Batingaw Issue36-Digital Issue PDF
Batingaw Issue36-Digital Issue PDF
Batingaw Issue36-Digital Issue PDF
News, views and analysis from Migrante Australia
BATINGAW; BELL; HERALD; The Voice of Filipino Migrants in Australia
◆ Show of Solidarity
◆ May Day
◆ Change the Rules
◆ May Day in the Philippines
◆ International Solidarity
Under Attack
◆ A LPA, a new community-
based arts and cultural
◆ Upcoming Events
2 Issue 36
Show of Solidarity
This year’s commemoration of the so would earn the ire of foreign Philippine government offers very
International Labor Day served investors in the country. little protection for overseas Filipino
as an opportunity for the Filipino The economic crises hounding workers (OFWs) who even suffer
community in Australia to assert the Philippines, particularly the from abuse and violence abroad.
for labor rights and express soli- perpetually rising unemploy- Here in Australia, the fight for job
darity with fellow Filipinos in the ment rate, forces many Filipinos security is an uphill battle with the
Philippines. to migrate to other countries to growing power of big business,
Back home, over 150 000 look for economic opportunities. and for Filipinos, the struggle
workers joined hand in hand with Unfortunately, the Philippine is compounded with issues of
the other sectors of the society in government fails to ensure the discrimination.
the protest activities held in various safety of migrant workers, as Migrante Australia thus
parts of the country. This show of evinced in the recent case of expresses solidarity with the labor
force demonstrates the widespread Joanna Demafelis, a Filipina sector in the Philippines. In the
discontent of the Filipino labor domestic worker in Kuwait who face of socio-economic violence
sector with Duterte’s failure to was killed by her employers. The attended by the impending instal-
lift the condition of workers in the Duterte administration’s irrespon- lation of dictatorial rule through
Philippines. Despite his campaign sible intervention has worsened charter change, as well as the
promise that he would put an end the country’s diplomatic ties with worsening culture of state-spon-
to labor contractualization in the Kuwait, compromising the welfare sored terror in the country, this
Philippines, Duterte has not done of over 200 000 migrant workers forging of unity is a significant step
anything substantial to ensure in Kuwait. towards the consolidation of a truly
that laborers will get security of Migrant labor continues to necessary people’s movement to
tenure. A few months ago, he keep the crisis-ridden Philippine realize a just society for all.
even conceded that he could not economy afloat. Unfortunately,
end contractualization as doing the labor export policy of the
Issue 36 3
About Batingaw
Batingaw is a bimonthly newsletter expressing views, news and analysis from
Migrante Australia. An important aspect of developing this newsletter is an
intimate knowledge of and close involvement in all aspects of the Philippine and
Australian struggles for justice, democracy and fair-go.
Migrante Australia
Publisher of Contributing to Batingaw:
A member of Migrante International
Articles, photographs, cartoons, clippings, comments or a few lines are all very
welcome. All material should be sent electronically to: batingaw.migrante@
PO Box 606, Laverton, Victoria 3028 Readers are encouraged to contribute whatever they can by sending
Email: donations to the above address.
4 Issue 36
The right to strike The 9th of May 2018 marked one industrial rules are currently
of the biggest shows of force of broken, that big business has too
is recognised all the working class in Australian much power and that trickle-
over the world as history. More than 120,000 workers down economics is not working.
marched the streets of Melbourne According to research done by the
a fundamental in response to the Change the ACTU, inequality in Australia is at
human right. Rules campaign spearheaded by a 70 year high and wage growth has
the Australian Council of Trade remained stagnant for many years.
Unions (ACTU). The lowest paid workers struggle
The campaign is based on to keep up with the cost of living
the premise that Australian and at least 4 million workers are
Issue 36 5
I Am/We are…
A community theatre and performance,
for the community, by the community.
