Molecular Beacons: A Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay For Detecting Salmonella

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Analytical Biochemistry 280, 166 –172 (2000)

doi:10.1006/abio.2000.4518, available online at on

Molecular Beacons: A Real-Time Polymerase Chain

Reaction Assay for Detecting Salmonella
Wilfred Chen,* ,1 Grisselle Martinez,* ,† and Ashok Mulchandani*
*Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and †Microbiology Graduate Program,
University of California, Riverside, California 92521

Received November 30, 1999

selective enrichment and confirmation steps (2). Im-

Molecular beacons are oligonucleotide probes that munological assays have also been used to detect the
become fluorescent upon hybridization. We developed presence of Salmonella. These methods generally lack
a real-time PCR assay to detect the presence of Salmo- specificity and can take up to 5 days to complete (3).
nella species using these fluorogenic reporter mole- The advent of molecular biology has led to the devel-
cules. A 122-base-pair section of the himA was used as opments of new tools such as the polymerase chain
the amplification target. Molecular beacons were de- reaction for pathogen detection. A number of PCR as-
signed to recognize a 16-base-pair region on the am- says specific for Salmonella have been developed (4 –
plicon. As few as 2 colony-forming unit (CFU) per PCR
6). Typical detection methods of PCR products involve
reaction could be detected. We also demonstrated the
visual detection of an appropriately sized DNA band
ability of the molecular beacons to discriminate be-
followed by specific hybridization with a labeled DNA
tween amplicons obtained from similar species such
as Escherichia coli and Citrobacter freundii in real-
probe, which could take up to 15 h and is very difficult
time PCR assays. These assays could be carried out to automate. New improvements in both the sensitivity
entirely in sealed PCR tubes, enabling fast and direct and speed of the final detection step, preferably real-
detection of Salmonella in a semiautomated format. time monitoring of PCR products within 1 or 2 h, must
© 2000 Academic Press be developed to realize this powerful PCR-based
method for practical applications.
Recently, a new technique, known as molecular bea-
con (MB), 2 has been reported for the construction of
Salmonella is an important food- and water-borne probes that are useful for real-time detection of nucleic
pathogen associated with acute gastrointestinal ill- acids (7). These probes are based on single-stranded
nesses around the world. Disease is caused by the nucleic acid molecules that possess a stem-and-loop
penetration of Salmonella organisms from the gut lu- structure (Fig. 1). The loop portion contains sequence
men into the epithelium of the small intestine and complementary to a target, and the stem is formed by
enterotoxin production. The infective dose can be as annealing of two complementary arm sequences not
low as 15–20 cells (1). It is estimated that over 4 related to the target. A fluorescent moiety is attached
million cases of Salmonella infections and 1000 deaths to the end of one arm and a nonfluorescent quenching
occur in the United States annually. Salmonellosis ac- moiety is attached to the other end. No fluorescence is
counts for 60% of all bacterial disease outbreaks in the produced when the two arms are in close proximity,
United States (1). due to the quenching action. When the probe encoun-
Rapid methods for detecting Salmonella in food ters a single-strand target, it forms a hybrid with the
products and water resources have been hindered by target, undergoing a spontaneous conformation change
the requirement that they be extremely sensitive. Con- that forces the arm sequences apart and causes fluo-
ventional cell-culturing methods for detection and iso- rescence to occur. The interaction of MBs with their
lation involve several time-consuming, labor-intensive targets is extraordinarily specific. No increase in fluo-

1 2
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax: 909-787- Abbreviations used: MB, molecular beacon; CFU, colony-forming
2425. Email: unit; MWD, Los Angeles Metropolitan Water District.

166 0003-2697/00 $35.00

Copyright © 2000 by Academic Press
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

plate technique and expressed as the number of colony-

forming units.

