Science Department Language and Science Skills Diagnostic Exams and Findings

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Science Department

Language and Science Skills

Diagnostic Exams and
Mahidol University International
Demonstration School (MUIDS)

Created: 2016-2017 Academic Year

Created By: Tara Kenyon, Andy Filipczak, Pusadee Khanijou
and Charlene Cunningham
The following diagnostic exams will be given to students at the start and end of each year.
The scientific skills that are demonstrated by the students in these exams have been divided by
grade level and the expected skill set that each student would obtain in each year. It is expected that
Grade 10 students are beginners in a variety of scientific skills, while Grade 12 students are
moderately fluent in these skills. Each scientific skill will be assessed on a 1-4 scale from a common
rubric. The scientific skills examined are; reading comprehension, listening comprehension,
interpretation (of graphs, charts, diagrams, etc), predictions, critical thinking, and argumentative
essay writing.
The purpose of these diagnostic exams is to analyze language development across Grade
10-12 students at Mahidol University International Demonstration School. Language is a critical
component when developing scientific skills. Results of these diagnostic exams will be used to
identify what students need to know at each grade level, support science teachers in their unit and
lesson planning, and identify areas of weakness where students need more assistance.
Teachers of the Science Department have combined these diagnostic exams and their
findings with their ‘Student Achievement Based Goals’. The teachers will each individually
demonstrate their own attainment to the goal of developing language through scientific skills by their
unit and lesson plans, class activities, or assessments examples. Teachers may also collect data
throughout the year of the development of skills for their own students.
It is recommended that the MUIDS Science Department continues to assess students’
language and science skills by using these exams each year. However, topics of each assessment
may want to be updated for their relevancy.
California Common Core Reading and Writing Standards for Literacy in Science 10-12

Diagnostic Exam Grade 10 Students Grade 11 Students Grade 12 Students

Semester 1 and 2 2. Determine the central 1. Cite specific textual 1. Cite specific textual
Reading Standards ideas or conclusions of a evidence to support analysis evidence to support analysis
text; trace the text’s of science and technical of science and technical
explanation or depiction texts, attending to important texts, attending to important
of a complex process, distinctions the author distinctions the author
phenomenon, or concept; makes and to any gaps or makes and to any gaps or
Provide an accurate inconsistencies in the inconsistencies in the
summary of the text. account. account.

7. Translate quantitative 2. Determine the central ideas2. Determine the central ideas
or technical information or conclusion of a text; or conclusion of a text;
expressed in words in a text summarize complex concepts summarize complex concepts
into visual form and processes, or information processes, or information
translate information presented in a text by presented in a text by
expressed visually or paraphrasing them in simpler paraphrasing them in simpler
mathematically into words but still accurate terms. but still accurate terms.

7. Integrate and evaluate 7. Integrate and evaluate

multiple sources of multiple sources of
information presented in information presented in
diverse formats and media diverse formats and media
in order to address a question in order to address a question
or solve a problem. or solve a problem.

9. Synthesize information 9. Synthesize information

from a range of sources into from a range of sources into
a coherent understanding a coherent understanding
of a process, phenomenon, of a process, phenomenon,
or concept, resolving or concept, resolving
conflicting information when conflicting information when
possible. possible.
Semester 1 and 2 2c. Use varied transitions 1a. Introduce precise, 1a. Introduce precise,
Writing Standards and sentence structures knowledgeable claims, knowledgeable claims,
to link the major sections establish the significance of establish the significance of
of the text, create cohesion, the claims, distinguish the the claims, distinguish the
and clarify the relationships claims from alternate or claims from alternate or
among ideas and concepts. opposing claims, and create opposing claims, and create
an organization that logically an organization that logically
2f. Provide a concluding sequences the claims, sequences the claims,
statement or section that counterclaims, reasons, and counterclaims, reasons, and
follows from and supports evidence. evidence.
the information or
explanation presented 1c. Use words, phrases, and 1c. Use words, phrases, and
e.g articulating implications clauses as well as varied clauses as well as varied
syntax to link major sections syntax to link major sections
of the text, create cohesion, of the text, create cohesion,
or the significance of the and clarify the relationships, and clarify the relationships,
topic. between claims and reasons, between claims and reasons,
between reasons and between reasons and
4. Produce clear and evidence, and between claimsevidence, and between claims
coherent writing in which and counterclaims. and counterclaims.
the development,
organization, and style are 1d. Establish and maintain 1d. Establish and maintain
appropriate to task, purpose a formal style and objective a formal style and objective
and audience. tone while attending to the tone while attending to the
norms and conventions of the norms and conventions of the
discipline in which they are discipline in which they are
writing. writing.

