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University of Perpetual Help System Laguna

Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna

College of Business and Accountancy



A Research Proposal
Presented to
The Faculty of the College of Business and Accountancy
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy


Aspa, Austin Lloyd M.

Escaño, Jerilyn C.
Valencia, Mae O.
Vinoya, Harly E.

March 2018
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy

Page Number

Title Page i


Introduction 1

Theoretical Framework 3

Operational Framework 4

Operational Model 5

Statement of the Problem 5

Statement of the Hypothesis 6

Assumption of the Study 6

Scope and Delimitation 7

Significance of the Study 7

Definition of Terms 8


State of the Art 12

Related Literature 12

Related Studies 16

Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art 25

Gap/s Bridged by the Present Study 27

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy


Research Design 28

Sources of the Data 28

Population of the Study 29

Instrumentation and Validation 30

Evaluation and Scoring 30

Data Gathering Procedure 31

Statistical Treatment of the Data 31

References 32
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Chapter 1



Competition in today’s business world is increasingly tight. This is experienced

not only by large companies but also small and medium enterprises. Small and medium

enterprises (SMEs) are a very heterogeneous group. They are found in a wide array of

business activities, ranging from the single artisan producing agricultural implements for

the village market, the coffee shop at the corner, the internet café in a small town to a

small sophisticated engineering or software firm selling in overseas markets and a

medium-sized automotive parts manufacturer selling to multinational automakers in the

domestic and foreign markets. Statistical definition of SMEs varies in countries. Nikki

Natividad (2016) “In the Philippines SMEs are defined as any enterprise with 10 to 199

employees and/or assets valued from P3 million to P100 million.” Based on statistics

SMEs composed of 99.6% of the business registered in the Philippines and employ 70%

of the country's total workforce.

Every entity faces certain business risks ranging from the operational aspects to

financial aspects of the business causing it to fail in meeting its objectives. In order to

address business risks the entity establishes a system of internal control. Internal Control

is an essential element in achieving the objectives of an organization and it plays an

integral role in a company’s success.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Giriunas (2015) “establishment of an efficient internal control system is one of the

main company management instruments at major companies; mastering and use of this

instrument under the modern economic conditions create preconditions for achieving

competitive advantage over other companies”. Competition in the business world does

not talk about only in the improvement of their products but also in the establishment of

efficient and effective Internal Control System.

Main objective of most of the profit oriented organizations established like SMEs

are to obtain profit or be profitable. They aim to maximize profit for them to grow and

expand their organizations. One of the ways in achieving this objective is the

establishment of Internal Control. Vitez (2017) "Profitability is not only achieved through

high sales and meeting consumer demand, but also from controlling costs and limiting

excessive spending". Internal Control helps promote strong daily operations at the lowest

possible cost. Hassan (2013) "Internal controls are put in place to keep the company on

course toward profitability goals and achievement of its missions and to minimize

surprises along the way". Internal Control System does not only prevent opportunities for

employees to misappropriate goods or money but also for achieving the objectives of an

organization, one of which is the maximization of profits that leads to the growth of


This study aims to know the relationship of Internal Control System on the

profitability of an organization. The researchers will investigate the effectiveness of

Internal Control System on the profitability of various SMEs in the area chosen.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Conceptual/ Theoretical Framework

The Systems Theory by Keraro (2014) as cited in Bertalanffy (1968) highlighted

that real systems interact with and were open to their environments and that they can

cultivate qualitatively new properties through emergence that results in ceaseless

innovation. He argued that Systems Theory centers on the arrangement of and

interrelationships between the parts which connect them into a whole rather than reducing

an entity or organization to the properties of its parts or elements. In such time, an entity

recognized a system that is independent of the concrete substance of the elements such as

various departments like accounting, human resources, financing, etc. as an example.

Hence, same principles and concepts of organization support the different disciplines,

which provide a basis for their unification. In applying the approach of Systems Theory,

the study determined that there are numerous feasible roles of governance in the strategic

management of companies.

Based on the aforementioned discussion of the study undertaken, this theory

helped the researchers to envision the fact that part of an interrelated network of

connected issues in internal control system is the isolated internal problem. Indeed this

theory supports corporate governance as one of the key role of management.

Internal Control is present in all organizations, standardized in large companies

and is often implemented in very small firms. It is important for an organization to

formalize an internal control system for it is the way in which the management
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
maximizes their resources to reach their goals particularly with their financial

performance - profitability being one of its manifestation.

As stated in Muya & Gathogo (2016), profitability is the ability to make benefits

arising from the organization's business operations. It refers to money that an entity can

yield from its resources. Accordingly, it is the profit maximization that most companies

are aiming for as stated in Vinesh & Velnampy (2014). At some point, it is profitability

that captivates investors and the business is likely to survive for a long period of time

(Farah and Nina, 2016).

