International Conference - HVACR

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Information Brochure

International Conference on
“Emerging Technologies for Sustainable I CHVACR
and Intelligent H V A C & R Systems” 2018
Organized by
The Institution of Engineers (India) y, 2018
West Bengal State Centre 27-28 Jul ncy, Kolkata
Under the aegis of Interdisciplinary Co-ordina on Commi ee Hyatt Rege
Venue :

Co – Sponsored by
Interna onal Ins tute of Refrigera on (IIR), Paris, France

In Collaboration with

In association with

w w w .ichvacr
About The Institution of Engineers (India) About The International Institute of Refrigeration

The Institution of Engineers (India), the architect of professionalism in the country- is a The International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) is the only independent
intergovernmental science and technology based organization which promotes
unique professional body of engineers. Established in 1920 with its headquarters at
knowledge of refrigeration and associated technologies and applications on a global
Kolkata, India, IEI was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1935 – only professional scale that improve quality of life in a cost effective and environmentally sustainable
body in India to have been bestowed upon this honour. manner including:
IEI function amongst professional engineers, academicians and researchers and Food quality and safety from farm to consumer
provides a vast array of technical, professional and supporting services to government, Comfort in homes and commercial buildings
industry, and academicians as well as to all the engineering fraternity through its 121 Health products and service
Centres spread across the country and five Overseas Chapters at Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Low temperature technology and liquefied gas technology
Dubai, Kuwait and Qatar. Energy efficiency
At the national front, IEI has joined hands with several engineering professional Use of non-ozone depleting and low global warming refrigerants in a safe manner
organisations of reputed, namely, Consulting Engineers Association of India (CEAI); Details are available in :
World Energy Council – Indian Member Committee (WEC-IMC); The Institute of About The Indoor Air Quality Association
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE); The Computer Society of India
(CSI); Centre for Innovations in Public System (CIPS), and Indian Society for Established in 1995, the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) is dedicated to
Technical Education (ISTE). bringing practitioners together to prevent and solve indoor environmental problems
for the benefit of consumers and the public. IAQA is the only IAQ trade organization
IEI is the national member of several world bodies, namely, the World Federation of that connects all parts of the industry to collaborate and grow. Connecting all parts of
Engineering Organization (WFEO), Federation International du Baton (FIB), the IAQ industry is central to better business growth, operational effectiveness, and
Federation of Engineering Institutions of South and Central Asia (FEISCA), customer satisfaction. IAQA provides the best education for all parts of the IAQ
Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP), and industry, translating science and standards into practice, properly informing
Commonwealth Engineers Council (CEC), fostering close relation with these with consumers, and bringing critical feedback to industry leaders. By sharing
these bodies through active participation in their meetings and conferences all over the information between all parts of the industry, pushing each other forward, and
world. IEI has bilateral agreements with as many as 32 engineering institutions of refining our practices collectively, all parts of the industry will grow. IAQA's
membership is comprised of individuals and companies, including: contractors,
neighboring countries, namely, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan.
consultants, facility maintenance professionals, researchers, industry vendors,
The Institution of Engineers (India) is the Full Member of the erstwhile Engineers school officials, and representatives from state and federal government agencies. In
Mobility Forum (EMF), now known as `International Professional Engineers 2015, IAQA became an affiliate of ASHRAE while maintaining its own identity,
Agreement (IPEA)`- one of the six international agreement of the international Board of Directors, and membership.
Engineering Alliance (IEA), by virtue of which ,IEI is authorized to create and In 2016, to better illustrate IAQA's role as an experienced teacher, growth facilitator,
maintain the India Section of the Register of International Professional Engineers connected advisor, and trusted interpreter, IAQA adopted a new logo and tagline,