1e. Provide a concluding 1e. Provide a concluding

statement or section that statement or section that
follows from or supports the follows from or supports the
argument presented. argument presented.

2a. Introduce a topic and 2a. Introduce a topic and

organize complex ideas, organize complex ideas,
concepts, and information so concepts, and information so
that each new element builds that each new element builds
on that which precedes it to on that which precedes it to
create a unified whole; create a unified whole;
include formatting, graphics, include formatting, graphics,
and multimedia when useful and multimedia when useful
to aiding comprehension. to aiding comprehension.

2c. Use varied transitions and 2b. Develop the topic

sentence structures to link thoroughly by selecting the
the major sections of the text,most significant and relevant
create cohesion, and clarify facts, extended definitions,
the relationships among concrete details, quotations,
complex ideas and concepts. or other information and
examples appropriate to the
audience’s knowledge of the

2c. Use varied transitions and

sentence structures to link
the major sections of the text,
create cohesion, and clarify
the relationships among
complex ideas and concepts.

2e. Provide a concluding

statement or section that
follows from and supports
the information or
explanation provided.
4. Produce clear and
coherent writing in which the
development, organization,
and style are appropriate to
task, purpose, and audience.

Science Skills Examined by Grade Level 10-12

Science Skill Type Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

  
Interpretation of
Graphs, Tables,
Diagrams, etc.   
Critical Thinking
  
 

Essay Writing

MUIDS Language and Science Skills Diagnostic Exam – Grade 10
Semester 1

Name: ____________________________
Student ID: ________________________
Date: _____________________________

Explanation: This is not for a grade. This practice examines your skills in different areas critical to the study of science.
Answer the questions to the best of your ability.


Deforestation is the cutting or burning down of all the trees in a forest and the conversion of forested areas to non-
forest land for use such as arable land or pasture, or for urban use. Deforestation results from removal of trees
without sufficient reforestation, and results in decline in habitat and biodiversity, in wood for fuel and industrial use,
and in the quality of life. In many countries, massive deforestation is ongoing and is shaping climate and geography.

Deforestation is a substantial contributor to global warming, and although 70 present of the oxygen we
breathe comes from photosynthesis of marine green algae and cyanobacteria, the mass destruction of the world’s rain
forests is not beneficial to our environment. In addition, the incineration and burning of forests plants in order to clear
land, releases tonnes of carbon dioxide which increase the impact of global warming.

Deforestation reduces the content of water in the soil, reduces groundwater as well as atmospheric moisture.
Deforestation reduces soil cohesion, so that erosion, flooding and landslides often result. More flash floods and
localized floods occur because of deforestation. This would not happen if there is forest cover.

Forests support considerable biodiversity, providing valuable habitat for wildlife. Moreover, forests foster
medicinal conservation and forest biotopes are a major, irreplaceable source of new drugs (like taxol).

Deforestation also contributes to decreased evapotranspiration, which lessens atmospheric moisture which in
some cases affects precipitation levels. Water is thus lost in run-off and returns directly to the oceans. According to
one preliminary study, in deforested north and northwest China, the average annual precipitation decreased by one
third between the 1950s and 1980s.

Long-term gains can be obtained by managing forest lands sustainable to maintain both forest cover and
provide a biodegradable renewable resource. Forests are also important stores of organic carbon, and forests
can extract carbon dioxide and pollutants from the air, thus contributing to biosphere stability. Deforestation (mainly
in tropical areas) accounts for up to one third of total anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. Forests are also valued
for their aesthetic beauty and as a cultural resource and tourist attraction.

The effects of human-related deforestation can be mitigated through environmentally sustainable practices
that reduce permanent destruction of forests or even act to preserve and rehabilitate disrupted forestland. These
methods help the cause and provide a sustainable growth of forests and allow lumber to become a renewable

What is the main idea of the passage above on Deforestation?

Write a 5-6 sentence summary of the above passage on Deforestation.

In your own words, provide a one sentence

description of what is demonstrated in this graph to
the left.

