BT 20160229 DC 2140264
BT 20160229 DC 2140264
BT 20160229 DC 2140264
What is
The latest development charge rates will be released by
the government today. Just what are DC rates and to whom
do they matter? Here’s a primer.
We often hear the term “development charge” being This may arise, for instance, from:
mentioned when collective sales are discussed, or when An increase in the intensity or plot ratio, which
some properties undergo redevelopment. Just what is a means a bigger project, ie with more gross floor area,
development charge (or DC)? may be built on the site or
DC is a tax that is payable by the owner of a property to
the state as a result of the state approving a development A change of use of the site to a higher-value use.
proposal that will increase the land value. (eg from industrial to residential).
How is DC calculated?
DC is computed based on the difference between development ceiling and development baseline.
A B1 B2 C D E
Commercial, eg Landed Non-landed Hotel, hospital Industrial, warehousing, Place of worship,
office, shop, F&B, residential residential business park, transport civic and community
entertainment, clinic facilities (eg MRT station), institution
telecom infrastructure
*list is not exhaustive
A single-storey bungalow along Upper East Coast, with planning permission obtained in February 2016 for the
redevelopment of the site into a five-storey apartment development with a proposed gross floor area (GFA) of 2,100 sq m.
Proposed GFA (2,100 sq m) X DC rate† (S$4,900 psm) = S$10.29m
Historical permitted GFA (1,050 sq m) X DC rate† (S$5,600 psm) = S$5.88m
B1: B2:
residential residential Development ceiling – Development baseline = S$4.41m
A 3-storey industrial building in Balestier, with necessary approvals obtained for redevelopment
into an apartment project with a plot ratio of 2.8.
Proposed GFA (8,400 sq m) X DC rate† (S$5,460 psm) = S$45.864m
Approved GFA (7,500 sq m) X DC rate† (S$1,470 psm) = S$11.025m
D: B2:
Industrial Non-landed DEVELOPMENT CHARGES
residential Development ceiling – Development baseline = S$34.839m
*The Development Baseline takes into account the value of value is higher than the approved development of a site, the
the existing approved GFA of the site, the value of the historical development baseline will be the higher of the two values.
1958 and 1980 Master Plans as well as the 2003 Master Plan If the higher of the 1958 or 1980 MP values exceeds the
value based on Sept 1, 2003 DC rates. 2003 Master Plan value, the development baseline will be
In general, when the 1958 or 1980 Master Plan baseline capped at the 2003 level.