BP 2632 GB
BP 2632 GB
BP 2632 GB
(1303Sc) BP 2632-15
Good for more than pumping high and pumping far –
these pumps are good for almost anything
The construction of a high-rise building in However, regardless of the task for which
Dubai presents different requirements you wish to employ our pumps – machin-
than work on the Yeywa hydro-electric ery has to withstand everyday working
power station in Myanmar (Burma). conditions. That explains why we only pro-
Construction of a rail link in Tibet at an vide products that are extremely robust,
altitude of 5000 metres is a significantly reliable, user friendly, fuel efficient and
different proposition to work on the have a long life.
Sutong Bridge in China where Putzmeister
pumps had to contend with an extremely Which in turn means that you will quickly
inhomogeneous and coarse-grained establish, as you will continue to establish
material. How much concrete needs to be for many a long year, that your decision in
transported, how far in terms of height, favour of Putzmeister was the right one.
distance or both in such cases? What are Because you are able to work very pro-
the ambient conditions and what is the ductively with our pumps, because they
quality of the concrete? Questions that are very easy to handle, because their
you have to ask yourself prior to every operating costs are very reasonable, and
practical application. because you seldom need to give any
thought to service and maintenance.
Expertise gives you a leading edge –
not all concrete is equally good
For large projects in which heavy concrete needs to be moved very high or very far, you
need more than the required delivery performance, you also need an appropriate total
solution. Machines, concrete spreaders, accessories and service should all be carefully
matched to achieve a good ratio of productivity to cost-effectiveness.
For process-optimised planning of your delivery tasks, you can rely upon our engineers
to give you professional advice. Not only when you are involved in construction se-
quence planning and set-up at the building site, but well beforehand. For example when
computing the delivery pressure or testing the ‘pumpability’ of the material you will be
using. This makes it possible, where necessary, to have some influence on the concrete
recipe at an early stage in proceedings. Which in turn assures an optimum match be-
tween concrete and pump, and a very efficient delivery processes as an outcome.
Strelasund Bridge,
Every country has its own specific concrete
Wherever concrete flows, the material that comes into contact with it becomes worn.
Abrasion and other damage to components such as concrete hoppers with transfer tube,
agitators, pumps and delivery lines are unavoidable. The extent of the wear depends on
the composition of the concrete. Concrete differs significantly from country to country
and even within a country.
The ingenious geometry of Putzmeister concrete pumps was designed for all standard
concretes. Delivery and drive cylinders operate in perfect harmony with one another to
ensure the machine performs outstandingly in combination with all other components.
As a result, our pumps can deliver even the heaviest grades of concrete at output rates of
up to 200 m3/h without requiring the installation of additional equipment. Specific details
such as durable delivery pistons, series standard chrome-plated delivery cylinders and
the S transfer tube system designed by Putzmeister ensure that all machines are able to
withstand long periods of intensive use.
Minimise wear –
maximise service lives
Above-ground civil engineering –
where stationary can also be very flexible
The construction of the ‘OpernTurm’ (or Opera Tower) in the centre of Frankfurt am
Main was carried out at a breathtaking pace. This impressive high-rise project,
including its base plate, involved around 55,000 m3 of concrete being incorporated
in the 170 m tower.
This rapid pace of construction was greatly assisted by a Putzmeister Auto Concrete
Pump, the M 63-5, a stationary high-press concrete pump, the BSA 2109 HD, and
a stationary placing boom, the MX 32-4 mounted on a recently developed tubular
pillar with climbing system.
Burj Khalifa: world record
for this gigantic skyscraper
In a prime location along the banks of the Nile on One Nile Avenue in Cairo city centre,
construction of a building is currently underway that will eventually reach a height of
136 m. The complex will include a five star St. Regis Hotel as well as exclusive apart-
ments and offices.
The concrete delivery process was planned carefully by Putzmeister engineers and
took into account existing plans for the overall construction process as well as local
factors. Two of the main challenges encountered when laying the delivery line were
the extremely confined inner city location of the construction site and the daily
placement of specific quantities of concrete.
A stationary concrete pump, the BSA 2110 HD, was erected in front of each of the three
high-rise towers. Each of these concrete pumps supplies a MX 36-4 placing boom.
That means the concrete construction work can progress independently on each sec-
tion of the building. Which in turn means that potential delivery problems at one of
the concrete unloading points would not have an effect on the progress of the other
sections of the building.
Underground civil engineering –
far-reaching challenge,
maximum delivery performance levels
Adaptability for
tunnel construction
For the Drogdentunnel, in close collaboration with a construction company renowned for
tunnel shuttering work, gigantic prefabricated tunnel segments were produced. To enable
this to be accomplished, six BSA 2109 D machines were installed outside the production
Due to this great success, this innovative project served as a reference for the construc-
tion of a similar large project, the building of the Zhuhai tunnel between Hong Kong and
Zhuhai, otherwise known as Macao.
