Urbanisticke Zasady A Principy Publikace 2016 en
Urbanisticke Zasady A Principy Publikace 2016 en
Urbanisticke Zasady A Principy Publikace 2016 en
December 2016
Electronic version
978-80-7538-057-9 (Ministry of Regional
ISBN 978-80-7538-127-9 (Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj ČR)
ISBN 978-80-87318-44-7 (Ústav územního
978-80-87318-54-6 (Institute for Spatial rozvoje)
Selected terms in urban planning composition 6 2.1. W
hat is the value of the territory in accordance
1. Urban planning concept 8 with the spatial planning 55
/Building Act, distribution of values, observed phenomena/
2. Urban planning composition 10
3. Landscape composition 12 2.2. Values in administrative territory 59
4. Genius loci, city image 14 /Examples of the investigated values/
5. Terrain configuration 15 2.3. Spatial analysis is not just a list of values 64
6. Height level 17 /Spatial analysis within the spatial plan/
7. Historic centre 18 2.4. Principles for Step 2 – Spatial analysis 68
8. Important vantage point and outlook post 19
9. Landmark 20 STEP III – SPATIAL DESIGN 69
10. Skyline 22 3.1. H
ow to make use of and support values
11. Silhouette 23 in urban planning composition 69
12. Veduta 24 /The principles and rules of the design/
13. Urban axis 25 3.2. Village greens, town squares, and streets are also territories 82
14. View axis 26 /The basic principles of the urban planning composition of public spaces/
15. Protected view and view horizon 28 3.3. Rules for Step 3 – spatial design 89
16. Vista 30 /Spatial analysis within the spatial plan/
17. View-prominent place 32
18. Target point of view 33 Part III
19. Scale and proportions 34 How to keep an eye on all this 90
20. Gradation, contrast and stress 36
/Legislative bases of urban planning composition/
21. Rhythm, symmetry and asymmetry37
Which legislation supports urban planning composition within spatial planning 90
Spatial planning instruments dealing with urban planning composition 92
Part II
When is the opportunity to influence the urban planning composition
Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition 39
in the process of acquisition of the spatial plan 100
1.1. Before we go into the terrain 40 Part IV
/Investigation of the settlement and the surroundings using maps What has to be avoided 101
– position of the settlement and ruggedness of the terrain, /General principles of urban planning composition in illustrations/
history of the settlement and landscape/
1.2. What should we notice 48 References and recommended reading 106
/View of the settlement from its surroundings and views
of the inner part of the settlement//
1.3. Principles related to Step 1 – perception of the territory 54
Principles and Rules of Urban Planning Composition in Examples
This book deals with urban planning composition in spatial planning. Its objective This publication is also meant for the non-professional public, so the authors
is to introduce readers in a brief and illustrative form to always endeavoured to present clear and brief formulations. The aim of the
1. selected terms of urban planning composition such as landmark, publication is a higher quality of discussion and communication with municipal
urban axis, skyline, view horizon, silhouette, view-prominent place, vista, leaders and councils, debates over legal circumstances, talks with citizens
veduta, target point of view, scale, proportions, gradation and others and so on. The municipal council is more active and discussions are more
2. important principles and rules of urban planning composition in transparent if the inhabitants are interested in what happens in their location.
spatial planning
General familiarity with urban planning principles is a condition for the
This publication should contribute to a better communication between planners understanding of problems and better cooperation with the public for an
(urban architects) and the representatives of municipalities. It should enable both increased quality of environs. This book should help to popularize urban planning
parties to cooperate more easily in spatial planning, particularly in the elaboration and building culture. It is one of the steps towards the fulfilment of the objectives
of spatial plans, regulatory plans, planning studies and, eventually, planning of Architecture and Building Culture Policy of the Czech Republic, a document
permissions. It is with these four tools of spatial planning where we encounter approved by the Government in 2015. Also, this manual supports education in
urban planning composition because the Building Act1 requires solutions for municipal councils and for the public in terms of architecture, urban planning,
both planar and spatial arrangment of territory. For a spatial arrangement to spatial development, landscape architecture, building culture and quality of the
be aesthetic, it is necessary to base its creation on the knowledge and use of environment. Based on examples of good practice, it aspires to contribute to
the principles and rules of urban planning composition. In the course of the increased demands for high-quality public space. The publication may become
elaboration of a spatial plan, which is a fundamental document for a town or city, a basis for the creation of learning materials at various levels of schools as well.
the planner is obliged by the Building Act to have discussions with a designated Also, it can be the inspiration for commentated sightseeing tours of settlements
representative of the municipality. In practice, particularly in smaller settlements, and their surroundings.
discussions are conducted with more representatives. For the purpose of surveys
in the territory, the planner can also talk to representatives of associations, This publication is not a theoretical or methodological study. Its goal is to motivate
businessmen, local inhabitants, people in surrounding settlements as well as interest in the milieu that people inhabit. In an illustrative form it describes the
visitors and tourists. The planner participates in the public debate on spatial work of planners who elaborate spatial plans. In the form of simple steps it
and regulatory plans so that explanations of intentions are anchored in related makes it possible to experience the urban planner’s perspective of a city or
documents. Communication on the planner’s part is professional and specific village and its environs. In urban planning composition, stress is put on the
as specialist vocabulary and terminology is used, not replaceable but supplied aesthetic aspect of space. It helps to see, perceive and understand the values
with explanations. Misunderstandings may result from insufficient knowledge of space and the natural relations maintaining and strengthening these values.
of terms or their clarification and intentions may be difficult to understand. On
the contrary, if the public is familiar with technical terminology, discussions with
planners are more precise and comments are more factual.
Introduction | 5
Part I Selected terms in urban planning composition
What actually is urban planning composition and why is it good to know In simple words, composition is an aesthetic arrangement of material
something about it? elements; urban planning composition is focused on the arrangement of objects
in a territory, i.e. objects (both structural and natural) which are so distinct that
We have already mentioned that urban planning composition is a component they affect the look of the territory. Since every village, town and city is a part
of documents important for the municipality, the town and its inhabitants. Its of the landscape, which includes the terrain and cover of the territory, natural
principles and rules are used to design the spatial arrangement of the territory. objects such as hills, banks, forest massifs, rocks, meadows, ponds and rivers
are subject to urban planning composition as well. Thus, urban planning
As one of these documents, the spatial plan is a design for the territory. As composition makes up part of the overall composition and concentrates
a conceptual document, it defines areas planned by the municipality for specific on the look of the territory, in other words on the aesthetic arrangement of
purposes in the town or city and its surroundings, i.e. in the entire territory of municipal material elements that constitute the territory. Such arrangement has an impact
administration. These purposes are processed by a team of experts and specialists, on the perception of the environment. It supports orientation in the settlement
taking into consideration legal regulations and the capacities of the territory, such and its surroundings and affects the pleasantness of the location, its attractivity,
as the protection zones, terrain and capacity of technical infrastructure. The spatial likeability, discreetness and harmony.
plan deals with the whole administrative area of the municipality, i.e. with all estates
belonging to the municipality in terms of administration, both built-up areas and The arrangement of all material elements can significantly influence the
open landscape. In regard to the scale, the spatial plan does not treat single edifices perception of the environs. Therefore the look of the territory forms and affects
but sets of buildings, in other words built-up areas. In spite of that, it is necessary to the behaviour of its inhabitants and their relation to places in which they live.
pay attention to dominant objects when creating the urban planning composition, for
they characterize the territory or a part of it. A milieu that is beautiful and kept neat cultivates its inhabitants. It is more
attractive to them if they know something about its history, the stories of the
A regulatory plan and a planning study usually refer to only a part of this constituents of their habitat.
administration area, but in more detail.
To understand and explain why one place and its look is pleasant while another
In most cases they involve objectives such as housing, public facilities, public evokes unpleasant feelings is difficult. If we manage to learn how to see and
zones, greenery, transportation, systems of power and water distribution, sewage perceive places with understanding for the principles that make them beautiful,
systems etc. These conceptual documents also deal with plants for reconstruction, we can enrich ourselves and contribute to the harmony of these places. This is
brownfield development (the recovery of territory may be accompanied by the another task of spatial planning, for according to the Building Act every citizen is
demolition of objects and ensuing new construction) and changes of use in entitled to defend the appearance of the territory in which they live. The continuity
built-up or open areas and the landscape. All these purposes, summarized and of places that are taken over from our ancestors and should be passed on to
formulated in the design, have an impact on the look and functioning of towns our descendants requires attention, care and a responsible approach including
and cities. Therefore they affect the life of the inhabitants and other users. Urban alertness and understanding of what is being prepared and carried out.
planning composition deals with the impact of the intents on the look (i.e. the
image) of a town or city or a part of it, including the landscape context.
Simplified explanation of the term urban planning concept: And how about spatial planning?
functional and spatial arrangement of existing buildings and areas
proposed for development and the arrangement and treatment of The subject of an urban planning concept is the endeavour toward a well-balanced
landscape. development of a settlement. For an initial analysis of the basic concept of spatial
development it is useful to compose a scheme of the state of the settlement. The scheme
should be based on its planar and spatial arrangement, terrain configuration, operational
relations, use of areas (functional classification), walking distances and requirements
Variety of definitions related to the catchment area, history of the settlement and state of the landscape. The
scheme visualizes the drawbacks of the settlement that have to be rectified for better
The urban planning concept of a city or village is a system of continuously valid operation (e.g. bad transport connections of a coach station). It is fundamental for the
principles, phenomena and elements of spatial, functional and operational determination of the urban planning concept. In order to outline a comprehensive image,
arrangement in urban and landscape settings. It is usually based on the potential
of the territory, the role of a city in the system of population and the visions of its
the scheme represents the needs and objectives of a settlement as adapted according
prospective size and character.[1] to the capacities and potential of the territory.
The spatial plan stipulates a basic concept of the development of the territory of
a settlement, of the protection of its values and its planar and spatial arrangement Town centre
(hereafter ‘urban planning concept’), of the arrangement of landscape and public
infrastructure. Also, it delimits built-up areas and corridors, especially those which are Built-up area
developable and destined for modification of current buildings, restoration and reuse Development area
of deteriorated territory (hereinafter ‘area of reconstruction’), buildings for charitable
purposes and public benefit and spatial reserves, and stipulates conditions for the Industry and agriculture
use of these areas and corridors. [2] Main road
A basic and purposeful idea of the development of the territory of a settlement, Minor road
protection of its values and its planar and spatial arrangement. [3] Railway
The manner in which the urban structure has been developed so far and intended Pond
future development. [4] Brook
The urban planning concept is a system of adopted principles and rules guaranteeing Forest
a balanced development of the settlement structure, settlements and landscape in Bus/Train stop
the context of population development. To determine urban planning concepts is one
of the tasks of urban planning (Building Act, § 19, 1b). [5]
Fig. 1: A cut-out of a simple scheme of the state of a settlement on which the concept of a spatial
plan is based on: access road, town centre and bulit-up area, areas of industry and agriculture, forest
areas, possible development areas
[1] MUŽÍK, Jan. Principy a pravidla územního plánování. Kapitola B.