In Accounting Theory, profitability refers to the surplus of profit over expense for

a given period of time. Since profitability provides a clear interpretation of business

performance, it is vital to the manager of the firms and also with the owners and other

stakeholders who are associated or involved in the firm. Najed et al. (2012) ratios on

profitability such as return on assets or ROA and others are used to measure the earning

capacity of business entities and are considered as an indicator of firm's growth and

success. A high ROA ratio is a great pointer of a good performance or profitability of an

entity (Bentum, 2012).

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Operational Framework

An operational framework sets out the relationship that exists between the

variables of the study. The study is in pursuit to determine the effectiveness of internal

control system on SMEs' profitability. Given this objective, the researchers came up with

various concepts and theories that are suitable to attain such goal.

In accordance with foregoing concepts and theories, the researchers came up with

an operational model for better understanding of the study. The model below depicts the

effectiveness of internal control system as the independent variable and profitability on

the other hand as the dependent variable.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Effectiveness of Internal Profitability

Control System
-Return on Assets
-Risk Assessment
-Return on Equity
-Control Environment
-Gross Profit Ratio
-Control Activities
-Information and

Figure 1.The Operational Model of the study showing the relationship of the variables.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Statement of the problem

This study will determine the effectiveness of internal control system to the

profitability of the SME's. This topic will seek answers specifically to the following


1. What is the level of effectiveness of internal control system of SMEs in terms of:

- Risk Assessment
- Control Environment
- Control Activities
- Information and communication
- Monitoring

2. What is the level of profitability of SMEs in terms of:

- Return on Assets
- Return on Equity
- Gross Profit Ratio

3. Is there any significant relationship between the level of effectiveness of internal

control system and level of profitability of SMEs?

Statement of the Hypothesis

This study will be testing the null hypothesis.

H0: There is no significant relationship between the level of effectiveness of internal

control system and the level of profitability of SMEs.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Assumptions of the study

The study will revolve around the following assumptions which are the given of

the problems.

1. Internal control of the company affects the profitability of SMEs.

2. Every SME has internal control.

3. The respondents will answer the questionnaires provided to the best of their


Scope and Delimitations

This study focused on the relationship of internal control system and profitability

of entities, particularly SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises). The respondents of this

research are SMEs within Biñan City. The study will cover the academic year 2017-2018.

This research only includes respondents that are located in Biñan City in the

province of Laguna. This study focused only on the profitability of an entity and does not

include other business performances. Moreover, this study talks about internal control

system of the business in general and does not specify particular control of an


The independent variable in this study is the effectiveness of internal control

system. On the other hand, profitability of SMEs is the dependent variable.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Significance of the Study

The results of this study would be beneficial to the following:

SMEs will benefit in this study since they will know that effective internal control will

contributes to their profitability.

Managers will benefit in this study for it will inform them how essential and significant

internal control in a business.

Researchers of the present study will be benefited for they will be able to know the

relationship between the variables of the study.

Future researchers will benefit in this study for it will serve as their guide in doing

upcoming research connected to their study.

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of the discussions of this paper, the following terms are

defined both conceptually and operationally.

Effectiveness is defined as producing a desired effect (Merriam Webster, 2015).

Operationally, the effectiveness of internal control to the profitability of SMEs will be

determined on the basis of the gathered data.

Internal Control as defined by COSO framework (2015) is a process designed

implemented and maintained by those charge with governance, management, and other

personnel to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
relating to effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reliability of reporting, and

compliance with laws and regulations.

- Control activities as defined by COSO Internal Control – Integrated

Framework (2013) are the activities built up through strategies and

methodology that assistance guarantee that administration's orders to alleviate

dangers to the accomplishment of goals are done. Control activities are

performed at all levels of the element, at different stages inside business

forms, and over the innovation condition

- Control Environment is the set of measures, procedures, and structures that

give the premise to doing internal control over the association. The top

managerial staff and senior administration set up the tone at the best with

respect to the significance of interior control including expected measures of

direct (COSO Internal Control – Integrated Framework, 2013).

- Information and Communication is the ceaseless, iterative procedure of

giving, sharing, and acquiring important data (COSO Internal Control –

Integrated Framework, 2013). Internal correspondence is the methods by

which data is dispersed all through the association, streaming up, down, and

over the element. It empowers work force to get a reasonable message from

senior administration that control duties must be considered important.

