The Legacy of Baelard

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The Library of Highforest was overrun by creatures called the spawn of Kyuss after a scholar named Ulferth fell under the influence of a demon. The library's sole defender, Baelard, recorded clues about defeating the horrors before sacrificing himself.

A scholar named Ulferth fell under the influence of a demon and unwittingly summoned horrors called the spawn of Kyuss from below, which overran the library.

Baelard was a former warrior who became the library's Defender, responsible for its security. He fought to defend the library for as long as he could and left behind clues about defeating the horrors within.

Generations ago (or centuries, depending on the set-

ting), the Library of Highforest was a small center for

learning operated by priests and sages of Ioun. Being
invited to study or teach at this remote, isolated insti-
tute was the honor of a lifetime, and being interred in
the catacombs beneath the library was the reward for
a life devoted to knowledge.
Tragically, a scholar named Ulferth fell under the
inf luence of a demon that served Kyuss. In his mad-
ness, Ulferth drew a horde of nightmare creatures
up from the depths. Spawn of Kyuss overran the
library, and no one escaped to tell the world what
happened there.
One of the scholars—Baelard the Defender—sur-
vived much longer than the others. Baelard was

The Legacy
a human who had spent the first half of his life as
a warrior before giving up the mercenary’s life to
become the library’s Defender—the man responsible
for its security. He recorded what he knew about the

of Baelard
horrors trapped in the library’s lowest catacomb and
left clues concerning how they might be defeated.
Those clues will be invaluable to the characters.
“The Legacy of Baelard” is an adventure for char-
acters of levels 10–12. Because the action is almost
entirely underground, it can be used in any cam- By Joshua Kerbau
paign, including the Chaos Scar. Illustrations by Brent Woodside  F  Cartography by Jason A. Engle

TM & © 2011 Wizards of the Coast LLC All rights reserved. M a rc h 2 011 | D u n g e o n 18 8
The Legacy of Baelard

Layout can find useful clues in the Hall of Records and in trustworthy. Followers of Kyuss also have an interest
Ulferth’s secret chambers, if they discover that area. in relocating the library.
The library encompassed four distinct areas.
Aside from the vrocks, the library level is free of Visions: Baelard the Defender is frozen in eternal
The scholars lived in a sturdy, three-level tower.
monsters. It serves to establish and deepen the mys- stasis, but his spirit might still be active in some lim-
It is now a hollow shell. The walls still stand, but the
tery as the characters explore it. You can place more ited way. When the characters get within the vicinity
roof and the upper floors have collapsed.
monsters there if you wish, but don’t overdo it. of the ruined library, whether or not they are looking
The library was built underground to safeguard
The catacombs are filled with danger. That’s where for it, Baelard might reach out to them in the form of
its records for eternity. Its three main chambers were
the characters’ mettle will be tested. visions in which he offers tantalizing clues about the
the Hall of Veneration, a shrine to Ioun; the Hall of
Before proceeding with the adventure, you should library. These clues should be suitably cryptic, such
Learning, used for lectures and gatherings; and the
read the three handouts at the end. They give a fuller as images of the tower as it once stood, insights of
Hall of Records, where manuscripts were stored.
picture of the tragic events that led to the library’s col- lost lore with hints that more can be found in nearby
Smaller chambers were used for less important
lapse from Baelard’s perspective. ruins, or scenes of the spawn of Kyuss killing the
scholars of the library.
Beneath the library, eminent scholars were
entombed in high honor. The catacombs consisted of
Adventure Hooks Accidental Discovery: Adventurers could simply
Characters can be drawn into this adventure in a stumble upon the ruins during one of their journeys
a chamber for burial preparations, ceremonial vesti-
number of ways. through a remote forest. They might also spot the
bules, two major crypts (outer and inner) where the
Trouble in the Area: The vrocks that have taken vrocks circling in the distance, or be attacked by
greatest scholars were enshrined, and two secondary
up residence in the ruins are an obvious source of them, and follow the demons to their lair in the ruins.
crypts (upper and lower) where the ashes of lesser
scholars were stored in urns. trouble that can draw adventurers to the area. These
The fourth area was known only to Ulferth. The demons might attack woodcutters working in High- Exploration
demon that took possession of the scholar created forest or traders traveling on nearby roads, who would and Skill Checks
three chambers for Ulferth’s use between the Hall then seek help. The spawn of Kyuss are another The fate of the Library of Highforest is a mystery. It is
of Records and the Upper Crypt. Baelard discovered possibility. If they have forced their way out of the possible for the characters to fight their way through
these rooms just before disaster struck, and he used crypts through the secondary exit (room 10), then the dungeon without ever figuring out what happened
them to hide from the spawn until his death. they might also be working their evil against anyone there, but those who do that will miss out on much of
in the surrounding territory. The characters could be the adventure’s atmosphere.
Synopsis approached directly by nonplayer characters who are At the same time, important clues should not be
looking for help against the monsters, or the heroes handed to the players without some effort on their
When the characters arrive at the site, they are
could encounter rumors of the trouble that have part. Stress to the players that their characters get
attacked by the vrocks that live in the shell of the
spread outside the affected area. information only by looking for it. Some features of
tower and in the Hall of Veneration.
Hired Investigators: The Library of Highforest the dungeon are obvious to casual observation, some
Once the heroes descend underground, they con-
has been forgotten by most people, but a handful can be noticed with passive Perception, but many
front the mystery of what happened in the library.
of sages might still be interested in its fate. Any of important clues can be missed if players don’t actively
They have a chance to uncover the fate of the resi-
these could hire sturdy adventurers to follow up on explore the environment.
dents, including Baelard the Defender, and to deal
leads garnered from crumbling manuscripts or divi- Skill checks are one method for gathering infor-
with the threat of the spawn of Kyuss. Characters
nation rituals. Such patrons might not be entirely mation, but don’t let players rely too heavily on their