Koncepce územního rozvoje ČR: B. Města [online]. Brno: Ústav
územního rozvoje, 2010.
[2] § 43 of the 183/2006 Building Act of the Czech Republic.
[3] http://www.suburbanizace.cz
[4] Zásady a pravidla územního plánování: Názvosloví. Brno: VÚVA, 1978.
[5] Urbanistická koncepce a kompozice v územním plánu. Asociace pro
urbanismus a územní plánováni ČR, 2013.
Fig. 1 © Z. Gajdíková, based on http://www.mapy.cz
Fig. 2 © Nové Město nad Metují, AGORA Studio – I. Kaplan.
Fig. 2: Example of an urban planning sketch, Nové město nad Metují, by Ivan Kaplan, AGORA Studio
Simplified explanation of the term urban planning composition: aesthetic spatial arrangement Context of the terms
of material elements that are so distinctive that they affect the appearance of the territory.
The term is related to various other terms such as terrain
Urban planning composition is the purposeful composition of selected natural and building configuration, historic centre, urban planning structure
elements in a space. The principles and rules of urban planning composition can be used for an of buildings, system of public areas, observation point,
aesthetic arrangement of elements, therefore an arrangement of higher quality rather than just landmark, skyline, silhouette, view axis, urban axis,
a random aggregate of these elements. The composition of elements in space changes in time; protected view (the visible horizon), gradation and scale.
building elements complement each other or disappear.
Means of the harmonization
There can be accidental composition as well, caused by the long-therm overlap of historic
of spatial and architectural forms are:
construction layers and haphazard decisions.
– scale and proportions (see sheet 19)
– gradation, contrast and stress (see sheet 20)
– rhythm, symmetry and asymmetry (see sheet 21) [2]
Variety of definitions
Urban planning composition is a part of the urban planning concept. The objective of urban composition is the aesthetic
creation and compositional arrangement of spaces, areas and natural and building elements in the form of compound
complexes in high-quality and character-varied settings. Urban planning composition has a decisive impact on the visual
perception of the environment by people, and on their behaviour, and the overall image of the landscape, settlements and Fig. 3: Composition of a village square
their parts. Urban planning composition deals with spatial development with regard to the values and conditions of a space. [1]
The subject of urban planning composition is the arrangement of a spatial form, created under the influence of various
The purpose of urban planning composition is the creative synthesis of all the components of an urban planning work,
expressed by a composition of spaces and substances. The basic components in this process are:
– functional processes and their arrangement, i.e. needs
– means of realization, economy of the solution, i.e. possibilities
– aesthetic effect and ideological content
A relatively stable component is the natural environment with elements of the terrain, climate, water and greenery.
Components that are variable in time and undergo development are related to functional processes (i.e. the construction
as such, influenced by changing needs and possibilities) and the variable societal and aesthetic components. [2]
Composition is an artistic and architectural interpretation of the important needs of a town or city, essential to life and
building line dominant objects
determined by society and its order. [3]
street line protected trees
The composition of an artwork determines the mutual relations among all its components and is an integral part of the basic view axis monuments
artistic form. For urban planning, in addition, composition is the core of the artistic form and includes relations resulting
main road greenery
from social, technical and economic requirements.
traditional buildings pond
Urban planning composition is not only the core of the artistic form; it is the very crux of urban planning, its substance. buildings with facilities
Therefore, urban planning composition in its principle is a perfect reflection of the unity of form and content. [4]
[1] Urbanistická koncepce a kompozice v územním plánu. Asociace pro urbanismus a územní plánování ČR, 2013.
[2] TODL, Luděk, HEXNER, Michal, NOVÁK, Jaroslav. Urbanistická kompozice I. 1. vyd. Praha: České vysoké
učení technické, 1985.
[3] FIALA, František. Stati z urbanismu. 1959.
[4] MEDUNA, Vladimír. Urbanistická kompozice. Brno: VUT, 1985.
Fig. 3 © KNOPP, Alfréd. Vesnice: stavby a krajina mají svůj řád. 1. vyd. Brno: Ústav územního rozvoje, 1994.
Fig. 4, Fig. 5: http://cs.wikipedia.org
Fig. 6 © J. Pokorný Fig. 6: View of the isle of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
Variety of definitions
Landscape composition
Landscape composition consists of singular compositional elements (major, minor and additional)
influencing each other and forming an integrated unit (composition). As parts of landscape compositions,
there are visual landmarks accentuated by vistas, the locations of roads and open views and scenes.
The existence of connections among these elements is indispensable for the compositional integrity
and the understanding of the character of a designed landscape. These connections and relations
among compositional elements create a valuable designed landscape. [1]
Fig. 7: Interplay of colours, Průhonice park Fig. 8: Interplay of light and shadows
Designed landscape
A type of cultural landscape designed and created intentionally by people. [1] Another term to be mentioned in the context of designed landscape is
designed scenery. It is a composition of trees, shrubs, lawn and water
using light and dark elements, the alternation of sunny and shaded places
as well as bright and muted colours. When we are walking in such a park
References the changing scenery attracts our attention.
[1] KULIŠŤÁKOVÁ, Lenka. Metody identifikace komponovaných krajin. In. HRONOVSKÁ, Kateřina – KUPKA, Jiří.
Ochrana kulturní krajiny. Hledání cílů, možností a pravidel. Praha: ČVUT, 2013, p. 12–27.
Fig. 7, Fig. 8 © P. Balabánová
Variety of definitions
Genius loci
Atmosphere or, literally, spirit of a place testifying to how the place is
perceived by ourselves, no matter whether we are present in that place or
not. The decisive point for its understanding is the subjective perception
resulting from a combination of rational and emotional stimuli, both conscious
and unconscious. Genius loci is usually nuanced by values and experience Fig. 10: A typical city image, Venice
connected with the place. [3]
Genius loci as the spirit of a place is the compact total of material and immaterial Fig. 11: Image of the town of Třeboň
manifestations of the past and present in a location. It is unique and singular, The symbol for the town of Třeboň is a graphic representation
of a quinquefoil rose derived from the historic coat of arms of
creating a multidimensional and dynamic impression of the location in continuous
the Rosenberg family. This graphic shortcut it evokes gothic
interaction with the spiritual world of the visitor or resident. Quest and encounter, stonecutting and the Renaissance motif of a sgraffito referring to the
not only a visit, create conditions for a dialogue with the genius loci in a place. [4] history of the town. At the same time, with its vivid colours, it reflects
a dynamic parallel to the present, accentuating a wide choice of
City image tourism and leisure activities.
General idea about a city as based on sensory perception, experience and
knowledge of the functional purposefulness of the city. [5] References
[1] ABZ.cz: slovník cizích slov [online].
Visual value of the internal or external form of a settlement perceived as [2] KMONÍČKOVÁ, Barbora. Přírodní prvky v obrazu města. In. Perspektivy území: udržitelné vazby, střety
a rozvoj. Praha: ČVUT, 2012, p. 153–163. [online].
a whole; it is the expression of urban landscape in which everyday social
[3] ČABLOVÁ, Markéta. Prostory: průvodce tvorbou a obnovou veřejných prostranství. 1. vyd. Brno: Partner-
relations are developed, therefore it should be a culturally closed space. The ství, 2013.
purposefulness of the city image depends on the distinctness of the structure [4] ZELENKA, Josef, PÁSKOVÁ, Martina. Výkladový slovník cestovního ruchu. Praha: Linde Praha, 2012.
[5] HRŮZA, Jiří. Slovník soudobého urbanismu. 1. vyd. Praha: Odeon, 1977.
and the identification of a specific form. [6]
[6] Zásady a pravidla územního plánování: Názvosloví. Brno: VÚVA, 1978.
The making of a positive image of a city is regarded as an important tool that [7] JEŽEK, Jiří. Aplikace městského marketingu v praxi. In: E+M Ekonomie a management, 2010, No. 4,
p. 123–134. [online].
helps to attract visitors of specific target groups. [7] Fig. 10 © J. Pokorný
Fig. 11: Město Třeboň – Manuál jednotného vizuálního stylu [online].
This typology of towns as related to the terrain (right) represents the 4b Town in a combined terrain position 5a Town in a wide valley (Náchod)
state in an early stage of development. (undeveloped terrain landmark, Černá Hora)
Current practice features mainly the development of valley areas
and settlements on isolated heights and promontories with material
buildings, such as in the towns of Žatec and Čáslav, moving
up in slopes as far as the edge of basins in wide valleys and on
promontories (České Budějovice, Plzeň and Český Krumlov) and the
elimination of the effect of the silhouettes of settlements on flat land. 5b Town in a narrow valley (Jáchymov) 6 Town on flat land (Litovel)
[1] VOREL, I. Principy a pravidla územního plánování. Kapitola B. Koncepce územního rozvoje ČR: B. Města –
krajina. [online]. Brno: Ústav územního rozvoje, 2014.
[2] VOŽENÍLEK, Jiří. Stavba měst a vesnic: urbanistická příručka. Brno: VÚVA, 1957.
Fig. 12: KUPKA, J. Krajiny kulturní a historické. Praha: ČVUT, 2010.
Fig. 13: http://www.mistnikultura.cz
Fig. 14: Jáchymov
Fig. 14: http://www.mestojachymov.cz
Simplified explanation of the term height level: height of the majority of objects in a
certain part of a settlement.
Variety of definitions
The height level can be defined as the height of buildings over the adjacent terrain. It is
determined by the height of roof ridges and flat roof attics in a typical sample of buildings in
a location. In more detail: aligned, homogeneous (with minor differences) and more or less Fig. 15: Possible height level control
differentiated levels are distinguished. [1]
An aligned height level makes it possible for higher objects to
The determination of height zones is an important means of composition; it is decisive in the
become apparent. Terrain configuration influences the effect of
creation of the urban silhouette. The plan of height levels is also determined by the function
the height level of a settlement because it goes parallel with the
of the town or city, therefore the way of life and the type of buildings the inhabitants live in.
topography of the terrain.