Figure 2: Comparing deforestation rates with

Background Information: Raising
hardwood and beef exports animals for food is a major contributor to
deforestation, especially in our
rainforests where we turn the forests into
grasslands for major factory farms. In
2004, the amount of deforestation
decreased. Compare the amount of beef
and hardwood (tree) exports to
deforestation before and after 2004.

Describe a real-world situation that could explain

what happened in 2004.
MUIDS Language and Science Skills Diagnostic Exam – Grade 10
Semester 2

Name: ____________________________
Student ID: ________________________
Date: _____________________________

Explanation: This is not for a grade. This practice examines your skills in different areas critical to the study of science.
Answer the questions to the best of your ability.

Skin Cancer

Thirteen-year-old Ada Cowan from Brooklyn, N.Y., would rather sit under an umbrella at the beach than put on sunblock.
“I hate the sticky feeling of it on my skin,” she says. But is an umbrella’s shade enough to protect her skin from burning?
Bad news for Cowan and anyone else who doesn’t like slathering on the gloopy stuff: A new study gives a definite edge to

Hao Ouyang, who led the study, manages some research for Johnson & Johnson in Skillman, N.J. The company makes
sunblock, including the type used in this study. His team wanted to see how two types of sun protection compare —
umbrellas versus sunscreen. For its tests, his team used a sunblock that had a sun protection factor — or SPF — of 100.
Explains Hao, which means it had been designed to filter out 99 percent of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. And in
this comparison, umbrellas proved far less protective. More than three out of every four people (78 percent) shaded by a
beach umbrella got sunburned. In contrast, only one in every four people who used the heavy duty sunblock got burned.
Hao’s team reported its findings online January 18 in JAMA Dermatology.

When the sun’s UV rays hit skin, the body produces extra melanin. This is a pigment in the epidermis, the skin’s outmost
layer. Some types of skin can make enough melanin to give them a protective suntan. Others cannot. When a lot of
sunlight hits their skin, the deposited energy can cause a painful reddening or even blistering. Sunburn, or even a suntan,
can increase the risk of skin cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute.

“We wanted to evaluate those people who can actually burn,” Hao notes. So his team chose participants who had skin
that fell into types I, II and III on the Fitzpatrick scale. This scale classifies skin from I — a type that always burns and never
tans — to VI. That last type never burns and always tans. Forty-one people in the study had to sit in the shade of a typical
beach umbrella. Another 40 people instead wore sunblock. All had to sit at the beach on a lake not far from Dallas, Texas,
for a full 3.5 hours. They were sent out between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Notes Hao, that’s “the most dangerous time of the
day” — when the sun’s UV rays are strongest.

The beach goers could not enter the water. And before they participated, the researchers checked everyone's skin to
make sure that none already had any sunburn. Those weren’t the only rules. People getting the sunblock initially had to
apply this lotion 15 minutes before going out to the beach. Then they had to reapply it at least once every two hours.
Those in the shade-only group had to adjust their umbrellas as the sun moved across the sky so that they never ended up
in direct sun. Everyone was allowed 30 minutes to either seek shade (if they were in the sunblock group) or leave it (if
they were under the umbrellas).
Still, Hao admits that there were a lot of factors that complicated their findings. Even within their groups, neither those
under the umbrellas nor those wearing sunblock responded identically. For instance, not everyone developed sunburns in
the same place or at the same rates. That may be due to a variety of factors. For example, the researchers don’t know
how well the sun-blockers applied the lotion, or even if they used enough and covered every last bit of exposed skin.

Indeed, “Most people don’t use enough sunscreen and do not apply it frequently enough to get the true, advertised SPF,”
notes Nikki Tang. A dermatologist, she works at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, Md.

And while umbrellas create shade, Hao points out that “UV rays reflect off the sand.” Those reflections are not something
umbrellas can’t block. “Also,” he asks, “how much did the subjects move to sit in the center of the shade? And were they
always covered fully?”

So although the study seemed simple, Hao notes that skin protection is “a complex issue.” One thing is clear from the
new results: Neither a beach umbrella nor sun block alone can prevent sunburn.

What is the main idea of the above passage?


Write a 5-6 sentence summary on the above passage


In your own words, provide a two-

three sentence description that
combines the information from the
two world maps.


