Kim Lighting SBC Square Beam Cutoff Brochure 1995

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Performance at a Human Scale

Area Lighting
Unti now perfornance n area
iightlng has meaft large f xtures
on ta poles. The techno ogy of
the SBC br ngs h gh pertor-
mance down to an understand-
able sca e where arch tecture
and afdscape are rot over
powered A square llght pattern
makes poss ble exce ent pole
spac ng at B' to 20' mouft ng


Street Lighting
rg, urban
For street lght
tetewa areas, mal s or p
pathways the SBC prov des
perforr.rance and e egant ooks
des gn-.d spec fica y to re ate to
the pedestr an Low mourt ng
he ghts keep the appropriate
human scale n these areas A fr
high y eilicient asymmetr c ght
pattern s ava ab e for unitorm
coverage of the street when
insta ed at th-- orrrb I ne

K m Light ng 1
Two Highly Efficient
Optical Systems

Type V Square Type lll Asymmetric

K rn ,esearched and ceve opec SlreeLs. dr ver'ays or path',^'ays
the sc!are ght pattc:'r are !l rted Lrf lorr y irom a
specif ca y lor h gh eff c eIcy cu rb ne ocat or y/ ih the
n ooen area I Lm fat on itsynlretr c opi ca svsterl
lvlax n !m po e spac rg s llr s system a so pro! des
ach eved n park ng ots and erce efi s dewa k glrl fq
p azas w tlr v Ttua v !. fo.rlt character si cs \,Vhere grt
grl eve s at the cr t ca l.cspass aws are reifect the
m dpo n:s ho!se,q d-o slr e d oLrl of caf ad
I e m rat fq ufdes 'ab e qft
sp l.leyorr(.1 ihe properti re
Ll.S Patert,1.04l 306

t( BB'

k e2'
F xtures ofe s de on y set
2' []ack from aLr'a

Exar.rD e for '75W [,/]ela c lla ce on l6' po es 44 25 fl: per Watt Fxarfp e for l50W !ghPressLrreSocumonl6'poes

The SBC has sharp cutoff above 75" veirica

producing a low g are, high v sibi ity
lighting scheme.

Pole spacings of 5 to 6 times the mount ng height are possible

wh e still meet ng min munr ma nta ned light levels.

2 K.iLghing
3 Mounting Arrangements
8 Light Patterns

Single Mount Twin Mount Wall Mount Note: F xture can be mounted
Type V or Type lll Type V or Type lll Type lll Only to poie or arm r ser nanyof4
orientations 90" apan.
@ @
'ffi UFfl




Property Line

lnstallation Ease
The f ush mounted SBC util zes
Kim s patented wedge mount, Unitized one piece
e irI] nating a exposed ba last assembly. Quick-disconnects on
lasleners at the pole top A allwiring.
single concealed bolt in the
convenient f eld spi ce com f Optional pholocell
partment fac itates f xture V receptacle.
attachment to po e Flxture
hous ng ocks n the open
position, lree ng both hands
lor mount ng.
U S Patent No 4 064,432

Unitized ln-Head Ballast

The ba ast and a re ated pre
w red components are moLrnted
lo a s ngle p ate, fac tating
attachment to the flxture by Precisely
rneans of key s ots. As a fLrrther angled
conven ence lor instal at on and enclosure
malntenance, a wiring LSes Fully gasketed, transrnits high
qu ck disconnect p ugs For sealed optical ang e light without
easy access to the bal ast area chamber. ref ection losses back
the rel ector h nges down, and into the fixture.
snaps out f desired.

One Piece Hydrotormed

Field splice compartment
Reflectors Patented wedge
for easy power
Both the Type V Square and mount e iminates
make-up after fixture
Type IIAsymmetric ref ectors ali exposed fasteners
is mounted to pole.
are hydroformed n one p ece to at the pole top.
ensure opt cai prec sion. This Fixture is prewired
Slngle bolt facilitates
process a so prov des the to splice compartment.
fixture attachment
mechan cal strength to prevent to po e.
distort on throughout the J xture
ife. A lasl ng pollsh is assured Optional hinged base
on a ref ectors because ol the for servicing without a
protective Alzak@ process ng. ladder or ift truck.
U.S. Patent No 4 041 ,306 (14'N/ax.)
One Piece Enclosures
Both the standard acryllc and
optiona po ycarbonate enc o
sures are njection mo ded n
one piece for optica clarity and
homogeneous strength. 45'
corner pr sms add strength and
he p obscure support rods
wh ch hold f xture housing so
enclosure is non support ng; fu
gasket ng g ves a tota ly sea ed
optlca chamber.

4 KmLqhtnq
Specifications: Fixtures

Certification Undenrriter Laboralories lsted (1or 120 2AB,24A,277

and 480 Vo i on y) and Cafadian Standards Assoc at on cert f ed
(1or I20 afd 3,17 Vo t or y) lor wet locations
Housing is fabr cated from a one p ece extruded a um f Ltm s de
pane w ih m tered corners iternal y we ded and sea ed for 19" Sq.
!\/eathert ghtfess A press formed a L]mlnLrrn top cover lnter ocks
w ih the hoLrs ng afd has a coitinllous sea of si cone rubber
res staft to \,,,eaiher ng mo sture, UV and ozone. Top s peaked lor
strcrgih and efficient \,!ater runofi A sat r'r fin sh s app ied alter
fabr cation to e rn nate extrus on d e marks
Rellector s one p ece hydroformed lli th a high]y specLr ar A zak6)
processed surface lvogu base socket s mounted n a ofe p ece
cast rg !,rh ch s fu y gasketed at the rel ector surface A !\/ res to socket are gasketed at po nt of entry fto the opt ca charnber
Rel ector s de \,,'al s and top are contoured so no ght srefected
b,ack ifto tlre arnp arc tuoe for optimum amp lfe and pefforrnance
Rel ector h fges dowr \,! th t\,\'o captive qLrarter-turn fastef -ots for
ba ast access. and s rer.ovab e wlth fo too sprifct h nqes A I H clh
Pressure Sod um mode s are prov ded w th ,1KV pulse-rated sock
ets A I lvleta !a de afd 250W H gh Pressure Sodium ar.tps are
sLrpporLed at the efd by a snubbef.
Enclosure Assembly cons sts oi af exlruded top lrarne. a olre
p ece in ect on mo ded c ear acryi c enc oslte and a cast a um num
po e adapter Enclosu.e s Iu y gasketed top and bottor.r. he d n a
ghty stressed cofditrof by joL.rr fternai stee tubes that are chrome Flush Mount
p ated. Enc osure s rno ded \,v th 45' corfet pt stats fot added
strenllth and to obscure support rods 4" sq.
Flush Mount adapter s calst a rnr nurn alld secures the f xture Catalog No. pole or arm riser
rgdybyifterfa wedlle llr ps ard a s ng e cenier bo t. A fe d sp ice sBc500 See p. 6 and p. 7.
cornpartr|c.rt s prov oed I the adapter and no lasteners are vis b e sBc300
at tlle po e top
Tenon Mounl s one p ece cast a um num for moufl fg to a 2 po e
tenor (21" O.D ) by meafs of eiqht socket head screws Ofe set
scr-e!! s t.r be f e d dri cd nto pole teron to ifh bit f xiure rotation
Fixt!re tenon mouft has af nterna lleld sp ce compartment
Electrical Components are UL and CSA recogn zed afd mounted Same as
rs de the f xture Ba ast afd re ated compoferts are ntegrated above
onto a sifg e mounting p ate altached to the f xtlrre with casy
.e ease key s ots A e ectr ca cor.ponerts are pre,,1,ired us fg
qu ck-d sooincct p,rgs Ba ast s a ll gh Power Factor component
type \rv th 20''F start,rg lernperatLrre
Standard Finish is TG C the.n-oset po yester po\,!der coat paift
app cd over a chrorarate convers on coatifq Ava lab e co ots are
serf g oss Black Dark BroNze Light Gray and White Lefs frafi]e is
a ways L qht Gray
Optional Finish s ArcritectLrra C ass Anod ze over sal n po sh
Avai able co ors are B ack arld Dark Bronze (for f ush mounted f x
Tenon Mounl
:!res on y) Polewith 2" pipe size
Fixture Mount EPA (Effect ve Prolected Area) Each I xture mount ng Catalog No. tenon (2%" O.D, X 474" long).
has ar EPA rat llg and cach po e has an a lowab e EPA Th s a ows sBc501
ccrect po e s z ng for lobs te w fd condit ofs based on thc AASHTO sBc30t
w nd map See page 9 afd K rn Po e Spec Sheets PSA-SBC and
KSS-SBC lor comp cie po e spec ficat ofs
WARNING: FxtLres must lle groLrnded if aocordancc wth oca
ccdes or the Nat ofa Eectrlca Code Fa lure to do so mav resu t n
ser ot]s fr{:rsona nlury