DNA Extraction
One and one-half milliliters of each culture was
transferred into Eppendorff tubes and centrifuged at
1400 rpm for 2 min. The pellets were resuspended in
567 ␮l of TE buffer. Thirty microliters of 10% SDS and
FIG. 1. (a) Molecular beacons anneal to complementary template. 3 ␮l of 20 mg/ml proteinase K were added to each
This results in separation of the quencher from the fluorophore and sample. After thorough mixing, the samples were in-
increases fluorescence. (b) Molecular beacons do not form stable cubated in a water bath at 37°C for 1 h. After incuba-
hybrids with mismatched template sequences. The proximity of the tion, 100 ␮l of 5 M NaCl was added and mixed
quencher to the fluorophore when the stem portion is hybridized
results in very low background fluorescence.
thoroughly. Eighty microliters of a 10% CTAB
(hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium chloride) in 0.7 M
NaCl solution was added to each sample, followed by
incubation in a water bath at 65°C for 10 min. Then 0.8
rescence is observed even in the presence of a target ml of chloroform:isoamyl alcohol (24:1) was added after
strand that contains only a single nucleotide mismatch
incubation. The samples were briefly vortexed and cen-
(7). Since unhybridized beacons do not have to be sep-
trifuged for 5 min. The aqueous supernatants were
arated, they can be included in PCR reactions, permit-
transferred into clean tubes. This was followed by a
ting the progress of the reaction to be followed in real
second extraction. Four hundred microliters of isopro-
time. In real-time PCR, MBs as well as the primers
panol was added and each sample was gently mixed
hybridize to the templates during the annealing stage.
until DNA precipitates were visible. The precipitates
Data are collected at each annealing stage, when MBs
were pelleted by centrifuging at 1400 rpm for 10 min.
are hybridized to the target. When the temperature is
The pellets were washed with 200 ␮l of ice-cold 70%
increased during the extension stage, MBs dissociate
ethanol. After removing the ethanol, the pellets were
from the templates and do not interfere with polymer-
allowed to dry in a vacuum oven at 50°C for 5 min and
ization. As the target strands synthesized in a reaction
resuspended in 100 ␮l of TE buffer. DNA recovery was
accumulate, the fraction of MBs that is bound to tar-
confirmed by gel electrophoresis. PCR reactions were
gets will increase, causing a brighter fluorescent sig-
carried out with each sample to confirm the DNA qual-
nal. Recent studies have successfully employed MB for
a variety of PCR applications (8 –11). ity. PCR products were verified by gel electrophoresis.
In this paper, we described the detection of Salmo- This method provided good yields of PCR quality DNA
nella by real-time PCR assay based on MB. A 122-bp and was used for subsequent DNA extractions.
region of the himA gene was used as the target. We
demonstrate that the real-time assay is highly specific Design of Molecular Beacons
with the capability to discriminate even a single base
mismatch. As few as 2 colony-forming units (CFU) can MB (BHMA1) 5⬘-FAM-CGCTATCCGGGGCGTA-
be detection with the MB-based PCR assay. ACC-CGTAGCG-3⬘-DABCYL was designed to be per-
fectly complementary to the himA gene of Salmonella.
MATERIALS AND METHODS The target sequence contained two nucleotide mis-
matches, relative to the same region in the himA gene
Bacterial Strains, Media, and Culture Conditions of E. coli.
Salmonella typhimurium LT2, Escherichia coli MBs were synthesized by MIDLAND Certified Re-
W3110, Citrobacter freundii ATCC 8090, and Enter- agent Company. BHMA1 was labeled at the 5⬘ end
obacter cloacae ATCC13047 were obtained from the with fluorescein (6-FAM) and the quencher 4-(4⬘-di-
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC). Seven Sal- methylaminophenylazo)benzoic acid (DABCYL) at the
monella isolates were obtained from the Los Angeles 3⬘ end. The stem sequence was selected so that they
County Sanitation Districts. These isolates were iden- would not complement the sequences within the loop
tified and labeled: (1) Salmonella OC1, (2) Salmonella region. The length of the beacon was selected so that
Group C-Factor 7, (3) S. choleracious, (4) S. enteriditis, the annealing temperature is slightly higher than the
(5) S. heidelberg, (6) S. newport, and (7) S. thompson. annealing temperature of the PCR primers. The bea-
All cultures were grown in Nutrient Broth (DIFCO cons were resuspended in TE buffer, stored at ⫺20°C,
Laboratories) overnight at 37°C. The cell count of over- and protected from light. Aliquots (16 mM) were pre-
night cultures was estimated by enumeration of spread pared and used for subsequent studies.

