Jeffrey Zhang
Problem description
The competition in fashion industry is fierce and the competition is even more intensive for
fashion retailers (Newman and Cullen, 2002). Supply chains in fashion industry have become
more and more complex and dynamic (Brun and Castelli, 2008, Bruce et al., 2004). How
could lean management methods be incorporated in the supply chain management of small-
and medium-sized high-end fashion retailer in order to reduce total cost as well as to improve
the service quality?
What are different lean management methods and lean supply chain as addressed in existing
literature? What are the main characteristics of fashion products, luxury fashion consumption
and fashion supply chain as addressed in existing literature? How does an actual supply chain
of a high-end fashion retailer look like today? How could a lean supply chain of a high-end
fashion retailer look like in the future by adapting suitable lean management methods? How
will a general framework that guides the managers of high-end fashion retailers to implement
lean supply chain look like?
This master’s thesis is the concluding part of the author’s Master of Science degree at
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Industrial Economics and
Technology Management. This thesis was written within the field of Strategy and Business
Development during the spring semester of 2016. It is a further development of my project
work during the autumn semester of 2015.
The whole research process has been really interesting and enjoyable overall and I have
learned a lot. I hope this thesis would provide some inspirations and I hope you who are going
to read this thesis would enjoy it as much as I did.
Jeffrey Zhang
This thesis attempts to provide a framework for how lean management methods could be
incorporated in the supply chains of fashion retailers by reviewing relevant literature,
development of a theoretical framework and conducting a case study of one of the biggest
multi-brand fashion stores in Trondheim, Norway. Very limited research of lean supply chain
within fashion industry context has been conducted. It will be useful to look at lean supply
chain from the perspective of fashion retailers, as this type of research provides a fundamental
framework for fashion retailers in order to adapt lean methods to more efficiently manage
their supply chains. As a multi-brand fashion retailer, the case company do not do production
of products by themselves and do not own any fashion brands either. The company is only
focusing on their retailing operation.
Knowledge of both fashion retailing and lean supply chain is required to provide a valuable
framework for future lean implementation. The first part of the thesis is a literature study that
focus on theory of different aspects regarding lean supply chain and fashion retailing industry,
in order to get an insight in both knowledge areas. A theoretical foundation has been
presented and a theoretical framework was then suggested for analysis of the current state of
fashion retailers’ supply chains.
The supply chain of the case company is described in detail in order to show how the supply
chains of fashion retailers work today and provide data for mapping value stream map of
current state (AS-IS). Analysis and evaluation of different lean management methods in the
light of the characteristics of fashion retailing industry was done based on the AS-IS value
stream map. In the end of the thesis, a modified framework of how fashion retailers which
currently are not lean could incorporate lean management methods is suggested.
Denne oppgaven forsøker å gi et rammeverk for hvordan ‘’lean management’’ metoder kan
bli innlemmet i forsyningskjede av motebutikker ved gjennomgang av relevant litteratur,
utvikling av et teoretisk rammeverk og gjennomføring av en casestudie av en av de største
multi-brand motebutikker i Trondheim, Norge. Svært begrenset forskning av lean
forsyningskjeden innen moteindustrien contekst har vært gjennomført. Det vil være nyttig å se
på lean forsyningskjeden fra perspektivet til motebutikker, som denne typen forskning gir en
grunnleggende rammeverk for motebutikker for å tilpasse lean metoder for å administrere
deres forsyningskjeder i en mer effektiv måte. Som en multi-brand motebutikk, produserer
ikke caseselskapet produkter selv, og de eier ikke noen motemerker heller. Selskapet kun
fokuserer på sin detaljhandel.
Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................. vii
List of Figures ...................................................................................................................................... xiv
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................................ xv
Abbreviations ....................................................................................................................................... xvi
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 The concept of lean supply chain ............................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 A brief history of lean production ...................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Move from lean production to lean supply chain ........................................................... 3
1.2 Fashion industry and supply chain management.................................................................. 3
2 Problem definition and research question ..................................................................................... 6
2.1 Background and problem definition......................................................................................... 6
2.2 Purpose of the research and Research question.................................................................. 7
2.3 Limitations of the research ....................................................................................................... 9
2.4 The structure of the thesis ...................................................................................................... 10
3 Theoretical foundation .................................................................................................................... 12
3.1 What is ‘’lean’’? ........................................................................................................................ 13
3.2 Five lean principles .................................................................................................................. 15
3.3 Lean management methods in practice ............................................................................... 18
3.3.1 Waste Elimination ............................................................................................................. 18
3.3.2 Value Stream Mapping (VSM) ........................................................................................ 19
3.3.3 5S Method.......................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.4 Visual Management .......................................................................................................... 21
3.3.5 Stable and Standardized Work ....................................................................................... 22
3.3.6 Heijunka (Leveled Production) ....................................................................................... 23
3.3.7 Just In Time (JIT) .............................................................................................................. 24
3.3.8 Jidoka (quality at source)................................................................................................. 25
3.3.9 Lean thinking: Kaizen ....................................................................................................... 26
3.4 The fashion industry ................................................................................................................ 28
3.4.1 Main characteristics of fashion industry ........................................................................ 29
3.4.2 Supply chain in fashion industry ..................................................................................... 30
3.5 The retailing of high end fashion goods ............................................................................... 37
3.5.1 Luxury fashion consumption ........................................................................................... 38
3.5.2 Brand equity....................................................................................................................... 40
3.5.3 Store loyalty ....................................................................................................................... 44
3.5.4 Trends in fashion retailing ............................................................................................... 48
List of Figures
Figure 1: Calvin Klein Spring 2015 fashion show (Theimpression.com, 2016). .................................... 4
Figure 2: The overview of all chapters in this thesis. ............................................................................ 11
Figure 3: The lean house (Liker, 2004, p.33). ....................................................................................... 15
Figure 4: The circle of 5 Lean principles (LeanEnterpriseInstitute, 2016) ........................................... 16
Figure 5: An example of a value stream map for manufacturing (Conceptdraw.com, 2016). .............. 20
Figure 6: One example of visual management at workplace (Visualworkplaceinc.com, 2016) . ......... 22
Figure 7: Production plan before and after Heijunka (Leanmath.com, 2015) ....................................... 24
Figure 8: A typical supply chain in fashion industry (Şen, 2008). ........................................................ 32
Figure 9: The commissioning and purchasing cycles and procurement (Murray 2009, p 94) ............. 60
Figure 10: Three types of supply chain defined by Mentzer et al. p.5 (2001)....................................... 66
Figure 11: Supply Chain Management Antecedents and Consequences (Mentzer et al., 2001, p.12) .. 70
Figure 12: The supplier-partnering hierarchy (HarvardBusinessReview, 2015)................................... 73
Figure 13: The theoretical framework for lean implementation in fashion supply chain ..................... 76
Figure 14: Illustration of the research process ...................................................................................... 80
Figure 15: Illustration of literature searching process. .......................................................................... 81
Figure 16: Choice of relevant theories. ................................................................................................. 85
Figure 17: Basic types of designs for case studies (Yin, 1994, p.39). ................................................... 90
Figure 18: Organizational structure of BOGART.COSMO ................................................................ 100
Figure 19: Profile of BOGART.COSMO on Instagram (instagram.com, 2016). .............................. 103
Figure 20: Suppliers of BOGART.COSMO (bogartcosmo.no, 2016). ............................................... 107
Figure 21:: Material flow of BOGART.COSMO................................................................................ 117
Figure 22: The Current State Map of BOGART.COSMO .................................................................. 122
Figure 23: The Future State Map of value stream within BOGART.COSMO ................................... 142
Figure 24: The modified framework for how lean management methods could be incorporated in the
supply chain of a fashion retailer. ....................................................................................................... 146
List of Tables
Table 1: Description of 5 Lean principles (Womack and Jones, 1996 )................................................ 17
Table 2: Description of 3 different types of activities ........................................................................... 18
Table 3: Kaizen, Kaizen events and traditional improvements (Manos, 2007, p.47) ............................ 27
Table 4: Eight Steps to Transforming Your Organization (Kotter,1995).............................................. 56
Table 5: Overview of interviews and observations conducted .............................................................. 94
Table 6: Description of shopping environments in BOGART.COSMO store .................................... 105
Table 7: The 7 most important suppliers for BOGART.COSMO (hugoboss.com, 2016,
ralphlauren.com, 2016, lvmh.com, 2016, icgroup.net, 2016, mulberry.com, 2016, burberryplc.com,
2016).................................................................................................................................................... 108
1 Introduction
Have you even thought about why the price of branded fashion items could be so high? For
instance a basic luxury bag charges consumers more than 15 000 NOK. Does it really worth
the amount of money that you pay? Do the fashion retailers ‘’have to’’ set the prices so high
in order to cover total cost? According to Weber et al. (1991), the most important selection
criteria for customers when they purchase products and services are quality, delivery,
reputation, warranties and price. In this paper I assume that criteria such as delivery
performance and warranties are parts of the concept of quality. In recent years we care more
and more about sustainability(D'Souza et al., 2006, Drumwright, 1994). Our logics tell us that
lower prices are often correlated to poor quality. Image how wonderful it is for fashion
consumers when the prices of fashion products could be lower without that the quality
Different costs exist in the entire supply chain of fashion products, for instance raw material
cost, manufacturing costs, promotion cost, transportation cost and operation cost of the store.
Fashion retailers are facing fierce competitions in the market (Newman and Cullen, 2002).
Bertolini et al. (2013) proposed companies should have the capability to overcome the
tradeoff between quality and costs in order to sustain their competitive advantages today. A
strategy which could reduce total cost of supply chain without declined product and service
quality will be very valuable for fashion retailers. The concept of lean supply chain might be
such a strategy to consider.
and realized that the system was full of Muda (waste). There were activities which were not
adding any value to the product at all. During his stay in US, he was impressed and inspired
by the supermarkets there. He said:
‘’From the supermarket we got the idea of viewing the earlier process in a production line as a
kind of store. The later process (customer) goes to the earlier process (supermarket) to acquire
the needed parts (commodities) at the time and in the quantity needed. The earlier process
immediately produces the quantity just taken (re-stocking the shelves). ‘’(Ohno, 1988, p26 in
Hopp and Spearman, 2004).
They went back to Japan and after many experiments in their own company, Eiji Toyoda and
Taiichi Ohno further developed Fords concept and invented Toyota Production System in the
early 1960s. The basic idea was to produce faster and without defects while using less
resources, which means low cost and improved quality (Womack et al., 1990).
In the 1970s to 1980s, the Japanese economy was one of the strongest economy in the world
while Japan is a small country that only has very limited nature resources. Toyota at that time
became the most successful company in the automotive industry and is remained as one of the
strongest player in the automotive market today. This phenomenon soon received attentions
from American managers. They were enamored with everything Japanese. American
researchers went overseas to Japan to study first-hand what was going on in this country. The
Japanese production philosophy, especially automotive production, has been done lots of
researches on since then. Many books and articles has been published. In 1981, the first Just-
In-Time book was published, ‘’Driving the Productivity Machine: Production and Control in
Japan’’ by Robert W. Hall (Hopp and Spearman, 2004).
Later on more and more research articles and books have been written by scholars worldwide,
including the very famous ‘’Machine that Changed the World’’ (Womack et al., 1990) and
‘’Lean Thinking’’ (Womack and Jones, 1996). Womack et al. (1990) developed the concept
of lean production based on Toyota Production System in their book ‘’Machine that changed
the world’’ which described the difference between lean production in Toyota and mass
production in the West.
Even though we could think of all the advantages that lean supply chain could provide, it is
not easy for any companies to become lean. Every enterprise has unique organizational
structure, value and cultures, different products, business strategies etc. The way lean
production is applied in different enterprise is very different (Byrne, 2013). To implement
lean principles in other functions is different than implementing lean principles in production
function. Along the supply chain there are usually several independent companies and they
all have their own interests. In order to achieve a truly lean supply chain, companies must be
aligned, coordinated, commit to become lean and work in consistency (Zhang, 2015). Lean
implementation is never a quick fix, but rather a long journey for any companies (Scherrer-
Rathje et al., 2009).
et al., 2004). Only in Europe there are more than 2 million people work within fashion
industry (Stengg, 2001). Fashion retailing is one downstream joint in the supply chain in
fashion industry and fashion retailers has the direct contact with the ultimate consumers of
fashion products.
The competition in fashion retailing is very intensive (Newman and Patel, 2004, Moore and
Fairhurst, 2003). Due to the constantly changing fashion trends, the low cost and low
knowledge barrier of entry (Moore and Fairhurst, 2003). On proff.no I searched all the
apparel retailers in Norway with annual revenue more than 1 million NOK, the result showed
there are in total 1804 such fashion retail companies in Norway which only has a population
of 5.2 million.
production was developed). The unit price of vehicles is very high, usually the customers who
purchase vehicles have to consider several aspects before making final decision. The
customers who purchase vehicle usually tolerate longer delivery time than customers who
purchase fashion goods also.
Due to the intensive competition and dynamic demand and fast moving customer needs, there
has been a trend for a long time that fashion companies are sourcing globally in order to cut
the total costs (Bruce et al. 2004). Even the manufacturing process of fashion good is not as
complex as manufacturing of vehicles, the supply chain in fashion industry is not simpler than
in automotive industry. Global sourcing was one important reason and another one important
reason is the numerous different designs of fashion goods. The supply chain in fashion
industry has become very dynamic and complex (Lowson et al., 1999).
Outsourcing the manufacturing to low cost countries has been a common strategy among
practitioners in fashion industry (Bruce et al. 2004). But what about other possibilities for
reducing the total cost of merchandise in fashion industry than? Could we loan some
approaches from other industries? One approach that has been very popular among
automotive manufacturers in order to reduce total cost and improve quality, which has been
presented in previous subchapter, is lean production, and its further extended concept: lean
supply chain. In automotive industry, lean production made Toyota became one of the most
outstanding company in the world. Recently lean has successfully been adapted by companies
in service and process industry (Melton, 2005, Nugroho et al., 2012). So how about
incorporating lean management methods in the supply chains of fashion retailers? This is the
topic we are going to take a closer look at in this thesis.
Even though fashion industry is one of the biggest industries and has often very complex
supply chains, it seems like this industry has not received enough attention in terms of supply
chain management (Bruce et al. 2004). After I come to this idea of how a fashion retailer
could adapt lean supply chain in order to reduce costs and improve service quality, I started to
search for relevant books and articles on for instance Oria, Scopus and Google Scholar. I used
key words such as lean supply chain fashion industry, lean fashion retailing, lean logistics
fashion, lean textiles and apparel industry, lean supply chain apparel retailing, supply chain in
fashion industry, lean implementation fashion industry, lean implementation retail, lean store
management etc. But unfortunately very few relevant researches were found. There is namely
a lack of research attentions of lean supply chain in such an important industry. The concept
of lean is not clarified in retail industry and how lean implementation should be executed by
retailers is not clearly developed (Naruo and Toma, 2007). Fashion retailers are struggling
with the fierce competition in the market and management of complex relationships with their
fickle customers and numerous suppliers. Reduction of total cost and improving of service
quality are critical for fashion retailers to develop competitive advantages and survive in the
long-term. While the concept of lean is proved to be an efficient strategy to achieve both
goals and seems to be a solution for the current problem that very many fashion retailer face,
there is a lack of theoretical fundament of how lean knowledge could be adapted in the supply
chain of fashion retailers. Implementation of lean supply chain in itself is very complex, and
more aspects have to be considered in the special case of fashion retailers. It is necessary to
have a framework which includes the most central lean management methods and the most
important characteristics in fashion industry. This framework would make the implementation
of lean supply chain more feasible for managers of fashion retail companies.
The lean methods were all developed in automotive industry where the products typically
have longer life cycle, higher unit price, longer assembly line, complex processes, high
technology and big batch size than fashion industry. The different natures of the two industry
make the adaption of lean supply chain in fashion industry a demanding and challenging
process. Byrne (2013)propose implementation of lean is unique for every company and
requires that the basic lean methods to be modified after the specific business environment.
Moreover the difference between companies in different industries is even bigger than
differences between companies in the same industry. It requires different approaches to
implement lean into other industries than automotive industry as well. Womack and Jones
(1996) proposed that lean concept could be adapted by service industry. However, not many
lean implementation have been identified to be successful in the retail industry (the general
retail industry)(Noda, 2015). In this thesis, I am focusing on implementation of lean in the
supply chain of fashion retailers.
Even though lean practices have been often associated with production, lean management
methods could be incorporated and help other functions to improve the efficiency (Jaca et al.,
2012). How much the existed lean knowledge could be adapted in the supply chain of a
fashion retailer needs to be evaluated in the light of the characteristics of fashion industry and
the way fashion retailers are conducting their business currently.
industries may incorporate lean management in their supply chain fitted to their own
characteristics and their industries’ characteristics.
Based on the definition of the problem, we could clearly see that there is a need for making
the supply chain management of fashion retailers more efficient. Consequently, I attempt to
develop a framework to understand how fashion retailer may incorporate lean management
method in their supply chains. My research question in this thesis is therefore:
How could lean management methods be incorporated in the supply chain management
of a small and medium-sized fashion retailer in order to reduce total cost as well as to
improve the service quality?
The question in itself is very big, in order to understand the actual scope of the research
question and answer this research question properly I further divide the research question into
5 sub-questions:
Sub-question 1:
What are different lean management methods and lean supply chain management as they have
been addressed in existing literature?
Sub-question 2:
What are the main characteristics of fashion products and luxury fashion consumption as they
have been addressed in existing literature?
Sub-question 3:
How does an actual supply chain of a high-end fashion retailer look like today?
Sub-question 4:
How could a lean supply chain of high-end fashion retailer look like in the future by adapting
suitable lean methods?
Sub-question 5:
How will a framework that guides the managers of high-end fashion retailers to implement
lean supply chain looks like?
Lean supply chain involves typically a company, its suppliers and its customers. The
framework would be more reliable if I do as much research on both the supplier base and the
customer segment as I do on the company. However due to limited resource, this thesis is
based on research on a particular company and view the supply chain from the perspective of
the company rather than conduct a complete research on the whole supply chain. The
assumption of the research is that the focused fashion retailers have control of its supplier
base. For instance a franchisee retailer has to follow the overall strategy of the franchisor.
Implementation of such a franchisee store is not feasible unless the franchisor agrees.
Just as other industry, the focused market segment of companies in the same industry could be
very different. Luxury fashion companies and fast fashion companies are conducting totally
different strategies, while most of the characteristics of fashion industry could be seen in both
two types of companies. For instance, usually the unit price of product from fast fashion
brands is much cheaper than luxury fashion brands and the lead time in fast fashion product is
much shorter than luxury fashion product (fast fashion Barnes). The emphasis of luxury
fashion companies is usually on the high product quality, great design and brand management
(Husic and Cicic, 2009). This type of strategy follows with a great total cost which make the
luxury fashion goods way more expansive than fast fashion products. It will be easily
understood, if we take the examples of luxury fashion companies and fast fashion companies
like Gucci and H&M, Christian Dior and ZARA etc. This thesis is focusing on multi-brand
retailers of high-end/luxury fashion products which the first-tier suppliers are various high-
end fashion companies, for instance Burberry and HUGO BOSS, and the customers are
individual fashion consumers.
Chapter 3 is the theoretical foundation. This is the heaviest chapter and many different
knowledge areas will be touched in order to design a theoretical framework. The theoretical
foundation and framework will be used in the analysis part. Chapter 2 provides answers for
sub-question 1 and 2. Methodology used in this research process has been described in detail
in chapter 4. In the end of chapter 4, the quality of the chosen methodology will be evaluated.
Basic information of the case company and how the case company is managing their supply
chain currently are presented in chapter 5. Chapter 5 will answer sub-question 3, because this
chapter gives an example of how actual fashion supply chains work. The supply chain
management of the case company will be analyzed in light of theoretical foundation and
framework in chapter 6. Sub-question 4 will also be answered by chapter 6.
The researcher will discussed how the theoretical framework worked in the analysis process
in Chapter 7. The original framework will then be modified and will be the answer for sub-
question 5. Suggestions for future researches will also be included in the end of chapter 7. In
chapter 8 the researcher will discuss the overall findings in the light of research question.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Sub-question 1: What are different lean management methods and lean supply chain
management as they have been addressed in existing literature?
Sub-question 2: What are the main characteristics of fashion products and luxury fashion
consumption as they have been addressed in existing literature?
What are different lean management methods and lean supply chain management as they have been addressed in
existing literature?
Chapter 4 Methodology
What are different lean management methods and lean supply chain management as they have been addressed in existing
Sub-question 3: How does an actual supply chain of a high-end fashion retailer looks like
Sub-question 4: How could a lean supply chain of high-end fashion retailer look like in the
What are different lean management methods and lean supply chain management as they have been addressed in existing
future by adapting suitable lean methods?
Chapter 7 Discussion
What are different lean management methods and lean supply chain management as they have been addressed in
existing literature?
Sub-question 5: How will a framework that guides the managers of high-end fashion
retailers to implement lean supply chain looks like?
Chapter 8 Conclusion
What are different lean management methods and lean supply chain management as they have been addressed in
Figure 2: The overview of all chapters in this thesis.
existing literature?
3 Theoretical foundation
The research question is about how lean management methods could be adapted in an
industry which has its own characteristics and is different than automotive industry?
Researcher has to get insight in two independent knowledge areas, lean supply chain and
retailing of the high-end fashion products, otherwise it will not be possible to combine them.
A theoretical foundation should be formed before development of a theoretical framework.
This chapter is the heaviest chapter in this thesis and I will give a brief overview of what
chapter 3 will cover.
First and foremost an introduction of lean concept of and different methods used in lean
production forms the base for development of lean supply chain in any type of industry.
Subchapter 3.1 explains what ‘’lean’’ is about and what ‘’lean’’ could do for companies. 5
lean principles that guides every lean implementation is described in subchapter 3.2 and some
most important lean methods are presented in subchapter 3.3. Those principles and methods
show us that ‘’lean’’ is an abstract concept and concrete methods could be developed to
achieve the goals of lean.
Before we move to lean implementation within the whole enterprise than production function
and then the entire supply chain, I am going to provide some fundamental knowledge of
fashion supply chain and fashion retailing. As this structure could provide readers an insight
of how a fashion retailer conducts the business and how supply chain in fashion industry
works before introducing the abstract concept of general supply chain that exists in every
industry. Subchapters 3.4 and 3.5 will cover the characteristics of fashion products, how a
typical fashion supply chain works, luxury fashion consumption behavior of consumers,
brand equity and store loyalty that explain the consumption behavior, and at last the newest
trends for fashion retailer.
How lean knowledge could be implemented in the whole enterprise and involve every
employee is discussed in subchapter 3.6. Because of the human nature to resist changes, how
managers could deal with the resistance of employees has been briefly discussed in
subchapter 3.6 as well. In this thesis I emphasize more on the procurement function than other
functions within the enterprise, because procurement function has direct contact with
suppliers. Lean procurement will be discussed in subchapter 3.7. How a lean supply chain
could be formed by using lean methods and making strategic alliance with suppliers is
discussed in subchapter 3.8. In the end of this chapter, subchapter 3.9, a theoretical
framework will be suggested based on all the previous subchapters.
According to Lean Enterprise Institute (2016), a lean organization should maximize the
customer value while minimize the total resources required to provide the goods (through
reducing wastes). The goal is to create the perfect value for customers through a perfect value
creating process without any waste (LeanEnterpriseInstitute, 2016). The core approach to
transform an ordinary company to a lean company is the continuous improvement where the
goal is to eliminate all the identified wastes within the operation of the company (Myerson,
2011, Lewis, 2000).