The height level is limited by terrain configuration and the conditions for insolation. [2]
In relation to the height and shape of roofs there is another term
to mention: roof landscape. This can be observed from above,
preferably from a place that is one or two floors higher than the
ridges of the observed roofs. A harmonious roof landscape is
made of roofs in a compact built-up area if the roofing is of the
And how about spatial planning? same character (e.g. ceramic tiles on sloping roofs).
Spatial planning documentation can adjust height control by means of obligatory height
levels and maximum and minimum numbers of floors in buildings.
Setting up a wider range of levels instead of a single level makes it possible to construct
more varied and typologically different buildings in a way that corresponds to the needs of
current polyfunctional cities.
The determination of maximum regulated height is important so that the scale of buildings
is maintained in harmony with the surrounding objects and undesirable visual landmarks
are avoided. Fig. 16: Roof landscape, a view of Černá Hora
The determination of a minimum regulated height is of key importance so that the character
of the urban setting is maintained and the construction of typologically inappropriate References
buildings in the context of public areas is eliminated. [3] [1] OBERSTEIN, Ivo, CACH, Jan. Názvosloví urbanismu a územního plánování. Praha: FA
ČVUT, 2001. Materiál z výzkumného úkolu MSM 210000026 „Proměny urbanismu".
Spatial planning can eliminate non-conceptual construction of high-rise buildings by means [2] VOŽENÍLEK, Jiří. Stavba měst a vesnic: urbanistická příručka. Brno: VÚVA, 1957.
of height level regulation in certain parts of settlements. [3] Fig. 15 and comment: Institut plánování a rozvoje hlavního města Prahy. Pražské sta-
vební předpisy s aktualizovaným odůvodněním [online]. Praha: IPR Praha, 2014.
Fig. 16 © Z. Gajdíková
Variety of definitions
The historic centre is the oldest part of a town, which was usually enclosed in
town walls. In a town or city, it is not only a complex of architectural and cultural
monuments but also the decisive segment for the identity and specificity of
the town and the majority of its aesthetic values. These values do not reside
in singular objects but in whole complexes, in the disposition of spaces and
the street network, overall segmentation and scale, layout in the terrain and
silhouette, incorporation of a river, parks and other natural elements. [1]
[1] HRŮZA, Jiří. Slovník soudobého urbanismu. 1. vyd. Praha: Odeon, 1977.
Fig. 17: http://mapy.cz/s/nwOH
Fig. 18: http://cs.wikipedia.org
Fig. 18: Aerial view of the town of Nymburk
Distant views represent the first encounter between a visitor and a settlement and make orientation Fig. 19: View over the city of Rome from the roof of the
easier. In order to express a vantage point or an outlook post in a spatial plan, urban planners have Monument to Victor Emmanuel II
to explore the settlement, perceive its values and look for places with the most suitable views. These
views, along with their outlook posts, have to be protected. This means creating opportunities and
conditions for other views from new posts as well as for views of other valuable objects. It depends on [1] Ústav územního rozvoje, Brno. Standard sledovaných jevů pro územně ana-
the size of the territory; a regulatory plan, dealing with a smaller part of the territory, can pay attention lytické podklady obcí. [online]. Brno and Praha. 2014.
to more detailed views such as of a sculpture, fountain or the facade of an important building. [2] OBERSTEIN, Ivo, CACH, Jan. Názvosloví urbanismu a územního plánování.
Praha: FA ČVUT, 2001.
Fig. 19 © J. Pokorný
Simplified explanation of the term landmark: an edificial or natural object (e.g. a rock) that attracts Examples of landmarks and possible symbols
attention by its height, size, shape or colouring in comparison to its surroundings.
individual landmark
(tower, church)
Variety of definitions
Landmark complex of landmarks
Prominent (visually important) element in urban planning composition; an important building, complex of (housing estate)
buildings or a natural formation dominating the structure of a city, town or landscape by its position and material natural landmark
or visual features. The surroundings are subordinate to the landmark and help it to come to the fore. [1] (rock, mountain, lake)
Important landmark building edificial landmark
A building or complex of buildings, including items of the Cultural List of Cultural Monuments, whose position (theatre building, school or other institution
in the terrain, or urban character, makes it distinctively visible and largely affecting the visual character of a in a prominent position on a town square)
settlement and landscape. [2] important edificial landmark
Minor elevated landmark (town hall)
A part of a building exceeding its height, normally not higher than another floor; it points out the position of
vertical landmark
the building in the urban structure (for example a corner, accentuated entrance, staircase, etc.) [3]
(chimney, transmission tower)
horizontal landmark
Context of the term (mountain range)
A landmark
minor elevated landmark
– is a point of orientation, a symbol, the climax of the composition; it may also be an important vantage point
(turret of a corner building)
– dominates the space by means of its size (height or volume), shape, colour and the material of the
local landmark
facade (accent)
(village chapel, church)
– depends on terrain configuration, its place in the composition (urban structure) and function (form; shape
of a building is based on its function) landmark of larger importance
– can determine the height level of a town or city, the scale of a public space and the centre of the territory (reservoir, mountain range, motorway)
– makes the skyline, silhouette, veduta and image of a city, can be a target point of view, is a view-prominent undesirable landmark
place and a part of public space (e.g. a house inappropriately exceeding
the height of adjacent buildings)
– can be local or of larger importance, natural or edificial and horizontal or vertical
– is related to the concepts of gradation, proportion, scale, urban axis, view axis, target point of view and
Objects give the impression of being a landmark if their size, volume, archi-
tectural concept or colour attract the attention of a viewer. It is necessary to
know which landmarks of a settlement and its surroundings are dominant
from distant views so that we can decide which landmarks should be respec-
ted and protected so as not to damage these distant views through the objec-
tives of spatial plans.
Ugly objects may also act as landmarks (e.g. some technological buildings).
In the composition, the viewer’s attention to these should be avoided. Spatial
plans work with them, according to their scale, in order to suppress their effect. Fig. 20: Říp Mountain, south view; a blank natural landmark
The effect of almost every natural landmark (for example a rock massif, hill
or lake) is harmonious. An exception can be a natural landmark affected by
human influence, for instance a view of a partly extracted stone quarry with
mining equipment or large areas of opencast mining.
[1] OBERSTEIN, Ivo, CACH, Jan. Názvosloví urbanismu a územního plánování. Praha: FA ČVUT, 2001.
[2] Ústav územního rozvoje v Brně. Standard sledovaných jevů pro územně analytické podklady obcí. [online].
Brno a Praha. 2014.
[3] MAIER, Karel. Názvosloví, příklady metodiky a symboliky užívané pro zpracování regulačních plánů.
Regulační prvky. [online]. Praha: ČVUT, 2004.
KUPKA, J. Krajiny kulturní a historické. Praha: ČVUT, 2010.
TODL, Luděk, HEXNER, Michal, NOVÁK, Jaroslav. Urbanistická kompozice I. 1. vyd. Praha: České vysoké
učení technické, 1985.
Fig. 20: http://cs.wikipedia.org
Fig. 21: http://www.eu2009.cz/, foto: CzechTourism.com
Simplified explanation of the term skyline: wide view of a settlement or landscape. And how about spatial planning?
When stipulating admissible conditions, spatial plans can affect
the skyline positively or negatively. It is, therefore, necessary
Variety of definitions
to know the skyline of the settlement, particularly from
Any general view with a wide perspective over a landscape or town can be called skyline. [1] access roads and important outlook posts, at the beginning
of the elaboration of a spatial plan. These may be located a
Buildings visible in the skyline indicate the centre or other possible focal points of a city.
relatively long distance outside the administrative territory of
Urban skyline is usually perceptible from certain territories and positions in open landscape
the settlement. The skyline may also refer to landscape. It may
only. Views from access roads and the ensuing first impressions of the entry into a city are
be a large territory in a neighbouring administrative area.
particularly important. [2]
Context of the term
The skyline
– is influenced by terrain configuration, urban concept and composition, location of landmarks
and the height level
– makes the image of the city
– is related to an important observation point, genius loci, view horizon, view-prominent
places, protected view, gradation and scale
– should be distinguished from a veduta (indication of places and landmarks within a view)
and a silhouette (contours)
[1] KOUCKÝ, Roman a kol. Slovník. Návrat k přirozenému jazyku a objasnění základních pojmů Metropolitního plánu [online]. Praha: Institut plánování a rozvoje hl. m. Prahy, 2014.
[2] VOŽENÍLEK, Jiří. Stavba měst a vesnic: urbanistická příručka. Brno: VÚVA, 1957.
Fig. 22: http://commons.wikimedia.org
Simplified explanation of the term silhouette: the shape of a picturesque or typical And how about spatial planning?
part of a settlement, featured and expressed by a line or area.
Spatial plans must ensure that a typical silhouette is not damaged
by objectives in the territory. During the elaboration of a spatial plan
it is useful to find a typical observation point and protect this view.
Variety of definitions
A silhouette that is typical for a settlement, especially a city, becomes
The silhouette of a town or city is understood as both a distant panoramic view and as a constituent of the city image. It is often used on presentation
the total of single images that an observer can see in the city. These may be views from objects such as those for the promotion of tourism.
various terrain levels, towers and high buildings, across rivers and so on. The silhouette
of a town or city is always linked to its ground plan. [1]
A silhouette is a shadow image providing the planar and monochromatic contour of an
object. In an urban setting, it represents the contour of the mass of buildings in contrast
with the background, mostly the sky. [2]
Fig. 23: Silhouette of a city, Venice Fig. 24: The logotype of the town of Kadaň
[1] VOŽENÍLEK, Jiří. Stavba měst a vesnic: urbanistická příručka. Brno: VÚVA, 1957, 665 s.
[2] KOUCKÝ, Roman a kol. Slovník. Návrat k přirozenému jazyku a objasnění základních pojmů Metropolitního plánu [online]. Praha: Institut plánování a rozvoje hl. m. Prahy, 2014.
Fig. 23 © J. Pokorný
Fig. 24: http://wvvvv.mesto-kadan.cz
Fig. 25: Veduta Moravská Ostrava – https://cs.wikipedia.org Fig. 26: fotografie veduta Brno http://commons.wikimedia.org/, amended by Zuzana Gajdíková according to http://panorama.brna.cz
Variety of definitions
A veduta is a topographically precise view of a town or landscape. As opposed
to the skyline, it includes an evaluation of the relevance of specific parts (the
perspective of importance) that would be imperceptible in a skyline, mostly
because of surmounting. A veduta is characteristic for its spatial depth (as
opposed to silhouette which is two-dimensional only. [2, see silhouette]
International Hotel
Liberty Square
Old Town Hall
Simplified explanation of the term urban axis: an axis – line that introduces
logical order in the space of a settlement.