–IntPE (India). "Clearing the Air on Indoor Air Quality."
Details are available in :
The Institution of Engineers (India), during its journey through nine- and-a-half
decades of eventful existence, has already recorded commendable achievement About The Institution of Mechanical Engineers
resulting into due recognition as a leading organization in the engineering professional
arena and identification with it is looked upon as a symbol of professional excellence. The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) is an independent professional
association, and learned society headquartered in central London, that represents
For details, please visit mechanical engineers and the engineering profession. With over 120,000 members
in 140 countries, working across industries such as railway, automotive, aerospace, About the Interna onal Conference
manufacturing, energy, biomedical and construction, the Institution is licensed by the
Engineering Council to assess candidates for inclusion on its Register of Chartered The proposed two-days International Conference aims to address the evolution
Engineers, Incorporated Engineers and Engineering Technicians. The Institution was of technologies in the eld of HVAC & R for sustainable development, to
founded at the Queen's Hotel, Birmingham, by George Stephenson in 1847 (following an address the problems of climate change associated with it and to discuss how
informal meeting at locomotive designer Charles Beyer's house in Cecil Street, intelligent operation of such systems can save energy.
Manchester). It received a Royal Charter in 1930. The Institution's headquarters, Worldwide, large industrial conglomerates are now reinventing new refrigerants
purpose-built for the Institution in 1899, is situated at One Birdcage Walk, London. to rst GWP (Global Warming Potential). Large Chemical and HVAC&R
Details are available in : industries are involved. This conference will involve Large Chemical and
HVAC&R industries to know about new refrigerants, Govt. & Regulatory
About MCKV Institute of Engineering Agencies to understand their role in perishable waste prevention to Energy
Efciency and Professional Societies for their roles in evolving very fast
MCKV Institute of Engineering (MCKVIE) is an engineering college founded in 1999,
affiliated to West Bengal University of Technology, India. It ranks as one of the top changing and dynamic codes in the eld of Individual components, Refrigerants
engineering colleges in West Bengal and graded AA+ by Careers 360 (magazine) in to Cold Chains. Application of smart technologies will be emphasized.
2015. The institute offers bachelor's and master's degrees in various engineering The Conference will have Keynote speeches from International and National
streams as well as a master's degree in computer applications. It has been selected for a Industrial & Academic Authorities, Paper presentations, Presentation by
TEQIP grant by the World Bank and also accredited by National Board of industries, and Exhibition/posters display.
Accreditation (NBA). Also accredited by NAAC 'A' grade. The institute is located in ICHVACR 2018 will also create a forum for aspirants and experts for
Liluah, Howrah, India. cooperation to meet the sustainable social needs through research ndings. All
Details are available in : selected and presented papers will be published in International Journal of Heat
and Technology, Scopus Indexed Journal of IIETA Publication as per the
About Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers decision of the editor of the Journal. Also all accepted Abstracts will be
uploaded in the International Institute of Refrigeration (Fridoc) database.
The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
(ISHRAE), was founded in 1981 at New Delhi by a group of eminent HVAC&R About the West Bengal State Centre, IEI
professionals. ISHRAE today has more than 12,000 HVAC&R professionals as
members and additionally there are 7,500 Student-members. ISHRAE operates from The erstwhile Bengal Centre was established in 1921 at Calcutta in order to
41 Chapters and sub Chapters spread all over India, with HQ in Delhi. It is led by a team cater to the needs of the members of the entire eastern region of India. The
of elected officers, who are members of the Society, working on a voluntary basis, and Bengal Centre in due course was divided to Bihar Centre at Patna in1947,
collectively called the Board of Governors. Assam Centre at Shillong in 1958, Orissa Centre at Cuttack in 1959. At
Details are available in : present, the erstwhile Bengal Centre is known as West Bengal State Centre
situated alongside the IEI Headquarters located at 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata
700 020. There are four Local Centres under the jurisdiction of West Bengal