Different articles that have been reviewed also emphasize on different areas of lean (Myerson,
2011, Zhang, 2015). The subjects of many books of ‘’lean’’ has been written are too narrow,
focus was on for example lean procurement, lean workplace, Just-In-Time delivery etc. The
two most frequently mentioned characteristics of lean production are: ''setup time reduction''
and '' continuous improvement'' (Kaizen in Japanese) (Lewis, 2000). Failure prevention and
production leveling are mentioned frequently as well (Mi Dahlgaard-Park and Pettersen,
Different articles are usually based on the different aspects of lean. There are two traditional
ways to describe lean: ''toolbox lean'' and ''lean thinking (Kaizen)’’ (Čiarnienė and
Vienažindienė, 2012, Shah and Ward, 2007, Mi Dahlgaard-Park and Pettersen, 2009). From a
perspective of ‘’toolbox lean’’ researchers consider lean as a collection of different
management practices and tools to eliminate wastes, lower cost and improve quality. Whereas
‘’Lean thinking’’ tells us to integrate lean as enterprise value and lean should be a
fundamental consideration when making any corporate strategies.
Figure 3, lean house proposed by Liker (2004) shows the different methods to achieve the
ultimate goal of lean. Visual management, stable and standardized process and leveled
production are the cornerstones of the house. Those represents the most fundamental methods
in lean production. Waste reduction is the necessary way to create space for improving.
People are the most valuable assets when implementing and executing lean principles, a truly
lean enterprise should involve everyone in the enterprise and emphasizes on teamwork to
achieve the common goal. It is impossible to succeed with only one value stream mapping
and implementing of lean, the process should be repeated to seek perfection (zero waste)
(Womack and Jones, 2010). Additionally, market demand, supplier base, government
policies, new technology, market trends and environment are changing all the time.
Enterprises should be proactive, discover and adapt the changes quickly in order to gain
competitive advantages before others have done this. Therefore the center of the house is the
‘’continuous improvement’’. Just in time and Jidoka are the pillars of the house, they are there
to support pull system and improving quality of products. At the top, the roof of the house is
the ultimate goal of lean: best quality, lowest cost, shortest lead time, best safety and high
morale. These methods will be described in detail in the coming chapters.
The 5 lean principles, as figure 4 shows, are the overall guidelines or framework for every
enterprise which want to transform to lean enterprise. Each of the 5 principles is explained in
table 1 below. Leaders from automotive industry have developed and researchers have
identified many different tools under each principle. However lean transformation will be a
long journey (Scherrer-Rathje et al., 2009). It is not feasible for enterprises to become lean
within short time period and unfortunately almost 50% companies failed at their first attempt
to become lean. (Myerson, 2012). That is why the 5 principles go in a continuous circle. Once
an improvement is done, the process should be started all over again to pursue continuous
competitive advantages, because a more globalized market changes radically, the competitive
advantages that the enterprise has right now will no longer be competitive advantage in the
near future. Perfection is almost impossible to achieve, but we gain lots of advantages during
the process of seeking perfection.
Principles Description
1, Identify customers and specify the Identify who the customers are and take a
value standpoint of the end customer to specify the
values for them. In that way, we could find out
what customer really want and eliminate the
features of a product or services that do not add
any value for end customer. Activities that add
non-value should be identified and targeted as
wastes for removal.
2, Map the value stream The value stream is the set of activities
throughout all the departments of the
organization or even the supply chain. By
mapping the value stream we could get an
overview of different business activities, wastes
could become visible and therefore we could find
the non-value adding activities more easily.
4, Establish a pull system along the Creating a system that allows you to respond
value stream rapidly to the customer demand. Produce exactly
what the customer wants at when the customer
wants it.
As I explained in the definition of ‘’lean’’, different articles and books are describing lean
from different aspects, the most common two aspects were ‘’ Toolbox lean’’ and ‘’Lean
thinking’’ (Čiarnienė and Vienažindienė, 2012, Mi Dahlgaard-Park and Pettersen, 2009).
Lean thinking is a very broad concept which 5 lean principles and Kaizen (continuous
incremental improvement) were the core (Jones and Womack, 1996). In this thesis Kaizen is
considered to be one of the lean methods parallel with other lean management methods. In the
coming section I will present some most important lean methods which I think will be most
relevant and interesting for supply chains in fashion industry.
Taking wastes out of the operations is an important way to reduce the total cost. Wastes are
everywhere in your business. Toyota managers defined 7 types of wastes (Strandhagen,
2015). Over the time, enterprises which have done lean practice conceptual system defined
the 9 type of wastes, each of them is specified below (Barac et al., 2010).
The enterprise might have many different types of products which requires different
manufacturing processes. Different products have their own supply chains or value streams.
The first step of VSM is to define product family by grouping products with common process
steps together (Rother and Shook, 2003). The VSM team should walk around the plant and
using the predefined symbols to map the flows of both material and information. The map
should include everything ''door-to-door'' from the raw material stage to the stage how the
finished product is delivered to customers. Lead time between stations and processing time
should be calculated. The Current State Map (CSM) describes how the production system
actually works and is the foundation for designing the Future State Map (FSM). Wastes
should be identified and eliminated from the CSM and VSM team should then design the
FSM. How the VSM team is going to redesign the flows is situation dependent. But the
fundamental lean thinking should be respected. For instance, to produce Just-In-Time. When
the FSM is done, The VSM team is going to create a feasible implementation plan.
Accountability and timeframe is important aspects when creating the implementation plan.
Just as the 5 lean principles tells us, this process should be repeated to seek perfection. After
the implementation is done, new problems might appear, then the VSM team's job is to map
the new CSM and the process starts again (Strandhagen, 2015).
3.3.3 5S Method
The goal with 5S is creating a clean and orderly workplace that exposes waste and make
abnormalities immediately visible (Myerson, 2012). All the parts in a company are working
together towards a common goal, they are in interaction with each other and thus will affect
each other. 5S is as important in the administrative processes as in the shop floor (Liker,
2004). The list below present what the 5S exactly mean (Barac et al., 2010, Myerson 2012):
I. Seiri (Sort): Sort and arrange production tools. Keep only necessary ones.
II. Seiton (Set in order): Each operator need different tools, setting them in order makes
most important tools easily accessible for the operator. In that way it prevents waste of
time and make the workplace smooth.
III. Seiso (Shine): It is about to keep the shop floor safe, clean ad pleasing to work at, so it
will be easier to detect dusts which could possibly leads to defects of products and
errors of machines, especially in high-technology company.
IV. Seiketsu (Standardize): Standardize all the three previous rules and present them to the
V. Shitsuke (Sustain): Integrate 5S as one part of organizational recognition and sustain
the 5S among workers.
Visual management at the workplace visualize production procedures, current status and other
relevant matters which could be visualized, so that they will be carried out to the employees
in a best efficient way (Barac et al., 2010, Myerson, 2012). For instance large display in the
production halls could enable workers to gather information more quickly and accurately than
by reading written reports.
According to Lean Enterprise Institute (2016) standardized work is one of the most powerful
but least used lean element. Standardized work reduces variability in production and the
occurrence of injuries and strain (Myerson, 2012). It also makes training of new operators
easier and enables the enterprise to expand capacities without impairing production.
Standard time (takt time): The average time between the start of production of one unit
and the next one to meet the customer demand. Takt time is necessary for managers to
accurately determine and supervise the rhythm of the production.
Standard operation sequence: The sequence that a worker has to follow during
production. This ensures that every worker is doing the job in a similar way.
Standard inventory: The minimum inventory of components and equipments that is
required to enable a smooth and continuous operation flow.
JIT is about producing only what is needed at when it is needed. Lean supply chain should be
characterized by smooth flow of materials, short lead times and very little inventory. Every
process is matched to market pull through takt time and delivers products on a just-in-time
basis. A list of tools are required to achieve those goals.
JIT production is about to response quickly, production starts after customer order is received
and finalize products will be delivered to customer within due date. Often the batch sizes are
small. Reduction of throughput time (amount of time it takes for a worker to produce a
product) is a main objective in JIT production, because the customers do not want to wait for
too long time. Short throughput time is also one of the most common competitive advantages.
Flexible production resources are required, so that shop floor does not need to spend time on
ordering raw materials or components. Quick set-ups (SMED), stable and standardized work
and leveled production are the base to ensure a short throughput time.
Kanban card is often used to make JIT production and delivery more feasible. On a Kanban
card there is information about the identification of product, instruction of operations or
transport (from where to where). When a worker receives a Kanban card, he will execute the
tasks that Kanban card tells and place the Kanban card back after the execution. Then the
managers will have information about what has been done, what is right under process and
what needs to be done. Kanban system is used to make a continuous information and material
flow smoother and more precise (Strandhagen, 2015).
Direct inspection: Inspection which is carried out by the workers, not by quality
controllers. Because if this task is done by quality controller, it will be considered as a
waste in lean.
Inspection of the source: Quality controllers are there to find causes of the defect and
then eliminate the causes.
Clear responsibility: This allows workers to be responsible for quality of specific parts
which are produced by their operations. Traceability must be created so that if defect
occurs, it is possible to determine where the defected component come from and who
is responsible for the production of that component.
Poka-Yoke: Devices are used to quickly check dimensions and other quality attributes
in order to find defected products. Bigger mistake will occur when, for example, a
defected component is assembled into a finished product. All products must be
controlled before transferring to next production stage or next stage in supply chain.
Deliberate shutdown: When a problem occurs, production is stopped until the ultimate
cause of the problem is found, solved and removed from the system. Every worker is
allowed to stop the production process, if he detects a problem. This increases the
responsibility of workers and motivates them to achieve a better quality of the product.
5 Whys: When a problem occurs, we should ask ‘’why’’ for 5 times. Then we will
likely find the root causes of the problem. By identifying the root causes, we could
better prevent the same problem occurs.
Lean philosophy is not only about to use all the tools, but more important we have to integrate
Kaizen in our heads. Imai (1986) suggested to integrate Kaizen as a life style and he pointed
out companies should adopt Kaizen even if the companies is performing well, because other
companies which are doing Kaizen will soon catch up and become more efficient than you if
you are among the few companies that do not consider Kaizen as a companywide culture.
Kaizen events have been invented later on to make more radical changes than traditional
Kaizen (Manos , 2007). Kaizen events are carried out by cross-functional teams that focus on
improvement of a particular business process or working environment in a period of three to
five days. The results of Kaizen events are more rapidly and dramatic than traditional Kaizen
which focus on small and steady improvements. Only one problem has been focused on
during Kaizen event. People in the Kaizen event team is from all functions that the Kaizen
event will involve or affect. The team members are dedicated and have to be sequestered from
their original works in order to concentrate 100% on the Kaizen event. Kaizen event requires
commitment from the top management, just like any other lean methods. The Kaizen event
team must be empowered to make their own decisions, the team know the Kaizen event better
than their supervisors. However communication in the form of meetings with their
supervisors and managers who will be affected by the Kaizen events is necessary to have. So
that those managers can better understand why and how the changes are made. After the
improvement decisions are made, the Kaizen event team is going to train the workers and
managers to adapt the changes. People have a tendency to return to their old working habits,
the Kaizen event have to be followed up in order to sustain the result and reap the benefits. In
particular the audits could compared the results with the objectives of the Kaizen event and
the prediction of the future state made during Kaizen event. Communicating the success of
the Kaizen event throughout the company will help the company to build enthusiasm for
continuous improvement among the workers and managers. Table 3 describes the difference
among Kaizen, Kaizen events and traditional improvements.
Table 3: Kaizen, Kaizen events and traditional improvements (Manos, 2007, p.47)
People are more desired for dramatic improvements rather than small, steady and continuous
improvements (Manos, 2007, Myerson, 2012). As a manager, you might want to change the
organization quickly in order to show the border of directors your excellent management
ability. Which type of Kaizen should managers use is depending on the characteristics of the
problem. No matter which type of Kaizen is chosen, Kaizen requires a serious commitment
from the enterprise to continuously improve their business activities(Manos, 2007).
These management methods that has been presented in subchapter 3.3 have their roots in
manufacturing function. They are used to support the ultimate goals of lean production and
moreover lean supply chain. New tools might be invented in order to solve new problems or
solve old problems in a better way. However the underlying ideas or some of the presented
tools could be applied in other functions, for instance administration/office, without problem
(Myerson, 2012). One example could be the 5S method. 5S enable a clean and organized
workplace that would benefit any kind of work. Since Lean is a very broad concept,
sometimes people just do not know where to start or intervene. This subchapter provides
some concrete tools for practitioners to use and for inspiring them to invent new lean
management methods.
After knowing what the concept of ‘’lean’’ contains, we also need to know how the supply
chain in fashion industry works. Every industry has their own characteristics. Some important
research areas within fashion retailing will be discussed in subchapter 3.4 and 3.5 in order to
answer sub-question 2. Fashion supply chain will be presented and I will at look at some main
factors that affect customer satisfaction and store loyalty in order to get an insight in how the
downstream retailing function in fashion industry works.
Some main characteristics of fashion markets are short product life-cycles, high volatility, low
predictability, tremendous product variety, high impulse purchasing, long supply process and
complex supply chains (Şen, 2008, Christopher et al., 2004).
The life-cycle of product in fashion industry is very short and seasonal, often the life-cycle is
measured in months or even weeks, for instance the Spanish fast fashion company, ZARA,
has 20 seasons a year to attract more customers (Christopher et al., 2004). Even though the
products in fashion industry have short life-cycles in general, some types of products have
shorter life-cycles than other. According to Şen (2008) we could divide the products into three
Continue with other characteristic, with high volatility I mean the demand of products is not
stable or linear over the time, because fashion is changing all the time. Fashion lovers are not
wearing the same cloth as one year ago, because they are constantly observing and following
the newest trends and emphasize on their everyday looking. Fashion is influenced by many
factors, for instance by weather, film, news, and pop stars (Christopher et al., 2004). This is
why it’s hard for fashion retailers to predict the next trend and demand in the future.
High impulse purchasing means that in the most cases the buying decisions are made at the
moment of purchase, hence ‘’availability’’ is vital, otherwise the customer ca not see the
products at all when in the store, then they will likely never purchase it or purchase it from
other stores.
The variety of products in fashion industry is tremendous. Take the example of womenswear
provided by ZARA, on the website of ZARA (zara.com, 2016), you will find 15 categories
under womenswear (except bags, shoes and accessories). For instance: outerwear, bombers,
blazers, dresses, jumpsuits, tops etc. You will further find 10 sub categories under category of
‘’tops’’: shirts, blouses, tops, plain, crochet, embroidered, stripes, florals, checks, long. There
are again many styles in each of the sub categories and ZARA is selling womenswear,
menswear, kids clothing and even interior products (ZARA HOME). We could also easily
realize this when we go shopping, there are numerous type of clothes and other items in the
stores and all the different brands are not selling the same design. Even the clothes with the
same design could be made of different materials and in different colors. It will an extremely
hard task to calculate how many kinds of new fashion products are introduced to the market
each year globally.
The supply chain of fashion industry is moving from fiber and yarn production, to fabric
production, then to apparel manufacturers and in the last stage the products are shipped to the
retailers. The tremendous product variety requires different types of raw materials and semi-
finished components from suppliers. It also requires accurate calculations of how much raw
materials and semi-finished components are required to order from suppliers for every
manufacturer. The apparel manufacturing requires lots of labors and therefore is often
outsourced to manufacturers overseas, to developing countries with lower wages in order to
achieve lower total costs (Şen, 2008). This makes the lead time even longer due to the long
geographical distance. Like any other global sourced manufacturing, due to the long distance
and culture differences, it is hard to communicate accurately and control the quality (Bruce et
al., 2004). Thus the supply chain in fashion industry is usually very complex.
products are differentiating their supply chain strategy based on three drivers: the
characteristics of product, brand and relevance of the retail channel (Brun and Castelli, 2008).
The differentiation of supply chain strategy is the choice of different strategies to manage the
sectors along the supply chain. For instance, the fashion company choose to keep the
manufacturing in-house or outsourcing to other companies, outsourcing to low-cost countries
or high-cost countries, share equal amount of information to all the retailers or not, etc. The
differentiation of supply chain strategy can be based on one or more of the three drivers. One
example on this is ‘’Fratelli Rossetti’’, based on one of the in-depth case studies that Brun and
Castelli (2008) did. Fratelli Rossetti company owns two brands, for the luxury brand Fratelli
Rossetti, all the products are manufactured in Italy. While their fusion brand ‘’Flexa’’ that has
a lower brand position, the price has to be lower and ‘’made in Italy’’ label is no longer
needed, the manufacturing of products under the brand ‘’Flexa’’ is outsourced in Eastern
The competition in the retail segment is especially fierce in a supply chain of fashion industry
(Newman and Cullen, 2002). The reasons are for instance major retail buyers have strong
power in the market, more and more retailers are establishing their own brands and retail
networks, the increasing globalization of supply chain and consumers are seeking for more
than only the basic functions of fashion products (will be discussed later on) (Brun and
Castelli 2008).
The supply chains of different fashion products could be very different, for instance the
supply chain of sunglasses is very different from the supply chain of a T-shirt. In this thesis I
am taking the most important product category among fashion products, namely the category
of apparel according to Priest (2005), to explain how the general fashion supply chain works.
Fashion retailing is one downstream sector in the fashion industry. While a typical supply
chain in the fashion industry includes 4 main sectors: fiber and yarn production, fabric
production, apparel production and retail operations (Şen, 2008). Each of the sectors are
described in the coming paragraphs.
As the title of this thesis reveals, the research will focus on how fashion retailers can better
manage their supply chains, direct suppliers for fashion retailers are fashion companies which
are doing the design and production of fashion products and their direct customers are the
ultimate fashion consumers. Thus I am going to present how a typical supply chain would
look like from the manufacturing to the end customers in detail, while briefly describe fiber
and yarn production and fabric production.
Two main categories of fiber are natural fiber and man-made fiber. Agricultural companies
stand for the production of natural fibers, such as cotton, linen and wool etc. Synthetic fiber
producers stand for the production of man-made fibers, such as nylon, acrylic and polyester.
Yarn is made of one or more than one type of fibers by spinners.
Yarned is transformed into fabric by various methods, for instance weaving, knitting or non-
woven process as well. Yarn might be dyed first before transforming into fabric or in the
opposite way (dyeing the produced fabric to different colors).
The first stage in the apparel production is always the design, because ultimate customer are
looking for good designs as trend changes all the time. Before the designers design the
products, they have to analyze and predict the trend based the sales data last same season,
observations of the targeting customer groups and the works of other designers (Barnes et al.,
2006, Şen, 2008). Some companies also using professional fashion-consulting services. Then
the design is done in-house or will be outsourced to professional design companies. How
early the design starts varies from company to company, fast fashion companies, like ZARA
and H&M, 17 weeks before the season is enough (Şen, 2008). While for other companies, the
period might be 40 weeks and up to 1 year (Barnes et al., 2006). When the design period is
reduced, the responsiveness is increased (Şen, 2008). The predictions of coming trends and
demand will likely be more accurate. Therefore fashion companies are using software
systems, like CAD (computer-aided design) and PLM (product lifecycle management), to
reduce the design period and improve the communication throughout the supply chain.
Prototype merchandises are usually made for final decision making process.
After the design process, the company will make samples of the final designs. The samples
will be presented in for instance fashion weeks to the buyers from different retailers, for
example local retailers from Trondheim. Then the buyers are ordering the designs from the
fashion companies, if they find the designs are going to be popular in their markets. The
fashion company will accumulate all the orders and find out if the demand is big enough to
carry out production of particular designs. If the demand of one design is too low, the fashion
company need then to cancel the order of that particular design. According to Şen (2008), the
fashion company would probably accept the order, even if the order quantity from one retailer
is too low, when they want to maintain a long-term relationship with the retailer. The time
between receiving orders from retailer and the season begins is usually short and large amount
of products have to be produced. Some fashion companies start to produce the products
before they receive the orders from the retailer, in order to leverage the production plan.
The manufacturing operations of the merchandises are taking place within the fashion
company owned facilities or by outsourcing to contractors or by using both. The capital
investment will be lower and the flexibility will be increased when the fashion company is
using contractors. When the fashion company is using their own facilities, there will be less
communication problems and they will have more control over the operation. The fashion
company should also consider where the manufacturers should be located. For instance, when
the market is US and the manufacturer is located in Asia, the shipping time will be much
longer than using a domestic manufacturer. Long lead time from oversea manufacturers
increase the risk of obsolescence of products (Christopher et al., 2004). However the
manufacturing costs will be lower by using contractors in developing countries. The
advantage with domestic manufacturers is that the shipping time will be much shorter and
then the fashion company will be more responsive to the market. Some companies are using
different type of sourcing strategies simultaneously. They are outsourcing the basic products
to contractors overseas and meanwhile producing the fashion and seasonal products in the
domestic facilities.
The finalized products are distributed to a central warehouse that the fashion company owns.
The products are placed in different portfolios that retailers ordered and then the portfolios are
shipped to different retailers. The products are then in the ‘’retail operations’’ in the supply
chain. For any market-oriented business, the close contact with the ultimate customers are
crucial, especially in fashion industry (Christopher et al., 2004). Retailers are the ones in the
supply chain of fashion industry who work closest to the consumers. Therefore retailer has an
important role in fashion industry.
The buying of merchandises is a critical part that generate margins for the retailers (Şen,
2008). Because what kind of merchandises will be in the store for sale is decided in this
process. The buyers will decide what to buy and how much to buy. Before the buyers go the
different fashion weeks, they have to predict the sales for the season by using previous sales
data, doing market research, studying fashion shows and magazines etc. (Bohdanowicz and
Clamp, 1994). The buying decision are usually made 6 – 9 months before the season starts. A
budget has to be estimated, this will constrain the buying process. Each buyer has different
budget, depending on their previous performance and the predicted sales of the merchandise
category that the buyer is responsible for. OTB (open-to-buy) is the term that often used for
the maximum amount of capital that the buyer can allocate. Some retailers are using
centralized buying strategy, while some other retailers are using decentralized buying
strategy. A centralized buying is that all the departments of the retailer are using the same
buying function. The main advantage of centralized buying is that the transportation and
inventory costs will be lower, since the buying function are ordering products in bigger
quantities. But at the same time the buying function could not take in consideration of every
department. Therefore some retailers are using centralized buying for some merchandise
categories and decentralized buying for other merchandise categories.
The buyers are visiting different markets, for instance fashion weeks and showrooms, to make
preliminary orders about 5 months before the selling season. The buyers are establishing
contacts with their suppliers at the fashion weeks. Prior personal contacts, relationships and
recommendations are would be an advantage when buying from the suppliers. Bigger retailers
often have strategic alliance with their main suppliers. Some buyers chose to spend all their
OTB before the season, while some buyers will keep some of the OTB and spend them after
they find out more about the trend in the selling season.
When a retailer has more than one store, the suppliers will ship the merchandises to the
retailer’s central warehouse or direct to the stores (drop-ship). In a more traditional practice,
the retailer will receive all the merchandises that they ordered before the season start, but
more and more retailer want the supplier to ship the merchandises in different groups
throughout the season. The production plan of the supplier will be more smooth and the
retailer store could refresh their merchandises constantly buy receiving the merchandises in
different groups over time. Even the transportation costs will be higher, but both the supplier
and the retailer do not have to keep a large inventory, therefore the inventory costs will be
lower. The retailer will easily capture the consumers’ attention by present new merchandises
constantly and make them willing to visit the store more often to discover new merchandises.
Before some merchandises are sold out, the retailer has to reorder the merchandises. Previous
sales data should be used both in buying process and re-ordering decisions. According to
(Şen, 2008) buyers in some retail operations are not using sales data efficiently. The retailers
are adapting software systems, for example i2 Technology’s Demand Planner, in order to
make appropriate replenishment decisions. When there is a need for moving the merchandises
between the stores, the merchandise is transported either through the central warehouse or
directly between the stores. There is a higher risk for miscounts and mishandling of the goods
when transporting the goods directly between stores. Some retailers are also marketing their
own labels, they are then operating in both manufacturing part and retailing part in the supply
chain, and maybe even fiber and yard production and fabric production part.
It is common for retailers in fashion industry to use a cost-based pricing for the initial prices
of the merchandised. So the initial price of an item is equal to the cost of the particular item
plus a percentage mark-on. The retailers often have a company specific simple rules to
determine the initial price for all merchandises, rather than have item-specific rules. The
revenue would cover the total cost including all expenses in the business, for instance the cost
of buying the products from the supplier, the cost of logistics, the cost to operate the stores,
etc. The revenue also includes a reasonable profit for the retailers. A general practice for
small stores is that they will multiply the cost of products by 2 or 2.2 to set the initial prices.