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The Legacy of Baelard

dice. The same admonition extends to you; don’t rely Ceilings and Walls: Unless noted otherwise, ceil- seals without breaking them, then they are safe from
too heavily on Perception checks and Thievery checks ings are 10 feet high. Walls in the library are finished vrocks while in the library.
to provide the players with information. Encourage stone. In the crypts, they are rough stone. Once the characters open the doors to the burial
players to ask questions and to interact with their Doors: All the doors in the library and the preparation chamber (room 12), the situation
surroundings. Clues should be easy to find when catacombs are warped from age, and the hinges are changes. By then, the spawn are aware of the charac-
characters look in the right places. No Perception rusted. When a door is opened, the hinges squeal ters’ presence, and they can reach every chamber in
check is needed when someone enters the burial loudly enough to be heard by any creature on the the library except Ulferth’s secret chambers (rooms 9,
preparation chamber and asks, “What do we see?” It same level. Oiling the hinges beforehand can prevent 17, and 18). Spawn can use the concealed crawlspace
is obvious that everything has been swept from the this, and also gives a +2 bonus on any Athletics check between rooms 12 and 16 to bypass the outer crypt
shelves and tables onto the floor and all the lamps are to open the door. if necessary. From that time on, characters who try to
smashed. Doors can also be destroyed. Their defenses are take an extended rest or a short rest anywhere in the
What characters can’t observe is why the room was AC/Reflex 5 and Fortitude 10, and each has 20 hit complex are attacked by a force of your choosing.
trashed and the lamps were smashed. Those are con- points. There are only two ways to prevent these attacks
clusions, and you should let players draw their own Magical Seals: Baelard used an Arcane Lock during a rest. The first is to retreat to the upper level
conclusions. Telling players what clues mean or let- ritual to magically ward some doors in the library. His and reseal the staircase at room 11 or room 5. The
ting characters have flashes of realization by making intent was to keep spawn of Kyuss from leaving the second is to hide in rooms 9 or 17, Ulferth’s secret
skill checks robs players of the “Aha!” moment that library, but the wards have also prevented the vrocks chambers.
comes from figuring it out for themselves. Feed them and the handful of adventurers who’ve stumbled onto Before the doors at the base of the stairs (room 11)
information directly only as a last resort when players the site from getting past the Hall of Veneration. can be closed and resealed, 10 minutes must be spent
are completely stuck for answers. Characters can break through these seals with clearing away the rubble that spilled out when the
Ultimately, Ulferth’s treachery is a puzzle to be a DC 27 Athletics check or Thievery check. Aid doors were opened. When the spawn of Kyuss real-
solved. Characters who charge through the library another can be used on the Athletics check. Baelard ize what the characters are up to, they aren’t likely to
and the crypts without picking up any clues can com- placed a condition on the arcane locks that allows let the work proceed uninterrupted. The portcullis at
plete the adventure; they’ll just have a harder time of anyone carrying a holy symbol of Ioun, Erathis, or the top of the stairs has no lock other than Baelard’s
it and still have unanswered questions when they’re Bahamut to open the doors. When one of these holy magical seal. If that seal is still active, then the spawn
done. symbols is brought within 10 feet of a sealed door, an can’t open the gate. If it’s not, then characters need to
otherwise invisible sigil matching the holy symbol find another way to lock it if they intend to rely on it
Conditions in the glows faintly. Touching the holy symbol to the door as a barrier.
Library and Catacombs causes the door to open without destroying the lock. Ulferth’s secret chambers are unknown to the
spawn, but they remain safe only if the heroes are
Illumination: Darkness. There is no light in any
of the underground areas aside from what the charac-
Resting careful about concealing the hidden entrances. For
Before descending to the lower level, characters can example, if characters flee through the secret door
ters bring with them. Unlit lanterns can be found in
take an extended rest or short rests in room 6 or 8. If in the upper crypt with spawn of Kyuss hot on their
the Hall of Learning, the Hall of Records, the hidden
they broke the magical seals on the doors from room heels, then the door is no longer secret. If they shift
room, and Ulferth’s ritual chamber (rooms 6, 8, 9,
1 or 3, then vrocks attack during an extended rest the bookcase to reveal the door and then neglect to
and 17).
in room 6 or 8. If the characters passed through the

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The Legacy of Baelard

tip it against the wall again before closing the door, Experience points should be awarded at the end Sealing the Chasm: Characters qualify for this
curious spawn are likely to notice the change. of the adventure, not after each fight. Tally the XP for award if they find a way to reclose the chasm that
Even if characters weren’t pursued and they defeated monsters, add the awards for any of the five Ulferth created so that no more spawn of Kyuss can
replaced the bookcase in the upper crypt or the minor quests the characters complete, and present crawl up from the depths.
carpet in the Hall of Records, there is a chance that the total as a single award.
their scent or their tracks in the dust will lead the T he Tower
spawn to the door. Make a DC 20 Perception check Minor Quests
Not much remains aboveground to indicate that this
for the spawn to find the door, using the wretch of Each minor quest is worth 600 XP. was once an important site.
Kyuss’s +8 Perception modifier. If characters take Unraveling the Mystery: Characters qualify
steps to conceal their presence, such as sprinkling for this award if, by the end of the adventure, they When characters approach the tower, read:
ashes or dust behind them and carefully replacing fully understand the events that led to the library’s
everything they moved, let the character with the destruction. The tower that stood here was large and impressive, but
highest Stealth modifier set the DC with a Stealth Safeguarding the Library: Characters qualify for it’s a hollow shell now. Upper stonework has tumbled
check. this award if they realize the value of the manuscripts down to form heaps of rubble around the base. The walls
in the Hall of Records, manage to destroy no more are streaked with white stains, as if gigantic birds use the
Mapping the Dungeon than a few, and bring information about the discovery crumbling parapet as a perch. Hundreds of cracked and
The map of the library is built with the Dungeon Tiles to sages and scholars who are equipped to salvage the gnawed bones are strewn carelessly among the broken
Master Set: The Dungeon. Each level can be laid out material. masonry.
with one copy of that set, in a space about 24 inches Laying Baelard to Rest: Characters qualify for Inside, some of the rubble has been shoved aside to
by 30 inches. You can build each level with tiles as this award if they find Baelard’s trapped will and reveal a wide flight of stairs leading down into darkness.
characters explore, draw the rooms on an erasable bring it to a temple, where it can be laid to a well- The steps are cracked and uneven, and a horrid stench rises
battle mat, or have the players sketch the map on deserved, final rest. Alternatively, they can reunite it from below.
graph paper as you describe it. Lay out tiles or a battle with his body, then slay the resulting son of Kyuss. In
mat only when a fight begins. Letting players draw the second case, award the full 600 XP only if char- The vrocks spend a lot of time perched atop the crum-
their own map can heighten their sense of exploration acters release Baelard’s will with full understanding bling walls and surveying the countryside for prey.
and discovery. of the consequences. If they release it unintentionally You have several options for developing this
or without understanding what could happen, award encounter. Characters should run into vrocks here,
Encounters and XP them 300 XP instead. See room 17 for additional but when and how is up to you. If the characters were
“The Legacy of Baelard” is not divided into distinct details. attacked by vrocks earlier or they followed vrocks
encounters. Instead, the text indicates the kinds of Destroying Ulferth: Characters qualify for this here, then three can be present when the characters
monsters that characters are likely to meet but leaves award if they intentionally release Ulferth from his arrive. Otherwise, they show up while the characters
their placement and number up to you. The spawn of prison for the purpose of destroying him. There’s no are poking around the structure.
Kyuss, in particular, move around in response to the reward for destroying Ulferth if he was released unin- Alternatively, you could have five, six, or more
characters’ presence, depending on how the charac- tentionally or by the spawn. vrocks show up. Such a large group is more than the
ters explore the crypts. characters can handle, but the stairs offer an escape.
Only one vrock at a time can squeeze down the stairs,

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The Legacy of Baelard

and they won’t expose themselves to that danger if the Maneuvering it into place in the doors takes a DC 19 other side of the portcullis, more rubble is heaped
characters have gone down ahead of them. Instead, Athletics check. Up to three characters can aid in this about 4 feet high. Little can be seen beyond the
the vrocks will wait outside for the characters to attempt. rubble except darkness. The portcullis is magically
reemerge. sealed by Baelard’s arcane lock.
3. Hall of Veneration A character who makes a DC 19 Perception or
T he Library Dungeoneering check realizes that the darkness
As the characters approach this chamber, read: beyond the rubble probably indicates the presence of
a staircase leading down.
1. Entry Wide stairs descend steeply from the entryway. Carved into Doors: Two doors to room 4 (storeroom) are
Near the top of the staircase, the gap between the broken open. A door to room 6 (Hall of Learning) is
the lintel above the stairs is the label “Hall of Veneration.”
rubble and the ceiling is about 5 feet, so Medium sealed by Baelard’s arcane lock.
An appalling odor wafts up the stairway.
characters need to crouch to get through. Space Treasure: Valuables amounting to 2d10 x 100
The chamber at the bottom of the stairs reeks of vrocks.
is more confined near the bottom; there, the gap gold pieces can be found if characters spend 10 min-
Filth covers the walls. Bones of animals and humanoids
narrows to only 3 feet, so characters must squeeze utes or more searching through the scattered bones
litter the floor. The air is so foul that breathing is difficult.
through. and filthy remnants of gear, much of which is the
The ceiling arches 20 feet overhead to accommodate an
The rubble spills into an open area at the bottom of remains of slain adventurers.
impressive statue that you recognize immediately as Ioun.
the staircase in front of two enormous, metal-bound
doors that are propped open by chunks of masonry.
Breathing: Breathing is difficult in this chamber 4. Storeroom
The outer surfaces of the doors are deeply scarred by
because of the stifling odor and filth of the vrocks. The scholars stored ceremonial items for use in the
claw marks that have nearly obliterated an engraved
Every character who stays in this room and the con- Hall of Veneration here. Nothing remains but tattered
design. The design was a version of the eye-and-crook
nected storeroom for 5 minutes must make a DC 19 junk and vrock droppings. The air in this room is as
symbol of Ioun rendered in a style that was common
Endurance check; characters who fail lose a healing foul as that in the Hall of Veneration, and time spent
well over a century ago.
surge. Only one check per character is required. The here counts toward time spent breathing that cham-
The doors are pulled open against the rubble just
DC drops to 13 if a character takes the precaution of ber’s toxic air.
far enough for a large creature—such as a vrock—to
tying a cloth across his or her nose and mouth.
squeeze through. They can be shut without difficulty.
On the inside (toward the library), the doors have
Statue: The statue of Ioun is covered with stains 5. Spiral Stairs
and dried clumps of filth hurled at it by the vrocks,
sturdy slots so that they can be barred shut, but there
but it hasn’t been clawed or otherwise damaged. A When characters discover the portcullis in the
is no bar nearby. (It is in room 2.)
character who makes a DC 19 Religion check realizes southwest corner of the Hall of Veneration, read:
The door to room 2 hangs open on broken hinges.
that the vrocks probably refrained from touching the
The door to room 6 is still magically sealed.
statue out of fear of Ioun’s retribution. Behind the heaped boxes and broken furniture is an iron
The Gate: Crates, boxes, barrels, and broken
2. Cloakroom furniture are heaped in the southwest corner of the
portcullis of closely spaced bars. Broken bricks and stone
are piled on the other side of the portcullis. You can see
This chamber was a cloakroom for the scholars and room. The junk contains nothing of value or inter- over the rubble, but there’s only darkness and shadow on
their visitors. A 10-foot-long, heavy beam meant est, but if characters dig through it briefly, they find the far side.
to bar the main doors is propped against the wall. a steel portcullis concealed behind the pile. On the