State Centre, located at Asansol, Durgapur, Kharagpur and North Bengal.
Pursuant with its objective of propagating the cause of engineering science
and technology, it organizes various seminar/ symposium / conferences/
Short-Term Courses on the contemporary engineering and technological
Conference Themes Submission of
Development of HVAC&R Equipment - particularly Compressors and Heat Exchangers Who can par cipate ? Full Paper
a) Energy Efcient and Smart Equipment in HVAC&R; b) Signicance of Star Rating; c)
Application based sustainable Air-Conditioning Design; d) Heat Exchanger Design; e) Scientists, The authors are requested to
Transport Phenomenon; f) Cooling Tower; g) Desalination
Transition of Refrigerants Academicians, submit the Full paper through
a) Development of new synthetic and natural Refrigerants; b) Role of new Refrigerants in Researchers, Students
mitigating GWP
Easy Chair Link only as per
Evolution of Building Management Systems and Smart Buildings in the context of & Professionals will be the Template and Easy Chair
energy saving
a) Architecture of Green Buildings and LEED Standards; b) Ventilation systems in optimising
encouraged to link is provided in the
HVAC&R performance; c) Use of Renewable Energy in Green Buildings; d) Smart Buildings participate in the Conference website
- Role of Control Systems and Instrumentation; e) Use of IBMS & Energy optimisation
New age education in HVAC&R in the era of digital learning Conference. (
a) Training and Skill development in the context of Skill India Mission; b) User Awareness
History of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
a) Evolution of technology and applications; b) Future trends
Possibilities of retrotting existing HVAC&R systems in the context of new environment
protection codes
Important Dates
a) New environment protection norms and their impact on current HVAC&R
Retro-tment options; c) Retrotting or replacement - the way forward
systems; b) · Submission of Camera Ready paper May 31, 2018
Indoor Air Quality Controls and standards
Cold chain application in the context of "food for all”
· Last Date of Registra on for Conference May 31, 2018
a) Food Quality and Safety; b) Storage, transportation and logistics; c) Carbon foot print of a
Cold Chain
Super-markets - marketing under one roof
a) Temperature control and Optimisation in large formats; b) Humidity control for Registra on
preservation - desiccant type dehumidiers vs refrigeration type dehumidiers; c) The role of Corresponding / Presen ng Author(s) have to register themselves for
Ventilation; d) Scope for energy efciency and smart systems; e) Control Systems and
Instrumentation the Interna onal Conference, without which the paper will not be
Air conditioning in Mobility - Automotive, Public Transportation and Food considered for presenta on. Please visit website
Transportation for details.
a) Design features for mobile HVAC&R systems; b) Control Systems
Renewable Energy Systems and Applications in HVAC&R Systems
a) Absorption Refrigeration
Registra on fees:
Role of regulatory bodies in energy conservation Category IEI Non-Member Foreign Par cipants
sit confer ence website Industry Professional Rs. 3,000.00 Rs. 5,000.00 Euro 200.00
tails please vi
For more de Academician / Scien st / Technologists Rs. 2,000.00 Rs. 3,000.00 Euro 100.00
Research Scholar / PG / UG Students Rs. 1,000.00 Rs. 2,000.00 Euro 50.00
Guidelines for Authors Mode of Payment
Authors intending to submit a paper for the International Conference are advised to adhere to the
guidelines as mentioned below. The papers not conforming to these guidelines may not be considered for The Cheque /DD/Bank Dra should be made in
review / publication. The accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with (ISBN favour of “The Ins tu on of Engineers (India)
no. ). West Bengal State Centre” payable at Kolkata.
Full paper (in A4 size) with maximum 6 pages to be submitted through Easy Chair Link for which link Name of Bank : STATE BANK OF INDIA
and other instructions are provided in the Conference website (
Full papers will be reviewed by domain experts and the decision will be communicated to those authors Branch Code : 02062
whose papers are accepted by the date mentioned in the website & the brochure. Name of Account
Sponsoring and Adver sing ENGINEERS (INDIA) WEST
Organizers are offering 10 types of Sponsoring scheme to get host of benets starting from exhibiting Account Number : SB A/C NO. 10577673248
their products, exposing the participants to the technology used by them, etc. Also the Organisation or IFSC Code : SBIN0002062
Individual can book space in the Seminar Volume for publicity of their products, activities, services. etc. Electronic Mode : 10577673248
For details of Sponsorship scheme and Advertisement possibilities, please visit MICR No. of Bank
(CORE /RTGS) : 700002039