An urban axis aimed at an important target correspond to the compositional axis.
Variety of definitions
Urban axis
A line representing either the actual axis of the symmetry of current urban spatial
structures (or complexes) or symbolic bonds of rays (or single rays) in space. It
is necessary to pay attention to the relation between individual buildings (houses
and constructions of all types) alongside the urban axis. [1]
Compositional axis
An important line, originating in historic evolution or founded deliberately in built-
up areas and urban space, that focuses on functional activities and spatial events.
Compositional axes can interconnect several parts of a city and aim at important
targets (hubs) of the urban structure or landscape. Such a target can also be Fig. 27: Urban axes of the town of Poděbrady
represented by an important natural structure. [2]
In its ground plan, Poděbrady is a town with typical spatial evolution at
the crossing of two compositional axes. In the SE-NW direction it is the
axis formed by the river Elbe, while in the perpendicular direction there
And how about spatial planning? is a distinctive urban axis founded by architect Janda’s regulatory plan
The urban/compositional axis is an important compositional element of a of 1912, which goes from the railway station to the town square and the
settlement. The identification of this axis is an important part of the analysis of spa park (Masaryk Square), then crossing the Elbe to continue through
the operational and spatial pattern of a settlement. It assists understanding of the centre of Polabecká park. The development of this urban axis was
the structure of the settlement, its further expansion, functioning and operation. stopped during WWII.
For instance, urban axes are essential for the differentiation of the importance of
Examples of symbols
streets and for orientation in a settlement.
designed urban axis
natural axis (river)
[1] MAIER, Karel. Názvosloví, příklady metodiky a symboliky užívané pro zpracování regulačních plánů. Regulační prvky. [online]. Praha: ČVUT, 2004.
[2] HEXNER, Michal. Územně analytické podklady hlavního města Prahy. Téma 11.15. Kompoziční osy a průhledy [online]. Praha, 2007.
Fig. 27: http://www.mapy.cz/, amended by Z. Gajdíková
Comment to Fig: Územní plán Poděbrady – koncept, Odůvodnění projektantem, kapitola C.3.1.2 Popis urbanistické struktury území, [online] http://wvvw.mesto-podebrady.cz
Variety of definitions
A succession of interconnected spaces and view axes generating
the central composition of buildings; it embodies the basic visual
idea of a town, deliberately established or evolutionarily grown, and Fig. 28: Concept of the development of the exhibition grounds of Brno, 1958
constitutes its ideological and visual centre. [1]
The basic compositional principle of the urban planning structure of the exhibition
And how about spatial planning? grounds of Brno has remained till now a system of landmarks consisting of Hall A, Hall
If the view axis follows the line of the urban axis, the urban axis and Z, the tower of Hall G and the administrative building.
its importance is highlighted and the image of the settlement and The original two axes designed by architect Josef Kalous in 1924 are proportioned as
orientation in the area are improved. avenues with central green lanes with chestnut trees. They form a V-shape, with the top
in the open space in front of present day Hall A.
The third axis, originally designed by architect Bohuslav Fuchs, was created after the
construction of a new landmark, Hall Z.
References At the same time, a fourth axis was created between Halls A and Z. This axis was
[1] OBERSTEIN, Ivo, CACH, Jan. Názvosloví urbanismu a územního plánování. Praha: FA
ČVUT, 2001.
interrupted later by the construction of Hall V.
Fig. 28 and comment: MÜLLER, Zdeněk. Brněnské výstaviště: stavba století. Stavební vývoj
1928–2002. Brno: Veletrhy Brno, 2002. Scheme completed by Z. Gajdíková.
Fig. 29: http://en.wikipedia.org
Fig. 30, Fig. 31, Fig. 32 © J. Pokorný
Fig. 29: The Boulevard des Champs-Élysées, the longest urban axis in Paris Fig. 30: A view across the river Thames, with a vista of the University of Greenwich, London
Fig. 31: The end of a view axis as a point de vue, Buchlovice chateau Fig. 32: A view without axis – from Buchlov castle to the nearby Chapel of St. Barbara
Variety of definitions
View edge
Fig. 33: Rožmberk nad Vltavou; the view horizon creates the background
A horizontal complex of mass, greenery or other natural elements that looks of an important architectural complex of buildings
continuous. [2]
View horizon
View horizons enclose several panoramic views; they are related to respective view horizon
outlook posts. [2]
The view horizon of the historic centre of a city is understood as a material and
emotional boundary of the part of the city that is visually connected with the
centre. The physical demarcation of a view horizon is determined primarily by
geomorphology and secondarily by anthropogenic impacts (buildings, terrain
modelling as a result of transportation structures, dump sites and so on). [3]
Variety of definitions
Special quasi-static fragments of the internal image of a city, optically connecting
adjacent and remote spaces; they are often directed to prominent compositional
landmarks (points de vue). [1]
A vista is a depth composition of urban objects arranged on both sides along the direct
horizontal axis (either flat or ascending or descending) so that they orient the viewer
to a central, fully visible urban object at the end of the axis. This object is the core of
the whole composition; other urban objects are subordinate to it, not competing with
it in shape, form, colour etc. but, on the contrary, pointing out the core by means of
contrasting or neutral features so that the main object dominates more than it would Fig. 36: A vista of surrounding landscape through a building, Lausanne
do alone. Between the viewer and the central object, there must not be any obstacle
covering or deforming it. [2]
A visual opportunity of the character of a corridor that connects observation posts with
an important element of an urban or landscape scene. [3]
Examples of symbols
protected vista
Vistas are specific protected views. A protected view usually provides several points
for the observation of a prominent target. A vista is a framed view of a prominent target
from a particular place. Such a prominent target may be represented by a landmark as
well as landscape, mountains, a lake, skyline, open space, the entrance to a park and
so on. Inorder that viewers do not miss such a place, they have to be held up; therefore
relaxation areas with benches, seating outside cafés, and secondary outlook platforms
Fig. 37: A vista of a castle through greenery, Černá Hora
are applied in places with attractive views.
For the urban arrangement of a particular place such as a public open space,
visualizations of the parterre with the vista can by displayed. This enables References
[1] KUPKA, Jiří. Prostředky harmonizace urbanistického prostor. Pomůcka k přednáškám pro studenty Fa-
people to get a concrete idea about the newly built or revitalized location. kulty stavební ČVUT [online].
[2] MEDUNA, Vladimír. Urbanistická kompozice. Brno: VUT, 1985.
[3] HEXNER, Michal. Oponentura návrhu předložené publikace.
Fig. 36, Fig. 37 © Z. Gajdíková
Fig. 38 © J. Pokorný
Variety of definitions
View-prominent part of the facade
A part of the facade suitable for architectural emphasis. [1]
[1] MAIER, Karel. Názvosloví, příklady metodiky a symboliky užívané pro zpracování regulačních plánů.
Regulační prvky. [online]. Praha: ČVUT, 2004. Fig. 39: Ransila shopping mall, Lugano
Fig. 39 © Z. Gajdíková
Simplified explanation of the term target point of view (point de vue): Examples of symbols
attractive harmonious place to which the view axis is aimed; attractive
harmonious place in a vista (for example valuable buildings, sculptures or
natural elements). target point of view (point de vue)
A point de vue is the climax and focal point of the composition.
view axis
protected view
Variety of definitions
protected vista
An object (of architecture or sculpture) acting as the target of a view/vista. [1]
Fig. 40: End of a view axis with an important building, St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City
[1] ŠEFCÚ, Ondřej. Architektura: lexikon architektonických prvků a stavebního řemesla. 1. vyd. Praha:
Grada, 2013.
Fig. 40 © J. Pokorný
Variety of definitions
In architectural and urban planning composition, the term scale is used to express the
absolute and relative ratios of the dimensions of single compositional parts, integral objects
or whole urban complexes. The human scale is an expression of the adequacy of volumes
in relation to humans and the habits of human perception. [1]
The scale represents the ratio between two sizes. A change of scale facilitates the
Fig. 41: Perception of the scale and proportions of an object
accentuation of major parts of an object as distinct from the minor. [2]
Proportions By means of the size of the elements of the facade, various effects
Proportions define the relations among the basic dimensions of a spatial structure, between of the object as a whole can be achieved. The proportions of the
the sizes of individual parts and the whole, and among these parts. Also, proportions reflect mass of a building and the expression of the building (facade) are
the relation between individual parts and a selected module (basic dimension to which the important factors for general perception and formation of a place.
other dimensions are related). The proportions of a perceived urban space are projected For instance, a house with a few small windows will appear bigger
in the human psyche to such an extent that people may be psycho-physically disconcerted than a house of the same size with one big window. At the same
(fear of closed/open spaces). [2] time, based on our experience, we can judge how many floors there
are in an object and what proportions there are between a traditional
With the use of suitable relative dimensions and distances among objects, that would be window, a person, and all the elements in the surroundings, which
repeated in a work of art, we can achieve a noticeable cohesiveness of objects and integrity refers to so-called natural scale. The design of the facade and
of the whole. Then we speak about the proportions of objects and relations among them, i.e. its structure indicate the importance of the object: the size of the
the proportions of a composition. [3] entrance door will be different for a house, a library and a church.
These examples present the negative effect of an object; such objects are not desirable. Their shape and
size indicate different functions because we have a deep-rooted idea about the shape of a typical house,
kindergarten or municipal office. The form of an object, in other words its shape and size, should always
be based on its function, consequently on its disposition and construction. Fig. 43: The Jewish Museum in Berlin
A building of adequate scale has a similar volume and degree of structuring as the objects around. Keeping
to the scale and proportions means generating harmony (evenness, balance) of the environment. It can also
lead to monotony. However, if we want to disrupt this harmony, it must be done with a logical objective such as:
● placing an important building
● placing it in an important location
This means:
The scale may be disrupted by an important building on which we want to focus attention (e.g. school,
town hall, etc.).
The scale may be disrupted by one object (or a group of objects of the same purpose) if it stands in an
important place such as the end of the view axis in a street.
The disruption of the scale is understood mainly in the negative sense. Nevertheless, deliberate disruption
of the scale can be a part of the architectural or urban planning intention enhancing the place and resulting
Fig. 44: City Lounge, St. Gallen
in a positive image of the place. However, any concrete assessment is subjective; it is therefore appropriate
to invite architectural tenders for these important places.