The mark-on percentage also depends on the predicted sales, for fashion products, the
uncertainty of demand is high, therefore retailer will usually charge higher mark-on
percentage(Bohdanowicz and Clamp, 1994). Department stores often have a higher mark-on
percentage than specialty stores, like ZARA. Therefore department stores have usually deep
mark-down sales in the end of the season, while specialty stores have stable prices over the
Fashion companies, the supplier for retailers, are usually share different amount of
information to different retailers (Brun and Castelli 2008). They are sharing more information
and provide first priority to choose products and delivery to retailer that have a long-term
loyal relationship with them. Therefore for a retailer to establish a long-term relationship to
their suppliers is crucial, because this type of relationship allows the retailer to get access to a
wider range of products and delivery choices than their competitors do.
Compare to other industries, the life-cycle of the products is very short and the value of the
products in fashion industry is decreasing in an enormous speed. The new merchandises are
coming to the retailer very frequently, therefore the retailer need to make space for the new
merchandises in the stores and also in the inventory. The retailer changes the prices
throughout the season in order to maximize the profit. The retailer would likely never mark-
up the initial prices during the season, even the particular products are very ‘’hot’’ (Şen,
2008). Neither does the suppliers to the retailers, but sometimes the supplier will bundle the
super ‘’hot’’ product with other less popular products or require some other additional
conditions when retailers reorder the popular products.
The sales are not only happening in the end of the season. According to Pashigian et al.
(1995), there are three types of sales:
Pre-season sales: The mark-down percentage is not very big in the pre-season sales.
The purpose is to get increased store traffic and the retailer would get an insight in the
popular colors, styles and fabric for appropriate replenishments planning within the
Within-season promotional sales: The purpose with within-season promotional sales is
mainly to increase the store traffic. When more customers come to the store, not only
sales of the mark-down merchandises will be improved. The sales of other
merchandises will also be improved, because the customers will also take a look at
them when they first are already in the store.
End-of-season clearance sales: In The end of each selling season, the stores have to
make enough space for new arrived items, therefore end-of-season clearance sales is
used to liquidate the stock before next selling season. However the timing and depth
of the mark-down will affect the margins. When the sale starts too early and the mark-
down percentage is too deep, the retailers will lose some of their revenues. But when
the sale starts too late and the mark-down percentage is not appropriately deep, there
will be obsolete stock that only make problems for the coming season.
The marked down merchandises will have consolidated shelf places or moved to a particular
area in the store, in order to make space for new arrived items. The mark-down decisions in
practice are not following any scientific rules (Şen, 2008). Software companies have
developed several software systems for price optimization and mark-down optimization for
the fashion retail industry, for example ProfitLogic. However the adapting of optimization
software systems is going slowly in the fashion retail industry (Şen, 2008).
values. There is no way to identify customer values precisely without an insight in the
consumption behavior of luxury fashion consumers. This chapter will help researcher to better
understand values for customers in fashion supply chain, so that it will be feasible to evaluate
if an activity is a waste or not.
Every consumer is a unique individual and they emphasize on different values. Luxury
consumers are purchasing luxury goods based on different values that luxury good provide to
them: perceived conspicuous value, unique value, social value, emotional value, quality value,
Shopping experience (Husic and Cicic, 2009) . Luxury fashion consumer consider some of
these values when they make purchase decisions.
Excellent quality has always been a ‘’must’’ feature for Luxury goods (Chadha and Husband,
2010). This is without question that the luxury fashion consumers will enjoy the quality value
provided the products. Luxury goods are also usually linked to exclusivity. Luxury companies
only produce a limited amount of one type product. The prices of luxury goods are so high
that not anyone could afford luxury goods. This makes the owners of luxury goods often stand
out and get attention from the public. This kind of perceived conspicuous value gives the
owners of luxury goods the feeling of being unique and different in a good way.
Luxury goods are usually associated of prestige, exclusiveness, high quality, high price and
social visibility (Giovannini, 2015). The different features of fashion products have always
been a display of which social class the owner is belonging to (Okonkwo, 2007). For instance
the quality of the fabrics, the product design, the richness of materials. This refers to the
social value that luxury good bring to the owners. Think how weird it will be if people shout
out to others in the public that they are belonging to a higher social class. But when people
meet others, their clothes and accessories will be observed with once. Luxury goods do not
only serve the consumers with their basic functions, more importantly they are serving their
owners as a tool to express themselves to the public (Belk, 1988 in Giovannini, 2015). Luxury
goods consumers are using luxury products to show others their wealth. People believe that
luxury goods bring prestige to their owners (Grossman and Shapiro, 1986).
Another reason for that consumers prefer purchasing luxury or well-known branded goods is
that the risk involved in purchasing is reduced (Liao and Wang, 2009). There is always a risk
relying in purchasing, for example wrong purchasing decisions would lead to the waste of
time and mental frustration for the consumers and might lead to other indirect costs
additionally. Consumers believe that the risk is clearly reduced by purchasing goods from
well-known brands.
Even the economic development in the world is not even, some nations are more wealthy than
others, luxury consumers tend to behave the same way in different countries, use luxury
goods to impress others and position themselves in the group they desire to be in (Husic and
Cicic, 2009). Wealthiest group in the society consumes the most, less wealthy group treat
themselves with few luxury goods each year. Husic and Cicic (2009) pointed out that snob
effect is proved in luxury consumption, which means people want something unique from
others and therefore limited supply has a higher value.
In the previous section we have addressed some main reasons of why there is a market for
luxury goods, every decision people make is driven by a psychological process. Why are there
some consumers who love luxury good more than others and thus would pay a higher amount
of money to buy. Even every luxury brand could bring prestige for the users, but why do
particular consumer prefer the one over the other? I am going to introduce some concept in
order to answer those two questions.
There are two concepts which influence consumers' choice regarding purchasing luxury
goods, public self-consciousness and self-esteem. Public self-consciousness refers to how
people’s awareness of themselves as public objects (Fenigstein et al., 1975). Self-esteem is
how people evaluate or view themselves (Pyszczynski et al., 2004). Consumers who have
high public self-consciousness are more willing to use branded goods to create favorable
impressions to the public, because they concern more about their social identities and want
gain approval from others (Burnkrant and Page Jr, 1982). While consumers with low self-
esteem seem doing the same. Because they tend to adopt activities or use products that could
help them to improve their self-esteem and gain social acceptance from others.
Individuals that are concerned about the impression, physical appearance and fashion, they
communicate with the items on their body (Twitchell , 2012). A display of wealth is
important. You are not just what you wear, you are who you wear. Different consumer group
want different products, some prefer big logs, some do not. Consumers prefer to own products
and brands that are in consistency with their own self-image, these type of products and brand
could enhance the consumers’ self-image (Sirgy, 1982, Deeter-Schmelz et al., 2000). For
instance people who view themselves to be in a higher class would likely to own products that
people from that class use. By owning these products and brands consumers express their
self-image to the public and their self-esteem is promoted by receiving positive feedbacks
from people around them (Aaker, 1997, Sirgy, 1982).
In today’s market it is hard to find any companies to not have a brand on their products or
services that they provide. Husic and Cicic (2009) proposed based on their investigation that
consumers consider brand as an indicator for quality. In the fashion world, you are not only
what you wear, but more importantly which brands you wear (Twitchell, 2012). Brand plays
an important role for the process of decision making for consumers.
For a retailer, what kind of brands they are carrying affect strongly on the perception of the
retailer in the consumers’ mind (Birtwistle et al., 1999). Brand is a very convenient way to
communicate to the consumers, for example we as normal consumers consider products from
Apple to have a better quality than a random electronic product brand. Over the years, Apple
has built up the reputation among the consumers by its excellent marketing strategy and more
importantly, the great use experiences and service. Apple contributes its retailers with a strong
brand that makes the retailers more trustful for the consumers. The retailers also own brands
themselves. The perception of the retailers’ brands is an important factor for their business
performance. I want to briefly present the functions of brand and address some major
concepts regarding brand equity.
A brand could be a name, a logo, a symbol, an image etc. A particular brand identifies the
company, represents the core values of the company and the quality that the company
provides, protects the company from copying (Tuominen, 1999, De Chernatony and
McDonald, 1992). Brand has the function of differentiating the products from the similar
products offered by other brands. Take the example of filtered water. Even though the
different brands produced the same product, pure drinking water, the price might differ a lot.
Even the products are the same in quality and functionality, some brand spend more capital in
advertisement, packaging etc. Brand label on fashion products serve the owners to express
themselves (De Chernatony and McDonald, 1992). Every brand has its own culture and
values, people could get know the taste of a person by observing what products and which
brands he or she is using,
As we explained earlier, some consumers buy luxury goods to show their social status. Let us
image a situation, what will happen if a consumer wears an expensive product from a brand
which nobody has heard about and the intention of the consumer was to show his/her wealth
to the public. The result will probably be that he/she would be very disappointed. Hence those
kind of consumer would always buy well-known brands. Even for consumer who care much
about the quality of products they are using, well-known brands with a good reputation is
absolutely an advantage. Ask ourselves, we all have the experience to go shopping clothes,
but how many of us take the time to do research on the quality of the fabric, the chemicals
used to dye the fabrics and the underlying manufacturing process of the clothes we are buying
etc. We just do not have enough time to do all the researches, but we trust more on a brand
that we are familiar with and that we have some intrinsic thinking of than a strange brand. The
history and reputation of a well-known brands reduces risk of purchasing a product of poor
quality for consumers. Thus brand works as communicator and risk reducer for the brands to
the consumers (De Chernatony and McDonald,1992). For those fashion consumers the brands
on the merchandise in the store vital for their purchasing decision making. One prof on this is
that brand labels on clothes has been moved from inside to outside, so that consumers could
easily recognize it (Husic and Cicic, 2009).
Lastly, brand server the company as a legal device (De Chernatony and McDonald,1992). The
brand is protecting the company’s Intellectual Properties (IP), for instance innovative designs.
If some other companies are copying our design, but put their own brand label on the product.
We could easily trace which company they are and protect ourselves by using legal tools.
The value of a product is not only determined by the tangible characteristics of the product,
but also the shopping experience and the spirits and feelings that the brand conveys
(Danziger, 2006). A company’s real value is depending on what kind of perception its
potential consumers have towards the company. The concept ‘’brand equity’’ was introduced
in order to understand how brand affects the performance of a company. There are different
definitions for brand equity (Tuominen, 1999). In this thesis I am going to use the definition
by Aaker in 1991, he defined brand equity as:
‘’A set of brand assets and liabilities linked to a brand, its name and symbol that add to or
subtract from the value provided by a product or service to a firm and/or to that firm’s
customers’’ (Aaaker. 1991,p.15).
Tuominen (1999) pointed out that brand is a source of value, especially for fashion
companies. Brand equity provides value for both the company which sells the branded
products and the customers who buy the branded products. The company receives increased
value by brand equity, because brand equity would increase the marketing efficiency,
differentiate the products from products provided by competitors, make the consumers loyal
to the brand, improve profit margins, enhance competitive strength ((Aaker, 1991, Bagozzi,
rosa, et al., 1998) in Tuominen, 1999). Brand equity provides the customers quick information
exchange, confidence in purchasing decision making and enhance the customers’ self-esteem
by creating positive mental association linked to the brand ((Aaker, 1991, Bagozzi, rosa, et
al., 1998) in Tuominen,1999).
When a company receives bad reputation, the brand will be affected, so is the sales of its
products and the stock price will be significantly affected (Aaker, 1996). In order to
understand how brand equity would affect the consumption, we have to find out the
relationship between brand equity and performance of the brand. According to Aaker (1991)
the brand equity is composed of 5 different assets:
I. Brand loyalty: The extent of how loyal customers are toward a brand. A loyal
customer is a satisfied customer that has a favorable attitude toward a brand and
therefore would repurchase the brand over time. Aaker (1991) defined five loyalty
levels: 1) Non-loyal buyer, the brand name has little to say for them when making
purchase decision. 2) Satisfied buyers, the buyers were satisfied with the purchased
product. 3) Switching-cost loyal buyers, satisfied buyers which will have additional
switching costs when switching to other brands. 4) Buyers who really like the brand,
they enjoy the use experience and quality that the products bring to them. 5)
Committed buyers, buyers who feel extra proud for owning products from a brand and
using products from the brand means a lot for them. Brand loyalty lead to reduced
marketing cost, trade leverage, new buyers and extended time to respond to
competitive threats. The marketing costs to retain existing loyal customers are much
less than attracting new customer. Loyal customers are a stable source of sales revenue
and they would recommend the brand to their family and friends which might become
new customers of the brand. It is difficult for competitors to communicate with loyal
customers of the particular brand, because loyal customers are very satisfied with the
current product and therefore would pay little attention to other brands. This also
provide the brand extended time to respond if there would be any competitive threats.
II. Brand awareness: The extent of how famous a brand is among the public. It is easy for
buyers to recognize and/or recall a brand when the brand has a strong brand
awareness. Two levels of brand awareness are brand recognition and brand recall.
Brand recognition is the lower level, it is the customer’s ability to come with their
prior experience with the brand when given the brand name. While the brand recall is
when given a particular product category, how easy it is for customers to retrieve the
brand. Brand awareness provides value to the brand, for the first customer are more
willing to buy products from a familiar brand, and brand recall makes the brand one of
the brands in selection set in customers’ mind when they need some particular
III. Perceived quality: The extent of how good the quality of the products or services
which a brand provides is in the customer’s mind. A good perceived quality offers a
reason to purchase the brand and differentiate the brand from alternatives. The brand
could then charge a premium price for the products or services. A brand with strong
perceived quality will have higher opportunity to succeed when extending the product
scale and category, because the customers know that the products or services provided
by the brand have excellent quality and therefore more willing to purchase their new
products than other brands. The sales channels prefer to sell merchandises with a good
quality, thus the brand with a strong perceived quality could sell their products
through more diversified sales channels.
IV. Brand associations: The overall image of a brand in customers’ mind. There are three
forms of brand association: attributes, benefits and attitudes. Brand attributes are the
descriptive features that a product or service has. It is further divided into two types:
1) Product-related attributes are the features which are necessary to have in order to
fulfill the original functions that a product or service has. 2) Non product related
attributes are external aspects that the product or service has, for instance prices and
packaging. Brand benefits are the individual value and meaning that each user attach
to the product or service. Brand benefits are distinguished in 3 types: 1) Functional
benefits, the benefits which is linked directly to the functions of the product or service,
intrinsic advantages, how the product or service fulfill the users’ needs 2)
Experimental benefits is about how the users are feeling when using the product or
service. 3) Symbolic benefits: the extrinsic advantages that the product or service
provides. They are usually related to social approval and/or personal expression, for
instance some people buy branded goods for showing off their wealth and gain respect
from society. Brand attitudes are about how the brand is viewed by its customers.
Every brand has its history, culture and values. Brand attitudes are important
considerations for customers when they are choosing between brands. (Keller and
Lehmann, 2006, Keller, 1993).
V. Other proprietary assets: The brand will have higher brand equity by owning more
proprietary assets, such as intellectual property rights, patents, established
relationships with vendors and customers etc.
decision to visit a particular store or not. We are going to discuss some important factors that
affect consumers’ loyalty to a fashion retailer in this chapter.
Consumers today are not going to the stores where they can find and buy what they want, they
are looking for stores that offer the ‘’complete shopping experience’’ (Danziger , 2006). In
order to satisfy the consumers, the tasks for retailers are not only having the high quality
goods available in store, at the same time they have to build a great shopping environment
and service. The young fashion consumers today are looking for both functional and symbolic
benefits provided by the product they purchase and the store they visit (Leung et al., 2000).
One concrete example of how store loyalty affect the sales was that store environment and
music play important roles and made Topshop a successful apparel chain (Newman and Patel,
2004). The store environment should for instance match with the style of the merchandises
sold in the store. Both store environment and merchandises should be aligned with targeted
customers’ expectations. Improved retail store image would lead to improved sales
performance (Davies and Brooks, 1989)
Market orientation has been identified to have impact on market performance (Harris, 2000,
Hurley and Hult, 1998). In practice, it is hard to be market-oriented all the time. The
employees have many tasks to deal with at the same moment in a complex and dynamic
market, their focus may move to other areas instead of being aware of market changes and
identifying the most recent customer needs. Even the biggest player in the fashion retail
industry fails to constantly maintain customer focus (Newman and Patel, 2004).
Retail store image was identified to be one critical factor for achieving success (Davies and
Brooks, 1989, Amirani and Gates, 1993). It is about how a particular retail store is viewed
from the perspective of consumers. The retail managers’ perception of the brand/retail image
should align with the customers’ perception (Birtwistle et al., 1999). This also refer to that
marketing should be market/customer oriented. For many fashion consumers, the purchase of
fashion items consists high risk. A well-administered refund procedure would be preferred by
fashion consumers (Birtwistle and Shearer, 2001 in Newman and Patel, 2004).
Newman and Patel (2004) identified 9 elements that has been used to measure the customers’
perceptions of a retailer brand: staff, store atmosphere, store layout, reputation, advertising,
quality, location, price and merchandise. They did two case studies on the Topshop and Gap,
focusing on their marketing strategies. Their conclusion is that staff and store atmosphere are
the most important factors for customers of both Topshop and Gap, even the two brands are
pursuing different marketing strategies. Sales staffs which are knowledgeable and helpful will
efficiently establish and maintain the interpersonal relationship and relationship between the
customers and the store. Help from the sales staff is especially important when the customers’
time is limited and need to find the exact merchandises. Inappropriate messages from sales
staff would lead to ambiguous situations and dissatisfy consumers. It is important for the
company that the sales staffs are well trained and have the ability to help the customers in
different situations.
The store environment is affecting the behavior of the customers in the store and customers’
overall evaluation of the store (Newman and Patel, 2004). Even small changes in the store
environment could have a significant impact on customers’ perception and experience of
shopping in the store (Turley and Milliman, 2000 in Newman and Patel, 2004). Kotler (1997)
identified that store environment consists of physical, ambient and social environment
(Kotler, 1997 in Sivadas and Baker-Prewitt, 2000). The physical store environment are how
the store layout looks like, for instance the placement and design of entrance, merchandise
shelves, checkout facilities, décor etc. The ambient environment is for instance the
temperature, the lighting and the music played in the store. The social environment is affected
by the behavior of the sales staff and other customers in the store. Store environment is an
important element to use in order to differentiate from competitive offerings (Moore and
Fairhurst, 2003, Newman and Patel, 2004). The overall store environment should reflect and
support the brand positioning decisions and enhance the merchandise selections in the store
(Newman and Patel, 2004).
How the store presents the merchandises? As one part of the image differentiation. The store
should ensure the most fashionable items are available in the store in order to maintain the
brand image/ brand equity (Newman and Cullen, 2002). For instance, Top shop had fast
response to the newest fashion trends, always have the most fashion items available or take
advantage of the trends to do advertising or promotions (Armstrong, 2002).
The value of the merchandises in the store is composed of both the value of the product itself
and the value contributed by the services provided by the particular store (Newman and Patel
2004). The services could be for instance help from the sales staff, exchange and return
policy, waiting time for getting help, the atmosphere in the store etc. Birtwistle et al. (1998)
pointed out the importance of store service that over time the quality of the service could
strengthen the market position of the retailer. However a research conducted by Moore and
Fairhurst (2003) shows that customer service capability has no significant impact on the firm
performance, one reason is that all the fashion retailers are aware of the service element and
provide very good service in general. Therefore the customer service capability of a particular
retailer does not make them more successful than others. Even though the store services
provided by different stores are usually at the same quality level, the attributes of the services
are however different, because of different company cultures. Companies could therefore take
advantage of store service in order to differentiate them from others (Turnbull and Wilson,
Newman and Patel (2004) pointed out one important reason of why Gap had poor sales
performance in UK is that the management failed to identify the targeted customers’ needs.
The lifestyle that Gap promised was not in consistency with the products that they provided.
How the vision and image of a retailer is depends on both the brands that the retailer carries
and requirements of the targeted consumers (Burt and sparks , 2002, Forsythe , 1991). The
buying function and the marketing function should be aligned, otherwise the company would
lose sight of target market (Newman and Patel 2004). Moreover, all the elements that have
been mentioned should be constantly realigned with customers’ Expectations. Iacobucci et al.
(1995) point out, the improvement in quality which is not based on customer needs are not
going to lead to improved customer satisfaction. Companies must be customer oriented
(Kotler, 1997). Especially in a high competitive industry like fashion industry.
Key aspects that prior researches have focus on regarding store loyalty are the relationship
between the store and customers, as well as the relationship between salespersons and
customers. Store satisfaction, store trust, store attitude and purchase intention are some
important aspects to considers (Macintosh and Lockshin, 1997).
Store satisfaction for one particular customer is based on her or his prior shopping experience
in that store and how she/he would evaluate the store. Satisfaction is an antecedent of relative
attitude (towards the store or a brand that the store carries), an experience that compares the
received quality with the expected quality (Anderson et al., 1994). Hence the stores should be
in front of the customers, provides quality goods beyond customers’ expectations. Greater
customer satisfaction resulted in greater intent to repurchase (Rust and Williams, 1994).
Store trust is not directly linked to purchase decision making, neither is the trust in the
salesperson (Doney and Cannon, 1997). But store trust and sales person trust is related to
purchase intension, therefore the customers will with higher opportunity consider the store
which they trust in than store which they do not.
Managers should increase service quality in order to improve customer satisfaction level and
favorable relative attitude. But improved quality is not directly correlated with loyalty (visit
the store more often than others in this case study) (Sivadas and Baker-Prewitt, 2000).
Satisfied customer might not be loyal, but unsatisfied customer will switch to other stores
(Bloemer and Kasper, 1995, Sivadas and Baker-Prewitt, 2000). Therefore an integrated view
of this topic will help particular retailer to deal with store loyalty. This is understandable,
because consumers are not going to sit down and determine in detail to decide which store
they will visit. In the most cases, they are following of their intuition which is their relative
attitude toward a store, which is again formed by different factors that have been discussed
(store satisfaction, brand equity, store loyalty etc.).
of your market share if you make the wrong strategy. In this subchapter, I want to address
some main trends in the fashion retailing world today.
Şen (2008) based on his research on the fashion industry in the US suggested 5 major trends.
Even his finding is based on the data of the fashion industry in the US, but as the fashion
industry is very globalized and US is the biggest economic power in the world, I think we can
apply his finding to the general fashion industry.
Own label and vertical integration: There is a trend that there has become fewer but
stronger fashion retail companies. Since they buy a lot from fashion companies, they
have the bargain power to require favorable terms in the contracts. The retailer wants
to order as late as possible, because then they can predict the demand more accurately.
They also want continuous replenishment in smaller quantities throughout the whole
selling season, in that way they could have a lower inventory level, so they could save
inventory holding cost. But these terms would put a higher risk on the manufacturers.
More and more retail companies are offering their own private labels. They are having
direct contact with the factories in for instance China and therefore eliminate costs of
the intermediaries which are the fashion companies. A forward vertical integration is
also happening, that retail companies acquire fashion companies which is the upper
joint in the supply chain. The retail companies will respond more quickly to the
change in demand, meet consumer requirements and have a better control on the
merchandises which they sell are also some of the reasons to have own labels and
doing vertical integration.
Outsourcing overseas: Not like the production of beer which the machines can take
biggest part of the production, fashion products are often labor intensive and the
capital requirement to start a manufacturing operation is not very high. Therefore the
productions has been move to underdeveloped or developing countries, since the
1960s. Due to the low wages in these countries, the reduced trade regulations, modern
transportation and communication technology, the costs of the production overseas
has become much lower, but because of the geographical boundaries, the lead times
are often much longer. Taiwan, Hong Kong and South-Korea are the first countries
that supplied the US market, but as the wage level in these countries grow, fashion
companies are seeking for other countries which have an even lower manufacturing
costs, for instance, China, India and Bangladesh. The typical fashion products to
outsource overseas are the basic products, because the styles do not change much from
season to season. Therefore the long lead time does not affect the demand much.