Chairman : Ms. Stephanie Sears Members : Mr. Didier Coulomb
Executive Director Director General
Indoor Air Quality Association, USA International Institute of Refrigeration, France
Members : Mr. S S Rathore, Past President, IEI & Prof. Souvik Bhattacharya
Vice President, World Federation of Engineering Vice Chancellor,
Organisations (WFEO) BITS Pilani

Prof. I K Puri Mr. Mukund Kr. Sinha

Dean, Ex-ofcio Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India
Engineering McMaster University, Canada Ministry of Urban Development, Govt. of India
Mr. Richi Mittal Mr. Shekhar Chakravarty
President, IAQA India CEng FIMechE & Chairman, IMechE's Southern Asia
Region (SAR) and Managing Director
Conveyor & Ropeway Services Pvt. Ltd.

Chairman : Mr. Sisir Kumar Banerjee Mr. S C Rudra, Council Member, lEI
President, The Institution of Engineers.(lndia)
Mr. A Mukherjee, Council Member, lEI
Members : Mr. Navinchandra B Vasoya, Immediate Past President, lEI
Mr. Subrata Sanyal, Council Member, lEI
Prof. (Dr.) Samiran Choudhuri, Past President, lEI
Mr. Vikram Swarup, Managing Director
Dr. A K Shrivastava, Chairman, MCDB, lEI Paharpur Cooling Tower
Mr. P Rajamani, Vice President, lEI Mr. Vir Adwani, Director, Blue Star Limited
Mr. Vijay Sadashiv Ghogare, Vice President, lEI Mr. Gautam Ray, Executive Director, CESC Limited
Mr. H K Mital, Council Member, lEI Prof. Sarit Kr Das, Director, lIT, Ropar
Prof. Amitava Ghosh, Former Director, lIT, Kharagpur Prof. Maddali Ramgopal, Professor, Mech. Engg.
Deptt, lIT, Kharagpur
Prof. Ajoy Kumar Roy, Director, IIEST, Shibpur
Prof. Dipankar Sanyal, HOD, Mech. Engg. Dept.
Prof. Harish Hirani, Director, CMERI-CSIR, Durgapur Jadavpur University
Dr. Goutam Sengupta, Vice President, Videcon, Kolkata Prof. P K Das, Dean, PG Programme & Prof. Mech. Engg., lIT
Prof. Saikat Maitra, Vice Chancellor, MAKAUT, Formerly WBUT Kharagpur

Prof. Gautam Biswas, Director, lIT Guwahati Prof. (Dr.) Suman Chakraborty, Associate Dean
SRIC Professor, Mech. Engg. Deptt. lIT, Kharagpur
Mr. Vishal Kapoor, Director, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India.
Mr. Ravi Kochak, Chairman, IMechE India Chapter
Mr. Vishal Kapur, National President, ISHRAE and (Retd. Additional Member Rly. Board)
Managing Director, MEHO HCP
Mr. S P Gonchowdhury, Eminent Scientist (Solar Power)
Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General, Bureau of Energy Efciency
Govt. of India Mr. S P Datta, Chairman, Rural Development Forum, lEI

Dr. Swapan Kumar Bhowmik, Council Member, IEI

Mr. H B Goswami, Council Member, lEI
Mr. K. J. Jawa, Managing Director, Daikin India Pvt. Ltd.,
Mr. Dipak Pahwa, Chairman Cum Managing Director,
PAHWA Group of Industries
Chairman : Mr. Kashmir Lal Mallik Convener : Mr. Tarun Kumar Ray Chowdhury
Chairman, WBSC, IEI Convener, Mechanical Engg. Division, WBSC, IEI