melting at 95°C for 1 min, annealing at 57°C for 1 min,

and extension at 72°C for 1 min. Fluorescent measure-
ments were recorded during each annealing step. At
the end of each PCR run, data were automatically
analyzed by the system and amplification plots were
obtained. For each PCR, 5 ␮l of DNA template was
added to 45 ␮l of PCR master (5 ␮l of 1⫻ PCR buffer II
[Perkin–Elmer], 3.5 mM MgCl 2, 500 nM of each
primer, 200 nM dNTPs, 0.5 U of AmpliTaq DNA poly-
merase, 0.5 mM of beacons, and 25 ␮l of water) were
added to the PCR tubes. The PCR buffer contained
ROX (60 nmol) as the reference dye for normalization
of the reactions. Any possible fluctuations in ROX sig-
nal are used to correct the sample signal.

Thermal Denaturation Profiles
To explore the optimal hybridization temperature
FIG. 2. Thermal denaturation profiles of the molecular beacon.
between the beacon and the target sequence, the ther-
mal denaturation profiles of the beacon and the bea-
Thermal Denaturation Profiles
Thermal denaturation profile studies were con-
ducted to determine the optimal annealing tempera-
ture for the real-time PCR. The changes in fluorescence
of a 50 ␮l solution containing 0.3 ␮M of the beacon
probe with or without 0.9 ␮M of a perfectly complemen-
tary single-stranded oligonucleotide were measured.
The samples were place in a Perkin–Elmer ABI Prism
7700 Sequence Detector System and heated to 90°C for
5 min. The temperature was then reduced at 1°C per
minute increments to 20°C. Data were recorded at each
temperature interval. The optimal hybridization tem-
peratures for each beacon were determined from these

PCR Primers
TATCTTCA-3⬘, specific for a 122-bp fragment of the
himA gene, were previously reported by Bej (6). To
amplify the himA region of E. coli, a similar pair of
primers (EHIMA-forward, 5⬘-CGCGCTCTGGAAAA-
CGG-3⬘; and EHIMA-reverse, 5⬘-CGTGCTGTAATGG-
GAATATC-3⬘) were designed. The primers used were
synthesized by GENOSYS. Primers were resuspended
in TE buffer and stored at ⫺20°C. Aliquots (20 mM) of
each primer were prepared and used for PCR. FIG. 3. (a) Real-time PCR. Amplification of the Salmonella himA
gene, using 10-fold serial dilutions of template DNA. These experiments
focused on the detection of low concentrations of Salmonella DNA
PCR Conditions ranging from approximately 18,000 to 1.8 copies. Symbols: ■, 18,000
The Perkin–Elmer ABI Prism 7700 sequence Detec- CFU/PCR; E, 1800 CFU/PCR; }, 180 CFU/PCR; F, 18 CFU/PCR; ⫹, 2
CFU/PCR; ⫺, no template; *, buffer. (b) Gel electrophoresis. PCR reac-
tion System was used for real-time analyses. Thermal tions using 10-fold dilutions of template DNA: (1) 180,000,000 CFU/
cycling conditions were specified as follows: initial PCR, (2) 18,000,000, (3) 1,800,000, (4) 180,000, (5) 18,000, (6) 1800, (7)
melting at 96°C for 10 min, followed by 40 cycles of 180, (8) 18, (9) 2, (10) no template control, (11) DNA ladder.

FIG. 4. Critical cycle. The critical cycles for PCR samples containing 10-fold dilutions of template DNA were plotted against the DNA
concentration (cells/PCR). The results showed a linear relationship between these values, which can be used to develop a standard
quantification curve.

