LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual For Bridge Projects
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual For Bridge Projects
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual For Bridge Projects
A manual for
Finite Element Analysis and Design Software
Copyright (C) 2001-2016 LARSA, Inc. All rights reserved. Information in this document is
subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of LARSA,
Inc. The software described in this document is furnished under a license or nondisclosure
agreement. No part of the documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or information storage
or retrieval systems, for any purpose without the express written permission of LARSA, Inc.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Table of Contents
Introduction 5
About This Manual 5
About the Model 5
Cross-Section Definitions 23
Girder Section 23
Nonprismatic Variation 25
Pier Sections 26
Element Properties 29
Deck 29
Girder 29
Piers 30
Rigid Members 32
Defining Tendons 33
Tendon Geometry 33
Tendon Properties 36
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Key Concepts
The key concepts we will go over include:
• Using Bridge Path Coordinate Systems and Joint Displacement Coordinate Systems
• Member end offsets
• Orienting vertical members
• Using plate elements for a bridge deck
• Rigid members
• Orienting plates
• Renumbering Geometry
• Structure Groups
• Standard and nonstandard cross-section shapes using LARSA Section Composer
• Adding nonprismatic variation to sections with spans
• Alignment using the member reference line
• Defining post-tensioning tendons
• Staged Construction Analysis
• Defining construction stages and activities
• Load-class tracking in Staged Construction Analysis
• Influence Surfaces
• Linear Result Combinations
• Live Load Scenarios
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Horizontal Curve
A cross-section diagram is given next. The cross-section is composed of six elements. A member element represents
the tub. This element attaches to the two joints on the centerline but through a centroid offset the tub and its centroid
fall below the deck surface. Two rigid members connect the joints on the centerline (to which the girder attaches) to
the connections between the girder and the plate elements on the flanges. Three plate elements represent the deck. One
in the middle straddles the centerline. It does not connect to the joints on the centerline because there is no connection
between the girder and the deck at this location. The other two plates essentially cantilever to the sides from the flanges.
This is a simplification of the true connection between the flanges and the deck plate elements. Such simplifications
are common in these types of models.
Cross-Section Model
About LARSA 4D
LARSA 4D is an advanced multipurpose 3D structural analysis package featuring a powerful graphical user interface
and an analysis engine with unmatched analytical features including influence line and surface based live load analysis,
staged construction analysis, time-dependent material properties and segmental construction analysis, hysteretic and
seismic elements and seismic analysis, and progressive collapse.
The LARSA structural analysis engine has been in commercial use for over 25 years. It was originally developed
to perform nonlinear static analysis of structures that have large displacements, such as suspension and cable stayed
bridges and guyed towers. The engine became popular for analyses of these types of structures because of its
unprecedented accuracy at a reasonable price. The engine has been powerful since day one, using both tangent stiffness
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
and the full Newton-Raphson method with iterations in nonlinear analysis. LARSA software has come a long way
since it was first available on the VAX super-mini computers decades ago.
LARSA, Inc. has always been an industry leader. LARSA was the first to offer an individual PC-based DOS structural
analysis package with geometric nonlinear analysis capabilities in 1986. In 1994, LARSA took the early next step to
Microsoft Windows with a point-and-click graphical user interface and two years later was the first to offer elastic/
perfectly plastic pushover analysis. Today, LARSA’s flagship product is LARSA 4D, released in 2006 and featuring
new seismic and inelastic elements, major improvements to influence and staged construction analysis, and many new
features for bridge design and analysis.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Getting Started
Open LARSA 4D, or if LARSA 4D is already open start a new project.
We are going to work in metric units for this example. In Input Data # Units , click Metric and then click
Change Labels .
Bridge Path Coordinate Systems are defined by establishing a horizontal curve and a vertical curve. The horizontal
curve is composed of one or more straight-line, circular, or spiral segments between horizontal control points. Control
points are usually found on site plans with their station and bearing, which is what, is entered into LARSA. The radius
of each curve is also entered.
The elevation curve is composed of one or more straight or parabolic curves between elevation control points. The
station, elevation, and grade at each elevation control point are given.
In the Model Data Explorer, drop down the list box and select CoorSystems.
Click the “+” sign to the right of CoorSystems to add a new user coordinate system.
A dialog box for creating and editing user-defined coordinate systems will be displayed. Rectangular (Cartesian) is
the default type of coordinate system. We will use a Bridge Path Coordinate System.
Set the type of the coordinate system to Bridge Path by changing where it reads Rectangular to Bridge Path.
You may choose to enter an arbitrary name for your bridge path. Please use “Bridge Path UCS”.
Click Edit Path .
Horizontal Curve
The “Bridge Path Editor” window will appear where you will separately enter the horizontal and vertical geometry of
a reference line on the bridge deck. We will start with the “Horizontal/Plan Curve.”
Enter the station number for the start, PC, and end of the bridge by typing into the spreadsheet the following
Station Heading
13150 N 24 47 26 E
13277 N 24 47 26 E
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Station Heading
13430 N 67 59 38 E
When entering headings, leave spaces in between degrees, minutes and seconds so that LARSA will be able to identify
the values and display the bearings that you have entered in the standard way as shown.
Circular curves will automatically be fit between the horizontal control points.
Vertical Curve
Click the Vertical/Elevation Curve tab.
Enter the Station, Elevation and Grade values of two points as shown in the following table:
These vertical control points are at stations before the start and beyond the end of the bridge, but that is OK. The
Elevation View located at the bottom will display how your vertical curve looks.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Click OK to close the Bridge Path Editor window, and then click OK again in the User Coordinate System
window. You should now be able to see the bridge path that you have just defined added in the Model Data
Open the Joints spreadsheet from Input Data # Geometry . Note that the column headers indicate coordinates
are to be given in the usual rectangular global coordinate system.
Right-click your bridge path in the Model Data Explorer and choose Make This The Current UCS (User
Coordinate System).
Notice the changes in the column headers in the Joints spreadsheet, now indicating coordinates are entered as Station-
Transverse Offset-Elevation rather than X-Y-Z. By setting the new bridge path user coordinate system as the “current”
UCS, joint coordinates are displayed and edited in simple bridge path coordinates, rather than global coordinates, and
model generation tools work within this curved system.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Joints will be first positioned at the tops and bottoms of the piers.
Open the joints spreadsheet ( Input Data # Geometry ) and enter the following coordinates:
Note that the elevations are relative to the bridge centerline defined in the Bridge Path Coordinate System. The
elevations entered into the spreadsheet here are for the bases of the piers.
Set the Translation DOF and Rotation DOF to All Fixed for all of the joints at the bases of the piers (joints 6
through 10).
Take a look at the graphics window to verify that the joints have been entered correctly by clicking Graphics
View 1 in the window bar at the bottom of the screen. You will need to Zoom Extents.
Then return to the spreadsheet by clicking Joints in the window bar.
The connectivity of the members will be defined next. We will be using member elements to represent the tub portion
of the girder.
There are many ways of entering members, including drawing them, using the Model Data Explorer, generation tools
like extrusion, and by entering joint IDs in the spreadsheets.
Use any method to connect the joints in the model to create the model’s skeleton. Create the members in the
following order:
• The piers, oriented from top to bottom: joint 1 to 6; 2 to 7; 3 to 8; 4 to 9; and 5 to 10.
• The girder, oriented from left to right: joint 1 to 2; 2 to 3; 3 to 4; and 4 to 5.
Check that the connectivity is correct in the graphics window. Compare to the figure below:
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Structure Groups
It will help later on to put groups of members into Structure Groups. Structure Groups allow us to quickly select and
unselect parts of the structure. When we assign material and cross-section properties, and especially when creating
staged construction activities, it will be very useful to have all of the members that make up a span in a single group.
