare income tax levy.

III. PESTEL analysis

1. Political Factors
Policy in the hospital industry has a significant impact on the success of this industry. In
Australia, funding to public hospital is a responsible of the Commonwealth and State and
Territory Government. Under the agreement signing with the Council of Australia Government
(COAG) in 2016, an extra $7.7 billion is provided by the Commonwealth to support public hospital
services through the National Health Funding Pool. From 2012 to 2017, the Commonwealth has
provided $103.1 billion to ensure Australia universal health care as well as improve the quality of
service in hospital. This money will use for small rural hospital, hospital service activities such as
teaching, training and research, non-admitted mental health. Patient will benefit directly from
this arrangement through decreasing unnecessary hospitalizations as well as funding for unsafe
Private health insurance is a part of political factor. According to the Commonwealth, this
insurance can cover some out of hospital services (dental, physiotherapy, optometry) while
Medicare just only cover cost of visiting to GP or medical specialists. When the health cost is
increasing, the Medicare rebate for seeing community setting like private services has failed to
increase, thus, the patient of these services must pay out-of-pocket fee. However, in 1975, after
Medicare is introduced, the number of private health insurance declined sharply from nearly 80%
to 30% in the 1990s. The Howard’s government introduced a 30% rebate that all Australia were

eligible to apply in 1999. In fact, memberships have increased to nearly 50% in 2012. O’Brien
(2017) estimated that approximate 57% of Australia people chose private insurance. With the
increasing in private insurance membership, activity in the private hospital has grown up and the
waiting time for elective surgery in the public sector has reduced (Melbourne Institute report,
2014). Although this policy succeeded in boosting private sector and increasing patient choice,
the balance between private health insurance system and Medicare has continued to happen. In
2012-13, the cost of rebate has been increasing to $5.5 billion (6% per year). Jeyaratnam &
Jackson-Webb (2015) said that the government spent too much money for health insurance
rebate. This cost could contribute a third of the cost of the National Disability Insurance Scheme
or a national dental scheme or reducing the waiting list in public hospital. Grattan Institute
reported that the saving from abolishing the rebate would be 3.5 billion per year. An increase in
demand for public sector would offset this saving of rebate.

Australia Government succussed in healthcare system not only health insurance but also
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. Through negotiates with pharmaceutical companies about the
price, the PBS will pay most medications for all Australians. Basically, this would reduce cost of

medications in Australia and ensure Australia people have access to prescription medicine with
affordable price. Thus, people do not worry about being bankrupt when they have an accident
or illness.

2. Economic Factors
The hospital industry may have affected by some economics factors. If the household
income decrease, the family will less likely spend more. This situation is similar in hospital
industry. It is clearly that the profit of hospital has a direct relationship with the Australia’s
adjusted per capita income. With the growth in per capital income, household expenditure on
health also went up from 4% to 4.4%, making more profit on hospital (Appendix 4).

In 2014-15, the unemployment rate of Australia was 6.2%, which was went up of 0.2% as
compared to 2014. It had a negative impact on the industry due because people’s health choices
are affected by income level. A high rate of unemployment will discourage people in decide non-
emergency and health measures. Duckett (2016) mentioned that due to high out-of-pocket in
Australia, about 1 in every 20 people will skipped visit or delay to see a GP doctor in 2014-15
(Appendix 3). Moreover, more people losing jobs leads a reducing of health insurance coverage.
On the other hand, hospital employ more than 300,000 nurses in 2014 and thousands of nursing

graduates cannot find work in hospital (Steward 2014), the demand in labour market for nurses
in Australia will increase with population growth. Steward (2014) estimated that in 2025, the
industry will be lack of more than 109,000 staff working in nurse position. The lack of nurse can
affect patient health in a number of ways: higher patient mortality, more medication errors, and
overcrowded emergency department.
Inflation also closely relates to the hospital industry in cost care and pricing. In 2015,
inflation rate decreased from 3% to 1.5%. The decreasing of inflation makes the price of suppliers
and medical care commodities like prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and other medical
equipment drop off as well as the average operating expenses of hospital. Decreasing in inflation
rate means the gap between public and private reimbursement rates will shrink because the
reducing in cost of healthcare coverage. If inflation rate increase, insurance companies could
change beneficiaries’ cost and limit provider reimbursement. Hence, it leads to reduce patient
access to healthcare services and hospital will face higher employee costs and constrict revenue.