Given the chart above, provide an explanation for why you think the rate of skin cancer is
increasing despite greater protections from sunscreen.
MUIDS Language and Science Skills Diagnostic Exam – Grade 11
Semester 1

Name: ____________________________
Student ID: ________________________
Date: _____________________________

Explanation: This is not for a grade. This practice examines your skills in different areas critical to the study of science.
Answer the questions to the best of your ability.

The following links take you to several videos discussing air pollution and its effects on human health. Watch the
video and answer the questions that follow.
Video #1:
Video #2:

1. What claims do these videos make regarding pollution and human health?

2. What evidence do these videos use to support their claims?


Read the following information regarding air pollution and human health.
The World Health Organization (WHO) found that air pollution killed around 7 million people worldwide in
2012. Air-pollution linked deaths were divided between indoor and outdoor pollution. Indoor pollution is
caused by cooking over coal, wood, and biomass stoves. Outdoor pollutions is caused by transport, power
generation, industrial and agricultural emissions, and residential heating and cooking.

The regions studied included the Western Pacific, which had roughly 3.2 million deaths in 2012, the
Americas, which had around 225,000 deaths, Africa with 650,000 deaths, South East Asia with 2.4 million
deaths, Europe with 500,000 deaths, and Eastern Mediterranean with 400,000 deaths linked to air pollution
in 2012.

Nearly 50 percent of the deaths in the Western Pacific were from indoor pollutants. In South East Asia the
number rose to about 60 percent of all deaths from indoor pollutants. In Africa nearly 70 percent, Europe
only 20 percent, Eastern Mediterranean roughly 50 percent, and the Americas only 10 percent of all deaths
were from indoor pollutants.

The types of deaths that the WHO linked to air pollution included acute lower respiratory disease with
587,000 deaths, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with 1, 188, 000 deaths, lung cancer with 443,000
deaths, stroke with 2,297,000 deaths, and ischemic heart disease with 2,530,000 deaths.

1. First create a table to organize your information about the different regions analyzed
in the study, the number of deaths from pollution, and the percentage of deaths from
indoor or outdoor pollution.
2. Create a bar graph to summarize the information from the table.
3. Finally, summarize the information about the types of deaths in the form of a pie
4. Make sure to label your tables, graphs, and charts appropriately.
5. Short Essay (5-10 Sentences): Why might there be such a difference in deaths due to
indoor pollution between the Americas and Africa?
MUIDS Language and Science Skills Diagnostic Exam – Grade 11
Semester 2

Name: ____________________________
Student ID: ________________________
Date: _____________________________

Explanation: This is not for a grade. This practice examines your skills in different areas critical to the study of science.
Answer the questions to the best of your ability.

The link below will take you to a scientific article on Zika virus detection and treatment written by high school
students. Read the article and answer the questions that follow.


1. What are the methods proposed to detect Zika?


2. What are the options for treatment?


3. What are some strengths of this article?


4. What are some flaws that the author needs to address to make their article better?

Directions: Examine the two maps above and answer the following questions:
1. Zika was found in 1947, why do you think there was not a massive spread in the disease until 70 years later?
2. Why do you think areas of the world such as Northern Europe, Canada, Russia, Greenland, and Argentina have
not experienced a massive outbreak in Zika?

3. Given the lack of cases in the areas from question 2, why do you think Alaska has reported cases of Zika?

MUIDS Language and Science Skills Diagnostic Exam – Grade 12

Semester 1

Name: ____________________________
Student ID: ________________________
Date: _____________________________

Explanation: This is not for a grade. This practice examines your skills in different areas critical to the study of science.
Answer the questions to the best of your ability.

The following readings discuss the use of chemical and biological methods to control pest
species. Read the articles below and answer the questions that follow.