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The Legacy of Baelard

The portcullis that closes off these stairs from the Double doors to room 8 (Hall of Records) are 8. Hall of Records
Hall of Veneration is sealed by Baelard’s arcane closed and sealed by Baelard’s arcane lock. The doors
An inscription above the double doors reads “Hall of
lock, but there is no other lock on it. A character who are metal, unlike the wooden doors elsewhere in the
makes a DC 19 Perception or Dungeoneering check library. A plaque above them identifies the chamber
The doors are trapped with a glyph of warding
realizes that the darkness beyond the rubble probably beyond as the Hall of Records.
placed there by Baelard as a final defense against
indicates the presence of a staircase leading down. Sealed Doorway: At about the midpoint of the
any spawn of Kyuss that might try to enter the Hall
Once the portcullis is opened, characters who east wall is a section where the stonework is different
of Records. It triggers when either of the doors is
scramble across the rubble into the stairwell must from the rest of the walls. A DC 19 Dungeoneering
make a DC 13 Acrobatics check. Failure indicates check reveals that these bricks are much newer than
that the character slips, tumbles partway down the the rest of the complex but still very old. This was Glyph of Warding Level 10 Trap
twisting staircase, and takes 2d10 falling damage. an open archway when the library was in use. The Object XP 500
The spiral stairs descend 40 feet to another rubble scholars sealed it with brick and mortar during their Detect Perception DC 30, Arcana DC 26 Initiative —
Immune attacks
heap in room 11. battle against the spawn of Kyuss because there was
Triggered Actions
no door here to bar. The brickwork is nearly 5 feet
C Attack (radiant) F Encounter
6. Hall of Learning thick. Characters can break through it if they spend Attack: Close burst 3 (creatures in burst); +13 vs. Reflex
enough time at it, but it takes a long time: 1d4 + 1 Hit: 3d6 + 7 radiant damage, and the target is blinded (save
When characters enter the Hall of Learning, hours with appropriate tools (prybars and sledge ends).
read: hammers), or three times as long without those tools. Countermeasures
Furthermore, the sound of hammering and chiseling F Disable: Thievery DC 23. Failure (18 or less): The glyph is
reverberates through the crypts, so everything there triggered. Allies can use Thievery or Arcana to aid the Thiev-
A wooden platform about 3 feet high stretches across the
ery check, using the aid another action.
north end of this large room. Elsewhere, the floor is covered is aware of the intruders.
with heaps of disintegrating wood that once were benches
and chairs. Above the platform, “Hall of Learning” is 7. Pool When characters enter the Hall of Records, read:

scribed into the wall. The door to this room is closed but not sealed.
You stand in the entrance to a library. An immense, circular
table covered with clutter dominates the center of the room.
This was a lecture hall when the library was in use. When characters enter this chamber, read:
To your left are four floor-to-ceiling shelving stacks. Many
Statues of Ioun and another figure whose identity is
of the fragile scrolls and books have fallen victim to insects
lost to history flank a dry font in front of the speaker’s A raised pool in the far corner of the room is filled with
and mold, and are now little more than dust on the shelves.
platform. crusted, black water. Clay pots, dishes, and bowls are
To the right is a large alcove holding a closed, floor-to-
The Stairs to room 1 (entryway) are unusually lined up neatly on the floor, but all are covered in dust and
ceiling cabinet. An iron gate blocks the alcove.
shallow. The door at the top is sealed by Baelard’s cobwebs.
arcane lock.
The Hall of Records was the reason for the library’s
The door to room 7 (pool) is closed but not sealed. The water in the pool appears filthy and black, but
existence. It housed priceless manuscripts, scrolls,
The door to room 3 (Hall of Veneration) is closed that’s because centuries of dust have formed a crust
codices, and books of all types and sizes. Much of
and sealed. on top. If the crust is pushed away, the water beneath
is cool and clear, because it trickles in from outside.

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The Legacy of Baelard

this trove of knowledge has been ruined by time and still be salvaged by scholars who are trained in such 9. Hidden Room
decay. tasks. Their retrieval would be of enormous value to
Table: The clutter covering the large table is out historians.
When characters discover the trapdoor beneath
of keeping with the rest of this level, which is gener- Ulferth’s Will: The most important item in the
the reading table, read:
ally very tidy, other than a thick layer of dust that cabinet is a wooden box about 1 foot square, sitting on
has settled over everything. Baelard was in a great the lowest shelf. It has two locks; each can be opened
Opening the trapdoor reveals a 3-foot-wide chute that
hurry during his final days, and the disarray here with a DC 19 Thievery check, or with the keys on
drops almost vertically, but with a slight angle to the west. A
is a sign of his haste and his failing health. A clue Baelard’s belt. Inside the box is a crystal globe about
ladder is attached to the wall.
to the secret of what befell the tower is on the table. 6 inches in diameter. Dark red smoke or gas churns
The ladder descends nearly 15 feet before ending in a
If characters search through the papers there, give constantly inside the globe. Once every few minutes, a
narrow chamber. The only thing in the chamber is a long
them Handout 1. spark jumps through the gas and lights up the globe’s
table covered in crumbling papers, scraps of parchment, and
Secret Trapdoor: Beneath the small reading table interior. When that happens, the character holding
jars of dried ink.
in the northeast corner of the Hall of Records is a it can make a DC 27 Perception check to notice the
At the opposite end of the chamber, a spiral staircase
tattered carpet, and beneath the carpet is a trapdoor. faint outline of a face in the swirling cloud, with its
leads down.
Characters who search this corner find the trapdoor mouth wide open as if screaming. A DC 19 Arcana
with a DC 13 Perception check, while characters who check reveals that the globe is a ritual containment
This is one of the chambers that the demon created
search the Hall of Records in general without describ- vessel but communicates nothing about the nature of
so that Ulferth could carry out his research in secret.
ing any particular method or focus spot the trapdoor the ritual.
Baelard discovered it just before the catastrophe and
with a DC 27 Perception check. Any character who The globe contains Ulferth’s will, the fragile
used it as a secure refuge afterward.
looks under the carpet finds the trapdoor automati- spark that animates the psyche. As long as it remains
Among the detritus on the table is a small parch-
cally, of course. trapped in this globe, Ulferth can’t be revived. If the
ment roll that contains another clue to the mystery.
Cabinet: The closed cabinet behind the iron globe is smashed anywhere or tossed into the mist in
When characters search the table, give the players
gate contained the library’s rarest and most valu- Ulferth’s crypt (room 20), Ulferth’s will reunites with
Handout 2.
able manuscripts. Both the gate and the cabinet are his body and he reanimates.
locked. The keys for both locks are on Baelard’s belt If the box is smashed open, the globe shatters
in room 17. The gate can also be opened with a DC automatically. If it is opened forcibly but with some
10. Sealed Exit
19 Thievery check or a DC 27 Athletics check. The caution, roll a saving throw for the globe; it survives When the library was functioning, this room was a
cabinet can be opened with a DC 27 Thievery check intact on a save, or shatters on a failure. secondary entrance. It was accessible at ground level
or smashed open with a DC 13 Athletics check. from just outside the tower. That entrance is now
If the cabinet is smashed open, the fragile manu- buried beneath rubble.
scripts inside crumble into dust. If anyone picks up One of the first defensive measures Baelard had
a book or a scroll from the cabinet, that character the scholars perform was collapsing an overhanging
must make a DC 22 Dexterity check, or the material portion of the tower’s parapet onto this entrance, clos-
disintegrates in his or her hands. A character who ing it off as a possible escape route for the monsters.
makes a DC 13 History check realizes that these Then they bricked up the doorway between room 10
are priceless, lost manuscripts, some of which might