- Monitoring, according to COSO, refers to the operations that managers use to

observe processes or internal controls within the entity.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
- Risk Assessment includes a dynamic and iterative process for recognizing

and dissecting risks to accomplishing the entity's goal shaping a reason for

deciding how risks ought to be overseen. Management thinks about

conceivable changes in the external environment and inside its own particular

plan of action that may hinder its capacity to accomplish its objectives (COSO

Internal Control – Integrated Framework, 2013).

Profitability is the ability to yield a gain or profit (Business Dictionary). Hence,

the profitability of SMEs refers on its ability to earn profit with the assumption that every

SME have internal controls.

- Return on Assets Ratio (ROA), frequently called the return on total assets, is

a profitability ratio that measures the net pay delivered by add up to resources

amid a period by contrasting net income with the average total assets (My

Accounting Course). At the end of the day, the return on total assets or ROA

measures how effectively an organization can deal with its advantages for

create benefits amid a period.

- Return on Equity Ratio (ROE) is a profitability ratiothat measures the

capacity of a firm to produce benefits from its investors’ interests in the

organization. As such, the return on equity ratio indicates how much benefit

every dollar of basic investors' value creates. (My Accounting Course)

- Gross Profit Ratio is a profitability ratio that ascertains the level of offers

that surpass the cost of merchandise sold (My Accounting Course). At the end
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
of the day, it quantifies how proficiently an organization utilizes its materials

and work to deliver and offer items beneficially. You can consider it the

measure of cash from item deals left finished after the greater part of the

immediate expenses related with assembling the item have been paid.

SME (Small and Medium enterprises) is by definition of Divestopedia, little; be

that as it may, they outnumber extensive firms by a wide edge. Despite the fact that they

don't have the assets of huge organizations, their substance is entrepreneurial and,

therefore, they are critical to the innovation and development of a nation's economy.

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission

(COSO) is a joint activity of the five private segment associations specifically namely

American Accounting Association, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants,

Financial Executive International, The Association of Accountants and Financial

Professionals in Business and The Institute of Internal Auditors and is committed to give

thought initiative through the direction on advancement of systems and guidance on

enterprise risk management, fraud deterrence and internal control.

Efficiency implies a level of execution that portrays a procedure that uses the

most minimal measure of contributions to make the best measure of yields. It identifies

with the utilization of all contributions to delivering any given yield, including individual

time and vitality (Investopedia).

Level a position on a real or imaginary scale of amount, quantity, extent, or

quality (Investopedia).
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Chapter 2

This chapter presents the related literature and research collected from both local

and international sources which enclose facts and information that are relevant to the

present study. This also includes a synthesis of the art and gaps bridged by the present

studies that were presented at the end of the chapter.

State of the Art

The study has been fulfilled by the researchers through summarizing different

related studies and research works of recognition, authorized and well-known locally and

internationally. It serves as a basis for better understanding of the study’s research

problem, research design, and research methodology. The following facts helped provide

concepts for significant investigation.

Related Literature

Accordingly, Accounting Tools (2016) identifies internal control as an

interlocking arrangement of exercises that are layered onto the ordinary operating

methods of an association, with the purpose of protecting resources, limiting errors, and

guaranteeing that tasks are led in an affirmed way. Another method of looking into the

perspective of at internal controls is that these exercises are expected to alleviate the

value and sorts of risk to which a firm is subjected.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Internal control includes some major disadvantages, which is that control

activities as often as possible back off the common procedure stream of a business, which

can lessen its general productivity as well as efficiency. Subsequently, the improvement

of a system of internal control expects management to maintain an equal proportion in

reducing risk with proficiency. This procedure can at times result in management

tolerating a specific measure of risk keeping in mind the end goal to make a key profile

that enables an organization to compete more successfully, regardless of whether it

endures intermittent losses since controls have been intentionally decreased.

A system of internal control tends to increment in exhaustiveness as firm

increments in estimate. This is required, in light of the fact that the original founders do

not have room schedule-wise to keep up total oversight when there are numerous workers

or potentially areas. Further, when an organization opens up to the public, there are extra

financial control prerequisites that must be executed, particularly if the company's offers

are to be listed on an open trade. In this way, the cost of controls tends to increment with

size. Internal control comes in numerous structures, which incorporate the following:

Board of directors supervises the whole organization, giving administration over the

management group.

Internal auditors routinely analyze all procedures, searching for failings that can

be rectified with either new controls or changes of existing controls;Procedures are

changed so in excess of one individual is associated with every one; this is done as such

that individuals can cross-check each other, decreasing fraud occurrences and the
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
probability of errors;access to computer records is confined, with the goal that data is just

made accessible to those individuals who require it to lead particular errands or specific

tasks. Doing as such lessens the risk of data theft and the risk of asset theft through the

adjustment of ownership records; and resources are secured up when not in use, making it

harder to take or steal them. A key idea is that even the most thorough system of internal

control will not totally wipe out the risk of fraud or error. There will dependably be a

couple of occurrences, normally because of unexpected conditions or an exceedingly

decided exertion by somebody wants to commit misrepresentation.