Reading #1: Cane Toad in Australia

Following the apparent success of the cane toad in eating the beetles threatening the sugarcane plantations of
Puerto Rico, and the fruitful introductions into Hawaii and the Philippines, a strong push was made for the cane toad
to be released in Australia to negate the pests ravaging the Queensland cane fields. As a result, 102 toads were
collected from Hawaii and brought to Australia. After an initial release in August 1935, the Commonwealth
Department of Health decided to ban future introductions until a study was conducted into the feeding habits of the
toad. The study was completed in 1936 and the ban lifted, when large-scale releases were undertaken; by March 1937,
62,000 toadlets had been released into the wild. The toads became firmly established in Queensland, increasing
exponentially in number and extending their range into the Northern Territory and New South Wales. Recently, the
toads have made their way into Western Australia and one has even been found on the far western coast in Broome.
However, the toad was generally unsuccessful in reducing the targeted grey-backed beetles, in part because
the cane fields provided insufficient shelter for the predators during the day, in part because the beetles live at the
tops of sugar cane – and cane toads are not good climbers. Since its original introduction, the cane toad has had a
particularly marked effect on Australian biodiversity. The population of a number of native predatory reptiles has
declined, such as the varanid lizards Varanus mertensi, V. mitchelli, and V. panoptes, the land snakes Pseudechis
australis and Acanthophis antarcticus, and the crocodile species Crocodylus johnstoni; in contrast, the population of
the agamid lizard Amphibolurus gilberti—known to be a prey item of V. panoptes—has increased.
Reading #2:
Vedalia Beetle in the United States
The vedalia beetle, Rodolia cardinalis, is the most famous introduced beneficial insect in history. Over the winter
of 1888-1889 a lady beetle called vedalia beetle was introduced into California from Australia to combat cottony
cushion scale, Icerya purchasi - also an introduced species. Cottony cushion scale was causing infestations so severe in
California citrus groves that growers were pulling out their trees and burning them. Orchard values were plummeting.
Yet, by the fall of 1889, the pest was completely controlled in the areas of introduction. The vedalia beetle literally saved
the California citrus industry, and since the California success, it has been exported to many other parts of the world,
often with equally successful results.
The introduction of the vedalia beetle is considered to be the beginning of classical biological control. This
species proved to be an immediate and spectacular success, and this success precipitated a wave of coccinellid
introductions. Available records show that 179 species have been intentionally imported into North America; 8 species
have become established through accidental introductions, 5 of these had been intentionally introduced but did not
become established where released. A total of 26 species of foreign Coccinellidae are now definitely or possibly
established in North America, 16 of these resulting from intentional releases.


Reading #3: Pesticide Usage

The USDA says that while there may be up to 63 types of pesticides found on lettuce in the supermarket, those residue
levels have been determined safe for consumption. These pesticides are also found at “allowable levels” (less than 5
percent of “established tolerance”) and will cause no harm. The Alliance for Food and Farming says this is good science
and there is no cause for alarm, no matter the number of pesticide residues found.
On the other hand the Environmental Working Group list calls attention to the fact that some of those residues
are pesticides like organophosphates which have been linked to issues with child development and are of concern
for farm workers spraying them in the fields. There are also of course questions about long term exposure to chemicals
in our environment.
Ironically it is Alliance for Food and Farming’s Scared Fat report which makes clear the public has grown
distrustful (more than 80 percent of respondents said they were concerned about the safety of their fruits and
vegetables after learning about the EWG list).
But is this the media’s fault? Or is it the fact that chemicals once declared “safe” are frequently found to be
dangerous to humans and the environment?
Take the most egregious example of DDT, a once widely used chemical the EPA now says “is classified as a
probable human carcinogen by U.S. and international authorities…[and is] known to be very persistent in the
environment, will accumulate in fatty tissues, and can travel long distances in the upper atmosphere.”



1. Predict future distribution of Cane Toad in Australia for every 5 years until 2035 if no control measures are taken.
Be sure to label your diagrams appropriately.
2. Which do you believe is the better method for the control of biological pests – pesticides or other organisms?
Create an argumentative essay supporting your claim.

MUIDS Language and Science Skills Diagnostic Exam – Grade 12

Semester 2

Name: ____________________________
Student ID: ________________________
Date: _____________________________

Explanation: This is not for a grade. This practice examines your skills in different areas critical to the study of science.
Answer the questions to the best of your ability.

