Final Exam Spring2014
Final Exam Spring2014
Final Exam Spring2014
Faculty Engineering
Department Electrical Communication and Electronics
Module Code ECE 643 and ISE 441
Module Title Automatic Control Systems
Semester Final Exam-Spring 2014
Time Allowed 180 minutes
Total Mark 40
No. of Pages 4 (including the cover page)
Material provided None
Equipment permitted No programmable calculator
Additional Instructions None
No books, paper or electronic devices are permitted to be brought into the examination
room other than those specified above.
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October University for Modern Sciences and Arts
Faculty of Engineering
Module Code: ECE 346 and ISE 441
Module Title: Automatic Control Systems
Semester: Final Exam- Spring 2014
Question 1: (4Marks)
For the shown control system, design a PI-controller such that the closed loop
poles of the system located at S= -2 + j 2.
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October University for Modern Sciences and Arts
(a) Sketch the Root-locus diagram for the shown system indicating: [6 Marks]
- Breakaway point
- Intersection with imaginary axis
- Asymptotes
(b) What is the range of the gain factor K for the system to be stable? [1 Marks]
(c) Find the value of K that leads to a damping factor η = 0.7. [3 Marks]
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October University for Modern Sciences and Arts
Question (5): [6Marks]
(a) Sketch the Bode-plot (Magnitude dB) for the shown system. [2 Marks]
(b) Find the gain crossover frequency and phase margin. [2 Marks]
(c) Find the phase crossover frequency and gain margin. [2 Marks]
Hint: tan(x+y) = tan(x)+tan(y) / (1- tan(x).tan(y) ).
Derive the open loop transfer function [GH(s)] from the given Bode plot
Magnitude dB.
Best Wishes
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