Increased attention has to be paid to proportions and scale dealing with the immediate vicinity of a new [1] HRÚZA, Jiří. Slovník soudobého urbanismu. 1. vyd. Praha: Odeon,
and an older building. The proportions of the mass of a building as well as its expression (facade) are 1977.
[2] TODL, Luděk, HEXNER, Michal, NOVÁK, Jaroslav. Urbanistická
important for the general perception and creation of a place. kompozice I. 1. vyd. Praha: České vysoké učení technické, 1985.
A contrast between a modern and a historic building is possible (see Fig. 43). It is always a question of [3] MEDUNA, Vladimír. Urbanistická kompozice. Brno: VUT, 1985.
the importance of the building and its position in surroundings. Terraced houses on small building sites are Fig. 41: CHING, Francis D. Architecture: form, space, & order. 3rd
perceived in a different way than a building of city-wide importance such as a gallery. ed. Hoboken: Wiley, 2007.
Fig. 42 © N. Rozmanová
Radical contrast is not always necessary, buildings can differ in details but they should be in proportional harmony. Fig. 43: Jewish Museum Berlin, photo: Luftbild und Pressefoto – Robert
The buildings in Fig. 44 do not compete with each other in architectural rendering; on the contrary, they form a Grahn, http:/lwww.jmberlin.de/
compact assemblage with a frontage. The new building can thus discreetly complete those already existing. Fig. 44 © Z. Gajdíková
Contrast and concord are extreme relations of Also, gradation can use an instant of surprise: an interesting, place or element can be anticipated, but
the degree of difference between single elements the end of the road provides an unexpected impression caused by an extraordinarily important object
of the composition. The regularity or irregularity of or vantage point.
the the general urban design represent a function
of this relation.
Contrast and relation have the nature of a dialectical
unit; they complete each other and switch in
certain positions. We can perceive differences, not
the exact boundaries of references. This delicate
transition of contrasts is called nuance. [1]
An emphasizing element in the framework of Fig. 45: Gradation of the mass of buildings, Fig. 46: Gradation of sculptures at the access
the general mass composition, for which the the Rabí Castle to a chateau, Milotice
architectural/artistic function is more important
than utility. [3]
[1] TODL, Luděk, HEXNER, Michal, NOVÁK, Jaroslav. Urbanistická kompozice I. 1. vyd. Praha: České vysoké učení technické, 1985.
[2] ABZ.cz: slovník cizích slov – on-line hledání [online].
[3] OBERSTEIN, Ivo, CACH Jan. Názvosloví urbanismu a územního plánování. Praha: FA ČVUT, 2001.
Fig. 45 © H. Čapek, http://www.hradrabi.cz
Fig. 46: http://www.zamekmilotice.cz
Fig. 47 & 48: View of two almost identical churches, Piazza del Popolo, Rome Fig. 49: Ground plan representation
of a place on a map
[1] http://architektura.klenot.cz – Teorie architektury [online].
[2] https://cs.wikipedia.org
[3] TODL, Luděk, HEXNER, Michal, NOVÁK, Jaroslav. Urbanistická kompozice I. 1. vyd. Praha:
České vysoké učení technické, 1985.
Fig. 47, Fig. 48 © Z. Gajdíková Fig. 51: Mahen Theatre in Brno Fig. 52: The chateau in Kačina
Fig. 49: http://mapy.cz
Fig. 50: http://www.zamekdobris.cz Fig. 51: https://commons.wikimedia.org
Fig. 52: http://www.kacina.cz
In Part I, we were able to get acquainted with the most common concepts of We would like to introduce the readers to the main rules using the principles of
urban planning composition. urban planning composition in spatial planning with the example of a particular
settlement. Deliberately, we do not want to use renowned listed places with famous
In Part II, we should find out what to notice and appreciate in the territory – what castles and chateaus. We would like to show that values can be found in any
values we have in the territory and how to make use of their existence for urban settlement and the principles of urban planning composition apply to them as well.
planning composition.
The municipality of Černá Hora has been chosen as a model territory on which
There are three gradual steps leading to the creation of a comprehensive, quality, we would like to demonstrate examples of the principles of urban planning
and valid long-term urban planning concept and composition of a spatial plan: composition. This municipality is located about 25 km north of Brno, on the
1. perception of territory Brno – Svitavy road. It currently has approximately 2,000 inhabitants. Examples
2. spatial analysis of use of the principles of urban planning composition are complemented by
3. spatial design general examples or examples from other settlements.
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 39
Step 1 – Perception of the territory
1.1. Before we go into the terrain
/Investigation of the settlement and the surroundings using maps – position of the settlement and ruggedness of the terrain,
history of the settlement and landscape/
It is necessary to be aware of the location of the settlement – in the vicinity of which settlements the municipality is located for the concept of urban development and urban
composition. What background facilities the surroundings of the municipality provide, or what background facilities the municipality provides to the surrounding settlements.
These include, for example, job opportunities, the possibility to attend medical and educational facilities, shopping, social activities, etc. The demand for renovation or building
of new facilities depends on the needs of the settlement and its cooperation with the surroundings (while using educational, cultural, sports and other facilities). This is related
to the use of the existing land and objects and looking for suitable new land. This means the land in which the objects, among other things, do not violate the urban planning
concept and composition of the settlement.
To get an idea of the impact of aims in the area means to go through the surroundings of the settlement and the settlement itself. It means to perceive the ruggedness of the
terrain, noting where there is a nice view of the settlement. It may be the most beautiful from the valley or the surrounding hills, which may even lie outside the administrative
territory of the settlement. Therefore, before an ʹexploratory tripʹ, it is appropriate to have a look at the maps of the administrative territory of the municipality and its surroundings.
The administrative territory of the settlement is the territory of one (or more) cadastral area(s)
managed by the municipal or city authority. At the same time, the local (municipal) authority
performs the tasks assigned by the council or the municipal council within the framework of
the so-called independent jurisdiction and furthermore, to a certain extent it performs the state
administrative duties within the so-called delegated jurisdiction. The cadastral area of the municipality of Černá Hora
and its position with respect to the surrounding settlements
References: https://mapy.cz/s/mN2M
The skyline view of the settlement of Černá Hora and its surroundings
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 41
Location of the settlement and other maps
The location of access roads to the municipality, cycling and hiking trails, existing local nature trails and observation points, all of which receive more
visitors than other places in the area. How this fact can be used for urban composition will be discussed in the following chapters.
With the aerial map, we get oriented while observing forest massifs Hiking and cycling map presents to us the possibility of more intensive
and large soil units. movement in the landscape.
Forest massifs southwards from the municipality Cycling and biking trails
References: http://mapy.cz/s/g3Bd References: http://mapy.cz/s/g3Al
Shaded relief model Topographic map on the basis of the shaded relief model
References: http://geoportal.cuzk.cz/geoprohlizec/?wmcid=693 References: http://geoportal.gov.cz/web/guest/map/
Orthophoto on the basis of the shaded relief model Contour lines in an orthophoto
References: http://geoportal.gov.cz/web/guest/map/ References: http://geoportal.cuzk.cz/geoprohlizec/?wmcid=553
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 43
History of the settlement – Map data
Besides the location of the settlement and the ruggedness of its administrative territory, it is important to take a look at the most basic facts about the historical
development of the settlement. From historical and archival documents, such as maps and chronicles we can trace the development of the settlement and
previous land use. In the case of case of Černá Hora, it is worth paying attention to the area of water south of Zámecký vrch (Chateau Hill). This area is currently
not used as an area of water, but as gardens. Its earlier use is reflected in the name of the adjacent street called Na Rybníčku (By the Pond).
A historical map is a cartographic work, the creators of which tried to reconstruct the status of the territory in a certain historical period – the map was created
by historians, more precisely, it is a historiographical map of the history.
An archival map (old map) dates back to the period it displays, but its data are already outdated.
Both types of maps are also freely available on the Internet.
References: http://cs.wikipedia.org/
2nd Military survey – Map scale: 1 : 28,800 1st Military survey – Map scale: 1 : 28,800 Müller’s Map
Map list no. O_8_I, no. O_8_II Map list no. 49 Map list no. 10
References: http://mapy.cz/ References: http://oldmaps.geolab.cz/ References: http://www.chartae-antiquae.cz/
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 45
History of the landscape
A lot of interesting information can be traced in orthophotos. A comparison of the two images below shows how the development increased in sixty years and how
the lots in smallholdings have been integrated, and how the amount of greenery in the landscape has increased. The territory has been significantly influenced
by the existence of the bypass on the eastern side of the settlement. The bypass has been limiting the development of the settlement to the east. The settlement
has not been expanding to the north either. This has to a certain extent been influenced by the fact that the land is located in the vicinity of the boundary of the
administrative territory – the border of the cadastral area (see the boundary marked in yellow in the historical orthophoto).
Historical orthophoto, 1953 An orthophoto of the same area, taken approximately sixty years later
References: http://www.kontaminace.cenia.cz/ References: http://mapy.cz/s/g3Bd
Geoinformatics Laboratory of the Faculty of Environment, University J.E. Purkyně in Ústi nad Labem 1) Müller's Survey
● Presentation of old maps of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia http://oldmaps.geolab.cz/ ● Müller's map of Bohemia from 1720
● Map of the Second Military Survey (map from the 19th century) http://mapy.cz/ ● Müller's map of Moravia from 1716,
edition of 1790
Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography
● The map portal http://mapy.vugtk.cz/ 2) 1st Military Survey – Emperor Joseph's
● Virtual Map Collection http://www.chartae-antiquae.cz/ Survey
● 1764–1768 and 1780–1783 (rectification),
The NAKI Project – Cartographic resources as cultural heritage http://naki.vugtk.cz/
scale 1: 28,800
Historical orthophotomap – 1950s http://kontaminace.cenia.cz/
3) 2nd Military Survey – Emperor Francis’s
The Institute of History, the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Survey
● Map Collection http://www.hiu.cas.cz/cs/ ● 1836–1852, scale 1 : 28,800
Digitized old maps of Moravia and Brno city http://www.vilemwalter.cz/mapy/ 4) 3rd Military Survey – Francis-Joseph's
Old and historical maps of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia http://www.staremapy.cz/ Survey
Map collections of libraries ● 1876–1878 (Moravia and Silesia),
● Moravian Library in Brno – Moll's map collection http://mapy.mzk.cz/ 1877–1880 (Bohemia), scale 1 : 25,000
● Research Library in Olomouc http://mapy.vkol.cz/ 5) Stable Land Register
● The Research Library of South Bohemia in České Budějovice http://archiv.cbvk.cz/historicke_mapy/
● The Municipal Library of Prague http://web2.mlp.cz/mapa1938/klad.php
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 47
1.2. What should we notice
/View of the settlement from its surroundings and views of the inner part of the settlement/
We can set off to the terrain equipped with information from the maps. First, it is good to examine the appearance of the settlement from its surroundings. The
essential thing is to realize in what landscape the settlement is located (see Sheet 5 Configuration of the terrain: Schemes of types of location of a municipality in
terrain), whether situated in flat or rugged landscape, on a hillside, in a valley or on a hill.