Working Chairman : Prof. (Dr.) Parasar Bandyopadhyay Members : Mr.Manik Chandra Ghosh
Director, MCKV Ins tute of Engineering Past Honorary Secretary, WBSC, IEI
Mr. Sandip Kumar Deb
Co-Chairman : Mr. Ya sh Kumar Past Honorary Secretary, WBSC, IEI
Director, RDSO, Ministry of Railway & Chairman, Prof. (Dr.) Swapan Kumar Ghosh
Mechanical Engg. Division, WBSC, IEI Jt. Honorary Secretary, WBSC, IEI
Mr. Jayanta Kumar Du a
Mr. P K Mukhopadhyay Jt. Honorary Secretary, WBSC, IEI
Chairman, Damodar Vally Corpora on & Mr. Sekhar Basu Ray Choudhuri
Chairman, Electrical Engg. Division, WBSC, IEI Member, State Commi ee
Mr. Dinendra Narayan Chakraborty
Mr. Ashok Kumar Guha Member, Mechanical Engg. Division
Chairman, Architectural Engg. Division, WBSC, IEI Mr. Mihir Kumar Chakraborty
Co-Chairman, Mechanical Engg. Division
Organising Secretary : Mr. Ranjan Du a Mr. Jayanta Das, Director, Meho Hcp
Honorary Secretary, WBSC, IEI Mr. Gautam Mukherjee, President, ISHRAE
Mr. Utpal Biswas, Regional Director, ISHRAE
Jt. Organising Secretary : Prof. (Dr.) Arghya Sarkar Mr. Mriganka Majumdar
Professor, EE Dept., MCKV Ins tute of Engineering Former Managing Director, Durgapur Project
Dr. Ranjib Biswas Limited
Assoc. Professor, ME Dept.,MCKV Ins tute of Engineering Dr. Tamal Roy
Mr. Amitava Sur, CEO, AIRCON India Ltd., Assistant Professor, EE Dept., MCKV Ins tute of
Mr. Dilip Kumar Bhowmik Engineering
Convener, Architectural Engg. Division, WBSC, IEI Dr. Suvanjan Bha acharya
Dr. Raju Basak Assistant Professor, ME Dept., MCKV Ins tute of
Convener, Electrical Engineering Division, WBSC, IEI Engineering
Chairman : Prof. (Dr.) Samir Kr. Saha Prof. (Dr.) Himadri Cha opadhyay
Former Professor, Mech. Engg. Dept. Professor, Mechanical Engg. Dept.,
Jadavpur University , Dean of Academics, Jadavpur University
MCKV Ins tute of Engineering Prof. (Dr.) Bijan Kr. Mondal
Convener: Er. Ranjan Banerjee, Advisor, Dept. of Mech. Engg., IIEST, Shibpur
Paharpur Cooling Towers Ltd. Er. Rabi Chowdhury
Managing Director, Haldia Energy Limited
Member : Prof. (Dr.) N. R. Bandyopadhyay Dr. Prasenjit Cha erjee
Professor, School of Materials Science HOD, Mech. Engg.,
& Engineering, Indian Ins tute of MCKV Ins tute of Engineering
Engineering, Science & Technology, Shibpore Dr. Himadri Guha
Prof. (Dr.) Parasar Bandyopadhyay Consultant, Smart Building
Director, M C K V Ins tute of Engineering Prof. P K Das
Dr. Chiranjib Bha acharjee, Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, IIT, Kharagpur
Dean of Faculty of Engg. and Technology, Prof. Swarnendu Sen
Jadavpur University Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Department , Jadavpur University
Er. Manoj Chakraborty Er. Shantanu Sengupta
Former Na onal President of ISHRAE Former Managing Director, Wes nghouse-SAXBY Limited
& Present President, EMERITUS Kolkata Dr. Amit Phadikar
Chapter, Principal Consultant, Associate Professor, IT Dept., MCKV Ins tute of Engineering
Engineering Consultancy Services Dr. Swarup Kr. Mitra
Associate Professor, ECE Dept., MCKV Ins tute of Engineering
Chairman : Prof. (Dr.) Swapan Kumar Ghosh Finance Sub- Commi ee for this conference as given below will work under the
Jt. Honorary Secretary, WBSC, lEI guidance of Finance Commi ee of West Bengal State Centre:
Convener : Mr. Nirmal Das Chairman : Mr. Kashmir Lal Mallik, Chairman, WBSC, lEI
Past Honorary Secretary, WBSC, lEI
Convener : Mr. Ranjan Du a
Members : Prof. Nitosh Kumar Brahma Organising Secretary and Honorary Secretary, WBSC, lEI
Convener, Chemical Engg. Divnl. Sub-Commi ee
Members : Prof. (Dr.) Swapan Kumar Ghosh, Jt. Honorary Secretary, WBSC, lEI
Mr. Ranjan Banerjee
Chief Advisor, Paharpur Cooling Tower Mr. Manik Chandra Ghosh