KmLgrtr! 5
Arm Mounts and Options
28 Twin Arm Mount ior f ush
mouftccl f xt!res on y. Cons sts

of t\,!o prew red arm assemD es
Atm and I set ate a um llllr|
ext.Lrs ofs \1/eided alld [r ended
together Po e cieal a!tomat c

a ya gns and evesarm '14"
Bottorn cap s caslil lfrinLrm
rfounted w lh al s ng e screw
l-a" or s" sq
TG C thermoset polyester I Pole with arrn
powder coat pa ft on y I mounting cleats.

1W Wall Mount for I Lrslr

rno!nled lxtures on y Heavy
cast alurar nLrm wa patewth
arm c eat and sp ce access
I Itqa-,7','
4" (13/4" Width)
cover Prew red arm and r ser
x-{ :'<-lVounting to
ate a urn num exttus ons we ded wa I by others.
ard b ended together tsottom H
cap s cast alLrm num mounted il J-box
by others.
w th a singLe screw

TG C therrnoset polyester
powder coat paint on y I

Retrotit Fixtures Thc fo ow ng po c niormat on

In add t of to the standaro ,1" sq rnust be prov dcd to nsure
lush mount afd 2ir.,!" O D tenof proper flxtLre mount ng
moLrnt l xLures can be moufted I Founo or Square Adapter castlng wlth
to a w de range oj loLnd or 2 PoetopOD. D ardwa expansion mount.
square po es Lrs ng a spcc a th ckness
adapter cast rg This casi ng 3 Any out of roufd or sqLrarc Pole top must be cut square.
mates \,v th a I the var ous s ze condlt or
expans on mounis lf Lhe K m 4 Top 6" ol po e free of nt-^rna D 3'Sq. 6 So O 3"O.D. 4r "OD
lfveftory Th s provides anolher obstruclofs. - 4"Sq. 6(s Sq J & OD
3,, OD
neans for retrof tt rg ex st fg SlrLrctura ntegr ty ol a lnof-Klm 5 So 4"OD 6'OD
po es or ut z ng po es by others po cs must e w th othels
41h" la
41\ ltz" AD
To spec fy consu t K m rcp

LS Optional Enclosure HS Optional Houseside Shield

One piece nlecl on molded for Type I
distr but on f xtures
c ear po ycarbonaLe. on y (SBC300 afd SBC301)
FootcardeandCU values Conslsts of of t\,,io sh e d ng cor.l
must be rnu t p ied by 0 92 for ponefts nsta ed at thc lactory
ght oss over standard clear Ofe coll]pofent restr cts d rect
acry c. anp ight and tlre other red{rces
ectcd ght (For c ear lamps
CAUTION: Use LS on y wher
on V. s-.e paqe 24 for deta s)
vandalsrn is anticipated to be
h gh Usefu ife is m ted by d s
co orat on caused by UV from
sun ight, mercury vapor and
meta ha ide amps.
A-25 Optional Photocell
Receptaclelor a lixtures Unt s
lactory mounted at cefie. of top
cover and accepts NEMA base
photoce s (by others) Fortwn
arm moLrnt, each l xtLfe be w
supp ied wth is owf pfrotoceL
receptac e Photoce s sha be
f!rn shed by others

6 K.n Lroht ncr

Nole: See K m Po e Spec. Sheets PSA-SBC and KSS-SBC
Specifications: Poles for comp ete specificat ons and order ng nlormat on. A owable
po e EPA for jobs te w nd cond t ons nust be equa to or greater
than fxture mount EPA. Responsib ty lies w th the specif erlor
correct po e selection based on loca codes and standards Jor
the job ocat on.

Non-Tapered Square Aluminum Non-Tapered Square Aluminum

I ar f rr:rl firar,r rtaai f )itL ri::r ar r with Arm l\4ounting Cleats
ii,cil5Ol an.l LiPilili-l(l s r!t. :r(j:l
Frr .ri r-iL . -:.t ,:it. ,-::. Lr' rj
lopnrri ilFilIrlllir | .'rFll:-rilil t,,r r ifir

