05 Reliability of Measurements
05 Reliability of Measurements
05 Reliability of Measurements
Reliability of Measurements
nearest 0.001 cm. Now the two results might be 1.792 cm and 1.796 cm. It
would now be proper to report the average value of 1.794 cm, because the third
decimal place is reasonably well known. It would be even more informative to
report the result as 1.794 ± 0.002 cm. The symbol ± is read as "plus or
minus." It shows that the actual results vary by 0.002 cm in either direction
from the reported average value.
In talking about the results of measurements, we distinguish between the
accuracy and the precision of the results. The accuracy of a series of measure-
ments tells how closely the average of the results agrees with the true value of
the quantity that is measured. The precision of a series of measurements tells
how nearly the repeated measurements yield the same result. For example,
suppose that the markings on a centimeter scale are placed too far apart (as if
the scale has been stretched). In this case, the results obtained in a series of
measurements of the same object might be quite precise (different measure-
ments would yield nearly the same answer), but they would be inaccurate (the
average result would be far from the true value).
Measurements commonly involve systematic errors. These are errors that are
reproducibly introduced in each measurement because of the construction, use,
or calibration of the equipment (as in the case of the stretched scale). The
precision of the results may give the illusion of accuracy in such cases. For this
reason, it is desirable to make a measurement by various entirely different
methods. If the results still show high precision (close agreement with one
another), then it is unlikely that systematic errors exist. The accuracy of the
measurement can also be tested by using the same measurement methods on a
"standard sample" whose value has been certified by some reliable institution,
such as the National Bureau of Standards.
Measurements also commonly involve random errors. These are errors whose
size and direction differ from measurement to measurement; that is, they are
unpredictable and unreproducible. They are commonly associated with the
limited sensitivity of instruments, the quality of the scales being read, the
degree of control over the environment (temperature, vibration, humidity, and
so on), or human frailties (limitations of eyesight, hearing, judgment, and so
on). We shall say much more about random error later in this chapter.
All digits of a number that are reasonably reliable are known as significant
figures. The number 1.79 has three significant figures: 1, 7, and 9. The number
1.794 has four significant figures.
The position of the decimal point in a measured value has nothing to do with
the number of significant figures. The diameter of a dime may be given as 1.794
cm or as 17.94 mm. In either case, four significant figures are used.
Significant Figures 45
A student weighs a beaker on a triple-beam balance, finding values of 50.32 g,
50.31 g, and 50.31 g in successive weighings. Express the average weight to the
proper number of significant figures.
To obtain the average, add the weights and divide by 3.
50.32 g
50.31 g
50.31 g
Total = 150.94g
Average = 50.3133 g
Because the weighings disagree in the second decimal place, it is not proper to
give the weight to more than the second decimal place. The average weight, to the
proper number of significant figures, is 50.31 g.
Give the value of a 10 g weight to the proper number of significant figures. The
balance on which the weight is used will respond to weight differences of 0.0001 g.
The weight is given as 10.0000 g, to show that it is reliable to 0.0001 g.
When a number has no zeros after the decimal point, final zeros before the
decimal point may or may not be significant, depending upon the usage. If we
say that there are 1000 students enrolled in a school, all the zeros probably are
significant. But if the population of a city is given as 360,000, the last two or
three zeros are not significant, because daily changes make the population
uncertain by perhaps several hundred persons. The final zeros in this case are
used only to indicate the position of the decimal point. A convenient way to
indicate reliability of a number that has final zeros before the decimal point is to
Significant Figures 47
13.8426 g
764.5 g
7.08 g
Sum = 785.4226 g
0.00296 x 5845 x 93
The rule indicates that the result should be rounded off to two significant
figures, so that the product would be 1600, or 1.6 x 103. However, an error of
± 1 in the value of 93 is not much more significant than an error of ± 1 in 102; we
can say that 93 almost has three significant figures. Because the other numbers
involved all have at least three significant figures, it would be reasonable to
report the result of this multiplication as 1.61 x 103 (using three significant
figures). Obviously, such decisions must be made by common sense rather than
48 Reliability of Measurements
a hard and fast rule. The best situation would be to have a range of error for
each number; then the calculation could be performed with all the largest or all
the smallest values to see which digits in the result are reliable.