Co-Chairman, Electrical Engineering Division
Dr. Suvanjan Bha acharya Sub-Commi ee, WBSC, IEIU
Assistant Professor, MCKV Ins tute of Engineering
Prof.(Dr.) Arghya Sarkar, Professor of EE Dept. MCKV Inst. of Engg.
Dr. Amit Phadikar
Associate Professor, MCKV Ins tute of Engineering
Dr. Debasis Nag
Chairman, Agricultural Engg. Divisional Chairman : Mr. Ya sh Kumar
Sub-Commi ee, WBSC, lEI Director, RDSO, Ministry of Railways &
Chairman, Mechanical Engg. Division, WBSC, lEI
Convener : Mr. Manoj Chakraborty
Chairman : Mr A K Saxena, FIE, Chairman, ICC Former Na onal President, ISHRAE & President, EMERITUS Kolkata
Chapter, Principal Consultant, Engineering Consultancy Services
Members : Prof (Dr) N Chikkanna, FIE, Member, ICC, IEI
Jt. Convener : Mr. Gautam Mukherjee, President, ISHRAE
Mr Timothy Dkhar, FIE, Member, ICC, IEI
Members : Dr. Ranjib Biswas
Mr Ajay Mahajan, FIE, Member, ICC, IEI
Associate Professor, ME Dept, MCKV Ins tute of Engg
Mr M R Kothari, FIE, Member, ICC, IEI
Er. D K Dhar, Structural Design Consor um
Mr D V Nagabhushan, FIE, Member, ICC, IEI
Mr D Sathyamoorthy, FIE, Member, ICC, IEI
Chairman : Mr. P K Mukhopadhyay,
Dr A K Shrivastava, FIE, Member, ICC, IEI Chairman, Electrical Engineering Division, WBSC, lEI
Mr R R Tanwar, FIE, Member, ICC, IEI Convener : Mr. Sandip Kumar Deb, Past Honorary Secretary, WBSC, lEI
Prof (Dr) K Brahma Raju, FIE, Member, ICC, IEI Members : Dr. Swarup Mitra, Associate Professor, MCKV Inst. of Engineering
Mr H O Thakare, FIE, Member, ICC, IEI Dr. Prasenjit Cha erjee, Associate Professor, MCKV Inst. of Engineering
Mr P Selvakumar, FIE, Member, ICC, IEI Mr. M S Mukhopadhyay,
Dr R Venkatesan, FIE, Member, ICC, IEI Course Co-ordinator, Technical Educa on Cell, WBSC
Mr. Gopal Chandra Du a, Past Honorary Secretary, WBSC
Chairman : Mr. Jayanta Kumar Du a Chairman : Mr. Amitava Sur
Joint Honorary Secretary, WBSC, lEI
Convener : Mr.Kaniska Du a
Member, Mechanical Engg. Divisional Convener : Mr. Kalipada Das
Sub-Commi ee, WBSC, lEI Convener, M M Engineering Divisional Sub-Commi ee,
Jt. Convener: Mr.Ujjal Kumar Koley WBSC, lEI
Member, Mechanical Engineering Divisional
Sub-Commi ee, WBSC, lEI Members : Dr. Ranjib Biswas,
Members : Mr. Dipankar Saha Associate Professor, MCKV Inst. of Engineering
Member, Mechanical Engg. Divisional
Sub-Commi ee, WBSC, lEI Dr. Tamal Roy
Assistant Professor, MCKV Ins tute of Engineering
Mr. Gopal Ch. Ghorai
Member, Electrical Engg. Divisional
Sub-Commi ee, WBSC, lEI
Chairman : Er. P K Maity
Chairman : Mr. Manik Chandra Ghosh
Chairman, Architectural Engg. Division Board, lEI
Co-Chairman, Electrical Engg. Divnl. Sub-Commi ee
Co-Chairman : Dr. Raju Basak Convener : Mrs. Sangita Roy
Convener, Electrical Engineering Divisional Chairman, West Bengal State Centre Technicians’
Sub-Commi ee, WBSC, lEI Commi ee, WBSC
Convener : Mr. Ujjal Kumar Koley Members : Dr. Ranjib Biswas,
Member, Mechanical Engineering Divisional Associate Professor, MCKV Inst. of Engineering
Sub-Commi ee, WBSC, lEI
Dr. Tamal Roy
Members : Mr. Saroj Kr. Sarkar
Assistant Professor, MCKV Ins tute of Engineering
Past Honorary Secretary, WBSC, lEI
Mr. Shovanlal Bha acharya Ms. Sharmila Ghosh
Member, Mechanical Engineering Divisional Member, Computer Engg. Divisional Sub-Commi ee,
Sub-Commi ee, WBSC, lEI WBSC, lEI
Mr. Aparesh Kan Ghoshal
Joint Convener, Electrical Engg. Divisional
Sub-Commi ee, WBSC, lEI
Mr. Kaushik Roy
Joint Convener, Electrical Engg. Divisional
Sub-Commi ee, WBSC, lEI
Mr. Biswapa Cha erjee
Member, Electrical Engineering Division, WBSC, IEI
Kolkata is one of the metropolitan cites of India, situated close to the Gange c delta in
the eastern part of the country.