Lainz Tunnel – an elevated form of
long-distance delivery
The Lainz Tunnel is a 12.8 km rail tunnel Alongside other items of equipment, a
in Vienna. This tunnel helps to increase stationary concrete pump BSA 2109 H E
capacity levels for East-West transit. (later a BSA 2107 SHP E) pumped con-
crete via a delivery line that was perma-
To produce the internal shell in the inner- nently installed in the tunnel from above
city area, the concrete had to be pumped ground to the arch and base carriages,
along a fixed-installation delivery line which were a maximum of approximately
measuring between 300 and 1400 metres 1400 m away. Later, a further 6 Stationary
which linked the cement mixer unit on the Concrete Pumps, concrete delivery lines
construction site and the concrete pouring and functional equipment was installed.
point. The concrete mixture was designed Success here is based on having an
precisely to meet specific structural and economically and technically balanced
pumping requirements and was subject to concept for stationary concrete delivery
continuous monitoring from a concrete technology as well as a superlative
technology perspective throughout the on-site service.
duration of the construction project.
Specialist underground civil engineering –
intelligent technology for specific tasks
Mobility associated with pile filling
When filling bored piles, it is often the case In order to build the shopping centre on se-
that many piles have to be installed over a cured ground, a foundation base plate first
large area. Stationary concrete pumps on had to be laid on steel-reinforced concrete
a crawler track are ideally suited for this. piles. This is because the site, measuring
Additional special equipment such as the about 10 hectares, is located on the site of
lateral pipe guide, a remote control and the the former winter harbour that was filled in
integrated 700 litre water tank make the back in 1957.
pump the prefect partner when used in con-
junction with drilling machines. Putzmeister The BSA 1412 delivered concrete under
has 3 of these self-propelled stationary pressure through the bore of the endless
pumps in its product range. screw auger into bore holes that extended
down to depths of between 15.5 and 21 me-
With foundation-laying work in the ‘Rhein- tres. The off-road-capable Putzmeister pump
Galerie’ (Rhine Gallery) in Ludwigshafen, was able to follow the tracked heavy-duty
a BSA 1412 D RF on a crawler track, i.e. a bore drilling rig effortlessly across rugged
tracked chassis was employed. Hundreds of terrain. Driving commands, steering and
bored piles were produced using the on-site operation of the concrete pumps could all be
concrete auger delivery process (in German performed conveniently and reliably using
the ‘Schneckenortbeton’ or SOB process) the remote control unit.
for which about 9000 m3 of concrete were
Prefabrication plant –
highly effective combinations
Manufacturers of precast concrete parts are often faced with the problem of how they can
offer cost-effective production even for small quantities of concrete.
Putzmeister had the right solution in this respect for a plant in a Czechoslovakian prefabri-
cated concrete section plant in Luzec nad Vitavou, a town about 25 km North of Prague. For
this company that produces parts for rainwater and drainage channels, Putzmeister has put
together a cost-effective plant: Concrete is conveyed over a distance of 40 metres from the
mixer to the prefabricated section building using just one Stationary Concrete Pump.
Concrete is cast into moulds using a swivel-action rotary distributor mounted on a stand.
Systematically adapted to suit requirements
As well as the ‘small solutions’, Putzmeister also offers systems with very powerful
Stationary Concrete Pumps for major projects such as the production of bridge elements
and similar items. To use these inside factory buildings, they need to run quietly and eco-
nomically, and should not occupy too much space. The BSA ranges with electric drive are
the best choice here. In conjunction with larger rotary distributors and/or hydraulically
controlled placing booms, this solution offers optimum combination options.
Massive force
and very well-behaved
Working with our pumps not only needs to be productive and economical, it also needs
to be as pleasant and convenient as possible. After all, a day on a building site is hard
enough work and sufficiently taxing on the nerves as it is - so the equipment involved
should alleviate that as much as possible. Consequently in the design of our concrete
pump, we have focused consistently on the need for good access to all machine compo-
nents, ease of handling and straightforward cleaning and maintenance. The result is
noticeable on a daily basis and in the long run and in overall terms it’s indispensable.
Other advantages in terms
of operation, cleaning and
■■ T he position of hydraulics and
changeover cylinder outside the
concreting area prevents pollution
Freely accessible water connection ■■ E xternal non-return slide valve con-
nection (series from stroke of 1400 mm)
Its greatest strength is
its great strength!