A case can be made for rounding off all numbers involved in a calculation
before the calculation is actually made. However, in this age of hand cal-
culators this procedure adds little except extra effort. The simplest approach
probably is to enter all the numbers of a calculation through the keyboard with-
out regard to significant figures. Then, by inspection at the end of the calcula-
tion, determine how many decimal places should be used (for addition and
subtraction) or how many significant figures should be used (for multiplication
and division) in the final result. The calculator cannot make the decision about the
proper number of decimal places or significant figures to use; only the operator can
do this. One of the most common errors in the use of calculators is to write
down all of the digits that appear in the display as a result of a calculation,
regardless of their significance. You must learn to think about your answers.
A pure number such as 3 or 4 has an unlimited number of significant figures
(4.000000 ), as does a defined quantity such as TT (3.14159...) or e
(2.7182818 . . . . ) . Do not fall into the trap of excessively rounding off results that
come from equations using pure or derived numbers. For example, if you want
to find the volume of a sphere whose radius has been measured as 15.13 cm,
you shouldn't round off the answer to 1 x 104 cm 3 just because you are going to
use the formula V = %m-3, in which 4, 3, and rr each appears to have only one
significant figure. It is the measured values that determine the number of sig-
nificant figures. In this case, the volume should be expressed to four significant
figures as 1.451 x 104 cm3. Your calculator probably has a TT key that will give
with one stroke the value of TT to 8 or 10 decimals.
We have talked about significant figures and the general unreliability of the
"last figure" of a measurement. Now we shall talk about just how unreliable
these last figures are. Your experience has shown that really gross errors rarely
occur in a series of measurements. Suppose you were able to make an infinite
number of measurements on the same quantity (call it x). You would not be
surprised if, on plotting each observed value of x against the frequency with
which it occurred, you obtained a symmetrical curve similar to that shown in
Figure 5-1. One of the advantages of making an infinite number of measure-
ments is that the average (x) of the values will be equal to the "true value" (/A),
represented by the dotted vertical line drawn from the peak of the curve. As
expected, the more a value of x deviates from p, the less frequently it occurs.
This curve is symmetrical because there is equal probability for + and - errors;
it is called a normal distribution curve. If you made your measurements in a more
careless manner or with a less sensitive measuring device, you would obtain a
distribution curve more like that in Figure 5-2, shorter and broader but with the
Normal distribution curve with a small standard deviation.
same general shape. The breadth of a distribution curve (the spread of results)
is a measure of the reliability of the results. Two major ways of describing this
spread are average deviation and standard deviation.
Average Deviation
The deviation of each individual measurement (x) from the average (x) of all the
measurements is found by simple subtraction; the deviation of the /th mea-
surement is xt - x. We are interested in the sizes of the deviations, without
regard to whether they are + or -. That is, we are interested only in the
absolute values of the deviation, . The average deviation is simply the
average of these absolute values:
x, - x x2 — x
Average deviation =
Normal distribution curve with a large standard deviation.
50 Reliability of Measurements
Simple expressions for x and average deviation can be made by using the
symbol 2, which means "the sum of" whatever follows it:
SU - x
Average deviation = —Lj - L (5-1)
In each case, the sum of n values is understood. One important point to re-
member: x may be calculated for any number of measurements, but only for an
infinite number of measurements will x = p, the "true value."
Five persons measure the length of a room, getting values of 10.325 m, 10.320 m,
10.315 m, 10.313 m, and 10.327 m. Find the average value and the average devia-
Add the separate values and divide by 5 to get the arithmetical mean. Set opposite
each value its deviation from the average, without regard to sign. Take the average
of these deviations.