Retailer and fashion companies are still working with the company restructuring to
increase the foreign manufacturing.
‘’Quick Response’’: The low entre boundaries make the fashion retail industry very
competitive. Even the manufacturing cost is reduced by outsourcing overseas, but the
costs of forced mark-downs, excess inventory and stock-outs are very still very big.
‘’Quick Response’’ was initiated in the fashion industry in order to meet the
increasing customer needs (Lowson et al., 1999, Birtwistle et al., 2003). To be quick
responsive is demand information driven, at the last possible moment in time ensuring
that diversity of offering is maximized and lead-times, expenditure, cost and inventory
minimized (Lowson et al., 1999). Emphasis on flexibility is necessary in order to meet
a competitive, volatile, and dynamic market (Christopher et al., 2004). Fast and
accurate adaption to market change is an important element. So is timely and accurate
information flow. Partnerships and alliances with other enterprises is an effective way
to deal with changing market conditions. A number of information technologies are
used to make ‘’Quick Response’’ happen in practice. For instance CAD/CAM
equipment, POS scanners, EDI systems. Substantial information sharing and
coordination between the retail companies and fashion companies are required in
order to successfully implement ‘’Quick Response’’ system.
Supplier selection: The criteria for supplier selection is not only based on the physical
cost of the supply chain which are for instance production costs, inventory costs and
transportation costs (Fisher et al., 1997). Responsiveness of the supply chain also
plays an important role. Responsiveness is about how accurate and efficient the supply
chain is able to meet the customer demand. The lack of responsiveness will result loss
of sales and loss of dissatisfied consumers. This is called market mediation costs
(Fisher et al., 1997). The retail company should consider both physical cost and
market mediation costs at same time. Outsourcing overseas will make the physical
cost lower, but at same time the retail company will be less responsive, thus the
market mediation cost will increase.
E-commerce: The advancement of information technologies and more and more
people are used to shop on internet, fashion retailers started doing business since the
mid 1990s (Şen, 2008). Two different types of electronic commerce are business-to-
business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C). The B2C sector in e -commerce is
often dominated by retailers which have bricks-and-mortar stores. Retailer with
After presentation of the fundamental theoretical background of lean methods and fashion
retailing, I want move into the process of implementation of lean within the enterprise, further
to driving lean procurement and finally developing lean supply chain. The theory in this part
is based on previous researches conducted by other researchers. One thing to notice is that this
theory of lean implementation throughout the entire enterprise (with focus on procurement
function) and supply chain is not based on enterprises and supply chains in fashion industry.
essential to change the organizational structure, the employees and their environment before
we doing the first Kaizen (Byrne, 2013).
Team leaders are new critical positions in a lean enterprise. A team leader is leader for a
product family or value stream. An enterprise might have different products families. Every
product requires different suppliers, engineering, operations and sales strategies. Therefore
every product family has its own value stream. In a traditional approach, an enterprise has
centralized purchasing, R&D, production, finance, sales, marketing, IT, human resources.
Each of them controls a part of the value streams, no one is responsible for the whole value
stream. When for example purchasing department has to purchase components for 12 product
families, it is difficult for them to get insight in and understands every value stream in order to
purchase the most suitable components. Team leaders are in contrast only responsible for one
entire value stream, understand what end customers want and understand deeply how his/her
value stream works. In that way they could make the best decision for purchasing, marketing
etc. Every team leader is like running an ''independent business'' inside the enterprise. They
have all the equipment necessary to production the products and own the key measurement of
the products. They report the progress frequently to the CEO and senior management team.
Byrne (2013) suggested that people who can lead and are self-motivated problem solvers
capable of running a small business could be the candidates for the team leaders.
When enterprises are transferring lean knowledge, the underlying process and factors that
impact the process should be fully understood before executing the transfer. In the coming
section, we are going to take a look at the transfer mechanism and corporate competencies in
order to successfully transfer lean knowledge.
According to Chen et al. (2014), three types of cooperative competencies are critical to
achieve an efficient knowledge transferring between departments: Trust, communication and
coordination. Mutual trust prevents opportunistic behaviors in the relationship. Trust also
reduce the cost for each of the partners, since there is no need for them to spend resources on
searching and verifying each other's knowledge. Communication is formal and informal
sharing of information, good communication contributes to common understanding,
transparency, precision and feedbacks from the recipients that will make the knowledge
transfer more easily and smooth. Coordination is the extent to which activities, human
resources, routines and tasks work together to accomplish objectives (Van de Ven et al.,
1976). Those three competencies could be used when enterprises develop method to transfer
lean knowledge.
a proper organizational culture to support the change than lean implementation does to the
company, commitment from top management down and participation of every employee are
the most important factors for a successful lean implementation. Liker (2004) point out
committed management for lean implementation, training employees to adapt lean methods
and a well formed environment which enable continuous improvement are critical for
changing toward a lean organization. Saad et al. (2006) proposed a similar list based on a
research on companies that had experience with successful lean implementation. Research
conducted by Saas et al. (2006) is based on SMEs and is identified to be more suitable as a
theoretical foundation for this research and these critical factors identified by Saad et al.
(2006) are not very different from the ones that Myerson (2012) and Liker (2004) identified
anyway. The 4 critical factors defined by Saad et al. (2006) are described in detail below.
to develop some new products. So one the copycats release their products to compete
with us, we have even better products to offer. In order to achieve this, employees
with high skills and expertise are more likely to contribute to technology development.
IV. Organizational culture: A supportive and flexible organizational culture is an essential
platform for lean implementation. The management team should have the ability to
operate in diverse environment and focus on the long-term organizational goals. Saad
et al. (2006) concluded that enterprises with a culture of sustainable and proactive
behavior tends to be high-performing. This conclusion is also pointed out by Frohman
(1998) and Frese and Fay (2001). A proactive culture enables the lean enterprise to be
always in the very front of the trend, to accept and adapt the changes quickly.
According to Balogun et al. (2005) 70% of organizational change programs fails. A clear
strategy should be developed in order to have a successful lean implementation. Kotter (1995)
recommended an eight step procedure for successful organizational transformation based on
his numerous observations of different companies. Transformations in more than 100
companies have been observed. These companies differ from each other in company size,
industry and nationality. Some of them are having very difficult situations and some of them
are earning good money, but they all see the potential crises in the future by not changing.
Table 4 provides the eight steps procedure of transforming suggested by Kotter (1995).
Steps Description
1 Establish a sense of Urgency
2 Forming a powerful guiding coalition
3 Creating a vision
4 Communicating the vision
5 Empowering others to act on the vision
6 Planning for and creating short-term wins
7 Consolidating improvements and producing still more changes
8 Institutionalizing new approaches
A strong leadership is absolutely necessary before and during the process (Kotter, 1995). A
frank discussion of the potential trends is required to create a big picture of the industry and
market. Then based on the discussion the top managers have to make clear the existing crises,
potential crises and new opportunities. Managers have to make the urgency situation visual
for all employees, communicate and let employees recognize the urgency just like top
managers, and motivate them to change. Of course no one knows if the organization
transformation is going to succeed or not. But let employees see that the current urgency is
actually more dangerous than step into ‘’uncertain’’ transformation.
Top managers in the company are used to form the guiding coalition. It is not common that
the top managers are working so closely in a team, and the guiding coalition has more
members when the size of company is larger. What is needed is to bring them together,
facilitate the team work, help them to develop a shared assessment of current problems and
opportunities, build up a minimum level of mutual trust and communication.
The company would easily be confused and going nowhere or into a wrong direction without
a vision. The vision will likely confuse the employees if it is too complicated and the vison
should point where the company is going in the future. Therefore the vision should be simple
and sensible and hard to achieve. Strategy should also have been created in order to achieve
the vision.
When the company has a clear vision and strategy, the next step is to spread the vision across
functions in the whole organization and make the vision understood and supported by the
employees. It is obviously difficult to change people’s mind. This step is time consuming.
Managers should use every possible channel to communicate the vision with employees.
Making boring information channels more interesting, for instance having an exciting
discussion of transformation instead of ritualistic meetings. It is often a more powerful way to
communicate to show the employees concrete behaviors, than just verbal communication or
The more people the transformation involves the better the outcomes will be. When the
workers recognize the needs of change and participate actively in the change process,
managers should create an environment for that by removing obstacles. External obstacles
could be for example narrow job categories or a manager who is against transformation. Since
organization is moving into a new direction, no one knows how the path is going to be.
Innovative ideas, activities and actions initiated by employees should be encouraged by
managers, so far they fit within the broad parameters of the transformation vision.
Transformation usually takes long time. Employees will be unmotivated or even turn to be
resisting, when they ca not see any beneficial results within short-term. It is necessary to
create some short-term wins to make the progress visual and motivate the employees.
Creating short-term wins does not mean we are waiting passively for short-term goals to be
achieved. The former is active. Managers are looking for ways to indicate improvements,
establish goals and achieve them within short time (for instance 1 year), make the
improvements visual for everyone and reward employees involved.
In a transformation, there are change initiators, change follower and change resistors. Both
change initiators and change resistors have a tendency to create a premature victory declaring.
For change initiators, the victory makes them proud and for change resistors this is
opportunity to stop the change. The new introduced changes are fragile. In many cases that
Kotter has observed the useful changes disappeared within two more years after victory
declaring. Therefore instead of declaring victory, managers should go after and change
systems and structures that do not fit the transformation vision. Additionally managers should
reinvigorate the transformation with new projects, themes and change agents.
The new introduced changes should be anchored in the organization's culture, so that they are
not subject to degradation when the pressure for change is removed. Kotter suggested two
ways to institutionalize the change. The first one is to show people how the new approached,
attitudes and behaviors contribute positively to improved organization outcomes. The second
is to make sure that the next generation of top management team adopts the transformation.
And, make sure that the new managers understand the new approaches in way that they can
apply them in different situations.
Even though we had some advices to deal with the resistance that for sure will be received
from employees. Some people are extra difficult to convince. Byrne (2013) pointed out that
the biggest resistance always come from the senior or middle management in the enterprise.
Some of them just cannot change, cannot give away their most obvious interest and want to
protect their own fiefdom, instead of thinking about the future of the whole enterprise. Give
naysayers a chance, but the waiting time should never be too long. Keep in mind that even
some people could be convinced or liked lean strategy, it might be just on the surface. So
always keep an eye out on backsliding of some staffs.
Every company is seeking profits and lean can be the key to develop competitive advantages.
All the companies today are parts of the supply chain. Then procurement department is
obviously an import department of the enterprise. Since purchased components make up a
large percentage of the total cost of finished goods. Purchasing behavior should match the
goals of a lean value stream (Harris and Streeter, 2010). In order to chase the lowest cost of
purchasing, we are going to look at the concept of ‘’lean procurement’’.
buying'’ (Reisman and Burns, 2006, Myerson, 2012). Purchasing strategy should align with
the corporate strategy (Cox, 1996, Axelsson et al., 2005).
When we talk about lean, it is very much about to produce high quality goods while having
the lowest total cost. In order to chase the lowest cost of purchasing, we are going to look at
the concept of ‘’lean purchasing’’. Purchasing behavior should match the goals of a lean
value stream. An efficient purchasing would be a source for competitive advantage. In order
to achieve lower cost, improved quality and higher profitability, different procurement
approaches have been carried out by academics over time. Somehow the tendency of these
approaches is: ‘’ Leverage bad, partnership good, networks better, lean supply best’’ (Cox,
1996). Lean procurement or supply is not the end state (Cox, 1996). Cox (1996) pointed out
an approach which works successfully in a particular enterprise in a specific business
environment might not work elsewhere, when the characteristics of enterprises, for instance
organizational structure and culture, industry, environment, could be totally different.
Figure 9: The commissioning and purchasing cycles and procurement (Murray 2009, p 94)
As lean principles tell us, to identify and eliminate wastes is a fundamental process for lean
implementation and we should look at all opportunities in order to expose hidden wastes.
Purchasing department must be linked with other functions, for instance sales and marketing,
in order to define the hidden wastes. Thus I think procurement is a better suited concept for
this section where we want to link different functions together. This will be explained further
in the coming chapters. In this thesis the word ‘’purchasing’’ is used to describe the actual
purchasing as an important segment of procurement.
transportation costs and quality etc. are also parts of the total cost. Inspection of the incoming
components costs money as well. Thus the company should change the metric in order to get
lowest total cost. Because a purchasing agent does not care about the development of the
whole enterprise, this is the CEO's work. The purchasing agent only cares about his/her
career, in other words how their managers would evaluate them.
As lean principles tell us, the value of the purchased component is not showing until it is
assembled on the final product which the end customers are willing to pay for. For the
purchasing agents, their direct customer is the manufacturing department. But for the value
streams, the users or end customers are the most important. Differs from the traditional
approach where piece price seems to be most important, the purchasing agents should be
trained to have a new thought process when they face a list of potential suppliers and make
decisions (Harris and Streeter, 2010).
A component is going to be assembled on to the final products and raw material is going to be
processed in the shop floor. When the production department receive the purchased goods or
materials, it costs to store them, transport them, place them in right sequence and quantity and
the actual assembly process. How much value do the components add on the final products is
only determined by the end customer, therefore employees from marketing and sales should
also be involved in the decision making process.
All the managers, are just like the purchasing agents, are making decision only based on their
own area (purchasing, production, marketing etc.) if their performance is evaluated only from
their production area by supervisors. They do not take account others perspective, drawbacks
or benefits. Each of the managers could improve their performance, but at a cost of the entire
flow of value for our customer. Thus, an important role, value stream manager or team leader,
is necessary. Except this position no one in the supply chain is going to make decision which
is best for the whole supply chain (Harris, 2013).
which has a higher piece price but very easy to be assembled on the final product. According
to Harris and Streeter (2010), there are three types of cost that should be considered when we
calculate the true cost: ongoing cost, risk cost and change cost.
The ongoing cost composed of piece price, transportation cost, inventory carrying cost,
customs and duties that occur on an ongoing basis. Risk cost is the cost of downtime and
reorder, when some quality problems occur. Even worse if the final products with a poor
quality component is released in the market, the cost of recall and bad reputation will be huge.
If the enterprise can expect a quality problem from a single supplier, this risk cost should be
considered as one part of the true cost of component. It cost a lot to switch suppliers. There
could be many reasons for changing suppliers, when a supplier constantly could not satisfy
our requirements, when we develop give up the old business models and develop new ones, or
when the supplier found other better customers etc. When the enterprise will change to a new
suppliers, the costs would for instance be we have to do research in the market and then send
experts to the potential suppliers to validate them, testing the new components, maybe
purchase new tools in order to assemble the new components, trainee the shop floor workers
how to assembly the new components etc. From traditional view, the risk cost and change
costs are considered as ''cost of doing business''. However it's totally possible to calculate the
amount of these costs and they should definitely be a part of the true cost of purchased
Harris (2013) further developed his original idea and suggested a metric for purchasing
department to purchase in a lean way. It is composed of 25% piece price cost, 25% inventory
levels, 25%transportation cost and 25% quality. The piece price cost is the cost of each
component unit, the purchasing agent could lower this kind of cost by their negotiation
ability. Lean enterprises could efficiently reduce lead-time by reducing inventory levels.
High delivery frequency is necessary to keep the inventory levels low but high frequency of
delivery increases the transportation cost for our suppliers. A supplier with longer
geographical distance are more likely to have longer lead time and higher transportation cost
than a closer supplier. Poor quality affects the flow of value, when a problem occurs, it takes
time to solve, which will cost a lot for the labor, machines, etc. Inspection is a way to prevent
the quality problem, sorting is performed when the purchased components are received into
the production facility. In a traditional view, this cost is considered as cost of ''doing
business''. Look at the history of the potential suppliers is a way to evaluate or maybe visit
them to get an insight how their production facility is running. Poor quality leads also to
bigger safety stock level, since we have to keep a larger stock to cover the quality problem.
Agents are doing their jobs based on how they will be evaluated by the management team
(Harris, 2013). Structure drives behavior. When supervisor evaluates purchasing agents based
on all the four attributes, the agents will more likely work in consistence with the top
management in lean enterprises.
In the time when mass production was the mainstream, the company is focusing on saving
money from the trade with the suppliers and keep the suppliers benefits very low (Womack et
al., 1990). But when the suppliers have very little profits to gain, their innovative capabilities
are very limited and the quality of products might not satisfy the needs in the market.
Lean purchasing focus on to learn about everything of the supplier (people, technology, costs,
quality, production etc.). According to Baudin (2004) this is the start point of transferring to
lean purchasing. Throughout this process of knowing each other, through communication, the
mutual trust has been built up (Van de Ven et al., 1976). Then the two parties are willing to
work together towards a common goal for mutual benefits. A commitment has been created
from both parties, and the relationship has been developed from supplier-customer
relationship to long-term mutually beneficial partnership.
According to Womack et al. (1990), the buyer could offer a higher price in the beginning and
gradually decline the price over the life of a model. Because lean companies know the
suppliers have invested a lot in developing the new components. And the cost of producing
the same model will be decreasing over the time. This strategy also enables the suppliers to be
more innovative, so that they do not only rely on their old models.
Liker and Choi (2004) pointed out that a partnership and mutual trust do not mean we do not
need to measure the performance of our supplier. Control is as important as trust. Penalty is
needed when the suppliers fall short on quality or reliability. How serious the penalty is going
to be is depending on the situation and the relationship. Good communication should be there
to ensure there is no misunderstanding between the parties, in this sensitive period. For most
of the cases, the customer does not just end the contract and switch to another supplier, but
instead the customer gives away a fraction to other alternative suppliers for a given period of
time. According to Womack et al. (1990), Toyota and other Japanese companies found this is
an effective way to keep the supplier on their toes while sustaining the established
Creating joint activities is a good way to build a relationship between the company and the
suppliers. Some joint activities, such as joint product innovations, could benefit both parties
(Reisman and Burns, 2006). As it has been explained before, in today’s global economy, an
efficient supply chain is most critical for success, the competition is between supply chains.
All team member should participate and communicate openly, get a comprehensive view of
the issues that impact the company.
JIT is one of the most important lean management methods, it is about produce only what is
needed when it is needed. If we apply JIT to lean purchasing, the supplier should only deliver
what the customer needs at when the customer needs it in order to reduce wastes related to
inventory, transportation etc. The delivery must be more frequently and in small batches.
Moreover, could the components be placed in right sequence from the supplier? So that the
assembler does not need to spend time to put the components in right sequence.
The benefits of changing to lean purchasing cannot be seen in short time. It also requires a lot
of resources and time from both parties, when they for example mapping the value stream,
doing joint activities, etc. Reisman and Burns (2006) pointed out that lean is like Eastern
medicine which will treat the ‘’corporate patient’’ holistically over long time. Aspects which
have been discussed in subchapter 3.6, for instance knowledge transfer and change
management, could be incorporated while implementing lean management in procurement
Customers, in most industries, are desired for lower prices, shorter lead time and smaller
order sizes (Myerson, 2012). The most enterprises do not produce every component of a
product by its own. Some of the components are provided by its suppliers. Enterprises are, in
other words, involved in supply chains. In order to achieve the requirements of end
customers, a more efficient supply chain must be created. In the coming chapters, we are
moving beyond the enterprise level and take a perspective of the entire supply chain. We are
going to first look at the concept of supply chain, then apply lean principles to supply chain
management and create a Kaizen culture throughout the supply chain.
enterprises are a part of bigger supply chains. However it is possible that an enterprise could
own the whole supply chain (except the end customers), but as we could observe in the global
industry today, this is not common to own the entire supply chain. Even one of the most
powerful company, Apple, is not manufacturing their products by themselves. Apple has a
large number of suppliers and its suppliers have their suppliers. Apple is then a part of a very
complex ''supply chain''. Supply chain is defined as:
''A set of three or more entities (organizations or individuals) directly involved in the
upstream and downstream flows of products services, finances, and/or information from a
source to a customer'' ( Mentzer et al., 2001, p.4).
Figure 10 shows the three types of supply chain defined by Mentzer et al. (2001) with respect
to the degree of complexity of the supply chain.
Figure 10: Three types of supply chain defined by Mentzer et al. p.5 (2001).
Supply chain has been always existed, while Supply chain management requires management
effort by the organization (Mentzer et al., 2001). As we could see from figure 10, an ultimate
supply chain could be very long and complex. An organization could be part of numerous
supply chains, for instance Wal-Mart is part of supply chains for the products categories that
Wal-Mart provides. An organization could also have different roles in supply chains, for
instance AT&T could be the supplier, partner, customer and competitor to Motorala in
different supply chains (Mentzer et al., 2001). Today global sourcing strategy makes the
ultimate supply chains even more complex, since an organization will have suppliers and
customers from countries with a long geographical distances and cultural differences. It is
easy to manage a simple supply chain, but when a supply chain becomes so complex, it
requires much more resources and skills to manage.
It' is the organization's choice if the organization want to coordinate the supply chain so that
the supply chain could be more efficient. If the organization is not aware of how important the
supply chain is, the top management team will never do anything with the supply chain.
Mentzer et al. (2001) defined supply chain orientation as
''The systemic, strategic coordination of the traditional business functions and the tactics
across these business functions within a particular company and across businesses within the
supply chain, for the purposes of improving the long-term performance of the individual
companies and the supply chain as a whole''( Mentzer et al. 2001, p.18).
According to the Council of Supply Chain Professionals (2016), supply chain management
composes of functions like procurement, conversion and logistics management. Coordination
and collaboration with supplier, intermediaries, third party service agent and customers is also
important part of supply chain management. Myerson (2011) pointed out that supply chain
management is a much broader concept than logistics management. For instance Customer
service, in particular order management and customer satisfaction, which usually is not
included in logistics management is one important segment of supply chain management.
Enterprise can be involved in different types of supply chains and there are different strategies
to manage supply chain. For example, CODP (Customer Order Decoupling Point) and ERP
(Enterprise Resource Planning) system. We are going to take a closer look at what lean supply
chain is and how to create a lean supply chain.
Lean supply chain also focuses on quick response to orders or volatility of demand. Lean
management methods, for instance Kanban and standardized work, are used to react more
efficiently. Standardized work design in the supply chain, for instance standardized containers
to transport components, make the material flow smoother and easier (Lu, 1986 in Chun Wu,
Value Stream Mapping could apply to improve the efficiency of supply chain. Value Stream
Mapping expose the wastes which should be eliminated in the supply chain. Kaizen is applied
in lean supply that as a lean enterprise we should be proactive to constantly analyze the
efficiency of the internal and external functions, so that non value adding activities could be
detected and create base for improvements (Cox, 1996).
Lean supply model is where the customer only focus on the core-activities and let the
suppliers take full responsibility for developing and delivery of sub-systems (Lamming,
1993). Lean supply is focusing on close and long-term collaboration with suppliers.
Lamming pointed out that in in the relationship the customer and supplier are equal partner
which working together to solve problem and achieve sustainable margin. If there is a major
problem between our supplier and us, in a lean supply model we are not going to find a new
supplier, instead we will work together to solve the emerged problem. A loyal and skilled
supplier base is a critical factor to determine the corporate competitive advantage (Helper,
The organization must have supply chain orientation before implementing supply chain
management (Mentzer et al., 2001). This is common for different types of strategic alliance,
including lean transformation of supply chain. Even though we want to create a lean supply
chain, it is impossible to do it all alone. Collaboration with every part in the supply chain is
required. Figure 11 shows the antecedents and consequences of an efficient supply chain. It
helps us to better understand which determinants are important to consider when we develop
alliance with suppliers and customers and the underlying process of successful supply chain
Figure 11: Supply Chain Management Antecedents and Consequences (Mentzer et al., 2001, p.12)
Trust and commitment are the direct sources of cooperation (Morgan and Hunt, 1994 in
Mentzer et al., 2001). Without mutual trust, it’s difficult for both partner to overcome difficult
situations, for instance profit distribution and conflicts. Long-term alliance requires
commitment of both resources and empowerment. According to Morgan and Hunt (1994)
trust and commitment is critical to prevent opportunistic decision making which do not bring
any mutual long-term benefits (Mentzer et al., 2001).