Based on the article issued by the Emirates Chartered Accountants Group (2013),

business firms are in need to establish their own system of internal control due to the

gigantic development in the size and complexities of present day business endeavor.

They defined internal control as an essential prerequisite for efficient and effective

management of any association. The vast majority of the SMEs do not have the correct

system of internal control which brings about different fraudulent exercises. It has turned

into the center target of management to execute a viable internal control framework

suitable to the nature and size of the entity.Accordingly, management will not be

conceivable unless the entity has a viable internal control framework. Because of the

expansion in everyday exchanges of the business immensely, it has turned out to be

impracticable for the internal auditor to direct itemized vouch-and-post review or audit

during the internal audit method. An efficient and effective internal control system will

illuminate this issue of time constrain and make the review simpler and precise.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
The article issued by UHY Haines Norton Chartered Accountants (2014) provides

that the thought of an entity's control environment is regularly viewed as the domain of

huge firms, for example, publicly listed companies or government divisions. While the

control environment of a small or medium-sized entity (SME) may contrast from that of a

large organization, it is similarly essential that it is assessed consistently to guarantee

successful management of risks which may change with the business.

With regard to SMEs, the viability or effectiveness of the risk management in the

control environment is settled by the mentality, activities and attention to entrepreneurs

and management towards the internal control system and their apparent significance of it

to the SME's general targets. This will set the tone and culture of an organization.A

powerful control environment guarantees the following: viability and effectiveness of

activities or operations, dependability or reliability of financial reporting, consistence

with relevant laws and regulations, and protecting of assets. A review of an entity's

control environment commonly starts by playing out an assessment of risk. Risk

evaluation is the recognizable proof and examination of relevant risks which keep or

prevent an organization from accomplishing its targets. Risks ought to be considered as

far as their probability of occurrence and their effect on the organization in the event that

they happen.

As stated in the article issued by Financial Times (2015), the ratio of net profit to

investors' equity, communicated as a rate. A measure of how well an organization utilizes

investors' capital to obtain profit. Return on Equity (ROE), is a money related ratio that
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
measures the return created on investors'/investors' equity, the book or bookkeeping

estimation of investors'/investors' equity which mirrors the accumulation after some time

of amounts got by the organization from stock/share issues in addition to the

profits/income held by the organization, i.e., not yet circulated in profits (bookkeeping

estimation of investors' equity is additionally equivalent to an organization's net

resources, i.e., assets less liabilities).

Related Studies

One of the essential elements in achieving the objectives of the organization is the

establishment of an Internal Control.Thus, it plays a vital role in a company’s success.

Debora et al. (2013) stated that in business organizations, Internal Control System is

essential and important for they play significant roles in achieving the organization’s

objectives. In addition, Patience (2013) stated that this system was established to achieve

appropriate management of business, to ensure faithfulness to administration policies,

and secure complete and accurate records. Moreover, as stated in Giriunas (2015)

establishment of an efficient internal control system is one of the main company

management instruments at major companies; mastering and use of this instrument under

the modern economic conditions create preconditions for achieving competitive

advantage over other companies. Competition in the business world does not talk about

only in the improvement of their products, attaining customers’ demand and getting the

trust of the public but also in the establishment of efficient and effective internal control

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
According to Beukes (2014) strong internal controls are very significant to

multinational organizations such as small, micro and medium enterprise because they

safeguard businesses against the risk that they will incur losses as a result of inaccurate

accounting and fraud. On the other hand lack of internal controls can be very dangerous

in an organization. And also a strong internal control system reduces the risks in

misappropriation of company funds and other resources, and is therefore needed in

controlling the balance between natural errors and fraud. Also emphasized by Beukes, it

is really an essential for an organization to invest in the establishment of internal controls

rather than to trust employees just to minimize the cost because in the long-run they will

benefit on it and regrets will be avoided. The saying that prevention is better than cure is

also relevant to internal controls. This system is very crucial to protect a company’s

assets, not only against fraud but also against physical damage, obsolescence and theft.

Based on the AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Centre’s literature

entitled “The Importance of Internal Control in Financial Reporting and Safeguarding

Plan Assets” (2015), effective internal control lessens the risk of loss of assets, financial

statements are trustable, guarantees that arrangement data or plan is finished and

accurate, and the operations of plans are directed as per the arrangements of appropriate

laws and controls. At the point when internal control is compelling, you have reasonable

affirmation that your plan is accomplishing its financial reporting destinations.