Right now just one member makes up each span and each pier. But we will break these members into smaller segments
in the next step. We need smaller pieces for two reasons. First, LARSA 4D computes displacements primarily at joints
only. Since we will want to know displacements mid-span, we need joints at those locations. Second, the spans are
currently straight-line segments because members are straight-line elements. We must break the girder members into
smaller pieces to approximate the curve of the bridge.
So we will put each member in the model now into a separate structure group. When we break the members into pieces,
the pieces will automatically be put into the appropriate group.
Open the Structure Groups Explorer by right-clicking the Group button above the Model Data Explorer.
Unselect everything and then select just the first pier. A quick way to do this is to use the Pointer mouse cursor
tool and then hold SHIFT while chicking on the pier. This has the function of selecting the object under the
cursor and unselecting everything else. If more than one object is under the cursor, you will be prompted to
select just one.
In the Structure Groups Explorer, click Add Group .
This creates a new group that contains the one selected member.
Click the group and choose Rename . Rename the group to “Pier 1”.
Repeat this process to create groups for the remaining four piers, and then the four spans from left to right.
Structure Groups
It will also be useful to put the groups into folders. Structure group folders allow us to select many structure groups
at once.
Click Add Folder twice in the Structure Groups Explorer and rename the two groups to “Piers” and “Spans”.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
In the future, you can avoid this step by creating the folders first. If a folder is selected when you click Add Group ,
the group will be placed into that folder.
Breaking Members
The skeleton of this model is almost complete now. We will now break the members into smaller pieces for the reasons
described earlier. The span members will be subdivided into 10 segments each. We will not subdivide the pier members
in this tutorial although we would recommend doing so in a final model.
Click the “Spans” structure group folder and choose Select (Unselect Everything Else) .
Notice how the girder elements are all selected and the piers are all unselected.
Go to Modify # Break Members . Enter 10 into the # Segments box. Click OK .
The selected members are broken into ten equal segments. But note that, because the bridge path coordinate system
is still active, the members are broken along the bridge path!
Top view showing the broken members following the curve defined earlier
The member elements are still straight line segments. What happened was rather than interpolating between the
start and end coordinates of each member in Cartesian coordinates, the interpolation was performed within the user
coordinate system. For instance, on span 3 the original member started at station 13,277 and transverse offset 0 and
ended at station 13,350 and transverse offset 0. The ten new segments on this span range from station 13,277 to 13,350.
But crucially they also range from transverse offset 0 to transverse offset 0, meaning they follow the horizontal plan
defined at the start of this project.
You may rotate your model to get a better view by clicking the Rotate cursor in the toolbar and then dragging your
cursor around the model.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Renumbering Members
If you turn on member numbering, you will notice how jumbled up the member numbers are. This is because LARSA
4D numbers the members in the order in which they are created. To make things simpler further along into the project,
we will renumber the girder members so that they are consecutively numbered from left to right.
Select just the girder members again using the “Spans” structure group folder.
Go to Modify # Renumber .
Choose Members .
Change Global to Bridge Path UCS.
The Start ID field shows the starting member ID number at which your girder members will be renumbered
from. We want the members to start from 1001 so enter that number into the Start ID field.
Click Renumber .
Because we may want to view reactions not in global X, Y, Z directions but in station, offset, and elevation directions,
we will assign the bridge path user coordinate system as the displacement coordinate system of the supports.
We will demonstrate this using the Model Data Explorer, although it could also be done from the joints spreadsheets.
Unselect All ( Selection # Unselect Objects # Unselect All ).
Using the window selection mouse tool, select the five support joints. You may need to zoom and pan several
Open the Model Data Explorer using the Model button above the Structure Groups Explorer.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Change to the Joints panel. (Where it says “Member” or “CoorSystems” change it to read “Joints”.) Below that,
it should read “5 Joints selected”.
Change the Disp UCS field to “Bridge Path UCS”.
The changed value will appear in bold to indicate it has not been applied to the model yet.
Click the checkmark at the top of the Model Data Explorer to apply the change to the model.
Use a plan view of the model to verify that the support icons are now oriented to be tangent to the bridge at
each location.
Support Orientation
We will be using plate elements to represent the bridge deck. Using plate elements has the advantage of letting us
perform live load analysis using influence surfaces, rather than influence lines.
The plates will be connected to the member elements at points on the flanges of the tub. We will place joints at the
connection points, and then rigidly connect these connection points to the joints we've already created for the member
elements. This will ensure that the three joints touching the tub in any cross-section deform together rigidly. The
connection points will be 3.5 meters to the left and right of the centerline.
To create these connections, we will extrude the joints on the girder centerline into members and make those members
In the Selection menu, turn on Include Element Joints if it is not already checked.
Unselect All.
Using the Pointer mouse cursor tool, right-click any girder member and choose Select Chain .
A “Chain” is LARSA 4D’s terminology for a line of connected members in the model, like the girder.
By using the Include Element Joints option, we select not just the members on the chain but also their joints.
Now, we do not want to extrude the member elements in the next step because we do not want a plate element connected
to the girder centerline — there is no connection between the deck and the tub at these locations. So we might consider
now deselecting all members so that we do not extrude plates out of them transversely. (For reference, you would
use Selection # Unselect Objects # All Members .) As it turns out, it is helpful to keep them selected. You will
see why next.
Open Draw # Generation . Click Extrusion .
Set the delta transverse offset field to 3.5.
Set the Element Type field to members only.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Click OK .
This creates many rigid arms to the left by extruding members out of the joints. It also duplicates the members on the
girder and copies them 3.5 meters to the left. In other words, the extrusion tool also does a copy. You’ll notice that the
joints on the original line were also copied 3.5 meters to the left. Everything that was selected was copied and shifted.
Additionally, the joints were extruded into members as we requested in the element type field.
Why did we copy the members if there is no girder there? These members will help us extrude the rest of the deck
overhanging the left side of the tub. We can delete the shifted members once we create the deck.
Create a new Structure Group called Rigid Members. It is OK that it will contain more than the rigid members
because more is selected in the model right now. We will correct that later.
Make sure the new group is not inside either of the folders. If it is, drag it outside of the folder.
Use the same procedure to create rigid members and a new temporary member line to the right. Start by
unselecting all. Use the Select Chain command. Then use the extrusion tool with -3.5 (rather than 3.5), and
extruding members only.
Add the new elements into the Rigid Members group by clicking the group and choosing Add Selected
Geometry .
We will now actually create plate elements. The first set of plate elements we will create will span the open portion of
the tub. We can create these elements easily using the two new member lines and the Span Meshing generation tool.
Unselect All.
Select the two new lines of members. Use the Select Chain tool twice.
We will use a tool called Span Meshing to create plates between the two chains of members we selected. However,
this tool has a limitation at the time of writing that the two chains of members must be on a single plane. Because of
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
the elevation change, the tool will not immediately be applicable. This gives us an opportunity to demonstrate another
feature of LARSA 4D’s user coordinate systems.
In the Model Data Explorer, switch to the CoorSystems panel. Then right-click the bridge path coordinate
system and choose Convert to Global System . Afterwards, zoom extents.
The Convert to Global System takes the station, offset, and elevation coordinates and turns them into X, Y, and Z
coordinates without applying a coordinate system transformation. That is, a joint at (station=100, offset=0, elevation=5)
will be moved to (x=100, y=0, elevation=5). For a bridge path coordinate system, this has the effect of unwrapping
the curve along the x-axis, straightening the bridge. A straight bridge can be easier to work with. We can re-wrap the
bridge along the coordinate system after.
Convert to Global
Note how there are now plates between the two chains of members.
We will put the bridge back on the warped coordinate system. Note here that if you had another bridge path coordinate
system, this conversion or unwrapping/wrapping process can be used to change the curvature of the bridge.
In the Model Data Explorer, right-click the bridge path coordinate system and choose Convert to This UCS .
Afterwards, zoom extents.
The bridge is back on its curved path. Check out the new plate elements:
The next step is to extrude each of the member chains outward to create the overhangs.