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The Legacy of Baelard

and the Hall of Learning, to keep the spawn from get- 12. Burial Preparation The hole is too small for most characters to get
ting into the library that way. through. A Small character or an elf can squeeze
The chasm extends 40 feet down to rooms 21 and
Chamber through it with a DC 19 Acrobatics check, if the char-
22 in the catacombs. It can be climbed with a DC 20 This room is where priests of Ioun prepared the acter is wearing no armor and carrying no weapon
Athletics check. bodies of scholars for honorable interment in the bigger than a dagger.
The door to the stairway is locked but not sealed. library’s crypts. The hole angles downward through the surround-
The lock can be picked with a DC 19 Thievery check. ing rock until it emerges just below the ceiling of the
Clearing a path between this chamber and the When characters enter the burial preparation upper crypt.
surface is a major undertaking from either direc- chamber, read:
tion. With shovels and picks, it would take 2d12 + 12
The smell of spice and salt is strong in the air. A table at the
13. Ceremonial Chambers
hours. Without tools, multiply the time by four. A larger-than-life-size statue of a man in scholarly
center of the room is covered in what appear to be surgeon’s
robes stands in the middle of this chamber. Someone
T he Catacombs tools and bandages. A large bowl on the table contains
dried, blackened resin. Other tables bear flasks, bowls, and
who makes a DC 19 History check can surmise that
this is a representation of Pelor in an archaic form.
decaying parchment rolls. The shelves that line the walls are
11. Spiral Stairs filled with similar supplies.
The statue originally held an oil lamp in each hand;
both lamps have been smashed.
The stairs that descend from the Hall of Veneration
Stairs in the southwest corner descend sharply to
end here. Stones and broken masonry thrown down Characters can identify this chamber’s purpose with
a room that is empty except for a large, stone basin
the stairwell by the scholars have tumbled into a heap a DC 13 Heal check or Religion check. Aside from
of water. Like the basin in room 7, this one is crusted
that is 5 feet deep at the base of the stairs. Only the a few metal tools that might be useful to a surgeon if
over with dust, but if the crust is pushed aside, the
top 2 feet of the doors are visible above the rubble. they were cleaned up, nothing here is of any value.
water beneath is cool and fresh.
The doors open away from the staircase. They The precious spices, oils, and resins hardened up or
Both of these rooms were used for funeral obser-
are not magically sealed, but they are barred from dried out ages ago. Every lantern in the room is shat-
vances prior to interring scholars in the crypts.
this side. The bar can’t be seen, because it is buried tered and useless.
beneath the rubble. To break the doors open in this Behind the bookcase against the eastern wall,
When characters examine the doors in the east
confined space requires a DC 27 Athletics check, and at floor level, is a hole about 1 foot across. Rags and
wall, read:
only one attempt is allowed. filthy bandages are stuffed into it. Characters who
If characters spend 5 minutes clearing away some shift the bookcases find the hole automatically.
These double doors are made of ornately carved wood
of the rubble, they notice the bar. Once it is removed, During a general search of the room, a DC 27 Percep-
banded with bronze. Most of the carvings are abstract
the doors open easily, and the rubble spills into room tion check is needed to spot it.
decorative designs with no religious or secular meaning.
12. Once opened, the doors can’t be closed again until If the rags are pulled out, a terrible smell of rotting
Carved into the center of the door on the left, in Common,
10 minutes are spent clearing the doorway of rubble. meat wafts up from the hole. This is not the normal
is the message “They are not dead.” Carved into the door on
smell of tombs or decaying bodies. Characters can
the right is the message “Who are remembered forever.”
recognize it generally as the stench of the undead, but
Beneath that two-part message is another, crudely
unless they have had previous encounters with the
scratched across both doors: “For the sake of us all, leave
spawn of Kyuss, they can’t narrow it down.
them be.” Dozens of heavy, metal wedges are hammered

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The Legacy of Baelard

between the doors and their frames, to prevent them from After resolving the attack, read: Features of the Area
opening. Debris: Before they attack, the rot grub swarms
A wave of cold, dense air rolls out from behind the doors, have total concealment in the corners. After the sur-
The doors can be pulled open with a DC 27 Athletics reeking of an indescribable corruption far worse than the prise round, a swarm has partial concealment while
check. Let one character make the check, with up to rot of the grave. in a square that isn’t also occupied by a character,
four characters aiding. The chamber beyond was a burial crypt. Only two because of debris on the floor. A swarm has no con-
If the Athletics check fails, the doors can be sarcophagi stood here, and they must have been beautiful cealment while in the same square as a character.
smashed or chopped apart (AC/Reflex 5, Fortitude once. Now their lids are smashed, their biers tipped over, Sarcophagi: The two sarcophagi shown on the
10, hp 40). Alternatively, the wedges can be labori- and their contents tumbled onto the floor. Bones and map are demolished. The squares they occupy are dif-
ously pried or chiseled out (DC 19 Thievery) in 1d6 + shrouds are strewn across the flagstones. ficult terrain.
4 minutes. Shrine: A pale glow can be seen coming from the
In any event, unless characters are very clever, A deliberate examination of the debris reveals that right side of the passage that leads farther into the
they will make a lot of noise opening the doors. Any- the bones are gnawed and cracked open. crypts. The glow exudes from a beautiful, pristine
thing in the crypts that wasn’t aware of their presence Characters find this same degree of destruction shrine that is protected by bronze bars. In the shrine
before will be now. in all the crypts. None of the sarcophagi are intact, is a marble altar carved to resemble a reading desk
and every urn of ashes is smashed on the floor or des- with an open book upon it. The tips of a sculpted
14. Outer Crypt ecrated in some other way. When the spawn of Kyuss raven’s wings rest on the pages, and the glow ema-
The outer crypt was the burial place of the library’s realized that they were sealed into the crypts, they nates from those wing tips. A DC 19 Religion check
founders, the two most revered people interred here. demolished everything. reveals that the shrine probably symbolizes the Raven
Every burial procession passed between them on its Queen paying respect to knowledge and welcoming
way deeper into the catacombs. The only clue to their Rot Grubs the departed scholars to her realm. The shrine has
identities remaining in this chamber is an inscription Poking around in this room triggers an attack by four no innate magic or magical protection. It hasn’t been
high on the wall, which reads “Their vision shaped rot grub swarms, one in each corner. Characters with desecrated like everything else in the crypts because
our lives.” a passive Perception lower than 19 are surprised. In the spawn of Kyuss fear the Raven Queen, so their
When the doors to the outer crypt are opened, the third round, four more swarms appear at the top superstition has kept them away from the shrine.
each character in the ceremonial chambers is subject of the stairs from the lower crypt and join the fight Though the bars appear to be solidly set into
to the following attack: at the same point in the initiative order as the other the floor and ceiling, the shrine can be opened. A
swarms. character who inspects the bars finds the opening
Fetid Air (necrotic) The rot grubs won’t be a serious threat to the char- mechanism (a latch set beneath a loose, disguised
Attack: Close burst 8 (creatures in the burst); +14 vs. Fortitude acters; the greatest danger comes from the creatures’ stone in the floor) with a DC 19 Thievery check. With
Hit: 1d10 necrotic damage, and the target loses a healing aura, which deals automatic damage. Be sure to the latch released, the bars can be raised to the ceil-
include them, however, so that characters will think ing. They must be propped or held open; the spring
rot grubs are nothing but a nuisance by the time they mechanism that kept them raised is rusted open.
meet the awakened rot grubs later. The carved table contains a compartment. The
faint outline of a door can be seen by anyone who
inspects it closely. It opens with a DC 19 Thievery