Shaft s frr-. ra :rp-.'..iil

ajal. Shalt i:rarr;r'-. 'ri r tlpei-.,r
E.i rr.l-..1 a L 'l .Lrnr : ,r,i tlalfiil Tii
i]Lr- . 1] a r,, liiral Tii
a rirp ear !,,' r i] .,r d .r -. a.i n'f ,:l-:
lt.luq rri t tr.r Lrrir ralai :- L n r lnr iirll' r.ltrt t Base
/.'l !,i.slal!ar ia,r'ir n r,r : ,! :. a r ii-r ,Ifa] a fa[! Ll! :1!a] [i] lra) ('
??x lliil :ilin I A I'i.ifill[]a ri:r.,p|,.lr
Standard Fixed Base :i |:li'
a rnr nrrr_ l. !, ,,re iErl ta :r|:ri: goLt
t.tfl.l v'-'
n t al.,rat/.,.tt,ar arit,.'a: aifll f Lrilr ii -.rl
r!r;a:.a aI: 1 lejlt
BotCiroe .,/
I Size

sLrp -. ed ,r th ,r [,r,] -.,..--. .:al

:.!I !irri- a-rLl L r r)al!i
r urT ao,1ai
Dia. \"/ Standard Fixed Base : aisL
:i , r | 'Lr \,r,iir i.rrl tLr ail nli
Dia t/
:ri l)p :ra] r,'l r i.l lir.'ir ii airrr irirjt
Grounding 5 |,r -r' i.r r)ll at iri:,n ,1. I rL t.t.tritil t.ja|li-a tit ll:ilia
sarir," r-t: I .far'rt !
Grounding :r )',' a,ir :[ (jr.]rjl Arm
Anchorage :, r,,i iirur .lar ,rar /irl a,. a,",,' ,,, a',,,.
L lraoi iiirf !r Lr) [: :i-r]lr |Ll ,.'r : l\lounl
i: ill fr:s r)rllrl ir,'n!lrirri:lfil:r Anchorage ! b,, lLrL r lti ,,.if i,:ri Cleat
r !t n pre!:rEn bl:rd .err| .r .r l.ra,li :r rha r.r t.. :Lrl-r -r ed ,! rl
i: aJ rt r ,t- a (-t rl ir;rril ri: llfar .1
il il fr ')s!,11 l)r,a r r) flr ilr Shaft
ifl l. 6 u!-..r i l Size
i2ll lrr] esr : :lrl A rll .r' 8., t :l zL
4 sq. 5" sq.
BrialicaD ji cla. ll i lil i. lil l] ) crji
,^\nahl'lE! . P oler: or ll 1l i lii.i.,'il tlr,.:l
.qa!.! S/i lll !.1 :f IL-'rrU., I ll
Loir.lL t,rlirr fil i.l:: I ll i, r 'a,r P! L i i
1n!. -lir:,.l,jn:i {l.,n.l ri Ht. ,l,r::i ll7r ll ..1 I I s.l Ht.
:raleat !r i\ba'.,,. FurL r at 1
(li d : LIL rf far :: i 10'
Standard Finish . Ill II'. n-,,:.: 10' I f!lr [llae lr]ir.r lli)r'aL -r'a,.-ral0rl 1z',
io,rie5te' pri!'rr,: a-iil p:i n ,. -rf ,3al 12' .,ll_i.!,. F.. r'. I 14',
-r'lTlii:L: -a|i!r.
0rrcl al O I.,!ntrlrl 14',
Finish .r li ll il .jrfr),:.1 i,),r'L!1rr
BL-P 3 a.k It)
DB-P l;r'i lr.,'7i r..:.r'rlr !:i 20'
Ilrii'rla a|ill |:i Irr!p Ir1 .rr./ar il
: l:r D. ra,ri !a a .a ! l 20' jllJrr':l[i'Lr] !,rr! ri r Ir):ll rrl
LG"P al t al .-.t
BL-P ll.r.r/
WH-P lrrr r lil DB"P ll.: . Eroi/a ( csaril. a5
:i'.1 D ;r |r . r,rr.rl
Optional Finish !!.[-r i] LG-P Lrt Iilr.r',,
a:rs: aiirr ri I:
BL-A ,i a.[ ]lra.rl rE !\nL-r.l7F.l t n rl.r
DB-A l:rk -rfan7,. f ..rii :e l f
Shaft Thick-
Shaft Thick
Car. No. Ht. Size I8"
Cat. No. Ht. Size 18" *PSA10 4188-2
*PSA8-4125FM tl

T- * t tl
*PSA10-4125Ftll 'PSA12-4188-2 l::. I

*PSA14-4125FI t:.1
vv .PSA14-4188,2
.PSA14 5188 2
PSA16-4188Ft\4 tit:
PSAI6-5188-2 til l) :Ll
PSA20 5188 2
*HB Optional Hinged Base ::
Anchor _! alhi Anchor
Bolt it,'/.t trb i. a pr ar5 r lt lr l,l Bolt
'HB Optional Hinged Base s a,f ! {lil:J ;r rrr l]rrl ,r lr !il:l r ESrl
llja.]f Ji)r:.,li:ir'.1 lrcal '
:r'iai Projection ![!i] s ! []. !,.'al fq l . !! Lr!. Project on
o' ! Ce5t it L n a! r i,' .lr 5.a a a5!
Standard Base r'rat ir Llr,.rrr.: lllis!i-eia(]l a

o :rlee s .r rllr iI."'d _j rr 9al

oir,,!t fat al
it arl arr lr(-r
bal:'.r Adli HB ll]
[] tat'ir!i:t Lllrr: lilr"l
I Lt m t .rs si:inar:ird
aei:r.r lirr'rlI
1 rlal
irar a rar -. :ri !lefll:lir f:arl bn,ra

H ! il Ll -.rlf r:r l
tr: PSAl2-41 25Flvl,BL-P,HB A.rd HB n'.1 l f(l r'.1 .l .:cl of lrl
Optional rr:,.1:i a!l f-rll bar :,i:al ilr-r aI'sl
Lri PSA12-41 88-2, B L-P, H B-X1

KnLllhtrg 7
Non-Tapered Square Steel
For flush mounted fxtures on y,
SBC500 and SBC300, sing e post
top mount.

Shatt is square non tapered

fabr cated of ow carbon stee
(ASTI/]-A500, Grade B) with one
flush-we ded venical seam. A
handhole s supp led wth cover
and ground ng ug.
Base s f at steel fu ly welded to
shaft supp ied wllh a two plece cast
a uminum cover secured to base bY
stain ess steel screws.

Anchorage s by four fully galvanlzed

L-hook anchor bolts, supplied with
eight nuts, e ghl flat washers and a
rigid presswood ternplate

Anchor Bolt Size

(10'to 16' poles) 3/q' x 15"
(20'poles) 3/q"
x 30"
Bo t Circ e Diameter: 7Yr'-AYz'
Anchor Bo 1 Project on: 37'r'
Base Size: 3/i xB'
Condu t Open ng (dia.): 3'
Standard Finish ls TGIC lhermoset
polyester powder coat paint.
BL-P Black
DB-P Dark Bronze (resemb es
313 Duradon c'ln co or.)
LG-P L ght Gray
WH-P White
Primer Finish is epoxy zinc-enr ched
powder coat pa nt factory appled as
a protective primer for jobsite painting
by others. Thls palnt is not a finished
coating. A flnal protective paint linish
must be app ied and rnaintained.
PR Gray Primer
Pole Shafl Thick-
Cal. No. Ht. Size
KSSl0-4120FM 10 11 ga.
KSSl2-4120FM 12 11 ga.
KSSl4-4120FM 14 1l ga
KSS16-4t20FM 16 Tl ga
KS520-4120FM 20 11 ga

.L I K m Lighting
Note: See Kim Pole Spec. Sheets PSA-SBC and KSS-SBC
Allowable Pole EPA for complete specifications and ordering information. Allowable
pole EPA for jobsite wind conditions must be equal to or greater
than fixture mount EPA. Responsibllity lies with the specifier for
correct pole selection based on local codes and standards for
the job location.