Unselect All and then use Select Chain to select the member chain on the left side.
Use the extrusion tool ( Draw # Generation and then click Extrusion ) with a delta transverse offset of 3.5. Set
the element type to plates only, since we do not want to extrude members from joints.
As before, the members are actually copied along in the process producing a new member chain that we will have
to erase at the end.
Repeat this process for the right side member chain, extruding with a delta transverse offset of -3.5. Start by
Unselecting All.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
In the figure below, the Shrink tool has been turned on to make the connectivity of the plate elements clearer.
The Show command has two actions. First, it unselects everything in the structure and then selects just the contents of
the group. Second, it hides everything else in the structure except for the group.
Unselect All.
Use Select Chain to select the inner line of members.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
We now have selected exactly what we want in this group selected. The elements we want to remove are unselected.
Click the Rigid Members structure group and choose Set Group to Current Selection .
Click the Hide Unselected tool in the toolbar, shown below, to turn off Hide Unselected. It was turned on by
the Show command. (Or use the Graphics menu.)
Plate Orientation
As with member elements, plates have an orientation that we must be aware of. The orientation of plates is determined
by the order of its four joints. The joints may be specified clockwise or counter-clockwise, and this affects whether
the plate local z-axis points up or down. One of the joints is chosen as the I-joint (meaning the first joint), and this is
the origin of the plate’s local coordinate system.
Use Graphics # Show to hide joints and members and to turn on local axes (in the Display Icons tab).
You’ll see that the local axes of the three strips of plates are all different. This will make it difficult to understand the
results and to create an influence surface.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
The local axis icon is placed at the I-joint of each plate, showing us the origin of the local coordinate system. The local
axes has a key at the lower right of the graphics window. The thick arrowhead normal to the plate is the plate’s z-axis.
The bold arrow along one of the plate’s sides is the plate’s local x-axis. The third arrow is the local y-axis.
To have the z-axes all point the same way, we can use a tool.
Go to Modify # Plates # Put Local Axes in Same Direction .
Note how the local z-axes are all in the same direction now: down. We would prefer they all be up. In that case, we
must reverse all the joint orders (from clockwise to counter-clockwise or the reverse, whatever it is).
Also note that the origins are in the same place on each plate, the near right joint. We were lucky that putting the z-
axes in line also fixed this other problem.
Go to Modify # Plates # Reverse Joint Order .
Use Graphics # Show to turn joints and members back on and to turn on local axes off.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Cross-Section Definitions
You will be creating a cross-section database file using LARSA Section Composer that will later be connected to your
LARSA 4D project. The two sections that you will use in this bridge will be defined in this one database, one section
for the girder — a tub — and one for the piers — a rectangle.
Nonprismatic cross-section variation is variation in section dimensions along the length of a span. Both sections will
have nonprismatic variation. The bottom flange of the tub section will vary in thickness. The piers will also have
nonprismatic variation. We will make them larger at their base, tapered linearly from top to bottom.
Girder Section
We will start by making the cross-section for the girder.
Open LARSA Section Composer. It is found in your Windows start menu, under Programs # LARSA 4D .
Save the database as “advanced bridge.lpsx”.
Since we are working with metric units, change the units. Go to Section # Units and select “mm” and “kN.”.
Rename the current section so that it will be easy to identify later. Go to Section # Rename and call it “Tub
Next, go to Shape # Insert Custom Shape .
Scroll down and double-click Box Girders. Select Single-Cell Box Girder Type 5.
Enter the dimensions as follows:
Dimension Value
d 2700
tb 8700
ft 300
bt 300
iw 1700
st 300
d2 350
w 100
angle 15
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Click Add .
In LARSA 4D, for each member, imagine a line connecting the two joints at the ends of the member. We call this line
the “member reference line,” and usually this line coincides with the member’s centroid. But in this model, we will
use the reference line to position the tops of the sections instead.
When we add a new shape to the section in Section Composer, the centroid of the shape is lined up with the member
reference line.
In our bridge model, our joint line is currently positioned at half the height of the deck plate elements. (We have not
yet set the thickness of the plates in the model.) Accordingly, the cross-section should be positioned so that the top
surface of the tub is half of the height of the plate elements below the member reference line.
Click the shape’s yellow area to select it.
In the shapes explorer, change to the Points tab.
The Points tab allows us to change the location of the shape relative to the member reference line by editing the shape
origin coordinates.
In the Single-Cell Box Girder Type 5 template, the origin is located at the top surface of the tub. Since the plate
thickness will be eventually set to 350 mm, the y origin value should be set to half that, and negative:
Change the origin y value to -175.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Tub Section
When we define tendons later, it will help to have the section stress recovery points slightly reconfigured. The stress
recovery points serve a dual role as both points where section stresses are reported as well as reference points for
defining tendons.
Click the shape’s yellow area to select it.
Right-click the shape’s top-left-most point.
Choose Set as Stress Point # 3 . Choose Yes when asked to move this stress recovery point to this location.
Nonprismatic Variation
The thickness of the bottom flange of the box girder varies. It is thinner at the end further away from the pier and
linearly thickens as it approaches the pier.
To define nonprismatic variation, we create a function that will be evaluated along the length of the member. The
function ranges from x=0.0 to x=1.0 (it can also range from 0.0 to the length of a span). This can represent the length
of the bridge, the length of a span, the length of a single member, or something inbetween — depending on how the
section is applied in LARSA 4D. We will treat x as ranging over the length of a single span, and the function will
repeat from span to span.
Note from the diagram on screen that the dimension is “bt” for the bottom flange thickness.
Go to Section # Nonprismatic Variation .
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Click the f button located to the right of the numerical value for “bt” in the Parameters spreadsheet.
The Parametric Equation Editor will appear. Click the Parabolic tab at the top.
Enter the start value as 600, the initial slope of -1000, the final slope of 1000, and then click OK.
The bottom thickness of your section now varies parabolically. The actual equation of variation is displayed in the
parameters list. The diagram at the lower left side of the window shows the variation in thickness.
Nonprismatic Variation
Click Close .
This is not the only type of section that is in this bridge, so we have to create the rest next.
Pier Sections
Go to Section # Add New . Enter the name “Pier”.
Go to Shape # Insert Custom Shape and choose Hollow Rectangle from the Basic Shapes group.
Set its dimensions to d=4100, b=2000, and tf=400. Then click Add .
The rectangle shape template has been set up in such a way that as the depth increases, the top flange remains in the
same position relative to the member reference line while the location of the bottom flange varies. You can observe this
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
by adjusting the d parameter’s value. This is not what we want in this model, however. When we apply nonprismatic
variation to the parameters we want the rectangle to increase in size but remain centered around the member reference
line. As it is, the pier’s depth will increase off to one side only, while the other side remains perpendicular to the ground.
Change to the Parameters tab and change the value of d a few times. See how the depth changes by keeping
one side in place and moving only one side.
We will revise the definition of the shape so that as the d parameter changes, the locations of all four points in the
outline — plus all four points that define the cutout — move symmetrically around the member reference line.
Click in the yellow area of the shape to activate the polygon that determines the exterior perimeter of the
In the Shapes Explorer on the right side of the screen, change to the Points tab.
Notice how the z values are b/2 and –b/2 while the y values are 0.0 and –d. In other words, the shape expands in both
directions when the b parameter is modified, but it expands in one direction as the d parameter is modified. These
values are relative to a shape origin which can be placed arbitrarily on the section canvas. The shape origin is placed
at the top of the section, and so here does not coincide with the member reference line.
Change the y values from 0.0 to d/2 and from –d to –d/2. Make each change on two points.
Notice how the exterior perimeter of the shape has changed but the interior permimeter of the shape has not moved
and now makes an invalid section.
Click inside what used to be the hole the section (inside the rectangle labeled “Cutout”).
This activates the cutout shape so that we can change its points as well.
Change the y values from –tf to d/2–tf and from –d+tf to –d/2+tf. Make each change on two points.