By interdependence we mean the enterprise’s need to maintain this relationship instead of just
switching to other suppliers, that the cooperation is valuable for both partners. The
interdependence motivates both partners to work together to solve emerged problems.
Enterprise and its supplier also should agree on supply chain management visions and key
processes before they go into an alliance. A common supply chain management vision
provides a direction for the cooperation. By key processes, I mean both partners should agree
on which functions, for instance marketing, production, logistics etc., are involved in the
scope of supply chain management.
In order to better coordinate and evaluate/measure the cooperation, a leader role should be
taken by one company in the supply chain (Lambert et al., 1998 in Mentzer et al., 2001).
Which company is going to be the leader company is depending on factors such as, company
size, economic power, experience, the initiation of cooperation (Bowersox and Closs, 1996 in
Mentzer et al., 2001). Support from top management team has a sustainable impact on
organizational performance and lack of top management support would be a barrier create
successful lean supply chain.
Managers should consider the presented determinants when developing lean supplier. In the
next subchapter we are going to review some case studies of lean enterprises like Toyota and
Honda and learn from them in terms of developing lean suppliers.
Knowledge is a dominant source for a company to keep innovation capability and sustain
competitive advantages. Technology and market are always changing and every firm is in a
interacting with others. We have to learn the best from each other cross the organizational
boundaries, seeking newest knowledge outside the organization. Knowledge transfer is a
process that requires resources, time, attention and effort (Chen et al., 2014). According to
Chun Wu (2003), the total cost for the supplier and the initiator will increase in the beginning
due to the cost of spending of resources and outside lean experts, especially logistics cost
because of more frequently delivery (JIT). But over time the benefits will show and the total
cost will be reduced to a lower level compared with suppliers which do not adopt lean
Technical knowledge could be very difficult to transfer if it is very abstract and complex,
fragile (does not work consistently), ''competence-destroying'' etc. Luckily, the lean
knowledge is relatively concrete and simple (Macduffie and helper, 1997). But lean is still
composed of many different parts. We should structure the learning process and gather ''
before and after'' data to evaluate the learning process.
A process of six stages to develop lean suppliers was suggested by Liker and Choi ((Liker and
Choi, 2004). Figure 12 presents the process to build deep supplier relationships.
In the very beginning, we should understand our supplier as much as they know about
themselves (Liker and Choi, 2004). We could send executives to the supplier’ plants to see
and understanding how they are managing the working. This step is valuable for both
partners. Throughout the frequent communication, the recipients (suppliers) and senders
(enterprises) will gradually create a shared language, build mutual trust and friendship (Chen
et al., 2014).
Different suppliers have different '' absorptive capability'' and ''identity''. The '' absorptive
capability'' is capability of a company to absorb new technologies, depends on the related
technologies that the company already knows. ''Identity'' of a company is defined by its
employees (interactions), by shared goals and values, by common framework for actions
(Kogut and Zander, 1996). The lean company must keep this in mind when transferring lean
knowledge. To better understand the supplier helps us to understand the absorptive capability
and identity of our supplier, this will again increase the efficiency of lean transfer.
Experiments of knowledge transfer could be carried out in order to test the absorptive
capability of a specific supplier.
Lean enterprises should also encourage competitions between the suppliers of a specific
components. But lean enterprises do not tend to choose the last supplier standing survived
from the competition. They tend to ‘’help’’ all the suppliers in the competition, so they the
suppliers could develop better products because of the pressure of the competition and they
could benefit from the result of the competition as well.
Lean enterprises do trust their suppliers so that supplier could do their own things. But it does
not mean lean enterprises are taking a hand-off approach. The enterprises do set target and
monitor the suppliers’ performance constantly. A good balance between ‘’trust’’ and
‘’control’’ is needed (MacDuffie and Helper, 1997). When some unexpected issues occur,
lean enterprises give the suppliers immediately feedbacks and the top managers of the
suppliers should be involved to solve the problem.
The innovation capabilities of the suppliers are more important than cost saving by switching
to supplier without low innovation capability but which provides cheaper components.
Reducing of cost is important in lean production, meanwhile to improve quality is as
important as cost cutting. Lean enterprise tends to encourage and help their suppliers to
develop problem-solving skills and innovation capability. For instance Toyota and Honda
invites engineers from the first-tier supplier to come to their production function and
understand the development and manufacturing process in Toyota and Honda. Those
engineers are then more likely come up with new design ideas which would better suit for the
production in Toyota and Honda.
Lean enterprises tend to share information in a structured fashion. The meeting has specific
times, places and agenda. Information is shared selectively with suppliers. Enterprises do not
need to share information which is not relevant the particular supplier, because too much
information would confuse people.
One of the lean principles is to seek perfection. Lean enterprise transfers their lean knowledge
and best practices to the suppliers by sending them lean expert to reorganize their
organizational structure, workshop layout, job design etc. Lean enterprises should also
conduct joint improvement activities, such as Kaizen events. Transferring the philosophy is
more important than techniques. After learned the management methods, Kaizen (continuous
improvement) need to be carry on. Kaizen should be integrated as part of the supplier's
company culture or identity.
Figure 13 below shows the theoretical framework that I suggest for how lean management
methods could be incorporated in fashion supply chain. In the framework we can see which
parts of the theoretical foundation are suitable for analyzing of which joint. Some theories are
found to be suitable for analysis of more than one joint. Because both joints are involved in
the domain of those theories. For instance characteristic of fashion industry, seems to be
suitable for the analysis of both the fashion retailing operation and supplier base management.
Figure 13: The theoretical framework for lean implementation in fashion supply chain
On the very left side of the theoretical framework, we have the current supply chain of a
particular fashion retailer (AS-IS). A lean supply chain (TO-BE) will probably be achieved
through analysis in the light of theories of both fashion retailing and lean supply chain
management. All three joints in the current supply chain should be analyzed with an
integrated view. A cost reduction in one area which is going to lead to increased cost in
another area, which makes the total cost higher is not worth it. The arrows, in the framework,
between the fashion retailer and customers and between fashion retailer and supplier base are
the relationship and management of relationships between them.
Customer joint
Customer joint composes of the targeted customers for fashion retailer and the relationship
that exists between fashion retailer and customers. This dyadic relationship is affected by
behaviors of both parties involved. But do we really know our customer so well? Do we really
understand why our customers behave in the way as they behave?
As 5 lean principles tells us, identifying values for customers is always where lean starts at.
The value for fashion consumers should be clearly defined. Brand equity and luxury fashion
consumption are theories that has been addressed to affect fashion consumers’ perception of a
retailer and their consumption behavior. Thus these theories are suggested to help fashion
retailer to identify the values for their customers. As this is the first principle of 5 lean
principles, it is necessary to complete the process of identifying customer values before all
other processes. Clearly identified customer values are essential for identifying the value
adding and non-value adding activities. We cannot categorize some activities to non-value
adding activities when we do not even know what ‘’values’’ exactly are.
Fashion retailer joint composes of fashion retailer company and the management of customer
relationship and supplier relationship from the perspective of fashion retailers. Different types
of strategies could be used by fashion retailer in order to manage their customers and supplier
base. Fashion retailers could not control their suppliers and customers, but they choose how
they are going to manage the relationship and so impact behaviors of their suppliers and
This joint is where the operation and management of supply chain going on. Fashion retailing
and its characteristics should be considered when assessing lean opportunities in supply chain
management. Theories of luxury fashion consumption, store loyalty, future trends within
fashion retailing and characteristics of fashion industry are identified to be relevant for
fashion retailers to consider when evaluating their own management. Then 5 lean principles
and different lean management methods should be assessed in the light of fashion supply
chain. However, it is difficult to change old working habits of employees and resistance is
going to occur. Thus change management is required to deal with this problem. Appropriate
change management will ensure that the lean transformation will happen smoothly. The
procurement function within any organization is the function which has most contact with its
suppliers. Thus theory of lean procurement has been identified to be necessary to consider in
this joint as well as in the supplier joint.
Supplier joint
Supplier joint composes of supplier base for fashion retailer and the relationship that exists
between fashion retailer and its suppliers. The way the supply chain in fashion industry is
limits the way fashion retailers work with their suppliers. In order to analyze lean opportunity
in the relationships between fashion retailers and their suppliers, insight in both characteristics
of fashion industry and supply chain in fashion industry are necessary. These knowledge
explains how fashion retailers work with their suppliers in general and will be used to judge
which of the lean management methods will be suitable or not suitable for managing suppliers
of fashion retailers. Then different management strategies of lean procurement and
developing of lean suppliers will be discussed in the light of the particular fashion supply
Finally a lean supply chain ‘’TO-BE’’ for the particular fashion retailer is formed and should
the goal for lean transformation. The target ‘’user’’ of this theoretical framework is small- and
medium-sized fashion retailer. SMEs have often very limited financial and human resources
to spend on lean implementation (Saad et al., 2006). Another fundamental problem that SMEs
have when developing lean procurement is to form the partnership with suppliers due to lack
of power and the firm size (Morrissey and Pittaway, 2006). This framework will help the
small- and medium-sized fashion retailer to identify the wastes in their supply chain and
define a potential future state in the light of lean knowledge.
Chapter 4 Methodology
In this chapter I am going to present how the overall research process was designed and how
the choice of research methods was made and executed.
The research process has not been straight forward. The development of research design
process has been reviewed and modified several times during research process, for instance
when some unexpected data of the case company has been collected or some interesting
results are discovered in the analysis. The data collection process lasted for two months and
interview-guide has also been modified several time based on the analysis of previous
interviews and observations. Even at the last stage in the process, discussion and conclusion, I
still addressed some special data which should have been collected. This was why a final
interview has been conducted through emails which will be presented in subchapter 4.3.
Figure 14 below shows the main steps in the process. The blue arrows represent the designed
flow and the yellow arrows are when the researcher find out some parts need to be reviewed
and modified. Each of the stages will be explained in detail in the coming subchapters.
How could lean management methods be incorporated in the supply chain management of a
small and medium-sized fashion retailer in order to reduce total cost and as well as to improve
the service quality?
What kind of theory is needed was clear after the research question has been defined. The
next step was to collect literatures. Both literature on lean and fashion retailing are relevant
for this research. My project work from fall semester 2015 forms a literature base for lean.
Therefore a complete review of project work is done before identifying complementary
literature. After the review I clearly see that the literature of fashion retailing is missing. And
since the research question is about create lean supply chain in the current supply chain of
fashion retailers. Literatures that include both research area will be very valuable. At the stage
of finding complementary literature, I searched for literature on fashion retailing, lean supply
chain (articles and book which have not been reviewed in the project work) and lean in
fashion industry. Whenever new keywords come in my mind or I found some new concepts
when I reviewed the found articles and books, I went back to this stage of finding
complementary literature to search for more relevant literature. Figure 15 blow illustrates the
searching process in order to form the theoretical foundation.
I. Searching strategy
In order to find relevant literature, I choose to go for a narrative approach for the searching
process rather than systematic approach. According Bryman and Bell (2007), narrative
approach will provide an impression of a research area that the researcher want to get insight
in. I have to predefine keywords for the searching if I choose to go for a systematic approach.
But I did not know much about the research areas that I want to understand and therefore
could not predefine what terminologies will be relevant or not. This is the main reason for me
to not choose systematic approach. Many key words or terminologies have been discovered
while I read the articles and books.
Bryman and Bell (2007) proposed two types of literature searching: keyword and journal. No
specific journal seems to be able to provide enough theory for my research, as my research
covers very different research areas. Thus I decided to go for the option keyword searching.
Scopus, Oria and Google Scholar are used actively as search engines for searching academic
literatures. Since our research question covers some broad research areas, such as lean
production, purchasing management, supply chain management, fashion management,
retailing management etc. A brainstorming process was carried out in order to find keywords
for searching, for instance: Lean production, lean manufacturing, Just-In-Time, lean
logistics, lean purchasing, lean suppliers, supply chain management, lean supply chain, lean
thinking, supply chain fashion, fashion retailing, luxury fashion, lean supply chain fashion
industry, lean fashion retailing, lean logistics fashion, supply chain in fashion industry, lean
store management etc. I wrote all the key words down in my notebook in order to get an
overview of which keywords have been searched.
I write one of the keywords from my notebook in the search field on each of the three search
engines, and searched for articles and books. I did this for all the keyword. Some keywords
lead to much more results than others. In the case of very many results, I will use my
predefined selection criteria (as presented later on) to select the most relevant ones. Then I
read through the abstract of the selected articles and books in order to decide to download
them or not. Selected books have been loaned from the library at NTNU. I did this for all the
keywords. Sometimes I also combine two keywords in order to find literature which combines
both research areas, for instance I searched ‘’lean supply chain fashion industry’’.
Downloaded articles and loaned books have been read through and brief summaries have
been written, so that I do not have to read the whole article again to know what the key point
or finding are in each particular article and the summaries also make it easier to refer to the
articles and books when writing the thesis.
More keywords were showing up after I started to review the found literatures, for instance:
Knowledge transfer, lean implementation, transformation management, critical factors lean,
selection of supplier, change management, brand equity, apparel industry, etc. This is why I
chosen narrative approach for reviewing literature, because I was not familiar with many
terminologies within the two research areas.
I also look at the references in the found articles, in order to find more relevant literature that
not have the desired key words in the tittle but have the relevant contents. For example, the
famous ‘’The Machine that Changed the World’’ by Womack et al. does not seem like it is
talking about lean production, but it is actually one of the most important books about lean
production. I also used sources such as the lectures I had last semester in ‘’Production
Management’’. Some non-profitable internet sites of high reliability are also used as part of
the sources. For instance Lean Enterprise Institute (2016) which is founded by James P.
Womack who is one of the biggest and most famous researchers with in the field of lean.
Compared with the articles, those websites are frequently updated makes them more
applicable for today’s market.
I read the abstracts or conclusion in order to find out if the article or book is relevant or not.
Which journal the article is published in is critical for the selection as top ranked and peer
reviewed journals tends to have better quality (Bryman and Bell, 2007). How many other
researchers have sited the article and the year of publishing is also important. The old articles
would provide us the original definition or thinking of the concept. Some of the older articles
formed the foundation for recently researches. Newer articles are more related to business
conditions today. However articles in some specific research areas tends to be very difficult to
find or does not exist at all. In this case, even the article does not fit all the criteria, I will go
through the article to check the quality and choose the article if the quality is good.
IV. Choice of relevant theories
Notes of the theories addressed in the selected articles and books are made after reviewing
them. It happens often new keywords, relevant concepts and new aspects in the research areas
show up when reviewing the selected articles. The searching and reviewing process of
literature ends up with lots of definitions, concepts, aspects to view the research areas and
theories. Some theories seem to be more relevant for our research problem than others. The
relevance between the particular and research question is the biggest consideration when I
decide to keep some of the found theories and exclude some others. At this stage ‘’choice of
relevant theories’’, I chosen some concepts which will be presented in detail in the theoretical
foundation and at the same time some other concepts were chosen to not be discussed in
detail/studied further.
I am taking a broader perspective so that I could understand the relationships between the
different concepts and find a framework to solve our research question. I will take more
resources than what I have for this research if I want to go into every aspect that seems to
affect the lean management in fashion supply chain. I choose to keep the aspects and concepts
that has a bigger scope that as a whole will directly affect the solution of my research
question. One example is shown in figure 16. Reputation, staff, store layout and some other
factors have been identified to affect customer perception of a fashion retailer which will
again affect the business performance of fashion retailer (Newman and Patel, 2004). There are
likely many factors (factors A, B, C, D in the figure) that affect the decision of store layout. I
decided to keep the theory of customer perception of a fashion retailer. And I decided to not
go into the concept of store layout and study every single factor (neglect A, B, C and D) that
affects store layout. Otherwise the research will be very fragmented. The key point here is that
many other concepts are in correlation with the presented concepts in the theoretical
foundation. I had to make the decision to include some concepts and exclude some other
Another important choice should be made is to choose between the options of qualitative or
quantitative research (Bryman and Bell, 2007). Qualitative research emphasizes on words and
perceptions when researchers collect and analyze data. Qualitative research is addressed to be
useful when assess complex causal relationships. (Bennet t and Elman, 2006) and
understanding the organizational process (Doz , 2011). Qualitative research which emphasizes
on description of detailed data allows the researchers to study the problem in depth (Hyde,
2000). On the other side, quantitative research emphasized more on the quantification in the
collection and analysis of data. Quantitative research is used to examine the relationships
between variables in order to test the hypotheses and conclude findings (Creswell, 2013). In
other cases, quantitative research is conducted to describe the main characteristics of a
population without emphasis on details of single elements (Hyde, 2000).
I have to study the management of fashion supply chains in depth, for instance how fashion
retailers manage their relationship with their customers and suppliers, and understand every
detail of how fashion retailers today conduct their business. Qualitative research that could
help researchers to get a deep understanding in organizational process and complex
relationships seems absolutely more suitable for my research. Therefore I decide to go for a
qualitative research.
Bryman and Bell (2007) proposed 5 different research designs within social science:
As we could understand from the brief explanations of the 5 different research designs, case
study turns out to be suitable for this research. This research wants to identify the current
status of fashion supply chain and incorporate lean management methods, this does not to
control any factor or manipulate any behavioral events. It is not about to examine any variable
either. Experimental and cross-sectional design is then out of the list. Longitudinal design
focus how subjects change over long time, while this research is about to explore the
contemporary fashion supply chain. And we are obviously not compare different supply
chains in different industries, in different countries etc. Then we could delete longitudinal
design and comparative design from the list as well.
is the case company, in particular the management of daily operations within the case
company and how the case company manage their supply chain currently (customer
relationships, procurement process and relationships with their suppliers).
Fashion supply chains has become complex and dynamic (Brun and Castelli, 2008, Bruce et
al., 2004). Supply chain management has a very broad domain and include many different
functions (Myerson, 2012). These makes the unit of analysis, fashion retailers, a complex
entity. Case study could tackle large data of entities which are difficult and complex in
structure and provide insights into the characteristic of the phenomena (Easton, 2010).
Because result of case study will retain the holistic view and characteristic of complex
phenomena in real-life (Yin, 1994). Therefore case study where researchers conduct in-depth
investigation and will provide a deep understanding of the current fashion supply chain is
identified to be suitable for this research. The same research design could be identified by
Yin’s criteria for choosing research design. Three conditions have been proposed by Yin
‘’The three conditions consist of (a) the type of research question posed, (b) the extent of
control an investigator has over actual behavioral events, and (c) the degree of focus on
contemporary as opposed to historical events.’’ (Yin, 1994, s.4)
We could easily see, in the light of research question, that investigator has very little control
over the behavioral events. Because investigator in this thesis is meant to standing outside the
fashion supply chain and view the fashion supply chain from a researcher’s perspective. The
problem that this research has addressed is contemporary problem, thus the focus is on
contemporary events. Yin (1994) stated that if no control is required and focus is on
contemporary events, then the suitable research design would be survey and case study.
Survey is more suitable for ‘’what’’, ‘’who’’ or ‘’where’’ questions and case study favors
‘’how’’ and ‘’why’’ questions (Yin, 1994). Our research question starts with ‘’how’’ and case
study become obviously the right choice.
Yin (1994) pointed out case study could be used for different research purposes: exploratory,
descriptive and explanatory. Some brief explanations are provided below:
Explorative case studies: Initial research of a defined problem and form the basis for
future researches.
Descriptive case studies: Describe a phenomenon in detail, provide additional
information and in-depth understanding.
Explanatory case studies: Conclude and explain the ultimate causes of a phenomena,
relationships between variables and effects of factors.
This research was defined to be exploratory and qualitative as overall research strategy and
case study was decided to be research design. Based on my defined problem and research
question, the case study in this research is going to have both characteristics of explorative
and descriptive case studies. In this research I am going to explore the possibilities of lean
management methods in a lean supply chain. The case study is used to describe the current
fashion supply chain in detail and explore/identify potential areas in the supply chain for
future improvement. Thus the case study is designed for both descriptive and exploratory
Case study could be further divided into single- and multiple-case studies and this is
considered to be a major distinction (Yin, 1994). The nature of the research question indicates
that researcher have to get an in-depth understanding of a current fashion supply chain.
Research resources is limited and less resource will be distributed to each case if we go for a
multiple-case study. Single-case study compare with multiple-case study provides more in-
depth insight in the phenomena (Dubois and Gadde, 2002). Single-case study is also suitable
as an exploratory device for further studies (Yin, 1994) which is the research purpose of this
research. Suggestion of a framework for future implementation of lean management methods
will be problematic when researcher has several unique fashion supply chains to analyze.
Because they all have different strengthens and weaknesses in their supply chain
management. Thus, because of the complexity of supply chain management and the ultimate
purpose of this research, single-case study is identified to be more suitable for this research.
As we explained earlier in this subchapter there is only one unit of analysis in this research.
The basic types of case studies proposed by Yin (1994) is illustrated below in figure 17.
According to the categories defined by Yin (1994), the case study in this thesis is a holistic
case study (single unit of analysis). A major pitfall by holistic case study is that the case study
might have fragmented focuses on different subunits of analysis rather than the overall larger
unit of analysis (Yin, 1994). Thus by having only one unit of analysis (holistic design) it will
be easier to keep focus on lean implementation in the entire fashion supply chain.
Figure 17: Basic types of designs for case studies (Yin, 1994, p.39).
To sum up, the identified research design in this research is a holistic single-case study. In the
next subchapter the technique used to collect data, namely research method according to
Bryman and Bell (2007), will be discussed.
The research design that has been identified indicates one single case for this research. Unlike
some abstract research questions, for instance ‘’how does proactive behavior affect the overall
business performance of one company?’’, research question in this thesis is targeting a
specific type of companies. The research question is very clear about what type of entities the
case study should focus on, both type of industry and company size are defined, high-end
small- and medium-sized fashion retailers. Local small- and medium-sized fashion retailers
has been identified to be more suitable, because of the convenience of collecting data, for
instance I could just make appointment with them and observer the operation process without
traveling too far.
Next question is who should be the informant in the case. In order to limit the bias in
collection of data, knowledgeable informants have been identified (Eisenhardt and Graebner,
2007). Leaders in the organizations are considered to be a more reliable source of information
(Vickery et al., 2003). Since this research is focused on the supply chain on a strategic level,
the individuals in the organization who are part of the top management team are addressed to
be most knowledgeable individuals about the supply chain of the particular organization.
Since procurement is identified as a central function within supply chain management
(Myerson, 2012) and procurement process is identified as one of the units of analysis, head of
procurement will be an important informant for this research as well.
I did research on local high-end fashion retailers and found a list of them. Emails were used to
initiate the cooperation. Four local fashion retailer have been contacted by email where two of
them were interested in being part of this research. However due to the limited time to
execute the research, one of them was identified to be the case company in this single case
study. The decision was made based on two considerations: (1) the case company is only
focusing on retailing business which makes their supply chain to be more like a typical supply
chain of fashion retailers, (2) the supplier base of the case company is identified to be more
diversified and will provide a more in-depth understanding of fashion supply chain. Data
were collected mainly from two informants of the case company, general manager (at same
time head of purchasing) and head of Inventory and Logistics.
Direct observations have been done at the operation facility (the store), storage rooms and
offices of the case company. Direct observations are very useful when the focus of the case
study is on the contemporary events (Yin, 1994). ‘’Some relevant behaviors or environmental
conditions will be available for observation’’ (Yin, 1994, p86). The identified relevant
behaviors and environmental conditions within the company indicate something about the
working dynamic and culture in the case company. For instance, a clear and organized
working environment will ensure that defects will be more easily detected and lead to
improved efficiency and quality (Myerson, 2012, Strandhagen, 2015). The image of the
working environment will be easily understood through visual signals by direct observation.
I talked spontaneously to the sales staff who worked at the store when I notice some special
phenomena. For instance, I talked to the sale staff at the basement floor when I notice that
there is not a clear system for how the merchandise are placed, compared to that merchandise
on first floor and second floor are placed based on their brands and categories.