3. Social cultural Factors

The social cultural factors that impact to the hospital industry are the aging population,
personal health. Nowadays, the development of medical technology makes increase life
expectancy and also living standards in Australia. In the last decades, Australia is one the youthful
country in the world with 31% of population in aged 15 and younger. But recently, the AIHW

report (2017), the number of older people is continuing growth up, which increase life
expectancy. A girl born in 2012 will reach the age of 94 while boy can expect to live 91 years.

Australian population aged 65 and over, at 30 June, over time (per cent)
Sources: ABS [1, 2].
In 2016, 3.7 million people in Australia in aged 65 or older, which account for 15% of the
Australia population. Estimated in 2056, there will reach 8.7 million people in aged over 65 (22%
of the population). As a result of the increasing in ageing population, older people tend to
consumer more healthcare services, thus, the demand for medical services will increase, which
create positive impact for the hospital industry. On the other hand, it makes increasing health
expenditure of government due to the higher cost caring for those older people. Older person
requires more complex healthcare and expensive treatments. The AIHW report (2017) pointed
that in 2015-16, Australia health expenditure was about $170 billion, which was higher than in
2014-15 (Appendix 1). The growing number of elderly patients results in higher pharmaceutical
costs for treatment, and also creates Medicare and private payments seeking way to cut cost.

Moreover, when older people retire, the labour participation will decline. As a result, tax revenue
to pay for the healthcare services that the elderly population need will decrease (Appendix 5).
Hence, the increasing in ageing population in Australia has both positive and negative on the
developing of hospital industry.

4. Technological Factors
With the current technological advancements, the hospital industry is given positive
changes in treatment. The most benefit of advances technology is patient receive better care and
more patient treated. The development and application of new drugs, equipment and medical
systems are enhancing effectiveness hospital and reduce costs. One of the most achievement
technologies in the industry is PrEP - Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. According to Minister of Health
(2018), PrEP is a medical treatment to reduce HIV inflection’s risk by using an anti-retroviral
medicine daily. Access to PrEP by using government funding $180 million, Australians will pay
only $39.50 per script or $6.40 for concessional patient instead of $2,496 each year. It puts
Australia to become one of the first nations to prevent transmission of HIV. Han (2017) reported
that in 2017, the number of new HIV patient has decreased 25% than the average of the
preceding five years, which is 217 cases reported in New South Wales. That is good news for
hospital in Australia because there will be more HIV patient treat in Australia. Plus, more medical
technologies such as 3D Printing - creation of prosthetics, using robot for surgery with the
ultimate precision to less scaring and fast recover, vision technology for blind, Cybathalon - bionic
exoskeletons are applied in Australia hospital (IBISWORLD 2017). Besides, new electronic health
information systems have developed. NeHTA (the National E-Health Transition Authority) said
that new systems can record automatically, and transit securely health information. My Health
Record with around 800 public hospital in Australia helps doctors and nurses earlier detection
health problem by watch for electronic medical record. Hence, Australia is recognized one of the
most reliable and best services in the developed world. Overall, attracting more patient to the
hospital is a result from the using of these highly technological achievements allow for higher
accuracy and faster diagnosis and treatment and also bring better results for patient.