Ref: AASNTO 1985






7A 10

. Values are based on 50 year mean recurrence interval. .Th s map is intended as a general guide.
. Hawaii has an B0 moh w nd velocity. Consult local authorities to determine maximum
. Puerto Rico has a 95 moh wind velocity. wind velocities and unique wind conditions.
. Use caution in determining wind veLocities in
specia wind areas such as mountainous areas
and areas surrounding the Great Lakes.

Wino Arro l4ip "o .tl'o G
Allowable Pole EPA Sreadv - -V
WindV Equ idlenr
for var ous wind speeds. Pole Cat. No. 70t91 80/104 901117 100/130 110/143
PSAB-4125F]V 19.3 14.3 10I B5 6.6
EPA ratings are for wlnd map PSA10-4 t25Ft\,4 14.1 10.2 76 57 4.3
steady w nd x 1.3 standard PSA12-4 t25Fr\,4 10.4 7.3 52 36 2.5
gust factor. PSA14-4125Ft\,l 7.8 5.2 3.4 21
PSA16-4125Fr\,4 5.7 3.5
EPA ratings are based on
PSA16-4188F1\,4 12.7 B.B 61 42
PSA2O-4188FM 7.9 5.0 29
AASHTO standards. PSAI0-4188-2 26.4 19.3 14.8 115 ,l
PSA12-4188.2 20.1 14.7 110 8.4 6.4
PSA14-4T BB-2 I5.9 11.4 8.3 tJl

"l PSA14-5188.2
21 .8

14 5



A owable po e EPA for job KSSl0-4120FN,,1 29.3 21 .9 16 B 131 14.4

KSS12-4120FN,4 23.5 17.3 131 101 7.8
site wind conditions rnust KSS14-4120FN,1 1 9.3 14.A 10 3 7.7 5.8
be equal to or greater than KSS16-4120FN,1 1 5.6 1 1.0 79 5.7 4.0
i xture mount EPA. KSS20-4120FN4 '10.1 6.7 4.4 27 15

Fixture Mount EPAs P an View and

l\,4ount ng Reference
Kim Fixture
BA11?"0 H

sBc300, 301, 500 & 501 2.O 6.0

Kim L qht nq I
The SBC fixture is a performance luminaire designed for human
Proportion Aid scale, or lower mounting heights. Therefore, proportions become
a factor in choosing the correct mounting height in relation to
surrounding architecture and landscape. This propodion aid is
intended to help in visualizing and selecting the best mounting
height for a project. lt is mportant to keep in mind that mounting
height affects light distribution. The higher the fixture is mounted,
the qreater the light throw.

'18', 1B'

NOTE: J poles are mounted on concrete

pedestals such as in park ng ots he ght of
pedestal must be cons dered ln se ecting
the proper po e height
16, 16'


12' 12',




Ordering lnformation

Ordering Example,
Single Fixture:

Ordering Example,
Twin Mount:
?,9 r*

Ordering Example,
Wall Mount: (No Pole)

Fixtures Ballast Module

Cata og number For a lf xtures.
nc udes l xture
and opt ca sys-
tem w th standard
Line Bal ast N4odule L fe [,4ax

TGIC powder coat

F ush --> Cat. No. SBC500 Lamp (by others) Vo ts Cat No Watts Amps
flnish Less Ba ast
[,4or ] nt 70 250 Watt
lvodule and amp
4',sq Fxture EPA: 2 0 (Sing e) 70 Watt 124 70HPS120 8ti 089
60(Twn) High Pressure Sod unl 208 70HPS208 447
A amps by others
Type V E23'1. C eat 240 70HPS240
91 040
Square Distrlbut on N4ogu Base 277 7oHPs277 9l 03s
(TG C powder coat or anod zed f n shes) 347 70HPS347 93 030
480 70HPS480 421

I00 Watt 124 100HPS120 115 1.50

High Pressure Sod urr] 2AB 100HPS208 130 0 76
E23Z Clear 244 '100HP5240 130 0.66
Cat No. SBC300
lv4ogul Base 277 100HP5277 130 0.60
70 - 250 Watt
347 100HPS347 130 A 44

Fxture EPA: 2 0 (S ng e)
480 100HP5480 130 0.33
Type I
I 50 Walt 124 150HPS120 174 2.25
Asymraretric ll gh Pressure Sod urn 208 1s0HPS208 1BB 1.r5
D slr but on E231/, C eat 244 150HPS240 1BB 1 00
55 Volt N/logu Bas-. 277 150HPS277 1BB O.B5
(TGIC powder coat or anodized f n shes) 347
188 0.56
50HPS480 188 0 50

250 Watt 124 250HPS120 295 274

H gh Pressrre Sodiurn 2AB 250HPS208 295 150
E1B C ear 244 250HPS240 295 130
enon--> Cat No SBC501 N,4ogu Bas,- 277 250HP5277 295 I 15
N/lount 70 250 Watt 347 250HPS347 295 093
Flxture EPA: 2.0 480 250HPS480 065
Type V
Square D str butlon I 75 Watt 120 175MH.120 215 1 B0

(TG C powder coat f nlshes on y) N4eta Ha de 208 175MH208 215 1 05

BT2B or ED2B 240 17sMH240 215 0 90
ClearPnOrerted 277 175MH277 215 0 80
l',4ogu Base 347 175MH347 215 0 65
480 175MH480 215 0 45

250 Watt 124 250MH120 2.60

Tenon--> Cat. No. SBC301 lvleta Hal de 208 250MH208 295 L50
l\4ount 70 250 Watl BT28 or ED2B 244 250MH240 295 1.30
Fixture EPA 2 0 C ear Pin Oriented 277 250MH277 29s 1 .10
a Tvoe I
Nilogul Base 317 250MH347 294 0.90
($ 4.5yrn6611 6 480 250MH480 295 0.65
D rtr brtlon
(TG C powder coat finishes only) NOTE: For amp/ba ast flormatiof ouls de oJ the t.l S.A. and
Canada, p ease conslrlt yoLrr Loca Klm represenlative.

12 Km L aht ng
Twin Arm Mount Wall Mount
For f ush mounted f xtures on y For f lsh rl]ounted f xtures on y

.-Cat. No 28 Cat No. 1W

trr Consists of two prewired arm

assemb les lor mounting to
Kirn Non-Tapered Square
Alurn nurlr Poles wlth arrn
mountlng c eats Ava able n
Consisls of a cast alurar num
wa I mount fg p ate with arm
c eal and sp ce access
cover pius a pre\,! red arrn
assemb y. Avai able in TG C
TG C powder coat on y lo powder coat only to match
rnatch po e and fixture. f xture

Finishes Standard TG C thermoset Optiona Arch tectural C ass Optional

po yester powder coat I nlshes anod ze (for f ush rnounted
Standard TG C therr.roset Enclosure
(for al fixtures and po es): f xtures s ngle post top
polyesler powder coat lin shes
Cat. No mounting on y) Cal No. LS: For al J xtures.
are ava lable on a I f xlures
BL-P B ack Cat. No. One piece njection-mo ded
and po es. Arod zed tin shes c ear po ycarbonate
are only ava lable on f ush DB-P Dark Bronze (resembles BL-A Black anod ze
313 Duranod c" n co or) DB-A Dark Bronze anodize Note: Use only whef vanda
rfounted f xtures and sing e ism s ant c pated to be h gh
post-lop mouft ng a um num LG-P Light Gray
WH-P White Uselu ife s lm ted by d s-
po es.
co oratlon caLSed by L-lV from
sun ight and N4H lamps.