This moves the shapes so that they are centered on the member reference line.
Change to the Parameters tab and change the value of d a few times. See how the depth now changes
symetrically about the center.
For this section, we will change the x variable for nonprismatic variation to go from 0.0 (for the top) to the length of
the pier (for the bottom). We do this in this case because we do not know the length of the piers ahead of time (since
it varies from pier to pier) and we want to set the variation to be per meter along the length of the pier. (We could also
choose to create a separate section for each pier.)
Go to Section # Nonprismatic Variation .
Change the “x Variable” option to Absolute Length .
Click the f button located to the right of the numerical value for “d” in the Parameters spreadsheet.
The Parametric Equation Editor will appear. Click the Linear tab at the top.
Change the start value to 4100 (if you previously modified it) and the growth slope to 0.05 and then click OK.
Do the same for the b parameter setting the start value to 2000 and the slope to 0.05.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Click Close .
Save the database.
Close the Section Composer.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Element Properties
In this section we will set the section and material properties of the member elements and the material and thickness
properties of the plate elements. Before we set the section properties of the member elements with nonprismatic
variation, we must also create spans.
We will start with the material and thickness of the plate elements.
Back in LARSA 4D, import the Fc_4 concrete material using Input Data # Materials .
Select All, or use Selection # Select Objects # All Plates .
Open to the Model Data Explorer and change to the Plates panel.
Change the material to Fc_4.
Change the thickness to 350 mm.
Be sure to click the check mark at the top of the Model Data Explorer to apply the changes.
We will need to connect our section database to the project in order to access its sections.
Open Input Data # Connect Databases # Connect User Database .
Choose the LPSX file saved in the last section of this manual (advanced bridge.lpsx).
Click OK to close the Connected Databases window.
Spans determine how the nonprismatic variation of the cross-section will be laid out along the members. When a cross-
section with nonprismatic variation is assigned to a member, the variation will begin at the I-joint of the member and
will end at the J-joint of the member. However, in this model, the variation must go smoothly through many members,
either across an entire span or through the members that make up each pier. In this case, we will assign members
into a span. The nonprismatic variation of members in a span starts at one end of the span and varies smoothly to the
other end of the span.
Unselect All.
Select the members of the first span using the Structure Groups Explorer. Click Span 1 and choose Select .
Go to Draw # From Selected Member # Span to identify that these members form a span.
You will not see anything change in the graphics window unless spans are turned on for graphical display in Graphics
# Show .
We will now assign the material and section properties to the members in the first span.
Open to the Model Data Explorer and change to the Member panel.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Change the section to Tub Section, the material to Fc_4, and the orientation angle to 90 degrees.
Make sure to click the checkmark at the top of the Model Data Explorer to apply the changes.
You can use complete rendering in the Graphics menu to verify that the geometry is coming together properly.
Complete rendering helps to verify that the geometry and properties have been entered properly.
Add spans and set the section, material, and orientation angle for the remaining girder spans.
The next time you save the project, LARSA 4D will ask you whether you want to compute the Torsion J constant for
the members in the model for which there is nonprismatic variation. This is a computationally intensive process and
takes about 30 seconds. The properties have not been computed before because this is the first time the formula for the
variation has been combined with the manner in which the girder member has been broken down into smaller pieces.
We will now set the properties of the piers.
Use the Structure Groups Explorer to select all of the pier members (and to unselect everything else).
Use the Model Data Explorer to set the section to Pier and the material to Fc_4.
If you turn on Complete Rendering and possibly also hide joints and plates from the graphics display, you will notice
two problems.
First, the piers and the girder intersect. Weight and stiffness will be double-counted in these parts of the model. We
need to adjust the piers to end at the bottom of the girder.
Second, the piers are not oriented perpendicular to the bridge at each point.
To solve the first problem, we must return to Section Composer to check the location of the bottom surface of the
tub section.
Open LARSA Section Composer again and open the section database.
Click the yellow area of the shape to activate it.
In the Shapes Explorer on the right side of the screen, change to the Points tab. Then change “Edit - Local” to
“View - Global”
Here “Global” refers to the member reference axes, as opposed to a local 2D coordinate system used for each individual
shape in the cross-section.
Make sure Show Point Numbers is turned on in the View menu.
Look for the point number of one of the points at the bottom surface of the section: points 1 and 14.
Note the y-coordinate of points 1 and 14: -2875 mm.
You can now close Section Composer.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
To adjust the top location of the piers, we will use a Member End Offset. These alter the end location of a member but
keep its connectivity the same. We can make the end of the pier -2.875 m below the joint to which it is connected. It
will connect from the end of the member to the joint via a rigid arm.
Open the Input Data # Geometry # Members # Member End Offsets spreadsheet.
At the bottom of the spreadsheet, turn on Show Only Selected Objects .
The spreadsheet will show the end offsets for just the selected members, the piers.
Change the I-Offset Z to -2.875 m. It may help to use the spreadsheet range edit tool in the toolbar.
The I-Offset Z column refers to the offset in the z direction from the I-Joint, which we placed at the tops of the piers,
to the top of the member element, in global coordinate system directions.
To solve the pier orientation, we must set the orientation angle of each pier member appropriately. The orientation
angle for vertical members is the angle between the global x-axis and the member’s local z-axis. An orientation angle
of zero orients the local z-axis in the direction of the global x-axis.
We can set the orientation angle of the pier members fairly easily using a special tool.
In Graphics # Show turn off plates and in the Display Icons tab turn on Local Axes .
Put the model into a plan view and zoom in on the first pier and the following few members.
Notice the orientation angle icon displaying at the pier. It shows the local z-axis of the pier pointing in the direction
of the global x-axis. This is why the girder is facing the wrong way. If we point the local z-axis in the direction of
the bridge path, the pier will be oriented properly. We cannot yet tell LARSA 4D to do this directly. Instead, we have
LARSA 4D change the orientation of the pier so that the direction of the z-axis faces another joint in the model. We
will use the next joint on the bridge centerline to do this.
Select all joints ( Selection # Select Objects # All Joints ).
Right-click the pier with the Pointer tool. It will be hard to see, but you will be prompted to choose which
element at that location you intended to click. Choose Beam 1, the pier.
In the pop-up menu, choose Orient Principle Axis to Joint .
Click the joint on the girder immediately after the pier, joint 11.
Joint 11 must have been selected at that point. If it were not selected, you would have been unable to click on it and
register it as the joint you want here. With tools like this, you can only choose selected joints. This is a feature. It means
that you can make sure LARSA 4D will not confuse your choice with other joints by unselecting them beforehand.
Notice that the local z-axis of the pier is now parallel to the direction of the bridge. You can verify the orientation of
the member with complete rendering.
Repeat this process for piers 2–4. You will need to pan the view to get from pier to pier.
For the last pier, since there is no followng joint you can use the preceding joint. Use the same process but
orient the member to the preceding joint. Then right-click the member and choose Rotate Principle Axis twice
to increase the rotation angle by 90 degrees twice, or 180 degrees in total, to have the member face forward as
with the other pier members.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
This has set the reference Z axis to be parallel to the horizontal centerline of the bridge. Consult the cross-section
figures in the last section of this manual to verify that this is correct.
The view from below shows the piers and supports to be perpendicular to the bridge centerline at each point
Return to Graphics # Show to turn off local axes and turn back on plates.
Rigid Members
The last step in this section is to create and assign properties for the rigid members. It is generally recommended to
create new material and cross-section properties for rigid members approximately 10 to 100 times stronger than the
strongest member in the model.
Open the materials spreadsheet ( Input Data # Properties ).
Add a new row.
Change the name to “Rigid Material”. Set its modulus of elasticity to 2e5 and its shear modulus to 1e5. Leave
its unit weight at zero so that no self-weight dead load is applied for this connective element.
Change to the sections spreadsheet.