We viewed the maps of the area and had a look at the setting of frequently visited places in the surroundings. Thanks to urban planning composition, we notice what
altitude prevails in the settlement (Sheet 6). In the case where the historic centre is visible from the distance (Sheet 7), from which place – observation point it
is possible (Sheet 8) to have a view of nice landmarks (Sheet 9) and how it forms an impressive skyline of the settlement (Sheet 10). To find out these facts, it is
necessary to carefully go through especially the most frequently visited places in the surroundings, take photographs and record the findings on maps. In the best case,
using the map which shows the boundaries of the administrative territory, i.e. the cadastral areas the settlement consists of. Thanks to this, it is possible to realize which
valued places are located in our administrative areas and which ones are outside it.
View of the settlement from its surroundings Landmarks above the surrounding buildings (the town hall tower, church,
chapel, chateau, monument) help to create the skyline of the settlement.
Therefore, it is necessary to focus the search for a suitable view of the
municipality and observation points mainly on the landmarks.
It is certainly pleasant to view the settlement
from the slopes of the surrounding hills and observation points
or from the nearby viewing tower.
Views of the settlement from distant access roads and trails are definitely
worth the attention (Sheet 15)
We have chosen the landmark of the chateau on a hill as an example within
the settlement.
Example of a landmark on an elevated place – Boskovice Castle Example of a landmark on a gentle slope – Klobouky u Brna
References: http://www.cyklo-jizni-morava.cz/ References: http://www.kloboukyubrna.eu/
Example of a landmark on a plain – Švihov Castle Example of a landmark overlooking water – the church in Jedovnice
References: http://www.hrady-zriceniny.cz/ References: https://cs.wikipedia.org/
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 49
A view of the inner part of the settlement
To be able to work with urban planning composition at the settlement,
it is necessary to understand the settlement:
pay attention to the basic history of the settlement – to identify its
historic centre (Sheet 7)
and directions for further expansion of the settlement in the territory,
i.e. main urban axes (Sheet 13)
This can be facilitated by a commercially available historical map
and aerial photograph:
In the case of Černá Hora, the urban axes are identical with the main transport routes
leading through the settlement in the direction north – south (Brno-Svitavy) and East
Urban axes and the historic centre are evident from the archival map. – West (Rájec-Jestřebí-Tišnov)
References: http://www.mapy.cz/s/g3yv References: http://www.mapy.cz/s/g3yv
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 51
Tip: A good way to get acquainted with the surroundings is through group trips by tourists with cameras. It is well-proven that the locals consider even beautiful
views to be common and fail to appreciate them sufficiently. Often, only a walk with an expert or search for images through a camera and presentation of such
snaps open the eyes of local residents. The result may be, for example, a competition for locals and visitors for the best photographs of the municipality as
a whole in the surrounding countryside.
High trees by the square highlight the View from the town hall to the castle. The greenery dividing the school playground
significance of the place. and the street with family homes.
The local brewery – the part linked to the public The church and rectory. Public space with a fountain.
space by a bus stop.
Černá Hora Photo © J. Drbušek, Z. Gajdíková, N. Rozmanová
a municipality
near Černá Hora
a municipality
near Černá Hora
Photo ©
J. Drbušek,
Z. Gajdíková,
N. Rozmanová
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 53
1.3. Principles related to Step 1 – perception of the territory
In order to know which values are worth noticing in the territory for the urban – Natura 2000
planning concept, we need to know the values spatial planning pays attention to. ○ Area of European Significance
Building Act Section (§) 18 par. 4 says: ○ Bird Protection Area
The town and country planning protects and develops the natural, Similarly, spatial protection is based on the following values:
cultural and civilization values of the area as a public priority, including
the urban planning, architectural and archaeological heritage. [5] CULTURAL-HISTORICAL AND URBAN PLANNING VALUES
[References: http://www.npu.cz/]
The answers to the question of what is and what is not a value in spatial
planning may differ. Therefore, it is possible to state that: – Cultural monuments
○ immovable
Value in spatial planning is such value that has spatial projection and
there exists a social consensus in relation to it. [4] ○ movable
– National cultural monuments
Spatial protection of selected natural values is based on Act No. 114/1992 – Monuments on the UNESCO World Heritage list
Sb., on protection of nature and landscape, and Decrees No. 395/1992 Sb. – Listed areas
and 64/2011 Sb.:
○ Conservation area
NATURAL VALUES [References: http://www.ochranaprirody.cz/] ■ city
– Specially protected parts of nature ■ village
○ Large-scale ■ archaeological
■ National park ■ other
■ Protected landscape area ○ Conservation zone
○ Small-scale ■ city
■ National nature reserve ■ village
■ National natural monument ■ landscape
■ Nature reserve ○ Conservation protection zone
■ Natural monument
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 55
The division of values based on the publication by M. Bečka: [4]
Work relating to the spatial plan is facilitated by planning analytic materials addressing
the values in the territory.
1. Natural values
● Specially protected parts of nature
In accordance with the Building Act and Section § 4 paragraph 4 of Decree 500/2006
● Landscape character
Sb., the graphical part of the planning analytic materials include a drawing of values in
● Ecological stability of a territory
the territory, mainly the urban planning and architectural ones. [6]
2. Cultural-historical values
The following pages contain Appendix no. 1 of Decree 500/2006 Sb., which lists the
● Listed areas
phenomena being investigated, which are a part of the materials for the analysis of
● Historical structures and objects
sustainable development of a territory (in accordance with paragraph 2 of the above-
● Memory and character of a place
mentioned Decree).
3. Urban planning (spatial and composition) values
Within the phenomena being investigated the following values can be distinguished:
● Settlement image
● Urban planning structure
● Urban planning space
● Urban planning sets
Urban planning
4. Civilization values
● Public facilities Natural
● Job opportunities
● Greenery and recreation Civilization
● Utilised agricultural area
● Natural resources
● Transport infrastructure The above-mentioned division is supported by illustrative photos on the following
● Technical infrastructure pages, see Chapter 2.2.
[1] KUČA, Karel. Ochrana kulturní krajiny z hlediska památkové péče. In. HRONOVSKÁ, Kateřina – KUPKA, Jiří. Ochrana kulturní krajiny. Hledání cílů, možností a pravidel. Praha: ČVUT, 2013.
[2] KUČOVÁ, Věra. Kulturní krajina a krajinné památkové zóny v České republice v kontextu světového kulturního a přírodního dědictví. ZPP 68,2008, č. 4.
[3] Seznam KPZ: http://www.kpz-naki.cz
[4] BEČKA, Marek, MAIER, Karel, DODOKOVÁ, Alena. Hodnoty v koncepci územního plánu. In: Seminář – Výzkum pro řešení regionálních disparit v České republice. Ataco s. r. o., Ostrava, 2010.
[5] Zákon č. 183/2006 Sb., o územním plánování a stavebním řádu (stavební zákon), ve znění pozdějších předpisů.
[6] Vyhláška č. 500/2006 Sb., o územně analytických podkladech, územně plánovací dokumentaci a způsobu evidence územně plánovací činnosti, ve znění vyhlášky č. 458/2012 Sb.
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 57
Row Row
Phenomenon being investigated Phenomenon being investigated
number number
61. undermined area 92. III. class road, including protective zone
62. landslide area or area of other geological risks 93. local and special-purpose roads
63. old mining structure 94. countrywide railway, including protective zone
64. old loads and contaminated areas 95. regional railway, including zone
65. area with impaired air quality 96. high-speed railway corridor
66. dump pile, waste heap, mud pit, slag heap 97. siding track, including protective zone
67. technological object for water supply, including protective zone 98. cableway, including protective zone
68. water line, including protective zone 99. special cable way, including protective zone
technological object for sewage disposal and water treatment, including 100. tramway track, including protective zone
protective zone 101. trolleybus route, including protective zone
70. network of sewers, including protective zone 102. airport, including protective zone
71. electricity production, including protective zone 103. airline construction, including protective zone
72. transformer station, including protective zone 104. waterway
73. elevated and underground power lines, including protective zone 105. border crossing
technological object for natural gas supply, including protective 106. cycle track, cycle route, bridle path, hiking trail
and security zone
107. object important for national defence, including protective zone
75. gas pipeline, including protective and security zone
108. military area
76. technological object of supply with other products, including protective zone
109. delimited spaces of accident planning
77. crude oil pipeline, including protective zone
110. civil defence building
78. product pipeline, including protective zone
111. fire service building
79. technological object for heat supply, including protective zone
112. important building for the duties of the Czech Republic´s Police
80. caliduct including protective zone
113. protective zone of cemetery, crematorium
81. electronic communication facility, including protective zone
114. other protective zones
82. communication line, including protective zone
115. other public infrastructure
83. nuclear facility
116. number of completed flats as of December 31st each year
84. objects or facilities from groups A or B with dangerous substances
117. area with development potential
85. waste dump, including protective zone
118. other planning
86. incineration plant, including protective zone
other information available, e.g. average price per m2 of building site
87. facility for dangerous waste disposal, including protective zone 119. sorted by cadastral areas, average price per m2 of agricultural land
88. motorway, including protective zone sorted by cadastral areas
89. expressway, including protective zone
90. I. class road, including protective zone
91. II. class road, including protective zone
Natural values
Forest landscape element Agricultural landscape element Water management landscape element
Floodplain forest – alder trees with undergrowth of spring snowflakes Terrace – vineyards Artificial water reservoir
References: http://www.npcs.cz/ References: http://www.gotberg.cz/ References: http://www.trebonsko.ochranaprirody.cz/
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 59
Culturally historical values
Area with archaeological excavations Urban planning structure Historical garden Construction – technical monument
Vojtova Street, Brno Linear organization of a town, Zlín Kitchen garden, Veltrusy Windmill, Kořenec
References: http://www.archaia.cz/ References: http://www.mapy.cz/ References: http://www.vyletnik.cz/ References: http://www.povetrnik.cz/
Building typical of the local area Building typical of the local area Building typical of the local area
Ústí Region, Šluknov South-Moravia Region, Lesná, Zlín District South-Bohemia Region, Holašovice
References: http://www.mesto-sluknov.cz/ References: http://www.nppodyji.cz/ References: http://www.jiznicechy.cz/
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 61
Urban (spatial and composition) values
Observation point and its view sector View-prominent place Integrated urban planning complex – structure of a settlement
View from the courtyard of the chateau in Vranov nad Dyjí Roadside inn at a crossroads, Lanškroun Conservation zone Ostrava-Poruba
References: http://www.nppodyji.cz/ References: photo © Z. Gajdíková References: http://www.mapy.cz/
Landmark building of local importance Significant space in a settlement Green lines and nodes
The church and townhall on the square, Hodonín Spa square and colonnade, Luhačovice Sakura alley, Kadaň
References: photo © Z. Gajdíková References: photo © Z. Gajdíková References: http://www.czregion.cz/
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 63
2.3. Spatial analysis is not just a list of values
/Spatial analysis within the spatial plan/
State, opportunities and needs of a settlement For the purpose of the analysis of the territory using a map with contours
and land with a variety ways of uses, the designer, for example, creates a
Designer work is demanding. To perceive, experience and, on the basis of this, diagram indicating in particular:
analyse the territory is an experience which is difficult to convey. The designer ● spatial and significant landmarks
uses a large amount information for the analysis (the spatial planning analytic ● distant views and prominent places
materials, superior urban planning documentation – principles of spatial ● observation points and trails
development, planning studies, strategic concepts, etc.). The very essence of ● horizons
the analysis of a territory is to understand and assess the state, opportunities ● view axes
and needs of the settlements, and to establish an urban planning concept in ● vistas
which the interplay of land use (residential, public facilities, manufacturing, ● pedestrian junctions and passages
etc.), transport links and managing technical infrastructure and opportunities for ● view-prominent objects
further development will be close to an ideal solution both in space and in time. ● exceptional architectural and urban objects
When creating the urban planning concept, the designer first has to coordinate ● the most important public spaces
the requirement of use, importance, size and position of individual areas, taking ● spaces for outdoor social events and meetings
into account the principles of urban planning composition while performing this ● places with a high frequency of visitors
analysis. The designer has to go through the territory in order to know what ● green areas and green belts
aesthetic values of the settlement can be made use of, and in what manner.