5. Environment factors
Environment solutions have financial and environmental advantages for the industry.
Hospital activities generate array of wastes that become a public concern. Estimated $10 million
per year is spent for the disposal waste and the hospital waste was equivalent 200,000
householder in Victoria’s public hospital (Victorian Health and Human Services). Davey (2018)
pointed out that more than 7 % of the Australia carbon footprint is contributed by healthcare
system. The health carbon footprint from hospital and pharmaceutical companies was two-thirds
of health-related emission. The anaesthetic gases contribute 5% to the hospital carbon emission
for acute organisation, which equivalent half gas emission used to heat building and water.
Additionally, laughing gas – desflurane and nitrous oxide result in global warming.
The process of disposing medical waste has caused air pollution, acid rain, greenhouse
effect by release many harmful substances affecting people’s health such as furan, lead,
cadmium. Ting (2016) mentioned that the second-largest contributor sector in the landfill is
healthcare. Although the hospital waste is a big problem in the industry, Australia has no public
data and no auditing about the rates of medical waste that producing (McGain 2010). Recently,
reusable alternatives are replaced by single-use/disposable items because single-use items may
be less hassle. Gowns, metal surgical instruments sent directly to waste management companies
to incinerators instead of sending to sterilising. It is one of potential impediment to recycle non-
infectious waste. Plus, While NSW and Victoria have major increased in landfill levees, the price
of non-recycled waste has been growing. Thus, the hospital will spend more money to conform
to the change required providers disposing contaminated waste. According to Clinical and
Related Waste Management for Health Services (2017), each hospital must establish and develop
a Waste Management Plan (WMP). WMP include strategy to keep to Policy of government about
minimizing waste, managing waste stream as well as health and safe working place under a
Waste Management Committee (WMC). Hence, protecting environment is an important problem
in the century 21st for the healthcare.

6. Legal factors
Legal factor are external factors that affect the way business operate and customer behave
under the law. In the hospital industry, starting 12 March 2018, The Medical Treatment Planning
and Decisions Act 2016 goes into effect. According to State Government of Victoria, the Act
allows Victorians to prepare advance care directive that they may want to treat for the current
and future health issues even when they lose consciousness or unable to express their wishes.
Advance care directive may include whether patient want to receive aggressive treatment,
resuscitated, or donate their organs. This ensures hospital putting the patient’s wishes first in
their medical treatment, and respect end-of-life care wishes. It is the first time that Victorians
young people under the age of 18 will be able to make advance care directive. Johnston (2017)
noted that respecting patient’s healthcare choices is important because most patient really just
want their values to be recognized and considered in decision making. The new laws also make
patient wishes clearer and easier for health professionals to understand. It leads to better patient
centered care, better outcome, and more comfort for health professionals and for families that
good decisions are being made.

IV. Recommendations
The hospital industry in Australia are facing some challengers in social, economic,
environment, policy and technology factors. Australia’s policymaker has been found the right
policy direction to bring this industry become a major contributor to the economy. As compared
to 35 OECD countries, Australia behind Thailand and Singapore in medical tourism. With a high
standard of care and a large number of well-trained doctor, Australia could compete with other
OECD countries in providing high quality treatment in cosmetic or plastic surgery, fertility, cancer
and cardiologist. Deloitte (2011) reported that the total visitors in Australia for medical reasons
was around 12,800, which account for 0.23% total visitors in 2010. The number of medical
tourism has a trend growing faster because Australia reduced language barriers. Deloitte
estimated the average grown rate in medical tourism will be 14% in 2005-2010. The hospital
industry could operate with marketing companies to promote services overseas. Increasing the
tracked immigration process for medical tourism visa will help Australia have competitive

advantage in medical tourism. Plus, working with other services provider to expand their market
such as dedicated concierge in the airport, online shopping with delivery to the bedside in 30
minutes, cafeteria services with five-star hotel food.
Nowadays, the climate change and environment pollution have increased new pathogens
such as Ebola, H1N1, SARS, H5N1. Thus, hospital in Australia need research and development
new antibiotic on a list of urgent bacterial threats. Besides, the Australia healthcare system need
improve techonology accessment processes and financial incentives for better quality patient
care and increase flexible health workforce. Putting customer first and ensure transparency for
patient, give all information from health conditions to the treatment and pricing through
Electronic Medical Record system should expanse. In addition, the Government need cut
wasteful spending, invest more productive avenues and also encourage cost-effective
investment in preventive health in the hospital industry.