The link below will take you to a video on the building of the Mae Wong Dam. Two other links will take you to
articles written about the Mae Wong Dam. Watch the video and read the articles to answer the questions that




1. What are some of the societal advantages of this project?

2. Describe some of the environmental impacts of this project.


3. In your opinion, do you support the building of the dam or not? Support your answer.

Rubric for Diagnostic Exams

Type of Assessment Beyond Expectations Meets Expectations Developing/Progressing Below Expectations
Grade 10-12 (4) (3) (2) (1)
The student can The student can The student can The student is
accurately determine the somewhat determine unable to determine
determine the central ideas or the central idea or the central ideas
central ideas or information of a information of a primary or information of a
Reading information of a primary or secondary or secondary source but primary or secondary
Comprehension primary or secondary source and provide a has difficulties in source and has
source and provide summary of how key providing a summary of difficulties in, or is
an accurate events or ideas the key events or ideas not able to, provide
summary of how key develop over the and how they develop a summary of the key
events or ideas course of the text. over the course of the events or ideas and
develop over the text. how they develop
course of the text. over the course of
the text.
The student is able The student is able The student is able to The student is not
to accurately to determine the somewhat determine the able to determine
determine the central idea of a central idea of a graph, the central idea of
Interpretation of central idea of a graph, table, diagram, table, diagram, etc., a graph, table,
Graphs, Tables, graph, table, diagram, etc., and can state but has difficulty in diagram, etc., and
Diagrams, etc. etc., and can the relationship stating the relationship cannot state the
describe the relation- between the between the variables relationship
ship between the variables presented. presented. between the variables
variables presented. presented.
The student is able The student is able The student can The student is
to draw complex to draw conclusions somewhat draw unable to draw
conclusions based on based on the conclusions based on the conclusions based
the information information (text, information (text, graph, on the information,
provided (text, graph, graph, diagram, diagram, video, etc) but and cannot make
diagram, video, etc) video, etc) and can has difficulty in making inferences that
Critical Thinking and can make make knowledgeable inferences that apply apply to other
detailed and inferences that to other scenarios based scenarios based
knowledgeable apply to other upon the information upon the information
inferences that apply scenarios based provided. provided.
to other scenarios upon the information
based upon provided.
information provided.
The student can The student can The student can somewhatThe student is
accurately determine the determine the central unable to determine
determine the central ideas or ideas or information of the central ideas
central ideas or information of a a video or oral text or information of a
information of a video or oral text but has difficulties in video or oral text and
Listening video or oral text and provide a providing a summary of has difficulties in,
Comprehension and provide an summary of how key how key events or ideas or is not able to,
accurate summary events or ideas develop over the provide a summary
of how key events develop over the course of the video/oral of the key events or
or ideas develop course of text. ideas and how they
over the course of the video/oral text. develop over the
the video/oral text. course of video or
oral text.
The student is able The student is able to The student shows The student is
to make clear make predictions difficulty in being able to unable to make
and well-written of what events will make predictions of what predictions of what
predictions of what be occurring next in events will be occurring events will be
events will be a text by using next in a text by using occurring next in a
occurring next in a titles, labels, key titles, labels, key words, text.
Making Predictions text by appropriately words, back-ground back-ground information,
using titles, labels, information, and and/or illustrations to
key words, back- or illustrations to explain their answer.
ground information, explain their answer.
and/or illustrations
to explain their
The response has a The response has an The response has an The response has
clear and effective evident inconsistent organizationallittle or no
organizational organizational structure, and flaws are discernible
structure, creating a structure and a evident. The response is organizational
sense of unity and sense of somewhat sustained and structure.
completeness. The completeness, may have a minor drift The response may
response provides though there may in focus. The response be related to the
thorough and be minor flaws and provides uneven, claim but may
Argumentative convincing support/ some ideas may be cursory support/evidence provide little or no
Essay Writing evidence for the loosely connected. for the argument(s) and focus. The response
argument(s) and The response claim that includes provides minimal
claim that includes provides adequate partial or uneven use of support/evidence
the effective use of support/evidence for sources: (facts and for the argument(s)
sources (facts and the argument(s) and details). The response and claim that
details). The claim that includes expresses ideas includes little or no
response clearly and the use of sources unevenly, using simplistic use of sources:
effectively expresses (facts and details). language. The response (facts and details).
ideas, using precise The response demonstrates a partial The response’s
language. The adequately expresses command of conventions expression of ideas
response ideas, employing a is vague, lacks clarity,
demonstrates an mix of precise with or is confusing.
adequate command more general The response
of conventions. language. The demonstrates little
response demonstrates a or no command of
partial command of conventions.

Findings Grade 10
September 2016 to May 2017

Reading Comprehension 2017




1 2 3 4
Reading Comprehension 2016 The data of Grade 10 MUIDS students suggests
there was not a significant improvement in reading
comprehension from the beginning of the year until
14 the end of the year. Overall 25 students improved
their score, 27 students had a decrease in their
28 score, and 45 students remained at the same score.
The teachers concluded that the level of difficulty of
the reading comprehension from 2016 to 2017
remained consistent.