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The Legacy of Baelard

check. Inside are “grave goods” left by the scholars scrapes against the litter on the floor, so a DC 13 Ath- firepit beneath it. The ceiling and stone walls are blackened
amounting to two random level 11 treasure parcels letics check is needed to push the door open. by soot.
(Rules Compendium, page 301). A thin cloud of blue smoke hovers along the north
16. Upper Crypt wall near the floor. Inside it, you can barely make out
15. Inner Crypt This room is filled with standing shelves. It resembles the skeleton of a human lying on a thin mattress. A
The inner crypt was the resting place of the library’s a library, but these shelves held funerary urns con- disintegrating silk tunic and leather belt sag on the bones.
most honored scholars, after its two founders. It con- taining ashes. Many of the urns have been smashed The arms are folded across the chest as if the body was
tains many more tombs than the four pictured on on the floor, but a few remain on the shelves. placed there, or as if the person knew that death was near
the map. Many dozens of loculi (burial shelves) are A hole near the ceiling in the southwest corner and was ready for it.
carved into the walls. leads to the burial preparation chamber (room 12). A staircase leads upward from the southeast corner. A
The spawn of Kyuss are aware of it, and might use it small writing desk and a stool stand in the opposite corner,
When characters progress into the inner crypt, to cut the characters off from the stairwell (room 11) with a dozen or more moldering books and scrolls heaped
read: or to escape from the catacombs if the opportunity next to them.
presents itself. It can be spotted with a DC 19 Percep-
The destruction in this chamber is even greater than it was tion check. The body was that of Baelard the Defender. He
in the first crypt. The walls are lined with burial shelves, A secret door is hidden in the southeast corner of was infected with the touch of Kyuss but fought off
but the remains of the dead have been dragged from their the upper crypt, behind one of the shelves. The shelf the effects for several weeks. Before his death, he
niches and torn to pieces. Bones and tattered funeral is tipped against the east wall; it looks typical of the performed the same ritual on himself that trapped
wrappings cover the floor. There is a door in the wall to your destruction caused by the spawn of Kyuss, but Bae- Ulferth’s will in the crystal globe (a unique offshoot
right. Doors stand in both of the far corners of the room, as lard tipped this shelf to help hide and block the door. of the Gentle Repose ritual). With his will trapped in
well; the one on the right is smashed and lies in splinters in Characters who search the shelves carefully or who the globe, Baelard could not become one of the spawn
the doorway. look specifically for secret doors spot this one with of Kyuss when he died.
a DC 19 Perception check. A general search of the The smoke surrounding the body is identical to the
You can place a few more rot grub swarms in this room room finds the secret door with a DC 27 Perception smoke inside the crystal globe that contains Baelard’s
to keep the characters on their toes. Don’t overdo it, check. Besides being hidden, the door is sealed by will.
because rot grubs are just a nuisance at this point. Baelard’s arcane lock. Baelard’s Will: The crystal globe containing Bae-
Even a quick look at the smashed door shows that lard’s will is in the bronze pot. Dark blue smoke or
it was pushed into this room from the other side, not 17. Ulferth’s Ritual Chamber gas writhes inside it, lit by occasional sparks. When
outward from this side. it sparks, the character holding it can make a DC 27
Here is where Ulferth conducted his blasphemous
The door in the northeast corner cannot be Perception check to notice the faint outline of a face
rituals. Most of his books and equipment were dis-
opened, because debris from the collapsed ceiling is in the swirling cloud. The eyes are closed, and the
carded by Baelard (tossed down the pit in room 18).
heaped against it on the other side. face has the appearance of restful repose. A DC 19
The door in the southwest corner is not locked or Arcana check reveals that the globe is a ritual con-
When characters enter the ritual chamber, read:
sealed. It is standing slightly ajar, but this fact won’t tainment vessel but communicates nothing about the
be noticeable until someone approaches within 5 nature of the ritual.
The room is dimly lit by sterile blue light. A bronze pot
feet. The hinges are rusty, and the bottom of the door hangs from a chain in the center of the room, with a cold

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Baelard has been dead far too long for a Raise Keys: Attached to Baelard’s belt but tucked When characters open the door, read:
Dead ritual to be successful. If the globe is broken, beneath his tunic is a leather pouch containing a
however, his will flies back to the skeleton, which small holy symbol of Ioun (Baelard used it to open A gaping pit dominates this room. Foul-smelling mist stirs
immediately reanimates as a son of Kyuss. his sealed doors) and five keys that unlock the iron slowly a few feet below its lip. The sound of dripping water
While his will is trapped in the sphere, Baelard’s gate and wooden cabinet in the Hall of Records, the echoes faintly up the shaft.
soul is trapped between life and death. He considered wooden box containing Ulferth’s will, and the door to
this fate preferable to becoming undead. Characters room 18. This pit resulted from one of Ulferth’s early experi-
earn a quest reward for laying Baelard to rest. If he Baelard’s Testament: Of the many books and ments with his ritual. Instead of opening a chasm
reanimates as a son of Kyuss, then killing that undead scrolls in the room, only one has survived undam- to the lair of the spawn of Kyuss, the experiment
monstrosity releases his will for its final journey and aged—Baelard’s account of the struggle. It lies on the created this shaft that connects to a different, shal-
accomplishes that quest. Characters should receive desk, enclosed in an ivory scroll tube that is sealed lower system of caverns. As it happens, a cave roper
the full XP reward only if they understand this turn with wax, wrapped in oilskin, and tied shut with is positioned near the bottom of the shaft when the
of events before it happens. If the globe is broken acci- narrow strips of silk cloth. (The silk was torn from adventurers arrive.
dentally or if the characters don’t understand what it Baelard’s tunic. A simple comparison of the two is If characters listen carefully at the edge of the
is and what will happen when it’s broken, award them enough to establish that.) shaft for 30 seconds or more, a DC 19 Perception
only 300 XP for killing the son of Kyuss that Baelard’s The scroll itself appears blank, because Baelard check lets them hear faint sounds of sloshing from
corpse becomes. used the Secret Page ritual to conceal his notes. He below, and they won’t be surprised when the cave
Alternatively, if the globe is brought intact to a major hoped that they would be read only by someone roper attacks. Otherwise, it gets a surprise round.
temple of a good or unaligned deity, priests there can knowledgeable in the ways of scholars. A character Tactics: The cave roper has total concealment in
lay Baelard’s will to rest in a manner that will give the who examines the parchment closely notices the the mist that fills the shaft. It strikes up the shaft with
scholar his well-earned peace and eliminate any risk of secret writing with a DC 19 Perception check. A char- its tentacles to grab characters, then pulls anyone it
his reanimating as an undead creature. acter who glances at the parchment notices the secret grabs into the shaft. The fall to the bottom is 40 feet.
Finally, as a result of the rituals that bound them writing if his or her passive Perception is 19 or higher. The roper hangs from the ceiling of the tunnel,
into these crystal spheres, Baelard’s will and Ulferth’s If a character spots the writing and reads the so the range to it from room 18 is 35 feet (7 squares).
will are locked in eternal opposition. If both are scroll, give that player Handout 3. If the roper drags two characters down the shaft, it
smashed within moments of each other, the two crash withdraws its tentacles and doesn’t strike at anyone
together and are mutually annihilated in a burst of 18. Ulferth’s Experiment else in the room until it has dealt with the first two
radiant energy that triggers the attack below. This is The stairs descend from the secret door to a narrow victims down in its tunnel. The tunnel is 15 feet
an effective way to eliminate Ulferth. It also annihi- landing and a locked iron door. The lock can be wide, 10 feet high, and extends indefinitely in both
lates Baelard and prevents him from being laid to rest, picked with a DC 19 Thievery check, forced open directions. It is completely dark. If one of the charac-
however, so the characters earn no quest reward for it. with a DC 27 Athletics check, or opened with the key ters dragged down the shaft was holding a light that
from Baelard’s belt. can be extinguished (a torch, lantern, or candle, for
Mutual Destruction (radiant) example, but not a sunrod), then the character must
Attack: Close burst 5 (creatures in the burst); +15 vs. Fortitude make a saving throw to keep the light from breaking
Hit: 2d8 + 6 radiant damage, and the target can’t spend heal-
or going out in the fall.
ing surges (save ends).