Add a new row. Call the section “Rigid Section”. Set its section area and shear areas to 1e7 and its torsion
constant and moments of inertia to 1e13.
With the material and section each about 10 times stronger than the pier material and section, rigid members will have
an overall stiffness 100 times stronger than the piers.
Close the spreadsheet.
Use the Structure Groups Explorer to select all of the rigid members (and unselect everything else).
Then use the Model Data Explorer to set the properties of these members: the section to Rigid Section and the
material to Rigid Material. Make sure to click the checkmark to apply the changes.
The orientation angle does not need to be set because the member is symmetric about the y and z axes as the moments
of inertia are the same.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Defining Tendons
We will create two tendons in this model. They will be symmetrically placed in the left and right webs of the second
span. We omit further tendons for the purposes of demonstration.
Tendon Geometry
Tendons pass through member elements. They are included in an analysis either through a tendon stressing construction
activity in Staged Construction Analysis or using generated equivalent member loads in linear or nonlinear static
analysis. The geometry of the tendon is determined by a set of geometry control points through which the tendon
passes. Each point is given as an offset from a reference location on a member. By default, the offsets are relative to
the member reference line, that is, the joint-to-joint line of each member, which we decided earlier would represent a
point within the deck. It is also possible to offset from a section’s defined stress recovery points.
It is easy to create the basis of a tendon profile. First select the members. Then use a draw tool to place a tendon on
the refernece line within those members.
Use the Structure Groups Explorer to select Span 2 (and unselect everything else).
Go to Draw # From Selected Members # Tendon .
The tendon editor window will appear. It shows the tendon profile on the top and a cross-section figure on the lower
left. The tendon profile diagram is scaled (compressed) so that the entire length of the bridge fits in the display. This
can be turned off with the Shrink button. When the Tendon Editor opens it shows a profile of the member local Y
axis, which in our case is the side view of the section.
The red line in the Tendon Editor is the tendon that we are placing. It is hovering outside of the cross-section right
now because it is following the member reference line. This could be an external tendon. We will move it inside the
cross-section, and in particular inside the web.
We move the tendon by changing the location of its geometry control points, or by adding new geometry control
points to its path.
Click the first geometry control point on the tendon. It is the start of the tendon.
In the Geometry Point panel on the lower right of the Tendon Editor, change the Y offset to 300 mm and +Y1
instead of Axis.
Click the Update to apply the two changes to the geometry point.
The two diagrams will update to show the control point 300 mm below the top surface of the cross-section. Y1 refers
to the first stress recovery point set on the cross-section definition. It is positioned at the top right corner of the section
and came in automatically from the tub girder shape template that we used when creating the section. The point is
positioned using this point in the member reference y direction only. For the z direction, it is currently positioned
according to the member reference line.
Change the Z offset to –1800 and +Z1. Then click the Update button.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Click the geometry control point at the end of the tendon and give it the same y and z offset settings. You may
need to change to the Z Axis profile to see the point.
The curve that you see in the isometric view is due to the elevation curve in the vertical geometry of the structure. The
tendon is currently configured as a straight line between two points in 3D Cartesian space. However, the members
are on a parabolic curve in elevation. The isometric view distorts the members to hide their curve, resulting in an
apparent (but not real) curvature in the tendon. (If we were to eliminate the apparent curve in the tendon by setting
additional control points in members, there would necessarily be sharp corners on the actual 3D tendon path between
member elements.)
To create an actual curve in the tendon path, one appropriate for a hypothetical design of this structure, we will need
to add a geometry point in the middle.
Hold the CTRL key and click in the member just passed the middle of the tendon. It is member 1016. You can
check which member you are clicking by (simply) clicking in the member and checking the ID shown in the
cross-section diagram at the bottom left of the Tendon Editor. Or, turn off the Tendon Editor’s Shrink to see
the member numbers.
This adds a new geometry control point within member 1016. It is placed back at the member reference line.
Change the x offset to zero, the y offset to 2200 mm and +Y1, and the z offset to –2400 mm and +Z1. Make
sure to click the Update button.
The +Y1 and +Z1 reference options select the use of the first stree recovery point on the section as a reference position.
The first stress recovery point on the section was positioned by default at the top-right of the cross-section. The selection
as a reference location makes the offset amounts relative to this top-right location. The sign convention is unusual here
so take note of the signs of the offsets.
Then change the curavature type to Circular Radius and set the radius to 100 m. Click Update .
This is just one of three curvature types available for tendon profiles. The circular radius is different from the other
curvature types in that the geometry point is the PI point, the intersection of the two tangents, and does not fall on
the tendon path itself. The other curvature types are parabolic and cubic, for which the tangent’s angles at the start
and end of the curve are required.
You can trace the path of the tendon in the cross-section diagram by moving to different positions on the span
by clicking in the side view diagram. See how the tendon stays within the web.
Notice how the cross-section diagram gives the cover distance at the position on the span selected.
You can also see the nonprismatic variation of the bottom flange of the section here.
Click the Tendons tab and then click Rename .
Enter “Right Tendon”.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Tendon Editor
Keep the Tendon Editor open. In the Model Data Explorer change to the Tendons panel.
Right-click “Right Tendon” and choose Duplicate Tendon .
The two tendons are at the same location so only one appears visible.
Click the first geometry control point on this tendon (the point at the start of the tendon).
Hold SHIFT and click on the last point on the tendon.
You’ll see that the tendon has moved to the other side of the cross-section.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Tendon Properties
Tendon properties are set in the geometry spreadsheets. First, however, we will need to import a steel material into
the project.
Use Input Data # Materials to load A992 into the project.
Open the materials “more properties” spreadsheet: Input Data # Properties # Materials # More Properties .
Set the Tendon GUTS (guaranteed ultimate tensile strength) of this material to 1770 N/mm2.
This information is used to check the peak stress during model input and is also used in the computation of relaxation
loss, and in moment curvature analysis.
Close the materials spreadsheet.
Open Input Data # Geometry # Tendons .
Change the material of the two tendons to A992.
To check the jacking force against the allowable peak stress, you may right-click the row and choose Validate Jacking
Force . This step updates the jacking force cell if the peak stress, according to the properties and path of the tendon,
exceeds the GUTS multiplied by the peak stress ratios specified on the spreadsheet. If the peak stress exceeds these
values, the highest jacking force that does not exceed the value is applied.
We can now observe the force along the tendon to verify the input.
Right-click the first tendon and choose Edit .
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
This graph shows the forces along the tendon before and after anchor set.
So far we have defined the geometry of two tendons. The tendons will not affect the analysis results until the tendons
are stressed in a construction step.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
The Staged Construction Analysis will perform a series of static analyses after each structural change to the model,
following the erection sequence of the bridge. In Staged Construction Analysis we define the erection sequence using
structure groups, construction stages, construction steps, and construction activities.
We have already created structure groups for the piers, the spans, and the deck. We will need them again to set up
the analysis.
When class-based result combinations will be created, such as for common design codes, class-based load tracking
must be turned on. Examples of load classes are dead load, live load, prestress loss, etcetera. When class-based load
tracking is turned on, construction steps must be separated by load class so that each result case is associated with a
single load class. Besides separating loading by class, other activities such as the deconstruction of elements and the
stressing of tendons must be separated as these activities create results that must be assigned to an appropriate class.
Click the side-by-side “Show Two Explorers” button in the panel above the open explorer. It is below the
Group and Stage buttons.
Change the left-hand explorer to the Construction Stages Explorer by clicking the upper Stage button above
the explorers. Change the right-hand explorer to the Structure Groups Explorer by clicking the Group button
in the lower row.
Create a new Stage by clicking the Add Stage button in the Construction Stages Explorer.
You will see a new Stage and a new Step created. We will put the structure groups into steps to indicate the order
in which the members should be constructed. All Structure Groups that are contained in a Step will be constructed
at the same time.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Drag the structure group named Pier 1 from the Structure Groups Explorer into the Constructions Stages
Explorer, into Stage 1’s Step 1.