Optional Photocell Receptacle Optional Houseside Shield

For a fixtLres. For asymrnetric d stribut of lixtures of y, SBC300 and SBC30l
Cal No. A-25 Cat No. HS
Photoce I receptac e mounled Consists of lwo compofents
top center Photocel by oth nsta ed at the factory One
ers For tw n mount each flx component sh elds direct
lure s suppl ed w th ts own amp I ght and the other
photoce I receptacle. reduces reflected I ght For
STreel S de use with c ear amps only

See Kir.r Po e Spec. Sheets PSA-SBC and KSS-SBC for conplete p,r e spec lications

K m Lightng 13
Explanation of Photometrics
and Pole Spacing Charls

All photometric tesling conducted with standard clear All Photometric Testing by
acrylic. Footcandle and C.U. correction factor for lndependent Testing Laboratories, Boulder, Colorado
optional enclosure listed below.
LS C ear Po ycarbonate enclosure O.92

Whenever sing e or twin f xtures Whenever sing e or tw n f xtures

produce a ight pattern that s produce a qht pattern that s
-- ----.'-l symmetricai n quadrants on y symmetrica in two ha ves, on y

one quadrant is shown, per one ha f s reported, pernritt ncl
-\\ m tting max mum s ze and rnaximum size and accuracy for
^=e -)\ accuracy for the charts. These
fixtures nc ude:
l\\t the chans. These lixtures
inc udei
( I S ng e Type V Square f xtures. \ I S ng eType lllAsymmetr c

\$ tI Tw n Type I Asymmetric
f .lLrres or enleal awav from
each other.
For Twin Type V Square fixtures
For Twln Type ll Asymmetric
f xtures oriented the same way,
mult ply footcandles by two.
mu tlp y footcandles by two.

Pole Spacing Charts for Fixtures with Typ€ V

Square Light Distribution
Forparking ots o r general area lighting lt is necessary to d etermine
both longtudina and atera poespacing.Thesechartsshowpoe
spac ngs, average malnta ned levels of umination and mounting
heights w th n recommended un formity of 4: l average to m nimum.
The fo owing procedure is suggested:
1 DpFm-p evelo',lu^ind o'l y'o,rd ea^ -ave aga
mainta ned hor zontal footcandles. The LE S. handbook may offer
sorne guide nes. lf the footcand e eve s are 1oo high on a g ven
chart, select a iower wattage lamp that w I produce des red
lumination leve.
2. To determine po e spacings, trace down the des red footcandle
curve to any po nt betweer the two marks denoting mount ng
height A.
3. Awholeseresof ongitudlna and atera poespacingsare
ava lab e. ln the chart at r ght, comb,inatlon B 77'x B0', o)
combinat on C 93' x 65' or anywhere in between wil produce .=
1 .5 Footcandles average maintained at 16' mount ng height
and 4:1 uniform ty.
Rememller, I ght levels are average maintained, not init al. o

Pole Spacing Charts lor

Fixtures with Type lll
Asymmetric Light Distribution
These charts are d rect read ng
glvlng suggested pole spaclngs r lr f lMe€rsIIUnro'mr,
F Pore spa! n! ro' +l
for various mount ng heights, On€ 5de A|a.qem€n
street or area widths, and Mountinq Helqht 10' 12' 14', 16',
average eve s of luminatlon. 10' t0' r8
It is assumed thal f xtures wil Average 05
be nstaled on one side of the Mainlalned l0 76 73 65 71 68 62
area on y. 15 58 59 55 Q 55 5l 49 43 48 46 41 37
2.4 44 41 41 39 41 3a ilai 32 3l
Pole Spac ng (feel) Pole Spac ng (feel) Po e Spac ng (leet) Po e Spacing (feet)

14 Km L ght ng
70 Watt
High Pressure Sodium
E231-C ear 6300 un'ens
l,;l )
100 Watt
High Pressure Sodium
I r-_
L23tr C eat.9500 umens ,,
TL Test No 27l89O Type V T L. Test No 273990 Type V
Cata oo No SBC500 or SBC501 Sq Lrare Cata oq No SBC500 or SBC501 Square

ln t al llorizonta Typical Ouadrant, Single Mount nit a lor zonta Typical Quadrant, Single Mount
Footcandles at Footcand es at
L sted lvlo!nt n! Listed ivlount nq
He ghls He ohts
Lonq tudrf il Drslance Long tld na D stance
n Ny'oLrftinq He ghts n Mount nll He qhts
16 I't4 12' 10 '16' 14 't2' 10' 2 3 4 5

39 50 9E
T5 2.4 27 39
77 t0 1.4 2A
39 b 68 98

15 2 27 39
08 1 .14 2A
04 .05 a7 t0
02 .42 .03 0.1 4

01 01 OT a2
0.1 0.2 0. J 0.4
Dashed Crrue : C U for ofe s de Tola Do\,lnward C U. : 662 Dashed Curve : C.U lor one s de Tota Downward C.U. = 706

Pole Spacing Chart, Pole Spacing Chart,

Single Mounl Single Mount
lr6 a' \,0'
Latera Portion ol curve between Lateral Port on of curve between
Poe mount ng height marks Poe mount ng he ght marks
Spacing is w th n 4:1 uniformity. Spac ng s with n 4 1 Lrn lorm ty
averagetomnmum averagetomnmum
\ \
vr r \"
vr \"

6 dO. vd r'.i - /o
AveraQe N,4aintained Nor zonta Foolcandles fOO
"r l-
I P,O r,

1.5t o.s-
i r.o l -

o '-+-l } rr'- -l ',',,'l ] i

t- c
a a
L J'i''r,];'i.,
,i,H co
o .+,i ai

Lonqitudlna Po e Spacinq (feet) LonqltLrd na Po e Spac nq (ieet)

l(m L 15
150 Watt 250 Watt
High Pressure Sodium High Pressure Sodium
E2312 C eat 55V., 16 000 umens ElB Clear 'Superior",30 000 lumens
.T L. Test No. 27191O Type V I T.L. Test No 27192O Type V
Cata oct No. SBC500 or SBC501 Sq uare Cataoq No. SBC500 or SBC501 Square

lnta Hor zontal Typical Quadrant, Single Mount nta Hor zonta Typical Quadrant, Single Mount
Footcand es at Footcand es at
L sted Mount ng L sted Mount ng
Heights H eig hts
Lono tud na D stance Long tud nal Distance
.,u'l'o'l','l,o' in lvlount ng Heights
1 2 3 4 5 ,o'l ru' I ro, |
n [,4ount ng He ghts
1 2 4 5
7.7 10 13 19 LB l5 2A 27 t,
39 50 6.8 9B