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The Legacy of Baelard

19. Lower Crypt The smoke here is identical to the smoke inside the Restore Me!: If the sphere is in the possession
crystal sphere from the Hall of Records. It swirls of one of the characters when the heroes enter this
The lower crypt is much like the upper crypt. The
about Ulferth’s corpse, which lies on the stone floor. crypt, the character becomes dominated (save ends).
walls are lined with shelves that contained urns of
Unlike the sphere, which contains Ulferth’s will, no The dominated character is immediately com-
ashes until the spawn of Kyuss demolished them.
sparks of light illuminate this chamber. manded to hurl the sphere into the roiling smoke,
Room 19 contains little else.
A DC 19 Arcana check reveals that the smoke here then to attack the other characters for as long as the
The hallway to the east is split by a chasm that
is of the same nature as that in both Ulferth’s and domination lasts.
drops 110 feet to the spawn of Kyuss’s lair. The walls
Baelard’s spheres, if either of those have been exam-
of the chasm can be climbed with a DC 20 Athletics
ined. It also indicates that the smoke is the result of a 21. Unused Crypt
ritual but reveals nothing else about that ritual. Like room 20, this crypt was prepared for future use.
Five awakened rot grub swarms lurk inside this
The grate has no lock or hinges; it’s not made to be The spawn assemble here after they become aware of
chasm. They might crawl out and attack while char-
opened. It can be wrenched out of the walls and floor the characters’ presence.
acters are exploring the lower crypt, or they might
with a DC 19 Athletics check. If spawn of Kyuss are still waiting here for Ulferth
wait until characters move into the unused crypt or
The smoke is completely opaque, so Ulferth’s body to be restored or for some other reason when char-
Ulferth’s crypt and then join any fight that develops
has total concealment in it. Characters won’t be aware acters enter the lower crypt, they can either rush
in one of those rooms. Alternatively, they might wait
of the body unless they enter the smoke or probe with to attack characters in that chamber or hide in the
until the characters enter one of the adjoining crypts
their hands or a pole. chasm (room 22) to see what develops.
and then hide in the lower crypt to cut the characters
Restoring Ulferth: If the sphere from the Hall of Room 22 can be seen from the eastern end of the
off from the stairs, should they try to retreat to the
Records is broken open, Ulferth is reunited with his unused crypt. Characters must climb the chasm wall
outer or the inner crypt.
will and rises immediately as a herald of Kyuss. If the (DC 20 Athletics check) to reach room 22 from here.
spawn got their claws on the sphere, Ulferth probably
20. Ulferth’s Crypt will be revived before the heroes reach this area. For
Because of the difference in elevation and the rubble
piled in room 22, this chamber is almost 15 feet
When Ulferth completed his ritual, he was trans- a more dramatic entrance, one of the spawn could below the level of room 22.
formed from a human into a herald of Kyuss. When sneak into the lower crypt behind the characters and The chasm here also extends 50 feet upward to
the Master of Studies performed the ritual that ripped hurl the sphere over their heads into Ulferth’s crypt to emerge in room 10.
Ulferth’s will from his body and trapped it, the spawn revive their herald in the intruders’ presence.
carried the corpse to this unused chamber and sealed Once Ulferth is restored, all the spawn in the
it behind a crudely manufactured portcullis. crypts rush to his location. They fight to the death
in his service. The exact number is left to you to
When characters enter Ulferth’s crypt, read: decide. Ulferth, four sons of Kyuss, and four wretches
of Kyuss make a tough level 14 encounter (5,400
The western end of this crypt is closed off by a crudely made XP). Reducing that to three sons of Kyuss and three
iron grate set into the surrounding stone. Beyond the grate, wretches of Kyuss makes it a more manageable level
dark red smoke churns constantly, filling the space from 13 encounter (4,400 XP).
floor to ceiling and wall to wall.

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The Legacy of Baelard

22. The Chasm If Ulferth has been released, then the spawn between the two groups. If characters spend a long
respond to his commands. time in rooms 12-14, a few spawn might creep
By entering the crypts, the characters unwit- through the inner crypt and hide in the upper crypt,
When characters have a chance to examine the
tingly open the path to the surface and to the Hall of either to spring a three-pronged attack or to ambush
room behind the inner crypt, read:
Records for the first time since Ulferth was trapped. the characters if they retreat into the upper crypt
While characters are exploring and fighting in the from fighting in the inner crypt.
The back wall of this narrow chamber has collapsed, and
crypts, a handful of spawn try to slip past them and The Upper Crypt: The spawn know that the
heaped rubble fills much of the room. Beyond where the
up the stairwell. Once there, they ransack the upper crawlspace between rooms 12 and 16 is too narrow
wall once stood is a gaping split in the earth that extends
level in a search for the globe containing Ulferth’s for most adventurers. Since they aren’t aware of the
upward, downward, and to the north. Cool, damp air rises
will. If it is still in the library, they will find it, return secret door to rooms 17 and 18, they believe the
up from the cleft, bearing the stench of decay and faint
it to Ulferth’s crypt (room 20), and revive him. If they upper crypt is a dead end for intruders. If the charac-
scrabbling sounds.
can’t bring the globe to the crypt, they smash it. The ters crowd into room 16, the spawn might just besiege
released will then flies back to Ulferth’s body, accom- them there, wait a few weeks for them to die, then
The walls of the chasm can be climbed with a DC 20
panied by demonic screaming that can be heard enter and snack on the remains.
Athletics check. The lair where the spawn of Kyuss
throughout the dungeon. The Lower Crypt: Once characters descend to
dwell is 120 feet down. Room 10 on the upper level is
The spawns’ darkvision gives them a significant the lower crypt, the spawn can move through the
40 feet up.
advantage in darkness. They take heavy risks to extin- inner crypt to cut off the stairs, then attack down the
The rubble clogging this chamber makes it impos-
guish any lights, if the chance exists. They also smash stairs and from the unused crypt simultaneously.
sible to get a running start for a long jump from here
every unlit lantern that they find. Or they might attack down the stairs only, hoping
to room 21. Also note that the floor of room 21 is
Spawn of Kyuss are highly varied in appearance. some of the characters will tumble down the chasm
almost 15 feet lower than the rubble in this room.
Unless characters have studied them or encountered between rooms 19 and 21.
spawn before, the minions are indistinguishable from
The Spawn of Kyuss nonminions until they’re attacked. About the Author
The spawn of Kyuss dwell in deep subterranean Joshua Kerbau is a freelance writer and editor from Eastern
The four crypts are ideal spots for the spawn to Iowa. He lives for his family, the Hawkeyes, and D&D, in that
lairs beneath the catacombs. They travel between attack. order, more or less.
the crypts and their lairs through the chasms. A few The Outer Crypt: The spawn won’t attack here
spawn are always present somewhere in the crypts, while the characters are heading into the crypts, but Updated April 6, 2011
in rooms 14–16 and rooms 19–22. Unless characters they might try to trap the characters here on the way
take extraordinary measures to be quiet, the spawn out. A few spawn can hide in room 13 to cut off that
will hear them by the time they reach the burial prep- exit, or can get into the burial preparation chamber
aration chamber (room 12); the rubble that tumbles (room 12) through the crawlspace from the upper
out of the stairwell makes a lot of noise. At that point, crypt (room 16).
a mix of wretches and sons of Kyuss totaling six to ten The Inner Crypt: While characters are explor-
creatures gathers in the unused crypt (room 21) and ing the inner crypt, spawn can strike simultaneously
the creatures plan their attack. More can arrive any- through the doorway from room 22 and up the stairs
time you need them. from the lower crypt (room 19), catching characters