V. Conclusion
Hospital is essential for any economy and social community. The economy of a country
improves, the health of its citizen improves. Looking at Australia hospital industry, Superville
(2017) said that President Donald Trump praise the Australia healthcare system when he met
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in New York meeting. He told that Australia have a better
healthcare system than the USA while Australia government spent less than the USA in health
services. Keeping good system for anyone approach, the Australia government will need to
consider policy decision based on external factors like policy, economy, social, technology,
environment and legal. New policy to cut wasteful spending and export healthcare will make
easier to attract foreign investment in this sector. Therefore, Australians will continue receive a
high-quality healthcare with lower cost of care and the hospital industry still ranks one of the
most contributor sector to Australia economy in the future.

VI. References

Butler, S & Bartlett C 2016, Australia's healthcare system: An opportunity for economic growth,
viewed 8 April 2018, <

Davey M, 2018, Australia's healthcare system contributing to 7% of nation's carbon footprint,

viewed 11 April 2018, <

Deloitte, 2011, Medical tourism in Australia, viewed 12 April 2018,


Duckett S, 2016, Many Australians pay too much for health care – here’s what the government
needs to do, viewed 6 April 2018,

Han, E 2017, Rapid decline in new HIV cases in NSW, latest data shows, viewed 7 April 2018,

Healthcare in Australia: A guide to the Australian healthcare system, 2017, viewed 10 April
2018, <>.

Jeyaratnam E & Jackson-Webb F, 2015, INFOGRAPHIC: A snapshot of private health insurance in

Australia, viewed 11 April 2018, <

Johnston C, 2017, Children can decide their medical treatments under Victoria’s unique
advance directive laws, viewed 12 April 2018, <

McGain F, 2010, Hospital Waste, viewed 7 April 2018,


Minister of Health 2018, New medicine to help end the transmission of HIV, viewed 7 April
2018, <

O’Brien S, 2017, The inside scoop part 1: a comparison of the US and Australian healthcare
systems, viewed 11 April 2018, <

State Government of Victoria, 2018, Law gives Victorians final say about medical treatment,
viewed 13 April 2018, <>.

Steward J, 2014, Thousands of nursing graduates unable to find work in Australian hospitals:
union, viewed 6 April 2018, <

Superville D, 2017, Trump: ‘Australians have better health care than we do’, viewed 12 April
2018, <>.

The AIHW Data Reports, 2017, Australia's hospitals at a glance 2015–16,


The AIHW report, 2017, Older Australia at a glance, viewed 4 April 2018,

The Department of Health, 2017, Increasing funding for public hospitals, viewed 10 April
2018, <

Ting J, 2016, Whole-of-hospital approach to waste, viewed 5 April 2018,


WHO Expert Committee on Health Statistics & World Health Organization 1957, Expert
Committee on Health Statistics [meeting held in Geneva from 10 to 14 December 1956] : fifth
report. Geneva : World Health Organization,

VII. Appendix
1. Annual growth rates of health expenditure and GDP, constant prices, 2005-6 to

Source: The AIHW report 2017

2. Average full-time equivalent staff (per cent), public and private hospitals, 2015-16

Source: The AIHW report 2017

3. About one in every 20 people who needed to see a GP skipped the visit or delayed it
because of cost (2014-15)

Source: Grattan analysis of ABS survey, Patient Experiences in Australia: Summary of

Finding, 2014-15

4. Australian Household Expenditure 2014 - 17


5. Summary of Effect of Population Growth and Ageing on Health Costs

Soures: The Ageing Australian Population and Future Health Costs: 1996-2051

6. Out-of-pocket payments % total health expenditure

Word account: 3120


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