49 7.7 10 14 T I
1.5 2.4 2.7 3.9 I 25 39 50 6B I I
77 1.0 14 20 2
// , \ 2
\,, I 20
.77 1.0
J'. /



/ I
.2 ) 7v 3

05 .08 .1
,OB l 14 20
.42 04 .05
.04 05 07 10 4 4
.01 a2 .02 I
{ I I I I I I I
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
DashedCurve:CL for one side. Tota Downward C [J. : .713 DashedCurve:CL lor one s de Total Downward C 0 : .723

Pole Spacing Chart, Pole Spacing Charl,

f*ronq ,ro n, -]
Po e Soac ino
Single Mount Single Mount
I -l !16' j'ro'
Portion of curve between Port on of curve between
mounting height rnarks mounting height marks
is w th n 4:1 unifornnity, is within 4:1 uniformily,
average to min mum. average to rn nirarurn.
\ .^.

Average lvlainta ned Hor zonta Footcandles

a.e dg- Vdr d| pd Ho Toor'
'./or'dl "ad^

o) or
o o
L d
or o


Long tud na Pole Spaclng (feet) Lonqitud nai Po e Spac ng (feet)

16 Km L ght ng
175 Watt 250 Watt
Metal Halide Metal Halide
BT2B C ear, Super, 15,000 umens BT28 Clear, 19,000 umens
TL Test No 271930 I T.L. Test No. 27194Q
Cata og No. SBC500 or SBC501 Catalog No SBC500 or SBC50'1

nit a Hor zontal Typical Ouadrant, Single Mount ln tia Hor zontal Typical Quadrant, Single Mount
Footcand es at Footcand es at
Listed l\.4ount ng L sted Mount ng
He ghts Heights
Longitud na Dlstance Long tud na D stance
't0' n lvlount nq lle cthts in l\y'ount no Heiqhts
16', 14', 12' 1 2 4 20' 16', 14', 12', 2 4

77 t3 19 / -\ I \l
4.9 14
\ :-
39 6B LB I 25 6B
1.5 27 3.9
.98 2.7
.77 14 2.O
2 .45 1.4 2

39 .68 .98
.15 .27 .39 jr/ / .T0
10 F 4

I 4
.02 03 a4 .01 03

.r I I I

0.1 o.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 o.2 0.3 0-4

DashedCurve:CU for one side. Tota Downward C.U : 666 Dashed Crrrve : C ll for one s de Total Downward CU = 707

Pole Spacing Chart,
Single Mount alo, oir o .d >r 3'",1i'3ofii"1
!lo' rr """ r
Po e Soacino
T' I
Latera Portiof of curve between Latbra Portion of cLrrve between
Poe firounting helght .narks po e r|ount ng he ght marks
Spaclng s within 4:l un formity, Spacing swthn 41 unformty
average to min mum d a dO6'O 11Ll
Yr .^.
X" Yr r X
Averaqe Ma nta ned Hor zonta Footcand es Averaqe Ma ntained for zontal Footcand es

q q
o] OJ

Longitud nal Po e Spacing (feet) Longitudina Pole Spacing (leet)

KmLClhting 17
70 Watt
High Pressure Sodium
E231L C ear. 6300 lurnef s
.T.L Test No. 27380 Type I

Catalog No SBC300 or SBC30'1 Asymmetr c

Typical Half, DashedCurve=CU See page 24 for

Single Mount eflect ol llouses de Sh e d.
0:r--. ...3i4 0.3 o.4
'....=- l I I

lnta Hor zontal

Footcand es at \
L sted Molnt ng tt
Heig hts
16', 14', 12', 10' .:
i; iside \ lnita Hor zontal Typical Quadrant, Twin Mount
1.6 2.2 4.2 Footcand es at
' .-,,^5 at-ed aid, .,oa pd
',: Listed Mount ng o11.,
.84 1.1 15 2.2
T 'l He ghts as on page 3. example 6
.42 .54 .74 1.1
] -2
.16 .22 .42
! 16', 14'. 12' 10'

2 3 4 5

09 .11 t5 22 4.2 7.4 10.6 t

.44 05 .08 .11 A t 1

1.6 29 42
.42 o2 03 .o4 .84 1.5 2.2 j 2
42 .74 1.1
2 5
16 29 42
Longltud nal D stance in Mount ng Ne ghts 3

09 15 22

Summary ol Side 45 45% (455)

Street o4 .08 .
.l l 4
Downward Side: 22 45"/. (.221)
Eff cienc es (C U.) Tota: 6750% (.675)

1 4 5
_o"o I o ro D. -"^( ^ . VO,.||g-erg r

Pole Spacing Chart,

Single Fixture.

lEm [,4eets 6 1 Uniform ty.

E&re1 Averaoe lo N/inimum

Po e Spac ng for
S de Arrangement
l - t""'* 1 Unrform ly,
I lAueraoe lo l\,4rnimLrm

Mount ng Heiqht 10, 12', 14' 16',

W dth of Slr-.-.1 TO' 15' 18', 20, 25' 10, 15', 1B' 20' 25', 15, 1B' 20' 2s', 30' 1B' 2A' 2s', 30' 35'
10 79 70 77 74 67
Average 1 5 64 59 56 59 55 52 47 51 49 44
I\4ainta ned 2.A 52 55 4B 44 42 44 41 39 35 3B 37 30
fonzonta 2.5 49 42 44 38 35 33 35 31 2B 31 29 27
Footcand es 3! 41 35 3T 36 32 29 2A 29 27 26 23 26 25 22
4.0 31 26 23 27 22 21 22 21 2A 17 19 1B 17
Po e Spacina (feet) Pole Spacing (feet) Pole Spacing (feet) Po e Spacinq (feet)

18 K m Llghtlng
100 Watt
High Pressure Sodium
E231,L C ear 9500 umcns
.T.1. Tcst No 27381 Type
Catalog No SBC300 or SBC301 Asymrretr c

Typical Hall, Dash-od CLrrve: Cti See page 24 for

Single Mount -offe.T of Horses de Sh -o d
0 10 .2 0 o.4
t- I

ln tra Nor zonta
Footcafd es at
L sted Mo!nt ng
He ghts
S de
6' 14 '12'

Street lnit a Hor zontai Typical Quadrant, Twin Mount

39 50 9B Slde { lootcand es at
L sted Mount ng F xtLrres airned away lrom eitclt otlrer
r5 2A 39 He OhIS as on page 3. exa.fp e 6
.77 1L) 2A
16', 14', 12', 10' 1 2 3 4 5
39 5 98