Drag the structure group named Pier 2 from the Structure Groups Explorer into the Constructions Stages
Explorer, into Stage 1’s Step 1.
Click Add Step in the Construction Stages Explorer to add a second step in this first construction stage.
Drag the structure group named Span 1 from the Structure Groups Explorer into the Constructions Stages
Explorer, into Stage 1’s Step 2.
Recall that this structure group contains the member elements for the tub girder section on the first span.
Right-click “Stage 1” and choose Rename . Set its name to “Span 1”.
It is also possible to rename construction steps but we will not do this here because it will be easy to remember that
the first step is for the piers and the second step is for the tub girder.
We will repeat this process to create construction stages and steps for the rest of the structure:
Create a new Stage by clicking the Add Stage button in the Construction Stages Explorer. Then right-click it
and rename it to “Span 2”.
Drag the structure group named Pier 3 from the Structure Groups Explorer into the first step in this stage.
Click Add Step in the Construction Stages Explorer to add a second step in this first construction stage. Then
drag the structure group named Span 2 from the Structure Groups Explorer into this step.
Create a new Stage by clicking the Add Stage button in the Construction Stages Explorer. Then right-click it
and rename it to “Span 3”.
Drag the structure group named Pier 4 from the Structure Groups Explorer into the first step in this stage.
Click Add Step in the Construction Stages Explorer to add a second step in this first construction stage. Then
drag the structure group named Span 3 from the Structure Groups Explorer into this step.
Create a new Stage by clicking the Add Stage button in the Construction Stages Explorer. Then right-click it
and rename it to “Span 4”.
Drag the structure group named Pier 5 from the Structure Groups Explorer into the first step in this stage.
Click Add Step in the Construction Stages Explorer to add a second step in this first construction stage. Then
drag the structure group named Span 4 from the Structure Groups Explorer into this step.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Next we create a stage for assembling the deck. In this step, the deck is constructed with its complete stiffness. To
model the change in material properties between casting and hardening, use a Time-Dependent Staged Construction
Analysis or the weight-only option. The Time-Dependent analysis is discussed in the Introductory Training Manual
for Bridge Projects [in LARSA 4D Introductory Training Manual for Bridge Projects].
Create a new Stage by clicking the Add Stage button and rename it to “Deck”.
Drag the two structure groups named Rigid Members and Deck into the step within this new stage.
The load class must be set on all load cases used in a Staged Construction Analysis with load class tracking. Load
cases with different load classes must be separated into multiple construction steps.
Click OK .
Drag this new load case SW into every step that involves the construction of new elements (the eight steps in
the Span 1 to Span 4 and the step in the Deck stage). Be sure to drag the load case SW and not the line that
reads self-weight.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Self-Weight Activities
You can now close the right explorer pane by clicking the single explorer button (the leftmost button) above the
Stressing Tendons
Besides constructing members and plates, activities within Staged Construction Analysis can include the stressing of
tendons. To stress a tendon, we will add a construction activity into the construction steps during which a tendon is
Tendon Activities
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Here you may set nonlinear convergence criteria and other options. If you change the number of construction stages
in the future, you will need to check the settings in the Construction Stages tab.
Change to the Staged Construction Options tab and turn on Include Geometric Nonlinearity and Enable
Class-Based Load Tracking .
Click Analyze .
You will be prompted to save the project, and do so.
While the project is saving, you may be asked if you want to compute the torsion constant (J) at stations along
the girder of the sections defined in the Section Composer. Click OK to compute the torsion constants. This
process may take several minutes.
Analysis Results
Note that the Analysis Results Explorer has been opened in the explorer pane. Inside the Construction Stages
results group there will be a group for each construction stage, and inside that the results for each construction
Expand the Construction Stages group in the Analysis Results Explorer to see the stages analyzed. Expand the
stages to see the steps.
Be sure to Select All before viewing results.
Turn on graphical deformation diagrams and set the scale factor to 128. Then click on the first construction
step result case and go through the construction steps by clicking on them or pressing the down arrow on the
keyboard to observe the analysis sequence.
You can use the Hide Unselected tool to show only the parts of the structure that have been constructed.
Turn off deformed model when you are done.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Class-Based Results
The Enable Class-Based Load Tracking analysis option allows us to view results split by load class. There are two
load classes in this model: dead load (specified on the self-weight load case) and prestress load (used for the effect of
stressing tendons). Both graphical results and numerical results in spreadsheets can separate loads by class.
Each construction step provides three types of results. The most often used result is the “cumulative” result, which
includes the total affect of construction activities in the selected construction step and all previous construction steps.
Each construction step also provides “incremental” results, which include only the effects of construction activities in
that construction step. Incremental results are computed simply by subtracting the results of the previous construction
step from the results of the selected construction step.
LARSA 4D uses the term “extracted” to refer to the third type of result, in which cumulative results are segmented
by load class. Extracted results are cumulative but include only the effects of result cases for a particular load class.
The extracted dead load results for the selected construction step is computed by finding the sum of the results in the
current and all previous construction steps whose load class is dead load.
Open the joint reactions spreadsheet for the final construction step:
Select “Tendons: step 1” in the Analysis Results Explorer.
Right-click it and select Reactions .
The default results displayed are always the cumulative results. This is the final state of the structure after all
construction activities up to and including those in “Tendons: step 1”.
Joint 8 is the bottom of the third pier. Notice its Z Force reaction is 20,458 kN.
Its Moment X reaction is 18,777 kN-m. The joint has its displacement coordinate system set to the bridge path
coordinate system. That means that its X axis for displacements and reactions is the bridge path station axis, and
therefore Moment X is the moment about the bridge centerline axis.
At the top of the spreadsheet, turn on Incremental Results .
The reaction at Joint 8 is now 1.3 kN in Force Z and -1,516 kN-m in Moment X. This represents the effect of only
the activities in this step, the stressing of tendons.
Now change View Full Cumulative Results to Extract Prestress Load .
Notice how the Incremental Results option is turned off automatically for extracted results. The results do not change
because all prestress load results are in the current step.
Change the load class to Extract Dead Load .
The results are now the cumulative effect of dead load. In this model, that is the combined effect of all of the other
results leading up to this stage. The Force Z reaction is now just a bit less than the total cumulative effect because it is
missing the small component due to the tendons. Notice how the total Moment X is the sum of the Moment X effect
for prestress load (which we saw above) and the Moment X for dead load shown here (20,293 kN-m).
Close the reactions spreadsheet.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
The general influence method can be used to avoid this problem. With influence lines, a linear path along the model
is created, usually along the centerline of the bridge deck, along which unit loads will be placed at regular intervals.
Influence surfaces work similarly. Rather than creating a linear path over a series of members, with influence surfaces
the user defines a surface on which a grid of unit loads are applied. Influence surfaces are used when the bridge deck
is modeled with plates, rather than members.
This tutorial will use the influence surface method to compute live load results for this model. Some advantages of
influence surfaces over influence lines are discussed below.
If the design code calls for two or more traffic lanes on the bridge, an influence surface has many advantages over
influences lines. With influences lines a separate lane definition must be created for each design lane. But with influence
surfaces, a single surface can be created for the entire bridge deck. The influence surface solver will find the optimal
locations of the design lanes within the surface. Additionally, the influence solver will apply multiple presence factors
as needed, which in an influence line analysis is left to the user.
Open the Lanes/Surfaces panel of the Model Data Explorer.
Click the plus sign to create a new surface.
Right-click the new surface and choose Rename . Rename it to “Influence Surface”.
Right-click the surface and choose Edit Path & View .
Two new windows will open. On top will be the path spreadsheet where geometry control points are entered.
Surface Centerline
The centerline path of a surface is determined by geometry control points given as coordinates relative to plates in
the model. The path is generally fit as straight line segments between the control points, and so for a straight bridge
as few as two control points may be needed (one at the start and one at the end). For a curved bridge, either enough
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
control points must be used to approximate the curvature, or path curvature options must be used to fit a curve between
the control points.