Measurement Deviation
xt xt — x
10.325 m 0.005 m
10.320 0.000
10.315 0.005
10.313 0.007
10.327 0.007
SJT, = 51.600 m 0.024 m = 2|jr, - x\
Standard Deviation
The standard deviation is the square root of the variance (s2). The variance is
almost the same as the average of the squares of the deviations of the measure-
ments from the average (x); it is defined as
n- 1
For reasons that we need not discuss here, n - 1 is used as the denominator
instead of n. Of course, for very large values of n (say, 1000), there is no
appreciable difference between n and n - I . Thus, for very large numbers of
measurements, you really can say that the variance is the average of the
squares of the deviations. Because the standard deviation is the square root of
the variance, we have
Calculate the standard deviation (s) of the measurements made in the preceding
As in the last problem, first find the average of the measurements, and then
subtract it from each of the individual measurements to get the deviation. The sum
of the squares of these deviations divided by n - 1 is the variance.
Measurement Deviation (Deviation)'2
xt (xt - x) (xt - x)'2
10.325 m 0.005 m 0.000025 m 2
10.320 0.000 0.000000
10.315 -0.005 0.000025
10.313 -0.007 0.000049
10.327 0.007 0.000049
= 51.600m 0.000148 m 2 =
= 10.320m
Standard deviation = s = \ —=
V n - 1
52 Reliability of Measurements
mathematical equation for these curves (when they represent a very large num-
ber of measurements) is called the Gaussian distribution equation. In one of its
forms, the frequency of occurrence, F, is given by
I CT(27r)*J
The t Values for Various Sample Sizes and Confidence Levels
The average result of a set of 1000 measurements is to be reported with a confi-
dence interval representing a confidence level of 80%. The average (the true value)
is 2756, and the standard deviation is 13.0. Find the confidence interval.
The set of 1000 measurements is so large that the value of? differs negligibly from
that for an infinitely large set of measurements, so we use the bottom row of Table
5-1. Looking in the column for an 80% confidence level, we find the desired value
of? to be 1.282. Therefore, the desired confidence interval is
H ± to- = 2756 ± (1.282)(13.0) = 2756 ± 17
Either of the following two statements could be made.
1. The probability is 80% that any value taken at random from the 1000 mea-
surements will lie within the interval 2756 ± 17.
2. Of the 1000 measurements, 800 (or 80%) lie within the interval 2756 ± 17.
56 Reliability of Measurements
x ± ts (5-5)
Mote that the standard deviation of the mean decreases with the square root of
i, not the first power. Thus, making 100 measurements rather than 4 does not
mprove the precision by a factor of'T = 25, but only by a factor of V25, or 5.
Fhe useful statement we can make with the standard deviation of the mean is
the following: for a series of n measurements and a specified confidence level,
the true value ofx will lie in the interval
x ± t f 4=) <5-6)
The density of a liquid is measured by filling a 50 ml flask as close as possible to the
index mark and weighing. In successive trials the weight of the liquid is found to
be 45.736 g, 45.740 g, 45.705 g, and 45.720 g. For these weights calculate the
average deviation, the standard deviation, the 95% confidence interval for a single
value, and the 95% confidence interval for the mean.
Because the weighings are all for the same measured volume, we first average the
weights. Let ,v refer to the weight measurement.
Weight Deviation (Deviation)*
Relative Error
It frequently is convenient to express the degree of error on a relative basis,
rather than on an absolute basis as above. A relative basis has the advantage of
making a statement independent of the size of the measurements that were
made. For example, the statement that a solid contains 10% silver is a relative
statement; it says that one-tenth of the solid is silver, and it is understood that a
large sample of the solid would contain more grams of silver than a small one.
Percentage is "parts per hundred," and it is found for this example by multiply-
ing the fraction of the sample that is silver (in this case, 0.1) by 100. It would be
as correct to multiply the fraction by 1000 and call it " 100 parts per thousand,"
or to multiply the fraction by 1,000,000 and call it "100,000 parts per million."