Piston side = high concrete pressure By way of example,
Lower delivery performance
A1 here is the 2110 HP D:
Pressurisation rod side piston side
Rod side
Delivery volume 102 m3/h 70 m3/h
Rod side = lower concrete pressure
High delivery performance Pressure 150 bar 220 bar
A3 Ratio i=1: 2.3 1.6
Strokes/min 26 18
Nothing can make these pumps
‘lose their cool’
Ergonic ® inside – synonymous with opti- consumption and the pumping process is
mised fully-electronic control and regula- quieter and more balanced. Vibrations
tion of the concrete pump. How do you from the machine are reduced, which not
benefit? Your machines are ready to use only protects the concrete pump but also
more quickly, achieve a higher placement soothes the nerves of local residents and
speed, operate extremely economically construction site workers. EPS ensures
and are resistant to wear. the pump operates more quietly, even if
EPS – (Ergonic ® Pump System) regulates the delivery rate is high.
operation of the concrete pump and the
engine or motor. A computer-assisted
control is installed in place of the hydrau-
lic control. The effect: Fewer hydraulic
components, less wear, less energy
Maximum transparency
and clear layout
Which means a fully comprehensive range
To ensure that concrete gets to where it is optimum quality standards, for every task. 100 metres, the Zentrifix ® System ZX is
needed, delivery line systems are there to For smaller volumes of concrete at lower the ideal choice. It can withstand extreme
bridge distances. That might involve a pressures, the SK system is ideally suited, pressures, it is absolutely leak-tight and
height difference, a long distance, the and is also used in conjunction with auto is particularly wear-resistant at the con-
negotiation of bends, travelling below concrete pumps. Extension lines, particu- nections. The combinability of these indi-
ground or through water – there are virtu- larly with hoses, are best combined with vidual systems and the appropriate acces-
ally no obstacles that cannot be overcome the exceptionally flexible Ultraflex ® Sys- sories, e.g. couplings, adapters, reducers
using the right delivery lines and the tem PX. When it comes to long delivery and auxiliaries for cleaning, help to further
corresponding range of accessories. distances (of more than 100 m approx.) extend the range of applications.
Putzmeister has the right system, to or height differences in excess of about
There are many intermediate stages between the compact multi-purpose pump with
a delivery rating of 49 m3/h and a pump pressure of 70 bar, and the high-performance
concrete pump with a delivery rating of 200 m3/h and a pump pressure of 320 bar.
You can call upon countless benefits, even from the smallest model*. That may
involve a fast changeover from rod to ground-based operation, if you need more pres-
sure, or the electrical power regulator that automatically controls the ratio of pressure
to delivery volume. A further and very significant success factor is the high level of
adaptability to climatic conditions: From the cold of Alaska to the heat of the Arabian
Peninsula – all Stationary Concrete Pumps from Putzmeister can be used across a
temperature range of -17°C to 46°C! How is that possible? With an ingenious venti
lation system.
BSA 1000
The compact, quiet multi-purpose concrete pump. It is so reasonably priced, it
is best suited to flexible operations on smaller construction sites, as a remix pump
for delivery over extended distances, or for the wet spraying of concrete. With
BSA 1005, it is possible to deliver normal concrete with a grain size of up to 32 mm.
1005 D 1005 E
Delivery volume of up to 52 m 3 /h 49m 3 /h
Concrete pressure of up to 70 bar 70 bar
Drive 58 kW (diesel) 45 kW (electric)
Delivery cylinder 180 mm 180 mm
Piston stroke 1000 mm 1000 mm
Weight 2900 kg 2900 kg
BSA 1400
Reliable all-round concrete pumps for mid-range performance applications. With a
maximum delivery pressure of 106 bar, the models with electric motor are particu-
larly well suited to concreting work in tunnels, or for work in pre-fabrication plants,
because they work quietly and can be mounted on a flatbed rail waggon. The models
1409 D RF and 1412 D RF on caterpillar tracks are best suited to work in pile filling
BSA 14000 HP
With these pumps, everything is possible, because when it comes to pressure and
delivery volume, virtually no limits are set. Delivery pressure of 250 bar from the
BSA 14000 SHP contributed towards success in the construction of the Burj Khalifa
(Dubai), the tallest building in the world. A pump in the 14000 series also holds
the world record for longitudinal delivery over a distance of 2015 m in the French
Le Refrain construction project. Speechless!
Subject to technical modifications and errors © by Putzmeister Concrete Pumps GmbH 2012 All rights reserved Printed in Germany (1303Sc) BP 2632-15
wear-resistant, designed for mance and uniform concrete flow
a long service life
■■ omprehensive, practical stand-
■■ road performance range
B ard equipment configuration and a
makes the potential applications functional range of accessories assure
on construction sites and in flexible application options and a high
industry very versatile indeed level of machine utilisation