We will establish a line through the plates that represents the centerline of the deck. We need a point at the start of
the deck and a point at the other end.
Click the graphical window in the lower half of the screen to activate it, and then adjust the display so that the
bridge deck is seen in plan view. Pan and zoom in on the start of the bridge.
Using the Pointer tool, click the plate at the start of the roadway at the roadway centerline. Although it looks
like the plate is split, there is just one plate crossing the centerline. It is plate 1. You can see which plate the
mouse is over in the status bar.
When the plate is clicked, it becomes shaded in the graphics and it is entered to the bottom of the path spreadsheet.
Switch to the pan tool and pan down to the end of the straight portion of the bridge.
Then with the Pointer tool again click the plate at the roadway centerline. It should be plate 21. Alternatively,
use the spreadsheet and add a row for this plate.
Do the same for the plate at the end of the bridge, plate 40.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Right now the path is made up of two straight line segments connecting the geometry control points. Additionally, the
path is not at the center of the deck. That is because the geometry control points on the path are at the origin of each
plate’s local coordinate system, which is at the plate’s I-joint.
Scroll to the right on the spreadsheet and change the Curvature Type to Parabolic for all three points.
The parabolic curve fitting method uses tangent angles of the curve at each point to fit a parabola between them. A
zero tangent is in the direction of the plate local x-axis. Because we set up our plates to have their local x-axes point
in the direction of the bridge centerline, the parabola follows our curved centerline without any additional input.
To move the path to the bridge centerline, we must offset the geometry control points by 3.5 m in the plate local y
Rather than specifying control points in global coordinates, path coordinates are simplified by giving offsets from the
joints of the plates that the loading will be applied to and the offsets are given in element local directions.
Adjust the Y Offset for all three rows in the spreadsheet to move the surface centerline to the center of the deck
surface. Set Offset Y to 3500 mm.
Finally, take a look at the end of the path. It goes only up to the last plate’s I-joint, and not the end of the bridge.
Set the Offset X of the last row to 8 m, the side length of the plate.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
AASHTO LRFD and other design codes call for certain loading to be placed at most once per span. You must use
“span break markers” to indicate the start and end of each span when this is necessary. A span break marker indicates
that the previous geometry point in the spreadsheet marks the end of a span.
To add span break markers to this model, we will need to add geometry points on all plates immediately to the right
of supports and then span break markers immediately after those geometry points.
Insert rows at the appropriate places in the path spreadsheet to create geometry points on plates 11 and 31.
Insert additional rows to make span break markers after the geometry points for plates 11, 21, and 31. A row is
turned into a span break marker by changing the Point Type to span mark.
Span break markers are indicated in the path graphics pane as small circles at the location of the previous geometry
Close the path spreadsheet window. The graphics window below it will also close.
In influence line analysis, lanes are defined with reference to members. Every member that the lane passes through
must be present in the path. Loads will be applied directly to the members listed in the path, with added moment loads
as needed if the lane does not follow the member centroid. The influence surface analysis has another advantage over
influence line analysis: Only plates containing geometry control points need to be included in the path. Loads will be
applied to any plates that the surface passes through, even if they are not explicitly specified in the surface definition.
Surface Width
Go to the lanes/surfaces spreadsheet in Input Data # Geometry # Lanes/Surfaces .
Enter the width of the surface: 14 m.
It is possible to enter here a skew at the start and end of the surface if the start and end edges of the deck are not
perpendicular to surface centerline. The skew inputs are almost never necessary. It is okay if the surface falls off the
edge of the plates, so the customary way to deal with skewed edges is to simply extend the surface definition over
the edge so that it encompases the corner, as well as some dead space. If the skew fields are used, they must have the
same value at start and at end for influence surface analysis.
Close the Lanes/Surfaces spreadsheet.
For bridges with curvature in elevation, it is important to bear in mind that the lane surface must normally fall roughly
within the volume of the plates that make up the deck. If the surface is intended to be above the deck surface and
outside of the volume of plates, or if cross-slope or other geometry requires that the surface be outside of the plates,
you must modify the path definition. Add path-only records to the path definition for any plate that the surface should
apply loading to that the surface (as defined) does not physically pass through.
The selection of a load class does not impact the analysis. It only affects the use of load class tracking tools such as
extracted results, as discussed in the last section.
Double-click the load case to go to its load spreadsheets.
Change to the Moving Loads tab.
Change to the Influence Loads sub-tab.
Add a row to this spreadsheet. This row will indicate that LARSA 4D should load our surface with unit loads at
a given grid spacing.
Set Lane Loaded to our Influence Surface defined earlier.
Enter the Forward Increment as 1 m. Since the bridge is 280 m long, this will generate 280 coefficients
Enter the Transverse Increment as 2 m.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Since the lane is 14 m wide, this will generate 7 coefficients transversely, for a total of 1960 coefficients on the deck
as a whole. (LARSA 4D will always adjust the transverse spacing so that the rows of coefficients are equally spaced
within the surface width.)
You can choose large increments here to make the analysis quicker but for refined analysis you may want to choose
smaller increments.
Close the Influence Loads spreadsheet.
In influence line analysis only, a separate moving load case is required for each lane to be considered. In some
circumstances it may be appropriate to load two lanes at once with factors that sum to 1.0 in order to simulate the
distribution of load across girders.
Run a Moving Load Analysis ( Analysis # Moving Load Analysis # Analyze ).
The result cases will be generated for the unit load applications throughout the deck surface.
After the analysis, you can see in the Analysis Results Explorer under the Moving Load Cases group there is a group
of results called “Influence Surface - Influence Surface Loading.”
Within this group are the linear static results for each influence unit load that applied to the structure on a grid
throughout the lane surface. They are organized by offset, indicating transverse offset from the lane centerline, and
station, indicating distance along the lane from the start.
Another advantage of the influence surface method over the influence line method is the ability to apply "two-
dimensional" load patterns. In these load patterns, each wheel is treated as a separate point load with an appropriate
transverse offset. “2D” load patterns are named with “2D” in their name in the LARSA standard database. It is always
recommended to use "2D" vehicle load patterns when using influence surfaces. The 2D load patterns model the width
of vehicles, which is used to determine the area on the design lane applicable for vehicle loading and is used for the
option for excluding the uniform lane load under vehicles.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
General Options
If the model had more than one surface, you would choose which one to load in the Influence Coefficients field.
Set the Design Lane Width to 3.66 m (12 ft).
Ensure that the Load for Extreme Force Effects option is turned on, which ensures that vehicles and wheels are
only placed if they contribute to the extreme effect under consideration.
The extreme force effect option does not apply to lane loads, which are always applied as patch loading.
Factors to apply to the results depending on the number of lanes actually loaded. (The number of lanes loaded depends
in turn on the multiple presence factors.)
Click the Edit button under Multiple Presence Factors.
Enter the factors according to the code, as in the figure below, and then click OK.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Vehicle Patterns
Change to the Vehicular Loading tab.
In this tab you will configure the vehicle loading that will be applied to the structure. (Uniform patch loading is
specified on the next tab.) There are three conditions to consider: one HL93 vehicle per lane plus lane load, one design
tandem plus lane load, and two HL93 vehicles per lane plus lane load.
Click Add Lane Type .
On the right, where it reads (Select Pattern) , click it and choose HL-93/HS20-44 2D Design Truck.
Note that the selection of the vehicle only includes its wheel loading. Uniform lane loading is specified separately.
A Lane Type refers to the way a design lane may be loaded. The influence surface solver will choose the lane type
that produces the most extreme effects.
Click Add Lane Type a third time. Set the (first) vehicle for this lane to HL-93/HS20-44 2D Design Truck. Set
the factor (just below the vehicle type selection) to 0.9.