Magandang araw! Good Day! the countryside represented by the distribution of land to poor farmers
I would like to start by acknowl- National Democratic Front of the and the resumption of peace talks
edging the traditional owners of this Philippines (NDFP). between the Philippine government
land and pay respect to elders past, and the National Democratic Front
present and emerging. of the Philippines. In the early days
If Australia is called the land Down Human rights defenders of his presidency, it looked like he
Under, my country, the Philippines was keeping true to his promises. He
is called the Pearl of the Orient Seas are being harassed and appointed several known activists to
– because of its natural beauty, rich attacked. The Duterte some key government positions to
bio-diversity and abundant natural government listed more effect implementation of some of his
resources. Our nation’s mineral promises but later on, his appointees
resource assets are valued at around than 600 human rights were not confirmed. The peace talks
A$1.32 trillion, and those remain advocates as terrorists with the NDFP was terminated before
largely untapped. the second substantive agenda – the
We are a country of over 7,100
practically giving Comprehensive Agreement on Social
islands clustered into 3 main a blanket order for and Economic Reforms - was fully
island groups – Luzon, Visayas and their harassment and discussed.
Mindanao – and a total land area of Duterte is even expanding the
300,000 square kilometres. With the killings. neoliberal policies of the past govern-
current population at around 103.32 ments. He and his cronies continue
million, it is predicted that by end of to clear his government of oppositions
December 2018, it will reach 107.2 Current political and including interfering in the justice
million. In Australia, our total land system by impeaching justices who
area of 7.692 million square kilometres
economic situation are critical of his policies.
holds a population of 24.13 million Duterte won the 2016 election and Human rights violation is
based on the 2016 census. gained popular support due to his widespread. Duterte’s war on drugs
We have a Presidential form of pro-poor pronouncements and promise has led to more than 13,000 killings
government – just like the United of change. Among his promises of mostly poor Filipinos. The recent
States. Elections are usually popularity were independent foreign policy, killings of 71 years old Fr Tito Paez
contests where most people vote end of labour contractualisation, after he helped facilitate the release of a
“personalities” (actors and actresses,
models and boxers) over “principles”.
Elections are also fought using gold,
guns and goons – the 3Gs.
We are a peace-loving, beautiful,
hospitable, hardworking and resilient
people. But we are also warriors with
a long history of fighting oppression,
colonisation, tyranny, fascism and
There are currently two govern-
ments in the Philippines – the
Manila government run by the
reactionary Duterte regime and
the revolutionary government in
Issue 36 7
contradiction they are facing and the to regional areas and field trips to In solidarity with
possible retaliation of the capitalist. worksites where delegates especially the
Filipino workers,
The workers are made to understand international delegates hear organising
that it is not easy to win, that every experience, stories and the workers I enjoin you to:
benefit, right and entitlement of the struggles. Sharing is done mostly in Write a short email to President
workers have to be fought for. picket lines. Duterte, calling on his government
Militant standpoint for a united The biggest event on May Day cele- to respect workers’ rights, increase
action is the only way. The workers bration is the May Day march and the minimum wage to P750 per day,
cannot depend on someone else rally. Last Tuesday, the May Day rally end contractualisation, stop large-scale
but their own united strength. The was a historical first with about 60,000 mining projects on ancestral domains,
workers cannot depend on any political in Metro Manila and 150,000 people stop the ‘drug war’ slaughter, end
party or legal recourse. They need to nationwide marched – a very strong harassment and attacks on activists,
understand and be well versed of the show of the workers’ growing frustra- and re-start the peace talks with the
local and national issue so they know tion, disappointment and dissatisfac- NDFP.
where they stand. tion over President Duterte’s failure to
The union struggle is not enough to fulfil his promises. Rival labour feder- Long live workers’ solidarity!
offer any meaningful change on the ations across the political spectrum
conditions of labour. Whatever success marched together. Maraming salamat! Thank you!
in their struggle or any reform in the
labour policy can easily be overturned
later. We see this happens so many
times here in Australia. One example
is the penalty rates for overtime work.
The workers need to unite with
other exploited sectors in our society
and struggle for a genuine change
and for a true national democracy.
Without doing this, all those hard-won
entitlements, benefits and workers’
rights will one by one disappear
in time.