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The Legacy of Baelard

Vrock Level 13 Skirmisher Son of Kyuss Level 13 Brute Wretch of Kyuss Level 13 Minion Brute
Large elemental humanoid (demon) XP 800 Medium natural animate (undead) XP 800 Medium natural animate (undead) XP 200
HP 132; Bloodied 66 Initiative +12 HP 158; Bloodied 79 Initiative +7 HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +7
AC 27, Fortitude 25, Reflex 23, Will 23 Perception +13 AC 25, Fortitude 25, Reflex 23, Will 24 Perception +6 AC 25, Fortitude 26, Reflex 23, Will 24 Perception +8
Speed 6, fly 8 Darkvision Speed 5 Darkvision Speed 5 Darkvision
Standard Actions Immune disease, fear, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; Immune disease, fear, poison; Resist 10 necrotic;
m Claw F At-Will Vulnerable 5 fire, 5 radiant Vulnerable 5 radiant
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +18 vs. AC Traits Standard Actions
Hit: 3d8 + 8 damage. O Fear of Worms (fear) F Aura 1 m Slam (necrotic) F At-Will
M Flyby Attack F At-Will Living creatures within the aura take a –2 penalty to attack Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. AC
Effect: The vrock flies up to its speed and uses claw once during rolls against the son of Kyuss. Hit: 13 necrotic damage.
that movement. It does not provoke opportunity attacks Standard Actions Triggered Actions
when moving away from the target of the attack. m Slam (disease) F At-Will C Final Gift (disease, necrotic)
Triggered Actions Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +18 vs. AC Trigger: A melee or a ranged attack drops the wretch to 0 hit
C Spores of Madness (poison) F Encounter Hit: 2d10 + 10 damage, and the target is exposed to touch of points.
Trigger: The vrock is first bloodied. Kyuss. Attack (No Action): Close burst 1 (creatures in burst); +16 vs.
Attack (Free Action): Close burst 2 (enemies in the burst); +16 Minor Actions Fortitude
vs. Will C Burrowing Worm (disease, necrotic) F Recharge 5 6 Hit: 10 necrotic damage, and the target is exposed to touch of
Hit: 3d10 + 6 poison damage, and the target is dazed (save Attack: Close burst 1 (one living enemy in burst); +16 vs. Kyuss.
ends). Fortitude Str 21 (+11) Dex 13 (+7) Wis 15 (+8)
Miss: Half damage. Hit: The target takes ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save ends). Con 18 (+10) Int 4 (+3) Cha 6 (+4)
Variable Resistance F 2/Encounter In addition, the target is exposed to touch of Kyuss. Alignment chaotic evil Languages —
Trigger: The vrock takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder First Failed Saving Throw: The ongoing damage increases to 15.
damage. Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is stunned, and the
Effect (Free Action): The vrock gains resist 10 to the triggering ongoing damage increases to 20 (save ends both).
damage type until the end of the encounter or until it uses Special: The corpse of any humanoid killed by this attack
variable resistance again. becomes a wretch of Kyuss at the start of the son of Kyuss’s
Skills Bluff +15, Insight +13 next turn. The wretch must be destroyed before the crea-
Str 23 (+12) Dex 19 (+10) Wis 15 (+8) ture can be raised.
Con 20 (+11) Int 12 (+7) Cha 19 (+10) Str 21 (+11) Dex 13 (+7) Wis 11 (+6)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal Con 18 (+10) Int 6 (+4) Cha18 (+10)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages —

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The Legacy of Baelard

Ulferth, Herald of Kyuss Level 16 Artillery R Writhing Pronouncement (disease, necrotic) F At-Will Touch of Kyuss Level 16 Disease
Medium immortal animate (undead) XP 1,400 Those who succumb to this hideous disease rise again as
Attack: Ranged 20 (one creature); +21 vs. Fortitude
HP 116; Bloodied 58 Initiative +12 newly-born spawn of Kyuss.
Hit: 2d6 + 10 necrotic damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage
AC 28, Fortitude 26, Reflex 27, Will 28 Perception +11 Stage 0: The target is cured.
(save ends). In addition, the target is exposed to touch of
Speed 6, fly 6 (hover) Darkvision Stage 1: The target regains only half the normal hit
Immune disease, fear, poison; Resist 15 necrotic; points when it spends a healing surge. If it dies, it rises
First Failed Saving Throw: The ongoing damage increases to
Vulnerable 5 fire, 5 radiant immediately as a wretch of Kyuss.
10, and the target is dazed (save ends both). Stage 2: The target loses two healing surges. If it drops to 0 or
Second Failed Saving Throw: The ongoing damage increases fewer healing surges, it dies and rises immediately as a son
O Fear of Worms (fear) F Aura 1
to 15, and the target is stunned instead of dazed (save ends of Kyuss.
Living creatures within the aura take a −2 penalty to attack rolls
both). Stage 3: The target dies and immediately becomes a son of
against the herald of Kyuss. Kyuss.
Special: The corpse of any humanoid killed by this attack
O Writhing Host (necrotic) F Aura 1 Check: At the end of each extended rest, the target makes an
becomes a wretch of Kyuss at the start of the herald of
Any enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes 10 necrotic Endurance check if it is at stage 1 or 2.
Kyuss’s next turn. The wretch must be destroyed before the
damage. 19 or Lower: The stage of the disease increases by 1.
creature can be raised. 20–24: No change.
Standard Actions
A Eruption of Maggots (disease, necrotic, zone) F Encounter 25 or higher: The stage of the disease decreases by 1.
m Rotting Caress (disease, necrotic) F At-Will
Attack: Area burst 2 within 10 (living creatures in burst); +21 vs.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 4 necrotic damage, and the target is exposed to
Hit: 2d6 + 6 necrotic damage, and ongoing 5 necrotic damage
touch of Kyuss.
(save ends). In addition, the target is exposed to touch of
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the
encounter. Any living creature that enters the zone or ends
its turn there takes 15 necrotic damage.
Str 11 (+8) Dex 19 (+12) Wis 17 (+11)
Con 14 (+10) Int 6 (+6) Cha22 (+14)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages —

