7 Managing Avocados During Drought Summer 2015
7 Managing Avocados During Drought Summer 2015
7 Managing Avocados During Drought Summer 2015
Irrigation mature and young trees, change out to see how much water can be saved
There is arguably no more im- the sprinkler heads near the young by improving the system’s DU.
portant thing to do during a drought trees to lower-flow rate heads so In addition to knowing how
than to service and maintain your ir- you are not overwatering the young much water to apply to your trees,
rigation system and its components. trees. Consider investing in pressure you need to decide when and how of-
Your goal should be for every drop compensating emitters or sprinklers. ten to apply this water. This is where
of water that enters your irrigation Pressure compensating emitters soil moisture monitoring comes into
system — whether from a well or maintain a constant flow rate over a play. Soil moisture levels have several
district water — to reach a tree by range of pressures as is common be- phases, from saturated to the perma-
promptly fixing leaks and improv- tween the top of a slope and bottom nent wilting point. In between these
ing your system’s uniformity. To help of a slope. phases is what is known as “plant
you in this task, most water manage- You can also save water by op- available water.” This is the small
ment districts offer free water audits timizing your irrigation management fraction of water held in a soil that
that will tell you about your system’s through scheduling and soil moisture is easily available to the plant. Your
efficiency and where best to make monitoring. To properly schedule goal in scheduling irrigation is to
improvements specific to your situa- your irrigation you should utilize an maintain plant available water levels
tion. irrigation scheduling calculator tool, with minimal to no periods in the
There are a number of little such as the avocado-specific one that saturated or permanent wilting phas-
things you can do to help improve can be found on www.AvocadoSource. es. To do this, you need to monitor
your irrigation system’s efficiency com. This recently-updated calcula- the soil in your grove since the plant
and save water. These include cap- tor has many features, such as allow- available water content is influenced
ping sprinklers to dead or diseased ing the user to adjust their system’s by the unique soil characteristics of
trees. If your grove has a mix of distribution uniformity (DU) in order your grove. Complete details on how
Additional Resources
Additional information on irrigation efficiency and management, mulching, stumping and topworking can be found in
the following articles available online.
Determining Water Use Efficiency, K. Melban, From the Grove, Summer 2014
Optimizing Irrigation Management through Soil Water Monitoring, D. Crowley, From the Grove, Fall 2014
Soil Moisture Technology and Irrigation Management, J. Escalera, From the Grove, Fall 2014
Root Health: Mulching to Control Root Disease in Avocado and Citrus, J. Turney and J. Menge
Some Pros and Cons of Mulching Avocado Orchards, B.N. Wostenholme, C. Moore-Gordon and S.D. Ansermino
Stump and Topwork – A Technique for Rejuvenating Mature Avocado Trees. R. Hofshi, M. Tapia and M.L. Arpaia