The choice of parts per hundred (percentage) or parts per thousand or million is
determined by convenience. If the fraction were very small, say 0.00005, it
would be more convenient to call it 50 parts per million than to call it 0.005 parts
per hundred or 0.005 per cent.
Express the 95% confidence level of the standard deviation of the mean obtained
in the previous problem as percentage, as parts per thousand, and as parts per
The 95% confidence level of the standard deviation of the mean was found to be
±0.0255 g, where the weight itself was (on the average) 45.725 g. Infraction of
the total weight that might be error is
= 0.000558
45.725 g
The relative error thus can be written as
(0.000558X100) = 0.0558 parts per hundred = 0.0558 percent
(0.000558X10') = 0.558 parts per thousand (ppt.)
(0.000558X1011) = 558 parts per million (ppm.)
Problems A 59
Calculator Tips
Equation 5-3, which defines the standard deviation, can be rewritten in the form
The advantage of this form is that you need not find the average before proceed-
ing to find the deviations. If you use a calculator that doesn't have a built-in
program for finding .s and x directly, you can easily enter each of your mea-
surements in a way that accumulates txt in one memory storage and ^,x'\ in
another. After entering all of the data, you can use S.v, and tx'] in Equation 5-7
to get s, and furthermore you can divide ~S,xt by n to obtain x, even though you
didn't have to find it to calculate s.
In an age requiring closer looks at the factors that affect our health, safety,
environment, and life style, it will become more and more important to examine
carefully and intelligently the statistical significance of the data on which impor-
tant decisions are based. The intelligent use of your calculator can be of enor-
mous help in these kinds of evaluations. You must always resist the urge to
include far more figures in your reported results than the data justify. Calcula-
tions and computers cannot improve experimental reliability, and it is your
responsibility to round off the final answer to the proper number of significant
by measuring the height to which water rises at 25.0°C. Several attempts yield
the following heights: 75.7 mm; 75.6 mm; 75.3 mm; 75.8 mm; 75.2 mm. Find
the average deviation of these heights and the 80% confidence interval for the
mean, expressing both in parts per thousand.
10. At 25.00°C, the density and surface tension of water are 0.997044 g/ml and
71.97 dynes/cm, respectively. What actual values for these properties should
be used with the data of Problem 9 to determine the radius of the capillary?
11. A sample of a copper alloy is to be analyzed for copper by first dissolving the
sample in acid and then plating out the copper electrolytically. The weight of
copper plated is to be measured on a balance that is sensitive to 0.1 mg. The
alloy is approximately 5% copper. What size of sample should be taken for
analysis so that the error in determining the weight of copper plated out does
not exceed one part per thousand? (Remember that two weighings are needed
in order to find the weight of copper.)
12. State the number of significant figures in each of the following measurements,
(a) 6822; (b) 6.822 x 10-<; (c) 6.82; (d) 682; (e) 0.006820; (f) 6.82 x 106; (g)
0.0682; (h) 34 thousandths; (i) 167 million; (j) 62 hundredths.
13. Express the answer in each of the following calculations to the proper number
of significant figures (assume that the numbers represent measurements).
(a) 0.0657 + 23.77 + 5.369 + 0.0052
(b) 365.72 - 0.583
(c) 365.2 + 27.3 + 968.45 + 5.62
(d) 4.27 x 10-' + 1.05 x 10~« + 5 x \0~K + 1.234 x 10-'
, , 65.4 x 1.23 x 464
between the questionable result and the values closest to it and farthest from
it, then there is a 90% probability that the questionable result is grossly in
error and should be rejected if
for 5 values, dlr > 0.64
for 4 values, dlr > 0.76
for 3 values, dlr > 0.94
Which, if any, result should be rejected from the following series of measure-
(a) 9.35, 9.30, 9.48, 9.40, 9.28 (c) 2534, 2429, 2486
(b) 9.35, 9.30, 9.48, 9.32, 9.28 (d) 2534, 2429, 2520