1 2 3 4 Results in Reading Comprehension 2016-2017


30 28

20 16

10 6

1 2 3 4

2016 2017
Interpretation of Graphs/Charts Interpretation of Graphs/Charts
2016 2017

2 6

27 32 31

36 33

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

The data of Grade 10 MUIDS students suggests a small improvement in the student’s ability to
read and interpret graphs, charts, and data. Overall 39 students had an increase in their score, 35
students had a decrease in their score, and 21 students remained with the same score. The teachers
also concluded that the level of difficulty of the graphs was not consistent, and that the 2017 graph
was of much greater difficulty.

Comparative Results in Interpretation 2016-2017

35 32 33
30 27 28




5 2
1 2 3 4

2016 2017
Critical Thinking 2016 Critical Thinking 2017

3 7




1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

The data of Grade 10 MUIDS students suggests that there was a significant improvement in
the student’s ability to think critically. Overall 47 students had an increase in their score, 10
students had a decrease in their score, and 40 students remained with the same score.

Comparative Results in Critical Thinking from 2016 to 2017




30 31 30

20 15
9 7
1 2 3 4

2016 2017
Findings Grade 11
September 2016 to May 2017

Reading Comprehension 2016 Reading Comprehension 2017

3 5 6 3


1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

The data of Grade 11 MUIDS students suggest a small improvement in the student’s ability to
comprehend readings from the beginning of the school year until the end of the school year. Overall
18 students had an increase in their score, 11 students had a decrease in their score, 27 students
remained with the same score, and there were missing pieces of data for the remaining 13 students.

Comparative Results in Reading Comprehension 2016-2017

35 33

25 23


5 3 3

1 2 3 4

2016 2017
Interpretation of Graphs/Charts Interpretation of Graphs/Charts
2016 2017

6 6 3

16 23



1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

The data of Grade 11 MUIDS students does not suggest an improvement in the student’s ability to
interpret graphs, charts, tables, etc., from the beginning of the school year until the end of the school
year. Overall 8 students had an increase in their score, 31 students had a decrease in their score, 23
students remained with the same score, and there were missing pieces of data for the remaining 9

Comparative Results in Interpretation 2016-2017

30 28

25 23 23


6 6
5 3

1 2 3 4

2016 2017 Column1

Critical Thinking 2016 Critical Thinking 2017

6 6 3

13 20



1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

The data of Grade 11 MUIDS students does not suggest an improvement in the student’s ability to
think critically. Overall 14 students had an increase in their score, 19 students had a decrease in
their score, 17 students remained with the same score, and there were missing pieces of data for the
remaining 19 students.

Comparative Results in Critical Thinking 2016-2016


30 28


15 13

6 6
5 3

1 2 3 4

2016 2017
Listening Comprehension 2016
Results for Listening Comprehension
6 6 30
26 25


25 26
6 6

1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 2016

The data of Grade 11 MUIDS students suggests that nearly 50 percent are meeting or beyond
expectations, and the other 50 percent of students are developing or not meeting expectations with
regards to listening comprehension. More data is necessary to track the students’ progress over the
school year.

Findings Grade 12
September 2016

Predicting Results in Predicting 2016


2 24

15 6

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 2016

The data of Grade 12 MUIDS students suggest that 50 percent of the student’s ability to form
predictions is below expectations.

Argumentative Essay Results for Argumentative Essay 2016


3 20

20 15 13

5 3
1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 2016

The data of Grade 12 MUIDS students suggest that nearly 75 percent of the student’s ability to write
an argumentative essay is developing or below expectations.
Between Grade Comparisons (10-11)
End of Academic Year

Comparative Results for Grade 10 and 11

Reading Comprehension
50 45

40 33
30 23
20 16

10 6 6
1 2 3 4

Grade 10 11th Grade

Comparative Results for Grade 10 and 11

Interpretation of Graphs/Charts
35 33
30 28

25 23 23

20 16
10 6
5 3

1 2 3 4

Grade 10 Grade 11

Comparative Results Grade 10 and 11

Critical Thinking
35 30 31 30
25 20
15 13
10 7
5 3
1 2 3 4

Grade 10 Grade 11

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