Consequently, when it is not effective, you have practically no such assurance. Moreover,

an effective internal control system secures your plans in two ways: by limiting open

doors for accidental mistakes or purposeful misrepresentation that may harm the
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
arrangement. Preventive controls, which are intended to dismay errors or

misrepresentation, help achieve this goal; and by finding little errors before they turn out

to be enormous issues. Detective controls are intended to distinguish a fraud or error after

it has happened.

As stated in Marks (2012) an effective system of internal control provides

reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of an entity's objectives. Each of the five

components of internal control namely Control Environment, Control Activities, Risk

Assessment, Information and Communication, and Monitoring Activities must be present

to be able to have an effective system of internal control and they must function together

in a manner that reduces the risk of not achieving the objectives to an acceptable level.

Also in evaluating whether the internal control system is effective, senior management

and the board of directors determine to what degree the principles, in turn, the

corresponding traits related with each component are present and functioning. When the

principles are esteemed not to be present or working, deficiency on internal control

exists. Established criteria were set up against which effectiveness of internal control can

be evaluated. Internal control can be concluded effective if the operation objectives of the

entity are being met, financial reports are being prepared reliably, laws and regulations

were being complied with. While internal control is a process, its effectiveness is a state

or condition of the process at a point of time. In like manner the effective functioning of

segments of internal control provides reasonable assurance with respect to

accomplishment of at least one of the expressed classifications of objectives to ensure

high levels of organizational performance. Therefore the company's criteria for effective
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
internal control and success of the entire organization efficiency and effectiveness of

operations have been taken to mean efficiency and effective use of its resources including

personnel, accurate information for decision making and safeguarding of assets and

records. In addition effective internal controls must fulfill three essential criteria a. They

must be appropriate (that is, the right control in the right place and commensurate to the

risk involved) b. They must function consistently as planned throughout the period (that

is, be complied with carefully by all employees involved and not bypassed when key

personnel are away or the workload is heavy) and c. They must be cost effective (that is,

the cost of implementing the control should not exceed the benefit) (Lemi and Ababa,


According to Ayagre, et al. (2014) the effectiveness of an internal control system

is subject to how liquid the system communicate with itself and how inserted it is into the

associations business forms. Again for an internal control system to be viable and give

that required affirmation to the board, there ought to be a few "agents of effectiveness".

These are a dynamic board, which does not hold up to be educated but rather a board that

comprehends the business and inquiries the present state of affairs, and a compelling, free

internal audit unit. Internal control is a procedure, yet its adequacy is a state or a

condition at purpose of the procedure. In this way it is vital for administration and the

board to assess and evaluate the adequacy of the internal control system intermittently.

The study of Paraskevi (2016) summarizes the findings that most of the banking

institutions nowadays are facing numerous risks including liquidity, financial and
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
operational risks. The exposure of such institutions in a large battleground of competition

need a systematic and an efficient control necessary to determine the threat within the

entity so that appropriate actions may be done resulting in a stable functions. He

emphasized that banks are required to apply internal audit so that these ordinary

situations can be diminish and be able to continue its existence in the industry.

Furthermore, he also highlighted that the use of Internal Audit and Internal Control

System are effective in mitigating these problems given the fact that it is not possible for

banking institutions to overcome all the difficulties that they encounter simultaneously.

Profitability is the ratio to measure the performance of the company. It is the

entity’s ability to yield profit for a specific period at a rate of sales, assets and certain

capital stock. Profitability is one of the essential requisites for the firm’s long-term

survival and success. Margaretha and Supartika (2016) stated that there are several

factors that influenced profitability of SMEs; these factors include firm size, growth,

lagged profitability, productivities, firm’s age and industry affiliation. They concluded

that firm size, growth, lagged profitability, productivity and industry affiliation

significantly influenced the profitability of SMEs, while firm’s age has no significant

influence on it. They also added that productivity and firm size are the two most

influencing factors on SMEs profitability. Brush et al. (2000) as cited on Ciobanu and

Popa (2014) noted that internal factors and environment in which the company belongs

have an important influence on its profitability. Also underscore in this study that

limitation on financial access of SMEs affects its profitability. It is a great challenge for
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
SMEs to access loans or to attract investments, due to this factors that slowdown their

growth, SMEs must use other methods to ensure their profitability.

The study conducted by Nishanthini and Nimalathasan (2013) says that one of the

indicators of profitability is the gross profit ratio. Gross profit ratio that can be earned

from the net deals. That is the connection between the sales and the gross profit. It

portrays the purchasing efficiency of an entity. The higher the gross profit ratio, the better

the purchasing efficiency of the entity and furthermore a high ratio of gross profit to sales

is an indication of good management as it infers that the cost of production of the

company is generally low. In any case, a relationship low gross margin is unquestionably

a peril flag.