The analysis must also intrude the structure of the settlement, its historical
The designer, among others, analyses the settlement concerned using a development, the oldest parts, its gradual formation and expansion, a ground
map with contours by marking on it the land with a different manner of use plan of the village green, town square, exposed corners, etc.
(land use). Only at this point do the links and connections of the land to
the settlement become evident. The possibility of the development of the The spatial analysis is not just a list of values, but mainly the process of
settlement is limited by land use limits, especially protective zones, as well taking into account the context of the territory.
as other properties of the territory. To these other facts have to be assigned
the related architectural and urban planning values of the territory.
Illustrative pictures of various development structures of settlements View of the landscape, Malý Chlum Photo © J. Drbušek
References: http://www.mapy.cz/
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 65
The role of the designer and the public in spatial analysis And what about the public?
Land use – land with various uses – is one of the fundamental cornerstones The task of the public is not to deal with the urban planning composition of the
when creating the spatial plan. The urban planning concept, i.e. the operation spatial plan.
and appearance of the territory, is based on the arrangement of land. The task of the public is to be aware of the basic principles of urban planning
When indicating the land with various uses and limits, there arise assumptions composition and to be a helpful partner of the designer – to understand them
and possibilities of the territory for the designer and it is up to them to make the in discussions and find optimal solutions in the spatial plan or, as the case
most of them – depending on how good an urban planner they are and how may be, in the regulatory plan or planning study. The public can also provide
well they are able to make use of values and opportunities in the territory. It valuable suggestions regarding the values and functioning of the municipality,
also depends on the level of understanding of the co-creators to the creation, which the designer may not have been able to uncover or appreciate because
enlightened independent municipal council and responsible citizens. of a lack of long-term knowledge of the territory.
It is necessary to analyse the image of the settlement, to name the positive The approach of the knowledgeable public is fundamental within the framework
and negative aspects, to respect and develop the positive aspects of the of the formation of the spatial plan, and especially within its changes. In
design, to eliminate the negative aspects. practice, it is not always possible for the original author of the spatial plan and
also address changes to the spatial plan. Similarly, the aims of the municipal
However, it is not possible to repeat the same way of solution in various council sometimes a change of council. The principles of urban planning
settlements. An individual approach to each settlement is necessary as well, composition are still valid. Their violation may lead to irreversible damage to
because each municipality is unique, it has its own specifics given by the appearance and attractiveness of the settlement.
the terrain, historical development and location in the structure of the
For the urban planning concept, it is not enough only to identify the
values in the territory, but also to work with them within the spatial plan
and be able to use them for enhancement, aesthetics and appearance
of the settlement.
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 67
2.4. Principles for Step 2 – Spatial analysis
● Become aware of the links and connections between areas with different land use
● Understand the operation of the settlement, its state, opportunities and needs (among other things, limits of the area, protective zones,
the capacity of the facilities)
● Be informed of the aims of superior documentation of the municipality, of the owners, the investors
● Take into account the topography of the terrain
● Ensure the form of the transition of the settlement to the landscape, and of entrances and access roads to the settlement
● Respect the space requirements and possibilities of the territory, in particular:
○ spatial and significant landmarks
○ remote views and view-prominent places
○ observation points and trails
○ horizons
○ view axes
○ vistas
○ pedestrian junctions and passageway
○ corner and end buildings
○ extraordinary architectural and urban planning objects
○ the most important public spaces
○ spaces for outdoor social events and meetings
○ places with a high frequency of visitors
○ green areas and green belts
● Examine and make use of the developed area
● Perceive urban and architectural values as limiting and at the same time as a great opportunity for the area
● Take an individual approach to each settlement
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 69
The current values affecting urban planning composition
in the Černá Hora cadastral area [1]
The values of cultural heritage
Important observation points:
Valuable urban planning territory: – Chateau Hill (Zámecký vrch)
– chateau park with – Bukovice Hill
the landmark of the chateau – Ješetiny Hill
– historical part of the brewery
– Náměstí Míru (Peace Square) surrounded Places defining the landscape:
by various buildings – Chateau park
Monuments registered in the Central list – remains of the old German highway
– Ješetiny Hill
of cultural monuments of the Czech Republic:
– St. Lawrence Church Areas with important archaeological excavations:
– the chateau – U Horky – settlement (Palaeolithic – surface survey)
– the area in front of the chateau – Ješetiny – settlement (Palaeolithic – surface survey)
– Chapel of the Holy Family above the chateau – the Green Cross (U zeleného kříže) – settlement
– cast-iron allegorical statue on the chateau (Neolithic, Early Middle Ages – rescue archaeological
terrace research)
– the statue of St. John of Nepomuk at the – Chateau promontory, Široký, Zaryplovy –
chateau settlement, burial ground (cultures with Moravian
– the statue of Archangel Michael painted and Corded Ware, the La Tène culture,
– park near the chateau Early Middle Ages, Middle Ages, Modern Era –
– the cast iron statue of St. John of Nepomuk surface survey and rescue research)
near the church
– the statue of Saint Salvator (stolen) Natural and landscape values – selection:
– the Way of the Cross
Monuments of local importance: Places of local ecologically important elements:
– fountain in the Náměstí Míru (Peace Square) – the Malhotský Stream
– House Štěpánek, house number 114 – multi-segmental quarry with random forest trees
– the Town Hall Manor House, house number 50 – the Oborský Pond
– the Liberation Monument in the Náměstí
Míru (Peace Square) Places of local ecologically important units:
– the rectory – Býkovky flow
– primary school, designed according to a – forest park on Chateau Hill (Chateau Park)
References: Územní plán Černá Hora:
design by professor Bohuslav Fuchs – remains of the old highway
[1] Taken from: Appendix no. 1 of the general measure, Spatial Plan of Černá Hora, accessible at: http://www.mestyscernahora.cz/
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 71
Urban axes in the case of Černá Hora indicate the Urban axes can be highlighted by suitable placing of view planning composition
direction of expansion of the settlement and at the same time are the main axes and protected views (e.g. the landmark or target points of view).
areas of movement of inhabitants and visitors of the settlement (near the bus
stop, commercial activities of the brewery, shopping centre, square with shops The main areas of movement of inhabitants and visitors are usually
and an administrative office near the church and rectory). identical with the most widely used public space. Therefore, these areas, as
well as the appearance of the adjacent buildings, deserve extra care.
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 73
The skyline is created by the landscape and buildings of the settlement. The topography of the landscape and mosaic of forests and fields contribute to the
attractiveness of the skyline.
The shape of the settlement and its distribution in the landscape is important for the skyline. The skyline is influenced by the shapes of roofs, height of the buildings
and their position in the terrain. It is important to preserve green horizons in the landscape, so that they aren't visually interrupted by improper development.
The skyline view of the landscape from the Malý Chlum lookout tower
Photo © J. Drbušek
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 75
Not every settlement has a castle or chateau in
its territory. The silhouette can highlight another
significant object, such as a town hall, school,
church, hill or a group of characteristic buildings.
In the case of Černá Hora, apart from the
chateau, the possible view of the silhouette can,
for example, be the group of buildings including
the church and the adjacent rectory with a
mansard roof (Fig. below on the left).
References: http://www.mapy.cz and the Spatial Plan of Černá Hora; photo © J. Rozman
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 77
view (green) horizon
The view horizon of the Chateau hill should be protected from the side
facing away from the settlement as well. The chateau on the Chateau hill is
used from important observation points that lie outside the administrative
territory of Černá Hora, especially to the north of the settlement, for
example from the Svitavy – Brno road.
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 79
The example of the chateau in Černá
Hora is also an example of gradation
in the territory – increasing attention
to the design of outdoor spaces I, II,
and III escalates. Additionally, the
territorial promontory of the chateau
tower offers beautiful views of the
municipality and its surroundings.
I natural areas
II park areas
III areas with flower planting and
artistic sculpture
References: Spatial Plan of Černá Hora: http://www.mestyscernahora.cz/, http://www.mapy.cz/, photo © N. Rozmanová, J. Drbušek, Z. Gajdíková
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 81
3.2. Village greens, town squares, and streets are also territories
/The basic principles of the urban planning composition of public spaces/
A view of
a historical
Composition – trees and bushes form the background of the colourful planting of flowers. building, Vlašim.