It is a centre of culture, with tradi ons in drama, art, theatre, film and literature.

The city is surrounded by industrial centres that specialize in steel and mining, chemicals,
automobile and engineering products.

A vibrant city, Kolkata has been the home of several interna onally renowned personali es and Nobel laureates such as Rabindranath Tagore,
Mother Teresa and Amartya Sen .

The city is an interes ng mix of old and new, tradi onal and modern, that makes it unique ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE
and intriguing. Dr. Parasar Bandyopadhyay
Working Chairman, Organizing Commi ee
Kolkata has a new Interna onal Airport that is linked to the City Centre by a highway. It has
several Hotels of high standards serviced by well known hospitality brands like Marriot, Ph. 9830478905
Swissotel, Novotel, Taj and ITC. There are innumerable restaurants serving a variety of E-mail : parasar.bandyopadhyay@gmail. com
cuisines from all over the world.
Mr. Ranjan Banerjee
Kolkata is surrounded by a number of places of tourist a rac on. It is close to the sea, and Convener, Technical Commi ee
Sundarbans, covered by mangrove forests and home to the Royal Bengal Tiger, is not too Ph : 9831006405 ( M )
far away. The Himalayan range of mountains is also close by. Besides, there are several
E-mail :
spots within the city and surroundings such as the River front, Victoria Memorial Hall, the
Zoo, Na onal Museum and Art Galleries, that are a rac ve to tourists.
Mr. Ranjan Du a
Above all, Kolkata is a safe and friendly city, inhabited by people who are always ready to Secretary, Organizing Commi ee
help. Ph :9051411316 ( M )
E-mail : ranjandu
Important Places to VIsit nearby: Kalighat Temple,Victoria Memorial, Alipore Zoo, Belur
Math, Dakshlneswar Temple, MotherTeresa's home, Birla Planetorium, etc. For accommoda on, please refer

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