Documentation, as an important source of evidence, has also been reviewed before, during
and after researcher started interviews and observations. Documentations that has been looked
at are the website of the case company, a book about 30 years’ anniversary and media
channels (Instagram, Facebook and Blog). Documentations has been reviewed to get familiar
with the case company before the interviews and observations, and is used to corroborate the
data from other sources during and after the interviews and observations. Something to keep
in mind when reviewing the documentations is that the documentations usually contains bias,
because the documentation is designed and reported for some specific purposes and to
achieve some specific goals (Yin, 1994). The original purposes with the documentations
should be identified in order to be correctly critical in extract data from these documentations.
According to Yin (1994), it is better to keep the identities of both the case and the individuals.
For the first, it enables the readers to recall and integrate this research with previous
information given about the same case. Second, the whole research will be more readily and
data could be checked. After a discussion with the leader of the case company, we choose to
keep the identities of both the case companies and individuals who have been interviewed.
However some sensitive data that would affect their business performance were decided to
bot be disclosed, due to the fierce competition in the market that the case company is
operating in currently.
In a total, four interviews and three observations (one of the observation was conducted
during the interview) have been conducted and will be described in table 5 below:
during the analysis the theoretical framework will be used as framework. Based on this
purpose, none of the analysis techniques which Yin (1994) has proposed has been identified
to be the analysis technique. Pattern-matching has been once considered as suitable, since this
technique would allow researcher to use the case to evaluate the predicted propositions.
However, this technique is meant to be used for propositions with independent and depend
variables and more relevant for explanatory and descriptive case studies (Yin, 1994). As this
case study has been identified to have both characteristics of exploratory and descriptive case
studies, the mentioned analysis technique does not seem to suit our research purpose. In
summary, the theoretical framework will be used as the framework for analysis. The results of
analysis will be presented in chapter 5.
Some unexpected findings, especially regarding the current fashion supply of small- and
medium-sized fashion retailer which researcher is not familiar with, will be included in
discussion part as well. Because this might inspire new research ideas. Implications of the
findings, limitations of the research and suggestions for future research will also be discussed.
Implications of the findings will include implications for both fashion retailers and academic
researchers, so that both parties will not get confused when reading this thesis.
The conclusion part will include overall assessment of this research. Key findings will be
presented and assessed with the research purpose. The research purpose will be discussed in
the light of the final framework. This research, which been defined as exploratory research,
will probably provide some new understandings and address interesting ideas for future
Construct validity
Construct validity is measured by how correct the established operational measures in the
case study are for the defined relevant concepts. ‘’People who have been critical of case
studies often point to the fact that a case study investigator fails to develop a sufficiently
operational set of measures and that ‘’’’subjective’’’’ judgements are used to collect the
data.’’ (Yin, 1994, p.34). It is hard to collect objective information. Leaders are reluctant to
share objective information with researchers (Choi and Liker, 2002).
Three tactics has been proposed by Yin (1994) to increase the construct validity: the use of
multiple sources of evidence, establish a chain of evidence and key informants should check
the draft case study. Data collected should be reviewed by key informants in order to ensure
the overall quality and accuracy (Yin, 1994). Additionally the choice of operational measures
for the relevant concept should be clearly explained, so that the reader understand exactly why
the researcher use these particular measures. In this research, data has been collected from
two informants and case study draft has been reviewed by the key informant.
External validity
External validity is in what extent the finding of a case study could be generalized and applied
in a broader domain. In this research it is about the extent of the modified framework could be
applied in other fashion supply chains or, even broader, supply chains. Critics from other
researcher regarding external validity of case studies are often about the generalization of case
studies. Statistical generalization has been focused on by these researchers rather than
analytical generalization. Analytical generalization generalizes the empirical observation to
theory which could apply to situations based on relevance of similar concepts, while statistical
generalization emphasizes on generalization of the observation in a sample to the whole
population. However, according to Yin (1994), surveys rely on statistical generalization while
case studies rely on analytical generalization and replication logic should be used here rather
than sample logic in case study. Sample logic is viewing the case study that either consists of
single or multiple cases as a sample in a population. ‘’This analogy to samples and universes
are incorrect when dealing with sample studies.’’ (Yin, 1994, s.36).
Replication logic should be used as tactic here. A theory must be teste with more than one
cases (Yin, 1994). This is considered to be a shortage of our research that only has single-case
study. However this research is meant to be exploratory research, as it has been argued in the
part of research strategy, it will not be any concluded theories which is in the case of
conclusive research or explanatory case studies.
Reliability is in what extent the research findings will remain the same if the research
operations is repeated by another investigator. The errors and biases in a case study should be
minimized. A common method is to makes as many operation steps as possible. The detailed
description of instrument, the procedures and general rules used in case study is an essential
tactic to increase the reliability. Another tactic proposed by Yin (1994) is the development of
database. These tactics has been considered in this research in the form of detailed
description of the whole research process. Data collection and interpreting has been carefully
treated. Interview guide and other relevant documents will be added in the appendix.
In summary,
This chapter has been written based on the collected data and functions as a base for analysis
of lean opportunity and lean implementation. I will first present some basic information about
the case company, BOGART.COSMO. The basic information will probably give you a image
of BOGART.COSMO as a company. Then the main part of this chapter is how
BOGART.COSMO manage its supply chain currently, by describing how BOGART.COSMO
works with their customers and suppliers. Operation will also be covered, because the sales
staffs are working directly with customers and the way the store is managed is affecting their
relationships with customers in the case of fashion retailers.
We have to go all the way back to 1905 in order to address the origin of BOGART.COSMO.
The family Klein created and owned the brand ‘’Tiger of Norway’’ and operated the company
until 1970s. Somehow the family started a new path, BOGART AS was established in 1985
and opened its first boutique BOGART one year later. HUGO BOSS boutique was opened by
the family in 2000. In 2003 HUGO BOSS boutique was reorganized and changed to the new
brand name COSMO. BOGART and COSMO were merged to BOGART.COSMO AS and
moved to their flagship store as where they are operating today in 2014.
head of human resource department, HSE (health, safety and environment) deparment and
sales of menswear. Even though the company has not clearly defined the typical functions, for
instance marketing, sales, human resource etc. After the interviews I could define seven most
important functions for BOGART.COSMO. Figure 18 below presents how the functional
organization structure of BOGART.COSMO build up:
Functions like maintenance of store, accounting and tailoring are not showing on the
organization structure, because these functions are outsourced to other company that has the
right expertise. Sales department is absolutely the biggest department among the seven
departments. Even through the general manager works in the store sometimes and sells
merchandise to the consumers when she gets time from other working tasks. Some employees
in the company is bound to more than one department. All the 19 employees are part of sales
department where some of the sales staff only work with selling products at the sales
department and others are also working with other tasks at the same time. For instance, two
employees who have the main responsibility for marketing are working as sales staff. Reason
for many employees has to deal with multi tasks is that working load in all the presented
functions are not heavy enough to have one or more employees to work full time. This will be
a waste for the company to have a full time position for HSE, marketing etc. Other
departments than sales department have usually only 1 - 2 core staffs. Because of the size of
the sales department, it is further divided in 3 sub departments: Man, woman and unsex. Mens
department is selling fashion merchandise for men and womens department is selling fashion
merchandise for women. Unisex department is a very small department if we consider
generated revenue per department and is selling products such as books, chocolate and other
small items that suits for both genders.
Cecilie Klein Reinertsen, the general manger, is leading the department of purchasing. The
department of purchasing makes the purchasing decisions by sending a purchasing team to the
suppliers. The purchasing team is formed of Ms Klein Reinertsen and representatives from
department of sales. The representatives are selected depending on which suppliers and what
type of products they are planning to purchase. For instance if the company want to purchase
bags from Mulberry, then a representative from womens department and has sufficient
expertise is selected to join the team. Ms Klein Reinertsen is usually always in the purchasing
team, since he is the head of the department of purchasing and need to control the budget.
Among the many product categories, the category of cloth is the biggest one among different
product categories. Clothes of the classic style has always been the core style for
BOGART.COSMO. Additionally the more modern, clean cut, simplism styles and the newest
fashion trends are also presented in the store as BOGART.COSMO want to provide a wide
collection for its customers.
with Cecilie Klein Reinertsen, the general manager of BOGART.COSMO. The fundamental
values for the BOGART.COSMO could be described as: Respect, attention and quality.
Those three values have been mentioned and explained most when we talked about the history
of the company and their business strategies during the interviews. These three values have
also been noticed during direct observations of how the sales staff are treating the consumers
in the store. All BOGART.COSMO emphasizes on both the excellent quality of the products
that the company offers and the customer service. Sales staff greets and pays attention to all
the customer in the store in case they need some guidance or advices. Every customer’s
question or requirement will be treated with respect.
According to Ms Klein Reinertsen (2016), to provide individual consulting for the consumers,
high product quality and great service has always been the most important strategy for
BOGART.COSMO since 1986, together with shopping experience. Ms Klein Reinertsen
(2016) emphasizes the importance of customers’ satisfaction during the interviews and
propositioned that BOGART.COSMO want to make their customers satisfied both when they
are shopping in the store and when they wear the products on.
Both quality and quantity is important to sustain the competitive advantages. Quality is the
design, fabric quality and manufacturing quality of the merchandise in the store. Quantity is
the sales volume of a particular product or brand. Some products that is predicted to have very
big sales volume is not having proper quality. At the same time, products of excellent quality
are not necessarily going to sell. Either they are way too expensive or the design makes sense
for very few of the local customers. Products of poor quality and high sales volume will
negatively affect the perceived store image of BOGART.COSMO. A tradeoff of between
quality and quantity is essential for success.
The management team is aware of their social responsibility as an enterprise, even though
their liability to help the society is quite limited due to their size. As a SME,
BOGART.COSMO is doing the best of what they are capable to do with their social
responsibility. For instance, according to Ms Klein Reinertsen, BOGART.COSMO has been
helping unemployed people introduced by NAV (Norwegian Labour and Welfare
Administration), so that he or she could have relevant work experience. Environmental
friendliness of products is concerned by BOGART.COSMO when they select supplier.
5.5 Marketing
The store is located in the downtown of Trondheim which naturally brings high human traffic
to the store. Two big show windows are exploited to promote the new merchandises in the
store. New concept and design is brought out in the show windows every 15th weeks.
2. Floor The 2.floor has a more masculine look with shelves and 3 fitting
Formal menswear rooms in the colors of dark grey and metallic grey. The space is
very open and all the merchandises are well organized mainly
depending on the brands.
There is a meeting area with sofa and coffee table in the middle on
2. Floor, it is designed for personal consulting, because the formal
menswear on the 2.floor has higher unit price. Volume of the
music is low to ensure smooth communication between sales staff
and customers. The meeting area is also used when
BOGART.COSMO is getting visitors as well.
1. floor The 1. Floor has a more relaxed look, the shelves and 3 fitting
Casual menswear rooms here are of the colors of mood yellow and white. It has been
placed much more merchandise on the 1.floor, so the space is not
and unisex as open as on the second floor.
merchandise Volume of the music here is louder than 2.floor and basement
floor. There is often more consumers on the 1.floor than others.
Basement floor Womens department has a soft and feminine atmosphere, the
Womenswear shelves are of pure white and the 6 fitting rooms has the color of
lilac. The space is not as open as 2.floor, but more open than
BOGART.COSMO has its offices on the 2.floor and only employees has access to the office
area. All the administration affairs are going on here. For instance schedule the shift work,
managing the documents of the arrived product batches, pricing and printing price tags,
meetings etc. There is a mini kitchen and a coffee machine next to the meeting room in the
office. The meeting room here is also used as a lounge for the employees, where employees
could have some foods and enjoy a cup of coffee.
The store has two types of inventory solutions: storage rooms and inventory in boutique.
Most of the inventory is placed in eight separate small storage rooms, two on 2.floor, four on
1.floor and two on basement floor. BOGART.COSMO has a plan to build one more storage
room by exploiting a room that is current used for disposal of wastes. Storage in boutique is
exploited on 1.floor and basement floor. In the bottom of some shelves there is made drawers
which has quite big space for storage of inventory. In the most cases, the storage under the
shelf is used to store the same merchandise as the merchandise on the shelf.
The suppliers for BOGART.COSMO are different fashion companies from Norway and
foreign countries. BOGART.COSMO is currently selling products from 61 suppliers. It will
be a too heavy task if I go through each of the 61 relationships and many of the relationships
share the common characteristics (Klein Reinertsen, 2016). Table 7 shows the list of 7
important suppliers for BOGART.COSMO based on interviews. The selection criteria for a
supplier to be identified as an important supplier is the image of the supplier in the
perspective of fashion consumers (brand) and sales volume of the supplier. These 7 suppliers
have been picked by general manager of BOGART.COSMO during the first interview.
As we could see, the suppliers varies both in size and country of origin. Some of them are
among the most successful and leading luxury companies, such as HUGO BOSS, Polo Ralph
Lauren and Burberry. On the other end, Uber is a company that was established in 2009 and
only has 4 employees. Between the two poles, there are companies like Marc Jacobs, Tiger of
Sweden and Mulberry. This sample of suppliers could somehow represent and give an insight
of how some BOGAR.COSMO works with its suppliers.
HUGO BOSS and Polo Ralph Lauren have their sales office in Copenhagen and Stockholm
for Scandinavian customers. Tiger of Sweden and Marc Jacobs have their agent sales office in
Oslo and Paris. Uber is an Norwegian domestic supplier and has its headquarter in Oslo.
Mulberry and Burberry are British brands and have their own sales offices in London. Since
the location of the sales office is so diversified, BOGAR.COSMO has to visit all the different
cities for purchasing. The process of purchasing will be described in detail later on.
5.7.2 Customers
BOGAR.COSMO is conducting a B2C (Business-To-Consumer) business. Their direct
customers are the individual consumers. The targeted customers of BOGART.COSMO are
the fashion consumers in Trondheim area who are into high end quality fashion goods. The
core customer group are the consumers of age 35 to 55. Those consumers are usually the ones
who have worked some years, settled down and have a stable income. Consumers under the
age of 35 are either still in education or in the beginning of their career. But one trend that
BOGAR.COSMO has experienced is that there are more and more younger consumers in
their customer list. One possible reason is that more and more young consumers are more
aware of brand, quality and style.
About 6 months before the selling season, the purchasing team travels to their main supplier
to select products for the selling season. Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Paris, Milano and
London are the cities that the purchasing team visits mostly. As explained in the section of
organization structure, the purchasing team has usually 2-3 members. The general manager is
the leader of the purchasing team, and other team member(s) is selected based on their
expertise on the brands they are going to purchase.
Before the purchasing team goes to one particular supplier, an appointment should be agreed
with the supplier. The reservations are usually made through emails. A sales staff is assigned
by the supplier to the purchasing team when the purchasing team arrives at the supplier’s
sales office. The whole meeting with the sales staff from the supplier usually takes 4-6 hours,
during the meeting they purchasing team visit the supplier’s show room, go through the
products that the supplier has to offer and make purchasing decision. How the meeting would
be like depends on how the sales staff is. Some sales staffs are more knowledgeable than
others. It is good to have a sales staff from the supplier who the purchasing team is familiar
Historical sales data from the same selling season last year was one of the determinant factors
considered in the process of purchasing decision making. As fashion is changing all the time,
the designs from the same brand this year could be very different from last year. The actual
products and design that the supplier offers is one determinant factor as well. Then the
question is how to judge if the designs are going to be popular or not. The purchasing team is
judging the products and designs based on their experiences in the industry. Complaints from
consumers are also very important to consider. If it occurs frequently defects of one type
product from one particular supplier, then the obvious action would be reduce the total
purchasing of this type product from the particular supplier. For instance shoes from Polo
Ralph Lauren is identified to have quality problems, the amount of purchased shoes from Polo
Ralph Lauren has been reduced while BOGART.COSMO is still purchasing a lot of other
types of products from the brand.
The final step is to sign the contract and the contract often lasts only one selling season.
BOGART.COSMO could decide when they want the products to be delivered. But the
delivery period is often pretty long, around 2 months. So BOGART.COSMO cannot really
control when the product will be received. In the most cases the suppliers will pay for the
shipment and a third shipping agent is used to deliver the batches.
fully possible to pause the cooperation, when poor sales performance of one particular brand
occurs or the collection from one particular brand seems to be boring for customers. In this
case, BOGART.COSMO would justify the situation with the supplier to achieve mutual
understanding. This implies that the cooperation is not terminated forever. New cooperation
might be carried out if the supplier has improved their products and service.
BOGART.COSMO terminates cooperation very rarely, but when the cooperation does not
work well and the supplier seems to be hopeless for improvement, termination is the only
choice. Long-term strategic partnership and personal relationship are hard to be identified
within the current supply chain of BOGART.COSMO. However there are small differences
from supplier to supplier. These small differences will be described below.
Some suppliers have priority for their own retail stores and want to keep some designs only
for their own retail stores. BOGART.COSMO could not select among the whole product
range when dealing with this type of suppliers. Mulberry is one company that pursues this
retailing strategy. Fortunately most of the suppliers offer the whole collection for
BOGART.COSMO. Considering BOGART.COSMO has a long operating history, proper
retailing facility and good financial performance which is essential for the supplier to receive
payment on time. For instance BOGART.COSMO was one of the only two Norwegian
retailers that was selected to sell the ‘’Alice in Wonderland’’ collection from Marc by Marc
Jacobs, because of the store has big enough space to present the whole collection.
Some suppliers send experts to the store to train the sales staff of BOGART.COSMO. The
content of the staff training is the knowledge of the particular products and the culture and
philosophy of the supplier as a fashion company. BOGART.COSMO do not always say yes to
staff training initiated by the suppliers, since this requires commitment from
BOGART.COSMO as well. It depends on the importance of the supplier and how busy the
daily operation is.
BOGART.COSMO is the sole retailer for some popular brands in Trondheim area. For
instance Mulberry, Burberry and Polo Ralph Lauren. However no formal contract is signed
regarding this status. Take some examples, for the brand Polo Ralph Lauren, the view from
BOGART.COSMO is that the cooperation has existed for a long time(since around 1990) and
BOGART.COSMO built up ‘’shop in shop’’ only for Polo Ralph Lauren ( the only one
among the 61 brands) in 2014. The ‘’shop in shop’’ is designed and monitored by experts
from Polo Ralph Lauren under construction process. This indicated the commitment from
both parties that would protect BOGART.COSMOs status as the sole retailer for Polo Ralph
As 30 year passes away, lot of things were changed. BOGART.COSMO experienced that
their supplier has become more money-driven. Take the example of the relationship with
HUGO BOSS, one of the most important suppliers for BOGART.COSMO. In the beginning
of their history, the late 1980s, HUGO BOSS used to invite the purchasing team to dinner or
other activities like playing golf. However nowadays, after they became a listed company,
owned by many stockholders and become much bigger in size, the process of purchasing has
been more ‘’professional’’ (less degree of personal interactions). This trend can be
experienced with most of the suppliers.
After 30 years in the fashion industry, established personal networks would help the company
with lots of issues, one of them is that the purchasing team from BOGART.COSMO could get
suggestions of potential suppliers. The other fashion retailers often purchase brands that
BOGART.COSMO does not purchase today and they have the direct sales data of those
brands. The suggestions from other similar fashion retailers are often very reliable.
After identifying potential suppliers, the next step is to evaluate these potential suppliers in
two dimensions: Store image and sale volume. Some brands could contribute to a better store
image of BOGART.COSMO, but not necessarily will contribute mush to the total revenue of
the company. Somehow some brands could contribute in both dimensions and they are of
course ‘’ must have’’ options for BOGART.COSMO. But in many cases there is a tradeoff
between those two dimensions. Even some brands, for instance NIKE and Michael Kors, are
already proved by other retailers to have big sales volume, BOGART.COSMO is not
purchasing from them. Because these brands do not suit to the overall store image and cannot
contribute to improve the store image.
The final step after the evaluation is contacting those companies which are evaluated to bring
benefits to BOGART.COSMO and initiate cooperation. The long history, big business scale
and good reputation of BOGART.COSMO will help the company to establish relationships
with the new suppliers. Many suppliers have also been proactive to initiate cooperation with
BOGART.COSMO by calls or emails. Ms Klein Reinertsen (2016) told that she often get
inquiries from other suppliers. The same criteria, as selecting suppliers, will be used to
evaluate these suppliers.
When BOGART.COSMO first introduces a new brand in the store, they would like to
purchase a considerable selection from the brand. Then the brand will become visible and
draw attention from the consumers when they present the new brand in the store. Otherwise
nobody would clearly notice a new brand is introduced.
Armani collection, which are hopeless at after sales service even they charge a high price or
its products. As explained in the section of supplier base, many suppliers are international
suppliers. Some of them are tend to defend themselves with international laws such that they
have the right to not repair the defected products which is caused by their poor manufacturing
quality. In the latter case, BOGART.COSMO has to take the responsibility for repairing,
providing new product or money back to customer which will cause loss in profit.
BOGART.COSMO covers the cost of repairing if the defect is caused by the manufacturers.
In the case of that the defect is caused by the customer himself/herself, BOGART.COSMO
chooses to no for return of products sold. But BOGART.COSMO would like to help the
customer to repair the products if it is doable. The customer has then to cover the cost of
repairing. BOGART.COSMO outsources the tailoring to a local tailoring shop in Trondheim.
BOGART.COSMO wants to develop regular and loyal customers through its service.
However 100% loyal customer does not exist. Unlike a B2B (Business-To-Business)
business, in the business of retailing the relationship with the customers is often shorter. This
is a challenge to maintain and improve the relationship with the customers. One action that
has been taken is the customer club. As a member of BOGART.COSMOs customer club, the
customer will receive emails and SMSs about exclusive offers and newsletters. The way to
join the customer club is so simple as to fill out your name, email address and phone number
on BOGART.COSMOs website. The customer club extends the relationship further, so the
customers would be reminded that they have actually a kind of retailer-consumer relationship
with BOGART.COSMO. More membership benefits than newsletter and exclusive offers, for
instance collecting of shopping points and use them on your next purchasing, will be carried
out if they can contribute to business performance.
Except from abstract relationships, there are existing material flow and information flow
within the sunny chain of BOGART.COSMO. After knowing how BOGART.COSMO is
managing relationship with its customers and suppliers, I am going to present how products
and information are flowed throughout the supply chain of BOGART.COSMO.
to the suppliers (in particular Marc Jacobs outsources its manufacturing in Asia), issue of
wrong quantity etc.
Figure 21 illustrates the material flow for BOGART.COSMO. When the batches arrive at the
store, they will be moved to the corresponding sales department, in particular menswear to
menswear department and womenswear to womenswear department. When the batches
arrives too early, BOGART.COSMO will treat them the same way as they arrive on time, but
the supplier will get feedback to prevent this to occur again. When the batches arrive too late,
the problem becomes bigger. If BOGART.COSMO still think the products still could be
popular, they will negotiate with the supplier to get lower prices and keep the batches. If the
selling season is almost over or BOGART.COSMO thinks that the products are not going to
generate any profits, the batches will be returned to the supplier.
The boxes will be opened up in order to check the products hat the box contains matches with
the information on the packing slip in quantity and quality (design, fabric, color etc.). If the
quantity of some product are not the ordered quantity or the products are not the ordered
products, the responsible supplier will be contacted by emails or phone calls in order to get
the right orders. When both quantity and quality are without any problem, the packing slip
will then be moved from the sales department to Mr Klein who is responsible for Inventory
and logistics. He will input the data into the data system of the total inventory.
BOGART.COSMO will then pay for the received products to the suppliers.
The prices of the arrived products will be determined out based on a formula that
BOGART.COSMO has or follow the suggested retailing price provided by the suppliers. The
price tags with radio frequency feature will be printed out and delivered to the sales
department. The small price tags will be put on the original labels of the products.
Then parts of the products will be moved the store while other parts will be moved to the
storage. When some products arrived too early before the selling seasons starts, all of them
are going to be stored in storage room until the right selling season arrives. How the products
are going to be treated varies with product category and where they are in the house.