There are a lot of problems and challenges businesses encounter in the business

world. Businesses face problems such as economic crisis, maximizing profits, hiring of

employees etc. but one of the greatest problems business firms deal with is the risk to

fraud. In Klein’s (2015) study, it was written that an organization have a yearly loss of

5% revenue because of fraud. This statistical data was from the most recent Report to the

Nation, a survey conducted by Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE2014).

On the same study, it is stated that when applied to the 2013 estimated world product, the

loss of 5% revenue is losing nearly $3.7 trillion. Every year, firm’s loss a great number of

money just because of fraud therefore fraud is considered as one of the major problems

businesses face today.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Small and medium firms are prone to fraud and corruption especially due to its

dishonest employees and lack of strong accounting system. Boateng et al. (2014)

described fraud as the act of dishonesty with the intention of gaining personal benefits, in

more precise meaning; fraud is the act of pretending to be something one is really not.

Fraud occurs when there is confusion, complex process or high volume of disorganized

transactions. (Dhitima, 2013; Ogunleye, 2004; Iyiegbuniwe, 1998) as cited in Boateng et

al. (2014) identified weak internal control system, policies and procedure as one of the

factors that cause fraud risk to a company. Therefore, in order to reduce fraud risks,

SMEs must have a strong internal control system and organized transaction. To avoid

losing such amount of revenue, internal control system is a necessity to SMEs.

Ali, et al (2012) study evaluated and analyzed the relationship between SMEs

performance and internal control. Lack of internal control incidence as disclosed by

proprietors is affecting the level of business inadequacy still at a very low level and the

total cost brought up is still within the assumption. Even so, there’s an uncertainty if the

disclosed rate of business failure is caused bythe appropriate precautionary stepsapplied

by owners, or if they are just unwilling to expose the fact in order to present the operating

of their business as effective and efficient. This study stated that there is significant

relationship between SME’s performance and internal control. Mostly, SMEs in Malaysia

are set to put internal control into effect but it is still in basic stage and they may be

lacking of knowledge on the internal control’s advantages to their businesses.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
According to Olumola (2014), the effectiveness of internal control system bolster

productivity and development of an association by securing the general resources and

assets subsequently turning away instances of misfortune. Control measures are set up to

limit loss of the organization's benefits, properties and assets. Security measures,

resources and properties taking care of methodology and strategies are arranged and

executed to hinder misfortune. Effectiveness of internal control system thinks about the

distinguishing proof of forthcoming dangers, evaluating, estimating and dealing with the

hazard to a worthy point which the association is inclined to. The general financial,

political, ecological, and common and group hazards that can impede on the activities of

the organization are investigated by the internal control framework and are averted,

limited, exchanged or disposed of to have a profitable operation. And also according to

Nyakundi, et al. (2014) it is inferred that internal control systems as bolstered by the

research discoveries altogether affects the financial performance of SMEs.

Notwithstanding, there are challenges in the usage of internal controls particularly

considering that the inner review work which is the foundation of inside controls isn't

enough prepared by the specialized labor required, which unmistakably has influenced

their productivity as uncovered by this ponder. Insufficient budgetary assets have

likewise quickened to their wastefulness, reflected by sporadic review exercises and also

nonattendance of standard reports.

The study of Monday (2015) determines the effects of internal controls on the

profitability of the small businesses in the Lagos Metropolis. Questionnaires were given

to the 200 small businesses chosen for accessible sampling to gather primary data. Based
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
on Committee of Sponsoring Organization Treadway Commission (COSO) there are six

determinants of internal control these includes, control environment, control activities,

risk assessment, information and communication, monitoring and information technology

affects the financial and operational performance of small business. The results showed

that these determinants affect significantly the profitability of the small businesses. The

study concluded that these determinants affect the profitability and survival of the

organizations positively.

Research by Ali et al., (2015) says that despite the fact that the Internal control

system was observed to be viable in the private banks furthermore an acceptable level of

financial performance is accomplished, there is still space for efforts to be heightened by

the administration and workers of the bank to build up their control system to accomplish

more prominent performance. The control environment can be further reinforced by the

top management to give a solid base to better working of the other four components. To

the extent the Public area is concerned, banks having a place to this specific part did not

have an adequately working control systems and had a direct level of financial

performance, consideration should be given to the two components i.e. control activity

and monitoring, that were observed to be frail. These banks ought to implement work

turn as it recognizes any shrouded wasteful aspects and mistakes and uncovered any

potential shortcoming in the control framework. Besides, the management must guarantee

that intermittent evaluations are done frequently to report any hidden inefficiencies and