Click Add Vehicle . A second HL-93/HS20-44 2D Design Truck with the same factor is added into this lane
Set the UDL Factor to 0.9. This applies to the current lane type. (We have not yet set the UDL magnitude.)
Set the minimum back-to-front spacing to 15 m (50 feet) and the design lane vehicle margin to 0.6 m (2 feet).
Turn on the option One Load Pattern Per Span.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Patch Loading
Change to the Uniform/Patch Loading tab.
Enter a UDL magnitude of 9.3 kN/m (0.64 kip/ft).
Set the UDL Width per Design Lane to 3 m (10 ft).
At the top left of the window, change the result case name to “LL.”
Click OK to finish creating this case.
The Analysis Results Explorer will show a new group called Influence-Based with a new result cases inside
representing the new configuration we just created.
Some provisions of some codes are specific to shears or negative moments. It is up to the user to use the right influence
configuration for each result data needed. LARSA 4D does not consider whether the result is a shear or negative
moment. The same influence computation is used for all results.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
It should be noted that impact, centrifugal force, and breaking force factors are not automatically applied by LARSA
4D. See the documentation for further details on creating cases for centrifugal and braking forces.
Graphical Results
The new influence-based result case can provide results in the same manner as any other load case: through the
spreadsheet, graphically, or using any of the tools on the Results menu. The results from an influence-based result case
are the positive and negative worst-case scenarios for the application of the live load as configured in the result case.
Because influence-based results are calculated on-the-fly (that is, when the actual data is requested), each data request
involves calculating the extreme values. Influence-based results will operate slower than standard results, but they do
not require additional analysis time or hard drive space. Use Tools # Options # Results # Cache Post-Computed
Results to save the results of influence-based cases as they are computed so that they do not have to be computed
the next time they are requested.
Before asking LARSA 4D for the worst-case effects of live load, we can verify that the influence coefficients we
generated are sensible and how LARSA would position vehicles to produce the worst effect for forces at various
locations on the structure.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
The graphics window will show the influence coefficients as a graph over the surface of the deck. The coefficients
represent reaction forces at the support we chose caused by point loads at different locations on the surface. The graph
shows that loading near the chosen support causes a greater effect than loading further away.
The large purple arrows above the deck represent the locations of the wheels of the vehicles. The magnitudes of the
wheels and the shape of the vehicles tells you which of the design truck, tandem, or two trucks lane types were actually
placed on the structure.
Only three lanes are loaded due to the multiple presence factors.
The small purple arrows indicate the location of patch lane loading.
Envelope Min specifies that vehicles should be positioned for the most negative effect.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Numerical Results
To view worst-case results numerically, use LARSA 4D’s results spreadsheets.
Go to Results # Spreadsheets # Plate # Stresses at Center .
Because influence-based results search for a minimum and maximum, LARSA 4D must know which column from a
result spreadsheet to envelope on. If LARSA 4D is enveloping on the member's z-moment, the member's corresponding
y-moment will not be the minimum/maximum y-moment but instead will be the y-moment produced from the same
vehicle positions that produced the greatest z-moment. In this way, an entire row of a spreadsheet comes from the
same vehicle position. You must use envelopes to view influence-based results so that LARSA 4D knows which value
to envelope on.
Select Min/Max for Principle Max.
With enveloping, you see the most negative minimum and the most positive maximum results for each result row.
Negative and positive rows alternate. Each row may be generated by a different vehicle configuration.
As with enveloped results normally, the highlighted column indicates which column is being maximized either
positively or negatively. The other columns indicate the condition in which the maximum occurred and the
corresponding forces (or other results) in other directions in the same condition.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
The Result Case column for influence surface results indicates both the result case (the name of the influence-based
case) that the results came from, as well as the locations of the vehicles placed on the surface and whether a multiple
presence factor (besides 1.0) was used for that vehicle configuration. In the figure below, the highlighted cell shows
this information.
The highlighted cell indicates that in order to maximize the principle stress at the top surface of plate 40, three vehicles
were placed. One is positioned at station 249.1 meters (from the start of the surface) and transverse offset -8.968 meters
from the surface centerline (negative is on the right side, following the right-hand rule). Two other vehicle positions
are indicated. The text “UDL” indicates UDL was applied. Finally, “* 0.850 (mp)” indicates the multiple presence
factor applied.
Results are shown in the spreadsheets for selected geometry only. It is often useful to select geometry in the graphics
window first and then return to the spreadsheet to see the results just for those elements.
Rows for which there was no way to position the vehicles so that there was a negative or positive result would be
shown as blank rows that read “no data”.
Linear Result Combinations are useful when combining, for instance, static dead load results with live load results. Any
static load cases in the project will also be analyzed during the Moving Load Analysis run, and so will be available to
be combined with influence results using a Linear Result Combination. (You can also use LARSA 4D’s Keep Previous
Results option which allows a second analysis type to be performed without losing the results of the first analysis.)
We already have a self-weight load case in this model. When run with a static analysis including Moving Load Analysis,
the self-weight is applied throughout the structure — as opposed to how the case was treated as a loading activity in
Staged Construction Analysis.
Let us combine the effect of self-weight with the live load results.
Go to Results # Linear Combination .
The left side of the window shows the result cases that have been solved. Use the right arrow button in the window
to move result cases to combine into the list on the right, which contains the cases that will be added together. You
can optionally enter factors. (With Staged Construction Analysis, you can use the Extract Load Class option to get
partial class-based results.)
Find the “SW” result case (in the Load Cases group) in the list on the left. Click it. Then click the right-
pointing arrow to move it to the list on the right.
Then find the “LL” case (in the Influence Cases group) and do the same: move it to the list on the right.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Click OK .
A new result case will be available in the Analysis Results Explorer for this combination. Check some of the results
in the results spreadsheets to verify that it is adding together the results of the two cases.
When accessing the results, each result data item will be the sum of the corresponding static result plus the worst-case
result generated by the influence case.
We will put an analysis scenario for live load analysis at the end of the construction sequence. A live load analysis
scenario takes into account the stiffness of the model at the point in the construction sequence where the scenario is
placed, but not the cumulative forces or the deformation up to that point. In this case, we will obtain the same results
as previously except that we can run the live load analysis at the same time as the Staged Construction analysis and
have all of the results at once.
Open the Construction Stages Explorer.
Add a new stage to the end.
Right-click the step within the new stage and choose Properties .
At the lower right, change the Analysis Type from Nonlinear Static to Linear Moving Load/Influence.
Click OK .
Open the Construction Stages and Load Cases explorers side-by-side. Then drag the “Influence Surface
Loading” load case into the new construction step.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
Go to Analysis # Staged Construction Analysis . In the Construction Stages tab, adjust the Ending
Construction Stage to what is now the last stage (“Stage 7”).
Click Analyze .
The Staged Construction Analysis will now compute the staged construction results and the live load results in one run.
After the analysis completes, the influence-based results will not be available. The influence case LL was previously
configured to use analysis results from a moving load analysis.
Right-click the LL influence surface case.
Note that the list of available influence coefficients shows a different result case name now. This is the new set of
influence coefficients from the Staged Construction Analysis run.
Click OK .
The linear result combination will also not be available because the SW case itself is not solved in a Staged Construction
Analysis run. In Staged Construction Analysis, SW is used in construction steps as an activity.
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
LARSA 4D Advanced Training Manual for Bridge Projects
analysis scenario for live load, 45
bridge path coordinate system, 9
combinations, 45
curved bridge, 9
elevation, 9
girder section, 23
horizontal layout, 9
influence surface example, 45
jacking tendons, 39
lanes, 45
non-prismatic variation, 23
pier section, 23
piers, 29
plate orientation, 13
properties, 29
renumbering, 13
rigid members, 29
sections, 23
self-weight in staged construction analysis, 39
spans, 29
staged construction analysis example, 39
stressing tendons, 39
structure groups, 13
support displacement coordinate systems, 13
surface, 45
tendons, 33
training manual,
vertical layout, 9