In the store: Shoes and bags will be placed on shelves and the dust bags and shoe
boxes are kept in the storage. Shoes and bags often have bigger space or themselves in
the store. Some clothes (jackets, dresses etc.) will be putted on hangers and placed in
the shelves, while some other clothes (trousers, shirts etc.) are folded up and placed on
the shelves.
In inventory: Shoes will stay in their corresponding shoe boxes and the boxes will be
superposed on the floor. Bags will be in their dust bags and placed on shelves in the
storage room after their brands. Clothes, like jackets and dresses, will be putted on
hangers and placed in the shelves in different storage rooms. Other types of clothe
(trousers, shirts etc.) are folded up and placed on the shelves. The clothes kept in
‘’inventory in boutique’’ are folded up and placed in drawers.
Every morning the sales staffs will go through sales data from yesterday and replace the sold
products with the same products from the inventory. If some products seem to be not
attractive for consumers, they will be identified as products that need promotion. They could
be moved to a new place in the store where more consumers will pay attention to or presented
in the show windows to face a bigger audience.
Stocktaking is done 4 times within a year in order to get an overview over the amount of each
product in the inventory. The stocktaking used to take very long time, the time required has
been considerably shorter after the adoption of price tags with radio frequency feature. The
staff does not to take it one product by one product. He/she just need to hold a scanning
machine near the products both in the store and in the inventory, then the scanning machine
will register the amount and type of the products. The result will not be accurate if we take
the total amount of products purchased minus the total amount of products sold (in the case of
theft). Merchandise that remained from the previous selling season will be marked down.
Figure 21:: Material flow of BOGART.COSMO
Mr Klein, head of Inventory and Logistics, contacts the suppliers if there is a quality problem
or quantity problem by sending them emails or calling them, depending on the attribute of the
problem. Quality problem is for instance when there is a complaint regarding defects from
customers and is caused by the manufacturing which the particular supplier is responsible for.
A quantity problem happens when the actual received products does not match with the
packing slip or the ordered products on the contracts or the ordered products arrived way too
late at BOGART.COSMO. In the latter case, BOGART.COSMO could choose to return the
products or get a discount on the order by negotiation with the supplier. When the suppliers
deliver wrong designs, BOGART.COSMO will keep the products if they found the product
could be attracting or will return the products otherwise.
When a product is really popular and sold out, BOGART.COSMO will most likely to reorder
the same product if the supplier still has the product remained in inventory. Some suppliers,
for instance Polo Ralph Lauren, has a B2B website where Mr. Klein could log in, check the
availability and order if the product is available. For other suppliers, Mr. Klein will call them
to check the availability. If the product is out of stock on the supplier’s side as well,
BOGART.COSMO will choose to order nothing than ordering some similar products.
Because there will be a risk that the similar product is no going to be as popular as the
original product.
The data of the received products will be putted inn the data system. If everything standing on
the invoice is good, Mr Klein will confirm them. The confirmed invoices will be collected in
a binder and the binder will be sent to or picked up by the accountant once a week. The
accountant is from the accounting company that BOGART.COSMO outsource its accounting
to. Then the suppliers will get the pay. The suppliers require the payment has to be done
within 30 – 60 days after receiving.
The works within the BOGART.COSMO is coordinated by regular meetings, emails, phone
calls and direct speaking to the employee if they meet in the house. Members of the
management team is having one meeting every week and staff meeting is held every 6th week.
The whole company is rarely at work at the same time, staff meeting provides the opportunity
for improving cohesion in the company and discussion of important issues. If there is a
message to the whole company or some particular staffs, the message are likely to be
delivered in the form of email. Phone call is a very convenient option as well, especially when
someone want to pass a message quickly to someone else.
‘’Employee conversation’’ is carried twice a year with every single employee. This is the way
for the general manager to talk about issues that is not suitable to discuss in the regular
meetings with every single employee. The goal is to improve employee satisfaction. Outside
the ‘’Employee conversation’’, every employee could contact Fredrik Tjernsbekk (head of
Human Resource) if there is any issue they want to discuss.
To sum up, the basic information and the most important business activities of
BOGART.COSMO have been described in this chapter. The subchapter 5.7 illustrates how
the current supply chain of BOGART.COSMO looks like and how BOGART.COSMO
manages their current supply chain. The data from this chapter will be analyzed in the light of
the theoretical framework in the next chapter.
In the case of fashion retailers, they are receiving finished products from their suppliers and
therefore no more manufacturing is needed. However they still need to prepare the products
before they can place them in the store or in the inventory. In particular the sales staff need to
check if the received products are the products that they have ordered, check both quality and
quantity (where emphasis is on quantity), put on price tags and put the products (if the
products are clothes) on hangers.
I used value stream mapping tools provided by Rother and Shook (2003) in order to map the
value stream of a typical product category for BOGART.COSMO. The first step in value
stream mapping is to identify a product family, according to Rother and Shook (2003).
Because in a production setting, the production activities along the value stream varies a lot
from product family to product family. The situation is totally different for fashion retailers.
According to the head of Inventory and Logistics, they are handling all the received products
in the same way. Therefore there is no need to identify a specific product family to draw the
value stream. Because the value stream will look very similar anyway. Another deviation that
has been made in the value mapping process is that some quantitative measures (such as lead
time, takt time, demand and cycle time etc.) are not included in this case. The reason is that
BOGART.COSMO cannot control which packages will arrive at the store at what time.
Additionally what every package contains is not 100% sure either, sometimes all the ordered
products from one supplier arrive in a package and sometimes an order could arrive in several
smaller packages. Thus those quantitative measures vary very much from package to package
and made them impossible to be calculated and included in the Current State Map (CSM).
The quantitative measures, such as cycle time and up time, have then been eliminated in this
In order to draw the CSM, I need the information about how (quantities, frequency, shipping
methods, lead time etc.) the products are picked and delivered to BOGART.COSMO, how the
inbound logistic and inventory in the BOGART.COSMO store work and how
BOGART.COSMO deal with excess stock or stock out, how the products are delivered to the
end consumers. As Rother and Shook (2003) suggested I took with med pencil and paper in
order to draw by hand, so that I can draw a brief value stream map without delay. I was
guided around by the head of Inventory and Logistics around the offices, stores and
inventories. I wrote down the detailed information while we walked around. The value stream
mapping started at the last joint, customer joint, and moved upstream to receiving of products.
This way of drawing ensure that we care taking our standpoint from the customers’
perspective, because the retailers should identify and maximize the value for consumers.
Understanding the whole flow is vital for mapping accurately and one person should draw the
whole map (Rother and Shook, 2013). Thus I took the whole responsibility for mapping the
value stream. After the direct observation round, I get very detailed explanation from the head
of Inventory and Logistics on some activities in the value stream that appears confusing for
I used software SmartDraw which provides the right icons for value stream mapping to draw
the value stream. A Current State Map (CSM) is drawn as the basis for lean improvements.
Figure 22 show how the CSM look like for BOGART.COSMO:
This CSM somehow reflects the material and information flow which has been described in
subchapter 5.7. The CSM and the detailed description of how BOGART.COSMO is
managing its supply chain (in subchapter 5.7) form the current supply chain management
‘’AS-IS’’ for identifying areas for Kaizen (where lean opportunities are). The coming
subchapter will present some interesting AS-IS situations, discuss how the areas for Kaizen
are identified in the light of theoretical framework and which lean management methods
should be applied in order to achieve lean management of fashion supply chain.
The assessment used Likert scale to measure different areas of the management in an
organization should be targeted for lean transformation, for instance visual systems and
workplace organization, mistake proofing, supply chain management etc. This assessment has
been designed and is most suitable for assess the supply chain of manufacturers. Some
elements of the assessment are not relevant for fashion retailers at all. However most elements
of the assessment has been evaluated to fit supply chain of fashion retailers as well. One
example is visual system which might help every kind of organization to become more
efficient. You can find the selected part of the assessment in the appendix.
company’’ and ‘’Visual management’’, received higher scores, but still have room for
Based on description of focused customers of the case company, how the case company
predicts demand and the result of ‘’lean assessment opportunity’’, a lack of standardized
procedure to identify customer values has been detected. The only data used for predicting the
market demand in the future is the sales data. Another important source for predicting is the
experiences of members in the purchasing team. Sales data could be a reliable source for
predicting market demand. However no concrete approach has been designed within
BOGART.COSMO in order to interpret the sales data. This decreases the reliability of the
predicting results. Lean opportunity assessment reveals that there is not developed a standard
procedure for collecting customer satisfaction information and data. Lean opportunity
assessment also showed that BOGART.COSMO has very little collaborative planning
activities with customers in forecasting and replenishment.
Characteristics of fashion industry and luxury fashion consumption tells us the purchasing
decision making of fashion products are high impulse and different consumers emphasizes on
different values of fashion products. The different values are for instance, social value,
perceived conspicuous value, quality value etc. These factors should be considered when
identify values for targeted customers. Brand is one of the central concept in fashion industry
and BOGART.COSMO is retailing over 60 different brands. What do the customers think
about those brands? Do they consider those brands in the same way as the members in the
purchasing team? Brand equity could provide a basis for evaluating which aspects of brands
the local fashion consumers emphasize.
An activity which has been identified as a non-value adding activity is not contributing to the
value in the perspective of the end costumers, not in the perspective of the fashion retailers.
The value even varies from customer to customer. Value adding activities for some customers
are wastes for some other customers (Melton, 2005). Following lean principles, companies
should take care of customer inputs and feedbacks. Because there is no meaning to increase
productivity when the customers need only half of the amount that the companies provide. In
the case of fashion retailer, there is no meaning to serve all the shoppers when the service
quality drops for everyone you try to help. By clear identifying of customer values, it will
provide the fashion retailers guidelines when considering new market opportunities.
Lean will not push products to market, but rather let the real market demand drive the
production. An ideal situation within lean is to only produce what customer needs, otherwise
the products will be a waste for the company. For instance the marked down merchandise
increase the inventory cost and generate very little profit (sometimes no profit). Lean supply
chain is pulled from customers. In the case of fashion retailing, this could be hard to execute
in practice, due to one of the main characteristics of fashion industry, high impulse
purchasing. Most customers want the products at once and the purchasing decision is made
when they see the features of the real product. However, many luxury brands accept orders
from consumers, in this case the piece will be extremely expansive. In the case of
BOGART.COSMO, this approach cannot work as an overall strategy for every product, but
might work for few items which have very high unit prices, for instance a bag from Mulberry
which in average costs over ten thousand Norwegian kroner. Base on some of the values that
affect luxury fashion consumption, the consumers might tolerate to not receive the goods with
once. Luxury brands, like what Louis Vuitton and Burberry, are currently offering
customized products by putting hot stamp (designed by the customers) on the products. This
strategy could differentiate the same products that many purchases and owns, thus strengthen
the unique value of the products.
Sales data provides what customers have bought from the store, but how about the reasons for
why some consumers decided to not buy some particular products? Are there some particular
causes that occur often? By identifying these root causes and solving them,
BOGART.COSMO will decrease amount of marked down merchandise. This kind of data
could contribute to identify values for customers as well. This kind of data could be hard to
collect. But somehow when the causes are obvious or the consumers tells why they choose to
not purchase, sales staff could input the reasons/feedbacks in data system. This type of data
could be collected and form another base for further analysis, additionally to sales data.
BOGART.COSMO is doing business with local customers and their consumption behaviors
are affected by the local trends, climate etc. The retailers should ‘’ask’’ directly what the
customer values. Conducting surveys is a good method here and should be carry out to
directly get feedbacks from customers. The survey could contain questions to collect data for,
for example, which style the customers like the most, which features in some specific
products do the customer emphasize the most etc. The surveys provides a reliable source for
predicting the trends and demand of different products. This kind of data could be used to
create suitable management strategy, and development of new products and services (Lukic,
The detailed data worth nothing, if they cannot be interpreted in an accurate way. A
systematic approach for interpreting the data should be designed in order to accurately
identify values for the customers and then predict the future trends and market demand. In
order to develop the best approaches to meet customers demand, experts from different
functions should sit together and have open communication and discussion, rather than the
general manger take the decision alone. Parts of the products that BOGART.COSMO
provides are basic products and demands are quite stable. Other products are more seasonal
products which have short life cycles and strong fashion characteristics. Both quantitative and
qualitative methods should be integrated in the approach. Quantitative methods makes the
conclusion more reliable, while qualitative method deal with fashion trends that changes
When it comes to the relationship between BOGART.COSMO and their customers, social
media have been actively used. Customers in the customer club will receive newsletters and
invitations for exclusive events regularly. The sales staff are also trained to treat the
consumers with attention and respect. I would like to have some theory of how retailers
develop and maintain relationship with consumer from chapter 3, in order to find more
strategies for building deep relationship with consumers. But unfortunately this kind of theory
has not been reviewed. Therefore strategies for how BOGART.COSMO could better build
and maintain the deep customer relationship have not been suggested. This issue will further
discussed in chapter 7.
The five areas for Kaizen are presented and discussed below. I present the five areas for
Kaizen in an order there area with a broader domain will be presented later. The first two
areas for Kaizen will affect the working environment and how the retailing operation is
conducted. Lean procurement will mainly affect the purchasing function and how
BOGART.COSMO manages their supplier relationship. The last two areas for Kaizen,
standardization and Kaizen culture, will affect every joint in the supply chain of
The store of BOGART.COSMO is clean, well-organized and attracting compared with many
other stores. Most of the retailed merchandise in the store are high-end products, thus I take
the standards of luxury fashion stores to evaluate the overall service quality in the store.
Based on the direct observations and interviews some quality issues have been detected: (1)
Some products on the shelves have been unorganized and remained the same for 2 hours (or
even longer, since the observation only lasted for 2 hours). (2) Price tags, small paper pieces
and a hanger has been observed in two fitting rooms at the first floor and this issue is not
detected by sales staff and fixed within the whole observation period (2 hours). (3)
BOGART.COSMO eliminated a reward system which has failed without addressing the root
cause of this issue. When these quality issues happen, they will strongly affect consumers’
perception of BOGART.COSMO as a high-end fashion retailer (brand equity of
BOGART.COSMO as a brand itself for local fashion consumers). As the customers’
expectations are not fulfilled when they see unorganized merchandise on the shelf and a not
so satisfying environment in the fitting room, their overall shopping experience and loyalty
will be affected.
After evaluating all the practical lean management methods, Jidoka (quality at source) is
identified to be a suitable lean method to deal with this kind of quality issue. Jidoka indicates
that quality should be assured at the source. When a quality problem occurs, the root cause of
the quality problem should be addressed immediately and do not wait days before the group
come together and discuss the causes of the quality problem. Quality at source within lean
production has been originally described for situations where machine make a mistake. Here
we use the principle of the concept and move beyond to apply this management method to
any quality problem that occurs within the business. For instance, just like we discussed, the
problem of that a reward system which usually works in other companies does not work in
our company.
If quality at source has been a management method and these mentioned quality issues will
probably never happen again. After the first occurrence, the root causes would be found and a
solution will be decided. Unlike in production facilities, the behavior of consumers in the
store cannot be controlled. Consumers will check the merchandise and merchandise will be
unorganized. The problem is that the merchandise should not stay unorganized for 2 hours’
time, as this picture will strongly affect other consumers’ perception of the store. The next
time these issues happen, the solutions will be followed, then the issues will be quickly fixed
and will not last for more than 2 hours’ time. Lean management will find the origin of each
mistake and never allow same problem to happen again, otherwise this will be an enormous
waste for the business.
The general manager of the store will not be at the store all the time to check quality. In order
to achieve quality at source, the manager should push the responsibility down to every
employee. As I observed those quality problems, two sales staffs on the same floor are not
dealing with any customers. They (at least one of them) have namely the time to solve the
problem. The shelves where the quality problem occurred is not easy to observe, one solution
could be that the sales staffs should identify these ‘’difficult’’ areas and walk around the same
floor every 30 minutes (for example) in order to discover unorganized merchandise or other
types of problem. When these employees have responsibility, they will be more proactive to
discover and solve defects. Mangers should encourage and empower them to address any non-
value adding activities that they see and that nobody else has noticed. They are the ones who
knows how to do the works best. They will probably come with better solutions and ideas.
Employees will feel more empowered and responsible. Their capabilities will be utilized in
higher degree by giving them authority and responsibility.
The interviews revealed that BOGART.COSMO once tried to have a reward system, called
‘’Seller of the month’’. However this attempt failed (this system unfortunately did not
encourage the sales staff to become more proactive) and therefore has been eliminated,
according to the general manager. People will easily return to old working habits when no
specific rewards will be received by change the work behaviors (Mento et al., 2002). Reward
system should encourage employees to pursue better work results. Reward system has been
identified to play an important role for companies to achieve their business goals (Cherrington
et al., 1971, Stonich, 1984). Why does reward system which works well for other companies
does not work for BOGART.COSMO? Is it because of the way BOGART.COSMO designed
the reward system? Or is it because of the employees? This was a problem in the organization
if no one was encouraged to be the best seller. What is the root causes for that no one want to
the best seller of the month? Instead of finding the root causes, BOGART.COSMO choose to
eliminate the reward system. ‘’Quality at source’’ indicates that this problem should be
discussed and the root-cause should be identified in order to solve the problem. By adapting
the concept of quality at source, identifying the root cause of why sales staff in
BOGART.COSMO are not encouraged by the reward system, this situation could likely be
fixed rather than the reward system has been eliminated.
Both the direct observations and lean opportunity assessment reveals the lack of visual
management at workplace of BOGART.COSMO. The only one equipment which has been
observed to contribute to visual management at the common workplace is a small bulletin
board. Very limited information, mainly just the scheduling table for work shift, could be
found on the bulletin board. There is also a very outdated notice from Christmas season on the
bulletin board. During one interview, head of Inventory and Logistics came to the general
manager to confirm if he was told to do some particular works (which he has been told to).
This an example of lost information and this is confirmed in the last interview that lost
information happens. In another interview, head of Inventory and Logistics pointed out it will
make his everyday routine more smooth and comfortable by having bigger workspace for
him. He was sharing a same office with the head of human resource, thus there are two desks
at that office room. At the same time, the head of human resource is not working at the office
very often (he usually works at the store) and there are just a pile of diverse unorganized
documents. This office room could be utilized in a more efficient way.
Visual management and workplace organization have not been especially mentioned in the
theory of fashion retailing. One reason might be that workplace organization in different
industries share the common characteristics. Lean management methods, 5S method and
visual management, has been identified to analyze these issues.
The interviews indicate that there could be troubles in the information flow within the
company and might affect the management of supply chain when information flows too
slowly, to wrong employees or is misunderstood. A good flow of information is essential for
organizational learning as well (Shtub and Karni, 2010). Information flow through emails is
used currently to make sure information will be delivered to the right employees and totally
understood by them. Visual management is proved to enhance information sharing and
contribute to achieve ’’zero lost information’’ and could therefore be a complementary
method. By adapting visual management we could ensure that the most important information
will be delivered to the right employees. One example of how visual management could
contribute to better information flow is using a white board to inform the employees: what has
been done, what are we doing and what are we going to do. When an employee leaves from
work with some undone tasks, she/he could write it down on the white board to inform the
employees in the next shift. The white board also helps every employee to get an overview of
the activities going on in the house. The values of the company (which also should be
developed) should also appear visually somewhere in the house, to remind the sales staffs
how they should treat every single consumer. Readers might think that the employees could
talk to each other ‘’face to face’’ to communicate the working tasks and the sales staff could
remember the company values, why are we making it more complex? That is because we are
humans and we forget things easily when we have several tasks going on. Thus the
whiteboard will always remind us what we should do next.
Visual management could also help white board to prevent quality problems which were
discussed in the previous subchapter. These shelves which are difficult to observe could be
drawn on paper and each floor could have their own version. Sales staffs could look at the
paper in order to find out which shelves they should observe more carefully.
Most common wastes in retail business today are product defects, unnecessary motions,
redundant employees, waste of time and excess inventory (Lukic, 2012). The common area
for employees (kitchen, meeting room and office) are located on the second floor. When sales
staff on the basement floor want have a cup of coffee during working hours, there has not
been designed any proper facility to place their coffee cups. This situation has been observed
on the first observation tour guided by head of Inventory and Logistics. Employees on the
basement floor have to place their coffee cups and personal accessories one some random
furniture in the small storage room next to the checkout counter. This might lead to quality
issues, for instance when the coffee is spilled at some products in the same cramped storage
room. This is observed in during one single observation, other similar situations might exist at
other places in the company. Lean method, 5S, should be used to organize the entire
workplace to reduce the chance for quality problems appear. I assume that one important
reason for that this situation has not been changed for long time is that: it is totally acceptable
for the employees the way it works right now. Thus this situation might also be prevented if
the BOGART.COSMO adapt Kaizen culture which will be discussed later on. The issue of
the narrow workplace for head of Inventory and Logistics will also be solved, if the
workplace is better organized. For instance, take away the table for head of human resource
(he is not using it anyway) and redesign the layout of the office.
BOGART.COSMO do not produce anything, what they buy are what they sell. How the
purchasing is conducted will strongly affect the total cost and product quality.
Because of the lack of standardized procedure to identify customer values, the purchasing
decisions are made based on historical data from last year and the experience of purchasing
team. When it comes to ‘’fashion product’’ (strong fashion characteristics and very short life
cycles), the interviews revealed that purchasing decisions are mainly based on personal
experiences or fashion tastes. Even though the purchasing team has long experience in the
industry, this kind of decision making are of high risk without input from customer joint.
According to the theory of lean procurement, lowest piece price cost is not necessarily the
lowest cost for the value stream as a whole. The buyers should consider the whole value
stream of one product family when they calculate the costs of purchasing. Total cost of
purchasing composes of ongoing cost, risk cost and change cost (detailed explanation in
subchapter 3.7). They should take account perspective of other departments, drawbacks or
benefits. In the case of BOGART.COSMO, the leader of purchasing team is also the general
manager of BOGART.COSMO. Thus she will likely automatically calculate the cost of
purchasing from different perspectives. She somehow has the role of ‘’value stream
manager’’, even though this is not her title.
In the perspective of lean procurement, values should be defined by the ultimate customers.
However, because of the lack of standardized procedure to identify customer value, the
purchasing team could not make sufficient decision. Thus a standardized purchasing
procedure has been recommended earlier. A standardized procedure for identifying customer
values could form provide a clear picture of what customers want, which will again help the
purchasing team with decision making process. Purchasing team should be conscious of lean
procurement methods and develop a standardized procedure for making purchasing decision.
Personal experience in fashion is important, since fashion is not mathematic. Theory of luxury
fashion consumption also tells us that ‘’emotional value’’ is also one important value in the
consumption behavior of fashion products. But purchasing decisions which are 100% based
on personal fashion tastes should be avoided. Customer values should be considered in high
Lean management methods favors long-term strategic partnership, as this kind of relationship
is mutually beneficial and would like to reduce the total cost for both parties. However,
original lean companies like TOYOTA and Honda are gigantic companies and are probably a
big customer for their small suppliers. But BOGART.COSMO, and many other SMEs, is a
small customer for their big suppliers. Is strategic partnership possible to achieve at all in this
kind of relationship? Short lead time, smaller sizes and JIT delivery are some characteristics
of lean supply chain. These should be agreed between both parties under in the procurement
process. This seems hard to achieve without a deep relationship with suppliers. We will come
back to this in subchapter 6.3.3, when we discuss management of supplier relationship.
Unfortunately this type of theory, power distribution in inter-organizational relationship, is
absent in our theoretical foundation. This absence makes lean procurement a difficult area to
The absence of some particular theory makes it difficult to analyze if JIT time delivery, short
lead-time and smaller batch sizes are feasible to achieve. But a standardized procedure for
purchasing decision making should absolutely be developed, where customer values should
be the focus, together with historical sales data and personal experience. Standardization
One very common characteristic for SMEs is that they seem to invest little time on planning
the business, arranging the innovative ideas and optimizing the business functions. They tend
to have the belief that they need no reform and could achieve the goals by themselves
(Pappis , 1996). The way different works are executed have been formed over the time, when
each function developed its own ways to deal with their working tasks. This tradition
approach could lead to slow reaction to adapt the changes in the market or technologies(Shtub
and Karni, 2010).