errors and exposes any potential weakness in the control system.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Stated in the study of Ayyasht (2017) that all components of internal control

including control environment, control procedures, information and communication and

monitoring had positive associations with profitability. Notwithstanding, hypotheses

testing demonstrated that there are a few contrasts in the essentialness of the connection

between internal control parts and profitability.The dissection of the principal component

of internal control discovered that there is a noteworthy positive connection between

internal control system (control environment) and financial performance. This is the same

with the other components like risk assessment, data or information, control activities,

communication, and monitoring. These whole have appositive association with financial

performance. The study has come to a few outcomes that the high level of consistence

with internal control prerequisites helps in the accomplishment of internal control targets

or objectives. It gives a strong ground to upgrade profitability. The other outcome say on

the off chance that the execution of an effective internal control activity will not always

lead to a good financial performance in all directions.

Synthesis of State of the Art

From the review of related literature and studies done, it has been found out that

realization of affirmative financial performance and profitability depends on whether

firms implement internal control system or ICS. Accounting Tools (2016), UHY Haines

Norton Chartered Accountants (2014), Emirates Chartered Accountants Group (2013),

Patience (2013), Debora, et al. (2013), Giriunas (2015), Beukes (2014), AICPA

Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center (2015), Marks (2012), Paraskevi (2016),
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
and Ayagre, et. al. (2014) discussed the definition of internal control system, its

importance and effectiveness. Accordingly, ICS is intended to safeguard assets, limit

errors, and ensure that tasks are led in an affirmed way, also ICS is a prerequisite for

effective and efficient management. Moreover, ICS is also considered as an essential

element to operate in good practices and is vital for good financial accounting. But then,

the implementation of internal control system must also be cost effective that is it should

not exceed the benefit as stated in the study of Demi and Ababa (2015).

On the other hand, the existence of relationship between ICS and SMEs was

portrayed in the study Ali, et al. (2012), Boateng, et al. (2014), Nyakundi, et al. (2014),

Monday (2015), Ayyasht (2017), Margaretha and Supartika (2016), Ciobanu and Popa

(2014), Olumola (2014), and Ali et al. (2015). It was discovered that the five components

of ICS together with information technology affects not just the financial but also the

operational performance of SMEs which are both keys in achieving firm’s profitability.

To determine an entity’s profitability, Nishantini and Nimalathasan (2015) and Financial

Times (2015) issued their view on how to measure profitability. It was indicated that both

Gross Profit ratio and Return on Equity and Return on Assets are all indicators of

profitability. It was also found out that the effectiveness of ICS bolster productivity and

development of an organization by securing the general assets in which will subsequently

turn away instance of issues within the entity. By then, it can be concluded from the

literature that ICS and profitability of SMEs are related with each other.
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Gaps that will be bridged by the present study

The researchers seek to reveal the effectiveness of internal control system to the

profitability of SMEs. The following are the gaps that will be bridged:

1. There were no other studies yet conducted about the effectiveness of internal control to

the profitability of SMEs within Biñan City.

2. There were no other studies yet conducted about the effectiveness of internal control

system of SMEs within Biñan City.

3. There were no other studies yet concerning the relationship of internal control to the

profitability of SMEs within Biñan City.

In the view of the gaps identified, the researchers decided to determine the

relationship between Effectiveness of Internal Control System and Profitability of SMEs.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy

This chapter includes the overall method that will be used by the researchers in

determining the relationship between SMEs’ internal control system and its profitability.

Explained in details are the research design, the population of the study, the source of

data, instrumentation and validation, data gathering and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

The study sought to examine the effectiveness of internal control system on

SMEs’ profitability. The researchers will apply the descriptive-correlation method of

research that will try to prove the significance of the relationship between the

effectiveness of internal control system and the profitability of the chosen respondents.

Correlational design looks for the variables that seem to interact with each other, so when

one of the variables moves, the others will follow.

Source of Data

The study will consider two sources of data namely; primary and secondary

sources. The primary sources of data are the responses of the respondents on the

questionnaire provided by the researchers. Secondary sources of data were the internet,

journals, articles, books and research of others deemed necessary to gather the needed

information for the study.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Population of the Study

Population entails all people or items with similar characteristics that a researcher

intends to study and draw statistical inferences or conclusions. The population will be

comprise of Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) operating within the area of Binan

City. Based on the record taken from the City Government Office of Binan the total

population of SMEs in the city as of 2018 is 68 and 58 out of the total population will be

used as the respondents of this survey. The study arrived in determining the number of

respondents using the Slovin’s Formula which will be portrayed below. Also, random

sampling technique was used. 29 respondents make up small enterprises and another 29

from the medium enterprises. This is to ensure that the data gathered representing SME

as a whole were weighted equally from its division.

