Complaint LETTER
Complaint LETTER
Complaint LETTER
Good day!
This letter is in connection with my complaint furnished to you a month ago, dated July
5, 2017, about my neighbor, Mr. Jess Sumaya.
I presumed you have already brought my concern to the person involved but I am afraid
there has been no action at all until now. It is so saddening to know that one neighbor is
in his excitement over his house under construction while another one is suffering from
the destructive effects it is causing.
In my case, in addition to the former complaints I have made, I think my neighbor has
reached the limit of being an offensive and destructive neighbor.
If my memory serves me right, I and Mr. Jess Sumaya have already met and agreed
that he will resolve the issue. His architect even visited my house just to see the
damages that has been done. I have relatives from United States that time and they
were the witnesses of how my house looked like. Basins catching the drip, rugs
absorbing the water on the floor, and walls looking like a waterfall. The smell of my
house was also unimaginable.
As of this writing, for all you know, the second and third floor of my house has been
already affected by the ongoing construction of Mr. Sumaya’s house. My mezzanine
was literally flooded, CCTVs got wet and grounded, all the ceilings are dripping and my
son’s bedroom wall is drenched with the leaking water.
If we could estimate the damage this construction has made, it would cost me a
tremendous amount. But I am more concerned with the inconvenience and nuisance it
has brought to me and my whole household.
I hope that you look into this situation further and that you resolve this issue before I
take some legal actions regarding this matter.
Thank you.