con–target hybrid were determined using a PE/ABI normalized fluorescent measurement vs the PCR cycle.
7700 fluorescence reader. At lower temperatures per- This plot clearly shows the progression of the amplifi-
fectly complementary beacon–target hybrids fluo- cation reaction in each sample. As few as 2 CFU could
resced brightly. As the temperature was raised, a point be detected by the real-time PCR assay (Fig. 3a). Re-
was reached at which the hybrids dissociated (Fig. 2). sults were also verified by gel electrophoresis (Fig. 3b).
This was accompanied by a marked decrease in fluo- Although the intensity of the amplified fragments cor-
rescence. Conversely, the beacons unravel at higher related to the initial amount of template DNA, the
temperature and exhibited a melting temperature visual detection limit was noticeably lower at approx-
around 62°C. In the temperature interval from 50 to imately 180 CFU.
62°C, the probe–target hybrids elicited significantly The critical cycle (C t), defined as the cycle at which a
stronger fluorescence than the probe alone—thus al- significant increase in fluorescence is first recorded,
lowing the detection of target sequence at these tem- increases as the initial number of template molecules
peratures. Initial studies with real-time PCR were con- DNA decreases (12). This was expected because sam-
ducted between this temperature range and the ples containing low concentrations of template DNA
highest sensitivity was obtained at 57°C. This temper- would require more PCR cycles to replicate enough
ature was chosen as the annealing temperature for copies to produce a significant fluorescent signal. Thus,
subsequent real-time PCR studies.
C t can potentially be used to quantify the input target
concentration. For our real-time PCR assays, the C t
Real-Time PCR Analysis values decrease linearly with increasing target quan-
The ability of MB to detect Salmonella in real-time tity up to 18,000 CFU (Fig. 4). At higher initial target
PCR assays was investigated. Different initial concen- concentrations, the endpoint plateau at a lower fluo-
trations of template DNA isolated from S. typhi- rescent value than would be expected. This phenome-
murium were used. DNA extracts were diluted with non has been suggested to be attributable to late cycle
water, in 10-fold serial dilutions. Five microliters of inhibition (12).
template solution was added to each 50 ␮l of PCR The variability between different sample prepara-
reaction. Colony-forming unit was used to represent tions was investigated. Five different sets of real-time
the initial template concentrations. A no-template-con- PCR assay were performed with initial target ranging
trol, in which sterile buffer was substituted for tem- from 1 to 18,000 CFU. Each amplification was per-
plate DNA, was used in each experiment. This control formed in duplicate. Comparison of C t values for each
was used to subtract any fluorescence that is not di- duplicate sample showed minimal variation, indicating
rectly related to amplification. Figure 3a shows the that the PCR amplification is highly reproducible.

Variation in Real-Time PCR Assay


2 CFU 18 CFU 180 CFU 1800 CFU 18,000 CFU

Run 1 26.56 24.21 21.85 19.49 18.02

Run 2 26.57 23.70 21.53 19.49 17.50
Run 3 26.14 23.65 21.61 19.43 17.56
Run 4 26.30 24.34 22.10 20.20 18.30
Run 5 26.24 24.04 22.49 20.28 18.21
Mean ⫾ SD 26.36 ⫾ 0.17 23.99 ⫾ 0.27 21.92 ⫾ 0.35 19.78 ⫾ 0.38 17.92 ⫾ 0.33

Note. C t for each run is the average of two independent samples.