15 2 .39
50 68 9B
.08 1 20
15 2A 2.7 3.9
04 05 10 .77 L0 14 2.4
39 5 68 .98
Long tud fa D starce ri l'"4ount fg He ghls 3

t5 2 27 39
SLrfrmary Street S.le 44.251" (.143') 4
Downward llolse S de 21 247" 1 242) 08 1 14 2A
Eff c enc es {C U ) Tola 68 49% ( 685)

2 5
ong t!d na D stance n [/]ouni nq lle ghts

Pole Spacing Chart,

Single Fixture.

f----_l lvleel5 6 1 Ur lormit,

| |l"e .oe to M n mrm
I .A l - l Meetco I Un lormrty,
I lAr.r..," to M n mrm
< Po e Spac nq for
One S de Arranqement

N,4ount rq He qht 10' 12', 14', 16',

W dth of Street l0' 18', 2A' 15', 1B' 2A' 25' 30' ]B' 24', 25' 30' TB' 20' 2s', 30
10 102 '111 106
91 81 96 a7 79
Average I 5 85 B1 71 79 75 6B 6l 74 71 64 5B 53
N,4a nta ned 2 A 69 64 55 69 64 61 46 59 56 51 45 40 55 44 40
Ho.izontal E 71 60 5t 44 55 5l 49 4:l 37 47 45 41 36 32 44 42 35 ?,2

30 59 50 46 43 46 42 4A 35 4A 34 30 27 37 35 32 26
4A 44 :ttl 34 27 35 30 27 23 30 25 23 20 27 24
22 20
Po e Spac no (feet) Po e Spac fq (feet) Po e Spac fg lfeeT) Po e Spac nLt (feet)

K r- L qlri rq 19
150 Watt
High Pressure Sodium /(( -)'
E2312Cleat 55V. 16 000 lumens
T L Test No. 27382 Type I

Cata oq No SBC300 or SBC301 Asyrnrnetric

Typical Half, See page 24 lor

Single Mount eff-ocT of HoLrses de Sh -o d

nta Horzonta
Footcand es al
L sted lvlount ng
He ghts

16 114|12 10'

nta Hor zonta Typical Quadrant, Twin Mount

l ootcand es at
L sted MoLrnt ng F xt!res a med a\ray lron each other
feichts as on paqe 3 examp e 6
16' 14' 't2' 10
2 3 4 5

77 10 t3 19
39 50 6B 9B

I 5 20 27 2

77 L(,) 11 20
39 5 68 98
Long tudira Dlstafce n N4ount ng He ghts 3

.15 2 27 39
Summary Street Slde 47.37"h l,471) 08 l l4 2A 4
Downward House Slde 24 21"/" ( 243)
EIf c efc es (C U ) 71 64% ( 716)

2 3 5
ong tud na D slance n N/ount nq He ghts

Pole Spacing Chart,

Single Fixture.

f----l [/eels 6 T Unrform t\,.

| | A"e'a.,e to [/rnrmL]m

I I f -_l l\/leeTs 3 I Unilorrnty

r< Pole Spac nct lor
I I Aue'a.,e 1o N/rnrmLrm

One S de Arrafqement

l,/ount nq He qht 12' 14' l6 2t)',

Width of Street 10' t5' 18'. 24', t5' 1B' 20' 30' l8' 20' 2s'. 30' 35', 21', 25' 30' 41',
1.0 137 127
15 109 97 117 107 9B 91
Average 2 o 95 84 99 B9 82 BB BO 73 69
l\4ainta ned 2.5 79 88 a4 76 67 B3 79 71 65 58 70 64 59 55 51
Horzonta I o 79 75 80 73 7A 63 56 69 66 59 55 49 53 49 46 42
Footcandeg; 75 64 59 56 49 60 55 52 47 42 49 44 41 37 44 4A 37 34 32
5.0 60 5l 17 45 39 48 44 42 3B 34 41 40 36 33 29 35 32 2927 25
Pole Spac nq (feet) Po e Spac nq (feet) Po e Spaclng (leet) Po e Spac ncl (feet)

20 l{ nr L {lhi fg
250 Watt ,.:4..::.
High Pressure Sodium
E18 Cear'Superior' 30,000 !mefs
.T L Test No 27383 ryp-i i
Cata oq l\o SBC300 or SBC301 Asyrnmetr c

Typical Half, Dashed C!rv-- CU See page 24 lor

Single irount elfeoT ot Horses d-o Sh -o d

n t.r lor]lonta
Footcand'--s at
L sted Mo!nt n.l
He glrt:l

20 116 | 14 12',

nta lotzottil Typical Quadrant, Twin Mount

Fooicand es.rt
L sTcd N4ount ng Frrt!rcs a med a!,ay lrom each other
!eight:l as of page 3 ,-ramp e tj

20' t6' 't 4' 12'. 'I 4 5

98 l5 2A 21 1

49 77 l0 14
25 39 5.0 68 2

.98 I5 2A 27
Lofg l!d na D stance n lvloLrnt nq He ghts
,19 77 L0 14 I
25 39 5 68

SLr..rmaiy Streei Side: 45 74"b \ 457') l0 t5 2 27 4
Downward Holse S de 23 B0% ( 238)
Elf c enc es (C U ) Tola 69 54% (.695) 05 OB l 14

ongltlrdina D stafce n Nlolr|t nq He !Jhts

Pole Spacing Chart,

Single Fixture.

f-----l l\,4eets 6 1 Uniform ty

I lAu-.'ao-. to Mrnranum

I rf l l N,4eels 3 I Unrlormty
L lAv-^rao-^ to MrnrmLrm
Pole Spac nq lor
One S de Arranqement
-] '

[,4our]t nq He qht 12' 1A', 16', 20'

W.llh of SlreeT 15', ]B' 20 25' 30' 15', 18', 20' 25', 30' 1B' 24', 2s', 30' 35'. 20' 2s', 30' 4]',
2.0 126 115
Average 25 120 110 107 92
Ma nta ned 30 99 B9 108 100 B4 77
Hor zonta :f 5 87 95 85 76 93 B6 79 72
ruorcafu es 4! 77 B6 76 96 93 B3 74 66 B1 75 69 63 5B
5o 71 62 89 83 79 69 61 77 74 59 66 65 60i55 s0 146
Po e Spdc nq (ttret) Po e Spacing (feet) Po e Spac ng (feet) Po e Spac no (leel)

K ri L qhl f.t 21
175 Watt _._1r..--.
Metal Halide
Bl-8 '" P' 000 ' .