Interviews, direct observations and lean opportunity assessment indicates the level of
standardized work within the case company is low. However this is in common with other
SMEs, as been mentioned earlier. One concrete example is how the merchandise are placed at
the basement floor (merchandise at the other two floors are more systematic organized). Bags
are all place together at two shelves and the shoes as well. But clothes (which take most
places) are placed in a way which is difficult to see a system. According to the sales staff,
they place the merchandise where they think the particular merchandise fit inn best, so that
the merchandise and the other merchandise on the same shelf/place will form a type of
harmony. However, the thing is that there are many sales staff who work at the basement floor
(they have different shifts) and different people have likely different definition of harmony.
Thus when new sales staff come to work at the next shift, she might move the merchandise to
a new place where she think the merchandise belongs to. This increases unnecessary motions
which has been defined as one type of waste.
Following the theory of standardized work, standardized work could reduce variability,
occurrence of injuries and strain and makes training of new operators easier. These decided
standardized work also forms a base for further improvement. When everyone is doing the
same job differently, where should the standpoint be for improvement? Lean principles tells
us the importance of team work, the employees who are doing the tasks everyday know how
to do it best. We should combine the best practices and prepare standardized procedures.
Take the example we had in the beginning of A clear method/procedure for how
merchandise should be developed. The waste/non-value adding activity, unnecessary motions,
could then be prevented by a standardized procedure. The sales staff could then use the time
which she spent on unnecessary motions to some value adding activities.
However, on the contrary, Noda (2015) argued that standardized work does not fit to service
industry. Because service industry is characterized by simultaneous production and
consumption of services. The need of every customer varies and thus decentralized decision
making is often required (Noda, 2015).Standardized procedures might not work well for some
working tasks, for instance how the sales staff treat consumers in the store, because these
working tasks are depending on the specific context.
With standardization, I do not mean BOGART.COSMO should standardize all their works.
Works should be categorized in two groups, ‘’should be standardized’’ and ‘’should not be
standardized’’. The work of dealing with cosumers should definitely not be standardized, the
the sales staffs will act as robots. However, as we already discussed in the subchapter of
‘’identifying customer values’’ and ‘’lean procuement’’, those kind of work which requires
advanced approach and will be repeated many times should be standardized to reduce the risk
of making wrong assumptions and making wrong purchasing decisions.
BOGART.COSMO should incorporate ‘’standardized work’’ for works which are suitable for
standardization. However team work should be carried out in order to decide which works
should be standardized and which should not. Because of the limited research resource and
time, a concrete way to distinguish different types of works has not been identified.
Lean opportunity assessment and direct observations provided some information for how
Kaizen (continuous improvement) is integrated in BOGART.COSMO. According to the result
of lean opportunity assessment, BOGART.COSMO is on lean progress in the area of Kaizen
and there is room for improvement. The quality problems which has been discovered during
direct observation, as been described in subchapter , indicate that Kaizen
should be incorporated in higher degree.
One concrete example is the empty shelves at the second floor and the basement floor. They
gave me (personal) the feeling of recession, that the store is not running well and that the store
do not provide big enough selection (this is actually one of the strategies of
BOGART.COSMO). This is however just my personal feeling of these empty shelves, this
need to be confirmed by asking other consumers. That is also why conducting customer
surveys is important, because we do not know what other customers think about this situation
that the top of many shelves at basement floor and 2.floor are empty. According to the sales
staff there is a reason, which is that the top of those shelves are too high for having nay
products. Here is the problem, we do not know what consumers think about this situation.
This situation could be better fixed if Kaizen culture is deeply integrated in the company
Kaizen is not simply a method, but more like a philosophy that should be integrated in the
company culture. In mass production philosophy it is enough to be ‘’good enough’’, but
‘’good enough’’ status indicates there are still lots of wastes in the business in the perspective
of lean. Pursuit of perfection is the goal of lean, while perfection might not been achieved, the
process of pursuit is worth it. The process will help the business to better utilize the assets and
eliminate wastes.
BOGART.COSMO should clarify core values for the company, strategy, business goals etc.
There is for differentiating BOGART.COSMO from other competitors in the market. What
are the competitive strengths, when we are just like the rest? Leaders should, rather than
giving only commands (traditional approach), lead the company with vison and encourage
initiative from lowest level. Workers know more about the real deal with shoppers. Kaizen
should be initiated by employees (Brun et al., 2015).
BOGART.COSMO should constantly evaluate their purposes, modify and refine their
mechanism to achieve their goals. Kaizen meeting is a good way to achieve this. Kaizen
meetings should involve every employee and let them share their best practice with each
other. Employees are empowered to identify and implement improvements. Kaizen meeting
functions not only as one lean management method, but works also as a good ‘’team
building’’ activity.
A system for employees to come with innovative ideas for continuous improvement should
also be developed. According to general manager of BOGART.COSMO, employees could
come to head of Human Resource if there is some issues they want to talk about. However I
do not think this could be viewed as a ‘’system’’. Because the employees don not know the
consequences of giving constructive feedbacks. Sometimes good advices are negative ones
and make it uncomfortable to listen to. Humans do not want to listen these kind of feedbacks
or suggestions. Additionally employees do not have big power in the company, therefore
employees could be afraid of giving such feedbacks or suggestions. The company would then
lose some good advices which will improve the business activities. A system should solve this
problem and make it easier for any employee to provide feedbacks or suggestions.
By gathering all the ideas from every employee, this mentioned problem in the beginning of
this subchapter, empty shelves, would probably be solved in an efficient way. The explanation
that the sales staff provides was that the top of the shelves are too high for customers to grab
the merchandise and take a closer look or try it on, therefore it will create inconvenience if
they place any merchandise on the top part of the shelves. However in the latter situation the
consumer will ask the sales staff for help, so this situation provides an opportunity for the
sales staff to help the consumers in the store and might work as a conversation initiator
between the sales staff and the consumer. There are arguments for placing merchandise at the
top and not placing any merchandise at the top. How the final decision should be should
depend on what the customers think about this topic and evaluation of the management team.
And, the evaluation should be based on the identified customer value, not the intuitions of the
management team. Both ‘’identifying of customer values’’ and ‘’Integration of Kaizen
culture’’ should be there in order to solve this problem.
Kaizen culture should be strengthened as one important part of company culture. Everyone in
the company should be involved, empowered and encouraged to come with better solutions.
Activities (for instance Kaizen meeting) and systems for making suggestion an easier process
for employees should be designed and executed. Then we could expect that business activities
will move to the next level by wisdom and enthusiasm of every employee.
Information of how BOGART.COSMO manage its supplier relationships has been mainly
described in subchapter 5.7. Based on the interpreting of the interviews, some main
characteristics of BOGART.COSMOs supply chain management have been identified: (1)
BOGART.COSMO has no long-term contracts with the suppliers and there is no strategic
alliance between BOGART.COSMO and its suppliers. (2) BOGART.COSMO is usually not
involved in the development of new design and new products. (3) A pause in the cooperation
with the suppliers is usually acceptable for both parties. (4) BOGART.COSMO cannot
control exactly when the ordered products will arrive in the cases of most suppliers.
Strategic partnership with supplier and JIT delivery are the central concepts within lean
supply chain. Achieving long-term strategic partnership and JIT delivery from all suppliers
will increase the responsiveness of BOGART.COSMO and help BOGART.COSMO to better
manage orders and volatility of demand. JIT delivery will also lead to less inventory in the
store. Less inventory makes it easier to address defects and thus improve quality and organize.
Less inventory leads to reduced obsolescence, less time spending on finding the right one to
move to the store and improved flexibility to react to changes (when something become very
popular that we do not have in the store, we will have the capital and space to order them
from supplier quickly). The risk relied in the capital invested in inventory will be reduced.
Less inventory will also create more space for items of other styles. Collaborative
development of products is another possibility. Image if BOGART.COSMO could provide
exclusive products developed and only made for local fashion consumers in Trondheim? This
will significantly differentiate BOGART.COSMO from other competitors in Trondheim.
In the case of BOGART.COSMO, for the very most suppliers, neither strategic partnership
nor JIT delivery are presented in the supply chain. However, according to the general
manager of BOGART.COSMO, HUGO BOSS manages to deliver products JIT and the
relationship between BOGART.COSMO and Uber seems to be beyond ordinary supplier-
buyer relationship (but it is still difficult to call it strategic partnership, since this is not
clarified between the two parties). But as we could perceive, compared with the entire
supplier base, those two examples could almost be considered as exceptions. The question is,
could other suppliers be encouraged and manage to do the same?
The relationship between BOGART.COSMO and its suppliers could been viewed as kind of
‘’retailer-shopper’’ relationship, where the suppliers are retailer and BOGART.COSMO is the
shopper. Because there are only short-term contracts, very little extend of collaborative
development of products and personal relationships. Take the example of HUGO BOSS,
personal relationship existed before HUGO BOSS become a huge and listed company. We
have theory of how a lean enterprise could develop long-term strategic relationship with their
suppliers. But does it work for every kind of supplier relationship? Some of the suppliers for
BOGART.COSMO are gigantic companies, for instance BURBERRY, POLO RALPH
LAUREN and HUGO BOSS, they all have over 10 000 employees. The power distribution
between these companies and BOGART.COSMO might be a reason for this AS-IS situation.
Unfortunately, the theory of power distribution in a relationship has not been reviewed. It
makes the analysis of supplier relationship problematic. Should BOGART.COSMO have the
same strategy to manage the relationship with any kind of company? Or should
BOGART.COSMO categorize suppliers and develop different strategies for different supplier
categories? This could be a huge topic itself.
Even though it is still a question for BOGART.COSMO if it is possible to develop long-term
strategic partnership with suppliers, a standardized system to manage the complex supplier
base is feasible to be developed. BOGART.COSMO has more than 60 suppliers, it will be
very useful to have an overview in order to evaluate the performance of them. Historical sales
data and data of received complaints from customers could be important sources for this data
system. Each of the suppliers should have their own place in this data system. This data
system will provide BOGART.COSMO a convenient way to find all relevant data for one
particular supplier. For instance, before purchasing from one supplier, the data of this supplier
could be easily picked up for analysis. The data could also be used to negotiate with the
supplier, for instance for better prices or delivery services etc.
A long-term strategic partnership and JIT delivery have a central place in lean supply chain.
Because of a lack of relevant theory, we do not know about if it is possible for a SME to
develop long-term strategic partnership with gigantic suppliers. But one thing that
BOGART.COSMO could do is to develop a data system to store supplier-specific data for
every single suppliers, in order to have an overview over the complex relationship with their
61 suppliers.
Based on the discussion in the whole subchapter 6.3, we could see that many areas for Kaizen
should be analyzed in the light of multiple lean management methods. Those lean
management methods are therefore not totally independent from each other, in contrary they
could function together to better solve improve operation processes and management of
supply chain.
The current supply chain of BOGART.COSMO is just like a regular fashion supply chain as
described in the literature. Fashion companies are developing new designs on their own
making samples for fashion retailers to come and order. A minimum amount of order is a
common requirement from the fashion companies. Mass production of the designs will start
when all the orders from fashion retailers are gathered. Due to the short life cycle, products
cannot be sold within their selling season will be marked down and put on sale.
By incorporating the recommended lean management methods, a more efficient supply chain
will be probably achieved. A Future State Map ‘’TO-BE’’ is shown in figure 23 below.
Figure 23: The Future State Map of value stream within BOGART.COSMO
Even though pull system along the supply chain is hard to achieve in the case of fashion
retailers, customer values could be more accurately identified by developing a standardized
procedure and market demand could then be more accurately forecasted based on the
identified customer values. The 5 areas for Kaizen which have been identified in subchapter
6.3.2 will help BOGART.COSMO to eliminate non-value adding activities and better utilize
their workforce. Lean supply seems to be difficult to achieve within short time, because of the
current situation of supplier base and a lack of relevant theory. But supplier base could be
managed in a more efficient way by developing a data system for storing supplier-specific
data for every single suppliers.
An ideal management should direct, coordinate and monitor the organization’s activities.
Commitment from both management and employees is required to become truly lean (Brun et
al., 2015). The management should gradually integrate Kaizen culture into the company
culture. Involvement of employees in both decision-making process and problem-solving
process is one fundamental element of lean management (Delbridge et al., 2000). In a more
traditional approach, information flow through all the functions are too slow and workers in
different function have different interests and backgrounds, it is hard for them to generate the
highest value for end customers (Shtub and Karni, 2010). Management should push decision
making down to the lowest levels, train and empower people to become lean. Lean experts are
required to lead the transformation (Brun et al., 2015).
The incorporation of lean management will never be successful without training the
employees to adapt the changes (Jaca et al., 2012). Chang management has been briefly
described in subchapter 3.6.4 in theory foundation. Some concrete steps, for instance creating
a vision and creating short-term milestone to encourage people, have been recommended
there. One last notice to have in mind is that companies should have patience and tolerate
mistakes, as lean is not a quick fix, company should dedicate in order to achieve a vibrant and
sustained lean implementation.
7 Discussion
I am going to modify the theoretical framework based on an evaluation of the overall analysis
process and provide suggestions for future researches in this chapter. The analysis process in
previous chapter followed the theoretical framework. I am going to evaluate how the
theoretical framework worked as an analysis technique in order to transform current fashion
supply chain into lean fashion supply chain.
I. The process of evaluating and combining theory of fashion retailing and theory of lean
management should be like a circle, not an arrow. This is because these two knowledge
areas are so different and each of them contains lots concepts. During the analysis
process, I have to constantly go back and review theory of ‘’fashion retailing’’ in order
to get new inspirations. As figure 24 shows, the process of combining the two
knowledge areas goes in a circle. The circle ends at the point when no new inspiration
could be gained by repeat the circle.
II. ‘’Lean principles’’ functioned as overall strategy/guidelines, while ‘’lean methods’’
are concrete methods which telling companies exactly what to do. They worked
perfectly together. Therefore I putted them together to indicate that they supplement
each other. Lean principles and lean methods are fundamentals for lean
transformation. Together they will inspire researchers and practitioners to find
innovative lean solutions for fashion supply chain. For instance, I combined ‘’visual
management’’ and ‘’quality in source’’ in order to solve some quality problems
occurred in the case company. I put a red star on lean principles and lean methods to
present the importance of them during the entire process of analysis.
III. Change management should be considered separately in the end. Because change
management does stand separately from rest of the theories. It will be confusing to
analyze change management at the same time when we analyze where in fashion
supply chain which lean management methods could be applied. It will be more
logical to decide all the lean changes first, then adapt change management when
fashion retailers execute lean implementation plan which is designed to make the
identified lean changes happen.
IV. The theory of ‘’consumer-retailer relationship’’ and ‘’power distribution in inter-
organizational relationship’’ should be reviewed. When I analyzed the customer joint,
I was wishing I had some knowledge of ‘’consumer-retailer relationship’’ in order to
better analyze the relationship between fashion retailer and their customers. ‘’luxury
fashion consumption’’ was used to find strategies to make fashion retailers more
attractive for consumers. ‘’Consumer-retailer relationship’’ would help us to develop
some more concrete strategies to establish and maintain deeper relationship with our
customers. I did provide suggestion for how fashion retailers could better identify
customer values. I could somehow provide suggestions for fashion retailers to build a
deeper relationship with their customers, if the theory of ‘’consumer-retailer
relationship’’ has been reviewed. The difference of power in the dyadic relationship
between small- and medium-sized fashion retailers and their suppliers is huge. The
lack of theory of ‘’power distribution in inter-organizational relationship’’ made it
difficult to analyze if it was possible for small- and medium-sized fashion retailers to
build long-term strategic partnership with gigantic suppliers.
Figure 24: The modified framework for how lean management methods could be incorporated in the
supply chain of a fashion retailer.
I. Test the framework and analyze the results. This research was designed as an
exploratory research. I intended to ‘’explore’’ the idea of how fashion retailers could
take advantage of lean management methods. It will be interesting to see how these
recommended lean improvements works for fashion retailer. The framework will be
very valuable, if it has been tested to work well in real-life business. If the opposite
happens, the root causes for why this framework failed could also be valuable for
future researches as well. As lean told us, addressing and solving the root causes will
prevent the problem to ever occur again.
II. Further development of this framework. The scope of this research is very broad.
Because of limited research resource and time, researcher could not go deeply into
every single areas in the fashion supply chain. As have been discussed most of the
work tasks in the case company are not standardized, makes my case company
difficult to analyze. More efforts from both parties should be allocated in the data
collection, the collected data was unfortunately not sufficient in order to carry out very
detailed analysis. A more in-depth study could be very helpful to further develop the
framework. The current framework is somehow a little bit abstract. For instance,
researcher pointed out visual management could be a useful lean management method
for fashion retailers, but not very many concrete solutions have been provided. There
was because of the lack of very detailed data. The further developed framework would
like to be more concrete and thus make it easier to be applied for practitioners. Further
development of this framework should also consider those two knowledge areas that
have been suggested in subchapter 7.1, in order to find out if it is possible to achieve a
truly lean supply chain in fashion retailing.
III. Modify and expand this framework by conducting case studies of companies from
other industries. A case study of a fashion retailer has been conducted in order to
modify the theoretical framework. The modified framework is very much based on the
analysis process of a fashion supply chain. This framework was meant to inspire
researchers and business practitioners to incorporate management methods which
seems irrelevant for their own industries. This might contribute to huge competitive
strength, since you are likely the only one company in your industry who is doing this.
Thus it will be useful to look at if similar framework could be found in the cases of
other industries.
8 Conclusion
The research question in this thesis was defined as ‘’How could lean management methods be
incorporated in the supply chain management of a small and medium-sized fashion retailer in
order to reduce total cost as well as to improve the service quality?’’. 5 sub-questions have
been developed to make the research process more smooth and help the researcher to answer
the research question more properly. Sub-question 1 and 2 have been answered by chapter 3,
theoretical foundation, where different types of knowledge regarding fashion retailing and
lean management methods in supply chain management have been reviewed and presented.
The theories of lean management explained how lean management could help companies to
reduce total cost and improve the overall quality and how lean supply chain works. The
theories of fashion retailing told us the fundamental characteristics of fashion industry and
touched some important values for fashion consumers. Sub-question 3 has been answered by
chapter 5, where the researcher presented in detail how a small and medium-sized fashion
retailer is conducting their business and managing their current supply chain today.
Sub-question 4 has somehow not been properly answered in this thesis. An analysis of the
current fashion supply chain has been done and some lean management methods have been
suggested in order to achieve a more efficient supply chain for fashion retailers in chapter 6.
However the results in chapter 6 showed that more knowledge areas need to be reviewed in
order to find out if it is possible to achieve lean fashion supply chain or not. Even though it
requires more researches to be done to answer this sub-question, the result that presented in
chapter 6 will probably make the current supply chain management of fashion retailers more
efficient. The question was just if this ‘’TO-BE’’ fashion supply chain could be defined as
lean fashion supply chain or not.
Sub-question 5 has been answered in chapter 7, where a framework has been developed. Even
though this framework could be further developed, as discussed in subchapter 7.2, this
framework has its value. I have mainly two purposes of this research: (1) Provide some
practical strategies for fashion retailers. That the results could help practitioners in the
retailing sector to successfully adapt suitable lean management methods in fashion industry
with its specific characteristics. (2) Explore this interesting topic to integrate lean
management in fashion retailing. That the results could also function as one example of how
companies in other sectors in the fashion industry as well as companies from other industries
may incorporate lean management in their supply chain fitted to their own characteristics and
their industries’ characteristics. The results that researcher has achieved is the results of the
analysis (chapter 6) and the modified framework (chapter 7). The results of the analysis could
be directly applied in business activities for practitioners (fashion retailers). If some
practitioners have time and effort, they could also use the modified framework in order to find
most suitable methods for themselves by themselves. With more suitable methods, I mean
lean management methods that fit their own characteristic (company culture, type of products
and services, etc.) and the broader business environment that they are parts of. Therefore both
results could be useful for practitioners. For researchers, the latter result, modified framework,
would be more interesting. This framework which combined two separated knowledge areas
could be an example of how similar researches could be conducted in the future.
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Interview 01
1- Oppstart og historie
2- Antall ansatte
3- Visjon
4- Verdier
5- Strategi
6- Competitive advantages
7- Produkter og service
8- Hvilken mote stil
9- Fremtidens planer
Om drift:
Om lokal marked:
1- Hoved Konkurrenter?
2- Hvem er fokuserte kunde grupper for BOGART.COSMO?
Om leverandører:
Observation 01:
Fokus på:
(Inbound logistics, inventory management, and activities in the office. Working environment
in office and all storage rooms.)
Interview--Activities at office:
Observation 03:
Fokus på:
Interview 03:
(Purchasing process, supply chain management, material flow and information flow within
and outside (with suppliers and customers) the company.)
1. På det første intervjuet mente du at noe leverandører får til ‘’Just-In-Time delivery’’
(leverer varer akkurat når BOGART.COSMO vil ha dem). Kan du nevne en eller to slike
2. Finnes det noen standard prosedyres for hvordan forskjellige jobbene skal gjøres i BC?
F.eks hvordan skal en selger ta imot kunder? Hvor skal man sjekke for å holde varer i
orden ved å definere noe enkelte plass i butikken som er vanskelige å overvåke enn
andre steder.
3. Har du opplevd at noe informasjon bli ikke riktig forstått eller formidlet fram til riktig
ansatte? Hvis ja, hvor ofte skjer det.
4. Har bedriften deres en formel ‘’Reward system’’? F.eks forskellige titler på forskjellige
selgere for å promotere/belønne selgere med ‘’best performance’’.
5. Hvis bestillinger fra en spesifikk leverandør som ikke blir levert i det hele tatt eller en
spesifikk leverandør leverer har problem med å levere i tide, hvordan vil det påvirke
forholdet mellom BOGART.COSMO og den leverandøren?
6. Føler du at det er noe leverandører som virker dominerende under innkjøps prosess?
Spesielt de store som HUGO BOSS og BURBEERY.
7. Hva tenker du om å utvikle ‘’strategic partnership’’ med noe av leverandører? F.eks
UBER? For å få til, f.eks, bedre produkt utviklings prosess (at f.eks UBER kan få innspill fra
BOGART.COSMO før de utvikler sine produkter)
8. Påvirker geografisk lokasjoner av leverandører deres forhold?
9. Har dere en tydelig budsjett for innkjøp for hver sesong?
10. Som jeg husker, ta ikke Marc Jacobs imot reklamasjon utenom garantitid, Men tar Marc
Jacobs imot reklamasjon innen garantitid? Gjelder garanti 1 år for MJ? Internasjonal
lover: Ett års garantitidtid
Lean opportunity assessment :
Nede finner du en undersøkelse hvor du kan lese påstand og gi hver påstand et score, der 1
indikerer at du synes påstanden stemmer i veldig liten grad og 5 betyr at påstand stemmer
100% for bedriften din. Du kan svare ved å klikke bak bindestrek i den boksen.
Denne ‘’lean opportunity assessment’’ er utarbeidet for bedrifter som produsere varer,
derfor passer noe spørsmål ikke for deres bransje. Men f.eks du kan tenker at ‘’operator’’
(som bli nevnt flere ganger nede) er selgere deres og relatere påstanden til forretningen
deres. Hvis det passer likevel dårlig, kan la være å score på den spesifikke påstanden.
I en påstand, finnes det fremmed ord, Kaizen. Kaizen er en japansk konsept som betyr
‘’kontinuerlig forbedring’’.
‘’Mistake proofing’’ som en metode ofte brukt i lean selskap kan også virke litt forvirrende,
det betyr lett og slett at: hvis det er en ‘’mistake’’ som oppstår i forretnig, skal alle involverte
ansatte jobber sammen for å finne ultimat årsaker for å hindrer at slike mistake skjer igjen.
Og hver ansatte har tydelig ansvar, slik at du kan lett spore tilbake og finne ut hvem hadde
hoved ansvar for at en spesifikk situasjon oppstår.