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The Legacy of Baelard

Rot Grub Swarm Level 4 Brute Awakened Rot Grub Swarm Level 10 Brute Cave Roper Level 12 Elite Controller
Medium natural beast (swarm) XP 175 Medium natural beast (swarm) XP 500 Large elemental magical beast (earth) XP 1,400
HP 63; Bloodied 31 Initiative +3 HP 123; Bloodied 61 Initiative +6 HP 252; Bloodied 126 Initiative +7
AC 15, Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 15 Perception +2 AC 21, Fortitude 20, Reflex 19, Will 22 Perception +5 AC 26, Fortitude 26, Reflex 21, Will 23 Perception +9
Speed 5 Darkvision Speed 5 Darkvision Speed 2, climb 2 (spider climb) Darkvision
Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks; Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks; Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks Vulnerable 10 against close and area attacks Traits
Traits Traits Tentacle Release
O Swarm Attack F Aura 1 O Swarm Attack F Aura 1 Before a creature makes an attack roll against the roper, it can
Any enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes 5 damage Any enemy that starts its turn within the aura takes 10 choose to target one of the roper’s tentacles. The tentacles
plus 2 extra damage for each additional rot grub swarm adja- damage plus 2 extra damage for each additional rot grub use the same defenses as the roper. If the attack hits, it does
cent to the enemy. swarm adjacent to the enemy. not deal damage or otherwise affect the roper, but one of the
Swarm Swarm roper’s grabs end (of the attacker’s choice).
The rot grub swarm can occupy the same space as another The awakened rot grub swarm can occupy the same space Stony Body
creature, and an enemy can enter its space, which is difficult as another creature, and an enemy can enter its space, which The roper can retract its tentacles and closes its eye and
terrain. The rot grub swarm cannot be pulled, pushed, or slid is difficult terrain. The awakened rot grub swarm cannot mouth to resemble a natural rock formation. While the roper
by melee or ranged attacks. It can squeeze through any open- be pulled, pushed, or slid by melee or ranged attacks. It can is on a horizontal rock surface, a creature must succeed at a
ing that is large enough for at least one of the creatures it squeeze through any opening that is large enough for at least DC 28 Perception check to see through the roper’s disguise.
comprises. one of the creatures it comprises. Standard Actions
Clumsy Attacker Clumsy Attacker m Tentacle F At-Will
The rot grub swarm lacks a melee basic attack. The awakened rot grub swarm lacks a melee basic attack. Requirement: The roper must have fewer than two creatures
Standard Actions Standard Actions grabbed.
M Infesting Bite F At-Will M Infesting Bite F At-Will Attack: Melee 10 (one creature); +15 vs. Reflex
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + 9 damage, and the roper grabs the target (escape
Hit: Ongoing 5 damage (save ends). Hit: Ongoing 10 damage (save ends). DC 20). Until the grab ends, the target is weakened.
First Failed Saving Throw: Ongoing 10 damage (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: Ongoing 15 damage (save ends). M Double Attack F At-Will
Second Failed Saving Throw: Ongoing 15 damage (save ends). Second Failed Saving Throw: Ongoing 20 damage (save ends). Effect: The roper uses tentacle twice.
Str 10 (+2) Dex 13 (+3) Wis 11 (+2) C Psychic Shock F Recharge 4 5 6 M Bite F At-Will
Con 13 (+3) Int 2 (–2) Cha4 (–1) Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in burst); +13 vs. Will Attack: Melee 1 (one creature grabbed by the roper); +17 vs. AC
Alignment unaligned Languages — Hit: The target is immobilized until the end of the awakened Hit: 4d12 + 12 damage.
swarm’s next turn. Miss: Half damage.
Minor Action Minor Actions
R Telepathic Lure F At-Will (1/round) M Reel F At-Will (1/round)
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +13 vs. Will Attack: Melee 10 (each creature grabbed by the roper); +17 vs.
Hit: The swarm pulls the target 4 squares. Fortitude
Str 10 (+5) Dex 13 (+6) Wis 11 (+5) Hit: The roper pulls the target up to 5 squares.
Con 13 (+6) Int 8 (+4) Cha4 (+2) Skills Stealth +12
Alignment evil Languages Deep Speech, Str 19 (+10) Dex 12 (+7) Wis 16 (+9)
telepathy 10 Con 22 (+12) Int 11 (+6) Cha9 (+5)
Alignment evil Languages Primordial

M a rc h 2 011 | D u n g e o n 18 8
The Legacy of Baelard

M a rc h 2 011 | D u n g e o n 18 8
The Legacy of Baelard

M a rc h 2 011 | D u n g e o n 18 8
Handout 1

Since Ulferth’s promotion to Master of Records, his behavior has

troubled me more and more. I presented my concerns to Hughgren,
Master of Studies, yesterday evening. He dismissed them as
unsupported observations.
As Defender, I am charged with observing and reporting
impartially. If the Masters will not hear my reports at this time,
then I consider it my duty to maintain a written record of events
for the future.
My fear is that Ulferth’s undeniable brilliance and his
unimpeachable scholarship, which fueled his rapid rise to
prominence among this region’s most accomplished sages, have
blinded the library’s Masters to less apparent, but no less real,
My greatest fears revolve around the following facts.
F I have observed Ulferth nightly leaving his chamber in the
upper quarters after the hour of repose. He inevitably
descends beneath the library.
F There he spends hours in the burial preparation chamber.
F On many of these forays, he also enters the crypts alone, in
the dead of night, for hours at a time.
F Most troubling of all, on some occasions he has disappeared
completely. My searches of the library, the ceremonial
chambers, and even the crypts have failed to find him.
Perhaps he has a hidden means of entering and leaving the
catacomb; perhaps he has a concealed sanctum somewhere
in or connected to the structure. Both possibilities are
As Ulferth’s friend, it pains me to write these things. He refuses
to talk to me now. Out of fear for him and concern for the library,
this mystery demands investigation.
—Baelard, the Defender
Handout 2

I do not know where you are as I write this, but as you see by
this note, I have unraveled your knot of deceit.
Pride has blinded you to what should have been obvious. Your
notes describe the creature who meets you in the night, who
reveals to you the hidden knowledge that fills your acclaimed
writings. This creature is no messenger of Ioun, as you claim!
Surely some part of you knew this, or you would have disclosed
the creature’s existence to your peers in the Hall of Learning.
That it provided for you these hidden chambers within the library
itself, yet unknown to any but you, is only more proof that you have
dealt with a demon, or a devil, but not the messenger of a deity.
All of this I learned from your own writings that I discovered
here. Where your research will lead, I am unable to discern. I
am only the Defender; the terrible revelations of this demon have
ushered your mind to realms of knowledge where my intellect
cannot go. I must present what I have found here to the Masters
of the library and let them judge its meaning.
Until the Masters are fully informed, I beg you as a friend and
colleague, when you read this—do nothing. If the demon comes
to you, drive it away. If it encourages you to proceed with your
experiment, resist. Delay is your salvation now. The Masters can
help you, but only if you do not proceed down the path the
creature has laid for you.
—Baelard, the Defender
Handout 3

This tragedy draws to a close. I will record what I recall of

events, while strength to do so remains.
Time is difficult to reckon in this subterranean prison. As I judge
it, today (tonight?) marks the fourth week since Ulferth’s ritual split
the earth and the creatures spewed up from below. Whether that
was his intent, or whether he was entirely deceived by the demon,
is impossible to say.
The Masters fought back as best they could, but we were a
community of scholars. I alone was a man of the sword, and the
years of war were long behind me.
When it was apparent that the battle was lost, we sealed the
crypts, then the stairs, and finally the exits to the best of our
ability. Those few who were uninfected set out for help, but no
help came. The creatures that escaped before our barriers were
complete must have killed our messengers on the road.
I know now, though we did not understand then, that the
creatures were the spawn of Kyuss, the Worm that Walks. To die
beneath their reeking claws, or of their wounds, means becoming
like them. One by one, that fate befell my wounded brethren, until
I alone remained. Why I survived so much longer than they, I do
not know, but now my time is over.
Before his death, the Master of Studies recalled a ritual, and
in desperation, he used it to trap the will of Ulferth in a planet of
glass. While the will remains trapped, Ulferth does not live. While he
does not live, he cannot be killed.
The Master’s book is here with me, and I will perform the ritual
upon myself minutes from now. Will I die? My spirit will neither
travel nor know reward, but Kyuss will be denied me as a slave.
This is my victory.
—Baelard, the Defender

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