No 27386
.T L. Test
Cata og No SBc300 or SBc3ol oT""rnJ",|
Typical Half,
Single Mount
Dashed C!rve
0 !
0 2
C tl
0. 0.4
See page 24 for
eflect ol llouses de Sh e d

nlt a Norlzofta
Footcafdles at
L sted l'/ount ng
He ghts

16 14', 12',

77 1L) 13 19 nta Norzonta Typical Quadrant, Twin Mount

Footcand es at
3.9 5.0 6.8 9B L sted MoLrnting FixtLrres a med away lrom each other
l5 2.4 27 3.9 He ghls as on page 3 examp e 6
77 1.0 14 20 't 6' '14' 12' '10'
1 2 3 4 5
39 .5 ,68 9B

15 2 27 39
OB l l4 20 7.7 l0 l3 19

05 o1 l0 39 5.0 6B 9B
I 5 2A 2.7 39 2

I .77 L0 14 2.0
4 5
.39 .5 .68 9B '|
Long tLrdina Dlslance n [./]ount ng He ghts
.15 .2 .27 .39

Summary Street S de: 45 59% (456) 4
Dowrward House S de 22 217" ( 222) OB l 14 2A
Eff c efc es (C U ) Tota: 6781% (678)

Long tud na Distar'rce n lVount ng Nelghts

Pole Spacing Chart,

Single Fixture.

f----l N,4eets 6.I Un form tV

| | Averaoe 1o lvl n mrlm.

ll f - l\y'eets 3:1 Un form tv

Dop -oo o o >l
I Averao-o to M n mum

^ S de Arrangement

Mouf tinq Neiqht t0' 12', 14'. 16',

W.llh of Slreet 10' 12', 15', 1B' 20' 12', 1s', 18', 20' 25', 1s', 1B' 20' 30' l5' 1B' 24', 2s', 30'
15 92 102 90
20 B1 91 79 69 96 90 B6 76 67
Average 2'5 76 65 83 77 72 63 55 77 69 61 54
Maintained 30 65 75 63 54 69 64 60 53 46 64 60 57 51 45
Hor zoftal 35 60 56 70 64 5B 54 46 59 55 52 45 39 51 49 4439
Foot.-and -os
4A 67 60 53 4S 62 56 51 4B 40 52 48 45 39 34 4B 45 43 3B 34
5! 5B 54 4B 42 39 49 45 41 3B 32 42 3B 36 32 2A 3B 36 34 30 27
Po e Spaclnq (feet) Po e Spac ng (feet) Po e Spacing (leet) Po e Spac nq (feet)

22 K;m L qhi .o
250 Watt
Metal Halide
BT28 C ear, 19,500 umens
T L Test No 27384 Type I

Cata og No SBC300 or SBC301 Asymmetr c

Typical Hall, DashedCrrrve=Cll See page 24 for

Single Mount eflect of Houseside ShieLd.
0 1 0.2 0 0.4

n t a Horizonta
Footcand es at
L sted ["4ount ng
!eig hts

16', 1A', '12'

lnit a lor zofta Typical Quadrant, Twin Mount

49 7.7 l0 14 Footcandles at
L sted I\,4ountinq Frxtures a med away fror. each other
25 39 5.0 68
i- He qhts as on page 3 examp e 6
.98 l5 2.4 2.7
20' 16'. 14', 12'. 1 2 J 4 5
.49 77 t0 1.1
25 39 5 68
.10 .15 .2 27 l0
77 14
.05 OB ,] 14 39 50 6.8
a2 a4 05 07 L5 20 2.1
2 4 5 77 10 1.4
Long tud na Distance n Mount ng He ghts 39 5 6B

Summary Street S de 46 35% (.464)
t5 2 27
Downward House Side 23 88% (.239) OB .1 14
Efl c enc es (C U ) Tota 70 24% (7A2)

2 4 5
ong tud na D stance n Mountrn!l le ghts

Pole Spacing Chart,

Single Fixture.

f lMeels 6 I Un form ty
I lAveraqe to M n mum

f----l Meets 3 I Un formrtv

| ]Auer:.,e to M n mrm
Po e Spacing for
One Side Arrangement

f,4ountinq He qht 12', 14'. 16', 20'

Width ol Str-^et 12'. 1s', 1B' 24', 2s', T5' 1B' 21', 25' 30' I8', 24', 25', 30' 24', 25' 30' 35', 40'
t0 133 122
I 5 105 s4 112 104 96 BB B1

Averaqe t v 92 B1 101 97 78 71 B4 7B 72 66 61
[,4a nta ned 25 76 93 87 73 65 81 77 70 63 56 61 63 58 49
Horizortal 30 7A 73 78 72 69 61 54 61 65 58 52 47 56 52 4n 44 41
roorcar ro es
II_ 69 63 5B 55 4a 54 52 46 41 50 4B 44 39 35 42 39 36 33 31
50 55 51 47 44 38 47 43 41 37 40 39 35 3T 2A 34 31 29 27
PoLe Spac nq (feet) Po e Spac ng (feet) Pole Spac ng (feet) Po e Spac ng (feet)

Klm L qht na 23
Houseside Shield
For Type ill Asymmetric Fixtures Only
SBC300 and SBC301

Cors s1s ol two coll]poltenls
nsta ed at lactory One
componenl reslr cls d recl arnp
The Opt ona lloLrses de Sh c d HS s des gned for use where
be ocated near a property fe, ard
lixlL.rres are to
to adiacent property mLrst bc mrn m zcd Thc two photonet.c
Sde qfrt and thc olhcr rcdL.rccs reports bc ow rcpreseft oorrilrof i:lfirps lsed w th tlrese
A rel e01ed gh1 sh c ds f sfr e ds ilre lsed !4/ lh elher amps lhes-a reporls can
be !selulas gu des to est mate photometr c resu ts
For clear lamps only.
v HoLrsesdeslred s noteflectvewth phosphor coated amps
Street dr-6 to th-a exc-6ss v,o s ze ol ilre sorrrc-a

150 Watt Se.i pag-- 20 for 175 Watt Se-- page 22 for
sarre larrp w lhout same anrp \,! lholri
High Pressure Sodium HoLrses d-o Sh e.i Metal Halide lloLrseslde Sh e d
E231,/: C ear 55V 16,000 Lrmef s BT2B C ear SLrper 1500U !frens
T L No 27207 lT L Test No 27208
Cataoct No SBC300/HS or SBC301/HS Cata 09 No SBC300/HS or SBC301/HS

Typical Half, DashedCLrv,o:atl Typical Hall,

Single Mount Single Mount
0 '1
0 .2 0 4 0.1 0.2 0.3

fta lorzonta lnta forzofta

Footcand es at Footcar]dles at
L sted Morrnl ng Listed MloLrnt ng
He ghts Hc ghts

16', 12' '16',I14t12',I10',

77 10 t3 19
39 50 6.8 9.8

15 2tJ 27 3.9
17 L(l 14 2A
39 5 ti8 9u

T5 2 27 39

08 l .1,1 2A

2 4

Longit!d na D stance n N,4ourltlnq Heicthts Long tlrd na D stance n [,4o!nt nq He qhts

Summary Street S de 47.19% (.472) Slr.rmary ol Sli,^el S de 43 39% (.,134)
Downward Holse Side I21% | A93) Downward Holse Sid-^ 1145%(ll5)
Efl c enc es (C U ) Tota 56 47% (.565) Eff cienc es (C U.) Tota 54.847. ( 548)

24 l( m Lghl ng

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