Photo © P. Balabánová Photo © Z. Gajdíková
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 83
Two vital roles of public spaces – relaxation and communication
– safety – one must have a feeling of safety, for example, in relation to cars. In a deserted street, Trees with small
one is also exposed to other dangers crowns create
– easy orientation – points of orientation (vistas of important buildings, the historic centre, an illusion of the
landmarks, distinctive greenery) street being wider.
On the contrary,
– volume of good-quality greenery and related climatic comfort (greenery is an important high trees (Turkish
component of the quality of the environment in terms of both aesthetics and composition, as hazel) create an
well as in terms of hygiene and climate) illusion of narrow
and high space (the
streets are actually
Photo © P. Balabánová
In wider streets, it's also possible to use Significantly light crowns of plane trees give Part of public spaces should be a place for rest with the
larger trees, Brno. Photo © P. Balabánová the street a fresh look, Brno.Photo © P. Balabánová possibility to sit down, Znojmo Photo © N. Rozmanová
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 85
The character of public spaces according to the size of the It necessary to respect and maximally utilize and protect all the preserved
settlement greenery, the presence of which helps to create the character of the place in
the structure of settlements and landscape. Large areas of greenery are the
Properties of public spaces have to be in harmony, they must be combined
most significant ones. Within a city, this concerns mainly large parks. Their
into one original and unrepeatable unit which is then the ʹgenius lociʹ – the
significance can be determined by their position (for example with respect
magic of that place.
to the city centre), their attractiveness and facilities (this means residential
areas, playgrounds and related facilities, garden cafés, etc.).
The character of public spaces also depends on the size of the settlement. In
smaller cities, only one busy commercial street or just one square may ʹmake
a living environmentʹ, whereas in large cities there might be more of them.
Large cities, such as Prague, can have avenues and boulevards, but such
an avenue cannot be found, for example, in Brno, (with some exceptions),
although some of the streets were designed like that – however, the urban
aim has not always been fulfilled (the most important factor – people).
What is the role of greenery in a city?
Greenery plays a very important role. Monumental avenues can clearly define
the main outline of the city – as, for example, Paris. Conversely, developments
with a generally richer application of greenery, bring to mind garden cities
which correspond to mono-functional residential neighbourhoods, especially
containing family houses, where we can find public spaces solely of local
significance. Greenery has always been applied when subconsciously
perceiving and evaluating the space, its significance and characteristics.
What is the role of greenery in a village?
A place for relaxation. Large stone ball used as an artifact and as a water
feature – Drinking Fountains, Paris. Photo © P. Balabánová In the case of rural settlements, the outline of public spaces is easier.
The basic axis of the settlement can be formed by the main road (one
road, or a crossing of more roads), an extended village green, or circular
A street is a linear space; it is a sequence of more or less interesting places. space. Large trees are found primarily on the village green by the church,
The more interesting and colourful this sequence is, the more attractive but also by pubs – where people used to dance or there used to be an
the street is. It is, however, not possible to make all public spaces equally open-air stage ʹIn the Alleyʹ, ʹOn the trip siteʹ (ʹV sádkuʹ, ʹNa výletištiʹ), i.e.
attractive, because too much good tires one out. In order to underline the in public spaces. There have always been large trees at other important
importance of one space, that of another has to be reduced and submit to places – by crosses, chapels and cemeteries – mainly lindens, ash trees,
that. Similarly, in one street passing through a large area, there may be parts elms and maple trees. Large trees have signaled from afar where there
that may be more significant and ones that can be less significant (gradation are places of greater importance.
and lingering of the effect).
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 87
The importance of public spaces both in the existing and newly designed land of the settlement
Generally, the spatial plans should conceptually address the following questions:
– the character of greenery in settlements, its adequate representation in all parts of the
settlement, its hierarchization, the concept of the basic layout, lines (basic outline – system
of greenery) and points, their interrelationship and interdependence with the surrounding
landscape, the principles of its recreational use
– the role of green horizons, or green wedges in the body and image of the settlement, and
their protection
– the location of individual areas of land with greenery in the settlement, their scope and
content within the framework of the entire system
– the protection of historical parks and gardens, as well as the protection of other significant
surface and line greenery in both developed and undeveloped territory
Lack of public spaces in the case of new constructions, set in relation to currently used footpaths
The same composition principles exist for the character
and public facilities is practically irremovable after implementation.
of public spaces. Trees define space, pleasant shade,
artifact (fountain) and the presence of water, Nové Hrady.
Photo © N. Rozmanová
Part II Application of basic principles and rules of urban planning composition | 89
Part III How to keep an eye on all this
/Legislative bases of urban planning composition/
The Building Act and its implementing provisions, among others, are available
at the spatial planning Portal of on the website of the Institute for Spatial
Development. The portal is a source of updated references to information
arising from activities of the Institute for Spatial Development, the Ministry
for Regional Development and other public authorities and professional
institutions. It is designed for public administration, professionals and the
general public. The portal is available at: http://portal.uur.cz/
To take into account the values and conditions in the territory means, among
Section 19 of the Building Act called Tasks of town and country other things, to respect urban planning units which are valuable in terms of
planning in paragraph 1, among other things says: composition and eventual expansion of the composition by following up on
The task of town and country planning is especially: it in developing areas. Requirements referred to in subparagraph d) and
subparagraph e) of Section § 19 paragraph 1 of the Building Act create the
b) to determine the concept of the area development, including the prerequisites for ensuring the quality of the developed territories.
urban planning concept in respect to the values and conditions of
the area
to determine the urban planning, architectural and aesthetic
requirements for utilization and spatial arrangement of the area and
for its alterations, especially for location, arrangement and layout of
e) to determine the conditions for the implementation of changes in
the area, especially for location and arranging of the structures in
respect to the existing character and values of the area
The principles of urban planning composition can be applied in the following instruments of spatial planning
(The Building Act Chapter III – Town and county planning instruments)
spatial plan (Section § 43 to 60), regulatory plan (Section § 61 to 75), planning study (Section § 30), planning permission (Section § 76 to 83).
planning documentation issued by the region, on territorial analytical obalka.indd 1 4/17/07 3:33:03 PM
The basic concept of the development of the territory of a municipality – protection and
development of its values represents the main principles of the concept of development of
the municipality. This includes the protection and development of its values, including those
connected to urban planning values. At the same time, this basic concept (for example,
interconnection of the individual developed parts of the municipality) creates the major
prerequisite for improving urban planning composition.
The concept of development of the municipality encompasses all the concepts [referred
to in paragraph 1 subsection c) to e)] – i.e. the urban planning concept, the concept of public
infrastructure consisting of a concept of transport and technical infrastructure, the concept
of public facilities and public spaces, as well as the concept of landscape arrangement. The
Even in the design documentation for spatial planning, the design shall be
implemented so as not to disturb the existing urban planning composition or
improve the situation in the case of a compositionally disordered territory.
The problem from the point of view of urban planning composition may
be simplified procedures in the case of structures that do not require
planning permission, because some of them may affect the urban planning
composition. If nobody deals with the placement of a building in a broader
context, namely its potential impact on the environment, it may disturb the
urban planning composition of the area in which it is located, and it can have
serious negative effects on the aesthetic quality of the area.
Everyone has the right to comment on the spatial plan, as well as on a design that
influences the urban planning composition of a settlement. They may do so during
processing of the spatial plan:
1. while entering the draft assignment of the spatial plan
2. within the framework of joint discussion on the draft of the spatial plan
3. within the framework of the spatial planning process – in connection with the
public hearing of the draft of a spatial plan
The draft assignment of the spatial plan shall be served by public notice. This states
where and when it is possible to review the draft assignment of the spatial plan.
Within the deadline set by the Building Act, anyone can submit written comments
related to the draft assignment to the acquirer. The Institute for Spatial Planning publishes a peer-reviewed journal titled
Urban Planning and Spatial Development. It operates a specialised public
Based on the approved assignment, the acquirer acquires the spatial plan for the library, the only library with this focus in the Czech Republic.
municipality. The draft spatial plan, for the purpose of joint discussion, and consequently
the public hearing, shall be served by the means of public notice. This states when and
where it is possible to inspect the draft of the spatial plan, and the deadline by which
anyone can submit written comments to the acquirer is also determined.
The Building Act distinguishes the concepts of ʹremarkʹ and ʹobjectionʹ. Remarks may
be filed by any citizen. Objections can be filed only by the owners of land and buildings
affected by the draft design, an authorised investor or a representative of the public.
Another opportunity to submit comments is while acquiring the spatial plan. The
acquisition of changes takes place in a similar way to the acquisition of the spatial
plan. However, only the impacts of the design, subject to changes to the spatial plan,
can be commented on. For example, when a change in the spatial plan addresses
an area of housing, only this proposed area and the impact on other administrative
An important source of information on spatial planning is the Internet publication
territories of the settlement can be commented on. Spatial planning principles and rules. The publication is a comprehensive
study and methodological material, the only well-arranged summary and
interpretation of the findings of contemporary urbanism and spatial planning.
It ensures proper interpretation of spatial planning as a discipline with legally
binding outcomes and legally enforceable consequences. It is guaranteed
by the Ministry for Regional Development and designed to allow for possible
amendments and continuous updates in relation to the new trends, new
legislation and current concepts of the ministries.
It is necessary to identify and protect landmarks, which are used Use high landmarks for orientation in the settlement, i.e. to
in long-distance views of the settlement, in particular from access strengthen orientation in the settlement in connection with the
roads, trails and observation points around them. position of landmarks of the historic centre.
Observe the height level: Skyline – care has to be taken not to disturb the skyline with
● of the surroundings of high landmarks inappropriate height levels or inappropriate landmarks.
● at view horizons In the case of an indeterminate skyline of a settlement, a suitable
● on the outskirts of the settlement, where the development plan to highlight it may be used.
passes into the free landscape
An important observation point, outlook post – maintain the quality Urban axis – highlight the axis with an avenue or avenues, respect
of the view in the angle of an important observation point, including the ground plan and character of the development that surrounds
the condition that the view is not blocked by growing greenery. the urban axis.
A target point of view is a prominent or attractive place. It is Vista – places of interesting vistas that allow the viewer to stop and
advisable to emphasize it by artistic or architectural work. relax enjoying the view of the target point of view.
The role of the target point of view cannot be fulfilled by a neutral or
inharmonious object.
Fig. © M. Blažková
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