Advance League of Peoples’ Artist (ALPA) has been In the future, ALPA seeks to expand its partnership
recently established as a new peoples’ organisation. with progressive organisations and membership of
It aims to use creative and cultural work in examining artists that are pro-people and critical of the current
social issues in the Philippines and Australia. anti-people policies.
Advance League of Peoples’ Artists (Melbourne) If you would like to get more information about
was established to invigorate, create, and educate the ALPA, visit our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.
public on social and cultural issues through the vehicle com/ALPAMELBOURNE/ or send us an email:
of art and creativity.
In this digital age, we strive to enhance creative skills
as a community and for the community, especially
in Australia’s culturally and linguistically diverse
ALPA envisions harnessing the power of culture,
creativity, and art in examining and responding to the
contemporary challenges faced by the local commu-
nities on a global and cosmopolitan setting.
ALPA currently works with ethnic communities and
mass organisations in creating community theatre in
the Western region of Metropolitan Melbourne.
ALPA and Community and economic migrants as they settle, ALPA and May Day
Theatre at Melbourne’s struggle, and live in Australia. ALPA’s
Cultural Night
current members include established
West theatre and film directors, scholars, Last 3rd of May 2018, ALPA was invited
ALPA is currently working with student-artists, and writers. The photo to perform at the Annual May Day
various community organisations, below also shows the rehearsal of the Cultural Night at Victorian Trades
including Migrante Melbourne Filipino group that will eventually be Hall. It was a night full of inspiring
(West Chapter), Australian Karen integrated with the performances from updates on the recent political and
Cultural Association Inc., African the Karen and African storytelling, social situations around the world given
Family Services, and Australia Asia dances, and drumming on the 2nd of by leaders from various community
Performance Community Inc., in June 2018 at Laverton Hub. Join us groups and unions. ALPA performed
delivering a community theatre as we celebrate diversity, inclusivity, two poetries about the significance
project at the City of Wyndham in identity and connection in this project of May Day on the lives of Filipinos
Melbourne’s outer West. Entitled, I as well as future creative endeavours and Filipino-Australians and inter-
am/We are, this project aims to use like community film workshops and preted Danum by Saliddumay, a
theatre to discuss and examine the creative development projects by this song about indigenous struggles in
lives of migrants, refugees, partner group in the coming years. the Philippines beautifully metaphor-
ised through the force of water. ALPA
will continue to promote cultural and
artistic expression that connects our
struggles and gains as communities
under pressure.
10 Issue 36
International solidarity
under attack By Stu Harrison
saddened on Sr. Pat’s deportation. Back in Australia, 500 religious, As Fox said, “Whatever happens,
We can clearly see that this regime political, labor and academic leaders I will be forever grateful to all those
has instilled fear to its people under have so far signed a petition initiated by Filipinos that I call my friends and for
Martial Law and we are more worried Movement Against Tyranny Australia. all those from both church and sectors
to know that this government can do One thing is clear. Whatever who have supported me through this
anything not just to its people but also happens, the struggle for human rights time. I may lose my right to be in the
to those who are like Sr. Pat that has and social justice will continue both Philippines, but I can never lose the
been on our side. We will never forget in the Philippines and Australia. learnings and beautiful memories.”
what Sr. Pat has done for us... She is
more than a Filipino.”
The National Churches Council of
the Philippines said, “The detention
of Sister Patricia Fox speaks loud and
clear of the powers that be, of their
aim to suppress the truth and cast
out those who dare tell it. With the
increasing number of human rights
violations, her detention is an indirect
admission of guilt by this government,
which threatens and persecutes human
rights advocates who witness the
suffering of and show solidarity with
the vulnerable.”
Even the Catholic Bishops
Conference of the Philippines (CBCP)
has called for a reconsideration of the
deportation order following the wide
outcry against the decision.
12 Issue 36
Name: ______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________ Migrante Australia is an alliance of voluntary community
______________________________________ organisation of Filipino and Filipino-Australian migrants
and workers promoting and upholding their welfare, human
Tel: ______________________________________ rights and workers’ rights. It also deepens members’
Email: ______________________________________ awareness of the root reasons of the Filipino diaspora to
over 200 countries and settlement issues in their adopted
I would like to: homelands.