Clinic. The incubatory period is from 1 up to 6 days. The beginning of disease is
from fever, muscular and articulate pains, rise in temperature up to 38-40°С, symptoms
of gastroenteritis - nausea, vomiting, pains in an abdomen (especially - in the right
ileocecal area; will carry out differential diagnostics with appendicitis), liquid stool.
Disease can be finished within several days without involving in process of other organs.
However, during the disease there can be the new symptoms indicating lesion of other
organs - a liver (hepatitises unicteric and icteric), large joints (arthritises), a skin
(nodular erythema, various rash, including - allergic character) and a conjunctive. The
septic form meets seldom, is accompanied by lesion of several organs and can be
finished by lethal outcome.
Complications: allergic reactions, myocarditis, appendicitis.
Clinic. The incubatory period is from 3 about 18 days. Disease begins, as well as
intestinal yersiniosis, from the expressed intoxication and feverish reaction. The clinic of
gastroenteritis meets rather seldom, however pains in an abdomen are one of
characteristic signs (are caused by lesion of mesenterial and retroperitoneal lymphatic
nodes in which the inflammation with caseous-liked disintegration a little bit similar
with tubercular develops is it was reflected in the name of the disease). A skin is dry and
hot, frequently puffiness and hyperemia of a face and a neck – “symptom of a hood”,
pale nasolabial triangle, limited hyperemia and both puffiness of hands and feet -
symptoms of “gloves” and “socks” are observed; in late terms of disease on the
mentioned sites of hyperemia desqamation is marked. Within the first week of the
disease hyperemia of a fauces, sometimes - with enantema, a dot rash on type of
scarlatinous or micromacular is appeared. Eruptions are kept from several hours about 8
days and disappear completely. In connection with character of a rash, paleness of
nasolabial triangle, changes in a fauces such form of the disease name Far East
scarlatinoliked fever.
During a period of heat at the majority of patients are marked expressed
arthralgias, on occasion - up to full impossibility of movement. Quite often conducting
complaint of the patient are pains in an abdomen (in an ileocecal area), in the same place
is observed shortening of percutory sound and tension of muscles of a forward
abdominal wall. This symptomocomplex is caused by development of mesadenitis,
terminal ileitis or appendicitis as at intestinal yersiniosis. In the acute period the
phenomena of hepatitis, toxic lesion of kidneys, hemopoietic organs are also possible; at
polyorganic pathology it is possible to suspect the generalized form of pseudo-
tuberculosis (sepsis).
Complications: allergic reactions - urticaria, Quincke’s edema, reactive arthritises,
nodular erythema; less often - meningitis, meningoencephalitis, nephritis, acute renal
insufficiency, myocarditis, pneumonia.
Laboratory diagnostics
1. Bacteriological research. Yersinias is possible to separate from blood,
excrements or urine (depending on clinic of the disease). Seeding make on a nutrient
medium, from which during 15 - 20 day periodically (1 time in 5 days) make seedings
on dense nutrient mediums. The negative result does not exclude the disease (yersinias
grow badly).
2. Serological research. Antibodies to yersinias appear not earlier than 3 weeks of
the disease. Reaction of agglutination or RNHA in dynamics with an interval in 1-2
weeks are used. The diagnostic titer is 1:160 and is higher.
Treatment. Antibacterial treatment is applied in all cases of diagnosed
yersiniosis, including - and at long current (the activator at half of patients can be kept in
intestines about several months and even about one year). A preparation of a choice is
Laevomycetinum (on 2,0 g per day within 14 days), it is possible to apply Tetracyclins,
streptomycin, Ftorchinolons, at generalised forms (sepsis) - cefalosporins and
carbapenems (imipenem / tienam) parenterally.
Hospitalization. On clinical and epidemiological indications.
The order of an extract of patients from a hospital. After clinical recovery and
negative result of the bacteriological research which has been carried out in 2 days after
the termination of reception of antibiotics.
Specific prophylaxis is not developed.
The test
1. The basic pathogenetic mechanisms of gastrointestinal form of yersiniosises are:
1. Secretory diarrhea
2. Inflammatory process in an intestine
3. Toxic-allergic reactions
4. Endotoxemia
5. Development of mesenterial lymphadenitis
For studying a theme of the lesson students study a clinical problem. At the
decision of problems students write in writing-books the clinical diagnosis in view of the
form and severity of the disease, the plan of laboratory-instrumental inspection.
In a reception of hospital of the first help patient K., 34 years, with complaints to
constants and colicky pains in the right ileocecal area, vomiting, pains in joints and
muscles has entered. He was ill on the eve, with fever, the temperature has raised up to
38,5°, pains in joints have appeared. At temperature 39,5° there was disposable vomiting.
In the anamnesis: the patient is in holiday, some days he lived and worked on a
summer residence, ate many crude vegetables and fruit, including a strawberry, a
Objectively: temperature is 39°. In a fauces there is hyperemia of the soft palate.
A tongue is “crimson”. A face and a neck are hyperemic. On a skin of a trunk,
extremities, more in axillary and inguinal plicae there is plentiful fine maculo-papular
rash. Joints externally are not changed. Pulse is 80 in one minute, the arterial pressure is
110/70. Tones of heart are muffled. An abdomen is soft, painful at palpation in the right
ileocecal area. Blumberg’s symptom is poorly positive.
In the analysis of blood: erythrocytes 4,9•1012/l, Hb - 145 g/l, leukocytes -
20,0•109/l, eosinophiles - 5 %, rodonuclear-5 %, segmented - 72 %, lymphocytes - 15 %,
monocytes - 3 %, RSE - 43 mm / h.
In an accident ward of hospital the on duty surgeon has diagnosed “acute
appendicitis? Food allergy”. The patient is left under supervision.
1. Diagnosis.
2. Estimate tactics of the surgeon.
3. Plan of inspection.
4. Treatment.