Comparison of C t values of the five different sets of nella species using the SHIMA primers and a Salmo-
assay also revealed little variability (Table 1). More nella-specific DNA probe showed negative results for
importantly, the rate of fluorescent change at each all species tested except for C. freundii and E. cloacae,
target concentration was similar among the five differ- which produced false-positive results from both the
ent assays. primers and the probe (R. DeLeon, personal communi-
cation). To confirm the specificity of the beacons, DNA
Specificity of the Real-Time Assay isolated from C. freundii and E. cloacae were obtained
from MWD and subjected to the real-time PCR assay.
To demonstrate the beacon’s specificity for Salmo- DNA bands of 122 bp were detected for both C. freundii
nella, primers were designed to specifically amplify the and E. cloacae (Fig. 6a). However, neither one of these
same region of the himA gene in E. coli. PCR products organisms was detected by the beacons (Fig. 6b).
were examined through gel electrophoresis. A 122-bp The ability of the beacons to target other Salmonella
product was amplified from both the E. coli and Sal- species rather than S. typhimurium was tested. Seven
monella templates. However, real-time PCR studies different Salmonella species isolated by the LA County
showed that the MB, specific for Salmonella, failed to Sanitation District were analyzed by the real-time
detect the E. coli product (Fig. 5). Because there are PCR assay. All seven targets produced strong fluores-
two base pair mismatches within the E. coli amplicons, cent response (⌬R n ⬎ 0.5 after 40 cycles). The pres-
the MBs form unstable hybrids that dissociate dur-
ence of the PCR-amplified himA targets was also con-
ing the annealing stage, at which fluorescence is re-
firmed by gel electrophoresis (data not shown).
corded—thus demonstrating the ability of MB to dis-
criminate between very similar sequences.
A recent PCR study conducted by the Los Angeles DISCUSSION
Metropolitan Water District (MWD) on 50 non-Salmo-
The MB-based PCR assay provides the possibility of
real-time quantitatively detection of specific target di-
rectly in the PCR tube. The reported assay could detect
as few as 2 CFU of S. typhimurium and also cover a
wide dynamic range of detection, all in a real-time
manner. Detection of Salmonella using MB is also ex-
traordinarily specific. Even in the presence of a similar
himA sequence from E. coli, no increase in fluorescence
was detected. Perhaps the most powerful aspects of MB
is the capability to distinguish false-positive results
from PCR amplification. For example, a 122-bp ampli-
con was detected from both C. freundii and E. cloacae
using the Salmonella primers. Even the use of a linear
hybridization probe failed to provide the correct iden-
tity. However, no response was produced from both
strains in the real-time PCR assay, again demonstrat-
FIG. 5. Target specificity. Real-time PCR amplification of E. coli
and Salmonella himA genes. Beacons specific for Salmonella failed ing the highly specific nature of MB.
to detect the himA homologue in E. coli. Symbols: E, E. coli; Œ, Analysis of fluorescence data recorded at each an-
Salmonella; ⫺, no template control. nealing stage gives a clear profile of the amplification

from the quencher drastically decreases, even though a

lower background fluorescence is observed. On the
other hand, placement of the quencher at the 3⬘ end of
the probe increases the signal during PCR assays, but
at the expense of a much higher background. As a
result, the overall increase in fluorescence (corre-
sponds to sensitivity) caused by the cleavage of the
probe during PCR is significantly reduced. Further-
more, because of the hairpin stems, MBs are far more
specific than linear probes with the same sequence.
MBs labeled with different color fluorophores can be
used simultaneously for sequence analysis, detection of
point-mutations, and multiplex PCR for identification
of different genes. This unique property has been ex-
ploited for a variety of applications, including the de-
tection of point mutations in the methylenetetrahydro-
folate reductase gene (8), analysis of an 81-bp region of
the Mycobacterium tuberculosis rpoB gene for muta-
tions that confer resistance to the antibiotic rifampin
(9), ecological studies with ruminal bacteria (14), and
real-time assay for HIV viruses (11). MB assays are
simple and fast. Reagents are mixed in one step and
reactions are carried out in closed tubes, thus prevent-
ing contamination. Data are recorded during each cycle
and results are automatically analyzed immediately
after the reaction is completed, usually 2–3 h. Due to
their high specificity and high sensitivity, MB can be
effectively incorporated into real-time PCR assays and
provide a quick and accurate method for detection of
FIG. 6. (a) Gel electrophoresis. Real-time PCR products from reac- specific nucleic acid sequences in homogeneous solu-
tions using SHIMA primers and DNA from: (1) Salmonella, (2) C. tions. We envision that the speed and sensitivity of
freundii, and (3) E. cloacae. (b) Real-time PCR assay. Even when bacterial pathogen detection based on PCR-assay
amplification products were obtained from organisms other than
method can be greatly enhanced with the application of
Salmonella, they were not detected by the Salmonella-specific bea-
cons. ■, no template control; Œ, Salmonella ⫹ C. freundii; F, E. MB.
cloacae; }, buffer.
This work was funded by the Water Environment Research Foun-
process. The number of amplification cycles needed dation (WERF) through a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
before a significant increase in fluorescence from tar- Cooperative Agreement No. CR825237-01. We thank Tammy Chen
get– beacon hybrids is detected (critical cycle) can be for her help on DNA sequencing and real-time PCR assays. We also
thank the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts and the Metro-
used to quantify the initial number of template mole- politan Water District for providing strains and DNA samples.
cules in the reaction. The critical cycle is inversely
proportional to the logarithm of the initial number of REFERENCES
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