Slovin’s Formula:

1 + 𝑁𝑒 2

considering that:
𝑛 represents the sample size
𝑁 represents the total population
𝑒 represents the margin of error which is equivalent to 0.05 or 5%
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Instrumentation and Validation

The researchers provide self-made survey questionnaires in conducting the study.

These were distributed to the respondents for them to answer. The self-made

questionnaires were composed of two parts. The first part covered the level of

effectiveness of internal control system among SMEs located within Biñan City. Second

part dealt with the level of profitability of SMEs. Each part was composed of ten (10)

items which are answerable by four-option corresponding scale.

The instruments will undergo content and surface validity. The instrument will be

assessed by the panel of experts; one in research, one in statistics, and one in the field of

accountancy. They will evaluate and critique the survey questionnaires. After that all the

suggestions and recommendations will be incorporated in the final draft.

Evaluation and Scoring

To measure the respondents’ effectiveness of internal control system and

profitability, the following points will be used.

Assigned Numerical Categorical Verbal

Points Ranges Responses Interpretation

4 3.51 ˗ 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Very High

3 2.51 ˗ 3.50 Agree (A) High

2 1.51 ˗ 2.50 Disagree (D) Low

Strongly Disagree
1 1.00 ˗ 1.50 Very Low
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers prepare letters for the management of SMEs to ask permission on

conducting the survey. Actual visit to the respondents’ location was made by the

researchers to personally conduct the survey to the management of the company. Then

the researchers ensured the 100% retrieval of the answered questionnaires. Afterwards,

the gathered data were tallied and tabulated by the researchers subject to statistical


Statistical Treatment of Data

1. Weighted Mean will be used to determine the level of (a) effectiveness of

internal control system and (b) profitability of SMEs.

2. Pearson r will be used to determine if there is a significant relationship between

the respondents; level of effectiveness of internal control system and their level of

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy

Accounting Tools (2016),

UHY Haines Norton Chartered Accountants
AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center (2015) “The Importance of Internal
Control in Financial Reporting and Safeguarding Plan Assets”
Ayagre, P., Gyamerah, I., &Nartey, J. (2014) “The Effectiveness of Internal Control
Systems of Banks: The Case of Ghanaian Banks”
Ayyasht, M. Y. (2017) “The impact of internal control requirements on profitability of
Palestinian shareholding companies”
Beukes, T. D. (2014) “Assessment of Internal Control Effectiveness in Selected
Ethiopian Public Universities”
Ciobanu, O. and Popa, O. (2014) EFFECT OF INTERNAL CONTROLS ON THE
Debora, et al. (2013) “Effectiveness of the internal audit function”
Emirates Chartered Accountants Group (2013)
Financial Times - Lexicon
Giriunas, Y. L. (2015) “Impact of sources of finance on the growth of SMEs: Evidence
from Pakistan”
Jabnoun, D. A.(2012) “An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Internal Audit Unit at
Local Government Level in Adamawa State”
Margaretha and Supartika (2016)
Marks, N. (2012) “How to Assess the Effectiveness of Internal Control”
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy
Monday, C. (2015) “The Impact of Internal Control on the Performance of Small and
Medium Enterprise Malaysian Evidence”
My Accounting Course
My Accounting Course
My Accounting Course
Nishanthini A. and Nimalathasan B. (2013) “Determinants of profitability: A case study
of listed manufacturing companies in Sri Lanka”

Nyakundi, D. O., Nyamita, M. O. &Tinega, T. M. (2014) “EFFECT OF INTERNAL



Patience, M. K. (2013) “Internal Control System and Activities - a Study with Albanian
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy


Effectiveness of Internal Control

1. The separation of duties is adequate.

2. Documentation of every sale of goods or services with a cash register entry, a pre

numbered receipt form, an invoice, etc. Customers are issued a duplicate.

3. Accounting for pre numbered forms.

4. Cash receiving and refunding cash duties are separated and refunds are

independently authorized.

5. Restricting access to assets.

6. Cash receipts are controlled at the earliest point of receipt.

7. Duties for key employees of the organization are defined.

8. Deposits are made daily.

9. Guidelines for controlling expenditures.

10. Collection and deposit preparation functions are segregated from accounting

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna
College of Business and Accountancy


1. During the past years, the company has been profitable.

2. The company is stable.

3. The company still manages to be competitive.

4. During the past years, the company has been continuing to improve.

5. Compared to other manufacturing companies, the company is generally much

more profitable.

6. Increasing sales due to better management team.

7. Over the past years, the company grow an average of over 20% per year.

8. Increasing customer base or number of clients.

9. Target profits are always achieved.

10. Identify which team provides the greatest growth aspect.

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